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Community science data suggest the most common raptors (Accipitridae) in urban centres are smaller, habitat‐generalist species



As the world urbanizes, identifying traits that allow some species to thrive in cities will be key to predicting which species will likely remain common, and which may require conservation attention. Large, diverse, widely‐distributed, and readily‐documented, raptors represent an ideal taxonomic group to understand how species persist and thrive in urban areas. Global community science datasets can reveal patterns that might be obscured in studies limited to a small number of locations, those relying on presence/absence data or conducted by a small number of observers. We analyzed 127 species of raptors (hawks and related species; Family: Accipitridae) using recent community‐science (eBird) records from 59 cities on five continents, modeling two indices of occurrence with five ecological and life history traits, and incorporating phylogenetic relatedness. Based on prior studies of avian traits in urban versus rural populations, and well as our casual observations of birds in cities across the US and around the world, we hypothesized that urban raptor communities would be dominated by smaller, ecological‐generalist species regardless of the regional species pool. We defined urban occurrence two ways: urban abundance (the frequency of breeding season reports within 10 km of a city centre), and species proportion (the relative abundance of each species in the local raptor community). We did not detect a strong phylogenetic signal for either urban occurrence index, suggesting that various unrelated raptor species may become common in cities of the world. In the best‐performing models, both urban indices were significantly negatively associated with body mass, and significantly positively associated with habitat breadth, while species proportion was also significantly associated with nest substrate breadth. Our analysis suggests that there may be an ‘archetypal urban raptor’, and that species lacking these traits (e.g., large, specialist taxa) may be at greater conservation risk as global urbanization increases.
Community science data suggest the most common
raptors (Accipitridae) in urban centres are smaller,
habitat-generalist species
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Ornithology Department, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Urban Nature Research Center, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA, USA
School of Biological Sciences, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Koc
ßUniversity, Istanbul, Turkey
As the world becomes more urbanized, identifying traits that allow some species to
thrive in cities will be key to predicting which species will probably remain common and
which may require conservation attention. Large, diverse, widely distributed and readily
documented raptors represent an ideal taxonomic group to understand how species per-
sist and thrive in urban areas. Global community science datasets can reveal patterns that
might be obscured in studies limited to a small number of locations, those relying on
presence/absence data or those conducted by a small number of observers. We analysed
127 species of raptors (hawks and related species; Family: Accipitridae) using recent
community-science (eBird) records from 59 cities on ve continents, modelling two
indices of occurrence with ve ecological and life history traits, and incorporating phylo-
genetic relatedness. Based on previous studies of avian traits in urban vs. rural popula-
tions, and well as our casual observations of birds in cities across the USA and around
the world, we hypothesized that urban raptor communities would be dominated by
smaller, ecological-generalist species regardless of the regional species pool. We dened
urban occurrence in two ways: urban abundance (the frequency of breeding season
reports within 10 km of a city centre) and species proportion (the relative abundance of
each species in the local raptor community). We did not detect a strong phylogenetic
signal for either urban occurrence index, suggesting that various unrelated raptor species
may become common in cities of the world. In the best-performing models, both urban
indices were signicantly negatively associated with body mass, and signicantly posi-
tively associated with habitat breadth; species proportion was also signicantly associated
with nest substrate breadth. Our analysis suggests that there may be an archetypal urban
raptorand that species lacking these traits (e.g. large, specialist taxa) may be at greater
conservation risk as global urbanization increases.
Keywords: avian ecology, cities, eBird, generalist, global, hawks, ornithology.
Diurnal raptors (Family Accipitridae, including
eagles, hawks, kites and related species) exhibit a
variety of sizes and morphological traits, contain
species ranging from diminutive sparrowhawks
(Accipiter spp.) to massive Old World vultures
(Gyps spp.) and occupy a broad range of ecologi-
cal niches on every continent except Antarctica.
Many raptor species are clearly thriving in urban
landscapes, nesting in built structures and planted
introduced trees, feeding on human-subsidized
urban prey and providing predation ecosystem ser-
vices (S
glu 2006, McCabe et al. 2018,
Roseneld et al. 2018, Mak et al. 2021). Other
*Corresponding author.
© 2022 British Ornithologists' Union
Ibis (2022) doi: 10.1111/ibi.13047
species are restricted to wildland habitats, and for
many tropical species and single-island endemics,
their biology is comparatively poorly known
(McClure et al. 2018, Buechley et al. 2019). While
studies of wildland raptor communities (e.g. Marti
et al. 1993) have long outnumbered those investi-
gating urban ones, as the footprint of global urban-
ization expands (Seto et al. 2011), many raptors
will need to adapt to some level of human distur-
bance to survive. Those species that are less toler-
ant of disturbance might be assigned a higher
priority for conservation, as their populations will
receive increasing pressure from the effects of
expanding urbanization.
Many studies have investigated ecological traits
associated with urban life in birds (see reviews by
Chace & Walsh 2006, Marzluff 2016), but the
few that have examined raptors explicitly have
focused on single species or single cities (e.g. Cade
et al. 1996; Kopij 2018; White et al. 2018, but see
Kettel et al. 2018). Boal (2018) analysed eight
traits associated with raptor occurrence in 14 US
state capitals (all with human popula-
tions >100 000), nding that both diet breadth
and preferred normal(non-urban) habitat type
were strong predictors of presence in urban areas
during both winter and summer. Yet this study
was limited to the USA, and did not take species
abundance into account.
Prey type and availability are understood to be
key to the development and maintenance of raptor
communities, including those along an urban gra-
dient (e.g. Rullman & Marzluff 2014). Estes and
Mannan (2003) found stark differences in prey
type in a study of urban vs. rural-nesting Coopers
Hawks Accipiter cooperii in Tucson, AZ, USA, with
urban birds more restricted in their feeding
(mainly doves, vs. a wide range of prey types). Yet
these patterns may not be universal, as Suri et al.
(2017) found no change in diet breadth or prey
composition with increasing urban cover in a study
of Black Sparrowhawks Accipiter melanoleucus
around Cape Town, South Africa. Still, having a
broad diet may enable bird species to thrive in
urban areas, as suggested in a recent review of sev-
eral hundred taxa (Palacio, 2020).
Prey type may favour certain traits in raptors in
urban areas, including migratory status and body
mass, but the direction may vary based on the
type of urbanized habitat, the regional (raptor)
species pool and the particular prey base. Powers
(1996) suggested that sedentariness in an urban
Sharp-shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus was related
to the year-round availability of this food source in
Idaho, USA. Rullman and Marzluff (2014) linked
raptor abundance in urbanized habitats to higher
densities of urban prey particularly rodents and
birds associated with humans than those found
in wildland areas. Thus, in cases where the most
common urban prey items tend to be small (com-
pared with the available range of prey items con-
sumed by raptors outside urban areas), raptor
species associated with those cities might also be
small. These patterns may vary based on local
practices, such as the provisioning of predictable
anthropogenic food subsidies(Shochat 2004, Oro
et al. 2013), which may in turn affect predator
body size, but in a direction depending on the par-
ticular food resource. For example, larger sizes of
urban carnivorous mammals have been docu-
mented in parts of Israel that receive a garbage
subsidyunavailable to non-urban populations
(Yom-Tov 2003), and large garbage dumps within
urban areas may have enabled massive Old World
Vultures to persist in cities of Africa and India.
Yet this may come with a serious cost associated
with garbage, namely poisoning (see Cuthbert
et al. 2011), which may then drive down the size
of urban raptors in those cities. Rodenticide use
may also inuence raptor body size, in that species
that primarily consume rodents may decline due
to poisoning (Nakayama et al. 2019), whereas
those that can shift to a saferfood item (such as
birds) might be smaller raptor species buffered
from its effects. Other costs associated with urban
life could more directly reduce body size, such as
increased parasite load in urban-dwelling raptors
affecting nestling growth (Boal et al. 1998).
