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Relationship between Vitamin C Deficiency and Cognitive Impairment in Older Hospitalised Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study


Abstract and Figures

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and facilitates neurotransmission. This study explored association between vitamin C deficiency and cognitive impairment in older hospitalised patients. This prospective study recruited 160 patients ≥ 75 years admitted under a Geriatric Unit in Australia. Cognitive assessment was performed by use of the Mini-Mental-State-Examination (MMSE) and patients with MMSE scores <24 were classified as cognitively-impaired. Fasting plasma vitamin C levels were determined using high-performance-liquid-chromatography. Patients were classified as vitamin C deficient if their levels were below 11 micromol/L. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine whether vitamin C deficiency was associated with cognitive impairment after adjustment for various covariates. The mean (SD) age was 84.4 (6.4) years and 60% were females. A total of 91 (56.9%) were found to have cognitive impairment, while 42 (26.3%) were found to be vitamin C deficient. The mean (SD) MMSE scores were significantly lower among patients who were vitamin C deficient (24.9 (3.3) vs. 23.6 (3.4), p-value = 0.03). Logistic regression analysis suggested that vitamin C deficiency was 2.9-fold more likely to be associated with cognitive impairment after adjustment for covariates (aOR 2.93, 95% CI 1.05–8.19, p-value = 0.031). Vitamin C deficiency is common and is associated with cognitive impairment in older hospitalised patients.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Citation: Sharma, Y.; Popescu, A.;
Horwood, C.; Hakendorf, P.;
Thompson, C. Relationship between
Vitamin C Deficiency and Cognitive
Impairment in Older Hospitalised
Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Antioxidants 2022,11, 463. https://
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Received: 4 February 2022
Accepted: 24 February 2022
Published: 26 February 2022
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Relationship between Vitamin C Deficiency and Cognitive
Impairment in Older Hospitalised Patients:
A Cross-Sectional Study
Yogesh Sharma 1,2,* , Alexandra Popescu 3, Chris Horwood 4, Paul Hakendorf 4and Campbell Thompson 5
1College of Medicine & Public Health, Flinders University, Adelaide 5042, Australia
2Department of General Medicine, Division of Medicine, Cardiac & Critical Care, Flinders Medical Centre,
Adelaide 5042, Australia
3Department of Geriatrics & Rehabilitation, Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide 5042, Australia;
4Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide 5042, Australia; (C.H.); (P.H.)
5Discipline of Medicine, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide 5005, Australia;
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +61-8-82046694
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and facilitates neurotransmission. This study explored
association between vitamin C deficiency and cognitive impairment in older hospitalised patients.
This prospective study recruited 160 patients
75 years admitted under a Geriatric Unit in Australia.
Cognitive assessment was performed by use of the Mini-Mental-State-Examination (MMSE) and
patients with MMSE scores <24 were classified as cognitively-impaired. Fasting plasma vitamin C
levels were determined using high-performance-liquid-chromatography. Patients were classified as
vitamin C deficient if their levels were below 11 micromol/L. Logistic regression analysis was used to
determine whether vitamin C deficiency was associated with cognitive impairment after adjustment
for various covariates. The mean (SD) age was 84.4 (6.4) years and 60% were females. A total of
91 (56.9%) were found to have cognitive impairment, while 42 (26.3%) were found to be vitamin C
deficient. The mean (SD) MMSE scores were significantly lower among patients who were vitamin C
deficient (24.9 (3.3) vs. 23.6 (3.4), p-value = 0.03). Logistic regression analysis suggested that vitamin
C deficiency was 2.9-fold more likely to be associated with cognitive impairment after adjustment
for covariates (aOR 2.93, 95% CI 1.05–8.19, p-value = 0.031). Vitamin C deficiency is common and is
associated with cognitive impairment in older hospitalised patients.
vitamin C deficiency; cognitive impairment; geriatric patients; older hospitalised patients;
clock drawing test; mini mental state examination
1. Introduction
Vitamin C, also referred to as ascorbic acid, is a powerful antioxidant that cannot
be synthesised by humans and some other primates due to the lack of an enzyme called
gulonolactone oxidase [
]. Vitamin C plays an essential biological role by acting as a
co-factor for a number of enzymes, which are required for proper functioning across a
number of organs and tissue systems [
]. In the gastrointestinal tract, vitamin C helps in the
absorption of non-heme iron and is involved in the formation of bile acids via cholesterol
hydroxylation [
]. In addition, it plays a role in immune function and is involved
in the synthesis of corticosteroids, aldosterone, adrenal hormones and in the formation
of collagen [
]. Severe vitamin C deficiency results in development of scurvy, which
can manifest as bleeding, fatigue, bony pains, skin manifestations such as perifollicular
haemorrhages, petechiae and ecchymosis [6].
Antioxidants 2022,11, 463.
Antioxidants 2022,11, 463 2 of 11
Vitamin C plays a significant role in the functioning of the brain by regulating neu-
rotransmitter synthesis and release [
]. These functions include acting as a co-factor for
dopamine beta-hydroxylase, which converts dopamine to noradrenaline. Vitamin C is
involved in the modulation of glutamatergic, dopaminergic, cholinergic and GABAergic
neurotransmission and regulates the release of catecholamines and acetylcholine from
synaptic vesicles [
]. In addition, the antioxidant properties of vitamin C limit damage
caused by ischaemia-reperfusion mediated injury and protects against glutamate excitotox-
icity [9,10].
Previous studies [
] indicate that vitamin C deficiency may have a role in neu-
rocognitive dysfunction and may be associated with cognitive impairment, depression and
confusion. Two cross-sectional studies [
] have linked lower vitamin C status with
greater cognitive impairment. However, an Australian study [
] in otherwise healthy
volunteers found no association between cognitive dysfunction and vitamin C deficiency.
A systematic review by Travica et al. [
], which included 50 studies, found no correlation
between vitamin C levels and cognition, however, the majority of studies included in this
review involved community-dwelling healthy participants with a higher baseline cognitive
performance, which could have narrowed the chance of detecting cognitive effects of vita-
min C. In addition, the studies included in this meta-analysis had limitations in terms of
handling of blood samples and biochemical analyses because underestimation of vitamin C
concentrations could occur if the sample was not protected from light and not transported
on ice [7,15].
Furthermore, some of the studies till date have other methodological limitations
namely: use of small sample size and a variable definition for classification of patients as
vitamin C deficient, with one study [
] classifying patients with vitamin C levels below
mol/L as deficient while another study using even higher cut-off levels [
]. Evidence
suggests that clinical manifestations of scurvy usually develop once vitamin C levels drop
below 11.4
mol/L [
], thus it is possible that cognitive dysfunction may not be present
at a higher vitamin C level and manifests only in patients who have a severe vitamin C
deficiency. The present study investigated the relationship between cognitive status and
vitamin C deficiency in older hospitalised patients unit using lower vitamin C cut-off levels,
which usually result in clinical manifestations of scurvy. The hypothesis for this research
was that vitamin C deficiency is common in older hospitalised patients and that patients
with severe vitamin C deficiency will have lower cognitive scores.
2. Materials and Methods
75 years who were admitted to a geriatric unit of Flinders Medical Centre,
Adelaide, South Australia, were recruited by convenience sampling in this research. Written
informed consent was obtained from the participants, and, in cases of cognitive impairment,
consent was obtained from the legal guardian. The exclusion criteria were lack of valid
consent, patients receiving end-of-life care, and those on vitamin C replacement. Ethical
approval for this study was granted by the Southern Adelaide Human Clinical Research
Ethics Committee (approval no 64.190, dated 9 August 2019) and this study was registered
with Australia and New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry.
2.1. Patient and Public Involvement
Cognitive impairment is highly prevalent in older hospitalised patients and, therefore,
the study results are likely to be high priority for patients. However, patients were not
directly involved in the study design, conduct or outcomes of this research project.
