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Abstract and Figures

Background Stroke is the second leading cause of death worldwide and it causes important long-term cognitive and physical deficits that hamper patients' daily activity. Neuropsychological rehabilitation (NR) has increasingly become more important to recover from cognitive disability and to improve the functionality and quality of life of these patients. Since in most stroke cases, restoration of functional connectivity (FC) precedes or accompanies cognitive and behavioral recovery, understanding the electrophysiological signatures underlying stroke recovery mechanisms is a crucial scientific and clinical goal. Methods For this purpose, a longitudinal study was carried out with a sample of 10 stroke patients, who underwent two neuropsychological assessments and two resting-state magnetoencephalographic (MEG) recordings, before and after undergoing a NR program. Moreover, to understand the degree of cognitive and neurophysiological impairment after stroke and the mechanisms of recovery after cognitive rehabilitation, stroke patients were compared to 10 healthy controls matched for age, sex, and educational level. Findings After intra and inter group comparisons, we found the following results: (1) Within the stroke group who received cognitive rehabilitation, almost all cognitive domains improved relatively or totally; (2) They exhibit a pattern of widespread increased in FC within the beta band that was related to the recovery process (there were no significant differences between patients who underwent rehabilitation and controls); (3) These FC recovery changes were related with the enhanced of cognitive performance. Furthermore, we explored the capacity of the neuropsychological scores before rehabilitation, to predict the FC changes in the brain network. Significant correlations were found in global indexes from the WAIS-III: Performance IQ (PIQ) and Perceptual Organization index (POI) (i.e., Picture Completion, Matrix Reasoning, and Block Design).
Neuropsychological tests' changes after NR. Functional Performance (4 scores: DEX and PCRS); Executive Functions (10 scores: WCST, Tower of Hanoi, FDT, and TMT); Attention (1 score: Brief Test of Attention); Language (2 scores: BNT and FAS); Episodic Memory (4 scores: WMS-III); Working Memory (9 scores: WAIS-III and WMS-III). The last three columns correspond to cognitive indices of WAIS-III, including all their subtests: VCI (verbal comprehension, 4 scores); PSI (speed processing, 3 scores); and POI (perceptual organization, 4 scores). Percentages were calculated intra-domain. Test scores included. DEX, DEX-family, DEX-difference; PCRS, PCRS-family, PCRS-difference; WCST, WCST-categories, WCST-conceptual, WCST-persevering; Tower of Hanoi, TH-3D-time, TH-3D-movements, TH-4D-time, TH-4D-movements; Five Digit Test, FDT-switching, FDT-flexibility; Brief Test of Attention, BTA-total score; BNT, BNT-total score; FAS, FAS-total score; WMS-III-episodic-memory, WMS-III-logical memory 1, WMS-III-logical memory 2, WMS-III-visual reproduction 1, WMS-III-visual reproduction 2; WMS-working memory, WMS-III-forward digit span, WMS-III-backward digit span, WMS-III-forward visual span, WMS-III-backward visual span; WAIS-working memory, WAIS-digit span, WAIS-arithmetic, WAIS-letter number sequencing, WAIS-working memory index; WAIS-VCI, WAIS-vocabulary, WAIS-information, WAIS-similarities, WAIS-verbal comprehension index; WAIS-PSI, WAIS-symbol search, WAIS-digit symbol, WAIS-processing speed index; WAIS-POI, WAIS-block design, WAIS-matrix reasoning, WAIS-picture completion; WAIS-perceptual organization index.
(A) Significant FC results (p < 0.005, corrected) in the beta band (12–30 Hz) when comparing within the stroke patients' group, the pre-condition and the post- condition. Line thickness of significant links is proportional to FC values (a higher value corresponds to thicker lines, and vice versa); (B) Significant functional connectivity links in the beta band are represented as bar graphs. Red color represents higher connectivity values for pre-condition compared to post-condition and blue color illustrates lower connectivity values for pre-condition compared to post-condition. ROIs included: lMFG, Left Middle Frontal Gyrus; rMFG, Right Middle Frontal Gyrus; lIFG, Left Inferior Frontal Parstriangularis; rIFG, Right Inferior Frontal Parstriangularis; rmOrbG, Right Medial Orbito Frontal Gyrus; lACCr, Left Rostral Anterior Cingulate; rACCr, Right Rostral Anterior Cingulate; lOrbG, Left Lateral Orbito Frontal Gyrus; rIFGorb, Right Inferior Frontal Orbital; lIFGop, Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus Opercular; lSTG, Left Superior Temporal Gyrus; rPreCG, Right Precentral Gyrus; rSTG, Right Superior Temporal Gyrus; lMTG, Left Middle Temporal Gyrus; rPoCG, Right Poscentral Gyrus; lPHG, Left Parahipocampal Gyrus; rSMG, Right Supramarginal Gyrus; lSMG, Left Supramarginal Gyrus; lPCUN, Left Precuneus; lstroke patientsL, Left Superior Parietal Lobule; rstroke patientsL, Right Superior Parietal Lobule; rLING, Right Lingual Cortex; rCAL, Right Calcarine; lMOG, Left Lateral Occipital Gyrus; rMOG, Right Lateral Occipital Gyrus.
This content is subject to copyright.
published: 25 February 2022
doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.838170
Frontiers in Neurology | 1February 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 838170
Edited by:
Rafeed Alkawadri,
University of Pittsburgh Medical
Center, United States
Reviewed by:
Shennan Aibel Weiss,
SUNY Downstate Medical Center,
United States
Donna Clark Tippett,
Johns Hopkins Medicine,
United States
Sandra Pusil
These authors have contributed
equally to this work and share first
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Applied Neuroimaging,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Neurology
Received: 17 December 2021
Accepted: 03 February 2022
Published: 25 February 2022
Pusil S, Torres-Simon L, Chino B,
López ME, Canuet L, Bilbao Á,
Maestú F and Paúl N (2022)
Resting-State Beta-Band Recovery
Network Related to Cognitive
Improvement After Stroke.
Front. Neurol. 13:838170.
doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.838170
Resting-State Beta-Band Recovery
Network Related to Cognitive
Improvement After Stroke
Sandra Pusil1*, Lucía Torres-Simon1†, Brenda Chino 2, María Eugenia López 1,
Leonides Canuet1, Álvaro Bilbao3, Fernando Maestú1and Nuria Paúl1
1Department of Experimental Psychology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2Institute of Neuroscience,
Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 3National Centre for Brain Injury Treatment, Centro de Referencia
Estatal de Atención Al Daño Cerebral (CEADAC), Madrid, Spain
Background: Stroke is the second leading cause of death worldwide and it causes
important long-term cognitive and physical deficits that hamper patients’ daily activity.
Neuropsychological rehabilitation (NR) has increasingly become more important to
recover from cognitive disability and to improve the functionality and quality of life
of these patients. Since in most stroke cases, restoration of functional connectivity
(FC) precedes or accompanies cognitive and behavioral recovery, understanding the
electrophysiological signatures underlying stroke recovery mechanisms is a crucial
scientific and clinical goal.
Methods: For this purpose, a longitudinal study was carried out with a sample
of 10 stroke patients, who underwent two neuropsychological assessments and two
resting-state magnetoencephalographic (MEG) recordings, before and after undergoing
a NR program. Moreover, to understand the degree of cognitive and neurophysiological
impairment after stroke and the mechanisms of recovery after cognitive rehabilitation,
stroke patients were compared to 10 healthy controls matched for age, sex, and
educational level.
Findings: After intra and inter group comparisons, we found the following results:
(1) Within the stroke group who received cognitive rehabilitation, almost all cognitive
domains improved relatively or totally; (2) They exhibit a pattern of widespread increased
in FC within the beta band that was related to the recovery process (there were no
significant differences between patients who underwent rehabilitation and controls); (3)
These FC recovery changes were related with the enhanced of cognitive performance.
Furthermore, we explored the capacity of the neuropsychological scores before
rehabilitation, to predict the FC changes in the brain network. Significant correlations
were found in global indexes from the WAIS-III: Performance IQ (PIQ) and Perceptual
Organization index (POI) (i.e., Picture Completion, Matrix Reasoning, and Block Design).
