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Sulfides in Mercury's Mantle: Implications for Mercury's Interior as Interpreted From Moment of Inertia

Geophysical Research Letters
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Plain Language Summary Mercury's mantle is unusually rich in sulfur relative to the other terrestrial planets. That sulfur is not bound into the silicate rocks, but rather it is expected to take the form of calcium and magnesium‐rich sulfides. We estimate how much sulfide should be present in Mercury's mantle and what the presence of that sulfide means for the density of Mercury's mantle and core. We interpret recent measurements of the moment of inertia (MoI) of Mercury's mantle and of the whole planet in light of the possible sulfide content of Mercury's mantle. We find that if Mercury's mantle contains large amounts of sulfide, but not very much iron (which is what we expect), then the value of Mercury's polar MoI should be low. Alternatively, if Mercury's polar MoI is high, Mercury's mantle must not have much sulfide in it. If Mercury's mantle has little sulfide, either Mercury does not have much sulfur overall, or the sulfur is in Mercury's core. The latter implies that Mercury's interior chemistry (especially the amount of oxygen) is different from what is predicted from the abundance of elements and minerals measured at Mercury's surface.
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1. Introduction
Compared to other terrestrial planets, Mercury's surface is highly enriched in sulfur, but low in iron (Nittler
etal.,2011; Weider etal.,2015). At low fO2, sulfur solubility increases in silicate melt (as much as 7–11 wt.%
at magma ocean conditions), whereas FeO solubility decreases to <0.5wt.% in both melts and silicate minerals
(McCubbin etal.,2012; Namur, Charlier, etal.,2016; Zolotov etal.,2013). Therefore, Mercury's surface compo-
sition implies that it differentiated and evolved under far more reducing conditions than the other terrestrial plan-
ets, similar to enstatite chondrites and the aubrite parent body (Cartier & Wood,2019; Malavergne etal.,2010).
Any Fe initially in Mercury's magma ocean would have existed as iron metal or, if sulfur was present in excess
of planetary saturation, iron sulfide (Malavergne etal.,2014). Both of these phases are far denser than plausible
magma ocean compositions and would have rapidly sunk to the core, leaving the silicate magma ocean with little
Fe but abundant dissolved S.
Under such conditions, nearly iron-free forsterite and enstatite would dominate the silicate portion of the magma
ocean cumulate (Cartier & Wood,2019; Namur, Collinet, etal.,2016). As Mercury's magma ocean crystallized,
dissolved sulfur would have been concentrated in the remaining melt. Once the melt reached sulfur saturation,
sulfides would exsolve. With little iron available, these sulfides would be dominantly magnesium (niningerite)
and calcium (oldhamite) sulfide, as found in enstatite chondrites (Anzures etal.,2020; Keil,1989). These Mg,
Ca-rich sulfides would be much less dense than FeS and even less dense than the crystallized silicate phases.
Sulfides exsolved from the magma ocean could have migrated to the top of the mantle or been trapped with
the cumulate. In either case, large quantities of low-density sulfide are likely to be present in Mercury's mantle
(Boukaré etal.,2019).
Abstract The partitioning of sulfur between Mercury's core and mantle reflects its formation conditions
and early evolution. If Mercury's core and mantle equilibrated under reducing conditions, and if Mercury is not
depleted in sulfur relative to chondrites, Mercury's mantle should contain large quantities (7–11 wt.%) of sulfur
in the form of Ca or Mg-rich sulfides. Using petrologic constraints, we estimate the quantity of these sulfides
and the implications of a sulfide-rich mantle for Mercury's radial density structure. We find that based on recent
measurements of Mercury's outer shell moment of inertia (MoI), a sulfide-rich, iron-poor mantle mineralogy
is consistent with a low value of Mercury's polar MoI (0.333MR
2). Alternatively, a higher value for Mercury's
MoI (0.343MR
2) would require a sulfide-poor mantle, indicating bulk sulfur depletion or more oxidizing
conditions than implied by surface composition.
