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Study of the degradation level influence of coastal zones on the water trophicity in lakes Turgoyak and Uvildy, Chelyabinsk region (Russia)


Abstract and Figures

The man-made impact on hydro-ecological state of water-bodies affects every stage of water ecosystem formation. Such a load has certain patterns of spatial formation distribution of coastal geosystems with different stages of digression as a result of direct recreational impact on hydrological natural monuments Southern Urals - Lake Turgoyak and Lake Uvildy. The current paper researches a degradation level of the coastal zones of the Lakes Turgoyak and Uvildy (Russia). To prepare for measurements and measure recreational load, the methods of trial areas, transect, mathematical-statistical and registration-measuring methods were used. The level of digression at the test site was determined by an integral generalized assessment of fifteen characteristic criteria for anthropogenic transformation of geosystems on a five-point scale. The trophic status of the studied areas of the lakes was determined by the Carlson Trophic State Index (TSI). Determined that, landscape and recreational zones with various degrees of digression were formed around the lakes under the influence of dispersed recreational load. On the territory of camping sites located no further than 30-50 m from the water-bodies, the 4th-5th stage of recreational digression prevails. At a distance of 50-200 m from the lakes, there is a 2-3 stage of digression. At a distance of up to 100-150 m – the 3rd stage, and from 150 m – the 1-2 stage. Within recreation centers, spatial differences in recreational digression are expressed slightly, and geosystems are more often characterized by a 3-5 stage of digression. It is established that the littoral zooplankton is more diversity in those parts of the lake water area where there are optimal conditions for its development, the lowest recreational load and the lowest degree of digression.
The degree of recreational digression of coastal areas in May 2021. The greatest negative change in the state over the past 5-10 years on Lake Uvildy occurred at "wild", not equipped camping sites, some of which became paid, but the ecological state and the level of improvement leaves much to be desired. In plan, coastal areas with 4-5 stages of digression at any of the considered spatial levels have a radial linear-nodal or linear-block pattern. Institutions and recreation facilities correspond to "knots", and paths, roads and communications correspond to lines. In most of the recreation centers, geosystems with 4-5 stages are distributed at a greater distance from lakes than similar geosystems in camping fields. Near Lake Turgoyak, the highest recreational density is characteristic of the eastern, southern and partly northern coasts (figure 1). The minimum recreational density is observed on the western, northwestern, and in some places southwestern coasts, which are the most distant from the highways from a transport position, moreover, they have steep slopes combined with swampy bays, which makes it difficult to travel and the construction of recreational facilities. With the same degree of anthropogenic transformation on the coastal geosystems of lakes, it can be noted that the recreational density of tourists at Lake Turgoyak is 5-10% less than at Lake Uvildy. This indicates a greater vulnerability of the prevailing low-mountain and foothill pine forests in comparison with the pine-birch forests located near Lake Uvildy on flatter areas of the relief, less prone to water and wind erosion. Near Lake Turgoyak, the eastern, northeastern, northern, and southern coasts have undergone the greatest anthropogenic transformation; the least western, north-western, which is a reflection of the difference in the recreational density and attendance of the lake. As a result of the study, it was noted that on the territory of camping sites located no further than 50 m from the lakes, the 4th-5th stage of digression prevails. At a distance from 50 to 150-200 m from the lake -the 3rd stage. At a distance of more than 150-200 m, stage 2 dominates (near Lake Uvildy with sections of the 3rd). At the same time, from the beginning to 50 meters from the edge of the lakes, the degree of digression does not decrease significantly, then to a distance of 150-200 meters -by more than one stage, and even further it changes slightly again (figure 2 A). When moving away from the lake's edge within small recreation centers, the degree of digression of the territory decreases in direct proportion to the distance from the reservoirs. At a distance of up to 100-150 m from the edge of reservoirs, the 4-5 stages of digression dominates. Further up to 200 meters from the edge, stage 3 prevails, and at a greater distance -2-3 stages (figure 2B).
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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Study of the degradation level influence of coastal zones on the water
trophicity in lakes Turgoyak and Uvildy, Chelyabinsk region (Russia)
To cite this article: I Mashkova et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 958 012001
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The 7th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 958 (2022) 012001
IOP Publishing
Study of the degradation level influence of coastal zones on the
water trophicity in lakes Turgoyak and Uvildy, Chelyabinsk
region (Russia)
I Mashkova 1, *, A Kostryukova 1, S Belov 1, V Trofimenko2 and S Mashkov3
1 Department of Chemistry, Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, South Ural
State University, 76 Lenin Prospect, 454080 Chelyabinsk, Russia
2 Department of Philosophy and Culturology, South Ural State Humanitarian
Pedagogical University, 69 Lenin Prospect, 454080, Chelyabinsk, Russia
3 Department of Tourism and social and cultural servicesInstitute of Sports Tourism
and Service, South Ural State University, 76 Lenin Prospect, 454080 Chelyabinsk,
Abstract. The man-made impact on hydro-ecological state of water-bodies affects every stage
of water ecosystem formation. Such a load has certain patterns of spatial formation distribution
of coastal geosystems with different stages of digression as a result of direct recreational impact
on hydrological natural monuments Southern Urals - Lake Turgoyak and Lake Uvildy. The
current paper researches a degradation level of the coastal zones of the Lakes Turgoyak and
Uvildy (Russia). To prepare for measurements and measure recreational load, the methods of
trial areas, transect, mathematical-statistical and registration-measuring methods were used. The
level of digression at the test site was determined by an integral generalized assessment of fifteen
characteristic criteria for anthropogenic transformation of geosystems on a five-point scale. The
trophic status of the studied areas of the lakes was determined by the Carlson Trophic State Index
(TSI). Determined that, landscape and recreational zones with various degrees of digression were
formed around the lakes under the influence of dispersed recreational load. On the territory of
camping sites located no further than 30-50 m from the water-bodies, the 4th-5th stage of
recreational digression prevails. At a distance of 50-200 m from the lakes, there is a 2-3 stage of
digression. At a distance of up to 100-150 m the 3rd stage, and from 150 m the 1-2 stage.
Within recreation centers, spatial differences in recreational digression are expressed slightly,
and geosystems are more often characterized by a 3-5 stage of digression. It is established that
the littoral zooplankton is more diversity in those parts of the lake water area where there are
optimal conditions for its development, the lowest recreational load and the lowest degree of
1. Introduction
Recently, especially during the COVID19 pandemic, coastal tourism has grown rapidly. It has had a
negative impact on environmental, social and cultural sustainability [1]. Lakes Uvildy and Turgoyak are
the most visited tourist attraction in the Southern Urals with a large number of picturesque coastal
territories. The coastal area of these lakes is rich in forests and has a variety of landscapes. At the end
of the XX century, the recreational development of the Southern Urals reservoirs led to almost
continuous and often unauthorized development of coastal territories of many lakes. Spontaneously
The 7th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 958 (2022) 012001
IOP Publishing
organized nature management has increased the territorial contrast of both the types of use of the coasts
and their ecological state. As a result, a rather complex hierarchical network of natural and
anthropogenic coastal territories was formed on the shores of the largest lakes (Uvildy and Turgoyak),
with a regularly varying degree of digression in space [2]. The deteriorating ecological situation of
coastal geosystems began to affect the change in the state of the coastal water area of reservoirs,
accelerating the processes of eutrophication in some areas [3, 4].
In this regard, Cabezas-Rabadán C. et al. suggest taking into account the diversity of coastal areas
when making decisions on landscaping. The authors believe that the desires of the recreants should be
taken into account more, and the actions should be adapted to the diversity of beaches and their
characteristics, which will lead to differentiated beach management [5]. Today, recreational tourism
management follows a uniform and rigorous decision-making process that tries to meet the expectations
of mass tourism without really understanding the perception of real users (5). Decisions are usually
made without taking into account the diversity of values of beaches, which has a strong impact on the
environment, economy and recreation [5]. The growth of beach tourism has increased the need for
acceptable, practical and sustainable policies [6] Overcrowding, habitat destruction, littering of
territories, water pollution and other problems usually arise as a result of the rapid growth of beach
activity [6]. Due to the growing population of the Earth, the excessive consumption of natural resources
and the accompanying depletion, the scientific community is required to provide information, including
the proper management of natural resources [7]. Places of mass recreation should pursue two main
objectives: the conservation of natural resources and the provision of opportunities for recreation and
tourism [1]. Coastal management involves many activities at various spatial scales [8] and, first of all,
conducting research aimed at determining the impact of emerging recreational zones (LRZ) on the
trophic status of the reservoir.
Ali S. et al. believe that threats to beaches arise from a number of stress factors that cover the
spectrum of impact scales from local effects (for example, trampling) to truly global scales [7]. Many
beaches are also subject to periodic or chronic pollution, and direct human intervention includes damage
to landscapes by cars, trampling, littering of the territory, water pollution, etc. These interferences
usually negatively affect the ecosystem [3, 4, 9]. These loads act on different time and spatial scales,
which leads to environmental impacts that manifest themselves in several dimensions in time and space,
so that today almost every beach on every coastline is threatened by human activity [2, 10].
The problem of the qualitative spatial characteristics of the landscape-recreational structure arose in
connection with the increasing anthropogenic load in water bodies and the contrast of forms of recreation.
Currently, this is the subject of research by many authors [11, 12]. The increase in coastal tourism
increases the load on the shore, although these loads can be largely offset in developed and developing
countries by more efficient management. In particular, as a result of a deeper understanding of the factors
governing sandy shore systems and better interaction with beach managers and developers [9]. Due to
inertia associated with global climate change and population growth, no realistic management scenario
will eliminate these threats in the short term [9]. The first priority is to conduct long-term field
experiments and monitoring programs to quantify the dynamics of key ecological characteristics of the
sandy beaches of the studied lakes. Accordingly, zoning of coastal landscape and recreational zones and
the ecological state of coastal territories of tectonic lakes at different spatial levels is relevant. The
purpose of this article is to study the degree of degradation of coastal zones and the trophic state of lakes
Turgoyak and Uvildy (Russia). The results obtained will expand the understanding of the influence of
the degree of degradation of near-water areas on the state of the water bodies themselves; these issues
are currently poorly studied.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Study area
Lake Uvildy is located in 80 km northwest of Chelyabinsk. The lake is a natural monument. The lake is
a typical tectonic water body located in a deep front fault. Most of the winding coastline is covered with
The 7th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 958 (2022) 012001
IOP Publishing
pine and mixed forests. The water in the lake is fresh, according to its chemical composition it belongs
to the bicarbonate-calcium, and according to the ratio of ions - to the sulfate-sodium [13]. In the
catchment area of the lake, there are sources of sapropel mud and radon, which contributed to the
development of national resorts [13], [14]. The total volume of water in the lake is about 1000 million
cubic meters. The bottom of the lake is sandy, with pebbles and silt.
Lake Turgoyak belongs to the Eastern Foothill Limnological Region [13]. The lake is located in a
deep intermountain basin, between the Ural-Tau and Ilmensky ridges at an altitude of 320 m above sea
level. The location of the lake on the border of mountains and foothills contributed to the widespread
development of tourist infrastructure. Birch-pine forests prevailing in the catchments, as well as linden
and spruce forests, increase the attractiveness of the territory. This is the deepest lake in South Ural. The
maximum depth reaches 34 m, and the average is 19.2 m [13]. Stony soils (granites) are the most
widespread in the catchment area. A lake basin is of tectonic origin. The role of surface runoff in the
water supply of the lake is small due to the small size of the catchment area. The total length of flows
within the catchment area does not exceed 20 km. Groundwater plays a significant role in the nutrition
of the lake. The catchment area of the lake is located in a zone of a sharply continental climate.
