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A Survey on Brain-Computer Interface and Related Applications

  • Independent Researcher
  • KLE Technological University Dr M S Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology
  • KLE Technological University Dr. MSSCET
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Abstract and Figures

BCI systems are able to communicate directly between the brain and computer using neural activity measurements without the involvement of muscle movements. For BCI systems to be widely used by people with severe disabilities, long-term studies of their real-world use are needed, along with effective and feasible dissemination models. In addition, the robustness of the BCI systems' performance should be improved so they reach the same level of robustness as natural muscle-based health monitoring. In this chapter, we review the recent BCI related studies, followed by the most relevant applications of BCI systems. We also present the key issues and challenges which exist in regard to the BCI systems and also provide future directions.
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A Survey on Brain-Computer Interface and
Related Applications
aKrishna Pai, bRakhee Kallimani, cSridhar Iyer, B. dUma Maheswari
eRajashri Khanai, fDattaprasad Torse
a,c,eDepartment of ECE, KLE Dr. M.S. Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology,
Udyambag, Belagavi, KA, India- 590008.
bDepartment of EEE, KLE Dr. M.S. Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology,
Udyambag, Belagavi, KA, India- 590008.
dDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru,
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, KA, India- 560035
fDepartment of CSE, KLE Dr. M.S. Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology,
Udyambag, Belagavi, KA, India- 590008.
BCI systems are able to communicate directly between the brain and computer using neural
activity measurements without the involvement of muscle movements. For BCI systems to be
widely used by people with severe disabilities, long-term studies of their real-world use are needed,
along with effective and feasible dissemination models. In addition, the robustness of the BCI
systems' performance should be improved so they reach the same level of robustness as natural
muscle-based health monitoring. In this chapter, we review the recent BCI related studies,
followed by the most relevant applications of BCI systems. We also present the key issues and
challenges which exist in regard to the BCI systems and also provide future directions.
Keywords: BCI, EEG, MEG, machine learning, artificial intelligence.
1. Introduction
BCI uses the brain's power to compute to make use of relatively new technology. Research has
been trying to decode the brain's signals since the first discovery of electroencephalography (EEG)
a century ago [1]. Until recently, the development of BCIs was thought of as science fiction. BCI
system collaborates the brain with an external device that uses signals from the brain for
performing external activities such as moving a wheelchair, robotic arm, or a computer cursor.
There are four main components of a BCI model, namely, the sensing device, the amplifier, the
filter, and the control system. The sensing device comprises a cap consisting of the electrodes
which are placed according to the international 1020 standards [2, 3]. Furthermore, an amplifier
could be one of several biological amplifiers available on the market [4], and the research on BCI
is geared toward developing a filter and control system that can be applied to brain signals.
When a person thinks of performing any task such as moving a cursor, then in such a case,
signals will be generated in the brain which is transferred from the brain to the finger on the
computer’s mouse via the body’s neuromuscular system. As the follow-up step, the finger will
move the cursor. In contrast, in BCI, such signals are transferred to an external device where they
will be decoded for moving the cursor. As another example, research on BCI also aims to help
such people who suffer from issues related to damaged hearing and sight and damaged movement.
An estimated 1.5 billion people suffer from neurological and neuroanatomical diseases and injuries
worldwide, resulting in movement impairments, which make it difficult to communicate, reach,
and grasp independently. A cortical prosthetic system consists of an end effector, which receives
a command for a particular action via a BCI that records the cortical activity of individuals who
have suffered neurological injuries such as spinal cord injuries, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and
strokes. In addition, a BCI decodes information pertaining to the intended function. There is a wide
range of end effectors in use now, ranging from virtual typing communication systems to robotic
arms and hands, as well as functional electrical stimulation for the reanimation of limbs.
It can be invasive in varying degrees, have varying spatial and temporal resolutions, and record
a wide range of signals. In BCI applications, such as the low-throughput communication spelling
systems [5], EEG, MEG, and fMRI can be used as non-invasive brain imaging technologies. There
are some problems associated with these noninvasive BCI approaches, such as the fact that they
are often slow (e.g., fMRI), have a low spatial resolution, and are susceptible to being corrupted
by external artefacts [6]. Thus, such options are not suitable for complex real-time applications
like high-performance communications, tracking multidimensional robotic limbs, or reanimation
of paralyzed limbs with coordinated grasps and reaches. A BCI that is invasive, on the other hand,
is able to command higher dimensional systems naturally, and restore more complex functions, as
a result of its higher resolution and wider transmission bandwidth.
