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Catálogo da macromicobiota das montañas do Courel (Galicia, NO España)

  • IBADER. Instituto de Biodiversidade Agraria e Desenvolvemento Rural


Alonso, J., Rigueiro, A., (2020). Catálogo da macromicobiota das montañas do Courel (Galicia, NO España). Monografías do Ibader - Serie Cadernos da Estación Científica do Courel. Ibader. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Lugo. Resumo Os traballos de catalogación da biodiversidade son imprescindibles como base de coñecemento para garantir a sustentabilidade do medio natural, así como para a definición e aplicación de proxectos de xestión e desenvolvemento dos territorios. Este traballo é unha aproximación ao coñecemento e catalogación da macromicobiota correspondente ás divisións Basidiomycota e Ascomycota das montañas do Courel, inventariando e describindo 410 taxons para o territorio, que xunto con 126 distintos taxons previamente citados por outros autores, e tamén recollidos neste traballo, fan un total de 536 taxons referenciados, un importante número reflexo da gran biodiversidade fúnxica das montañas do Courel, o que se corresponde coa diversidade xeolóxica, climática e florística deste territorio excepcional. Dos 410 taxons descritos, 322 son primeiras citas publicadas para o territorio das montañas do Courel, 109 para a provincia de Lugo, 48 para Galicia, 5 para a península ibérica, e unha é primeira cita europea: Simocybe serrulata. O estudo realizouse durante algo máis de 3 anos (outono de 2016 ata finais 2019) de periódico traballo de prospección micolóxica no territorio, complementado nos laboratorios da Estación Científica do Courel e do Departamento de Produción Vexetal e Proxectos de Enxeñaría da Escola Politécnica Superior de Enxeñaría (USC-Campus Terra de Lugo). Palabras clave micobiota, Basidiomycota, Ascomycota, biodiversidade fúnxica, Lugo. Abstract Cataloguing works about biodiversity are essential as a knowledge base in order to guarantee the natural environment sustainability, as well as for the definition and application of projects of management and development of the territories. This work is an approach to the knowledge and cataloguing of the macromycobiota of the divisions Basidiomycota and Ascomycota of the Courel montains, describing 410 taxa for the territory, which together with 126 taxa previously record by other authors, and also collected in this work, make a total of 536 referenced taxa, an important number reflecting the great fungal biodiversity of the Courel mountains, which corresponds to the geological, climatic and floristic diversity of this exceptional territory. Of the 410 descripted taxa, 323 are first time published records in the territory of Courel mountains, 109 in the province of Lugo, 48 in Galicia, 5 in the Iberian Peninsula, and one in Europe: Simocybe serrulata. The study was made during a bit more than 3 years (autumn 2016, end of 2019) via periodic work of mycologic prospection in the territory, complemented in the labs of the Courel Scientific Station and the Department of Crop Production of the Higher Polytechnic Engineering School (USC-Campus Terra, Lugo). Keywords mycobiota, Basidiomycota, Ascomycota, fungal biodiversity, Lugo.
... Se tomaron muestras de 1 kg de suelo a una profundidad de 10 cm dentro de un cuadrante de 1 m 2 , donde se localizó el cuerpo fructífero del basidiomiceto. Los hongos colectados fueron identificados mediante consulta especializada, claves dicotómicas para géneros de basidiomicetos y consulta de literatura especializada (Cepero de García, 2012; Alonso & Rigueiro, 2020). Las muestras de suelo fueron tamizadas, pesadas y posteriormente colocadas en un recipiente tipo duquesa de 500 ml con obturador. ...
