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Nutritional profiles of Baccaurea macrocarpa fruit



Some edible forest plants have been recognised as nutritional sources and may support human health. Baccaurea macrocarpa is a forest fruit with limited nutritional information. The nutritional value by determining proximates, minerals, and amino acid profile of skin, flesh, and the seed of B. macrocarpa was investigated through this study. Determination of the proximate composition was executed based on the AOAC. Estimation of energy content in kilocalories (kcal/100 g) was calculated by summing the multiplication of each protein, fat, and total carbohydrate. HPLC determined minerals and amino acids. The results showed that B. macrocarpa fruit contained low levels of ash (0.32±0.03 - 1.64±0.05%), fat (0.24±0.03 - 5.98±0.21%), protein (0.44±0.51 - 2.73±0.11%) but a high level of water (61.99±8.33 - 84.84±7.23%), fibre (7.91±2.31 - 18.83±1.03%), and carbohydrates (13.40±0.32 - 27.66±3.13 %). The consumption of 100 g of this fruit may provide energy intake around 2.9% to 8.8% of the 2000 kcal daily energy requirement. It was rich in macro minerals P (60.88±5.71 - 720.95±54.67 µg/g), Ca (149.94±13.73 - 515.32±23.33 µg/g), and Mg (137.98±14.76 - 315.18±24.51 µg/g), and a sufficient amount of micro mineral Zn (6.68±1.32 - 15.29±3.10 µg/g), Fe (0.02±0.00 - 20.97±17.32 µg/g), Cu (0.75±0.00 - 4.94±0.11 µg/g), dan Mn (0.22±0.00 - 2.42±0.01 µg/g). This fruit contained an adequate amount of essential amino acids and an abundance of nonessential amino acids (ƩTAAE/ƩTAA = 1.02 - 1.64%). In conclusion, the results indicated that this forest fruit is potentially a good source of nutrition.
*Corresponding author.
eISSN: 2550-2166 / © 2022 The Authors.
Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources
Food Research 6 (2) : 202 - 208 (April 2022)
Journal homepage:
Nutritional profiles of Baccaurea macrocarpa fruit
1Masriani and 2,*Fadly, D.
1Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas
Tanjungpura, Pontianak 78124, Indonesia
2Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak 78124,
Article history:
Received: 18 April 2021
Received in revised form: 24
May 2021
Accepted: 17 July 2021
Available Online: 24 March
Amino acids,
Baccaurea macrocarpa,
Some edible forest plants have been recognised as nutritional sources and may support
human health. Baccaurea macrocarpa is a forest fruit with limited nutritional information.
The nutritional value by determining proximates, minerals, and amino acid profile of skin,
flesh, and the seed of B. macrocarpa was investigated through this study. Determination
of the proximate composition was executed based on the AOAC. Estimation of energy
content in kilocalories (kcal/100 g) was calculated by summing the multiplication of each
protein, fat, and total carbohydrate. HPLC determined minerals and amino acids. The
results showed that B. macrocarpa fruit contained low levels of ash (0.32±0.03 -
1.64±0.05%), fat (0.24±0.03 - 5.98±0.21%), protein (0.44±0.51 - 2.73±0.11%) but a high
level of water (61.99±8.33 - 84.84±7.23%), fibre (7.91±2.31 - 18.83±1.03%), and
carbohydrates (13.40±0.32 - 27.66±3.13 %). The consumption of 100 g of this fruit may
provide energy intake around 2.9% to 8.8% of the 2000 kcal daily energy requirement. It
was rich in macro minerals P (60.88±5.71 - 720.95±54.67 µg/g), Ca (149.94±13.73 -
515.32±23.33 µg/g), and Mg (137.98±14.76 - 315.18±24.51 µg/g), and a sufficient
amount of micro mineral Zn (6.68±1.32 - 15.29±3.10 µg/g), Fe (0.02±0.00 - 20.97±17.32
µg/g), Cu (0.75±0.00 - 4.94±0.11 µg/g), dan Mn (0.22±0.00 - 2.42±0.01 µg/g). This fruit
contained an adequate amount of essential amino acids and an abundance of nonessential
amino acids (ƩTAAE/ƩTAA = 1.02 - 1.64%). In conclusion, the results indicated that this
forest fruit is potentially a good source of nutrition.
