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ISSN : 2302 - 1590
E-ISSN: 2460 190X
Economica: Journal Of Economic And Economic Education
Volume 10, Issue 1, October 2021, pp 23-32
Aditia Rhomadhani1), Suratno2), Kuswanto3)
1)Study Programme Economic Education, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia.
2)Study Programme Economic Education, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia.
3)Study Programme Economic Education, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia.
Submitted: 2020.05.31 Reviewed: 2020.10.19 Accepted:2020.10.30
The number of private high schools even makes parents reluctant to enroll their children in private high schools,
due to several conditions such as the condition of facilities and infrastructure are alarming and the number of
students is constantly decreasing each year. This study aims to analyze factors or inputs that affect the number of
graduates of private high schools in Jambi City and measure the level of technical efficiency of private high
schools in Jambi City. The results showed that the factors or inputs that influenced the number of private high
school graduates in Jambi city from 2015-2019 were students and classrooms. While the factors or inputs that do
not affect the number of graduates are study groups, teachers, administrative personnel, and support rooms. The
technical efficiency level of 27 private high schools in Jambi city from 2015-2019, the highest in 2015 reached
0,78 = 78%, the lowest figure occurred in 2019 only 0,27 = 27% and the average only reached0,49 = 49%, this
explains that the efficiency of managing private high schools in Jambi city has not been efficient. The results of
the study recommended that private high schools in Jambi city be technically efficient by optimizing the
achievement of graduate competencies consisting of qualification criteria of learners' abilities that are expected
to be achieved after completing their studies in the secondary education unit and the addition of classrooms is
necessary to create a comfortable and disciplined learning atmosphere, orderly, anti-smoking and drugs,
harmony between teachers, students and parents and maintain optimal conditions in the learning process.
Jel Classification:
F49; C67; C67.
Keywords: Technical Efficiency, School Input, School Output
©2021Economic Education Study Program STKIP PGRI WEST Sumatera, Indonesia.
Aditia Rhomadhani
Economica: Journal Of Economic And Economic Education
Volume 10, Issue 1, October 2021, pp 23-32
Education is one of the instruments in shaping quality human resources. The
educational unit that plays an important role in improving the quality of human resources is
formal education. High School is part of the education unit of formal education providers. High
School is divided into two, namely public high school and private high school. The
management of public high schools is currently implemented by the Local Government. Based
on the Directorate of High School Development of the Ministry of Education and Culture
(Menteri Pendidikan dan Keb, 2017) in line with the reform era in which regional autonomy
occurred, management was carried out by the Central and Regional Governments following
their authority. Based on Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 28 of
1981 concerning The Provision of Assistance to Private Schools in article 1 mentioned that
private schools are schools established and organized by people or private entities of charitable
nature. Based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the
National Education System in article 51 paragraph 1 mentioned that the management of
secondary education units is carried out based on minimum service standards with school-
based management principles. To optimize the management of secondary education units,
quality education management is required (Marzuki, 2012). Based on the Directorate of High
School Development of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Direktorat Pembinaan SMA,
Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, n.d. 2018) the quality of education is a
comprehensive picture and characteristic of goods or services that demonstrate its ability to
satisfy expected needs that include inputs, processes, and educational outputs. Efficiency is
defined as the comparison between output and input (Rizky Yudaruddin, 2017) Based on the
Directorate of High School Development of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Direktorat
Pembinaan SMA, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, n.d.2018: 16 2018)
especially related to the quality of school output, it is said to be quality when school
performance in this case students show high achievement in academic achievement. Input-
output research looks for ways educational inputs are converted into educational outcomes
(Marini, 2012).
At this time, private high schools face a big challenge, namely with free schools. Where
the data of Jambi City High School in 2021. Private high schools are much more numerous
with a total of 33 schools, while public high schools only number 13 schools. The number of
private high schools even makes parents reluctant to enroll their children in private high
schools, due to several conditions such as the condition of facilities and infrastructure are
alarming and the number of students is constantly decreasing each year. To know that the
management of the school is managed appropriately or efficiently to be in demand by all
parties, private high schools must make efficient. The only exception is private schools, which
are positively related to efficiency and equality (Woessmann, 2011). Efficient in this case is in
the use of school inputs to produce maximum school output. (Mulyati, 2013) in his literature
studies suggests that the calculation of improvement of each school can help the relevant parties
to determine the number of inputs and output targets used in achieving efficient conditions.
