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Enhancing existing medical school curricula with an innovative healthcare disparities curriculum


Abstract and Figures

Background Effective healthcare disparities curricula seek to train physicians who are well equipped to address the health needs of an increasingly diverse society. Current literature on healthcare disparities curricula and implementation focuses on courses created independent of existing educational materials. Our aim was to develop and implement a novel resource-conserving healthcare disparities curriculum to enhance existing medical school lectures without the need for additional lectures. Methods This non-randomized intervention was conducted at the University of California Los Angeles. The curriculum was offered to all first-year medical students in the class of 2021 (n=188). With institutional approval, a new healthcare disparities curriculum was created based on the Society of General Internal Medicine’s core learning objectives for effective healthcare disparities curricula (J General Internal Med 25:S160–163, 2010). Implementation of the curriculum made use of “teachable moments” within existing medical school lectures. Teachable moments were broad lecture topics identified by the research team as suitable for introducing relevant healthcare disparities content. The new lecture-enhancing healthcare disparities curriculum was delivered with the related lecture via integrated PDF documents uploaded to an online learning management system. Students were encouraged to complete pre- and post- course assessments to examine changes in disparities knowledge and self-rated confidence in addressing disparities. Matched χ2 tests were used for statistical analysis. Results Participating students (n=92) completed both pre- and post-course assessments and were retrospectively stratified, based on self-reported use of the new lecture enhancing curriculum, into the “high utilizer” group (use of materials “sometimes” or “very often,” n=52) and the comparison “low utilizer” group (use of the materials “rarely” or “very rarely,” n=40). Students who self-identified as underrepresented racial and ethnic minorities in medicine were more likely to utilize the material (41% of the high utilizers vs. 17% of the low utilizer group, p<.01). Post-course knowledge assessment scores and self-reported confidence in addressing healthcare disparities improved only in the high utilizer group. Conclusions Integrating new guideline based curricula content simultaneously into pre-existing lectures by identifying and harnessing teachable moments may be an effective and resource-conserving strategy for enhancing healthcare disparities education among first year medical students.
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Treacy‑Abarcaetal. BMC Medical Education (2021) 21:613‑021‑03034‑7
Enhancing existing medical school curricula
withaninnovative healthcare disparities
Sean Treacy‑Abarca1,2 , Marisela Aguilar1,2, Stefanie D. Vassar3,4, Estebes Hernandez1,5, Neveen S. El‑Farra1,5 and
Arleen F. Brown3,4,6*
Background: Effective healthcare disparities curricula seek to train physicians who are well equipped to address
the health needs of an increasingly diverse society. Current literature on healthcare disparities curricula and imple‑
mentation focuses on courses created independent of existing educational materials. Our aim was to develop and
implement a novel resource‑conserving healthcare disparities curriculum to enhance existing medical school lectures
without the need for additional lectures.
Methods: This non‑randomized intervention was conducted at the University of California Los Angeles. The cur‑
riculum was offered to all first‑year medical students in the class of 2021 (n=188). With institutional approval, a new
healthcare disparities curriculum was created based on the Society of General Internal Medicine’s core learning
objectives for effective healthcare disparities curricula (J General Internal Med 25:S160–163, 2010). Implementation of
the curriculum made use of “teachable moments within existing medical school lectures. Teachable moments were
broad lecture topics identified by the research team as suitable for introducing relevant healthcare disparities content.
The new lecture‑enhancing healthcare disparities curriculum was delivered with the related lecture via integrated
PDF documents uploaded to an online learning management system. Students were encouraged to complete pre‑
and post‑ course assessments to examine changes in disparities knowledge and self‑rated confidence in addressing
disparities. Matched χ2 tests were used for statistical analysis.
Results: Participating students (n=92) completed both pre‑ and post‑course assessments and were retrospectively
stratified, based on self‑reported use of the new lecture enhancing curriculum, into the “high utilizer” group (use of
materials “sometimes” or very often, n=52) and the comparison “low utilizer” group (use of the materials “rarely” or
“very rarely,” n=40). Students who self‑identified as underrepresented racial and ethnic minorities in medicine were
more likely to utilize the material (41% of the high utilizers vs. 17% of the low utilizer group, p<.01). Post‑course knowl‑
edge assessment scores and self‑reported confidence in addressing healthcare disparities improved only in the high
utilizer group.
Conclusions: Integrating new guideline based curricula content simultaneously into pre‑existing lectures by
identifying and harnessing teachable moments may be an effective and resource‑conserving strategy for enhancing
healthcare disparities education among first year medical students.
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6 UCLA Division General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research,
911 Broxton Plaza, Room 205, CA 90024 Los Angeles, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Treacy‑Abarcaetal. BMC Medical Education (2021) 21:613
Introduction andbackground
Medical school curricula on the healthcare disparities
that disproportionately affect racial and ethnic minor-
ity patients are critical for training well rounded, cultur-
ally sensitive physicians who are equipped to address the
health needs of an increasingly diverse society. Current
medical school curricula largely lack systematic teaching
on evidenced based healthcare disparities topics. Early
exposure to healthcare disparities topics for physicians
in training is important for the goals of providing access
to high quality care to all patient populations and ensur-
ing that healthcare delivery is continuously improved.
Although many have called for systematic introduction
of healthcare disparities curricula in medical education,
there remain limited data on successful strategies for
achieving this goal [14]. To promote medical education
reform to better address our society’s health needs, the
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
and the Liaison Committee on Medical Education have
long advocated for effective healthcare disparities educa-
tion to improve care for underserved patient populations
[1, 2]. Healthcare disparity education has been described
as suboptimal by both faculty and students despite avail-
able guidelines and the evidence of benefits for medical
institutions that such curricula provide [35].
Effective healthcare disparity education also has posi-
tive effects for medical schools. Explicit attention to
health disparities in the curriculum may improve recruit-
ment of underrepresented in medicine minority (URM)
students (those identifying racially or ethnically as Afri-
can American and/or Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native
American) [6]. Healthcare disparities curricula can
promote a sense of inclusion for URM students in their
learning environment, contributing to a diversified physi-
cian workforce that is better equipped to care for diverse
patient populations [79]. Additionally, healthcare dis-
parities education can more consistently portray minor-
ity populations who may not be represented among
medical school faculty, staff, or students [10, 11]. Com-
prehensive education that includes minority health in a
physician’s formative pre-clinical years improves patient
outcomes [1214]. However, vague or open-ended
healthcare disparities curricula may impede non-URM
students’ learning and comfort related to healthcare dis-
parities [15]. us, both URM and non-URM students
benefit from healthcare disparities curricula delivered
with well-defined learning objectives.
e Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM)
Health Equity Commission, formerly the Disparities
Task Force (DTF), proposed an approach for improving
health disparities education in medicine by providing
institutional stakeholders with well-defined learning
objectives for effective healthcare disparities curricula
[16]. ese core objectives include:
1. Understand attitudes such as mistrust, subcon-
scious bias and stereotyping that practitioners and/or
patients may bring to the clinical encounter.
2. Attain knowledge of the existence and magnitude of
health disparities, including the multi-factorial etiol-
ogies of and the multiple solutions required to elimi-
nate them.
3. Acquire the skills to effectively communicate and
negotiate across cultures, including trust-building
and the use of key tools to improve cross-cultural
communication [16].
Vela et al. used Health Equity Commission learn-
ing objectives to implement and evaluate a week-long
course including lectures, small groups, clinic visits and
poster presentations for incoming medical students [13,
17] is robust curriculum improved students’ knowl-
edge and comfort with healthcare disparities. e study
relied on trained, dedicated instructors, a workforce that
may not be available at all institutions. In contrast, sin-
gle standalone lectures and elective courses on healthcare
disparities delivered alongside existing medical lectures
have not been shown to be effective; instead, studies sug-
gest that there may be benefit to diffusing these elements
throughout medical school curricula [1821]. No studies
have examined whether the content of existing medical
school lectures can provide “teachable moments,” i.e., the
necessary context and opportunity to longitudinally inte-
grate healthcare disparities teaching. Further, few studies
have examined demographic differences in level of inter-
est in disparities curriculum among medical students.
Broadly, our aim was to introduce a new implemen-
tation strategy to integrate guideline-based health-
care disparities content into an existing medical
education curriculum. An important goal of this project
was to address the societal need for physicians who are
well equipped to address healthcare disparities in their
direct service to patients and in their efforts to improve
healthcare systems. To address this gap, we developed,
implemented, and evaluated an innovative healthcare
disparities curriculum and implementation strategy built
upon SGIM Health Equity Commission learning objec-
tives [7, 13]. rough this work, we sought to enhance
Keywords: Healthcare disparities, Medical education, Minority health
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Treacy‑Abarcaetal. BMC Medical Education (2021) 21:613
existing lecture materials in a resource conserving and
sustainable manner through simultaneous delivery of
new content that capitalized on teachable moments.
We sought to evaluate our curriculum’s effectiveness in
teaching healthcare disparities without introducing more
lecture time or requiring additional lecturers.
Setting andparticipants
All entering first-year medical students at the University
of California, Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medi-
cine (DGSOM) (n=188) in the class of 2021 were pro-
vided access to the new curriculum during the 8-week
introductory course, “Block 1.” Use of the curriculum
was encouraged, but course exams did not include this
content, which allowed us to gauge organic interest in
the material and characteristics of the students who
Program description
After an initial assessment, research team of students
and institutional leaders, identified the need for a cost
conserving, effective healthcare disparities curriculum.
A wider group of institutional stake holders were briefed
and approved the implementation of an institution-wide
non-randomized intervention. Study research associ-
ates (second and third year medical students) were then
recruited and trained to assist in the development of
the new healthcare disparities curriculum. Training of
research associates consisted of three in-person training
sessions provided by institutional stakeholders to ensure
an understanding of the SGIM Health Equity Commis-
sion’s learning objectives.
e trained research team then evaluated all lec-
tures within the 8-week “Block 1” introductory course
for the presence of teachable moments to integrate
health disparities topics that were selected based on the
SGIM Health Equity Commission’s learning objectives.
Teachable moments were defined as opportunities within
existing lectures where broad topics could be used to
introduce specific healthcare disparities learning objec-
tives. As an example, in a preexisting immunology lec-
ture that addressed the biological mechanisms of asthma,
the lecture was enhanced with content on racial and eth-
nic healthcare disparities in asthma prevalence, morbid-
ity, mortality and environmental exposures. Topics were
introduced using a template based on SGIM guidelines
for healthcare disparities content. Research associates
applied the template to the teachable moments identified
for assigned topics then determined whether there were
two or more available peer-reviewed research studies on
the topic to support health equity enhancement of the
Not all lectures had teachable moments. Within the
8-week course there were six weeks of lectures that were
amendable to enhancement. Lecture-enhancing health-
care disparity teaching materials were developed for 26
lectures of 43 total lectures given during the six-week
period. e amount of content provided based on the
three SGIM learning objectives varied on a week to week
basis, but 213 topics were introduced of which 15.5%
related to objective 1, 54.5% related to objective 2, and
30% related to objective 3 (Table1).
e curriculum was made easily accessible through the
online learning management system, Gryphon, which
contained all medical school course materials. Block 1
course chairs announced the importance of the new lec-
ture-enhancing healthcare disparities materials and how
to access them. All students were encouraged to study the
materials and participate in the curriculum evaluation.
Students were informed that participation was voluntary.
e new healthcare disparities content was provided to
students on Gryphon as PDFs (Supplementary Fig. 1).
No changes to students’ schedule or lectures were made.
Individual involvement of lecturers in the curriculum
varied, but all referenced the availability of the material.
