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The accumulation of copper in the brain of Down syndrome promotes oxidative stress: possible mechanism underlying cognitive impairment



Individuals with Down syndrome (DS), which is caused by triplication of human chromosome 21 (Hsa21), show numerous characteristic symptoms, such as intellectual disability, an impaired cognitive function, and accelerated aging-like phenotypes. Enhanced oxidative stress is assumed to be implicated as a mechanism underlying many of these symptoms of DS. Some genes coded in Hsa21, such as App, Sod1, and Ets2, are suggested as being involved in the exacerbation of oxidative stress. In addition, enhanced oxidative stress has been recently shown to be caused by dyshomeostasis of the redox-active bio-metal copper in the brain of a mouse model of DS. This review aims to summarize the current knowledge on enhanced oxidative stress in DS and suggest a possible molecular mechanism underlying the cognitive impairment of DS mediated by enhanced oxidative stress.
Serial Review
Copper Biology in Health and Disease
Guest Editor: Hirokazu Hara
The accumulation of copper in the brain of
Down syndrome promotes oxidative stress:
possible mechanism underlying cognitive
Keiichi Ishihara*
Department of Pathological Biochemistry, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, 5 Misasagi Nakauchi-cho, Yamashina-ku, Kyoto 607-8414, Japan
(Received 1 December, 2021; Accepted 29 December, 2021; Released online in J-STAGE as advance publication 15 February, 2022)
Individuals with Down syndrome (DS), which is caused by
triplication of human chromosome 21 (Hsa21), show numerous
characteristic symptoms, such as intellectual disability, an impaired
cognitive function, and accelerated aging-like phenotypes.
Enhanced oxidative stress is assumed to be implicated as a
mechanism underlying many of these symptoms of DS. Some
genes coded in Hsa21, such as App, Sod1, and Ets2, are suggested
as being involved in the exacerbation of oxidative stress. In
addition, enhanced oxidative stress has been recently shown to
be caused by dyshomeostasis of the redox-active bio-metal
copper in the brain of a mouse model of DS. This review aims to
summarize the current knowledge on enhanced oxidative stress in
DS and suggest a possible molecular mechanism underlying
the cognitive impairment of DS mediated by enhanced oxidative
Key Words:Down syndrome, oxidative stress, copper, cognitive
Down syndrome (DS), caused by triplication of human
chromosome 21 (Hsa21), is the most frequent aneuploidy,
occurring in approximately 1 in 700 live births.(1) DS is charac‐
terized by developmental retardation, intellectual disability,
craniofacial abnormalities, and hypotonia.(2) Most individuals
with DS exhibit mild to moderate learning disability. Overexpres‐
sion of some Hsa21 genes, such as amyloid precursor protein
(APP),(3) regulator of calcineurin-1 (RCAN1),(4,5) dual-specificity
tyrosine phosphorylation regulated kinase 1A (DYRK1A),(6)
synaptojanin 1,(7) and single-minded homolog 2,(8) has been
suggested to be associated with learning and memory defects in
mice. Therefore, gene-dosage imbalance of Hsa21 genes due to
triplication is considered a major cause of learning anomalies in
individuals with DS.(9,10)
The Hsa21 genes suggested to be involved in cognitive impair‐
ment have been identified through investigations using transgenic
mice, and the candidate genes have been shown to be expressed
at extremely high levels. However, the contribution of each gene
to the cognitive impairment in DS is believed to be limited,
suggesting that triplication of several Hsa21 genes may partici‐
pate in cognitive impairment cooperatively.
It is widely accepted that enhanced oxidative stress (OS) can
lead to cognitive impairment. Indeed, increased levels of lipid
peroxidation products have been detected in models of vascular
dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (AD), which exhibit cognitive
impairment.(11) Enhancement of OS is caused by the increased
production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive
nitrogen species (RNS) and/or a decreased ROS/RNS scavenging
ability. The overproduction of ROS has been shown in neuronal
cells obtained from DS fetuses.(12) Erythrocytes from DS
individuals show significantly higher levels of malondialdehyde
(MDA), a typical product of lipid peroxidation, than controls.(13)
Furthermore, mitochondrial dysfunction and the overproduction
of ROS are detected in fibroblasts from human fetuses with
DS.(14) In addition, evidence of enhanced OS in mouse models of
DS has been accumulated.(1517)
In this review, we will discuss the molecular mechanisms
underlying the enhanced OS in DS models and the possibility of
cognitive impairment in DS caused by enhanced OS.