The annual amplitude of the air temperature in the studied area is 33.6 °C. Winter is cold, long, and
summer is warm but relatively short. A characteristic feature of the area is the late termination of spring
and early resumption of autumn frosts in the air and on the soil surface. Intrusions of Arctic air masses
lead to sudden weather changes. It is often influenced by southern cyclones moving from the Black,
Caspian and Aral Seas, as well as «diving» cyclones from the Barents Sea [13]. The average annual
precipitation is 496 mm. Most of the precipitation falls during the warm period of the year with a
maximum in July.
Field expedition studies were conducted in 2017-2021 on the lakes Uvildy, Turgoyak. Five sites were
selected for the study on Lake Uvildy and Lake Turgoyak. The selected sites are located in areas with
different degrees of a recreational load of the coast (various sanatoriums, recreation centres, settlements)
(table 1).
Table 1. Information about water-bodies.
Geographic coordinates
saprobity index
Latitude, N
Longitude, E
Lake Uvildy
55 ° 32'9.13 "
60 ° 25'34.05"
Lake Turgoyak
55°10 '42.9"
60°05 '43.9"
55°09 '19.2"
60°06 '35.3"
60°04 '12.6"
2.2. Sample collection
To prepare for measurements and measure recreational load, the methods of trial areas, transect,
mathematical-statistical and registration-measuring methods were used, according to OST 56-100-95
[15]. The digression stages (from 1 to 5) were determined by the ratio of the ground cover surface
trampled to the mineral horizon to the total surface of the studied area (from 1.0 to 25.0 %, respectively)
[15]. To assess the digression of forest recreational areas, the method of test sites in recreation areas
with a size of at least 100 x 100 m.
The 7th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 958 (2022) 012001
IOP Publishing
2.3. Data Analysis
The level of digression at the test site was determined by an integral generalized assessment of fifteen
characteristic criteria for the anthropogenic transformation of geosystems on a five-point scale. The
estimated number of one-time visitors to the territory of parks, forest parks, forests, green zones was
determined according to SP 42.13330.2016 (SNiP 2.07.01-89) [16]. To evaluate the degree of the water
body’s contamination, we used an extended method to analyze the saprobity of water bodies based on
Pantle-Bucc method in the Sladecek modification (Sladecek 1973), using the indices of the number of
cells of the indicator species and the value of the indicator significance of species in the formula [17].
The Carlson Trophic State Index (TSI) was calculated based on the water transparency values.
3. Results and discussion
Landscape and LRZ (as natural-anthropogenic complexes) of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd orders have been
identified in the coastal zone of lakes on the basis of defining the boundaries of geosystems and assessing
the recreational infrastructure (table 2).
Table 2. Assessment of the recreational infrastructure of lakes Uvildy and Turgoyak.
LRZ of
the 1st
LRZ of
the 2nd
facilities area
Number of
Maximum one-time
recreational density
(people per hectare)
Prevailing load
(people per
from 5 to 150
from 3 to 100
Within the LRZ of the 3rd order are formed, for example, camping sites, beaches, play areas, parking
lots. It is possible that on the coastal territories of lakes, LRZ of 4 orders can be formed, represented by
separate bivouacs, gazebos, playgrounds. However, these zones are obviously temporary. In turn, on the
contrary, landscape and recreational zones of the 1st order can be inscribed into recreational zones of
the district, regional and Russian territorial scale [2].
According to the conducted field landscape-ecological studies, it was revealed that recreational
institutions located near Lake Uvildy occupy up to 80% of the length of the coastal zone and, as a rule,
merge into single landscape-recreational complexes, up to 200-300 m wide, with the vast majority of
recreational institutions belong to recreation centers.