Plain Language Summary Mercury's mantle is unusually rich in sulfur relative to the other
terrestrial planets. That sulfur is not bound into the silicate rocks, but rather it is expected to take the form of
calcium and magnesium-rich sulfides. We estimate how much sulfide should be present in Mercury's mantle
and what the presence of that sulfide means for the density of Mercury's mantle and core. We interpret recent
measurements of the moment of inertia (MoI) of Mercury's mantle and of the whole planet in light of the
possible sulfide content of Mercury's mantle. We find that if Mercury's mantle contains large amounts of
sulfide, but not very much iron (which is what we expect), then the value of Mercury's polar MoI should be low.
Alternatively, if Mercury's polar MoI is high, Mercury's mantle must not have much sulfide in it. If Mercury's
mantle has little sulfide, either Mercury does not have much sulfur overall, or the sulfur is in Mercury's core.
The latter implies that Mercury's interior chemistry (especially the amount of oxygen) is different from what is
predicted from the abundance of elements and minerals measured at Mercury's surface.
© 2022. American Geophysical Union.
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Sulfides in Mercury's Mantle: Implications for Mercury's
Interior as Interpreted From Moment of Inertia
L. H. Lark1 , S. Parman1 , C. Huber1 , E. M. Parmentier1 , and J. W. Head III1
1Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
Key Points:
Petrologic constraints imply Mercury's
mantle may contain 13–20 wt.%
low-density sulfides; this is relevant
for geophysical studies
A sulfide-rich mantle is consistent
with a low polar moment of inertia
(MoI), and implies a smaller, denser
core than does a pure silicate mantle
If Mercury's polar MoI is closer to the
high end of published values, it rules
out a sulfur-rich mantle
Supporting Information:
Supporting Information may be found in
the online version of this article.
Correspondence to:
L. H. Lark,
Lark, L. H., Parman, S., Huber, C.,
Parmentier, E. M., & Head III, J.
W. (2022). Sulfides in Mercury's
mantle: Implications for Mercury's
interior as interpreted from moment of
inertia. Geophysical Research Letters,
49, e2021GL096713. https://doi.
Received 27 OCT 2021
Accepted 15 MAR 2022
1 of 9
... Our first motivation to examine the librationally induced flow, influenced by an outer stably stratified layer, is to investigate the latter claim by calculating the effect of the outer core flow on the libration amplitude. Studies that estimate the inner and outer core sizes or the core and mantle densities from libration observations typically consider the outer core to be in hydrostatic equilibrium and assume that the flow in the outer core does not affect the libration amplitude (Van Hoolst et al. 2012;Hauck et al. 2013;Dumberry et al. 2013;Steinbrügge et al. 2021;Knibbe & Van Hoolst 2021;Lark et al. 2022). Here we use for the first time an explicit calculation of both the outer core motions and the resulting torques on Mercury's mantle to assess whether the torques and the libration amplitude can be significantly affected through for example a resonant excitation of an eigenmode. ...
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Observational constraints on Mercury's thermal evolution and magnetic field indicate that the top part of the fluid core is stably stratified. Here we compute how a stable layer affects the core flow in response to Mercury's main 88-day longitudinal libration, assuming various degrees of stratification, and study whether the core flow can modify the libration amplitude through viscous and electromagnetic torques acting on the core-mantle boundary (CMB). We show that the core flow strongly depends on the strength of the stratification near the CMB but that the influence of core motions on libration is negligible with or without a stably stratified layer. A stably stratified layer at the top of the core can however prevent resonant behaviour with gravito-inertial modes by impeding radial motions and promote a strong horizontal flow near the CMB. The librationally driven flow is likely turbulent and might produce a non-axisymmetric induced magnetic field with a strength of the order of 1$\%$ of Mercury's dipolar field.