Brain implants are among the most promising and popular technologies for assisting patients
with motor paralysis (such as paraplegia or quadriplegia) caused by strokes, spinal cord injuries,
cerebral palsy, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) [7]. Similarly, eye tracking can be used to
control external devices by paralyzed people, but this tech has numerous drawbacks, as it relies on
cameras or electrodes on the face to record eye movements or electrical signals, such as
electrooculography (EOG). As a result of BCI, neural commands are delivered to external devices
by translating human brain activity into external actions [8-10]. While BCI is most often used to
help disabled individuals with motor system disorders, it is also very helpful to those with healthy
motor systems as well as the elderly. The development of intelligent, adaptive, and rehabilitative
BCI applications for adults and geriatric patients will enhance their relationships with their
families, improve their cognitive and motor skills, and help with household tasks. BCIs are
generally regarded as mind-reading technologies, but this does not hold true in most cases. As
opposed to mind readers, BCIs provide the user with control by using brain signals rather than
muscle movements, so they don't extract information from unknowing or unwilling subjects. A
brain-computer interface (BCI) and a user are thus working together through training sessions
which involve the user generating brain signals that inform the BCI of the intended action, and the
BCI converting the signals into instructions that the output device is supposed to carry out.
As per the aforementioned, the research community faces numerous challenges in the
implementation of the BCI devices. Specifically, it is required that the electrodes and the surgical
methods used in the BCI process are minimally invasive which has resulted in much research focus
on the non-invasive methods of brain-computer interfacing.
In this chapter, we survey the recent research on BCI and its related applications. The related
works are detailed in Section 2. Section 3 discusses the most relevant applications of BCI. In
Section 4, we highlight the main challenges in regard to BCI and propose the relevant directions.
Finally, Section 5 concludes the chapter.
2. Related Works
Any human being usually produces a wide range of signals at any point in time which come
from the eyes, ears, nose, and other sensory organs present in the body. These signals travel to the
brain via the nervous system. The cerebral lobes play an important role for humans or animals
when understanding perception, thoughts, language, and memory, and thus EEG sensors, NIRS
detectors, etc, are used to acquire neural signals. With the help of these signals, the brain activity
of the human or an animal is understood via brain activity measurement algorithms. Fig. 1
demonstrates the detailed BCI interface from which it can be seen that during the process of signal
acquisition, pre-processing of the signal is carried out which includes filtering, sampling and
artefact removal [11]. Using these pre-processed data, the feature extraction process is carried out
following which, classification algorithms or CNN classifiers can be used to understand the neural
controls which are required for various applications such as medical gaming education, etc.
Further, these neural controls are provided as sensory feedback back to the brain in view of
understanding whether the activity which was carried out by the neural control is as desired or not.
In this regard, our survey in this chapter is mainly focused on the various types of classification
algorithms / CNN classifiers which can/have been implemented for the processing of neural
signals, and therefore aid in obtaining the neural controls.
The EEG data which is obtained from the brain in the form of neural signals have multiple
channels. The authors in [12] have used single-channel EEG data for developing a prototype using
the Internet of things (IoT) and BCI technology. The prototype is developed using the MATLAB
software where the classifiers are trained using the Weighted K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (Wk-
NN). An Arduino microcontroller is used as the hardware platform. The authors have demonstrated
that, towards the end of prototyping, a low cost and highly accurate system can be guaranteed
which can control the environment. The authors are also able to fetch and provide data to the cloud
through IFTTT. The classifiers used in this article are the cognitive state classifier and event-
related potential ERP classifier using the Wk-NN algorithm. An accuracy of 95% with 3100
observations per second and an accuracy of 98.3% with 1800 observations per second is achieved
by opting for the cognitive state classifier and ERP classifier, respectively.
Figure 1: Block diagram of BCI interface.
In general, the classifier algorithms depend on the features which are abstracted from the data
that has been collected from the neural signals. There are multiple feature extraction techniques
available in the literature, and one such feature extraction technique is the flexible analytic wallet
transform (FAWT) method. In [13], the authors have used the FAWT technique to divide the EEG
signals into their sub-bands thereby, extracting the movement-based features. Subspace KNN is
one of the best classification methods which is known to have reached an accuracy level of 99.33%.
