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Mapping technological innovation dynamics in artificial intelligence domains: Evidence from a global patent analysis


Abstract and Figures

Artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as a technology at the center of many political, economic, and societal debates. This paper formulates a new AI patent search strategy and applies this to provide a landscape analysis of AI innovation dynamics and technology evolution. The paper uses patent analyses, network analyses, and source path link count algorithms to examine AI spatial and temporal trends, cooperation features, cross-organization knowledge flow and technological routes. Results indicate a growing yet concentrated, non-collaborative and multi-path development and protection profile for AI patenting, with cross-organization knowledge flows based mainly on interorganizational knowledge citation links.
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Mapping technological innovation dynamics
in artificial intelligence domains: Evidence
from a global patent analysis
Na Liu
, Philip ShapiraID
*, Xiaoxu Yue
, Jiancheng Guan
1School of Management, Shandong Technology and Business University, Yantai, China, 2Manchester
Institute of Innovation Research, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester,
Manchester United Kingdom, 3School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia,
United States of America, 4School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China,
5School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as a technology at the center of many political, eco-
nomic, and societal debates. This paper formulates a new AI patent search strategy and
applies this to provide a landscape analysis of AI innovation dynamics and technology evo-
lution. The paper uses patent analyses, network analyses, and source path link count algo-
rithms to examine AI spatial and temporal trends, cooperation features, cross-organization
knowledge flow and technological routes. Results indicate a growing yet concentrated, non-
collaborative and multi-path development and protection profile for AI patenting, with cross-
organization knowledge flows based mainly on interorganizational knowledge citation links.
Artificial intelligence (AI) involves the creation of machines or agents that seek to simulate
human rationality [13]. AI may use machine learning, neural networks, deep learning, natu-
ral language processing, and other information technologies to imitate or augment human
capabilities, through logical calculation or through cognitively modelling human conscious-
ness [4,5].
AI is a rapidly growing and cross-disciplinary domain [4,6]. There is an expectation that
AI will be a key driver of future economic development [7]. The global AI market size, valued
at US $ 27.2 billion in 2019, is projected to reach US $ 266.9 billion by 2027 [8]. Bundled with
other information and automation technologies, AI is a key enabler of what is seen as a rapidly
evolving digital transformation phenomenon that is now disrupting and challenging multiple
aspects of business and society and driving organizational transformation and strategic change
[911]. As a general-purpose technology, AI is applied increasingly in areas as diverse as
power electronics, transportation, healthcare, manufacturing, finance, and education [2,5,9,
12]. Governments are actively advancing AI technologies for economic, societal, environmen-
tal, and security purposes, with the OECD [13] identifying more than 600 policy initiatives in
PLOS ONE | December 31, 2021 1 / 20
Citation: Liu N, Shapira P, Yue X, Guan J (2021)
Mapping technological innovation dynamics in
artificial intelligence domains: Evidence from a
global patent analysis. PLoS ONE 16(12):
Editor: Fu Lee Wang, The Open University of Hong
Received: August 6, 2021
Accepted: December 15, 2021
Published: December 31, 2021
Copyright: ©2021 Liu et al. This is an open access
article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: The data underlying
the results presented in the study are available
from LexisNexis PatentSight (https://www. and can be extracted using
the search approach in the study.
Funding: NL: grant number 72174112,
National Natural Science Foundation of China,; grant number
Tsqn201909149, Taishan Scholars Program of
Shandong Province. PS: grant number BB/
M017702/1, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
60 countries and jurisdictions. Measures adopted include national AI strategies, increased
R&D and training, the formation of public-private intermediary organizations, and (with vari-
ations by country) new governance and regulatory guidelines. Accompanying these private
and governmental efforts are concerns about AI’s ethical, personal privacy, employment, soci-
etal, distributional, and political dimensions [14,15].
The growth of AI—and the multiple consequences and concerns associated with its devel-
opment—make it important to probe the innovation dynamics and evolution of the domain.
Among the various ways of understanding AI trends, one approach is to investigate patent
activity to ascertain efforts (at national and organizational scales) to exploit AI intellectual
property rights and fields and applications of interest. While patents are primarily intended to
protect inventions in return for disclosure, the use of patents as a proxy for innovation activity
is a well-established practice in innovation management and policy studies [16]. Not all inven-
tions are patented and not all granted patents are of equal economic value or necessarily lead
to successful innovations. Nonetheless, indications of technological development and insights
about the direction and pace of innovation efforts can be obtained through the quantitative
analysis of patent applications including through the profiling of inventors, owners, organiza-
tional types, locations, technological content, citations, collaborations, and other information
contained in records of patenting activity [1721].
Among examples in the extant literature of studies that use patent data to probe AI technol-
ogy and innovation developments, Tseng and Ting [22] used patent quantity and quality mea-
sures to explore AI technology trends. Just over 5,200 US AI patent grants were identified
from 1976 through to 2010, using a single technological class (Data Processing: AI) sub-
divided into four AI fields (problem reasoning and solving, machine learning, network struc-
ture, and knowledge processing). China was not discussed as, in this early study, it did not
rank among the top ten leading countries for AI patenting (in the US data). Fujii and Managi
[23] examined AI technology shifts using a patent decomposition framework. This study cov-
ered global developments from 2000 through to 2016, identifying about 13,500 AI patent
grants. There is again a narrowly targeted search approach on a single patent group (computer
systems based on specific computation models), with the finding of a shift in AI patenting
from biological and knowledge-based approaches to mathematical and other models. Van Roy
et al. [4] used text-mining to map the global AI patent landscape, highlighting emerging AI
technologies and hotspots across the world. Using a keyword approach (49 AI-related terms),
this study identified 155,000 patent family applications worldwide from 2000 through to 2016,
of which 36.4% (about 56,000) had been granted. The search strategy captured AI-related pat-
ent records beyond those classified in computing or data processing patent groups. The growth
of AI patenting in China through to 2016 is described. However, the keyword search strategy
is not thoroughly explained.
In recent years, as we will see, the domain of AI—and AI patenting—has seen a further
acceleration in scale and scope, with new technological and functional approaches emerging.
Hence, while the existing work provides useful insights, the rapidly evolving nature of AI cre-
ates both a need and an opportunity for search approach refinement and further updated anal-
ysis. In this paper, we advance a new search strategy for identifying AI-oriented patent
documents that captures this rapidly multiplying domain with high recall and precision. After
explaining its construction, we apply this search strategy to build a comprehensive picture at
country, organization, and technology levels. We integrate patent analytics with network and
main path analysis to address questions about where AI technological knowledge is located,
who are the leading organizations developing AI over successive time periods, and what are
the most active technologies and technological development routes in the AI domain. Our aim
Mapping technological innovation dynamics in artificial intelligence domains
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Research Council,; grant
number 895-2018-1006, Partnership for the
Organization of Innovation and New Technologies
(Social Science and Humanities Research Council
of Canada), JG: grant
number 71874176, National Natural Science
Foundation of China, The
funders had no role in study design, data collection
and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of
the manuscript.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
is to offer a public AI patent document search approach and to provide insights for policy and
Materials and methods
Data collection
A key task in quantitatively profiling the development of patenting in an emerging technology
is to identify, with high recall and precision, which patent documents relate to the focal field
[24,25]. However, there is no agreed definition as to the composition of AI patenting. Indeed,
the emerging AI domain, which intrinsically involves novelty, boundary-crossing, and fast
growth, generates challenges in identifying patents in this field [4,6].
Some researchers have adopted AI patent search strategies based on designated patent clas-
sification codes including the International Patent Classification (IPC) [22,23]. While easily
implemented, this approach overlooks AI-related patents in classes outside of the designated
codes and, as patent classifications tend to change slowly, does not match AI’s rapid technolog-
ical evolution especially in recent years. To address such challenges, other researchers have
used a keyword-based search [4], or a combination of these two search approaches [5,26]. A
combined approach has the advantage of improving recall for patents in patent classes that are
predominantly AI-related, but which might not otherwise be captured by specific keywords.
However, to be most effective, there needs to be systematic selection and testing of designated
keywords and patent classifications.
In this study, we combine a systematic keyword-based search with IPC and CPC (Coopera-
tive Patent Classification) codes to select AI-related patents. (See Table 1.) The keywords are
from our previous peer-reviewed bibliometric definition of AI constructed from benchmark
AI publications; this approach has relatively high recall and precision in capturing AI-related
publications [6]. We then manually selected and tested AI-specific CPC and IPC codes
(Table 1). We identify a patent document as AI-related if its title, abstract or claims matched at
least one AI keyword, or it was assigned at least one of the CPC or IPC AI codes. Keyword
searching in the patent title, abstract and claims has been found to be an effective strategy for
ensuring optimal recall and precision [19] and is consistent with other patent studies of tech-
nological trends [20]. (For further details, including text descriptions of the selected patent
codes, see S1 Appendix).
We applied our AI patent search strategy to PatentSight—a comprehensive worldwide pat-
ent database covering more than 100 million patent documents from over 95 authorities
including the European Patent Office, the US Patent and Trademark Office, and national pat-
ent offices around the world [27]. Our search (based on the approach in Table 1) identified
383,168 AI patent families (all years through to May 7, 2020) comprising applications and
grants (excluding design and plant patents and utility models from China).
Methodological approach
We track AI patent documents by their application years. Since patent granting takes time (up
to two years for US patents), the application year is closer to the period when the patent was
developed [28]. To avoid double counting, we analyze patent families rather than individual
patent documents. A patent family is a collection of patents filed in several patent offices to
protect the same invention [4,29]. While we summarily report on patent grants, noting where
there are major differences compared with applications, our analysis uses patent applications
which are useful for detailed consideration of topical technological trends (as opposed to
assessments of patent economic value) [30]. Patents applied for reflect R&D efforts, new tech-
nological opportunities, innovative capacities, and future performance potentials [31,32]. We
Mapping technological innovation dynamics in artificial intelligence domains
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use patents applications in the analysis of country and organizational performance and tech-
nological trends and development routes. Drawing on Frietsch and Schmoch [33], we use
counts of transnational patent applications filed at the European Patent Office (EPO) or inter-
national applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) to capture high-quality
patents. To assign patents to countries, we use inventor location. We fractionally count patent
Table 1. Search strategy for artificial intelligence patents.
No. Search terms
# 1 keyword
Title Abstract Claims = (artificial intelligenOR neural netOR machinelearning OR expert system% OR natural language processing OR deep
learning OR reinforcement learning OR reinforced learning OR learning algorithm% OR supervised learning OR intelligent agentOR
back_propagation learning OR Bp learning OR back_propagation algorithmOR long short-term memory OR (Pcnn% AND NOT Pcnnt) OR
pulse coupled neural netOR Perceptron% OR neuro_evolution OR liquid state machineOR deep belief netOR radial basis function netOR
RbfnnOR Rbf netOR deep netOR autoencoderOR committee machineOR training algorithm% OR back_propagation netOR bp network
OR Q learning OR convolutionnetOR actor-critic algorithm% OR feed_forward NetOR hopfield netOR neocognitronOR xgboostOR
boltzmann machineOR activation function% OR neuro_dynamic programming OR learning modelOR neuro_computing OR temporal
difference learning OR echo statenetOR transfer learning OR gradient boosting OR adversarial learning OR feature learning OR generative
adversarial netOR representation learning OR multi_agent learning OR reservoir computing OR co-training OR Pac learning OR probabl
approximatecorrect learning OR extreme learning machineOR ensemble learning OR machineintelligenOR neuro_fuzzy OR lazy learning
OR multiinstance learning OR multi_instance learning OR multitask learning OR multi_task learning OR computationintelligenOR neural
modelOR multilabel learning OR multi_label learning OR similarity learning OR statistical relationlearning OR supportvectorregression
OR manifold regulari?ation OR decision forestOR generali?ation errorOR transductive learning OR neuro_roboticOR inductive logic
programming OR natural language understanding OR adaboostOR adaptive boosting OR incremental learning OR random forestOR metric
learning OR neural gas OR grammatical inference OR supportvectormachineOR multilabel classification OR multi_label classification OR
conditional random fieldOR multiclass classification OR multi_class classification OR mixture of expertOR conceptdrift OR genetic
programming OR string kernelOR learning to rankOR machine-learned ranking OR boosting algorithm% OR robotlearning OR relevance
vectormachineOR connectionisOR multikernel% learning OR multi_kernel% learning OR graph learning OR naive bayesclassifiOR rule-
based system% OR classification algorithmOR graphkernelOR ruleinduction OR manifold learning OR label propagation OR hypergraph
learning OR one class classifiOR intelligent algorithm)
# 2 CPC search CPC = (A61B 5/7264, A61B 5/7267, A63F 13/67, B23K 31/006, B25J 9/161, B25J 9/163, B29C 66/965, B29C2945/76946, B29C2945/76949,
B29C2945/76979, B60G2600/1876, B60G2600/1878, B60L2260/46, B60T 8/174, B60T2210/122, B64G2001/247, B65H2557/38, B66B 7/043, B66B 7/
045, E21B2041/0028, F01N2900/0402, F02D 41/1405, F03D 7/046, F05B2270/709, F05D2270/709, F16H2059/086, F16H2061/0084, F16H2061/0087,
G01N 29/4481, G01N 30/8662, G01N 33/0034, G01N2201/1296, G01R 31/2846, G01R 31/3651, G01S 7/417, G05B 13/027, G05B 13/028, G05B 13/
0285, G05B 13/029, G05B 13/0295, G05B 23/0229, G05B 23/024, G05B 23/0254, G05B 23/0281, G05B2219/13111, G05B2219/13166, G05B2219/
21002, G05B2219/23253, G05B2219/23288, G05B2219/24086, G05B2219/25255, G05B2219/31351, G05B2219/31352, G05B2219/31353, G05B2219/
31354, G05B2219/32193, G05B2219/32327, G05B2219/32329, G05B2219/32334, G05B2219/32335, G05B2219/33002, G05B2219/33013, G05B2219/
33014, G05B2219/33015, G05B2219/33021, G05B2219/33024, G05B2219/33025, G05B2219/33026, G05B2219/33027, G05B2219/33028, G05B2219/
33029, G05B2219/33033, G05B2219/33034, G05B2219/33035, G05B2219/33038, G05B2219/33039, G05B2219/33041, G05B2219/33044, G05B2219/
33056, G05B2219/33065, G05B2219/33066, G05B2219/33295, G05B2219/33303, G05B2219/33321, G05B2219/33322, G05B2219/34066, G05B2219/
34081, G05B2219/34082, G05B2219/36039, G05B2219/36456, G05B2219/39071, G05B2219/39072, G05B2219/39095, G05B2219/39268, G05B2219/
39271, G05B2219/39276, G05B2219/39282, G05B2219/39283, G05B2219/39284, G05B2219/39286, G05B2219/39292, G05B2219/39294, G05B2219/
39297, G05B2219/39298, G05B2219/39311, G05B2219/39312, G05B2219/39352, G05B2219/39372, G05B2219/39374, G05B2219/39376, G05B2219/
39385, G05B2219/40107, G05B2219/40115, G05B2219/40408, G05B2219/40494, G05B2219/40496, G05B2219/40499, G05B2219/40528, G05B2219/
40529, G05B2219/41054, G05B2219/42018, G05B2219/42135, G05B2219/42141, G05B2219/42142, G05B2219/42149, G05B2219/42287, G05B2219/
49065, G05D 1/0088, G05D 1/0221, G06F 7/023, G06F 11/1476, G06F 11/2257, G06F 11/2263, G06F 15/18, G06F 16/243, G06F 16/24522, G06F 16/
3329, G06F 16/3344, G06F 16/90332, G06F 17/20, G06F 17/2282, G06F 17/28, G06F 17/2881, G06F 17/289, G06F 17/30401, G06F 17/3043, G06F
17/30654, G06F 17/30684, G06F 17/30976, G06F 19/24, G06F 19/345, G06F 19/707, G06F2207/4824, G06K 7/1482, G06K 9/6256, G06K 9/6264,
G06K 9/6269, G06K 9/627, G06K 9/6273, G06N 3/004, G06N 3/008, G06N 3/02, G06N 3/0427, G06N 3/0445, G06N 3/0463, G06N 3/0481, G06N 3/
049, G06N 3/06, G06N 3/08, G06N 3/084, G06N 3/086, G06N 5, G06N 5/00, G06N 5/02, G06N 5/043, G06N 7/023, G06N 7/046, G06N 20, G06N
20/00, G06N 20/10, G06N 20/20, G06N 99/005, G06T 3/4046, G06T 9/002, G06T2207/20081, G06T2207/20084, G07C2009/00849, G07C2009/
00888, G07D 7/2083, G08B 29/186, G08G 1/096888, G10H2250/311, G10K2210/3024, G10K2210/3038, G10L 15/06, G10L 15/144, G10L 15/16,
G10L 15/18, G10L 17/18, G10L 25/30, G11B 20/10518, G16B 40, G16C 20/70, G16H 50/20, G21D 3/007, G21D2003/007, H01H2009/566,
H01H2047/009, H01J2237/30427, H01M 8/04992, H02H 1/0092, H02P 21/0014, H02P 21/0025, H02P 23/0018, H02P 23/0031, H03H2017/0208,
H03H2222/04, H04L 12/2423, H04L 25/0254, H04L 25/03165, H04L 41/16, H04L 45/08, H04L 45/36, H04L2012/5686, H04L2025/03464,
H04L2025/03554, H04N 21/4662, H04N 21/4663, H04N 21/4665, H04N 21/4666, H04Q2213/054, H04Q2213/13054, H04Q2213/13343,
H04Q2213/343, H04R 25/507, Y10S 128/924, Y10S 128/925, Y10S 706)
# 3 IPC search IPC = (A63F 13/67, G06F 8/33, G06F 15/18, G06F 17/20, G06F 17/21, G06F 17/27, G06F 17/28, G06F 19/24, G06K 9/66, G06N 3/02, G06N 3/04,
G06N 3/06, G06N 3/063, G06N 3/067, G06N 3/08, G06N 3/10, G06N 5/00, G06N 5/02, G06N 5/04, G06N 7/02, G06N 20, G06N 20/00, G06N 20/
10, G06N 20/20, G06T 1/40, G10L 15/06, G10L 15/16, G10L 15/18, G10L 17/04, G10L 17/10, G10L 17/18, G10L 25/30, G16B 40, G16B 40/00, G16B
40/20, G16B 40/30, G16C 20/70, G16H 50/20, H01M 8/04992)
# 4 AI patents # 4 = # 1 OR # 2 OR # 3
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documents with multiple inventors from different countries [34]. As a proxy for multi-country
inventor collaboration, we compute international co-patent documents in a certain country as
those with at least one inventor located abroad. Based on international co-patenting, we map
collaborative network relationships among leading countries [35].
We homogenized assignee names using VantagePoint software to address syntax variants
for the same patent assignee and to identify transnational patent documents. To delineate
interorganizational knowledge flows, we identified co-patenting relationships based on patent
documents with multiple assignees [36,37] and analyzed forward citation networks [38]. For-
ward citations—the citations of an organization’s patents by other organizations—are often
used to evaluate organizational knowledge diffusion [38,39]. In interorganizational citation
networks, nodes refer to organizations and edges refer to the directed links obtained through
citing and the cited relationship between organizations.
We further developed citation-based indicators to measure the openness of an organiza-
tion’s knowledge flow in the processes of its patented innovation, which can be divided into
the dimensions of outward diffusion, inward absorption, and self-creation. An organization’s
knowledge diffusion capacity, reflecting its knowledge spillover or knowledge contribution to
other organizations, is computed through the formula:
kij kii
where k
is the number of weighted directed citation links from node ito node j;k
has a simi-
lar meaning, the numerator denotes knowledge outflow of node i, and the denominator is the
total knowledge outflow of all nodes. In the same way, knowledge absorptive capacity repre-
senting knowledge gains of an organization from other organizations can be defined as:
kji kii
where the numerator denotes knowledge inflow to node iand the denominator is the total
knowledge inflow to all nodes. Technology absolute impact can be calculated by formula: TAI
, which is a measure of overall knowledge capacity of node i, including knowl-
edge diffusion and knowledge absorption. The greater the technology absolute impact of an
organization, the more knowledge flows through it, indicating that the organization acts as a
knowledge broker.
Finally, we performed analyses at the technology level looking at the identity of technologi-
cal building blocks and their development paths in the AI domain. We focused on the most
frequently occurring AI IPC classes at 4-digit levels and finer granularities. Each patent docu-
ment is assigned one or more IPC classes, allowing analysis of detailed AI technologies as cap-
tured by the IPC taxonomy system. We identified the patent level citation network based on
forward citations in the dataset to identify relationships from focal to other patents [40]. In
this patent citation network, nodes refer to patents and edges refer to directed links obtained
through the citing and cited relationship. We then applied a main path analysis method to the
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patent citation network to identify AI technological development trajectories. Main path anal-
ysis was introduced by Hummon and Dereian [41] and extended by Verspagen [42] and Liu
and Lu [43]. Main path analysis first calculates the traversal weight for every link in the citation
network and then seeks the main path based on the traversal weights using a specific search
algorithm [44]. Traversal weight is the times that a link is traversed through searching from
starting nodes to ending nodes of a citation network [45]. There are several algorithms avail-
able to calculate traversal weight, involving search path count (SPC), search path link count
(SPLC), search path node pair (SPNP) and node pair projection count (NPPC) [41,42]. In this
study, we applied SPLC to calculate traversal weight as it reflects knowledge diffusion scenarios
in science and technology development [44]. Algorithms available for identifying main tech-
nological trajectories include local main path, global main path, and key-route main path [43],
each of which tends to produce similar results [46]. We applied the key-route (global) search
algorithm using Pajek software for our investigation of AI technological trajectories.
AI patent applications started to grow in the early 1980s, with modest yet fluctuating growth
through to the early 2010s (Fig 1). In the 2010s, AI patent applications entered a rapid expan-
sion. From 2011 to 2018, AI patent applications averaged 30 percent annual growth, with a
remarkable average annual growth of 48 percent between 2015 and 2018. Over half of total AI
patent applications were filed in the most recent five years. The apparent drop-off of patent
applications in 2019 is due to the time gap between patent filing and publishing. Patent grants
broadly follow these trends, albeit at a lower level.
Country-level landscape
Trends by AI patent productivity and quality. Assigned by inventor location (with frac-
tional counts for multi-inventor patents), ten leading countries together contributed 95% of
worldwide AI patent applications and 93% of grants. Through to 2019, patent grants com-
prised about 39% of all patent applications worldwide. China now has the greatest share of pat-
ent applications (41.2%), followed by Japan (20.5%), the USA (20.3%), South Korea (5.1%),
Germany (2.3%) and the UK (1.3%). (Table 2.) Currently, Chinese pending applications
account for nearly 73% of total pending AI patent applications worldwide, reflecting China’s
considerable efforts to develop AI in recent years [47,48]. However, China has a less signifi-
cant presence in the granted and transnational patent landscape (21.3% and 10.1% respec-
tively). The USA ranks first both in terms of granted patents (32.6%) and transnational patents
(39.2%), highlighting its established leadership and level of patent quality. Japan has a 21.3%
share of granted patents and a 13.1% share of transnational patents. Other countries with posi-
tions in the granted and transnational AI patent landscape are South Korea, Germany, and the
UK, with shares of 7.6%, 3.0% and 1.8% in granted patents and 4.3%, 6.8% and 3.9% in trans-
national patents, respectively. International collaboration among inventors is particularly high
for India, the UK, and Canada.
By citations received to AI granted patents, which can be considered (with qualifications) as
a proxy measure of patent value and technological importance [16], the USA has a dominant
position. US inventors accounted for about 30% of granted AI patents but almost 70% of the
most cited (top 10% cited) patents. (Table 2.) Canada and the UK also have a relative higher
presence in the top 10% of cited AI patents relative to their shares of granted AI patents. China
contributes just over 2% of the top 10% of cited patents overall (compared to more than 20%
of all AI patent grants). Chinese inventors now account for 19% of the top 10% of cited patents
considering only patents granted in the period 2015–2019, with the analogous US share of the
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top 10% patents dropping to under 56.5% in this period. For 2015–2019 patents, there is still a
lower Chinese presence in the top 10% of cited AI patents relative to their shares of granted AI
patents. However, these results suggest a noticeable rise in the technological importance of
more recently granted Chinese AI patents.
Although Japan was an early first-mover in AI patent applications, it was overtaken by the
USA in the early 2000s, then China in 2010 (Fig 2a). Japan’s AI patent applications increased
again in the mid-2010s and are now just above those of South Korea. Additionally, while the
USA led in AI patent applications for much of the 2000s, China overtook the USA in 2011 and
has continued to see a rapid acceleration by quantity of AI patent applications through to 2019
(latest data year). However, the USA has consistently maintained a leading position in transna-
tional patent applications (which potentially signal higher quality inventions) between 1991
and 2019 (Fig 2b). China is less prominent in transnational patent applications, but it has
exceeded Germany and Japan since 2015.
Fig 1. AI patent applications and grants by year.
Table 2. AI patents by countries.
Patent applications Patent grants
Country All Pending Transnational International co-pat. All Cited top 10%
N % N % N % N % % of apps N % % All % 2015–2019
China 158.0 41.2 109.9 72.6 7.7 10.1 3.2 15.7 2.0 31.5 21.3 2.1 19.2
USA 77.8 20.3 16.8 11.1 29.9 39.2 14.9 73.9 19.1 48.1 32.6 69.5 56.5
Japan 78.6 20.5 8.0 5.3 10.0 13.1 1.2 5.9 1.5 30.0 20.3 9.9 2.6
South Korea 19.6 5.1 3.8 2.5 3.3 4.3 1.0 5.1 5.2 11.7 7.9 1.2 2.2
Germany 9.0 2.3 2.5 1.7 5.2 6.8 2.7 13.3 29.9 4.4 3.0 2.1 2.1
UK 4.8 1.6 1.3 0.8 3.0 3.9 2.7 13.5 56.4 2.6 1.8 2.7 2.7
India 4.5 1.2 1.5 1.0 1.6 2.1 2.8 13.9 61.9 2.2 1.5 1.0 1.9
Canada 4.5 1.2 1.1 0.7 2.0 2.7 2.4 11.7 52.5 2.4 1.6 2.7 3.0
Taiwan 4.0 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.9 4.4 21.9 2.6 1.8 0.3 0.5
France 3.6 1.0 0.7 0.5 2.3 3.1 1.4 6.8 37.5 2.4 1.6 1.4 1.2
Total 383.2 100.0 151.4 100.0 76.3 100.0 20.1 100.0 5.3 147.8 100.0 100.0 100.0
Source: Analysis of PatentSight patent documents as of May 7, 2020, using patent search approach (see text).
Numbers (N) in thousands.
Granted in years 2015–2019.
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International co-patenting relationships. There are about 20,000 patent applications
with inventors from multiple countries, accounting only for about 5% of total AI patent appli-
cations worldwide (Table 2). This limited level of international cooperation is influenced by
China, Japan, and South Korea, which have low rates of international cooperation (2.0%, 1.5%
Fig 2. a. AI all patent applications, top 10 countries, 1991–2019. b. AI transnational patent applications, top 10 countries, 1991–2019.
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and 5.2%, respectively). The comparable rates for the USA and Taiwan are 19.1% and 21.9%,
respectively. The UK, Germany, France, and Canada have higher rates of international co-pat-
enting, with the highest level reached in India (61.7%). However, although its rate of interna-
tional co-patenting is at a middling level, the USA remains the predominant node in
international cooperation due to its absolute count of international cooperation patent appli-
cations, accounting for more than 70% of total international cooperation patent applications
worldwide. The USA is the hub of the global AI patenting cooperation network and the leading
partner for most other countries including China, Canada, India, the UK, and Germany (Fig
3). A European sub-cluster is also evident (with the UK, Germany, and France as key nodes),
with China the ley node for a sub-cluster with Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan.
Organization-level landscape
Productive and high-quality organizations. The leading assignees of AI patent applica-
tions over the 1991–2019 period are primarily corporations and are concentrated in a relatively
small number of countries. Twenty-one of the top 25 AI patent application assignees are com-
panies, led by the USA (3), China (6) and Japan (10), with a further three based in South
Korea, Germany, and Taiwan. Four of the top 25 assignees are Chinese universities or insti-
tutes. Additionally, all 25 top assignees for transnational patent applications are companies,
with 9 for the USA, 7 for Japan, 4 for China, 2 for Germany and each one for South Korea,
Netherlands, and Finland, respectively (Table 3). Up to 2004, AI patent applications were con-
centrated in companies from Japan (led by Canon, NEC, Toshiba, Fujitsu, and Hitachi) and
the USA (including IBM, Microsoft, and Alphabet). The top Chinese assignees (including the
Chinese Academy of Sciences, the State Grid Corporation, Baidu, Tencent, Ping An Insurance,
Alibaba, and Tsinghua, Zhejiang, and Xidian Universities) are more recent entrants, develop-
ing AI patent applications particularly from 2005 through to 2019. Samsung (South Korea),
Siemens (Germany), and Foxconn (Taiwan) are also consistent AI patent applicants (Table 3).
There are 14 companies listed as top assignees for both total and transnational applications,
led by Microsoft, Alphabet (the parent company of Google), Siemens, and Samsung, followed
by NEC, Sony, IBM, Tencent and Alibaba, which suggests these organizations are both pro-
ductive and high-quality performers in AI patenting. Eleven organizations are listed only as
Fig 3. AI co-patenting relationships, top 20 countries (by inventor addresses).
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top assignees for total patent applications (including the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the
State Grid Corporation, Baidu, and NTT), while another 11 companies are listed only as top
assignees for transnational applications (including Philips, Nokia, Huawei, Intel, General Elec-
tric, and Qualcomm) (Table 3).
Interorganizational co-patenting and citation networks. At a consolidated level of
assignees, organizations mostly filed their AI patent applications as single assignees, with only
about 2% of 1991–2019 AI patent applications involving multiple organizations. Yet, the co-
patenting network across the 150 most AI patent-intensive organizations is informative
Table 3. Leading assignees, AI patent applications, 1991–2019.
Total patent applications Transnational patent applications
Assignee AOC 1991–
Assignee AOC 1991–
IBM USA 9444 228 416 896 1265 1969 4670 Microsoft USA 3175 20 92 371 583 771 1338
Microsoft USA 6900 47 275 1023 1731 1587 2237 Alphabet USA 1887 6 30 77 178 466 1130
Acad Sci
China 4322 4 9 52 191 784 3282 Siemens Germany 1595 74 162 212 223 216 708
Canon Japan 4232 931 787 659 690 542 623 Samsung South
1415 5 7 61 100 361 881
NEC Japan 4216 1187 655 360 628 590 796 Philips Netherlands 1270 35 70 150 164 237 614
Toshiba Japan 4141 1386 925 448 585 384 413 NEC Japan 1080 12 29 26 214 270 529
State Grid
China 3814 0 1 0 25 506 3282 Sony Japan 1044 9 83 183 142 143 484
Alphabet USA 3627 13 92 180 395 1367 1580 IBM USA 819 133 65 96 118 158 249
Fujitsu Japan 3483 732 527 387 415 518 904 Nokia Finland 795 38 101 126 144 170 216
Hitachi Japan 3424 1109 730 346 312 328 599 Huawei China 756 0 2 8 47 194 505
Baidu China 3406 0 0 0 3 299 3104 Intel USA 737 9 13 56 38 154 467
NTT Japan 3264 496 489 407 398 650 824 General
USA 627 4 34 97 86 144 262
Samsung South
3257 39 111 219 396 791 1701 Tencent China 627 0 0 0 9 220 398
Panasonic Japan 3213 1302 712 420 194 114 471 Alibaba
China 598 0 1 0 11 124 462
Tencent China 2908 0 0 1 42 350 2515 Panasonic Japan 597 34 50 85 80 79 269
Ping An
China 2861 0 0 0 0 1 2860 HP Inc. USA 581 19 30 92 90 179 171
Fujifilm Japan 2829 449 394 457 764 340 425 Qualcomm USA 552 0 8 22 63 253 206
Siemens Germany 2644 123 258 315 461 463 1024 Hitachi Japan 545 32 28 33 50 162 240
China 2326 1 1 2 19 229 2074 Ping An
China 543 0 0 0 0 0 543
Foxconn Taiwan 2273 772 424 276 309 338 154 Fujitsu Japan 539 19 27 66 81 104 242
Sony Japan 2232 153 302 463 408 335 571 Mitsubishi
Japan 530 16 57 46 52 117 242
Ricoh Japan 2120 653 320 435 304 180 228 Canon Japan 491 74 44 89 95 85 104
China 1928 1 0 23 79 213 1612 Bosch Germany 424 10 20 43 70 66 215
China 1909 6 0 12 139 305 1447 Apple USA 394 36 17 9 43 112 177
China 1710 0 0 0 42 279 1389 Nuance USA 389 13 80 83 90 91 32
Note: AOC = Assignee original country.
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(Fig 4). The most obvious co-patenting clusters are among companies and research institu-
tions in China, suggesting interorganizational knowledge flows through social capital [35].
More loosely coupled networks are observable in the USA, South Korea, and Japan.
Interorganizational knowledge flows can also occur indirectly through citations in patents
to other organizations. For AI, such citation relationships are dense, as illustrated in a mapping
of links across the top 150 citing and cited organizations (Fig 5). Compared to the dispersed
co-patenting network across organizations, this highlights how technological innovation in AI
builds upon citation-based rather than collaboration-based knowledge links. We observe
Fig 4. Collaboration networks, top 150 AI patenting applicant organizations, 1991–2019.
Fig 5. Citation networks, top 150 citing and cited AI patenting organizations, 1991–2019.
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several citation clusters. The first cluster (green) mainly involves companies from the USA,
including Microsoft, Alphabet, and IBM. At the edges of this cluster are companies from other
countries, such as Samsung, Nokia, SAP, Blackberry and Lenovo. The second cluster (blue)
involves companies from Japan, such as Sony, Canon, Fujitsu, and Toshiba. The third cluster
(red) comprises a dispersed Chinese group including not only firms but also many universities
and institutes. Overall, the USA and Japan express an industry-oriented innovation model,
while China expresses an industry-university-institute-oriented innovation model in the AI
Based on forward citation relationship among patenting organizations in the AI field, we
calculated the technological impacts of organizations worldwide. High-impact organizations
mostly originated in the USA (11) and Japan (9), with one each for South Korea, Finland, Ger-
many, China, and Netherlands (Table 4). The higher the technology impact of an organization,
the more the organization serves as a knowledge broker. Microsoft, whose technological
knowledge for AI has diffused (via forward citations) to more than 5000 organizations, has the
highest technology diffusion capacity worldwide (6.2%), followed by IBM, Alphabet and
Nuance. IBM, which absorbed technological knowledge (via backwards citations) from more
than 1000 organizations, has the highest technology absorptive capacity worldwide (2.3%),
Table 4. Top 25 technological high-impact organizations, based on AI patent citations, 1991–2019.
Assignee AOC TAI (%) TDC (%) TAC (%) Outdegree Indegree WDL WAL WPR (%)
Microsoft US 8.39 6.23 2.17 5157 1052 57201 19904 5.43
IBM US 7.02 4.40 2.62 4747 1191 40436 24054 4.21
Alphabet US 4.23 2.58 1.65 3424 939 23711 15171 2.26
Samsung South Korea 2.77 1.24 1.53 2246 1085 11432 14051 1.00
Sony Japan 2.37 1.40 0.97 2122 812 12880 8903 1.28
Nuance US 2.24 1.72 0.53 1918 413 15793 4829 1.66
Canon Japan 2.11 1.22 0.89 1774 733 11207 8196 1.19
Fujitsu Japan 1.93 0.98 0.95 1837 840 9035 8693 0.96
Toshiba Japan 1.90 1.10 0.79 1851 718 10146 7293 1.09
Apple US 1.88 1.13 0.74 2044 628 10400 6841 1.02
NEC Japan 1.79 0.98 0.81 1797 718 8981 7467 0.93
Nokia Finland 1.77 1.09 0.68 1797 679 10045 6236 1.14
HP Inc. US 1.72 0.96 0.76 1912 712 8826 7018 0.98
Siemens Germany 1.66 1.01 0.65 2177 860 9254 6012 1.06
Hitachi Japan 1.62 1.05 0.57 1968 731 9649 5243 1.07
Panasonic Japan 1.60 1.05 0.55 1850 679 9684 5048 1.03
Oracle US 1.51 0.90 0.61 1782 566 8263 5598 0.86
Fujifilm Japan 1.50 0.90 0.60 1535 573 8231 5555 0.88
Xerox US 1.49 1.05 0.45 1922 529 9641 4090 1.04
Verizon US 1.47 0.88 0.59 1728 571 8073 5413 0.79
Mitsubishi Electric Japan 1.43 0.89 0.54 1704 614 8170 4984 0.95
Intel US 1.41 0.69 0.71 1568 792 6373 6544 0.63
Chinese Acad Sci China 1.38 0.82 0.56 1485 967 7535 5184 0.45
General Electric US 1.37 0.84 0.53 1982 771 7742 4852 0.90
Philips Netherlands 1.32 0.86 0.46 2061 634 7903 4208 0.95
Note: AOC = Assignee original country; TAI = Technology absolute impact; TDC = Technology diffusion capacity; TAC = Technology absorptive capacity;
WDL = Weighted diffusion links; WAL = Weighted absorptive links; WPR = Weighted PageRank.
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followed by Microsoft, Alphabet and Samsung. The weighted PageRank (WPR) for each top
organization also indicates their importance in knowledge transmission.
There is an apparent “Matthew effect” [49] in AI knowledge flows (Fig 6). A few organiza-
tions possess high levels of technology diffusion and absorptive capacity; most others are at a
lower level in technology impact. Leading US companies, such as Microsoft, IBM, and Alpha-
bet, have maintained a high level of technology impact throughout the 1991–2019 period; the
same is true for Samsung (South Korea). Until 2009, Japanese companies, including Sony,
Fujitsu, and Toshiba, showed noticeable technology impact, but were less visible from 2010.
Conversely, several Chinese organizations have emerged as high-impact organizations since
2010, including the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tencent, Baidu, Alibaba, and Huawei.
Technology-level landscape
Distribution of technology fields. AI patent applications cover a wide range of techno-
logical and application areas. More than 600 IPC 4-digit subclasses are represented in our AI
patent data. However, the top 20 IPC subclasses account for over 90% of all AI patent applica-
tions, while the more disaggregated top 20 IPC subgroups captured 65% of patent applications
(Table 5).
The largest AI patenting class is “computing, calculating, or counting” (G06) classifying
almost 78% of all AI patent applications (1991–2019). At the subclass level, nearly a half of AI
patents are classified under “electric digital data processing” (G06F), although with a decline
from about 70% of AI patent applications in 1991–1999 to about 40% in 2010–2019. This tech-
nology subclass is followed by “computer systems based on specific computational models”
(G06N, 24.8%), “recognition and presentation of data” (G06K, 19.2%), “data processing
Fig 6. The distribution of technology diffusion capacity and absorptive capacity of organizations.
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systems or methods for special purposes” (G06Q, 13.7%) and “image data processing or gener-
ation” (G06T, 10.2%), whose relative shares increased significantly over time (Table 5). These
classifications are fundamental AI technologies associated with improvements in computing
For specific subgroups of AI technologies, “methods or arrangements for recognition using
electronic means” (G06K 9/62) ranks first with 12.1% of all patent applications. “Information
retrieval; Database structures therefor” (G06F 17/30) ranks second with 12.9% of AI patent
applications. “Recognition patterns” (G06K 9/00) ranks third at 9.4%. There are several top
IPC subgroups related to “handling natural language data, including text processing” (G06F
17/21, 8.92%; G06F 17/24, 4.94%; G06F 17/22, 4.49%), “automatic analysis” (G06F 17/27,
8.55%), “processing or translating of natural language” (G06F 17/28, 4.34%). “Architecture”
(G06N 3/04) and “learning methods” (G06N 3/08) related to “using neural network models”
account for 8.3% and 8.1% of AI patent applications, respectively (Table 5).
Key technological development routes. This section analyzes the main technological tra-
jectories of AI technologies through extracting key technological routes from citation networks
[50]. We use the Louvain method for community detection [51] available in the Pajek software
package [52]. We extracted the key technological routes using the SPLC algorithm from the
subnets of the six largest communities of citation networks for AI technologies. These six com-
munities represent 41% of all nodes and 45% of all arcs in the citation network for AI technol-
ogies. The results are shown in Fig 7a–7f, where nodes refer to patents and arcs refer to links
obtained through forward patent citations, indicating knowledge flow between patents.
Table 5. Top IPCs for AI patent applications, 1991–2019.
IPC subclass Patent applications IPC subgroup Patent applications
Count 1991–2019 1991–1999 2000–2009 2010–2019 Count 1991–2019
G06F 173644 48.30% 73.98% 67.70% 40.66% G06K9/62 43514 12.10%
G06N 89198 24.81% 19.05% 14.41% 27.90% G06F17/30 43096 11.99%
G06K 68991 19.19% 6.03% 8.66% 23.23% G06K9/00 33746 9.39%
G06Q 49308 13.71% 5.70% 12.40% 15.01% G06F17/21 32073 8.92%
G06T 36666 10.20% 8.77% 6.63% 11.19% G06F17/27 30752 8.55%
G10L 24654 6.86% 8.56% 10.20% 5.88% G06N3/04 29847 8.30%
H04L 24124 6.71% 2.41% 6.24% 7.35% G06N3/08 29133 8.10%
A61B 17096 4.75% 1.74% 4.88% 5.10% G06F17/24 17749 4.94%
H04N 14096 3.92% 3.98% 5.35% 3.59% G06F17/22 16131 4.49%
G05B 13137 3.65% 5.88% 3.96% 3.31% G06F17/28 15598 4.34%
G01N 11400 3.17% 2.08% 4.35% 3.04% G06T7/00 13806 3.84%
G16H 10641 2.96% 0.17% 0.65% 3.84% G06F19/00 13639 3.79%
G05D 8830 2.46% 1.03% 0.88% 2.99% G06N99/00 13490 3.75%
H04W 7364 2.05% 0.37% 1.57% 2.37% G06F17/00 12690 3.53%
G08G 5902 1.64% 0.77% 1.04% 1.89% G06N5/04 10210 2.84%
H04M 5574 1.55% 1.44% 3.03% 1.23% G06F15/18 10179 2.83%
G01R 4745 1.32% 0.93% 1.21% 1.39% G06K9/46 9975 2.77%
B25J 4638 1.29% 0.51% 0.73% 1.51% G06N5/02 9372 2.61%
G09B 4570 1.27% 1.43% 1.71% 1.15% A61B5/00 9335 2.60%
G01C 4513 1.26% 0.53% 1.09% 1.39% H04L29/08 9061 2.52%
Note: For explanation of IPC codes, see and S1 Appendix. AI patent search approach.
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Fig 7. Key technology routes for AI patents.
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We analyze the first application country and priority authorities of patents in these techno-
logical routes. For four technological routes (Fig 7a–7c and 7e), most patents are applied and
prioritized in the USA, with 79%, 76%, 90% and 74%, respectively. Japan is also a leading
country in technological routes shown in Fig 7a, with 14% prioritized patents. China is signifi-
cant in the technological route shown in Fig 7b, with 12% prioritized. Russia is significant in
the technological route shown in Fig 7e, with 10% prioritized patents. The technological route
shown in Fig 7d is jointly dominated by the USA, Germany, and Japan, respectively with 57%,
21% and 14% patents applied and prioritized. The technology routes shown in Fig 7a–7e are
industry-dominated, with 73%-94% of all patents assigned to firms. This contrasts with the
university-institute-industry-oriented technological route depicted in Fig 7f, where all patents
are applied and prioritized in China, with 43% of patents assigned to firms and 48% assigned
to universities or research institutes.
Analyzing interorganizational co-ownership for patents involved in key technological
routes, we find that Fig 7a has no patents with co-ownership across organizations, Fig 7b has
only five patents with co-ownership across organizations, and Fig 7c–7f each have just one pat-
ent of this type. In other words, for AI technological routes, there is a preference by organiza-
tions for exclusive technology development.
By technology topics (analyzed by IPC codes and keywords in patent abstracts), Fig 7a
mainly covers technologies handling natural language data (G06F 17/20, G06F 40/00), specifi-
cally including text processing (G06F 17/21, G06F 17/22, G06F 17/24) and automatic analysis
(G06F 17/27). Patents in the technological routes shown in Fig 7b are mainly classified into
handling natural language data (G06F 17/27, G06F 17/28), information query (G06F 17/30)
and speech recognition (G10L 15/02, G10L 15/06, G10L 15/14, G10L 15/18, G10L 15/22, G10L
15/24, G10L15/26, G10L 15/28). Patents in the technological route shown in Fig 7c mainly tar-
get technologies of digital computing or data processing equipment or methods that are spe-
cially adapted for specific applications (G06F 19/00) or for specific functions (G06F 17/00) and
measuring for diagnostic purposes (A61B 5/00, A61B 5/0476). The technological route shown
in Fig 7d involves technologies about adaptive control systems (G05B 13/02, G05B 13/04) and
learning machines (G06F 15/18) such as sensors and controllers, which basically use biological
models (G06N 3/00), especially neural network modeling (G06N 3/02, G06N 3/04). Patents in
the technological route shown in Fig 7e cover technologies of machine learning (G06F 15/18,
G06N 20/00), information retrieval and data structures (G06F 17/30), knowledge representa-
tion (G06N 5/02) and inference methods or devices (G06N 5/04). This technological route
addresses problems of prediction, ranking and recommendation involved in administration,
management, business, or financial fields by using machine learning technologies. Patents in
the technological routes shown in Fig 7f are mainly classified into recognizing patterns (G06K
9/00, G06K 9/20, G06K 9/46, G06K 9/60, G06K 9/62, G06K 9/78), image analysis (G06T 7/00,
G06T 7/11, G06T 7/12, G06T 7/13, G06T 7/33, G06T 7/246, G06T 7/73) and using neural net-
work models (G06N 3/08, G06N 3/04, G06N 3/02).
Discussions and conclusions
In this study, we put forward an approach to identify AI patents and applied this to offer a
broad global analysis of the AI patenting landscape at country, organization, and technology
levels. We discussed the details of the methodological approach to operationalize a new search
approach which captures AI-related patents with recall and precision. To assess patent produc-
tivity and quality, we examined total patent applications and transnational patent applications
respectively, using cross-sectional and longitudinal views. This analysis highlighted AI patent
developments in leading countries and organizations. The study also examined co-patenting
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collaborations and forward citation relationships, to understanding knowledge sharing among
organizations. Based on forward citation relationships among organizations, we analyzed tech-
nological knowledge inflows and outflows in interorganizational citation networks and identi-
fied patent-based technological routes to identify development trajectories and core
technologies in the AI domain.
Our analysis of patent application data over two decades (1991–2020) finds that activity in
AI patenting is currently in a phase of rapid growth, driven significantly (although not exclu-
sively) by a recent increase of AI patenting in China. From a geographical perspective, AI pat-
enting efforts remain highly concentrated, with inventors in the top 10 countries contributing
almost 96% of all worldwide AI patent applications. The USA, China and Japan are among the
most patent-intensive and specialized countries in the AI domain, followed by South Korea,
Germany, and the UK. Over the past three decades, the USA has maintained a leading posi-
tion, with China growing most rapidly in recent years and Japan seeing relative loss of its early
leadership position.
The analysis of top assignees showed that most AI patents are owned by large private com-
panies. Public organizations and universities are less prominent in the ownership of AI patent
applications, except in China where public research organization and universities are frequent
AI patent assignees. In general, the USA and Japan each exhibit an industry-oriented innova-
tion model, while China expresses an industry-university-institute-oriented innovation model
in AI patent development. AI co-patenting collaborations through joint ownership are not
common. However, there are many interorganizational knowledge citation relationships,
although they are geographically bounded. Matthew effects of accumulated advantage are
apparent, with a few organizations acting as high-impact technology disseminators and
We demonstrated that AI patents cover a wide range of technological areas, not only in
information technologies and computing but also in applied fields such as medicine, health-
care, finance, and education. The main path analysis highlighted multiple AI technological
development paths. However, we found that flows of technological knowledge tend to be con-
centrated among patents developed in the same country, mostly dominated by the USA
although there were some technological routes led by China. This analysis confirmed the
strong presence of independent assignees and a lack of collaborative patent assignments
among organizations in the AI domain.
There are a series of implications that can be drawn from the study for management and
policy. AI is emerging as a general-purpose technology with applications, as we have shown,
across multiple fields. The current boom in AI patenting reminds us of the need for continuing
attention to the challenges of AI applications, including societal consequences. For managers
and analysts in all sectors, our study highlights the strategic relevance of tracking (if not engag-
ing in) AI-enabled developments, opportunities, and competitive challenges. A way to do this
is through monitoring rapidly increasing efforts to secure intellectual property in AI through
patent applications. Our search approach can be used (and further modified or refined) to
assist monitoring of AI patents. Patent applications do vary in quality, as we have shown, and
not all patent applications are granted. Nonetheless, this growing body of codified information
(especially if searched appropriately) provides a basis for tracking developments and further-
ing AI knowledge progression and innovation as potential approaches and processes are dis-
closed in published patent applications. Inventors and organizations in the USA, Japan and
selected other developed countries continue to be well-represented in high quality AI patent-
ing activity, but we also find that AI patenting efforts in China are growing not only in terms
of patent quantity but are also (especially recently) increasing in patent quality.
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While AI patenting trends by countries, organizations, and technologies are of interest to
policymakers, our findings about the dominant roles of a subset of leading multi-national
organizations in AI patenting also raise ongoing policy questions about the control and man-
agement of emerging AI technologies and applications. Indeed, the observed concentration of
AI patenting in a few countries and organizations raises multiple policy issues, including how
to moderate information and power asymmetries between developers and users of the technol-
ogies and between incumbents and new entrants. Additionally, the current weaknesses of col-
laborative development highlighted in AI patenting may cause problems in technological and
market reach and for standardization and interoperability.
We acknowledge limitations that should be kept in in mind when interpreting the results of
the study. As we have discussed, although patent data is widely used as a proxy for innovation,
it has shortcomings. To avoid disclosure, some firms may choose not to patent their techno-
logical innovations but to hold them as business secrets. Although patent application data do
signal inventive trends and assignee interests, it should be noted that not all patent applications
are granted, nor are granted patents necessarily used, maintained, or enforced. Our research
has taken a broad landscape perspective. Further research is needed to pinpoint trends in spe-
cific sub-technological AI fields and to probe implications by specific application areas.
Supporting information
S1 Appendix. AI patent search approach. Summary of bibliometric search term method and
selection of AI-related CPC and IPC patent codes.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Na Liu, Philip Shapira.
Data curation: Na Liu, Xiaoxu Yue.
Formal analysis: Na Liu, Philip Shapira, Xiaoxu Yue.
Funding acquisition: Na Liu, Philip Shapira.
Investigation: Na Liu, Philip Shapira, Xiaoxu Yue.
Methodology: Na Liu, Philip Shapira, Xiaoxu Yue, Jiancheng Guan.
Project administration: Philip Shapira.
Resources: Philip Shapira.
Software: Na Liu, Philip Shapira, Xiaoxu Yue.
Supervision: Philip Shapira, Jiancheng Guan.
Validation: Na Liu, Philip Shapira.
Visualization: Na Liu.
Writing – original draft: Na Liu, Philip Shapira, Xiaoxu Yue, Jiancheng Guan.
Writing – review & editing: Na Liu, Philip Shapira, Xiaoxu Yue.