1. Introduction
Baccaurea macrocarpa, commonly called Tampoi or
Tampui, is a fruit plant with thicker skin. B. macrocarpa
plant is an Euphorbiacea family along with rambai fruit.
It is one of the most popular kinds of forest fruit in
Kalimantan/Borneo due to its sweet and sour taste with
smooth skin texture (Verheij and Coronel, 1992).
It is important to understand the nutritional
components, including macro and micronutrients, such
as water, ash, carbohydrate, protein, fat, minerals, and
amino acids in a plant. Water is an essential nutrient
foodstuff that may influence the materials' appearance,
taste, and texture. Besides, the water content in the
foodstuffs also affects the freshness, durability, and
acceptability of the food (Winarno, 2008). Ash
represents the total mineral found in food. High levels of
fibre in plant-based foods may prevent the occurrence of
heart disease and various types of digestive disorders
(Kendall et al., 2010). Carbohydrates, protein, and fats
are known well as macronutrients to support activity,
growth, and health (Conlon and Bird, 2014). Besides
these nutrients, there are minerals needed for the body,
microminerals, and microminerals. Calcium, potassium,
magnesium, sodium, and phosphorus are included in the
microminerals category, while manganese, copper, zinc,
and Iron are included in the microminerals category.
Minerals are inorganic compounds that the human
body cannot synthesise, therefore food supplies the
mineral needs. Although the requirement of minerals is
relatively lower than protein, carbohydrate, and fats, its
presence is required to carry out normal metabolic
processes. Minerals have an essential role in maintaining
metabolism by maintaining acid-base equilibrium and
activating and inhibiting the enzyme-catalysed reactions,
controlling body water balance, and bond formation
203 Masriani and Fadly / Food Research 6 (2) (2022) 202 - 208
eISSN: 2550-2166 © 2022 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources
(haemoglobin formation) (Ersoy and Çelik, 2010).
Therefore, availability in the body requires serious
attention because the deficiency or excess of these
minerals may cause health problems. Furthermore, free
amino acids are known as essential nutrients for health.
The free amino acids in food would naturally
determine the aroma, taste, or quality (Kabelová et al.,
2008). Some edible forest plants have been known in
developing countries as carbohydrates, protein, fat,
minerals, and vitamin sources. Food Agriculture
Organization (FAO) reported that around one million
people benefitted from edible materials from forests as
their source of food (Vunchi et al., 2011). Some studies
showed the value of forest fruit for nutritional and
medicinal needs and found that the types and quantities
of minerals, organic acid, and crude fibre are the
essential factors determining whether forest vegetables
or fruit are potentially healthy food sources (Magaia et
al., 2013).
Even though this exotic fruit is popular and edible,
the information about its nutrient content is limited. The
information about it is limited only to the proximate
composition of the flesh, whereas the mineral
composition and the amino acid profile have not been
investigated yet. Therefore, this study aims to determine
the relative values, mineral contents, and amino acid
profiles of the skin, flesh, and seeds of B. macrocarpa
fruit. The results of this study are intended to give
valuable information about the nutrient composition to
help people choose alternative nutritious food.
2. Materials and methods
2.1 Sample collection and preparation
B. macrocarpa fruit was collected and selected from
Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. The fruit
samples were then analysed on their proximate, minerals,
and amino acids in Gadjah Mada University's Integrated
Testing and Research Laboratory, Yogyakarta,
2.2 Proximate and energy analysis
The determination of water, ash, protein, fibre, and
fat of the samples was carried out based on methods
from AOAC (2000). Meanwhile, the carbohydrate was
determined using the 'by difference' method by Winarno
(2008). The estimation of energy content in kilocalories
(kcal/100 g) was calculated by summing up the
multiplication of each protein, fat, and total carbohydrate
(Winarno, 2008).
2.3 Mineral analysis
The analysis of mineral contents such as magnesium
(Mg), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), copper (Cu),
manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) in the skin,
seeds, and flesh of the fruit referred to the procedure of
AOAC 2012 (AOAC, 2012).