Hsa21 Genes Associating with Enhanced OS
Several genes coded in Hsa21 are suggested to be associated
with enhanced OS in DS (Fig. 1). The increased expression of
superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) is one particularly promising
candidate potentially involved in enhanced OS. The overexpres‐
sion of SOD1 results in the overproduction of H2O2. Normally,
H2O2 is catabolized into H2O by catalase (CAT) and glutathione
peroxidase (GPX), but the copy number of these genes are
normal. Thus, increasing the expression of SOD1 without
increasing the expression of CAT and GPX may lead to the accu‐
mulation of hydrogen peroxide in DS. Supporting this hypoth‐
esis, an increased ratio of SOD1 to [CAT + GPX] and enhanced
lipid peroxidation have been shown in fibroblasts derived from
fetuses with DS and erythrocytes from children with DS.(18,19)
The APP gene coded in Hsa21 is also suggested to be involved
in mitochondrial dysfunction in DS. The increased expression
of APP in mitochondria results in the progressive accumulation
of transmembrane-arrested APP and causes mitochondrial
dysfunction and impaired energy metabolism, suggesting that
*To whom correspondence should be addressed.
doi: 10.3164/jcbn.21-155
©2022 JCBN
J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr. | July 2022 | vol. 71 | no. 1 | 16–21
the overexpression of APP may enhance OS via mitochondrial
dysfunction in DS.(20)
The involvement of Hsa21 genes other than App and Sod1 in
enhanced OS has also been suggested. Ts1Cje mice, a model of
DS carrying an extra copy of mouse chromosome 16 (Mmu16),
which is orthologous to Hsa21, shows enhanced OS in the brain,
although the trisomic region of the Ts1Cje mouse does not
include the Sod1 gene.(15,17) In the trisomic region of Ts1Cje mice,
the Rcan1, Ifnar2, Ifnar1, Ifngr2, and Ets2 genes have shown
potential association with enhanced OS in DS. RCAN1-deficient
neurons display an increased resistance to damage by H2O2,
suggesting that RCAN1 increases neuronal susceptibility to
OS.(21) Neurons accumulating chronically RCAN1 longer isoform
1, which is highly expressed in the central nervous system with
DS, promote OS-induced apoptosis with caspase-3 activation.(22)
Increasing the copy number of interferon receptor genes in
Mmu16, Ifnar2, Ifnar1, and Ifngr2 is assumed to result in the
overactivation of Jak-Stat signaling in response to type I inter‐
feron.(23) It has been shown that type I interferon signaling is
activated in the aged brain and correlates with increased OS.(24)
The overexpression of ETS2 in human cortical neurons with DS
is suggested to promote neuronal apoptosis through mitochon‐
: Activate JAK/STAT pathway (response to IFNα/β)
: Scavenges superoxide radicals (producing H2O2)
: Activates JNK and p38 MAPK pathways
: mitochondrial dysfunction and impaired energy metabolism
Rbm11, Hspa13, Samsn1, Nrip1, Usp25, Cxadr, Btg3, D16Ertd472e, Chodl,
Tmprss15, Ncam2, miR-155, Mrpl39, Jam2, Gabpa
Cyyr1, Adamts1, Adamts5, N6amt1, Ltn1, Rwdd2b, Usp16, Cct8, Map3k7cl, Bach1,
Grik1, Cldn17, Cldn8, KRTAP cluster, Tiam1
Scaf4, Hunk, Mis18a, Mrap, Urb1, Eva1c, Synj1, Paxbp1, Olig2, Olig1
: Promotes the activation of a mitochondrial death pathway
Tmem50b, Dnajc28, Gart, Son, Donson, Cryzl1, Slc5a3, Mrps6, Kcne2,
Smim11, Kcne1, Rcan1, Clic6, Runx1
Setd4, Cbr1, Cbr3, Dopey2, Morc3, Chaf1b, Cldn14, Sim2, Hlcs, Ripply3, Pigp,
Ttc3, Dscr3, Dyrk1a, Kcnj6, Kcnj15, Erg
Psmg1, Brwd1, Hmgn1, Wrb, Lca5l, Sh3bgr, B3galt5, Itgb2l, Igsf5, Pcp4,
Dscam, Bace2, Fam3b, Mx2, Tmpss2, Ripk4, Prdm15, C2cd2, Zbtb21
Trisomic region of Ts1Cje mouse
Fig. 1. Genes coded in Mmu16 syntenic to Hsa21 and annotated genes possible involved in enhanced OS. The region of Mmu16 from Lipi to
Zbtb21 is syntenic to a large portion of Hsa21. Annotated genes in the Mmu16 syntenic to Hsa21, which are suggested to be involved in enhanced
oxidative stress, are presented in large letters.