The maximum one-time recreational density on the coastal areas of water bodies fluctuates according
to the updated data. The lowest recreational density on lake Uvildy is observed on the northwestern and
northern coasts, and the maximum is observed near highways in the south, southwest, southeast, and
partly in the east. The average one-time recreational density, at which geosystems develop with the 3rd
stage of digression, is 25-30 people/ha. But this is consistent with a short-term rest period, such as a
weekend with warm, sunny weather. With an average annual and longer rest period, the recreational
density, taking into account the attendance of coastal areas, is 3-7 people/ha. At a distance of 100-150
meters from the lake, the recreational density decreases by 1.5-3 times
The territorial organization of the recreational infrastructure and especially its density have left a
significant “imprint” on the formation of the spatial “pattern” of the digression of coastal geosystems of
lakes (figure 1).
In particular, on the southwestern and western shores of Lake Uvildy, 3-4, in some places 5, stages
of digression prevail. On the northwestern coast, stage 2 prevails with sections of the 1st, on the northern
and northeastern coasts 2-3 stages, on the east and southeastern and southern - mainly the 3-4th stage.
According to field studies carried out at the end of May 2021, compared to 2017, the size of the coastal
areas of Lake Uvildy with stages 4-5 of digression increased by 5-12%, and for Lake Turgoyak it
increased by 15-20%. This happened due to the opening of a free beach in the southeast of Lake Uvildy
and open access to most of the coastline for cars to enter the reservoir. And on Lake Turgoyak due to
the geosystems adjacent to the "City Beach" and the increase in asphalt approaches to the lake. There
are about 10% of coastal landscapes with the 5th stage of digression; 30% - with stage 4; about 35% -
The 7th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 958 (2022) 012001
IOP Publishing
stage 3, about 25% - from the 1st and 2nd. The maximum one-time recreational density revealed within
the recreation centers exceeds the permissible values at which geosystems are characterized by stages
1-3 of digression, by 30-40% of the area of the coastal zones of Lake Uvildy, where in some areas it
exceeds the norms established by the standards by 3-4 times.
Figure 1. The degree of recreational digression of coastal areas in May 2021.
The greatest negative change in the state over the past 5-10 years on Lake Uvildy occurred at “wild”,
not equipped camping sites, some of which became paid, but the ecological state and the level of
improvement leaves much to be desired. In plan, coastal areas with 4-5 stages of digression at any of
the considered spatial levels have a radial linear-nodal or linear-block pattern. Institutions and recreation
facilities correspond to “knots”, and paths, roads and communications correspond to lines. In most of
the recreation centers, geosystems with 4-5 stages are distributed at a greater distance from lakes than
similar geosystems in camping fields.
Near Lake Turgoyak, the highest recreational density is characteristic of the eastern, southern and
partly northern coasts (figure 1). The minimum recreational density is observed on the western,
northwestern, and in some places southwestern coasts, which are the most distant from the highways
from a transport position, moreover, they have steep slopes combined with swampy bays, which makes
it difficult to travel and the construction of recreational facilities.
With the same degree of anthropogenic transformation on the coastal geosystems of lakes, it can be
noted that the recreational density of tourists at Lake Turgoyak is 5-10% less than at Lake Uvildy. This
indicates a greater vulnerability of the prevailing low-mountain and foothill pine forests in comparison
with the pine-birch forests located near Lake Uvildy on flatter areas of the relief, less prone to water and
wind erosion. Near Lake Turgoyak, the eastern, northeastern, northern, and southern coasts have
undergone the greatest anthropogenic transformation; the least western, north-western, which is a
reflection of the difference in the recreational density and attendance of the lake.
As a result of the study, it was noted that on the territory of camping sites located no further than
50 m from the lakes, the 4th-5th stage of digression prevails. At a distance from 50 to 150-200 m from
the lake the 3rd stage. At a distance of more than 150-200 m, stage 2 dominates (near Lake Uvildy
with sections of the 3rd). At the same time, from the beginning to 50 meters from the edge of the lakes,
the degree of digression does not decrease significantly, then to a distance of 150-200 meters by more
than one stage, and even further it changes slightly again (figure 2 A).
