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The Current Situation and Learning Strategies of Foreign Students in Chinese Learning Following Entrepreneurial Psychology

Frontiers in Psychology

Abstract and Figures

Based on entrepreneurial psychology, the current situation of foreign students’ use of learning strategies in Chinese learning is explored, the overall situation of learning strategies in this process is analyzed, and the relationship between foreign students’ use of learning strategies and various factors are obtained through the designed questionnaire survey. First, a questionnaire suitable for the research respondents is designed to investigate the current situation of foreign students’ use of learning strategies in Chinese learning; second, 200 questionnaires are distributed, and 195 questionnaires are recovered, with a recovery rate of 97.5%. After the invalid questionnaire is excluded, the effective rate is 95%; furthermore, the reliability of the questionnaire data is analyzed by SPSS25 software, and Cronbach’s α coefficient is 0.869, which proves that the questionnaire has high reliability; finally, the overall situation of foreign students’ use of learning strategies in Chinese learning is analyzed from the aspects of their majors, their levels of Chinese proficiency, Chinese learning time, age and personality. The results show that the frequency of using cognitive strategies in learning Chinese is the highest, with a score of 3.689; There is a positive correlation between the use of learning strategies and the degree of proficiency of Chinese; Among them, the foreign students who have studied for 2–3 years use learning strategies the most frequently, and the students aged 28–32 use learning strategies the most frequently in the Chinese level test 4. This study provides new ideas for foreign students’ Chinese teaching and has a certain reference for foreign students’ Chinese teaching strategies.
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fpsyg-12-746043 January 5, 2022 Time: 17:7 # 1
published: 11 January 2022
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.746043
Edited by:
Fu Bajun,
Shaoxing University, China
Reviewed by:
Emma Xie,
Sejong University, South Korea
Jiayi Wang,
Chongqing University of Posts
and Telecommunications, China
Min Tang
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Educational Psychology,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychology
Received: 23 July 2021
Accepted: 07 December 2021
Published: 11 January 2022
Tang M (2022) The Current
Situation and Learning Strategies
of Foreign Students in Chinese
Learning Following Entrepreneurial
Front. Psychol. 12:746043.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.746043
The Current Situation and Learning
Strategies of Foreign Students in
Chinese Learning Following
Entrepreneurial Psychology
Min Tang*
School of International Education, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China
Based on entrepreneurial psychology, the current situation of foreign students’ use
of learning strategies in Chinese learning is explored, the overall situation of learning
strategies in this process is analyzed, and the relationship between foreign students’
use of learning strategies and various factors are obtained through the designed
questionnaire survey. First, a questionnaire suitable for the research respondents is
designed to investigate the current situation of foreign students’ use of learning
strategies in Chinese learning; second, 200 questionnaires are distributed, and
195 questionnaires are recovered, with a recovery rate of 97.5%. After the invalid
questionnaire is excluded, the effective rate is 95%; furthermore, the reliability of the
questionnaire data is analyzed by SPSS25 software, and Cronbach’s αcoefficient
is 0.869, which proves that the questionnaire has high reliability; finally, the overall
situation of foreign students’ use of learning strategies in Chinese learning is analyzed
from the aspects of their majors, their levels of Chinese proficiency, Chinese learning
time, age and personality. The results show that the frequency of using cognitive
strategies in learning Chinese is the highest, with a score of 3.689; There is a positive
correlation between the use of learning strategies and the degree of proficiency of
Chinese; Among them, the foreign students who have studied for 2–3 years use learning
strategies the most frequently, and the students aged 28–32 use learning strategies the
most frequently in the Chinese level test 4. This study provides new ideas for foreign
students’ Chinese teaching and has a certain reference for foreign students’ Chinese
teaching strategies.
Keywords: entrepreneurs’ optimistic attitude, labor law, new ventures, performance of new ventures, influence
As the official language of the United Nations, Chinese is well known and used all over the world.
With the continuous enhancement of China’s comprehensive national strength and influence on
the surrounding areas, more and more foreigners are willing to learn Chinese, and the number
of foreign students is gradually increasing. But at the same time, there appear some problems.
For example, the problem of Chinese learning of foreign students becomes a major obstacle to
cultural exchange.
Chinese learning is one of the basic ways of human cognitive activities. Human beings
acquire knowledge, improve cultural accomplishment, cultivate sentiment, and develop intelligence
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Tang Chinese Learning Following Entrepreneurial Psychology
through Chinese learning (Jin, 2018). Krashen’s Input Hypothesis
shows that enough learning materials are necessary for Chinese
learning. Therefore, Chinese learning can be used as an important
means to improve human ability. The quality of Chinese
learning reflects the improvement of their ability (Rawendy
et al., 2017). According to the information theory, the process
of foreign students’ Chinese learning is the conversion process
of encoding, feedback, and decoding of words, phrases, and
sentences, and the encoding of speech is “comprehensible input”
(Xie et al., 2019). To achieve a little higher than the existing
level of Chinese learning, learners need to use some methods,
which are called “learning strategies.” The so-called learning
strategy is that learners make plans about the learning process
purposefully and consciously to improve the learning effect
and efficiency. Compared with the traditional learning methods,
learning strategies can help learners accomplish learning tasks
actively, and make the learning process more targeted, and the
learning plan more reasonable.
Whether learners can master the learning strategies and
whether they can flexibly use the mastered learning strategies
largely indicate their levels of language proficiency. Therefore,
the use of learning strategies is a key link in Chinese learning
(Graves et al., 2018). With the rapid development of science
and technology, Chinese teaching is challenged by the speed of
knowledge updating. The classroom teaching focusing on basic
knowledge is difficult to solve the problems faced by foreign
students in their actual study (Drysdale and McBeath, 2018).
Therefore, teaching foreign students to skillfully use learning
strategies is an effective teaching method to cultivate their
autonomous reading and learning ability, which is conducive
to the development of teacher-led and learner-centered second
language teaching mode (Peng et al., 2017).