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Fungi play an important role in the mobility and accumulation of substrate, and can be used to determine the concentration levels of radionuclides in the environment. This study shows the diversity of radionuclides present in the soil of the Loma Isabel de Torres Natural Monument in some wild basidiomycete fungi. Radionuclides were determined with a GX5019 Hyperpure Germa-nium gamma spectrometer with a DSA 1000 digital spectrum analyzer, using Genie 2000 software. The organisms analyzed were Ramaria sp., Sparassis spathulata, Russula sp. and Boletus sp. The specific activity was obtained for each of the basidiocarps and their respective surrounding substrate sample. The bioaccumulation factor was also calculated. In the fungi, Cs-137 and K-40 were detected, while Th-232, Ra-226 and Pb-210 were not found. The soil samples taken at higher altitudes presented a higher concentration of Ra-226. Based on these findings, it is recommended to continue the work in this research line
... Infundibulicybe alkaliviolascens was originally described from Italy as Clitocybe (Fr.) Staude (Bellù 1995), and it was subsequently transferred to the genus Infundibulicybe Harmaja (Bellù 2012) on the account of basidiospores that do not adhere in tetrads but exhibit a sub-lacrymoid morphology with a confluent base and a cyanophobic spore wall (Harmaja 2003). As regards its geographical distribution, the species appears throughout the Mediterranean Basin from Spain to Turkey (Moreno Arroyo 2004; Moreau et al. 2007;Sesli and Topcu Sesli 2017;Alonso and Rigueiro 2020); moreover, several sequences have been recently submitted from material originating from China (Xu et al. 2022) showing a high phylogenetic affinity with the ITS sequences deriving from the Mediterranean, a fact which indicates a wide distribution of this species in Asia. Phylogenetically I. alkaliviolascens appears to be a sister species with I. kotanensis M. Ishaq, M. Fiaz & A.N. Khalid, recently described from Pakistan; it differs by its significantly smaller basidiospores (5.5 × 3.1 μm in average) and the light yellowish colour of the basidiomata (Ishaq et al. 2019). ...
During the last 20 years citizen science has largely contributed at promoting knowledge about mushroom diversity in Greece. In the frame of an ongoing collaboration among amateur and professional mycologists, hundreds of specimens have been subjected to DNA sequencing, followed by phylogenetic analyses and detailed morphoanatomical examination of selected collections. The study of recent findings revealed the existence of seven species which are new records for the Greek mycobiota, i.e., Amanita codinae, Cleistocybe carneogrisea, Hebeloma limbatum, Infundibulicybe alkaliviolascens, Lepiota farinolens, Leucoagaricus pilatianus and Pholiotina mediterranea. In particular, C. carneogrisea is a rare Mediterranean species, which has been proposed by the IUCN for inclusion in the Global Red List of Fungi. Moreover, these predominantly or exclusively southern European species are described and evaluated. All findings are discussed in respect to their most prominent features and closely related taxa, while ITS phylogenetic trees are presented for A. codinae and L. farinolens by including mainly species of the sections Lepidella and Ovisporae, respectively.
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Se presenta un estudo detallado dos tipos de bosques existentes na Devesa da Rogueira (Folgoso do Courel, Lugo, España) elaborado a partir da información previamente publicada e da realización de novos traballos de inventariación en campo. En total, recoñécense 21 comunidades diferentes de bosques, para as que se describe a súa ecoloxía, caracterización florística e distribución dentro da área de estudio. Tendo en conta a reducida extensión da superficie arborada estudiada (310 ha) e a súa elevada riqueza fitocenótica, a Devesa da Rogueira confírmase como un lugar de excepcional valor ambiental, non só dentro do contexto local ou autonómico, senón dentro da área temperada do NW Ibérico.
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MICOLUCUS 6: 4-11 RESUMEN En este artículo se cita y describe la especie Hymenogaster huthii, localizada en un bosque mixto de frondosas en el municipio de Folgoso de O Courel, dentro del espacio natural de la sierra de O Courel (Lugo, Galicia, España). Se trata de la primera cita publicada para España y sur de Europa de un raro taxón. ABSTRACT This paper cites and describes the species Hymenogaster huthii, located in a mixed broadleaf forest in the municipality of Folgoso de O Courel, within the natural mountain area "Sierra de O Courel" (Lugo, Galicia, Spain). It is the first record published for Spain and southern Europe for an rare taxon.