When moving away from the lake's edge within small recreation centers, the degree of digression
of the territory decreases in direct proportion to the distance from the reservoirs. At a distance of up to
100-150 m from the edge of reservoirs, the 4-5 stages of digression dominates. Further up to 200 meters
from the edge, stage 3 prevails, and at a greater distance 2-3 stages (figure 2B).
The 7th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 958 (2022) 012001
IOP Publishing
When moving away from the water edge of lakes within large recreation centers, the degree of
digression of the territory practically does not change, slightly increasing at buildings located at a
distance of 50 meters from the lake and very gradually decreasing from a distance of more than 100-
150 m. On average, stage 4 of digression dominates (figure 2C).
Figure 2. The dependence of the distance of the territory on the edge of the lakes and the stage of its
digression on the territory: A - of camping sites; B - of small recreation centers; C - of large recreation
Thus, when moving away from the coastline at large recreation centers and sanatoriums, the
digression of coastal geosystems decreases very gradually, but at the same time, the 4th stage of
digression dominates on the shores, and at a distance of 150-200 meters the 3rd stage. In contrast, at
small recreation centers and in places of spontaneous development of camping sites, when moving away
from the lake shore, the digression stage decreases very quickly, but at the water's edge, stage 5
dominates, but already at a distance of 70-100 meters stage 3, and at a distance of 150-200 meters
stage 1-2. In the direction from the peripheral areas of recreational zones to the coasts and in the direction
of territories with transport accessibility, the degree of digression increases from the 2nd to the 4th stage,
and the recreational load increases from 5-10 to 100 people/ha or more.
The larger the recreational facility, the more evenly the recreational load is distributed over it, and
the smaller the spatial differences in the ecological state of its territory. At the same time, there are
exceptions to the rules: on the territory of large recreation centers and sanatoriums, in conditions of a
dominant recreational density of 40-70 people/ha, the 4th stage of digression with the 3rd sections
prevails. But at small recreation centers and camping sites with the same recreational density, stage 5 of
digression with sections of the 4th is observed. This circumstance suggests that in the conditions of
proper landscaping and competent functional zoning of the coastal territory, their ecological state with
the same recreational load is much better.
The field studies have shown that there is a very significant degradation of coastal areas, which are
very vulnerable in conditions of non-compliance with the status of coastal protection zones and are
practically unable to adequately resist the existing anthropogenic impacts. As a result, recreational loads
are exceeded on 30-45% of the area of the studied coastal areas of the lakes, in contrast to the quality of
the waters themselves, which remain within the permissible values for many organoleptic and chemical
properties due to high water exchange rates, the predominance of cold temperatures of water masses and
possibly favorable conditions for plankton cleaning.
The 7th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 958 (2022) 012001
IOP Publishing
4. Сonclusions
It is revealed that the LRZ at Lake Turgoyak, as well as at Lake Uvildy, have a territorial differentiation
due to the landscape structure and recreational load, and are represented by at least 3 spatial orders that
repeat the contours of morphological elements of landscapes, as well as the boundaries of territories
with a separate type, genus and type of recreation, respectively.
It is determined that when the density of the path network in recreation areas is more than 200-250
m/ha, geosystems with 4-5 stages of digression prevail. This indicates the need for improvement of trails
(filling with screes, tree bark) in order to exclude the development of new trails bypassing existing ones
during rainy weather and reduce the areas of trampling of vegetation cover. This can restrain not only
the increase in the degraded territory, but also the ingress of loose soil and soil materials into the lake,
which leads to its siltation.
The selection and analysis of water samples taken in the coastal waters of the studied lakes, where
various stages of digression dominate, showed that the majority of organoleptic indicators of waters, as
well as the concentration of heavy metals in them, in the vast majority of cases, has a direct relationship
with the stages of digression of coastal territories. However, the amplitude of changes in the chemical
composition and water quality is significantly less than the corresponding amplitude of changes in the
digression of coastal geosystems. This is primarily due to the large self-cleaning capacity of reservoirs
with very large volumes of water masses and active mixing of waters, especially during the off-season
(spring and autumn).