The authors have also used other classification methods such as Support vector machines (SVM),
decision trees, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and standard KNN, which have obtained a
large spectrum of results. Specifically, an accuracy of 95.72%, 92.8%, 91.79% and 81.1% is
obtained by SVM, standard KNN, decision tree and LDA, respectively. The authors have also
considered accuracy, specificity, kappa value, f1-score, and sensitivity as the performance
The authors in [14] have shown that extreme learning machine (ELM) is more efficient than
SVM, considering the benchmark performance. They also state that the performance of ELM is
highly proportional to the number of hidden nodes, which are also known as the network structure
of ELM. Sparse Bayesian ELM based algorithm (SBELM) is shown to exhibit high
characterization accuracy on EEG signals. During the comparative study, it is observed that
accuracy of 76.3%, 77.1%, 77.8% and 78.5% is obtained via SVM, ELM, BELM and SBELM,
respectively. Lastly, the authors have stated that the proposed model can be further improved by
adding more distinctive and high-level attributes.
An accuracy level of 95% is obtained using the linear regression method on the equation-based
electroencephalogram model by the authors in [15]. The basic machine learning model can be
further improved by applying various methods such as systolic matrix multiplication, inversion,
and vector multiplication. The proposed algorithm consists of a normal equation that undergoes
many mathematical computations to obtain the output. The development environment in the study
is built based on docker technology. When deep learning and ELM are combined, in addition to
an improvement in a Long Short Term Memory network (LSTMs) and bagging algorithm, a
classification model is formed, which is known as LSTMS-B [16]. This new classification model
consists of Swish activation. In the study, an intelligent visual classification is observed with an
accuracy of 97.13% with 40 classes. Additional image categories are required for a sophisticated
technique to distinguish the EEG signals.
In [17], the authors have used the temporal-spatial CNN model which consists of two separate
sets of layers namely, the classification layer and feature extraction layer. It is observed that a
separate set of data is required for training the feature extraction layers and the classification layers
separately. The model provides an overall classification accuracy of 65.7% when spatial filtering
is used for feature extraction. The performance which is observed in this study is found to be
comparatively better compared to existing classic models. Deep learning models for the BCI
interface demands a huge amount of data for high accurate classification results. However, in a
general scenario, there is huge data scarcity and hence, the developed model cannot operate at its
full potential. To solve this issue, the authors in [18] have proposed a method to generate artificial
brain signals which can act as supplementary data along with the actual data. The authors also
propose the Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (cDCGAN) method for data
augmentation which is evaluated on the Convolutional neural network (CNN) model for
corresponding classification performance. The CNN classification model is shown to acquire
accuracy of 82.86%, 82.86% and 82.14% by employing the actual EEG data, artificially generated
EEG data and mixed EEG data, respectively.
The authors [19] have proved the superiority of deep learning-based classification techniques
over the existing traditional classification techniques. Five class steady-state visual evoked
potential datasets (SSVEP) are used in this study, and a detailed comparison is provided between
the CNN and the recurrent neural networks (RNN) using the LSTM architecture. The authors have
proved that CNN demonstrates the highest accuracy of classification corresponding to 69.3%,
whereas the traditional classification algorithm i.e., SVM with Gaussian kernel, achieves a
classification accuracy of 66.9%.
The article [20], provides a comprehensive review of the role of machine learning in BCI, the
authors have provided a detailed ML method focusing on mental state detection, state
categorization and emotion classification. EEG signal classification, event-related potential signal
classification, motor imagery categorization and limb movement classification. The methods such
as Common Spatial Pattern (CSP), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Component
Analysis (ICA), Autoregressive (AR) Method, Wavelet Packet Decomposition (WPD) for feature
extraction and selection is explored. Detailed Classification methods such as K-Nearest Neighbor
(KNN), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Naive Bayes, Extreme Learning Machine (ELM),
Support Vector Machine (SVM), Neural Networks (NNs) are reviewed. The Neural Networks are
studied in detail for Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN),
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN).
