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Severe declines in hydraulic capacity and associated carbon starvation drive mortality in seawater exposed Sitka-spruce ( Picea sitchensis ) trees

IOP Publishing
Environmental Research Communications

Abstract and Figures

Sea-level rise is causing widespread tree mortality of coastal forests, with large consequences on the Earth system as a result of these forests’ importance in carbon and nutrient export. The mechanisms of mortality under these conditions are, however, poorly tested. We used wood anatomy traits, wood δ ¹³ C, and tree radial growth to retrospectively assess the physiological process of seawater effects on whole tree xylem hydraulic capacity, gas exchange, and radial growth. During the latter stages of mortality (2018-2019), we directly measured metrics of water use and carbon metabolism across trees having crowns ranging from fully foliated to completely defoliated to investigate mortality processes at the sub-annual scale. Upon seawater exposure, soil salinity increased and allocation to hydraulic function declined, resulting in a dramatic reduction in water supply to the crown, increased crown-level water stress, and subsequent crown foliage loss. Simultaneously, leaf-level photosynthetic capacity declined steeply with increasing salinity. The combined loss of crown foliage area and photosynthetic rates per unit leaf area promoted carbon starvation, while no evidence of hydraulic failure was observed. These results elucidate mechanisms of coastal forest death under seawater exposure, enabling more accurate modeling in the future.
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Environ. Res. Commun. 4(2022)035005
Severe declines in hydraulic capacity and associated carbon
starvation drive mortality in seawater exposed Sitka-spruce (Picea
sitchensis) trees
Wenzhi Wang
, Peipei Zhang
, Hongxia Zhang
, Charlotte Grossiord
, Stephanie C Pennington
Matthew J Norwood
, Weibin Li
, Alexandria L Pivovaroff
, Laura Fernández-de-Uña
, Riley Leff
Steven B Yabusaki
, Scott Waichler
, Vanessa L Bailey
, Nicholas D Ward
and Nate G McDowell
The Key Laboratory of Mountain Environment Evolution and Regulation, Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041, Peoples Republic of China
Pacic Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, 99352, United States of America
School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, Peoples Republic of China
Shapotou Desert Research and Experiment Station, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, Peoples Republic of China
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, (WSL), Birmensdorf, Switzerland
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering ENAC, 1015 Lausanne,
Joint Global Change Research Institute, Pacic Northwest National Laboratory, 5825 University Research Ct. #3500, College Park, MD
20740 United States of America
Marine and Coastal Research Laboratory, Pacic Northwest National Laboratory, 1529 W Sequim Bay Rd, Sequim, WA, 98382, United
States of America
State Key Laboratory of Grassland and Agro-ecosystems, Key Laboratory of Grassland Livestock Industry Innovation, Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Affairs, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730020, Peoples
Republic of China
CREAF, Bellaterra, Barcelona, 08193, Spain
School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Box 355351, Seattle, WA, 98195, United States of America
School of Biological Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-4236, United States of America
Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
Keywords: coastal forest, tree mortality, tree rings
Supplementary material for this article is available online
Sea-level rise is causing widespread tree mortality of coastal forests, with large consequences on the
Earth system as a result of these forestsimportance in carbon and nutrient export. The mechanisms of
mortality under these conditions are, however, poorly tested. We used wood anatomy traits, wood
C, and tree radial growth to retrospectively assess the physiological process of seawater effects on
whole tree xylem hydraulic capacity, gas exchange, and radial growth. During the latter stages of
mortality (20182019), we directly measured metrics of water use and carbon metabolism across trees
having crowns ranging from fully foliated to completely defoliated to investigate mortality processes at
the sub-annual scale. Upon seawater exposure, soil salinity increased and allocation to hydraulic
function declined, resulting in a dramatic reduction in water supply to the crown, increased crown-
level water stress, and subsequent crown foliage loss. Simultaneously, leaf-level photosynthetic
capacity declined steeply with increasing salinity. The combined loss of crown foliage area and
photosynthetic rates per unit leaf area promoted carbon starvation, while no evidence of hydraulic
failure was observed. These results elucidate mechanisms of coastal forest death under seawater
exposure, enabling more accurate modeling in the future.
13 December 2021
14 March 2022
21 March 2022
31 March 2022
Original content from this
work may be used under
the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0
Any further distribution of
this work must maintain
attribution to the
author(s)and the title of
the work, journal citation
and DOI.
© 2022 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd
Coastal forests play an important role in hydrological, energy, and biogeochemical cycles and provide numerous
ecosystem services such as mitigating the impacts of storms and erosion (IPCC, 2019). Risks to coastal forests
structure and function under accelerating sea-level rise are increasing, making these ecosystems highly
vulnerable (Lovelock et al 2015, Thorne et al 2018), as freshwater ecosystems transition to seawater-exposed
ecosystems and accelerate non-halophytic (e.g. non-mangrove)tree mortality (Lovelock et al 2015, Kirwan and
Gedan, 2019, Wang et al 2019). Indeed, observations reveal that sea level driven land conversion creates
widespread ghost forestformation in North America (Kirwan and Gedan, 2019). Such mortality events can
transform coastal land cover and affect coastal interface net primary production, ecohydrological cycling, and
biodiversity (IPCC, 2019). However, our understanding of non-halophytic coastal forestsphysiological
processes during seawater-induced tree mortality is limited, hindering our ability to model dynamic exchanges
of energy and matter at much of the global coastal interface (Ward et al 2020).
The physiological mechanisms of tree mortality have received signicant attention in the past decade, with
much research focused on drought-induced tree mortality (McDowell et al 2011, Anderegg et al 2016, Adams
et al 2017, Hartmann et al 2018). This drought-related research has provided strong evidence for hydraulic
failure leading to mortality, in which failure to meet water demand results in runaway embolism (Adams et al
2017, Choat et al 2018, Arend et al 2021). Frequent observations of the occurrence of the carbon starvation
process as evidenced by depleted carbohydrate reserves have also been observed, but complete carbohydrate
exhaustion has never been reported during drought-induced mortality (Adams et al 2017). However, drought
and seawater exposure are very distinct drivers, and the mechanisms of tree mortality may differ.