2.4 Amino acid analysis
The amino acid profiles of the skin, flesh, and seeds
of B. macrocarpa fruit were determined by High-
Performance Liquid Chromatography (González and
Herrador, 2007). Initially, about 5 mL samples were
hydrolysed with 20 mL of 6 N HCl in a 110°C autoclave
for 12 hrs. The hydrolyzate obtained was cooled at room
temperature then neutralised with 6 N NaOH. The
sample solution was added to 2.5 mL of 40% acetate Pb
and 1 mL of 15% oxalic acid. Then, it was placed into a
100 mL measuring flask and tasted using aquadest.
About 3 mL of samples were filtered with a 0.45 µm
millex filter. In a clean container, about 50 µL of sample/
standard and 100 µL of OPA were poured and left for 3
mins. The sample and standard were reacted with OPA
for 3 mins (50 µL sample/standard + 100 µL OPA). A
total of 5 µL of derivatised samples were injected into
the HPLC and then waited until the separation of all
amino acids was completed.
2.5 Data analysis
All analyses except the amino acids were performed
by triplicate. The data were managed using Microsoft
Excel 360 for Windows.
3. Results
3.1 Proximate composition
The composition of proximate matter among various
parts beyond B. macrocarpa fruit can be seen in Table 1.
The table shows that all parts of the fruit contained high
water content (>10%). The water content of skin, flesh,
and seeds were 84.84±7.23%, 77.56±8.21%, and
61.99±8.33%, respectively. The ash content in various
parts of the fruit was from 0.32±0.03% to 1.64±0.05%.
The highest ash content was found in the seeds, while the
lowest ash content was identified in the flesh.
Meanwhile, the fat content in various fruit was from
0.24±0.03% to 5.98±0.21% dry weight. Seeds contained
the highest fat while the skin was the lowest.
The data showed that various B. macrocarpa fruit
protein content varied from 0.44±0.51% to 2.73±0.11%
dry weight. The highest protein level was found in seeds,
while the lowest levels were obtained from the flesh. The
fruit contained fibre, which was relatively high in seeds
and skin (>18%), and the flesh was >8% fibre.
Afterwards, carbohydrate levels in the skin, flesh, and
seeds were 13.40±0.32%, 21.09±3.33%, and
Masriani and Fadly / Food Research 6 (2) (2022) 202 - 208 204
eISSN: 2550-2166 © 2022 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources
27.66±3.13%, respectively. These high carbohydrate
contents, particularly in seeds, was proven to be the
energy food source claimed.
The calories in each fruit part could be determined
by conversion factors, such as 4 kcal/g for carbohydrate
and protein and 9 kcal/g for fat (Coimbra and Jorge,
2011). The computation showed that the energy
contributions of 100 g each B. macrocarpa fruit parts
were low (Table 1). The calories in skin, flesh, and seeds
were about 57.56±7.21 kcal, 91.43±8.53 kcal, and
175.38±12.04 kcal. The consumption of 100 g of this
fruit may provide energy intake around 2.9% to 8.8% of
the 2000 kcal daily energy requirement.
3.2 Mineral composition
The mineral composition, such as magnesium (Mg),
calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), copper (Cu), manganese
(Mn), Iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) in various parts of the B.
macrocarpa fruit, is shown in Table 2. The mineral
composition varied among the various parts of the fruit.
Calcium was the most abundant macromineral in the
fruit's skin (515.32±23.33), while phosphorus was the
most abundant in seeds (720.95±54.67 µg/g). Iron was
the most abundant micro mineral in the skin of the fruit
(20.97±17.32 µg/g), while Zn was the most abundant in
seeds (15.29±3.10 µg/g). Phosphorus was the highest
mineral in all parts of the fruit. The sequence of
macromineral compositions of skin, flesh, and seed were
Ca> Mg> P> Na; Ca> Mg> P> K> Na; and P> Mg> Ca>
K>Na, respectively. Judging from the order of micro-
mineral composition in various parts of the fruit, Fe>
Zn> Mn> Cu in the skin, Fe> Zn> Cu> Mn in the flesh,
and Zn> Cu> Mn> Fe in seeds.