Morphological traits may also play a role in
allowing birds to thrive in urban areas. Change in
body size has been found to be associated with
urban occurrence in mammals (e.g. Santini et al.
2019) but, for birds, this link is less clear, as is its
ecological and evolutionary advantage (see Croci
et al. 2008, Sol et al. 2014). Evans et al. (2009)
found no signicant size difference between urban
and rural European Blackbirds Turdus merula, yet
ere et al. (2015) reported smaller body size
and reduced juvenile fat scores in urban-dwelling
vs. rural House Sparrows Passer domesticus, and
Caizergues et al. (2018) reported that urban Great
Tits Parus major had shorter tarsus, lower body
mass, and smaller wing and tail lengths relative to
body mass. Comparing multispecies assemblages of
© 2022 British Ornithologists' Union
2D. S. Cooper et al.
urban-associated birds with those in a larger re-
gional species pool, Hensley et al. (2019) found
no association with body mass in the urban spe-
cies. Yet for raptors, White et al. (2018) found the
largest species in Reno, Nevada (USA), Golden
Eagle Aquila chrysaetos, to be the least tolerant of
urban land use there, and found the two smallest
hawks (both Accipiters) among the most urban-
tolerant at various landscape scales of eight taxa
examined. In a recent analysis of a raptor commu-
nity around Los Angeles, California (USA),
Cooper et al. (2020a) showed that as the region
urbanized over ve decades, nests of one smaller
raptor, the Coopers Hawk, had greatly increased
in number, whereas the largest diurnal raptor
(Golden Eagle) had vanished. However, small size
does not guarantee urban adaptation; Cooper et al.
(2020a) also found that the smallest raptors in
their study area (White-tailed Kite Elanus leucurus
and American Kestrel Falco sparverius) had also
become extirpated, or nearly so.
Based on these previous studies, as well as our
own eld observations, we speculated that the
most common nesting raptors in cities around the
world may have a particular array of shared traits,
including small size, broad diet (e.g. birds and
mammals, including non-native, urban-associated
prey items), sedentary (vs. migratory) populations,
and a tendency to utilize a variety of habitats.
Using sightings from birders and casual observers
around the world entered into the community-
science platform eBird (, we iden-
tify breeding-season records of raptors in and
around cities of various sizes and settings. We cal-
culated urban occurrence in two ways for each
focal species, and modelled these values using ve
morphological and ecological traits, along with
phylogenetic data, to explore the characteristics of
an archetypal urban raptorone that benets
from a predictable set of life history characteristics
to thrive in urban environments. Not only would
this identify a suite of traits that might confer suc-
cess with future urbanization, it could, conversely,
highlight species that may be at conservation risk
(i.e. those that lack these urban-associated traits).
Data preparation
We used GBIF (GBIF 2020a) to download sight-
ings of hawks (Family Accipitridae, here referred
to as raptors) from the eBird Observational Data-
set (an edited, simplied version of the complete
eBird database; see Auer et al. 2020) hosted by
GBIF from nine countries encompassing a range of
global biomes (USA, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil,
Spain, UK, South Africa, India and Australia)
within a recent 5-year time period (20142018;
GBIF 2020b, 2020c, 2020d, 2020e, 2020f, 2020g,
2020h, 2020i, 2020j, 2020k, 2020l; see Support-
ing Information Table S1 for the list of cities and
Table S2 for the raptor species evaluated). We
selected countries with a high number of sightings
during the study period (20142018) submitted to
eBird, and attempted to include a broad range of
geography and ecological variation, while recogniz-
ing that certain biomes would necessarily be
excluded due to lower rates of participation in
eBird (e.g. equatorial Africa, southeast Asia). To
maximize the diversity of species analysed, we did
not select adjacent countries where the overlap in
breeding species was likely to be very high (e.g.
Canada and the USA). We selected a subset of
records to include only the months when our tar-
get species would probably be breeding, which
varied by country. We then selected the largest
urban areas within each country based on the total
population of the largest cities (generally popula-
tion >1 million). This was done to maximize the
number of raptor records in a framework where
we had no control over effort (mean =6045 rap-
tor records/city, range 2838 881; mean =13.4
species/city, range 324). We assumed that these
cities, while not representative of every global
biome, adequately represent a broad subset of
ecological and biogeographical attributes found
For each city, we visually estimated the urban
centre(i.e. the centre of the urban extent of each
city) using the most recent aerial imagery on the
Apple Maps application on the iPhone (ver. 14.2).
We then used the Geosphere package (Hijmans
et al. 2015) in R (R Core Team 2020; version
4.0.0) to nd records at two radial distances: a 10-
km radial distance, which we considered the ur-
ban core, and a 10- to 50-km radial distance,
which we considered the peri-urban band. See
Supporting Information Figure S1 for aerial ima-
gery of example cities, and Table S1 for a list of
the coordinates used.
For landcover data, we used satellite imagery
data (300 m resolution) from the Copernicus Cli-
mate Change Service Climate Data Store (2021)
© 2022 British Ornithologists' Union
Global urban raptors 3
to examine land cover types surrounding our study
areas. Using ESRI ArcMap 10.8 equipped with a
spatial analyst licence, we converted the Coperni-
cus NetCDF le into a raster format. From there,
we created 10- and 50-km buffers around our
coordinate points and used the tabulate area tool
to calculate the total area of each land cover type
within the specied buffer zone. We simplied the
classications into ve major categories cropland,
tree cover, shrub/grasslands, urban areas and water
features and converted the values into percent-
ages, which we used to calculate amounts of each
land cover category within the 10-km urban core,
and the 10- to 50-km peri-urban band. For each
species found within 50 km of a particular city,
we calculated a rate of detection in both the urban
core and the peri-urban band by dividing the num-
ber of records by the amount of terrestrial habitat
within each (i.e. the number of records divided by
the non-water area in each).
To avoid overlapping data, we dropped overlap-
ping large cities, opting to retain whichever was
the larger one (e.g. San Jose, California, was
retained over San Francisco, California). We recog-
nize that the urban core may also include a mix of
agricultural lands and fragments of scrub and for-
est, depending on the city, but conrmed that the
urban core consistently had a higher amount of
urban cover than the peri-urban band (71% urban
cover; range 20100% in urban core, vs. 12%
urban cover; range 048% in peri-urban band;
n=59). Our nal dataset of 127 focal species
found within 50 km of the urban centre of at least
one focal city represents about 45% of the worlds
285 widely recognized raptor (Accipitridae) spe-
cies and 67% of Accipitridae genera (45 of 67; Del
Hoyo et al. 2013, BirdLife International 2019).
This represented the species pool, from which
we derived urban abundance and species propor-
tion values (measured within the 10-km radial
band) used in the analysis (several of which had
values at or near zero; see Table S2 for a complete
list of species and values).
Measuring urban occurrence
We used two indices of occurrence to assess the
presence of raptors in urban areas: urban abun-
dance (number of records within 10 km of the
urban centre) and species proportion (percentage
of records of each species within 10 km of the
urban centre; Table 1). Although several species
consistently rank highly in each metric (e.g. the
Shikra Accipiter badius), we believe that both met-
rics are useful to express a speciesurban associa-
tion, as the number of records varies widely by
species and by city for a given species. Because we
treated georeferenced records of individual birds,
rather than nests, we did not attempt to estimate
land cover surrounding the locations, with the
assumption that many of the raptors used would
have been observed in ight, and not necessarily
associated with the habitat where the observer was
standing (locations of nests would have been
preferable, but a comparable global dataset of
nests does not exist).