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drial dysfunction.(25) In addition to the protein-coding gene in
Mmu16, miR-802 is also coded in the trisomic region of Ts1Cje
mice. miR-802 is suggested to activate the JNK and p38 MAPK
pathways and induce hepatic OS.(26) Although the triplication of
such protein-coding genes and this miRNA may cooperatively
enhance OS in DS, the mechanisms underlying the enhanced OS
in DS remain unclear.
Enhanced OS is suggested to associate with cognitive impair‐
ment in DS. Indeed, experiments using mouse models of DS
have demonstrated that reducing OS via vitamin E treatment
improved the cognitive impairment in Ts65Dn mice carrying a
trisomic region that was longer than that in Ts1Cje mice.(16,27)
Unfortunately, antioxidants have shown no efficacy on the
impaired cognitive function of adult humans with DS;(28,29)
however, the involvement of several issues, such as low transi‐
tivity into the brain, has been considered. Further clinical trials
may demonstrate the effectiveness of supplements with improved
antioxidant efficacy on DS-induced cognitive impairment.
Accumulation of Copper in the Brain of Ts1Cje Mice
As mentioned above, the association of certain Hsa21 genes
with enhanced OS in DS has been mostly suggested based on
observations obtained in overexpression experiments. While
several Hsa21 genes may cooperatively exacerbate OS, other
factors might also be involved in the enhanced OS in DS. Redox-
active biometals, such as iron and copper, play a role in oxidative
metabolism.(30) Dyshomeostasis of Fe(II/III) and Cu(I/II) may
promote OS in DS. Indeed, the copper concentration in red blood
cells was shown to be higher in people with DS than in age- and
sex-matched controls without DS.(31)
Although iron promotes the release and metabolism of
dopamine and other neurotransmitters,(32) excessive iron promotes
ROS production through the Fenton reaction, which causes
protein oxidation, lipid peroxidation, and DNA damage.(33)
Abnormal iron concentrations have not yet been shown in the
brains of DS patients, but increased levels of non-protein-bound
iron and a slight reduction in the total serum iron content have
been detected in both plasma and erythrocytes of people with
DS.(34) Furthermore, an increase in the level of non-protein-bound
iron was shown to be correlated with increased lipid peroxidation
and cognitive decline.(35)
In addition to iron, copper is also biochemically redox active.
Copper induces OS through two possible mechanisms: the
Fenton reaction and downregulation of glutathione.(36) In the rat
brain, copper-overload induces oxidative damage via decreased
levels of glutathione and increased levels of MDA, a typical lipid
peroxidation product.(37) Thus, copper plays a key role in the
induction of OS of the brain. It has been shown that the copper
content is increased in erythrocytes and the tongue muscles of
individuals with DS,(38,39) suggesting that the overall copper level
was increased; however, the number of samples in those studies
was limited, and no studies have analyzed brain tissue, even in
mouse models. Therefore, we measured the amounts of biogenic
elements in the brain of the Ts1Cje, a mouse model of DS. Induc‐
tively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) revealed
elevated concentrations of copper in the brain of Ts1Cje mice.(40)
Furthermore, we demonstrated that enhanced OS (as assessed by
lipid peroxidation) and reduced anxiety-like behaviors were
improved in Ts1Cje mice fed a low-copper diet.(40) Thus, the
accumulation of copper in the brain of Ts1Cje mice seems to
have caused enhancement of OS and reduced anxiety behaviors.
