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Diets of Black Vultures and Turkey Vultures in Coastal South Carolina, USA with a Review of Species' Dietary Information

  • USDA/Wildlife Services/National Wildlife Research Center


Food availability resulting from anthropogenic land-use changes may have contributed to the recent increase of Cathartes aura (Turkey Vulture) and Coragyps atratus (Black Vulture) populations. We assessed anthropogenic contributions to diets of these species by analyzing 176 pellets collected from communal roosts in coastal South Carolina. To provide further insight into diets, we conducted a literature review of pellet-based studies for both species. Our pellet analyses demonstrated consumption of 12 mammal species with Odocoileus virginianus (White-tailed Deer) as the primary food item, present in 65% of samples and constituting 35% average percent volume in pellets. Mephitis mephitis (Striped Skunk) and Procyon lotor (Raccoon) were also commonly consumed. Presence of anthropogenic items in 47% of pellets indicated substantial garbage consumption. Our review consisted of 14 studies and revealed wide variability in diet across study sites, with large mammals (>15 kg) typically comprising the majority of species consumed. We suggest that increasing deer populations provide an important source of carrion for vultures in this area and likely throughout eastern North America. Ungulate populations, roadkill, and garbage appear to contribute considerably to Turkey Vulture and Black Vulture diets. As such, mitigation of human–vulture conflict will require effective garbage and roadkill management as Turkey Vulture and Black Vulture populations increasingly expand.
Southeastern Naturalist
J.E. Hill, A.E. Holland, L.K. Brohl, B.M. Kluever, M.B. Pfeiffer, T.L. DeVault, and J.L. Belant
2022 Vol. 21, No. 1
2022 21(1):11–27
Diets of Black Vultures and Turkey Vultures in Coastal
South Carolina, USA with a Review of Species’ Dietary
Jacob E. Hill1,2,*, Amanda E. Holland2, Lisa K. Brohl3, Bryan M. Kluever4,
Morgan B. Pfeiffer5, Travis L. DeVault1, and Jerrold L. Belant2
Abstract - Food availability resulting from anthropogenic land-use changes may have
contributed to the recent increase of Cathartes aura (Turkey Vulture) and Coragyps atratus
(Black Vulture) populations. We assessed anthropogenic contributions to diets of these spe-
cies by analyzing 176 pellets collected from communal roosts in coastal South Carolina. To
provide further insight into diets, we conducted a literature review of pellet-based studies
for both species. Our pellet analyses demonstrated consumption of 12 mammal species with
Odocoileus virginianus (White-tailed Deer) as the primary food item, present in 65% of
samples and constituting 35% average percent volume in pellets. Mephitis mephitis (Striped
Skunk) and Procyon lotor (Raccoon) were also commonly consumed. Presence of anthro-
pogenic items in 47% of pellets indicated substantial garbage consumption. Our review
consisted of 14 studies and revealed wide variability in diet across study sites, with large
mammals (>15 kg) typically comprising the majority of species consumed. We suggest that
increasing deer populations provide an important source of carrion for vultures in this area
and likely throughout eastern North America. Ungulate populations, roadkill, and garbage
appear to contribute considerably to Turkey Vulture and Black Vulture diets. As such, miti-
gation of human–vulture conict will require effective garbage and roadkill management as
Turkey Vulture and Black Vulture populations increasingly expand.
The acquisition of food plays a substantial role in the ecology and life history of
birds. The quantity and condition of offspring, for example, can be inuenced by
diet quality, as can an individual’s mating potential (McGlothlin et al. 2007, Rutz
et al. 2006). Greater food abundance may lead to population increases in some
species, and inter- and intraspecic social dynamics can be altered by the distribu-
tion of food (Blake and Loiselle 1991, Cortes-Avizanda, et al. 2011). Furthermore,
food availability has been deemed the primary driver of avian home-range ecology
(Rolando 2002). The availability of food may thus have impacts across multiple
1University of Georgia, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, PO Drawer E, Aiken, SC
29802. 2Global Wildlife Conservation Center, State University of New York College of
Environmental Science and Forestry, 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY 13210. 3Lake Erie
Islands Conservancy, P.O. Box 461, Put-in-Bay, OH 43456. 4United States Department of
Agriculture, Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Research Center, Florida Field Station,
2820 East University Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32641. 5United States Department of Ag-
riculture, Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Research Center, Ohio Field Station, 6100
Columbus Avenue, Sandusky, OH 44870. *Corresponding author -
Manuscript Editor: Roger Applegate
Southeastern Naturalist
J.E. Hill, A.E. Holland, L.K. Brohl, B.M. Kluever, M.B. Pfeiffer, T.L. DeVault, and J.L. Belant
2022 Vol. 21, No. 1
levels of the ecological avian hierarchy from inuences on individual animals to
multispecies interactions (Cortes-Avizanda et al. 2011).
Considering the myriad impacts of food on avian ecology, there is consider-
able potential for humans to inuence birds via alterations in food distribution and
abundance. Habitat degradation, for instance, can cause declines in avian species
that have specialized diets due to decreased food availability (Morelli et al. 2021).
Conversely, some birds may benet from an increase in food provided by humans.
Cathartes aura L. (Turkey Vulture) and Coragyps atratus (Bechstein) (Black Vul-
ture ) are 2 species that have ourished over the past half century concurrent with
expanding human development, and an increase in food availability has been postu-
lated as one of the ecological drivers. The loss of apex predators in much of North
America may have led to higher populations of ungulates, resulting in greater car-
rion availability (Kiff 2000). Simultaneously, an increasing road network has likely
increased the availability of carrion via roadkill, which vultures consume (Hill et al.
2018, Kiff 2000). Additionally, both species forage extensively on anthropogenic
food sources such as human garbage and livestock carcasses (Humphrey et al. 2004,
Kluever et al. 2020, Novaes and Cintra 2015).
Scavenging by vultures is an important ecosystem service because it limits the
spread of disease and controls populations of scavenging pest species (DeVault et
al. 2016, Lambertucci et al. 2021). However, when they occur at high densities in
close proximity to people, vultures can cause problems such as property damage,
aircraft collisions, and human health concerns (Kluever et al. 2020, Lowney 1999).
As a result, the increasing population sizes and geographic ranges of both species
have coincided with a rise in the frequency of human–vulture conicts (Blackwell
et al. 2007, Kluever et al. 2020).
Despite the growing prevalence of both species, there remain unresolved ques-
tions regarding basic aspects of their ecology, such as detailed dietary information
(Avery et al. 2006). Vulture diets have important ramications for management, as
carrion availability is a major factor inuencing vulture presence (Kelly et al. 2007,
López-López et al. 2014, Rolando 2002). Vultures alter space use in accordance
with carrion availability and make repeated movements to sites where carrion is
reliably available (Cortés-Avizanda et al. 2012, López-López et al. 2014). Diets of
vultures can vary substantially across their geographic ranges, necessitating site-
specic investigations (Blázquez et al. 2016, Kelly et al. 2007).
Understanding the diets of both species may help to determine why vultures are
locally abundant and facilitate elimination of food items to disperse vultures when
desirable. Furthermore, knowledge of dietary information is vital to understanding
how vultures interact with human settlement and their functional roles in anthro-
pogenically modied landscapes. Such understanding will become increasingly
pertinent as the expanding ranges of both vulture species will likely precipitate
greater intermingling of vultures and people. Further, given the global endangered
conservation status for vultures as a group, the diets of vultures in stable popula-
tions may reveal patterns important for conservation (Ogada et al. 2012).
Southeastern Naturalist
J.E. Hill, A.E. Holland, L.K. Brohl, B.M. Kluever, M.B. Pfeiffer, T.L. DeVault, and J.L. Belant
2022 Vol. 21, No. 1
After feeding, vultures regurgitate pellets containing indigestible parts of their
food such as bones, teeth, hair, and feathers (Houston et al. 2007). Analysis of
pellets can provide information on vulture diets and is one of the most commonly
employed methods to study the diets of birds of prey (Ballejo et al. 2018). Pellet
analysis may be biased by differences in digestibility of prey items (Litvaitis et al.
