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Inteligência Artificial Popperiana


Abstract and Figures

Intelligence has been science's subject of study as a result of biological evolution. In the last hundred million years, intelligence has evolved together with biology. One may get to this conclusion by analyzing the behavior of creatures that have surged as well as their ability to store and process information. Evolution has generated creatures having brains with great adaptive capacity. Assuming that human intelligence has evolved through a long and slow process that took place along several million years, it would make sense to try and replicate artificially the same steps taken in this process. Evolution shows us a path that goes from the simplest to the most complex minds presenting the features and abilities that have evolved along time. On the present work, it is believed that the way evolution goes is a good source of inspiration to artificial intelligence. According to Dennett, a kind of mind that appeared along evolution is the Popperian mind capable of imagining, planning future states and learning from environment presenting great capacity to adapt to new and unexpected situations. A Popperian agent is modeled and implemented to learn from environment rules and to plan future actions based on self knowledge. Finally, two prototypes of Popperian agents are implemented to solve distinct problems and it can be observed the capacity of the Popperian agents to adapt to environment conditions in order to accomplish own objectives.
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Although substantial progress has been made on the question of the origin of life, less progress can be seen concerning the origins of intelligence. There is not even general agreement of what intelligence is. The paper proposes a deenition of intelligence grounded in biology, w h i c h m a k es the question of the origins of intelligence seem more approachable. It then identiies two major transitions that must have been crucial in the development of intelligence: the origins ogeneral purpose' neural networks and the origins of language. Some experimental work is reported that tries to recapitulate these major transitions using an artiicial life perspective.
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