Physiological mechanisms of seawater-induced tree mortality in mature non-halophytic trees have not been
well tested compared to the extensive work that has been done to understand salinity impacts on plant growth in
halophytes, crops, and non-halophyte seedlings (Snapp and Shennan, 1992, Kozlowski, 1997, Negrão et al 2017,
Munns et al 2020). We can build upon this extensive literature to develop hypotheses regarding the mechanisms
of mortality under seawater exposure (Kozlowski, 1997). In an increasingly saline environment, the osmotic
imbalance between soil porewater and roots results in a decrease in the soil-to-root water potential gradient,
thus constraining water uptake (Boursiac et al 2005). The soil-to-root decline in conductance forces subsequent
declines in hydraulic and stomatal conductance, with the latter exacerbated by the need to maintain foliar
osmotic pressure (Conner and Askew, 1993, Ewers et al 2004, Sutka et al 2011, Stavridou et al 2017). Salinity
damage may also contribute to the accumulation of foliar ions to toxic concentrations, decreasing hydraulic
function and carbohydrate storage (Munns and Tester, 2008, Negrão et al 2017). Thus, it is expected that
decreases in whole tree hydraulic conductance lead to subsequent reductions in photosynthesis and tree growth
(Plaut et al 2012, Hubbard et al 2013), ultimately resulting in tree mortality.
Here, we examined the physiological process underlying tree death from seawater exposure, focusing on the
key predictive mechanisms underlying the death process. We hypothesized that seawater exposure resulted in
xylem anatomy changes (Acosta-Motos et al 2017, Zhang et al 2021a), and that these changes should lead to
decreases in xylem hydraulic capacity, whole tree gas exchange, tree radial growth, and transpiration preceding
mortality. We further predict that these processes lead to both hydraulic failure through increasing embolism,
and carbon starvation through depletion of carbon reserves without replacement with new photosynthate. We
tested our hypotheses in a mature Sitka-spruce (Picea sitchensis)-dominated oodplain as it transitioned from
freshwater to seawater-dominated hydrology in a unique cause-and-effect, ecosystem-scale study of seawater
impacts. We used wood anatomy traits, wood δ
C, and tree radial growth to retrospectively assess seawater
effects on whole tree xylem hydraulic capacity, gas exchange, and radial growth since the culverts were removed.
This allowed an annually resolved investigation into the long-term shifts in the treeshydraulic function foliar
gas exchange upon exposure to seawater. During the latter stages of mortality (20182019), we directly measured
metrics of water use and carbon metabolism across trees having crowns ranging from fully foliated to completely
defoliated to investigate mortality processes at the sub-annual scale.
Materials and methods
Study area
The study site is located in the Pacic coast of WashingtonState, USA (46°5425.2N, 123°5833.6W), where the
climate is dominated by warm, dry summers and cool, wet winters. Over the last three decades(19902019), mean
annual temperature was 10.4°C, with December the coldestmonth (5.7 °C)and August the warmest month (15.7
°C). The annual mean precipitation was 1,932 mm during the period 19902019. We performed the research in a
mature Sitka-spruce (Picea sitchensis)forestgrowing on a oodplain along Beaver Creek, a rst-order tidal creek
that drains into the Johns River and subsequentlyGrays Harbor, Washington, USA. Sitka-spruce, also knownas
Environ. Res. Commun. 4(2022)035005 W Wang et al
tideland spruce and coast spruce, is the largest of theworlds spruces and isone of the most prominent forest trees
in stands along the northwest coast of North America. It isusually distributed not far from tidewater, where moist
maritime air and summerfogs contribute to maintain humid conditions necessary forgrowth. The age of the Sitka-
spruce trees that we sampled was approximately 120years old based on dendrochronology at breast height
(1.3 m). Until 2014, there were two culverts around the river mouth that prevented seawater inundation into the
oodplainbut did allow freshwater to drain out of Beaver Creek (WDFW, 2019). In November 2014, the cul verts
were removed by the state governmentto restore tidal inux further upstream to promote salmon spawning
habitat. Thus, the previously freshwater environment was thereafter exposed to frequent seawater intrusion
(Yabusaki et al 2020), which resulted in the death of 75% of mature Sitka-spruce trees by July 2018 (Wang et al
2019). The soil salinity varied seasonally, with lower salinity occurring in winter and higher in summer. We
monitored soil porewater salinity since 2018 with values ranging from 6.1 PSU (PSU-practical salinity unit)in May
to 14.4 PSU in Sep tember (Yabusaki et al 2020).
Experimental design
Our aim was to understand the physiological mechanisms of seawater-induced tree mortality in this unique
cause-and-effect ecosystem manipulation. We selected 28 trees throughout the oodplain by maximizing the
range of crown foliar greenness (Gaylord et al 2013, Poyatos et al 2013), which we term the percentage live
foliated crown (PLFC)in order to space the trees along a gradient of proximity to death. We monitored PLFC
changes throughout the 2019 growing season. We used tree ring proxies (width, δ
C, and wood anatomy)to
retrospectively assess how seawater exposure inuenced tree radial growth, gas exchange and specic xylem
hydraulic conductivity through comparing these ecophysiological processes before and after seawater exposure.
We measured sap ow from 16 trees within our PLFC gradient to detect how seawater induced transpiration
changes before tree mortality. Finally, we conducted measurements of non-structural carbohydrate (NSC)
dynamics of stems using the approach of (Zhang et al 2021b)and percentage loss of conductance (PLC)via the
approach of (Zhang et al 2021a)to assess the role of carbon starvation and hydraulic failure in the process of
seawater-induced tree mortality.
Percentage of live foliated crown
The PLFC (%)of each tree was determined through visual estimation of how much green foliage was left in
the branched canopy (e.g. not including the lower, unbranched and therefore unfoliated stem).Wedened a
tree as 100% PLFC if it had only green foliage throughout the branched length of the crown, and as 0% PLFC if
the entire branched crown contained only brown (no green)foliage. This method of tree mortality measurement
has been successfully used in previous studies (Galiano et al 2011, Anderegg et al 2012, Gaylord et al 2013,
Poyatos et al 2013), though we acknowledge that visual estimation of PLFC risks subjectivity and may differ
across observers and observation months. To make the PLFC estimation consistent, we used the same three
observers on each date. All three observers examined each tree from all directions surrounding the tree to make
independent PLFC estimates, and then we averaged the three measurements into one PLFC estimate for each
tree and date. In total, we measured 28 mature Sitka-spruce trees during our six campaigns in 2019. There was a
gradient of PLFC from 95% to 7% at our rst campaign in March 2019. By October 2019, 12 of the 28 trees had
reached 0% PLFC, while another four trees reached below 5%. In this study, we dened PLFC5% as a
dead tree.
Modeled porewater salinity
A three-dimensional variably saturated ow and salinity transport model calibrated and validated at Beaver
Creek was used to estimate porewater salinity for each tree (Yabusaki et al 2020). The model utilizes the
PFLOTRAN Richards equation simulator (Hammond et al 2014). We used continuous measurements (April
2018-April 2019)of pressure and electrical conductivity in the stream and oodplain groundwater to
dynamically drive the oodplain water levels and salinities in the model. We repeated the one-year (April 2018 to
April 2019)dataset to model the progressive and topographically controlled salinization of the oodplain
subsurface from 2014 to July 2019. Time histories of pore water content and salinity at 3 m lateral and 0.1 m
depth resolution were generated, and assessed for tree-specic locations. For each tree location, we selected
output at 5 cm, 15 cm, 25 cm, 35 cm and 45 cm depths corresponding to the time of monthly maximum water
level in the oodplain, and the immediately following local minimum (average 7.5 h later). The model validated
well against the magnitude and timing of monitored water level and salinity dynamics observed at our site
(Yabusaki et al 2020).