3.3 Amino acid profiles
Table 3 shows the amino acid profiles of various
parts of B. macrocarpa fruit. Phenylalanine was the most
significant essential amino acid in the fruit. It was
followed by leucine, isoleucine, valine, threonine,
histidine, lysine, and methionine. The highest level of the
essential amino acids was in the seeds (1085.72 mg/g),
which was followed by the flesh (315.47 mg/g) and skin
(233.58 mg/g). Glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and tyrosine
were three nonessential amino acids abundant in all fruit
parts. All essential amino acids were found in the fruit,
except lysine was not detected on the skin and flesh.
Tryptophan was not determined in this study. The seeds
contain the most nonessential amino acids (1074.39 mg/
g), while the flesh was 312.24 mg/g and skin was 229.74
mg/g. Based on the nature of amino acids, all amino acid
groups showed the highest levels in the seeds. The acidic
amino acid group had the highest levels, followed by the
polar amino acid group, hydrophobic, and alkaline.
4. Discussion
Baccaurea macrocarpa, known as tampui/tampoi, is
an endemic plant of tropical forests, especially in
Sumatra and Kalimantan. This fruit tree is close to
extinction. The fruit produced by the tree has white flesh
with a sweet and slightly sour taste. This fruit has a thick
and hard skin, which is brown and has seeds. People
generally consume the pulp when it is ripe as the sweet
taste dominates over the sour taste. However, the skin
and seeds have not been used by the community until
now. Based on this research, it was known that three
parts of the fruit have the potential for a relatively good
nutritional content, both macronutrients, which are
calculated as proximate, and micronutrients such as
minerals and amino acids compositions.
Proximate composition, consisting of water, ash, fat,
protein, and carbohydrate, plays the primary role in
health. The water content of a food component will
determine the stability and shelf life of food. The high
water content will accelerate the destruction and decay
due to microorganisms and chemical reactions (Bell,
2020). It would also indicate that B. macrocarpa fruit
has low stability and shelf-life. Thus, the fruit should be
immediately consumed when obtained. Ash is a residue
left after all components, the water, fat, protein,
Parameters Skin Flesh Seed
Macromineral (µg/g)
Ca 515.32±23.33 149.94±13.73 185.03±16.91
K ND 73.12±4.72 100.90±12.73
Mg 258.15±18.31 137.98±14.76 315.18±24.51
Na 27.73±2.85 26.90±3.43 30.57±2.32
P 60.88±5.71 78.77±4.34 720.95±54.67
Ca/P 8.46±0.21 1.90±0.33 0.26±0.01
Na/K ND 0.37±0.01 0.30±0.01
Micromineral (µg/g)
Mn 2.42±0.01 0.22±0.00 1.75±0.03
Cu 0.75±0.00 2.56±0.01 4.94±0.11
Zn 6.68±1.32 10.36±0.52 15.29±3.10
Fe 20.97±17.32 12.61±1.72 0.02±0.00
Table 2. Mineral composition of B. macrocarpa fruit
ND = Not detected
Parameters Skin Flesh Seed
Water (%) 84.84±7.23 77.56±8.21 61.99±8.33
Ash (%) 0.71±0.07 0.32±0.03 1.64±0.05
Fat (%) 0.24±0.03 0.59±0.02 5.98±0.21
Protein (%) 0.81±0.07 0.44±0.51 2.73±0.11
Fibre (%) 18.77±0.31 7.91±2.31 18.83±1.03
Carbohydrate (%) 13.40±0.32 21.09±3.33 27.66±3.13
Energy (kcal/100 g) 57.56±7.21 91.43±8.53 175.38±12.04
Table 1. Proximate composition and energy of B. macrocarpa
205 Masriani and Fadly / Food Research 6 (2) (2022) 202 - 208
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carbohydrates, organic acids, are removed. Therefore,
ash indicates crude total mineral content and provides
ideas for determining essential minerals in food
(Akpabio and Ikpe, 2013). As fat may improve food
taste, seeds may be a good source since they contain
several essential oils vital for the body (Saidu and
Jideobi, 2009). Protein represents the number of nitrogen
(Sofiana et al., 2020). According to this research, B.
macrocarpa seed contains relatively high protein, and it
may be a complementary low protein food source such
as grains. The fibre content in food can indicate
undigested carbohydrate and lignin levels (Akpabio and
Ikpe, 2013). Fibre induces the proliferation of beneficial
microorganisms in the intestine (Slavin, 2013). The
consumption of high fibre fruit may prevent non-
communicable diseases (Edem and Miranda, 2011).
