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Ruptured Median Raphe Cyst Mimicking a Vascular Penile Mass on Ultrasound

Case Reports in Radiology

Abstract and Figures

Median raphe cysts are uncommon benign cysts thought to occur due to improper fusion of the genital tubercle and can occur anywhere along the median raphe, from the glans to the anus, most commonly occurring along the ventral penile shaft. Limited information is available in the literature about the common imaging features of median raphe cysts with available reports highlighting an avascular cystic lesion. Our case demonstrates a 10-year-old male patient presenting with a ventral penile mass that demonstrated interval growth in the absence of trauma without overlying skin changes. Doppler ultrasound examination demonstrated a solid vascular mass measuring up to 1.6 cm at the ventral aspect of the penis with arterial and venous waveforms. The patient underwent elective resection of the mass which revealed a 2.0 cm inflamed glandular subtype median raphe cyst. This report demonstrates an atypical imaging presentation of an inflamed median raphe cyst, particularly that of a heterogeneous solid mass with arterial and venous blood flow on ultrasound.
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Case Report
Ruptured Median Raphe Cyst Mimicking a Vascular Penile Mass
on Ultrasound
Amir Pakray ,
Andrew Surro,
Donald Gibson,
and Ahmad Tahawi
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI, Michigan, USA
Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, East Lansing, MI, Michigan, USA
Correspondence should be addressed to Amir Pakray;
Received 19 September 2020; Revised 7 December 2021; Accepted 7 February 2022; Published 28 February 2022
Academic Editor: Daniel P. Link
Copyright © 2022 Amir Pakray et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Median raphe cysts are uncommon benign cysts thought to occur due to improper fusion of the genital tubercle and can occur
anywhere along the median raphe, from the glans to the anus, most commonly occurring along the ventral penile shaft.
Limited information is available in the literature about the common imaging features of median raphe cysts with available
reports highlighting an avascular cystic lesion. Our case demonstrates a 10-year-old male patient presenting with a ventral
penile mass that demonstrated interval growth in the absence of trauma without overlying skin changes. Doppler ultrasound
examination demonstrated a solid vascular mass measuring up to 1.6 cm at the ventral aspect of the penis with arterial and
venous waveforms. The patient underwent elective resection of the mass which revealed a 2.0 cm inamed glandular subtype
median raphe cyst. This report demonstrates an atypical imaging presentation of an inamed median raphe cyst, particularly
that of a heterogeneous solid mass with arterial and venous blood ow on ultrasound.
1. Introduction
Median raphe cysts (MRC) are rare benign cysts known to
occur along the median raphe, which extends from the
urethral meatus and continues caudally along the scrotum
down to the perineum. They are thought to arise due to
abnormal fusion of the genital tubercle during the fourth
week of fetal development; however, various theories exist
in the literature with the exact pathogenesis uncertain [1].
Approximately 100 cases of median raphe cysts have been
reported to date. A review of these reports demonstrates
encounters by pediatricians, urologists, pathologists, der-
matologists, and radiologists, elucidating the importance
in understanding the multidisciplinary presentation of
MRCs for proper diagnosis and management. A bimodal
pattern of presentation has been noted (1-10 years age
and 21-40 years age) with the patient typically presenting
with cosmetic concerns. [2]. A majority of these lesions
are asymptomatic, and when symptomatic, issues with
urination and coitus are the most common presenting
concerns [2]. Literature has shown that more distal MRCs
along the median raphe are more commonly associated
with symptoms such as diculty micturating [2].
MRCs are often misdiagnosed as more common entities
such as Cowper gland cysts, dermoid cysts, steatocystomas,
or neoplasms depending on the location [3]. The diagnosis
of an MRC is typically a clinical one however imaging can
be useful to evaluate composition, vascularity, and the extent
of the lesion. A denitive diagnosis is ultimately made on
histological examination. Various histological subtypes have
been demonstrated, most commonly the urethral type which
is composed of a urothelium-like epithelium, whereas the
glandular subtype occurs less commonly [2, 3]. In fact, as
noted by Syed et al., a compilation of reviews displayed only
3 glandular subtypes among 55 patients, highlighting the
novelty of our case [3]. Ultrasound and MRI allow for ana-
tomical assessment in order to understand the extent of
the lesion and to rule out communication with neighboring
structures or vascularity. Typical imaging features described
in the literature are that of an avascular cyst on ultrasound
[36]. Similarly, a cystic structure with high T2 signal can
be seen on MRI imaging [4, 7]. A urethrogram may be
Case Reports in Radiology
Volume 2022, Article ID 8899541, 4 pages
obtained if suspected stulous urethral communication is
not denitively ruled out on US or MRI. Standard of care
for MRC treatment involves local excision with primary
closure, however, there are case reports noting success
with various options from simple aspiration to wide local
excision with deroong for deeper/larger lesions [8].
