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Access Controls (AC) are one of the main means of defense in IT systems, unfortunately, Big Data Systems are still lacking in this field, the current well-known ACs are vulnerable and can be compromised because of policy misconfiguration and lack of contextuality. In this article we propose a Machine Learning approach to optimize ABAC (Attribute Based Access Control) with the aim to reduce the attacks that are overlooked by the hardcoded policies (i.e: users abusing their privileges). We use unsupervised learning outlier detection algorithms to detect anomalous user behaviors. The Framework was implemented in Python and its performance tested using the UNSW-NB15 Data Set.
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.20 No.3, March 2020
Manuscript received March 5, 2020
Manuscript revised March 20, 2020
Machine Learning Enhanced Access Control for Big Data
Hamza ES-SAMAALI , Anas Abou El Kalam, Aissam Outchakoucht, Siham Benhadou
LISER Laboratory, Hassan II University, ENSEM School, Casablanca, Morocco Cadi Ayyad University
ENSA School, Marrakech, Morocco LISER Laboratory, Hassan II University,ENSEM School, Casablanca, Morocco
LISER Laboratory, Hassan II University,ENSEM School, Casablanca, Morocco
Access Controls (AC) are one of the main means of defense in IT
systems, unfortunately, Big Data Systems are still lacking in this
field, the current well-known ACs are vulnerable and can be
compromised because of policy misconfiguration and lack of
contextuality. In this article we propose a Machine Learning
approach to optimize ABAC (Attribute Based Access Control)
with the aim to reduce the attacks that are overlooked by the
hardcoded policies (i.e: users abusing their privileges). We use
unsupervised learning outlier detection algorithms to detect
anomalous user behaviors. The Framework was implemented in
Python and its performance tested using the UNSW-NB15 Data
Key words:
Access Control; Big Data; Machine Learning; Outlier Detection;
ABAC; Security
1. Introduction:
The quantitative explosion of digital data has forced
researchers to find new ways of seeing and analyzing the
world. This means discovering new orders of magnitude in
the capture, retrieval, sharing, storage, analysis and
presentation of data. Thus, the "Big Data" was born. It is a
concept for storing an indescribable amount of information
on a numerical basis.
Invented by the giants of the web, Big Data is a solution
designed to allow everyone to access giant databases in
real time. It aims to offer a choice to classic database and
analysis solutions (Business Intelligence platform in SQL
This concept brings together a family of tools that respond
to a problem known as the 3V rule. These include a
considerable Volume of data to be processed, a wide
Variety of information (from various sources, unstructured,
organized, open...) and a certain level of Velocity to be
reached, i.e. the frequency with which this data is created,
collected and shared.
Numerous technological advances have driven this
phenomenon forward. The most important are the
emergence of NoSQL datastores [1] and distributed
computing paradigms such as MapReduce [2], which
collectively opened the way to managing and
systematically analyzing large quantities of semi-
structured information (e.g. transactions, digital records
and emails).
Overall, the traditional data management schemes cannot
provide support for storing and analyzing large and
heterogeneous datasets, thus the need for specific Big Data
Platforms. These new systems not only provide
exceptional flexibility and efficacy of the analytical
services, but also outperform traditional systems, even in
terms of performance and scalability.
However, BigData schemes do not have the same
standards of information security characteristics [3]. While
a range of data protection frameworks have been
suggested for traditional schemes (see, for example [4, 5,
6]) these frameworks cannot work for Big Data platforms.
Unconstrained access to large data volume, the sensitive
and private material of certain information resources, and
the sophisticated analytical and predictive capacities of
Big Data analytical systems could pose a severe
threat.There is also another issue rising with the public
availability of large data sets: Big Data analysis tools can
be used to infer more personal identity user data. As it was
shown in [7] and [8] where they used publicly available
data sets to de-anonymize the supposedly Anonymized
Netflix Data Set [9]. As a result, while the prospective
advantages of Big Data analytics are unquestionable, the
absence of conventional data protection instruments is
constituting a friendly environment for prospective
A very challenging study task is defining appropriate
information security instruments tailored for Big Data
systems. As said earlier security enforcement techniques
proposed for traditional systems can not be used for Big
Data. The task, therefore, is to protect privacy and
confidentiality while not hindering data analytics and
exchange of information. Additional elements, such as the
multitude of data models and data analysis and processing
tools used by Big Data systems, add to the difficulty of
this objective. Indeed, Big Data applications, distinct from
RDBMSs, are defined by distinct data models [1] , the
most noticeable being key-value, wide columns and
document-oriented applications.