As an indispensable branch of psychology, entrepreneurial
psychology becomes the theoretical basis in the discipline system
of Chinese international education (Fadzil et al., 2019). The
research on the disciplinary system in Western countries is
earlier than that in Eastern countries, and the scholars in
Western countries pay more attention to the construction of the
disciplinary system than those in Eastern countries. Canadian
scholar Stern summed up the basic knowledge system of
entrepreneurship from the 1970s to the 1980s, and incorporated
entrepreneurial psychology and educational theories into the
discipline infrastructure (Obschonka et al., 2020). Mr. Bisong
(Jena, 2020) put forward the disciplinary system in the field of
international Chinese education. Luca (2017) put entrepreneurial
psychology as a branch of pedagogy into the theoretical basis of
the discipline system of teaching Chinese as a foreign language
(Luca, 2017). Liu P. (2019) proposed to apply the principles
of entrepreneurial psychology to the analysis of the Chinese
language learning process.
Entrepreneurial Psychology—Entrepreneurship refers to the
special ability of people to organize land, labor, capital, and other
resources to produce goods, find new business opportunities,
and develop new business models. Bill Gates is an entrepreneur
with entrepreneurial talent. Through his excellent leadership and
organizational skills, he turns Microsoft into one of the most
powerful and promising companies in the world.
Zheng (2017) discussed the significance of big data and
data mining in the theoretical research, practical research, and
discipline construction of Chinese teaching in response to the
specific problems of Chinese teaching. Combined with specific
examples of Chinese teaching, the common methods and specific
steps of applying data mining in Chinese teaching are discussed
(Zheng, 2017). Liu P. (2019) emphasized the attention and
research on online teaching and believed that the research on
online learning strategies would contribute to the design of
online teaching, textbook compilation, courseware production,
resource construction, and learning strategy training (Liu L.,
2019). Xiong (2019) believed that meeting the personalized
needs of Chinese learners is a concrete manifestation of Chinese
learning, the improvement of the quality of Chinese teaching, and
the construction of students’ learning model through evaluation
(Xiong, 2019).
Since 2007, the Office of the Academic Degrees Committee
of the State Council approved that 24 universities, like Peking
University, set up the Master’s degree of International Education
in Chinese. There are more than 100 training institutions for
the Master of International Education in Chinese in China.
In the Master of Chinese International Education, curriculum
construction is the core of improving teaching quality and
deepening teaching reform. The research and practice of
curriculum construction undoubtedly play an important role in
promoting the teaching quality of the curriculum. In addition,
entrepreneurial psychology is the theoretical support in the
discipline system of Chinese international education. Therefore,
the teaching status and strategies of Chinese language learning
are discussed from the perspective of entrepreneurial psychology
to promote Chinese language learning.
The first chapter introduces the relevant theories and research
results of Chinese language learning in China and foreign
countries; the second chapter describes the purpose, research
object, and the design of the survey first, and then the survey
data are processed; the third chapter analyzes the learning
strategies of foreign students’ Chinese language according to
the data from the relationship between learning strategies and
majors, the relationship between learning strategies and Chinese
proficiency, and the relationship between learning strategies
and age, as well as personality. It is found that there are still
some problems in foreign students’ Chinese education, and
finally, some corresponding suggestions are given. The fourth
chapter draws the corresponding conclusion according to the
research results.
The current situation of the use of learning strategies in
Chinese learning of foreign students in a key university in
Beijing is investigated. Under the guidance of entrepreneurial
psychology, the correlation between teaching strategies is studied.
The important significance for teaching and learning in Chinese
learning in foreign students’ education is discussed from the
aspects of major, Chinese proficiency, age, and personality. On
this basis, the significance of Chinese teaching and learning for
foreign students is discussed. The innovation of this study is to
combine the concept of entrepreneurial psychology with Chinese
learning strategies of foreign students, which provides a reference
for Chinese teaching for foreign students.
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Tang Chinese Learning Following Entrepreneurial Psychology
The concept of “entrepreneur” is first proposed by the French
economist Richard Cantillon in 1800. That is, entrepreneurs,
turn the efficiency of economic resources from low to high;
“Entrepreneurship” a collection of entrepreneurs’ special skills
(including spirit and skills). In other words, “entrepreneurship”
refers to the expression of the comprehensive ability of
entrepreneurs to organize, establish and manage enterprises. It
is an important and special intangible factor of production.
For example, the greatest “product” created by the great
entrepreneurs and founders of Sony Corporation, Akio Morita
and Kenda Inoue, is not a tape recorder or a bar color picture
tube but Sony Corporation and everything it represents; Walt
Disney’s greatest creation is not puppet adventures, nor snow-
white, nor even Disneyland, but Walt Disney Company and its
extraordinary ability to make the audience happy; Sam Walton’s
greatest creation is not “constant daily parity” but Wal Mart,
an organization that can turn retail essentials into action in the
best way. In the nineteenth century, people summarize some
characteristics of entrepreneurs as entrepreneurship. In the use
of English terms, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship are often
interchanged. For a long time, the concept of an entrepreneur is
usually defined from the aspects of business, management, and
personal characteristics. After the twentieth century, the abstract
concept of entrepreneur—the definition of entrepreneurship is
extended to the fields of behavior, psychology, and sociological
analysis. In the developed countries, it is very common for
entrepreneurs to work in government or social organizations.
They also constantly propose and implement the use of
entrepreneurship to transform government service and social
management. Nowadays, China’s entrepreneurship can be
summarized as follows: (a) Developing spirits: Improve the
business environment and return entrepreneurs equality; Clarify
the government and market boundaries and expand the growth
space of entrepreneurship; Build a clean and pro-government
business relationship and endow entrepreneurs with spiritual
justice; Protect entrepreneurs’ property rights and enterprise
intellectual property rights according to laws; Create a good social
and cultural ecology and cultivate the soil of entrepreneurship.
(b) Innovative spirits: The essence of innovation is to create
new value for customers, not technology and concept itself. (c)
Opportunity vigilance and sensitivity: Entrepreneurship must be
alert and sensitive to opportunities, correctly distinguish what
opportunities are and what pseudo opportunities are, and the
time node cannot be too early or too late. According to the five
elements of success, opportunities efficiently should be turned
into value. (d) Take risks and uncertainties: turning uncertainty
into certainty can minimize risks. (e) Grit: It is the sustained
passion and endurance for long-term goals. It is not forgetting the
original intention, concentration, investment, and perseverance.
It is a personality feature that includes self-motivation, self-
discipline, and self-adjustment. (f) Continuous and effective
learning: deconstruct self-cognition, change thinking modes,
examine the ideas behind actions, reflect on our mental model,
thinking logic, and one-sidedness of knowledge and information,
and then correctly and effectively adjust our mental model,
thinking logic, or expand knowledge and information in new
fields. The ability is improved by adhering to effective learning.