Keywords: stroke, functional connectivity (FC), MEG (magnetoencephalography), cognitive performance,
neuropsychological rehabilitation
Pusil et al. Functional Recovery Network After Stroke
Stroke is considered the second leading cause of death and
the third leading cause of disability worldwide (1). It is a
heterogeneous pathology with diverse clinical manifestations due
to its possible etiologies (i.e., hemorrhagic, or ischemic), locations
(i.e., different vascular vessels or arteries), and size of the lesion (2,
3). However, most stroke survivors suffer from different degrees
of cognitive disabilities (46). These patients may have damage
in general cognitive performance with important functional
disability, which has been broadly reported in the scientific
literature (79). Although stroke tends to impact on attention
and executive function compared with its impact on memory,
a malfunction in these cognitive domains could worsen the
performance in other cognitive areas (3,4,6,10). In any case,
it is important to highlight the role of non-pharmacological
rehabilitation especially neuropsychological rehabilitation (NR)
in order to improve cognitive abilities and daily functions (10,
11). Neuropsychological rehabilitation is a systematic therapeutic
activity oriented functionally based on the assessment and
understanding of the cognitive deficits, emotional disturbances,
disruptive behaviors, and functional disorders of patients (12,
13), and includes interventions that might be compensatory,
educational, or restorative (10).
According to some authors and approaches post-stroke
deficits have long been considered to be fundamentally associated
with the location of the lesion (14). This could be particularly true
for sensorimotor or language deficits, which are closely related to
the damage to the specific eloquent cortex. However, it has been
shown that although structural damage from stroke is usually
focal, remote disturbances may occur in brain distant regions
from the primary area of damage (15,16). This phenomenon
was previously associated with the concept of diaschisis, but
it is currently explained by the disruption of structural and
functional connectivity (FC) between brain areas (17). This way
of understanding the functioning of the brain gives a crucial
role to NR in the process of cognitive recovery, since it allows a
holistic management of cognitive impairment in contrast to other
more goal-oriented therapies.
In this context, as the restoration of FC precedes or
accompanies in most cases, cognitive and behavioral recovery in
stroke patients (18,19), understanding the electrophysiological
signatures underlying stroke recovery mechanisms is a crucial
scientific goal. This information could help the clinical
community to anticipate and modify NR programs to achieve
a more effective cognitive recovery, and consequently, improve
patients’ quality of life. With this purpose, in the present study we
used the magnetoencephalography (MEG), a neurophysiological
technique that allows a comprehensive analysis of brain dynamics
(20,21). While the functional magnetic resonance image (fMRI)
is intrinsically limited by the hemodynamic response, MEG
directly measures cortical neural activity. That means that the
modified vasomotor reactivity and neurovascular uncoupling in
stroke easily affects the blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD)
response but leaves the MEG signal intact (22). The study of MEG
signatures is well-established for early detection and prognosis
in neurodegenerative disorders, such as multiple sclerosis (23)
or Alzheimer’s disease (24). Moreover, MEG has previously been
used to demonstrate the disruption and recovery of functional
networks, and even its relationship with cognitive improvement
after undergoing a NR program in acquired brain pathologies
such as stroke (22,25,26) or traumatic brain injury (TBI)
(13,27). Thanks to the relevance of the neurophysiological
changes found in previous literature, it seems plausible that MEG
may provide interesting information about how NR may induce
specific cognitive recovery in stroke patients.
According to the aforementioned antecedents, the aims of the
present exploratory study are: (1) to understand the cognitive
improvement achieved in stroke patients that received NR; (2) to
explore the possible neurophysiological mechanisms underlying
the recovery process, by using FC on frequency bands obtained
with MEG; and (3) to evaluate if these neurophysiological
changes are related with cognitive improvement. For this
purpose, we carried out a longitudinal study in which a sample
of 10 stroke patients (stroke patients) were examined at two
different time points. The first was before NR (from now on
we will say pre-condition), and the second was after NR (from
now on we will say post-condition). At both time points patients
were cognitively evaluated and underwent resting-state MEG
recordings. Moreover, to understand the degree of cognitive
and neurophysiological disruption after stroke, and the recovery
mechanisms in stroke patients who were enrolled on the NR, data
for a control group were included with 10 healthy controls paired
in age, sex, and educational level.
The total dataset consisted of 20 subjects: 10 stroke patients (2
females/8 males; mean age 44.9 ±8.94; mean level of education
4.44 ±0.97) and 10 healthy controls (2 females/8 males; mean
age 43 ±12.72; mean level of education 4.78 ±0.67). The
mean time from the onset of the stroke to the start of the
study was 6.3 months, and the rehabilitation program lasted 7
months. The patient’s lesions were both ischemic (i.e., infarction;
n=5) and hemorrhagic (i.e., intracerebral hemorrhage; n=5)
and the stroke was located in different brain areas (for patient
detailed descriptive data see Table 1). To be enrolled in the study,
patients had to be diagnosed with a first-ever stroke, showing
a compatible lesion observed on computerized tomography
(CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Although initially,
after the stroke some patients showed loss of consciousness [as
reported in Table 1 with the Glasgow Coma Scale (28)], at the
beginning of the study all patients were neurologically stable
without alterations in consciousness or alertness, and none of
them showed epileptiform discharges on MEG recordings.
Exclusion criteria were the following: a stroke involving
the brainstem or cerebellum, a diagnosis of neurological or
psychiatric diseases other than stroke, and a history of TBI, drug,
or alcohol abuse.
Patients were recruited from the National Brain Injury
Rehabilitation Center and from Lescer Brain Injury
Rehabilitation Center (Madrid, Spain), and all of them were
Frontiers in Neurology | 2February 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 838170
Pusil et al. Functional Recovery Network After Stroke
TABLE 1 | Clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of the patients.
Patient Age Sex Education GCS Stroke etiology Stroke lesion
1 44 M 3 12 Ischemia Right fronto-parietal
2 45 F 5 7 Ischemia Right middle cerebral artery
3 47 M 5 9 Ischemia Left middle cerebral artery
4 47 M 4 12 Ischemia Right middle and anterior cerebral arteries
5 60 M 3 12 Ischemia Left middle cerebral artery
6 28 F 4 7 Hemorrhage Thalamus and left basal ganglia
7 35 M 4 8 Hemorrhage Right intraparenchymal
8 41 M 5 7 Hemorrhage Left basal ganglia
9 49 M 6 9 Hemorrhage Right basal ganglia
10 53 M 5 9 Hemorrhage Left thalamus
N=10 44.9 ±8.9 8 M/2 F 4.4 ±0.9 9.2 ±2.1 5 isch/5 hem
Education (1, illiterate/functional illiterate; 2, elemental studies; 3, school graduate; 4, high school studies; 5, university graduate studies; 6, university post-graduate studies).
enrolled in a NR program. Healthy controls were matched with
patients for age, sex, and education level, and they did not have a
previous history of psychiatric or neurological disorders.
As previously mentioned, patients underwent MEG
recordings and neuropsychological evaluation in two different
moments: (1) Pre-condition (Pre): at the beginning of the
study, before NR program; and (2) Post-condition (Post): after
completing the NR program. In the case of healthy controls, both
data, neuropsychological and neurophysiological, were obtained
only once, at the beginning of the study.
Ethics Statement
Methods were carried out in accordance with approved
guidelines and regulations. The study was approved by the
National Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center Ethics Committee
(Madrid), and all participants or legal representatives signed a
written informed consent prior to participation.
Neuropsychological Assessment
All participants underwent a comprehensive neuropsychological
evaluation with the aim to identify their cognitive status
in multiple cognitive domains (attention, memory, language,
executive functions, and visuospatial abilities) as well as
their functional performance. The extensive neuropsychological
assessment included: the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale III
(WAIS III) (29), the Brief Test of Attention (BTA) (30), the
Trail Making Test (TMT) (31), the Stroop Color Word Test
(32,33), the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) (34), the
Tower of Hanoi (35), the Zoo Map Test [from the Behavioral
Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (36)], the Boston
Naming Test (BNT) (37), the Digit Span Test [Wechsler Memory
Scale III (29)], the Visual Span Test [WMS-III; (29)], Logical
Memory and Visual Reproduction [WMS-III (29)], the Phonemic
and Semantic Fluency [Controlled Oral Word Association Test,
COWAT (38)], the Five Digit Test [FDT (39)], the Dysexecutive
Questionnaire [DEX (36)], and the Patient Competency Rating
Scale [PCRS (40)].