A group of enthusiastic researchers [21], the article is dedicated to the comprehensive review
of Development in Emotion detection and classification. The researchers have provided a deep
insight in reviewing the published articles focusing significantly on recognition of emotional state
based on a specific study performed on the participants/patients at different emotional states using
EEG BCI. Researchers all provide a section on trends and challenges in the mentioned field and
emphasize the growth of the technology in the next decade.
The authors in [22] provide a complete review of the clinical application of BCI targeting
paralyzed patients. The work focused on locked-in syndrome as well as on Completely locked-in
syndrome. The work also demonstrates the application of the Brain-machine interface on chronic
stroke patients. The results have shown a positive response with the combination of BCI to
psychiatric and clinical psychological issues. And the authors mention works further in the
improvement in complex behavioural disorders.
The authors in [23] mention different types of neuroimaging BCI methods and provide the
merits and demerits of each method. The authors in the article mention the trend of development
of the brain-to-brain interface, where individuals are linked with the computer as a mediator. EEG
being the popular neuroimaging method, the author describes the other neuroimaging methods
such as MEG, which is associated with neuro activity based on magnetic fields. fMRI detects the
changes in local cerebral blood oxygen level-dependent signal contrast. NIRS is a method
employing a near-infrared spectrum and can penetrate the skull and investigate cerebral
metabolism. It is the recent development technique in assessing cortical regional activities. The
most recent development is the ultrasound Doppler imaging technique fTCD. The limitation of
this method is in terms of penetration.
The authors in [24] worked on EEG data parsed with Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and
each multilayer perceptron neural network characteristic are statistically analyzed. The proposed
approach presents 98.33 % of accuracy in comparison to other models. The model is proposed to
aid in the detection, diagnosis, and classification of epileptic seizures.
The aim of the researchers in [25] is to design a BCI system to extract features and classify the
EEG signals accurately by employing Deep Learning Methods. The work is demonstrated on
Convolutional Neural networks and Long-term Short-term memory networks. The study is focused
on the data obtained from 2 women and 3 men with subjects as healthy, mental and right-handed
The authors in the article [26] presented a detailed survey on automated seizure detection.
thereby laying a foundation to solve the manual detection method to diagnose epilepsy via manual
operations. This study was carried out around various classifiers such as KNN, LS-SVM,
Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network (MLPNN), Naïve Bayes (NB) and Random Forest (RF).
The highest classification accuracy was achieved to be 97.3% due to an automated system
consisting of varied values of Q that decomposes EEG signals. which in turn computes Korsakov
and Shannon entropies. Hence detecting the seizures using a classifier named random forest. The
other classification accuracies achieved were 86.1%, 95.6%, 92.5% and 84.4% for KNN, LS-
SVM, Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network (MLPNN) and Naïve Bayes (NB) respectively.
A highly accurate model [27] for categorisation of normal or seizure conditions for chronic
brain disorder is explored. The models are based on tuneable-Q wavelet transform (TQWT) and
ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) algorithms. The entropy parameters and TQWT
parameters Have produced an optimum value for high classification performance. The joint
method consisting of EEMD-TQWT + RF algorithms have produced and highest classification
accuracy of 96.2%.
In Table 1, we summarize the classifier algorithms implemented by various studies including
the accuracy which has been achieved.
Table 1. Details of the algorithms used by various studies and the achieved accuracy.
Classifier Algorithm Used
Event-Related Potential (ERP) using Weighted k-Nearest Neighbor (Wk-NN)
98.3 %
Cognitive State Classifier using Weighted k-Nearest Neighbor (Wk-NN) algorithm
95 %
Subspace KNN
Support vector machines (SVM)
Standard KNN
Decision Tree
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
Support vector machines (SVM)
Extreme learning machine (ELM)
Bayesian ELM (BELM)
Sparse Bayesian ELM (SBELM)
Linear Regression
Deep learning + ELM + LSTM + bagging algorithm (LSTMS-B)
Temporal-spatial CNN
Convolutional neural network (CNN)
CNN + Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (cDCGAN)
CNN + Mixed Data
CNN/recurrent neural networks (RNN) using LSTM architecture
SVM with Gaussian kernel
Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network (MLPNN)
Naïve Bayes (NB)
Random Forest (RF)
tunable-Q wavelet transform (TQWT) + ensemble empirical mode decomposition
3. Applications of BCI
In this section we details the state-of-the-art applications of BCI. Several studies are underway
to enhance current BCI systems by combining multimodal signal acquisition methods. Several
studies have demonstrated that fMRI with simultaneous EEG can yield complementary features
through the use of the EEG's effective spatial resolution and the EEG's effective temporal
resolution [28]. MEG can also work in conjunction with EEG, since it provides information about
radially/tangentially polarized sources in cortical subcortical networks, and is able to complement
the EEG by adding complementary information [29]. A few studies contend that EEG and MEG
can detect subcortical activities; however, skepticism remains regarding their capability to detect
brain activities that originate from subcortical areas [30, 31]. It has become increasingly common
to combine different signal acquisition methods for improving BCI efficiency in recent years.