Environ. Res. Commun. 4(2022)035005 W Wang et al
Sap ow measurement
We selected 16 trees across the PLFC gradient of 28 monitored trees to measure sap ow. In March 2019, 3.5 cm-
long thermal dissipation sap ow probes were installed into the sapwood of each tree. We mounted the sensors
with waterproof silicone and covered by reective insulation to reduce the inuence of the external
environment. Each sensor was supplied with 0.2 W of constant power. Sapow data was recorded every 30 min
with a CR1000 data logger (Campbell Scientic Inc.). In this study, we used the sap ow data from March 22rd to
October 30th 2019, including the whole growing season. During this time period, 8 of the 16 trees that were
installed with sap ow sensorstrees died.
Sap ux density (J
)was calculated according to the equation proposed by (Granier et al 1996):
4.28 1 1
where ΔT(°C)represents the temperature difference between the two probes. ΔT
(°C)represents the
maximum ΔT at nighttime. Data processing was conducted using the software Baseliner 4.0 (Oishi et al 2016).
We used Baseliner to automatically estimate baseline nighttime ow based on a joint set of conditions, including
nighttime hours (characterized by near-zero radiation), stable temperature differential between probes
(estimated using coefcient of variation)and low vapor pressure decit (VPD, see Oishi et al (2016)for more
Tree ring growth and anatomy
From each of the 28 sample trees, we extracted two tree cores using increment corers from south-facing and east-
facing aspects at 1.3 m height in October 2019. Tree cores were mounted on a wooden stave, then air dried in
the lab and sanded using increasingly higher grit sandpaper (from 160 to 400 grit size)until a clear view of the
cells and annual ring growth boundary was apparent via microscope. We measured whole ring widths using a
LINTAB 6 measuring system ( a resolution of 0.01 mm. Ring width series were
visually cross-dated using recognizable years and the COFECHA program (Holmes, 1983, Yamaguchi, 1991).
Tree radial growth was calculated from basal area increment (BAI, cm
, BAI=π
)) of each core
using the dplRpackage version 3.6.1 in R (Bunn, 2008), where R
is the radius of the cumulative ring width of
nth year of tree-ring formation and R
is the radius of the cumulative ring width of n-1th year of tree-ring
We selected the 16 trees that had installed sap ow sensors to measure wood anatomy from the collected tree
cores. Using a rotary microtome (Leica RM 2245; Leica Camera AG, Germany), we cut 12 μm-thick cross-
sections of each tree core. The cross-sections were stained with 1:1 safranin and astra blue solution, rinsed with
ethanol solutions of increasing concentration (50%, 70%, 96%), mounted on microscope slides with Euparal
and dried at 60 °C for 48 h. The slides were then scanned with a slide scanner (Zeiss Axio Scan.Z1; Carl Zeiss AG,
Germany). Tracheid lumen areas were measured in each annual ring (not separating early- and late-wood)over
20092018 with the open-source image processing software ImageJ (Schneider et al 2012). Mean tracheid lumen
area and tracheid density (number of tracheids divided by the area per annual ring)were calculated per year.
We used lumen areas within the sapwood to estimate potential xylem hydraulic conductance according to
Poiseuilles law (McDowell et al 2002, Fonti et al 2010):
where ρis the density of water (998.2 kg m
at 20 °C); d is the vessel diameter of each vessel, which we assumed
the vessels were circle and calculated from tracheid area of each vessel; ηis the viscosity of water (1.002
at 20 °C); and Ais the total area for tracheid measurement.
Tree-ring records of carbon isotope discrimination
Tree-ring δ
C results from the allocation of carbon to ring growth from the entire crown, weighted by the
assimilation rates throughout the crown. For tree-ring δ
C, we used data from our previous research at this site
(Wang et al 2019). Briey, we sampled 12 live and 12 dead trees in February 2018, and analyzed the annual
whole-wood δ
C during the period 20092017. The δ
C values were measured using an elemental analyzer
(ECS4010, Costech Analytical, Valencia, California)coupled with an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Thermo
Finnigan Delta Plus XP, Thermo Electron, Bremen, Germany)at the Washington State University Stable Isotope
Core Laboratory, Pullman, WA. The analytical error of the isotope measurements (SD)was less than 0.1.
Environ. Res. Commun. 4(2022)035005 W Wang et al
Carbon isotope discrimination (Δ)is expressed as the difference between the δ
C of atmospheric CO
)and measured tree-ring δ
C(Farquhar et al 1989):
D= -
13 a13
The δ
data between the period 2009 to 2017 were obtained from direct measurements at the Mauna Loa
observatory (Δis used to quantify whole leaf-scale
gas exchange, which reects the trade-off of photosynthesis rate and stomatal conductance (Farquhar et al 1989).
Nonstructural carbohydrates
We collected stem core samples to 3 cm depth for nonstructural carbohydrate analyses (including soluble sugars
and starch). Samples were collected using a 5.15 mm increment borer from the 28 sampling trees (the same trees
used for ring width measurements). Samples were microwaved at 700 W for 90 s within 5 h after collection, and
stored in a portable cooler between sampling and microwaving. Samples were then oven-dried at 65 °C for 72 h,
and subsequently ground into a ne powder with a ball mill (SPEX SamplePrep 2010 Geno/Grinder, Metuchen,
NJ, USA). NSC extraction and quantication was done following the protocols and enzymatic digestion method
of (Landhäusser et al 2018), with adaptations by (Zhang et al 2021b)for low NSC concentrations. Soluble sugars
i.e. glucose, fructose and sucrose were extracted with 80% ethanol at 90 °C, and then quantied by enzymatic
assays photometrically in a 96-well microplate reader (ELx800UV, BioTek Instruments, Winooski, USA)at a
wavelength of 340 nm. The ethanol-insoluble pellet was used to determine starch after ethanol evaporation.
Starch in the pellet was hydrolyzed with α-amylase and then digested to glucose via amyl glucosidase. Starch
concentrations were calculated by multiplying a reference concentration of glucose by a conversion factor of 0.9.
Total NSC was calculated as the sum of starch (% of dry matter)and soluble sugars (% of dry matter). For quality
assurance, two inter-lab standards (peach leaves NIST1547 and pinon needles (Dickman et al 2019)) and one
synthetic standard (Landhäusser et al 2018)were used in the analyses.