However, the fibre content in the food also harms the
absorption of essential minerals such as Iron (Adamma et
al., 2014). Carbohydrates function as a primary energy
source and help the digestion and assimilation processes
of other food substances. The low energy levels from B.
macrocarpa fruit can be used in weight management
programs. According to the finding on proximate matter,
B. macrocarpa fruit is categorised as a good source of
fibre and carbohydrates with the highest potential found
in the seed.
Besides the proximate profiles, understanding the
balance of minerals, including Ca, P, K, Na, Fe, Zn, Mg,
Mn, and Cu, is significantly required due to those
irreplaceable roles in the metabolism mechanism (Emkey
and Emkey, 2012). Ca and P are necessary for bones and
teeth formation as well as their maintenance. They are
also required for blood clotting and muscle contraction
(Wardlaw et al., 2004). Ca is essential in overcoming
heart attack, high blood pressure, premenstrual
syndrome, and others. (Senga et al., 2013). P is an
essential substance of nucleoproteins and nucleic acids,
responsible for reproduction and lineage continuation
(World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, 2004). Along with
Content in fruit parts (mg/g d/w) FAO/WHO/UNUa
Skin Flesh Seed Infant Toddler Adult
(1-2 years) (2-5 years)
Essential Amino Acid (EAA)
L-Histidine 0.08 0.2 0.65 18 19 16
L-Threonine 0.24 0.3 0.97 27 34 9
L-Valine 0.32 0.41 1.2 41 35 15
L-Methionine 0.05 0.24 0.24 25 (Met+Cys) 27 17
L- Phenylalanine 2.4 1.23 4.52 46 (Phe+Tyr) 63 19
L- Isoleucine 0.36 0.39 1.19 31 28 13
L- Leusine 0.38 0.45 1.71 63 66 19
L- Lysine ND ND 0.86 52 58 16
Total of Essential Amino Acid (TEAA) 3.84 3.22 11.33
Nonessential Amino Acid (NEAA)
L-Tyrosine 61.4 69.5 93.6
L-Alanine 18.45 24.09 106.04
L- Aspartate 39.4 63.62 215.52
L- Glutamate 40.94 58.26 292.33
L- Asparagine 15.03 26.04 18.08
L- Serine 23.85 32.41 115.05
L-Glycine 8.46 7.48 94.43
L- Arginine 22.22 30.85 139.34
Total Non-Essential Amino Acid (TNEAA) 229.74 312.24 1074.39
Total Amino Acid (TAA) 233.58 315.47 1085.72
ƩTAAE/ƩTAA (%) 1.64 1.02 1.04
Percentage of amino acids by their natureb
Base/alkaline 22.3 31.05 140.85
Acid 80.34 121.88 507.85
Hydrophobic 30.42 33.88 208.14
Polar uncharged 100.52 128.26 227.7
Table 3. Amino acid profile of B. macrocarpa fruit
aFAO/WHO/UNU (2007): Daily needs for children and adults
bBase/alkaline: L- Lysine, L-arginine, L- Histidine; Acid: L-aspartic, L- glutamic; Hydrophobic: L-Alanine, L-Isoleucine, L-
Leucine, L-Methionine, L- Phenylalanine, L-Valine; Polar: L-Glycine, L-Serine, L-Threonine, L-Tyrosine, L-Cysteine.
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eISSN: 2550-2166 © 2022 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources
Ca, P may strengthen teeth and bones. Foodstuffs are
thought to have an excellent condition when the ratio is
Ca:P > 1 and bad if the value is <0.5, and the absorption
in the small intestine increases in animals when the Ca:P
ratio is above 2 (Adeyeye and Aye, 2005). In addition to
the high levels of Ca and P, it was revealed that the Ca:P
ratio of this fruit was more than one, indicating a good
source of both minerals.