... 38 Amirhossein Bagheri, et al. Lark et al. (2022) indicates that the presences of sulfides in the mantle can explain this lower density. Goossens et al. (2022) also provide a prediction for the radial displacement Love number h 2 = 1.02 ± 0.04 for models that satisfy the measurements from Genova et al. (2019). ...
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Bodily tides provide key information on the interior structure, evolution, and origin of the planetary bodies. Our Solar system harbors a very diverse population of planetary bodies, including those composed of rock, ice, gas, or a mixture of all. While a rich arsenal of geophysical methods has been developed over several years to infer knowledge about the interior of the Earth, the inventory of tools to investigate the interiors of other Solar-system bodies remains limited. With seismic data only available for the Earth, the Moon, and Mars, geodetic measurements, including the observation of the tidal response, have become especially valuable and therefore, played an important role in understanding the interior and history of several Solar system bodies. To use tidal response measurements as a means to obtain constraints on the interior structure of planetary bodies, appropriate understanding of the viscoelastic reaction of the materials from which the planets are formed is needed. Here, we review the fundamental aspects of the tidal modeling and the information on the present-day interior properties and evolution of several planets and moons based on studying their tidal response. We begin with an outline of the theory of viscoelasticity and tidal response. Next, we proceed by discussing the information on the tidal response and the inferred structure of Mercury, Venus, Mars and its moons, the Moon, and the largest satellites of giant planets, obtained from the analysis of the data that has been provided by space missions. We also summarize the upcoming possibilities offered by the currently planned missions.
... Models that satisfy the lower normalised polar moment of inertia and the updated moment of inertia for the outer shell do indicate mantle densities that are lower than previously assumed (3089 ± 135 kg m −3 ). A study by Lark et al. (2022) indicates that the presences of sulfides in the mantle can explain this lower density. The next spacecraft that will orbit Mercury is the European Space Agency's BepiColombo mission (Benkhoff et al., 2010). ...
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Solid body tides provide key information on the interior structure, evolution, and origin of the planetary bodies. Our Solar system harbours a very diverse population of planetary bodies, including those composed of rock, ice, gas, or a mixture of all. While a rich arsenal of geophysical methods has been developed over several years to infer knowledge about the interior of the Earth, the inventory of tools to investigate the interiors of other Solar-system bodies remains limited. With seismic data only available for the Earth, the Moon, and Mars, geodetic measurements, including the observation of the tidal response, have become especially valuable and therefore, has played an important role in understanding the interior and history of several Solar system bodies. To use tidal response measurements as a means to obtain constraints on the interior structure of planetary bodies, appropriate understanding of the viscoelastic reaction of the materials from which the planets are formed is needed. Here, we review the fundamental aspects of the tidal modeling and the information on the present-day interior properties and evolution of several planets and moons based on studying their tidal response. We begin with an outline of the theory of viscoelasticity and tidal response. Next, we proceed by discussing the information on the tidal response and the inferred structure of Mercury, Venus, Mars and its moons, the Moon, and the largest satellites of giant planets, obtained from the analysis of the data that has been provided by space missions. We also summarise the upcoming possibilities offered by the currently planned missions.
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Plain Language Summary Mineral assemblages that constitute the mantles of reduced exoplanets, such as those formed in the inner regions of stellar nebulae, have been scarcely investigated. We propose that these exoplanets share several physical and chemical properties with planet Mercury in our Solar System, as they formed in a similar geochemical environment. In order to outline the minerals constituting these mantles, we take in account all the chemical compositions previously proposed to match Mercury's observed characteristics. These compositions are extrapolated from several classes of meteorites, among the most pristine materials currently known and best candidates as “building blocks” of planetary objects. We, then use the well‐established thermodynamic code Perple_X to predict the stable minerals at pressure and temperature ranges assumed for these exoplanets' interiors. We find that silicate mantles of exoplanets located in inner regions of nebulae are dominated by pyroxene group minerals, rather than olivine, as in the Earth's mantle. This results in different rheological (e.g., viscosity) and physical properties (e.g., melting behavior) for these reduced exoplanets, with significant implications for their mantle dynamics and evolution over time.