1994). However, vulture pellets contain primarily hair, and pellet analysis is reli-
able for diet estimation given knowledge of local fauna, reference collections for
comparisons, and the use of microscopy (Ballejo et al. 2018, Real 1996). Addition-
ally, pellet analysis has the advantage of being relatively inexpensive, and large
proportions of the population can be sampled with minimal disturbance to animals
(DeVault and Washburn 2013).
To address the paucity of data regarding vulture diets, we collected pellets from
mixed roosts of Turkey Vultures and Black Vultures in the coastal southeastern
United States, an area where diet information is currently lacking and human–vul-
ture conicts are increasing (Kluever et al. 2020). We examined seasonal variation
in diet composition, as well as spatial differences across roosts located on 3 proxi-
mate South Carolina sea islands. Additionally, we conducted a literature review
of diets of both species based on pellet analysis to provide a more comprehensive
understanding of the breadth of species’ diets as well as geographic variation in
dietary composition.
Field-site description
We conducted this study in Beaufort County, located in the low country salt
marsh region of South Carolina (32.418°N, 80.640°W; Fig. 1). The resident popu-
lation of Beaufort County is ~186,000, but tourism is a major part of the local
economy, and the annual number of visitors exceeds 3 million (Carey and Salazar
2017, US Census Bureau 2021). The coastline of this area is characterized by a
chain of land masses known as sea islands, separated from the mainland by marshes
and tidal creeks (Zeigler 1959). Mean annual temperature is 19.55 °C and mean
annual precipitation is 121.51 cm (NOAA 2021). Based on data from the National
Land Cover Database (Yang et al. 2018), predominate land-cover types in the area
include open water (33%), wetlands (33%), forest (21%), developed (9%), and ag-
riculture (3%). The area has a year-round population of Turkey Vultures and Black
Vultures (Walter et al. 2012).
Pellet collection and lab analysis
We collected pellets from 4 roosts across 3 sea islands during January–Au-
gust 2020: 1 on St. Helena Island, 1 on Lady’s Island and 2 on Port Royal Island
(Fig. 1). The roosts were communal Black Vulture and Turkey Vulture roosts on
communication or water towers. We surveyed the study area by vehicle near dusk
and looked for vultures returning to roosts to identify roost locations. The height
of these structures was well above buildings and tree lines, which facilitated visual
detections of vultures. Additionally, these structures spatially constrained vultures,
which aided collection of pellets beneath roosts.
Southeastern Naturalist
J.E. Hill, A.E. Holland, L.K. Brohl, B.M. Kluever, M.B. Pfeiffer, T.L. DeVault, and J.L. Belant
2022 Vol. 21, No. 1
In the early evening, 12–16 hr before the initiation of a sampling trip, we placed
a plastic tarp under the roost. The combination of placing the tarp before most
vultures returned to roosts in the evening with vultures’ propensity to roost at the
highest points of the structures resulted in minimal disturbance to birds; we did not
observe birds ushing from the roost as a result of our eld efforts. We gathered
pellets from the tarp the next day such that each sample had been deposited less
than 24 hours prior to collection. We took all pellets available across the tarp area,
obtaining an average of 5.9 pellets (min–max = 1–18 pellets) per sampling trip
across the 30 sampling trips (Table 1). We aimed for an even temporal distribution
of sampling trips over the study period for each roost, but our ability to sample sites
was sometimes constrained by personnel limitations and site access.
Each pellet was placed in a plastic tube and stored in a freezer until analysis. We
soaked samples overnight in sealed jars to loosen the material and dissected them in
a glass dish for analysis. We made hair identications following Stains (1958) and
Cothran et al. (1991), as well as direct comparison with specimens from the col-
lections at the Lake Erie Islands Nature and Wildlife Center (Put-in-Bay, OH) and
the personal collection of Glen Bernhardt (Norwalk, OH). We made initial coarse
identications using physical characteristics of hairs under a 10-35x dissecting
Figure 1. Locations of 4 communal Black Vulture and Turkey Vulture roosts in coastal
South Carolina, from which pellets were collected in 2020.
Southeastern Naturalist
J.E. Hill, A.E. Holland, L.K. Brohl, B.M. Kluever, M.B. Pfeiffer, T.L. DeVault, and J.L. Belant
2022 Vol. 21, No. 1
microscope (Stemi D4; Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany). We veried dentications
by comparing individual hairs to known samples using a 40-1000x binocular com-
parison compound microscope (Primo Star; Zeiss).
Statistical analysis
We reported the frequency of each item (number of pellets containing the item)
documented across the entire set of samples. Many items such as rocks and soil
were probably ingested for reasons other than energy intake. Therefore, we also
calculated a modied estimate of average percent volume, dened as the proportion
of each prey item from each sample divided by the total amount of vertebrate mat-
ter consumed after removing large structures such as bones and claws × 100 (Kelly
et al. 2007). We excluded feathers from these estimates because we were unable to
identify them to species and most were probably incidentally ingested vulture down
Table 1. Number of pellets (n = 176) collected in 2020 from communal Black Vulture and Turkey
Vulture roosts in South Carolina, on each sampling trip (n = 30).
Date Island Pellets collected
14 January 20 Port Royal 12
25 January 20 Lady's 8
28 February 20 Lady's 5
19 March 20 Port Royal 3
27 March 20 Lady's 3
31 March 20 St. Helena 15
16 May 20 Port Royal 2
2 June 20 St. Helena 1
3 June 20 St. Helena 1
4 June 20 St. Helena 1
10 June 20 Lady's 1
10 June 20 St. Helena 4
12 June 20 Lady's 5
13 June 20 Lady's 1
13 June 20 St. Helena 18
14 June 20 St. Helena 1
16 June 20 Lady's 8
7 July 20 Lady's 1
9 July 20 Lady's 3
12 July 20 Lady's 7
12 July 20 St. Helena 13
17 July 20 Lady's 4
17 July 20 St. Helena 13
20 July 20 Lady's 1
20 July 20 St. Helena 1
23 July 20 Port Royal 3
27 July 20 Port Royal 6
27 July 20 St. Helena 14
1 August 20 Port Royal 17
1 August 20 St. Helena 4
Total 176
Southeastern Naturalist
J.E. Hill, A.E. Holland, L.K. Brohl, B.M. Kluever, M.B. Pfeiffer, T.L. DeVault, and J.L. Belant
2022 Vol. 21, No. 1
(Kelly et al. 2007). In addition to percent volume at the pellet level, we calculated
an overall percent volume for each prey item from all pellets combined.
We examined changes in consumption of the 3 most common prey items
(Odocoileus virginianus (Zimmerman) [White-tailed Deer], Procyon lotor (L.)
[Raccoon], and Mephitis mephitis Schreber [Striped Skunk]) as a function of roost
location and season by constructing 2 sets of models using package stats in Program
R version 4.0.4 (R Core Team 2020). In the rst set, we compared the logit-trans-
formed proportion (derived from modied percent volume) of each prey species
in every sample as a response variable using linear models. In the second set of
models, we compared presence/absence of the prey species in every sample using
a generalized linear model with binomial distribution. In each model, we included
roost location (1 of the 3 islands) and season as factors. We combined winter and
spring (January–March) due to low sample sizes, resulting in 2 seasons for analysis:
winter/spring and summer (May–August). We also combined the 2 roosts from Port
Royal Island due to their proximity (2.3 km apart), for a total of 3 roost locations.
We calculated the Akaike’s information criterion corrected for sample size (AICc)
for each model (4 total possible models) and ranked models based on the differ-
ence in AICc values between each model and that with the lowest AICc (ΔAICc). We
averaged parameter estimates among models with ΔAICc ≤ 2 and calculated 85%
condence intervals (Arnold 2010, Burnham and Anderson 2002). If roost location
was a signicant parameter, we calculated pairwise comparisons between islands
with Tukey’s adjustment and α = 0.05 to determine differences using the package
‘emmeans’ (Lenth et al. 2018).
Literature Review
We obtained studies of the diets of Black Vultures and Turkey Vultures using
Web of Science, BioOne, and Google Scholar by searching entire documents for
combinations of the terms “pellet” and “diet” with each of the following terms:
“Turkey Vulture”, “Black Vulture”, “Cathartes aura”, and “Coragyps atratus”. We
only included studies that used pellets for dietary analysis; these provide greater
information on the breadth of diets than observations at carcasses, many of which
are placed by the researchers themselves for experimental purposes. We limited our
analysis to the rst 300 results sorted by relevance for our Google Scholar search
(Haddaway et al. 2015).