We evaluated traits most likely to inuence urban
occurrence based on previous research on urban
birds, and urban raptors in particular (e.g. Samia
et al. 2015, Boal 2018, Cooper et al. 2020b,
Table 2). Trait values were taken from BirdBase,
a dataset maintained and continuously updated by
glu (S
glu et al. 2004, 2019), which
we cross-referenced using additional sources (in-
cluding Ferguson-Lees & Christie 2001 and Glob- 2020) to insert estimated values
where needed due to missing data (see Supporting
Information Table S3). Due to high collinearity
between articial nest substrate and nest substrate
Table 1. Urban index variables used to calculate raptor occurrence in urban areas.
Index Measures Calculation
Urban abundance Numerical abundance of
each species in urban core.
Density (n/terrestrial land area) of eBird
reports within 10 km of urban centre.
Species proportion Relative abundance of
each species in urban core.
Percentage of eBird reports of given
species relative to the number of reports
of other raptor species, within 10 km of urban centre.
© 2022 British Ornithologists' Union
4D. S. Cooper et al.
breadth (r>0.6) using Spearmans rank correla-
tion, we eliminated the former, both because its
correlation with urban occurrence is already well
established (e.g. Cooper et al. 2020b) and because
substrate breadth seemed more informative for a
wider range of species (few species we analysed
are known to nest on articial structures). Ulti-
mately, we selected ve trait variables for the
models: mass, diet breadth, habitat breadth, migra-
tory status and nest substrate breadth (see Sup-
porting Information Figure S2 for a correlation
matrix of urban indices and traits).
Statistical analysis
To account for phylogenetic relatedness among
species in our analyses, we used the latest phy-
logeny of Accipitridae from the Open Tree of Life
(2019, ver. 3.1), which represents a synthetic tree
derived from multiple sources of phylogenetic
information. We rst tested for phylogenetic signal
in each urban index individually by tting a series
of generalized least squares (GLS) models (with-
out trait variables) that employed three different
modes of evolution: Brownian motion (BM),
Pagels lambda, OrnsteinUhlenbeck (OU) and a
non-phylogenetic model. This phylogenetically
informed GLS (PGLS) framework is useful for
data where the dependent variable lacks a normal
distribution (M
uller et al. 2012).
For the Brownian motion, or random-walk,
model we used a BlombergsKtest (Blomberg
et al. 2003), which compares the variance of phy-
logenetically independent contrasts with what we
would expect under a BM model. Here, K=1
means that relatives resemble one another as much
as we should expect under BM (i.e. non-
relatedness), K<1 means that there is less phylo-
genetic signal than expected under BM, and K>1
means that there is more. For Pagels lambda
(Pagel 1999), if our estimated lambda =0, then
the traits would be inferred to have no phyloge-
netic signal. Lambda =1 corresponds to a BM
model, and 0 <lambda <1 is intermediate. The
OU mode of evolution incorporates stabilizing
selectionwherein the trait is drawn toward a t-
ness optimum, or long-term mean, rather than
being completely random and directionless (Mar-
tins 1994). This model has two terms: alpha,
which represents the strength of the pull toward
the tness optimum (where alpha =0 indicates no
pull, as in a BM model, the larger the alpha value,
the stronger the pull), and sigma
, which is the
dispersion of the data (Martins 1994). Finally, to
test for no phylogenetic signal, we used a no-
signalGLS model where lambda was set to 0. We
used the phytools package in R (ver. 0.7-70; Revell
2012) for the BM, Pagels lambda and OU models,
and the nlme package in R (ver. 3.1-147; Pinheiro
et al. 2019) for one non-phylogenetic general lin-
ear model, and compared adjusted Akaike infor-
mation criterion (AICc) values of each to select
the model that best explained variation in the
We repeated this process to test associations
separately between each urban index and the ve
traits, using the same three phylogenetic models
and one non-phylogenetic model described above.
Table 2. The traits used in our analyses. Body mass, diet breadth, habitat breadth and nest substrate values were taken from C
glu (unpubl. data). Migratory status values were inferred from descriptions in Ferguson-Lees and Christie (2001). Various
sources were used to ll in missing values (e.g. 2020).
Variable Type Description
Body mass Numeric; grams Ln transformed; up to four reported values (various sources) were averaged.
Diet breadth Numeric; 16 Calculated from nine major food categories: invertebrate, fruit, nectar, seeds, land
vertebrates, sh, carcasses/garbage, vegetation and miscellaneous items.
Habitat breadth Numeric; 110 Calculated from 15 major habitat types: forest, bamboo, dry forest/woodland,
shrubland, savannah, grassland, dry/open, rocky areas, desert/dunes, agricultural/
articial, sea coast, riparian, wetland, pelagic and other.
Nest substrate breadth Numeric; 16 Calculated from 12 categories: bamboo, building, stump, ground, cactus,
invertebrate nest, pole, rock, shrub, tree, water and grass.
Migratory status Factor; 13Dened as fully migratory: (1) vacating most of breeding range during the non-
breeding season; (2) partially migratory: engaging in short-distance movements
during non-breeding season, facultatively migratory and/or nomadic; (3) largely
sedentary/non-migratory throughout the year.
© 2022 British Ornithologists' Union
Global urban raptors 5
For each analysis, best-t parameters of the phylo-
genetic model were estimated with maximum like-
lihood. Lastly, we selected the analysis with the
lowest AIC values as the best model for each
urban index tested, and compared correlations
using that model.
We checked residuals from the full models
using QQ tests, nding a somewhat skewed pat-
tern for both urban occurrence indices (Supporting
Information Figures S3 and S4). However, this
pattern was not changed by log-transforming the
dependent variables, and probably reects reality,
in that many raptor species are simply rare in
urban areas. We intentionally assembled a large
sample size of cities and species to improve model
performance (see discussion in Mundry 2014).
Modelling the urban occurrence indices alone (ur-
ban abundance and species proportion) without
the life history or environmental variables, we
found little evidence of phylogenetic signal for
either (Table 3). While this suggests that phy-
logeny alone is unrelated to urban occurrence, we
still incorporated phylogenetic relatedness into
modelling the indices using the ve trait variables.
In doing so, we found the OU, Pagels lambda and
non-phylogenetic models returned similarly low
AIC values for each index, again suggesting little
phylogenetic signal in the data for models incorpo-
rating phylogeny (Table 4). We found two vari-
ables signicantly associated with both urban
abundance and species proportion: body mass
(negative) and habitat breadth (positive; Table 5).
Additionally, we found that nest substrate breadth
was signicantly positively associated with species
proportion. This suggests that both smaller raptor
species and habitat generalist species were more
abundant in the urban core of the cities examined,
and were more relatively dominant in their local
raptor communities. Neither urban index was
found to be signicantly correlated with diet
breadth or migratory status.
The most common urban species (Fig. 1a) and
dominant species (Fig. 1b) appear to fall within a
fairly narrow window of body mass (1501000 g),
with those at the extreme ends of body mass hav-
ing lower values for the two urban occurrence
indices. Considering that most of the 127 raptor
species are rather rare in the urban core of cities
(Table S2), the most abundant/dominant urban
species globally represent a handful of smaller (but
not the smallest) species that have managed to
achieve abundance in many cities, such as Red-
tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis, Black Kite Milvus
migrans and Roadside Hawk Rupornis magnirostris.
Several of these same species were among those
with the highest habitat breadth values, including
Red-tailed Hawk, Black Kite and Brown Goshawk
Accipiter fasciatus (Fig. 2).
Table 3. Comparison of the phylogenetical signal of each of the two urban indices alone, using three modes of evolution (BM, OU,
Pagels lambda) and one non-phylogenetically informed model. Models with the lowest AICc values for each index are in bold.
KSigma squared Alpha Lambda AICc
Index: urban abundance
BM 0.0357, P=0.190 290.121
OU 9.589 2.718 259.835
Pagels lambda 0.0110; P=0.721 187.849
Non-phylogenetic 0.190 184.770
Index: species proportion
BM 0.0233, P=0.057 161.251
OU 0.274 2.718 191.749
Pagels lambda 0.730; P=0.008 250.802
Non-phylogenetic 0.00587 257.418
Table 4. Comparison of the AIC scores of four models used
to test two urban indices against ve traits (see Table 2). The
lowest scores for each variable are indicated in bold text. Note
that the scores of OU, Pagels lambda and the non-
phylogenetic model are all very close for each index, suggest-
ing minimal inuence of phylogeny in explaining variation.