Before proceeding with the presentation of our
contribution, we must first define a number of criteria that
should be satisfied by any access control solution for Big
Data systems.
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.20 No.3, March 2020
2. Requirements for big data access controls:
In this chapter, we provide an outline of the main criteria
for establishing a Big Data access control system.
A. Fine-grained access control:
Fine grained access control (FGAC) has been commonly
acknowledged as one of the basic components for efficient
security of private and delicate information in terms of
characteristics that should be supported by the access
control system [4, 10].
Since information handled by Big Data analytics systems
often refer and process user private features, it is essential
that access control rules should be linked to the data at the
finest granularity levels. The associated enforcement
processes however, needs to be developed from scratch, as
those suggested for conventional systems depend on data
relating to a known schema, while data is heterogeneous
and does not follow one exact schema in big data.
B. Context Management:
Another important factor to consider is supporting context-
based entry restrictions, as these enable for extremely
tailored types of access control. They can be used, for
example, to restrict entry to particular time intervals or
geographical locations. In the event that contexts are used
to generate access control decisions, access authorisations
are given when requirements are met relating to
environmental characteristics.
C. Efficiency of Access Control:
The features of the Big Data environment, such as the
distributed design, the complexity of the queries and the
reliance on efficiency, involve implementation policies for
access control that do not change the usability of the
analytical frameworks. Based on this, the number of
checks to be performed during access control enforcement
may match or be even greater than the number of data
records, and up to hundreds of millions of such records
may be included in the Big Data scenario. This needs
efficient policy compliance mechanisms. Two primary
methods have implemented FGAC in traditional relational
DBMSs. The first is view-based, where users are only
allowed to access a portion (view) of the target dataset that
meets the restrictions on access control, while the second
is based on the rewriting of queries: under such a method,
the request is altered at runtime by injecting restrictions
placed by the designated access control policies instead of
pre-computing the authorized views. Therefore, it is
essential to determine how appropriate these methods are
for the Big Data case and how they may be tailored or
3. Related work:
There are several suggestions in the literature that tackle
the problem of access control for Big Data and meet some
of the criteria outlined in the last chapter [13]. We can
classify these ideas into two primary classifications:
A. Platform specific approaches:
Access control frameworks in this group are intended for
only one system (e.g., MongoDB, Hadoop) and may
leverage the protected platform's indigenous access control
attributes. The primary benefit of this approach is that it is
possible to optimize the designed access control solution
for the target system, but its usability and interoperability
are very restricted.
B. Platform independent approaches:
The methods falling within this category suggest
alternatives for access control that do not only target a
particular platform. Platform independent approaches have
the advantage of being more general than specific platform
solutions, but they lack in terms of efficiency as they
cannot compete with platform specific ones. The
approaches in this category focus mainly on efforts
attempting to define a unifying query language for NoSQL
datastores like JSONiq [11] and SQL++ [12].
4. Contribution
In this paper, we suggest a platform independent access
control framework. It’s basically an improved version of
ABAC [40] to prevent the exploitation of misconfiguration.
Our proposed solution makes it possible to optimize access
control rules based on behavioral characteristics that are
tracked at runtime. Our designed system, called DABAC
(Dynamic Attribute Based Access Control), takes
advantage of Machine Learning algorithms aimed at
detecting unusual and anomalous user behaviours to
accurately tune policies. This will both improve insider
threat detection and access control [14,15].
In this chapter we will expand on details of all the
components of our framework.
The Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC), also known
as policy-based access control, defines a paradigm access
control in which access rights are granted to users through
the use of policies that combine attributes together.
Policies can use any type of attributes (user attributes,
resource attributes, object, attribute environment, etc.).
This model supports Boolean logic, in which rules contain
" if, then " about who makes the request, the resource, and
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.20 No.3, March 2020
the action. For example, if the requester is a manager, then
allow read/write access to sensitive data.
Unlike role-based access control (RBAC)[16], which
employs predefined roles that have a set of specific
privilege measures associated with them and to which
subjects are assigned, the main difference with ABAC is
the concept of policies that express a complex set of
boolean rules that allow for the evaluation of many
different attributes.
Our approach aims to transform ABAC into a "next
generation" authorization model, with dynamic, context-
sensitive, and risk-intelligent access control to resources
enabling access control policies that include specific
attributes of different information systems to be defined to
resolve an authorization and achieve effective regulatory
compliance, allowing flexibility in companies to
implement them according to their existing infrastructures.
PEP (Policy Enforcement Point) : is the component
responsible for authorization. It intercepts the user’s
request for authorization then communicate with the PDP
to obtain a decision and act upon it.
PDP (Policy Decision Point) : runs the decision evaluation
of the request against decision policies
PAP (Policy Administration Point) : allows policy
administration, management, and distribution
PIP (Policy Information Point) : The system entity that
acts as a source of attribute values (i.e. a resource, subject,
environment) [17].
B. Problematic:
To explain our approach and why it is needed, let us
consider an ABAC framework that manages access to
software projects within an enterprise where the
permissions of users depend on their position and the
projects to which they are assigned.
Let us assume a policy of access control that allows users
assigned to the position of junior developer to read type
ResA resources. Nevertheless, such resources can only be
accessed by junior developers working on Project I and
from Department I. We are using Python in our
implementation, so the policy will look like this:
policy = dabac.Policy(
subjects=[{'role': "Junior Developer",
'department': "Department I",
'project': "Project I"}],
Allow to junior devs from department I
working on project I to read ressources
of type ResA
Intuitively, our sample policy’s purpose is to specify a
condition of access based on attributes that describes what
action a particular subject may take on a resource.
Let's assume that Alice, a Department I junior developer,
is trying to read a type ResA resource defined by the
following access request:
inq = dabac.Inquiry(action='read',
subject={'role': "Junior Developer",
'department': "Department I",
'project': "Project I"})
It is easy to observe that the attributes in the request fit the
rule requirement, giving rise to an ALLOW_ACCESS.
Imagine now that Alice is trying to retrieve a large number
of confidential project documents without a valid reason.
As exemplified by the previous request, policy 1 will
allow him to do so without taking into account how many
documents she has retrieved. Nevertheless, this
circumstance may suggest that the junior developer abuses
his right of access for personal interests and benefits (e.g.
selling documents to the competition).
Existing access control mechanisms are unable to avoid
these insider attacks. The main problem is that access
control is static in the sense that the implemented
conditions for access do not change dynamically based on
user behaviour. That’s why our approach takes other
contextual and situational factors into account. For
Fig. 1 XACML (one of the key implementations of ABAC) architecture
and a sample authorization flow.
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.20 No.3, March 2020
example: Could a user in a given time period perform
multiple read queries? Can he access large quantities of
data? Failure to respond to these questions that result in
neglect of anomalous conduct that represents the misuse of
privileges granted to insider threats.
In order to reduce the risks of users abusing their rights,
we need to empower access control with proactive
measures to change user behavior policies. In general, our
aim is to dynamically optimize access control policies
based on user activity that is controlled by narrowing
privileges at runtime.
To achieve this goal, we need to equip access control
systems with means of continuously monitoring user
activities and flagging any suspicious and anomalous
behaviour. It involves adding a component to the PIP
(Policy Information Point) that provides an additional
attribute to the user’s query.
So for the previous scenario, the query is compatible with
the policy, but the Machine Learning algorithm would flag
the query as an anomaly and then the PDP would deny
access to the user because of that.
C. Architecture:
Our frameworks tries to improve the classic ABAC
architecture by adding a monitoring and outlier detection
component into the PIP (Policy Information Point)
Fig. 2 DABAC Architecture
The user Alice requests to read the resource #123 (step1),
the PEP intercepts it and communicates it to the PDP
(step2) in order for it to be processed. Then the PDP
checks with both the PAP (step 3) to see if this request is
compliant with any of the policies. And with the
Monitoring System who is constantly feeding the Machine
Learning algorithm with data. The PDP then receives
feedback regarding the request (step 4). If the request is an
anomaly or/and if no existing policies are matching the
request then the PDP will issue a Deny for Alice and she
won’t be able to read the resource #123.
