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Characterization of a Novel Cysteine Protease Inhibitor from Poultry Red Mites: Potential Vaccine for Chickens


Abstract and Figures

Poultry red mite (PRM; Dermanyssus gallinae) is a hazardous, blood-sucking ectoparasite of birds that constitutes a threat to poultry farming worldwide. Acaricides, commonly used in poultry farms to prevent PRMs, are not effective because of the rapid emergence of acaricide-resistant PRMs. However, vaccination may be a promising strategy to control PRM. We identified a novel cystatin-like molecule in PRMs: Dg-Cys. Dg-Cys mRNA expression was detected in the midgut and ovaries, in all stages of life. The PRM nymphs that were artificially fed with the plasma from chickens that were immunized with Dg-Cys in vitro had a significantly reduced reproductive capacity and survival rate. Moreover, combination of Dg-Cys with other antigen candidates, like copper transporter 1 or adipocyte plasma membrane-associated protein, enhanced vaccine efficacies. vaccination and its application as an antigen for cocktail vaccines could be an effective strategy to reduce the damage caused by PRMs in poultry farming.
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Characterization of a Novel Cysteine Protease Inhibitor from
Poultry Red Mites: Potential Vaccine for Chickens
Sotaro Fujisawa 1, Shiro Murata 1, 2, * , Masayoshi Isezaki 1, Takuma Ariizumi 1,3, Takumi Sato 4, Eiji Oishi 4,
Akira Taneno 4, Naoya Maekawa 2, Tomohiro Okagawa 2, Osamu Ichii 5,6 , Satoru Konnai 1,2
and Kazuhiko Ohashi 1,2
Citation: Fujisawa, S.; Murata, S.;
Isezaki, M.; Ariizumi, T.; Sato, T.;
Oishi, E.; Taneno, A.; Maekawa, N.;
Okagawa, T.; Ichii, O.; et al.
Characterization of a Novel Cysteine
Protease Inhibitor from Poultry Red
Mites: Potential Vaccine for Chickens.
Vaccines 2021,9, 1472. https://
Academic Editors: Kim Halpin and
Charles El-Hage
Received: 24 November 2021
Accepted: 9 December 2021
Published: 13 December 2021
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Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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1Department of Disease Control, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University, Kita 18, Nishi 9,
Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0818, Japan; (S.F.); (M.I.); (T.A.); (S.K.); (K.O.)
2Department of Advanced Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University,
Sapporo 060-0818, Japan; (N.M.); (T.O.)
3Division of Molecular Pathology, International Institute of Zoonosis Control, Hokkaido University,
Sapporo 001-0020, Japan
4Vaxxinova Japan K.K., Tokyo 105-0013, Japan; (T.S.); (E.O.); (A.T.)
5Department of Basic Veterinary Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University,
Sapporo 060-0818, Japan;
Laboratory of Agrobiomedical Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-8589, Japan
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +81-11-706-5274; Fax: +81-11-706-5217
Poultry red mite (PRM; Dermanyssus gallinae) is a hazardous, blood-sucking ectoparasite of
birds that constitutes a threat to poultry farming worldwide. Acaricides, commonly used in poultry
farms to prevent PRMs, are not effective because of the rapid emergence of acaricide-resistant PRMs.
However, vaccination may be a promising strategy to control PRM. We identified a novel cystatin-like
molecule in PRMs: Dg-Cys.Dg-Cys mRNA expression was detected in the midgut and ovaries, in
all stages of life. The PRM nymphs that were artificially fed with the plasma from chickens that
were immunized with Dg-Cys
in vitro
had a significantly reduced reproductive capacity and survival
rate. Moreover, combination of Dg-Cys with other antigen candidates, like copper transporter 1 or
adipocyte plasma membrane-associated protein, enhanced vaccine efficacies. vaccination and its
application as an antigen for cocktail vaccines could be an effective strategy to reduce the damage
caused by PRMs in poultry farming.
Keywords: Dermanyssus gallinae; poultry red mite; cystatin; vaccine; cocktail vaccine
1. Introduction
Poultry red mites (Dermanyssus gallinae, PRM) are blood-sucking ectoparasites that
infest chickens. Mass infestation by PRMs negatively affects chickens in various ways,
causing such conditions as anemia and depression, resulting in significant losses of the
productivity in poultry farming. Since continuous use of chemical acaricides, which are
commonly used to prevent PRM infestations, could cause various problems such as the
selection of drug-resistant PRMs and the contamination of products with acaricides, an
alternative control method is needed. Over the past few years, vaccination has been in the
spotlight as a novel strategy for the control of ectoparasites, including PRMs, and several
studies have examined antigen candidates for their efficacies [
]. However, adequate
anti-PRM efficacy has not been reported through practical applications in the field [
Thus, vaccination strategies need to be improved, while more effective vaccine antigens
need to be explored to increase vaccine efficacy. As for the target molecules of vaccines
against ectoparasites, two types of proteins may be considered: proteins secreted into the
Vaccines 2021,9, 1472.
Vaccines 2021,9, 1472 2 of 17
parasite’s saliva that facilitate attachment to the host and blood sucking by mitigating host
immune responses, and proteins expressed in the parasite’s midgut, which is the middle
part of the digestive tract. Since the midgut is the reservoir for ingested blood, the latter
proteins could be frequently and efficiently exposed to the antibodies found in the blood
obtained from immunized animals. For blood feeding, tick species infest hosts for long
periods (for three to ten days or more [
]). Meanwhile, PRMs infest chickens within a few
minutes to one hour and do not stay on the chicken’s body after blood sucking. In addition,
PRMs are intermittent feeders that repetitively suck blood in their life cycle [
]. Therefore,
midgut proteins may be more appropriate as vaccine antigens against PRMs than salivary
gland proteins.
Cystatins are reversible inhibitors of papain-like cysteine proteases and legumains [
and regulate various biological processes, including innate immunity, epidermal home-
ostasis, and apoptosis in vertebrates [
]. Similarly, cystatins play crucial roles in the
lives of parasites, and bmcystatin isolated from Rhipicephalus microplus is involved in em-
bryogenesis, as it inhibits vitelline-degrading peptidase [
]. In addition, cystatins found
in Haemaphysalis longicornis and Ornithodoros moubata regulate blood digestion, heme detox-
ification, and tick innate immunity [
]. The knockdown of cystatins by gene silencing,
or the blockade of cystatin activities using specific antibodies, significantly reduces the
efficiency of blood feeding in Amblyomma Americanum [
] and increases mortality rates
in Ornithodoros moubata [
]. Collectively, cystatins are indispensable for hematophagous
ectoparasites; hence, these molecules could be effective antigens for vaccines.
Vaccine antigen targets should be highly and constitutively expressed or at least be
expressed in blood-fed PRMs. To investigate such molecules, we previously conducted
a comparative analysis of the transcriptome of blood-fed and starved PRMs [
] and
identified a novel cystatin-like transcript, Dg-Cys, that was highly expressed in both
blood-fed and starved states. In this study, we characterized the full-length sequence of
Dg-Cys and evaluated the physiological functions of Dg-Cys along with its potential as a
vaccine antigen. In addition, we assessed the acaricidal effects of mixed plasmas containing
antibodies against multiple antigens (including Dg-Cys) to evaluate the anti-PRM properties
of the “cocktail vaccine”.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Ethics Approval and Consent of Participants
All animal experiments were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use
Committee, Hokkaido University (Approval number: 20–0051). Moreover, all experiments
were performed in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations of the Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University, which has been enacted confirming to the AR-
RIVE guidelines and fully accredited by the Association for Assessment and Accreditation
of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC).
2.2. PRM Samples
PRM samples were prepared as described previously [
]. PRMs of mixed develop-
mental stages and sexes were obtained from an egg-laying farm in Japan. PRMs were stored
in a TubeSpin Bioreactor 600 (TPP Techno Plastic Products AG, Trasadingen, Switzerland).
A part of the dark red, round PRMs was designated as “blood-fed PRMs” and collected
using 1200
L extra-long filter tips (WATSON Bio Lab, Tokyo, Japan) within
2 days
sample collection. The remaining PRMs were maintained at 25
C in 70% humidity for
a 2-week period and designated as “starved PRMs.” Some of the blood-fed and starved
PRMs were fixed with 70% ethanol, and then eggs, larvae, protonymphs, deutonymphs,
and adults were segregated through microscopic observation. The residual PRMs were
stored at 80 C until use.
Vaccines 2021,9, 1472 3 of 17
2.3. RNA Isolation and cDNA Synthesis
RNA isolation and cDNA synthesis from PRM samples were performed as described
previously [
]. Each collected PRM sample was suspended in 600
L of Buffer RLT Plus
(RNeasy Plus Mini Kit) (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) and homogenized thoroughly using
a 1.5-mL Homogenization Pestle for a 1.5-mL microcentrifuge tube (Scientific Specialties,
Inc., Lodi, CA, USA). Total RNA was isolated using the RNeasy Plus Mini Kit according
to the manufacturer’s instructions. cDNA was synthesized from the isolated RNA using
PrimeScript Reverse Transcriptase (Takara Bio Inc., Shiga, Japan) using 200 pmol of oligo
(dT) 18 primer (Hokkaido System Science, Hokkaido, Japan).
2.4. Identification of the Full-Length Nucleotide Sequence of Dg-Cys in PRMs
A novel cystatin-like transcript, Dg-Cys, was previously identified by RNA-Seq
analysis [
] (BioSample accession number: SAMD00228960, SAMD00229086). For identi-
fying the full-length nucleotide sequence of the cDNA encoding Dg-Cys transcript, rapid
amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) was performed using total RNA isolated from blood-
fed PRMs and 5
and 3
RACE systems (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. The following primers were designed and used: For 5
GSP1, 5
; GSP2, 5
; GSP3, 5
. For 3 RACE: GSP1, 5
; GSP2, 5
. The
signal peptide domain and the cystatin-conserved site were predicted using the SignalP
software (, accessed on 11 August 2019) and
InterProScan program v5.32-71.0 (,
accessed on 24 September 2019), respectively. The phylogenic tree was constructed by
MEGA software version X (, accessed on 3
October 2018 [
]), using a maximum likelihood of 1000 bootstrap replicates and a JTT
matrix-based model [
], by using a discrete Gamma distribution (+G) and assuming that
a certain fraction of sites is evolutionarily invariable (+I), to improve the tree topology.