Model Urban abundance Species proportion
BM 348.295 68.744
OU 216.170 207.407
Pagels lambda 213.115 208.281
Non-phylogenetic 214.188 209.407
© 2022 British Ornithologists' Union
6D. S. Cooper et al.
Yet, counter-examples abound, including sev-
eral small raptors found to have little to no repre-
sentation in the urban core (see Table S2; e.g.
Rufous-thighed Kite Harpagus diodon, Gabar
Goshawk Micronisus gabar, Bicoloured Hawk
Accipiter bicolor and Little Sparrowhawk Accipiter
minullus), as well as raptors with high habitat
breadth values that were rare in the urban areas
studied (e.g. Bonellis Eagle Aquila fasciata and
Buteogallus spp.). Several common urban raptors
were found to have fairly low habitat breadth,
including Coopers Hawk, Red-shouldered Hawk
Buteo lineatus and Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter
nisus. While a few common urban species were
somewhat large-bodied (e.g. Buteo spp.), none was
larger than Red-tailed Hawk, a mid-sized raptor
(Fig. 1).
Raptors are well established in urban areas
throughout the world, and the literature on their
ability to adapt to our human-centred environment
continues to expand (e.g. Mak et al. 2021). The
lack of phylogenetic signal in our urban occurrence
indices suggests that a variety of unrelated raptor
taxa are able to thrive in cities, a result evident in
the broad range of hawk genera found most com-
monly in the worlds urban areas. So, while several
are in the genus Accipiter, there appears to be no
single taxonomic group of raptors found most
commonly in urban areas globally. In many cities
of India and Australia, for example, this role
appears to be lled by members of the genus
Accipiter (Shikra and Brown Goshawk, respec-
tively), whereas in many Latin American cities,
two unrelated, non-Accipiter species, Grey Hawk
Buteo plagiatus and Roadside Hawk, are the most
common and/or dominant raptor. Perhaps not
coincidentally, these latter two species happen to
resemble most species of Accipiter, being smallish
species with greyish and brownish plumage, a
banded tail and rapid wingbeats characters, we
suggest, of an archetypal urban raptor.
The signicant positive associations we found
with habitat breadth and nest substrate breadth
suggest that the most common raptors in urban
areas, both in absolute numbers (urban abun-
dance) and in relative abundance (species propor-
tion), are generalists utilizing a variety of
vegetation and terrain types for both foraging
(habitat breadth) and breeding (nest substrate
breadth). These associations reect previous nd-
ings that generalists thrive in cities, whereas urban-
avoiders show a narrower habitat tolerance (Croci
et al. 2008, Sol et al. 2014). Multiple studies over
decades have documented the utilization of habi-
tats in and around urban areas by the same urban
raptors we found to be most common where
patches of woodland and other habitat elements
persist in urban areas (e.g. Stout et al. 2006 for
Red-tailed Hawks, Kumar et al. 2014 for Black
Kites, and Roseneld et al. 2018 for Coopers
Hawks). Urban habitat use of tropical raptors has
Table 5. Results from the best model for each urban index using generalized least squares tests, tted to explain variation based on
the ve traits analysed. *Values signicant at P<0.05.
Variable Value 95% CI P
Urban abundance (Pagels lambda)
(Intercept) 0.390 [0.153 to 0.933] 0.158
log(Mass) 0.105 [0.185 to 0.025] 0.010*
Diet breadth 0.022 [0.102 to 0.057] 0.578
Habitat breadth 0.146 [0.0860.205] 0.000*
Nest substrate breadth 0.110 [0.0040.146] 0.043*
Migratory status (Partial/Sedentary) 0.125 [0.479 to 0.228] 0.483
Migratory status (Fully/Sedentary) 0.132 [0.455 to 0.192] 0.422
Species proportion (Non-phylogenetic)
(Intercept) 0.139 [0.0300.139] 0.013
log(Mass) 0.026 [0.041 to 0.011] 0.001*
Diet breadth 0.001 [0.013 to 0.015] 0.891
Habitat breadth 0.018 [0.0070.028] 0.001*
Nest substrate breadth 0.011 [0.007 to 0.030] 0.229
Migratory status (Partial/Sedentary) 0.009 [0.053 to 0.071] 0.783
Migratory status (Fully/Sedentary) 0.001 [0.057 to 0.059] 0.973
© 2022 British Ornithologists' Union
Global urban raptors 7
received far less attention, but we note a survey of
Brown Goshawk in Darwin, Australia (Riddell
2015), and mentions of urban occurrence of
Shikra in Singapore (Ward 1968) and Brahminy
Kite Haliastur indus in Java (Van Balen et al.
1993). A few urban-associated, habitat-generalist
species that were not among the most abundant
species in our dataset include several that are
restricted to tropical and subtropical areas, where
eBird use is lower. Their use of urban habitats has
received scant research attention, but we note pre-
vious studies of urban occurrence of Roadside
Hawk (Dos Santos & Rosado 2009) and Ovambo
Sparrowhawk Accipiter ovampensis (McPherson
et al. 2021).
Raptor species scoring highly in urban occur-
rence with low habitat breadth values, such as Eur-
asian Sparrowhawk and Red-shouldered Hawk,
may be utilizing some particular habitat present in
urban areas, such as a localized or super-abundant
food source (see Bell et al. 2010) or the presence
of an appealing microhabitat such as riparian
woodland (see Preston et al. 1989). While body
mass is fairly straightforward to measure, a poten-
tial difculty in interpreting trait breadth as a vari-
able is that it does not distinguish between a
Figure 1. Small to mid-sized species are among the most abundant (a) and dominant (b) of 127 focal raptor species across 59
cities. Mean body mass is plotted on a natural log scale, and a value of 7 roughly corresponds to 1 kg. The most abundant and dom-
inant species are labelled, and the grey shading indicates a 95% CI.
© 2022 British Ornithologists' Union
8D. S. Cooper et al.
species that is ubiquitous and exible, and one
that requires a diversity of a particular resource,
such as a mosaic of multiple habitat types (or prey
types). More granular investigation into actual
habitat usage by urban raptors within urban areas
(particularly in the tropics) would elucidate some
of these patterns, given how variable habitats can
be from city to city (see Dykstra 2018 for discus-
sion). Understanding what allows for the persis-
tence of these species, and large-yet-urban-tolerant
raptors such as Red-tailed Hawk, in urban areas
could guide conservation decisions in cities work-
ing to promote a diversity of raptors.
Further research into the rarest smaller and
mid-sized raptors in the study may yield important
information about why certain (smaller) taxa are
threatened by urbanization, as our results suggest
these would be more common (see Poos & Jackson
2012). It could also elucidate why the largest rap-
tors appear be absent or very rare in urban areas
(Fig. 1). Is this simply because more small raptors
are abundant (everywhere) than large ones, or
might there a mechanistic explanation for having a
small body size in an urban area? Several authors
have identied a decline in body mass over time
linked to climatic warming (e.g. Lurgi et al. 2012,
Figure 2. Both species abundance (a) and species dominance (b) in urban areas are positively associated with habitat breadth,
based on 127 focal raptor species across 59 cities. The most abundant and dominant species are labelled, and the grey shading
indicates a 95% CI.