Another mineral, K, effectively regulates the heart
rhythm, nerve transmission, and water balance in the
body (Alinnor and Oze, 2011). High K intake may
reduce blood pressure, and low intake may increase
blood pressure in animals and humans (Haddy et al.,
2006). Furthermore, a mineral called Na is one of the
primary positive ions placed in the extracellular fluid as
a critical factor in maintaining body fluids. It facilitates
the absorption of nutrients such as glucose, amino acids,
pyrimidines, and bile salts in the small intestine (Soetan
et al., 2009). Together with K, the transmission of nerve
impulses and muscle contraction can occur through the
formation of electric potential. However, high Na levels
contribute to high blood pressure (Wardlaw et al., 2004).
The results show that Na:K ratio in the body is an
essential factor in preventing and managing high blood
pressure. The ratio of sodium to potassium is less than 1
(Na+/K+ < 1) can reduce high blood pressure (Aremu et
al., 2007). Therefore, the ratio of Na+:K+ in the range of
0.30 - 0.37 indicated that the B. macrocarpa fruit could
be good food for hypertensive patients.
Other than those been described above, Iron is one of
the crucial microminerals that work for general function,
cognitive development, heat regulation, and energy
metabolism (Wardlaw et al., 2004). This mineral is also
needed for haemoglobin synthesis and myoglobin, and
the deficiency causes anaemia. Therefore, Fe is an
essential nutrient for pregnant and nursing mothers,
children, and adults to prevent anaemia and other related
diseases; also, the need is increased during growth and
menstruation (Ooi et al., 2012). Baccaurea macrocarpa
fruit can be an excellent food choice in fulfilling iron
needs since its high iron content. Baccaurea macrocarpa
also contains Zn, which is beneficial in healthy growth
(MLitan et al., 2014). It was also significant in
carbohydrate and protein metabolism (Jabeen et al.,
2010), required to support more than 200 enzymes to
function, and essential for the sexual growth and
development in men (Kawade, 2012). The deficiency of
this mineral is related to Chron's disease,
hypothyroidism, and some viral infections.
The following minerals contained in this fruit are
Mg, Mn, and Cu. Mg is needed by more than 300
enzymes that use adenosine triphosphate. It prevents
abnormal heart rhythms (Wardlaw et al., 2004),
improves beta-cell function and thus prevents diabetes
and hypertension (Haq and Ullah, 2011), support healthy
bones and teeth (Kartika et al., 2011). The deficiency of
this mineral in animals causes irritability, convulsions,
and even death. Meanwhile, Mn becomes a catalyst and
cofactor in various enzymatic processes, including
mucopolysaccharides and glycoproteins (Shomar, 2012).
Moreover, Cu is actively involved in the erythropoiesis
mechanism to support the erythrocytes regulation. High
concentrations may cause diarrhoea, epigastric pain, liver
damage, blood in urine, hypotension, and vomiting
(Lieberman et al., 2005).
Besides proximate profiles and minerals, amino
acids are also revealed in this fruit. The functions of
amino acids have been widely studied. For example,
Saiga et al. (2003) reported that glutamate and aspartate
had antioxidant properties (Saiga et al., 2003). In
addition, hydrophobic amino acids have higher free
radical scavenging capabilities (Ren et al., 2008). B.
macrocarpa fruit contained very high levels of
glutamate, aspartate, phenylalanine, and average levels
of valine, leucine, and isoleucine, which are potent
antioxidants. The high intake of glutamate, histidine,
leucine, and lysine may reduce the bodyweight of mice
given high-fat feed through increasing energy
expenditure (Kobayashi et al., 2009).
According to these results, the flesh, a fruit part
commonly consumed by communities, may contribute to
the nutritional intake. The rest of the fruit, such as skin
and seed, also showed quite good potential nutritional
benefits, especially the seeds, which contained high
micronutrients, including minerals, essential amino
acids, and high nonessential. The present study verifies
that the nutritional value of the potential B. macrocarpa
fruit is beneficial to support community nutrition
5. Conclusion
The composition of the proximate, mineral and
amino acid of the skin, flesh, and seed of the tampui fruit
have been identified. It has been demonstrated that the
nutritional value of this fruit to be used as a beneficial
foodstuff to support community nutrition improvement.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that no competing financial
interests or personal relationships may influence the
work reported in this paper.