2.5. Laser-Capture Microdissection
cDNA synthesis from salivary glands, midguts, and ovaries was performed using
laser-capture microdissection (LCM), as previously described [
]. Briefly, starved PRMs
of mixed developmental stages were fixed in carnoy solution, embedded in paraffin, and
cut into 5-
m thick sections. Sections were mounted on glass slides precoated with LCM
films (Meiwafosis, Tokyo, Japan) and stained with 1% toluidine blue, and each tissue was
dissected using MicroBeam Rel.4.2 (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany). Total RNA was
extracted from the tissues using the RNAqueous
-Micro Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific,
Waltham, MA, USA) according to the manufacturer’s protocol, and cDNA synthesis was
performed using the SuperScript
First-Strand Synthesis System for RT-PCR (Invitrogen,
Thermo Fisher Scientific, 168 Third Avenue, Waltham, MA, USA 02451), using 300 pmol of
random hexamer primer (Hokkaido System Science).
2.6. Gene Expression Analysis
The expression of Dg-Cys in each feeding state, tissue, and developmental stage was
examined by RT-PCR with Ex-Taq polymerase (Takara Bio Inc.), using the synthesized
cDNA, as described above. The specific primer sets used were as follows: Dg-Cys-for,
;Dg-Cys-rev, 5
. As an internal control, elongation factor 1-alpha 1-like (Elf1a1) was amplified using the
following primer set [
]: Elf1a1-for, 5
; Elf1a1-rev,
. Since the RNA samples extracted from salivary
glands were small in quantity or of low quality, the detection of target genes in cDNA
samples synthesized from salivary glands was performed by nested PCR using the same
primer set.
Vaccines 2021,9, 1472 4 of 17
2.7. Real-Time Quantitative RT-PCR
To quantify the expression of Dg-Cys mRNA at each developmental stage and feeding
state of PRMs, quantitative PCR was performed on cDNA samples from different life
stages, except for eggs, and for different feeding states using LightCycler480
System II
(Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) and TB Green Premix DimerEraser (Takara Bio
Inc.) according to the manufacturers’ instructions. To amplify the Dg-Cys gene, the primer
set Dg-Cys-for and Dg-Cys-rev was used, while the primer set Elf1a1-for and Elf1a1-rev
was used to amplify Elf1a1 as an internal control. The cycling conditions included an
initial denaturation step at 95
C for 30 s, followed by 45 cycles of 95
C for 5 s, 60
C for
30 s
, and 72
C for 30 s. To evaluate the specificities of primer pairs, a final melting curve
analysis was performed from 65
C to 95
C at a rate of 0.1
C/s. To generate standard
curves for quantification, serial dilutions of T-vector pMD20 (Takara Bio Inc.) containing
Dg-Cys or Elf1a1 were used. Each sample was tested four times, and Dg-Cys mRNA expres-
sion was calculated as a ratio by dividing the concentration of Dg-Cys mRNA by that of
Elf1a1 mRNA.
2.8. Preparation of Recombinant Dg-Cys
Recombinant Dg-Cys was expressed as a fusion protein with a histidine tag (Dg-Cys-
his), using the BIC system (Takara Bio Inc.). Specific primers containing homologous
recombination sites were designed to express Dg-Cys-his, according to the manufacturer’s
instructions: pBIC4-Dg-Cys-for, 5
. PCR was performed using KOD-Plus-Neo (TOYOBO Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan) to
amplify the open reading frame (ORF) of Dg-Cys lacking the signal peptide region, and
the fragments were integrated into the cloning site of the pBIC4 vector (Takara Bio Inc.)
and transformed into Brevibacillus competent cells by homologous recombination. The
transformed bacteria were cultured in 2SY medium for 48 h at 32
C, as per the manu-
facturer’s instructions. The supernatants were then collected, and proteins were purified
using Ni Sepharose 6 Fast Flow (Thermo Fisher Scientific). The buffer was replaced with
phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) using SnakeSkin
Dialysis Tubing, 10K MWCO (Thermo
Fisher Scientific) overnight at 4
C. To confirm protein purification, the obtained proteins
were mixed with 2
SDS buffer (125 mM Tris–HCl pH 6.8, 4% SDS, 10% 2-mercaptoethanol,
and 20% glycerol), boiled for 5 min, separated using 14% SDS-polyacrylamide gel elec-
trophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and stained with Coomassie brilliant blue (CBB, FUJIFILM Wako
Pure Chemical Corporation, Osaka, Japan). The protein concentration was determined
using the Pierce
BCA Protein Assay Kit (GE Healthcare, Chicago, IL, USA), according to
the manufacturer’s instructions.
2.9. Enzymatic Activity of Dg-Cys-his
The inhibitory properties of Dg-Cys-his against cathepsin L, S, and B were assessed
using the SensoLyte Rh110 Cathepsin L Assay Kit (ANASPEC, Fremont, CA, USA), Sen-
soLyte 520 Cathepsin S Assay Kit (ANASPEC), and SensoLyte 520 Cathepsin B Assay Kit
(ANASPEC), respectively, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Bovine serum
albumin (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) (BSA) diluted in PBS was used as a negative
control. Y-axis indicates the percentage of enzymatic activities of cathepsin L, S, and B in
the presence of Dg-Cys-his compared to that in the presence of BSA.
2.10. Immunization of Chickens with Dg-Cys-his
Plasma was extracted from chickens immunized with Dg-Cys-his (Supplementary
Figure S1). Specifically, purified Dg-Cys-his was mixed with light liquid paraffin as an
adjuvant (20
g/mL). An emulsion of PBS and light liquid paraffin was prepared and used
as a control. Four chickens (Hy-Line Brown) were subcutaneously immunized with 20
of Dg-Cys-his at 3 weeks of age. Four weeks later, chickens in the immunized group were
immunized again with 20
g of Dg-Cys-his in light liquid paraffin. Heparinized blood
Vaccines 2021,9, 1472 5 of 17
was collected 3 weeks after the second immunization, and the plasma was isolated by
centrifugation at 2000
gfor 10 min. As a control, two chickens were subcutaneously
immunized with PBS, and plasma was isolated 3 weeks after the second immunization.
2.11. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
Antibody titers in plasma samples were determined by ELISA. The purified Dg-Cys-
his was coated onto the wells of 96-well plates (Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan)
(100 ng/well) for 16 h in a carbon-bicarbonate buffer. After washing each well three times
with PBS, PBS containing 0.05% Tween 20 (PBS-T) and 1% BSA was added and incubated
at 37
C for 2 h. The wells were then washed five times with PBS-T, and plasma samples
diluted at 2000
, 4000
, and 16,000
with PBS were added. After incubation for
1 h
at 25
C, the wells were washed five times with PBS-T and incubated with anti-chicken
IgY peroxidase rabbit antibodies (Sigma-Aldrich, A9046) diluted at 5000
with PBS-T for
1 h
at 25
C. Finally, the wells were washed five times with PBS-T and allowed to react with
the TMB one-component substrate (Bethyl Laboratories, Montgomery, TX, USA) for 20 min
at 25
C, in the dark. The reaction was quenched with 0.18 M H
, and the absorbance
was measured at 450 nm. The assay was performed in duplicate.
2.12. Western Blotting
The production of specific antibodies against Dg-Cys-his was examined by Western
blotting, as described previously [
]. Purified Dg-Cys-his was separated using a 14%
SDS-polyacrylamide gel and then transferred to polyvinylidene difluoride membranes
(Merck Millipore, Burlington, MA, USA). The membrane was blocked overnight at 4
with PBS-T containing 1% skim milk. The membranes were incubated at 25
C with
the isolated plasmas from the immunized chickens, washed three times with PBS-T, and
incubated at 25
C with anti-chicken IgY peroxidase rabbit antibodies (Sigma-Aldrich,
A9046) diluted at 5000
. Finally, the membranes were incubated with Immobilon Western
Chemiluminescent HRP Substrate (Merck Millipore) to visualize the peroxidase reaction.
To analyze the specificities of antibodies, the His-tagged recombinant protein of D. gallinae
copper transporter 1 (Dg-Ctr1-N-his) was also incubated with plasma from the Dg-Cys-his-
immunized chickens [
] in the same manner as described above. To visualize Dg-Ctr1-N-his,
SDS-PAGE and CBB staining was also performed as described above.
2.13. Evaluation of the Potential of Dg-Cys as a Vaccine Antigen
The potential of Dg-Cys as a vaccine antigen was analyzed through an
in vitro
assay [
]. Fresh chicken blood was collected from healthy chickens maintained at the
Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University, and incubated at
40 C
before use. After centrifugation at 2000
gfor 10 min, the plasma was replaced with
an equal volume of immune plasma as described above. Approximately 100 PRMs of
mixed developmental stages were collected in the artificial feeding devices as previously
described [
], and the devices were capped with rubber caps type 2 (GE Healthcare). For
ventilation, the rubber cap was penetrated using a 27-G needle (TERUMO CORPORATION,
Tokyo, Japan). The top of the devices were filled with 400
L of blood, and blood feeding
was performed for 4 h at 40
C in a dark, humid environment with modest shaking. Only
blood-fed PRMs were collected using Pasteur pipettes (day 0) and kept at 25
C in 70%
humidity during the observation period. The number of dead PRMs was monitored for
1 week
, and the numbers of newborn larvae, protonymphs, and cast-off skins were counted
at day 7. The anti-PRM property of Dg-Cys-his immunization was evaluated based on the
following assessment items:
The SR:
SR (%)=1No. of dead PRMs on day 7
No. of blood fed PRMs ×100
The RC:
Vaccines 2021,9, 1472 6 of 17
RC =No. of new borne larvae and protonymphs on day 7
No. of blood fed adults
The molting rate (MR):
MR (%)=No. of cast off skins on day 7
No. of blood fed protonymphs and deutonymphs ×100
The feeding assay was performed twice. In the first experiment, the SR and RC were
assessed; to measure the RC accurately, deutonymphs were excluded from the analysis.
In the second experiment, the SR and MR were evaluated. To precisely evaluate the MR,
adults were not included in the analysis in the second experiment. The SR, RC, and MR
were analyzed by comparing the total number of PRMs or cast-off skins in the immunized
and control groups.
2.14. Evaluation of the Efficacy of the “Cocktail Vaccine”
To assess the effects of the “cocktail vaccine”, plasmas from chickens immunized with
copper transporter 1-like molecule (Dg-Ctr1 [
]) or adipocyte plasma membrane-associated
protein-like molecule (Dg-APMAP [
]) were mixed with an equal volume of immune
plasmas of Dg-Cys. As a control, equal volumes of plasmas from chickens immunized with
PBS, as described above, were mixed with plasmas prepared in our previous studies [
Blood feeding was conducted as described above using adult PRMs, and the SR was
monitored for a 10-day period.
2.15. Statistics
For gene expression analyses, differences were analyzed using the Mann–Whitney
Utest. For
in vitro
feeding assay, the SR, RC, and MR between the Dg-Cys- and PBS-
immunized groups were compared by Fisher’s exact test. The odds ratio and 95% con-
fidential interval (CI) was estimated. In addition to assessing the difference in the SR,
Kaplan–Meier curves were generated and a log-rank test was conducted. For multiple
comparisons, Fisher’s multicomparison test and a pvalue was adjusted by Holm method.
pvalues of <0.05 and <0.01 were considered statistically significant.
3. Results
3.1. Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Dg-Cys from PRMs
We obtained the transcript of the cystatin-like molecule, which showed high expression
levels in both blood-fed and starved PRMs, from the dataset of our RNA-Seq analysis [
and designated the transcript as Dg-Cys. We did not observe any significant difference in
the expression of Dg-Cys between the two feeding states of PRMs (Supplementary Table S1).
We performed 5
and 3
RACE analyses to reveal that the full-length cDNA was 669 bp, and
the ORF was 423 bp, encoding a 140 amino-acid protein. The deduced amino acid sequence
of Dg-Cys contained a putative signal peptide in positions 1–29 and a cystatin-conserved
site at positions 85–98 (Figure 1A). Phylogenetic analysis using cystatins from chickens,
mammals, ticks, and mites revealed that Dg-Cys formed a distinct cluster, but was closer to
secreted cystatins (cystatin 2, cystatin C) rather than intracellular ones (stefin, cystatins A
and B) (Figure 1B).
3.2. Dg-Cys Expression Profile
To investigate the gene expression profiles of Dg-Cys, we first analyzed the expression
of Dg-Cys mRNA at different life-stages. Real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain
reaction (RT-PCR) and real-time quantitative RT-PCR analyses revealed that Dg-Cys mRNA
was expressed in all life stages, except in eggs, and was detected regardless of the feeding
state (Figure 2A,B and Figure S3). Moreover, the expression analysis of Dg-Cys in the
midgut, salivary glands, and ovaries by LCM and RT-PCR/nested PCR showed that Dg-
Vaccines 2021,9, 1472 7 of 17
Cys was clearly expressed in the midgut and ovaries, whereas Dg-Cys was not detectable in
the salivary glands (Figure 2C and Figure S3).
Vaccines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 18
Figure 1. Cloning of a cystatin-like molecule from Dermanyssus gallinae. (A) Nucleotide and de-
duced amino acid sequences of cDNA encoding a D. gallinae cystatin-like molecule (Dg-Cys). Puta-
tive signal peptide sites were underlined, and the cystatin-conserved site was boxed. (B) A phylo-
genic tree based on the deduced amino acid sequence of Dg-Cys. The tree was built with the maxi-
mum likelihood method using the MEGA software [20]. Numbers indicate bootstrap percentage
(1000 replicates). The scale indicates the divergence time.
Figure 1.
Cloning of a cystatin-like molecule from Dermanyssus gallinae. (
) Nucleotide and deduced
amino acid sequences of cDNA encoding a D. gallinae cystatin-like molecule (Dg-Cys). Putative signal
peptide sites were underlined, and the cystatin-conserved site was boxed. (
) A phylogenic tree based
on the deduced amino acid sequence of Dg-Cys. The tree was built with the maximum likelihood
method using the MEGA X software [
]. Numbers indicate bootstrap percentage (
1000 replicates
The scale indicates the divergence time. *Stop codon.
Vaccines 2021,9, 1472 8 of 17
Vaccines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 18
3.2. Dg-Cys Expression Profile
To investigate the gene expression profiles of Dg-Cys, we first analyzed the expres-
sion of Dg-Cys mRNA at different life-stages. Real-time reverse transcription polymerase
chain reaction (RT-PCR) and real-time quantitative RT-PCR analyses revealed that Dg-Cys
mRNA was expressed in all life stages, except in eggs, and was detected regardless of the
feeding state (Figures 2A,B and S3). Moreover, the expression analysis of Dg-Cys in the
midgut, salivary glands, and ovaries by LCM and RT-PCR/nested PCR showed that Dg-
Cys was clearly expressed in the midgut and ovaries, whereas Dg-Cys was not detectable
in the salivary glands (Figures 2C and S3).
Figure 2. Gene expression analysis of Dg-Cys. Dg-Cys expression was examined by RT-PCR/nested
PCR at each life-stage and blood-feeding state (A), and in different tissues of PRMs (C). Elongation
factor 1-alpha 1-like gene (Ef1a1) was amplified as an internal control. (B) Real-time quantitative
RT-PCR was performed to quantify the gene expression of Dg-Cys at each life-stage and blood-
Figure 2.
Gene expression analysis of Dg-Cys.Dg-Cys expression was examined by RT-PCR/nested
PCR at each life-stage and blood-feeding state (
), and in different tissues of PRMs (
). Elongation
factor 1-alpha 1-like gene (Ef1a1) was amplified as an internal control. (
) Real-time quantitative
RT-PCR was performed to quantify the gene expression of Dg-Cys at each life-stage and blood-feeding
state of PRMs. The extent of Dg-Cys expression was calculated by dividing the copy numbers of
Dg-Cys by those of Elf1a1. Each experiment was repeated four times and error bars indicate SEM.
Statistical analyses were performed using Steel–Dwass test. N.S.: not significant. (
) The expression
of Dg-Cys in the midguts and ovaries was analyzed by RT-PCR, and the expression in the salivary
glands was analyzed by RT-nested PCR.
3.3. Dg-Cys Enzymatic Activity
By using the BIC system, we prepared the recombinant Dg-Cys as a fusion protein
with a His-tag (Dg-Cys-his). Dg-Cys-his was purified from the culture supernatant of the
transformed bacteria, and the expression and purity of Dg-Cys-his were confirmed by
Vaccines 2021,9, 1472 9 of 17
sodium dodecyl-sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Coomassie
brilliant blue staining. Dg-Cys-his was detected at the predicted molecular weight (approx-
imately 13.4 kDa) (Figure 3A and Figure S4). Next, we investigated the function of Dg-Cys
protein. Specifically, we assessed the inhibitory properties of Dg-Cys-his against cysteine
proteases using commercial kits to measure the enzyme activities of cysteine proteases,
cathepsins L, B, and S. The enzymatic activity of cathepsins L and S was suppressed in
the presence of Dg-Cys-his in a dose-dependent manner (50% inhibitory concentration for
cathepsins L and S: 666.8 nM and 36.1 nM, respectively), whereas that of cathepsin B was
not inhibited (Figure 3B). These data suggest that Dg-Cys-his functions as an inhibitor of
cysteine proteases.
Vaccines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 18
feeding state of PRMs. The extent of Dg-Cys expression was calculated by dividing the copy num-
bers of Dg-Cys by those of Elf1a1. Each experiment was repeated four times and error bars indicate
SEM. Statistical analyses were performed using Steel–Dwass test. N.S.: not significant. (C) The
expression of Dg-Cys in the midguts and ovaries was analyzed by RT-PCR, and the expression in
the salivary glands was analyzed by RT-nested PCR.
3.3. Dg-Cys Enzymatic Activity
By using the BIC system, we prepared the recombinant Dg-Cys as a fusion protein
with a His-tag (Dg-Cys-his). Dg-Cys-his was purified from the culture supernatant of the
transformed bacteria, and the expression and purity of Dg-Cys-his were confirmed by so-
dium dodecyl-sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Coomassie
brilliant blue staining. Dg-Cys-his was detected at the predicted molecular weight (ap-
proximately 13.4 kDa) (Figures 3A and S4). Next, we investigated the function of Dg-Cys
protein. Specifically, we assessed the inhibitory properties of Dg-Cys-his against cysteine
proteases using commercial kits to measure the enzyme activities of cysteine proteases,
cathepsins L, B, and S. The enzymatic activity of cathepsins L and S was suppressed in the
presence of Dg-Cys-his in a dose-dependent manner (50 % inhibitory concentration for
cathepsins L and S: 666.8 nM and 36.1 nM, respectively), whereas that of cathepsin B was
not inhibited (Figure 3B). These data suggest that Dg-Cys-his functions as an inhibitor of
cysteine proteases.
Figure 3. Functional analysis of recombinant Dg-Cys. (A) The recombinant protein of Dg-Cys (Dg-
Cys-his) was prepared using BIC system. Purified Dg-Cys-his was separated by SDS-PAGE and
visualized by staining with Coomassie brilliant blue. (B) Inhibitory properties of Dg-Cys-his
against cysteine proteases were examined. Cathepsins L, S, and B were incubated with their fluo-
Figure 3.
Functional analysis of recombinant Dg-Cys. (
) The recombinant protein of Dg-Cys (Dg-Cys-
his) was prepared using BIC system. Purified Dg-Cys-his was separated by SDS-PAGE and visualized
by staining with Coomassie brilliant blue. (
) Inhibitory properties of Dg-Cys-his against cysteine
proteases were examined. Cathepsins L, S, and B were incubated with their fluorometric substrates
in the presence of Dg-Cys-his or bovine serum albumin (BSA). The X-axis indicates the concentrations
of Dg-Cys-his. The Y-axis indicates relative enzymatic activities of each cysteine proteases in the
presence of Dg-Cys-his compared to those in the presence of BSA. The assays were performed in
triplicate, and error bars indicate SEM.
3.4. Acaricidal Potential of the Plasma from Chickens Immunized with Dg-Cys-his
Chickens were subcutaneously immunized twice with Dg-Cys-his as an emulsion with
light liquid paraffin before collecting their plasma (Supplementary Figure S1). Antibody
titers in the plasma samples were determined by ELISA, and two of the immunized
chickens, IM2 and IM4, showed higher antibody titers against Dg-Cys-his (Supplementary
Vaccines 2021,9, 1472 10 of 17
Table S2). Further Western blot analysis revealed that the antibodies produced in IM2
and IM4 contained antibodies specific to Dg-Cys-his (Supplementary Figures S2 and S5).
Plasma from IM2 and IM4, and from two chickens of the control group, were subjected to
in vitro
feeding assay [
] to evaluate anti-PRM effects. After the
in vitro
feeding, we
collected the blood-fed PRMs and assessed the acaricidal potential. We monitored PRMs
that fed on the plasmas and assessed them along the following three criteria: the survival
rate (SR), the reproductive capacity (RC), and molting rate (MR). In the first experiment,
we used protonymphs and adults to evaluate the effects of plasmas on the SR and RC of
blood-fed PRMs. The RC of PRMs that fed on the plasmas from IM2 and IM4 (i.e., chickens
immunized with Dg-Cys-his) was significantly reduced (Table 1and Figure 4A), whereas
no difference was observed in the SR of PRMs that fed on the plasmas of immunized
and control chickens, throughout the observation period (Table 1and Figure 4B). In the
second experiment, we used protonymphs and deutonymphs to assess the effect of the
immune plasmas on the MR and SR. While no significant difference was observed in the
MR (Table 2and Figure 5A), the SR of PRMs that fed on the plasmas from IM2 and IM4
was significantly lower than that of PRMs that fed on the control plasma (Table 2and
Figure 5B
). These results suggest that the plasma from chickens immunized with Dg-Cys
increases the mortality of PRMs, especially of protonymphs, and affects their reproductive
activity while reducing the generation of progenies.
Table 1. Summary of the anti-PRM property of Dg-Cys-his immunization (first experiment).
Days Post-Feeding RC
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Immunized (n= 255, nymphs: n= 38, adults: n= 219)
No. of dead PRMs 5 12 16 21 35 38 45 1.29
SR (%) 98.04 95.29 93.73 91.76 86.27 85.10 82.35
Control (n= 211, nymphs: n= 51, adults: n= 160)
No. of dead PRMs 1 4 13 15 23 26 37 2.24
SR (%) 99.53 98.10 93.84 92.89 89.10 87.68 82.46
pvalue (Fisher’s exact) 0.228 0.126 1 0.729 0.399 0.499 1 2.38 ×105*
Odds ratio 4.19 2.55 1.01 1.17 1.30 1.25 1.01 0.57
95% CI (lower limit) 0.46 0.76 0.45 0.56 0.72 0.71 0.61 0.44
95% CI (upper limit) 199.39 11.02 2.36 2.52 2.39 2.22 1.68 0.75
The data are compared by Fisher’s exact test between immunized and control groups. SR, survival rate; RC, reproductive capacity. * p<
0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Vaccines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 18
Figure 4. Anti-PRM effects of plasma from chickens immunized with Dg-Cys-his (first experiment). (A) The reproductive
capacity (RC) at seven days post-feeding was assessed. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher’s exact test. p < 0.01
was considered statistically significant. (B) The survival rate (SR) of PRMs that were fed with the plasma from immunized
chickens was assessed every day for a one-week period. Statistical analysis was performed using Log-rank test.
Table 2. Summary of the anti-PRM property of Dg-Cys-his immunization (second experiment).
Days Post-Feeding
MR (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Immunized (n = 189, all nymphs)
No. of dead PRMs 5 6 10 13 34 57 74
SR (%) 97.35 96.83 94.71 93.12 82.01 69.84 60.85
Control (n = 150, all nymphs)
No. of dead PRMs 1 3 4 4 14 28 38
SR (%) 99.33 98.00 97.33 97.33 90.67 81.33 74.67
p value 0.233 0.736 0.280 0.085 0.028 * 0.017 * 0.008 * 1
Odds ratio 4.04 1.60 2.04 2.69 2.13 1.88 1.89 1.01
95% CI (lower limit) 0.44 0.34 0.57 0.81 1.06 1.09 1.16 0.68
95% CI (upper limit) 192.59 10.08 9.07 11.57 4.48 3.28 3.13 1.50
The data are compared by Fisher’s exact test between immunized and control groups. SR, survival rate; MR, molting rate.
* p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Figure 4.
Anti-PRM effects of plasma from chickens immunized with Dg-Cys-his (first experiment). (
) The reproductive
capacity (RC) at seven days post-feeding was assessed. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher’s exact test. p< 0.01
was considered statistically significant. (
) The survival rate (SR) of PRMs that were fed with the plasma from immunized
chickens was assessed every day for a one-week period. Statistical analysis was performed using Log-rank test.
Vaccines 2021,9, 1472 11 of 17
Table 2. Summary of the anti-PRM property of Dg-Cys-his immunization (second experiment).
Days Post-Feeding MR (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Immunized (n= 189, all nymphs) 48.68
No. of dead PRMs 5 6 10 13 34 57 74
SR (%) 97.35 96.83 94.71 93.12 82.01 69.84 60.85
Control (n= 150, all nymphs) 49.33
No. of dead PRMs 1 3 4 4 14 28 38
SR (%) 99.33 98.00 97.33 97.33 90.67 81.33 74.67
pvalue 0.233 0.736 0.280 0.085 0.028 * 0.017 * 0.008 * 1
Odds ratio 4.04 1.60 2.04 2.69 2.13 1.88 1.89 1.01
95% CI (lower limit) 0.44 0.34 0.57 0.81 1.06 1.09 1.16 0.68
95% CI (upper limit) 192.59 10.08 9.07 11.57 4.48 3.28 3.13 1.50
The data are compared by Fisher’s exact test between immunized and control groups. SR, survival rate; MR, molting rate. * p< 0.05 was
considered statistically significant.
Vaccines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 18
Figure 5. Anti-PRM effects of plasma from chickens immunized with Dg-Cys-his (second experiment). (A) The molting
rate (MR) at seven days post-feeding was assessed. Statistical analyses were performed using Fisher’s exact test. (B) The
survival rate (SR) of PRMs that were fed with the plasma from immunized chickens was assessed every day for a one-
week period. Statistical analyses were performed using Log-rank test. p < 0.01 was considered statistically significant. N.S.:
not significant.
3.5. Enhanced Acaricidal Effect of Dg-Cys-his-Immunized Plasma in Combination with Dg-
Ctr1- or Dg-APMAP-Immunized Plasma
Although plasmas from Dg-Cys-his-immunized chickens exhibited anti-PRM prop-
erties, their acaricidal effects on adults could not be observed (Table 1 and Figure 4B).
Recently, we characterized two more candidate vaccine antigens: copper transporter 1-
like molecule (Dg-Ctr1) and adipocyte plasma membrane-associated protein-like mole-
cule (Dg-APMAP). Moreover, acaricidal effects of immune plasmas containing antibodies
against these antigens were higher in nymphs than in adults [4,5]. In ticks, several studies
have suggested that the “cocktail vaccine”, which combines different vaccine antigens,
could potentially have enhanced efficacy than single-antigen vaccines [24,25]. Therefore,
to assess the potential of Dg-Cys as a cocktail vaccine antigen, we next examined whether
the combined use of immune plasmas could enhance the acaricidal effects. We combined
the plasma from Dg-Cys-his-immunized chickens with other immune plasmas and as-
sessed their acaricidal effects on adult PRMs. The chickens were immunized with the re-
combinant proteins of Dg-Ctr-1 or Dg-APMAP and exhibited the acaricidal effects against
. Upon using immune plasma against a single antigen, the immune plasma of Dg-
Cys exhibited significant reduction in SR at days five and seven post-feeding compared to
the control plasma. Conversely, no acaricidal effect was observed in PRMs that fed on Dg-
Ctr1-immune plasma (Table 3 and Figure 6A). Notably, PRMs that fed on the combined
plasmas, which contained antibodies specific to Dg-Cys and Dg-Ctr1, showed significant
decrease in the SR at seven and nine days post-feeding compared to those that fed on
control plasmas. In addition, at ten days post-feeding, the SR of PRMs that fed on mixed
plasmas was lower than those of PRMs in the immune plasmas against a single antigen
(Dg-Cys: 10% lower; Dg-Ctr1: 18% lower); however, we did not observe a significant dif-
ference (Table 3 and Figure 6A). During the assessment of the combination of Dg-Cys with
Dg-APMAP, the use of immune plasma against a single antigen exerted no acaricidal ef-
fects. Conversely, the combined use of immune plasmas exhibited a drastic decline in the
SR from eight days post-feeding compared to those of PRMs fed Dg-Cys-immune plasma.
Furthermore, the SR of PRMs that fed on mixed plasmas were significantly lower than
those of all the other groups at day ten post-feeding (Table 4 and Figure 6B). These data
suggest that Dg-Cys may function as a cocktail vaccine antigen.
Figure 5.
Anti-PRM effects of plasma from chickens immunized with Dg-Cys-his (second experiment). (
) The molt-
ing rate (MR) at seven days post-feeding was assessed. Statistical analyses were performed using Fisher’s exact test.
) The survival rate (SR) of PRMs that were fed with the plasma from immunized chickens was assessed every day for a
one-week period. Statistical analyses were performed using Log-rank test. p< 0.01 was considered statistically significant.
N.S.: not significant.
3.5. Enhanced Acaricidal Effect of Dg-Cys-his-Immunized Plasma in Combination with Dg-Ctr1-
or Dg-APMAP-Immunized Plasma
Although plasmas from Dg-Cys-his-immunized chickens exhibited anti-PRM prop-
erties, their acaricidal effects on adults could not be observed (Table 1and Figure 4B).
Recently, we characterized two more candidate vaccine antigens: copper transporter 1-like
molecule (Dg-Ctr1) and adipocyte plasma membrane-associated protein-like molecule (Dg-
APMAP). Moreover, acaricidal effects of immune plasmas containing antibodies against
these antigens were higher in nymphs than in adults [
]. In ticks, several studies have
suggested that the “cocktail vaccine”, which combines different vaccine antigens, could
potentially have enhanced efficacy than single-antigen vaccines [
]. Therefore, to as-
sess the potential of Dg-Cys as a cocktail vaccine antigen, we next examined whether the
combined use of immune plasmas could enhance the acaricidal effects. We combined the
plasma from Dg-Cys-his-immunized chickens with other immune plasmas and assessed
their acaricidal effects on adult PRMs. The chickens were immunized with the recombinant
proteins of Dg-Ctr-1 or Dg-APMAP and exhibited the acaricidal effects against PRMs
Upon using immune plasma against a single antigen, the immune plasma of Dg-Cys ex-
hibited significant reduction in SR at days five and seven post-feeding compared to the
control plasma. Conversely, no acaricidal effect was observed in PRMs that fed on Dg-Ctr1-
Vaccines 2021,9, 1472 12 of 17
immune plasma (Table 3and Figure 6A). Notably, PRMs that fed on the combined plasmas,
which contained antibodies specific to Dg-Cys and Dg-Ctr1, showed significant decrease in
the SR at seven and nine days post-feeding compared to those that fed on control plasmas.
In addition, at ten days post-feeding, the SR of PRMs that fed on mixed plasmas was lower
than those of PRMs in the immune plasmas against a single antigen (Dg-Cys: 10% lower;
Dg-Ctr1: 18% lower); however, we did not observe a significant difference (Table 3and
Figure 6A). During the assessment of the combination of Dg-Cys with Dg-APMAP, the use
of immune plasma against a single antigen exerted no acaricidal effects. Conversely, the
combined use of immune plasmas exhibited a drastic decline in the SR from eight days
post-feeding compared to those of PRMs fed Dg-Cys-immune plasma. Furthermore, the
SR of PRMs that fed on mixed plasmas were significantly lower than those of all the other
groups at day ten post-feeding (Table 4and Figure 6B). These data suggest that Dg-Cys
may function as a cocktail vaccine antigen.
Table 3. Summary of the acaricidal effects of combined immune plasmas on adult mites (Dg-Cys and Dg-Ctr1).
Days Post-Feeding
Control (n= 70)
No. of dead PRMs 0 1 2 2 3 5 8 19 25 34
SR (%) 100 98.57 97.14 97.14 95.71 92.86 88.57 72.86 64.29 51.43
Dg-Cys (n= 78)
No. of dead PRMs 0 5 7 11 16 18 24 32 38 46
SR (%) 100 93.59 91.03 85.90 79.49 76.92 69.23 58.97 51.28 41.03
Dg-Ctr1 (n= 57)
No. of dead PRMs 1 2 4 4 6 7 11 13 21 29
SR (%) 98.25 96.49 92.98 92.98 89.47 87.72 80.70 77.19 63.16 49.12
Combination (n= 80)
No. of dead PRMs 0 1 5 8 11 16 25 33 47 54
SR (%) 100.00 98.72 93.59 89.74 85.90 79.49 67.95 57.69 39.74 30.77
Control vs. Dg-Cys 1 1 1 0.116 0.019 * 0.068 0.025 * 0.256 0.539 0.970
Control vs. Dg-Ctr1 1 1 1 1 0.891 0.754 0.634 1 1 0.970
Control vs. Combination 1 1 1 0.513 0.254 0.16 0.018 * 0.239 0.019 * 0.074
Dg-Cys vs. Dg-Ctr1 1 1 1 1 0.633 0.491 0.496 0.161 0.595 0.970
Dg-Cys vs. Combination 1 1 1 1 0.891 0.847 1 1 0.595 0.970
Dg-Ctr1 vs. Combination 1 1 1 1 0.891 0.754 0.468 0.161 0.045 * 0.168
The data are compared by Fisher’s exact test. SR, survival rate. * Holm-adjusted p< 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Vaccines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 18
Figure 6. Acaricidal effects of combined immune plasmas on adult mites. The efficacies ofcocktail vaccine” on adult
mites were evaluated in vitro. The survival rate (SR) of adult PRMs that were fed with the combined plasmas derived
from (A) Dg-Cys- and Dg-Ctr1-immunized chickens and (B) Dg-Cys- and Dg-APMAP-immunized plasmas was assessed
every day for a ten-day period.
4. Discussion
Previous reports have demonstrated the crucial roles of cystatins in ticks’ biological
activities, such as blood digestion, egg development, and modulation of host immunity
[26,27]. Therefore, the inhibition of these molecules could be an effective control strategy
against ticks. However, little is known about the contribution of cystatins to the physiol-
ogy of PRMs. In the present study, we characterized a newly identified cystatin-like mol-
ecule, Dg-Cys, which showed marked expression in both fed and starved PRMs [19].
Based on the deduced amino acid sequence and the results of the phylogenetic anal-
ysis, Dg-Cys was predicted to be a secreted cystatin. Indeed, several studies have reported
that secreted cystatins in the salivary glands of ticks help blood sucking and facilitate
pathogen transmission by suppressing host immune responses, such as the production of
inflammatory cytokines [2830]. In contrast, functions like blood digestion and/or egg de-
velopment have been proposed for cystatins in the midgut [13,31–33]. Here, we revealed
that Dg-Cys is expressed in the midgut and ovaries, but not in the salivary glands of PRMs,
suggesting that it plays important roles in blood digestion and embryogenesis. In addi-
tion, recombinant Dg-Cys-his inhibited the enzymatic activities of cathepsins L and S,
which mediate innate immunity and antigen processing [34,35], suggesting that it might
be associated with the modulation of host immunity. In contrast, consistent with previous
reports of several cystatins [13,15,36],
Dg-Cys did not interrupt the enzymatic activity of
cathepsin B, thus indicating the selectivity and/or specificity of Dg-Cys against its target
cysteine proteases. In addition, it implies the existence of other cystatin-like molecules in
PRMs. Moreover, in phylogenetic analysis of Dg-Cys constituted a discrete cluster from
cystatins that are previously reported, including those from ticks, suggesting that Dg-Cys
potentially has a unique function in PRMs. Therefore, further experiments, such as gene-
specific, RNA interference-mediated silencing, are required to elucidate the function of
Dg-Cys in PRM physiology.
To evaluate the potential of Dg-Cys as a vaccine antigen, we assessed the SR, RC, and
MR of PRMs. While no difference in the SR was observed in the first experiment, the RC
of PRMs that fed on the immune plasma was significantly decreased. These data indicate
that Dg-Cys plays a crucial role in the development and/or hatching of eggs, as previously
reported in cystatins in ticks [37,38], and that vaccinating with Dg-Cys-his may control the
population growth of PRMs. In the second experiment, no significant differences were
Figure 6.
Acaricidal effects of combined immune plasmas on adult mites. The efficacies of “cocktail
vaccine” on adult mites were evaluated
in vitro
. The survival rate (SR) of adult PRMs that were
fed with the combined plasmas derived from (
)Dg-Cys- and Dg-Ctr1-immunized chickens and
(B)Dg-Cys- and Dg-APMAP-immunized plasmas was assessed every day for a ten-day period.
Vaccines 2021,9, 1472 13 of 17
Table 4. Summary of the acaricidal effects of combined immune plasmas on adult mites (Dg-Cys and Dg-APMAP).
Days Post-Feeding
Control (n= 71)
No. of dead PRMs 2 4 6 10 11 14 21 27 33 40
SR (%) 97.18 94.37 91.55 85.92 84.51 80.28 70.42 61.97 53.52 43.66
Dg-Cys (n= 52)
No. of dead PRMs 0 1 2 4 6 8 10 16 20 28
SR (%) 100 98.08 96.15 92.31 88.46 84.62 80.77 69.23 61.54 46.15
Dg-APMAP (n= 74)
No. of dead PRMs 0 3 4 9 9 18 23 30 38 47
SR (%) 100 95.95 94.59 87.84 87.84 75.68 68.92 59.46 48.65 36.49
Combination (n= 48)
No. of dead PRMs 0 2 2 5 8 16 20 31 34 41
SR (%) 100 95.83 95.83 89.58 83.33 66.67 58.33 35.42 29.17 14.58
Control vs. Dg-Cys 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.855 1 0.923 1
Control vs. Dg-APMAP 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.859 1 0.923 1
Control vs. Combination 1 1 1 1 1 0.657 0.855 0.026 * 0.070 0.006 **
Dg-Cys vs. Dg-APMAP 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.772 1 0.611 1
Dg-Cys vs. Combination 1 1 1 1 1 0.357 0.104 0.007 ** 0.008 ** 0.006 **
Dg-APMAP vs. Combination 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.855 0.062 0.165 0.050 *
The data are compared by Fisher’s exact test. SR, survival rate. Holm-adjusted * p< 0.05 and ** p< 0.01 were considered statistically significant.
4. Discussion
Previous reports have demonstrated the crucial roles of cystatins in ticks’ biological
activities, such as blood digestion, egg development, and modulation of host immu-
. Therefore, the inhibition of these molecules could be an effective control
strategy against ticks. However, little is known about the contribution of cystatins to the
physiology of PRMs. In the present study, we characterized a newly identified cystatin-like
molecule, Dg-Cys, which showed marked expression in both fed and starved PRMs [19].
Based on the deduced amino acid sequence and the results of the phylogenetic analysis,
Dg-Cys was predicted to be a secreted cystatin. Indeed, several studies have reported
that secreted cystatins in the salivary glands of ticks help blood sucking and facilitate
pathogen transmission by suppressing host immune responses, such as the production
of inflammatory cytokines [
]. In contrast, functions like blood digestion and/or
egg development have been proposed for cystatins in the midgut [
]. Here, we
revealed that Dg-Cys is expressed in the midgut and ovaries, but not in the salivary glands
of PRMs, suggesting that it plays important roles in blood digestion and embryogenesis.
In addition, recombinant Dg-Cys-his inhibited the enzymatic activities of cathepsins L
and S, which mediate innate immunity and antigen processing [
], suggesting that it
might be associated with the modulation of host immunity. In contrast, consistent with
previous reports of several cystatins [
], Dg-Cys did not interrupt the enzymatic
activity of cathepsin B, thus indicating the selectivity and/or specificity of Dg-Cys against
its target cysteine proteases. In addition, it implies the existence of other cystatin-like
molecules in PRMs. Moreover, in phylogenetic analysis of Dg-Cys constituted a discrete
cluster from cystatins that are previously reported, including those from ticks, suggesting
that Dg-Cys potentially has a unique function in PRMs. Therefore, further experiments,
such as gene-specific, RNA interference-mediated silencing, are required to elucidate the
function of Dg-Cys in PRM physiology.
To evaluate the potential of Dg-Cys as a vaccine antigen, we assessed the SR, RC, and
MR of PRMs. While no difference in the SR was observed in the first experiment, the RC
of PRMs that fed on the immune plasma was significantly decreased. These data indicate
that Dg-Cys plays a crucial role in the development and/or hatching of eggs, as previously
reported in cystatins in ticks [
], and that vaccinating with Dg-Cys-his may control the
population growth of PRMs. In the second experiment, no significant differences were
observed in the MR. Moreover, in contrast to the data observed in the first experiment, the
SR of PRMs that fed on immune plasma was significantly reduced. While the majority
of PRMs used in the first experiment were adults, only protonymphs and deutonymphs
Vaccines 2021,9, 1472 14 of 17
were used in the second experiment. Although the difference in acaricidal effects observed
among developmental stages is unclear, it is possible that the expression pattern of Dg-Cys
may be different at each developmental stage. Therefore, the expression profile of Dg-Cys
should be investigated through LCM and RT-PCR analyses at each developmental stage in
more detail. Furthermore, in our dataset of RNA-seq analysis, several other cystatin-like
transcripts were identified, although their expression intensities were lower than that
of Dg-Cys [
]. Therefore, the reduced function of Dg-Cys conferred by the antibodies
may be compensated by other cystatin-like molecules present in the midgut of PRMs and
thus, the gene expression analyses and the functional characterization of those molecules
should be performed. In addition, the SR of PRMs in the second experiment were relatively
lower, even in the control groups, compared with those in the first experiment, suggesting
that the inhibition of Dg-Cys more critically affects the enfeebled PRMs. Alternatively,
adult PRMs may be more resistant against an immunological approach. Recently, we
identified two other antigen candidates: Dg-Ctr1 and Dg-APMAP. We found that acaricidal
effects of immune plasmas against these antigens were stronger against adults than against
nymphs [4,5].
In ticks, a growing number of studies has indicated that combining antigens enhances
the efficacies of vaccine [
]. Here, we demonstrated that the combination of plasmas
containing antibodies against Dg-Cys and Dg-Ctr1 or Dg-APMAP can augment anti-PRM
efficacy. It is noteworthy that the acaricidal effects of the use of combined immune plasmas
surpassed those of immune plasma against a single antigen, even though the mixed
immune plasmas contained only half the quantity of antibodies against each antigen
compared to immune plasma against single antigens, suggesting a prominent potential
for a cocktail vaccine including Dg-Cys. Although the mechanisms by which the use of
combined immune plasmas enhanced anti-PRM properties remains unclear, the disruption
of the homeostasis at two different points were more critical to PRMs. Importantly, it may
contribute to the reduction in the risk of the selection of PRMs with resistance to anti-PRM
effects induced by vaccination [
]. To evaluate the efficacies of the cocktail vaccine in
detail, further analyses are needed; including elucidation of the minimal antibody titers
of each antigen required to elicit acaricidal effects. Moreover, previous studies indicated
that an inadequate combination of antigens could impair vaccine efficacy as there may
be antigenic competition [
]. Therefore, the selection of antigens must be carefully
considered, and vaccine antigens should be continuously explored.
Thus, our data suggest that vaccination with Dg-Cys in combination with other anti-
gens could be an effective strategy to control PRMs in poultry farms. In this study, however,
one-shot immunization did not induce sufficient antibody responses, and only half of
the chickens immunized with Dg-Cys twice could produce specific antibodies. Therefore,
considering the practical applications, further investigation on the appropriate dose, routes,
and adjuvants is needed to improve the immunogenicity of the Dg-Cys-based vaccine
and to efficiently induce antibody responses. In addition, PRM-infestation trials using
immunized chickens should be conducted to further evaluate vaccine efficacies.
5. Conclusions
In the present study, a novel cystatin-like molecule (Dg-Cys) was identified and
in vitro
.Dg-Cys mRNA was expressed in the midgut and ovaries of PRMs,
regardless of the life stages and feeding states. Notably, PRMs fed on plasmas from
chickens immunized with the recombinant Dg-Cys exhibited a significant reduction in
the survival rates of nymphs and the reproductive capacity. Moreover, the combined use
of Dg-Cys-immunized plasmas with either plasmas from D. gallinae copper transporter
1 (Dg-Ctr1)-immunized chickens or those from D. gallinae adipocyte plasma membrane-
associated protein (Dg-APMAP) enhanced acaricidal effects of vaccines. Our data suggest
that the immunization with cocktail vaccines including Dg-Cys could potentially be effective
methods to control PRMs in the poultry industry.
Vaccines 2021,9, 1472 15 of 17
Supplementary Materials:
The following are available online at
.3390/vaccines9121472/s1, Figure S1: The schedule of immunization with Dg-Cys-his and sample
collection, Figure S2: Dg-Cys-his-specific antibody production of immunized chickens, Figure S3:
The original uncropped image related to Figure 2, Figure S4:The original uncropped image related to
Figure 3, Figure S5:The original uncropped image related to Figure S2, Table S1: Gene expression
profiles of a cystatin-like molecule in poultry red mites (PRMs), Table S2: Antibody titers in the
plasmas from chickens immunized with Dg-Cys-his.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, S.F., S.M. and K.O.; Methodology, S.F., S.M., M.I., O.I. and
K.O.; Software, S.M. and K.O.; Validation; S.M., N.M., T.O., S.K. and K.O.; Formal analysis, S.M.,
N.M., T.O., S.K. and K.O.; Investigation, S.F., S.M., M.I., T.A., T.S. and O.I.; Resources, S.F., S.M., N.M.,
T.O. and S.K.; Data curation, S.F., S.M., N.M., T.O., S.K. and K.O.; Writing–original draft preparation,
S.F.; Writing–review and editing, S.M., E.O., A.T., N.M., T.O., O.I., S.K. and K.O.; Visualization, S.F.
and S.M.; Supervision, K.O.; Project administration, S.M. and K.O.; Funding acquisition, S.F., S.M.
and K.O. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This work was partially supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B: 18H02332
and B: 20H03137); a Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) (20K21357); and a Grant-in-
Aid for the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellow (grant no. 20J22235) from the
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
Data Availability Statement:
The data supporting the findings of this study are present within the
article and the Supplementary Materials.
We would like to thank Yukiko Uno, Ryo Ogawa, and Eiji Oishi, Vaxxinova
Japan K.K., Tokyo, Japan, for their support during the experiments and their suggestions during the
manuscript editing process. We thank all farmers, Wataru Hashimoto, Japan Layer K.K., Gifu, Japan,
and Akio Enya for their assistance in the collection of samples.
Conflicts of Interest:
T.S., E.O., and A.T. are employed by Vaxxinova Japan K.K., Tokyo, Japan.
S.F., S.M., T.A., T.S., E.O., N.M., T.O., S.K., and K.O. are authors of patent-pending materials and
techniques described in this manuscript (2021-080691). The other authors have no competing financial
interests and all the authors declare no competing non-financial interests.
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... Repeated long-term use of commonly used chemical compounds on farms has led to the emergence of acaricideresistant mites, reducing the efficacy of chemicals and making the control of avian mites more difficult. Several vaccine antigens against PRMs have been reported as promising control strategies [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36]. In addition, the application of homologous proteins present in different avian mites as vaccine antigens could be a valuable tool for the development of vaccines to control multiple avian mites. ...
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Poultry red mites (Dermanyssus gallinae, PRMs), tropical fowl mites (Ornithonyssus bursa, TFMs), and northern fowl mites (O. sylviarum, NFMs) are blood-feeding pests that debilitate poultry worldwide. Glutathione S-transferase (GST) plays an important role in the detoxification and drug metabolism of mites. However, research on avian mite GSTs as vaccine antigens is still lacking. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the potential of avian mite GSTs for vaccine development. We identified GST genes from TFMs and NFMs. We prepared recombinant GST (rGST) from TFMs, NFMs, and PRMs, and assessed their protein functions. Moreover, we evaluated the cross-reactivity and acaricidal effect of immune plasma against each rGST on TFMs, NFMs, and PRMs. The deduced amino acid sequences of GSTs from TFMs and NFMs were 80% similar to those of the PRMs. The rGSTs exhibited catalytic activity in conjugating glutathione to the 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene substrate. Immune plasma against each rGST showed cross-reactivity with rGST from different mite species. Moreover, the survival rate of PRMs fed with immune plasma against the rGST of TFMs and NFMs was significantly lower than that of the control plasma. These results demonstrate the potential application of GST as an antigen for the development of a broad-spectrum vaccine against avian mites.
BACKGROUND Ticks, which are obligate blood‐feeding parasites, transmit a wide range of pathogens during their hematophagic process. Certain enzymes and macromolecules play a crucial role in inhibiting several tick physiological processes, including digestion and reproduction. In the present study, genes encoding type 2 cystatin were cloned from the tick Haemaphysalis doenitzi and characterized , and the potential role of cystatin in tick control was assessed. RESULTS Two cystatin genes, HDcyst‐1 and HDcyst‐2 , whose open reading frames are 390 and 426 bp, respectively, were successfully cloned from H. doenitzi . Among the midgut, salivary glands, Malpighian tubules, and ovaries of ticks, the relative expression of HDcyst‐1 and HDcyst‐2 was highest in the midgut and salivary glands, respectively. Lipopolysaccharide injection and low‐temperature stress elevated cystatin expression in ticks. Both recombinant cystatin protein rHDcyst‐1 and rHDcyst‐2 vaccines increased antibody levels and significantly reduced tick engorgement and egg mass weights in immunized rabbits infested with H. doenitzi . Particularly, rHDcyst‐1 significantly prolonged tick engorgement time by 1 day and reduced egg‐hatching rates by 16.9%. Collectively, rHDcyst‐1 and rHDcyst‐2 protein vaccinations provided 64.1 and 51.8% protection to adult female ticks, respectively. CONCLUSION This is the first report on the immunological characterization of cystatin proteins and gene sequencing in H. doenitzi. Cystatin proteins are promising antigens that have the potential for use as vaccines for H. doenitzi infestation control. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
The complexity of parasites and their life cycles makes vaccination against parasitic diseases challenging. This review highlights this by discussing vaccination against four relevant parasites of poultry. Coccidia, i.e., Eimeria spp., are the most important parasites in poultry production, causing multiple billions of dollars of damage worldwide. Due to the trend of antibiotic-free broiler production, use of anticoccidia vaccines in broilers is becoming much more important. As of now, only live vaccines are on the market, almost all of which must be produced in birds. In addition, these live vaccines require extra care in the management of flocks to provide adequate protection and prevent the vaccines from causing damage. Considerable efforts to develop recombinant vaccines and related work to understand the immune response against coccidia have not yet resulted in an alternative. Leucozytozoon caulleryi is a blood parasite that is prevalent in East and South Asia. It is the only poultry parasite for which a recombinant vaccine has been developed and brought to market. Histomonas meleagridis causes typhlohepatitis in chickens and turkeys. The systemic immune response after intramuscular vaccination with inactivated parasites is not protective. The parasite can be grown and attenuated in vitro, but only together with bacteria. This and the necessary intracloacal application make the use of live vaccines difficult. So far, there have been no attempts to develop a recombinant vaccine against H. meleagridis. Inactivated vaccines inducing antibodies against the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae have the potential to control infestations with this parasite. Potential antigens for recombinant vaccines have been identified, but the use of whole-mite extracts yields superior results. In conclusion, while every parasite is unique, development of vaccines against them shares common problems, namely the difficulties of propagating them in vitro and the identification of protective antigens that might be used in recombinant vaccines. Estudio recapitulativo- Vacunación contra los parásitos de las aves de corral. La complejidad de los parásitos y sus ciclos de vida hace que la vacunación contra las enfermedades parasitarias sea un desafío. Esta revisión destaca este concepto al discutir la vacunación contra cuatro parásitos relevantes en la avicultura. Las coccidias, como, Eimeria spp., son los parásitos más importantes en la producción avícola y causan daños por miles de millones de dólares en todo el mundo. Debido a la tendencia de la producción de pollos de engorde sin antibióticos, el uso de vacunas anticoccidianas en pollos de engorde se está volviendo mucho más importante. Por el momento, sólo hay en el mercado vacunas vivas y casi todas ellas deben producirse en aves. Además, estas vacunas vivas requieren un cuidado especial en el manejo de las parvadas para brindar una protección adecuada y evitar que las vacunas causen daños. Los esfuerzos considerables para desarrollar vacunas recombinantes y los trabajos relacionados para comprender la respuesta inmune contra coccidias aún no han dado como resultado una alternativa. Leucozytozoon caulleryi es un parásito sanguíneo que prevalece en el este y el sur de Asia. Es el único parásito de las aves de corral para el que se ha desarrollado y comercializado una vacuna recombinante. El parásito Histomonas meleagridis causa tiflohepatitis en pollos y pavos. La respuesta inmune sistémica después de la vacunación intramuscular con parásitos inactivados no es protectora. El parásito se puede cultivar y atenuar in vitro, pero sólo junto con bacterias. Esto y la necesaria aplicación intracloacal dificultan el uso de vacunas vivas. Hasta el momento no ha habido intentos de desarrollar una vacuna recombinante contra H. meleagridis. Las vacunas inactivadas que inducen anticuerpos contra el ácaro rojo de las aves Dermanyssus gallinae tienen el potencial de controlar las infestaciones por este parásito. Se han identificado antígenos potenciales para vacunas recombinantes, pero el uso de extractos completos de ácaros produce resultados superiores. En conclusión, si bien cada parásito es único, el desarrollo de vacunas contra ellos comparte problemas comunes, por ejemplo, las dificultades de propagarlos in vitro y la identificación de antígenos protectores que podrían usarse en vacunas recombinantes.
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Infestation with poultry red mites (PRM, Dermanyssus gallinae) causes anemia, reduced egg production, and death in serious cases, resulting in significant economic losses to the poultry industry. As a novel strategy for controlling PRMs, vaccine approaches have been focused upon and several candidate vaccine antigens against PRMs have been reported. Tropical (TFM, Ornithonyssus bursa) and northern (NFM, Ornithonyssus sylviarum) fowl mites are also hematophagous and cause poultry industry problems similar to those caused by PRM. Therefore, ideal antigens for anti-PRM vaccines are molecules that cross-react with TFMs and NFMs, producing pesticidal effects similar to those against PRMs. In this study, to investigate the potential feasibility of developing vaccines with broad efficacy across mite species, we identified and characterized cysteine proteases (CPs) of TFMs and NFMs, which were previously reported to be effective vaccine antigens of PRMs. The open reading frames of CPs from TFMs and NFMs had the same sequences, which was 73.0% similar to that of PRMs. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the CPs of TFMs and NFMs clustered in the same clade as CPs of PRMs. To assess protein functionality, we generated recombinant peptidase domains of CPs (rCP-PDs), revealing all rCP-PDs showed CP-like activities. Importantly, the plasma obtained from chickens immunized with each rCP-PD cross-reacted with rCP-PDs of different mites. Finally, all immune plasma of rCP-PDs reduced the survival rate of PRMs, even when the plasma was collected from chickens immunized with rCP-PDs derived from TFM and NFM. Therefore, CP antigen is a promising, broadly efficacious vaccine candidate against different avian mites.
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Introduction Poultry red mites (PRMs, Dermanyssus gallinae), blood-sucking ectoparasites, are a threat to the poultry industry because of reduced production caused by infestation. In addition, tropical fowl mites (TFMs, Ornithonyssus bursa) and northern fowl mites (NFMs, Ornithonyssus sylviarum) are hematophagous, distributed in various regions, genetically and morphologically close to PRMs, and cause similar problems to the poultry industry. Vaccine approaches have been studied for PRM control, and several molecules have been identified in PRMs as candidates for effective vaccine antigens. The development of an anti-PRM vaccine as a universal vaccine with broad efficacy against avian mites could improve the productivity of poultry farms worldwide. Molecules that are highly conserved among avian mites and have critical functions in the physiology and growth of mites could be ideal antigen candidates for the development of universal vaccines. Ferritin 2 (FER2), an iron-binding protein, is critical for the reproduction and survival of PRMs and has been reported as a useful vaccine antigen for the control of PRMs and a candidate for the universal vaccine antigen in some tick species. Method and results Herein, we identified and characterized FER2 in TFMs and NFM. Compared with the sequence of PRM, the ferroxidase centers of the heavy chain subunits were conserved in FER2 of TFMs and NFMs. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that FER2 belongs to clusters of secretory ferritins of mites and other arthropods. Recombinant FER2 (rFER2) proteins from PRMs, TFMs, and NFMs exhibited iron-binding abilities. Immunization with each rFER2 induced strong antibody responses in chickens, and each immune plasma cross-reacted with rFER2 from different mites. Moreover, mortality rates of PRMs fed with immune plasma against rFER2 from TFMs or NFMs, in addition to PRMs, were higher than those of control plasma. Discussion rFER2 from each avian mite exhibited anti-PRM effects. This data suggests that it has the potential to be used as an antigen candidate for a universal vaccine against avian mites. Further studies are needed to access the usefulness of FER2 as a universal vaccine for the control of avian mites.
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The poultry red mite (PRM; Dermanyssus gallinae) is a hematophagous ectoparasite that mainly infests chickens, and its infestation causes significant economic losses to the poultry industry. In this study, we examined the use of RNAscope-based in situ hybridization (ISH) to characterize gene expression in PRM. We analyzed the mRNA expression of Dermanyssus gallinaecathepsin D-1 (Dg-CatD-1) and Dermanyssus gallinae cystatin (Dg-Cys). RNAscope ISH analysis revealed that mRNA expression of Dg-CatD-1 was observed in the digestive tract, and Dg-Cystatin mRNA was expressed in the ovaries in addition to the digestive tract. RNAscope ISH could be applicable for the analysis of gene expression in each tissue of PRM and is an effective method to investigate the characteristics of target genes.
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Poultry red mites (Dermanyssus gallinae, PRM) are dangerous ectoparasites that infest chickens and threaten the poultry industry worldwide. PRMs usually develop resistance to chemical acaricides, necessitating the development of more effective preventive agents, and vaccination could be an alternative strategy for controlling PRMs. The suitability of plasma membrane proteins expressed in the midguts as vaccine antigens was evaluated because these molecules are exposed to antibodies in the ingested blood and the binding of antibodies could potentially induce direct damage to midgut tissue and indirect damage via inhibition of the functions of target molecules. Therefore, in the present study, a copper transporter 1-like molecule (Dg-Ctr1) was identified and its efficacy as a vaccine antigen was assessed in vitro. Dg-Ctr1 mRNA was expressed in the midguts and ovaries and in all the life stages, and flow cytometric analysis indicated that Dg-Ctr1 was expressed on the plasma membrane. Importantly, nymphs fed on plasma derived from chickens immunized with the recombinant protein of the extracellular region of Dg-Ctr1 showed a significant reduction in the survival rate. These data indicate that the application of Dg-Ctr1 as a vaccine antigen could reduce the number of nymphs in the farms, contributing to reduction in the economic losses caused by PRMs in the poultry industry. To establish an effective vaccination strategy, the acaricidal effects of the combined use of Dg-Ctr1 with chemical acaricides or other vaccine antigens must be examined.
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Poultry red mites (PRMs, Dermanyssus gallinae) are harmful ectoparasites that affect farmed chickens and cause serious economic losses in the poultry industry worldwide. Acaricides are used for PRM control; however, some PRMs have developed acaricide-resistant properties, which have indicated the need for different approaches for PRM control. Therefore, it is necessary to elucidate the biological status of PRMs to develop alternative PRM control strategies. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) allows analysis of the biological status at the transcript level. However, reference genes are preferable for accurate comparison of expression level changes given the large variation in the quality of the PRM samples collected in each farm. This study aimed to identify candidate reference genes with stable expression levels in the different blood feeding states and life stages of PRMs. First, we selected candidates based on the following criteria: sufficient expression intensity and no significant expression difference between fed and starved states. We selected and characterized seven candidate reference genes. Among them, we evaluated the gene expression stability between the starved and fed states using RefFinder; moreover, we compared their expression levels in each life-stage and identified two reference genes, Elongation factor 1-alpha (ELF1A)-like and apolipophorins-like. Finally, we evaluated the utility of the candidates as reference genes, and the use of ELF1A-like and apolipophorins-like successfully normalized ATP synthase subunit g -like gene expression. Thus, ELF1A-like and apolipophorins-like could be suitable reference genes in PRMs.
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Ticks are second to mosquitoes as vectors of disease. Ticks affect livestock industries in Asia, Africa and Australia at ~$1.13 billion USD per annum. For instance, 80% of the global cattle population is at risk of infestation by the Rhipicephalus microplus species-complex, which in 2016 was estimated to cause $22-30 billion USD annual losses. Although the management of tick populations mainly relies on the application of acaricides, this raises concerns due to tick resistance and accumulation of chemical residues in milk, meat, and the environment. To counteract acaricide-resistant tick populations, immunological tick control is regarded among the most promising sustainable strategies. Indeed, immense efforts have been devoted toward identifying tick vaccine antigens. Until now, Bm86-based vaccines have been the most effective under field conditions, but they have shown mixed success worldwide. Currently, of the two Bm86 vaccines commercialized in the 1990s (GavacTM in Cuba and TickGARD PLUS TM in Australia), only GavacTM is available. There is thus growing consensus that combining antigens could broaden the protection range and enhance the efficacies of tick vaccines. Yet, the anticipated outcomes have not been achieved under field conditions. Therefore, this review demystifies the potential limitations and proposes ways of sustaining enhanced cocktail tick vaccine efficacy.
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Trichinella spiralis can modulate host immune responses to retain a suitable environment for its long-term survival. Incidentally, the parasite elicits regulatory effects through immunomodulatory molecule release, which can suppress host inflammation and may be used for the treatment of unrelated inflammatory diseases in someday. Here we identified and characterized a novel T. spiralis cystatin (TsCstN), which inhibits inflammation mediated by LPS-treated macrophages.Proteins contained in the excretory–secretory (ES) product of muscle-stage T. spiralis (ES-L1) were fractionated, and each was treated with mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages (mBMDMs) before LPS stimulation. The fractions that exhibited high immunomodulatory property by decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokines or increasing anti-inflammatory cytokines were identified by mass spectrometry. Incidentally, the conserved hypothetical protein (Tsp_04814) was selected for further characterization as it presented the most significant MS score. An annotation of Tsp_04814 using protein structural homology comparison suggested that it has high structural similarity to human cystatin E/M (TM score 0.690). The recombinant T. spiralis novel cystatin (rTsCstN) was expressed in Escherichia coli at a molecular weight of approximately 13 kDa. Mouse anti-rTsCstN polyclonal antibody (pAb) could detect native TsCstN in crude worm antigens (CWA) and ES-L1 and be predominantly localized in the stichosome and subcuticular cells. rTsCstN inhibited cysteine proteases in vitro, especially cathepsin L, at an optimal pH of 6. Besides, rTsCstN could be internalized into mBMDMs, which were mostly distributed in the cytoplasm and lysosome both before and after LPS stimulation. To evaluate the rTsCstN immunomodulatory properties on mBMDMs, rTsCstN was incubated with mBMDM before LPS stimulation; this demonstrated that rTsCstN suppressed pro-inflammatory cytokine production and MHC class II expression.T. spiralis L1-derived TsCstN was characterized as a novel cysteine protease inhibitor. The protein elicits an anti-inflammatory property by suppressing pro-inflammatory cytokines and interfering with the antigen presentation process through depletion of MHC class II expression.
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Periodontitis is an infectious disease whereby the chronic inflammatory process of the periodontium stimulated by bacterial products induces specific host cell responses. The activation of the host cell immune system upregulates the production of inflammatory mediators, comprising cytokines and proteolytic enzymes, which contribute to inflammation and bone destruction. It has been well known that periodontitis is related to systemic inflammation which links to numerous systemic diseases, including diabetes and arteriosclerosis. Furthermore, periodontitis has been reported in association with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in the brain. Regarding immune responses and inflammation, cathepsin B (CatB) plays pivotal role for the induction of IL-1β, cathepsin K- (CatK-) dependent active toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) signaling, and cathepsin S (CatS) which involves in regulating both TLR signaling and maturation of the MHC class II complex. Notably, both the production and proteolytic activities of cathepsins are upregulated in chronic inflammatory diseases, including periodontitis. In the present review, we focus on the roles of cathepsins in the innate and adaptive immune responses within periodontitis. We believe that understanding the roles of cathepsins in the immune responses in periodontitis would help to elucidate the therapeutic strategies of periodontitis, thus benefit for reduction of systemic diseases as well as neurodegenerative diseases in the global aging society.
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The poultry red mite (PRM), Dermanyssus gallinae, is a hematophagous ectoparasite considered as the major pest in the egg-laying industry. Its pesticide-based control is only partially successful and requires the development of new control interventions such as vaccines. In this study, we follow a vaccinology approach to identify PRM candidate protective antigens. Based on proteomic data from fed and unfed nymph and adult mites, we selected a novel PRM protein, calumenin (Deg-CALU), which is tested as a vaccine candidate on an on-hen trial. Rhipicephalus microplus Subolesin (Rhm-SUB) was chosen as a positive control. Deg-CALU and Rhm-SUB reduced the mite oviposition by 35 and 44%, respectively. These results support Deg-CALU and Rhm-SUB as candidate protective antigens for the PRM control.
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Background: New candidate protective antigens for tick vaccine development may be identified by selecting and testing antigen candidates that play key biological functions. After blood-feeding, tick midgut overexpresses proteins that play essential functions in tick survival and disease transmission. Herein, Ornithodoros erraticus midgut transcriptomic and proteomic data were examined in order to select functionally significant antigens upregulated after feeding to be tested as vaccine candidate antigens. Methods: Transcripts annotated as chitinases, tetraspanins, ribosomal protein P0 and secreted proteins/peptides were mined from the recently published O. erraticus midgut transcriptome and filtered in a second selection step using criteria based on upregulation after feeding, predicted antigenicity and expression in the midgut proteome. Five theoretical candidate antigens were selected, obtained as recombinant proteins and used to immunise rabbits: one chitinase (CHI), two tetraspanins (TSPs), the ribosomal protein P0 (RPP0) and one secreted protein PK-4 (PK4). Results: Rabbit vaccination with individual recombinant candidates induced strong humoral responses that mainly reduced nymph moulting and female reproduction, providing 30.2% (CHI), 56% (TSPs), 57.5% (RPP0) and 57.8% (PK4) protection to O. erraticus infestations and 19.6% (CHI), 11.1% (TSPs), 0% (RPP0) and 8.1% (PK4) cross-protection to infestations by the African tick Ornithodoros moubata. The joint vaccine efficacy of the candidates was assessed in a second vaccine trial reaching 66.3% protection to O. erraticus and 25.6% cross-protection to O. moubata. Conclusions: These results (i) indicate that argasid chitinases and RPP0 are promising protective antigens, as has already been demonstrated for ixodid chitinases and RPP0, and could be included in vaccines targeting multiple tick species; (ii) reveal novel protective antigens tetraspanins and secreted protein PK-4, never tested before as protective antigens in ticks; and (iii) demonstrate that multi-antigenic vaccines increased vaccine efficacy compared with individual antigens. Lastly, our data emphasize the value of the tick midgut as a source of protective candidate antigens in argasids for tick control.
The poultry red mite (Dermanyssus gallinae; PRM) is a blood-sucking ectoparasite of chickens that is a threat to poultry farming worldwide and significantly reduces productivity in the egg-laying industry. Chemical acaricides that are widely used in poultry farms for the prevention of PRMs are frequently ineffective due to the emergence of acaricide-resistant PRMs. Therefore, alternative control methods are needed, and vaccination is a promising strategy for controlling PRMs. A novel adipocyte-plasma membrane-associated protein-like molecule (Dg-APMAP) is highly expressed in blood-fed PRMs according to a previous RNA sequencing analysis. Here, we attempted to identify the full sequence of Dg-APMAP, study its expression in different life stages of PRMs, and evaluate its potential as a vaccine antigen. Dg-APMAP mRNA was expressed in the midgut and ovaries, and in all life stages regardless of feeding states. Importantly, in vitro feeding of PRMs with plasma derived from chickens immunized with the recombinant protein of the extracellular region of Dg-APMAP significantly reduced their survival rate in nymphs and adults, which require blood meals. Our data suggest that the host immune responses induced by vaccination with Dg-APMAP could be an effective strategy to reduce the suffering caused by PRMs in the poultry industry.
Tick saliva contains immunosuppressants which are important to obtain a blood meal and enhance the infectivity of tick-borne pathogens. In Japan, Ixodes persulcatus is a major vector for Lyme borreliosis pathogens, such as Borrelia garinii, as well as for those causing relapsing fever, such as B. miyamotoi. To date, little information is available on bioactive salivary molecules, produced by this tick. Thus, in this study, we identified two proteins, I. persulcatus derived sialostatin L1 (Ip-sL1) and sL2 (Ip-sL2), as orthologs of I. scapularis derived sL1 and sL2. cDNA clones of Ip-sL1 and Ip-sL2 shared a high identity with sequences of sL1 and sL2 isolated from the salivary glands of I. scapularis. Semi-quantitative PCR revealed that Ip-sL1 and Ip-sL2 were expressed in the salivary glands throughout the life of the tick. In addition, Ip-sL1 and Ip-sL2 were expressed even before the ticks started feeding, and their expression continued during blood feeding. Recombinant Ip-sL1 and Ip-sL2 were developed to characterize the proteins via biological and immunological analyses. These analyses revealed that both Ip-sL1 and Ip-sL2 had inhibitory effects on cathepsins L and S. Ip-sL1 and Ip-sL2 inhibited the production of IP-10, TNFα, and IL-6 by LPS-stimulated bone-marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs). Additionally, Ip-sL1 significantly impaired BMDC maturation. Taken together, these results suggest that Ip-sL1 and Ip-sL2 confer immunosuppressive functions and appear to be involved in the transmission of pathogens by suppressing host immune responses, such as cytokine production and dendritic cell maturation. Therefore, further studies are warranted to investigate the immunosuppressive functions of Ip-sL1 and Ip-sL2 in detail to clarify their involvement in pathogen transmission via I. persulcatus.