© 2022 British Ornithologists' Union
Global urban raptors 9
Weeks et al. 2019, but see Salewski et al. 2014),
and Merckx et al. (2018) suggested that because
urban areas are inuenced by the heat island
effect, smaller body size in animals favours species
with increased dispersal capability and reduced
metabolic needs. While most raptors would be
adept at dispersal, it seems logical that the high
mobility of smaller species such as Accipiters and
similar genera makes them pre-adaptedto urban
life (see Johnson & Munshi-South 2017). Future
work could investigate the relationship between
urban occurrence and other aspects of body size
such as wing loading, and the role of types of ight
or foraging methods conducive to life in urban
Further work could also investigate inter- and
intra-species effects and competition, as the pres-
ence of particular species in a given raptor com-
munity could affect which other species are
excluded or included via competition. Perhaps the
sheer abundance of the most common species in a
given region might enable them to nd mates
readily and thus occupy a broader geographical
area (including urban areas) than a scarce species
would, regardless of their preferred habitat type or
body size. This spillover effect into the city from
peripheral areas could be examined by comparing
speciesabundance in the peri-urban band around
cities with that within the urban core.
Community science datasets can reveal patterns
that might be obscured by studies limited to a
small number of locations, or those using a simple
binary classication of occurrence such as range
maps or presence/absence (Adler et al. 2020).
Nevertheless, as a source of data, we recognize
that eBird reports have potential limitations that
could not be totally controlled in our study,
including observer bias (over-reporting the same
individual, under-reporting a familiar species due
to its abundance, or overlooking a shy or incon-
spicuous species). We deliberately selected coun-
tries with high levels of eBird participation, and
analysed multiple cities from each country to max-
imize occurrences of each species in an effort to
reduce this bias. Future investigations could always
use more cities and more species, as the popularity
of online community-science platforms such as
eBird and iNaturalist ( grows.
Still, although these platforms are excellent for
determining seasonal status and distribution (and
are comparable to existing standardized survey
methods; see Horns et al. 2018 and Neate-Clegg
et al. 2020), they cannot be used for assessing
demographics or nesting success. Increased partici-
pation in eBird across all countries outside the
USA and Canada, particularly in urban areas,
would rene future analyses, as would a compar-
ison with patterns found in winter raptor commu-
nities in cities, though this may be unlikely to
change overall results, as most raptors are non-
migratory (Horns & S
glu 2018; C
glu unpubl. data).
We caution against equating urban occurrence
of any wildlife species (including urban raptors;
see Dwyer et al. 2008) with conservation success.
Sol et al. (2020) and Bregman et al. (2016) discuss
the loss of functional diversity in urban species
assemblages, which in the long term may lead to
the loss of global biodiversity as particularly spe-
cialist species fail to adapt faster than their habitats
are urbanized (S
glu 2011). Consequently,
the selection pressure toward generalist bird spe-
cies in urban areas means that most of the threat-
ened and near-threatened raptor species may not
survive in these human-dominated landscapes.
Furthermore, our study did not compare the traits
of individuals within the same species (where, for
example, smaller individuals of the same species
might have reduced tness; see Liker et al. 2008).
Thus, we cannot draw any conclusions about the
long-term outlook for the population health or
productivity of urban raptors through this analysis.
Repeating the study for other taxonomic groups
(including non-avian taxa) would be worthwhile
to test whether the patterns observed for raptors
are universal. Finally, more research into the
mechanisms affecting raptor occurrence in urban
areas, incorporating diet studies, nest-searching
and monitoring, and demographic research (such
as nesting success) would help ll the gaps in our
knowledge of urban wildlife and allow better plan-
ning for future ecological changes.
We thank Dan Chamberlain, Richard Fuller, David
Douglas and three anonymous reviewers for insightful
edits that greatly improved the manuscript. The Blum-
stein lab (in particular, Rachel Blakey and Watcharapong
WinHongjamrasslip) and Ryan Harrigan at UCLA
assisted Cooper in analytical methods, and members of
the Urban Nature Research Center at the Natural His-
tory Museum of Los Angeles County (including Kayce
Bell, Adam Clause, Greg Pauly and Jann Vendetti) pro-
vided helpful editorial comments on earlier drafts. We
would like to thank the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and
the thousands of eBird participants around the world
© 2022 British Ornithologists' Union
10 D. S. Cooper et al.
who continue to improve the database through their
sightings and volunteer review process. This study was
funded in part by the UCLA Grand Challenge as part of
Daniel S. Coopers doctorate programme.
Daniel S. Cooper: Conceptualization (lead); For-
mal analysis (lead); Investigation (lead); Methodol-
ogy (supporting); Supervision (lead); Writing
original draft (lead); Writing review & editing
(lead). Allison J. Shultz: Conceptualization (sup-
porting); Formal analysis (supporting); Methodol-
ogy (supporting); Writing review & editing
(supporting). Cagan H. Sekercioglu: Data curation
(equal); Writing review & editing (supporting).
Fiona M. Osborn: Formal analysis (supporting);
Methodology (supporting); Software (supporting).
Daniel T. Blumstein: Supervision (lead); Writing
review & editing (supporting).
Data availability statement
The authors conrm that the data supporting the
ndings of this study are available within the
Appendix S1 associated with this paper, and via
download from Auer et al. (2020).
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© 2022 British Ornithologists' Union
Global urban raptors 13
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Received 3 February 2021;
Revision 3 December 2021;
revision accepted 18 January 2022.
Associate Editor: David Douglas.
Additional supporting information may be found
online in the Supporting Information section at
the end of the article.
Table S1. Cities used, including coordinates
used for urban centre and months used for breed-
ing season records (20142018).
Table S2. Summary of focal species and trait
values, averaged across the number of cities
recorded. DBDiet Breadth; HBHabitat
Breadth; Massbody mass; Mig.Migratory sta-
tus, SBSNumber of nest substrate categories,
Urb_AbundUrban Abundance, Urb_Prop
Urban Proportion. Refer to Table 2 for descrip-
tions of trait variables.
Table S3. Summary of edits to eBird records
and trait database (S
glu et al. 2004, includ-
ing updates). These include values found in exist-
ing sources (e.g. Ferguson-Lees & Christie 2001),
and those estimated from similar species to replace
missing data (e.g. body mass for similarly sized
species). We also report taxa dropped due to
nomenclatural and spelling discrepancies between
the various databases and R packages used to help
guide future investigators. Finally, we list the taxa
omitted from analysis in the particular countries or
cities where they are unlikely to be breeding in
any of our focal cities (in some cases omitting
them from the entire analysis if occurring only as
non-breeding visitors; e.g. Buteo lagopus).
Figure S1. (a) Aerial imagery of 10- and 50-km
radial bands around cities of Spain used in analysis.
(b) Aerial imagery of Barcelona, Spain, showing
amount of urbanized land within 10- and 50-km
radial bands. Note that urban cover in this particu-
lar city is fairly dispersed, such that areas of urban
and wildland cover are located both within the 10-
km band and within the peri-urbanband. (c)
Aerial imagery of Ahmadebad, India, showing solid
urbanization within urban core of city (10-km
radial band) and comparatively little urban cover
in the peri-urbanband. (d) Aerial imagery of Sao
Paolo, Brazil, showing how the urban core extends
well outside the 10-km radial band, but the peri-
urbanband is still far less developed than the
urban core.
Figure S2. Correlation matrix of variables used
in the study using Spearmans rank correlation.
Figure S3. QQ plot of residuals for the best-
performing model using Urban Abundance as the
dependent variable (Pagels lamdba).
Figure S4. QQ plot of residuals for the best-
performing model using Species Proportion as the
dependent variable (Non-phylogenetic).
© 2022 British Ornithologists' Union
14 D. S. Cooper et al.
... Urban areas may constitute a filter for raptor species, allowing for the entry of species with certain biological traits [8,9]. For example, recent large-scale studies found that habitat generalist and small-size species were more frequent in urban areas [10,11], whereas an analysis conducted in the United States found that diet generalists and forest species were more frequent in cities [12]. Moreover, species that nest in trees may be favored by urban areas [12]. ...