(g) Craftsman spirits: Innovative spirit and craftsman spirit are
the core competitiveness. At present, China is following the
trend and has made gratifying achievements in implementing
the innovation of curve overtaking in the Internet and artificial
intelligence. However, the innovative spirit and craftsmanship
spirit are still at a disadvantage in the global competition
in traditional industries because the industrialization time is
short. H. value-oriented principles: Value orientation is mostly
transformed from poverty and opportunity-driven; if self-
motivation is continuous, sustained success will be achieved.
What kind of value orientation an organization has means
what kind of future it has. Value orientation is in line with
Purpose of the Survey
The purpose of the survey is to study the state and teaching
status of foreign students in Chinese language learning, as well
as the improvement methods of teaching strategies. According
to entrepreneurial psychology, the current situation of Chinese
learning strategies of foreign students is investigated. Through
the data analysis of the survey, the suggestions to improve the
quality of Chinese teaching are put forward to help students
to arouse their interest in Chinese learning (Liu and Gao,
2020) and improve their ability to learn Chinese. In this
study, the research questions mainly fall into five parts: The
overall situation of foreign students’ use of learning strategies
in Chinese learning, the relationship between foreign students’
use of learning strategies and their majors, Chinese proficiency,
ages, and personalities. The following is a brief introduction to
the survey content.
Investigation Content
The content of this study mainly starts from five points: The
overall state of the use of learning strategies by foreign students
in Chinese learning, the relationship between the use of learning
strategies by foreign students in Chinese learning and whether
they are Chinese related majors, the relationship between the use
of learning strategies by oversea students in Chinese learning
and their Chinese proficiency, the relationship between the use
of learning strategies by oversea students in Chinese learning
and the age of oversea students, the relationship between the use
of learning strategies and the personality of oversea students in
Chinese learning. Next, the research subjects are selected.
Research Subjects
Foreign students in a key University in Beijing are taken as
the research object, and the number of foreign students in the
university is 354. In this study, 200 students are randomly selected
to distribute questionnaires, including 115 students majoring in
Chinese and 85 students majoring in non-Chinese. The foreign
students in the elementary Chinese class, intermediate Chinese
class, advanced Chinese class, and Master of Chinese Education
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Tang Chinese Learning Following Entrepreneurial Psychology
are listed in the ranks of Chinese majors in this study, while those
in the Pakistan Medical Class and Doctoral programs of different
ages are listed in the ranks of non-Chinese-related majors. The
design of the survey and questionnaire is described as follows.
Survey Design
The questionnaire survey is used to collect data, and the design
of the questionnaire mainly refers to the scale of the survey of
reading strategies and the scales designed by predecessors (Baskin
et al., 2017). After the actual situation of the schools where the
objects in this study are located is analyzed, the scale of learning
strategies used by the foreign students in Chinese learning is
designed. The scale used in this study is mainly from three angles
(Hederich-Martínez et al., 2018): (1) Basic information of the
foreign students. It includes their nationality, major, Chinese
learning duration, levels of Chinese proficiency, genders, ages,
and personalities; (2) the current situation of the foreign students’
use of the learning strategies in Chinese learning. Although the
content in this part is general, it helps make foreign students have
the concept of learning strategies; (3) the investigation of each
specific learning strategy contained in the four types of learning
strategies. The content in this part is detailed and comprehensive,
which can deeply study the use of learning strategies when
foreign students study Chinese, and then the relations between
the use of learning strategies and their majors, levels of Chinese
proficiency, ages, and personalities are discussed. According to
the survey results, corresponding suggestions are put forward.
Previous studies focus on the study of foreign students’ learning
behavior, which is divided into direct strategies and indirect
strategies, and students’ learning strategies are analyzed from
the aspects of psychology, emotion, cognition, reversal, memory,
and compensation.
Oxford points out that the concept of learning strategies is
the learning behavior adopted by learners for a more successful,
autonomous, and interesting study of Chinese (Alliprandini et al.,
2017). The concept of learning strategies defined by Alice is used,
that is, learners’ psychological behavior and action are associated
in a particular stage, or the learning process, or the use of
knowledge (Tran et al., 2019). Oxford divides learning strategies
into direct strategies and indirect strategies. Direct strategies
include memory, make-up, and cognition, and indirect strategies
are affective, social, and metacognitive strategies. In this study,
four types of learning strategies are selected, including cognition,
make-up, metacognition, and emotional strategies (Ulstad et al.,
2018). In the questionnaire, 1–11 questions are the content about
the cognitive strategy, 12–17 questions are about the make-up
strategy, 18–23 are about the metacognitive strategy, and 24–0 are
about the emotional strategy. The total number of questions in
each type is 12, 5, 7, and 6. In addition, these four types of learning
strategies are specifically classified according to the classification
criteria. After Oxford, Mokhtari, and Sheorey’s scales of learning
strategy are referred to, the items in the questionnaire are set
according to the relevant contents of this study, increasing the
diversity of the questionnaire items, making the study more
targeted and objective (García-Pérez et al.). The Likert scale is
introduced, that is, each item is set 1–5 options, corresponding
to five levels of “disagree totally, “disagree, “uncertain, “agree”
FIGURE 1 | Number of learning strategies.
and “agree.” The data are collected and analyzed by using SPSS25
(Han et al., 2018). The number of each learning strategy is set as
shown in Figure 1.
After the questionnaire data are obtained, the data needs to
be sorted, processed, and analyzed. The steps and tools of data
analysis are as follows.
Data Processing
A total of 200 questionnaires are distributed and 195 are
recovered, which includes 113 Chinese majors and 82 non-
Chinese majors, with a recovery rate of 97.5%. Five invalid
questionnaires are excluded, and 190 valid questionnaires are
finally obtained, with an effective recovery rate of 95%. This
shows that the questionnaire is feasible. In addition, the study
uses Cronbachs αcoefficient for reliability analysis of the
questionnaire (McNeish, 2018). In general, if the reliability
coefficient is less than 0.6, it is considered to be insufficient. The
reliability coefficient between 0.7 and 0.8 is basically credible,
and the reliability coefficient between 0.8 and 0.9 is very
credible (Jain and Angural, 2017). After the reverse comparison
items are excluded, the reliability analysis is carried out by
SPSS25 software, and the reliability coefficient is 0.869, which
proves that the questionnaire in this study has high reliability
(Vanus et al., 2019).