Percentage loss of conductance
We measured hydraulic conductivity and vulnerability curves from twelve individual trees in March 2019, while
we could only get live branches from eight of the twelve trees in July 2019 due to the rapid loss of crown foliage.
We collected long branches (1.5 m)in the eld and cut a stem segment14 cm in length and 58mmin
diameter under water, then measured for native hydraulic conductivity (K
)in the laboratory.
was calculated as:
/ D ()KFLP 4
where Fwas the ow of water through the stem (F;kgs
), L represents the stem length (m), and ΔPrepresents
the driving force (MPa). Hydraulic conductivity was also normalized by sapwood area (A
)to calculate
sapwood-specic hydraulic conductivity (K
). Sapwood area was determined at both ends of
the segment.
Maximum hydraulic conductivity (K
)was measured after quantication of native K
. The segments were
submerged in a degassed water solution (20 mM KCl)under vacuum inltration overnight (>12 h)to remove
emboli. K
was measured as above for the K
measurement. The degree of xylem embolism was estimated
using K
and K
to calculate the native percentage loss of hydraulic conductivity (PLC). PLC was calculated as:
/-(( )) ()KPLC1001K 5
Vulnerability to cavitation was measured using the bench dehydration method (Sperry et al 1988, Cochard
et al 2010). We allowed the branch samples progressively dry on the bench as measurements were conducted. K
and water potential were measured during slow desiccation of the samples on the bench until the stem
lost>90% conductivity or the water potential<8 MPa. Four to six stem xylem segments were collected from
each long branch per individuals. A reparametrized Weibull model was used to generate vulnerability curves by
tting water potential versus PLC data points (Neufeld et al 1992, Ogle et al 2009).
Meteorological data and statistical analyses
A weather station was installed in the study site to record half-hourly meteorological data, including air
temperature, precipitation, relative humidity and photosynthetically active radiation etc. We used this
Environ. Res. Commun. 4(2022)035005 W Wang et al
meteorological data for 2019 to correlate with sap ow data. In addition, the monthly climate data was extracted
from the interpolated PRISM (4 km resolution)gridded climate dataset (Daly et al 2008).
We statistically analyzed signicant differences in tree growth, Δand K
before and after removal of culverts
through one-way ANOVA test. Linear regression model was used to calculate the relationship of Δand K
during the period 2009 to 2017. We also used non-linear regression models to quantify the relationships of tree
growth to percentage of live foliated crown and NSC. All the uncertainties were calculated as (SE). Statistical
analyses were performed in SPSS 26.0 (IBM Corporation).
Results and discussion
Google Earth imagery from pre and post culverts-removal in 2014 (imagery from 2013 and 2017, respectively)
conrmed the widespread mortality of oodplain trees over the four years (gures 1(a),(b)). Other historical
photos also show large-scale tree loss during this period (Figure S1 (available online at
035005/mmedia)). In 2019 alone, we directly observed mortality of 57% of our 28 sample trees. Tree loss was
not due to drought as annual precipitation and VPD during 20152018 were near the long-term average values
(Figure S2), and no tree mortality was observed at the upland forests neighboring the experimental oodplain.
The PLFC was negatively correlated with exposure to modeled soil porewater salinity concentrations (Figure S3).
No evidence of insect attack was observed on trees anywhere in the oodplain.
Whole tree hydraulic traits and growth were dramatically impacted by seawater exposure (gure 2). Mean
tracheid lumen area and tracheid density per ring area decreased signicantly in the years after the culverts were
removed (gure 2(a)), which considerably reduced specic xylem hydraulic conductivity of the stem
(gure 2(b)).K
declined by over 80% within three years after seawater exposure was initiated (gure 2(b)). BAI
declined by 61.2% in 2015 following the culverts removal (gure 2(c)). Growth declined an additional 47.4% in
2016 compared to 2015 (gure 2(c)). Whole-crown Δdecreased 1.7in 2015 compared to 2014, suggesting a
large decline in stomatal conductance after seawater exposure (gure 2(c)). This large decline in Δprior to death
appears to be a consistent phenomenon at the regional scale across western Washington (Wang et al 2019). The
correlation between K
and Δ(gure 3)is consistent with a putative mechanism of declining hydraulic transport
capacity driving declines in stomatal conductance (Hubbard et al 2001).
Figure 1. Floodplain tree mortality. (a)Google Earth image of our sampling site in May 2013, when the culverts let freshwater drain
but prevented seawater invasion into the oodplain. (b)Google Earth image of the same place in June 2017, after culvert removal in
November 2014. The sampling site is located along Beaver Creek, a rst-order tributary of the Johns River that drains into the Grays
Harbor estuary, approximately 1.5 km from the area, on the Pacic coast of Washington State, USA (46°5425.2N, 123°5833.6W).
Environ. Res. Commun. 4(2022)035005 W Wang et al
Sap ow-based transpiration measurements conrmed that dying Sitka-spruce trees indeed have very low
hydraulic transport capacity (gure 4). Despite a PLFC range of 20 to 95%, nearly all sampled trees exhibited
near-zero transpiration rates. Only the two trees with the highest PLFC (>80%)exhibited signicant
transpiration, which showed expected environmental responses to VPD and photosynthetically active radiation
(Figure S4). Transpiration was nearly zero under PLFC <80% (gure 4). This extreme decline in transpiration
Figure 2. Wood traitsresponse to seawater exposure. (a)Mean (±1se)tracheid lumen area and tracheid density during the period
2009 to 2018. (b)Potential specic hydraulic conductivity (K
)variation during 2009 to 2018. (c)Mean (±1se)tree basal area
increment (BAI)and wood stable carbon isotope discrimination (Δ)variation during 2009 to 2019. One-way ANOVA was used to
analyze wood traits before and after seawater exposure.
Figure 3. Regression of K
and wood stable carbon isotope discrimination (Δ)during from 2009 to 2017. Error bars are ±1SE of the
sample size.
Environ. Res. Commun. 4(2022)035005 W Wang et al
suggests that even when trees still had a large fraction of foliage remaining in their crown, the supply of water was
small, which should promote both hydraulic failure and carbon starvation. The low transpiration values are
consistent with the dramatic decline in hydraulic capacity in the sapwood and associated decline in gas exchange
(Zhang et al 2021a). Flooded coastal trees also exhibit reduced sapow, both in mangroves (Krauss et al 2007)
and non-halophytes (Krauss and Duberstein, 2010, Duberstein et al 2020), however, there are no prior studies
documenting water use of coastal trees dying from inundation. Our near-zero sap ow observations prior to
seawater-induced tree mortality are similar to drought-induced tree mortality (Plaut et al 2012)and beetle
attack-induced tree mortality (Hubbard et al 2013), where they also found near-zero sap ow in mature conifer
forests before mortality. However, while seawater- and drought-induced mortality may share similar reductions
in transpiration during the dying processes, these two drivers differ due to the causal agent (dry versus saline
conditions), and the associated mechanisms that co-occur with declining transpiration, hydraulic conductance,
and stomatal conductance.