Regarding the relationship between decreased anxiety and
enhanced OS, Hovatta et al.(41) identified several genes with a
differential expression among six inbred mice. Among these
genes, they found that increased activities of two antioxidant
genes, glyoxalase-1 (Glo1) and glutathione reductase-1, were
associated with increased anxiety in mice.(41) In contrast, it has
also been suggested that the expression of Glo1 may reflect the
anxiety level, with a high Glo1 expression indicating a low
anxiety level.(42) Although controversial observations have been
reported, anxiety seems to have a profound connection with OS.
Possibility of Cognitive Impairment by a High
Concentration of Copper in the Brain
Wilson’s disease, which is an inherited disorder induced by the
accumulation of copper in the liver, brain, and other organs, is
characterized by memory impairment and depression.(43) Further‐
more, perturbations in brain concentrations of copper and zinc
are suggested to underlie the pathoetiology of AD.(44,45) It has also
been noted that individuals fed a diet high in saturated and trans
fats who have high copper levels develop cognitive decline at a
faster rate than others.(46) These observations suggest that a
disturbed copper concentration in the brain can impair the cogni‐
tive function.
The accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau has been shown
in mouse models of DS,(15,47) such as Ts1Cje and Tc1 mice, which
carry an almost complete, freely segregating copy of Hsa21.(48)
Dyrk1a has been suggested to be a candidate for hyper‐
phosphorylated tau deposition in multiple studies.(49–51) An in
vitro study demonstrated that tau is phosphorylated at Thr212
—which is suggested to be associated with the pathogenesis of
AD—by DYRK1A.(49,52,53) A recent study found that enhanced
OS negatively affected the function of protein phosphatase 2A
(PP2A) through the modification of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-
HNE), resulting in a reduction in the dephosphorylation of hyper‐
phosphorylated tau in Ts65Dn mice.(54) Calcineurin, known as
protein phosphatase 2B (PP2B), also dephosphorylates hyper‐
phosphorylated tau protein.(55) Inhibition of calcineurin by
RCAN1 overexpression in DS may contribute to the accumula‐
tion of hyperphosphorylated tau.
Copper promotes hyperphosphorylation and the aggregation of
tau protein.(56) In addition, high copper accumulation has been
detected in neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs).(57) In hTau mice
expressing wild-type human tau and lacking endogenous mouse
tau, exposure to high amounts of copper increased tau hyper‐
phosphorylation without the accumulation of Aβ and induced the
impairment of spatial learning and memory.(58) Thus, the accumu‐
lation of copper in the brain with DS may lead to cognitive
impairment via tau hyperphosphorylation.
Consistently, hyperhoshorylated tau accumulates in the
hippocampus of Ts1Cje mice overexpressing DYRK1A.(15) Given
our recent results showing that the accumulation of copper causes
enhanced OS and the accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau
in Ts1Cje mice,(40) several genes coded in the trisomic region of
Ts1Cje appear to enhance OS through the accumulation of
copper, and the enhanced OS then induces the accumulation of
4-HNE-adducted PP2A. 4-HNE-modification would decrease
the activity of PP2A, resulting in decrease of dephosphorylation
of the hyperphosphorylated tau (Fig. 2). The trisomic region of
the Ts1Cje mouse model codes no genes, which is suggested to
associate with copper metabolism, so we assume that gene X
indirectly upregulates the concentration of copper in the brain of
DS individuals (Fig. 2).
Enhanced OS may be involved in the pathophysiology of
various DS anomalies, including cognitive dysfunction. We
showed that the accumulation of copper causes enhanced OS in
the brain of Ts1Cje mice, a DS mouse model.(40) Although
clinical trials concerning treatment with the antioxidant vitamin
E for cognitive impairment in individuals with DS have been
performed in elderly people with DS, no beneficial effects on the
progression of cognitive deterioration have been detected.(28) As
18 doi: 10.3164/jcbn.21-155
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shown in Fig. 2, OS enhanced by the accumulation of copper and
disturbance of the tau kinase DYRK1A and the tau phosphatases
PP2A and PP2B lead to the accumulation of hyperphosphory‐
lated tau in the brain. This may be involved in the early onset of
AD-like dementia in individuals with DS. Taken together, these
findings suggest that copper is a promising target for pharma‐
cotherapy of the cognitive impairment characteristic of DS, and
indeed, a copper chelator has already been used to treat patients
with Wilson’s disease.