Analysis of the Overall Situation of the
Use of Learning Strategies of Foreign
Students’ Chinese Learning
The analysis of the survey results of foreign students’ Chinese
learning duration is shown in Figure 2.
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Tang Chinese Learning Following Entrepreneurial Psychology
[ [ [ [ [
FIGURE 2 | Professional type and Chinese learning duration of foreign
students. (A) Professional distribution. (B) Chinese learning duration.
The major distribution of the questionnaire is shown in
Figure 2A. The distribution of foreign students’ Chinese learning
is shown in Figure 2B.
Figure 2A shows that a total of 200 questionnaires are
distributed, and the data of 113 Chinese majors and 82 non-
Chinese majors are collected, with a recovery rate of 97.5%. Five
invalid questionnaires are excluded, and 190 are valid and used
for analysis. The results in Figure 2B show that there are a large
number of foreign students majoring in Chinese, and the final
recovery rate and the effective recovery rate are slightly lower
than those of non-Chinese majors, accounting for about 40%
of the total, followed by the number of foreign students who
study Chinese less than 1 year, accounting for about 31%. The
proportion of the students who study Chinese for 1–2 years is
about 17%, and the number of the students who study Chinese
for 3–4 years and more than 4 years does not reach 10% of the
total number. This shows that the number of students who insist
 
   
FIGURE 3 | Analysis of the use of each learning strategy.
on learning Chinese is still small. This phenomenon is affected by
many factors. For example, Chinese is difficult, Chinas position
in the international community is low, and foreign students feel
that learning Chinese is not necessary.
The analysis of the average score and the standard deviation of
the use of each learning strategy is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 shows that the learning strategies are divided into
cognitive strategies, make-up strategies, metacognitive strategies,
and emotional strategies. The average score of the overall
situation of the four types of learning strategies is 3.165, which
is an upper-middle value, indicating that the students in this
study have a strong consciousness of using learning strategies.
Specifically, foreign students have the highest frequency of using
cognitive strategies, with an average score of 3.548, followed
by emotional strategies, with an average score of 3.324. The
average scores of the make-up strategies and metacognitive
strategies are 3.032 and 3.011, respectively. In terms of standard
deviation, the biggest one is the metacognitive strategy, which
reaches 0.852; the second is the compensation strategy, which
reaches 0.756; then there is cognitive strategy, reaching 0.661;
finally, the affective strategy reached 0.539; the overall average
value is 0.702. Obviously, foreign students score the lowest in
the metacognitive strategies, indicating that foreign students’
ability of self-control is poor, and they are not autonomous in
Chinese learning.
The analysis of the survey results of the specific use of each
learning strategy is shown in Figure 4.
The results of cognitive strategies are shown in Figure 4A, the
results of compensation strategies are shown in Figure 4B, the
results of metacognitive strategies are shown in Figure 4C, and
the results of emotional strategies are shown in Figure 4D.
Figures 4A–D, respectively, respond to the cognitive
strategies, the make-up strategies, the metacognitive strategies,
and the emotional strategies. In the cognitive strategies, the
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Tang Chinese Learning Following Entrepreneurial Psychology
2.827 2.79 2.765
0.915 0.91 0.821 0.729 0.683
     
 
     
      
FIGURE 4 | Results of the specific use of learning strategies. (A) Cognitive
strategies. (B) Make-up strategies. (C) Metacognitive strategies.
(D) Emotional strategies.
 
 
 
FIGURE 5 | Analysis of the top 10 types of learning strategies used in Chinese
learning strategy, which is the least used, is induction, and the
corresponding question number is 2, with an average score
of only 2.294. The most frequently used learning strategy is
translation, the corresponding question number is 1, with an
average value of 3.957. In general, the trend of the use frequency
of each specific learning strategy in cognitive strategies is
polarized, and the use frequency of make-up strategies and
metacognitive strategies is relatively equal, and the use of
emotional strategies is higher. This proves that foreign students
pay more attention to “translation, ignoring “induction and
conclusion” in the process of Chinese learning.
The analysis of the top 10 types of learning strategies used is
shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 shows the 10 learning strategies that are most
frequently used in Chinese learning. The 10 analysis strategies
in the figure are the translation strategy, the reading seeking
strategy, the skipping strategy, the analysis strategy, the word
guessing strategy, the evaluation strategy, the squeaking cognitive
strategy, the self-monitoring strategy, the anxiety reduction
strategy, and the summary strategy. The strategies in the figure
are classified by the number of titles. Cognitive strategies account
for the highest, and there is only one in make-up strategies,
metacognitive strategies, and emotional strategies, respectively.
Except for the translation strategy in cognitive strategies, foreign
students also use the reading-seeking strategy most frequently,
with an average score of 3.961, followed by skipping, with an
average score of 3.689. Other frequently used strategies include
analysis, guessing, and evaluation. In general, foreign students’
ability of cognition and self-monitoring is not strong, but they
are skilled in using knowledge, which shows that foreign students
have good knowledge of their levels of Chinese proficiency. In
addition, it has to be noted that among the emotional strategies,
foreign students have a higher score in reducing anxiety, with an
average score of 3.545, indicating that foreign students use this
Frontiers in Psychology | 6January 2022 | Volume 12 | Article 746043
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Tang Chinese Learning Following Entrepreneurial Psychology
Chinese Major
Chinese Class
Intermediate Class
Chinese Advanced
Master of Chinese
Language Education
Non-Chinese majo
Pakistani Medical
Doctoral programs of
different ages
FIGURE 6 | Analysis of the survey results of the relations between learning
strategies and their majors of foreign students.
0.49 0.51
0.133 0.133
FIGURE 7 | The use of learning strategies for Chinese majors and
non-Chinese majors.
strategy more frequently, and almost everyone can alleviate their
anxiety and pressure in Chinese learning.
Analysis of the Survey Results of the
Relations Between the Use of Learning
Strategies and Their Majors
The major distribution of foreign students is shown in Figure 6.
The survey results in Figure 6 show that the research
objects can be divided into two categories according to their
majors: Chinese majors and non-Chinese majors. Among
them, Chinese majors include Master of Chinese language
Education, elementary Chinese class, Chinese intermediate class,
and Chinese advanced class. The non-Chinese majors include
Pakistan Medical Class and Doctoral programs of different ages.