For every study, we documented the species from which pellets were collected
and the location of the study site. We recorded the frequency of occurrence in pel-
lets for every species documented because this was consistently reported whereas
percent volume was not. We tallied the presence of every food item across studies to
examine its prevalence. We also were interested in examining the relative contribu-
tions of mammals of different size classes to vulture diets, so we categorized every
mammal species consumed as either small (<1 kg), medium (1–15 kg), or large
(>15 kg). Vultures may scavenge carcasses across these size categories differen-
tially due to differences in detectability and carrion provided (Turner et al. 2017). It
was not possible to calculate contributions by only adding frequencies within each
Southeastern Naturalist
J.E. Hill, A.E. Holland, L.K. Brohl, B.M. Kluever, M.B. Pfeiffer, T.L. DeVault, and J.L. Belant
2022 Vol. 21, No. 1
size class because they summed to greater than 1 due to pellets containing remains
from multiple species. We therefore calculated a modied frequency by summing
all frequencies for each prey species within each category for every study. We then
divided these values by the sum of all mammal frequencies combined for each
study, and calculated an average of these modied frequencies across all studies,
weighted by the study sample size (i.e., number of pellets analyzed).
Pellet analysis
We collected and analyzed 176 vulture pellets. Of these, 130 were from summer
and 46 were from winter/spring. Sample composition by island was 47 from Lady’s
Island, 43 from Port Royal Island, and 86 from St. Helena Island. We documented
12 mammal species overall, with White-tailed Deer being the most common spe-
cies, present in 65% of samples, and constituting 35.73 average percent volume
(Table 2). The next most common mammals were Striped Skunks (present in 48%
of samples; 17.68 average percent volume) and Raccoons (22% of samples; 11.20
average percent volume). These 3 species collectively comprised 64% of prey in all
samples combined, with respective percent of overall volume consisting of 32.75,
20.18, and 11.15 for White-tailed Deer, Striped Skunks, and Raccoons, respectively.
Plant matter such as leaves, seeds, and bark was present in 85% of samples. Trash,
including plastic, glass, foil, and paper, was detected in 47% of samples; 30% of
samples contained plastic.
For White-tailed Deer, there was no inuence of season or island on frequency
or percent volume in pellets (Tables 3, 4). For Striped Skunks, we observed a 5%
increase in percent volume (β = 0.239, 85% CI= 0.007–0.925) and a 17% increase
in frequency (β = 0.756, 85% CI= 0.230–1.283) in winter/spring compared to sum-
mer, but no differences among islands. There was a 28% increase in frequency (β =
1.396, adjusted P-value=0.016) and 9% increase in percent volume (β = 0.811, ad-
justed P-value = 0.049, Table 5) of Raccoons in pellets on Lady’s Island compared
to Port Royal Island, but other pairwise comparisons were not signicant and there
was no inuence of season.
Literature review analysis
Our review contained 14 studies: 9 of Turkey Vultures, 1 of Black Vultures, and
4 of both species combined. There were 7 studies from the United States, 3 from
Mexico, and 1 each from Argentina, Chile, Canada, and the Falkland Islands. Re-
mains of 28 mammalian species were identied overall. Additionally, there were 6
items identied to the level of genus, and 5 to family. Weighted averages of modi-
ed frequencies were 56%, 36%, and 8% for large, medium, and small mammals,
respectively. The most common mammalian items were Bos Taurus L. (Cattle),
Ovis aries L. (Sheep), Sus domesticus Erxleben (Pig), Raccoons, Sylvilagus ori-
danus (J.A. Allen) (Eastern Cottontail), and Striped Skunks, each present in half of
studies. The next most common items were White-tailed Deer, Canis familiaris L.
(Domestic Dog), and Felis catus L. (Domestic Cat), each present in 6 studies. Five
Southeastern Naturalist
J.E. Hill, A.E. Holland, L.K. Brohl, B.M. Kluever, M.B. Pfeiffer, T.L. DeVault, and J.L. Belant
2022 Vol. 21, No. 1
Table 2. Contents of Turkey Vulture and Black Vulture pellets (n = 176) collected from roosts in
coastal South Carolina, 2020. Frequency represents the number of pellets containing the item. Aver-
age volume is the modied average percent volume of the item in each pellet. Overall volume is the
percent of the item in all samples combined. “-“ indicates items that were excluded from modied
percent volume calculations.
Volume (%) (mean ± SD)
Frequency Average Overall
Plants 150 - -
Poaceae 93 - -
Quercus leaves 70 - -
Seeds 57 - -
Conifer needles 46 - -
Twigs 34 - -
Acorns/nuts 32 - -
Roots 20 - -
Wood/bark 14 - -
Bud scales 5 - -
Unidentied plants 3 - -
Arthropods 59 - -
Diptera 36 - -
Coleoptera 14 - -
Formicidae 12 - -
Arachnida 11 - -
Unidentied insects 13 - -
Reptiles 6 2.57 ± 14.82 4.14
Birds 135 - -
Mammals 165 - -
Odocoileus virginianus (White-tailed Deer) 115 35.73 ± 35.67 32.75
Mephitis mephitis (Striped Skunk) 85 17.68 ± 25.39 20.18
Procyon lotor (Raccoon) 56 11.20 ± 21.70 11.15
Unidentied animal 50 11.79 ± 25.54 13.44
Didelphis virginiana (Kerr) (Virginia Opossum) 40 6.88 ± 16.19 7.51
Sylvilagus oridanus (Eastern Cottontail) 10 2.33 ± 13.45 4.10
Ondatra zibethicus (L.) (Muskrat) 9 0.96 ± 4.56 0.84
Lontra canadensis (Schreber) (North American River Otter) 8 1.01 ± 5.60 0.53
Castor canadensis (Kuhl) (North American Beaver) 6 1.54 ± 10.93 2.70
Vulpes vulpes (L.) (Red Fox) 5 1.74 ± 12.40 2.41
Microtus pennsylvanicus (Ord) (Eastern Meadow Vole) 1 0.08 ± 1.07 0.12
Scalopus aquaticus (L.) (Eastern Mole) 1 0.28 ± 3.75 0.12
Sciurus carolinensis (Gmelin) (Eastern Gray Squirrel) 1 0.05 ± 0.75 0.01
Natural elements 9 - -
Soil 1 - -
Rock 8 - -
Anthropogenic 83 - -
Plastic 53 - -
Paper 21 - -
Polystyrene 7 - -
Glass 3 - -
Foil 5 - -
Painted wood 1 - -
String 1 - -
Other 10 - -
Southeastern Naturalist
J.E. Hill, A.E. Holland, L.K. Brohl, B.M. Kluever, M.B. Pfeiffer, T.L. DeVault, and J.L. Belant
2022 Vol. 21, No. 1
species of birds were identied in addition to 3 families and 3 orders. Vegetation
was documented in pellets from 9 studies and anthropogenic debris in 5 studies.
Black and Turkey Vultures in coastal South Carolina foraged primarily on
White-tailed Deer, but also consumed a diversity of other mammalian species. In
Table 4. Model averaged parameter estimates, standard error, and 85% condence intervals for aver-
age percent volume and frequency of major prey items in pellets collected from Turkey Vulture and
Black Vulture roosts in South Carolina, 2020.
Standard Lower Upper
Model Species Parameter Estimate Error CI CI
Average % volume
White-tailed Deer Season: Winter/Spring 0.03 0.22 -0.29 0.35
Striped Skunk Season: Winter/Spring 0.24 0.33 0.01 0.92
Raccoon Island: Port Royal -0.82 0.34 -1.31 -0.32
Island: St. Helena -0.16 0.30 -0.59 0.26
Season: Winter/Spring 0.39 0.34 -0.11 0.89
Striped Skunk Season: Winter/Spring 0.76 0.36 0.23 1.28
Raccoon Island: Port Royal -1.41 0.51 -2.14 -0.67
Island: St. Helena -0.49 0.38 -1.04 0.05
Season: Winter/Spring 0.24 0.36 -0.03 1.06
Table 3. Model combinations for analysis of common mammal species in pellets collected from Tur-
key Vulture and Black Vulture roosts in South Carolina, 2020. Average percent volume is the mean
volume of the item in pellets and was examined with a linear model. Frequency is presence/absence
of the item in pellets and was analyzed using a generalized linear model with binomial distribution.