This work was supported, in part, by the JSPS KAKENHI
25460077 (to KI), 18K06940 (to KI) and 20H05521 (to KI); and
by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of
Japan, Strategic Research Foundation Grant-aided Project for
Private Universities from the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sport, Science, and Technology, Japan (MEXT), No. S1201008,
and Takeda Science Foundation 2016 (to KI).
Gene X
·OH + OH
Enhanced OS
PP2B (calcineurin)
Impairment of memory and learning
Fig. 2. Possible mechanisms underlying exacerbation of OS and the accumulation of phosphorylated tau in the brain of DS subjects. In DS brain,
the gene-dosage-dependent increased expression of APP and ETS2 is suggested to lead to mitochondrial dysfunction and generate ROS, such as
superoxide. The expression of SOD1 is also increased in a gene-dosage-dependent manner. An increased level of SOD1 leads to the production of
H2O2. Gene X in Hsa21, which causes the accumulation of copper in the brain with DS, induces the production of hydroxy radicals, and the
resulting enhanced OS produces 4-HNE through lipid peroxidation. Intercellular protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), which dephosphorylates phospho‐
rylated tau, is modified by 4-HNE and reduces its function. The DYRK1A level is upregulated in DS due to increased copy numbers. Since DYRK1A
phosphorylates tau protein, the accumulation of phosphorylated tau in the DS brain is promoted. The increased expression of RCAN1 inhibits the
activity of calcineurin (PP2B), which also dephosphorylates Tau protein. The accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau in the DS brain may cause
the impairment of memory and learning. A dashed arrows means a suppressed influences over the reaction.
K. Ishihara J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr. | July 2022 | vol. 71 | no. 1 | 19
©2022 JCBN
AD Alzheimer’s disease
APP amyloid precursor protein
CAT catalase
DS Down syndrome
DYRK1A dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation regulated
kinase 1A
Glo1 glyoxalase-1
GPX glutathione peroxidase
Hsa21 human chromosome 21
4-HNE 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal
ICP-MS inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
MDA malondialdehyde
Mmu16 mouse chromosome 16
NFTs neurofibrillary tangles
OS oxidative stress
PP2A protein phosphatase 2A
PP2B protein phosphatase 2B
RCAN1 regulator of calcineurin-1
RNS reactive nitrogen species
ROS reactive oxygen species
SOD1 superoxide dismutase 1
Conflict of Interest
No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.
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K. Ishihara J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr. | July 2022 | vol. 71 | no. 1 | 21
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Redox-altered plasticity refers to redox-dependent reversible changes in synaptic plasticity via altering functions of key proteins, such as N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR). Age-related cognitive disorders includes Alzheimer’s disease (AD), vascular dementia (VD), and age-associated memory impairment (AAMI). Based on the critical role of NMDAR-dependent long-term potentiation (LTP) in memory, the increase of reactive oxygen species in cognitive disorders, and the sensitivity of NMDAR to the redox status, converging lines have suggested the redox-altered NMDAR-dependent plasticity might underlie the synaptic dysfunctions associated with cognitive disorders. In this review, we summarize the involvement of redox-altered plasticity in cognitive disorders by presenting the available evidence. According to reports from our laboratory and other groups, this “redox-altered plasticity” is more similar to functional changes rather than organic injuries, and strategies targeting redox-altered plasticity using pharmacological agents might reverse synaptic dysfunctions and memory abnormalities in the early stage of cognitive disorders. Targeting redox modifications for NMDARs may serve as a novel therapeutic strategy for memory deficits.