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Observational constraints on Mercury’s thermal evolution and magnetic field indicate that the top part of the fluid core is stably stratified. Here we compute how a stable layer affects the core flow in response to Mercury’s main 88 day longitudinal libration, assuming various degrees of stratification, and study whether the core flow can modify the libration amplitude through viscous and electromagnetic torques acting on the core–mantle boundary (CMB). We show that the core flow strongly depends on the strength of the stratification near the CMB but that the influence of core motions on libration is negligible with or without a stably stratified layer. A stably stratified layer at the top of the core can, however, prevent resonant behavior with gravito-inertial modes by impeding radial motions and promote a strong horizontal flow near the CMB. The librationally driven flow is likely turbulent and might produce a nonaxisymmetric induced magnetic field with a strength of the order of 1% of Mercury’s dipolar field.
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An outstanding goal in planetary science is to understand how terrestrial cores evolved to have the compositions, thermal properties, and magnetic fields observed today. To achieve that aim requires the integration of datasets from space missions with laboratory experiments conducted at high pressures and temperatures. Over the past decade, technological advances have enhanced the capability to conduct in situ measurements of physical properties on samples that are analogs to planetary cores. These challenging experiments utilize large-volume presses that optimize control of pressure and temperature, and diamond-anvil cells to reach the highest pressures. In particular, the current experimental datasets of density, compressional velocity, viscosity, and thermal conductivity of iron alloys are most relevant to the core conditions of small terrestrial planets and moons. Here we review the physical properties of iron alloys measured in the laboratory at conditions relevant to the cores of Mars, the Moon, and Mercury. We discuss how these properties inform models of core composition, as well as thermal and magnetic evolution of their cores. Experimental geochemistry (in particular, metal-silicate partitioning experiments) provides additional insights into the nature and abundance of light elements within cores, as well as crystallization processes. Emphasis is placed on the Martian core to discuss the effect of chemistry on core evolution.
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Recent estimates of Mercury’s rotational state yield different obliquity values, resulting in normalized polar moment of inertia values of either 0.333 or 0.346. In addition, recent measurements of Mercury’s tidal response, as expressed by its Love number k 2 , are higher than previously reported. These different measurements have implications for our understanding of Mercury’s interior structure. We perform a comprehensive analysis of models of Mercury’s interior structure using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach, where we explore models that satisfy the various measurements of moments of inertia and mean density. In addition, we explore models that either have Mercury’s tidal response as a measurement or predict its tidal response. We find that models that match the lower polar moment value also fit or predict the recent, higher Love number. Models that match the higher polar moments predict Love numbers even higher than current estimates. For the resulting interior structure models, we find a wide range of viscosities at the core–mantle boundary, including low values that could be consistent with the presence of partial melt, with higher viscosities also equally allowed in our models. Despite the possibility of low viscosities, our results do not show a preference for particularly high temperatures at the core–mantle boundary. Our results include predicted values for the pressure and temperature of Mercury’s core, and the displacement Love numbers.
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Based on the previous applications of laser altimetry to planetary geodesy at GSFC, we use the recently developed PyXover software package to analyze altimetric crossovers from the Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA). Using PyXover, we place new constraints on Mercury's geodetic parameters via least squares minimization of crossover discrepancies. We simultaneously solve for orbital corrections for each MLA ground track, for the geodetic parameters of the International Astronomical Union‐recommended orientation model for Mercury (pole right‐ascension and declination coordinates, prime meridian rotation rate, and librations), and for the Mercury's Love number h2. We calibrate the formal errors of our solution based on closed‐loop simulations and on the level of robustness against a priori values, data selection, and parametrization. Our solution of the Mercury's rotational parameters is consistent with published values. In particular, our new estimate for the orientation of the pole places Mercury in a Cassini state, with an obliquity ϵ = 2.031 ± 0.03 arcmin compatible with previous “surface” related measurements. Moreover, we provide a first data‐based estimate of the Love number h2 = 1.55 ± 0.65. The latter is consistent with expectations from models of Mercury's interior, although its precision does not enable their refinement.