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em>Leratiomyces ceres , an extra-European species hitherto unknown in Poland, was identified in a public park in Rybnik City (SW Poland). The first Polish collections of the fungus were studied using macroscopic and microscopic features. A brief description and illustration of the species, based on Polish specimens, are presented. The ecology and characteristics distinguishing L. ceres from related Leratiomyces species are also discussed.
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DNA sequences from the nuclear LSU and ITS regions were used for phylogenetic analyses of Thelephorales with a focus on the stipitate hydnoid genera Hydnellum and Sarcodon. Analyses showed that Hydnellum and Sarcodon are distinct genera but that the current division, based on basidioma texture, makes Sarcodon paraphyletic with respect to Hydnellum. In order to make genera monophyletic several species are moved from Sarcodon to Hydnellum and the following new combinations are made: Hydnellumamygdaliolens, H.fennicum, H.fuligineoviolaceum, H.fuscoindicum, H.glaucopus, H.joeides, H.lepidum, H.lundellii, H.martioflavum, H.scabrosum, H.underwoodii, and H.versipelle. Basidiospore size seems to separate the genera in most cases. Hydnellum species have basidiospore lengths in the range 4.45-6.95 µm while the corresponding range for Sarcodon is 7.4-9 µm. S.quercinofibulatus deviates from this pattern with an average spore length around 6 µm. Neotropical Sarcodon species represent a separate evolutionary lineage.
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Specimens belonging to taxa traditionally assigned to the subsection Spadiceogriseae of the genus Psathyrella were analyzed both morphologically and molecularly. Samples included mainly European collections, selected GenBank accessions, and specimens of various North American taxa described by Smith (1972) and deposited at the Herbarium of the University of Michigan (MICH). Three additional taxa from Africa and Central America were also included. Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood analyses of two loci (ITS and Tef-1α) independently and together supported the monophyletic nature of the subsection Spadiceogriseae, and identified nine statistically supported clades within the subsection. North American and European species often fell within the same clade, suggesting a relatively recent origin of the subsection or human induced intercontinental movement. While this study determines for the first time that the presence of a white veil is diagnostic for the entire subsection, very few morphological traits were associated with individual clades, but clades were often distinctively different in terms of habitat association, suggesting that trophic interactions may have driven the evolution of this group of fungi. Combined, morphological and DNA analyses revealed both expected and unexpected synonymies. The new combinations P. vesiculosa, P. ochrofulva and P. sanjuanensis are proposed, and the new species P. rogersiae is described. New information is provided on the taxonomic status and distribution of several species including P. agrariella, P. albescens, P. atrifolia, P. bivelata, P. fatua, P. kauffmanii, P.aff. kauffmanii, P. incondita, P. infida, P. nitens, P. niveobadia, P. phegophila, P. pseudocorrugissensu Kits van Waveren, P. subnuda. In total, 13 synonymies were proposed. Based on DNA data, five species of uncertain validity were confirmed as valid, while six species may be ambiguous and may require an in-depth re-analysis. The information gathered in this study was used to generate a key to the species of the subsection Spadiceogriseae.
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Using the basic GenBank local alignment search tool program (BLAST) to identify fungi collected in a recently protected beech forest at Montricher (Switzerland), the number of ITS sequences associated to the wrong taxon name appears to be around 30%, even higher than previously estimated. Such results rely on the in-depth re-examination of BLAST results for the most interesting species that were collected, viz. first records for Switzerland, rare or patrimonial species and problematic species (when BLAST top scores were equally high for different species), all belonging to Agaricomycotina. This paper dissects for the first time a number of sequence-based identifications, thereby showing in every detail-particularly to the user community of taxonomic information-why sequence-based identification in the context of a fungal inventory can easily go wrong. Our first conclusion is that in-depth examination of BLAST results is too time consuming to be considered as a routine approach for future inventories: we spent two months on verification of approx. 20 identifications. Apart from the fact that poor taxon coverage in public depositories remains the principal impediment for successful species identification, it can be deplored that even very recent fungal sequence deposits in GenBank involve an uncomfortably high number of misidentifications or errors with associated metadata. While checking the original publications associated with top score sequences for the few examples that were here reexamined , a positive consequence is that we uncovered over 80 type sequences that were not annotated as types in GenBank. Advantages and pitfalls of sequence-based identification are discussed, particularly in the light of undertaking fungal inventories. Recommendations are made to avoid or reduce some of the major problems with sequence-based identification. Nevertheless, the prospects for a more reliable sequence-based identification of fungi remain quite dim, unless authors are ready to check and update the metadata associated with previously deposited sequences in their publications.