The survey on Chinese learning strategies of foreign students
from different majors can reflect the comprehensiveness of the
results of this study.
The use of learning strategies for Chinese majors and non-
Chinese majors is shown in Figure 7.
2.011 2.121
FIGURE 8 | Use of specific learning strategies for different majors.
The survey results in Figure 7 show that the proportion of
the students majoring in Chinese who use learning strategies in
Chinese learning accounts for more than 80%, while that of non-
Chinese students accounts for about 72%. The percentage of the
students majoring in Chinese who can use learning strategies in
the classroom is about 50%, while that of the students majoring
in non-Chinese is only about 10%. The use of learning strategies
after class between the two is similar. Students majoring in
Chinese have stronger consciousness of Chinese learning than
students majoring in non-Chinese.
The specific use of the learning strategies of different majors is
shown in Figure 8.
The survey results in Figure 8 show that the average scores
of Chinese majors are more than 3, while the average scores
of non-Chinese majors are about 2, indicating that the use of
learning strategies among Chinese majors is significantly higher
than that among non-Chinese majors, which further confirms
that Chinese majors have a higher consciousness of learning
Chinese than those of non-Chinese majors. The cognitive strategy
is the most frequently used learning strategy among Chinese
majors, and emotional strategies are the most frequently used
learning strategy among non-Chinese majors, which is consistent
with the characteristics of their major.
Analysis of the Relation Between the Use
of Learning Strategies and Their Levels
of Chinese Proficiency
The results of foreign students’ HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) are
shown in Figure 9.
The survey results in Figure 9 show that the students in this
study have passed the HSK (Chinese proficiency test), of which
about 30% have passed HSK-2, 35% have passed HSK-4, 23%
have passed HSK-5, and the rest have passed HSK-3 and HSK-
6, respectively. The levels of HSK are divided into the following
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+6. +6. +6. +6. +6.
FIGURE 9 | Results of foreign students’ HSK level.
FIGURE 10 | Relation between the use of learning strategies of foreign
students and their different levels of Chinese proficiency.
degrees for analysis: HSK-2 and HSK-3 are primary levels, HSK-
4 is the middle level, and HSK-5 and HSK-6 are high levels. The
number of foreign students in each level accounts for about 30%,
indicating that the survey results are more objective.
The relation between the use of learning strategies of foreign
students and their different levels of Chinese proficiency is shown
in Figure 10.
The survey results in Figure 10 show that there is a
significant gap in the use of learning strategies among students
of different HSK levels. Primary students rarely use cognitive
strategies, accounting for 2.294; those using compensation
strategies account for 2.063, the number of the students using
metacognitive strategies accounts for 1.769, and the students who
use emotional strategies account for 2.106. The proportion of the
students using learning strategies is still very low. Intermediate
students using cognitive strategies account for 3.357, using
compensation strategies account for 3.423, using metacognitive
strategies account for 3.331, and using emotional strategies
account for 2.498. The proportion of the intermediate students
is higher than that of primary students. Intermediate and senior
students using cognitive strategies account for 3.708, using
compensation strategies account for 3.496, using metacognitive
strategies account for 3.407, and using emotional strategies
account for 3.412. The proportion is the highest among all
the students. The use frequency of learning strategies used by
primary and middle-level students is generally low. The use
frequency of learning strategies used by middle-level students
increases slightly, and their use frequency of emotional strategies
is still low. The use frequency of learning strategies used by
middle and high-level students is above average, and their use
frequency of cognitive strategies is the highest. The average
scores of cognitive strategies among primary, middle, and high-
level students are 2.501, 3.362, and 3.710, respectively. The
average scores of make-up strategies are 2.065, 3.451, and 3.952,
respectively. The average scores of metacognitive strategies are
1.784, 3.351, and 3.452, respectively. The average scores of
emotional strategies are 2.105, 2.531, and 3.414. According to
the data, it is concluded that the higher the HSK level of foreign
students is, the more skilled they use learning strategies is. With
the increase of their levels of Chinese proficiency, the more
flexible they use make-up strategies. This illustrates the role
of learning strategies in improving foreign students’ levels of
Chinese proficiency. The compensation strategy plays a strong
role in Chinese language learning, and the compensation strategy
promotes the construction of students’ cognitive ability and self-
regulation ability. And their self-monitoring ability and cognitive
ability will be gradually improved. In general, the HSK level
of students is positively correlated with their use of learning
strategies, and the higher the level is, the more frequently the
students use learning strategies.
Analysis of the Relation Between the Use
of Learning Strategies of Foreign
Students and Their Ages and
The relationship between age and the use of learning strategies of
foreign students as shown in Figure 11.
The age distribution of the respondents is shown in
Figure 11A, and the use of strategies at different ages is shown
in Figure 11B.
The survey results in Figure 11A show that the ages of the
foreign students in this study are divided into 18–22 years old,
23–27 years old, and 28–32 years old. Among them, 23–27 years
old is the most, accounting for about 55%, followed by 18–
22 years old, accounting for about 40%, and the rest is 28–32 years
old. This shows that the age of most people who learn Chinese
is under 27 years old. This is because people are unwilling to
learn new things as they grow older. Figure 11B shows that the
older the student is, the higher the use frequency of learning
strategies is. The average scores of the use frequency of cognitive
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Tang Chinese Learning Following Entrepreneurial Psychology
\HDUVROG \HDUVROG
FIGURE 11 | Survey results of the relations between learning strategies used
by foreign students and their ages. (A) Ages. (B) Use of different Chinese
learning strategies.
strategies in the three age groups are 2.395, 3.763; and 4.002;
the average scores of make-up strategies are 2.905, 3.156, and
3.021; the average scores of metacognitive strategies are 2.061,
3.151, and 3.905; the average scores of the emotional strategies
are 2.995, 3.021, and 3.453. This shows that the increase of
age has an obvious effect on the use of learning strategies. For
cognitive strategies, the improvement effect is the most obvious
at the age of 18–27, reaching 1.368, and it only increases by
0.239 at the age of 23–32, which shows that cognitive learning
strategies promote learning ability most in youth; For affective
learning strategies, the improvement effect is not obvious at the
age of 18–27, and it increases by 0.026 and increases by 0.432 at
the age of 23–32, which shows that affective learning strategies
promote learning ability most at older ages; For the compensation
strategy, the improvement effect is the most obvious at the age
FIGURE 12 | Relation between the students’ personalities and their use
frequency of learning strategies.
of 18–27, reaching 0.251, while it decreases by 0.135 at the
age of 23–32, which shows that the affective learning strategies
promote the learning ability most at younger ages, but hinders the
improvement of learning ability at older ages; For metacognitive
strategies, the improvement effect is the most obvious at the age
of 18–27, reaching 1.088, and it increases by 0.749 at the age
of 23–32, which shows that affective learning strategies promote
learning ability the most when they grow older.
The analysis of the relation between the student’s personalities
and their use frequency of learning strategies is shown in
Figure 12.
Figure 12 shows that the students with introverted and
extroverted personalities use metacognitive strategies the most
frequently, but their use frequency of the emotional strategies is
the lowest. Overall, the average score of the extroverted students
is higher than that of the introverted students, that is, extroverted
students use learning strategies more frequently than introverted
students. This also verifies that the characteristics of cognitive
strategies are more suitable for students with active thoughts.
There is little difference in the use frequency of make-up
strategies between introverted and extroverted foreign students.
The introverted students in the use frequency of metacognitive
strategies are higher than the extroverted students. The reason
may be that the introverted students are better at in-depth
thinking, and there is a large gap in the use frequency of
emotional strategies between the introverted and the extroverted
students. This shows that introverted students are more likely
to have psychological burdens, often unable to find suitable
methods of releasing their pressure, and more likely to suffer from
depression. However, extroverted students are more willing to
express and share their ideas and they have many ways to deal
with their negative emotions.
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Tang Chinese Learning Following Entrepreneurial Psychology
Suggestions on the Use of Learning
Strategies for Foreign Students
According to the analysis of the survey result, it can be
found that there are still common problems in the current
Chinese education for foreign students. For example,
although the overall frequency of foreign students’ use
of learning strategies in Chinese learning is more than
half, the scores of foreign students in the classification of
metacognitive strategies are low, indicating that foreign
students have plans in Chinese learning, but their self-
monitoring ability is weak. Other problems existing in Chinese
learning have been analyzed above, and the corresponding
measures should be taken to improve the effectiveness
of the level of Chinese proficiency of foreign students
(Guo and Leung, 2021).
First, in terms of the foreign students’ Chinese education,
teachers should guide them to develop their learning habits
in Chinese teaching activities: (1) teachers can guide them by
asking foreign students to quickly browse Chinese textbooks and
skimming skills in the classroom, or by deliberately practicing
summary and summarizing articles to improve their learning
ability (Gao and Shen, 2021); (2) since foreign students are
highly dependent on translating articles in Chinese learning,
teachers can alleviate the phenomenon by reducing the time
of reading Chinese textbooks in the classroom. If foreign
students want to complete the understanding of textbooks in
a limited time, they must cut the time used for translation
(Weerasawainon, 2019); (3) it is necessary to post appropriate
learning pressure to improve the learning efficiency of foreign
students in Chinese learning. According to the survey results,
foreign students have a high frequency of using the learning
strategy of reducing anxiety in the examination, so students
have the corresponding ability to reduce anxiety. In general, it
is necessary to appropriately increase their learning pressure and
create a slightly tense classroom environment to help foreign
students use the learning strategy (Zhou, 2020). When the
frequency of using this strategy increases, the learning efficiency
of foreign students will improve (Bruen, 2020); (4) teachers
should often remind themselves that if you give a man a fish,
you have fed him for today; and if you teach a man to fish,
you have fed him for a lifetime. It is important to educate
students to use learning strategies. And more importantly,
teaching students to use learning strategies independently can
make them develop a good habit of autonomous learning and
helps students improve their learning efficiency fundamentally
(Li et al., 2018).
Second, teachers should teach students in accordance with
their aptitude, and try to achieve this goal through some strategies
(Collie et al., 2017): (1) for the students from non-Chinese
majors, some interest classes in Chinese learning can be opened
following the school system, and the learning strategies that can
be applied in Chinese learning in interest classes, and targeted
special training can be conducted (Yang, 2020); (2) for the foreign
students with different levels of Chinese proficiency, teachers
should emphasize their basic knowledge, and require students
to pay attention to the accumulation of knowledge in learning;
(3) the awareness of using metacognitive strategies should be
cultivated from the initial stage of their Chinese learning.
Only by cultivating independent learning habits according to
their learning characteristics can other learning strategies be
flexibly used (Huang, 2017); (4) in view of the difference in the
use frequency of teaching strategies caused by different ages,
teachers should pay attention to the psychological impact on
the learning of foreign students aged 18–22, and strengthen
situational teaching methods to help the students better use
emotional strategies, alleviating their anxiety caused by learning
pressure and improving their learning efficiency (Lin et al.,
2017); (5) for the students with different personalities, teachers
should pay more attention to the cultivation of learning
strategies used by the students with introverted personalities.
Their scores in cognitive strategies, make-up strategies, and
emotional strategies are relatively low, especially in the use
of emotional strategies. Improving the use of the strategy can
help foreign students with introverted personalities improve
their ability to regulate their psychological emotions, eliminating
their negative emotions, and finally achieving the effect of
Chinese learning (Yao, 2017). Foreign students with extroverted
personalities also need to pay attention to guide them to
use metacognitive strategies. Only by improving the ability of
autonomous learning can the use of other learning strategies be
improved (Wang, 2017).
The nine suggestions in the above are proposed based on
this investigation and study, which may be more suitable for the
research object and more suitable for their learning situation.
And they also reflect the general characteristics of some foreign
students in Chinese learning. It is hoped that the study can have
significance to the Chinese teaching of foreign students in other
colleges and universities.
Based on entrepreneurial psychology, the current situation of the
use of learning strategies by foreign students in Chinese learning
is investigated, and the relations between learning strategies
used by foreign students in Chinese learning and their majors,
levels of Chinese proficiency, Chinese learning duration, ages,
and personalities are explored. First, a questionnaire suitable for
the research objects is designed according to the questionnaire
related to learning strategies, and then 200 questionnaires are
distributed and 195 are recovered, with a recovery rate of 97.5%.
After invalid questionnaires are excluded, the effective rate is
95%. Finally, the reliability of the questionnaire data is analyzed
by SPSS25, and the Cronbachs αcoefficient is 0.869, which
proved that the questionnaire has high reliability. The survey
results show that in the overall use of learning strategies, foreign
students have the highest frequency of using cognitive strategies
in the process of Chinese learning. The use of learning strategies
in Chinese learning is positively correlated with their majors.