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... However, there is no consensus on how to classify patents for a particular technology. There exist various criteria such as keywords, International Patent Classification (IPC) codes, and Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) codes to classify patents (Cockburn et al., 2018;Liu et al., 2021). The lack of consensus on the criteria for classifying patents results in different TLCs for the same technology. ...
... However, there are no standard criteria for categorizing patents in a specific technology, leading to differences in the data and analysis results among researchers, even in the same technological field. For example, in the artificial intelligence (AI) field, Liu et al. (2021) suggested that genetic programming and XGBoost are keywords that should be considered for AI patent classification; however, Cockburn et al. (2018) did not consider them as criteria. Thus, patent-based-TLC models have ambiguities in the data-construction stage of patent classification in specific fields. ...
This study overcomes the limitations of the technology life cycle (TLC) model by deriving a product lineage within a phylogenetic tree to identify the product development trajectory and quantitatively measure innovativeness by measuring the average information content of the product's technical characteristics. The cyclical pattern of changes in the innovativeness in product lineage was modeled, referred to as the product lineage life cycle (PLLC) model. To verify the appropriateness of the proposed models, an empirical study was conducted using 11,013 mobile products introduced into the global market from 1995 to 2021. The results indicate that the PLLC model provides product-level technology life-cycle information, which can be used for specific product development strategies at the firm level. Moreover, product development strategies among firms were observed by constructing firm-level PLLCs into a phylogenetic tree; successful innovative firms accumulated high product innovativeness within their unique product lineages. The results of this study contribute to academic diversity by providing an alternative approach and a microfoundation to the majority of existing TLC research fields. This is expected to enable life-cycle analysis of detailed products, which can contribute to specific technology development strategies of firms for their products.
... Some educational policies on ethical AI include the University of California system's moral principles that converge around ive principles: transparency, justice and fairness, non-maleicence, responsibility, and privacy [28]. The University of Chicago AI Governance Council oversees the university's ethical and responsible use of artiicial intelligence (AI) [38]. Furthermore, the Canada Health Infoway-developed AI implementation toolkit provides guidelines on the AI governance framework [53]. ...
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Artificial intelligence (AI) integration into education has received significant global attention, sparking a need for comprehensive regulatory frameworks for governance. In this commentary, we first examine the role of AI in education and how it is integrated with the teaching and learning process. It also discusses the impact of AI on higher education through specific case studies and tries to illuminate the current/emerging trends, challenges, and potential future directions. Furthermore, it highlights insights from global initiatives, policy frameworks, and ethical standards adopted by prominent organizations to govern AI in higher education. The study concludes that the optimal use of these AI apps can only be harnessed through proper transparency and ethical balance.
... By leveraging both types of data, patent analysis can provide a comprehensive assessment of technical development status and future trends. This analytical approach has been successfully applied in various fields, such as photovoltaic cells [14], nanoscience and engineering [15], and artificial intelligence [16,17]. However, the development status and future trends of lubricant additive technologies based on patent analysis, especially the combination with research hotspots, have not yet been fully investigated and need more in-depth exploration. ...
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In order to reveal the current status and future trends of lubricant additives, this study analyzes the structured and unstructured data of 77701 lubricant additive patents recorded by Patsnap. The results show that China is the country with the largest number of patents in this field, and the United States is the main exporting country of international technology flow; the current research and development of lubricant additives is dominated by multifunctional composite additives; environmentally friendly additive compositions are the current research hotspot; and more environmentally friendly and economically degradable additives have more development potential in the future. Overall, this study provides a comprehensive understanding of the research and application of lubricant additives and contributes to the future development of the lubricant industry.
... In the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, expectations regarding the transformative power of AI are high, spanning multiple domains, including society, economy, and technology (Aghion et al., 2019;Cockburn et al., 2019;Liu et al., 2021;Trajtenberg, 2019). However, empirical studies examining the impact of AI on labor markets and general economic growth are conspicuously limited when it comes to evaluating its role in fostering green innovation across different national contexts (Benassi et al., 2020;Cicerone et al., 2023). ...
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This study explored the synergistic effects of artificial intelligence (AI) on green innovation at the national level by identifying three core activities in green innovation: entry, exit, and sustained specialization in green technologies. Employing a comprehensive three-way fixed-effects panel model, we analyzed green innovation trends in 139 countries over a 30-year period. Our findings emphasize that technological capability, especially in green and AI technologies, is more pivotal than economic wealth in securing comparative advantages in green technologies. One notable observation is the path-dependent development of green technology, which suggests a propensity for nations to build new technologies based on existing strengths. A key contribution of this study is the development of the “AI-Green Cross-Density” model. This innovative method quantifies the interactions between green and AI technologies and highlights the role of AI in promoting green innovation. The influence of AI on the introduction of new green technologies has become more pronounced in recent years, particularly in economically less-developed countries. Our findings indicate that the integration of modern AI can significantly enhance green technology sectors in mid-to-low-income countries, providing vital insights for policymakers striving to foster a sustainable and technologically advanced future.
... This analysis provides valuable insights into regional centers of artificial intelligence development, pinpointing areas where significant advancements in artificial intelligence are taking place. Thirdly, research by Liu et al. (2021) and Damioli et al. (2021) delves into which industries are most actively filing artificial intelligence patents, offering a lens into the sectors at the forefront of artificial intelligence adoption and innovation. Fourthly, temporal trends in artificial intelligence patent filings, as discussed by various scholars, present a historical view of artificial intelligence technology's evolution and growth over time. ...
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This research examines the influences of artificial intelligence and socioeconomic factors on religious freedom across 20 countries from 2000 to 2022. Employing a detailed model that integrates both specific effects related to individual countries and annual changes, our study offers an extensive empirical analysis of how artificial intelligence relates to religious freedom. The results indicate a notable negative impact of artificial intelligence on religious freedom. Furthermore, the study sheds light on key factors that affect religious freedom, uncovering a positive correlation with elements such as economic growth, political stability, and education levels. However, it was also observed that increased digitalization correlates negatively with religious freedom. These conclusions are reinforced by findings from the system-generalized method of moment estimation, which strongly support our initial results. Consequently, this study establishes that the relationship between artificial intelligence and religious freedom is intricate and shaped by a variety of socioeconomic factors. Our findings emphasize the necessity for thoughtful consideration of the broader societal impacts of artificial intelligence, especially regarding essential human rights like religious freedom.
... There have also been many scientometric studies of AI that use the (yearly) number of patents or publications in AI subdomains as a proxy measure for performance, see e.g. (Abadi & Pecht, 2020;Liu et al., 2021aLiu et al., , 2021bPandey et al., 2021;Tseng & Ting, 2013). Such studies, including the ones by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (WIPO, 2019) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (Baruffaldi et al., 2020), actually measure the amount of activity in the field which does not necessarily translate into progress and improvement, see Fig. 1 comparing wind turbines and MRI. ...
Even though Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been having a transformative effect on human life, there is currently no precise quantitative method for measuring and comparing the performance of different AI methods. Technology Improvement Rate (TIR) is a measure that describes a technology’s rate of performance improvement, and is represented in a generalization of Moore’s Law. Estimating TIR is important for R&D purposes to forecast which competing technologies have a higher chance of success in the future. The present contribution estimates the TIR for different subdomains of applied and industrial AI by quantifying each subdomain’s centrality in the global flow of technology, as modeled by the Patent Citation Network and shown in previous work. The estimated TIR enables us to quantify and compare the performance improvement of different AI methods. We also discuss the influencing factors behind slower or faster improvement rates. Our results highlight the importance of Rule-based Machine Learning (not to be confused with Rule-based Systems), Multi-task Learning, Meta-Learning, and Knowledge Representation in the future advancement of AI and particularly in Deep Learning.
... Our process for obtaining a set of patent documents involves two steps. First, we employ a search strategy developed by Liu et al. (2021) that uses AI-related keywords, cooperative patent classification (CPC) and international patent classification (IPC) codes to retrieve an extensive collection of US patent applications and granted patents filed between 2005 and 2022. To execute the search, we entered a Boolean query into InnovationQ+®, 1 a patent search tool, resulting in the retrieval of patent ID numbers and metadata at the invention level. ...