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Recent collections of Tuber malacodermum from Spain, Corsica, and Mexico were compared in an integrative morphological and molecular phylogenetic framework, including study of type material. Phylogenetic analyses of nuc rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 = ITS) and nuc 28S rDNA (28S) regions showed that specimens from Spain and Corsica form a monophyletic group closely related to T. melosporum and T. rufum, whereas Mexican specimens form a clade within the T. lyonii species complex. Peridium and ascospore morphology contribute clear morphological distinctions among specimens from Spain and Corsica, Mexico, and the type specimen of T. malacodermum. Based on results of the morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses, we assigned the specimens from Spain and Corsica to Tuber pustulatum, sp. nov., and the Mexican specimens to Tuber theleascum, sp. nov. We restrict T. malacodermum to the sole type material. Formal descriptions and illustrations of these taxa are provided. ARTICLE HISTORY
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MICOLUCUS 5 (2018): 9-18 ABSTRACT:The discomycete, Donadinia helvelloides, was located in the wooded area called “Devesa da Rogueira”, (Folgoso do Courel, Lugo, Galicia, Spain) on yew wood (Taxus baccata). We provide macroscopic, microscopic and molecular results from the study of material collected. It is the first record in Galicia of a rare species, for which there are few records, worldwide. Keywords: Ascomycota, Pezizales, Sarcosomataceae, Donadinia helvelloides, O Courel, Lugo, Galicia, Spain. RESUMEN El discomycete Donadinia helvelloides fue localizado en el espacio natural arbolado denominado “Devesa da Rogueira” (Folgoso do Courel, Lugo, Galicia, España) sobre madera de tejo (Taxus baccata). Se aportan resultados macroscópicos, microscópicos y moleculares del estudio del material recogido. Se trata de la primera cita en Galicia de una rara especie de la que existen escasas citas a nivel mundial. Palabras clave: Ascomycota, Pezizales, Sarcosomataceae, Donadinia helvelloides, O Courel, Lugo, Galicia, España.
The amanitas of the Amanita vaginata-group (“ringless amanitas”) have been the subject of many publications, but their identification with even recent literature remain difficult, if not impossible. The authors propose here an overview of the diversity of sect. Vaginatae in Europe, through molecular data on nomenclatural types of species described from Western Europe. The phylogenetic analysis proposed here, based on ITS sequences, also reveals the importance of the structure and colour of universal veil in the evolution of Vaginatae, and proposes the outlines of a phylogenetic systematics of the section. Based on these results, a revision of “silvery” species (with grey silky pileus acquiring a metallic shine when dry) is proposed, with the recognition of two new species (A. electra, close to A. huijsmanii, and A. alseides, close to A. albogrisescens), two novel forms (A. albogrisescens f. subglobispora and f. separata) and the epitypification of A. argentea. Five new combinations are introduced : A. brunneofuliginea f. ochraceomaculata and f. ochraceopallida, A. albogrisescens f. pseudolactea and f. cinereifolia, A. lividopallescens f. malleata.
In this study, 49 species of Hydnum are recognized worldwide. Twenty-two of them are described here as new species. Epitypes are proposed for H. repandum and H. rufescens. The majority of the species are currently known only from a single continent. The barcodes produced in this study are deposited in the RefSeq database and used as a basis to name species hypotheses in UNITE. Eleven infrageneric clades recovered in a phylogenetic analysis are supported by morphological characteristics and formally recognized: