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Abstract and Figures

Introduction: The study of Entrepreneurial Intention is essential to understand the beginning of the entrepreneurship process. The literature on academic entrepreneurship sustains a shortage of research related to how an individual, in the academic environment, develops the entrepreneurial intentionof startinga spin-off. Starting from the Theory of Planned Behavior, the objective of the present study is to analyze the incidence of motivational antecedents (attitude, subjective norm,and perceived control) on Academic Entrepreneurial Intention and examine the effect of individual factors (creativity, perceived utility, self-confidence, business experience) and context (business experience, entrepreneurship training,and businessenvironment) in said antecedents.Method: The data collection was through a survey applied randomly to 172 academics from the Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa in various areas of knowledge (technical and social). Data analysis was carried out using the multivariate Structural Equation Model technique, through the Partial LeastSquares approach, for which the Smart PLS software was used.Results: The result of the structural equation model showed that the main antecedent of the academic entrepreneurial intention is the attitude towards entrepreneurship. This, in turn, is influenced by Creativity and Perceived Utility.Discussion orConclusion: The research’s structural modelallows predictive evidence of unobservable variables that influence entrepreneurial intention’s formation in the academic environment. Also, the findings present practical implications that are useful for university authoritiesto promote academic entrepreneurship.
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Nº 26, Vol. 13 (2), 2021. ISSN 2007 0705, pp.: 1 27
Nº 26, Vol. 13 (2), 2021. ISSN 2007 0705, pp.: 1 27
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Intención Emprendedora Académica: un estudio a través de la Teoría del Comportamiento
Academic Entrepreneurial Intention: a study through the Theory of Planned Behavior
Beatriz M. Terán-Pérez 1
Cuitláhuac Valdez-Lafarga 1
Alejandra Miranda-Félix 2
Pedro Flores-Leal 1
1 Universidad Autónoma de Occidente,
2 Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
© Universidad De La Salle Bajío (México)
Recibido en: 26 10 2020 / Aceptado en: 02 04 2021
Introducción: El estudio de la intención emprendedora es primordial para entender el inicio del
proceso de emprendimiento. La literatura en emprendimiento académico sustenta que existe
escasez de investigaciones relacionadas con el cómo un individuo, en el entorno académico,
desarrolla la intención de emprender un spin-off. Partiendo de la Teoría del Comportamiento
Planeado, el objetivo del presente estudio es analizar la incidencia de los antecedentes
motivacionales (actitud, norma subjetiva y control percibido) en la Intención Emprendedora
Académica y examinar el efecto de los factores individuales (creatividad, utilidad percibida,
autoconfianza, experiencia empresarial) y del contexto (experiencia empresarial, capacitación en
emprendimiento y entorno de negocios) en dichos antecedentes.
Método: La recolección de datos fue a través de una encuesta aplicada de forma aleatoria a 172
académicos de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa en diversas áreas del conocimiento (técnicas
y sociales). El análisis de datos se llevó a cabo mediante la técnica multivariante Modelo de
Ecuaciones Estructurales, a través del enfoque de Mínimos Cuadrados Parciales, para ello se utilizó
el software Smart PLS.
Resultados: El resultado del modelo de ecuaciones estructurales evidenció que el antecedente
principal de la intención emprendedora académica es la Actitud hacia el emprendimiento. Esta, a
su vez, se ve influida por la Creatividad y la Utilidad Percibida.
Discusión o Conclusión: El modelo estructural de la investigación permite proporcionar evidencia
predictiva de variables no observables que inciden en la formación de la intención emprendedora
Intención Emprendedora Académica: un estudio a través de la Teoría del Comportamiento Planeado
Nº 26, Vol. 13 (2), 2021. ISSN 2007 0705, pp.: 1 27
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en el entorno académico. Además, los hallazgos presentan implicaciones prácticas que son de
utilidad a la gestión universitaria para el impulso al emprendimiento académico.
Palabras clave: emprendimiento académico; spin-off académico; intención emprendedora; teoría
del comportamiento planeado; universidad; educación; entorno académico; emprendimiento;
investigación; creatividad; experiencia empresarial
Introduction: The study of Entrepreneurial Intention is essential to understand the beginning of
the entrepreneurship process. The literature on academic entrepreneurship sustains a shortage of
research related to how an individual, in the academic environment, develops the entrepreneurial
intention of starting a spin-off. Starting from the Theory of Planned Behavior, the objective of the
present study is to analyze the incidence of motivational antecedents (attitude, subjective norm,
and perceived control) on Academic Entrepreneurial Intention and examine the effect of individual
factors (creativity, perceived utility, self-confidence, business experience) and context (business
experience, entrepreneurship training, and business environment) in said antecedents.
Method: The data collection was through a survey applied randomly to 172 academics from the
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa in various areas of knowledge (technical and social). Data
analysis was carried out using the multivariate Structural Equation Model technique, through the
Partial Least Squares approach, for which the Smart PLS software was used.
Results: The result of the structural equation model showed that the main antecedent of the
academic entrepreneurial intention is the attitude towards entrepreneurship. This, in turn, is
influenced by Creativity and Perceived Utility.
Discussion or Conclusion: The research’s structural model allows predictive evidence of
unobservable variables that influence entrepreneurial intention’s formation in the academic
environment. Also, the findings present practical implications that are useful for university
authorities to promote academic entrepreneurship.
Keywords: academic entrepreneurship; academic spin-off; entrepreneurial intention; theory of
planned behavior; university; education; academic environment; entrepreneurship; research;
creativity; business experience
Terán-Pérez, B. M. et al.
Nº 26, Vol. 13 (2), 2021. ISSN 2007 0705, pp.: 1 27
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From a critical perspective of the literature on academic entrepreneurship, it sustains that the role
of the scientist, academic, or researcher in the entrepreneurial process is neglected (Etzkowitz et
al., 2000; Goethner et al., 2012; Perkmann et al., 2013; Urban and Chantson, 2017; Wang et al.,
2021; Wright, 2014), there is a shortage of studies related to how an individual involved in the
academic environment identifies the business opportunity and develops the entrepreneurial
intention of starting a spin-off based on the results of their research (Guerrero et al., 2016; Miranda
et al., 2018; Prodan and Drnovsek, 2010; Rasmussen and Wright, 2015).
In this sense, previous contributions show that the study of entrepreneurial intention (EI) is
essential to understand the entrepreneurship process (Kautonen et al., 2015; Kolvereid, 2016). The
closest predictor of the decision to become an entrepreneur is seen in EI; the intention can
foreshadow behaviors (Fini et al., 2012), indicates how intensely you prepare and how much effort
you are planning to commit to carrying out an entrepreneurial behavior (Bird, 1988; Carsrud and
Brannback, 2011).
According to Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), human behavior is planned and is
preceded by the intention towards that behavior. Also, TPB maintains that EI is influenced by
motivational factors that include beliefs about an outcome; these factors' importance in predicting
intention varies according to behaviors, situations, and population (Ajzen, 1991).
Thus, previous research has considered the TPB model as a theoretical framework,
confirming the concept's application in different settings (Entrialgo and Iglesias, 2016; Liñan and
Fayolle, 2015). However, specifically in the academic field, it is evident that most of the literary
production related to empirical studies in which EI models are developed has been in students and,
to a lesser extent, in university academics (Al-Jubari et al., 2018; Feola et al., 2017; Miranda et al.,
2017; Obschonka et al., 2015).
Consequently, starting from the TPB, this study aims to analyze the incidence of
motivational antecedents (Attitude, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Control) on Academic
Entrepreneurial Intention (AEI) and examine the effect of individual factors and context on the
antecedents of the AEI.
This article is structured as follows: the first section presents a review of the literature on
TPB's motivational antecedents and the individual factors and the context that have been
considered in studies of academic entrepreneurship with a theoretical foundation in EI. The second
Intención Emprendedora Académica: un estudio a través de la Teoría del Comportamiento Planeado
Nº 26, Vol. 13 (2), 2021. ISSN 2007 0705, pp.: 1 27
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section refers to the methodology used for data collection and analysis. Later, in section three, the
study results, conclusions, and implications are discussed.
Literature Review
Theory of Planned Behavior
From a cognitive approach, the best element to predict deliberate and planned behavior is the
intention, mainly when said behavior is complex, difficult to observe, or involves an unpredictable
period (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980). TPB postulates that intention predicts human behavior, where
intention indicates the extent of the effort of a person who plans to perform that behavior (Ajzen,
1991). In other words, when a person decides or not to take action, they tend to have prior planning,
which is to say they have an intention (Ajzen, 2002). Explaining and predicting human behavior is
the central purpose of TPB development, this theory comes from the field of psychology and has
had satisfactory applications in others knowledge areas such as marketing and management (Al-
Mamary et al., 2020) or career choice (Deprez et al., 2019).
Particularly, TPB represents a framework for the study of entrepreneurship, where it is
considered superior and more influential than other models of intention (Al-Jubari et al., 2018;
Entrialgo and Iglesias, 2016; Liñán and Fayolle, 2015), such as the business event model (Shapero
and Sokol 1982) and the entrepreneurial potential model (Krueger and Brazeal 1994). TPB allows
addressing the analysis of the intentions of the entrepreneurs, conditioned by the result they hope
to obtain, the perceptions of the environment and the perception that the entrepreneur has of their
ability to control and achieve the results of their entrepreneurial action (Liñan and Chen, 2009; Van
Gelderen et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2020).
According to Ajzen's TPB (1991), the intention that precedes a behavior is determined by
three motivational factors: 1) Attitude towards the behavior, 2) Subjective Norm, and 3) Perceived
Control of the behavior. Collectively, these factors represent people's actual Control over behavior
and may be preceded by the beliefs of each individual (Ajzen, 1991; Ajzen, 2011). Previous studies
in entrepreneurship found that these three antecedents of the TPB explain 30-45% of the variation
of intentions (Liñan and Chen, 2009).
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Attitude towards behavior refers to people's general evaluation to carry out a particular behavior;
it can be positive or negative, weak, or strong, and explicit or implicit (Ajzen, 1991). A positive or
favorable attitude towards a behavior, such as starting a business, is formed when perceived to have
beneficial and desirable consequences. Specifically, the attitude towards entrepreneurship (AE) has
shown a consistent and significant impact on EI in most of the research carried out in various
contexts (Al-Jubari et al., 2018; Kautonen et al., 2015; Kolvereid, 2016). Considering the above,
the following working hypothesis is proposed.
H1. AE significantly influences AEI.
Subjective Norm
The Subjective Norm (SN) refers to the individual's perception of how the people in their life
perceive their participation or not in a particular behavior, such as starting a business. That is, SN
considers the perceived support of other people family, friends, work colleagues- valued by the
individual's own motivation to fulfill the aspirations of these people (Kautonen et al., 2013). In
previous studies, the effect of SN on Entrepreneurial Intent has varied substantially; in general, it
has been found that SN is the weakest predictor of EI (Krueger et al., 2000; Liñán and Chen, 2009),
but instead of excluding SN from TPB, some authors have chosen to study the effects of SN on
Attitude towards Entrepreneurship and Perceived Control (Liñan et al., 2011; Lortie and
Castogiovanni, 2015; Urban and Chantson, 2017). Therefore, the following hypothesis is stated:
H2: SN significantly influences AEI.
H2a: SN significantly influences AE.
H2b: SN significantly influences PC.
Perceived Control of Behavior
Perceived Control (PC) refers to the ability perceived by the individual to perform some behavior;
it relates to the resources and opportunities available to a person, which to some degree, should
dictate the probability of achievement in behavior (Ajzen, 1991). According to TPB, perceived
control influences behavior directly or indirectly through intention. Various studies have found that
PC is positively related to entrepreneurial intention, specifically in the academic environment; it
allows overcoming the perception of financial and technological uncertainty (Feola et al., 2017;
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Fernández Pérez et al., 2015; Obschonka et al., 2015). Therefore, the following research hypothesis
is proposed:
H3: PC significantly influences AEI.
Individual and Context Factors as Precedents of TPB
The literature emphasizes that academic entrepreneurial intention is a multilevel phenomenon,
determined by contextual and individual factors. Specifically, articles have been published based
on some intention models, and they also consider different antecedents that determine the AEI.
Thus, for example, about individual characteristics and AEI, some studies consider scientific
production (Goel et al., 2015; Prodan and Drnovsek, 2010) and creativity (Jain et al., 2009;
Miranda et al., 2017; Zampetakis et al., 2009) as factors that determine the attitude towards
entrepreneurship. Regarding context factors, the academic researcher's experience in the
productive sector (Erikson et al., 2015; Moog et al., 2015; Miranda et al., 2017; Prodan and
Drnovsek, 2010), the family environment (Foo et al., 2016), social and business networks
(Fernández-Pérez et al., 2015), the triple helix (Feola et al., 2017), institutional and organizational
barriers (Erikson et al., 2015; Guerrero and Urbano, 2014; Huyghe and Knockaert, 2015; Urban
and Chantson, 2017) significantly affect the AEI.
Starting from the TPB and according to the gaps opened by previous studies, to continue
analyzing the EI through a combination of the academics' individual factors and the region's
contextual factors (Foo et al., 2016; Miranda et al., 2017), the research model used in the present
study is shown in Fig. 1, the TPB is extended considering four antecedents predictors of the AE
construct: Creativity (CREA), perceived utility (UP), self-confidence (SELF), and business
experience (BE), as well as three antecedents of the PC: business experience (BE),
entrepreneurship training (ET) and business environment (ENV).
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Fig. 1. Research Model.
Creativity (CREA). It is an important component of individual cognitive processing, can be
defined as a personality trait that implies a willingness to pursue decisions or courses of action in
a new way, even when it entails uncertainty regarding the results of success or failure (Batool et
al., 2015). In the field of entrepreneurship, CREA at an individual level refers to the key element
at the beginning of the entrepreneurial process in which entrepreneurs can combine existing
resources, generate new ideas to start innovative businesses (Hu et al., 2018) or exploitation of
business opportunities (Zampetakis et al., 2011), that is to say, they have the ability of matching
information and knowledge to create new and valuable ideas (Shahab et al., 2018; Zhang and
Zhang, 2018). The results of several studies are not conclusive on CREA and EI in the academic
context. Shi et al. (2020) sustain that people with high CREA can maintain a positive attitude and
high self-confidence in entrepreneurial activities, and Miranda et al. (2017) argue that there is no
direct relationship between CREA and intention and propose an indirect connection through AE.
Therefore, we posit the following hypothesis:
H4: CREA significantly influences AE.
Utility (PU)
p (AE)
Intention (AEI)
Norm (SN)
Training (ET)
Intención Emprendedora Académica: un estudio a través de la Teoría del Comportamiento Planeado
Nº 26, Vol. 13 (2), 2021. ISSN 2007 0705, pp.: 1 27
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Perceived Utility (PU). According to Miranda et al. (2017), previous studies related to
entrepreneurship have offered models of expected utility to describe the factors that influence an
individual's choice to pursue a business career. The perception of economic benefits and the amount
of work effort anticipated to achieve them are important factors when deciding to become an
entrepreneur (Wu and Li, 2011). Against this background, the following hypothesis is:
H5: PU significantly influences AE.
Self-confidence (SELF). According to Ferreira et al. (2012), self-confidence (SELF) is identified
as one of the main antecedents of AE. Margahana (2019) argues that self-confidence allows
convincing others and improves individual motivation to achieve established goals. Specifically,
in the academic field, Miranda et al. (2017) suggests a direct relationship between SELF and the
attitude towards entrepreneurship. Consequently, the following hypothesis is:
H6: SELF significantly influences AE.
Business experience (BE). Several prior studies emphasized individual attributes, acquired from
education and industrial experience, are the most significant determinants in promoting academic
entrepreneurship activities (Wang et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2021). Academics with less experience
in the industry find it difficult to identify opportunities for commercialization of their research
results (Perkmann et al., 2013). In contrast, individuals who have had previous contact, through
their family or professionally, in the business sector have a positive perception of carrying out
entrepreneurial initiatives (D'Este and Perkmann, 2011; Prodan and Drnovsek, 2010). Miranda et
al. (2017) argues that the previous experience of academics with the business sector through
patents, collaborative research projects/contracts, and networks have a direct influence on their
Attitude towards entrepreneurship (AE) and Perceived Control (PC). Therefore, we posit the
following hypothesis:
H7a: Academic BE significantly influences AE.
H7b: Academic BE significantly influences PC.
Entrepreneurship Training (ET). Training and contact with entities that provide support to
entrepreneurs tend to favor the willingness to start a business (Miranda et al., 2017). Previous
studies show that the ET directly affects the PC because it allows access to entrepreneurs' resources
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and networks (Rauch and Hulsink, 2015). For their part, Rasmussen, and Wright (2015)
acknowledge that many academics lack the necessary skills to start a business since those skills are
very different from those they use in their academic life. There is little evidence of ET's impact on
the likelihood that academics will engage in entrepreneurship (Miranda et al., 2017). Against this
background, the following research hypothesis is proposed:
H8: The academic's ET significantly influences PC.
Business Environment (ENV). Various studies emphasize the importance of government policies
to support business activities in the region (incubators, science parks, economic incentives, among
others) and, particularly, government support mechanisms to encourage university academic
entrepreneurship, for example, seed capital for the spin-off (Davey et al., 2016; Fini and Toschi,
2015; Foo et al., 2016; Mustar and Wright, 2010). According to Miranda et al. (2017), the business
environment significantly affects the PC of academics in the process of creating a company.
Therefore, the following hypothesis is raised:
H9: ENV significantly influences the PC of academics.
Sample and data collection
For the fulfillment of the purpose of this research, to analyze the incidence of motivational
antecedents in the Academic Entrepreneurial Intention and the effect of individual factors and the
context on that antecedents, an empirical study was carried out at the Universidad Autónoma de
Sinaloa (UAS), located in northwestern Mexico, an educational institution that has considered in
its Institutional Development Plan (2017-2021) the interest in generating technology-based
companies through starting from the research results by academics and higher education students,
to multiply the link and technology transfer.
The random sample was made up of university academics from various faculties of
technical and social areas. It was surveyed in November 2019, distributed in person among
academics, or thru an online format. Concentrating a total of 172 responses obtained. Table 1
summarizes the sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents.
Intención Emprendedora Académica: un estudio a través de la Teoría del Comportamiento Planeado
Nº 26, Vol. 13 (2), 2021. ISSN 2007 0705, pp.: 1 27
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It should be noted that the sample size is appropriate for the study; it is above the specific
requirements for the analysis using the modeling of structural equations for latent variables used
in this research
Table 1. Demographic characteristics of the sample.
Standard Deviation
108 (62.8%)
64 (37.2%)
96 (55.8%)
76 (44.2%)
21 (12.2%)
Biotechnology & Agriculture
52 (30.2%)
21 (12.2%)
7 (4.1%)
34 (19.8%)
Social Science
37 (21.5%)
Previous studies related to entrepreneurial intention suggest the importance of considering how
motivational, individual, and contextual factors influence intention formation (Antonieli et al.,
2016; Knockaert et al., 2015). Thus, after analyzing contributions in the literature review to identify
how the variables that comply with content validity have been measured, the scale of Miranda et
al. (2017) was selected, which consists of 47 items obtained from previous studies.
The structure of items with the variables considered is as follow: Academic Entrepreneurial
Intention (4), Attitude towards Entrepreneurship (4), Subjective Norm (4), Perceived Control (8),
Creativity (5), Perceived Utility (5), Self-confidence (5), Business Experience (2),
The minimum sample size should be the result of multiplying by 10 the maximum number of arrows pointing to a
latent variable anywhere in the nomogram (Hair et al. 2016). Furthermore, the authors Hair et al. (2019) suggest that
the sample size is determined from the use of the statistical program G * Power to carry out a statistical power analysis
for different configurations of the model. Both requirements were fulfilled.
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Entrepreneurship Training (4) and Business Environment (6). The scale was measured on a 7-point
Likert-type scale, which assesses the degree of agreement for each of the item statements: total
disagrees (1) totally agree (7).
Data analysis
Data analysis was carried out using the multivariate Structural Equation Model technique, through
the Partial Least Squares approach (PLS-SEM), mainly due to the following reasons:
1) It is oriented to the prediction of unobservable variables (latent variables)
2) The proposed theoretical model is complex
3) Large number of different latent variables, but with multiple or cross-dependence, can combine
reflective and formative measures.
Therefore, the research model is analyzed and interpreted with the PLS-SEM approach,
following Hair et al. (2019):
1) Evaluation of the measurement model, with reflective indicators, each item's individual
reliability is analyzed, through factor loadings, scale reliability or internal consistency, convergent
validity, and discriminant validity of the constructs.
2) Evaluation of the structural model to assess the direct effect of the exogenous latent variables
on the endogenous latent variables. When evaluating the structural model, the relationships
between the constructs are considered, estimating the parameters in a way that maximizes the
explained variance of the latent or endogenous variables. The criteria to evaluate the structural
model were as follows: the variance of the construct (R2) was obtained
, the predictive relevance
of the model is validated through the Stone-Geisser Test (Q2), the percentage of explained variance
is obtained as the product of the coefficient path and the correlation coefficient, and finally, the
effect size (f2) of each exogenous variable in the endogenous construct is measured.
Subsequently, bootstrapping (5000 subsamples) is used to generate t statistics and confidence
intervals, which evaluates the statistical importance of the direct effects of the structural model that
allows determining the non-rejection of the hypotheses raised.
The model was estimated using SmartPLS 3.0 software (Ringer et al., 2015). For the significance
of the parameters, a value of p <0.05 was considered, as it is the value that most researchers choose
(Hair et al., 2016).
Adjusted R2 is considered as a criterion to avoid bias in the research model (Hair et al., 2019).
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Nº 26, Vol. 13 (2), 2021. ISSN 2007 0705, pp.: 1 27
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Measurement model
The evaluation of the measurement model for reliability and validity for reflective indicators,
considered the individual reliability adequate because all the indicators had loads greater than
0.706, with the exception of nine items that were subsequently excluded (see Table 2 for the final
list). Cronbach’s Alpha for each construct lay between 0.696 and 0.907, indicative of good
reliability and all the constructs comply with the composite reliability greater than 0.70. To assess
convergent validity, the average variance extracted (AVE) was examined; all latent variables reach
a value higher than 0.50.
Table 2. Measurement model evaluation.
Academic Entrepreneurial Intention (AEI)
I am determined to create a business in the future
I intend to commercialize the results of my research a spin-off
I would very much like to be an entrepreneur
Attitude toward Entrepreneurship (AE)
I find the idea of being an entrepreneur attractive
Given the opportunity and resources, I would like to create a spin-
off business
Being an entrepreneur would generate in me a feeling of great
I think if I decide to start a spin-off business then it would succeed
Subjetive Norm (SN)
My family would support me in my career as an entrepreneur
My friends see entrepreneurship as a logical option
The culture of my region encourages entrepreneurship
Most people in my region see entrepreneurship as very positive
Perceived Control (PC)
Recognize a business opportunity before others do
Make improvements to certain existing products on the market
Conduct market research for a new product
Design a marketing campaign for my products
Organize and maintain my business’s financial information
Manage relationships with my employees
Develop a strategic plan
Creativity (CREA)
I consider myself a very creative person
I like to start new projects, despite the risk of being wrong
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Perceived Utility (PU)
Being an entrepreneur would entail a very high degree of autonomy
The personal satisfaction from being an entrepreneur would be very
The quality of life that I would get from being an entrepreneur
would be very high
Self-confidence (SELF)
Whether or not a target is reached depends mainly on me and my
When I make plans, I am sure that they will come to fruition
Achieving what I want is the result of my own effort and personal
Business Experience (BE)
I have work experience in the private sector
I have experience as proprietor of another firm or other firms
Entrepreneurship Training (ET)
The hours of training in entrepreneurship I received during my
university studies were adequate
The hours of training in entrepreneurship I have received as part of
my university’s teaching and research staff training programs have
been sufficient
The hours of training in entrepreneurship I have received outside
the university have been sufficient
My university gives good training to its teaching and research staff
for them to develop their entrepreneurial potential
Business Environment (ENV)
It is easy to obtain a bank loan to start a business
It is easy to find investors for a new business
There are enough grants and subsidies to create businesses
There are sufficient consulting firms that can help start up a
The country’s economic situation will improve notably in the
coming years
The conditions for entrepreneurs will improve notably in the
coming years
In regard to discriminant validity, allows us to assess that each latent variable is different from
other constructs in the model. According to the Fornell-Larcker criterion, each construct's diagonal
indices is the square root of the average variance extracted (AVE) and must be the highest in any
column or row (Table 3). In addition, in Table 4, heterotrait-monotrait (HTMT) ratio was
considered, to estimate whether the monotrait-heteromethod correlations (correlations between the
indicators that measure the same construct) are greater than the heterotrait-heteromethod
(correlations between the indicators that measure different constructs), there will be discriminant
validity. Thus, the HTMT ratio is considered conservative at a value of 0.85, while values higher
than 0.90 suggest lack of discriminant validity (Hair et al., 2019). In this case, there is only one
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value close to this critical point, HTMT in AEI-AE = 0.900, this is due to the high correlation
between the two variables.
Table 3. Discriminant Validity. Fornell-Larcker criterion.
* Denote a significant at p < 0.05.
Table 4. Discriminant Validity. Heterotrait-Monotrait ratio (HTMT).
Structural model
Fig. 2 and Table 5 show the results of the evaluation of the structural model. In general, ranges of
values obtained from adjusted R2 (0 to 1) and Q2 (greater than 0) indicate a high predictive precision
of the model proposed in this research. The variance of the Academic Entrepreneurial Intention
construct explained by this model is 57.6%, of which PC contributes 13.96%, SN is not significant,
and AE is the construct that most contributes to explaining the AEI with 44.61%. For the AE
construct, the value of R2 is 56.2%, mainly described by PU with 33.21%, CREA contributes
13.83%, and BE contributes 9.46%. SELF and SN do not contribute to the variance of AE.
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Regarding PC, the value of the variance is 27.5%, explained in a more significant proportion by
SN with 13.65%, BE with 8%, ET with 6.10%, and ENV not significant.
In particular, the bootstrap technique shows that 7 of the 12 direct effects on endogenous o
independent variables are significant. Thus, AE (β = 0.607; t = 10.03; p <0.05) and PC (β = 0.248;
t = 3.329; p <0.05) positively and significantly influence the AEI, otherwise the SN, which only
shows a positive relationship and significant in the PC (β = 0.30; t = 3.683; p> 0.05).It should be
noted that the values obtained from f2 allow us to ratify that AE emerges as the most important
antecedent in AEI; it has a strong and significant effect, whereas PC is significant, but with a small
effect on intention and SN does not have a direct effect on the AEI.
Regarding the direct relationships of the individual factors that precede the AE construct,
only PU (β = 0.504; t = 7.434; p <0.05), CREA (β = 0.298; t = 4.503; p <0.05) and BE (β = 0.208;
t = 3.436; p <0.05) are the significant variables with large, moderate, and small direct effect,
respectively. In reference, to the contextual factors that precede the PC construct, BE (β = 0.217; t
= 2.803; p <0.05) and ET (β = 0.165; t = 2.415; p <0.05) are significant, but with a small effect.
Fig. 2. Results of the structural model.
The values, in the arrows, indicate the beta coefficients and, in parentheses, the explained variance
* Denotes a significant direct effect at p < 0.05.
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Table 5. Result of the Structure Model.
Effect β
P Value
The structural model of the research shows a 57.6% explanation of the variance of AEI. This
percentage is higher than those obtained by previous studies academic entrepreneurship between
35 and 50% (Alonso-Galicia et al., 2015; Feola et al., 2017; Fernández-Pérez et al., 2014).
Regarding the motivational factors (AE, SN, and PC) that directly precede the AEI, the
results obtained show that the AE presents a positive and significant relationship with a greater
influence on the intention to become an entrepreneur. On the other hand, PC has a significant
impact, but with a small effect. However, SN does not significantly affect AEI or AE; it only
significantly affects PC. This agrees with previous research supports that in non-business
environments such as universities, it is the characteristics of the academic, his positive attitude
towards generating spin-off companies, has a more significant influence on intention, in contrast
to formal factors such as institutional or organizational support measures (Guerrero et al., 2016;
Miranda et al., 2017; Urban and Chantson, 2017).
However, regarding AE's dominant influence as an antecedent of intention, the present
study's findings reveal a significant but weak relationship between PC in AEI. This contrasts with
previous research, in which they find the PC not significant (Miranda et al., 2017; Piperopoulos
and Dimov, 2015) and with those that find that the PC is the main determinant of intentions, where
AE and SN act as support (Feola et al., 2017). An explanation for this result could be found in the
characteristics of the sample of academic researchers, who consider that with the more significant
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human capital, they could develop the skills and abilities necessary to start a business when the
time comes. The PC will be more influential when initiating entrepreneurial behavior and not when
the business intention is formed (Kautonen et al., 2015).
Regarding the SN, that is, the perception by family, friends, and co-workers that the
academic decides to become an entrepreneur, the results show that it does not directly influence
the AEI, only indirectly with a small effect through the PC. This finding agrees with previous
studies that support that SN tends to vary according to culture or environment (Liñan et al., 2011),
in Latin America and the Anglo-Saxon region, both the success or failure of business activities are
viewed and judged from differently, for example, when the academic knows a colleague who has
started a spin-off and has a positive experience, it will positively influence the SN and PC;
otherwise, if they have had an experience of failure to become an entrepreneur, it may not
negatively affect any antecedent of the intention but be significant because the individual considers
that the experience, even when it was negative, has served to acquire knowledge (Passaro et al.,
2017; Sieger and Monsen, 2015).
Concerning the individual factors that precede AE, they are CREA, PU, and BE, which
positively and significantly affect the academic attitude towards entrepreneurship. This is in line
with the results obtained with Miranda et al. (2017), who argue that, in the academic field, it is
necessary to encourage entrepreneurial activities as a mechanism to transfer technology and, to be
considered together with teaching and research, with the same recognition by the educational
On the other hand, the contextual factors that precede the PC are BE and ET, presenting a
positive and significant direct effect. According to the theory, it sustains that the academic who has
experience in the business sector, whether due to having developed a spin-off or for research
reasons, had a link with the industry, will have a PC to carry out entrepreneurial activities. Besides,
together with entrepreneurship training for academics and students, it will allow the development
of skills that favor university spin-offs. (Bienkowska et al., 2016; Perkman et al., 2013; Rasmussen
and Wright, 2015).
Starting from the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), the present study had as objectives: to
analyze the incidence of motivational antecedents (attitude, subjective norm, and perceived
Intención Emprendedora Académica: un estudio a través de la Teoría del Comportamiento Planeado
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Control) on Academic Entrepreneurial Intention and to examine the effect of individual factors and
context in the background of the AEI; with the idea of contributing to the open gaps of investigating
the determinants of the intention to create an academic spin-off.
Thus, our research's empirical sample was made up of academics from the Universidad Autónoma
de Sinaloa, a public institution that shows interest in creating science-based companies. The results
obtained provide predictive evidence of unobservable variables that influence the formation of
intention in the academic environment.
Based on the methodology used, PLS-SEM, the following results were obtained:
1) With respect to motivational antecedents in the intention, our analysis showed that the
Attitude towards Entrepreneurship is the variable with the most significant influence on the
formation of the Academic Entrepreneurial Intention.
2) In regard to the individual factors with the most significant effect on Attitude are the
Perceived Utility by the academic, the perception of economic benefit, amount of
anticipated work effort, among others, to achieve utility are essential factors when deciding
to become an entrepreneur.
3) Likewise, the Creativity and the Business Experience of the academic, with a moderate and
small effect, respectively, affect the attitude towards entrepreneurship.
This research contains academic implications, the proposed theoretical model allows in general,
contributing to the study of Entrepreneurial Intentions and, in particular, intentions among
university academics. The incorporation of new theoretical perspectives to the study of
entrepreneurial intention allows to continue with the individual analysis with different approaches;
for example, integrating the cognitive aspects of the TPB and the elements of the Triple Helix
(government, industry, academia) can contribute to the sustenance of the determinants of the
formation of the AEI. In the same way, considering theoretical approaches proven in organizational
studies, such as the resource-based approach to the company or the theory of social networks, can
provide excellent foundations to understand how to encourage entrepreneurial intention in the
academic environment.
Regarding the practical implications of the study, due to the importance of the transfer of
university technology to generate competitive advantage, economic and social development in the
region, and considering the relevant role of the individual in the entrepreneurial process, it is useful
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that the university authorities know the factors that allow promoting entrepreneurship activities, in
particular, the creation of academic spin-offs.
In this sense, some university environment agents' support is essential, such as technology
transfer offices, science, and technology parks, in the training of academics to develop their
creativity and identify business opportunities in the research results, which can favor the attitude
and perceived control towards entrepreneurship.
In the same direction, the empirical results show the need to promote a university culture
that favors academic entrepreneurship, providing support through tangible and intangible
resources. Specifically, the findings indicate that utility perceived by the academics of Universidad
Autónoma de Sinaloa is a significant factor in having a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship;
therefore, the university must establish specific regulations for innovation, linkage, and
entrepreneurship; for example, prevention and treatment of conflict of interest between the
academic and the institution, regarding the participation of royalties and incentives when
participating in entrepreneurial activities, particularly in creating spin-offs.
Our study has some limitations that suggest gaps for future lines of research. Only the direct
effects between the individual, contextual and motivational factors that precede the IEA have been
analyzed; future studies towards identifying new relationships between the determining factors and
the intention may consider the moderating effect of the academic's personal and professional
characteristics. Besides, carry out a longitudinal study that allows analyzing factors that affect the
link or "bridge" from entrepreneurial intention to the subsequent entrepreneurial behavior. Finally,
considering results obtained can only be generalized to the sample studied, it is convenient to
extend the study with a more significant number of universities that allow comparisons in different
university settings, considering institutions that already have success stories in academic spin-offs
with null or low academic entrepreneurship.
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... Positive or negative perceptions of beliefs and opinions about something [16]. A positive attitude towards entrepreneurship is formed when the individual perceives it as desirable and with benefits derived from it [39]. Several studies have contrasted the positive influence of attitude on entrepreneurial intention [39,40]. ...
... A positive attitude towards entrepreneurship is formed when the individual perceives it as desirable and with benefits derived from it [39]. Several studies have contrasted the positive influence of attitude on entrepreneurial intention [39,40]. Therefore, the following hypothesis is presented: ...
... Regarding the structural model, the adjusted R 2 , which measures the degree to which the latent variables explain the behavior (variability) of the variable to be explained, takes the value of 0.566 for the variable "Entrepreneurial intention"," which is acceptable in these types of social science research. For interpretation, it should be noted that [24,26,27,29] Attitude towards entrepreneurship [16,39] Subjective standards [16,41,42] Perceived behavioral control [16,21,24] Capabilities [24] closer it is to 1, the better the fit of the model. In addition, the model does not present collinearity problems as the values of the variance inflation factors (VIF) are notably lower than 5, which is the upper limit commonly proposed in the literature (Table $$3). ...
Full-text available
Entrepreneurial universities have emerged to promote entrepreneurial intention and increase business success among young people. An entrepreneurial intention study has been carried out with the aim of determining the effectiveness of current entrepreneurship programs and the influence of entrepreneurial education on entrepreneurial intention. The methodology used for statistical analysis of the data collected by a survey is Structural Equation Modeling. Results show that entrepreneurship education does not have a positive and significant relationship with entrepreneurial intention and its antecedents, reflecting the lack of effectiveness of entrepreneurship programs offered in Madrid universities. Futhermore, it has been empirically demonstrated that subjective norms, entrepreneurial capabilities, and perceived control are positively related to the entrepreneurial intention of university students. It is recommended to establish relationships with external companies and organize conferences, talks, and presentations to improve the image of entrepreneurs. It is also worth noting the establishment of relationships with environmental agents such as business incubators and scientific parks, to develop the creativity of university students and improve their ability to identify business opportunities, as well as to play a supportive and motivational role so that young people can put their entrepreneurial idea into practice.
... Many researchers have found a positive relationship between attitude and entrepreneurial intentions (Entrialgo & Iglesias, 2016;Heydari et al., 2020;Lingappa et al., 2020;Shah et al., 2020;Terán-Pérez et al., 2021). Attitude towards a behaviour refers to how a person positively or negatively evaluates the behaviour in question (Ajzen, 1991). ...
Full-text available
This study aims to assess the impacts of three components from Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) on Entrepreneurial intention and analyze the mediating effects of these three components in the relationship between Entrepreneurial education and Entrepreneurial intention and in the relationship between Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial intention among engineering students. Data were collected via a structured questionnaire from engineering students at Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. The methodology employed Structural Equation Modelling Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) using SmartPLS (version 3.3.3) to assess the relationship among variables. Findings confirm the directly positive relationship between Attitude toward entrepreneurship, Perceived behaviour control and Subjective norms on engineering student’s entrepreneurial intention. These three components of TPB mediate the relationship between Entrepreneurial education, Self-Efficay and engineering student’s entrepreneurial intention. This study contributes toward the understanding of engineering student’s entrepreneurial intention in Vietnam as an emerging market in Asia. The mediating effects of three components of TPB have been systematically investigated and the indirect roles of Entrepreneurial education and Self-Efficay have been validated by applying employed Structural Equation Modelling Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS). Managerial implications are discussed to promote engineering student’s entrepreneurial intention in Vietnam. Higher education leaders and policymakers can utilise the findings to construct the initiatives of entrepreneurship development and their implementation for engineering students.
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El Modelo Conceptual Integrado, basado en la Teoría del Comportamiento Planificado, se convierte en la guía rectora para predecir la intención de comportamiento emprendedor. El objetivo fue utilizar los modelos propuestos para predecir la variable dependiente Intención de Emprender (IBE). El método de la investigación fue por medio de una estrategia de modelado de tres etapas, las dimensiones probadas y sus capacidades reflexivas fueron evaluadas con el método estadístico de segunda generación de Modelado de Ecuaciones Estructurales. En general, los modelos replican el CB-SEM y el PLS-SEM propuestos originalmente. Los resultados confirman la consistencia interna y las capacidades predictivas de todos los modelos y la mayoría de las variables independientes. Los hallazgos sugieren que el modelo debe continuar la replicación a través de diferentes muestras para la generalización. La originalidad avanza en el hecho de que hay poca o ninguna evaluación de los modelos dentro de los sujetos latinoamericanos, y mucho menos utilizando el análisis SEM. Las limitaciones incluyen las capacidades de análisis ya que los modelos se vuelven complicados y la adición de la operacionalización de los esfuerzos universitarios variables.
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The objective of this paper is to obtain the impact of the components of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) on the entrepreneurial intention of university students. Using a sample of 336 students from a Technological University in the State of Puebla, México, we calculate four components of Planned Behavior that measure Attitude (AT), Subjective and Social Norms (SSN), Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC), and Attraction to Entrepreneurship (AE). We apply four methodologies to obtain the impact of the treatment of obtaining high scores in the TPB on entrepreneurial intention, using as identification assumption that individuals cannot control the intensity of the score they achieve. Our results show that the PBC is the most important element of TPB in predicting entrepreneurship intentions. The main limitation is that our results apply only for university students in Puebla, Mexico. Our main contribution is the obtention of TPB’s causal impact.
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Mục đích của nghiên cứu này nhằm phân tích các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến ý định khởi nghiệp của sinh viên ngành kỹ thuật trường Đại học Công nghiệp Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (IUH). Số lượng mẫu nghiên cứu là 404 sinh viên từ 06 khoa chuyên ngành kỹ thuật và công nghệ; khảo sát được thực hiện thông qua bảng câu hỏi trực tuyến. Nhóm tác giả tiến hành phân tích cấu trúc tuyến tính PLS-SEM bằng phần mềm SmartPLS 3.0, Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy Thái độ đối với hành vi khởi nghiệp, Kiểm soát nhận thức hành vi, Chuẩn mực chủ quan tác động trực tiếp đến ý định khởi nghiệp và 3 nhân tố này là trung gian trong mối quan hệ giữa Giáo dục khởi nghiệp và Ý định khởi nghiệp. Từ kết quả nghiên cứu, nhóm tác giả đề xuất các hàm ý quản trị để thúc đẩy ý định khởi nghiệp của sinh viên ngành kỹ thuật tại trường đại học Công Nghiệp Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.
The objective of this study is to empirically examine African academics' entrepreneurial resources and engagement using a leading Nigerian university in order to evaluate the speculation that African academics lack entrepreneurial capabilities to engage in knowledge discovery and commercialisation, as well as to develop an understanding of the entrepreneurship gap in African universities. A cross-sectional survey and validated scales were used to collect data from 298 randomly selected academics from the university's 79 departments and 12 faculties. Descriptive and inferential analyses using mean scores and standard deviations of academics on the study variables, as well as regression analysis, were conducted to test the hypotheses. Contrary to expectations, academics have the necessary entrepreneurial resources to engage in entrepreneurial activities, but as speculated, the level of their entrepreneurial engagement is low. The study adds to the body of knowledge on academic entrepreneurship and makes recommendations to improve African academic entrepreneurial engagement. The limitations of the study and future research directions were discussed.
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The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between identity centrality and entrepreneurial intention. Based on a survey of 275 academic scientists from 14 Chinese universities, the results show that entrepreneurial identity centrality positively influences the intention to engage in research commercialisation activities, such as spin-off creation, patenting and licensing, contracting research and consulting. We also found that the conflict between entrepreneurial and scientific identity centrality is less problematic than expected in the literature. In fact, the interaction between both identity centralities strengthens academics scientists’ intention to involve in academic entrepreneurship. Concerning the influence of institutional factor on academic entrepreneurship, the finding confirms that university entrepreneurial mission moderates the relationship between both identity centralities and the intention to establish spin-offs. Finally, this paper provides insights for academic entrepreneurship in China and practical recommendation for policy makers.
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Purpose – This research intends to contribute to the literature of entrepreneurial intentions through determining the factors impacting the entrepreneurial intentions among students in different academic programs. This is in order to enhance and improve entrepreneurship-related procedures within relevant universities. Design/methodology/approach – The study was conducted by a structured survey questionnaire on 261 students in the University of Hail. The questionnaire was developed based on previous studies. The proposed hypotheses were tested by the use of the structured equation modeling (SEM) via using Amos software. Findings – The results of the current study support the theoretical integration of the model as most of the hypotheses have been accepted. The results of the survey also show that attitudes toward behavior, selfefficacy, autonomy, risk-taking, pro-activeness and competitive aggressiveness are expressively related with entrepreneurial intention. Yet, social norms and innovativeness are not considerably connected with entrepreneurial intention. Research limitations/implications – This study seeks to contribute to the relevant literature by integrating the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the entrepreneurial orientation model (EO). This is in order to identify the factors impacting the intention of entrepreneurship among Saudi university students. As the case in many studies, this present study has some limitations. The main limitation lies in that it would not be possible to generalize the study’s findings. This is due to the fact the research is the outcome of examining and studying one Saudi university. Therefore, it would be better to conduct similar studies in other Saudi universities in order to generalize the findings of the study. Practical implications – The study’s results could be of value to policymakers and university administrators in Saudi Arabia universities by which they could be enabled to allocate resources, develop strategies and provide all requirements for the sake of improving entrepreneurial skills among university students. This comprehensive model can be used as a tool for planning and prioritizing resources in bid for providing the required support as this support would reinforce the entrepreneurial opportunity of university students. As such, students would have better thinking about entrepreneurial work and thus would be assisted in achieving their professional goals and the broader goal of nation building. Originality/value – Since today’s youth are viewed as the potential future entrepreneurs, they should be encouraged to achieve the Saudi Kingdom’s goals through creating suitable employment opportunities for them by supporting entrepreneurship. Therefore, pointing out the factors impacting the entrepreneurial intention of students will contribute to developing the field of entrepreneurship among young people in Saudi Arabic in general. In addition, realized outcomes would create an exciting new knowledge with regard to the entrepreneurial intention among the youth at the university level.
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Cultivating students’ creativity in entrepreneurship education at the college and university level is a key facet of entrepreneurship education in encouraging innovation in students. In this study, the influence of creativity, self-efficacy, entrepreneurial attitude, perceived control, and subjective norms, on students’ entrepreneurial intention were examined through a moderated model based on Ajzen’s (1985) Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). A questionnaire survey was used to obtain the data from 523 students from different universities in China’s Zhejiang province. SPSS 20.0 was used to conduct descriptive analysis and exploratory analysis of the data, and Amos 22.0 was used to conduct confirmatory factor analysis. The research concluded that creativity has a significant impact on entrepreneurial intention; entrepreneurial self-efficacy has a marked effect on perceived behavior control; and perceived behavioral control, subjective norms and entrepreneurial attitude all significantly affect entrepreneurial intention. Finally, creativity has a significant moderating effect on the roles of perceived behavioral control and subjective norms on entrepreneurial intention, but not on the attitude to entrepreneurship. These results suggest that entrepreneurship education should focus on the cultivation of students’ creativity and entrepreneurial efficacy, while encouraging their entrepreneurial intention as well as developing their entrepreneurial skills and mindset.