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The expression of microRNA‑802 (miR‑802) is known to be associated with insulin resistance (IR); however, the mechanism remains unclear. The present study investigated how miR‑802 contributes to the development of IR using C57BL/6J mice fed a high‑fat diet (HFD) to establish a model of IR. Adeno‑associated virus overexpressing miR‑802 was administered to the mice via tail vein injection. The effects of miR‑802 on reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation (LPO) and the activities of multiple ROS‑related enzymes were investigated. Western blot analysis was used to estimate the protein levels of extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK), p38mitogen‑activated protein kinases (p38MAPK), c‑Jun N‑terminal kinase (JNK), insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS‑1) and protein kinase B (AKT1). The results demonstrated that the levels of ROS and LPO production were increased in the livers of the miR‑802‑treated group compared with the control group. The activities of the ROS‑related enzymes were reduced. Furthermore, the expression of phosphorylated (phosphor)‑p38MAPK and phosphor‑JNK were upregulated in the miR‑802 overexpression group, whereas there was no difference in the expression levels of phosphor‑ERK. The expression levels of phosphor‑AKT1 were reduced in the miR‑802‑treated group and these effects were reversed by miR‑802 knockdown. In conclusion, the results demonstrate that miR‑802 may cause IR by activating the JNK and p38MAPK pathways to increase hepatic oxidative stress.
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Increasing evidences support the notion that the impairment of intracellular degradative machinery is responsible for the accumulation of oxidized/misfolded proteins that ultimately results in the deposition of protein aggregates. These events are key pathological aspects of “protein misfolding diseases” including Alzheimer disease (AD). Interestingly, Down syndrome (DS) neuropathology shares many features with AD, such as the deposition of both amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. Studies from our group and others demonstrated, in DS brain, the dysfunction of both proteasome and autophagy degradative systems, coupled with increased oxidative damage. Further, we observed the aberrant increase of mTOR signaling and of its down-stream pathways in both DS brain and in Ts65Dn mice. Based on these findings, we support the ability of intranasal rapamycin treatment (InRapa) to restore mTOR pathway but also to restrain oxidative stress resulting in the decreased accumulation of lipoxidized proteins. By proteomics approach, we were able to identify specific proteins that showed decreased levels of HNE-modification after InRapa treatment compared with vehicle group. Among MS-identified proteins, we found that reduced oxidation of arginase-1 (ARG-1) and protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) might play a key role in reducing brain damage associated with synaptic transmission failure and tau hyperphosphorylation. InRapa treatment, by reducing ARG-1 protein-bound HNE levels, rescues its enzyme activity and conceivably contribute to the recovery of arginase-regulated functions. Further, it was shown that PP2A inhibition induces tau hyperphosphorylation and spatial memory deficits. Our data suggest that InRapa was able to rescue PP2A activity as suggested by reduced p-tau levels. In summary, considering that mTOR pathway is a central hub of multiple intracellular signaling, we propose that InRapa treatment is able to lower the lipoxidation-mediated damage to proteins, thus representing a valuable therapeutic strategy to reduce the early development of AD pathology in DS population.
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Different metabolic profiles as well as comorbidities are common in people with Down Syndrome (DS). Therefore it is relevant to know whether micronutrient levels in people with DS are also different. This systematic review was designed to review the literature on micronutrient levels in people with DS compared to age and sex-matched controls without DS. We identified sixty nine studies from January 1967 to April 2016 through main electronic medical databases PubMed, Scopus, and Web of knowledge. We carried out meta-analysis of the data on four essential trace elements (Cu, Fe, Se, and Zn), six minerals (Ca, Cl, K, Mg, Na, and P), and five vitamins (vitamin A, B9, B12, D, and E). People with DS showed lower blood levels of Ca (standard mean difference (SMD) = −0.63; 95% confidence interval (CI): −1.16 to −0.09), Se (SMD = -0.99; 95% CI: -1.55 to -0.43), and Zn (SMD = -1.30; 95% CI: -1.75 to -0.84), while red cell levels of Zn (SMD = 1.88; 95% CI: 0.48 to 3.28) and Cu (SMD = 2.77; 95% CI: 1.96 to 3.57) were higher. They had also higher salivary levels of Ca (SMD = 0.85; 95% CI: 0.38 to 1.33) and Na (SMD = 1.04; 95% CI: 0.39 to 1.69). Our findings that micronutrient levels are different in people with DS raise the question whether these differences are related to the different metabolic profiles, the common comorbidities or merely reflect DS.
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Down syndrome (DS, trisomy 21) is the leading cause of chromosomal-related intellectual disability. At an early age, adults with DS develop with the neuropathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease, associated with a chronic oxidative stress. To investigate if non-protein bound iron (NPBI) can contribute to building up a pro-oxidative microenvironment, we evaluated NPBI in both plasma and erythrocytes from DS and age-matched controls, together with in vivo markers of lipid peroxidation (F2-isoprostanes; F2-dihomo-isoprostanes; F4-neuroprostanes) and in vitro reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation in erythrocytes. The serum iron panel and uric acid were also measured. Secondly, we explored possible correlation between NPBI, lipid peroxidation and cognitive performance. Here we report NPBI increase in DS, which correlates with increased serum ferritin and uric acid. High levels of lipid peroxidation markers and intraerythrocyte ROS formations were also reported. Furthermore, the scores of Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices test, performed as a measure of current cognitive function, are inversely related to NPBI, serum uric acid and ferritin. Likewise, ROS production, F2-isoprostanes and F4-neuroprostanes were also inversely related to cognitive performance, whereas serum transferrin positively correlated to RCPM scores. Our data reveal that increased availability of free redox-active iron, associated with enhanced lipid peroxidation, may be involved in neurodegeneration and cognitive decline in DS. In this respect, we propose chelation therapy as a potential preventive/therapeutic tool in DS.
The function of somatic stem cells declines with age. Understanding the molecular underpinnings of this decline is key to counteract age-related disease. Here, we report a dramatic drop in the neural stem cells (NSCs) number in the aging murine brain. We find that this smaller stem cell reservoir is protected from full depletion by an increase in quiescence that makes old NSCs more resistant to regenerate the injured brain. Once activated, however, young and old NSCs show similar proliferation and differentiation capacity. Single-cell transcriptomics of NSCs indicate that aging changes NSCs minimally. In the aging brain, niche-derived inflammatory signals and the Wnt antagonist sFRP5 induce quiescence. Indeed, intervention to neutralize them increases activation of old NSCs during homeostasis and following injury. Our study identifies quiescence as a key feature of old NSCs imposed by the niche and uncovers ways to activate NSCs to repair the aging brain.
Elevated oxidative stress (OS) is widely accepted to be involved in the pathogenesis of Down syndrome (DS). However, the mechanisms underlying the elevation of OS in DS are poorly understood. Biometals, in particular copper and iron, play roles in OS. We therefore focused on biometals in the brain with DS. In this study, we analyzed the profile of elements, including biometals, in the brain of Ts1Cje mice, a widely used genetic model of DS. An inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)-based comparative metallomic/elementomic analysis of Ts1Cje mouse brain revealed a higher level of copper in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex, but not in the striatum, in comparison to wild-type littermates. The expression of the copper transporter CTR1, which is involved in the transport of copper into cells, was decreased in the ependymal cells of Ts1Cje mice, suggesting a decrease in the CTR1-mediated transport of copper into the ependymal cells, which excrete copper into the cerebrospinal fluid. To evaluate the pathological significance of the accumulation of copper in the brain of Ts1Cje mice, we examined the effects of a diet with a low copper content (LoCD) on the elevated lipid peroxidation, the accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau, and some behavioral anomalies. Reducing the copper concentration in the brain by an LoCD restored the enhanced lipid peroxidation and phosphorylation of tau in the brain and reduced anxiety-like behavior, but not hyperactivity or impaired spatial leaning, in Ts1Cje mice. The findings highlight the reduction of accumulation of copper in the brain may be a novel therapeutic strategy for DS.
The intellectual disability that characterizes Down syndrome (DS) is primarily caused by prenatal changes in central nervous system growth and differentiation. However, in later life stages, the cognitive abilities of DS individuals progressively decline due to accelerated aging and the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD) neuropathology. The AD neuropathology in DS has been related to the overexpression of several genes encoded by Hsa21 including DYRK1A (dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 1A), which encodes a protein kinase that performs crucial functions in the regulation of multiple signaling pathways that contribute to normal brain development and adult brain physiology. Studies performed in vitro and in vivo in animal models overexpressing this gene have demonstrated that the DYRK1A gene also plays a crucial role in several neurodegenerative processes found in DS. The Ts65Dn (TS) mouse bears a partial triplication of several Hsa21 orthologous genes, including Dyrk1A, and replicates many DS-like abnormalities, including age-dependent cognitive decline, cholinergic neuron degeneration, increased levels of APP and Aβ, and tau hyperphosphorylation. To use a more direct approach to evaluate the role of the gene dosage of Dyrk1A on the neurodegenerative profile of this model, TS mice were crossed with Dyrk1A KO mice to obtain mice with a triplication of a segment of Mmu16 that includes this gene, mice that are trisomic for the same genes but only carry two copies of Dyrk1A, euploid mice with a normal Dyrk1A dosage, and CO animals with a single copy of Dyrk1A. Normalizing the gene dosage of Dyrk1A in the TS mouse rescued the density of senescent cells in the cingulate cortex, hippocampus and septum, prevented cholinergic neuron degeneration, and reduced App expression in the hippocampus, Aβ load in the cortex and hippocampus, the expression of phosphorylated tau at the Ser202 residue in the hippocampus and cerebellum and the levels of total tau in the cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum. Thus, the present study provides further support for the role of the Dyrk1A gene in several AD-like phenotypes found in TS mice and indicates that this gene could be a therapeutic target to treat AD in DS.
The substrate specificity of glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) is unusual in that efficient phosphorylation only occurs if another phosphoserine or phosphothreonine residue is already present four residues C-terminal to the site of GSK3 phosphorylation. One such substrate is the e-subunit of rat eukaryotic protein-synthesis initiation factor 2B (eIF2Be), which is inhibited by the GSK3-catalysed phosphorylation of Ser535. There is evidence that GSK3 is only able to phosphorylate eIF2Be at Ser535 if Ser539 is already phosphorylated by another protein kinase. However, no protein kinases capable of phosphorylating Ser539 have so far been identified. Here we show that Ser539 of eIF2Be, which is followed by proline, is phosphorylated specifically by two isoforms of dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylated and regulated kinase (DYRK2 and DYRK1A), but only weakly or not at all by other 'proline-directed' protein kinases tested. We also establish that phosphorylation of Ser539 permits GSK3 to phosphorylate Ser535 in vitro and that eIF2Be is highly phosphorylated at Ser539 in vivo. The DYRK isoforms also phosphorylate human microtubule-associated protein tau at Thr212 in vitro, a residue that is phosphorylated in foetal tau and hyperphosphorylated in filamentous tau from Alzheimer's-disease brain. Phosphorylation of Thr212 primes tau for phosphorylation by GSK3 at Ser208 in vitro, suggesting a more general role for DYRK isoforms in priming phosphorylation of GSK3 substrates.
Objective: To determine whether vitamin E would slow the progression of cognitive deterioration and dementia in aging persons with Down syndrome (DS). Methods: A randomized, double-blind controlled clinical trial was conducted at 21 clinical sites, and researchers trained in research procedures recruited adults with DS older than 50 years to participate. Participants were randomly assigned to receive 1,000 IU of vitamin E orally twice daily for 3 years or identical placebo. The primary outcome was change on the Brief Praxis Test (BPT). Secondary outcomes included incident dementia and measures of clinical global change, cognition, function, and behavior. Results: A total of 337 individuals were randomized, 168 to vitamin E and 169 to placebo. Both groups demonstrated deterioration on the BPT with no difference between drug and placebo. At baseline, 26% were diagnosed with dementia and there was an overall rate of incident dementia of 11%/year with no difference between groups. There was no effect on the secondary outcome measures. Though numerically higher in the treatment group, there was no difference in the number of adverse events (p = 0.079) and deaths (p = 0.086) between groups. Conclusions: Vitamin E did not slow the progression of cognitive deterioration in older individuals with DS. Classification of evidence: This study provides Class II evidence that vitamin E does not significantly slow the progression of cognitive deterioration in aging persons with DS.