Foreign students who have studied Chinese for 2–3 years most
frequently use learning strategies in Chinese learning. Foreign
students with HSK-4 most frequently use learning strategies in
Chinese learning. Foreign students aged between 28 and 32 have
the highest frequency of using learning strategies. The above
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Tang Chinese Learning Following Entrepreneurial Psychology
survey and analysis results are relatively comprehensive, but
there are still some shortcomings. Therefore, it is necessary to
emphasize the use of Chinese learning strategies in teaching,
so that students can quickly improve their levels of Chinese
proficiency, and use entrepreneurial psychology to increase
foreign students’ enthusiasm for Chinese learning. For example,
the nationality of the research objects is relatively single, and the
suggestions proposed for foreign students in Chinese learning
have not yet been verified, which will be the direction of the next
research in the future.
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this
article will be made available by the authors, without
undue reservation.
The studies involving human participants were reviewed
and approved by the Southwest Jiaotong University Ethics
Committee. The patients/participants provided their written
informed consent to participate in this study. Written informed
consent was obtained from the individual(s) for the publication of
any potentially identifiable images or data included in this article.
The author confirms being the sole contributor of this work and
has approved it for publication. MT proposed the research topics,
designed the research schemes, researched and organized the
literature, drafted the documents, collected and sorted out data,
and completed the manuscript.
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Frontiers in Psychology | 12 January 2022 | Volume 12 | Article 746043
... In terms of campus network construction, the early development of campus network in other countries, the wide application fields and colorful service functions have enabled a considerable number of universities to realize the integration of university-enterprise cooperation, university-enterprise cooperation and cross-discipline through the campus network platform, and achieve remarkable achievements [10][11]. The campus network construction in China, although starting late, has developed rapidly. ...
... The expressions of the parameters in equation are respectively (11) Where, . ...
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With the advent of technological society, data and intelligence have become the directional trend of development, and the network security of smart campus has become the focus of public attention day by day. The personalization of college students and the development of intelligent analytics have brought about a whole new change in privacy protection. The intertwining of campus networks and privacy protection is a complex and very real issue, and research based on the privacy protection of college students has become more urgent. Using Markov model as a computational analysis tool, this paper deeply investigates the security and usage degree of smart campus network security technology, and it propose a complete Markov- network security technology system. The calculation shows that the intrusion detection system has the highest security of 51% and the widest usage of 63%. This is followed by firewall technology with 19% security and 26% usage. Based on the above techniques, the system security of the proposed Markov-network security technique is 57%, which is much better than the 43% of the traditional network model.
... Various theoretical studies (e.g., Oxford, 2017;Cohen, 2018;Griffiths, 2018;Chamot, 2019) pinpointed that learning strategies are an affiliative factor in promoting language achievement. Besides, the findings of some empirical studies (e.g., Oxford, 2017;Habók and Magyar, 2018;Takeuchi, 2019;Shirzad et al., 2020;Razmi and Jabbari, 2021;Tang, 2022) corroborated that LLSs can help the learners apply their knowledge in a realworld context, gain knowledge, and achieve higher academic results eventually. Accordingly, different taxonomies of LLSs were proposed by the authorities in educational psychology (e.g., Oxford's direct and indirect strategies; O'Malley and Chamot's socio-affective strategies; Cohen's L2 learning and use strategies). ...
... They underscored that students are more unlikely to use different strategies when they show stronger beliefs in their knowledge and learning agent. Similarly, the findings corroborated the previous claims by L2 practitioners (e.g., Oxford, 2017;Griffiths, 2018;Chamot, 2019;Winberg et al., 2019;Tang, 2022). They corroborated that learning strategies are consistent with the beliefs held by learners. ...
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Understanding the beliefs held by the learners about learning a language, and the way they utilize their thoughts about knowledge and learning seem essential for planning a constructive language program. Following this line of research, this paper aims at testing a hypothetical model of the relationship between epistemic beliefs (EBs) and subscales of language-learning strategies (LLSs) through the mediating role of learners' self-efficacy (LSE). To this end, a sample of 300 Iranian high school students, taking regular courses, completed three survey questionnaires. At this stage, correlational analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM) were employed to probe the interconnections, analyze the model, and outline the conceptual framework. The results revealed that the LSE framework can adequately account for the learners' LLSs. In particular, the results indicated that efforts, persistence, and imitation (i.e., the subfactors of LSE) positively and significantly influenced LLSs. However, EBs with the mediating role of LSE were known to be a significant factor in demoting the LLSs. Notably, knowledge and learning agents were the negative predictors of LLSs. This paper suggests that LSE has higher explanatory power than EBs in predicting LLSs. The findings of this study suggest that teachers and material developers should pay serious attention to the learners' self-efficacy as they were known to influence LLSs.
... foreign students in China is mainly divided into two parts: teaching management and daily management [1] [2]. ...
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Online education was widely launched worldwide with the increasing impact of Covid-19 and multiple online platforms were developed or improved due to their demands. Several surveys have been conducted to analyze the Covid-19 impact on education, revealing the importance of information and communication technology (ICT). This epidemic has significantly changed all education levels and dramatically increased online learning. Online learning has various benefits with few drawbacks such as resources, economic effects, time, travelling, and so on. In this paper, we describe the impact of Covid-19 on education in China, the education of international students, problems in online learning, and the supportive technologies during this epidemic. Distance learning has been studied for years, expressed that it enhances the learners with lower paybacks; therefore, it was diminished dramatically. All these concerns will help us to understand global reforms and situations. We have also described affected regions, virus types, the Covid-19 cycle, and procedures to secure our education systems. Furthermore, we have highlighted some key issues of biosafety that will support the community to understand the standard procedures for developing a safe environment. Teachers play a key role in the development of a nation, and this study also enlightened the perspectives which should be addressed in future research.
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Despite the growing importance of Chinese in many contexts, the ideological orientations towards the Chinese language and its speakers embedded in the wider socio-political context remain under-researched. This study intends to bridge this gap by interpreting media representations of ‘Chinese’ in Irish print media. A combination of corpus linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis was employed in the study. Informed by Ruíz’s (1984) metaphorical representations of language, 85 valid news articles retrieved from the major Irish newspapers (2010-2018) were analysed. The results of analysis suggest that Irish media discourse focuses on highlighting the instrumental value of the Chinese language, promoting standard Chinese and marginalizing the Irish Chinese diaspora community. It can be argued that a community-oriented approach to promoting the learning and teaching of Chinese may help create a positive synergy between heritage language maintenance and recognition of the Chinese language as a valuable resource. This study will have implications for the wider discussion of language ideology and language planning with regard to modern language learning and heritage language maintenance.