Delayed intervention can result in inammation of the
MRC increasing the likelihood of iatrogenic urethral injury
in addition to the cosmetic and symptomatic
manifestations of treatment delay [5].
2. Case Presentation
A 10-year-old male with no signicant past medical history
presented to the emergency department with isolated penile
shaft swelling and minimal pain without infectious symp-
toms, diculty urinating or hematuria. The patient denied
any trauma to the area of concern and was discharged with
instructions to follow up with his primary care physician
(PCP). An assessment by the PCP on the next day showed
the swelling had decreased, and the patient was sent home
with hydroxyzine for pruritus and irritation. At the one week
follow up with the PCP, the patient displayed continued
decrease in edema with a rm palpable mass at the distal
ventral aspect of the penis. The patient also reluctantly con-
rmed that the mass had been present for as long as he could
remember, however, he added that it had recently enlarged.
Penile ultrasound was then performed which exhibited a
heterogeneous solid mass measuring 1:4×1:0×1:6cm aris-
ing from the subcutaneous tissue of the distal ventral shaft
and appeared separate from the left corpus cavernosum
and urethra (Figure 1). Color Doppler revealed vascular ow
within the lesion (Figure 2), and Spectral Doppler showed
arterial and venous waveforms within the lesion (Figure 3).
These imaging features are not typical of median raphe cysts
or other common cystic lesions, and a neoplastic etiology
was favored rather than a benign cystic lesion.
Five days later, the patient was taken to the operating
room where a 2 cm mass was identied. The mass was very
adherent to the spongiosum and right corporal body on
the ventral aspect below the coronal sulcus. The mass
appeared cystic in nature and when entered, thick brown/
yellow material was encountered. Cultures displayed no
growth however many polymorphonuclear leukocytes and
red blood cells were seen. Frozen sections demonstrated a
benign cystic lesion lined with mucin-producing cuboidal
epithelium and urothelium consistent with an inamed
glandular type median raphe cyst with focal rupture
(Figure 4). Subsequent cystoscopy conrmed no stulous
tract between the mass and the urethra.
3. Discussion
Our case is a novel presentation of a median raphe cyst
masquerading as a large vascular penile shaft mass. Typical
imaging features of MRCs in the literature are those of an
avascular cystic lesion on ultrasound [36]. Our case dem-
onstrates several atypical imaging features on ultrasound
including an internal echogenicity suggestive of a solid mass.
The most atypical feature was internal Doppler ow with
arterial and venous waveforms on spectral analysis, which
is most consistent with a vascular mass. These imaging fea-
tures warranted the diagnostic consideration of a neoplastic
etiology. Although a penile neoplasm and benign cystic
lesion would both be managed operatively, a preliminary
diagnosis of a penile neoplasm may cause unnecessary stress
to the patient and family. Two case reports, Yu et al. and
Parnham et al., describe a solid-appearing lesion on ultra-
sound, however, both studies demonstrated an avascular
mass unlike our case [4, 7]. In the case described by Yu
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Grey scale ultrasound of the penile median raphe cyst. (a) Transverse view of the distal penile shaft demonstrating the
heterogeneous solid mass (arrows) in relation to the corpora cavernosa () and corpus spongiosum (+). (b) Sagittal view demonstrating
the solid-appearing median raphe cyst () at the ventrolateral aspect of the distal penile shaft.
Figure 2: Grey scale ultrasound with Doppler demonstrating
Doppler ow to the median raphe cyst (arrows). The corpora
cavernosa () and corpus spongiosum (+) are seen distinct from
the cyst.