Cognitive status was determined by use of the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) [
and the Clock-Drawing Test (CDT). The MMSE is scored on a 30-point scale and uses items
that assess: orientation (temporal and spatial, 10 points), memory (registration and recall,
6 points), attention and concentration, 5 points, language (verbal and written, 8 points),
and visuospatial function (1 point) [
]. While different cut-off points were used across
different studies [
], for this study MMSE scores below 24 were regarded as abnormal and
Antioxidants 2022,11, 463 3 of 11
indicative of cognitive impairment. While the MMSE was originally developed to identify
cognitive impairment among psychiatric patients [
], it was subsequently validated for
use as a screening tool for dementia across a wide range of patients in both outpatient and
inpatient settings [22,23].
We used the CDT in addition to the MMSE because studies indicate that the CDT is
highly sensitive and specific in the detection of mild dementia and is reasonably accurate
in separating patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) from healthy patients, and
the combination of the CDT with the MMSE enhances the psychometric properties of
these scales and is valid for detection of dementia [
]. The CDT was performed by
providing the participants with a 10 cm pre-drawn circle on a piece of paper, and they were
asked to draw an analogue clock, including all the numbers, and set the clock hands to a
specified time of 10 past 1100 h. Performance on the CDT depends upon a combination of
visuospatial ability, executive function, motor function, attention, numerical knowledge
and language comprehension [
]. Patients were scored on a simple subjective qualitative
interpretation of clock drawing as normal (without error) and abnormal (with error) as
suggested by Sleutjes et al. [23].
Mood can affect cognition and was assessed by using the Geriatric Depression Scale
(GDS) [
]. GDS is a 15-item tool that has been validated for screening depressive symptoms
in the older population including acutely hospitalised medical patients [
]. Frailty
also relates strongly to impaired cognition. Its assessment was performed by use of the
Edmonton Frail Scale (EFS). The EFS is a valid and reliable instrument for identification
of frailty in hospitalised patients and predicts clinical outcomes [
]. The EFS contains
9 components and is scored out of 17. Individual components include cognition, general
health status, self-reported health, functional independence, social support, polypharmacy,
mood, continence and functional performance. The component scores are summed, and the
following cut-off scores are used to classify the severity of frailty: not frail (0–5), apparently
vulnerable (6–7), mild frailty (8–9), moderate frailty (10–11) and severe frailty (12–17). For
this study, patients with EFS scores
8 were classified as frail and those with EFS scores <8
as non-frail.
Nutritional risk was determined by the use of the Malnutrition Universal Screening
Tool (MUST) [
]. Fruit and vegetable consumption was determined by asking the patients
their approximate daily intake of standard portions/day in the week prior to their admis-
sion to the hospital. Patients were specifically examined for any signs suggestive of scurvy,
namely: ecchymosis, bruising, gingivitis and perifollicular hyperkeratosis [
]. Impairment
of mobility and gait were risk factors for dementia thus the activities of daily living (ADL)
were assessed by use of the Hospital Admission Risk Profile (HARP) score [
], which
predicts patients at high risk of discharge to a facility. We determined the sociodemographic
status of the participants by including the following variables: living status (whether living
alone or with a partner), education level (secondary school or a higher university degree)
and annual income (
or <AUD 40,000/year). Polypharmacy was defined as being on 5 or
more medications. Medications with anticholinergic activity, which can impact cognition
(such as the use of antihistamines, antiparkinson, opiates, antimuscarinic, antipsychotic
and antiepileptic drugs) [35] were also determined.
A trained phlebotomist obtained fasting blood samples to determine vitamin C levels.
The blood sample was wrapped in an aluminium foil and immediately placed on ice for
transport to a central laboratory. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was
used to determine vitamin C levels. HPLC has been previously validated for rapid and spe-
cific measurement of vitamin C [
]. Plasma vitamin C levels correlate with dietary vitamin
C intake, and unlike leucocyte vitamin C levels, plasma vitamin C levels are not influenced
by changes in the white blood cell (WBC) count and thus represent an accurate measure of
vitamin C status [
]. According to Johnston’s criteria [
], vitamin C levels
are classified as normal, 11–27
mol/L as vitamin C depletion, and <11
mol/L as vitamin
C deficiency. In addition, blood samples were drawn for the determination of haemoglobin,
creatinine, C-reactive protein (CRP), vitamin D and vitamin B12 levels. The haemoglobin
Antioxidants 2022,11, 463 4 of 11
and creatinine levels were determined using spectrophotometry, while C-RP, vitamin D
and vitamin B12 levels were determined by a rapid immunoassay, Roche Diagnostics
( (accessed on 1 May 2020), in a central laboratory.
2.2. Statistics
The normality of the data was assessed by visual inspection of the histograms. Contin-
uous variables were assessed by use of the student ttests or rank-sum tests and categorical
variables by Chi-squared statistics or Fisher’s exact test as appropriate. Patients with MMSE
24 were classified as having normal cognition, while those with MMSE scores <24
as cognitively impaired. For this study, patients with vitamin C levels <11
mol/L were
defined as vitamin C deficient and were compared with the group whose vitamin C levels
were 11 µmol/L.
Logistic regression analysis was used to determine whether vitamin C deficiency was
associated with cognitive impairment after adjustment for the following covariates: age,
sex, Charlson index, MUST score, HARP score, depression, living status (whether alone),
education level, socioeconomic status, fruit/vegetable intake, polypharmacy, haemoglobin,
creatinine, vitamin D and vitamin B12 levels.
The use of logistic regression model with the use of small to moderate sample sizes may
sometimes lead to an introduction of an analytical bias, which may result in overestimation
of the effect size. Corrective measures were applied by the performance of sensitivity
analysis with the use of the bootstrap method as suggested by Nemes et al. [
] and
bootstrapped standard errors (SE) with 95% confidence intervals were generated. In
addition, a prediction graph with 95% confidence intervals was plotted to determine
the probability of vitamin C deficiency at different MMSE scores using the margins plot
command in STATA.
The sample size for this study was based on a pilot study involving 20 older hospi-
talised patients, which found that the mean (SD) MMSE scores were 27 (7.5) in patients
who were vitamin C replete compared to 22 (12.5) in vitamin C deficient patients, with an
alpha level of 0.05 and power of 80% the calculated sample size was 136 and assuming
15% missing data 156 patients were thought to be sufficient for this study. All statistical
analyses were conducted using Stata version 17.0 (StataCorp, College Station, TX, USA).
3. Results
A total of 603 patients were admitted under the geriatric unit between May-December
2020, of whom, 176 patients were approached by convenient sampling for participation
and 160 patients were recruited for this study (Figure 1). The characteristics of patients
who were not approached for participation were not significantly different from those
who were included in this study in terms of age, sex, Charlson index, living status and
length of hospital stay (LOS) (p> 0.05). The mean (SD) age was 84.4 (6.4) years range
(73–105 years) and 96 (60%) were females. All patients were residing in their own homes
and 78 (48.7%) were living with their partners. The mean Charlson index was 8.4 (2.6)
and the majority of patients were on polypharmacy (130; 81.3%) and many were admitted
with falls as the principal diagnosis (69, 43.1%). The mean (SD) MMSE score was 24.6 (3.4)
(range 19–30). A total of 69 (43.1%) patients had normal cognition (MMSE score
and 91 (56.9%) were found to have cognitive impairment (MMSE score < 24). Patients
with cognitive impairment were older, with a higher Charlson index and frailty scores
and were less likely to have a university degree than cognitively intact patients (p< 0.05).
However, there was no difference with regards to gender, nutrition status, marital status
and number of medications between the cognitively normal and impaired groups (p> 0.05).