Output includes number of model parameters (K), sample size corrected Akaike’s information cri-
terion (AICc), Akaike weights (wi), log likelihood (LL), and difference in AICc between each model
and top model (ΔAICc). Cells with (+) indicate that the parameter was included in the model. Models
presented are those with ΔAICc < 2.
Model Species Island Season K LL AICc ΔAICc wi
Average % volume
White-tailed Deer 2 -404.96 814.00 0.00 0.64
+ 3 -404.92 816.00 1.99 0.24
Striped Skunk + 3 -356.88 719.90 0.00 0.40
2 -357.96 720.00 0.10 0.38
Raccoon + + 5 -330.60 671.60 0.00 0.54
+ 4 -332.55 673.30 1.78 0.22
White-tailed Deer 1 -113.58 229.20 0.00 0.62
Striped Skunk + 2 -119.91 243.90 0.00 0.41
+ + 4 -117.95 244.10 0.25 0.36
1 -121.89 245.80 1.91 0.16
Raccoon + 3 -105.89 217.90 0.00 0.48
+ + 4 -104.98 218.20 0.27 0.42
Southeastern Naturalist
J.E. Hill, A.E. Holland, L.K. Brohl, B.M. Kluever, M.B. Pfeiffer, T.L. DeVault, and J.L. Belant
2022 Vol. 21, No. 1
addition, they frequently ingested non-prey or indigestible items such as plant mat-
ter and trash. Deer constituted the most common prey item across all roost locations
and during both seasons examined. The substantial contribution of deer to vulture
diets supports the hypothesis that these species have benetted from greater car-
rion availability resulting from increasing deer populations and increasing rates of
wildlife–vehicle collisions (Hill et al. 2020). This conclusion is bolstered by our re-
view in which White-tailed Deer were present in 6 of the 7 studies from the United
States. A portion of these carcasses in our study were likely scavenged as roadkill,
since vehicle collisions are a common source of deer mortality on South Carolina
sea islands (Cromwell et al. 1999, Roberts 2007), and deer were frequently seen
as roadkill throughout the study area (A.E. Holland, pers. observ.). In the United
States, vehicle collisions account for nearly 10% of cause-specic mortality of
deer (Hill et al. 2019). Thus, a dense population of ungulates combined with high
amounts of vehicle mortality likely provides a reliable source of carrion that sup-
ports vulture populations in this area and across the United States.
Vehicle collisions may also contribute to the high consumption of Striped
Skunks and Raccoons, the second and third most common prey items, as they are
regularly killed by vehicle collisions (Barthelmess 2014, Hill et al. 2019). These
species were also among the most commonly documented in our literature review.
Increased consumption of skunks during the winter/spring season may reect high-
er rates of roadkill due to increased movement during the breeding season (Bixler
and Gittleman 2000, Feldhamer et al. 2003). Raccoons also breed in the winter/
spring season (Byrne and Chamberlain 2011), and both frequency and percent
volume of this species in pellets was higher during this period than in summer, but
not signicantly so. Conversely, frequency and percent volume of deer in pellets
was similar between the seasons examined. This result likely occurred because we
did not include fall, when breeding season occurs for deer in the region and when
roadkill rates are generally greater (Stickles et al. 2015). Consequently, deer may
constitute an even more important source of carrion than what we report when all
seasons are considered.
The extensive home ranges of both vulture species likely accounts for the
similar consumption of skunks and deer across islands. The annual mean home
ranges of these birds in South Carolina vary from 30.3 to 340.5 km2 (DeVault
Table 5. Pairwise comparisons between three South Carolina islands in 2020 for average percent vol-
ume and frequency of Raccoon remains in pellets of Turkey Vultures and Black Vultures.
Model Contrast Estimate Standard error P value
Average % volume
Lady's Island: Port Royal 0.811 0.343 0.0498
Lady's Island: St. Helena 0.231 0.292 0.7105
Port Royal: St. Helena -0.581 0.303 0.1378
Lady's Island: Port Royal 1.396 0.507 0.0164
Lady's Island: St. Helena 0.532 0.372 0.3266
Port Royal: St. Helena -0.864 0.473 0.1613
Southeastern Naturalist
J.E. Hill, A.E. Holland, L.K. Brohl, B.M. Kluever, M.B. Pfeiffer, T.L. DeVault, and J.L. Belant
2022 Vol. 21, No. 1
et al. 2004, Holland et al. 2017). With the maximum distance between roosts of
~25 km, it is likely that vultures roosting on different islands had overlapping
foraging areas, leading to similarities in prey consumption. Thus, the decreased
consumption of Raccoons on Port Royal Island compared to Lady’s Island was
somewhat unexpected. Possible explanations for this result may include a re-
duced abundance of Raccoons or availability of more preferred types of carrion
on Port Royal Island (DeVault et al. 2017). A notable caveat is that there was no
distinction in Raccoon consumption between Port Royal Island and St. Helena
Island, suggesting there was not an overall pronounced decline in Raccoon con-
sumption on Port Royal among all islands. Nevertheless, these results suggest
the potential for differences in consumption of some prey species by vultures
across a relatively small area. A study based on stable isotopes in feathers docu-
mented similarly divergent Turkey Vulture diets across an equally narrow spatial
distribution (Blázquez et al. 2016).
Our results indicate extensive consumption of garbage by vultures in this study
area. Trash and other anthropogenic items were present in almost half of pellets, a
frequency higher than many of the studies in our review. Several pellets contained
plastic bags, which vultures commonly ingest while eating garbage, and some pel-
lets contained seeds from produce such as oranges, melons, and cucumbers, that
were likely also consumed when eating trash (Torres-Mura et al. 2015). Prevalence
of garbage consumption at our study probably reects the amount of anthropogenic
development and substantial human presence, as trash ingestion by vultures is posi-
tively associated with urbanization (Ballejo et al. 2021). Efforts to manage vulture
populations in this area, and other sites with high human densities, should thus in-
clude waste management practices that reduce garbage availability to vultures (de
Araujo et al. 2018). In addition to management implications, garbage consumption
can have adverse impacts on the health of vultures, including nestlings when trash
is transferred to them by adults when provisioning their young (Pfeiffer et al. 2017,
Plaza and Lambertucci 2018). Although it is unlikely that trash consumption poses
a substantial risk to vultures in this area, garbage consumption may be a signicant
mortality risk for vulture populations that are of conservation concern (Houston et
al. 2007).
Vultures may also intentionally consume non-prey items, accounting in part for
the high amounts of trash and plant matter we recorded in pellets. One explanation
for this behavior is that vultures are naturally curious animals that display explorato-
ry foraging to locate novel food items (Houston et al. 2007). We frequently observed
Black Vultures tearing at and pulling up tarps that we placed on the ground for pellet
collection. On one instance, we observed 3 Black Vultures picking up pellets from
the tarp, shaking them, and consuming items that fell out. Vultures also tear at other
anthropogenic items such as car upholstery and roof shingles, which contributes to
conict with humans (Lowney 1999). Although the reasons for ingesting anthropo-
genic items are not entirely understood, the exploratory foraging behavior of vultures
may contribute to ingestion of these items, particularly in locations such as ours
where human presence has a pronounced inuence on the landscape.
Southeastern Naturalist
J.E. Hill, A.E. Holland, L.K. Brohl, B.M. Kluever, M.B. Pfeiffer, T.L. DeVault, and J.L. Belant
2022 Vol. 21, No. 1
Ingestion of seeds, present in one third of the pellets, could have occurred through
multiple mechanisms. As mentioned, seeds from produce may have been consumed
while eating trash (Torres-Mura et al. 2015). Seeds from other sources such as grasses
could have been consumed incidentally while scavenging carcasses, which may also
be partially the source of other plant matter (Elías 1987, Kelly et al. 2007). Interest-
ingly, some pellets with seeds contained sections of digestive tracts, indicating that
seed ingestion could occur secondarily as the result of scavenging. Studies examin-
ing the ecosystem services of vultures have focused on carcass removal or nutrient
dispersal (e.g. DeVault et al. 2016), but the potential for vultures to disperse seeds
has received relatively little attention (but see Perez-Mendez and Rodriguez 2018).
