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A Case of Belatacept-Induced Chilblains Lupus

A case of belatacept-induced chilblain lupus
Neha Kinariwalla, MPhil,
Meera Tarazi, MD,
Jesse M. Lewin, MD,
Sameera Husain, MD,
Syed A. Husain, MD,
and Stephanie M. Gallitano, MD
New York, New York
Key words: belatacept; chilblains systemic lupus erythematous; immunosuppression; kidney transplant.
Chilblain lupus erythematosus (CHLE) is a rare
form of chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus
characterized by purple plaques/nodules and edem-
atous skin, mainly around the acral regions of the
body. The familial form is due to a heterozygous
mutation in the TREX1 gene, a widely expressed
gene that encodes 39to 59exonuclease to remove
unneeded fragments that may form during DNA
replication and has also been found to be implicated
in immune regulation and viral infection.
The spo-
radic form remains with unknown etiopathogenesis.
Drug-induced chilblain lupus is rare and has previ-
ously been reported predominantly in patients on
tumor necrosis factor inhibitors and abatacept.
herein report a case of a man with a recent renal
transplant who was started on belatacept and sub-
sequently developed CHLE. The rash resolved with
the discontinuation of the medication.
A 60-yeareold man with a history of Crohn’s
disease and end-stage renal disease due to enteric
oxalosis underwent uncomplicated living donor
kidney transplantation with thymoglobulin and
methylprednisolone induction. He was initially
treated with tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil
maintenance immunosuppression, but the myco-
phenolate mofetil was replaced with azathioprine
one week after the transplant due to persistent
diarrhea. Because of the worsening of the diarrhea,
induction dosing of belatacept 10 mg/kg was initi-
ated 2 months posttransplant, with reduced-dose
azathioprine and tacrolimus (he was previously
intolerant to maintenance corticosteroids).
One month after belatacept initiation, in the
autumn, he developed an eruption, which began
as a ‘‘blister’’ on the left second toe and continued to
spread to other toes. The patient noted a burning
sensation, especially at nighttime, when he was
unable to warm his feet despite the use of socks.
Other than his immunosuppression changes
mentioned earlier, he had had no other changes in
his medication regimen since the transplant. The
regimen included atovaquone, gabapentin, omepra-
zole, tamsulosin, nystatin, and valganciclovir.
On physical examination, he was noted to have
blanching red-purple erythematous toes with over-
lying scale (Fig 1). Serology showed negative anti-
nuclear antibodies, anti-RNA, and anti-Smith
antibodies. His C3 and C4 levels were within normal
limits. COVID-19 serologies were negative. A skin
biopsy performed on the right third toe revealed a
mild perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate, conspicu-
ous interface change with vacuolar alteration of the
basal layer, and singly scattered necrotic keratino-
cytes in the lower epidermis (Fig 2,Aand B). A
colloidal iron stain (Fig 2,C) highlighted the
increased amount of mucin in the interstitial dermis.
Abbreviations used:
CHLE: chilblain lupus erythematosus
CTLA-4: cytotoxic T-lymphocyteeassociated an-
tigen 4
SCLE: subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
From the Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and
Surgeons, New York
; Department of Dermatology, Columbia
University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, New
; The Kimberly and Eric J. Waldman Department of
Dermatology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New
; Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology,
Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Sur-
geons, New York.
Funding sources: None.
IRB approval status: Not applicable.
Correspondence to: Neha Kinariwalla, MPhil, Columbia University
Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, 161 Fort
Washington Avenue, Herbert Irving Pavilion, 12th Floor, New
York, NY 10032. E-mail:
JAAD Case Reports 2022;21:112-5.
Ó2022 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Published
by Elsevier, Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (
Direct immunofluorescence was declined by the
patient. Based on the above findings, the patient
was diagnosed with CHLE, possibly caused
by belatacept. The patient was started on hydroxy-
chloroquine 200 mg twice daily for 2 months and
0.05% betamethasone dipropionate ointment.
Furthermore, conservative measures were taken,
including keeping the toes warm with socks, with
initial improvement in the symptoms. However, the
rash returned after hydroxychloroquine discontinu-
ation 2 months later. Other therapies, such as
nifedipine, were contraindicated. Belatacept was,
therefore, discontinued, resulting in the total, sus-
tained resolution of symptoms (Fig 3,Ato B).
Belatacept, a second-generation fusion protein
that is composed of the fragment crystallizable
region of human IgG1, linked to the extracellular
domain of cytotoxic T-lymphocyteeassociated anti-
gen 4 (CTLA-4), and inhibits the CD28-CD80/86
pathway, is the first fusion protein approved by the
Food & Drug Administration for use in transplanta-
tion and the first biologic agent to be incorporated
into standard transplantation maintenance immuno-
suppression protocols.