... Leveau et al. [14] found a trend of phylogenetic relatedness among urban raptors, in general, associated with more occurrences of Falconidae species in urban areas. However, Cooper et al. [10] did not find a significant relationship between Accipitridae species relatedness and urban occurrence. ...
... For example, raptor species that nest on the ground may suffer nest predation ( [22,23] but see [24]). Although several authors have analyzed the effect of urbanization on raptor communities [4,5,10,25], no studies have analyzed how urban parks filter the phylogenetic and functional traits of raptors. ...
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Urban parks are hot spots of bird diversity in cities. However, their role as urban filters for raptor species has not been assessed yet. This study aimed to compare the functional and phylogenetic traits of raptor assemblages in urban parks with the regional species pool of raptors in east–central Argentina. Diurnal raptors were surveyed in 51 urban parks in six cities during breeding and nonbreeding seasons. The regional species pool was assessed through raptor surveys and published maps surrounding the cities. The observed functional and phylogenetic relatedness of urban raptors was compared with 999 simulated raptor assemblages from the regional species pool. A total of five species were recorded in urban parks. The Chimango Caracara (Milvago chimango) was the numerically dominant species, comprising 95% of the 172 individuals recorded. The regional species pool was composed of 20 diurnal species. The functional and phylogenetic relatedness of urban raptors was higher than expected by chance, suggesting filtering induced by urban parks. Urban raptors were, in general, generalist species with small body sizes. Moreover, species tended to be part of the Falconidae family. Based on the results obtained here and in other published work, a model of raptor assembling in urban parks is proposed. The design of urban parks needs to be more heterogeneous, promoting the occurrence of specialist raptors.
... Ecological traits. Ecological traits were selected from the existing literature that may influence avian tolerance to urban environments 54,56 . Data for body mass, nest substrate, habitat type, feeding guild, and migratory status were compiled from information found in the dataset 'Biological, ecological, conservation and legal information for all species and subspecies of Australian bird' 79 , the books 'Birds of Prey of Australia: a field guide (3rd edition)' 80 and ' Australasian Eagles and Eagle-like birds' 81 , and the online database 'Birds of the World' provided by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology 82 . ...
... Wedge-tailed Eagles will retreat from urban expansion 107 , however, some individual pairs show a higher disturbance tolerance to human activity when breeding inside protected reserves 108 . The finding that larger raptors have lower urban tolerance than smaller species is consistent with findings from other studies investigating urban raptor occurrence 54,55 . One particular study undertaken in Reno-sparks, Nevada, USA, showed that Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) breed the furthest away from urban development when compared to other smaller species, and the authors concluded that habitat requirements (e.g. ...
... However, habitat preferences may also play a role in this phenomenon, and therefore further research is needed to clarify the link between Australian raptors of medium body size and urban tolerance and the underlying mechanisms driving the pattern. Partially migrant and sedentary species had similar urban tolerance profiles, which is consistent with the findings from recent studies focussing on raptors across the globe 54 and in Argentina 130 . Little Eagles (Hieraaetus morphnoides) are partially migratory, usually migrating from Southern Australia to Northern Australia during the winter months 131 . ...
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Urbanisation is occurring around the world at a rapid rate and is generally associated with negative impacts on biodiversity at local, regional, and global scales. Examining the behavioural response profiles of wildlife to urbanisation helps differentiate between species that do or do not show adaptive responses to changing landscapes and hence are more or less likely to persist in such environments. Species-specific responses to urbanisation are poorly understood in the Southern Hemisphere compared to the Northern Hemisphere, where most of the published literature is focussed. This is also true for raptors, despite their high diversity and comparably high conservation concern in the Southern Hemisphere, and their critical role within ecosystems as bioindicators of environmental health. Here, we explore this knowledge gap using community science data sourced from eBird to investigate the urban tolerance of 24 Australian raptor species at a continental scale. We integrated eBird data with a global continuous measure of urbanisation, artificial light at night (ALAN), to derive an urban tolerance index, ranking species from positive to negative responses according to their tolerance of urban environments. We then gathered trait data from the published literature to assess whether certain traits (body mass, nest substrate, habitat type, feeding guild, and migratory status) were associated with urban tolerance. Body size was negatively associated with urban tolerance, as smaller raptors had greater urban tolerance than larger raptors. Out of the 24 species analysed, 13 species showed tolerance profiles for urban environments (positive response), and 11 species showed avoidance profiles for urban environments (negative response). The results of this study provide impetus to conserve native habitat and improve urban conditions for larger-bodied raptor species to conserve Australian raptor diversity in an increasingly urbanised world.
... In contrast, scavengers and raptors that feed primarily on small vertebrates may have profited to some extent from increased food resources in cropland and pasture, such as livestock carcasses and rodents Buij et al., 2012;Thiollay, 2001Thiollay, , 2006. Some raptors are well adapted to urban environments and may nest in buildings or urban green spaces, preying on other synanthropic species (Cooper et al., 2022;Fleming & Bateman, 2018;Gahbauer et al., 2015;Rosenfield et al., 1995). Many other species, however, are sensitive to human disturbance (Eduardo et al., 2007;Jullien & Thiollay, 1996) and thus restricted to natural habitats. ...
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Raptors are threatened by anthropogenic land modifications, but targeted quantitative assessment of these impacts is lacking. We conducted the first global quantitative evaluation of the impacts of human‐modified land on raptors. We used eBird data from 2001 to 2020 on 425 raptor species and occupancy models to assess the impacts of human‐modified land on raptor distribution. The mean spatiotemporal correlations of human settlement, cropland, and pasture with raptor occupancy probability were −0.048 (SE 0.031), −0.134 (0.032), and −0.145 (0.032), respectively. The mean sensitivity of raptor occupancy probability to settlement, cropland, and pasture was −5.760 (2.266), −3.128 (1.540), and −2.402 (1.551), respectively. The occupancy probability of raptors with a large body mass was more negatively correlated with cropland (phylogenetic generalized least squares regressions: slope = −0.052 [SE 0.022], t = −2.335, df = 1, 407, p = 0.020, λ = 0.006) and more positively correlated with pasture (slope = 0.047 [0.022], t = 2.118, df = 1, 407, p = 0.035, λ = 0.013). The occupancy probability of raptors with a more extensive range size was more positively correlated with cropland (slope = 0.002 [0.004], t = 0.399, df = 1, 407, p < 0.001, λ = 0.000). Raptors that prefer open habitats were more positively correlated with cropland (analysis of variance: F = 3.424, df = 2, p = 0.034, λ = 0.000) and pasture (F = 6.577, df = 2, p = 0.002, λ = 0.000). In Africa and South America, where raptor species are most abundant, raptor occupancy probability decreased over 20 years, most likely due to habitat fragmentation associated with human land modification. Although raptors with different ecological characteristics had different responses to human land modification, the impacts of settlement, cropland, and pasture on mean raptor occupancy probability were negative, regardless of space and time.
... Raptors have successfully colonised cities across the globe (Boal and Dykstra 2018;Kettel, Gentle et al. 2018;McPherson, Sumasgutner et al. 2021;Headland, Colombelli-Négrel et al. 2023). Whether a raptor species is more or less urban tolerant largely depends on the body size, with smaller raptors being more abundant in cities (Cooper, Shultz et al. 2022;Headland, Colombelli-Négrel et al. 2023), and on the prey type, with avian specialists showing higher breeding success in cities (Kettel, Gentle et al. 2018). For example, peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus), which are specialised in hunting birds, show larger clutch and brood sizes (Kettel, Gentle et al. 2019;Sumasgutner, Jenkins et al. 2020), while Eurasian kestrels as typical rodent hunters suffer from lower breeding success (Sumasgutner, Nemeth et al. 2014a) in urban centres. ...
