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Adams–Oliver Syndrome: A Rare Congenital Disorder



We present a case of a two-day-old Asian female infant with typical symptoms of Adams-Oliver syndrome (AOS): two cutaneous lesions including aplasia cutis congenita (ACC) and hypoplastic phalanges. The lesion on the abdomen is a relatively rare finding of the syndrome. Skin and skull bone were absent in the anterior fontanelle region, and hypertrophic labia minora was observed. The patient was put on regular follow-up.
Review began 09/20/2021
Review ended 03/15/2022
Published 03/18/2022
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Adams–Oliver Syndrome: A Rare Congenital
Sumara Rashid , Saleha Azeem , Samiha Riaz
1. Dermatology, Fatima Memorial College of Medicine and Dentistry, Lahore, PAK 2. Dermatology, King Edward
Medical University, Lahore, PAK
Corresponding author: Sumara Rashid,
We present a case of a two-day-old Asian female infant with typical symptoms of Adams-Oliver syndrome
(AOS): two cutaneous lesions including aplasia cutis congenita (ACC) and hypoplastic phalanges. The lesion
on the abdomen is a relatively rare finding of the syndrome. Skin and skull bone were absent in the anterior
fontanelle region, and hypertrophic labia minora was observed. The patient was put on regular follow-up.
Categories: Dermatology, Pediatrics
Keywords: adams–oliver syndrome, cutaneous lesions, hypoplastic phalanges, hypertrophic labia minora, aplasia
cutis congenita
Adams-Oliver syndrome (AOS), a rare congenital disorder, is characterized by congenital scalp defects
(aplasia cutis congenita (ACC)) along with defects of the terminal transverse limbs that may vary in severity
[1]. This disorder was described for the first time in 1945 by Adams and Oliver [2], and since then, several
similar cases have been reported. Although autosomal dominant (AD) inheritance was thought to be the
probable mode of inheritance initially in 1945, subsequent case reports suggest autosomal recessive (AR)
inheritance for this syndrome. Having a family history of the syndrome and being born to parents that are
closely related by blood are both genetic risk factors for AOS. Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita, an
added defect, has been associated with 12% of cases of AOS [3]. Congenital defects and vascular heart
anomalies may also be present [4]. The most common limb anomalies are hypoplastic or absent distal
phalanges, but defects range from hypoplastic nails to completely absent hands or lower legs [5]. It is
believed that normal lifespan is not affected if the syndrome does not involve any major organs [6]. The
involvement of internal organs, including the central nervous system, cardiopulmonary system, and
gastrointestinal tract, is usually lethal [5].
AOS is a rare disease and even rarer with lesions on the abdomen, which is why this case is being presented
[7]. Reporting this case, especially with a unique finding, will contribute to the limited relevant literature
that exists and that will lead to an overall better understanding of the syndrome.
Case Presentation
A two-day-old Pakistani female infant weighing 4.6 pounds at birth was born after a full-term pregnancy
through C-section delivery. She was the second of two siblings and the daughter of consanguineous healthy
parents. She was referred to the Dermatology Department at Fatima Memorial Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan, for
the evaluation of two cutaneous lesions on the central line of her abdomen above the umbilicus (Figure 1)
and on the central scalp (Figure 2). A focal defect of scarred atrophic plaque with thin skin was present in
the midline of the vertex area involving the sagittal suture. The lesion was approximately 4 × 3 cm in the
region anterior to the occipital fontanelle. The scarred plaque had a complete absence of hair and a central
hemorrhagic necrotic crust. A small ulcerated area was observed in the immediate surroundings of the crust.
The abdominal skin had a puckered, shiny scar on the central lower abdomen surrounding the umbilicus. It
was a 3 × 3 cm erythematous area with a band-like small hypertrophic scar in its center, but there was no
ulceration. Normal cutaneous blood vessels were visible in the surrounding area.
The mother denied any toxic exposures or any serious illness during pregnancy and any family history of the
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Open Access Case
Report DOI: 10.7759/cureus.23297
How to cite this article
Rashid S, Azeem S, Riaz S (March 18, 2022) Adams–Oliver Syndrome: A Rare Congenital Disorder. Cureus 14(3): e23297. DOI
FIGURE 1: Cutaneous lesion above the umbilicus
FIGURE 2: Cutaneous lesion on the central scalp
Due to the presence of hypoplastic phalanges, both in digits and toes, the child was scheduled to undergo a
complete musculoskeletal examination, X-ray of hands and feet, an abdominal ultrasound, an
echocardiogram, and CT scan of the skull in the Department of Pediatrics (Figures 3, 4). Upon physical
examination of the patient, it was revealed that the skin and parts of both parietal bones making the sagittal
suture were absent in the occipital fontanelle region. Additionally, hypertrophic labia minora was observed.
There were no other noticeable symptoms, and the child was healthy. Generalized cutis marmorata was not
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observed although it is associated with some cases of AOS. Moro reflex was intact. Suckling after birth and
ophthalmological consultation were normal. The baby was lying in the midline position with a symmetrical
body. Normal limb movements were present with normal tendon reflexes. The facial response to touch was
of normal category. The baby was kept in a newborn nursery for observation and cardiac monitoring. Further
imaging and other investigations were planned, and a topical antibacterial was prescribed for the scalp
hemorrhagic ulcerated lesion. The parents were genetically counseled. Informed consent for the use of
pictures and disease details was obtained from the parents.
FIGURE 3: Hypoplastic phalanges of hands
FIGURE 4: Hypoplastic phalanges of feet
Adams-Oliver syndrome has an approximate incidence of one in 225,000 births [4]. It was first picked up and
reported by Adams and Oliver in 1945. They identified eight cases in one family [2]. Since then, cases of
Adams-Oliver syndrome have been reported worldwide with various symptoms.
Cases with autosomal dominant (AD), sporadic, and autosomal recessive (AR) genetics have been identified
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[4]. The AD and AR AOS-related genes are ARHGAP31, DLL4, NOTCH1, or RBPJ and DOCK6 or EOGT,
respectively [8]. Genetic predisposition is a speculated factor in the cases identified by Adams and Oliver.
The absence of family history suggests this case to be most likely a sporadic one. However, it does not rule
out its genetic inheritance. This is because parents that are closely related by blood have a greater chance of
carrying the same abnormal gene as opposed to parents who are not. Therefore, a consanguineous marriage,
such as the one in our case, increases the chance of AOS [8].
Terminal transverse limb defects, aplasia cutis congenita (ACC), and positive family history are considered as
major criteria for the diagnosis of AOS [4,9]. Cutis marmorata, congenital heart defects, and vascular
anomaly are considered minor criteria for the diagnosis of the syndrome. To label the diagnosis, two major
criteria or one major and one minor are taken as adequate evidence [4].
Disproportionate limb deformities are the most commonly seen finding in AOS [4], especially involving the
lower limbs [3], and may include hypoplastic fingernails or toenails, syndactyly, polydactyly, or
brachydactyly. Oligodactyly, the complete absence of a finger, toe, limb, or hand, may be observed in severe
cases [5]. Phenotypically, the appearance of the limbs can show varying severity from normal appearance (as
in obligate AOS carriers) to the total absence of hand or foot.
The causes for aplasia cutis congenita may be teratogenic factors (physical, metabolic, infectious, chemical,
or maternal health factors), fetal exposure to drugs such as cocaine and alcohol, or intrauterine infections
[10]. No such history was seen in this case. The only significant part for the entire duration of the pregnancy
was the suggestion of a C-section due to fetal distress exhibited as tachycardia at term. Fetal distress was not
noted at any other stage of pregnancy as indicated by fetal Doppler studies. The lesions, however, were
formed during the beginning of intrauterine life as indicated by the healed scar tissue on birth. Therefore,
fetal distress cannot be a potential cause.
Although the typical site for ACC is scalp vertex, less common sites such as the parietal scalp, trunk (torso),
and limbs can also be involved [11]. On the abdomen, the linear band of hypertrophic scar is confined to a
specific area in the center. This is not expected to lead to abdominal constriction during the growth of the
abdominal wall and musculature as might have happened in case the scar had extended to cover a greater
area. A broad spectrum of intracranial abnormalities has been documented in AOS patients that include
encephalocele, microcephaly, hypoplasia of the left arteria cerebri, medial and right spastic hemiplegia,
cortical dysplasia, pachygyria, hypoplastic corpus callosum, parenchymal calcifications, abnormal cerebral
vasculature, ventriculomegaly, and dysplasia of the cerebral cortex [3]. These could result in secondary
symptoms such as epilepsy and mental retardation. Furthermore, in skin lesions on the scalp associated with
AOS, underlying dilated blood vessels may bleed and lead to hemorrhage [8]. In our case, a necrotic
hemorrhagic crust was seen in the center of the otherwise healed scalp lesion.
Labial abnormalities, as seen in our patient, have not been reported before. There is currently no biological
reason, but it may be associated with a wide clinical spectrum of AOS. The cardiovascular system can also be
affected in the form of obstructive defects in the left heart, valvular anomalies, pulmonary vascular
malformation, and pulmonary hypertension. Other clinical abnormalities that can be seen in such patients
include cutis marmorata telangiectasia congenita, gastrointestinal and hepatic malformations, accessory
nipples, microphthalmia, hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, and cleft lip [3]. Our patient did not show
any of these findings as evident by examination and investigations.
Differential diagnoses can include epidermolysis bullosa, herpes simplex infection, and focal dermal
hypoplasia (Goltz syndrome). The absence of bullous eruptions and the absence of the involvement of sites
of friction sites rule out epidermolysis bullosa. Herpes simplex, although often found on the scalp, is not
associated with limb or abdomen abnormalities. Focal dermal hypoplasia is a multisystem disorder involving
the hair, teeth, glands, and eyes. Although the teeth of a newborn cannot be assessed, hair and eyes can, and
they were normal. CT scan and MRI did not show any abnormalities in internal organs [12]. Aplasia cutis
congenita could be a part of even rarer syndromes.
Although there is no lethal internal organ involvement, meningitis and infections can be potential
complications, so a regular follow-up is essential. Genetic prenatal testing is recommended for future
pregnancies, but it may not be easily accessible in Pakistan. Parents should be genetically counseled as to
the gene for AOS has a 50% (AD inheritance) or a 25% (AR inheritance) chance of being inherited. During
follow-up, a multidisciplinary approach may be required to take care of the associated limb abnormalities,
e.g., plastic surgery for the hypoplastic limb defects or cutis aplasia. Vaginal surgeries for normal structural
restoration may be considered after puberty. Regular follow-up, growth charts, and close monitoring by a
pediatrician should be done. The quality of life may be compromised due to cosmetic disabilities, but in
terms of life expectancy, the patient is expected to live a normal life provided that the necessary milestones
are achieved and the skull bone grows normally without any serious comorbidity.
AOS is a rare multisystem disorder that affects the quality of life and can be lethal if internal organs are
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involved. We present a case of AOS with two cutaneous lesions, hypoplastic phalanges, and hypertrophic
labia minora. A regular follow-up, in this case, is required with immediate reporting of infection and
disease. Any complication should be dealt with immediately and accordingly.
Additional Information
Human subjects: Consent was obtained or waived by all participants in this study. Conflicts of interest: In
compliance with the ICMJE uniform disclosure form, all authors declare the following: Payment/services
info: All authors have declared that no financial support was received from any organization for the
submitted work. Financial relationships: All authors have declared that they have no financial
relationships at present or within the previous three years with any organizations that might have an
interest in the submitted work. Other relationships: All authors have declared that there are no other
relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.