Photosynthetic capacity became particularly low (Li et al 2021), due in large part to ion toxicity impacts from
elevated foliar sodium (Figure S5)(Munns, 2002, Negrão et al 2017). The low photosynthetic capacity has
implications for our interpretation of the large decline in crown-scale Δas a measure of declining stomatal
conductance (Wang et al 2019). Low photosynthetic capacity conrms that the large decline in Δwas due to
declining crown-scale stomatal conductance rather than due to increasing photosynthetic capacity. This is
because Δdeclines due to a reduction in the sub-stomatal concentration of CO
, which can be driven by either
declining stomatal conductance, or due to increased photosynthetic uptake (Farquhar et al 1989). Thus,
hydraulic limitations at the stem-scale did transfer to declining gas exchange at the crown scale.
Salinity constraints upon xylem hydraulic capacity, whole-tree gas exchange, and radial growth
(Kozlowski, 1997, Robert et al 2009, Wang et al 2019)are underlying mechanisms within the mortality process at
this site. The dying trees experienced increasing risk of hydraulic failure, indexed as PLC (Zhang et al 2021a).
However, PLC rarely exceeded 60%, which is considered a lower threshold for increased risk of mortality from
hydraulic failure (Adams et al 2017). Thus, while hydraulic limitations played a large role in the mortality process
of these dying trees, hydraulic failure per se does not appear to be the nal-strawin death from seawater
exposure in this ecosystem. However, declining PLC appeared to be an initiating mechanism that resulted in
declining xylem hydraulic conductance and PLFC.
Using measurements of PLC and PLFC from March and July 2019, we calculate the change in each over these
over four months (e.g. ΔPLFC and ΔPLC)to assess if the progression of crown loss was associated with a
progression of PLC increase. Indeed, there was a strong relationship between ΔPLFC and ΔPLC (gure 5,
=0.85, p=0.01), showing that crown loss was associated with increasing PLC. This is suggestive that
hydraulic failure was likely involved in the mortality process by driving crown loss.
Increasing PLFC as trees approached death, combine with the low photosynthetic capacity at the individual
leaf-level (Li et al 2021), should result in a decline in photosynthate production and hence growth and NSC
storage. BAI declined strongly with declining PLFC (R
=0.77, p<0.001), such that annual growth
approached zero at PLFC<40% (gure 6(a)). Given that transpiration was near-zero for trees at this PLFC
(gure 3), the low growth rates were likely driven by low carbon availability from both a lack of leaf specic gas
exchange (as shown by the Δresults, gure 2(c)) and a reduction in total crown leaf area as PLFC declined
(Zhang et al 2021b). In addition, we found that the correlation between BAI and NSC is consistent with the
Figure 4. Canopy greenness with relation to whole-tree transpiration. Mean midday sapux density (Js)across a gradient of percentage
of live foliated crown (PLFC)in March 2019. Midday sapux density was the average from 11 am to 2 pm each day and averaged from
March to October 2019.
Environ. Res. Commun. 4(2022)035005 W Wang et al
Figure 5. Regression of the differences between March and July percentage loss of conductance (PLC)versus PLFC.
. This measures the change in embolism (PLC)as the foliated crown
declines. To be exact, in gure 5 we sampled branches from eight trees for PLC measurement. Other trees had branches too high to
reach or had totally died by July.
Figure 6. Tree growth relation to percentage of live foliated crown and NSC. (a)Basal area increment (BAI)in 2018 versus percentage
of live foliated crown (PLFC)in March 2019. (b)Basal area increment (BAI)in 2018 versus stem non-structural carbonhydrate
concentration in March 2019. (c)The relationship of number of survival years with percentage of live foliated crown (PLFC).(d)The
relationship of the number of survival years with stem nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC)concentration in March 2019. Survival years
is the tree ring growth year since seawater exposure at 2015 (e.g. 2015 is the rst survival year, 2016 is the second survival year, etc).
Environ. Res. Commun. 4(2022)035005 W Wang et al
interpretation that growth declined in concert with declining NSC (R
=0.55, p<0.001; gure 6(b)).
Similarly, NSC declined strongly with PLFC such that NSC values were indistinguishable from 0% per dry
weight in the nal weeks of survival (Figure S6).
Tree mortality due to seawater exposure may have proceeded due to impacts of reduced hydraulic capacity as
crown loss progressed. We calculated a metric of tree survival length from our larger sample population by
counting the number of years (tree rings)grown since 2015, after the culverts were removed in November 2014.
Trees that had zero growth and 5% PLFC were considered dead. The number of survival years was correlated
with PLFC (gure 6(c),R
=0.67, p<0.001), suggesting the critical importance of maintaining a foliated
crown to support survival. The number of survival years was also nonlinearly correlated with NSC (gure 6(d),
=0.54, p<0.001), consistent with the hypothesis that carbohydrates are needed for survival. The
particularly low NSC values associated with mortality (<1% total NSC, gure S6)suggests that carbon starvation
may have been related to the mortality of these trees, as such low NSC values are rarely observed and are typically
associated with death in drought-induced tree mortality studies (Marshall and Waring, 1986, McDowell, 2011,
Dickman et al 2015, Hoch, 2015, Hartmann and Trumbore, 2016). While carbon starvation may happen above
zero NSC concentrations due to required osmotic and metabolic processes for survival (Sala et al 2010,
McDowell, 2011), the consistent measurement of NSC concentrations near zero in trees that died is
conrmatory of carbon starvation occurring. These are potentially the lowest NSC values ever measured in
dying trees (McDowell, 2011, Adams et al 2017).
To examine the relative dominance of hydraulic failure and carbon starvation during death in these Sitka
spruce trees, we employed an integrated hydraulic-carbohydrate framework of (McDowell et al 2008)and
(Adams et al 2017)(gure 7). In this framework, measurements of PLC are plotted against measurements of
NSC. According to this analysis, most dying trees experienced particularly severe carbon starvation (e.g. a
relatively large NSC decline)with relatively modest reductions in PLC (gure 7).
Our results suggest that declining hydraulic capacity, promoted a degree of hydraulic failure and associated
carbon starvation through severe crown loss. This decline in NSC may also have been promoted by the (non-
signicant)decline in photosynthetic capacity with increasing crown loss. We also noted that the relationship of
transpiration, NSC, tree growth, survival years and soil salinity response to PLFC decline was nonlinear which
might suggest crown loss was rapidly increased due to the dysfunction of tree hydraulic and carbon uptake in
tree mortality. Thus, it is important to identify the threshold of crown loss during the process-based tree
mortality models. In this research, multiple interpretations deserve mention, as they can lead to improved
understanding through future research. First, in this relatively wet location (nearly 2000 mm annual
precipitation), extreme hydraulic failure (high PLC)may be unlikely. However, the correlation of increasing
PLC with declining PLFC suggests that an increased presence of embolism within the hydraulic network was
associated with crown loss. Second, the progression of events in this system may have started with root loss due
to anoxia and salinity-induced declines in belowground conductance, along with cell-turgor limitations on the
maximum size of tracheids during growth under saline conditions (Woodruff et al 2004, Munns et al 2020).