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We put forward a novel approach using a generative language model (GPT-4) to produce labels and rationales for large-scale text analysis. The approach is used to discover public value expressions in patents. Using text (5.4 million sentences) for 154,934 US AI patent documents from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), we design a semi-automated, human-supervised framework for identifying and labeling public value expressions in these sentences. A GPT-4 prompt is developed which includes definitions, guidelines, examples, and rationales for text classification. We evaluate the labels and rationales produced by GPT-4 using BLEU scores and topic modeling, finding that they are accurate, diverse, and faithful. GPT-4 achieved an advanced recognition of public value expressions from our framework, which it also uses to discover unseen public value expressions. The GPT-produced labels are used to train BERT-based classifiers and predict sentences on the entire database, achieving high F1 scores for the 3-class (0.85) and 2-class classification (0.91) tasks. We discuss the implications of our approach for conducting large-scale text analyses with complex and abstract concepts. With careful framework design and interactive human oversight, we suggest that generative language models can offer significant assistance in producing labels and rationales. Peer Review
The healthcare sector has been growing in large proportions worldwide. Due to the large scale of operations healthcare monitoring and management is often a challenge. Meeting healthcare needs requires timely availability of technologies. Innovations in the medical sector are an ongoing requirement. Digital healthcare implementation is promising introduction of innovations that build sustainability and are data-driven. Healthcare innovations impact not only generalised healthcare but also specialised healthcare. The adoption of new technologies has been rapid in the healthcare sector. The emergence of the Internet as a worldwide communication medium and digital revolution of the late twentieth century has opened several applications. The use of AI/ML has pervaded in all sectors. From a global perspective, several forms of IP have become relevant for protecting AI. Understanding the intersection of AI and IPR is important to identify effective protection of the applications of AI.
This chapter examines how artificial intelligence (AI) is affecting the accounting sector with a particular emphasis on Lebanon. It examines the significant shifts that brought about information and communications technology (ICT)-based technologies and automation, in addition to the historical changes in accounting. The combination of AI awareness and accounting automation has resulted in a significant revolution in the industry, which has boosted AI-powered accounting education. The chapter suggests ongoing AI advancements as well as proactive cooperation between accountants and accounting companies in order to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of accounting procedures. AI can cut expenses and free up accountants' time so they may focus on making decisions using analytics and data. However, the Middle Eastern accounting sector is confronted with a number of potential risks, such as the loss of jobs, the spread of artificial intelligence in the sector, the decline in human bias, the impact on accounting education, and the recurrence of past accounting mishaps.
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This research paper delves into the intricate landscape of technological innovation within the China A-share Growth Enterprise Market, encompassing 1280 enterprises, including 100 constituent organizations. Acknowledging the pivotal role of technological innovation in driving corporate growth, we scrutinize the multifaceted interplay between various technology types, organizational frameworks, and innovation processes. Contrary to conventional wisdom, our study unveils a nonlinear pattern, represented as an inverted U-shape, in the relationship between internal technological diversity and technological innovation. It underscores the significance of maintaining a balanced level of technological diversity, as excessive diversity hinders effective communication and stifles innovation. Furthermore, this research highlights the substantial impact of organizational structure layout and microstructure gaps in enhancing the effect of technological heterogeneity on innovation. Optimizing organizational structures and managing microstructure gaps can significantly boost overall innovation capacity. Practical implications suggest strategic actions, such as talent acquisition and patent management, to promote a harmonious mix of technologies while cautioning against excessive diversity. Moreover, the study emphasizes the importance of flexible organizational frameworks in maximizing the link between technological diversity and innovation. While acknowledging its limitations, this research contributes significantly to theoretical understanding by challenging existing assumptions and enriching the theoretical framework. It also offers invaluable practical insights for fostering technological innovation within businesses, aiding managers in navigating the delicate balance between heterogeneity and coherence, and making informed strategic decisions to drive corporate growth. This study’s policy recommendations provide a practical framework for creating and executing efficient organizational policies aligned with recognized patterns and dynamics, contributing to broader discussions on policy implications for innovation-driven enterprises.
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Artificial intelligence, as an emerging and multidisciplinary domain of research and innovation, has attracted growing attention in recent years. Delineating the domain composition of artificial intelligence is central to profiling and tracking its development and trajectories. This paper puts forward a bibliometric definition for artificial intelligence which can be readily applied, including by researchers, managers, and policy analysts. Our approach starts with benchmark records of artificial intelligence captured by using a core keyword and specialized journal search. We then extract candidate terms from high frequency keywords of benchmark records, refine keywords and complement with the subject category “artificial intelligence”. We assess our search approach by comparing it with other three recent search strategies of artificial intelligence, using a common source of articles from the Web of Science. Using this source, we then profile patterns of growth and international diffusion of scientific research in artificial intelligence in recent years, identify top research sponsors in funding artificial intelligence and demonstrate how diverse disciplines contribute to the multidisciplinary development of artificial intelligence. We conclude with implications for search strategy development and suggestions of lines for further research.
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The rapid growth of electric engine application as vehicle propulsion system is one of the main approaches to tackle its oil dependence. This paper aims at investigating main technological routes, characteristics of main inventions, and indicating the most promising and emerging technologies in vehicle propulsion systems. Based on solar and wind inventions, this paper analyzes 3,876 patents of green vehicle propulsion (GVP) developed between 1990 and 2016. Theoretical findings proposed a new classification (long-term, recent, and occasional innovators) for patent assignees that can be applied to other technological fields. It also pointed out the robustness of technological routes as a tool to investigate the technology evolution and to identify of most emerging and promising inventions. The results also denote a non-collaborative development and protection profile for GVP technologies implying that companies prefer to solo development instead of joint R&D. Practical contributions aim to support R&D managers and industry experts in their decisions, offering quantitative and qualitative information about most relevant technologies, players and relationships, as well as their interest of market protection.
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This paper analyzes artificial intelligence (AI)-related patents that were granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) between January 2008 and December 2018. The study used both the USPTO patent classification systems and a keyword-based search to obtain AI-related patent information. By considering the AI-related patents, growth in AI-related research and development (R&D) activities, as well as AI trends during the period, are investigated. The leading countries and companies in AI and widely used techniques and applications of AI in each region are identified in order to evaluate the level of attention paid to AI in different countries and industries.
Artificial intelligence has become a main driving force for a new round of industrial transformation around the world. Many countries including China are seizing the opportunity of the AI revolution to promote domestic economic and technological development. This Perspective briefly introduces the New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan of China (2015–2030) from the point of view of the authors, a group of AI experts from academia and industry who have been involved in various stages of the plan. China’s AI development plan outlines a strategy for science and technology as well as education, tackling a number of challenges such as retaining talent, advancing fundamental research and exploring ethical issues. The New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan is intended to be a blueprint for a complete AI ecosystem for the country. China’s New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan was launched in 2017 and lays out an ambitious strategy, which intends to make China one of the world’s premier AI innovation centre by 2030. This Perspective presents the view from a group of Chinese AI experts from academia and industry about the origins of the plan, the motivations and main focus for attention from research and industry.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly opening up a new frontier in the fields of business, corporate practices, and governmental policy. The intelligence of machines and robotics with deep learning capabilities have created profound disrupting and enabling impacts on business, governments, and society. They are also influencing the larger trends in global sustainability. As the AI revolution transforms our world, it could herald a utopian future where humanity co-exists harmoniously with machines, or portend a dystopian world filled with conflict, poverty and suffering. More immediately, would AI accelerate our progress on the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or bring us further down the path toward greater economic uncertainty, environmental collapse, and social upheaval? What are some of the implications for business leadership and the education of future business leaders? This article aims to address these questions by analyzing the impacts of AI in three case studies. It draws some preliminary inferences for management education and the business of leading corporations in the midst of rapid technological and social change. This study combines the perspectives of business strategy and public policy to analyze the impacts of AI on sustainable development with a specific focus on the advancement of the SDGs. It also draws some lessons on managerial learning and leadership development for global sustainability.
Due to its intrinsic characteristics, artificial intelligence (AI) can be considered a general-purpose technology (GPT) in the digital era. Most studies in the field focus on the ex-post recognition and classification of GPT but in this article, we look at a GPT design ex-ante by reviewing the extreme and inspiring example of IBM's Watson. Our objective is to shed light on how companies can create value through AI. In particular, our longitudinal case study highlights the strategic decisions IBM took to create value in two dimensions: internal development and external collaborations. We offer relevant implications for practitioners and academics eager to know more about AI in the digital world.
As far back as the industrial revolution, significant development in technical innovation has succeeded in transforming numerous manual tasks and processes that had been in existence for decades where humans had reached the limits of physical capacity. Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers this same transformative potential for the augmentation and potential replacement of human tasks and activities within a wide range of industrial, intellectual and social applications. The pace of change for this new AI technological age is staggering, with new breakthroughs in algorithmic machine learning and autonomous decision-making, engendering new opportunities for continued innovation. The impact of AI could be significant, with industries ranging from: finance, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, supply chain, logistics and utilities, all potentially disrupted by the onset of AI technologies. The study brings together the collective insight from a number of leading expert contributors to highlight the significant opportunities, realistic assessment of impact, challenges and potential research agenda posed by the rapid emergence of AI within a number of domains: business and management, government, public sector, and science and technology. This research offers significant and timely insight to AI technology and its impact on the future of industry and society in general, whilst recognising the societal and industrial influence on pace and direction of AI development.