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Background: Adams-Oliver syndrome (AOS) (#614,219) is a multiple malformation disorder characterized by the presence of aplasia cutis congenita (ACC) and transverse terminal limb defects (TTLD). Methods and results: We describe a confirmed case of AOS with a novel pathogenic variation in Dedicator Of Cytokinesis 6 (DOCK6) gene, with neurological abnormalities, characterized by the presence of a multiple malformation entity with extensive cardiological and neurological abnormalities. Conclusions: In AOS, genotype-phenotype correlations have been described. DOCK6 mutations appear to be related with congenital cardiac and central nervous system malformations associated with intellectual disability, as illustrated in the present case.
Full-text available
Adams–Oliver syndrome (AOS) is a rare congenital disorder with unknown etiology commonly presented with aplasia cutis and terminal limb defects. Central nervous and cardiopulmonary systems may also be affected. It is commonly inherited as an autosomal dominant disorder but autosomal recessive and sporadic cases have also been reported. Here, we present a 10-year-old boy with extensive aplasia cutis congenita and limb anomalies as well as mild pachygyria and focal acrania in neuroimaging. No other internal organ involvement was obvious in this patient. Family history was negative for this syndrome. AOS is a multisystem disorder, and so it is crucial to investigate for internal organ involvements.
Full-text available
Adams Oliver syndrome (AOS) is a rare autosomal dominant congenital disorder characterized by absence of skin and or underlying structure over scalp along with transverse limb defect. It was first described by Adam and Oliver in 1945. We report a rare case of adams oliver syndrome with limited expression involving scalp, transverse limb defects along with unreported truncal involvement.
Full-text available
Adams-Oliver syndrome (AOS) is characterized by the combination of congenital scalp defects (aplasia cutis congenita) and terminal transverse limb defects of variable severity. It is believed that Adams-Oliver syndrome without major organ abnormalities does not necessarily alter the normal lifespan. We present a case without detectable major organ abnormality contrary to life but with poor weight gain. A male infant with scalp and skin cutis aplasia, generalized cutis aplasia, dilated veins over scalp and trunk, hypoplastic toes and nails of feet, glaucoma, poor feeding and poor weight gain. This report shows a case of AOS without major multiple organ abnormalities but with poor feeding and abnormal weight gain that may be alter the normal lifespan.
Full-text available
Background: Adams-Oliver Syndrome is characterized by the combination of aplasia cutis congenita and limb anomalies. It was initially described in 1945 by Adams and Oliver. Main observations: We report a case of a 10-year-old girl with Adams-Oliver Syndrome with aplasia cutis congenita and limb defects only with no internal organ anomalies. Conclusions: Adams-Oliver Syndrome is a rare multisystem disorder of unknown etiology. It may be presented by isolated aplasia cutis congenita and limb anomalies.
Full-text available
Adams-Oliver syndrome (AOS) is a congenital condition characterized by aplasia cutis congenita, transverse limb defects, and cutis marmorata telangiectatica. AOS can also be associated with extensive lethal anomalies of internal organs, including the central nervous, cardiopulmonary, gastrourointestinal, and genitourinary systems. Generally, the more severe these interrelated anomalies are, the poorer the prognosis becomes. In the relevant literature on this topic, it is somewhat unclear as to whether the prognosis of AOS without lethal anomalies alters the lifespan. We report a case of AOS with typical skin defects only, and no internal organ anomalies.