207 Masriani and Fadly / Food Research 6 (2) (2022) 202 - 208
eISSN: 2550-2166 © 2022 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources
We are most thankful to FKIP - Universitas
Tanjungpura that has fully supported the project from
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Several health conditions, including aging, joint inflammations, cancer, and the decrease of organ function related to oxidation, have encouraged the investigation of antioxidants' natural sources. Seaweed is one of the marine commodities that has become the focus of researchers, particularly in correlation to health, such as medicines, functional food, and cosmetics. Euchema spinosum is a red macroalga naturally thrives in Lemukutan coastal, West Kalimantan. This research measured the proximate composition, phytochemical, total phenol content, and determined the antioxidant activity in vitro from the
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This work was carried out to determine the proximate composition, mineral elements, vitamins and anti-nutrients of Aneilema aequinoctiale. The results from the proximate analysis indicate that the plant contained some important nutrients such as carbohydrate 46.02 ± 0.01%, lipid 29.68 ± 0.01%, crude protein 17.05 ± 0.01%, crude fibre 1.34 ± 0.02% and had Caloric value of 519.37±0.02 kcal. The mineral element analyzed were Calcium (Ca) 232.90 ± 0.01mg/kg, Iron (Fe) 154.39 ± 0.02mg/kg, Potassium (K) 147.62 ± 0.02mg/kg, Cadmium (Cd) 0.49 ± 0.02mg/kg and Copper (Cu) 0.68 ± 0.11mg/kg. The anti-nutrient analysis revealed that the plant contained 4.34 ± 0.03 mg/100g hydrocyanic acid, 378.39 ± 0.01mg/100g soluble oxalate and 857 ± 1.4mg/100g total oxalates, while phytate had a value of 0.08±0.02mg/100g. Vitamins analysis showed the presence of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 0.73 ± 0.04mg/100g, and vitamin A (retinol) 0.32±0.02mg/100g.
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and exist in whorled and panicled inflorescence. The fruits of nutlets are subglose, 1.5-2mm diameter and slightly rugose. Ocimum gratissinum is popularly used in folk medicine for the treatment of upper respiratory tract infection, diarrhea, cough, fever, gonorrhea, worm infection, stomach aches, headaches, pile, pneumonia and surface wound. It is also implicated in blood coagulation, anti- inflammatory, cardiovascular and renal function properties have been observed (7). Ocimum gratissinum is a herbaceous plant which belongs to the Labiatae family. The plant is indigenous to tropical areas especially Libya and it is also in West Africa. The leaves of Ocimum gratissinum are used to prepare soups and porridge for women after delivery among the Igbos of Africa and also in the management of the baby's cord after delivery. The plant is used as food spice and for the treatment of ailments such as; malaria, diabetes, respiratory and urinary tract infections, cough, fever, diarrhea, abdominal pains, pneumonia, conjunctivitis, oral wounds and tooth infection (8), (9). In this study, therefore, the leaves from three region of Ocimum gratissinum collected from Libya was analyzed for proximate and minerals constituents with view if there are variations in these accessions and if there are, to determine the heritable and non heritable components and estimates of heritability and genetic advance expected.
Anti‐obesity effects of dietary supplemented amino acid have been reported. Dietary supplementation of glutamine, alanine, or leucine decreases high‐fat diet induced obesity in C57BL/6J mice. It was reported that histidine supplementation suppressed food intake and fat accumulation in Wistar rats. And it was shown that dietary arginine supplementation reduced fat mass in Zucker diabetic fatty rats. However there is no information about the anti‐obesity effects of other amino acids than above mentioned. Therefore, we conducted this series of experiments to compare the anti‐obesity effects of 20 kinds of proteinogenic amino acids. Male C57BL/6J mice were fed a high‐fat diet supplemented with either one of 20 proteinogenic amino acids (1‐6 %) for 4 to 8 weeks. Body weight, food intake, epididymal fat weight, and plasma triglyceride concentration were measured. Results showed that supplementation with any one of cystine (3%), histidine (5%), leucine (3%), lysine HCl (3%), threonine (3%), and tryptophan (3%) suppressed body weight gain and visceral fat deposition. Reduction of food intake was observed in cystine and histidine group but not in leucine, lysine, threonine, and tryptophan group. Plasma triglyceride concentration reduced only in lysine group. In conclusion, dietary supplementation of any one of leucine, lysine, threonine, and tryptophan prevents high‐fat diet induced obesity without reduction in food intake, which suggests increased energy expenditure. Among these amino acids, lysine is the most potent amino acid to reduce adiposity, since it decreases diet induced obesity as well as hyperlipidemia.