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Owing to the complex structure of Chinese characters and the huge number of Chinese characters, it is very challenging and time consuming for artists to design a new font of Chinese characters. Therefore, the generation of Chinese characters and the transformation of font styles have become research hotspots. At present, most of the models on Chinese character transformation cannot generate multiple fonts, and they are not doing well in faking fonts. In this article, the authors propose a novel method of Chinese character fonts transformation and generation based on generative adversarial networks. The authors’ model is able to generate multiple fonts at once through font style‐specifying mechanism and it can generate a new font at the same time if the authors combine the characteristics of existing fonts.
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Standard solutions for handling a large amount of measured data obtained from intelligent buildings are currently available as software tools in IoT platforms. These solutions optimize the operational and technical functions managing the quality of the indoor environment and factor in the real needs of residents. The paper examines the possibilities of increasing the accuracy of CO₂ predictions in Smart Home Care (SHC) using the IBM SPSS software tools in the IoT to determine the occupancy times of a monitored SHC room. The processed data were compared at daily, weekly and monthly intervals for the spring and autumn periods. The Radial Basis Function (RBF) method was applied to predict CO₂ levels from the measured indoor and outdoor temperatures and relative humidity. The most accurately predicted results were obtained from data processed at a daily interval. To increase the accuracy of CO₂ predictions, a wavelet transform was applied to remove additive noise from the predicted signal. The prediction accuracy achieved in the selected experiments was greater than 95%.
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This case study explored college students’ use of interactive virtual reality tools (Google Cardboard and Expeditions) for learning Chinese as a foreign language. Specifically, the purpose of the study was to probe into students’ perceived benefits and challenges of using VR tools for Chinese language and culture learning. Twelve students were paired and role-played as virtual tour guides for six locations throughout a semester. Every two weeks, each dyad studied a particular Chinese tourist attraction or location and presented orally in Chinese as virtual tour guides by using the VR tools. Data collection included class observations of all presentations by each dyad, 24 reflections (two per participant, after the first and fifth presentations), and individual follow-up interviews. The study indicated that the real-life view VR tools offered an authentic context for Chinese language learning, sparked interest in the virtually presented locales, and encouraged students to further explore the target culture.
This study compared the relationships between the goal orientations, learning strategies, and mathematics achievement of Chinese Miao and Han students. A total of 211 Han and 321 Miao fifth‐ and sixth‐grade students from Qiandongnan participated in the study. The results suggest that, in both samples, mastery orientation positively predicted the use of surface/deep learning strategies and mathematics achievement, and that performance‐approach orientation significantly predicted the use of surface strategies. Ethnic differences were also detected. The positive relationship of the performance‐approach orientation to deep strategies was stronger among the Han than the Miao students. Overall, our findings confirm that goal orientations have an important influence on Chinese students’ strategy use and achievement and that ethnic differences affect the patterns of these relationships. Possible explanations for the results and the practical implications for school practitioners are discussed.
This article reports on findings regarding the learning strategies used by a group of Chinese English as a foreign language (EFL) learners in a mobile-technology-assisted environment. The research design is a context-specific case study using Dörnyei’s (2005) categories of learning strategies as the conceptual and analytical framework to guide data collection and analysis. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected through a questionnaire from a sample of 75 Chinese EFL learners and a small-scale follow-up interview of five participants who completed the questionnaire. Data showed that a mobile-technology-assisted environment effected changes in Chinese EFL learners’ ways of adopting a particular set of learning strategies, which differed in type and frequency from those typical of a teacher-led and examination-oriented language classroom. Metacognitive and commitment control strategies were most frequently used by the respondents in this study. The frequency of student use of metacognitive strategies moved ahead of commitment and environmental control strategies. Satiation and emotion control strategies, rarely used by Chinese students in a teacher-fronted language classroom, were also observable. These findings have implications for the understanding and designing of mobile-technology-assisted learning for EFL learners to develop appropriate strategies for autonomous learning.
This paper presents a critical overview of studies on mobile assisted language learning (MALL) in teaching Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) during the period 2007–2019. In the review, keyword and reference searches were conducted to identify and select empirical studies during the review period. Thematic and frequency analyses were employed on the data. This identified methodological trends and research outcomes in the reviewed studies. As shown in the results, most of the reviewed studies used qualitative methods to examine the effect of mobile CFL learning on formal learning in higher education settings. These studies document the positive impact that mobile technology has on CFL learning. Their attention is primarily on the use of mobile learning in Chinese vocabulary acquisition, language skill development and mobile seamless learning. Suggestions are provided for further research to support continuous mobile assisted CFL teaching and learning.
Entrepreneurship has played an essential role in economic prosperity and social stability of many developed countries. India has the highest percentage of young population in the world and faces massive challenges with its high levels of unemployment among the youth. The unemployment scenario primarily due to lack of skill and entrepreneurial awareness among youth. The objectives of this study were to (1) examine the cognitive, affective, and behavioural components of students’ attitude towards entrepreneurship education in Indian universities/colleges, (2) measuring the impact of students' attitude towards entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intention (3) examine the role of control variables (e.g. gender and entrepreneurial family background), on the relationship between attitude towards entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intention. The respondents were students from different business management colleges/universities in central India. Purposive sampling technique was used in the selection of the colleges/universities, while simple random sampling was employed in the selection of the respondents. Data from five hundred nine filled questionnaire were analysed using ‘R Programing Language’ to obtain the results. The results showed a significant positive impact of attitude towards entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intention.
The present study investigates the effects of cooperative learning on learning strategies of 72 second-year Vietnamese higher education students toward the Research Methods in Education course over a nine-week course. These students were divided into two matched groups of 36 to be taught by the same lecturer. In the control group, cooperative learning was used, while in the experimental group, lecture-based teaching was employed. Results showed that students who were instructed using lecture-based teaching had lower scores on the post-tests of resource management and cognitive - metacognitive strategies than did the students who were instructed using cooperative learning. Implications for educators and further research are suggested for a less competitive and more effective learning outcome.