School inputs in this study are students, study groups, teachers, administrative personnel,
classrooms, and support rooms. The school output in this study was the number of graduates.
So that if the management of school inputs is carried out to the maximum, then the output of
the school produced is technically correct. Measurement of technical efficiency of schools
using multi-input and multi-output is expected to provide a new nuance of school performance
and can explain school performance in real time (Mulyadi JMV, 2016).
Research conducted by (Decker, 2014) the number of graduates at various levels is by
far the most commonly used output variable included in the analysis of efficiency estimates. In
Aditia Rhomadhani
Economica: Journal Of Economic And Economic Education
Volume 10, Issue 1, October 2021, pp 23-32
addition, there is also research on the ratio of students per class, Indriati, (2014) determination
of priority scale, identification and synchronization of data on physical facilities and
infrastructure, whether held new procurement, new buildings, rehab or routine maintenance.
The same is revealed (Mulyadi JMV, 2016: 21) factors that cause schools to be inefficient are
the ratio of students to administrative personnel and the ratio of students to teachers. Based on
the explanation above, it is necessary to conduct an assessment on the efficiency of school
management, which is expected later with each input can explain the performance of the school
in a rill and can help the school in achieving efficient school conditions.
This study aims to analyze factors or inputs that affect the number of graduates of
private high schools in Jambi City and measure the level of technical efficiency of private high
schools in Jambi City. The results showed that the factors or inputs that influenced the number
of private high school graduates in Jambi city from 2015-2019 were students and classrooms.
This research uses a quantitative approach. The research method used is descriptive
method. The samples in this study amounted to 27 private high schools in Jambi City. The data
source in the study came from the Ministry of Education and Culture from 2015-2019. This
study uses panel data which is a combination of cross section data with periodic data (time
series). (Mulyati, 2018) measures the efficiency of public high school education using data
analysis envelopment analysis (DEA) and variable return to scale (VRS). (Togatorop, 2017)
measures the cost of education against the quality of private high schools using track analysis.
In addition, there is also about the ratio of perelas students, (Indriati, 2014) priority scale
determination, identification and synchronization of data regarding physical facilities and
infrastructure, whether new procurement, new buildings, rehab or routine maintenance.
(Indriati, 2014) the number of graduates at various levels is by far the most commonly used
output variable included in the efficiency estimation analysis.
The school's efficiency measurements are carried out using Stochastic Frontier Analysis
(SFA). Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) is one of the parametric approaches used for
technical efficiency measurement. The advantage of this approach is that the hypothesis can be
tested statistically and the relationship between input and output follows a known function
(Putri, 2019). Output research assumes that school performance results are directly linked to
inputs such as: expenses for each student, teacher characteristics, teacher-student ratio, and
characteristics of students and their families, the result of which is a score from the test (A
Marini, 2016).