This fusion protein inhibits
T-cell activation by blocking costimulatory signals
from antigen-presenting cells while avoiding both
the renal and nonrenal toxicities associated with
calcineurin inhibitors.
Belatacept was developed to
be a higher-avidity variant of abatacept through 2
amino acid substitutions, CD80 and CD86, because
abatacept does not sufficiently inhibit alloreactivity
in pancreatic and kidney transplants.
Herein, we present a case of belatacept-associated
CHLE. CHLE is a rare form of cutaneous lupus
erythematosus that is typically triggered by cold
exposure, leading to ulceration. A set of diagnostic
criteria have been proposed by the Mayo Clinic
include 2 major criteria of (1) skin lesions of the acral
sites induced by exposure to cold or a drop in
temperature and (2) evidence of lupus erythemato-
sus in the skin lesions as determined by histopath-
ologic examination or direct immunofluorescence.
The 3 minor criteria include the following: (1)
coexistence of systemic lupus erythematosus or
other skin lesions of discoid lupus erythematosus,
(2) response to antilupus therapy, and (3) negative
cryoglobulin and cold agglutinin studies. Both major
criteria and 1 minor criterion are needed to diagnose
CHLE. The reported patient fulfilled both major
criteria and showed a response to antilupus therapy,
with marked improvement in the skin lesions using a
regimen of hydroxychloroquine and topical steroids.
Further evidence of belatacept as the causative agent
include the onset of the rash approximately one
month after belatacept initiation, recurrence of the
rash until belatacept was discontinued, and perma-
nent resolution after belatacept cessation despite the
withdrawal of hydroxychloroquine. The onset and
resolution of drug-induced cutaneous lupus can vary
widely. The duration between drug exposure and
the onset of skin lesions ranges from 3 days to
10 years, and the resolution time after withdrawal of
medication ranges between 1 week and 1 year.
The pathogenesis of sporadic CHLE is not well
understood, but is thought to be due to vasocon-
striction or microvascular injury provoked by the
cold. A type 1 interferon response may be pro-
voked locally, leading to cutaneous findings.
induced chilblain lupus is rare and predominantly
reported in patients on tumor necrosis factor in-
Although there have not been reports of
belatacept-induced lupus, there have been 3 prior
reports on abatacept, belatacept’s parent com-
pound, causing drug-induced subacute cutaneous
lupus erythematosus (SCLE) and 1 report on sys-
temic lupus erythematosus with membranous ne-
phropathy associated with abatacept.
In all of
these cases, as with our patient, a longstanding
history of autoimmune disease preceded the initi-
ation of the costimulatory blockade. Each case of
SCLE resolved after abatacept discontinuation,
though the case of systemic lupus erythematosus
did not. Although the putative mechanism of the
development of SCLE is not certain, a proposed
pathogenesis is the development of antibodies to
the CTLA-4 portion of the abatacept molecule,
which subsequently interfere with the CTLA-4 an-
tigen on T-regulatory cells, inducing SCLE or other
Fig 1. Erythematous patches of the toes with edema and
some overlying scale.
Kinariwalla et al 113
autoimmune syndromes.
However, the resolution
of cutaneous lesions in our patient and prior cases
of abatacept-associated SCLE after the discontinua-
tion of costimulatory blockade call this proposed
mechanism into question, given that we may not
necessarily expect the rapid disappearance of
antieCTLA-4 antibodies. We hope this report en-
courages further investigation into these reactions
and the potential role of the CTLA-4/CD28-CD80/86
pathway in triggering de novo autoimmune disease.
Given that this complication may occur in an
existing autoimmune milieu, further studies are
needed to better identify the risk factors for CHLE
induced by belatacept.
Conflicts of interest
None disclosed.
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Fig 3. Resolution of lesions after discontinuation of belatacept on the (A) left foot and (B) right
Fig 2. Punch biopsy from dorsal right third toe. A, B, Hematoxylin-eosin stains (original
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prominent interface change with vacuolar alteration of the basal layer and singly scattered
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MARCH 2022
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Kinariwalla et al 115
... Belatacept was shown to have superior renal function and similar 12-month patient and graft survival to cyclosporine [7]. However, trial data also showed increased acute cellular rejection within the first-year post-transplant [8], with other reports linking CTLA-4 inhibitors with new onset psoriasis [9] and chilblain lupus [10]. Though the exact mechanisms behind these pro-inflammatory phenomena remain unknown, several theories may explain the reactivation of AAV in our patient, and formed the basis for conversion to tacrolimus, without subsequent AAV recurrence. ...
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Post-transplant recurrence of ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV) is infrequent, with recurrence within weeks of transplantation being even rarer. We describe an unusual case of AAV recurrence within 2 weeks post-transplant. Our patient received a deceased donor kidney transplant (KDPI 60%) after 6 years on hemodialysis for end-stage renal disease from AAV. She was induced with thymoglobulin and steroids, and maintained on belatacept, mycophenolate and prednisone. Time-zero biopsy showed acute tubular injury. Due to persistent delayed graft function by post-operative day 14, she underwent repeat biopsy, which showed focal segmental necrotizing and crescentic glomerulonephritis, with positive MPO, PR3 and negative anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies. As her findings were in keeping with recurrent AAV, she underwent induction with rituximab, prednisone and intravenous immunoglobulin, with repeat rituximab 14 days later because of increasing B-lymphocyte counts. Belatacept was replaced with tacrolimus due to concerns with autoimmunity. Fortunately, renal function began to recover 4 days after treatment. In addition to highlighting potential immunologic mechanisms in AAV and the use of rituximab in post-transplant recurrence, our case suggests that for systemic autoimmune disease, patients maintained on belatacept must be monitored closely for recurrence, particularly in the setting of delayed graft function. Graphical Abstract
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Purpose of review: Familial chilblain lupus belongs to the group of type I interferonopathies and is characterized by typical skin manifestations and acral ischaemia. This review aims to give an overview of clinical signs and the pathophysiological mechanisms. Recent findings: There are several mutations that can lead to this autosomal dominant disease. Most frequent is a mutation of the gene for TREX-1. However, as well cases of families with mutations in the SAMHD1 gene and, recently, with one for the gene that codes for the protein stimulator of interferon genes have been described. These genes are involved in the process of the detection of intracellular DNA, and their mutation results in an increased production of type I interferons and their gene products, resulting in auto-inflammation and auto-immunity. JAK inhibitors have been successfully used to treat this disorder. Familial chilblain is a rare disorder with very distinct clinical signs. Its pathophysiological mechanism gives insight into the process of interferon-induced inflammation in auto-immune diseases.
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Recipients of extended-criteria donor (ECD) kidneys have poorer long-term outcomes compared to standard-criteria donor kidney recipients. We report 3-year outcomes from a randomized, phase III study in recipients of de novo ECD kidneys (n = 543) assigned (1:1:1) to either a more intensive (MI) or less intensive (LI) belatacept regimen, or cyclosporine. Three hundred twenty-three patients completed treatment by year 3. Patient survival with a functioning graft was comparable between groups (80% in MI, 82% in LI, 80% in cyclosporine). Mean calculated GFR (cGFR) was 11 mL/min higher in belatacept-treated versus cyclosporine-treated patients (42.7 in MI, 42.2 in LI, 31.5 mL/min in cyclosporine). More cyclosporine-treated patients (44%) progressed to GFR <30 mL/min (chronic kidney disease [CKD] stage 4/5) than belatacept-treated patients (27-30%). Acute rejection rates were similar between groups. Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) occurrence was higher in belatacept-treated patients (two in MI, three in LI), most of which occurred during the first 18 months; four additional cases (3 in LI, 1 in cyclosporine) occurred after 3 years. Tuberculosis was reported in two MI, four LI and no cyclosporine patients. In conclusion, at 3 years after transplantation, immunosuppression with belatacept resulted in similar patient survival, graft survival and acute rejection, with better renal function compared with cyclosporine. As previously reported, PTLD and tuberculosis were the principal safety findings associated with belatacept in this study population.
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Selective inhibition of T cell costimulation using the B7-specific fusion protein CTLA4-Ig has been shown to induce long-term allograft survival in rodents. Antibodies preventing the interaction between CD40 and its T cell-based ligand CD154 (CD40L) have been shown in rodents to act synergistically with CTLA4-Ig. It has thus been hypothesized that these agents might be capable of inducing long-term acceptance of allografted tissues in primates. To test this hypothesis in a relevant preclinical model, CTLA4-Ig and the CD40L-specific monoclonal antibody 5C8 were tested in rhesus monkeys. Both agents effectively inhibited rhesus mixed lymphocyte reactions, but the combination was 100 times more effective than either drug alone. Renal allografts were transplanted into nephectomized rhesus monkeys shown to be disparate at major histocompatibility complex class I and class II loci. Control animals rejected in 5-8 days. Brief induction doses of CTLA4-Ig or 5C8 alone significantly prolonged rejection-free survival (20-98 days). Two of four animals treated with both agents experienced extended (>150 days) rejection-free allograft survival. Two animals treated with 5C8 alone and one animal treated with both 5C8 and CTLA4-Ig experienced late, biopsy-proven rejection, but a repeat course of their induction regimen successfully restored normal graft function. Neither drug affected peripheral T cell or B cell counts. There were no clinically evident side effects or rejections during treatment. We conclude that CTLA4-Ig and 5C8 can both prevent and reverse acute allograft rejection, significantly prolonging the survival of major histocompatibility complex-mismatched renal allografts in primates without the need for chronic immunosuppression.