Figure 7. Possible mechanisms of seawater induced tree mortality. The relationship of NSC and percentage loss of conductance (PLC)
is based on the framework of hydraulic failure and carbon starvation developed by McDowell et al (2008)and Adams et al (2017).
Environ. Res. Commun. 4(2022)035005 W Wang et al
Detailed assessment of rooting dynamics and belowground conductance are needed to test this hypothesis.
Furthermore, the mechanisms of ion toxicity to the photosynthetic machinery is poorly quantied in conifers,
and is thus an additional research target for ecosystems such as the Sitka spruce forest we studied. Ultimately, all
of these upstreammechanisms led to the loss of hydraulic capacity, subsequent reductions in crown-gas
exchange through stomatal closure and crown loss, and subsequently, NSC declined to fatal levels. Thus,
reduced hydraulic capacity likely drove a degree of hydraulic failure and a subsequent extreme degree of carbon
starvation as trees died due to seawater exposure.
We would like to thank Zeli Tan, Chang Liao, James Abend, and Heather Pacheco for their helpful during eld
work and sample processing. This work was funded by the Department of Energys COMPASS-FME project.
This research is part of the PREMIS Initiative at Pacic Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). It was
conducted under the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program at PNNL, a multi-program
national laboratory operated by Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC05-
76RL01830. WW is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41977396). LFU was
supported by European Unions Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship No. 844028. CG
was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation SNF (PZ00P3_174068).
Data availability statement
The data that support the ndings of this study are available upon reasonable request from the authors.
Author contributions
N G M, W W, N D W, and V L B, conceived the ideas and designed research; W W, P Z, H Z, S C P, M J N, W L, A
L P, R L, N D W, and N G M conducted the eld work; W W, C G performed the laboratory work and analyzed
the data; W W and N G M led the writing of the manuscript; all the authors reviewed and edited versions of the
paper and gave nal approval for publication.
Competing interest statement
The authors declare no competing interest.
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Nicholas D Ward
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... The first site is a c. 100-yr-old Sitka-spruce forest in the Beaver Creek (BC) watershed (a tributary of Johns River, which drains into the Grays Harbor estuary; 46°54 0 N, 123°58 0 W) at the Pacific coast in western Washington State, USA Wang et al., 2022). The climate is dominated by warm, dry summers and cool, wet winters. ...
... Soil pore water salinity, crown area, carbohydrates, growth, sap flow, and leaf physiological variables have been reported for the dying trees at this site. Measured leaf physiological variables include the maximum rate of Rubisco carboxylase activity (V c max ) and the maximum rate of photosynthetic electron transport (J max ), leaf water potential, carbon fixation rate, and transpiration rate (details of the field measurements can be found in Li et al., 2021;Wang et al., 2022). Seasonal and spatial soil salinity variation was simulated from 2014 to 2019 over the watershed (Yabusaki et al., 2020). ...
Full-text available
Relative sea level rise (SLR) increasingly impacts coastal ecosystems through the formation of ghost forests. To predict the future of coastal ecosystems under SLR and changing climate, it is important to understand the physiological mechanisms underlying coastal tree mortality and to integrate this knowledge into dynamic vegetation models. We incorporate the physiological effect of salinity and hypoxia in a dynamic vegetation model in the Earth system land model, and used the model to investigate the mechanisms of mortality of conifer forests on the west and east coast sites of USA, where trees experience different form of sea water exposure. Simulations suggest similar physiological mechanisms can result in different mortality patterns. At the east coast site that experienced severe increases in seawater exposure, trees loose photosynthetic capacity and roots rapidly, and both storage carbon and hydraulic conductance decrease significantly within a year. Over time, further consumption of storage carbon that leads to carbon starvation dominates mortality. At the west coast site that gradually exposed to seawater through SLR, hydraulic failure dominates mortality because root loss impacts on conductance are greater than the degree of storage carbon depletion. Measurements and modeling focused on understanding the physiological mechanisms of mortality is critical to reducing predictive uncertainty.
... Hydraulic failure, accompanied by carbon starvation due to canopy loss, can occur when there is a decline in hydraulic function [70]. Water stress causes leaf abscission, reducing carbon fixation and forcing plants to use stored carbon for metabolic activities [71]. ...
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Global climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of drought and salt stress worldwide, with profound impacts on tree growth and survival. However, the response of plant hydraulic transport and carbon balance to combined drought and salt stress remains unclear. This study investigated the leaf physiological traits, stem xylem hydraulic traits, and nonstructural carbohydrate concentration of Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings under normal irrigation treatment (CK, freshwater at 80–100% FC); salt stress treatment (SS, 0.3% soil salinity with freshwater); drought stress treatment (DS, withholding irrigation); and combined drought and salt treatments (SDS, 0.3% soil salinity withholding irrigation). Our results showed that the leaf physiological traits responded differently to different treatments. DS and SDS treatment significantly decreased leaf water potential and stomatal conductance, while SS treatment did not. DS treatment increased stomatal density but decreased stomatal area to adapt to water deficit, while SS and SDS treatment decreased stomatal length or width. In terms of xylem hydraulic traits, SS, DS and SDS significantly decreased xylem specific hydraulic conductivity by 47%, 42% and 49%, while percent loss of conductivity (PLC) significantly increased by 81% and 62% in DS and SDS, but the PLC of SS was not increased significantly. Additionally, net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate significantly decreased in SS, DS and SDS, while leaf water use efficiency significantly increased. The chlorophyll content index and maximum light quantum efficiency of photosystem II were also decreased. For nonstructural carbohydrate, the soluble sugars, starch and total non-structural carbohydrate were significantly decreased in DS in specific tissues, showing reductions of 42%, 68%, and 56% in leaves, 69%, 61%, and 62% in stem, and 30%, 59%, and 57% in root. Our findings provide evidence that salt addition alleviated drought stress by improving hydraulic traits and carbohydrate reserves, which is expected to contribute to predicting future vegetation dynamics under climate change.
... Although not included in our modeling, higher temperatures would likely drive higher groundwater use by plants in the floodplain, theoretically lowering the groundwater table. We note that increasing soil saturation and salinity in Beaver Creek (Yabusaki et al. 2020) is linked to tree mortality (Wang et al. 2019(Wang et al. , 2022Zhang et al. 2021), and is therefore expected to lessen the importance of this mechanism over time. In addition, some climate models suggest that summer periods will become drier in the Pacific NW where our study site is located (Mote and Salathé 2010). ...