Analysis of the production function of SFA (Stochastic Frontier Analysis) used in
testing the efficiency of the management of private high schools in Jambi City from 2015-2019
is a production function Cobb-Douglas conducted simultaneously using the software program
Frontier Version 4.1C consisting of 6 variables of descriptors, namely: students, study groups,
teachers, administrative personnel, classrooms, and support rooms. The results of the analysis
are described in Table 1, the following:
Aditia Rhomadhani
Economica: Journal Of Economic And Economic Education
Volume 10, Issue 1, October 2021, pp 23-32
Tabel 1. Estimation of Parameters and t Ratio of SFA Production Function Model
(Stochastic Frontier Analysis)Using MLE
School Input
Study Groups
Administrative Personnel
Support Rooms
Variant Parameters
Log-Likelihood OLS
Log-Likelihood MLE
Mean TE
Source: Primary data, 2021 (processed)
*** : real at ɑ = 1%; ** : real at ɑ = 5%; * : real at = 10%
Table 1, shows that the signs and magnitude of parameters in the cobb-Douglas
production function have been following the desired expectations. Positive signs indicate a
direct relationship between school inputs and the number of graduates. Negative signs indicate
a decrease in the number of graduates in line with the increase in variables. Based on the results
of the estimated production function of Cobb-Douglas, two school inputs affect the number of
graduates, namely: students, and classrooms. Students and classrooms have a very real effect
on the 99% level of trust. Mathematically the Cobb-Douglas production function model is
described in the following equation:
Ln Q = 3,77 + 0,23InPd 0,43InRb + 0,04InG 0,29InTa + 3,86InRk 1,16InRp + vᵢ uᵢ
Based on the results of efficiency tests with frontier version 4.1C software program, the
technical efficiency level of private high schools in Jambi City from 2015-2019 is described in
Table 2, the following:
Aditia Rhomadhani
Economica: Journal Of Economic And Economic Education
Volume 10, Issue 1, October 2021, pp 23-32
Table 2. Technical Efficiency Levels of Private High Schools
in Jambi City from 2015-2019
School Name
Xaverius Private High School 2 Jambi
Private High SchoolNusantara Jambi
AttaufiqPrivate High School
Jambi IX LurahPrivate High School
Private High SchoolSuryaIbu
Al-Falah Islamic Private High School
Private High SchoolUnggulSakti
XaveriusPrivate High School 1 Jambi
Ferdy Ferry PutraPrivate High School
PGRIPrivate High School 2 Jambi
PurnamaPrivate High School 2 Jambi
Sariputra National Private High School
MuhammadiyahPrivate High School
MegatamaPrivate High School
Private High SchoolDua Mei Jambi
Dharma BhaktiPrivate High School3
YadikaPrivate High School
NomensenPrivate High School
Dharma BhaktiPrivate High School 4
Dharma BhaktiPrivate High School 2
Al-Azhar Integrated Islamic Private
High School Jambi City
Pelita RayaPrivate High School
AdhyaksaPrivate High School 1 Jambi
PGRIPrivate High School 3 Jambi
Private Christian High School Bina
YPWIPrivate High School
PertiwiPrivate High School
Source: Primary data, 2021 (processed)
In Table 3, the level of technical efficiency of private high schools in Jambi city from
2015-2019, the highest in 2015 reached 0,78, in 2016 reached 0,55, in 2017 only reached 0,48
and 0,37 occurred in 2018 and the lowest number occurred in 2019 only 0,27. From 27 private
high schools in Jambi City from 2015-2019 obtained 4 efficient (14,81 percent), namely:
XaveriusPrivate High School 2 Jambi, Private High SchoolNusantara Jambi, Attaufiq Private
High School, and Jambi IX Lurah Private High School. While from 2015-2019 there were 23
private high schools (85,19 percent) that were inefficient, namely: Private High School Surya
Ibu, Al-Falah Islamic Private High School, Private High School UnggulSakti, Xaverius Private
High School 1 Jambi, Ferdy Ferry Putra Private High School, PGRI Private High School 2
Jambi, Purnama Private High School 2 Jambi, Sariputra National Private High School,
Aditia Rhomadhani
Economica: Journal Of Economic And Economic Education
Volume 10, Issue 1, October 2021, pp 23-32
Muhammadiyah Private High School, Megatama Private High School, Private High School
Dua Mei Jambi, Dharma Bhakti Private High School 3, Yadika Private High School,
Nomensen Private High School, Dharma Bhakti Private High School 4, Dharma Bhakti Private
High School 2, Al-Azhar Integrated Islamic Private High School Jambi City, Pelita Raya
Private High School, Adhyaksa Private High School 1 Jambi, PGRI Private High School 3
Jambi, Private Christian High School BinaKasih, YPWI Private High School and Pertiwi
Private High School.