The mean (SD) vitamin C levels were 26.8 (23.0)
mol/L, (range 3–148). The median (IQR)
time from hospital admission to the collection of vitamin C sample was 4 (4, 4) days. A
total of 118 (73.7%) patients were not vitamin C deficient (vitamin C levels
while 42 (26.3%) were classified as vitamin C deficient (levels <11 µmol/L) (Figure 1).
Antioxidants 2022,11, 463 5 of 11
Antioxidants 2022, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 12
time from hospital admission to the collection of vitamin C sample was 4 (4, 4) days. A
total of 118 (73.7%) patients were not vitamin C deficient (vitamin C levels 11 μmol/L),
while 42 (26.3%) were classified as vitamin C deficient (levels <11 μmol/L) (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Study flow diagram.
The median (IQR) time for the collection of the vitamin C sample after hospital ad-
mission was not significantly different between patients who were not vitamin C deficient
compared to those who had vitamin C deficiency (4 (4, 3) vs. 4 (4, 4) days, p-value = 0.095).
Patients with vitamin C deficiency were more likely to be current smokers with a higher
Charlson index and mean creatinine level than patients who were not vitamin C deficient
(Table1). When compared to patients who were not vitamin C deficient, the mean (SD)
MMSE scores were significantly lower among patients who were vitamin C deficient (24.9
(3.3) vs. 23.6 (3.4), p-value = 0.03). However, there was no difference in the proportion of
patients who made errors on the CDT between the two groups (Table 1).
Patients admitted in Geriatric Evaluation and Management
Unit between May-December 2020
Patients approached for participation
Patients excluded due to various reasons
Reasons for exclusion
-feeling unwell
-not interested in participation
-upcoming discharge
-engaged in other activities at the time of interview
Patients enrolled in this study
Cognitive impairment
Normal cognition
n=69 (43.1%)
Not vitamin C deficient
n=118 (73.7%)
Vitamin C deficient
n=42 (26.3%)
Figure 1. Study flow diagram.
The median (IQR) time for the collection of the vitamin C sample after hospital
admission was not significantly different between patients who were not vitamin C deficient
compared to those who had vitamin C deficiency (4 (4, 3) vs. 4 (4, 4) days, p-value = 0.095).
Patients with vitamin C deficiency were more likely to be current smokers with a higher
Charlson index and mean creatinine level than patients who were not vitamin C deficient
(Table 1). When compared to patients who were not vitamin C deficient, the mean (SD)
MMSE scores were significantly lower among patients who were vitamin C deficient
(24.9 (3.3) vs. 23.6 (3.4), p-value = 0.03). However, there was no difference in the proportion
of patients who made errors on the CDT between the two groups (Table 1).
Logistic regression analysis suggested that vitamin C deficiency was 2.9-fold more
likely to be associated with cognitive impairment after adjustment for age, sex, Charlson
index, MUST score, HARP score, depression, living status (whether alone), education
level, socioeconomic status, fruit/vegetable intake, polypharmacy, haemoglobin, creatinine,
vitamin D and vitamin B12 levels (aOR 2.93, 95% CI 1.05–8.19, p-value = 0.031) (Table 2).
Sensitivity analysis confirmed that vitamin C deficiency was associated with cognitive
impairment after adjustment for the above-mentioned covariates (Coefficient 1.03, Bootstrap
SE 0.50, 95% CI 0.05–2.03, p-value 0.039). The margins plot suggested that lower MMSE
scores increases the probability of being diagnosed with vitamin C deficiency (Figure 2).
Antioxidants 2022,11, 463 6 of 11
Table 1. Characteristics of patients with and without vitamin C deficiency.
Variable Vitamin C Not Deficient
11 µmol/L
Vitamin C Deficient
<11 µmol/L p-Value
N (%) 118 (73.7) 42 (26.3)
Age 84.4 (6.3) 84.5 (6.6) 0.969
Sex male 46 (38.9) 18 (42.8) 0.660
Income < 40 k/year n(%) 70 (59.8)) 24 (57.1) 0.761
Education university degree n(%) 52 (44.1) 13 (30.9) 0.357
Married/defacto n(%) 73 (62.4) 23 (54.8) 0.386
Living status alone n(%) 66 (55.9) 16 (38.1) 0.047
Current smokers n(%) 3 (2.5) 4 (9.5) 0.041
Alcohol drinks/week mean (SD) 1.8 (2.9) 0.9 (2.6) 0.106
Fruits/vegetable intake/day mean (SD) 1.3 (0.6) 1.2 (0.5) 0.989
Charlson index mean (SD) 8.1 (2.5) 9.2 (2.7) 0.021
CDT n(%) 76 (64.4) 33 (78.6) 0.091
Medication number mean (SD) 7.2 (3.6) 8.4 (3.6) 0.078
Polypharmacy, n(%) 77 (65.3) 31(73.8) 0.309
Patients prescribed with medications with
anticholinergic activity * 62 (52.5) 18 (42.9) 0.281
Scurvy symptoms n(%) 54 (45.8) 26 (61.9) 0.072
BMI in kg/m2mean (SD) 26.2 (5.8) 26.6 (4.7) 0.700
MUST score mean (SD) 0.9 (1.2) 0.8 (1.1) 0.404
MMSE score mean (SD) 24.9 (3.4) 23.6 (3.3) 0.030
GDS scores mean (SD) 4.5 (2.8) 4.5 (2.6) 0.964
Depression n(%) 43 (36.4) 18 (42.9) 0.462
EFS score, mean (SD) 9.6 (2.2) 10.3 (1.9) 0.070
Frail n(%) 97 (82.2) 38 (90.5) 0.321
HARP mean (SD) 3.0 (1.1) 3.1 (0.9) 0.494
Haemoglobin g/L mean (SD) 118.0 (16.8) 114.8 (17.4) 0.293
Albumin g/L mean (SD) 34.1 (22.9) 30.3 (6.9) 0.295
Creatinine µmol/L µmol/L 88.3 (35.5) 110.6 (56.4) 0.003
Vitamin C µmol/L mean (SD) 34.3 (22.4) 5.6 (2.4) <0.001
Vitamin D nmol/L mean (SD) 68.9 (31.4) 66.8 (30.8) 0.705
Vitamin B12 pmol/L mean (SD) 491.8 (348.5) 436.5 (349.9) 0.355
* Medications with anticholinergic activity such as antihistamines, anti-parkinson, opiates, antimuscarinic, an-
tipsychotic and antiepileptic drugs. SD, standard deviation; CDT, clock drawing test; BMI, body mass index;
MUST, malnutrition universal screening tool; MMSE, mini mental state examination; GDS, geriatric depression
scale; EFS, Edmonton frail scale; HARP, hospital admission risk profile score.
Antioxidants 2022, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 12
Table 2. Logistic regression model comparing patients with vitamin C deficiency with non-vitamin
C deficient patients and cognitive impairment as an outcome variable.
Variable aOR 95% CI
Vitamin C deficiency 2.93 1.058.19 0.031
Age 1.02 0.941.09 0.658
Sex male 0.64 0.221.83 0.407
Living alone 5.30 1.81–15.19 0.002
Charlson index 1.16 0.971.39 0.111
MUST score 1.15 0.811.64 0.444
Depression 1.89 0.864.14 0.115
Education university degree 0.51 0.260.99 0.048
Income < $40,000/year 2.50 0.936.72 0.068
HARP score 1.92 1.193.09 0.008
Polypharmacy 0.53 0.231.19 0.123
Fruit/vegetable intake 1.02 0.911.14 0.707
Smokers 1.46 0.653.27 0.357
Haemoglobin 0.99 0.961.01 0.271
Vitamin D 0.99 0.991.01 0.745
Vitamin B12 1.00 0.991.00 0.889
aOR, adjusted odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; MUST, malnutrition universal screening tool;
HARP, hospital admission risk profile score.