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In preparation for the ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission to Mercury, thematic working groups had been established for coordinating the activities within the BepiColombo Science Working Team in specific fields. Here we describe the scientific goals of the Geodesy and Geophysics Working Group (GGWG) that aims at addressing fundamental questions regarding Mercury’s internal structure and evolution. This multidisciplinary investigation will also test the gravity laws by using the planet Mercury as a proof mass. The instruments on the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO), which are devoted to accomplishing the GGWG science objectives, include the BepiColombo Laser Altimeter (BELA), the Mercury orbiter radio science experiment (MORE), and the MPO magnetometer (MPO-MAG). The onboard Italian spring accelerometer (ISA) will greatly aid the orbit reconstruction needed by the gravity investigation and laser altimetry. We report the current knowledge on the geophysics, geodesy, and evolution of Mercury after the successful NASA mission MESSENGER and set the prospects for the BepiColombo science investigations based on the latest findings on Mercury’s interior. The MPO spacecraft of the BepiColombo mission will provide extremely accurate measurements of Mercury’s topography, gravity, and magnetic field, extending and improving MESSENGER data coverage, in particular in the southern hemisphere. Furthermore, the dual-spacecraft configuration of the BepiColombo mission with the Mio spacecraft at higher altitudes than the MPO spacecraft will be fundamental for decoupling the internal and external contributions of Mercury’s magnetic field. Thanks to the synergy between the geophysical instrument suite and to the complementary instruments dedicated to the investigations on Mercury’s surface, composition, and environment, the BepiColombo mission is poised to advance our understanding of the interior and evolution of the innermost planet of the solar system.
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We present calculations of interior models of Mercury that are constrained to match Mercury's mean density, normalized moment of inertia factor (MoI), and 88 days libration amplitude. We show that models matching a MoI = 0.333 ± 0.005, based on a recent obliquity measurement require a new perspective on Mercury's interior. Specifically, we confirm the mandatory presence of a large inner core > 600 km in radius which, however, leads to lower mantle densities in comparison to previous models and implies a mantle with > 5wt.% C, > 10wt.% magnesium sulfide (MgS), or is partially convecting. Furthermore, we also show that the core radius is lower than previous estimates, making it inconsistent with current estimates from magnetic induction measurements. In addition, the requirement of low viscosities in the lower mantle to match recent estimates of k2 imply a significantly weaker mantle than previously believed, potentially including partial melting.
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Experimental measurements of density by X‐ray absorption and of P‐wave velocity by ultrasonic techniques of liquid Fe‐(<17 wt%) Si‐(<4.5 wt%) C alloys at pressures up to 5.8 GPa are presented. These data are used to construct an Fe‐Si‐C liquid mixing model and to characterize interior structure models of Mercury with liquid outer core composed of Fe‐Si‐C. The interior structure models are constrained by geodetic measurements of the planet, such as the obliquity and libration of Mercury. The results indicate that S and/or C with concentrations at the wt% level are likely required in Mercury's core to ensure the existence of an inner core with a radius (below ∼1,200 km) that is consistent with reported dynamo simulations for Mercury's magnetic field. Interior structure models with more than 14 wt% Si in the core, estimated for Mercury by assuming an EH chondrite‐like bulk composition, are only feasible if the obliquity of Mercury is near the upper limit of observational uncertainties (2.12 arcmin) and the mantle is dense (3.43–3.68 g·cm⁻³). Interior structure models with the central obliquity value (2.04 arcmin) and less than 7.5 wt% Si in the core, consistent with estimates of Mercury's core composition from an assumed CB chondrite‐like bulk composition, are compatible with 3.15–3.35 g·cm⁻³ mantle densities and an inner core radius below 1,200 km. Interior structure models with the obliquity of Mercury near the lower observational uncertainty limit (1.96 arcmin) have a low‐density mantle (2.88–3.03 g·cm⁻³), less than 4 wt% Si in the core, and an inner core radius larger than 1,600 km.