Cobb Douglass parameter testing is done in two stages. The first stage uses the ordinary
least square(OLS) method and the second stage uses the maximum likelihood estimation(MLE)
method. In Table 2, the log-likelihood value by using the MLE method (-600,11) is greater
than the log-likelihood value by using the OLS method (-601,06), thus the production function
by the MLE method is good and appropriate field conditions. The gamma value (0,41) is
interpreted that all term errors are a result of a random model (Vi) error, hence the inefficiency
coefficient parameter becomes meaningless. The ratio generalizalized-likelihood (LR-test) is
According to (Kuswanto, 2019) conducted a study through his research on the impact
of rubber production efficiency on the welfare of farmers in Jambi Province analyzed using the
approach of the stochastic frontier production function the results showed that the value of log-
likelihood with MLE method (-29,39) is greater than the value of log-likelihood with OLS
method (-38,47), thus the production function with MLE method is better and following the
conditions in the field. (Kuswanto, 2019) conducted a study through his research on analysis
efficiency of learning students Bidikmisi analyzed using the approach of the stochastic
production function frontier results showed that the value of log-likelihood with the MLE
method (85,52) is greater than the value of log-likelihood with OLS method (55,52), thus the
production function with MLE method is better and following the conditions in the field.
Based on the results of the analysis as shown in Table 2, the student's variable
coefficient value (0,23) was obtained and had a very real effect on the level of trust of 99
percent of the number of graduates. This explains that increasing the number of students will
increase the number of graduates by 0,23 percent. Based on the Directorate General of Teachers
and Educational Personnel of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Morphology, n.d. 2019:
8) the purpose of student management is to organize student activities so that all activities can
lead to the achievement of competencies for each level and type of school. The student
component is indispensable in school because the learner is both a subject and an object in the
learning process (Perdana, 2018: 2). Previous research relevant to these results is as conducted
by (Umi et al., 2020), that student management can be used to help the development and growth
of students optimally through the educational process in schools.
Based on the results of the analysis as shown in Table 2, the study group statistically
had no real effect on both the 90 percent and 95 percent confidence levels. The coefficient
value indicates a negative value, indicative of this condition is the role of the study group is
not ideal to increase the number of graduates. To achieve a quality school, the learning process
must be effective, one way to achieve this is by arranging the number of students in the study
group (Perdana, 2018). Research conducted by (Islakhudin, 2020) in the results of his research
suggests that the number of students in a study group is very influential on the learning process.
Similarly, the research conducted by (Perdana, 2018), that at the high school level on the island
of Sumatra, among the ten provinces that have an average ratio of high school students above
the ratio of national students ramble is the provinces of North Sumatra, South Sumatra, and
Aditia Rhomadhani
Economica: Journal Of Economic And Economic Education
Volume 10, Issue 1, October 2021, pp 23-32
Based on the results of the analysis as shown in Table 2, the role of teachers statistically
has no real effect on both the 95 percent and 90 percent confidence levels. Although the
coefficient shows a positive value, the increase does not represent an increase in the number of
graduates each year. Previous research relevant to this result is as done by (Susanti & Sa'ud,
2016), that after training many teachers have not been able to apply the results of professional
development into real practice. While the research conducted by (Herawati, 2018) that
professional teacher management in the future requires a change in strategy so that the
Provincial Government can carry out its duties as needed. Indriati, (2014) in his research results
suggested that to improve efficiency in the field of education, schools are allowed to appoint
Teachers Not Permanent (TNP) who are paid with school operational funds.
Based on the results of the analysis as shown in Table 2, the role of administrative
personnel statistically has no real effect on both the level of trust of 95 percent and 90 percent.
The coefficient value indicates a negative value, indications of this condition is the role of
administrative personnel has not been ideal to increase the number of graduates. Currently,
employees who serve administrative jobs or educational personnel do not have provisions that
can be used as a basis for the requirements of the number of educational personnel (Helianty,
2014: 251). Previous research relevant to these results is as done by (Dr. Mulyadi JMV, 2016)
that the variable ratio of student-administrative employees negatively affects school
performance. Similarly, the research conducted by (Bafadal, 2018), that the projected data of
administrative personnel of high schools and vocational schools in Ngawi District in the last
ten years was reviewed from the ratio of students experiencing shortages. While the research
conducted by (Bachtiyar, 2017), that the needs of school administration personnel in each
school has a certain amount of accumulation in each year.