Dissolved oxygen (DO) is a key biogeochemical control in coastal systems, and its concentration and drivers vary markedly through time and space. This makes it difficult to accurately represent coastal DO and associated biogeochemical processes in models, limiting our ability to predict how these systems will respond to global change. We obtained high‐frequency (5‐min) in situ measurements of DO collected at three locations across the interface of a tidal creek and coastal marsh in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Random Forest machine learning models quantified the importance of three categories of environmental drivers (Aquatic, Climatic, and Terrestrial) of DO variability across the creek–marsh interface. We selected two 4‐month datasets representing Summer and Winter seasonal periods to test two hypotheses on the dominant drivers of DO at the coastal interface. We found that the Terrestrial driver—characterized by long periods of anaerobic conditions and episodic pulses in DO after floods—was most important during the Winter, whereas the Aquatic driver—characterized by variability over tidal, diel, and lunar cycles—was most important during the Summer. We explored how future climate change scenarios could alter the drivers of DO variability using a cumulative sums driver–response framework. Our results suggest that under climate change, Aquatic and Climatic drivers may increase in importance during the Summer, potentially linked to changing metabolic regimes and sea level, with Terrestrial driver importance potentially increasing during the Winter. Our approach highlights useful methods for understanding the spatiotemporal complexity of oxygen across coastal interfaces and quantifying the relative importance of distinct environmental drivers.
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Increasing seawater exposure is killing coastal trees globally, with expectations of accelerating mortality with rising sea levels. However, the impact of concomitant changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration, temperature, and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) on seawater‐induced tree mortality is uncertain. We examined the mechanisms of seawater‐induced mortality under varying climate scenarios using a photosynthetic gain and hydraulic cost optimization model validated against observations in a mature stand of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) trees in the Pacific Northwest, USA, that were dying from recent seawater exposure. The simulations matched well with observations of photosynthesis, transpiration, nonstructural carbohydrates concentrations, leaf water potential, the percentage loss of xylem conductivity, and stand‐level mortality rates. The simulations suggest that seawater‐induced mortality could decrease by c. 16.7% with increasing atmospheric CO2 levels due to reduced risk of carbon starvation. Conversely, rising VPD could increase mortality by c. 5.6% because of increasing risk of hydraulic failure. Across all scenarios, seawater‐induced mortality was driven by hydraulic failure in the first 2 yr after seawater exposure began, with carbon starvation becoming more important in subsequent years. Changing CO2 and climate appear unlikely to have a significant impact on coastal tree mortality under rising sea levels.
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The systematic response of coastal ecosystems to inundation and salinity exposure is fundamental to their ecology and biogeochemical function. Here we observe and model freshwater-seawater interactions in a first-order stream—floodplain system where tidal access was recently restored. Subsurface flow and transport modeling were used to quantify and better understand the interplay of processes, properties, and conditions that control water level and salinity in the floodplain to the tidal stream. Water levels in the stream were highly correlated with tidal forcing, which resulted in episodic inundation of the floodplain at quasi-monthly frequency. The tidal stream is the only source of salinity to the floodplain, yet shallow groundwater salinity was considerably higher than average stream salinity. The low-permeability clay floodplain soils limit lateral groundwater flow and transport, resulting in floodplain groundwater and salinity dynamics driven almost exclusively by infiltration during inundation events. As inundation occurs during high tide, estuarine waters reach the floodplain with minor attenuation in salinity from the stream's freshwater discharge. Infiltration and salinity exposure are topography controlled and regulated by ponding depth and duration, seasonal ground saturation, and depth to water table. The model suggests that floodplain salinity is currently in an early stage of transition from pre-restoration freshwater conditions and will not reach equilibrium for ~20 years. These findings have broad relevance for understanding how and over what time scales coastal ecosystems will respond to increasing seawater exposure from sea level rise, ocean-originating storms, and changes in natural and man-made barriers.
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Between the land and ocean, diverse coastal ecosystems transform, store, and transport material. Across these interfaces, the dynamic exchange of energy and matter is driven by hydrological and hydrodynamic processes such as river and groundwater discharge, tides, waves, and storms. These dynamics regulate ecosystem functions and Earth’s climate, yet global models lack representation of coastal processes and related feedbacks, impeding their predictions of coastal and global responses to change. Here, we assess existing coastal monitoring networks and regional models, existing challenges in these efforts, and recommend a path towards development of global models that more robustly reflect the coastal interface. Coastal systems are hotspots of ecological, geochemical and economic activity, yet their dynamics are not accurately represented in global models. In this Review, Ward and colleagues assess the current state of coastal science and recommend approaches for including the coastal interface in predictive models.
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Rising sea levels under climate change may have significant impacts on coastal vegetation dynamics, yet the response of coastal forest growth, gas exchange and survival to seawater intrusion remains poorly documented. We conducted a dendroecology study across six sites in western Washington, USA, to examine how tree growth, gas exchange (indexed by basal area increment (BAI) and wood δ¹³C respectively), and survival varies with seawater exposure through two approaches. First, tree core samples were collected at a site where seawater exposure started only 4 years prior to sampling, which allowed a cause‐and‐effect test of the impacts of seawater exposure on trees, and second, samples were collected at five additional sites where we compared downstream to upstream trees under current sea‐level conditions. At the seawater intrusion site, BAI and carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) decreased significantly (p < 0.01) in the year of intrusion (2014) and stayed unchanged thereafter. Four years later (2018), the percentage of recently standing dead trees in the forest was 73.0% of the basal area. Across the regional assessment, percentage of standing dead trees was significantly greater in downstream than upstream forests at five of the six sites (averaged 37.7 ± 11.0% and 4.3 ± 2.1% basal area for downstream and upstream, respectively). Growth was significantly lower (p < 0.01) at the downstream than upstream for five sites, and Δ was lower for all needle‐leaf trees (three sites) on the downstream compared to the upstream, but no difference was observed between downstream and upstream for broad‐leaf trees (three sites). Synthesis. Combined both the cause‐and‐effect manipulative study and the regional assessment demonstrate that seawater exposure drives reductions in growth, decreased Δ of needle‐leaf trees, increased mortality and greater climate sensitivity, regardless of whether the seawater exposure is recent or long‐term.