The high frequency of seed ingestion indicates that vultures may play a role in seed
dispersal and subsequent plant community structure, which should be considered in
future efforts to quantify the ecosystem services of avian scavengers.
Despite the wide geographic range of studies in our review, there were some
commonalities. Pigs, Sheep, and Cattle were present in half of studies, including
those from different continents, suggesting that these vulture species have beneted
from modern livestock practices. Overall, vultures consumed primarily large mam-
mals and foraged on medium mammals to a lesser extent, whereas small mammals
such as rodents comprised less than 10 percent of prey consumption. These trends
suggest that large mammals often constitute most carrion consumed by these vul-
ture species, which may result from their foraging behavior. Larger carcasses likely
produce stronger olfactory cues during decomposition, which Turkey Vultures rely
on to locate carrion (Byrne et al. 2019, Grigg et al. 2017). Black Vultures primar-
ily use visual cues, and large carcasses are also more visually conspicuous (Grigg
et al. 2017). Furthermore, larger carcasses attract greater aggregations of vultures,
which serve as an additional cue for carcass presence (Houston 1988). Congruently,
Turkey Vultures and Black Vultures at another area in South Carolina scavenged
extensively on Pig carcasses, less frequently on rabbit carcasses, and mostly did
not scavenge rat carcasses (Turner et al. 2017). In the case of livestock, farms or
carcass-disposal sites may provide carrion reliably, leading vultures to scavenge
these carcasses more regularly compared to those of wild animals, the existence of
which are unpredictable in time and space (Kelly et al. 2007, López-López et al.
2014, Ruxton and Houston 2004).
Our study is subject to some constraints that may impact conclusions. Passage
through the vulture digestive tract degraded some hairs to the point that they could
not be identied to species, with 13% of the overall percent volume consisting of
unidentied hairs. As such, there may be some prey species we did not identify. As
all roosts were mixed species, we were unable to determine the vulture species that
produced each pellet, precluding an interspecic analysis of diet; interspecic dif-
ferences in diet could be substantial given contrasting foraging strategies between
species (Holland et al. 2019). Logistical limitations resulted in a much smaller
sample size for winter/spring compared to summer, which somewhat tempers our
conclusions regarding seasonal patterns in diet. Lastly, our literature review is
based on a relatively small sample of studies given the current geographic range of
Southeastern Naturalist
J.E. Hill, A.E. Holland, L.K. Brohl, B.M. Kluever, M.B. Pfeiffer, T.L. DeVault, and J.L. Belant
2022 Vol. 21, No. 1
these vultures. As a result, different patterns in diet may be identied from studies
representing a more comprehensive span of the species’ distributions.
The variety of prey items and trash ingestion identied in our review and pellet
analysis emphasizes the dietary versatility of Black Vultures and Turkey Vultures,
which probably accounts in part for their recent range expansions and population
increases. Several adaptations likely give them a unique ability to exploit anthro-
pogenic food. Due to their specialized digestive system, vultures can process items
like bones and decaying esh unpalatable to other animals, which results in a
relatively broad dietary niche breadth (Blázquez et al. 2016, Mendoza et al. 2018).
Relatedly, scavenging behavior played a primary role in the expansion of Threski-
ornis aethiopicus (Latham) (Sacred Ibis) in Africa (Clergeau and Yésou 2006).
Turkey Vultures also demonstrate highly dexterous foraging, such as scavenging
porcupines without consuming quills or peeling toads’ skin to avoid toxins in the
epidermis, which may permit them to consume items physically inaccessible to
other birds (Platt and Rainwater 2009, Platt et al. 2016). Lastly, vultures can learn
to use novel foods provided by humans due to their cognitive abilities (Sazima
2007). Widespread anthropogenic food occurrence coupled with a unique ability
to capitalize on this resource has likely contributed to the recent proliferation of
Turkey Vultures and Black Vultures across the Western Hemisphere.
Our pellet analyses and literature review indicate that humans may provision
food directly to vultures through trash, livestock, and roadkill, but also indirectly
by contributing to the growth of ungulate populations. As food availability heavily
inuences vulture presence, strategies such as garbage management and roadkill
removal may help reduce local vulture abundances and resultant conict with hu-
mans (e.g., de Araujo et al. 2018). Additionally, consumption of trash and seeds
combined with large home ranges could result in vultures dispersing garbage or
invasive species seeds across the landscape (Augé 2017, Ballejo et al. 2021, Perez-
Mendez and Rodriguez 2018). Thus, effective management may not only reduce
human–vulture conict but also alleviate some of the less visible but potentially
deleterious environmental impacts of high-density vulture populations.
J. Humphrey assisted with initial eld reconnaissance. Stone Laboratory of The Ohio
State University provided use of microscopes. This research was supported in part by the
US Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Wildlife Ser-
vices, and the US Air Force. The ndings and conclusions in this article are those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the US Fish and Wildlife Service or
the US Department of Agriculture.
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... Black vultures (Coragyps atratus) and turkey vultures (Cathartes aura) are often associated with human development; both species have increased in abundance while expanding their geographic ranges across North America in recent decades (Kiff 2000;Sauer et al. 2017). In places where human development exists, black and turkey vultures benefit from increased food availability, as well as favorable flight and roosting conditions (Novaes and Cintra 2013;Novoselova et al. 2020;Hill et al. 2021Hill et al. , 2022. However, the success of these species in areas where humans are present has led to increases in human-vulture conflicts such as property damage and human health concerns (Lowney 1999;Kluever et al. 2020). ...
... Food availability is a primary driver of avian home range ecology (Rolando 2002) and urban cover can be an important source of food to vultures (Novaes and Cintra 2015). Indeed, vultures in this area consumed substantial amounts of garbage, indicating extensive foraging in areas with human presence (Hill et al. 2022). The greater road density in urban areas may also provision food via trash and roadkill (Hill et al. 2022). ...
... Indeed, vultures in this area consumed substantial amounts of garbage, indicating extensive foraging in areas with human presence (Hill et al. 2022). The greater road density in urban areas may also provision food via trash and roadkill (Hill et al. 2022). As vultures was not significant at the p = 0.05 level (Table 2). ...
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Roost locations can be an important contributor to vulture conflicts with humans, but factors influencing roost-site selection at a landscape level remain largely unexplored. Further, there has been little research comparing how these factors vary between nocturnal and diurnal roosting sites. We used remote cameras to document daily variation in vulture use of 21 roosts (20 communication/water towers and 1 natural roost) near Beaufort, South Carolina, USA from October 2019–August 2020. Numbers of vultures on roosts increased with decreasing urban cover and with greater distance to water, but were not influenced by habitat fragmentation or elevation. Roosts surrounded by greater proportions of urban cover were used more often during the day, whereas roosts adjacent to less urban cover were more commonly used at night. We suggest that this relationship results from a greater daytime association with human development, areas that likely provide food and favorable soaring conditions for vultures. Vultures tended to depart nocturnal roosts before sunrise and return within two hours of sunset, indicating that aircraft collision risk resulting from movement around nocturnal roosts would be elevated during these times. Several communication towers routinely had > 100 vultures roosting on them at once, likely contributing to conflict with humans. Our findings reiterate the generalism of these species and their capacity to exploit novel structures for roosting, which has likely contributed to range expansions and resultant increases in human-vulture conflicts over the past several decades.
... Black vultures (Coragyps atratus) are a New World vulture species that use humanmade structures and resources frequently. They regularly roost on transmission and cellular towers (Buckley, 1998;Avery et al., 2002;Seamans, 2004), nest in abandoned buildings (Stewart, 1974;Houston C. S. et al., 2007;Crowley et al., 2022), and forage regularly at street markets, dumpsters, and landfills in large numbers (Elías, 1987;Novaes and Cintra, 2015;Cunha et al., 2022;Hill et al., 2022). Turkey vultures (Cathartes aura), with a range that overlaps that of black vultures, may also use human-subsidized resources in urbanized environments, such as transmission towers in suburban and exurban areas for roosting, but they prefer rural and forested landscapes (Novaes and Cintra, 2015). ...
