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Educational Neuroscience Training for Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Construction

Frontiers in Psychology

Abstract and Figures

The attention to the laws of the brain and the mechanism of learning in the smart education era becomes the starting point for the convergence and development of education and neuroscience, which also inspired educational neuroscience (EN) affecting the teacher’s development. Although teachers always have a general curiosity about EN and its applications, the limited knowledge hinders their general practice, neuromyths begin to emerge, and there is no evidence to directly show the connection between EN and teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) knowledge. Based on an EN teacher training program for 216 teachers, this study verifies that EN training programs can promote teachers’ understanding of EN-related knowledge, and EN is also correlated to teachers’ TPACK. However, the EN training program does not promote high well-being and satisfaction. The research also analyzes the process of teachers’ EN knowledge dissemination based on interviews, and the research conclusion can further reveal the necessity of EN training for teachers in the future.
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fpsyg-12-792723 December 20, 2021 Time: 15:35 # 1
published: 24 December 2021
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.792723
Edited by:
Emilio Crisol Moya,
University of Granada, Spain
Reviewed by:
Karla Olmo-Sánchez,
Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad
Juárez, Mexico
Liliana Herrera Nieves,
University of Atlántico, Colombia
Yulu Cui
Hai Zhang
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Organizational Psychology,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychology
Received: 11 October 2021
Accepted: 26 November 2021
Published: 24 December 2021
Cui Y and Zhang H (2021)
Educational Neuroscience Training
for Teachers’ Technological
Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Front. Psychol. 12:792723.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.792723
Educational Neuroscience Training
for Teachers’ Technological
Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Yulu Cui1*and Hai Zhang2*
1School of Information Science and Technology, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China, 2School of Media
Science, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China
The attention to the laws of the brain and the mechanism of learning in the smart
education era becomes the starting point for the convergence and development
of education and neuroscience, which also inspired educational neuroscience (EN)
affecting the teacher’s development. Although teachers always have a general curiosity
about EN and its applications, the limited knowledge hinders their general practice,
neuromyths begin to emerge, and there is no evidence to directly show the connection
between EN and teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK)
knowledge. Based on an EN teacher training program for 216 teachers, this study
verifies that EN training programs can promote teachers’ understanding of EN-related
knowledge, and EN is also correlated to teachers’ TPACK. However, the EN training
program does not promote high well-being and satisfaction. The research also analyzes
the process of teachers’ EN knowledge dissemination based on interviews, and the
research conclusion can further reveal the necessity of EN training for teachers in
the future.
Keywords: neuroscience, educational neuroscience, brain, teachers development, TPACK
In the 21st century, the development of information and communications technologies (ICTs)
has promoted profound changes in education, and great changes have taken place in the teaching
process and methods (Liu and Zhang, 2021). The construction of intelligent learning environment
produced multimodal educational data, which provides great help in understanding the learner and
teaching and even further promotes the professional development of teacher (Hai et al., 2020). The
new learning technologies, tools, and platforms can provide for leaners to enhance and generate
better experiences (Cui et al., 2019). Especially in the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 and 2021, it
is more important for teachers to use new technology and carry out professional development
to improve the educational quality, promote the reform, and reconstruct education (Mo et al.,
2021). However, it is obviously not easy for teachers to bridge the gap between theory and practice,
especially in a scientific way (Zhang et al., 2020b).
In educational research and practice, evidence-based research and practice have gradually
become the concern and discussion of teachers, school leaders, and educational researchers. In
these discussions, topics about learning and the brain often appear in the smart education era.
As more and more researchers begin to recognize the important role of the human brain and its
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Cui and Zhang EN Training for Teachers’ TPACK
mechanism in learning, the field of neuroscience has revealed
more natural secrets about humans, especially the way we learn,
leading to educational neuroscience (EN) gradually becoming
one of the future directions of educational research. Thomas
(2013) indicated that future educational practice can be changed
by neuroscience, just like the contribution of science to medicine
in history. In a report published by Welcome Trust, involving
more than 1,000 teachers, more than 90% of these teachers said
their understanding of neuroscience is affecting them and 80%
of teachers said they would cooperate with neuroscientists on
educational research (Simmonds, 2014). Although teachers have
a general curiosity about EN and its applications, the limited
knowledge hinders their general practice. Besides, professional
practice based on EN is even more difficult even if they
understand the mechanisms of the brain and learning, and this
is obviously beyond their abilities (Simmonds, 2014).
Although EN is considered to be beneficial to teachers, some
researchers still questioned if it is too far from the laboratories
and classrooms. From the perspective of discipline logic, as an
interdisciplinary research field, the construction of EN itself
integrates the research paradigms of neuroscience, pedagogy,
psychology, and other disciplines, and different paradigms
promote the attention of EN to the learning process and cognitive
law from the physiological level. But this is complex for teachers
and leaders in the school. Neuroscience research aims to study
the human brain and neural mechanism, which can be roughly
divided into five levels: the gene and molecular genetic level,
the neuronal activities and their links, the brain circuits and
functional systems, the behavioral disorders and syndrome,
and the human behaviors, where the first three levels are less
applicable to education and are unlikely to affect the practical
process of education and teaching (Devonshire and Dommett,
2010). A famous conclusion on EN and education is that the
distance between neuroscience laboratory and classroom is a
“bridge too far” by Bruer (1977). Besides, limited knowledge
hinders teachers’ general practice, and lots of teachers do not
know how EN occurs and affects their teaching, leading to
neuromyth wide spreads. A survey of 583 teachers shows that
although teachers are very interested in EN, no matter what
subject or content basis, neuromyth is easy to produce (Rato
et al., 2013). Researchers emphasize that when there is a lack
of understanding of EN knowledge, it is very easy to be misled
by neuromyth, especially in the implementation of teaching
process without scientific judgment (Zhifeng, 2021). In China,
this phenomenon is also common, for instance, many teachers
recognize brain utilization rate, the critical period of brain
learning, and the hemispheric advantage of the brain are of great
value, which may lead them to inappropriate business training
programs for teenagers.
Researchers emphasize that extensive teacher training
programs should be promoted to increase teachers’
understanding of EN in practice (Dubinsky et al., 2013;
Wilcox et al., 2020;Suresh et al., 2021). Although these views
are considered to be helpful for teachers, there is still a lack
of studies in training EN to promote teacher practice, or the
knowledge construction in practice, which means not enough
evidence is explored to verify the EN effectiveness in training
EN programs for teachers. Besides, although it is well known
that EN is useful to teachers, there is still not enough research to
confirm whether EN can help teachers’ knowledge construction.
Thus, in this research, researchers aimed at verifying the
effectiveness of an EN training program for teachers based on
the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK)
framework. Besides, the relationship between EN and TPACK
elements is examined through questionnaires and interviews.
Furthermore, the possible EN knowledge transmission path is
further considered. These attempts help to understand whether
teacher EN training program is effective and how to promote
teachers’ knowledge construction in a smart education era to
promote teacher professional development.
Educational Neuroscience
Neuroscience is a science of the human nervous system. In
early research, neuroscientists divided the brain according to the
structural details of the brain and the working status of different
regions, for example, dividing each hemisphere into four different
regions and each region corresponds to different functions
of cognition and learning, such as listening, memory, self-
movement, and so on (Yanyun and Wenchao, 2011). Research
on the brain prompts people to pay attention to the specific
cognitive functions rather than analyzing the brain as a complex
and whole part, leading to different research on reasoning,
attention, memory, and reading. With the development of new
technology, neuroscience provides a way to locate brain regions
that are active in different processes or tasks, and these brand-
new technics rely on the exploration of neurons: when neurons
are active, their blood flow supply changes which in turn does
help in tracking the active neurons in the brain (Abdullaev,
2014). The development of neuroscience helps to promote the
basic understanding of the neural mechanism of the learning
process, and this interdisciplinary research practice prompted
EN to establish.