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Urbanisation is one of the biggest environmental challenges of our time, yet we still lack an integrative understanding of how cities affect behaviour, physiology and parasite susceptibility of free-living organisms. In this study, we focus on carotenoids, strictly dietary micronutrients that can either be used as yellow-red pigments, for integument colouration (signalling function), or as antioxidants, to strengthen the immune system (physiological function) in an urban predator, the Eurasian kestrel (Falco tinnunculus). Kestrels are specialised vole hunters but shift to avian prey in cities where diurnal rodents are not sufficiently available. This different foraging strategy might determine the quantity of carotenoids available. We measured integument colouration, circulating carotenoids in the blood and ectoparasite burden in kestrels along an urban gradient. Our results showed that nestlings that were raised in more urbanised areas displayed, unrelated to their ectoparasite burden, a paler integument colouration. Paler colours were furthermore associated with a lower concentration of circulating carotenoids. These findings support the hypothesis that the entire urban food web is carotenoid deprived and only prey of low quality with low carotenoid content is available (e.g. fewer carotenoids in urban trees, insects, small birds and finally kestrels). The alternative hypothesis that nestlings allocate carotenoids to reduce physiological stress and/or to cope with parasites rather than invest into colouration could not be supported. Our study adds to existing evidence that urban stressors negatively affect carotenoid production in urban areas, a deficiency that dissipate into higher trophic levels.
... Urbanization is generally associated with habitat degradation that makes human environments unsuitable for many sensitive raptor species, yet some populations manage to persist in cities (Boal & Dykstra, 2018;Chace & Walsh, 2006;Cooper et al., 2022;Kettel et al., 2019). Others thrive, achieving high population densities or greater breeding success than conspecifics in more natural sites (Kettel et al., 2018;Kumar, Gupta, et al., 2019;McPherson et al., 2016a). ...
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Raptors can thrive in cities where food supplies are abundant and seasonally stable. The availability of such resources may be linked to spatiotemporally predictable human activities generating reliable food subsidies for both raptors and their prey, capable of sustaining large populations. However, raptors may become affected by shifts in human behaviour. Here, we explore how urban peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus diets respond to changes in human activity levels amidst COVID‐19 pandemic social restrictions. We used online nest cameras to study peregrine diets and reproduction across 31 sites in 27 UK cities over three breeding seasons, including one during lockdown. Prey composition changed significantly between years, and these differences varied by region. During lockdown, London peregrines took a lower proportion of pigeons (−14.5%), offset by a greater proportion of starlings Sturnus vulgaris (+6.9%) and ring‐necked parakeets Psittacula krameri (+3.2%). In other cities, lockdown diets showed no change for pigeons (+0.3%), starlings comprised a lower prey proportion (−4.3%), while non‐dominant corvid prey (+2.3%) and waterbirds (+2%) had greater importance. Racing pigeon prey also decreased during lockdown, significantly outside London. However, breeding parameters (number of eggs, hatchlings, fledglings) were not significantly different, suggesting urban peregrines may not have experienced food shortages amidst restrictions. Thus, our study demonstrates that human activity can influence urban peregrine predation opportunities but is unlikely to be more important than other factors like habitat availability. It also highlights how impacts can vary regionally, which may have been driven by social and geographical differences between the capital and other cities. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
The natural history of birds is summarized. Account of what contemporary birds are, when and how they came to be what they are, and why and how they evolved exceptional physiognomies are given. The evolution of birds from reptilian stock, their domestication that resulted in some of the species becoming leading food animals and the sociocultural impacts of birds on organizations of many human societies are outlined. The evolution of the lung-air sac system of birds, which among the air-breathing vertebrates is the most structurally complex and efficient gas exchanger, is described. Unique properties, capacities, and activities such as long distant migration, flight under the extremely hypoxic conditions of high altitude, anthropogenic impacts of climate change (global warming) on the ecology and biology of birds, sound production (vocalization), birds as bioindicator animals of environmental health, and the cognitive prowess of birds in exploits such as dropping hard food objects on firm surfaces to break them and that way access otherwise unobtainable food and caching of food in various ways and places and shrewdly accessing it for use during adverse conditions are presented. The biology of birds can only be well understood by considering them from various perspectives that include the habitats they occupy and the lifestyles that they lead.
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As human density increases, biodiversity must increasingly co-exist with urbanization or face local extinction. Tolerance of urban areas has been linked to numerous functional traits, yet few globally consistent patterns have emerged to explain variation in urban tolerance, which stymies attempts at a generalizable predictive framework. Here, we calculate an Urban Association Index (UAI) for 3,768 bird species in 137 cities across all permanently inhabited continents. We then assess how this UAI varies as a function of ten species-specific traits and further test whether the strength of trait relationships vary as a function of three city-specific variables. Of the ten species traits, nine were significantly associated with urban tolerance. Urban-associated species tend to be smaller, less territorial, have greater dispersal ability, broader dietary and habitat niches, larger clutch sizes, greater longevity, and lower elevational limits. Only bill shape showed no global association with urban tolerance. Additionally, the strength of several trait relationships varied across cities as a function of latitude and/or human population density. For example, the associations of body mass and diet breadth were more pronounced at higher latitudes, while the associations of territoriality and longevity were reduced in cities with higher population density. Thus, the importance of trait filters in birds varies predictably across cities, indicating biogeographic variation in selection for urban tolerance that could explain prior challenges in the search for global patterns. A globally informed framework that predicts urban tolerance will be integral to conservation as increasing proportions of the world's biodiversity are impacted by urbanization.
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Globally, but especially in Africa, increasing human populations and anthropogenic land-use change are generally affecting diversity negatively. Urban environments in southern Africa typically comprise a mosaic landscape of anthropogenic infrastructure with some green spaces. These urban cities have a range of fauna that have persisted or increased in population density compared with areas that are more natural. We analysed the occurrence of diurnal and nocturnal raptors using South African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP2) data and reviewed literature. We found 66 raptor species occurred in South African cities. Thirty species had reporting frequencies greater than 10% in at least one of the 11 cities assessed, revealing impressive diversity of the raptor clade in South African cities. Five species were both abundant and widespread, occurring >10% in five or more cities each, of which three belong to the scavenger guild: Black-winged Kite Elanus caeruleus, African Fish Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer, Common Buzzard Buteo buteo vulpinus, Yellow-billed Kite Milvus aegyptius and Black Sparrowhawk Accipiter melanoleucus. However, only a few of these 66 raptors had been extensively studied in urban areas: the Black Sparrowhawk, African Crowned Eagle Stephanoaetus coronatus, Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus and Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus. This lack of research is specifically severe, given that Africa is hosting a unique and diverse range of raptor species and that numbers and diversity of raptors have declined dramatically over the past decades across the continent. In fact, these four extensively studied species occurred in higher densities in urban areas than rural areas, which indicates that urban areas might create valuable opportunities for urban conservation, not least through public engagement.
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Raptors can be important components of urban ecosystems due to their role as apex predators, the presence of which may bring benefits to people. Urban environments may provide good quality habitats, and the raptors’ ability to utilize resources found here can contribute to their success. However, urban environments are socio-ecological systems and such mechanisms shaping habitats and ecological resources therein are less understood. This paper explores how raptors utilize urban resources, and the socio-ecological processes influencing their quality and availability. It begins with a systematic mapping of the literature to summarize the utility of urban resources by raptors with European distributions. Eighteen species were documented in the literature successfully exploiting novel hunting and/or nesting opportunities in both green and built-up locations of urban areas. We discuss how these may be consequential of human activities, some of which intentionally provided as subsidies, and how their utility by raptors create opportunities for human-raptor interactions further shaping public perception and decisions which potentially affect the raptors. Finally, we demonstrate these concepts by drawing on our experience from an urban peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) conservation site in London, UK. The paper concludes with a call for urban raptor conservation and research to consider social and ecological aspects together, appropriately reflecting urban environments as socio-ecological systems.