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
All stroke patients received an integrated treatment based on
the holistic-comprehensive model proposed by Ben-Yishay and
Diller (41). This program consists of 1 h/day of occupational
therapy, 1 h/2 days/week of neuropsychological therapy, and
2 h/day of group cognitive therapy (memory and executive
function/social skills). Neuropsychological therapy aimed to
improve attention, working memory, learning, memory and
problem solving/executive functions, and emotional-behavioral
problems, through evidence-based techniques that included both
restorative and compensatory strategies. Neuropsychological
treatment goals in each case were defined to achieve maximum
cognitive independence in daily living. In addition, patients
underwent 1 h of physiotherapy and half an hour of speech
therapy, in those cases that needed it. This rehabilitation plan
met the following requirements: (1) agreed by the family
and all professionals involved; (2) formulated in a specific
and operational manner (3) focused on meaningful goals
for the patients that allow them to achieve greater personal
autonomy, community integration, and adaptation to their
deficits; and (4) reviewed monthly. In addition, all patients
attended psychotherapy sessions to help them in the process of
accepting their new situation.
Magnetoencephalographic Recordings
Magnetic fields were recorded using a 148-channel whole-head
magnetometer (4D-MAGNES_2500 WH, 4-D Neuroimaging)
confined in a magnetically shielded room at the Universidad
Complutense of Madrid (Spain). Fields were measured during a
2-min resting-state eyes-closed condition and were sampled at a
frequency rate of 618.17 Hz. Ocular, cardiac, muscular, and jump
artifacts were identified first, by a visual inspection of an expert in
MEG, and then removed using ICA (42) in Brainstorm software
(43). Then, clean data were segmented into 4 s trial length, with
a minimum of 20 artifact-free segments for each subject. The
MEG data were filtered in the classical frequency bands: delta
(2–4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–12 Hz), beta (12–30 Hz), and
gamma (30–45 Hz) for further analysis.
Frontiers in Neurology | 3February 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 838170
Pusil et al. Functional Recovery Network After Stroke
Source Reconstruction and Connectivity
To reconstruct MEG sources, we used the default anatomy
(15,000 vertices) of the MNI/Colin27 brain (44) in Brainstorm.
This template was warped according to the polhemus points
(nasion and both preauricular) acquired during the head
digitalization to obtain a better approximation of the real
shape of the subject’s head. The overlapping sphere model
was calculated as the forward modeling of MEG measures.
Next, a noise covariance matrix was calculated to estimate
noise level in the MEG recordings. Sources were reconstructed
using the weighted Minimum Norm Estimation (wMNE) (45).
Weighted Minimum Norm Estimation is well-suited for the
estimation of large-scale FC networks, since it addresses the
problem of volume conduction, reducing the correlations of
spurious signals (46,47). Magnetoencephalography sources
were grouped into 68 anatomical regions of interest (ROI)
based on Brainstorm atlas Desikan-Killiany (48). For more
details about the brain areas used, referred to Supplementary
Material for Supplementary Table 1. We selected the mean as the
representative time series for each brain area delimited with the
aforementioned atlas.
Functional connectivity was assessed using the corrected
version of the imaginary phase locking value (ciPLV), a phase
synchronization measure that evaluates the distribution of phase
differences extracted from each of two sensor time series (49,50).
Corrected version of the imaginary phase locking value (Equation
1) was proposed by Bruña et al. (50) to remove the contribution
of the zero phase differences of PLV. Thus, this measure is
insensitive to zero-lag effects, and it is corrected to remove the
instantaneous phase contribution, which could be mainly due to
volume conduction.
where ϕxand ϕyrepresent the phases of each of the two-time
series and stands for the imaginary part of the numerator and
the real part in the denominator. See Figure 1 for the analysis
flow chart of the MEG data.
Statistical Analyses
This study aims to find the possible neurophysiological substrates
of the recovery network underlying the cognitive enhancement
found stroke patient’s sample in the post condition (after NR),
by using cognitive tests, functional scales, and FC measures.
In this context, we performed exploratory analyses with the
data obtained from stroke patients and healthy controls. The
analysis of demographic data showed that there were no
statistical differences in age, sex, and level of education between
patients and controls (p>0.05), so we did not include
them as confounding variables for the following explorations.
Non-parametric tests were used for all comparisons because
variables were non-normally distributed and because of the small
sample size. Specifically, the Mann-Whitney U test was used for
between groups analyses (stroke patients vs. healthy controls)
and Wilcoxon paired test for within-group comparison (Pre vs.
Post conditions in the stroke patients’ group). In the case of
neuropsychological variables, significant results were considered
with a p-value <0.05 after applying false discovery rate (FDR)
corrected for multiple comparisons. For FC data, a total of
10,000 permutations were used for each significant FC link,
and results were considered significant with a p-value <0.005
after applying FDR (51). Finally, with the aim to explore the
relationships between FC and cognition, Spearman’s correlation
analysis was employed. For all analyses the Matlab Statistical
Toolbox was used.
Cognitive Changes After
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
As described before, the patients underwent a comprehensive
neuropsychological evaluation before and after the NR program.
From the total of battery tests, those scores with at least nine
reported patients (46 scores in total) were included for the
statistical analysis. Pre-condition results indicated that stroke
patients performed significantly worse compared with healthy
controls in all cognitive domains (p<0.05). Comparing pre
and post conditions in the stroke patients’ group, results showed
an important cognitive improvement with 33 scores (72% of
the 46 total scores) significantly different between conditions.
Of these, 21 scores (46% of the 46 total scores), could be
considered relatively enhanced since in the post-condition, they
were significantly different to those corresponding to the healthy
controls (see Figure 2). The remaining 12 scores (26% of the 46
total scores) from the post-condition did not show significant
differences with the healthy control group, indicating a total
improvement. To simplify the interpretation of these results, all
scores were clustered into several aggregated groups depending
on different cognitive domains: Functional performance, 4 scores
(of DEX and PCRS); Executive Functions, 10 scores (of WCST,
Tower of Hanoi, FDT and TMT); Attention, 1 score (of Brief
Test of Attention); Language, 2 scores (of BNT and FAS);
Episodic Memory, 4 scores (of WMS-III) and Working Memory,
9 scores (of WMS-III and WAIS-III). The last three columns
of Figure 2 correspond to the cognitive index of WAIS-III,
including all their subtests: Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI,
4 scores); Processing Speed Index (PSI, 3 scores), and Perceptual
Organization Index (POI, 4 scores). In addition, the three
general indices of WAIS-III were also included [Verbal IQ,
Performance IQ (PIQ), and Full-Scale IQ], as well as subtests
Picture Arrangement and Comprehension. In summary, we
found that all cognitive domains of the stroke patients’ group
were fully or partially enhanced in the post-condition (see
Figure 2). It is important to note that the VCI (that includes
the WAIS-III index and all its subtests), was a cognitive domain
without improvement in any of the four measures; and the four
scores maintained significant differences when comparing the
second scores of stroke patients with the healthy controls scores.
However, it is important to know that this index, already in the
pre-condition, shows a normal score (103.5) unlike the results of
Frontiers in Neurology | 4February 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 838170
Pusil et al. Functional Recovery Network After Stroke
FIGURE 1 | (Top) Sample description (stroke patients and healthy control groups). Description of the protocol followed by each group and the variables collected for
this study. (Bottom) MEG Analysis flowchart. Sequential pipeline of the analysis performed on the MEG data.
the other cognitive index of the WAIS-III (WMI 91.9; PSI 80.3;
PRI 82.4) and the others all cognitive tests. In addition, their
result in the post-condition was 105, although it continues to be
statistically different from the healthy control group (117.6).
Functional Connectivity Disruption After
Stroke: Differences Between Stroke
Patients and Healthy Controls
In order to assess the possible disruption of the patients’
network due to the stroke, their FC in the pre-condition was
compared with the FC of the healthy controls. Stroke patients
exhibited significant FC reduction in the beta band (p<0.005,
FDR corrected) that comprised intra and inter-hemispheric
connections (Figure 3). No significant results were found in
other frequency bands.
Functional Connectivity After
Rehabilitation: The Recovery Network
When assessing the possible FC differences between stroke
patients’ conditions, a clear pattern of widespread increased
FC within the beta band was found. Stroke patients showed
significantly (p<0.005) higher FC in the post-condition
compared to the pre-condition in a variety of links comprising
intra and inter-hemispheric, and antero-posterior long-range
connections (Figure 4).