Figure 2. Prediction probability of vitamin C deficiency according to MMSE scores.
4. Discussion
A substantial proportion (26.3%) of older hospitalised patients were vitamin C defi-
cient. Only a few clinical characteristics, namely a history of current smoking and higher
Charlson index and creatinine levels predicted vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C deficiency
was associated with an increased risk of cognitive impairment as assessed by the MMSE
scores but not when assessed by the CDT even after adjustment for a number of covariates.
The results of our study corroborate previous evidence [3,40,41] that a high propor-
tion of older hospitalised patients have vitamin C deficiency. Interestingly, our study in-
dicates that there are only a few clinical correlates, which can predict a low vitamin C of
the home-dwelling but currently hospitalised elderly. Furthermore, according to this
study, the symptoms, which were compatible with the diagnosis of scurvy, were not
Figure 2. Prediction probability of vitamin C deficiency according to MMSE scores.
Antioxidants 2022,11, 463 7 of 11
Table 2.
Logistic regression model comparing patients with vitamin C deficiency with non-vitamin C
deficient patients and cognitive impairment as an outcome variable.
Variable aOR 95% CI p-Value
Vitamin C deficiency 2.93 1.05–8.19 0.031
Age 1.02 0.94–1.09 0.658
Sex male 0.64 0.22–1.83 0.407
Living alone 5.30 1.81–15.19 0.002
Charlson index 1.16 0.97–1.39 0.111
MUST score 1.15 0.81–1.64 0.444
Depression 1.89 0.86–4.14 0.115
Education university degree 0.51 0.26–0.99 0.048
Income < $40,000/year 2.50 0.93–6.72 0.068
HARP score 1.92 1.19–3.09 0.008
Polypharmacy 0.53 0.23–1.19 0.123
Fruit/vegetable intake 1.02 0.91–1.14 0.707
Smokers 1.46 0.65–3.27 0.357
Haemoglobin 0.99 0.96–1.01 0.271
Vitamin D 0.99 0.99–1.01 0.745
Vitamin B12 1.00 0.99–1.00 0.889
aOR, adjusted odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; MUST, malnutrition universal screening tool; HARP, hospital
admission risk profile score.
4. Discussion
A substantial proportion (26.3%) of older hospitalised patients were vitamin C defi-
cient. Only a few clinical characteristics, namely a history of current smoking and higher
Charlson index and creatinine levels predicted vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C deficiency
was associated with an increased risk of cognitive impairment as assessed by the MMSE
scores but not when assessed by the CDT even after adjustment for a number of covariates.
The results of our study corroborate previous evidence [
] that a high proportion
of older hospitalised patients have vitamin C deficiency. Interestingly, our study indicates
that there are only a few clinical correlates, which can predict a low vitamin C of the
home-dwelling but currently hospitalised elderly. Furthermore, according to this study,
the symptoms, which were compatible with the diagnosis of scurvy, were not significantly
different among patients with or without vitamin C deficiency. Scurvy is characterised by
prominent skin manifestations, including perifollicular hyperkeratosis, cork-screw hairs,
gingival bleeding, petechiae and ecchymosis [
] Bruising and bleeding, which charac-
terise scurvy, can be seen in older hospitalised patients because of a number of reasons such
as falls [
], senile purpura (which occurs because of increased skin fragility associated
with ageing) [
] and the adverse effects of commonly administered medications such
as antiplatelet agents, anti-coagulants and glucocorticoids [
]. Moreover, perifollicular
hyperkeratosis, which is regarded as a hallmark of scurvy, may be difficult to differentiate
from leukocytoclastic vasculitis [
]. It may, therefore, be difficult to diagnose vitamin
C deficiency solely on clinical grounds in older hospitalised patients. Given the high
prevalence of vitamin C deficiency in hospitalised patients, there is a need for heightened
vigilance, and biochemical confirmation of vitamin C status is required in suspected cases.
This study indicates that vitamin C deficiency was associated with cognitive impair-
ment as reflected by lower MMSE scores in vitamin C deficient patients when compared
to those who were not vitamin C deficient. This association remained significant after
adjustment for not only age but also various factors, which can be associated with cognitive
impairment such as a higher number of comorbidities as determined by the Charlson index,
education level, depression, socioeconomic status, polypharmacy, haemoglobin, creatinine,
vitamin D and B12 levels [
]. Our study results are in line with a study by Gale et al.
from the UK [
], which involved 921 community-dwelling older people
65 years. Their
study found that patients with moderate to severe vitamin C deficiency were 1.6 fold (OR
1.6, 95% CI 1.1–2.3) more likely to be diagnosed with cognitive impairment assessed by
use of the Hodgkinson abbreviated mental test [
]. Similarly, another recent study [
Antioxidants 2022,11, 463 8 of 11
from New Zealand, which included a cohort of 404 people aged 49–51 years, found that
the odds of mild cognitive impairment, as determined by Montreal Cognitive Assessment
(MOCA) [
], were twice as high for individuals whose vitamin C levels were below
mol/L (OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.2–3.7, p= 0.01). However, our study results are contrary to an
Australian study, which included healthy adults aged 24–96 years and assessed cognitive
function by use of a battery of cognitive screening tools: the Modified Mini Mental State Ex-
amination (3MS) [
], the Revised Hopkins Verbal Learning Test (HVLT-R) [
], the Symbol
Digits Modalities Test (SDMIT) [
] and the Swinburne University Computerised Cognitive
Assessment Battery (SUCCAB) [
]. That study found that there was no difference with
respect to the diagnosis of major cognitive impairment with 3MS test among patients with
adequate or inadequate vitamin C status. However, patients who were in the adequate
vitamin C group had significantly higher scores on measures of recognition, immediate
and delayed recall assessed by the HVLT-R and on SDMT screening when compared to
vitamin C inadequate group. Finally, using the SUCCAB, that study found that, although
the accuracy to reaction time was significantly higher in the adequate vitamin C group
for certain tasks, there was no difference with respect to measures of episodic memory or
general alertness and motor speed when compared to the vitamin C inadequate group.
The discrepancy in the results of this study compared to our study, in terms of cognition,
could be related to their inclusion of much younger patients and likely healthier patients
with a wide age range from the community compared to older hospitalised patients in
our study. In addition, that study used higher vitamin C cut off levels (<28
mol/L vs.
mol/L) for diagnosing vitamin C deficiency compared to our study. It is possible that
cognitive dysfunction is apparent only with severely low vitamin C status (i.e., vitamin C
levels < 11
mol/L) and may not manifest with less severe degrees of hypovitaminosis C
mol/L). In support of this conjecture, a re-analysis of our own data using these
authors’ looser definition of vitamin C deficiency showed no significant alteration of cog-
nition in the deficient subjects (data not shown). Subtle changes in cognition might be
detectable with a less severe deficiency of vitamin C [
]. Animal studies [
] have
indicated that higher supplementation of vitamin C reduced amyloid plaque burden in
the cortex and hippocampus in mice with resultant amelioration of blood–brain barrier
disruption and mitochondrial alteration. However, evidence in relation to the benefits of
vitamin C supplementation on cognition is limited. A recent meta-analysis [
], which
included randomised or quasi-randomised placebo-controlled trials of vitamin and mineral
supplementation for preventing dementia or delaying cognitive decline among patients
with mild cognitive impairment, found only one trial, which included combined vitamin E
and C supplementation in 256 patients and found no conclusive data for supplementation,
reducing the risk of progression to dementia due to very low-quality evidence. Due to this
research gap, it will be difficult to determine whether the routine determination of vitamin
C status in patients with cognitive impairment, let alone its supplementation, is a useful
and cost-effective strategy.