... Plastic materials have been found in regurgitated black vulture pellets since at least the 1980s (Elías, 1987), showing evidence of plastic ingestion dating back decades. More recently, 30% of black or turkey vulture pellets in South Carolina (Hill et al., 2022) and 82% in the Falkland Islands contained plastics (Augé, 2017). In Patagonia, black and turkey vultures roosting near dumpsters and landfills had a high probability of ingesting plastic (Ballejo et al., 2021) and in Florida, the black vulture was the only raptor species found to ingest plastics (Carlin et al., 2020). ...
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Introduction Plastics are found in ecosystems worldwide and can have widespread impacts on organisms and the environment. Cathartid vultures, including the black vulture (Coragyps atratus) and the turkey vulture (Cathartes aura), have adapted to urbanized environments, making frequent use of human-made structures and anthropogenic resources. Thus, urban vultures are likely exposed to more plastic materials than rural vultures, which they intentionally or unintentionally ingest when foraging or loafing. Methods Our objective was to determine the extent and type of plastic ingested by black and turkey vultures in an urban environment by (1) measuring the plastic content of regurgitated pellets collected along an urban-to-rural gradient, and (2) identifying the plastics within pellets. We dissected 1,087 pellets collected at eight vulture congregation sites in the Charlotte Metropolitan Area, United States between January 2021 and July 2022. Results and Discussion Sixty percent of pellets contained plastic materials, with an average plastic composition by weight of 2.66 ± 8.76%. Repeated measures linear mixed models of the proportion of pellets that were plastic suggested that black and turkey vultures are ingesting more plastic materials when congregation sites are surrounded by more developed landcover and a greater density of commercial food providers, such as food stores and restaurants, within 20km. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy of a subset of pellets indicated that the most common types of plastic ingested by vultures were silicone rubber (used in tires and automobile/boat seals) and polyethylene (used in plastic bags and food packages). Future research should investigate the relative importance of plastic sources in vulture diets, vulture behavioral changes associated with plastic ingestion, and the consequences of plastic pollution on species health and urban ecosystem functioning.
... Not only this, the increase in vulture population will also protect animals from the infectious diseases and hence, produce positive impact on the growth of animal population as well [29]. So, it can be said that the consumption of potentially infectious carcasses by vultures protects humans and animals from their malicious effects [30][31][32]. Based on this, the growth in human and animal populations as a result of vultures intervention is taken in the model, where α and δ, respectively, represent their positive growth rates. ...
A nonlinear dynamical model is developed in this paper that depicts interactions among vultures, human, animals and their carcasses. Diseases such as plague, anthrax and rabies are spreading due to the cascade impact caused by the catastrophic drop in the vulture population, particularly in Africa and Asia. The built model is theoretically studied using qualitative differential-equation theory to demonstrate the system’s rich dynamical features, which are critical for maintaining the ecosystem’s equilibrium. According to the qualitative findings, depending on the parameter combinations, the system not only displays stability of many equilibrium states but also experiences transcritical and Hopf bifurcations. By keeping an eye on the variables causing the decline of the vulture population, the model’s outputs may assist in maintaining balance with the prevention of the spread of disease through carcasses. Hopf-bifurcation results in the bifurcation of the limit cycle through the threshold, supporting the idea that interactions between humans and vultures may also be periodic.
... Interestingly, scavenger species such as vultures can disperse seeds, likely due to accidental consumption while scavenging as carcasses may carry seeds (Hill et al., 2022;Tomberlin et al., 2017). Kuempel and Altieri (2017). ...
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Mass mortality events (MMEs) of wildlife are increasingly frequent and may destabilize communities. MMEs provide a unique ecological context because they simultaneously produce a resource pulse that is sometimes coupled with the loss or severe impairment of functional roles such as predation or herbivory. Moreover, these effects are complicated by global declines in obligate vertebrate scavengers. We designed an experiment to measure the relative importance of bottom‐up (nutrient addition) and top‐down (impairment of obligate scavenger and herbivore functional roles) forces experienced during MMEs on the local plant community. Increasing carrion biomass shifted local plant assemblages from the original state promoting plants more resistant to soil disturbance (i.e. annual plants), but this effect was unique to carrion as the same amount of macronutrients entering the system did not affect the plant community. This may indicate that the effects of carrion are primarily driven by interactions with consumers rather than bottom‐up processes. Additionally, restricting obligate vertebrate scavenger access to increasing amounts of carrion biomass shifted the net effects of the carrion on the plant community by limiting perennial vines. Impairment of the herbivore functional role released plants from top‐down control, increasing plant growth and survival. Our experiment indicates that top‐down forces may have strong effects on plant communities following MMEs. As such, the global increase in wildlife MMEs may have broad consequences on ecological communities, not only on the species affected. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
... Previous research has reported black vultures occurring near predictable foraging sites, such as street markets and garbage dumps, possibly to reduce movement costs in developed landscapes (Novaes and Cintra 2013). Within the southeastern United States, black vultures and turkey vultures have been found to ingest significant amounts of anthropogenic materials (Hill et al. 2022) but occupy different habitats with black vultures more strongly avoiding forested habitats and highdensity urban landscapes for roosting but having greater roost site fidelity (Campbell 2014;Hill et al. 2021;Holland et al. 2019). Turkey vultures also tend to range farther, forage on less predictable sources, reside in forested habitats more frequently and in developed areas farther from human activity when compared to black vultures (Campbell 2014, Holland et al. 2019. ...
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Land cover changes resulting from urbanization alter habitat structure and resource availability. Vultures provide ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling and may help limit disease transmission while also serving as cultural and spiritual icons, making them an important feature of landscapes worldwide. Urbanization may have positive and negative impacts on vultures, such as increasing foraging opportunities and decreasing nesting success due to anthropogenic activity, complicating our understanding of the effect of urbanization on these species. We examined how local and landscape features affect roost attendance of black vultures (Coragyps atratus) and turkey vultures (Cathartes aura) to better understand the factors that play a role in site selection and habitat and landscape use. We counted the number of vultures at twenty-nine roosting sites in the Charlotte Metropolitan Area, USA once a month between November and March over two years. At each roosting site, we measured relative roost height, distance to water, and open space, and calculated the amounts of Developed landcover, Developed-Forest edge density, and landfill density in surrounding landscapes of 0.4 to 20km radii. The top model for roost attendance included wind speed, open space, distance to water, Developed-Forest edge density within 15km and 20km, and survey date. All variables were associated with lower roost attendance. Our results suggest that vultures are roosting at sites with little open space surrounding roosts in landscapes with continuous forest cover near water and that developed landcover does not appear to be a primary factor in roosting attendance. Future research should investigate the natural and anthropogenic food sources used by vultures in urban landscapes to investigate whether anthropogenic food sources are a determining factor for vultures.
... Turkey vultures therefore show a prevalence of exposure to ARs similar to that of Egyptian vultures in Europe. The dietary habits of these opportunistic avian scavengers are similar, feeding on substantial quantities of garbage and the carrion of wild and domestic mammals, ranging from small rodents to small/medium-sized mammals, large ungulates, birds, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates (Margalida et al., 2012;Hill et al., 2022). ...
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The widespread use of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs) and their high persistence in animal tissues has led to these compounds becoming ubiquitous in rodent-predator-scavenger food webs. Exposure to SGARs has usually been investigated in wildlife species found dead, and despite growing evidence of the potential risk of secondary poisoning of predators and scavengers, the current worldwide exposure of free-living scavenging birds to SGARs remains scarcely investigated. We present the first active monitoring of blood SGAR concentrations and prevalence in the four European obligate (i.e., vultures) and facultative (red and black kites) avian scavengers in NE Spain. We analysed 261 birds and detected SGARs in 39.1% (n = 102) of individuals. Both SGAR prevalence and concentrations (ΣSGARs) were related to the age and foraging behaviour of the species studied. Black kites showed the highest prevalence (100%), followed by red kites (66.7%), Egyptian (64.2%), bearded (20.9%), griffon (16.9%) and cinereous (6.3%) vultures. Overall, both the prevalence and average ΣSGARs were higher in non-nestlings than nestlings, and in species such as kites and Egyptian vultures foraging in anthropic landscapes (e.g., landfill sites and livestock farms) and exploiting small/medium-sized carrions. Brodifacoum was most prevalent (28.8%), followed by difenacoum (16.1%), flocoumafen (12.3%) and bromadiolone (7.3%). In SGAR-positive birds, the ΣSGAR (mean ± SE) was 7.52 ± 0.95 ng mL-1; the highest level detected being 53.50 ng mL-1. The most abundant diastereomer forms were trans-bromadiolone and flocoumafen, and cis-brodifacoum and difenacoum, showing that lower impact formulations could reduce secondary exposures of non-target species. Our findings suggest that SGARs can bioaccumulate in scavenging birds, showing the potential risk to avian scavenging guilds in Europe and elsewhere. We highlight the need for further studies on the potential adverse effects associated with concentrations of SGARSs in the blood to better interpret active monitoring studies of free-living birds.
... Further, the mallards and chickens were captively raised and fed commercial feed prior to euthanasia, whereas the black vultures and turkey vultures depended on more natural food sources as wild birds, which could affect the nutritional value of the carrion we use in our study (Ahmad et al., 2018). The vultures obtained for this study were removed due to a variety of nuisance control efforts and therefore little is known about their consumption patterns, however, they likely depended on natural and anthropogenic (i.e., trash, livestock, and roadkill) food sources (Hill et al., 2022). Nonetheless, researchers should investigate the potential effects species, diet, animal genetics, and postmortem techniques have on nutritional composition among different carcass types and thus scavenger use of these carrion resources. ...
Scavenging is a pervasive foraging strategy among vertebrates, yet researchers have only recently begun to reveal the complex implications of scavenging dynamics. Scavenging studies have predominantly used lower trophic level (i.e., herbivore) species as carrion bait, and the few studies that have used higher trophic level (i.e., carnivore) carrion have found these carcass types are generally avoided by vertebrates or scavenged by fewer species than similarly sized herbivore carcasses. No studies have assessed the fate of carcasses of obligate scavengers. To investigate potential differences in scavenging dynamics among avian carrion representing different guilds and trophic levels, we conducted scavenging trials using 20 replicates of two obligate scavenger species (i.e. black vulture, Coragyps atratus; turkey vulture, Cathartes aura) and two lower trophic level species, chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus), and mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). Carcass trials were conducted at the Savannah River Site, SC, USA, and monitored with remote cameras. We hypothesized carcasses of vultures would persist longer and have a distinct scavenging community compared to lower trophic level carcasses (mallard and chicken). As expected, turkey and black vulture carcasses persisted in the environment longer, were less likely to be entirely consumed by vertebrate scavengers, and had a different scavenging community than mallard and chicken carcasses. These results contribute to the growing body of evidence suggesting higher trophic level carrion is exploited differently by vertebrate scavengers. Our findings suggest nutrients derived from vulture carcasses are likely largely reincorporated into lower trophic levels.
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Vultures and condors are among the most threatened avian species in the world due to the impacts of human activities. Negative perceptions can contribute to these threats as some vulture species have been historically blamed for killing livestock. This perception of conflict has increased in recent years, associated with a viral spread of partial and biased information through social media and despite limited empirical support for these assertions. Here, we highlight that magnifying infrequent events of livestock being injured by vultures through publically shared videos or biased news items negatively impact efforts to conserve threatened populations of avian scavengers. We encourage environmental agencies, researchers, and practitioners to evaluate the reliability, frequency, and context of reports of vulture predation, weighing those results against the diverse and valuable contributions of vultures to environmental health and human well‐being. We also encourage the development of awareness campaigns and improved livestock management practices, including commonly available nonlethal deterrence strategies, if needed. These actions are urgently required to allow the development of a more effective conservation strategy for vultures worldwide.
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Ecologically specialist species are more prone to extinction than generalist species, yet the global distribution and conservation of ecological specialism is poorly understood. Here, we show that the global distribution of avian dietary specialization is roughly congruent with overall bird species richness for resident and breeding species, as well as for non-breeding species. However, some areas harbour a higher number of diet specialist birds than expected given overall species richness (e.g. the Amazon, Gabon and Cameroon in Central Africa, extensive parts of Indonesia and some parts of northern Eurasia, Baltic cost and Mediterranean areas for resident and breeding birds, and tropical zone and south part of subtropical zone in South America for non-breeding birds). These areas represent hotspots of avian specialization that need to carefully be considered in conservation strategies. We found that overall, 49.6% of resident and breeding species and 45.5% of non-breeding diet specialist species are adequately represented by the global protected area system, but that this percentage is lower for the most threatened species. Policies that modify conservation planning approaches to include measures of specialization alongside other more traditional metrics of biodiversity could improve the protection of biodiversity in the face of rapidly accelerating anthropogenic threats.
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Contrary to rapid declines of many vulture (Accipitridae, Cathartidea) species worldwide, black vulture (Coragyps atratus) populations are increasing and expanding their range in North America. Vultures exhibit complex behaviors and can adapt to any human-dominated landscape or land use. These traits, combined with population growth and range expansion, have contributed to increased human-vulture conflicts. Our goal was to summarize the current status and trends in human-black vulture conflicts (hereafter human-vulture conflicts), review available management strategies, identify knowledge gaps, and provide recommendations to enhance management and understanding of this species and the associated conflicts. We found human-vulture conflicts are increasing in agriculture (livestock), private and public property (both personal and infrastructure-based), and threats to human health and safety. The greatest increases in conflicts were reported in agriculture and private and public property damage. Regarding livestock depredation, good progress has been made toward assessing producer perceptions of the conflicts, including estimates of economic damage and mitigation strategies, but a basic understanding of the underlying mechanism driving the conflict and advancing strategies to mitigate damage is lacking. For damaged property, little information is available regarding economic losses and perceptions of stakeholders who are experiencing the damage, and most of the tools recommended for mitigating this damage have not been rigorously evaluated. Regarding human health and safety, recent research quantifying flight behavior of black vultures has direct implications for reducing aircraft collision risks. However, it is unclear what factors influence roost site selection and the most effective means to leverage the sensory ecology of the species to mitigate risks. We identify additional knowledge gaps and research needs that if addressed could increase managers' understanding of black vulture ecology and facilitate enhanced management of this species while simultaneously allowing for the species to provide valuable ecosystem services.
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The most commonly used method to determine the timing of breeding for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is to measure fetuses from deceased animals. However, this method is resource-intensive and can only provide data for limited geographic areas. Numerous studies have reported that deer-vehicle collisions (DVCs) increase during the breeding season due to increased deer movements associated with breeding activity. Based on these observations, we obtained records of DVCs in Georgia from 2005-2012 (n = 45,811) to determine when peaks in DVCs occurred for each county in Georgia. We compared the timing of DVC peaks with (1) conception data from three counties in Georgia, (2) deer movement data from a sample of GPS-instrumented male and female deer in Harris County, Georgia, and (3) a popularized 'rut map' for the state that was based on Georgia Department of Natural Resources fetal data as well as hunter observations. We observed high concurrence among timing of peak conception, peak rut movement, and peak DVCs. At the regional level, there were strong similarities between peak DVCs and peak rut. At the county level, peak DVCs were in general concordance with the popular rut map. However, the county-based map of DVCs appeared to provide greater local specificity. For assessing the timing of the breeding season at a county or regional scale, DVC data are cost effective and less susceptible to measurement biases compared to traditional methods employing fetal measurement. In addition, mapping the peak occurrences of DVCs can be used to warn motorists of increased risk associated with deer activity at the local level.