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We present an analysis of life history and behavioral traits associated with urbanization for 52 breeding bird species on 173 survey blocks in the Los Angeles area of southern California, United States, across two time periods, 1995–1999 and 2012–2016. We used observational data from two community science efforts and an estimate of urban land cover in each block to develop an index of urban association, and then modeled the relationship between species occurrence and eight traits likely associated with urban tolerance. We found two traits to be significantly associated with urbanization in both eras: Structure-nesting (i.e., the tendency to build nests on human-built structures) was positively associated, and cavity-nesting (i.e., the tendency to build nests in natural tree cavities) was negatively associated. Our analysis provides a template for mining historical community science data, and for “retrofitting” contemporary data to gain insights into ecological trends over time, and illustrates the persistence of ecological traits of species associated with urban areas even as the makeup of these species communities may change.
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We explored nest site placement and re-use relative to ornamental tree usage and urbanization level in a diurnal raptor community in southern California (USA) during three discrete time periods spanning five decades (1971–2018). Re-use of prior years’ nests varied among species, with Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) and American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) showing moderate re-use rates (ca. 30%), and Red-shouldered Hawks (Buteo lineatus), and Cooper’s Hawks (Accipiter cooperii) showing almost none. Nearly all nests were in native and naturally-occurring trees during the 1970s, yet by 2018, most Cooper’s Hawk nests, and many Red-tailed Hawk nests, were located in ornamental vegetation such as pines (Pinus spp.) and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.). The amount of urban cover around nest sites increased for Red-tailed, Red-shouldered, and Cooper’s hawks during the study period, but not for American Kestrels, which were confined to the least-urban areas. Cooper’s Hawks appear to now be selecting urban nest sites over wildland sites, based on the increase in surrounding urban cover, even as landscape urbanization has not substantially changed in the study area during the last two time periods. Our study illustrates the utility of long-term datasets in understanding how a species’ urban tolerance can change over time, and highlights species (including three extirpated taxa) that may be failing to adapt to local urbanization.
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Urbanisation is driving rapid declines in species richness and abundance worldwide, but the general implications for ecosystem function and services remain poorly understood. Here, we integrate global data on bird communities with comprehensive information on traits associated with ecological processes to show that assemblages in highly urbanised environments have substantially different functional composition and 20% less functional diversity on average than surrounding natural habitats. These changes occur without significant decreases in functional dissimilarity between species; instead, they are caused by a decrease in species richness and abundance evenness, leading to declines in functional redundancy. The reconfiguration and decline of native functional diversity in cities are not compensated by the presence of exotic species but are less severe under moderate levels of urbanisation. Thus, urbanisation has substantial negative impacts on functional diversity, potentially resulting in impaired provision of ecosystem services, but these impacts can be reduced by less intensive urbanisation practices.
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By involving the public, citizen science runs against the grain of an idealized science that leaves out the human element, and thus provides new opportunities for ecological research and society. We classify the goals of citizen science in ecology and environment into four broad categories: (1) scientific, (2) participant benefits, (3) community, and (4) policy. Although none of these goals have been well studied, we review the literature showing that these projects are most effective in tracking ecological trends over large swaths of space and time, and discuss the challenges of recruiting, training, retaining, and educating participants, maintaining and disseminating high‐quality data, and connecting with the larger community and policy. Biomedical studies, where patients participate in their own treatment in randomized trials, provide an interesting comparison with citizen science in ecology, sharing challenges in recruitment and involvement of nonscientists and ethical conduct of research. Future study will help address the ethical difficulties and enhance ways for citizen science in ecology and the environment to complement scientific discovery, involve and educate the public, and guide policy founded in science and the local community.
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Increasing temperatures associated with climate change are predicted to cause reductions in body size, a key determinant of animal physiology and ecology. Using a four‐decade specimen series of 70 716 individuals of 52 North American migratory bird species, we demonstrate that increasing annual summer temperature over the 40‐year period predicts consistent reductions in body size across these diverse taxa. Concurrently, wing length – an index of body shape that impacts numerous aspects of avian ecology and behaviour – has consistently increased across species. Our findings suggest that warming‐induced body size reduction is a general response to climate change, and reveal a similarly consistent and unexpected shift in body shape. We hypothesise that increasing wing length represents a compensatory adaptation to maintain migration as reductions in body size have increased the metabolic cost of flight. An improved understanding of warming‐induced morphological changes is important for predicting biotic responses to global change.
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Significance As agricultural lands rapidly expand in the tropics, they become critical for the future of tropical biodiversity, but little is known about their long-term conservation value. Over 12 years in Costa Rica, we measured the abundance and diversity of birds in agricultural areas and embedded forest remnants. We recorded 185 bird species in coffee plantations and 230 species at forest sites, but 69 out of 112 populations showed declines—mostly among more specialized, sedentary, and/or insectivorous species. Nevertheless, coffee plantations with modestly higher tree cover had higher bird diversity and capture rates. With limited opportunities to expand protected areas worldwide, even small improvements in farming practices can increase the long-term sustainability of tropical wildlife and its benefits to people.
We monitored 18 nests of Cooper's Hawks (Accipiter cooperii) in Tucson, Arizona, and 18 nests in rural areas of southeastern Arizona from 1999–2000 to compare feeding behavior of urban- and rural-nesting hawks. We recorded the frequency of prey deliveries, the approximate size and type of prey items, and the behavior of hawks during each delivery. Differences between rates of prey delivery at urban and rural nests decreased as nestlings grew. Rate of prey delivery at urban nests exceeded that at rural nests most during the morning and least at midday. Urban hawks delivered 2.0 ± 1.2 times more prey biomass nestling−1 hr−1 to nests than rural hawks. The odds of males delivering prey directly to nests, and of prey items being refused, were 13.6 ± 2.3 and 2.5 ± 1.6 times greater, respectively, at urban nests than at rural nests. Male and female hawks also vocalized more at rural nests than at urban nests. Our data suggest that prey is more abundant and available to hawks in Tucson than in surrounding rural areas. Diet composition of urban- and rural-nesting hawks also differed. Doves comprised 57% of urban prey deliveries, but only 4% of rural prey deliveries, and may explain the high rate of nestling mortality from trichomoniasis, an avian disease caused by a parasitic protozoan, in Tucson. Comportamiento Alimenticio de Accipiter cooperii en Nidos Urbanos y Rurales en el Sureste de Arizona Resumen. Monitoreamos 18 nidos de Accipiter cooperii en Tucson, Arizona, y 18 nidos en áreas rurales del sureste de Arizona durante 1999–2000 con el fin de comparar los comportamientos alimenticios de gavilanes anidando en zonas urbanas y rurales. Registramos la frecuencia de entrega de presas, el tamaño aproximado y el tipo de presas, y el comportamiento de los gavilanes durante cada entrega. Las diferencias entre las tasas de entrega de presas en nidos urbanos y rurales disminuyeron con el crecimiento de los polluelos. La tasa de entrega de presas en nidos urbanos excedió a la de nidos rurales más durante horas matutinas que durante las horas del mediodía. Los gavilanes urbanos entregaron 2.0 ± 1.2 veces más biomasa de presas polluelo−1 hr−1 que los gavilanes rurales. Las probabilidades de entregas de presas por machos directamente en los nidos, y de rechazo de presas fueron 13.6 ± 2.3 y 2.5 ± 1.6 veces mayores, respectivamente, en nidos urbanos que en nidos rurales. Los machos y hembras de los gavilanes también vocalizaron más en nidos rurales que en nidos urbanos. Nuestros datos sugieren que las presas son más abundantes y disponibles para los gavilanes en Tucson que en áreas rurales circundantes. La composición de la dieta de gavilanes urbanos y rurales anidantes también fue diferente. Las palomas formaron el 57% de las presas urbanas entregadas, pero sólo el 4% de las rurales. Esto puede explicar el alto índice de mortalidad de polluelos por tricomoniasis, una infección parasitaria, en Tucson.