Based on the results of the analysis as shown in Table 2, a classrooms variable
coefficient value of (3,86) was obtained and had a very real effect on the level of trust of 99
percent of the number of graduates. This explains that a 1 percent increase in the number of
classrooms will increase the number of graduates by 3.86 percent. Classroom management is
an activity to create and maintain optimal conditions in the learning process (Rosidah, 2018:
211). Previous research relevant to this result is as done by (Hajeriani, 2019) that class
management positively affects learning outcomes. Similarly, research conducted by (Arumsari,
2017), that classroom management skills have a significant influence on learning
achievements. The results of research conducted by (Yuliani & Sucihatiningsih, 2014), that
class management directly affects the results of learning.
Based on the results of the analysis as shown in Table 2, the value of the support rooms
variable coefficient (-1,16) and statistically has no real effect on both the 90 percent and 95
percent confidence levels. This explains that the more support rooms in this case the library
room and laboratory room in one school will reduce the level of the number of graduates.
Support rooms management in the world of education is important in supporting the learning
process in schools (Perdana, 2018). Previous research relevant to this result is as conducted by
Yuliani & Sucihatiningsih, (2014), that learning facilities have an indirect effect on learning
outcomes. While the research conducted by (Anas, 2016) that input in education does not have
to be learners but includes infrastructure facilities that can be used for education. Similarly,
research conducted by Indriati, (2014) determined priority scale, identification, and
synchronization of data on physical facilities and infrastructure, whether held new
procurement, new buildings, rehab, or routine maintenance.
Aditia Rhomadhani
Economica: Journal Of Economic And Economic Education
Volume 10, Issue 1, October 2021, pp 23-32
Based on the results of the analysis of the efficiency of the management of private high
schools in Jambi City from 2015-2019 using the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) method,
it can be concluded that: factors or inputs that affect the number of graduates of private high
schools in Jambi City from 2015-2019 are students and classrooms. While the factors or inputs
that do not affect the number of graduates are study groups, teachers, administrative personnel
and support rooms. (Mulyati, 2018) conducted a study through his research on the efficiency
analysis of public high school education in Semarang Regency analyzed using data
envelopment analysis (DEA) methods the results showed that the factors that affect input
quality are the ratio of students per teacher, the ratio of students per administrative employee,
and the influence of quality of output is the percentage of graduation. The technical efficiency
level of 27 private high schools in Jambi City from 2015-2019, the highest in 2015 reached
0,78 = 78%, the lowest figure occurred in 2019 with 0,27 = 27%, and the average only reached
0,49 = 49%. This explains that the efficiency of managing private high schools in Jambi city
has not been efficient. (Isa, 2011) conducted a study through his research on the technical
efficiency of education in surakarta city analyzed using data envelopment analysis (DEA)
methods the results showed that 70.73 percent of high schools in Surakarta were efficient and
another 29.27 percent inefficient.
Efforts that must be made so that private high schools in Jambi City are technically
efficient by combining factors or inputs in accordance with Government Regulation of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2005 on National Standards of Education in article 2
paragraph 1 mentioned that the scope of national standards of education includes: graduate
competency standards, facilities and infrastructure standards, namely (1) optimizing the
achievement of graduate competence consisting of qualification criteria for participants'
abilities. Students who are expected to be achieved after completing their study period in the
secondary education unit, (2) the addition of classrooms is needed to create a comfortable and
disciplined learning atmosphere, orderly, anti-smoking and drug, harmony between teachers,
students and parents and maintain optimal conditions in the learning process.
Aditia Rhomadhani
Economica: Journal Of Economic And Economic Education
Volume 10, Issue 1, October 2021, pp 23-32
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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Rice agribusiness in Indonesia must be competitive so that food security can be realized. Therefore, it is necessary to improve performance in each subsystem. One of the subsystems that needs to be improved is the downstream subsystem, which is processing grain (drying and rice milling). Snowball sampling technique was applied to select 60 commercial rice mills in three sub-district. Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) was used to estimate technical efficiency and to find the sources of inefficiency of the rice milling business in Cianjur Regency. The results showed that rice mills in study site was ineffecient. Factors that are affecting the technical efficiency of rice milling business in Cianjur Regency are the level of formal education, rice yield, and grain moisture content. Technical efficiency is positively corelated with the gains of rice milling business. Profits can be used for reinvestment (especially in milling machines), so that the efficiency of the rice milling business can be increased. In addition, the rice byproduct industry needs more attention to increase the benefits of the rice milling business.