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The composition of a planet's core has important implications for the thermal and magmatic evolution of that planet. Here, we conducted carbon (C) solubility experiments on iron‐silicon (Fe‐Si) metal mixtures (up to 35 wt% [~52 atom%] Si) at 1 GPa and 800–1800°C to determine the carbon concentration at graphite saturation (CCGS) in metallic melt and crystalline metal with varying proportions of Fe and Si to constrain the C content of Mercury's core. Our results, combined with those in the literature, show that composition is the major controlling factor for carbon solubility in Fe‐rich metal with minimal effects from temperature and pressure. Moreover, there is a strong anticorrelation between the abundances of carbon and silicon in iron‐rich metallic systems. Based on the previous estimates of <1–25 wt% Si in Mercury's core, our results indicate that a carbon‐saturated Mercurian core has 0.5–6.4 wt% C, with 6.4 wt% C corresponding to an Si‐free, Fe core and 0.5 wt% C corresponding to an Fe‐rich core with 25 wt% Si. The upper end of estimated FeO abundances in the mantle (up to 2.2 wt%) are consistent with a core that has <1 wt% Si and up to 6.4 wt% C, which would imply that bulk Mercury has a superchondritic Fe/Si ratio. However, the lower end of estimated FeO (≤0.05 wt%) supports CB chondrite‐like bulk compositions of Mercury with core Si abundances in the range of 5–18.5 wt% and C abundances in the range of 0.8–4.0 wt%.
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A striking feature of Mercury's volcanic surface is its high S and low FeO contents, which is thought to be produced by very reducing conditions compared to other terrestrial bodies. Experiments show that S solubility in silicate melts increases to % wt levels for oxygen fugacities lower than three log units below the iron‐wustite (IW) buffer. During magma ocean solidification, large amounts of sulfide could potentially precipitate. This work investigates the effects of primordial sulfide layering on the first 750 Myr of Mercury's mantle dynamics. It is proposed that sulfide layering could have been produced by fractional solidification in the highly reduced Mercury magma ocean (MMO). Such chemical layering implies mantle sources with variable sulfur contents that might have played an important role in early Mercurian magmatism. Our models investigate the production of sulfide‐rich layers and their preservation during post‐MO solid‐state mantle dynamics. An intriguing question is the role of these sulfide‐rich layers on mantle dynamics as they are expected to incorporate a substantial amount of heat‐producing elements (U, Th, and K). We use experimentally determined sulfur solubility in silicate melts to predict the depth at which sulfides precipitate in the MMO. The model produces primordial sulfide layers whose thickness and locations depend upon the oxygen fugacity (fO2) and initial sulfur content (Sinit) of the MMO. Several geodynamic regimes have been identified in the fO2‐Sinit space. This study shows that oxygen fugacity, bulk sulfur content, and sulfide segregation are key for the early thermochemical evolution of Mercury.
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A compositional variety of planetary cores provides insight into their core/mantle evolution and chemistry in the early solar system. To infer core composition from geophysical data, a precise knowledge of elastic properties of core‐forming materials is of prime importance. Here, we measure the sound velocity and density of liquid Fe‐Ni‐S (17 and 30 at% S) and Fe‐Ni‐Si (29 and 38 at% Si) at high pressures and report the effects of pressure and composition on these properties. Our data show that the addition of sulfur to iron substantially reduces the sound velocity of the alloy and the bulk modulus in the conditions of this study, while adding silicon to iron increases its sound velocity but has almost no effect on the bulk modulus. Based on the obtained elastic properties combined with geodesy data, S or Si content in the core is estimated to 4.6 wt% S or 10.5 wt% Si for Mercury, 9.8 wt% S or 18.3 wt% Si for the Moon, and 32.4 wt% S or 30.3 wt% Si for Mars. In these core compositions, differences in sound velocity profiles between an Fe‐Ni‐S and Fe‐Ni‐Si core in Mercury are small, whereas for Mars and the Moon, the differences are substantially larger and could be detected by upcoming seismic sounding missions to those bodies.