In order to translate any brain signal into a command that can be used by a computer or other
external device, signal processing combined with machine learning techniques plays a crucial role.
Time domain representations of the brain signals include the Fourier transform (FT) and
autoregressive models, whereas time-frequency representations include short time FTs and
wavelet transforms [32]. When spatial filtering is considered, many inverse models enable the
differentiation and projection of actual sources on three-dimensional cortical-subcortical networks
[33]. A variety of linear and nonlinear classification algorithms, such as kernel-based support
vector machines and linear discriminant analysis can be used to translate the extracted features
[34]. A deeper understanding of BCI based on deep learning paradigms is receiving increasing
attention from researchers thanks to the remarkable advancements in computational infrastructure
over the past decade [35]. This is due to the fact that such systems can evaluate large datasets. The
inverse problem must be solved in order to model the cortical sources [33]. Additionally, new
methods for localizing sources have emerged in recent years, including wavelet-based maximum
entropy over the average that represents EEG/MEG signals as time-frequency contents and then
transforms them into spatial representations. Sensors with customized designs are developed for
the acquisition of brain signals. There are many forms of neurosensors, including electrochemical,
optical, chemical, and biological [37]. Nanowire Field Effect Transistor and other p/n junction
devices have demonstrated the feasibility of neuro-sensing techniques in intracellular recordings
even in deep brain regions, thanks to major advancements in nanotechnology [38].
BCI systems have also shown the ability to read thoughts in regard to the multiple movements
[39-41]. Researchers have used BCI to test the thinking of pigs while running on the treadmill.
They were also able to predict what the pig's brain would do next in addition to interpreting the
pig's thoughts. Moreover, researchers are carrying out research on the use of brain-computer
interfaces to improve communication among people who are paralyzed physically and unable to
speak or move. In these situations, BCI enables the person to communicate verbally and in writing.
BCI system for brain-to-text transcription also aid the paralyzed people to imagine writing the
letters, and these letters appear on the screen. In the experiments, the paralyzed patients are asked
to think at a rate of 90 characters per minute, which are then decoded and presented on the screen
in less than one second. This demonstrates results which are 80% faster than the typical typing
speed on a smartphone screen for a person of the same age range. Even after bein affected for years
after paralysis, the motor cortex is still powerful enough to read by a BCI well enough for the
typing speed and precision.
In [42, 43], the authors have developed BCI to generate synthesized speech. To obtain the
results, electrodes were placed on the surface of the brain to measure the signal and calculate
movements of vocal tract. The captured vocal tract movements are then converted to sounds, and
the original voice is then converted into synthesized speech. BCIs have also been demonstrated to
be used for assiting and restoring the vision of the blind people [44, 45]. A camera, positioned on
glass, captures a video image, processes it, and then activates a chip installed in a retina to stimulate
the eye. The ultimate goal is to be able to use the implant to transform camera inputs into brain
activity. Thus, it presents a novel method of treating blindness which targets the brain directly
rather than the eyes. Patients with hearing loss have several options for addressing their hearing
loss, including BCIs [46, 47]. It works similar to the microphone which picks up sounds and
conversations from various people. Implants are positioned behind the ear or beneath the skin
which then transfers the impulses to electrodes which are implanted in the cochlea via a sound
BCIs have also been found to be helpful in assisting the elderly people [48]. Changes occur
in the brain and the body as age increases, and elderly people require assistance. Nevertheless,
they are generally not provided the assistance they require owing to the expense of the care and
treatment which is required. In this case, BCI technology can help the elederly in multiple ways
such as, improving their communication, controlling domestic appliances, and strengthening their
cognitive abilities. Currently, demantia is very common among adults [49, 50]. BCI s are used to
detect early Alzheimer, and are also used to classify and to know the type of Demantia. It is very
important to detect early Alzheimer’s type of dementia (AD) as it can be treated using medicine
itself. Motion sickness and drowsiness decreases the performance of drivers, and on occasions
also result in an accident [51-55]. Motion sickness can be predicted by measuring EEG signal
received from different areas of brain region. EEG-based BCI systems have shown immense
potential in a variety of applications including, post-stroke treatment [56, 57], illness diagnosis
[58], emotion identification [59], and gaming [60], have showed great promise for EEG-based BCI
BCI systems also aid in predicting brain tumour [61], epilepsy (seizure disorder) [62], and
encephalitis (brain swelling). Further, it is poosible to ensure early detection of Dyslexia using
BCI which in turn helps in treating the children and improve their self-confidence [63]. The
combination of rtfMRI-EEG BCI systems are used for finding the depression [64], and emotion
recognition [65] of patients can also be identified using fMRI BCI system. The BrainArena [66]
connects two brains to a football video game using BCIs, and can score by thinking left and right
movements. Playing Brainball game twice a week has been demonstrated to improve the students
learning skills. Lastly, people can measure their stress level by playing the Brainball game in which
the player with less stress only can move the balls [67].
4. Issues and Challenges, and future directions
The BCI technology has gained tremendous attention from the research community including
the scientists within the medical and the non-medical fields. The major issues faced within the
research domain can be categorized into three sectors namely, neuro-psycho-physiological,
technical, and ethical [68].
1. Neuro-psycho-physiological issues: Performance of the brain is affected by the anatomy
problems including the complexity owing to the genetic issues and structure, diversity of the
brain, and the psychological problems such as, anxiety, fatigue and emotional state, stress,
and memory which vary from one person to another. These issues have been demonstrated to
predominantly affect the performance of BCI.
2. Technical issues: The major challenge faced by the BCI system is to select the appropriate
components or technology related to the application as it is related to the signal. Selection of
the method to acquire the brain signal and then to process it presents a mojor challenge.
Another challenge is educating the operator of the BCI system.
3. Ethical issues: These are related to the safety of the physical and mental, and emotional state
of the user. The user data is highly confidential and needs to be maintained by the system.
User consent is another prominent issue related to the BCI system.
In regard to the technical issues, the authors in [69, 70] detail the the significant challenges in
developing the BCI. Specifically,
The Non-Linearity characteristics of the brain signal, with the non-stationarity behaviour
of the signal, presents a key challenge. In addition, noise also aids its vital contribution to
the challenges of the BCI system.
Another technical challenge is the brain signal transfer rate. Currently, the BCIs are at an
extremely slow transfer rate, and this is a msjor research topic, especially for BCI based on
visual stimulus.
The selection of appropriate decoding techniques, processing and classification algorithms
is a challenge to control the BCI system.
Another critical issue is the lack of balancing between the training required for the accurate
function of the system and the technical complexity of decoding the activities of the brain.
There is a need to focus on the BCI system and provide a systematic approach for a
particular performance metric as there are varied performance metrics, and it is a major
challenge to select a particular metric for a specific application.
In addition, the areas which need to be further explored include the long-term effects which
are not known, technology effects on the life quality of the multiple subjects and their
relatives/families, the side effects which are related to health such as, quality of sleep, functioning
of the normal brain and memory, and the non convertible alterations which are made to the brain.
Further, there also occur multiple legal and social issues which needs to be settled namely, the
accountability and responsibililty which is required to be taken in regard to the influence of the
BCIs, inaccuracy in the translation of the cognitive intentions, the possible changes in the
personality, no being able to distinguish between humans and the machine controlled actions,
misuse of techniques during the interrogation by authorities, the capability and privacy of the mind
reading, and the mind control and emotion control related issues. In addition, a major are of
concern is the legal responsibility which needs to be finalized for scenarios where accidents occur.
Additional challenge which has emerged is in regard to the response of the body to the invasive
BCIs which requires the use of implanted micro-electrodes array which come under direct contact
with specific neurons within the brain. These electrodes are recognised as foreign bodies which
trigger the natural immune system, and these neurons are surrounded by fibrous capsules of the
tissue in turn minimzing the signal recording ability of the electrodes, ultimately resulting in the
BCIs unusability. Further, minimizing the power consumption for decreasing the battery size and
prolonging the lifespan is another key challenge since there exists a trade-off between the power
consumption and the efficient bio-security. In this regard, for ensuring the bio-security, signals are
required to be encrypted which increases the power consumption.
Further, the major problem in the implementation of the BCI technology is a lack of efficienct
sensor modality which provides safe, accurate, and robust access to the brain signals. Also, the
development of such sensors, with additional channels for improving the accuracy and reducing
the corresponding power usage is a major challenge. The ethical, legal, and social implications of
the BCIs may also slow down, stop, or divert this technology into a completely different path
compared to the initial aim. Lastly, over the last decade, technology related to the genetic
sequencing technology and modern tools to map have aided the increase in understanding the
neuronal firing patterns, and the manner in which they lead to different actions. The brain-
interfacing devices are now becoming more sensitive, smaller, smarter, and portable over the time,
and future technologies must address the issues which are related to the ease of use, performance
robustness, and cost reduction.
5. Conclusion
The BCI community is conducting vast amounts of research to provide standardized platforms
and to assist the complex and non-linear dynamics that BCI systems encounter. In this chapter, we
have reviewed the most recent studies related to the BCI systems. We have also presented and
detailed the state-of-the-art BCI systems. Lastly, we have listed the key issues and challenges
which exist in regard to the BCI systems followed by some future directions which can enhance
the research to be conducted on the BCI systems.
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Conference Paper
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Biomarkers in neurophysiological signals can be analyzed to determine indicators of mood disorders for diagnosis. In this paper, EEG signals were analyzed from a public database of 119 subjects ages 18 to 24 performing a cognitive task. 45 subjects had moderate to severe anxiety and/or depression and the remaining 74 subjects had minimal or none. A subject's level of depression and/or anxiety was classified by standard psychological tests. EEG signals were preprocessed and separated into frequency bands: beta (12-30 Hz), alpha (8-12 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz) and delta (0.5-4 Hz). Features were extracted including Higuchi Fractal Dimension, correlation dimension, approximate entropy, Lyapunov exponent and detrended fluctuation analysis. Similarities, and asymmetry can be examined between the left and right brain hemispheres as well as the prefrontal cortex channels. ANOVA II analysis showed a significant difference (p<0.05) for topographical region comparisons of several features between the affected and unaffected subjects for specific features. The results demonstrate physiological asymmetry between high scoring subjects indicating a mood disorder, with low scoring, to be used as an indicator of illness. Understanding the complexities of how depression and anxiety are manifested physiologically including its comorbidities, is critical for accurate and objective diagnosis of mood and anxiety order disorders.
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This review article provides a deep insight into the Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) and the application of Machine Learning (ML) technology in BCIs. It investigates the various types of research undertaken in this realm and discusses the role played by ML in performing different BCI tasks. It also reviews the ML methods used for mental state detection, mental task categorization, emotion classification, electroencephalogram (EEG) signal classification, event-related potential (ERP) signal classification, motor imagery categorization, and limb movement classification. This work explores the various methods employed in BCI mechanisms for feature extraction, selection, and classification and provides a comparative study of reviewed methods. This paper assists the readers to gain information regarding the developments made in BCI and ML domains and future improvements needed for improving and designing better BCI applications.
Conference Paper
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We developed a new cueing system that capitalises on the spared musical processing abilities of people with dementia. We studied the cueing efficacy by testing different musical distortions (pitch, rhythm, and pitch-rhythm) while using different augmented reality-based interaction modalities in multiple cognitive stimulation tasks. A total of 18 volunteers participated in this study (8 with non-organic dementia) caused by substance abuse, such as alcoholism (control group) and 10 with organic dementia such as Alzheimer's disease (experimental group). We evaluated their performance using three augmented reality tasks: (1) a Knowledge Quiz activity, which is a general quiz knowledge game, (2) a Search Objects activity, which is a game that involves finding hidden images using a virtual magnifying glass and (3) an Association activity, which consists of a categorisation task. A within-subject experimental design has been used so that all participants could be exposed to distortions and activities. Results show that (1) participants, in general, were faster in completing the activities using rhythm and pitch distortions than non-distortion condition; (2) the experimental group reacted to the sound throughout the activities and, therefore, mitigating erroneous decision making; (3) despite the experimental group reacted to the distortions, the control group had better performance in the search and association activities and (4) music distortions compensated dementia related deficits, such as age, schooling and cognitive state. The results suggest that this novel cueing approach can improve people's performance with organic dementia and, more specifically, that such people can effectively process and exploit musical distortions.
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Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is an advanced and multidisciplinary active research domain based on neuroscience, signal processing, biomedical sensors, hardware, etc. Since the last decades, several groundbreaking research has been conducted in this domain. Still, no comprehensive review that covers the BCI domain completely has been conducted yet. Hence, a comprehensive overview of the BCI domain is presented in this study. This study covers several applications of BCI and upholds the significance of this domain. Then, each element of BCI systems, including techniques, datasets, feature extraction methods, evaluation measurement matrices, existing BCI algorithms, and classifiers, are explained concisely. In addition, a brief overview of the technologies or hardware, mostly sensors used in BCI, is appended. Finally, the paper investigates several unsolved challenges of the BCI and explains them with possible solutions.
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Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) can restore communication to people who have lost the ability to move or speak. So far, a major focus of BCI research has been on restoring gross motor skills, such as reaching and grasping1,2,3,4,5 or point-and-click typing with a computer cursor6,7. However, rapid sequences of highly dexterous behaviours, such as handwriting or touch typing, might enable faster rates of communication. Here we developed an intracortical BCI that decodes attempted handwriting movements from neural activity in the motor cortex and translates it to text in real time, using a recurrent neural network decoding approach. With this BCI, our study participant, whose hand was paralysed from spinal cord injury, achieved typing speeds of 90 characters per minute with 94.1% raw accuracy online, and greater than 99% accuracy offline with a general-purpose autocorrect. To our knowledge, these typing speeds exceed those reported for any other BCI, and are comparable to typical smartphone typing speeds of individuals in the age group of our participant (115 characters per minute)⁸. Finally, theoretical considerations explain why temporally complex movements, such as handwriting, may be fundamentally easier to decode than point-to-point movements. Our results open a new approach for BCIs and demonstrate the feasibility of accurately decoding rapid, dexterous movements years after paralysis.
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The advancement in neuroscience and computer science promotes the ability of the human brain to communicate and interact with the environment, making brain–computer interface (BCI) top interdisciplinary research. Furthermore, with the modern technology advancement in artificial intelligence (AI), including machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) methods, there is vast growing interest in the electroencephalogram (EEG)‐based BCIs for AI‐related visual, literal, and motion applications. In this review study, the literature on mainstreams of AI for the EEG‐based BCI applications is investigated to fill gaps in the interdisciplinary BCI field. Specifically, the EEG signals and their main applications in BCI are first briefly introduced. Next, the latest AI technologies, including the ML and DL models, are presented to monitor and feedback human cognitive states. Finally, some BCI‐inspired AI applications, including computer vision, natural language processing, and robotic control applications, are presented. The future research directions of the EEG‐based BCI are highlighted in line with the AI technologies and applications.
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This paper addresses the development of a dementia screening tool using a character-input-type brain–computer Interface (BCI). A blinking letter board is presented to the subject for each matrix by the character-input-type BCI, and by keeping an eye on one character, the character-gazing is estimated based on the event-related potential P300 of the subject. In this experiment, the subject is instructed to specify and subsequently watch a task character. Four sets are made, each consisting of five or six task letters per subject. The subjects include 53 elderly people in their 60 s and 90 s who were diagnosed with specific symptoms of dementia. The dementia types of the subjects include the Alzheimer’s type of dementia (AD), the Lewy body type of dementia, as well as the mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The relationship between the types of dementia and the four BCI features is explained by the Kruskal–Wallis test and multiple comparisons. Also, dementia types are classified using the BCI features that are closely related to each specific type. The results were obtained using four BCI features as inputs to the classifier and three dementia types as outputs. The classification rate for the three groups was about 60%. Since the classification rate of dementia with the Lewy body (DLB) is low, the classification was performed in two groups, MCI and AD. Furthermore, the classification rate of about 80% was confirmed.