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Artikel ini menganalisis kebijakan dan pengelolaan pendidikan mengenai peserta didik di sekolah dasar. Penelitian yang dilakukan melalui kajian pustaka. Pengelolaan peserta didik ialah penataan seluruh aktifitas yang berhubungan dengan peserta didik dari awal masuknyaapeserta didik hingga keluarnya peserta didik dari lembaga pendidikan tertentu. Tujuan pengelolaan peserta didik adalah untuk mengatur seluruh aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh peserta didik agar kegiatan pembelajaran berjalan dengan baik. Seluruh aktifitas pengelolaan peserta didik harus memberikan dampak positif, bermanfaat serta sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan. Dasar pengelolaan peserta didik ini diatur dalam UUD 1945 alinea keempat, UUD 1945 pasa 31 ayat 1-5, dan UU No. 20 Tahun 2003.
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Abstrak The Influence of Student Study Groups on the Social Cognitive Development of Students in the Mi Ma’arif Ngampeldento Salaman Kab. Magelang, Central Java. The number of students in a class can influence learning in the classroom. Students who are too many or too few will have an impact on the developmental psychology of students especially the child’s social cognitive. Because the ideal number of students will occur social interaction between students so that learning can run effectively.Data collection techniques in this study used interview and observation techniques. Data analysis techniques used in this study with descriptive research, a researcher conducts the analysis only up to the description level, namely analyzing and presenting facts systematically so that it can be more easily understood and concluded. Based on the results of the study that the number of students a little does not always show the social cognitive of students is good, but on the contrary the social cognitive of students in MI Ma’arif Ngampeldento is low. There are several factors, namely (1) Lack of exchange of ideas between students due to the small number of friends in the school environment. (2) The lack of interaction between students in the school environment. (3) there are no peers in one school that lives the same / close. (4) the geographical location of the children’s school environment which is far from the city center. (5) Lack of parental care in children’s cognitive development. (6) Teachers who are less capable in carrying out their duties. Abstrak Pengaruh Rombongan Belajar Siswa Terhadap Perkembangan Kognitif Sosial Peserta Didik Di Mi Ma’arif Ngampeldento Salaman Kab.Magelang Jawa Tengah. Jumlah siswa dalam suatu kelas dapat mempengaruhi pembelajaran di dalam kelas. Siswa yang terlalu banyak atau terlalu sedikit akan berdampak pada psikologi perkembangan peserta didik khusunya kognitif sosial anak. Karena jumlah siswa yang ideal akan terjadi interaksi sosial antar peserta didik sehingga pembelajaran dapat berjalan efektif. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik wawancara dan observasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan penelitian deskripsi, seorang peneliti melakukan analisis hanya sampai pada taraf deskripsi, yaitu menganalisis dan menyajikan fakta secara sistematik sehingga dapat lebih mudah untuk dipahami dan disimpulkan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa jumlah siswa sedikit tidak selalu menunjukan kognitif sosial peserta didik baik, tetapi sebaliknya yaitu kognitif sosial peserta didik di MI Ma’arif Ngampeldento rendah. Hal ini ada beberapa factor yaitu (1) Kurangnya pertukaran ide antar siswa karena sedikitnya jumlah teman di lingkungan sekolah. (2) Minimnya interaksi antar siswa di lingkungan sekolah. (3) tidak terdapat teman sebaya dalam satu sekolah yang bertempat tinggal sama/dekat. (4) letak geografis lingkungan sekolah anak yang berada jauh dari pusat kota. (5) Kurangnya kepedulian orangtua dalam perkembangan kognitif anak. (6) Guru yang kurang cakap dalam menjalankan tugasnya.