The NASA MESSENGER mission revealed that lavas on Mercury are enriched in sulfur (1.5-4 wt.%) compared with other terrestrial planets (<0.1 wt.%), a result of high S solubility under its very low oxygen fugacity (estimated ƒO2 between IW-3 and IW-7). Due to decreasing O availability at these low ƒO2 conditions, and an abundance of S²⁻, the latter acts as an important anion. This changes the partitioning behaviour of many elements (e.g. Fe, Mg, and Ca) and modifies the physical properties of silicate melts. To further understand S solubility and speciation in reduced magmas, we have analysed 11 high pressure experiments run at 1 GPa in a piston cylinder at temperatures of 1250 to 1475 °C and ƒO2 between IW-2.5 to IW-7.5. S K-Edge XANES is used to determine coordination chemistry and oxidation state of S species in highly reduced quenched silicate melts. As ƒO2 decreases from IW-2 to IW-7, S speciation goes through two major changes. At ∼IW-2, FeS, FeCr2S4, Na2S, and MnS species are destabilized, CaS (with minor Na2S) becomes the dominant S species. At ∼ IW-4, Na2S is destabilized, MgS becomes the dominant S species, with lesser amounts of CaS. The changes in S speciation at low ƒO2 affect the activities of SiO2, MgO and CaO in the melt, stabilizing enstatite at the expense of forsterite, and destabilizing plagioclase and clinopyroxene. These shifts cause the initial layering of Mercury’s solidified magma ocean to be enstatite-rich and plagioclase poor. Our results on S speciation at low ƒO2 are also applicable to the petrologic evolution of enstatite chondrite parent bodies and perhaps early Earth.
Differentiation of Mercury and the aubrite parent body (AuPB) at extremely reducing conditions is implied from the low FeO and high S contents of their mantles. Here, the mantle abundances of these elements as derived from remote sensing (in the case of Mercury) and aubrite meteorite analysis are used in conjunction with new experimentally determined metal-silicate partition coefficients at reducing conditions presented in Steenstra et al. (2020a) to quantify the geochemical consequences of core formation in highly reduced planetary bodies. Plausible core compositions of Mercury and the AuPB are assessed, and the distribution of Si and other elements during core formation are quantified. Combining the new results with previous remote sensing observations of the surface of Mercury it is found that its core is likely to be Si-rich (> 4.5–21 wt.%). The estimated core Si contents depend mostly on the assumption of C saturation in Mercury’s mantle and the type of bulk composition considered. Calculations for C-free conditions also yield significant quantities of Si in the AuPB core (> 6–20 wt.%, depending on bulk composition and redox state). The amount of Si in the AuPB core is greatly decreased if C-saturation is assumed. The new experimental data and related thermodynamic parameterization for predicting the C contents at graphite saturation of FeSi alloys (CCGS) shows that Mercury’s mantle was likely C-saturated following formation of a Si-rich core, allowing for the separation of a graphitic flotation crust. Due to the lower Si contents calculated for the AuPB core under C-saturated conditions, a graphitic flotation crust is unlikely to form in smaller-sized reduced asteroids such as the AuPB. The Si-rich nature of the AuPB core for C-undersaturated scenarios is expected to have resulted in preferential partitioning of the majority of the volatile siderophile elements (VSE) into the AuPB core. However, depletions for the most volatile VSE cannot be reconciled with core formation depletion only. Their depletions in aubrites require additional depletion from (I) segregating sulfide liquids during AuPB differentiation and/or (II) compatible behavior during mineral-melt fractionation and/or (III) loss of these elements in a vapor phase during and/or after AuPB differentiation.