Educational neuroscience is related to neuroscience,
psychology, and education. As an interdisciplinary research
field, it also has different names, such as brain-based learning,
cognitive neuropsychology, neuroeducation, etc. Researchers
often use “educational neuroscience” because, in essence, it is to
scientifically combine the findings of neuroscience research with
the educational theory and practice to improve teaching and
learning (Amran et al., 2019). Many studies conducted in this
field are aimed at studying the brain because it is closely related
to education. In this emerging research field, professionals,
cognitive scientists, and neuroscientists collaborate to apply
neuroscience research to change education (Nouri, 2016), and
EN also better reflects a knowledge field centered on education,
characterized by neuroscience and technology, and based on
experiential, social, and biological evidence (Howard-Jones,
2011). The rise of EN stems from the change of neuroscience
to education because anything that influences learning will
eventually be based on the brain. Therefore, the understanding
of how the brain works will affect educational practice and
research. The demand for EN comes from two directions:
neuroscientists emphasize that their work has the potential
to improve education, and educators are keen to understand
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Cui and Zhang EN Training for Teachers’ TPACK
what neuroscience can provide for their practice (Howard-
Jones, 2014). The establishment of the field of EN marks
the arrival of an era that focuses on human brain learning
models and mechanisms, which gives researchers, leaders,
and teachers specific opportunities to reexamine educational
practice and research.
Especially for teachers, it is necessary to review the teaching
process under EN-related works. Researchers pointed out that
if teachers know more about the brain of learners, the more
they will be able to recognize the differences in many ways
of teaching and learning (Amiel and Tan, 2019;Doukakis and
Alexopoulos, 2020), and EN can help teachers understand the
brain operating mechanism, promote teachers to change teaching
strategies, and optimize teaching design, to implement better
teaching activities (Sigman et al., 2014). Latest research indicated
that it is very important to understand these physiological
data because these cues generated from the intelligent learning
environment, such as heart rate, respiration, and pupil, can be
used to judge learners’ physical discomfort, fear, or reluctance
to help better understand learning and teaching (Zhang et al.,
2020c). Many studies have also confirmed the important role
of EN for teachers, such as correctly dealing with obstacles
and correcting mistakes in the learning process will help to
connect nerves and promote the transformation of knowledge
(Moser et al., 2011) and retrieving information with consistent
patterns leads to stronger neural connections (Fernández and
Morris, 2018). The learners will feel more enjoyable and stronger
motivation to deal with the task when the learning task is in the
zone of proximal development (Baars and Wijnia, 2018). In many
cases, it is beneficial to teachers’ curriculum design and learning
process and they can try to avoid asking mechanical, trivial, and
non-challenging questions but put forward multi-dimensional
methods to consider a concept or idea, and the neural pathways
and learning results will also be strengthened in return (Doukakis
and Alexopoulos, 2020). Besides, understanding the EN is proved
valuable to focus on special learning disabilities and special
learning groups, for instance, brain tracking technologies (fMRI,
PET, MRI, and EEG) help find the differences in the brain
structure of dyslexia children, such as reduced brain functional
plasticity, insufficient neural network activation, etc., leading to
good educational guidance and teaching intervention to alleviate
children’s dyslexia and improve their attention (Qiang and Meiqi,
2021). The practice of EN can also help teachers pay attention
to special learning groups such as ADHD and ASD, and these
concerns help teachers design reasonable courses and effective
methods in improving education and teaching (Churches et al.,
2017). Studies also provide teachers with “unprecedented insight”
into a formative assessment in real time and offer valuable
information about students’ overall participation and teaching
effect (Campbell, 2020).
The above research shows that it is of positive significance to
consider learners and the learning process from the perspective
of EN research. Teachers can rethink the design of teaching
activities, use the developmental characteristics of brain evidence
to promote participation, and create an ideal and harmonious
classroom atmosphere with EN research conclusions. In a word,
the emergence of EN for teachers reflects a research-based
or evidence-centered teaching method (Tomlinson and Sousa,
2020), and the EN-based intervention may help to improve
students’ self-efficacy, affect school performance, and have a
positive impact on student’s progress in the future (Cherrier
et al., 2020). This means that promoting the perceptions
of EN knowledge may be conducive to teachers’ knowledge
construction, especially for the understanding of teaching
practice in the smart education era.
Technological Pedagogical Content
Theoretical construction is necessary for any research field,
especially for the teachers’ knowledge construction and practice
under a background of integrating technology in the 21st century.
TPACK framework is proposed by Mishra and Koehler (2006),
which contains three main components: content knowledge
(CK), technology knowledge (TK), and pedagogy knowledge
(PK), and the complex interactions between them in teacher
knowledge. TPACK framework is regarded as a breakthrough
in teacher knowledge research because it integrates technical
knowledge into the traditional views of the integration of
contents and pedagogy and forms an integrated knowledge
framework with technology. Koehler and Mishra (2009) pointed
that relationships between teaching and technology with
technology due to social and contextual factors also complicate,
and teachers are facing new challenges with technology. TPACK
is considered as a theory of knowledge in action because it origins
from pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and the capabilities
can be infused into teacher curriculum to support teaching and
learning (Tondeur et al., 2017). It is greatly beneficial to teachers,
especially preservice teachers, on account of the integration of
technology, pedagogy, and content, which promotes the process
of teaching practice (Tondeur et al., 2020). Nowadays, there
are many studies on TPACK because it has brought beneficial
enlightenments to teachers’ knowledge development, such as
research in MOOC, STEM, Math, Chemistry, and all kinds of
disciplines (Chong, 2021).
The increase of EN knowledge also affects teachers’ knowledge
structure. Geake (2011) noted that understanding EN is many
advantages, one of which is conducive to “new possibilities
in pedagogy or curriculum design.” Gang (2020) also stressed
that EN is conducive to the deep and further understanding of
various educational elements such as instructional design and
students evaluation process. Schwartz et al. (2019) indicated
that EN “enriches pedagogical choices” and promoted much
more student-centered pedagogies after a set of EN concepts
courses. Improving teaching becomes an important dimension
of EN application because the understanding of students’ brains
is an effective way to improve the teaching process, which in
turn contributes to better achievements for both teachers and
students. Especially in some international investigations, for
instance, BrainU courses have been implemented on a large
scale, and these projects have effectively promoted continuous
reflection on teachers’ teaching process and understanding of
class practice (Dubinsky et al., 2019). The EN-related teacher
programs have been promoted by many institutions over the
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Cui and Zhang EN Training for Teachers’ TPACK
past decades, such as the Royal Society in the United Kingdom,
the International Society for Neuroscience, the Organisation
for Economic Cooperation and Development, etc., and these
projects are used to promote teachers’ understanding of EN
and their teaching practice (Coch, 2018). Studies also stressed
its benefits for empowering teachers’ abilities and promoting
education reforms, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic
period (Joseph and Thomas, 2021). These findings mean that
teachers need to consider their practical skills and promote
their literacy (Zhang et al., 2020a), especially technology-
related skills under the perspective of EN to promote teaching
effect in their instruction. Ching et al. (2020) also emphasized
the necessity of forming a teacher’s neuroscience literacy and
noted that an understanding of EN can also help against
neuromyths. These understandings need to be conducted into
operable teaching steps and to integrate related data-based
decision-making literacy with subject content and teaching
method knowledge (Mandinach and Schildkamp, 2021). In other
words, in the whole complex process of taking instruction,
teachers need not only TK, CK, and PK but also literacy
and understanding related to the new technologies and EN-
related works.