According to the field studies, over the past 8-10 years, the area of coastal territories with 4-5th stages
of digression has increased by 15-20%, and the recreational load has increased by 5-10%. This indicates
a direct relationship and an “accumulating” effect of degradation of coastal geosystems. In comparison
with the coastal geosystems of Lake Uvildy, over the same period, the degree of degradation of
geosystems near Lake Turgoyak has significantly increased, especially in places where cars are
In both of the studied lakes, there is a tendency towards an increase in degradation changes in coastal
areas. A positive correlation was noted between the digression of the coastal territory and the trophicity
of the corresponding parts of the reservoir.
This research was funded by RFBR and Chelyabinsk Region (Russia), project number 20-45-740005.
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Eutrophication of water-bodies, as well as lakes, is currently one of the crucial problems of both theoretical and applied ecology. Zooplankton is sensitive to changes in the ecological state of different types of reservoirs. The article analyses differences and similarities of zooplankton communities in 10 lakes of Kisegach - Miassovo hydrological system of Chelyabinsk region (Russia). The current research aims at identifying taxonomic structure of zooplankton communities of the lakes in Chelyabinsk region (Russia) and stating the influence of some abiotic factors on its formation. Integrated samples were gathered in summer 2015 - 2019. The given paper studied the correlation of the main taxonomic groups of zooplankton, marked a regular decrease in the number of zooplankton species under adverse environment. When the trophic level of water in natural fresh lakes changes in the direction of oligotrophic-mesotrophic-eutrophic, the total number of zooplankton decreases from 400.90 individuals per L ⁻¹ to 106.06 individuals per L ⁻¹ . In the same direction, the number of Cladocera representatives decreases (from 362.03 individuals per L ⁻¹ to 66.34 individuals per L ⁻¹ ) and the number of Copepoda representatives decreases (from 34.01 individuals per L 12.67 individuals per L ⁻¹ ), and the number of Rotifera representatives increases (from 6.97 individuals per L ⁻¹ to 26.60 individuals per L ⁻¹ ).
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To date very little research has been carried out on zooplankton ecology in artificial reservoirs in Chelyabinsk region. The paper considers the current state of the zooplankton community in six reservoirs of the Chelyabinsk region (Russia). The species composition (32 species) and quantitative characteristics of the zooplankton community of reservoirs in summers of 2016 and 2017 were studied. The species common to all reservoirs belong to widespread palearct or cosmopolitan. It is studied the ratio of major groups. The results of the study showed that the share of Cladocera in mesotrophic reservoirs is 2.5 times higher than in eutrophic reservoirs. Unlike Cladocera , the Rotifera group is 10 times more abundant in eutrophic reservoirs compared to mesotrophic ones. Copepoda were common to all bodies of water, as they belong to widespread Palearctic or cosmopolitan. Changes in species diversity were recorded depending on the eutrophication of the reservoir. The increased anthropogenic load influenced the decrease in both the composition and the structure of zooplankton communities in water bodies.
Coastal management involves multiple possible actions at various spatial scales. Yet, what determines in practice the scale and scope of coastal management? To address this question we investigate two possible explanations for the scale and scope of coastal management regimes: an economic explanation, focusing on the costs and benefits of widening the scale and scope of such management regimes, and an environmental explanation, focusing on the environmental issues and threats. To test these explanations, we analyze the relations between the economic and environmental dimensions and the scale and scope of coastal management in 17 Mediterranean countries using the co-plot method based on The Mediterranean Action Plan data. While we do find wider scale and scope of coastal management in countries with higher disposable income, these do not seem to be clearly and directly related to the intensity of specific economic activities that are more sensitive to environmental degradation or to level of pollution in coastal zone.