This chapter addresses the various effects water can have on food chemical stability, including its effects on specific food‐related reactions. Another effect that water has on reaction kinetics is the change in temperature sensitivity of the reaction. The effect of water on chemical reactivity can be viewed from several perspectives. A food's moisture content and water activity are two parameters frequently evaluated with respect to food chemical stability. The high‐intensity sweetener aspartame has been incorporated into a wide variety of high‐and low‐moisture food products. The shelf‐life of food products can also decrease from the degradation of vitamins. The Maillard reaction is one of the most widely studied reactions in food science. This reaction is responsible for both desirable and undesirable aromas, flavors, and browning in food products. Oxidation reactions (such as lipid oxidation) require aerobic conditions, and they are catalyzed by metal ions within the food system.
The seed oil of Adenanthera pavonina L. (Fabaceaea) collected in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo was analyzed for its proximate, lipids, mineral fatty acid and amino acid profiles, carbohydrate, mineral elements starch and fiber compositions. The mean values of various nutrients for proximate 0composition (%) were: moisture 7.36 ± 1.08%, crude proteins 31.04 ± 2.30, crude lipids or fats 11.03 ± 1.41, total fiber dietary 7.84 ± 0.04, carbohydrates 52.04 ± 1.06, starch 41.13 ±1.04. The calculated energy was 1953.60 kJ/100 g. These results indicated that the studied oil contained higher amounts of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, ash, and starch compared with most of the commonly consumed legumes or seeds. Mineral elements (mg/100g) included: sodium (842.30), potassium (1284.22, iron (11.71, aluminium (9.65) and magnesium (4.63).The fatty acid profile revealed that linoleic acid was the most abundant fatty acid (52.6%) followed by oleic acid (18.7%), palmitic acid 7.5%) and gadolic acid (7.3%). The seed proteins of this oil contained higher levels of the essential amino acids such as arginine, leucine, lysine, phenylalanine and valine (4.5 to 11.5%) and non-essential amino acid such as glutamic acid, aspartic acid, glycine, proline and serine (4 to 23%). The comparison of these parameters with known oils showed that A. pavonina oil, to some extent, resembles oils that are processed for food and could be serve as a source of good edible oil for human and animal.
Samples of Vitex doniana fruit (black plum) were collected from Vunchi village in Bida metropolis. The dried endocarp was washed, ground into powder and analysed for the proximate, vitamins and mineral compositions. The values (%DW) of moisture, ash, crude protein, crude fibre, crude fat and carbohydrate available were 16.66, 11.50, 8.24, 0.58, 34.62 and 28.40, respectively. Levels of Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6 and C were 0.27, 18.33, 4.80, 20.45 and 35.58 (mg/100g DW) respectively. Mineral (mg/100g DW) were: potassium (16.5), sodium (10.40), calcium (30.27), iron (5.20), Copper (2.70), magnesium (20.10) and phosphorus (16.50). The result indicates that Vitex doniana fruit pulp could be promoted as: carbohydrate and lipid supplements for cereal-based diets in rural communities, another cheaper source of raw material for juice production, fortified into feed of ruminants, while its moderate calcium value could be used for the management of oesteomalacia.
Four different leafy vegetables grown and commonly consumed in Minna and it’s environ was analysed with a view to determine the nutrient content of these vegetables. The vegetables are water leaf ( Talinumtriangulare), fluted pumpkin ( Telferia occidentalis), bitter leaf ( Vernonia amygdalina) and drumstick ( Moringa oleifera).Among the four leafy vegetables, Talinum triangulare contains the highest amount moisture (91.6%), Vernonia had the highest ash and lipid content (2.5%) and (0.7%) respectively. Moringa had the highest amount of protein (2.9%). It is also the richest source of sodium while Telfeiria had the highest K+ ion value. The results obtained in this work clearly indicates that the four leafy vegetables are cheap and readily available source of the nutrients.