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Response of Common Bean Cultivars to Phosphorus Application in Boloso Sore and Sodo Zuria Districts, Southern Ethiopia

East African Journal of Sciences (2015) Volume 9 (1) 49 - 60
*Corresponding author. E-mail: ©Haramaya University, 2015
ISSN 1992-0407
Response of Common Bean Cultivars to Phosphorus Application in Boloso Sore and Sodo
Zuria Districts, Southern Ethiopia
Dereje Shanka1*, Nigussie Dechassa2, and Setegn Gebeyehu3
1Wolaita-Sodo University, P. O. Box 238, Wolaita-Sodo, Ethiopia
2 Haramaya University, P. O. Box.138, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
3International Rice Research Institute, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Abstract: Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important food crop in Southern Ethiopia.
However, the productivity of the crop is constrained by low soil fertility, particularly, phosphorus
deficiency due to soil acidity. Therefore, field experiments were conducted to study the response of
the crop to phosphorus application on Nitisols at Areka Agricultural Research Centre and Kokate
research station in southern Ethiopia. The treatments consisted of three common bean cultivars
(Hawassa-Dume, Nasir, and Red-Wolaita) and five phosphorus fertilizer rates (0, 23, 46, 69, and 92 kg
P2O5 ha-1). The experiments were laid out as a randomized complete block design in a factorial
arrangement and replicated three times per treatment. Analysis of the data indicated that the main
effects of cultivar and phosphorus significantly (P < 0.05) influenced grain yield, number of pods per
plant, seed weight, leaf area index, and above-ground dry biomass yield. The interaction effects of
cultivar and phosphorus rate also significantly (P < 0.05) influenced the number of pods produced per
plant at one location (Areka). At Areka, Nasir produced a significantly higher grain yield (2504.8 kg ha-
1) than Hawassa-Dume (1951 kg ha-1) and Red-Wolita (2198 kg ha-1). However, at Kokate, the grain
yields of the three common bean cultivars were in statistical parity. Application of 69 and 23 kg P2O5
ha-1 resulted in the optimum grain yields of the crop at Areka (2498 kg ha-1) and Kokate (2219 kg ha-
1), respectively. The results of the economic analysis indicated that cultivar Nasir produced the highest
net benefit (15903 Birr ha-1). It could, thus, be concluded that cultivating Nasir at the rates of 69 P2O5
ha-1 at Areka and 23 kg P2O5 ha-1 at Kokate is most economical for smallholder farmers in the study
Keywords: Biomass yield; Economic analysis; Grain yield; Phaseolus vulgaris L.
1. Introduction
Common bean is one of the most important
leguminous crops cultivated for direct human
consumption (Broughton et al., 2003). It is also among
the most important legumes in Ethiopia with multiple
uses. However, the national average yield of the crop at
farmer field is about 1500 kg ha-1 (CSA, 2013), which is
far lower than the average yield reported at research
sites that which ranges from 2500 to 3000 kg ha-1
(Frehiwot, 2010).
The low yield of the crop in the country is attributed
to declining soil fertility, rainfall variability, pest
pressure, poor agronomic practices and poor
accessibility to quality seed (Katungi et al., 2010). Soil
acidity is one of the problems constraining bean
productivity in Ethiopia (Mesfin, 2007). Previous
reports on physico-chemical properties of soils of the
study areas indicated acidity of the soils (Abayneh et al.,
2003; Abay, 2011; Abay and Tesfaye, 2011). The major
problems associated with soil acidity are toxicity of
Aluminum (Al) and Magnisium (Mn) and poor
availability of essential plant nutrients such as
phosphorus (P), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium, Nitrogen
(N), and Molybdenum(Mo) (Kochian et al., 2004). Soil
fertility problems related to soil acidity are common
features of the study areas (Abayneh et al., 2003; Abay,
2011). At low pH (<5.5), oxides and hydroxides of Iron
(Fe) and Al react with phosphate, leading to strong
adsorption and low availability of the nutrient
(Fairhurst et al., 1999). Hence, P is the major limiting
nutrient in acid soils in the study areas (Abayneh et al.,
2003; Abay, 2011).Wortmann et al. (2004) also reported
that P deficiency is a widespread problem in bean
production areas of Eastern and Southern Africa.
Common bean production is often constrained by
phosphorus deficiency in the soil since the nutrient
plays pivotal roles in nodule initiation (Kouas et al.,
2005) and N2 fixation (Kouas et al., 2005; Tiessen, 2008;
Fageria, 2009) and many other energy transfer
processes in photosynthesis and other biochemical
processes (Fageria, 2009). Furthermore, in Ethiopia,
bean production is taking place on smallholder farms
with little input (Ferris and Kaganzi, 2008). Under such
production system, phosphorus becomes a serious
yield-limiting factor (Lunze et al., 2012).
Application of phosphate fertilizers has been
suggested to enhance availability of soil P and crop
yields (Vance et al., 2003). One of the strategies to
improve bean yield on P deficient soils is application of
adequate levels of P (Fageria, 2002). Furthermore,
various research findings revealed significant
increments in the grain yields of legumes including
beans in response to P fertilizer application (Birhanu,
Dereje et al. East African Journal of Sciences Volume 9 (1) 49 - 60
2006; Magani and Kuchinda, 2009). Previous research
done on acid soils in Ethiopia revealed significant
increases in yield of leagumes including common bean
as a result of P fertilizer application (Getachew et al.,
2005; Gifole et al., 2011). The grain yield of common
bean was significantly influenced by the application of
P fertilizer on acidic Nitisolsof Areka (Gifole et al.,
The grain yield of common bean obtained by
smallholder farmers in Southern Ethiopia is low, which
is about 1140 kg ha-1 (CSA, 2013). It is hypothesized
that the low yield of the crop in the region is due to low
availability of P in the soil and its consequent low
uptake by crop plants. However, no research has been
done in the study area to elucidate this problem. This
research was, therefore, conducted to investigate the
response of three common bean cultivars to
phosphorus application.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. General Description of the Study Areas
Field experiments were conducted in 2014 at Areka
Agricultural Research Centre and Kokate Research
Station, in Boloso Sore and Sodo Zuria districts,
respectively, in Southern Ethiopia. Areka Agricultural
Research Centre located between 703'25'' N latitude and
37040'52'' E longitude. The altitude of Areka reaches up
to 2230 meters above sea level (Abayneh et al., 2003).
The major soil type of the center is Haplic Alisol
(FAO, 2006), which is very deep and clayey in texture
(Abayneh et al., 2003). On the other hand, the Kokate
research center is situated in Wolaita zone, and is
located at 6052'42'' N and 37048' 25'' E at an altitude of
2156 meters above sea level.
2.2. Soil Analysis
Samples were randomly collected using an auger to the
soil depth of 30 cm in a zigzag pattern from the
experimental field only at planting. Soil texture was
determined by the Bouyoucas hydrometer method
(Bouyoucos, 1951). Available P was determined by
Bray I method using ammonium fluoride as an
extractant and measuring the concentration of the
nutrient at 880 nm (Bray and Kurtz, 1945). Soil organic
carbon was determined by the wet digestion method
(Walkley and Black, 1934). Total N was determined by
the wet oxidation procedure of the Kjeldhal method
(Bremner, 1995). Soil pH in water was determined
potentometrically in a supernatant suspension of 1:2.5
soils: water ratio using a combined glass electrode pH
meter (Chopra and Kanwar, 1976). Exchangeable
potassium was estimated by the ammonium acetate
(1M NH OAc at pH 7) extraction method as described
by Rowell (1994).
2.3. Physico-chemical Properties of Soils of the
Experimental Sites
The physico-chemical properties of the experimental
soils determined before sowing of the common bean
crop at the two locations are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Physico-chemical properties of soils of the study area
According to the rating of Landon (1991) and Hazelton
and Murphy (2007), the pH of the soil is very strongly
acidic at both locations. Similarly, according to the
rating of Cottenie (1980), the available phosphorus
content of the soil is low. The soils of both locations
are sandy clay loam. This shows that the soil has
limitation in terms of these two chemical properties for
crop production. Therefore, managing soil pH and
phosphorus availability is important for enhancing
plant growth and production in the study area.
2.4. Meteorological Conditions of the Study Areas
In 2014, the rainfall was good in amount compared to
the previous twelve years at both locations. The rainfall
data showed the area received 1484 and 123.7 mm total
annual and mean monthly rainfall, respectively in 2014
(Figure 1). Similarly, at Kokate, despite uneven
distribution, the rainfall was higher in amount
compared to the past twelve years. The total annual and
mean monthly rainfall amounts received during 2014
were1552.1 and 158.6 mm, respectively (Figure 1).
Beans are well adapted to medium rainfall in tropical
and temperate regions. Excessive rain causes flower
drop (Fageria, 2011). A total rainfall of 350 to 500 mm
during the growing season combined with low relative
humidity is ideal for common bean growth (Salcedo,
2008). Hence, the rainfall received during the growing
season at both locations was adequate for common
bean growth.
(1:25 Soil:
Total N
P (mg kg-1)
Soil Texture
Dereje et al. Response of Common Bean Cultivars to Phosphorus Application
Figure 1. Monthly Rainfall and Monthly maximum and minimum temperatures for Areka and Kakate in 2014.
Source: Areka Research Center, Areka and National Meteorological Agency of Ethiopia Hawassa branch, Hawassa.
Temperature is another climatic variable that affects
crop yield. In 2014, the average monthly temperature in
the study area ranged from 18.8 to 21.9 0 C at Kokate
and 18.3 to 19.3 0 C at Areka. Further, during the
growing season, average monthly temperature varied
from 18.8 to 21.6 0 C at Kokate and 18.30 to 21.7 C at
Areka (Figure 1). The crop grows well at temperatures
ranging from 15 to 27°C and will withstand
temperatures up to 29.5°C (Salcedo, 2008). The
minimum and maximum tempratures atboth locations
lies in the temprature range suitable for common bean
growth (Figure 1).
2.5. Treatments and Experimental Design
The treatments consisted of three common bean
cultivars (Hawassa-Dume, Nasir, and Red-Wolaita) and
five phosphorus rates (0, 23, 46, 69 and 92 kg P2O5 ha-
1). The experiment was laid out as a Randomized
Complete Block Design (RCBD) in a factorial
arrangement and replicated three times per treatment.
Each treatment was assigned to the plots randomly.
The size of each experimental plot was 3.0 m x 2.8 m.
2.6. Experiment procedures
The experimental field was ploughed by a tractor three
times prior to planting at both locations. The planting
was done on 27 and 29 2014 at Areka and Kokate,
respectively. The phosphorus fertilizer used was triple
super phosphate [Ca (H2PO4)2; 48.1% P2O5], which
was applied in band at planting time based on the
specific rates required. Nitrogen was applied at the rate
of 18 kg N ha-1 in the form of urea [CO (NH2)2; 46%
N], at the active stage of vegetative growth before
flowering (MORAD, 2008). Weeding was done as
required. Similarly, other crop management practices
such as pest and disease control was done for all
experimental plots. The outer most one row on each
side of a plot was left as a boarder row. Two rows at
one side and the other at the opposite side of the plots
next to the boarder rows were used for destructive
sampling. The remaining three rows were used for yield
data measurement. The crop was harvested on 6 and 7
July 2014, respectively at Areka and Kokate.
2.7. Data Collection and Measurement
Leaf area was measured using a leaf area meter from
five randomly selected plants from rows left for
destructive sampling. Leaf area index (LAI) was
calculated as the ratio of the total leaf area per plant to
the area occupied by the plant. Days to flowering were
recorded as the number of days from seedling
emergence to the time when 50% of the plants in the
net plot area had the first flower. Days to maturity were
taken as the number of days from emergence to the
days when 95% of the plants grown in the net plot area
were ready for harvest. 100 seed weight was determined
from 100 randomly taken seeds from plants grown in
the net plot area. Number of pods per plant and
number of seeds per pod were determined from 5
randomly selected plants in the net plot areas at
harvest. Aboveground dry biomass yield was
determined from the aboveground part of five
randomly chosen plants that were cut at the ground
level from the net plot area at maturity and by sun-
drying the fresh aboveground biomass. Grain yield was
taken from whole plants harvested from the net plot
area, excluding plants grown in border rows at harvest.
Grain yield was determined by weighing the beans
using a sensitive balance and adjusted to 10 % moisture
2.8. Statistical Analysis
The data of the two locations were tested for
homogeneity of variance using F-test (Gomez and
Gomez, 1984). All data were subjected to analysis of
variance using SAS version 8, Statistical software (SAS,
2004). Significant treatment mean differences were
separated using the LSD test at 0.05 probability level.
2.9. Economic Analysis
Partial budget analysis to evaluate the economic
viability of the technologies was performed following
the procedures described by CIMMYT (1988).Only the
costs that vary were considered for analysis. A
Dereje et al. East African Journal of Sciences Volume 9 (1) 49 - 60
treatment that is non-dominated and having a MRR of
greater or equal to 100% and the highest net benefit is
said to be economically profitable (CIMMYT, 1988).
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Effect on Growth Parameters
Leaf area index
Leaf area index is an important trait, which contributes
for increased crop production (Fujita et al., 1999). Leaf
area index responded to the main effects of
phosphorus and cultivar at both locations (Table 2).
Table 2. Main effects of cultivar and phosphorus fertilizer rate on leaf area index at Areka and Kokate research centres
in 2014 main growing season
Where, LSD = Least significant difference. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level of significance.
At Areka, significantly higher leaf area index was
recorded for Red-Wolaita than the other cultivars.
However, at Kokate, Nasir had significantly higher leaf
area index than Red-Wolaita and Hawassa-Dume. On
the other hand, Nasir and Hawassa-Dume at Areka and
Red Wolaita and Hawassa-Dume at Kokate had leaf
area indices that were in statistical parity (Table 2).
Corroborating this result, Butraa, (2009) observed a
highly significant effect (P = 0.001) of common bean
genotype on leaf area index. Similarly, Fujita et al.
(1999) reported significant variations in the leaf area
index pigeon pea.
The optimum leaf area index at both locations was
recorded when P was applied at the rate of 46 kg P2O5
ha-1. As a result, compared to the control treatment,
increasing the P rate up-to 46 kg P2O5 ha-1 resulted in
36 and 18% increases in leaf area index at Areka and
Kokate, respectively (Table 2). Hence, the significant
effect of P application on leaf area index might be due
to unique bonding properties of P that make it critical
in nucleotide-based metabolic processes and direct
involvement of the nutrient in generation of high-
energy compound such as ATP, which is essential for
establishing enzymatic machinery for energy storage
and transfer (Sinclai and Vadez, 1999), thereby playing
a pivotal role in the synthesis of cellulose and
hemicelluloses in leaves (Fujita et al., 1999). In
agreement with the findings of the present study,
different workers also observed significant increases in
leaf area index of different crops including common
bean due to phosphorus application (Magani and
Kuchinda, 2009; Olivera et al., 2004; Meseret and Amin,
2014). For instance, Meseret and Amin, (2014) reported
significant increases in common bean leaf area in
response to P application at Arbaminch, Southern
Ethiopia. However, the results of this study are in
contrast to the findings of Sulieman and Hago (2009),
who reported a non-significant effect of phosphorus
application on leaf area index of common bean after 10
weeks, which was indicated to be due to heavy clay
alkaline nature of the soil used for growing the crop.
Aboveground Dry Biomass
Three-factor interaction effect of location × cultivar ×
phosphorus was significant for aboveground dry
biomass yield (Table 3). Means of aboveground dry
biomass yield of the common bean cultivars varied
across the locations when different rates of phosphorus
were applied (Table 3). The maximum biomass was
produced by Red-Wolaita from plots that received 92
kg P2O5 ha-1 at Kokate, which was in statistical parity
with Nasir grown on plots that received 69 and 92 kg
P2O5 ha-1 at the same location, whilst the minimum dry
biomass was produced by Hawassa-Dume at Areka,
when grown on plot receiving no phosphorus
Leaf area index
rate (P2O5 kg-1)
CV (%)
LSD (0.05%)=
Dereje et al. Response of Common Bean Cultivars to Phosphorus Application
The variation in aboveground dry biomass yield of
the cultivars across P levels and location might be
attributed to the genotypic variations of the cultivars in
leaf area index, which may affect photosynthesis and
photo-assimilate synthesis (Fujita et al., 1999) and slight
variations in inherent soil fertility status of the soils of
the two locations. Consistent with these results, other
researchers also reported significant increases in
biomass yield in response to P application (Gifole et al.,
2011; Fageria et al., 2010, 2012). In a similar study,
Mourice and Tryphone, (2012) reported that common
bean cultivars produced different dry matter at
different phosphorus levels. In other words, the
cultivars have different fertilizer and environmental
Table 3. Mean aboveground biomass yield as influenced by the interaction of phosphorus, location, and cultivar in 2014
main growing season.
(kg P2O5 ha-1)
Aboveground dry biomass yield (kg ha-1)
LSD (0.05)=
Where, LSD = Least significant difference. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level of significance.
However, application of P beyond 69 kg P2O5 ha-1 did
not result in significant increases in aboveground dry
biomass yield of Nasir. Similarly, at Areka, significant
increase in aboveground dry biomass yield was not
observed beyond 69 kg P2O5 ha-1 for this cultivar
3.2. Effect on Yield Components Number of Pods
per Plant
Number of pods per plant was influenced significantly
by the interaction of cultivar and phosphorus fertilizer
rate only at Kokate (Table 4). The results showed that
Red-Wolaita produced the highest number of pods per
plant in response to the application of 92 kg P2O5 ha-1,
which was in statistical parity with the number of pods
produced by Red Wolaita and Nasir at the rates of 69
kg P2O5 ha-1and Hawassa-Dumeat at 69 and 92 kg
P2O5 ha-1 at Kokate. Also at nil P rate, Red-Wolaita
produced the highest number of pods per plant whilst
Hawassa-Dume produced the lowest number of pods
per plant, indicating this cultivar is more sensitive to P
deficiency than the other cultivars. On the other hand,
at 69 kg P2O5 ha-1, all cultivars produced statistically
equal numbers of pods per plant, suggesting that the
three cultivars are responsive equally to high rates of P
application. On the other hand, the lowest number of
pods per plant was recorded for Hawassa-Dume. At
Areka, cultivar Nasir produced a significantly higher
number of pods per plant than Hawassa-Dume and
Red Woliata (Table 7). The variation in the number of
pods per plant might be related to the genotypic
variation of the cultivars. In accord with the results of
the present study, different authors reported significant
variations in the number of pods per plant for common
bean (Fageria et al., 2010; Mourice and Tryphone, 2012)
and soybean (Mahamood et al., 2009) genotypes.
Dereje et al. East African Journal of Sciences Volume 9 (1) 49 - 60
Table 4. Number of pods per plant as influenced by the interaction effect of cultivar and phosphorus at Kokate,
Southern Ethiopia, in 2014 growing season
Where, CV = Coefficient of variance; LSD = Least significant difference. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at
5% level of significance.
In general, the number of pods per plant significantly
increased in response to increasing the rate of
phosphorus up-to the highest rate (Tables 4 and 9). At
Areka, application of 46 kg P2O5 ha-1 produced the
optimum number of pods per plant (Table 9). In line
with this result, different authors reported significant
variations in the number of pods per plant for different
crops including common bean due to P applications
(Ali et al., 2002; Meseret and Amin, 2014). In contrast,
Malik et al. (2002) reported a non-significant increase in
the number of pods produced per plant by rice bean.
Seeds per pod
Common bean cultivars produced significantly
different numbers of seeds per pod when grown at
different P rates; however in most cases, the cultivars
produced statistically equal number of seeds per pod
across the P rates (Table 5). This indicates that the trait
is mainly controlled genetically rather than the
variations in external environment. Hence, in
agreement with this finding, Mesfin et al. (2014)
reported significant common bean cultivars×
phosphorus interaction effects on the number of seeds
per pod in Dolla (Bolosso Sore district) and Gununo.
However, the same authors reported significantly
higher number of seeds per pod for some of the
cultivars tested.
Table 5. Mean number of seeds per pod as influenced by interaction effect of cultivars and phosphorus in 2014,
Southern Ethiopia.
Where, LSD = Least significant difference. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level of significance.
Averaged across the P rates, Red-Wolaita
produced the highest number of seeds per pod
(Table 5). On the other hand, the minimum
number of seeds per pod was produced by Nasir.
Consistent with the results of this study, Mourice
and Tryphonne (2012) also observed significant
variations in number of seeds per pod among
common bean genotypes. The variation in number
of seeds per pod could be attributed to the
variation in the size of seeds of the cultivars. In
other words, a higher or relatively better number
of seeds per pod at lower P level might be a
compensation for small seed size at lower P levels.
On the other hand, absence of significant variation
among the cultivars across the P levels indicate
that this trait is mainly controlled genetically rather
than by application of phosphorus fertilizer as
pointed out by other workers (Mourice and
Tryphonne, 2012).
(kg P2O5 ha-1)
Hawassa-Dume Nasir Red-Wolaita
0 8.10h 10.13egf 12.90cd
23 8.56hg 11.03def 12.66cd
46 9.06hgf 11.30de 13.40bc
69 14.60abc 14.20abc 15.33ab
92 15.80a 13.00cd 16.1a
C×P ***
CV (%) 9.94
LSD (0.05) = 1.987
(kg P2O5 ha-1 )
LSD (0.05)=
Dereje et al. Response of Common Bean Cultivars to Phosphorus Application
3.3 Effect on Plant Penology and Seed Weight
Days to maturity were significantly influenced by
the main effects of location and phosphorus
application. Increasing phosphorus rate hastened
days to maturity (Table 6).
The early maturity of the crop due to P
application might be related to the metabolic role
phosphorus plays in hastening growth and
physiological processes. Consistent with this result,
Gefole et al. (2011) reported that phosphorus
application significantly reduced days to maturity.
Table 6. Main effects of location, cultivar, and phosphorus fertilizer rate on mean seed weight and days to maturity of
common bean at Areka and Kokate in 2014 growing season.
Seed weight (g)
Days to maturity
LSD (0.05) =
Phosphorus (kg P2O5 ha-1)
CV (%)
LSD (0.05)=
Where CV = Coefficient of variance; LSD = Least significant difference. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at
5% level of significance.
Hundred seed weight
Hundred-seed weight varied due to the main effects of
location and phosphorus application (Table 6). The
highest seed weight was recorded for Kokate whilst the
lowest seed weight was recorded for Areka. The
variation in hundred seed weight between the two
locations might be attributed to the slight variation in
inherent soil fertility status of the two locations (Table
1). Similarly, a significant increase in hundred seed
weight compared to the control was observed only when
the P rate was increased up to 46 kg P2O5 ha-1. The
increase in hundred seed weight as a result of increased
P application may be attributed to important roles the
nutrient play in regenerative growth of the crop (Zafar et
al., 2013), leading to increased seed size (Fageria et al.,
2009), which in turn may improve hundred seed weight.
In a similar study, Amare et al. (2014) observed
significant variations in thousand seed weights of
common bean as a result of phosphorus application.
3.4. Effect on Grain Yield
Grain yield was significantly influenced by the main
effect of cultivar only at Areka whilst phosphorus
application had a significant effect at both locations on
this parameter (Table 7).
At Areka, common bean cultivar, namely, Nasir
produced a significantly higher grain yield than the other
cultivars. The grain yield produced by Nasir exceeded
that produced by Hawassa-Dume and Red-Woliata by
nearly 28% and 14 %, respectively (Table 7). However,
Hawassa-Dume and Red-Wolaita produced grain yields
that were in statistical parity. Similarly, at Kokate, the
highest and the lowest grain yields were produced by
Red-Wolaita and Hawassa-Dume, respectively. Red-
Wolaita produced 13% higher grain yields compared to
Hawassa-Dume (Table 7).
Further, averaged across the two locations, no
significant differences existed between the common
bean cultivars, namely, Nasir and Red Wolaita. However,
the grain yields of the aforementioned two common
bean cultivars significantly exceeded that of Hawassa-
Dume. Grain yield in common bean is related to yield
Dereje et al. East African Journal of Sciences Volume 9 (1) 49 - 60
attributing traits such as number of pods per plant and
seed weight (Fageria et al., 2009). Hence, the variation in
grain yield among common bean cultivars might be
related to the variations observed among the cultivars in
the number of pods per plant and seed weight (Table 7).
For instance, the high yielding cultivars Nasir and Red-
Wolaita produced heavier seeds compared to the low
yielding cultivar, Hawassa-Dume (Table 6).
Differences in grain yield among the common bean
cultivars also might be related to the genotypic variations
for P use efficiency (Fageria and Costa, 2000; Fageria et
al., 2010), which may arise from variation in P
acquisition (Lynch, 1995) and translocation and use of
absorbed P for grain formation (Horst et al., 1993; Shen
et al., 2011) in common bean. Hence, the cultivars which
produced higher grain yield might have either better
ability to absorb the applied P from the soil solution or
translocate and use it for grain formation than the low
yielding cultivar. In agreement with the findings of this
study, several researchers observed significant variations
in grain yield for different crop genotypes, including
common bean (Korkmaz, 2010; Fageria et al., 2010,
2012; Mourice and Tryphone, 2012; Gobeze and Legese,
Table 7. Main effects of cultivar and phosphorus fertilizer rate on grain yield and number of pods per plant at Areka and
Kokate in 2014 growing season
Where, CV = Coefficient of variance; LSD = Least significant difference. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at
5% level of significance.
At Areka, increasing the rate of P from nil to 23 kg P2O5
ha-1 did not increase grain yield. Significant increase in
grain yield of the crop was observed over the control
treatment. However, at this location, the optimum grain
yield was already obtained at 69 kg P2O5 ha-1. This
indicated that increasing the rate of phosphorus beyond
69 kg P2O5 ha-1 resulted in a non-significant yield
increment (Table 7). Thus, increasing the rate of
phosphorus from nil to 69 kg P2O5 ha-1 increased grain
yield by nearly 47% compared to the control treatment.
This result corroborates the finding of Gifole et al.
(2011), who reported that increasing the rate of
phosphorus application increased grain yield of common
bean at Areka.
At Kokate, the pattern of response of the grain yield
of common bean to the increasing rate of the P fertilizer
was similar with that observed at Areka (Table 7).
However, although the maximum grain yield was
obtained at the highest rate of phosphorus (92 kg P2O5
ha-1), the optimum grain yield was attained already at 23
kg P2O5 ha-1, indicating that there was no need to
increase the rate of the fertilizer beyond this rate at this
location for enhancing the grain yield of the crop.
Hence, increasing the rate of phosphorus application
from nil to 23 kg P2O5 ha-1 resulted in about 25%
increase in grain yield of the crop at this location (Table
7). The grain yield obtained at nil rate of phosphorus
application at Kokate was higher than the one obtained
at Areka at the same rate of the fertilizer by about 11%.
This difference and the lack of response in grain yield to
higher application rates of phosphorus than 23 kg P2O5
ha-1 at Kokate indicates that the soil of the latter is in a
much better status in P content and availability for better
growth and productivity of the crop than the soil of the
former (Table 1).
The results of this study showed increased grain yields
in response to the increasing the rate of P application.
The increase in grain yield might be attributed to overall
Grain yield Number of pods per plant
Kokate Mean
11.2b 11.9b
11.9b 13.4a
14.1a 13.4a
LSD (0.05%)
*** ***
0.93 1.02
(kg P2O5 ha-1)
10.4b 10.7c
10.8b 11.2c
11.3b 12.8b
14.7a 14.9a
15.0a 15.0a
LSD (0.05%) =
*** ***
*** ns
9.93 10.56
1.2 1.3
Dereje et al. Response of Common Bean Cultivars to Phosphorus Application
improvement in growth attributes such as leaf area index
and aboveground dry biomass yield, thereby increasing
yield attributing traits such as number of pods per plant,
hundred seed weight upon partitioning, which also
showed an increasing trend as a result of P application.
Different workers also reported association of increase
in these yield attributing traits with increase in grain yield
(Ali et al., 2002; Sofi et al., 2011; Amare et al.,
2014).Consistent with the results of this study, other
workers reported significant increases in the grain yields
of common bean in response to phosphorus application
under field and greenhouse conditions (Vesterager et al.,
2006; Gifole et al., 2011; Gobeze and Legese, 2015;). In
contrast, Tolera et al. (2005) reported a non-significant
effect of P application on grain yield of climbing bean
intercropped with maize at Bako, Western Oromia
region of Ethiopia on an acid soil.
3.5. Economic Analysis
Grain yield was significantly influenced by the main
effects of phosphorus fertilizer application at both
locations (Tables 7). However, the effect of cultivar was
significant only at Areka.
Table 8. Results of the economic analysis for common bean cultivars and P at Areka and Kokate in 2014 growing
Where, ETB = Ethiopian Birr (currency); TCV = Total cost that vary; NB = Net benefit; MRR = Marginal rate of return; Price for
phosphorus Fertilizer = 12.34 ETB kg-1, Price for common bean cultivars Red-Wolaita = 7.0 ETB kg-1, Nasir = 8.05 ETB kg-1,
Hawassa-Dume = 8.05 ETB kg-1, average price for common bean = 7.7 ETB kg-1.
The economic analysis for Areka indicated that planting
of the cultivar Nasir produced the highest net benefit
(15903.1 Birr ha-1) with acceptable marginal rate of
return compared to other cultivars (Tables 8). Further,
compared to other phosphorus rates, the highest net
benefit with acceptable marginal rate of return was
obtained when phosphorus was applied at the rates of
69 and 23 kg P2O5 ha-1 at Areka and Kokate,
respectively (Tables 7).
4. Conclusion
The results of this study have demonstrated that
phosphorus application improved the performance of
the common bean cultivars at both locations. However,
the amounts of phosphorus fertilizer required for
production of optimum grain yields of the crop at the
two locations varied. Thus, application of phosphorus at
the rates of 69 kg P2O5 ha-1 at Areka and 23 kg P2O5 ha-1
at Kokate resulted in optimum grain yields of the crop.
Nasir was found to be the most productive cultivar for
economical production in the study areas.
5. Acknowledgements
The authors thank the Federal Ministry of Education of
Ethiopia for financing this work as part of PhD
research. Haramaya University is acknowledged for
facilitating the PhD study, and Areka Research Centre
and Hawassa University for facilitating the field work.
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... The increment of the number of pods per plant due to the application of P fertilizer confirms the fact that P fertilizer promotes the formation of nodes and pods in legumes. In agreement with this result, Dereje et al. (2015) also found that the number of pods per plant of common bean significantly increased in response to the increasing rate of phosphorus up to the highest rate (40 P kg 5 ha -1 ). Similarly, Shubhashree (2007) reported that the number of seeds per pod of French bean increased significantly with the levels of phosphorus added. ...
... However, it is statistically at par with SER-119. Differences in grain yield among the common bean verities might be related to the genotypic variations for P use efficiency (Dereje et al., 2015) Over years pooled mean data analysis also revealed that application of different levels of P fertilizer significantly influenced bean grain yield (p<0.05) only at Shala, while no significant effect was observed for the case of A/Tulu and Bofa sites. At Shala, maximum bean yield was recorded from P application at the rate of 40 kg P ha -1 which was not found to be significantly different from all other P levels except control. ...
... In addition, the absence of significant variation among the cultivars across the P levels indicates that this trait is mainly controlled genetically rather than by the application of phosphorus fertilizer as pointed out by other workers (Dereje et al., 2015). ...
... However, there was no significant difference between 46 and 69kg P 2 O 5 ha -1 rates (Table 6). This result agrees with those of Dereje et al. [32] and Nkaa et al. [33] who reported that P fertilizer application reduces the days to physiological maturity by monitoring some key enzyme reactions that involve in hastening crop maturity in cowpea and haricot bean. On the contrary, Rama [34] and Singh et al. [20] reported that increasing phosphorus application delayed days to flowering and maturity in mung bean and french bean, respectively. ...
... The longest pod length (10.72cm) was obtained from 46kg P 2 O 5 ha -1 whereas the shortest pod length (9.16cm) was obtained from control treatments. The similar observation has also been reported by Parvez et al. [40] in mung bean and Dereje [32] in haricot bean. ...
... This result is supported by earlier studies of Mitra et al. [50] and Sadeghipour et al. [51] reported that increased number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, 1000 seeds weight and seed yield of mung bean with increased levels of phosphorus. Similarly, Dereje [32] observed that phosphorus application made significant differences in hundred seed weights of haricot bean. Grain Yield: The grain yield (t ha -1 ) significantly (P<0.001) ...
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Mung bean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) is one of the most important short-season grain legumes and has good content of protein. However, due to the recent introduction of mung bean crop, appropriate recommendations of fertilizer and optimum crop water requirement are lacking for the farmers in Ethiopia. This study investigates the effects of water deficit and levels of phosphorus on growth, yield, yield components, water use efficiency, and economic feasibility of mung bean crop production. The twelve treatments- three irrigation levels (50%, 75% and 100% of crop water requirements (ETc)) and four rates of phosphorus (0, 23, 46 and 69kg P2O5 ha-1) were laid out in a split-plot design and irrigation was assigned to main plots and phosphorus to subplots and replicated thrice. The highest grain yield (1.124t ha-1) was obtained from the application of irrigation water at 100% ETc which was statistically at par with that from 75% ETc irrigation level. The highest grain yield (1.072t ha-1) was produced by application of 46kg P2O5 ha-1. The partial budget analysis showed that both 75% and 100% ETc, and 46kg P2O5 ha-1 gave marginal rate of returns above the minimum acceptable values. Therefore, it can be concluded that, for the intention of sustainable water resource use and increase water use efficiency application of 75% ETc irrigation and 46kg P2O5 ha-1 phosphorus may possibly be recommended for better mung bean production at the study area and areas with similar agroecology.
... The increase in the number of primary branches per plant in response to the increased application rate of mixed NPS shows higher vegetative growth in plants with greater availability of N, P, and S. [34] found that kidney bean grown with 75 kg of P 2 O 5 ha − 1 produced signi cantly more branches per plant than the control. The increase in branching number with increasing P levels could also be due to the importance of P in cell division, leading to an increase in plant height and branching number. ...
... Furthermore, [25] reported Similarly, [22] found that the largest number of pods per plant (18.52) was obtained at a rate of 250 kg NPS ha − 1, whereas the lowest number of pods per plant (8.7) was obtained from an unfertilized plot of common bean. [34] And [35] found that increasing P fertilization to 69 kgP 2 O 5 ha-1 and 92 kgP 2 O 5 ha − 1 resulted in a considerable increase in the number of pods per plant of common beans. ...
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The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a staple crop in Ethiopia, valued for its quick maturation and economic benefits. This study investigates the impact of varying NPS fertilizer rates on the growth, yield, and yield-related traits of three common bean varieties (Babile, Fadis, and Tinike). The experiment employed a randomized full block design with three replicates, testing five NPS fertilizer rates (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg ha1).The Fadis variety, with an application of 150 kg ha-1 of NPS, demonstrated superior performance, yielding the highest number of pods per plant (25.33), grain yield (2565 kg ha - 1), and yield index (41.30). This combination also resulted in the highest agronomic efficiency (5.6 kg per kg of NPS seed) and a maximum net benefit of 53,454 ETB ha - 1, with a marginal efficiency of 850.5%. These findings suggest that the Fadis variety with 150 kg NPS ha1 application could enhance common bean productivity in the region. However, broader studies are recommended for a more comprehensive understanding.
... This result is consistent with that of Girma [45], who found that increasing NP fertilizer rates from 0 to 27 kg ha −1 N, 0 to 69 kg ha −1 P 2 O 5 (150 kg DAP) enhanced common bean biological yield. In line with this finding, Shanka et al. [46] found that the three-factor interaction impact of site X cultivar X P was significant for aboveground dry biomass production and different dry matters at different P levels on common bean cultivars at varied P levels. The increased biomass yield of cultivars could be attributed to genotypic variations in cultivars across blended NPS rates, or to the fact that increased N availability increased plant height, number of pods per plant, and overall vegetative growth of the plants, all of which contributed to higher aboveground dry biomass yield. ...
... In general, averaged across the NPS level, the highest number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, 100seed weight aboveground biomass, and grain yield were recorded at the highest NPS level (150 kg ha −1 ). The production of a higher number of pods per plant and seeds per pod, 100-seed weight, and grain yield at the highest NPS rates (150 kg ha −1 ) could be due to enhanced photosynthetic activity, leaf area development, and dry matter production [36,46]. As a result, this in turn could have enhanced better photo-assimilate production and translocation into reproductive parts, enhancing the formation of pods, seed setting, seed weight, and economic or grain yield [20,47]. ...
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Mung bean is one of Ethiopia’s most important pulse crops in the lowlands. The main constraints to mung bean productivity in Ethiopia are low soil fertility and improved varieties. During the 2018 cropping season, a field experiment was conducted in Kindo Koysha woreda with the objective of evaluating the effects of NPS fertilizer rates on yield and yield attributing traits of four mung bean varieties. Treatments consisted of factorial combinations of four mung bean varieties (N26, Shewarobit, NVL-1, and Chinese) with four NPS fertilizer rates (0, 50, 100, and 150 kg ha ⁻¹ ) laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. The combination of the N26 variety with 150 kg NPS produced the highest number of pods per plant (15.46), seeds per pod (10.93), grain yield (1240.70 kg ha ⁻¹ ), and biomass (3177.40 kg ha ⁻¹ ). Moreover, the combination of 100 kg NPS ha ⁻¹ with the variety N26 also generated the highest net return (31,734.30 Birr ha ⁻¹ ) with a marginal rate of return of 771.71%. Thus, it may be tentatively stated that the usage of 100 kg NPS ha ⁻¹ with the variety N26 was determined to be optimum for the development of mung bean in the study region.
... Similarly, the study in [35] reported a corresponding increase in pods number (2.31 to 10.62) when P rate increased from nil to 39.6 kg ha −1 , which implies that the addition of P fertilizer could contribute to promoting the formation of nodes and pods in legumes. Further, research conducted by [46] indicated that pods number of common bean significantly increased with increased rate of P up to the highest rate of 92 kg P 2 O 5 ha −1 . ...
... e study in [60] also reported highly significant effect of P fertilizer application rate on seed yield of mung bean and common bean. e study in [46] also reported that the application of P could maximize the yield of haricot bean. According to [13], P is considered to be important for stimulated root development and seed formation. ...
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Mung bean is among the important dry-land legumes in the country and in the study area. However, the productivity of the crop is constrained by biotic and abiotic factors, mainly poor soil fertility, lack of adaptable varieties, and peer agronomic practices. Field trial was initiated at Humbo District with the objective of investigating the rate of NPS-blended fertilizer and application methods on overall performance of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) varieties. The treatments comprised factorial combination of four rates of NPS (0, 50, 100, and 150 kg ha⁻¹), two types of application methods (broadcasting and drilling), and two mung bean varieties (Shewa Robit and N-26) laid out in RCBD with three replications. Analysis of variance revealed that NPS rates and varieties significantly affected phenology and yield components. Application methods affected yield and thousand-seed weight. Two-way interaction of NPS rates with varieties significantly influenced plant height and pod plant⁻¹. Three-way interactions also significantly influenced aboveground dry biomass and grain yield. The greatest dry biomass (4273.7 kg ha⁻¹) and grain yield (1539.2 kg ha⁻¹) were produced by N-26 variety with fertilizer composed of NPS at 150 kg ha⁻¹ using the drill application method. Partial budget analysis also revealed that the highest (ETB 46,934.4 ha⁻¹) net benefit was obtained at 100 kg NPS ha⁻¹ with variety N-26 from the drilled method. Hence, growing N-26 with 100 kg NPS ha⁻¹ applied using the drilling method of fertilizer application was found as the most suitable treatment combination to improve the income of farmers and increase productivity of mung bean.
... What has been observed in later stages of development were differences in grain dry matter content, which can be taken as a proxy for physiological maturity. For HOH20 and EWE20, grain dry matter content was higher in plots treated with the starter fertilizer, which is in line with previous results (Shanka et al., 2015;Amanullah et al., 2016). We conclude that for these environments, the starter P application accelerated maturation, likely associated with its supporting role in diverse physiological processes (Ahemad et al., 2009). ...
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The importance of phosphorus (P) in agriculture contrasts with the negative environmental impact and the limited resources worldwide. Reducing P fertilizer application by utilizing more efficient genotypes is a promising way to address these issues. To approach this, a large panel of maize (Zea mays L.) comprising each 100 Flint and Dent elite lines and 199 doubled haploid lines from six landraces was assessed in multi-environment field trials with and without the application of P starter fertilizer. The treatment comparison showed that omitting the starter fertilizer can significantly affect traits in early plant development but had no effect on grain yield. Young maize plants provided with additional P showed an increased biomass, faster growth and superior vigor, which, however, was only the case under environmental conditions considered stressful for maize cultivation. Importantly, though the genotype-by-treatment interaction variance was comparably small, there is genotypic variation for this response that can be utilized in breeding. The comparison of elite and doubled haploid landrace lines revealed a superior agronomic performance of elite material but also potentially valuable variation for early traits in the landrace doubled haploid lines. In conclusion, our results illustrate that breeding for P efficient maize cultivars is possible towards a reduction of P fertilizer in a more sustainable agriculture.
... The main causes of low productivity at farmer fields are a poor technology level, utilization of low agricultural input and cropping in low fertility soils [7]. The percentage of biological nitrogen fixation of the N assimilation in common bean is lower as compared to other legumes being 40 50% compared to 75% with fababeans (Vicia faba), 70% with peas (Pisumsativum) and up to 95% with lupines [3,11]. Hence, it is characterized with poor capacity to fix atmospheric nitrogen. ...
... The current result was in agreement with the increment of number of pods per plant due to the application of P fertilizer confirming the fact that P fertilizer promotes the formation of nodes and pods in legumes [30]. In agreement with this result, [31] also found that the number of pods per plant of common bean significantly increased in response to the increasing rate of phosphorus up-to the highest rate (92 P 2 O 5 ha -1 ). Similarly, [32] reported a significant increase in a number of pods per plant, due to increased P fertilization. ...
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F Field experiments were carried out for 2018-2020 main cropping seasons at kersa and Omonada Jimma on farmers’ fields. The treatments consisted of factorial combinations of 23/23, 23/46, 46/46 and 69/69 NP kg ha-1 levels with inter and intra (333333, 250000, 200000 and 166667 plant density ha-1) respectively laid down in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications using (Nassir) common bean variety. Across season and location data analysis of ANNOVA showed that all parameters were significantly affected by different densities and NP fertilizer rates including above ground biomass, harvest index and grain yield except harvest index was not affected by NP fertilizer rates. The highest plant height (72.51cm) was recorded from the highest (69/69 kg ha-1) NP fertilizer rate. The highest above ground biomass and grain yield of 6.40 and 2.45 t ha-1 were obtained from the highest (333333) plant density ha-1. Also, it showed still there was an increase in plant density increases with 26.29 and 6.52% grain yield advantage over the lowest density and control recommendation respectively. Also from economic and sensitivity analysis results treatments (333333) ha-1 plant population density, (23/23) and (46/46) kg/ha NP fertilizer rates gave the highest yield response and net benefit with MMR 1035, 111 and 224% respectively. In conclusion, intra and inter row spacing 3*10cm or equivalent (333333) ha-1 plant population density with applications of one of the two (23-23) or (46/46) kg/ha NP fertilizer rates based on their resource was recommended to farmers of study areas and similar agro ecology.
... The increment of number of pods per plant due to application of P fertilizer confirms the fact that P fertilizer promotes the formation of nodes and pods in legumes. In agreement with this result, Dereje et al. [22] also found that the number of pods per plant of common bean significantly increased in response to increasing rate of phosphorus up-to the highest rate (40 P kg 5 ha -1 ). Similarly, Shubhashree [23] reported that the number of seeds per pod of French bean increased significantly with the levels of phosphorus added. ...
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Phosphorus is the most important essential mineral nutrient which commonly restricts the growth and development of crops, associated with early maturity of crops, and for adequate grain production, energy transfer, photosynthesis, and nitrogen fixation. Field experiment was conducted during 2018-2020 at, Sidama Ethiopia to determine the yield response of haricot bean varieties to phosphorus fertilizer application. The treatment consisted of three haricot bean varieties (Hawassadume, Ibbado and Nasir) and five phosphorus levels (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 kg Pha-1) and laid out in randomized complete block design in factorial combination with three replications. The study result revealed that the maximum grain yield of Hawassa dume (25.6 t ha-1), Ibbado (22.4 t ha-1) and Nasir (21.1t ha-1) were obtained from application of 40 kg P ha-1. Hawassa dume variety showed the best performance in all parameters followed by Nasir where and Ibado showed the least except in 1000 seed weight. The result of economic analysis revealed that all treatments were economically feasible as the net benefit values were greater than zero (NBV>0). Likewise, Hawassa dume was found to be the most productive cultivar for economical production in the study areas. Thus, based on the result obtained, it was possible to conclude that phosphorus fertilizer rate of 40kg P ha-1 was promising to enhance yield of haricot bean at Sidama, Ethiopia and similar areas which have the same soil property.
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Abstract Haricot bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is one of the dominant pulse crops cultivated in the southwestern Ethiopia however, its yield is very low in comparison to average yield at the world level. One of the reasons for yield gap is soil acidity which reduces the availability of nutrients. Therefore, a research was conducted with the objective of evaluating the effects of lime, phosphorus and Rhizobium biofertilizer applications on grain yield of haricot bean. A field experiment was carried out during 2017 in South Bench, Gimbo and Andracha districts of southwestern Ethiopia. The treatments consisting of two levels of lime, four levels of P2O5 and two levels of Rhizobium biofertilizer were laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. Days to 50% flowering and 90% physiological maturity were delayed by the application of lime and Rhizobium in all the districts, whereas lime and P (69 P2O5 kg ha–1) induced early maturity. There was significant interaction effect of treatments on the number of effective nodules, plant height and the number of branches per plant. The integrated use of treatments had significant effect on the number of seeds per pod, whereas the highest numbers of seeds per pod (6.29, 6.24 and 5.45) in South Bench, Gimbo and Andracha, respectively were recorded at 46 kg P2O5 ha–1 with lime and Rhizobium. The highest biomass yields (5852, 6309 and 4101 kg ha–1) and grain yield (3229, 2958 and 1746 kg ha–1) were obtained at 46 kg P2O5 ha–1 applied with lime and Rhizobium at all the three locations mentioned above. Therefore, application of 46 kg P2O5 ha–1 with lime and Rhizobium biofertilizer can be recommended for the maximal grain yield in the study areas and similar agroecologies.
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A field experiment was conducted at two locations (Bolosso Sore and Damot Sore) in Wolaita Zone of Southern Nations Nationalities and People’s Regional State to evaluate the response of two varieties of haricot bean ( phaseolus vulgaris L .) to phosphorus fertilizer rates on acidic soils. Combinations of four levels of P (0, 10, 20 and 30 kg ha -1 ) were used on two varieties. The treatments were arranged in factorial RCBD with three replications. Analysis resulted of soil samples showed that Available P, Organic carbon, Total Nitrogen & Soil pH values were very low. Application of lime with P resulted significant changes on these chemical properties of the soils in the two locations. The maximum values of these parameters recorded at 30 kg Pha -1 . Growth parameters yield and yield components were significantly increased with increasing rates of P at the two locations. Maximum grain yields (1488.40 and 1523.7 kgha -1 for Hawse Dume at Gunno and Dollar, respectively and 1242.12 and 1352.01 kgha -1 for Omo-95 at Gunn and Dollar, respectively) recorded at rates of 30 kgPha -1 in the both locations. From the result of this study it could be conclude that improve soil pH, Available P and performance of haricot bean varieties but till now there is some gap on correcting P application of grain yield of the varieties. So application of P could be increased the production of the crops. Keywords: Hawse Dume, Omo-95 , soil acidity and yield
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Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important cash crop and protein source for farmers in many parts of Ethiopia. However, its production is limited by phosphorus fertilizer. Therefore, field experiment was conducted at the Arba Minch farm field the main rain season of 2011 to investigate the responses of common bean to different levels of phosphorus fertilizer and its effect on growth, dry matter yield and yield component of the crop. Five phosphorus rates (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40kg ha-1) were used as treatments. Red Wolaita common bean variety was used as planting material. Recommended rate of N (60 kg/ha) was applied to all treatments. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The effect of phosphorus was significantly increased dry matter yield, yield components and growth parameters such as leaf area and number of branches per plant, whereas its effect was not significant on plant height. Based on result obtained, application of 20P kgha-1 is recommended for better production of common bean at Arba Minch and similar areas which have the same soil property.
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A field experiment was conducted at Areka Agricultural Research Center in Bolosso Sore Woreda, Wolaita Zone of Southern Nations Nationalities and People's Regional State (SNNPRS) to evaluate the response of haricot bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to P fertilizer. Seven levels of P (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 kg ha -1) in RCBD with four replications were used in the study. Recommended rate of N (60 kg ha -1) was applied to all treatments. The full doses of P and N were applied at sowing. Data on crop phenology, growth parameters, grain yield and yield components, and total biomass were recorded during specific physiological stages of the crop. At harvest, the plants were partitioned into grain and straw to determine total P uptake, apparent recovery and nutrient use efficiency by crops. The effect of P was significant in hastening physiological maturity of crop, whereas its effect was not significant on flowering and growth parameters such as plant height and number of branches plant -1 . Although the effect of P application was not significant on number of pods plant -1 , number of seeds pod -1 , thousand seed weight and straw P content, its application had significantly increased grain yield. The grain yield ranged between 15.58 dt ha -1 at 0 kg P ha -1 (control) and 25.47dt ha -1 at application of 40 kg P ha -1 . Besides, total biomass was also significantly influenced by P, and ranged between 30.27dt ha -1 at control to 45.97 dt ha -1 at rate of 40 kg P ha -1 . The levels of P application did not affect available P, total N, OC contents and EA of soil. The highest total P uptake (32.59 kg ha -1) was obtained at 30 kg P ha -1 and increased with increasing rates of P application, whereas apparent P recovery was found to be highest at 20 kg P ha -1 . Both agronomic and physiological P use efficiencies of the crop were highest at the rate of 10 kg P ha -1 . Therefore, application of 10 kg P ha -1 is recommended for better haricot bean production at Areka.
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Phosphorus (P) deficiency is a common crop growth-limiting factor in Mediterranean climatic and soil conditions because of low availability of native and added P, with consequent low use efficiency. Adaptation to such conditions is a function of the type of crop and also varies with genotypes within crops. The study evaluated responses of some of wheat genotypes to P application rates under typical rainfed Mediterranean climatic conditions in southern Turkey. Five wheat genotypes (Genc-99, Balatilla, Adana-99, Golia, and Panda) and five P application rates (0, 9, 17, 35 and 70 kg P ha -1) were used in a 2-year (2002/03, 2003/04) field experiment. In general, increasing P application level enhanced the leaf (0.18 -0.44 %) and grain P (0.08 -0.18%) concentrations of the genotypes. Grain yields values ranged from 1.48 -4.85 t ha -1 and optimum yields were achieved with 35 kg P ha -1 application rate in both years. The relationship between leaf P and grain yield was significant in the first year, but grain P and grain yield were not significantly related. Thus, leaf P (flag leaves) concentration can be used for identification of genotypes that could be adapted to low or high soil P availability under rainfed conditions. The relative yield changed among the genotypes, especially Balatilla and Adana-99 were different from the other genotypes and had a fairly good performance. While yield and drought efficiency are major objectives in wheat breeding programs in the Mediterranean region, the study indicates that attention should also be given to crop P efficiency.
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The research summarized in this report systematically assesses the smallholder farmer context and the constraints that hinder common bean productivity improvements in Eastern Kenya and Ethiopia. The research effort established a baseline to: (1) understand the current context of common bean cultivation, and (2) contrast smallholder farming conditions in order to inform breeding and seed delivery strategies that achieve better farm performance with respect to outputs and inputs, and wider livelihood impacts from research and development (R&D) investments. The research analyzes constraints at various stages along the value chain: – input markets – farm production – output markets. At farm level, detailed data on households was gathered to aid in identifying the constraints and opportunities for improving the crop productivity. Community level and market surveys provided quick and general insights of the production and market access constraints and fed into the design of farm level surveys. The sample design was aimed at establishing a framework that accounts for conditions of with- and without- project scenarios as well as before and after the project, as part of an overall monitoring and evaluation framework to measure and attribute short- and long-term project impacts. The data set developed is used to understand a range of constraints limiting common bean production in Kenya and Ethiopia. Drought is by far the most important common bean production constraint, with a probability of occurrence estimated at 38% in Ethiopia and 60% in Eastern Kenyai. Common bean yield loss due to drought is substantial, with almost all varieties experiencing severe decline in yield when drought occurs, implying low levels of resistance among the cultivars grown by the farmers at the time of this baseline. Households are highly vulnerable to drought with each farmer in Ethiopia on average expecting to lose about 22% of his/her harvest and 43% in Eastern Kenya. Statistical analysis of production vulnerability in Ethiopia, indicate that production vulnerability is neutral to wealth and production scale, but gender inequalities emerge. Female headed households are more susceptible to yield loss than their male headed counterparts. Long standing soil fertility decline, pests and diseases are also important constraints ranked highly by farmers in both countries. Economic factors also pose challenges for increasing common bean production, improving crop and farm productivity and encouraging commercialization of harvests that will increase rural incomes. Farmers are generally poor with small land holdings and few head of livestock as their main assets. Liquid financial assets are rare and i Estimates were based on farmers perception of likelihood of drought occurrence taking a period of ten years Page 9 viii majority of the decision makers generally have low levels of education, particularly in Ethiopia. High production vulnerability and poverty implies high production risks on the farm. Consequently, although their risk-averse actions are logical livelihood strategy, an inefficient allocation of their resources can result. Hence a tradeoff exists between assuring harvests and maximizing harvests. Conditions of high population density in both Ethiopia and Eastern Kenya create constraints on land resources. Farmers tend to continuously cultivate the same piece of land with few soil amendments and inadequate water conversation techniques, thereby mining (not replenishing) soil nutrients reducing soil fertility and fostering conditions for pests and diseases outbreaks. Over dependency on annual crops and family labor also means that farmers confront problems of seasonal peaks in labor demand, which increases competition between crops that result in low technical efficiency. For example, weeding of common bean is often done late, less frequently (i.e. once rather than twice) or not at all. The overall consequence is reduced yield. Such labor constraints are widespread throughout the Central Rift Valley due to bigger acreage under crops in this region. Poor access to new improved varieties also emerged from the analysis as an important impediment to improvement of common bean productivity in both countries. The most important factor that limits access to new improved varieties is the high seed price, ranked the most important constraint to seed purchases in these countries. Others problems that constraint easy access to the seed of new varieties in each country, were: non-availability of the desired varieties, long distance from the farm to the source, poor seed quality and risk aversion. On average, farmers interested in acquiring new varieties must travel 15 km to reach the point of acquisition, evidence of large transaction cost given the limited means of transportation faced by these farmers. Existence of other constraints like declined soil fertility, pests and diseases are other impediments that constrain purchase of seed of new varieties as farmers perceive use of purchased inputs like improved seed as uneconomical when the risk of crop failure is high. Interviews with traders on grain market also revealed that market infrastructure is severely constrained. Operational costs are high due to high transport costs, storage facilities are inadequate and some are poorly designed, there are inadequate flows of market information about the suppliers of bean grain, quantity and quality of supplies. The transaction costs of handling the beans on the grain market are high due to a need to inspect both quantities and qualities, in the absence of standard grades and branding of to verify quality. The study findings revealed that the adoption of new improved varieties in Ethiopia reduces yield loss. Evidence from the study suggests that change in varieties from land races and those released long time ago (early 1970s) to growing of recently- Page 10 ix developed varieties (after 1990) reduces production vulnerability by about 20 %. However, the adoption of these varieties is currently constrained by problems related with under investment in dissemination efforts, household liquidity constraints and lack of access to credit. Therefore, stepping up dissemination of these varieties as a short term strategy can bring positive returns. Research results also indicate that households close to urban centers, with the advantage of good access to markets for both grain and inputs such as seed, fertilizers, packing materials etc; are more likely to use new varieties than those farther away from urban centers. Farmers in close proximity to urban centers also use more fertilizers than those farther away from urban centers. The following research and development policy implications emerge from the results: Target strategies for improving common bean productivity In the short term, strategies for improving productivity in Ethiopia and Eastern Kenya should be different. In Ethiopia, common bean productivity can be enhanced substantially through investment in dissemination and promotion of existing technologies (i.e. agronomic practices and improved varieties) and improvements in marketing infrastructure (i.e. promotion of grading and packaging of bean grains at farm level, efficient two-way flow of market information and strengthening formal and informal seed systems). The case of Eastern Kenya, calls for different strategies where almost all farmers obtain low harvest yields (0-0.5ton/ha) and are all equally vulnerable to yield loss due to drought. Improving common bean productivity will require development and promotion of drought resistant varieties together with best agronomic management practices. Non varietal integrated soil and fertility management practices to improve on the water harvesting techniques of farmers and the water retention capacity of soils should also be explored and beneficial ones identified and promoted alongside improved varieties. Target strategies should address breeding and agronomic management strategies are required to address the four types of drought, declining soil fertility, constraints in seed and grain markets. Such investments are inter-related and therefore all are required to achieve a combined effect. In other words, germ-plasm improvement, management practices / fertilizers / extension, marketing and transport need to be addressed in order to achieve maximum beneficial and equitable impacts. Target strategies to overcome four types of drought The study reveals that drought is the most important production constraint and can be classified into four different production constraints that affect bean yields: 1) low total rainfall, 2) intermittent or mid-season rainfall gaps, 3) rains ending early and 4) rains arriving late. Specific strategies can be developed to address each type of drought. Page 11 x Breeding should diversify its strategies to address both terminal and intermittent drought. For terminal drought, varieties with a shorter growing cycle than the ones grown by farmers, if available, should be promoted as a short term strategy to reduce on yield loss. Equally important in the breeding effort is the development of varieties that are tolerant to intermittent drought. Non varietal integrated soil and fertility management practices to improve on the, water harvesting techniques available to farmers and the water retention capacity of soils should also be explored and beneficial ones identified and promoted. If successful, this strategy would address the problem of rains ending early as well as intermittent drought. Minimize tradeoffs between desired production and culinary/market traits Complicating matters is the high importance that farmers attach to both production and consumption/market attributes. Some of the best drought-resistant varieties do not exhibit good culinary traits (e.g low flatulence, keeping quality or taste) and others are less competitive on the market. Therefore, a trade-off between large harvests and good culinary traits or marketability can exist. A multi-attribute based genetic improvement is needed to address both desirable agronomic and consumption traits for Kenya and market preferences for Ethiopia. Strategies to enhance both the demand and supply of improved germ-plasm The interventions to increase access to new improved germ-plasm should consider strategies that increase the availability of seed in the farming communities as well as those that facilitate reduction in the price of seed to levels affordable by majority of farmers. Decentralized seed multiplication and distribution schemes involving farmers seem to be an appropriate strategy for addressing the problem of seed availability and high prices, particularly in remote areas. Use of small pack approach should be promoted to enable small scale farmers afford seed new varieties. Some public investment is likely to be required to support higher quantities of the initial injections of seed for enhanced fast diffusion. However, care should be taken to avoid creating dependency syndrome that results in poverty trap. Strengthening the linkages between local seed dealers in local markets with the community based seed producers would facilitate market access for seed producers; create incentives for them to sale their harvest as seed while local markets provide a channel for further dissemination of varieties to supplement to farmer to farmer. This is important for both countries. Investments in extension to educate farmer on good agronomic practices, risk management, post harvest handling to add value to their produce; provision of market information, will enhance demand of improved common bean varieties.
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Effect of poultry manure (PM) and four inorganic phosphorus (P) fertilizers sources, i.e., diammonium phosphate (DAP), single super phosphate (SSP), nitrophos (NP) and triple super phosphate (TSP) on crop production and P utilization efficiency (PUE) of maize was studied. Both inorganic P fertilizers and PM applied alone or combined in 50:50 proportions at equivalent rate of 90 kg P2O5 ha−1. Results indicated that inorganic P sources with PM significantly increased plant height, leaf area and chlorophyll content. Average values showed that combined application of inorganic P with PM increased grain yield by 19 and 41% over inorganic P and PM alone, respectively. Similarly, increase in P-uptake due to the combined application of inorganic P + PM was 17% compared to sole inorganic P. Phosphorus utilization efficiency of inorganic P was increased with PM and the highest PUE was recorded in DAP + PM. Generally, combination of DAP + PM proved superior over the remaining P fertilizers.