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Abstrack: This study aims to, (1) find out the number of shool administration staff at Senior and Vocational High School in District of Ngawi; (2) Knowing how high the school administration staff needs are based on the ratio of students for the next ten years; (3) Knowing how high the percentage of the needs of school administration staff at Senior and Vocational High School in District of Ngawi. This study uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive projective research design. Instrument in this study uses documentation method by recruiting data in the field. The data analysis technique used is a comparison of the ratio of school administration staff to the ratio of student, method of trend of parabolic, attrition, and moderate needs. The results of this study indicate: (1) The existence the count of administration staff at senior and vocational high school in Ngawi Regency in 2018-2027 (2) Needs for senior and vocational high school administration staff in Ngawi Regency is based on the ratio of students (3) Percentage of need for administration staff of senior and vocational high school at Ngawi District in 2018-2027. Keywords: needs analyst, school administration staff Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk, (1) Mengetahui Jumlah Tenaga Administrasi Sekolah Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) dan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Negeri di Kabupaten Ngawi; (2) Mengetahui seberapa tinggi kebutuhan TAS berdasarkan rasio peserta didik selama sepuluh tahun yang akan datang; (3) Mengetahui seberapa tinggi tingkat persentase kebutuhan tenaga administrasi sekolah SMA dan SMK Negeri di Kabupaten Ngawi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan rancangan penelitian deskriptif proyektif. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode dokumentasi dengan menyalin data yang ada di lapangan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah perbandingan rasio tenaga adinistrasi sekolah dengan rasio peserta didik, metode trend parabola, atrisi, dan kebutuhan moderat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan (1) Keberadaan jumlah tenaga administrasi sekolah SMA dan SMK Negeri di Kabupaten Ngawi pada Tahun 2018-2027; (2) Kebutuhan tenaga administrasi sekolah SMA dan SMK Negeri di Kabupaten Ngawi berdasarkan rasio peserta didik; (3) Persentase kebutuhan tenaga administrasi sekolah SMA dan SMK Negeri di Kabupaten Ngawi Tahun 2018-2027. Kata Kunci: analisis kebutuhan, tenaga administrasi sekolah
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This study aims to determine the factors that influence student learning outcomes and the level of efficiency of the use of these inputs. Respondents in this study were the recipients of the 2015 - 2017 Bidikmisi class at the PIPS Department of the University of Jambi FKIP, namely 53 people. This study uses quantitative methods. Data were analyzed using the Stochastic frontier production function approach. The results showed that, first the use of books / modules had a positive and significant effect on the learning output of bidikmisi recipient students. Second the use of material photocopy material has a positive and significant effect on learning output. And, third, the use of pulses for internet access has a positive and significant effect. The level of student learning efficiency in using learning inputs averaged 94 percent. Student learning inefficiency is influenced by organizational activities and interaction with Bidikmisi managers, significant at α = 5 percent.
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Under Law 23 of 2014 on Regional Government, there is a change in the distribution of functions in the management of education. High education previously managed by district / municipality governments turned to the provincial government. This article aims to analyze teachers management before and After the transition of the high education authority of the Regency / City government to the Provincial Government of Central Java using political perspective. Decentralization system has basically opened wide opportunity for each region to play a bigger role, including in the management of teachers in the District / City. Domination of the Head of Region is very visible in the process of recruitment, selection, payroll, career development, placement, mutation and Evaluation Performance Teacher District / City. The recentralization of high education authority, especially the management of teachers at the Provincial Government level, is expected to minimize the occurrence of education politicization at the district / municipality level.