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Background: As obligate scavengers utilizing similar habitats, interspecific competition undoubtedly occurs between resident black (Coragyps atratus) and turkey (Cathartes aura) vultures. In the interest of exploring how sympatric species coexist through habitat segregation, we examined resource selection of resident black and turkey vultures in the southeastern United States (US) for evidence of niche differentiation. Methods: Using fine-scale movement data, we assessed interspecific seasonal differences in monthly roost reuse frequency and roost site fidelity, as well as monthly flight, roost, and diurnal rest site resource selection based on > 2.8 million locations of 9 black vultures and 9 turkey vultures tracked from September 2013 to August 2015 using Groupe Spécial Mobile/Global Positioning System (GSM/GPS) transmitters. Results: Black vultures generally exhibited greater roost fidelity as well as a greater maximum number of nights spent at a single roost than turkey vultures. Patterns of flight, roost, and resting habitat selection within the home range varied monthly as well as between species, providing evidence for habitat segregation and niche differentiation by sympatric vultures. In particular, our results indicate the importance of wooded wetlands for resting and roosting locations for both species, and revealed clear differences in the use of forested habitats between species during flight, resting, and roosting behavioral states. Conclusions: By examining differences in resource selection and spatial ecology of black and turkey vultures across a range of behaviors, this study demonstrates mechanisms of niche differentiation in these ecologically similar species, and enhances potential for conservation and informed management of this important group of birds.
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We examined home-range characteristics of seven Black Vultures (Coragyps atratus) and four Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura) at the Savannah River Site, South Carolina. Birds were captured at their primary roost and tracked via aerial telemetry from 11 February 2002 through 29 January 2003. Mean annual home-range sizes (95% fixed kernel) for Black and Turkey Vultures were 12 399 ± 5199 ha [SE] and 34 053 ± 8567 ha, respectively. Black Vultures concentrated their movements around the primary roost, whereas Turkey Vultures demonstrated less site fidelity. Home-range sizes and time spent soaring for both species were much greater than reported for vultures residing in an agricultural landscape. We suggest that food resources at the heavily forested Savannah River Site were fewer and less predictable than in agricultural landscapes, requiring larger home ranges and increased time spent foraging. Rangos de Hogar de los Buitres Simpátricos Coragyps atratus y Cathartes aura en Carolina del Sur Resumen. Examinamos las características de los rangos de hogar de siete Coragyps atratus y cuatro Cathartes aura en Savannah River, Carolina del Sur. Las aves fueron capturadas en sus sitios de descanso principales y fueron rastreadas mediante telemetría aé rea desde el 11 de febrero de 2002 hasta el 29 de enero de 2003. Los tamaños medios de rango de hogar (kernel fijo del 95%) fueron de 12 399 ± 5199 ha [EE] para C. atratus y de 34 053 ± 8567 ha para C. aura. Cathartes atratus concentró sus movimientos alrededor de sus sitios de descanso principales, mientras que C. aura demostró menor fidelidad al sitio. Para las dos especies, los tamaños del rango de hogar y el tiempo que permanecieron planeando fueron mucho mayores que los reportados para buitres que habitan paisajes agrícolas. Sugerimos que en Savannah River, un sitio con alta cobertura forestal, los recursos alimenticios eran más escasos y menos predecibles que en paisajes agrícolas, requiriendo rangos de hogar mayores y un incremento en el tiempo de forrajeo.
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As wildlife populations continue to decline worldwide, human‐caused mortality of terrestrial vertebrates is of increasing importance. However, there is a limited understanding of how direct anthropogenic mortality compares in magnitude to natural mortality. Here, we present CauseSpec, a database of global terrestrial vertebrate cause‐specific mortality. We compiled studies that used telemetry to monitor terrestrial vertebrates and determine cause of death. We distinguished between anthropogenic and natural mortality and also documented the specific mortality source where possible (e.g., harvest, vehicle collision, predation, and starvation). This database consists of 1,134 studies that collectively monitored the fates of 123,747 individual animals. From this, there are 43,998 deaths of known cause among 307 species. It is an updated version of the data set used in Hill et al. (2019) and will continue to be updated in the future. These data can be combined with data on species morphology and behavior to examine how species attributes influence susceptibility to various mortality sources. Our database also includes the geographic coordinates of the study site so that site attributes can be included in analyses. We also distinguish between adults and juveniles where possible, allowing for age‐specific mortality analyses. Study start and end dates are available as well so that analyses of temporal changes in mortality are possible. Last, users can select all cause‐specific mortality studies from a single species to perform a species‐level analysis. The data set will allow users to circumvent a literature search, facilitating more rapid publication of large‐scale vertebrate mortality studies and elucidating mortality patterns of terrestrial vertebrates around the world. There are no copyright or proprietary restrictions. We would like researchers to cite this paper if the associated database is used to find studies of interest for analysis.
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As carrion feeders competing for a limited and ephemeral resource, avian scavengers are ideal model organisms to study mechanisms of niche partitioning. Previous work has focused on observations of species' interactions at carcasses, and although fruitful, the inclusion of behavior beyond that at carcasses , such as movement patterns, could yield a more comprehensive understanding of mechanisms of foraging niche partitioning. Our goal was to assess how differences in physiological, morphological, and social characteristics between sympatric black vultures (Coragyps atratus) and turkey vultures (Cathartes aura) manifest interspecific variation in movement patterns, foraging habitats, and carcass use to reduce direct competition. Both species are obligate scavengers that co-occur across much of the New World. Turkey vultures are solitary foragers with enhanced olfactory capabilities and wings optimized for energy-efficient low-altitude soaring. Black vultures are aggressive, heavier bodied, and forage socially. We assessed interspecific variation in carcass exploitation using experimental carcass trials encompassing a range of habitats, carcass sizes, and seasons, and used GPS telemetry to compare how soaring conditions influenced daily space use and diurnal patterns of movement activity for each species. Turkey vultures occurred more often at small (i.e., rabbit) carcasses, and those obscured by forest cover than black vultures, and were the first vultures recorded at 94% of carcasses visited by both species. Both species increased movement rates and daily ranges when soaring conditions were favorable; however, turkey vultures had higher travel rates regardless of soaring conditions. Our results suggest the olfactory sense of turkey vultures allows them to locate smaller and visually obscured carcasses more efficiently than black vultures, facilitated by wing morphology that allows them to forage over large areas efficiently. Socially foraging black vultures appear specialized at locating larger carcasses in open habitats, which does not require as much foraging flight as turkey vultures. Our study illustrates how inclusion of movement ecology into niche partitioning studies provides a more complete understanding of the mechanisms of coexistence in avian scavenger guilds. This approach may provide important information to guide conservation efforts, such as supplemental feeding, of imperiled vulture species.
Rubbish dumps can become an important environmental source of plastic. Several species feed on organic waste from these sites, but at the same time are exposed to non-organic materials. Species that can gather food in these sites might at the same time disperse waste consumed, but this has rarely been evaluated. We compare the occurrence of plastic debris in regurgitated pellets of three sympatric vultures from northwest Patagonia, Andean condors (Vultur gryphus), black vultures (Coragyps atratus) and turkey vultures (Cathartes aura), foraging in different degrees of humanized sites. We also evaluate the influence of rubbish dumps in the presence of plastic debris in pellets of the studied species and their potential role in spreading plastic to the environment. Most synthetic material present in pellets was plastic. Pellets of Andean condors, which avoid disturbed anthropic sites in this area, showed almost no plastic debris compared with the other sympatric vulture species, suggesting an influence of the foraging habits on plastic ingestion. For black and turkey vultures, we found that dumps may be an important source of plastic. The occurrence of plastic debris in pellets of black vultures sampled in 2010 and 2020 increased, probably associated with the increase in urbanization and waste production in the study area. Avian scavengers were exposed to and are able to transport plastic to distant communal roosts generating "plastic islands". It is necessary to reduce plastic generation and better waste management practices to avoid species and environments to be affected by this pollutant.
Mortality of mammals from vehicle collisions is common, but there remain questions regarding how species traits influence vehicle collision vulnerability. We analyzed a database of North American mammal cause-specific mortality to examine factors influencing vehicle mortality. Our dataset consisted of 421 studies that monitored 34,798 individuals across 66 species including 740 vehicle mortalities. Vehicle mortality increased 4-fold over the study period (1965-2017), from 3% to 12% of total mortality between the first and last decade. Omnivores were more likely to die from vehicle mortality than herbivores. Vehicle mortality was highest for species at intermediate body masses (6-12 kg). Sociality, foraging behavior, diel behavior, and scavenging behavior did not influence vehicle mortality. The habitat and dietary flexibility of omnivores may put them at increased risk of vehicle collisions. The increase in vehicle collisions over the past 50 years reiterates the need for mitigation measures to conserve North American mammal populations.