The results of this study should be interpreted with caution because it included only
older inpatients receiving rehabilitation, and our findings may not be applicable to a
relatively healthy community-dwelling older population. The cross-sectional design of this
study does not point towards causality. In addition, we used MMSE to assess cognition,
a tool that is regarded as less sensitive for the detection of mild cognitive impairment
compared to other tools such as MOCA [
]. We used the total MMSE score to assess
cognition. The impact of vitamin C deficiency on specific areas of cognition involved
in the performance of the MMSE such as orientation, attention, concentration and short-
term memory, was not determined. However, despite the use of a less sensitive tool, our
study found an association between vitamin C deficiency and cognitive impairment in a
vulnerable cohort of older hospitalised patients.
Antioxidants 2022,11, 463 9 of 11
5. Conclusions
Vitamin C deficiency is common, and there are few clinical correlates that can usefully
lead to the identification of this condition in older hospitalised patients. Vitamin C defi-
ciency is associated with cognitive impairment, and further studies are needed to confirm
and characterise this association in greater detail.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, Y.S. and C.T.; Methodology, Y.S.; Software, Y.S., C.H. and
P.H.; Validation, Y.S. and A.P.; Formal Analysis, Y.S.; Investigation, Y.S.; Resources, Y.S.; Data Curation,
Y.S., A.P. and C.H.; Writing—Original Draft Preparation, Y.S.; Writing—Review and Editing, Y.S. and
C.T.; Visualization, Y.S.; Supervision, Y.S. and C.T.; Project Administration, Y.S. All authors have read
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This research received funding from the Flinders Health and Medical Reserch Institute
(FHMRI), Flinders University, South Australia.
Institutional Review Board Statement:
The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the
Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Southern Adelaide Human Clinical Research Ethics
Committee (SAHREC) no. 64.190 on August 2019.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement:
The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to ethical reasons.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... 4 It is also required for the production of the endogenous inotropes noradrenaline and vasopressin during critical illness 1 and for proper functioning of neurotransmitter systems required for normal cognitive function and regulation of mood. 5 Vitamin C has been prescribed to adult patients in the acute hospital setting for many years, but primarily it has been prescribed as an experimental adjunct medical therapy for conditions such as chronic diabetic foot wounds, 6 postoperative atrial fibrillation, 7 pneumonia, 8 sepsis, and critical illness 9,10 rather than for treatment of an underlying vitamin C deficiency (VCD) per se. ...
... Because the purpose of this study was to descriptively analyze a broad range of studies published about VCD in adult hospitalized patients, consistent with scoping review methodology, 31 a quality-appraisal tool was not used to assess the quality of studies. Table 1 2,5,8,13,18,[32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49] summarizes study characteristics, participant setting and diagnoses, vitamin C assessment methods, and reports the primary prevalence outcome and associated mean or median vitamin C levels, and clinical signs of scurvy. Full-text articles excluded: ...
... A forest plot created using RevMan, version 5.4 (Cochrane Training), 50 was used to determine the cumulative prevalence of VCD within study groups ( Figure 2). 2,5,8,18,[32][33][34][35][36][37][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49] ...
Full-text available
Background Assessment for vitamin C deficiency (VCD) is rarely undertaken in an acute hospital setting in high-income countries. However, with growing interest in VCD in community settings, there is emerging evidence investigating the prevalence and impact of VCD during hospitalization. Objectives In this scoping review, the prevalence of VCD in adult hospitalized patients is explored, patient characteristics are described, and risk factors and clinical outcomes associated with VCD are identified. Methods A systematic scoping review was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA-ScR framework. The Ovid MEDLINE, Ovid Embase, Scopus, CINAHL Plus, Allied and Complementary Medicine Database, and the Cochrane Library databases were searched for interventional, comparative, and case-series studies that met eligibility criteria, including adult hospital inpatients in high-income countries, as defined by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, that reported VCD prevalence using World Health Organization reference standards. These standards define VCD deficiency as plasma or serum vitamin C level <11.4 µmol/L, wholeblood level <17 µmol/L, or leukocytes <57 nmol/108 cells. Results Twenty-three articles were included, representing 22 studies. The cumulative prevalence of VCD was 27.7% (n = 2494; 95% confidence interval [CI], 21.3-34.0). High prevalence of VCD was observed in patients with severe acute illness and poor nutritional status. Scurvy was present in 48% to 62% of patients with VCD assessed in 2 studies (n = 71). Being retired (P = 0.015) and using excessive amounts of alcohol and tobacco (P = 0.0003) were independent risk factors for VCD (n = 184). Age was not conclusively associated with VCD (n = 631). Two studies examined nutrition associations (n = 309); results were inconsistent. Clinical outcomes for VCD included increased risk of frailty (adjusted odds ratio, 4.3; 95%CI, 1.33–13.86; P = 0.015) and cognitive impairment (adjusted odds ratio, 2.93; 95%CI, 1.05–8.19, P = 0.031) (n = 160). Conclusions VCD is a nutritional challenge facing the healthcare systems of high-income countries. Research focused on early identification and treatment of patients with VCD is warranted. Systematic Review Registration Open Science Framework ( ).
... For this reason, humans depend entirely on dietary sources to obtain sufficient quantities of this vitamin. Although scurvy is nowadays rare, epidemiological studies indicate that large subpopulations (between 5% and 30% depending on age, smoking habits, or socioeconomic status) can be diagnosed with hypovitaminosis C [3][4][5][6][7]. Importantly, several chronic diseases and their associated risk factors, including diabetes [8], metabolic syndrome [9,10], blood pressure [11], cardiovascular diseases [12], and all-cause mortality [13] have been inversely linked to low blood ascorbate levels. ...
Full-text available
Background Vitamin C (ascorbate) is a water-soluble antioxidant and an important cofactor for various biosynthetic and regulatory enzymes. Mice can synthesize vitamin C thanks to the key enzyme gulonolactone oxidase (Gulo) unlike humans. In the current investigation, we used Gulo −/− mice, which cannot synthesize their own ascorbate to determine the impact of this vitamin on both the transcriptomics and proteomics profiles in the whole liver. The study included Gulo −/− mouse groups treated with either sub-optimal or optimal ascorbate concentrations in drinking water. Liver tissues of females and males were collected at the age of four months and divided for transcriptomics and proteomics analysis. Immunoblotting, quantitative RT-PCR, and polysome profiling experiments were also conducted to complement our combined omics studies. Results Principal component analyses revealed distinctive differences in the mRNA and protein profiles as a function of sex between all the mouse cohorts. Despite such sexual dimorphism, Spearman analyses of transcriptomics data from females and males revealed correlations of hepatic ascorbate levels with transcripts encoding a wide array of biological processes involved in glucose and lipid metabolisms as well as in the acute-phase immune response. Moreover, integration of the proteomics data showed that ascorbate modulates the abundance of various enzymes involved in lipid, xenobiotic, organic acid, acetyl-CoA, and steroid metabolism mainly at the transcriptional level, especially in females. However, several proteins of the mitochondrial complex III significantly correlated with ascorbate concentrations in both males and females unlike their corresponding transcripts. Finally, poly(ribo)some profiling did not reveal significant enrichment difference for these mitochondrial complex III mRNAs between Gulo −/− mice treated with sub-optimal and optimal ascorbate levels. Conclusions Thus, the abundance of several subunits of the mitochondrial complex III are regulated by ascorbate at the post-transcriptional levels. Our extensive omics analyses provide a novel resource of altered gene expression patterns at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels under ascorbate deficiency.
... Preclinical and clinical studies have shown that vitamin C deficiency inhibits collagen synthesis and decreases bone formation. In vivo and in vitro studies have shown that vitamin C deficiency stimulates osteoclastogenesis by upregulating the RANKL/RANK pathway, and inhibits osteoblastogenesis by decreasing pro-collagen I mRNA expression and hydroxylation of collagen fibers (7-11) Thus, this deficiency has been a critical risk factor in osteoporotic fractures (11,12). As the elderly require increased amounts of vitamin C, most studies have focused on the role of vitamin C status in fractures in elderly populations (10,11,13). ...
Full-text available
Introduction The role of vitamin C in pediatric fractures has not received much attention, although it is known to be a factor in osteoporotic fractures in the elderly. This case-control study aimed to investigate the changes in serum vitamin C levels among children with limb fractures. Methods We recruited 325 children with and 316 children without limb fractures hospitalized between January 2021 and December 2021. Following admission, basic demographic data of all participants were collected, and fasting serum vitamin C levels were determined using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Results The mean age of the fracture group was 5.1 years (95% CI, 4.83–5.33). The serum vitamin C levels in the fracture group (4.48 µg/ml) were significantly lower than those in the control group (8.38 µg/ml) (p < 0.0001). Further subgroup analysis of the fracture group revealed that serum vitamin C levels decreased significantly after 4 years of age and there was a significant difference in the duration after injury between <6 and >6 h (p = 0.0224). Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient suggested that age and vitamin C levels were negatively correlated in the fracture group. Conclusion In general, children with limb fractures had lower serum vitamin C levels, especially those aged 4 years and over.
... times [46] . They suggested that VC was associated with the regulation of some neurotransmitter systems, such as the aminergic system (dopamine), the glutamatergic system and the cholinergic system [14] . ...
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Cognitive impairment and dementia are burgeoning public health concerns, especially given the increasing longevity of the global population. These conditions not only affect the quality of life of individuals and their families, but also pose significant economic burdens on healthcare systems. In this context, our comprehensive narrative review critically examines the role of nutritional supplements in mitigating cognitive decline. Amidst growing interest in non-pharmacological interventions for cognitive enhancement, this review delves into the efficacy of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other dietary supplements. Through a systematic evaluation of randomized controlled trials, observational studies, and meta-analysis, this review focuses on outcomes such as memory enhancement, attention improvement, executive function support, and neuroprotection. The findings suggest a complex interplay between nutritional supplementation and cognitive health, with some supplements showing promising results and others displaying limited or context-dependent effectiveness. The review highlights the importance of dosage, bioavailability, and individual differences in response to supplementation. Additionally, it addresses safety concerns and potential interactions with conventional treatments. By providing a clear overview of current scientific knowledge, this review aims to guide healthcare professionals and researchers in making informed decisions about the use of nutritional supplements for cognitive health.
Background: The benefits of folic acid supplementation have been documented in several studies. However, while evidence exists regarding its benefits for growth and haematologic parameters, its possible effects on the brain have been less examined. Objectives: The study aimed to examine the benefits of dietary folic acid supplementation (beginning in the prepubertal period) on neurobehaviour, oxidative stress, inflammatory parameters, and neurotransmitter levels in adult mice. Methods: Forty-eight prepubertal male mice were assigned into four groups of 12 animals each. Mice were grouped into normal control (fed standard diet) and three groups fed folic acid supplemented diet at 2.5, 5, and 10 mg/kg of feed. Animals were fed a standard diet or folic acid-supplemented diet for eight weeks during which food intake and body weight were assessed. On postnatal day 78, animals were exposed to the open-field, Y-maze, radial arm maze, elevated plus maze, bar test, and models of behavioural despair. 24 hours after the last behavioural test, animals were made to fast overnight and then sacrificed by cervical dislocation. Blood was then taken for the assessment of blood glucose, leptin, and insulin levels. Homogenates of brain tissue were prepared and used for the assessment of biochemical parameters. Results: Results showed a concentration-dependent increase in body weight, and improved antioxidant status, memory scores, and acetylcholine levels. Also, a decrease in food intake, blood glucose, insulin, and leptin levels was observed. A reduction in open-field behaviour, anxiety-related behaviour, and proinflammatory markers, was also observed. Conclusion: The beneficial effect of prepubertal continuous dietary folate fortification on the brain (as the animal ages) has been shown in this study.
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Introduction Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient playing crucial roles in human biology. Hypovitaminosis C is defined by a plasmatic ascorbemia below 23 µmol/L and is associated with numerous outcomes such as cardiovascular diseases, cancers or neurocognitive disorders. Numerous risk factors are common among older adults making them particularly susceptible to hypovitaminosis C. These risk factors include reduced vitamin intakes, higher vitamin metabolism related to polypathology, and iatrogeny because of polypharmacy. However, the precise prevalence of hypovitaminosis C and its risk factors are poorly documented within the geriatric population. A better knowledge of hypovitaminosis C prevalence and risk factor may lead to improving the vitamin C status among older people and prevent its consequences. Method and analysis To answer these questions, we designed a monocentric cross-sectional study in a population of older hospitalised patients in Lyon, France. A sample size of 385 patients was needed to estimate hypovitaminosis C prevalence. The study was proposed to all eligible patient aged more than 75 years old entering the participating acute geriatric unit. The plasmatic vitamin C status was systematically assessed for participating patients, and variables part of the medical and geriatric evaluation were collected. For patients with severe vitamin C depletion, an oral supplementation and a follow-up phone call were organised to ensure treatment completion and tolerance. Ethics and dissemination The protocol has been approved by an independent national ethics committee and meets the methodological requirements. Final outcomes will be published in a peer-reviewed journal and disseminated through conferences. Trial registration number NCT05668663 .
Background: Ascorbic acid is a potent natural antioxidant that protects against oxidative stress and performs various bodily functions. It is commonly found in fruits and vegetables. Objective: The manuscript has been written to provide valuable insights into ascorbic acid in managing Alzheimer's disease. Methods: The data has been gathered from web sources, including PubMed, Science Direct, Publons, Web of Science, and Scopus from 2000-2022 using AA, ascorbic acid, Alzheimer's diseases, memory, dementia, and antioxidant Keywords. Results: In the present manuscript, we have summarized the impact of ascorbic acid and its possible mechanism in Alzheimer's disease by, outlining the information currently available on the behavioral and biochemical effects of ascorbic acid in animal models of Alzheimer's disease as well as its usage as a therapeutic agent to slow down the progression of Alzheimer disease in human beings. Oxidative stress plays a significant role in the advancement of AD. AA is a wellknown antioxidant that primarily reduces oxidative stress and produces protein aggregates, which may help decrease cognitive deficits in Alzheimer's disease. The current paper analyses of ascorbic acid revealed that deficiency of ascorbic acid adversely affects the central nervous system and leads to cognitive defects. However, the results of clinical studies are conflicting, but some of the studies suggested that supplementation of ascorbic acid improved cognitive deficits and decreased disease progression. Conclusion: Based on clinical and preclinical studies, it is observed that ascorbic acid supplementation improves cognitive deficits and protects the neurons from oxidative stress injury.
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This study examined the utility of the recently published MMSE-2:SV in detecting cognitive impairment. We used receiver operating characteristics to test the discriminative power of the MMSE-2:SV for distinguishing between older adults without mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia (n=67) and patients with MCI (n=76) or dementia (n=79). The results show that the MMSE-2:SV had excellent discriminative ability in distinguishing older controls from patients with dementia, with cut-off scores of 26 and 27 (max=30) yielding appropriate sensitivity (0.810 and 0.924, respectively) and specificity (0.940 and 0.806). Discriminative power was close to good in distinguishing between older controls and patients with MCI. Here, however, no optimal cut-off point could be determined. Even though this study shows good sensitivity and adequate specificity for the MMSE-2:SV in discriminating individuals without MCI or dementia from those with dementia, its validity is limited for identifying patients with MCI.
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Background: Vitamin C deficiency may be more common than is generally assumed, and the association between vitamin C deficiency and adverse psychiatric effects has been known for centuries. This paper aims to systematically review the evidence base for the neuropsychiatric effects of vitamin C deficiency. Methods: Relevant studies were identified via systematic literature review. Results: Nine studies of vitamin C deficiency, including subjects both with and without the associated physical manifestations of scurvy, were included in this review. Vitamin C deficiency, including scurvy, has been linked to depression and cognitive impairment. No effect on affective or non-affective psychosis was identified. Conclusions: Disparate measurement techniques for vitamin C, and differing definitions of vitamin C deficiency were apparent, complicating comparisons between studies. However, there is evidence suggesting that vitamin C deficiency is related to adverse mood and cognitive effects. The vitamin C blood levels associated with depression and cognitive impairment are higher than those implicated in clinical manifestations of scurvy. While laboratory testing for ascorbic acid can be practically difficult, these findings nonetheless suggest that mental health clinicians should be alerted to the possibility of vitamin C deficiency in patients with depression or cognitive impairment. Vitamin C replacement is inexpensive and easy to deliver, although as of yet there are no outcome studies investigating the neuropsychiatric impact of vitamin C replacement in those who are deficient.
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Background Drugs with anticholinergic properties are commonly prescribed in older adults despite growing evidence of their adverse outcomes. Several issues regarding these detrimental effects remain unresolved, such as the putative existence of a threshold above which anticholinergic drug consumption impairs cognitive or mobility performance. Objectives We aimed to investigate the number of anticholinergic drugs and the anticholinergic burden that leads to mobility or cognitive impairment and compare the effects in community-dwelling older adults in two age groups (“young–old” 55–74 vs. “old–old” ≥ 75 years). Methods In a cross-sectional study, we identified drugs with anticholinergic (antimuscarinic) properties using the Anticholinergic Drug Scale. Cognition was assessed using the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Trail Making Test (TMT-A and TMT-B), and mobility was assessed using the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test. Results The study population consisted of 177 volunteers, 114 of whom were classed as young–old and 63 were classed as old–old adults. Despite the lack of cutoff values for impaired outcomes in young-old adults, impaired MMSE were significantly more numerous in users than in nonusers of anticholinergic drugs. In old–old adults, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis indicated that taking a single anticholinergic drug per day was associated with impaired TMT-B completion time, TMT difference score (B–A), and TUG scores. The cutoff for anticholinergic burden was also one for these same outcomes. Based on these cutoff values, multivariate logistic regressions in old–old adults showed that the increased risk of impaired cognition and mobility was independent of confounding factors, including comorbidities. They also suggested that anticholinergic drugs would affect mobility through executive functions. Conclusions Drugs with anticholinergic (antimuscarinic) properties are associated with cognitive impairment in individuals as young as 55 years, and only one such drug per day, regardless of its anticholinergic burden, is associated with both impaired cognition and impaired mobility in old–old adults. Therefore, wherever possible, clinicians should avoid prescribing drugs with anticholinergic properties.
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to provide regression-based normative data for the written, oral, and incidental recall trials of the Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT). Method: Regression-based normative equations for the written and oral trials were derived from 536 healthy men and women between the ages of 18 and 91. Normative equations for the incidental recall trial are provided for a subset of the normative sample (age range = 60-91). The clinical utility of the newly developed norms was examined by comparing mean performance and rates of impaired scores for participants with traumatic brain injury (TBI), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and dementia. Within-group analyses were used to compare the new norms to the original published norms. Results: Age, education, and sex were all significant predictors of written trial performance, age and education were significant predictors of oral trial performance, and only age predicted incidental recall trial performance. As expected, the TBI group demonstrated the highest rates of impaired performance on both written and oral trials. Participants with dementia showed the highest rate of impaired scores on the incidental recall trial, followed by participants with amnestic MCI. Compared to traditional norming methods, the regression-based norms classified more clinical participants as impaired on both the written and oral trials. Conclusions: Comprehensive regression-based normative equations with demonstrated clinical utility are provided to improve the detection of cerebral dysfunction using the SDMT. A calculator with the normative equations is provided so that raw scores can be easily converted to demographically-corrected standardized scores.
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Background: To investigate the demographic and lifestyles factors associated with vitamin C deficiency and to examine the association between plasma vitamin C level and self-reported physical functional health. Methods: A population-based cross-sectional study using the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer-Norfolk study. Plasma vitamin C level < 11 µmol/L indicated vitamin C deficiency. Unconditional logistic regression models assessed the association between vitamin C deficiency and potential risk factors. Associations between quartiles of vitamin C and self-reported functional health measured by the 36-item short-form questionnaire (SF-36) were assessed. Results: After adjustment, vitamin C deficiency was associated with older age, being male, lower physical activity, smoking, more socially deprived area (Townsend index) and a lower educational attainment. Compared to the highest, those in the lowest quartile of vitamin C were more likely to score in the lowest decile of physical function (adjusted odds ratio (aOR): 1.43 (95%CI: 1.21-1.70)), bodily pain (aOR: 1.29 (95% CI: 1.07-1.56)), general health (aOR: 1.4 (95%CI: 1.18-1.66)), and vitality (aOR: 1.23 (95%CI: 1.04-1.45)) SF-36 scores. Conclusions: Simple public health interventions should be aimed at populations with risk factors for vitamin C deficiency. Poor self-reported functional health was associated with lower plasma vitamin C levels, which may reflect symptoms of latent scurvy.
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Vitamin-C is a water soluble molecule that humans have lost the ability to produce. Vitamin-C plays a role in CNS functions such as neuronal differentiation, maturation, myelin formation and modulation of the catecholaminergic systems. A recent systematic review by our team indicated the need for further research into the relationship between plasma vitamin C and cognition in cognitively intact participants using plasma vitamin C concentrations instead of estimates derived from food-frequency-questionnaires (FFQ), and more sensitive cognitive assessments suitable for cognitive abilities vulnerable to aging. It was hypothesized that higher plasma vitamin C concentrations would be linked with higher cognitive performance. This cross-sectional trial was conducted on healthy adults (n = 80, Female = 52, Male = 28, 24–96 years) with a range of plasma Vitamin C concentrations. Cognitive assessments included The Swinburne-University-Computerized-Cognitive-Assessment-Battery (SUCCAB) and two pen and paper tests, the Symbol-Digits-Modalities-Test (SDMT) and Hopkins-Verbal-Learning-Test-Revised (HVLT-R). The pen and paper assessments were conducted to establish whether their scores would correlate with the computerized tasks. Plasma-Vitamin C concentrations were measured using two biochemical analyses. Participants were grouped into those with plasma vitamin-C concentrations of adequate level (≥28 μmol/L) and deficient level (<28 μmol/L). The SUCCAB identified a significantly higher performance ratio (accuracy/reaction-time) in the group with adequate vitamin-C levels vs. deficient vitamin-C on the choice reaction time (M = 188 ± 4 vs. 167 ± 9, p = 0.039), immediate recognition memory (M = 81 ± 3 vs. 68 ± 6, p = 0.03), congruent Stroop (M = 134 ± 3 vs. 116 ± 7, p = 0.024), and delayed recognition tasks (M = 72 ± 2 vs. 62 ± 4, p = 0.049), after adjusting for age (p < 0.05). Significantly higher scores in immediate recall on the HVLT-R (M = 10.64 ± 0.16 vs. 9.17 ± 0.37, p = 0.001), delayed recall (M = 9.74 ± 0.22 vs. 7.64 ± 0.51, p < 0.001), total recall (M = 27.93 ± 0.48 vs. 24.19 ± 1.11, p = 0.003) were shown in participants with adequate plasma Vitamin-C concentrations, after adjusting for vitamin-C supplementation dose (p < 0.05). Similarly, higher SDMT scores were observed in participants with adequate plasma Vitamin-C concentrations (M = 49.73 ± 10.34 vs. 41.38 ± 5.06, p = 0.039), after adjusting for age (p < 0.05). In conclusion there was a significant association between vitamin-C plasma concentrations and performance on tasks involving attention, focus, working memory, decision speed, delayed and total recall, and recognition. Plasma vitamin C concentrations obtained through vitamin C supplementation did not affect cognitive performance differently to adequate concentrations obtained through dietary intake. Unique Identifier: ACTRN 12615001140549, URL:
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Background: Vitamins and minerals have many functions in the nervous system which are important for brain health. It has been suggested that various different vitamin and mineral supplements might be useful in maintaining cognitive function and delaying the onset of dementia. In this review, we sought to examine the evidence for this in people who already had mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Objectives: To evaluate the effects of vitamin and mineral supplementation on cognitive function and the incidence of dementia in people with mild cognitive impairment. Search methods: We searched ALOIS, the Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group's (CDCIG) specialised register, as well as MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, CENTRAL, CINAHL, LILACs, Web of Science Core Collection,, and the WHO Portal/ICTRP, from inception to 25 January 2018. Selection criteria: We included randomised or quasi-randomised, placebo-controlled trials which evaluated orally administered vitamin or mineral supplements in participants with a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment and which assessed the incidence of dementia or cognitive outcomes, or both. We were interested in studies applicable to the general population of older people and therefore excluded studies in which participants had severe vitamin or mineral deficiencies. Data collection and analysis: We sought data on our primary outcomes of dementia incidence and overall cognitive function and on secondary outcomes of episodic memory, executive function, speed of processing, quality of life, functional performance, clinical global impression, adverse events, and mortality. We conducted data collection and analysis according to standard Cochrane systematic review methods. We assessed the risk of bias of included studies using the Cochrane 'Risk of bias' assessment tool. We grouped vitamins and minerals according to their putative mechanism of action and, where we considered it to be clinically appropriate, we pooled data using random-effects methods. We used GRADE methods to assess the overall quality of evidence for each comparison and outcome. Main results: We included five trials with 879 participants which investigated B vitamin supplements. In four trials, the intervention was a combination of vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid; in one, it was folic acid only. Doses varied. We considered there to be some risks of performance and attrition bias and of selective outcome reporting among these trials. Our primary efficacy outcomes were the incidence of dementia and scores on measures of overall cognitive function. None of the trials reported the incidence of dementia and the evidence on overall cognitive function was of very low-quality. There was probably little or no effect of B vitamins taken for six to 24 months on episodic memory, executive function, speed of processing, or quality of life. The evidence on our other secondary clinical outcomes, including harms, was very sparse or very low-quality. There was evidence from one study that there may be a slower rate of brain atrophy over two years in participants taking B vitamins. The same study reported subgroup analyses based on the level of serum homocysteine (tHcy) at baseline and found evidence that B vitamins may improve episodic memory in those with tHcy above the median at baseline.We included one trial (n = 516) of vitamin E supplementation. Vitamin E was given as 1000 IU of alpha-tocopherol twice daily. We considered this trial to be at risk of attrition and selective reporting bias. There was probably no effect of vitamin E on the probability of progression from MCI to Alzheimer's dementia over three years (HR 1.02; 95% CI 0.74 to 1.41; n = 516; 1 study, moderate-quality evidence). There was also no evidence of an effect at intermediate time points. The available data did not allow us to conduct analyses, but the authors reported no significant effect of three years of supplementation with vitamin E on overall cognitive function, episodic memory, speed of processing, clinical global impression, functional performance, adverse events, or mortality (five deaths in each group). We considered this to be low-quality evidence.We included one trial (n = 256) of combined vitamin E and vitamin C supplementation and one trial (n = 26) of supplementation with chromium picolinate. In both cases, there was a single eligible cognitive outcome, but we considered the evidence to be very low-quality and so could not be sure of any effects. Authors' conclusions: The evidence on vitamin and mineral supplements as treatments for MCI is very limited. Three years of treatment with high-dose vitamin E probably does not reduce the risk of progression to dementia, but we have no data on this outcome for other supplements. Only B vitamins have been assessed in more than one RCT. There is no evidence for beneficial effects on cognition of supplementation with B vitamins for six to 24 months. Evidence from a single study of a reduced rate of brain atrophy in participants taking vitamin B and a beneficial effect of vitamin B on episodic memory in those with higher tHcy at baseline warrants attempted replication.
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Introduction: The prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is increasing, with a potential impact in the risk of acceleration of dementia. The potential association between glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and cognitive performance was scarcely studied. The aim of this study was to evaluate cognitive performance levels across different degrees of kidney function. Methods: We analyzed 240 outpatients in a nephrology service, classified according to eGFR: Advanced (≤ 30ml/min/1.73m²), Moderate (30,1ml/min/1.73m² to ≤ 60ml/min/1.73m²), and Mild CKD (> 60ml/min/1.73m²). Word list memory, Semantic fluency, Mental State Mini Exam and Trail Making Test (TMT) were applied to evaluate cognitive performance. In the TMT, lower scores are associated with better cognition. In linear regression, cognitive function was considered as dependent variables while groups based on eGFR were considered explanatory variables. The group with eGFR > 60ml/min was the reference and models were adjusted for confounding factors. Results: In our population (n = 240) 64 patients (26.7%) were classified as having advanced, 98(40,8%) moderate, and 78(32,5%) mild. There was no statistical difference among them in MMSE or in the verbal fluency test. However, comparing to mild, patients with advanced CKD presented significantly worse cognitive performance measured by TMTA [50,8s ± 31.1s versus 66,6s ± 35,7s (p = 0.016)] and TMTB [92,7s ± 46,2s versus 162,4s ± 35,7s (p < 0.001)]. Significantly lower TMTB scores (CI95%) 33,0s (4,5-61,6s) were observed in patients with mild compared to advanced CKD in the multivariate analysis adjusting for age, education, sex, diabetes, and alcohol use. Conclusion: Advanced CKD is independently associated with poorer cognitive performance measured by an executive performance test compared to mild CKD.
Background/aims: This study aimed to adapt the Modified Mini-Mental State Examination (3MS) and determine its normative values in Turkey. Methods: After translation and cultural adaptation processes, a population-based study was conducted between February and June 2016 in Ankara with individuals over the age of 55 years. Subjects with a previous diagnosis of dementia along with neuropsychiatric disorders that might affect cognition were excluded. Data analyses were performed to assess the association of sociodemographic variables with 3MS scores. Results: Two versions of the Turkish 3MS (for educated and minimally educated individuals) were developed. A total of 2,235 participants were included in the field study. After exclusion, the data on the final sample of 1,909 individuals were analyzed, where age, gender, and education accounted for variance in 3MS scores. Younger age and higher educational attainment were associated with better 3MS performance. Conclusions: A widely applicable dementia screening test was adapted to Turkish and its normative values were determined. The test will make it possible to evaluate the cognitive performance of both educated and minimally educated elderly individuals based on their age, gender, and educational level.
The skin provides the primary protection for the body against external injuries and is essential in the maintenance of general homeostasis. During ageing, resident cells become senescent and the extracellular matrix, mainly in the dermis, is progressively damaged affecting the normal organization of the skin and its capacity for repair. In parallel, extrinsic factors such as ultraviolet irradiation, pollution, and intrinsic factors such as diabetes or vascular disease can further accelerate this phenomenon. Indeed, numerous mechanisms are involved in age-induced degradation of the skin and these also relate to non-healing or chronic wounds in the elderly. In particular, the generation of reactive oxygen species seems to play a major role in age-related skin modifications. Certainly, targeting both the hormonal status of the skin or its surface nutrition can slow down age-induced degradation of the skin and improve healing of skin damage in the elderly. Skin care regimens that prevent radiation and pollution damage, and reinforce the skin surface and its microbiota are among the different approaches able to minimize the effects of ageing on the skin.