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The purpose this research was to describe school administration staff requirement for the next five years at state junior high school Kediri. This research use a quantitative approach descriptive-projective cause on quantitative data from empirical data. The result of this research is total ratio school administrastion staff with existing workload and total requirement projective of school administration staff for next five years Keywords: requirement analysis, school administrastion staff Abstrak: Tujuan penlitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kebutuhan TAS selama lima tahun tahun ke depan di SMP Negeri Kota Kediri. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-proyektif berdasarkan data kuantitatif yang diperoleh dari hasil data empirik. Hasil penelitian ini adalah jumlah rasio TAS dengan beban kerja yang ada dan jumlah proyeksi kebutuhan TAS lima tahun ke depan. Kata Kunci: analisis kebutuhan, Tenaga Administrasi Sekolah (TAS) DOI:
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p class="JurnalASSETSisiabstrak">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh media pembelajaran dan keterampilan pengelolaan kelas terhadap prestasi belajar siswa kelas X pada mata pelajaran Akuntansi di SMK Negeri 5 Madiun tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 108 siswa kelas X Ak SMK Negeri 5 Madiun. Penulis menggunakan teknik proporsional sampling dan jumlah sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah 84 siswa yang diambil secara acak dari 3 kelas dengan proporsi masing-masing kelas diwakili oleh 28 siswa. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yaitu kuesioner dan data sekunder yaitu nilai siswa selama mengikuti pembelajaran. Metode analisis data menggunakan multiple regression. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran dan keterampilan pengelolaan kelas secara signifikan berpengaruh positif terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. Keterampilan pengelolaan kelas memiliki pengaruh paling dominan terhadap prestasi belajar siswa</p
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This study aims to determine the direct influence of (1) participation in school quality, (2) the cost of education with school quality, (3) community participation with the costs of education. The method used is survey method with the correlational approach. In this study were used as a sample of 63 principals were selected based on random techniques (simple random sampling). Data were obtained by spreading questioner. This research was conducted in the district of Tangerang.Based on hypothesis testing that has been done, it can be described findings of the study as follows: (1) there is a direct positive effect between participation with school quality, (2) there is a positive direct influence between the cost of education with school quality, (3) there is a direct influence Among positive community participation with the costs of education.The implication of this research is the effort to improve school quality can be done through increased community participation and education expenses.
This research due to analysis the technical efficiency of education in Semarang Regency using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method and assumption of Variable Return to Scale (VRS). Variables that used in this research are the ratio of students per teachers, the ratio of students per administrative employee, teacher education ratio, and teachers experience ratio, the output variables are the average national exam score, and the percentage of graduation. Result of this research, State Senior High School (SMAN) in Semarang Regency can reach efficiency at level are SMAN 1 Tengaran, and SMAN 1 Susukan. Some SMAN in Semarang regency also can’t achieve efficient at level are SMAN 1 Getasan, SMAN 1 Ambarawa, SMAN 1 Bringin, SMAN 1 Bergas SMAN 1 Suruh, SMAN 1 Pabelan and SMAN 1 Tuntang, SMAN 2 Ungaran, and SMAN 1 Ungaran. The reason inefficiency level of students ratio per teachers, students ratio per administration employee, teachers education ratio and teachers experience ratio, due to uneven distribution of teachers to various regions, especially SMAN can’t reach efficiency at level. Penelitian ini menganalisis efisiensi teknis bidang pendidikan di Kabupaten Semarang dengan menggunakan metode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) dan asumsi Variabel Return to Scale (VRS). Penelitian ini menggunakan variabel input, yaitu rasio siswa per guru, rasio siswa per pegawai administrasi, rasio pendidikan guru, dan rasio pengalaman guru, untuk variabel outputnya, yaitu rata- rata nilai ujian nasional dan presentase kelulusan. Penelitian memberikan hasil bahwa ada beberapa Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri (SMAN) di Kabupaten Semarang yang bisa mencapai tingkat efisiensi, yaitu SMAN 1 Tengaran, dan SMAN 1 Susukan. Beberapa SMAN di Kabupaten Semarang juga belum bisa mencapai tingkat efisiensi, yaitu SMAN 1 Getasan, SMAN 1 Ambarawa, SMAN 1 Bringin, SMAN 1 Bergas, SMAN 1 Suruh, SMAN 1 Pabelan, SMAN 1 Tuntang SMAN 2 Ungaran, dan SMAN 1 Ungaran. Penyebab utama tingkat inefisiensi rasio siswa per guru, rasio siswa per pegawai administrasi, rasio pendidikan guru dan rasio pengalaman guru, dikarenakan kurang meratanya penyebaran guru ke berbagai daerah, khususnya SMAN yang belum bisa mencapai tingkat efisiensi.