Recently coastal tourism has increased dashingly; however, it has negatively affected environmental, social and cultural sustainability. Algarve is the most visited tourist attraction in Portugal with a large number of beautiful beaches. Due to negative tourism impacts and climate change, coastal tourism management tools need to be assessed and implemented. Most beach areas have the dual mandate of conserving natural resources and providing opportunities for recreation and tourism. This paper aims to develop a methodology for sustainable beach management. An urban, rural, resort and remote beach type were chosen as case studies. The proposed methodology for assessing beach quality and effective beach management consisted of three parts: initially, SWOT analysis was performed, where overcrowding, coastal urbanization, ecosystem degradation and coastal erosion due to sea level rising emerged as main future threats. Beach quality evaluation was assessed using the Bath Area Registration and Evaluation (BARE) method. Face-to-face interviews were conducted to get the beach visitor's opinions. An Importance-performance (I-P) analysis has been applied to identify the service quality gap and the most appropriate actions to improve beach management. For most of the beach attributes, satisfaction exceeded importance, and hence no management attention was needed. Exceptions were the condition of litter facilities, public toilets, showers and associated footpaths, the use of renewable energy, and the presence of litter in sand and vegetation health. For these, satisfaction was lower than importance, suggesting management attention is needed. The combined methodology allowed to identify beach management priorities resulting in enhanced visitors' experiences and protecting the natural environment.
Beach management follows a homogeneous and rigid decision-making process that tries to fulfill expectations assumed from mass tourism without really getting to know the real users’ perception. Decisions are usually taken without considering the diversity of values of the beaches, causing high environmental, economic and recreational impacts. In this study, users’ profiles, expectations and perceptions have been defined on six Valencian beaches with both different degree of artificialization and sediment type. This has allowed a comparison between semi-natural and urban beaches, and between pebbly and sandy beaches. Differences between beach types have been observed, and a critical analysis of the current management framework and practices has been carried out. Therefore, decision-making should take greater account of users, and actions should be adapted to the diversity of beaches and their particularities, leading to a differential beach management. Full text available at
With our growing global population, over-consumption of natural resources and concomitant depletion, demands are placed on the scientific community to provide information, including suitable management of coastal ecosystems. However, the nature-society relationship is highly dynamic and complex and requires a framework which can accommodate options. In coastal systems, poor resource management is among the main causes of its degradation. As such, impacts arising from climate change, including sea-level rise, has forced an increase in the demand for sustainable coastal ecosystem science to inform management decisions. The realization of current and future sustainability objectives depends on the development and implementation of coherent strategies on managing dynamic ecosystems for retaining their ability to undergo disturbance, while maintaining their services, functions and control mechanisms. This paper provides a review of the basic assumptions, typical frameworks and methodologies that are adopted for (i) sustainability and sustainable management, (ii) ecosystem services and ecosystem management and (iii) coastal ecosystem management applications in Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Finally, limitations for sustainable coastal ecosystem management are discussed and recommendations are made which can inform research in sustainability science.
The growth of beach tourism has increased the need for acceptable, practical and sustainable policies. Overcrowding, sand loss, habitat destruction, littering, water pollution, among others problems, are commonly documented arising from booming beach activities. The objective of this paper was to identify management priorities and estimate carrying capacity of a high-use beach from tourists? perspectives. In this way, managers can make informed decisions, leading to enhanced beach quality. Specific procedures to fulfill this objective were progressively established to identify potential actions that address the concerns facing the beach environment. A body of data was collected by means of questionnaires. Results showed that beach cleanliness, safety, information provision, sediment and habitat management, and overcrowding were considered important by tourists, reflecting the areas of priority for actions. If a policy is set to avoid tourists overcrowding, the carrying capacity limit was estimated to be 680 people at one time and 2040 people on a daily basis. In this scenario, a tourist enjoys on average 22.06 square meters of the beach space. Results from focus group discussion suggest a list of potential actions targeting these management priorities. This helps to build a participative policy approach to sustainable beach development. Finally, taking special care in putting the management priorities into practice was discussed to facilitate beach management.