The existing studies paid much attention to teachers; however,
not enough works were conducted on the role of EN knowledge
in promoting teachers’ TPACK construction; considering the
studies of EN and its benefits for teachers, we formed the idea
that teachers’ TPACK may be formed based on EN. Due to the
addition of a new element (EN), teachers’ knowledge structure
also changes on the basis of EN-related concepts, works, and
research, and a new composite knowledge framework may form
by the integration of CK, TK, PK, and EN, as shown in Figure 1.
Although EN knowledge is considered to be helpful to promote
teachers’ knowledge, existing studies have failed to reveal the
specific relationships between EN and various elements in the
TPACK framework.
The understanding of EN cannot directly change teaching, but
on the contrary, it will promote teachers’ understanding of
learning, to implement better teaching (Jamaludin et al., 2019).
Thus, in this study, the relationship between EN and teachers’
TPACK structure (Q1), and the effectiveness of the EN training
program (Q2) through EN knowledge, TPACK-21, and mental
engagement are explored. The research framework has been
established to illustrate the possible impact of these three aspects
as is shown in Figure 2:
Educational neuroscience: EN knowledge scale is measured
from three aspects: knowledge about the brain (ENB, three
items), knowledge about the development and change of
teenagers (ENT, three items), and the knowledge about the
practice with EN (ENP, three items). These three aspects were
established according to the contents of the EN training program
and were generated through discussions by researchers to ensure
its reliability.
TPACK-21: TPACK scale employed TPACK-21 questionnaire,
including CK (four items), PK (seven items), TK (four items),
TCK (four items), PCK (six items), TPK (six items), and TPACK
(seven items) developed by Valtonen et al. (2017). TPACK-21
was grounded on 21st-century skills, such as creativity, critical
thinking, and problem solving. The questionnaire has been
validated by CFA, and all statements have reached an adequate
reliability level (α>0.80).
Mental engagement: Mental engagement scale is considered
from well-being (WB, seven items) and satisfaction (SA, six
items), and each part has high reliability and validity according
to Mo et al. (2021). These two aspects were considered because
they are highly related to teacher training, especially satisfaction,
and it is the best way to assess the effectiveness of the training
program (Aimsrikul and Thitinaruemit, 2019).
The research constructs the initial questionnaire items through
the Wenjuanxing platform1and invites some teachers to fill in
these questions. After the first investigation, researchers made
appropriate adjustments to the questionnaire items according to
the teachers’ feedback to better match the in-service participants.
The survey was conducted after a teacher EN training program,
lasting for a week. This program was designed for inspiring
teachers with EN-related concepts, including content about the
cognitive structure of the brain and the latest results of EN
research on the classroom, such as why teenagers language
sensitivity will become slow with age, why do teenagers writing
skills improve little after middle school, and why teenagers always
like to stay together and do things together. The content of the EN
training program can be found in Appendix A, and the origin
training content can be found in My Teen Brain, a teacher EN
workshop implemented by Coleman (2021). After the program,
teachers were invited to summarize the effects of this training and
report remaining issues that will affect their understanding of EN
in the program. Then, the interviewed data are further analyzed
to conduct findings.
The information of participants is sorted out after the
questionnaire, where age, gender, working experience,
educational background, EN experience before training
(pre-EN), and EN training opportunity are considered. The
participants contain 216 in-service teachers (men = 71,
women = 145) in Jinlin Province, China. As is shown in Table 1,
these teachers are recruited from the main subjects of elementary
and secondary schools, for instance, Chinese, mathematics,
English, etc. In terms of educational background, most of
the teachers have a bachelor’s degree (N= 113, 52.3%) and
master’s or above master’s degree (N= 71, 32.8%), with an
average age = 34.2. Although these teachers have considerable
teaching experience, for instance, most of the teachers have
over 5 years of experience (68.1%), they responded that they
had little understanding of EN before the training, ranking
score from 1 to 2 on pre-EN experience, and only 3.2% teachers
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Cui and Zhang EN Training for Teachers’ TPACK
FIGURE 1 | How EN influences TPACK and forms a new knowledge structure.
FIGURE 2 | The research framework.
reported that they have a moderate understanding of EN.
The feedback from participants shows that in-service teachers
significantly lack opportunities for EN, and nearly 90% of
teachers reported few opportunities to get appropriate EN
training. This shows that the implementation of an EN training
program for teachers is necessary.
Data Analysis
In this work, SPSS 23.0 was used to examine in-service teachers’
EN knowledge, TPACK-21, and mental engagement after an EN
training program.
First, the descriptive statistics and reliability analysis of each
subscale are examined through SPSS, as shown in Table 2. From
the measurement results of reliability statistics, the Cronbach’s
alpha value of each subscale is over 0.80, and the total reliability
result of 60 items is 0.933, indicating that the analyzed data
have high internal consistency and strong reliability. The mean
value of all subscales ranged from 2.656 to 4.195, where the
ENB, ENT, and ENP only got a score from 2.656 to 3.003,
showing that the teachers still have not enough understandings
of the EN knowledge. Although teachers have limited EN-
related knowledge, they also assigned relatively high scores to
CK, PK, TK, PCK, TCK, TPK, and TPACK, ranging from
3.951 to 4.195. Besides, teachers reported WB and SA scores
over 3.747, indicating that they got relative recognition of this
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Cui and Zhang EN Training for Teachers’ TPACK
TABLE 1 | Profile of participants.
Variables Category Frequency % Variables Category Frequency %
Age 20–29 67 31.1% Educational background Below bachelor’s 32 14.8%
30–39 103 47.7% Bachelor’s 113 52.3%
40–49 34 15.7% Master’s 65 30.1%
>50 12 5.5% Above master’s 6 2.8%
Working experience 1–5 years 69 31.9% Pre-EN experience (1 = little, 5 = a lot) 1 162 75.0%
5–10 years 89 41.2% 2 46 21.3%
10–15 years 30 13.9% 3 7 3.2%
15–20 years 18 8.3% 4 1 0.5%
over 20 years 10 4.6% 5 0 0%
Gender Female 145 67.1% EN training opportunity (1 = little, 5 = a lot) 1 144 66.6%
2 65 30.1%
Male 71 32.9% 3 5 2.3%
4 0 0%
5 2 1.0%
TABLE 2 | Descriptive statistics and reliability of each subscale.
N statistic Minimum statistic Maximum statistic Mean statistic Std. deviation statistic Variance statistic N of items Cronbach’s α
ENB 216 1 5 3.003 0.897 0.805 3 0.891
ENT 216 1 5 2.960 0.862 0.743 3 0.910
ENP 216 1 5 2.656 0.869 0.755 3 0.867
CK 216 1 5 4.078 0.828 0.685 4 0.901
PK 216 1 5 4.104 0.825 0.681 7 0.917
TK 216 1 5 3.951 0.842 0.709 4 0.898
PCK 216 1 5 4.195 0.774 0.599 6 0.920
TCK 216 1 5 4.142 0.808 0.653 4 0.912
TPK 216 1 5 4.076 0.800 0.641 6 0.921
TPACK 216 1 5 4.087 0.805 0.649 7 0.927
WB 216 1 5 3.868 0.817 0.667 7 0.902
SA 216 1 5 3.747 0.762 0.58 6 0.900
Total 60 0.933
TABLE 3 | Paired samples statistics of pre-EN and the subscales of EN.
Mean Paired differences t df Sig. (two-tailed)
Mean Std. deviation Std. Error Mean 95% Confidence interval of the
Lower Upper
Pair 1 Pre-EN and ENB 1.334 3.003 1.667 1.424 0.097 0.338 0.720 5.463 215 0.000
Pair 2 Pre-EN and ENT 1.334 2.960 1.626 1.456 0.099 0.377 0.768 5.781 215 0.000
Pair 3 Pre-EN and ENP 1.334 2.656 1.322 1.424 0.097 0.685 1.067 9.044 215 0.000
EN training program, and their well-being and satisfaction are
moderately accepted.
Second, the paired-samples test was used to explore the
difference between pre-EN and the subscales of EN (ENB, ENT,
and ENP). The data analysis results are as follows in Table 3, in
which there are significant differences between the pre-EN and
ENB (p= 0.00 <0.05), there are significant differences between
the pre-EN and ENT (p= 0.00 <0.05), and there are significant
differences between the pre-EN and ENT (p= 0.00 <0.05),
with a mean value of pre-EN, ENB, ENT, and ENP are 1.334,
3.003, 2.960, and 2.656, respectively. The results indicated that
the three aspects of EN have increased varying degrees, and this
EN training program can promote teachers’ understanding to
a certain extent.
Third, the Pearson correlation analysis was used to test the
correlations between the subscales of EN, TPACK-21, and mental
engagement. As shown in Table 4, the correlation analysis results
showed that there were high correlations between the subscales
of EN and TPACK, for instance, the correlation between ENB
and PCK was 0.822 (p<0.05). However, the correlation between
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Cui and Zhang EN Training for Teachers’ TPACK
TABLE 4 | Correlations between EN, TPACK-21, and mental engagement.
ENT Pearson correlation 1 0.929** 0.821** 0.807** 0.750** 0.678** 0.723** 0.712** 0.657** 0.696** 0.012 0.019
Sig. (two-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.860 0.784
ENP Pearson correlation 0.929** 1 0.911** 0.882** 0.825** 0.753** 0.797** 0.776** 0.730** 0.751** 0.020 0.021
Sig. (two -tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.767 0.761
ENB Pearson correlation 0.821** 0.911** 1 0.877** 0.821** 0.729** 0.822** 0.784** 0.737** 0.747** 0.011 0.026
Sig. (two -tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.877 0.709
CK Pearson correlation 0.807** 0.882** 0.877** 1 0.938** 0.807** 0.888** 0.856** 0.805** 0.827** 0.000 0.025
Sig. (two-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.716
PK Pearson correlation 0.750** 0.825** 0.821** 0.938** 1 0.852** 0.885** 0.860** 0.816** 0.840** 0.025 0.012
Sig. (two-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.716 0.860
TK Pearson correlation 0.678** 0.753** 0.729** 0.807** 0.852** 1 0.804** 0.816** 0.854** 0.834** 0.019 0.054
Sig. (two-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.786 0.427
PCK Pearson correlation 0.723** 0.797** 0.822** 0.888** 0.885** 0.804** 1 0.935** 0.890** 0.889** 0.011 0.023
Sig. (two-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.870 0.740
TCK Pearson correlation 0.712** 0.776** 0.784** 0.856** 0.860** 0.816** 0.935** 1 0.899** 0.916** 0.002 0.031
Sig. (two-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.976 0.651
TPK Pearson correlation 0.657** 0.730** 0.737** 0.805** 0.816** 0.854** .890** 0.899** 1 0.940** 0.052 0.062
Sig. (two-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.449 0.365
TPACK Pearson correlation 0.696** 0.751** 0.747** 0.827** 0.840** 0.834** 0.889** 0.916** 0.940** 1 0.038 0.046
Sig. (two-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.582 0.501
WB Pearson correlation 0.012 0.020 0.011 0.000 0.025 0.019 0.011 0.002 0.052 0.038 1 0.872**
Sig. (two-tailed) 0.860 0.767 0.877 1.000 0.716 0.786 0.870 0.976 0.449 0.582 0.000
SA Pearson correlation 0.019 0.021 0.026 0.025 0.012 0.054 0.023 0.031 0.062 0.046 0.872** 1
Sig. (two-tailed) 0.784 0.761 0.709 0.716 0.860 0.427 0.740 0.651 0.365 0.501 0.000
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).
the subscales of EN and mental engagement and the correlation
between the subscales of TPACK-21 and mental engagement were
not supported. Besides, the subscales of mental engagement had
internal consistency, where the correlation between well-being
(WB) and satisfaction (SA) was 0.872 (p<0.05). This shows
that the cognition of EN knowledge will affect the dimensions of
teachers’ TPACK structure, and TPACK also has connections in
its complex framework. Although teacher training is designed for
EN knowledge, the program does not obviously increase teachers’
satisfaction and well-being.
Interview Analysis
Through the above analysis, it is found that although EN
knowledge was significantly correlated with TPACK, it did not
affect the satisfaction and well-being of the training program.
Although teachers’ EN knowledge increased significantly, it did
not reach a very high level when compared with TPACK.
After the program, 10% of teachers (T1–T22) were invited to
summarize the results of this training, and the interviewed
data were further analyzed. First, it was found that teachers
showed great interest in the EN training, and teacher T6
concludes that “learning something about the brain are very
novel comparing with traditional training programs,”, and T10
also stressed that the curriculum and key points are quite
different from “technology, teaching method training projects.”
This knowledge related to teenagers’ brains helps them recognize
the difference between teenagers and adults, which “helps them
reconsider teaching design process” as described by teachers T4,
T6, and T13. Second, it is found that there are still difficulties in
understanding the knowledge of EN although they have received
related training, especially for the knowledge in practice (ENP).
Teacher 3 said, “Some descriptions are too vague for me to
understand.” “Although the teacher explained many theories
about neuroscience, he didn’t tell us how to do the best in
practice, which was agreed by T3, T7, and T9. A detailed matrix
data analysis chart was formed to better interpret the views of the
teachers, as shown in Table 5.
The findings of Table 5 indicate that EN is a new field for most
of the teachers, and how to explain the views of EN to teachers
may be more important than EN itself. It is not easy to construct
the “bridge” between science research and classrooms. This may
require neuroscientists and educators to establish a common
discourse to promote better training effects. Through further
discussions, we discussed with teachers the possible paths of EN
knowledge dissemination, such as obtaining difficulties, media
reasons, etc. This part will be described in detail in the discussion.
In this research, we conducted a training program on EN
knowledge for in-service teachers and verified the relationship
between EN and TPACK, which indicates that promoting
teachers’ understanding of EN may be conducive to teachers
knowledge construction. However, it is also found that the effect
of the EN training program is limited, and the improvement of
teachers’ EN-related knowledge, such as the knowledge about the
brain (ENB), has not reached a very ideal level, and only moderate
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Cui and Zhang EN Training for Teachers’ TPACK
TABLE 5 | Views about learning EN in the teacher training program.
Views T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 T22
Learning about EN is novel
compared with traditional
training programs.
EN is a new field for me. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
EN is a new knowledge for me. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
EN is a new teaching method for
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Learning about EN helps
re-consider the teaching
design process.
EN helps understanding student. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
EN helps understanding
* * * * * *
EN helps understanding teaching. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Learning about EN still meets
EN is too vague for me to
understanding in theory.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
EN is too difficult for me to
understanding in practice.
* * * * * * * * * * *
I rarely have chance to
communicate with EN experts
* * * * * * * * * *
The table was organized according to the interviews, and “*” means teachers agree with this view during the interview.
well-being and satisfaction are stressed. After analysis with SPSS
and interview, this study gets the following conclusions.
First, a necessary training program can promote teachers’
understanding of EN. In this research, teachers’ understandings
of EN knowledge have generally improved, especially for ENB,
ENT, and ENP. Although they did not reach the level of 4/5,
and the highest was only 3.003, it has made a lot of progress
compared with the mean score of 1.334 of the EN before they
get trained (pre-EN). This confirms the views that promoting
teacher training can increase teachers’ cognitions in the field of
neuroscience (Roehrig et al., 2012;Dubinsky et al., 2013). Since
EN is a field related to education, many experts emphasize that
the necessary teacher training is an effective way to connect
neuroscience and education. The professional knowledge of EN
is taught to teachers instead of directly promoting the effect of
education practice, which may promote teachers’ teaching beliefs
and lead to better instruction (Gutshall, 2020). Researchers also
indicated that it is necessary to build a bridge between research
and educational practice by forming a partnership (MacMahon
et al., 2021), and it is also important to reciprocate interactions
for neuroscience and education (Aronsson, 2020).
Second, it was found that EN knowledge is highly related
to TPACK (p<0.05) and can promote the development of
teachers’ TPACK to a certain extent. Previous studies stressed
that EN does a great help in inspiring teachers to develop brain-
based learning and encourages students to learn independently
(Amelia et al., 2021). Similar to these views, some teachers
in this work reported that they can rethink the instructional
design process from the research of neuroscience and the
brain. Educational neuroscience knowledge helps them better
integrate technology (TK), pedagogy (PK), and subject content
knowledge (CK), which means that EN may promote teachers
to form a new TPACK structure, for instance, EN-TPACK
mentioned in Figure 1. Although the general well-being and
satisfaction of teachers in this study are not very high, which
can only reach 3.868 and 3.747, the interview with teachers
indicates that the teachers’ understanding of EN has increased
significantly and can further increase their reflection on teaching,
as described by teacher T4, T6, and T13. This is consistent
with the research of Elouafi et al. (2021) because it can help
teachers better carry out instructional design, question and renew
all practices, for instance, course content, sequences, rhythm,
execution, and evaluation.
Finally, there are still many difficulties in EN knowledge
dissemination, although teachers get specifically trained.
Regardless of the regional development levels and teaching
levels, neuromyth will produce and affect the practical process
of education, and a survey of 583 teachers in Portugal verified
this conclusion, conducted by Rato et al. (2013). In this study,
teachers pointed that they encountered many difficulties, such
as vague knowledge and difficulty in practice, which shows that
the causes of limited EN knowledge are complex. Lasswell’s
5W model (Wenxiu, 2015) inspired us how the dissemination
of EN produces neuromyths and hinders teachers’ knowledge
development, as shown in Figure 3. From the perspective of
communication mechanism, limited EN knowledge of teachers
came initially from different targets and discipline backgrounds.
Neuroscience studies the brain and physiological mechanism,
for instance, the genes, neuronal activities, and their links, and
lots of research cannot be directly applied to change education
(Devonshire and Dommett, 2010). Researches also points
out that neuroscience and education lack common discourse,
especially professional terms, vocabulary, literature, research and
methods, which makes the concept and knowledge too vague to
directly guide practice (Qiang and Meiqi, 2021). What’s more, the
unscientific interpretations (oversimplified or over-interpreted)
by the mass social media often make the conclusions too blurred
to use for improving teaching from a scientific perspective
(Dekker et al., 2012). Most importantly, the focus of EN training
should be to teach teachers how to change the teaching process
in practice, not to introduce relevant knowledge in theory.
This means that in teacher EN training programs, we need to
re-interpret and re-explain the relatively scientific professional
knowledge in a way that teachers can easily understand to guide
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Cui and Zhang EN Training for Teachers’ TPACK
FIGURE 3 | EN knowledge dissemination based on Lasswell’s 5W model.
learning and instructing. This work requires the joint efforts of
experts, scholars, and teachers to change practice in classrooms.
Educational neuroscience is a systematic science to understand
the occurrence law of human brain learning and may help
teachers understand the general laws and characteristics of
teaching, to change teachers’ traditional teaching methods.
Although teachers expect to use the research results of EN
to change the teaching process, it is undeniable that teachers’
practical level and understanding of EN are still limited compared
with the content, psychology, and technical knowledge. In many
cases, the teacher knowledge related to EN is on the edge of
knowledge structure, and most of the teachers are found to
lack an EN background or curriculum experience (Amran and
Bakar, 2020). Therefore, it is necessary to promote specific EN
training programs for teachers. The viewpoints of EN should
be recommended and added to the pre-and in-service teachers’
training courses and programs to promote better teaching.
The original idea of this study is derived from the BrainU
project developed by Dubinsky et al. (2013). The project aims
to promote teachers’ educational practice by teaching teachers
related concepts of neuroscience. Through a period of workshop
projects, a team of expert teachers can be established to integrate
the concepts, activities, demonstrations, and experiments of
neuroscience into the classroom, and increase teachers’ use of
inquiry teaching methods (Roehrig et al., 2012). Our research
further verifies that it is of positive significance to teachers’
training EN-related knowledge, which is also helpful for the
construction of teachers’ TPACK construction. The knowledge
about ENB, ENT, and ENP is examined, and high correlations
with the subscales of TPACK were found. Researchers also
proposed that teachers should get trained according to the
TPACK and EN to promote planning, design, and teaching
practice (Doukakis et al., 2021), and this indicated that
the understanding of EN can help teachers further master
technology, subject content, and pedagogy in practice, so as to
better carry out daily teaching. Thus, a new composite knowledge
framework EN-TPACK is recommended to be established for
both pre and in-service teachers to enhance their teaching
practice. But at the same time, the study failed to reach the most
ideal state. Although teachers’ knowledge of EN has increased,
their sense of well-being and satisfaction cannot report a high
level. In further research, this research would reduce the possible
obstacles to teachers’ knowledge acquisition and dissemination,
so as to promote teachers’ engagement and practice.
This research enlightens teachers and increases their EN
knowledge by the training program under EN. It is also
helpful to further review the technology, pedagogy, and content
knowledge, promoting the development of teachers’ TPACK.
Future research needs to expand more samples and adopt a cyclic
and iterative approach to verify the necessity of EN training
for teachers, school managers, and even parents. Empirical
research, for instance, comparative experiments for EN, is
also recommended to evaluate teachers’ learning outcomes in
authentic learning environments. In addition, although the
analysis of the EN dissemination process may be inadequate, it
will help to understand the generation path of teacher knowledge
in practice, thereby promoting this emerging field of EN.
Future research should also focus on reducing the obstacles of
knowledge dissemination to promote teachers’ understanding of
EN, TPACK, and its implementation in practice.
The original contributions presented in the study are included
in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can be
directed to the corresponding author/s.
YC carried out the whole formal analysis, investigation, and
writing—original draft. HZ edited the original manuscript to
ensure that it reaches the standard of publishing, carried out
project administration, and contributed to supervision and
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Cui and Zhang EN Training for Teachers’ TPACK
resources. Both authors contributed to the article and approved
the submitted version.
This work was supported by the project of Jilin Provincial
Development and Reform Commission “Jilin Engineering
Research Center of Integration and Innovation of Education
and Artificial Intelligence” (Grant No. 2019694), the project
of Jilin Provincial Science and Technology Department “Jilin
Trans-regional Science and Technology Innovation Center of
Educational Artificial Intelligence” (Grant No. 20200602015ZP),
the open project of Intelligent education of the State Key
Laboratory of Cognitive Intelligence “Research on the practice
of smart classroom precision teaching in frontier rural primary
and secondary schools” (Grant No. IED2021-Z001), the project
of Undergraduate Higher Education Teaching Reform in
Jilin Province “Research on the innovative training mode
of excellent journalism and communication talents in the
smart environment” (Grant No. JLJY202118470787), and the
project of “Creative Education” in promoting the teaching
mode reform of normal students’ subject understanding by
Northeast Normal University “Research on the cultivation
and development of normal students driven by big data”
(Grant No. 21CZ0011).
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Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
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potential conflict of interest.
Publisher’s Note: All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors
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Frontiers in Psychology | 11 December 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 792723
fpsyg-12-792723 December 20, 2021 Time: 15:35 # 12
Cui and Zhang EN Training for Teachers’ TPACK
The Content of the Educational Neuroscience Training Program for Teachers
Stage 1. Begin
XElaborate the background of the educational neuroscience training program.
XNeuromyths we often encountered.
XChanging teachers’ views of the teenage brain.
XStress the importance of educational neuroscience knowledge.
Stage 1. Key Points
XThe key changes of the brain and teenagers’ transformation (development of various parts of the brain and the importance of
pruning and hormone variation).
XLearning, classroom performance, and executive function (types of learning, changes in the brain as a result of learning, the
meaning of executive function, and how this links with classroom performance).
XHormones and reward processing of teenagers (how hormone levels vary and why rewards are especially
important for teenagers).
XThe social brain of teenagers (why the peer group matters).
XSleep and healthy (why teenagers need sufficient sleep, and how sleep affects healthy).
Stage 3. Solutions
XFor teachers (what teachers need to do under educational neuroscience).
XFor parents (what parents need to do under educational neuroscience).
XFor school managers (what school managers need to do under educational neuroscience).
Stage 4. Discussion
XWhat do you think the role of educational neuroscience?
XCan educational neuroscience help you in practice or knowledge development?
XWhether there are remaining issues or difficulties affecting your understandings and practice in class with educational
Frontiers in Psychology | 12 December 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 792723
... Actualmente, se han implementado modificaciones en las metodologías que han sido testeadas en diferentes investigaciones, las cuales han identificado qué cambios en el paradigma de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje pueden conducir al aumento del grado de satisfacción hacia la ciencia y, por ende, un incremento en la efectividad del proceso educativo (Cui y Zhang, 2021;Ng, 2018). ...
... Para la implementación de un modelo de estos, es fundamental considerar aspectos clave como lo son la individualización del aprendizaje, la conexión emocional, el enfoque multisensorial y la metacognición. Estos elementos, respaldados por autores como (Cui y Zhang, 2021;Fleur et al., 2021;Ng, 2018) permiten adaptar las estrategias de enseñanza a las necesidades individuales de los estudiantes, destacando la importancia de las emociones en el proceso de aprendizaje, el estímulo multisensorial para fortalecer conexiones neuronales, y el fomento de habilidades metacognitivas para mejorar la autorregulación del aprendizaje. ...
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Resumen Este artículo presenta un estudio sobre la utilización de la neurociencia en la enseñanza de las matemáticas, haciendo hincapié en la necesidad de abordar los obstáculos emocionales y mejorar las prácticas educativas en matemáticas, particularmente en los países de América Latina, como Colombia, que enfrentan desafíos notables en este campo. La investigación se basa en un análisis exhaustivo de documentos científicos, y emplea un enfoque interdisciplinario para identificar los mecanismos neuronales implicados en el procesamiento matemático y aplicar estrategias educativas eficaces. La metodología de investigación es cualitativa de tipo exploratorio que abarca una revisión sistemática de la literatura, encontrándose una aproximación a la configuración del uso de la neurociencia en la enseñanza de las matemáticas, donde se encuentran resultados relacionados con modelos, estrategias, prácticas de enseñanza y pensamiento matemático. La inclusión de métodos, estrategias y prácticas basadas en neuroeducación en el proceso educativo contribuye a enriquecer la experiencia de aprendizaje y a potenciar la conexión entre las habilidades matemáticas y las dimensiones emocionales y creativas de los estudiantes, se resalta la importancia de adaptar estrategias educativas para satisfacer las necesidades individuales de los estudiantes, la relevancia de la conexión emocional en el aprendizaje matemático, el enfoque multisensorial, la metacognición y la diversificación de estrategias educativas. Finalmente se analiza cómo la neurociencia puede mejorar la práctica pedagógica y abordar
... Neuropedagogy is the place where science and education can combine and the scientific goals of which are to learn how to stimulate new zones of the brain and create neural connections. Despite its rich history, educational neuroscience has not yet had the impact envisioned on education, partly due to the fact that neuroscientific laboratory experiments are conceptually and practically different from attendance-based teaching practice [5]. Therefore, to bridge this gap, new initiatives are needed to conceptualize neuroscientific evidence into tangible models, frameworks, recommendations and practices. ...
... In the context of this study, we sought to investigate the perspectives of Higher Education instructors on a Neuropedagogy course to identify its strong points and potential areas for enhancement. This endeavor is of high importance to increase and improve open educational resources and courses and to build evidence-based bridges between neuroscience research and teaching practice in physical, blended and digital online settings [5]. Our research not only contributes to the broader literature by showcasing methods to enrich teaching and learning practices [39], but also supports the growing evidence highlighting the significance of educators' professional development [40,41]. ...
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Higher education teaching staff members need to build a scientifically accurate and comprehensive understanding of the function of the brain in learning as neuroscience evidence can constitute a way to optimize teaching and achieve learning excellence. An international consortium developed a professional development six-module course on educational neuroscience and online community of practice by applying design thinking. A mixed methods research design was employed to investigate the attitudes of thirty-two (N = 32) participating academics using a survey comprising eleven closed and open questions. Data analysis methods included descriptive statistics, correlation, generalized additive model and grounded theory. The overall evaluation demonstrated a notable satisfaction level with regard to the quality of the course. Given the power of habits, mentoring and peer interactions are recommended to ensure the effective integration of theoretical neuroscientific evidence into teaching practice.
... Education has significantly changed in recent years with the advent of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) [1]. While having its own set of challenges, online learning has become a mainstream educational tool, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic [2]. ...
Conference Paper
Online learning has brought about significant changes in the education since the COVID-19 pandemic. The cognitive processes involved in online learning have been debated for decades. Although many of the issues regarding instructional designs have been addressed, post pandemic challenges require us to take a more practical approach to prepare students with 21st-century skills. However, discussions on constructing an instructional design through online learning, particularly those related to active learning from a neurosci-ence perspective are still lacking. A systematic literature review to synthesise empirical data on using or implementing neuroscience educational approaches in online learning is needed. This paper attempts to identify the trends in the neuroscience education in online learning to research sampling trends and the focus of the field of study. The study utilised the Science Direct, Scopus, Pro Quest, and ERIC databases based on the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA), of 27 original articles published between 2014 and 2023. The findings reveal that the United States is be the dominant country in conducting neuroscience education approaches through online learning and related studies were mostly performed in 2023. The research samples were also more focused on higher education institutions (HEIs) with an emphasis on teaching and learning activities.
... The HERVAT Method, represents an educational methodology that integrates neuroscientific elements into pedagogical practice (Cui & Zhang, 2021).This method emphasizes holistic learning, valuing the interrelationship between emotion, cognition, and social context in the educational process. Its personalized approach adapts to different learning styles and paces, promoting more inclusive and effective education. ...
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The pedagogical methodology has evolved in recent years, moving towards approaches that integrate advances in neuroscience with educational practices. In this context, the HERVAT method emerges, aiming to consolidate these advances and apply them in the educational sphere to enhance the learning experience. The main objective of this research was to implement the HERVAT method in various educational institutions in Ecuador. For this, a qualitative methodology was adopted, with an analysis based on the systematization of experiences and grounded in the profound interpretation of a specific phenomenon. Through a rigorous data collection and analysis process, which incorporated techniques such as observations and documentary analysis, the HERVAT method was applied to students in seven renowned educational institutions in the country. The findings of the study highlight those contemporary pedagogical interventions, supported by this method, emphasize the holistic development of the student. By integrating innovative techniques, such as gamification and multisensory stimulation, the aim is to align pedagogical practices with key discoveries in neuroscience. This alignment enhances brain plasticity, facilitating adaptability and depth in learning processes. The personalization of strategies and adherence to empirical evidence emerge as fundamental components to elevate educational quality in the contemporary era. It is concluded that the HERVAT method, rooted in neuroscientific principles, revitalizes learning by activating crucial neural circuits, optimizing aspects such as student attention and concentration. Strategies based on neurodidactics, backed by empirical evidence, highlight the relevance of natural environments and varied stimuli, enhancing sensory perception and the active commitment of the student in their educational process. This approach promotes comprehensive education, aiming to maximize each student's neurocognitive potential. Received: 22 September 2023 / Accepted: 27 January 2024 / Published: 5 March 2024
... We should pay attention to the article by (Cui & Zhang, 2021), which focuses on conducting training sessions on neuroscience for teachers. As we know, information and communication technologies provide teachers with the opportunity to update the educational process, to teach in a new way, because innovative learning technologies, tools and platforms contribute to this. ...
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The article deals with innovative technologies as a way to form the professional competence of elementary teachers of the New Ukrainian School. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that now in order to educate co-educators, a teacher needs to form professional competencies (to be a mentor, a coach, a tutor, an innovator, a facilitator). The purpose of the article: to clarify the meaning of the concepts of "pedagogical technology", "innovative pedagogical technology", "competence", "professional competence"; to analyze articles and publications on the need to implement innovative technologies in the educational process; to consider the meaning of digital competence and professional competence for teachers. Methods of work: analysis of scientific literature, system analysis. Results: as the research on the issue shows, the professional competence of the teacher is based on the fundamental knowledge of the basic subject, general culture and thorough didactic competence. Currently, teachers should develop in children critical thinking, communication and technical skills, emotional intelligence, analytical abilities, taking into account the age characteristics and physical condition of the child. Novelty is a key competence of every teacher, which is life-long learning. Conclusion: the use of innovative technologies, psycho-pedagogical and basic knowledge is a complex necessary for the formation of professional competence of elementary teachers of NUS.
... Similarly, the education system had to adapt to the twenty-first-century developments in the digital field (Hsu, 2016;Geri et al., 2017;Mitsea et al., 2021Mitsea et al., , 2023. As such, the integration of digital technologies into schools and academia required the development of a new pedagogy in teacher education (Koehler and Mishra, 2008), which then could be adapted to suit the various content disciplines (Cui and Zhang, 2021). Recently, this need for a unique pedagogy became even more urgent, as the world coped with the transition to digital teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Ching and Roberts, 2020;Frei-Landau et al., 2022a;Muchnick-Rozanov et al., 2022b;Hershkovitz et al., 2023). ...
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Introduction In recent decades, there has been increased use of neuroscience in teacher education, which refers to applying knowledge from brain science to teaching. Similarly, digital learning has been extensively integrated into teacher education, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the benefits of assimilating educational neuroscience into special-education training—particularly using digital platforms–have yet to be examined. The current study explored the use of digitally-delivered educational neuroscience, related to neurodevelopmental disorders (ND), in teacher education, to gain insight into the learning outcomes alongside the contribution of the digital platform. Methods Employing a qualitative approach, we recruited 193 student-teachers who learned a digital ND-related neuroscience course. Data collection included open-ended reflections, open-ended story questions and five focus groups – all of which were analyzed using content analysis. Results Findings revealed a process involving four learning outcomes: understanding brain-based mechanisms of ND, enhanced empathy, extended perception of teachers’ professional role, and the design of pedagogical adaptations. The analysis also pointed out the various ways in which the digital platform facilitated these learning outcomes. Discussion The study provides theoretical insight into the role of digitally-delivered educational neuroscience in the service of inclusion. It further discusses the practical implications of using digitally-delivered educational neuroscience in teacher education to promote an inclusive pedagogy and best practices.
... Most scholars described teachers' data literacy as including four dimensions: data collection, data analysis, data evaluation, and data application (Cui et al. 2023;Papamitsiou et al. 2021). Theoretically, teachers could cultivate their data literacy (Kennedy-Clark and Reimann, 2022;Cui and Zhang, 2021) to capture students' data and provide valuable feedback for teaching and learning in a data-rich environment (Cui et al. 2023;Gebre, 2022). However, existing research revealed that data literacy among teachers was generally lacking and still had large scope for improvement (Sun et al. 2016;Wu et al. 2021). ...
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The digital divide between rural and urban areas is becoming the key factors resulting educational imbalance, which might be exacerbated by differences in teachers’ digital teaching competence. Therefore, it was crucial to explore the divide and determinants of digital teaching competence between rural and urban teachers. A large-scale survey was conducted with 11,784 K–12 teachers in China (43.40% from rural schools and 56.60% from urban schools). First, this study investigated potential factors for teachers’ digital teaching competence, including information and communication technology (ICT) attitude, ICT skills, and data literacy. Second, the data indicated the digital divide existed, i.e., the ICT attitude, ICT skills, data literacy, and digital teaching competence of rural teachers were significantly lower than those of urban teachers. Third, the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition method demonstrated that data literacy and ICT skills were the most important determinants of the divide in digital teaching competence between rural and urban teachers. Hence, our research provided important insights for policymakers, school leaders and teachers to bridge the digital divide.
... This new field represents the intersection of cognitive and developmental sciences and education to develop evidence-based recommendations for teaching and learning (Fischer et al., 2010). Despite a growing interest in the field of neuroeducation (Cui & Zhang, 2021;Gola et al., 2022;Madua, 2022), it is widely accepted that attempts to establish interdisciplinary links between education and neuroscience can also lead to misunderstanding and miscommunication (Bowers, 2016;Bruer, 1997;Goswami, 2006). ...
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Despite a growing interest in the field of neuroeducation, it is widely accepted that attempts to establish interdisciplinary links between education and neuroscience can also lead to misunderstanding and miscommunication. Errors arising from misreading, misunderstanding or misquoting information about the brain and its functions are called neuromyths. Educational neuromyths, on the other hand, are defined as widely accepted erroneous beliefs that contribute to pseudo-scientific practices in educational settings, resulting from a misunderstanding of neuroscience. Neuromyths seen as a problem existing in educational environments for many reasons such as causing false truths in education and training, causing ineffective teaching, wasting important resources such as effort, time and money to be used for effective teaching practices, negatively affecting the reliability of the teaching profession and neuroscience research. For this reason, it is stated that neuromyths should be detected and eliminated. The purpose of this article is to give information about the causes of neuromyths, the importance of neuromyths in education, and how to eliminate neuromyths, by looking at neuromyths that cause problems in education from an educational point of view.
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Beynin ve sinir sisteminin fizyolojisi, anatomisi ve biyokimyasını inceleyen nörobilimin öğrenme ile ilişkisi son yıllarda araştırmacıların oldukça ilgisini çekmektedir. Bu ilgi nöroeğitim kavramını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Nöroeğitim, nörobilim ve eğitim arasında bir köprü görevi görmektedir. Öğrenmeyi farklı bir perspektiften inceleyen nöroeğitim alanında çalışacak araştırmacılara yol göstereceği düşünülerek yapılan bu araştırmanın amacı, Web of Science’ta fen eğitimi ve nörobilim ilgili yapılan çalışmaların bibliyometrik analiz yoluyla incelenmesidir. Çalışma kapsamında toplam 93 makale incelenmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında yayınların yazarlara, yazarlar arası ilişkiye, WOS kategorilerine, anahtar kelimelere, ülkelerdeki yayın sayılarına, yıllara ve indexlere göre incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak en fazla yayın yapan yazarların sırasıyla Dubinsky, Michlin ve Pate olduğu; ilişkili yazarların Dubinsky, Roehring, Michlin ve Guzey olduğu; WOS kategorilerine göre dağılımında en fazla Education Educational Research ve Education Scientific Disciplines kategorilerinde yayın bulunduğu; ülkelere göre yayın sayısı dağılımında en fazla yayınla USA olduğu; en fazla yayının 2020’de yapıldığı; indexlere göre en fazla yayının SSCI’da olduğu belirlenmiştir.
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Teacher online learning is an important way to solve teacher shortage and improve teachers’ professional development. However, previous research works that focused on teacher-as-learner satisfaction with online learning were not enough. The aim of this study is to investigate factors that influence teacher satisfaction with online learning. The potential relation and whether there are differences in gender and teaching year among the factors were also studied. The Teacher Satisfaction Index (TSI) model is newly proposed based on the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) model. A questionnaire survey was administered to 108 middle school teachers from four cities in China. Structure equation modeling was used to corroborate the initial model hypotheses regarding the relationship between variables (teacher satisfaction, teacher perceived quality, teacher expectation, teacher loyalty, and teacher complaint). A t-test and analysis of variance were conducted to investigate whether gender and teaching year were related to teacher satisfaction with online learning. Three main findings emerged. First, perceived quality predicted by teacher expectation significantly influenced teacher satisfaction with online learning. Also, teacher satisfaction significantly affected complaints and loyalty. Second, gender had no effect on the five variables. Third, teaching year played a significant role in teacher expectation. This study provides empirical evidence on what factors affect teacher satisfaction with online learning, gives insight into the development of the teacher online learning system, and suggests designer and administrator strategies for the platform content design and management.
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We endeavor through this work to demonstrate the effects of the introduction of neuroeducation data in schools and their application, via an experiment of neuropedagogical methods, to respond to the hypothesis that the contribution of neuroeducation may be beneficial for learning. During this study we designed four neuropedagogical methods and to measure their effect on the learning of students in the classroom we used an evaluation grid comprising six psychopedagogical parameters. The results show that no statistically significant variation of these psychoeducational parameters is observed between sexes. However, a variation is recorded for the four neuropedagogical methods between the groups in pre-test and post at the levels of the mean scores ranging from 5.15% to 440%.
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The pandemic in 2020 made online learning the widely used modality of teaching in several countries and it has also entered the spotlight of educational research. However, online learning has always been a challenge for disciplines (engineering, biology, and art) that require hands-on practice. For art teaching or training, online learning has many advantages and disadvantages. How art teachers embrace and adapt their teaching for online delivery remains an unanswered question. This research examines 892 art teachers' attitudes toward online learning, using learning environment, need satisfaction, mental engagement, and behavior as predictors. Structural equation modeling was used to explore the relationship between these four dimensions during these teachers' participation in an online learning program. The results reveal significant correlations between the learning environment, need satisfaction, mental engagement, and behavior. Moreover, this study reveals the group characteristics of art teachers, which can actually be supported by online learning programs. These findings provide insights into how art teachers view and use online learning, and thus can shed lights on their professional development.
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The emerging discipline of educational neuroscience stands at a crossroads between those who see great promise in integrating neuroscience and education and those who see the disciplinary divide as insurmountable. However, such tension is at least partly due to the hitherto predominance of philosophy and theory over the establishment of concrete mechanisms and agents of change. If educational neuroscience is to move forward and emerge as a distinct discipline in its own right, the traditional boundaries and methods must be bridged, and an infrastructure must be in place that allows for collaborative and productive exchange. In the present paper, we argue that school psychologists have the potential to fulfill this need and represent important agents of change in establishing better connections between research and practice. More specifically, we use the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) (2020) Domains of Practice to highlight several areas where school psychology can actively support forging connections between neuroscience and educational practice. School psychologists represent untapped potential in their knowledge, skillset, and placement to serve a vital role in building the bridge between neuroscience and education.
Educational neuroscience has warranted much research and showed much promise in recent times. However, there is a lack of effective bridging between research in this field and its implementation in actual classroom settings. In order to bridge this gap, a key strategy is to include educational neuroscience in teacher training and education. The current study uses a survey method to assess student-teachers’ awareness, opinions, and openness toward educational neuroscience concepts and techniques. This study examines a snowball sample of 83 Indian student-teachers who joined the Bachelor of Education program in 2018, 2019, and 2020. The results of this study indicate that although most student-teachers are aware of certain techniques, they are unaware that it is part of educational neuroscience. Further, the student-teachers also showed interest in learning such techniques and considered it relevant and useful in classroom teaching. Finally, this study also highlights the role of decision-makers in including educational neuroscience in the B.Ed. program, possibly as an optional paper.
The technology-enabled education process remoulded the modern education systems. The facelift of education 4.0 process harmonized the education systems with industrial demands and technology advancements. The education reforms of the State of Kerala with the tools of technology and neuroscience could achieve remarkable milestones in the education sector. This case study analyses the digital initiatives of KITE and its role on providing uninterrupted-effective education during the Covid-19 pandemic in Kerala. This study is affirmed with quantitative study on how these integrated technology initiatives impact on Technology Adoption of the HSS teachers with respect to their Technology Readiness. Responses of 857 teachers from six education districts of Kerala were used for this study. This study is relevant as it could connect the pre-Covid digital initiatives which could successfully empower the teachers to face the Covid-19 pandemic situation without interrupting the education process amidst the Covid-19 restrictions in Kerala. The study identified that the technology learning initiatives with tools of educational neurosciences have partially mediated teachers’ Technology Readiness to Technology Adoption. The multiple learning initiatives integrated with the tools of technology and educational neuroscience could fully support the virtual learning throughout the State of Kerala during the Covid-19 pandemic situations.
Background Owing to the prevalence of neuromyths in education, there has been a call for more teacher training in neuroscience. However, neuroscience is rarely featured in teacher education. This study investigated the neuroscience literacy and perceptions of neuroscience in education among preservice teachers in order to inform future development of initial teacher education. Method Neuroscience literacy of 968 preservice teachers and their perceptions towards applying neuroscience in education were examined using survey items adapted from studies addressing similar constructs. Rasch item response theory and classical test theory techniques were employed for data analysis. Results Most of the preservice teachers had limited brain knowledge and subscribed to many common neuromyths but were positive towards applying neuroscience in education. General brain knowledge was the only predictor for ability to identify neuromyths (β = .564). Conclusion Neuroscience knowledge can help safeguard preservice teachers against neuromyths. Neuroscience training deserves a place in teacher education.