Moreover, when assessing the possible differences in FC
between groups (post-condition and healthy controls) we did not
find any statistically significant differences. This result indicated
that the original FC disruption in the beta band was restored in
stroke patients who went through the NR.
No significant results were found in other frequency bands in
the pre and post comparison after FDR correction (p<0.005).
Nevertheless, there is a clear pattern of enhanced connectivity
in low frequency bands (delta and theta) in the pre stage when
compared with the brain activity of stroke patients recorded
after the rehabilitation when a less restrictive statistical threshold
was used (p<0.05). Detailed description of these results
could be found in the Supplementary Material, Appendix 3.
These results were not included in the main findings of the
present study because we wanted to focus on the most reliable
FC signature, keeping the p<0.005 value as the go/no go
statistical limit.
Frontiers in Neurology | 5February 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 838170
Pusil et al. Functional Recovery Network After Stroke
FIGURE 2 | Neuropsychological tests’ changes after NR. Functional Performance (4 scores: DEX and PCRS); Executive Functions (10 scores: WCST, Tower of Hanoi,
FDT, and TMT); Attention (1 score: Brief Test of Attention); Language (2 scores: BNT and FAS); Episodic Memory (4 scores: WMS-III); Working Memory (9 scores:
WAIS-III and WMS-III). The last three columns correspond to cognitive indices of WAIS-III, including all their subtests: VCI (verbal comprehension, 4 scores); PSI
(speed processing, 3 scores); and POI (perceptual organization, 4 scores). Percentages were calculated intra-domain. Test scores included. DEX, DEX-family,
DEX-difference; PCRS, PCRS-family, PCRS-difference; WCST, WCST-categories, WCST-conceptual, WCST-persevering; Tower of Hanoi, TH-3D-time,
TH-3D-movements, TH-4D-time, TH-4D-movements; Five Digit Test, FDT-switching, FDT-flexibility; Brief Test of Attention, BTA-total score; BNT, BNT-total score; FAS,
FAS-total score; WMS-III-episodic-memory, WMS-III-logical memory 1, WMS-III-logical memory 2, WMS-III-visual reproduction 1, WMS-III-visual reproduction 2;
WMS-working memory, WMS-III-forward digit span, WMS-III-backward digit span, WMS-III-forward visual span, WMS-III-backward visual span; WAIS-working
memory, WAIS-digit span, WAIS-arithmetic, WAIS-letter number sequencing, WAIS-working memory index; WAIS-VCI, WAIS-vocabulary, WAIS-information,
WAIS-similarities, WAIS-verbal comprehension index; WAIS-PSI, WAIS-symbol search, WAIS-digit symbol, WAIS-processing speed index; WAIS-POI, WAIS-block
design, WAIS-matrix reasoning, WAIS-picture completion; WAIS-perceptual organization index.
Correlations Between the Brain and
Cognitive Recovery Patterns
With the aim to explore if FC changes were related with the
enhanced cognitive performance in the stroke patients’ group,
we firstly calculated a ratio considering the strength of each
functional link that differed between both conditions (FC ratio
=Post/Pre). Then, we averaged these FC link ratios in just
one value for each stroke patient. This provided a unique
FC marker for each patient that condensed the information
obtained by the whole network and the two MEG sessions.
Next, for cognitive scores, we calculated the performance
differences (D) for the most representative tests of each
neuropsychological domain between pre and post conditions
in the stroke patients’ group (D =Post–Pre), with the aim
of finding the strongest cognitive improvement, to reduce the
redundancy of the information (since several scores measured
the similar aspects of the same cognitive domain) and to
avoid the statistical pitfall of multiple comparisons. Regarding
the selection of the most representative scores included for
the correlation analyses, the neuropsychological experts’ team
choose: Functional Performance (DEX-F), Executive functions
(WCST-Persevering, Tower of Hanoi-3D-T), Attention (BTA),
Episodic memory (WMS-III-LM1), Working memory (Digit span
test), and Language (BNT). Moreover, the WAIS-III general
indexes and some WAIS-III cognitive indexes were included
(FIQ, PIQ, VIQ, PSI, POI). We finally included for the
Spearman’s correlation analyses the average FC strength ratio
and 12 neuropsychological scores differences, illustrative of the
cognitive improvement, for each stroke patient.
In order to facilitate the understanding of each patient
cognitive improvement an extended material about individual
neuropsychological performance was added in Appendix 2
in Supplementary Material. There, the punctuations
for each patient before and after the rehabilitation are
described in detail for those tests included in the present
correlation analysis.
We found three positive and significant recovery signatures
correlations between the FC strength ratio and three cognitive
Frontiers in Neurology | 6February 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 838170
Pusil et al. Functional Recovery Network After Stroke
FIGURE 3 | (A) Significant FC results (p<0.005, corrected) in the beta band (12–30 Hz) when comparing healthy controls vs. stroke patients in the pre-condition.
Line thickness of significant links is proportional to FC values (a higher value corresponds to thicker lines, and vice versa); (B) Significant FC links in the beta band are
represented as bar graphs. Red color represents higher connectivity values for healthy controls compared to stroke patients and blue color illustrates lower
connectivity values for stroke patients compared to healthy controls. ROIs included: rmOrbG, Right Medial Orbito Frontal Gyrus; lmOrbG, Left Medial Orbito Frontal
Gyrus; rMFG, Right Middle Frontal Gyrus; rOrbG, Lateral Orbito Frontal Gyrus; rIFGtri, Right Inferior Frontal Parstriangularis; lITG, Left Inferior Temporal Gyrus; rITG,
Right Inferior Temporal Gyrus; lPHG, Left Parahippocampal Gyrus; rPHG, Right Parahippocampal Gyrus; rMCC, Right Posterior Cingulate Gyrus; rPoCG, Right
Postcentral Gyrus; rSMG, Right Supramarginal Gyrus; rLING, Right Lingual Cortex; lMOG, Left Lateral Occipital Gyrus.
measures: Full Scale IQ of WAIS-III (R=0.833; p=0.015), BNT
(R =0.756;p=0.035), and LM1 of WMS-III (R=0.854; p=
0.010) (Figure 5).
Prediction of Brain FC Recovery Based on
Cognitive Performance After Stroke
Lastly, with the aim of exploring the predictive capacity of the
neuropsychological test scores and the brain network recovery,
we correlated the cognitive scores of the pre-condition and the
FC strength ratio (by using Spearman correlation analyses).
Thus, we observed two markers for recovery prediction in
two global cognitive domains: (1) PIQ, with a significant positive
correlation between FC strength ratio and the PIQ scores (R=
0.850, p=0.011); (2) Perceptual Organization, with a significant
positive correlation between FC strength ratio and the POI scores
(R=0.874, p=0.007). Furthermore, within POI, we found a
positive association with Picture Completion (R=0.732; p=
0.048), Matrix Reasoning (R=0.795; p=0.023), and Block
Design (R=0.857; p=0.010) (Figure 6).
The present study aimed to provide evidence of the
neurophysiological mechanisms underlying cognitive deficits
and changes in brain function associated with the recovery of
cognitive processes in stroke patients who underwent a NR.
Additionally, this study is focused on the exploration of the
nature of the relationships between neurophysiological and
neuropsychological changes.
In this sense, our results indicate a positive effect in acute
stroke patients who received cognitive rehabilitation on both
levels, the cognitive system and brain functioning. Nevertheless,
the lack of a clinical control group (i.e., stroke patients without
rehabilitation) did not allow us to make causality assumptions,
assuring that cognitive improvement is due specifically or
uniquely to cognitive rehabilitation because it could also
represent some degree of spontaneous clinical recovery after
stroke. Then, according to the results of the present study, stroke
patients who undertook rehabilitation significantly improved
their performance in 72% of cognitive and functional scores.
But we also found than in neuropsychological scores related to
specific cognitive domains such as executive functions, attention,
language, episodic, and working memory, stroke patients showed
a relative improvement (46% improved but there were significant
differences between the post-condition and the control group),
or even a total enhancement (26% improved, and there were no
differences between post-condition and control group). These
two degrees of positive changes were also found in scores
related to global cognitive functioning such as Full-Scale IQ,
PIQ, Speed Processing Index, Working Memory Index, or POI.
In addition, some indicators related to functional performance,
such as DEX or PCRS (completed by relatives of patients),
also improved after rehabilitation. This trend could represent
Frontiers in Neurology | 7February 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 838170
Pusil et al. Functional Recovery Network After Stroke
FIGURE 4 | (A) Significant FC results (p<0.005, corrected) in the beta band (12–30 Hz) when comparing within the stroke patients’ group, the pre-condition and the
post- condition. Line thickness of significant links is proportional to FC values (a higher value corresponds to thicker lines, and vice versa); (B) Significant functional
connectivity links in the beta band are represented as bar graphs. Red color represents higher connectivity values for pre-condition compared to post-condition and
blue color illustrates lower connectivity values for pre-condition compared to post-condition. ROIs included: lMFG, Left Middle Frontal Gyrus; rMFG, Right Middle
Frontal Gyrus; lIFG, Left Inferior Frontal Parstriangularis; rIFG, Right Inferior Frontal Parstriangularis; rmOrbG, Right Medial Orbito Frontal Gyrus; lACCr, Left Rostral
Anterior Cingulate; rACCr, Right Rostral Anterior Cingulate; lOrbG, Left Lateral Orbito Frontal Gyrus; rIFGorb, Right Inferior Frontal Orbital; lIFGop, Left Inferior Frontal
Gyrus Opercular; lSTG, Left Superior Temporal Gyrus; rPreCG, Right Precentral Gyrus; rSTG, Right Superior Temporal Gyrus; lMTG, Left Middle Temporal Gyrus;
rPoCG, Right Poscentral Gyrus; lPHG, Left Parahipocampal Gyrus; rSMG, Right Supramarginal Gyrus; lSMG, Left Supramarginal Gyrus; lPCUN, Left Precuneus;
lstroke patientsL, Left Superior Parietal Lobule; rstroke patientsL, Right Superior Parietal Lobule; rLING, Right Lingual Cortex; rCAL, Right Calcarine; lMOG, Left
Lateral Occipital Gyrus; rMOG, Right Lateral Occipital Gyrus.
a partial cognitive and functional improvement and may have
clinically relevant implications, since it may be considered as
an indicator of recovery. To rule out the possibility that the
learning effect could be influencing the improvement of some
cognitive scores, we have other complementary data related to
changes in brain function. Specifically, the stroke patients of this
study exhibited a widespread increased FC pattern within the
beta band, indicating that their original disruption was restored
in the recording performed after NR in that frequency band.
We also obtained two very important results associated with the
relationships between cognitive scores and changes in FC. On
the one hand, we found three positive and significant recovery
signatures correlations between the FC strength ratio and three
cognitive measures changes (in Full-Scale IQ, BNT, and LM1),
and on the other hand, we observed the predictive capacity of
some neuropsychological test scores (in the pre-condition) and
the recovery of the brain network (in the FC strength ratio). In
this sense, we found two predictive markers of brain recovery
related to two global cognitive domains, PIQ and Perceptual
Organization (both from the WAIS-III scale).
Based on these data, we can affirm that these stroke patients
experienced at least some recovery in their global cognitive
capacity, despite the different etiology and location of their
lesions. Nonetheless the previous literature about the effect of
NR on specific cognitive domains remains unclear. Low to
moderate effects of rehabilitation in executive functions (6),
attention (4,52), or memory (53) have been reported. These
results could have low consistency for different reasons: (1)
the low methodological quality or insufficient description (2,4,
52) the use of small samples; (3) the absence of comparisons
between intervention and no intervention or placebo conditions
(4,6) the deficit of randomized control trials (4,5,52) the
need for standardized definition and outcome measures (53,54);
and (6) the lack of inclusion of functional ability measures in
the rehabilitation outcome evaluation (52). It seems important
to find the most effective procedures to try recovering the
cognitive deficits associated with stroke, considering that the
prevalence of post-stroke cognitive impairment is 53.4% (55),
since it causes an increase in the institutionalization rate and
costs of care (56,57) and a decrease in the quality of life (58).
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Pusil et al. Functional Recovery Network After Stroke
FIGURE 5 | Recovery signatures correlations. Statistically significant
correlations between cognitive differences and the mean beta strength ratio in
the stroke patients’ group. (A) Full Scale IQ (of WAIS-III); (B) BNT (Boston
Naming Test); (C) WMS-LM1 (Logical Memory 1 of WMS-III).
In addition, if stroke is a central factor in the development of
cognitive impairment, or if this depends on the severity, subtype,
location, or its recurrence, it becomes essential to understand the
brain mechanisms that produce both deficits and their recovery.
There is agreement around the idea that cognitive rehabilitation
interventions aim to improve the impaired brain functions in
stroke patients, and that it must be related to the damaged
anatomical substrate (10). Usually, rehabilitation facilitates the
development of behavioral and cognitive strategies that have a
positive impact on the structural and functional recovery of the
brain (53,59). In this sense, it seems worthy to have in mind other
promising complementary interventions including for example
non-invasive transcranial magnetic stimulation to enhance some
cognitive recoveries in stroke patients (60).
Restoration interventions aim to regain the cognitive abilities
of stroke patients, including domain-specific interventions and
treatments for generalized cognitive impairment (10). The
patients of our study received an integrated treatment based on
the holistic-comprehensive model proposed by Ben-Yishay and
Diller (41), which is consistent with the interventions suggested
by some experts in post-stroke cognitive rehabilitation in terms
of their global treatment approach. This type of treatment could
be very successful for this type of patients, insofar as it produces
more clearly a pattern of overall improvement, both at behavioral
and brain level. Other types of cognitive interventions, such as
computer-assisted cognitive rehabilitation that has increased in
recent years, although show some efficacy in improving attention,
memory, executive function, or visuo-spatial neglect in stroke
patients (61,62), present very limited effects on working memory
and even no effects on cognitive function compared to healthy
controls (63).
As discussed above, overall review studies on the effectiveness
of cognitive intervention with stroke patients do not provide
clear conclusions. However, we must know that one of the most
important issues regarding the functioning of the human mind
has to do with the factor of interdependence between the different
cognitive domains. This aspect is often overlooked in cognitive
performance studies, and review studies of the effectiveness of
cognitive treatments do not usually consider it. For example,
there are studies that focus on improving attention after having
specifically trained it, and thus with the rest of cognitive domains,
without evaluating the impact of attention deficit or executive
deficit in other domains such as memory or language. However,
cognitive interdependence makes it very exceptional for patients
who have brain injuries to suffer a specific cognitive deficit
in a specific cognitive domain. The cognitive deficit of brain
injury patients usually affects several domains, for example,
visuo-spatial attention, working memory, executive functions,
and episodic memory. Thus, trying to understand functioning
of human cognition from independent cognitive domains, is
probably an incorrect approach that hinders the interpretation of
the results in neuropsychology. Usual intervention in the clinical
setting is not as domain specific as studies suggest, since isolating
cognitive processes in habitual actions is not easy. However, the
neuropsychological literature continues to try to understand the
effect of rehabilitation on each cognitive domain individually.
This discrepancy requires a revision and a paradigm shift.
Furthermore, our intention was to go one step further
trying to understand whether this recovery process seen at a
cognitive and behavioral level could have some reflection in
brain functioning. Cognitive functions depend on the integrated
functioning of large-scale distributed brain networks (64).
Specifically, recent evidence suggests that FC between brain
regions may play an important role when difficulties arise from
deficits in attention, memory, or other cognitive functions (65).
In this context, we firstly looked for a FC pattern related to stroke.
We found a disruption in the pattern of brain functioning, with
a significant decrease in the beta band FC for intra and inter-
hemispheric connections in stroke patients before rehabilitation
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Pusil et al. Functional Recovery Network After Stroke
FIGURE 6 | Recovery prediction. Statistically significant differences between the cognitive scores in the pre-condition and the mean beta strength ratio (post/pre) in
the stroke patients’ group. (A) Performance IQ (WAIS-III); (B) POI (Perceptual Organization Index of WAIS-III); (C) Block Design, Matrix Reasoning, and Picture
Completion (of WAIS-III). Note that the tests represented in this figure are related to each other, since Block Design, Matrix Reasoning, and Picture Completion are the
tests included in Perceptual Organization Index, and POI (Perceptual Organization Index) is included in Performance IQ (on the WAIS-III scale).
compared to healthy controls. General disruption of dynamic
networks after stroke have been previously reported in MEG
studies (25). Alterations in beta band activity have been especially
related to stroke compared to healthy controls (26), supporting
our results.
On the other hand, understanding the interaction between
brain regions within a network (i.e., their FC), and the
interactions among networks are both important for efficient
cognitive function (66). Therefore, exploring the possible
neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the recovery process
after stroke seems to be a crucial point in understanding the
effect of cognitive rehabilitation on the brain. By observing
stroke patients before and after the rehabilitation, a specific
brain recovery pattern emerged, characterized by a widespread
increased FC in the beta in the post-condition. The functioning
of the beta frequency band has previously been related, in
healthy population, to different cognitive tasks such as working
memory (6769), attention (70), and motor performance (71).
On the contrary, our neurophysiological data were acquired
during resting state (RS) which has been shown that is the most
stable condition across patients with different symptomatology
and it also has been considered a hallmark for clinical diagnosis
and monitoring the recovery of patients that underwent a
rehabilitation, both in MRI (18,72) and MEG studies (22,73).
Previous results have described the role of RS FC as a predictor
of motor learning ability in beta-band for healthy participants
(74) or as a predictor of post-stroke motor recovery in alpha-
band (75). Furthermore, the reorganization in FC in the beta-
band during resting-state has previously been associated with the
success of cognitive and physical interventions (13,76,77).
Up to this point, two independent markers of functional
recovery (i.e., cognitive, and neurophysiological) were found
in our stroke patients who went through the NR, but we
developed further analyses to discover the possible relation
between them. As mentioned before, trying to understand
complex systems such as human cognition or brain functioning
focusing on only some of their components gives partial
information of the entire process. Therefore, with the aim
to simplify the dimensionality of the data and to explore
relationships between cognitive and neurophysiological findings,
the difference (D =Post–Pre) of the most representative
cognitive scores and the ratio of change (post/pre) of the total
FC beta network strength were used. Three positive correlations
between recovery signatures (i.e., cognitive and neurophysiology)
were observed for stroke patients, corresponding to Full
Scale IQ of WAIS-III, Boston Naming Test, and Logical
Memory 1 of WMS-III. These results showed that the beta
connectivity changes after the NR, compared with the data
Frontiers in Neurology | 10 February 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 838170
Pusil et al. Functional Recovery Network After Stroke
obtained in the first recording are, in fact, the reflection of
the cognitive improvement in the brain. The measures related
with improvement represent global neuropsychological indices,
which contain different cognitive domains such as sustained
and switching attention, visuo-spatial attention, visuo-spatial
working memory, planning, flexibility, or processing speed,
but also episodic memory or verbal denomination. Initially,
the neuropsychological deficit observed in stroke patients was
global and their subsequent cognitive recovery, although not
complete, was also general. The scope of cognitive changes
after NR was really wide, probably due to the type of
intervention, which was holistic and not only focused on
specific cognitive functions, including global and interdependent
domains, and focusing on individual cognitive, functional,
emotional, and behavioral imbalances. All these evidences are
consistent with the brain network global changes observed in
stroke patients.
While addressing brain and cognitive changes in stroke
patients is important to understand the underlying mechanisms
of stroke and brain plasticity, the early detection of patterns
or biomarkers is also relevant to predict which subjects are
more likely to improve and benefit from neurorehabilitation.
In this regard, adjustments can be made for those patients
who will not benefit from this option. Thus, we performed
an additional correlation analysis in which the pre-condition
cognitive measures and the ratio of change (post/pre) of the
total FC beta network strength were taken into account. Two
global cognitive markers were stated as predictors of brain
functioning recovery, PIQ and POI. Furthermore, within POI,
we found a significant association for every subtest included in
the global index (i.e., Picture Completion, Matrix Reasoning,
and Block Design). In the clinical setting, the role of prediction
in terms of the degree of future recovery has always been
important, however it is a complex and complicated issue.
Until now we only had clinical, cognitive, behavioral, and
social variables, but these results indicate that the relationship
between behavior and the brain can contribute to this topic.
In this case, the results indicate that the initial state around
some cognitive domains such as visuo-spatial attention, visuo-
spatial working memory, or planning capacity, could have
a very relevant role in the evolution and recovery of the
brain network of stroke patients. This information is not only
important to predict the patients who will improve the most,
but it can also serve to think about more powerful intervention
procedures for those patients who have a more serious deficit
around these cognitive domains. This result has very relevant
clinical implications.
In conclusion, if NR aims to improve people’s cognitive
function in order to restore their general performance and
independence in functional activities, the results of the
present study are in line with this objective, showing a clear
improvement pattern in stroke patients who received NR both
cognitively and brain function. We are also sure that this
study points out the importance of including neuropsychological
and neurophysiological variables in the assessment of the
outcome and effectiveness of psychological interventions of
stroke patients.
An important contribution of this study may be that, unlike
most studies, functional brain connectivity was measured with
MEG. Despite the intrinsic limitations of BOLD fMRI, MEG
is a measure of brain activity with incredibly high temporal
resolution (ms). Despite its advantages, MEG is an underused
neuroimaging tool in clinical and research contexts. Although
the sample of this exploratory study size was small, we were able
to identify a pattern of recovery of FC in the beta band related
to cognitive enhancement in stroke patients who underwent a
NR. Additionally, we were able to make predictions based on
the cognitive performance of stroke patients before rehabilitation
about the future functional restoration of the brain network.
Thus, larger MEG studies with stroke patients are needed to
demonstrate the power of this neurophysiological tool within
this neurological field. Another limitation that this study faces
is the heterogeneity of stroke patients, in terms of etiology and
location of the injury. However, we believe that this heterogeneity
has provided an interesting approach to the study since it
has allowed us to explore the effect of cognitive intervention
both at cognitive and neurophysiological level in stroke patients
with different etiology. Furthermore, another limitation of the
study is the absence of a clinical control group (i.e., stroke
patients without rehabilitation). Considering this limitation, we
cannot assure that cognitive improvement is due specifically
or uniquely to cognitive rehabilitation because it could also
represent some degree of spontaneous clinical recovery after
stroke. In accordance with the aforementioned obstacles, future
studies should include a group of stroke patients without
cognitive intervention (e.g., on the waiting list), and larger
samples of patients that allow comparisons based on the etiology
and the location of the lesion. Finally, it would be interesting to
focus on different networks of the brain (78) such as the default
mode, the salience, or the executive control networks (79), to
explore specific changes in each network recovery pattern, and
its possible relationship to particular improvements in cognition
after stroke.
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
The studies involving human participants were reviewed and
approved by the National Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center
Ethics Committee (Madrid). The patients/participants provided
their written informed consent to participate in this study.
SP, LT-S, ML, NP, and FM designed research. SP and LT-S
performed main calculations of the study and prepared figures.
SP, LT-S, ML, BC, LC, AB, FM, and NP collaborated actively in
writing the manuscript. All authors contributed to the article and
approved the submitted version.
Frontiers in Neurology | 11 February 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 838170
Pusil et al. Functional Recovery Network After Stroke
Financial support of the project was provided by IMSERSO (07-
2008) and the Spanish MICINN (PSI2011-28388). Research by SP
was supported by the Spanish MINECO post-doctoral fellowship
(FJC2019-041205-I). Additionally, this work was supported by a
predoctoral researcher grant from Universidad Complutense de
Madrid (CT42/18-CT43/18) and co-founded by Santander Bank
to LT-S, and by the National Council of Science, Technology
and Technological Innovation (CONCYTEC, Perú) through the
National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development
(FONDECYT, Perú) to BC.
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
online at:
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Frontiers in Neurology | 14 February 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 838170
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Cortical ischemic strokes result in cognitive deficits depending on the area of affected brain. However, we have demonstrated that difficulties with attention and processing speed can occur even with small subcortical infarcts. Symptoms appear independent of lesion location, suggesting they arise from generalized disruption of cognitive networks. Longitudinal studies evaluating directional measures of functional connectivity in this population are lacking. We evaluated six patients with minor stroke exhibiting cognitive impairment 6-8 weeks post-infarct and four age-similar controls. Resting state magnetoencephalography data were collected. Clinical and imaging evaluations of both groups were repeated six and twelve months later. Network Localized Granger Causality was used to determine differences in directional connectivity between groups and across visits, which were correlated with clinical performance. Directional connectivity patterns remained stable across visits for controls. After stroke, inter-hemispheric connectivity between frontoparietal cortex and non-frontoparietal cortex significantly increased between visits 1 and 2, corresponding to uniform improvement in reaction times and cognitive scores. Initially, the majority of functional links originated from non-frontal areas contralateral to the lesion, connecting to ipsilesional brain regions. By visit 2, inter-hemispheric connections, directed from ipsilesional to contralesional cortex significantly increased. At visit 3, patients demonstrating continued favorable cognitive recovery showed less reliance on these interhemispheric connections. These changes were not observed in those without continued improvement. Our findings provide supporting evidence that the neural basis of early post-stroke cognitive dysfunction occurs at the network-level, and continued recovery correlates with evolution of inter-hemispheric connectivity.
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Cerebrovascular disease is responsible for up to 20% of cases of dementia worldwide, but also it is a major comorbid contributor to the progression of other neurodegenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s disease. White matter hyperintensities (WMH) are the most prevalent imaging marker in cerebrovascular disease. The presence and progression of WMH in the brain have been associated with general cognitive impairment and the risk to develop all types of dementia. The aim of this piece of work is the assessment of brain functional differences in an MCI population based on the WMH volume. One-hundred and twenty-nine individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) underwent a neuropsychological evaluation, MRI assessment (T1 and Flair), and MEG recordings (5 min of eyes closed resting state). Those participants were further classified into vascular MCI (vMCI; n = 61, mean age 75 ± 4 years, 35 females) or non-vascular MCI (nvMCI; n = 56, mean age 72 ± 5 years, 36 females) according to their WMH total volume, assessed with an automatic detection toolbox, LST (SPM12). We used a completely data-driven approach to evaluate the differences in the power spectra between the groups. Interestingly, three clusters emerged: One cluster with widespread larger theta power and two clusters located in both temporal regions with smaller beta power for vMCI compared to nvMCI. Those power signatures were also associated with cognitive performance and hippocampal volume. Early identification and classification of dementia pathogenesis is a crucially important goal for the search for more effective management approaches. These findings could help to understand and try to palliate the contribution of WMH to particular symptoms in mixed dementia progress.
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Objective: Stroke patients with hemiparesis display decreased beta band (13-25 Hz) rolandic activity, correlating to impaired motor function. However, patients without significant weakness, with small lesions far from sensorimotor cortex, nevertheless exhibit bilateral decreased motor dexterity and slowed reaction times. We investigate whether these minor stroke patients also display abnormal beta band activity. Methods: Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) data were collected from nine minor stroke patients (NIHSS < 4) without significant hemiparesis, at ~1 and ~6 months postinfarct, and eight age-similar controls. Rolandic relative beta power during matching tasks and resting state, and Beta Event Related (De)Synchronization (ERD/ERS) during button press responses were analyzed. Results: Regardless of lesion location, patients had significantly reduced relative beta power and ERS compared to controls. Abnormalities persisted over visits, and were present in both ipsi- and contra-lesional hemispheres, consistent with bilateral impairments in motor dexterity and speed. Conclusions: Minor stroke patients without severe weakness display reduced rolandic beta band activity in both hemispheres, which may be linked to bilaterally impaired dexterity and processing speed, implicating global connectivity dysfunction affecting sensorimotor cortex. Significance: Rolandic beta band activity may be a potential biomarker and treatment target, even for minor stroke patients with small lesions far from sensorimotor areas.
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Background Stroke is the second leading cause of death worldwide, and 53.4% of stroke survivors suffer from post-stroke cognitive impairment. Post-stroke cognitive impairment can increase hospitalization rate and cost of care and decrease the quality of life of stroke patients. To date, multiple cognitive rehabilitation interventions have been tested in stroke populations with post-stroke cognitive impairment. However, the most efficacious intervention has not been established. This systematic review aims to compare the efficacy of cognitive rehabilitation interventions for patients with post-stroke cognitive impairment. Methods We will search MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL, PsycINFO, CINAHL, PubMed, and clinical trial registries to identify eligible randomized clinical trials with no restrictions in the date of publication and language. Studies conducted with patients aged 18 or over, with the presence of cognitive impairment after being diagnosed with stroke will be included. Studies will be restricted to randomized controlled trials comparing a cognitive rehabilitation intervention with another intervention. The primary outcome is any clinical changes in the general or specific cognitive domain (e.g., executive function, attention, memory, or perception). The secondary outcomes that will be collected include adverse effects (e.g., stroke, disability, or mortality) and quality of life. Two independent reviewers will assess articles to identify trials eligible for inclusion. Data extraction and risk of bias assessment of the included studies will also be done independently. Any discrepancies will be solved by discussion, or a third reviewer will be consulted if necessary. A meta-analysis will be carried out if appropriate. Discussion This systematic review for patients with post-stroke cognitive impairment will assess the efficacy of cognitive rehabilitation interventions. And our results will help clinical decision-making and support the development of clinical practice guidelines. Trial registration Systematic review registration: PROSPERO CRD42020173988
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Significance Patients with small infarcts often demonstrate a poststroke acute dysexecutive syndrome resulting in failure to successfully re-integrate into society. The mechanism is poorly understood given that lesions are small and do not typically involve areas classically associated with cognitive decline. This knowledge gap makes designing treatment strategies difficult. We used MEG to evaluate changes in cerebral processing in individuals with small strokes. MEG showed a decrease in the amplitude of activation and temporal dispersion of activation peaks in areas responsible for visual word processing, along with an inability to modulate activity in response to task difficulty. These changes suggest disruption of network dynamics resulting in inefficient processing. Functional connectivity studies to isolate affected networks are the critical next step.
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Background: Post-stroke cognitive impairment (PSCI) is common, but evidence of cognitive symptom profiles, course over time, and pathogenesis is scarce. We investigated the significance of time and etiologic stroke subtype for the probability of PSCI, severity, and cognitive profile. Methods: Stroke survivors (n = 617) underwent cognitive assessments of attention, executive function, memory, language, perceptual-motor function, and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) after 3 and/or 18 months. PSCI was classified according to DSM-5 criteria. Stroke severity was assessed with the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS). Stroke subtype was categorized as intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), large artery disease (LAD), cardioembolic stroke (CE), small vessel disease (SVD), or un-/other determined strokes (UD). Mixed-effects logistic or linear regression was applied with PSCI, MoCA, and z-scores of the cognitive domains as dependent variables. Independent variables were time as well as stroke subtype, time, and interaction between these. The analyses were adjusted for age, education, and sex. The effects of time and stroke subtype were analyzed by likelihood ratio tests (LR). Results: Mean age was 72 years (SD 12), 42% were females, and mean NIHSS score at admittance was 3.8 (SD 4.8). Probability (95% CI) for PSCI after 3 and 18 months was 0.59 (0.51–0.66) and 0.51 (0.52–0.60), respectively and remained constant over time. Global measures and most cognitive domains were assessed as impaired for the entire stroke population and for most stroke subtypes. Executive function and language improved for the entire stroke population (LR) = 9.05, p = 0.003, and LR = 10.38, p = 0.001, respectively). After dividing the sample according to stroke subtypes, language improved for ICH patients (LR = 18.02, p = 0.003). No significant differences were found in the severity of impairment between stroke subtypes except for attention, which was impaired for LAD and CE in contrast to no impairment for SVD (LR = 56.58, p < 0.001). Conclusions: In this study including mainly minor strokes, PSCI is common for all subtypes, both early and long-term after stroke, while executive function and language improve over time. The findings might contribute to personalizing follow-up and offer new insights into underlying mechanisms. Further research is needed on underlying mechanisms, PSCI prevention and treatment, and relevance for rehabilitation.