2 Case Reports in Radiology
and Capolicchio, the lesion demonstrated a high T2 signal
on MRI consistent with a cyst [7]. The median raphe cyst
appearing as a soft tissue lesion by Parnham et al. also did
not demonstrate vascularity or enhancement on contrast-
enhanced imaging [4]. Our case highlights the importance
of considering a complicated median raphe cyst in the dier-
ential of a midline penile lesion which appears solid and
demonstrates internal vascularity.
Given the lack of infectious symptoms or overlying signs
of cellulitis, consideration of an infected MRC was not
immediately entertained. When an MRC is infected, the
patient may present with pain, overlying erythema, or exud-
ing pus typically occurring post coitum [3]. In addition to
considering an infected MRC when the history suggests
interval increase in size, one must consider rupture as well.
In our case, the history of recent enlargement without overt
infectious symptoms or history of intercourse may have sug-
gested rupture rather than infection. The patient had no
operative complications, and satisfactory results on follow-
up were noted. Postoperative stulous complications have
been reported [2], therefore, caution should be taken in cases
where inammation or adhesions are encountered in
infected or ruptured MRCs.
Our case also demonstrates the limitations of lesion
characterization on ultrasound. Typical cystic penile lesions
are seen on ultrasound as avascular anechoic structures
and may have internal echoes if complicated by debris such
as protein [9]. Acoustic through transmission is another
common identifying feature of cysts. Additionally, internal
Doppler ow should not be present in cysts whereas it is a
feature seen with vascular masses.
4. Conclusion
We present a novel case of a ruptured glandular subtype
median raphe cyst in a 10-year-old with recent enlargement
prior to presentation. A ruptured MRC should be considered
in the dierential when a solid vascular subcutaneous mass
is noted along the median raphe without communication
with adjacent structures and lack of clinical infectious nd-
ings. A ruptured MRC may present as a relatively large
lesion (>1.5 cm) with arterial and venous ow as demon-
strated in our case.
Data Availability
Additional data such as full DICOM images are available
from the corresponding author upon request.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conicts of interest.
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(a) (b)
Figure 3: Grey scale ultrasound with spectral waveform analysis. (a) Transverse view demonstrates arterial waveforms within the median
raphe cyst. (b) Transverse view showing low resistance venous ow within the median raphe cyst.
Figure 4: Hematoxylin and eosin stain (original magnication
10×) showing cystic walls lined by mucinous glandular epithelium
(glandular type median raphe cyst).
3Case Reports in Radiology
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4 Case Reports in Radiology
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Full-text available
Median raphe cyst is an uncommon developmental anomaly that can develop anywhere along the midline of the external genitals. Only a few hundred cases have been published in the English literature and the lack of awareness of this entity can lead to confusion and misdiagnosis. We report here a case of median raphe cyst located in the midline of the anterior scrotum of a 35-year-old man. Clinically, the patient presented with a scrotal mass increasing substantially in size over two days associated with tenderness, skin erythema, and scrotal pain. Radiologic interpretation of a sonogram and computed tomography scan suggested a thrombosed vessel. The patient was diagnosed with septic thrombophlebitis associated with overlying cellulitis. Despite conservative therapy with antibiotics, the patient developed pyrexia, tachycardia, and leukocytosis prompting surgical excision of the lesion. Histopathologic examination revealed an infected median raphe cyst. The cyst wall was lined by a stratified epithelium that included numerous Alcian blue positive goblet cells. The epithelial cells showed reactive changes with infiltration by numerous neutrophils. Our objective is to bring attention to and thereby facilitate the diagnosis of this unusual entity.
Full-text available
Background: A defect in embryological development or closure of median raphe may lead to formation of cyst(s) anywhere in the midline from glans to anus. These cysts are referred to as median raphe cysts, an uncommonly encountered clinical condition. The cyst is generally solitary, with the penile shaft being the most common location, with average size of around 1 cm. The diagnosis is mostly clinical and confirmed histologically. We report a case of a patient with a rare histological variant of median raphe cyst and provide a focused review on presentation, histopathology, and management. Case presentation: A 29-year-old unmarried Nepali man presented to our clinic with an asymptomatic, solitary, soft, translucent, nontender cystic lesion of about 1-cm diameter at the ventral aspect of glans penis, close to the meatus, that had been noticed at the age of 3 and was nonprogressive for the past 15 years. Ultrasonography demonstrated an isoechoic cystic lesion at the tip of the penis, separated from the urethra, and lying entirely within the mucosa without any evidence of solid component, septation, or vascularity. On the basis of clinical and ultrasonographic findings, a diagnosis of median raphe cyst of the penis was made. The cyst was excised with the patient under local anesthesia, and there was no evidence of recurrence in 2 years of follow-up. The histopathological examination with Hematoxylin and eosin staining showed the cyst wall was lined partly by ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium and partly by columnar epithelium with apical mucin. Conclusions: Median raphe cyst is an uncommon, mostly asymptomatic condition in young patients. The cyst may occur anywhere along the midline from glans to anus. The diagnosis is clinical with histological confirmation. Excision is the treatment of choice with minimal chance of recurrence.
Full-text available
In conclusion: a) preventive removal of MRCs is considered as the safest treatment option, in order to be avoided future, potential complications regarding urination and sexual intercourse, b) if therapeutic intervention is delayed, especially a er development of inflammation of MRCs, then the likelihood both of iatrogenic injury to underlying structures, mainly to the penile or perineal urethra, and of relapse a er resection increases significantly and c) if orchidopexy precedes the development of MRCs, the possibility of presence of ovarian serous border line tumor with Müllerian duct remnants should always be excluded.
Full-text available
Median raphe cysts are a rare, congenital entity. We present a case and review the literature in respect to a 35-year-old man with a non-visible, painless midline swelling in the anterior perineum initially thought to be a liposarcoma. Subsequent histopathological examination confirmed a median raphe cyst. 2015 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.
Full-text available
To review the clinical and pathological characteristics of median raphe cysts and to classify the lesions according to pathogenesis and histopathological findings. The medical records of patients who were diagnosed with median raphe cysts between 2001 and 2010 were reviewed to document the clinical presentation and pathological findings of the cysts. Most patients were asymptomatic; however, 9 patients had inflammatory or infectious cysts that were tender or painful. Four patients who had cysts on the parameatus and distal prepuce had difficulty voiding. Hematuria and hematospermia were noted in 2 cases. Thirty-one cysts were lined with an urothelium-like epithelium, and a squamous epithelium lining was found in 3 cases. In 2 cases, a well-formed mucinous glandular structure was observed. The other 20 cysts consisted of mixed epithelia. After excision of the cysts under local or general anesthesia, an urethral fistula developed as a complication in only 1 case. Median raphe cysts are benign lesions formed due to tissue trapping during the development of urethral folds. The cysts can be defined into 4 types based on pathological findings: urethral, epidermoid, glandular, and mixed. The associated symptoms and signs should be taken into consideration when determining the treatment for the cysts. Virtual slides The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http//
Median raphe cysts are congenital lesions that typically have a superficial appearance. We present a very unusual case of a deep perineal mass in a six-year-old boy. The lesion extends into the corpus cavernosum, suggesting that the anomaly was an early embryological event. Histopathological features are consistent with an epidermoid type of median raphe cyst.
Cysts arising in the penis are uncommon and can be found anywhere from the urethral meatus to the root of the penis involving glans, foreskin, or shaft. Median raphe cysts account for the majority of penile cystic lesions reported in the literature. As their name suggests, they arise on the ventral midline of the penis that extends from the urethral meatus to the scrotum and perineum. Proposed hypotheses for their origin as well as their diverse morphology are discussed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Malignant primary epithelial tumours of the penis are rare and mainly affect uncircumcised men in their fifties to seventies. They are most frequently located in the glans and foreskin. Imaging is performed if the clinician has doubts about deep extension, after a diagnostic biopsy. High-resolution ultrasound and above all MRI are used to detect invasion of the corpora cavernosa and spongiosum. The lesion is often seen as a moderate T2 hyposignal, making it possible to distinguish it from the relative hypersignal of the corpora cavernosa. The sentinel lymph nodes are inguinal. Adenopathy is frequently present, but does not, however, necessarily reflect tumour invasion, as secondary infection of the lesion, which is often ulcerated, is common. The prognosis for T1 N0 tumours is good, at the cost of mutilating ablation. Extension to the lymph nodes is detrimental. Non-epithelial tumours and metastases are even rarer.