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Ghost forests created by the submergence of low-lying land are one of the most striking indicators of climate change along the Atlantic coast of North America. Although dead trees at the margin of estuaries were described as early as 1910, recent research has led to new recognition that the submergence of terrestrial land is geographically widespread, ecologically and economically important, and globally relevant to the survival of coastal wetlands in the face of rapid sea level rise. This emerging understanding has in turn generated widespread interest in the physical and ecological mechanisms influencing the extent and pace of upland to wetland conversion. Choices between defending the coast from sea level rise and facilitating ecosystem transgression will play a fundamental role in determining the fate and function of low-lying coastal land. A review of the phenomenon of low-lying ‘ghost forests’, and the physical and ecological mechanisms that control their occurrence in the context of sea level rise, with a focus on the Atlantic Coast of North America.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the leading international body for assessing the science related to climate change. It provides policymakers with regular assessments of the scientific basis of human-induced climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation. This IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate is the most comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the observed and projected changes to the ocean and cryosphere and their associated impacts and risks, with a focus on resilience, risk management response options, and adaptation measures, considering both their potential and limitations. It brings together knowledge on physical and biogeochemical changes, the interplay with ecosystem changes, and the implications for human communities. It serves policymakers, decision makers, stakeholders, and all interested parties with unbiased, up-to-date, policy-relevant information. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
Sea-level rise is one of the most critical challenges facing coastal ecosystems under climate change. Observations of elevated tree mortality in global coastal forests are increasing, but important knowledge gaps persist concerning the mechanism of salinity stress-induced non-halophytic tree mortality. We monitored progressive mortality and associated gas exchange and hydraulic shifts in Sitka-spruce (Picea sitchensis) trees located within a salinity gradient under an ecosystem-scale change of seawater exposure in Washington State, USA. Percentage of live foliated crown (PLFC) decreased and tree mortality increased with increasing soil salinity during the study period. A strong reduction in gas exchange and xylem hydraulic conductivity (Ks) occurred during tree death, with an increase in the percentage loss of xylem conductivity (PLC) and turgor loss point (πtlp). Hydraulic and osmotic shifts reflected that hydraulic function declined from seawater exposure and dying trees were unable to support osmotic adjustment. Constrained gas exchange was strongly related to hydraulic damage at both stem and leaf levels. Significant correlations between foliar sodium (Na+) concentration and gas exchange and key hydraulic parameters (Ks, PLC and πtlp) suggest that cellular injury related to the toxic effects of ion accumulation impacted the physiology of these dying trees. This study provides evidence of toxic effects on cellular function that manifest in all aspects of plant functioning, leading to unfavourable osmotic and hydraulic conditions.
Increasing seawater exposure is causing mortality of coastal forests, yet the physiological response associated with seawater-induced tree mortality, particularly in non-halophytes, is poorly understood. We investigated the shifts in carbon and nitrogen metabolism of mature Sitka-spruce trees that were dying after an ecosystem-scale manipulation of tidal seawater exposure. Soil porewater salinity and foliar ion concentrations increased after seawater exposure and were strongly correlated with the percentage of live foliated crown (PLFC; e.g., crown 'greenness', a measure of progression to death). Co-occurring with decreasing PLFC was decreasing photosynthetic capacity, N-investment into photosynthesis, N-resorption efficiency, and non-structural carbohydrate (NSC, soluble sugars and starch) concentrations, with the starch reserves depleted to near zero when PLFC dropped below 5%. Combined with declining PLFC, these changes subsequently decreased total carbon gain and thus exacerbated the carbon starvation process. This study suggests that an impairment in carbon and N metabolism during the mortality process after seawater exposure is associated with the process of carbon starvation, and provides critical knowledge necessary to predict sea-level rise impacts on coastal forests.
Significance Sound knowledge of the limits of tree hydraulic function is crucial to understand drought-induced tree mortality, although the mechanisms are difficult to study in adult trees. We explored the dynamic changes that the tree hydraulic system undergoes during the progression of a severe drought in dying adults of Norway spruce. Xylem pressure and hydraulic conductance showed sudden, nonlinear declines that commenced at surprisingly low levels of xylem embolism and caused a rapid collapse of the tree’s hydraulic system and tree death. These observations provide striking field-based evidence for hydraulic failure in adult conifers that are on the trajectory to drought-induced mortality. The nonlinear temporal dynamic of dehydration suggests a higher mortality risk than previously assumed for this major European tree species.
Increasing sea levels associated with climate change threaten the survival of coastal forests, yet the mechanisms by which seawater exposure causes tree death remain poorly understood. Despite the potentially crucial role of nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) reserves in tree survival, their dynamics in the process of death under seawater exposure are unknown. Here we monitored progressive tree mortality and associated NSC storage in Sitka-spruce (Picea sitchensis) trees dying under ecosystem-scale increases in seawater exposure in western Washington, USA. All trees exposed to seawater, due to monthly tidal intrusion, experienced declining crown foliage during the sampling period, and individuals with a lower percentage of live foliated crown (PLFC) died faster. Tree PLFC was strongly correlated with subsurface salinity and needle ion contents. Total NSC concentrations in trees declined remarkably with crown decline, and reached extremely low levels at tree death (2.4% and 1.6% in leaves and branches respectively, and 0.4% in stems and roots). Starch in all tissues was almost completely consumed while sugars remained at a homeostatic level in foliage. The decreasing NSC with closer proximity to death and near zero starch at death are evidence that carbon starvation occurred during Sitka-spruce mortality during seawater exposure. Our results highlight the importance of carbon storage as an indicator of tree mortality risks under seawater exposure.
Salinity intrusion is responsible for changes to freshwater wetland watersheds globally, but little is known about how wetland water budgets might be influenced by small increments in salinity. We studied a forested wetland in South Carolina, USA, and installed sap flow probes on 72 trees/shrubs along a salinity gradient. Species investigated included the trees baldcypress (Taxodium distichum [L.] Rich.), water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica L.), swamp tupelo (Nyssa biflora Walt.), and the shrub waxmyrtle (Morella cerifera (L.) Small). This study improves upon past reliance on greenhouse seedling studies by adding measurements of trees/shrubs along a salinity gradient, and better describes the role of low salinity on water use in freshwater wetland forests. We measured patterns of water use related to salinity, atmospheric conditions and season, and hypothesized that salinity would influence wetland forest water use through two mechanisms: salinity disturbances would yield stands with species and size classes that transpire less and individual trees with less conductive xylem tissue (i.e., sapwood). Both hypotheses held. At salinity concentrations ranging from fresh to 3 psu, forest structural changes alone resulted in stand water use reductions from 494 mm year⁻¹ in freshwater stands to 316 mm year⁻¹ in stands of slightly higher salinity. Tree sapwood function (inferred from radial sap flux profiles) also changed along this gradient and reduced sap flow rates by an additional 13.3% per unit increase in salinity (psu). Thus, stand water use was further reduced to 190 mm year⁻¹ on saline sites. We found that forest structure is not the only change that affects water use in salinized watersheds; individual tree eco-physiological responses to salinity, manifesting in different radial sap flow profiles, are important as well.