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Although the neural bases of numerical processing and memory have been extensively studied, much remains to be elucidated concerning the spectral and temporal dynamics surrounding these important cognitive processes. To further this understanding, we employed a novel numerical working memory paradigm in 28 young, healthy adults who underwent magnetoencephalography (MEG). The resulting data were examined in the time‐frequency domain prior to image reconstruction using a beamformer. Whole‐brain, spectrally‐constrained coherence was also employed to determine network connectivity. In response to the numerical task, participants exhibited robust alpha/beta oscillations in the bilateral parietal cortices. Whole‐brain statistical comparisons examining the effect of numerical manipulation during memory‐item maintenance revealed a difference centered in the right superior parietal cortex, such that oscillatory responses during numerical manipulation were significantly stronger than when no manipulation was necessary. Additionally, there was significantly reduced cortico‐cortical coherence between the right and left superior parietal regions during the manipulation compared to the maintenance trials, indicating that these regions were functioning more independently when the numerical information had to be actively processed. In sum, these results support previous studies that have implicated the importance of parietal regions in numerical processing, but also provide new knowledge on the spectral, temporal, and network dynamics that serve this critical cognitive function during active working memory maintenance.
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It has been suggested that resting-state functional connectivity (rs-FC) between the primary motor area (M1) region of the brain and other brain regions may be a predictor of motor learning, although this suggestion is still controversial. In the work reported here, we investigated the relationship between M1 seed-based rs-FC and motor learning. Fifty-three healthy volunteers undertook random button-press and sequential motor learning tasks. Five-minute resting-state data acquisition was performed between the two tasks. Oscillatory neural activities during the random task and the rest period were measured using magnetoencephalography. M1 seed-based rs-FC was calculated for the alpha and beta bands using amplitude envelope correlation, in which the seed location was defined as an M1 position with peak event-related desynchronization value. The relationship between rs-FC and the performance of motor learning was examined using whole brain correlation analysis. The results showed that beta-band resting-state cross-network connectivity between the sensorimotor network and the core network, particularly the theory of mind network, affected the performance of subsequent motor learning tasks. Good learners could be distinguished from poor learners by the strength of rs-FC between the M1 and the left superior temporal gyrus, a part of the theory of mind network. These results suggest that cross-network connectivity between the sensorimotor network and the theory of mind network can be used as a predictor of motor learning performance.
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Hypersynchronization has been proposed as a synaptic dysfunction biomarker in the Alzheimer's disease continuum, reflecting the alteration of the excitation/inhibition balance. While animal models have verified this idea extensively, there is still no clear evidence in humans. Here we test this hypothesis, evaluating the risk of conversion from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to Alzheimer's disease in a longitudinal study. We compared the functional resting state eyes-closed magnetoencephalographic networks of 54 patients with MCI who were followed-up every 6 months. According to their clinical outcome, they were split into: (i) the 'progressive' MCI (n = 27) group; and (ii) the 'stable' MCI group (n = 27). They did not differ in gender or educational level. For all participants, two magnetoencephalographic recordings were acquired. Functional connectivity was evaluated using the phase locking value. To extract the functional connectivity network with significant changes between both magnetoencephalographic recordings, we evaluated the functional connectivity ratio, defined as functional connectivity post-/pre-condition, in a network-based statistical model with an ANCOVA test with age as covariate. Two significant networks were found in the theta and beta bands, involving fronto-temporal and fronto-occipital connections, and showing a diminished functional connectivity ratio in the progressive MCI group. These topologies were then evaluated at each condition showing that at baseline, patients with progressive MCI showed higher synchronization than patients with stable MCI, while in the post-condition this pattern was reversed. These results may be influenced by two main factors in the post-condition: the increased synchrony in the stable MCI patients and the network failure in the progressive MCI patients. These findings may be explained as an 'X' form model where the hypersynchrony predicts conversion, leading subsequently to a network breakdown in progressive MCI. Patients with stable MCI showed an opposite phenomenon, which could indicate that they were a step beyond in the Alzheimer's disease continuum. This model would be able to predict the risk for the conversion to dementia in MCI patients.
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Beta oscillations (~13 to 30Hz) have been observed during many perceptual, cognitive and motor processes in a plethora of brain recording studies. While the function of beta oscillations (hereafter ‘beta’ for short) is unlikely to be explained by any single monolithic description, we here discuss several convergent findings. In prefrontal cortex, increased beta appears at the end of a trial when working memory information needs to be erased. A similar clear-out function might apply during the stopping of action and the stopping of long-term memory retrieval (stopping thoughts), where increased prefrontal beta is also observed. A different apparent role for beta in prefrontal cortex occurs during the delay period of working memory tasks: it might serve to maintain the current contents and/or to prevent interference from distraction. We confront the challenge of relating these observations to the large literature on beta recorded from sensorimotor cortex. Potentially, the clearout of working memory in prefrontal cortex has its counterpart in the post-movement clear-out of the motor plan in sensorimotor cortex. However, recent studies support alternative interpretations. In addition, we flag emerging research on different frequencies of beta and the relationship between beta and single neuron spiking. We also discuss where beta might be generated: basal ganglia, cortex, or both. We end by considering the clinical implications for adaptive deep brain stimulation.
Background: Disorders of attention are common following stroke, reducing quality of life and limiting rehabilitation. Objective: To determine if cognitive rehabilitation can improve attention and functional outcomes in stroke survivors with attentional disorders. Methods: A summary of the Cochrane Review update by Loetscher et al. 2019, with comments. Results: Six studies with 223 participants were included: this was similar to the previous review (in 2013). Evidence quality was very low to moderate, and results suggest a beneficial impact on divided attention immediately after training, but no effect on any other outcome either immediately or at follow up timepoints. Conclusions: The the low methodological quality and small number of studies means current evidence provides limited clinical guidance. Clearly more research is needed to inform care: researchers must improve the methodological quality of studies, plus fully consider and report the aspects of attention and function addressed in their work.
Background: Many survivors of stroke report attentional impairments, such as diminished concentration and distractibility. However, the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation for improving these impairments is uncertain.This is an update of the Cochrane Review first published in 2000 and previously updated in 2013. Objectives: To determine whether people receiving cognitive rehabilitation for attention problems 1. show better outcomes in their attentional functions than those given no treatment or treatment as usual, and 2. have a better functional recovery, in terms of independence in activities of daily living, mood, and quality of life, than those given no treatment or treatment as usual. Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Stroke Group Trials Register, CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, PsycINFO, PsycBITE, REHABDATA and ongoing trials registers up to February 2019. We screened reference lists and tracked citations using Scopus. Selection criteria: We included controlled clinical trials (CCTs) and randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of cognitive rehabilitation for impairments of attention for people with stroke. We did not consider listening to music, meditation, yoga, or mindfulness to be a form of cognitive rehabilitation. We only considered trials that selected people with demonstrable or self-reported attentional deficits. The primary outcomes were measures of global attentional functions, and secondary outcomes were measures of attentional domains (i.e. alertness, selective attention, sustained attention, divided attention), functional abilities, mood, and quality of life. Data collection and analysis: Two review authors independently selected trials, extracted data, and assessed the risk of bias. We used the GRADE approach to assess the certainty of evidence for each outcome. Main results: We included no new trials in this update. The results are unchanged from the previous review and are based on the data of six RCTs with 223 participants. All six RCTs compared cognitive rehabilitation with a usual care control. Meta-analyses demonstrated no convincing effect of cognitive rehabilitation on subjective measures of attention either immediately after treatment (standardised mean difference (SMD) 0.53, 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.03 to 1.08; P = 0.06; 2 studies, 53 participants; very low-quality evidence) or at follow-up (SMD 0.16, 95% CI -0.23 to 0.56; P = 0.41; 2 studies, 99 participants; very low-quality evidence). People receiving cognitive rehabilitation (when compared with control) showed that measures of divided attention recorded immediately after treatment may improve (SMD 0.67, 95% CI 0.35 to 0.98; P < 0.0001; 4 studies, 165 participants; low-quality evidence), but it is uncertain that these effects persisted (SMD 0.36, 95% CI -0.04 to 0.76; P = 0.08; 2 studies, 99 participants; very low-quality evidence). There was no evidence for immediate or persistent effects of cognitive rehabilitation on alertness, selective attention, and sustained attention. There was no convincing evidence for immediate or long-term effects of cognitive rehabilitation for attentional problems on functional abilities, mood, and quality of life after stroke. Authors' conclusions: The effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation for attention deficits following stroke remains unconfirmed. The results suggest there may be an immediate effect after treatment on attentional abilities, but future studies need to assess what helps this effect persist and generalise to attentional skills in daily life. Trials also need to have higher methodological quality and better reporting.