Numerous drugs have been linked to the induction or exacerbation of systemic cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE). This report presents the third case of the biologic abatacept as an exacerbating medication for SCLE. A 73-year old woman with a remote history of subacute cutaneous lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, well controlled on hydroxychloroquine, presented with worsening annular erythematous, slightly scaly plaques on her forearms and hands. She had been started on abatacept a month prior. She was diagnosed with SCLE exacerbated by abatacept given the clinical findings, time course, and skin biopsy with interface dermatitis. Her skin eruption cleared completely several months later after discontinuing abatacept and switching to tociluzumab, while remaining on hydroxychloroquine. This case highlights the need to consider abatacept as a potential exacerbating medication for SCLE in any patient with a new photodistributed papulosquamous eruption.
Background: An increasing number of drugs have been linked to drug-induced subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (DI-SCLE). The recognition and management of DI-SCLE can be challenging, as the condition may be triggered by different classes of drugs after variable lengths of time. Objectives: To determine the proportion of patients with cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) whose drugs are an inducing or aggravating factor. Materials & methods: We conducted a retrospective chart review of patients diagnosed with CLE at a dermatological department over a 21-year period. We registered clinical, serological, and histological data with a focus on drug intake. Results: Of 775 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of lupus erythematosus (LE) or suspected LE, a diagnosis of CLE could be confirmed in 448 patients. A total of 130 patients had a drug intake that could suggest DI-SCLE. In 88 cases, a drug was evaluated to be definitely, probably, or possibly triggering CLE using the Naranjo probability scale. The most common drugs involved were proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), thiazide diuretics, antifungals, chemotherapeutics, statins, and antiepileptics. The incubation period varied widely with a median of eight weeks. The characteristics of DI-SCLE patients were more widespread rash relative to the other patients, with inflamed skin lesions or atypical variants which could resemble erythema multiforme. Conclusions: We present 88 patients with DI-SCLE, which is the largest case series reported, to date. DI-SCLE represented 20% of patients with CLE seen at our department. We conclude that DI-SCLE should be considered in every case of SCLE.
Belatacept is a novel immunosuppressive drug that inhibits the co-stimulatory signal required for T-cell activation and has been approved for the prevention of acute rejection after kidney transplantation. In this paper, the need for and possibility of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of belatacept is reviewed. Clinical studies have defined the upper limit of the therapeutic window, but the lower limit is unknown. The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of belatacept display only limited inter-patient variability but no data are available on the intra-patient variability of these parameters. Several assays to measure serum belatacept concentrations and its in vitro immunologic effects have been developed, but these are not commercially available and require validation. Importantly, pharmacodynamic assays have not been correlated with clinical outcomes (both efficacy and safety) and have only used surrogate laboratory read-outs. TDM is likely to become feasible in the near future if these assays are developed further. However, because its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics appear to vary little between individual patients, it may not be necessary to perform TDM for this drug. There could be a role for such an approach if one seeks to lower the belatacept doses further in an attempt to minimize adverse events. A future, prospective, concentration-ranging study that defines the lower end of the belatacept therapeutic window should however, be conducted first to provide the rationale for performing TDM of this novel immunosuppressant.
Five cases of chilblain lupus erythematosus were retrospectively reviewed regarding their clinical, histopathologic, serologic, and immunofluorescence findings. Ages at onset of chilblain lupus erythematosus varied from 26 to 73 years, with a female-to-male ratio of 3:2. Since other entities can be confused with this disorder, we propose the following diagnostic criteria. The two major criteria are skin lesions in acral locations induced by exposure to cold or a drop in temperature, and evidence of lupus erythematosus in the skin lesions by results of histopathologic examination or direct immunofluorescence study. The three minor criteria are coexistence of systemic lupus erythematosus or other skin lesions of discoid lupus erythematosus, response to anti-lupus erythematosus therapy, and negative results of cryoglobulin and cold agglutinin studies. We conclude that chilblain lupus erythematosus can be diagnosed and treated. Discoid lupus erythematosus lesions respond more quickly to treatment than chilblain lupus erythematosus lesions. Treatment with antimalarial agents, prednisone, pentoxifylline, or dapsone was of benefit to our patients.