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The aim of this study is examine the entrepreneurial intention model and analyze the influence of education, role model, self-efficacy, self-personality, self-confidence on entrepreneurial intention. The contribution of this study is increasing knowledge about the intentions of young entrepreneurs in developing countries. The study uses questionnaire survey with the respondents of young entrepreneurs who aged 20-30 years and have just started their business. The data analyzed are 200 respondents with 22 question items. The data is analyzed by two step approach to SEM and the direct effects were observed from standardized regression weights. The result shows that the entrepreneurial intention model is accepted. Furthermore, it also shows that education and role models influence self-efficacy. While self-efficacy, self-personality and self-confidence influence entrepreneurial intention.
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Purpose This paper provides a comprehensive, yet concise, overview of the considerations and metrics required for PLS-SEM analysis and result reporting. Preliminary considerations are summarized first, including reasons for choosing PLS-SEM, recommended sample size in selected contexts, distributional assumptions, use of secondary data, statistical power, and the need for goodness-of-fit testing. Next, the metrics, as well as the rules of thumb, that should be applied to assess the PLS-SEM results are covered. Besides covering established PLS-SEM evaluation criteria, the overview includes new guidelines for applying (1) PLSpredict, a novel approach for assessing a model’s out-of-sample prediction, (2) metrics for model comparisons, and (3) several complementary methods for checking the results’ robustness. Design/methodology/approach This paper provides an overview of previously and recently proposed metrics, as well as rules of thumb, for evaluating the results of research, based on the application of PLS-SEM. Findings Most of the previously applied metrics for evaluating PLS-SEM results are still relevant, but scholars need to be knowledgeable about recently proposed metrics (e.g., model comparison criteria) and methods (e.g., endogeneity assessment, latent class analyses, PLSpredict) and when and how to apply them. Research limitations/implications Methodological developments associated with PLS-SEM are rapidly emerging. The metrics reported in this paper are useful for current applications, but scholars need to continuously seek the latest developments in the PLS-SEM method. Originality/value In light of more recent research and methodological developments in the PLS-SEM domain, guidelines for the method’s use need to be continuously extended and updated. This paper is the most current and comprehensive summary of the PLS-SEM method and the metrics applied to assess its solutions.
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The present study endeavors to develop a deeper understanding of the motivational processes involved in intentional entrepreneurial behavior. For this purpose, it integrates the social cognitive approach of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the organismic theory of motivation of self-determination theory (SDT). More specifically, it tests the role of basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness as defined in SDT in shaping university students’ attitudes and intentions toward entrepreneurship. The sample of this study consisted of 438 (Males = 166, Females =272) 3rd and 4th year university students from four Malaysian Public Universities. The results of the study show that the model strongly explains about 71% of the variance in entrepreneurial intention. Basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness have a strong indirect impact on entrepreneurial intention via their attitudinal antecedents: attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. This indicates a full-mediational model, where the attitudinal factors operated as transmitters of effects from the distal constructs of SDT on entrepreneurial intention. These findings confirm that both SDT and the TPB provide complementary explanations of the motivational processes of entrepreneurial behavior. The study contributes to the existing knowledge by providing a theory-based understanding of the role of motivations in the formation of entrepreneurial intentions. It opens the way for future research to analyze how alternative motivations may affect new venture creation, survival and success.
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This study examines the extent to which entrepreneurial alertness mediates the effects of students’ proactive personalities and creativity on entrepreneurial intention. Drawing on a field survey of 735 Chinese undergraduates at 26 universities, this study provides evidence for the argument that entrepreneurial alertness has a fully mediation effect on the relationship between creativity, a proactive personality, and entrepreneurial intention. The findings shed light on the mechanisms that underpin entrepreneurial alertness and contribute to the literature on key elements of the entrepreneurial process.
Drawing on the theory of complexity, the purpose of current research is to utilise fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fs-QCA) to explore how casual configurations of academic scientists’ human capital– scientific output, previous commercialisation experience, as well as institutional context, such as organisational scientific reputation, disciplines, entrepreneurial support and culture, lead to high individual intention in engaging in spin-off creations, patenting, licensing, contract research and consulting activities. Based on the samples in Chinese higher education organisations, the results revealed no single individual and institutional determinants alone are necessary to produce high academic entrepreneurial intention, while various configurations of these determinants will contribute to enhance academic entrepreneurial intention complementarily. Additionally, the findings also suggest significant divergence of different individual and institutional factors in explaining various commercialisation activities. These findings will provide theoretical insights for academic entrepreneurship literature and also add practical recommendations for policy makers.
Before there can be entrepreneurship there must be the potential for entrepreneurship, whether in a community seeking to develop or in a large organization seeking to innovate. Entrepreneurial potential, however, requires potential entrepreneurs. This paper discusses antecedents of such potential and proposes a model based on Shapero's (1982) model of the entrepreneurial event. We then discuss this model in light of supporting evidence from two different perspectives, corporate venturing and enterprise development.
Upon graduation, students make the decision to either become an entrepreneur or an employee. Numerous studies have thus investigated personal and environmental factors that impact this decision. As cognitive styles have become more and more important in determining individual and organisational behaviour, and as they are presumed to provide new valuable insights over and above other personal factors, they provide the ideal focus to further explore this career choice. In this article, we aim to explore how creating, planning, and knowing cognitive style relate to entrepreneurial attitudes, intentions, and career choices. Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour, in a first sample, we investigate the direct and indirect impact that cognitive styles have on entrepreneurial intention through attitudes. In our second sample, we look at how career preferences for entrepreneurship or a more traditional career as an employee are affected by cognitive styles. Using structural equation modelling analysis, this study finds evidence for the importance of creating cognitive style on entrepreneurial outcomes. Additionally, we find evidence for the relationship between planning cognitive style and wanting to be an employee. Knowing style does not lead to either preference. This paper extends the current knowledge on cognitive styles and entrepreneurship by analysing the impact of other cognitive styles than the predominantly used innovative styles and by also exploring its impact on important antecedents of entrepreneurial intentions, such as entrepreneurial attitude and career preferences.