D. Outlier Detection:
Anomaly detection or Outlier detection is the identification
of unexpected events or occurrences in a data set, that
differ in some way or another from the norm. This can be
an easy task for two dimensional data, as a simple
visualization of the two variables is enough to detect an
outlier, as shown in figure 3, when plotting X and Y we
see a cluster of points with two relatively distant points,
those points are outliers
Fig. 3 Univariate Outlier Detection
Data visualization can often be a good starting point for
identifying anomalies when dealing with one or two
variables. However, this approach becomes increasingly
difficult when it scales to high-dimensional data (which is
our case here, as network traffic data have multiple
variables). Luckily this is where Machine Learning
algorithms come to help. We will introduce the most
efficient algorithms used in anomaly detection.
1) K Nearest Neighbours (KNN):
The KNN algorithm is one of the simplest machine
learning algorithms[18, 19, 20, 21]. In a context of
classification of a new observation , the simple founding
idea is to make the closest neighbours of this observation
vote. The class of is determined as a function of the
majority class among the nearest neighbors of the
observation . The KNN method is thus a neighborhood-
based, non-parametric method; this means that the
algorithm allows to make a classification without making a
hypothesis on the function  which
links the dependent variable to the independent variables.
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.20 No.3, March 2020
K-NN needs a function to calculate the distance between
two observations. The closer two points are to each other,
the more similar they are and vice versa.
There are several distance calculation functions, including
Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance, Minkowski
distance, Jaccard distance, Hamming distance...etc. The
distance function is chosen according to the types of data
being manipulated. Thus for data of the same type, the
Euclidean distance is a good candidate. As for the
Manhattan distance, it is a good measure to use when the
input variables are not of the same type as it is for our case
here. The Manhattan distance: calculates the sum of the
absolute values of the differences between the coordinates
of two points: 
2) Isolation Forest:
Isolation Forest [22] is an unsupervised machine learning
algorithm calculates an anomaly score for each piece of
data in the set, a measure of how atypical the data in
question is. In order to calculate this score, the algorithm
isolates the data in question recursively: it chooses a
descriptor and a "cut-off point" at random, then evaluates
whether this isolates the data in question; if so, the
algorithm stops, otherwise it chooses another descriptor
and another cut-off point at random, and so on until the
data is isolated from the rest.
Recursive data partitioning can be represented as a
decision tree [24], and the number of breaks needed to
isolate a piece of data simply corresponds to the path taken
in the tree from the root to the leaf, representing the
isolated data. The path length defines the anomaly score:
data with a very short path, i.e. data that is easy to isolate,
is also likely to be anomalies, since it is very far from the
other data in the set.
As with random forests [23], it is possible to do this
independently by using several trees, in order to combine
their results to improve performance. In this case, the
anomaly score is the average of the path lengths on the
different trees. This algorithm is particularly useful
because it is very fast and does not require complicated
3) Histogram-Based Outlier Score (HBOS) :
To Calculate the HBOS [25]. First, a univariate histogram
is constructed for each single feature (dimension). If the
feature consists of categorical data, a simple counting of
the values of each category is performed and the relative
frequency (height of the histogram) is calculated. Two
different methods can be used for numerical features: (1)
Static bin-width histograms or (2) dynamic bin-width
histograms. The first method is the standard histogram
building technique using equal width bins over the range
of values. The frequency (relative number) of samples
falling into each bin is used to estimate the density (height
of the bins). The dynamic bin-width is determined as
follows: the values are sorted first and then the fixed
number of successive
values is grouped into a single bin
where is the total number of instances and is the
number of bins. Since the area of a bin in a histogram
reflects the number of observations, it is the same for all
bins. Because the width of the bin is determined by the
first and last value and the area is the same for all bins, the
height of each bin can be calculated.
The reason that both methods are offered in HBOS is due
to the fact that the feature values have very different
distributions in real world data. Particularly when value
ranges have large gaps (intervals without data instances),
the fixed bin width approach poorly estimates the density
(a few bins may contain most data). Due to the fact that
outliers are far away from normal data, anomaly detection
tasks usually involve these gaps in the value ranges, we
suggest using the dynamic width mode, particularly if the
distributions are unknown or long tailed. Besides, you also
need to set the number of bins . A commonly used rule of
thumb is to set to the square root of the number of
instances .
Now a different histogram is created for each dimension ,
where the height of each single bin represents a density
approximation. Then the histograms are normalized in
such a way that the maximum height is 1.0. It means that
each feature has equal weight to the outlier score
Ultimately, the HBOS is measured for each instance p
using the corresponding height of the bins where the
instance is located:
4) Cluster Based Local Outlier Factor (CBLOF):
The anomaly detection algorithms based on the classical
approaches use the full size of the dataset[26,27,28,29],
thereby causing massive computational costs for large data
sets like our case. We can reduce the computational cost
by partitioning the large data set into meaningful clusters.
Clustering is therefore integrated into Local Outlier Factor
(LOF)[27] to identify top n outliers in our data set. The
approach is called the Cluster Based Local Outlier Factor
(CBLOF) which will overcome the clustering and LOF
drawbacks[30]. Consider a data set containing the traffic
of our Big Data System. The algorithm then partitions the
dataset into disjoint sets  with
 and . A local outlier factor called
CBLOF is allocated to each data instance It is determined
based on the size of the cluster (Small Cluster (SC) or
Large Cluster (LC)) and the distance between the target
point and its neighboring cluster. Lets suppose
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.20 No.3, March 2020
then is the boundary of a cluster (Large or
Small) such as :
Where and are the numeric values. Accordingly, 
 and .
So for every point of the data set the CBLOF is defined
by the follwing equation :
The algorithm gives a distance-based anomaly score to the
nearest large cluster, multiplied by the cluster size to
which the entity belongs. The definition is shown in Figure
4. Point resides in the small cluster and therefore the
score would be equal to the distance to which is the
closest large cluster multiplied by 5 which is the size of .
Fig. 4 for the point p, the distance to the cluster C1 is used to compute
the CBLOF Score. In this case C1 and C3 are identified as large clusters
and C2 is considered a small Cluster, the blue points represent the center
of Clusters
5. Model evaluation and implementation:
To evaluate our model, we use Apache Spark [33] along
with MLlib [32], we will be using the UNSW-NB15 [31]
Dataset. This section presents details about the dataset and
also a comparison between all the outlier detection
methods that we talked about in the previous section. We
will also present the final implementation of the
A. Apache Spark:
Apache Spark is a fast data processing engine dedicated to
Big Data. It allows the processing of large volumes of data
in a distributed manner (cluster computing). Very popular
for a few years now, this framework is about to replace
Hadoop. Its main advantages are its speed, ease of use, and
It is an open source parallel data processing engine that
allows for large-scale analysis through clustered machines.
Coded in Scala, Spark can handle data from data
repositories such as Hadoop Distributed File System,
NoSQL databases, or relational data stores such as Apache
Hive. This engine also supports In-memory processing,
which increases the performance of Big Data analytical
applications. It can also be used for conventional disk-
based processing, if the datasets are too large for system
Its main advantage is its speed, since it can launch
programs 100 times faster than Hadoop MapReduce in-
memory, and 10 times faster on disk. Its advanced DAG
(Directed Acyclic Graph) execution engine supports
acyclic data flow and in-memory computing. It is also easy
to use, and allows you to develop applications in Java,
Scala, Python and R. Its programming model is simpler
than Hadoop's. Thanks to more than 80 high-level
operators, the software makes it easy to develop parallel
Another advantage of Apache Spark is its generality. It
acts at the same time as SQL query engine, data processing
software (Spark Streaming), and graph processing system
(GraphX). Apache Spark also includes a large number of
libraries of MLlib algorithms for Machine Learning. These
libraries can be easily combined within the same
The engine can run on Hadoop 2 clusters based on the
YARN resource manager, or on Mesos. It is also possible
to run it standalone or in the cloud with Amazon's Elastic
Compute Cloud service. It provides access to various data
sources such as HDFS, Cassandra, Hbase and S3.
The other strong point of this engine is its massive
community. Apache Spark is used by a large number of
companies for processing large datasets. This community
can be reached through a list of email addresses, or
through events and summits. As an open-source platform,
Apache Spark is developed by a large number of
developers from over 200 companies. Since 2009, more
than 1000 developers have contributed to the project. This
makes many Spark tutorials available.
In our case Spark high speed data processing will allow
our framework to process the traffic data collected and
detect outliers using MLlib and PyOD [34]
B. Dataset Description:
To test our model, we opted to use the UNSW-NB15
Dataset. The raw network packets of the UNSW-NB 15
dataset were generated by the IXIA PerfectStorm tool in
the Cyber Range Lab of the Australian Centre for Cyber
Security (ACCS) it produces a hybrid of real modern
normal network activities and synthetic contemporary
attack behaviours. This dataset has nine types of attacks,
namely: Fuzzers, Analysis, Backdoors, DoS, Exploits,
Generic, Reconnaissance, Shellcode and Worms. The total
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.20 No.3, March 2020
number of records is two million and 540,044 and there
are 49 features in total including the class label.
We will only use a partition of the dataset. We will
configure it as two sets: a training set containing 150,000
records and a test set containing 75,000 records, making
also sure that both sets have the same distribution.
UNSW-NB15 is a dataset used to train IDS, but we are
using it to train our Access Control framework. We are
only interested in the traffic aspect of the dataset, so before
training our model we will first remove the feature:
. Our framework uses Unsupervised learning
algorithms and the anomalies we aim to detect are unusual
behavior that may or may not be included in the 9 types of
attacks listed in the dataset.
C. Results:
In this section we evaluate the performance of the four
outlier detection algorithms: K-NN, Isolation Forest,
HBOS and CBLOF using the UNSW-NB15 training and
test sets created in the previous section. We will be using
PyOD as it is a library with all the main anomaly detection
algorithms that we need. The machine used for this
experiment is a p3.2xlarge EC2 instance [35].
Table 1: Performance of different outlier detection algorithms on unsw-
nb15 data set
K - NN
We used GridSearchCV [36] cross-validation to find the
optimal hyper-parameters for all four algorithms. As for
the metrics used to determine performance, we used AUC
(Area Under the ROC Curve) [37] it provides an aggregate
measure of performance for all possible classification
thresholds. The AUC can be interpreted as a measure of
the probability that the model will rank a random positive
example above a random negative example. A model with
100% error in predictions has an AUC of 0.0. If all its
predictions are correct, its AUC is 1.0. The AUC is scale
invariant. It measures how well predictions are ranked,
rather than their absolute values. In addition to that it is
independent of classification thresholds. It measures the
quality of model accuracy regardless of the classification
threshold selected. We also took in consideration the
training and prediction time as they are very crucial in our
case, the framework must be as accurate and as fast as
possible in order to be responsive towards any anomaly as
soon as it occurs.
Table 1 shows the evident superiority of Isolation Forests
as it achieves 97.3% AUC on both training and test sets,
that means that the algorithm generalizes well, the training
and prediction time are also good. K-NN have a decent
AUC too, but it takes long to train the model. HBOS and
CLBOF didn’t do well on the dataset although they are
very fast on training and predicting. The low AUC on both
algorithms can be due to the high dimensionality of the
dataset, both algorithms are distance based and the data
gets more sparse the higher its dimensions are as shown in
D. Implementation:
To implement our framework, we used the Python
language, the ABAC component was based on VAKT [39],
an attribute based access control toolkit coded in Python,
we modified it and added our Machine Learning
component then tuned it’s decision process to include the
feedback from the said component. We named our
framework DABAC ( Dynamic Attribute Based Access
Control ), the code can be found at :
6. Conclusion and Future work:
In this paper, we presented an access control framework
for Big Data systems: DABAC (Dynamic Attribute Based
Access Control), it is based on ABAC and adds a Machine
Anomaly detection component that continuously processes
traffic data and flag any suspicious user behavior. We used
the UNSW-NB15 data set, Apache Spark and a p3.2xlarge
Amazon EC2 instance to create a Big Data environment
and evaluated the performance of different outlier
detection algorithms in order to determine the most
suitable one that satisfies our performance metrics (AUC,
training time and prediction time). Isolation Forest was
clearly the best performing algorithm, thus we used it in
our Python implementation. It is also worthy to note that
our Framework respects the three requirements for a Big
Data Access Control (Chapter II), Our Solution is fine
grained since it’s based on ABAC which is itself a fine
grained access control. The solution is also context aware,
given the fact that it constantly monitors the network
traffic and flags any suspicious activity based on its
context, if the user’s behavior is out of the usual context it
will be deemed anomalous. And finally, the framework is
efficient, the outlier detection takes around  to
decide whether the user’s activity is anomalous or not, and
sends the feedback to the ABAC component which will
take it into consideration to issue a  or 
In future work, we will aim to push the integration of the
Machine Learning module into ABAC further, we ideally
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.20 No.3, March 2020
want to be able to change the policies themselves using
Machine Learning, this will give birth to a more dynamic
and effective access control for Big Data.
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... These techniques are quite popular, most of them being integrated in well known numerical and statistical tools (e.g., by default in R language, Struge's rule in MATLAB). Other papers, which proposed histogram based outlier score techniques [44,45,46], suggest using the square root method, namely, setting the number of bins to be equal to the square root of the number of samples. Others have also proposed using powers of two as the number of bins in their experimental assessment [47,48]. ...
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Control and diagnostic processes in modern vehicles incorporate nowadays a wide set of functionalities to preserve the vehicle’s health. Automotive vehicles contain embedded systems that must perform a diverse palette of tasks, ranging from less critical tasks (e.g, audio/video media control), to crucial ones, such as controlling the engine, fuel consumption, or the aftertreatment system. This paper identifies and addresses one emerging threat, namely, automotive tampering. Tampering denotes a procedure that changes the behavior of the system to gain financial or functional advantages, without damaging the system and without triggering the built-in safety features of the vehicle. Numerous studies show a growing number of tampered vehicles worldwide and considering that tampered vehicles contribute to air and atmosphere pollution, tampering remains a serious environmental threat. This paper proposes two ensemble-based approaches for tampering detection, both using Long Short-Term Memory neural network predictors, together with Cumulative Sum and Histogram distance-based detectors. Additionally, an Adaptive Majority Weighted Voting fusion methodology is proposed, that considers the historical decisions of the detectors. Experimental results are based on three unique datasets that incorporate a multitude of tampering scenarios. The results prove the efficiency of the proposed ensembles, with a 0% false alert rate and up to 100% detection rate, even when dealing with intelligent tamperers, and even in comparison with modern tampering detection solutions. Moreover, this paper offers resource consumption and scalability measurements on a reference embedded system, further demonstrating the integrability of the proposed techniques in a real embedded environment.
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PyOD is an open-source Python toolbox for performing scalable outlier detection on multivariate data. Uniquely, it provides access to a wide range of outlier detection algorithms, including established outlier ensembles and more recent neural network-based approaches, under a single, well-documented API designed for use by both practitioners and researchers. With robustness and scalability in mind, best practices such as unit testing, continuous integration, code coverage, maintainability checks, interactive examples and parallelization are emphasized as core components in the toolbox's development. PyOD is compatible with both Python 2 and 3 and can be installed through Python Package Index (PyPI) or
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This open source computing framework unifies streaming, batch, and interactive big data workloads to unlock new applications.
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Due to compliance and IT security requirements, company-wide identity and access management within organizations has gained significant importance in research and practice over the last years. Companies aim at standardizing user management policies in order to reduce administrative overhead and strengthen IT security. These policies provide the foundation for every identity and access management system no matter if poured into IT systems or only located within responsible identity and access management (IAM) engineers’ mind. Despite its relevance, hardly any supportive means for the automated detection and refinement as well as management of policies are available. As a result, policies outdate over time, leading to security vulnerabilities and inefficiencies. Existing research mainly focuses on policy detection and enforcement without providing the required guidance for policy management nor necessary instruments to enable policy adaptibility for today’s dynamic IAM. This paper closes the existing gap by proposing a dynamic policy management process which structures the activities required for policy management in identity and access management environments. In contrast to current approaches, it utilizes the consideration of contextual user management data and key performance indicators for policy detection and refinement and offers result visualization techniques that foster human understanding. In order to underline its applicability, this paper provides an evaluation based on real-life data from a large industrial company.
Conference Paper
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One of the major research challenges in this field is the unavailability of a comprehensive network based data set which can reflect modern network traffic scenarios, vast varieties of low footprint intrusions and depth structured information about the network traffic. Evaluating network intrusion detection systems research efforts, KDD98, KDDCUP99 and NSLKDD benchmark data sets were generated a decade ago. However, numerous current studies showed that for the current network threat environment, these data sets do not inclusively reflect network traffic and modern low footprint attacks. Countering the unavailability of network benchmark data set challenges, this paper examines a UNSW-NB15 data set creation. This data set has a hybrid of the real modern normal and the contemporary synthesized attack activities of the network traffic. Existing and novel methods are utilised to generate the features of the UNSWNB15 data set. This data set is available for research purposes and can be accessed from the links: 1. 2.
Big Data era is upon us, a huge amount of data is generated daily, analyzing and making use of this huge amount of information is a top priority for all kinds of businesses. However, one of the most important problems that hinders the unanimous adoption of Big Data is the lack of security and privacy protection of information in the Big Data tools. In this paper we contribute to reinforcing the security of Big Data platforms by proposing a blockchain-based access control framework. We define the concept of blockchain and breakdown the mechanism and principles of the access control framework.
Big Data is an emerging phenomenon that is rapidly changing business models and work styles [1]. Big Data platforms allow the storage and analysis of high volumes of data with heterogeneous format from different sources. This integrated analysis allows the derivation of properties and correlations among data that can then be used for a variety of purposes, such as making predictions that can profitably affect decision processes. As a matter of fact, nowadays Big Data analytics are generally considered an asset for making business decisions. Big Data platforms have been specifically designed to support advanced form of analytics satisfying strict performance and scalability requirements. However, no proper consideration has been devoted so far to data protection. Indeed, although the analyzed data often include personal and sensitive information, with relevant threats to privacy implied by the analysis, so far Big Data platforms integrate quite basic form of access control, and no support for privacy policies. Although the potential benefits of data analysis are manifold, the lack of proper data protection mechanisms may prevent the adoption of Big Data analytics by several companies. This motivates the fundamental need to integrate privacy and security awareness into Big Data platforms. In this paper, we do a first step to achieve this ambitious goal, discussing research issues related to the definition of a framework that supports the integration of privacy aware access control features into existing Big Data platforms.
SQL-on-Hadoop, NewSQL and NoSQL databases provide semi-structured data models (typically JSON based) and respective query languages. Lack of formal syntax and semantics, idiomatic (non-SQL) language constructs and large variations in syntax, semantics and actual capabilities pose problems even to database experts: It is hard to understand, compare and use these languages. It is especially tedious to write software that interoperates between two of them or an SQL database and one of them. Towards solving these problems, first we formally specify the syntax and semantics of SQL++. It consists of a semi-structured data model (which extends both JSON and the relational data model) and a query language that is fully backwards compatible with SQL. SQL++ is "unifying" in the sense that it is explicitly designed to encompass the data model and query language capabilities of current SQL-on-Hadoop, NoSQL and NewSQL databases. Then, we itemize fifteen SQL++ data model and query language features and benchmark eleven databases on their support of the multiple options associated with each feature, leading to feature matrices and commentary. Each feature matrix is the result of empirical validation through sample queries. Since SQL itself is a subset of SQL++, the SQL-aware reader will easily identify in which ways each of the surveyed databases provides more or less than SQL. The eleven databases are Hive, Jaql, Pig, Cassandra, JSONiq, MongoDB, Couchbase, SQL, AsterixDB, BigQuery and UnityJDBC. They were selected due to their market adoption or because they present cutting edge, advanced query language abilities. Finally, we briefly discuss the use of SQL++ as the query language of the FORWARD middleware query processor, which executes SQL++ queries over SQL and non-SQL databases. FORWARD provides a proof-of-concept of SQL++'s applicability as a unifying data model and query language.
Apache Spark is a popular open-source platform for large-scale data processing that is well-suited for iterative machine learning tasks. In this paper we present MLlib, Spark's open-source distributed machine learning library. MLlib provides efficient functionality for a wide range of learning settings and includes several underlying statistical, optimization, and linear algebra primitives. Shipped with Spark, MLlib supports several languages and provides a high-level API that leverages Spark's rich ecosystem to simplify the development of end-to-end machine learning pipelines. MLlib has experienced a rapid growth due to its vibrant open-source community of over 140 contributors, and includes extensive documentation to support further growth and to let users quickly get up to speed.