Goltz syndrome, caused by mutations in PORCN, is an X-linked dominant ectodermal dysplasia which is also known as focal dermal hypoplasia. This name is derived from the predominant pathologic skin findings of the syndrome. Nineteen Goltz-affected participants attended a multidisciplinary scientific and clinical conference convened by the National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasia which allowed further characterization of the features of this very rare condition. At birth, the affected areas of skin are typically erythematous and fragile. The hallmark cutaneous features, which vary widely due to mosacism and X-inactivation, include the previously described skin changes of asymmetric Blaschko-linear and reticulated atrophy, pigmentary changes, and telangectasias. Lipomatous changes and papillomas as characteristically defined were reported in the majority of patients. A newly recognized skin finding was progressive hyperpigmented freckling that occurred within the hypopigmented areas which were noted to be photosensitive. Many patients also had a pebbly texture to the central face, dorsal hands and feet. Punctate erosions within the atrophic areas and hypohidrosis were also common. Most had patchy alopecia and many had diffusely thin hair. Scanning electron microscopy of the hair shafts revealed abnormalities in the majority of participants with several different features identified, including atrophic hairs with reduced diameters, markedly flattened hairs as noted in cross-sectional views, trichorrhexis nodosa, pili torti, and pili trianguli et canaliculi. Nail changes included V-nicking and longitudinal ridging of the nail plate, in addition to micronychia. Early recognition of the dermatologic features, in addition to the variable but universal limb anomalies, of Goltz syndrome will allow early and accurate diagnosis without the need for extensive diagnostic studies, while also allowing for accurate prognosis and appropriate genetic counseling.
A new-born male baby with typical features of Adams-Oliver syndrome (AOS) is described. Adams-Oliver syndrome is the association of aplasia cutis congenita with terminal transverse limb reduction defects with or without cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita. The patient presented with brachydactyly involving all the digits of his hands and shortening of both big toes along with aplasia cutis on the scalp. There was no systemic involvement. The patient was placed on regular follow-up.
Nine members of four generations of a kindred had an autosomal dominant syndrome in which congenital scalp defects were associated with abnormalities of the hands and feet. Radiographically apparent, circumscribed defects of the skull were an additional inconsistent feature. Genetic counseling is made difficult by varying phenotypic expression of the gene.
Aplasia cutis congenita is a rare congenital absence of skin most commonly affecting the scalp. Although most defects are small and superficial, approximately 20% of cases involve absence of the skull. Such defects expose the brain and sagital sinus, with concomitant risk of fatal hemorrage, infection, or both. This anomaly most commonly presents as a solitary defect, but sometimes it may occur as multiple lesions. The lesions are noninflammatory and well demarcated, and range is variable from 0.5 cm to 10 cm or more. Although the majority of these scalp defects occurs sporadically, many family cases have been reported. Multiple causes have been suggested for aplasia cutis: genetic causes, syndromes and teratogens, intrauterine infection -varicella zoster virus, herpes simplex virus-, fetal exposure to cocaine, heroin, alcohol or antithyroid drugs. A retrospective study of children with Aplasia Cutis Congenita who received treatment in Hospital La Paz, in Madrid between 1995 and 2005 was undertaken. We checked location, moment of the surgery, type of surgery and aesthetic results. In the 20 year period between 1985-2005, we treated 36 patients with Aplasia Cutis. 33 of them have the scalp affected and only in 3 cases the trunk was involved. In 4 cases there was an absence of the skull, two slight and two severe. 3 patients had Adams-Oliver and one Cutis Marmorata Telangiectasica syndrome. Fifteen patients were operated in neonatal period with direct closure or advancement or rotational flaps, and in 17 cases the late treatment included use of tissue expanders to cover definitely the defect. One of the patients died for bleeding of the sagital sinus while was waiting for the secondary closure of the wound, and other patient required complex skull reconstruction to achieve a complete coverage. In view of our experience and results, we believe that early surgery prevents vital risks, reduces local complications and makes easier the final reconstruction.
Abdominal aplasia cutis congenita with fetus papyraceus and amniotic band syndrome
  • M F Yang
  • A N Haggstrom
  • Yang MF
Yang MF, Haggstrom AN: Abdominal aplasia cutis congenita with fetus papyraceus and amniotic band syndrome. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2010, 62:109. 10.1016/j.jaad.2009.11.663