Table 1 Curriculum content stratified by week and core content
Lectures Lectures Enhanced Topic Totals Learning Objective 1 Learning Objective 2 Learning
Objective 3
Mistrust, bias and Stereotyping Existence and
Magnitude of Health
Across Cultures
Week 2 10 6 31 7 (23%) 14 (45%) 10 (32%)
Week 3 9 2 19 4 (21%) 9 (47%) 6 (32%)
Week 4 10 7 73 7 (9.6%) 44 (60%) 22 (30%)
Week 5 6 4 37 3 (8%) 25 (66%) 9 (24%)
Week 6 8 7 53 12 (23%) 24 (45%) 17 (32%)
Total 43 26 (60%) 213 33 (15.5%) 116 (54.5%) 64 (30%)
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Treacy‑Abarcaetal. BMC Medical Education (2021) 21:613
Research design
e study was granted a “Category 1” exemption for
research on the effectiveness of or the comparison among
instructional techniques by the UCLA Institutional
Review Board. Major aims of our project were to exam-
ine the feasibility of utilizing teachable moments, under-
stand the effectiveness of our implementation strategy
in teaching healthcare disparities topics, and gauge stu-
dent interested in the curricular content. We conducted
a non-randomized intervention, comparing participants
who reported use of the material to those who did not
using a difference in differences approach. Given the
exploratory nature of the project and the institutional
stakeholders’ desire to ensure that all interested students
had access to the disparities curriculum, we decided to
forgo traditional randomization and evaluated the inno-
vative curriculum and implementation strategy using a
non-randomized study design.
All students in the DGSOM in the class of 2021
(n=188) were given access to the lecture-enhancing
materials; a subset of students (n=92) completed pre-
and post- course assessments (Supplementary File 1). We
measured students knowledge of healthcare disparities
with 16 true/false knowledge-based questions and exam-
ined their self-reported confidence levels in addressing
healthcare disparities in clinical settings with seven Lik-
ert scale questions. ese evaluation questionnaires were
developed by the lead authors based on past literature
using similar approaches. Such evaluation approaches
are have been effective in assessing healthcare disparities
curricula [13]. At the end of the 8-week course, students
were asked the same questions, but randomly ordered.
Students were tested only on topics and content taught
in new healthcare disparities curriculum. Students self-
reported their use of the new learning materials which
was then used to accomplish our goal of understanding
organic interest in learning about healthcare disparities
and to create comparison groups.
Among the 92 students who completed the assess-
ments, we compared those who reported use of the
disparities material “sometimes” to “very often” on the
post-course assessments (“utilized materials”) to the 40
students who reported that they used the lecture enhanc-
ing material “rarely” or “very rarely” (“did not utilize the
material” n=40). e former were considered to have
been fully exposed to the innovative curriculum and
implementation strategy. e remaining students were
considered the comparison group. e 96 students who
did not were not included in analysis of the curriculum,
and we do not know the extent to which they used the
disparities curriculum material. McNemar’s matched χ2
test was utilized to compare performance on individual
knowledge questions for the “utilized material” group
versus the “did not utilize the material” group. We also
compared aggregated scores for the two groups using two
sample t-test. Statistical analysis utilized predetermined
cut-offs for statistical relevance at p<.05. All analysis was
conducted using STATA version 16.0 (StataCorp, College
Station, Texas).
e participants consisted of 30% URM students and
70% non-URM or other race (Table2). Students who
self-identified as URM were more likely to have utilized
the healthcare disparities material (41% of the high uti-
lizer group compared to 17% of the low utilizer group,
p<.01), while Asian students did not differ in utilization
of the curriculum (40% versus 37%, p<.215), and White
students were more likely to not use the material (46%
versus 15%, p<.001) (Supplementary Table1).
Individual performance on the 16-knowledge based
true/false questions (Supplementary Table 2) and
responses on confidence based Likert questions was used
to generate composite scores for high compared to low
utilizers (Table2). No statistically significant differences
were found between the two groups in the pre-curricu-
lum knowledge. e average composite post-curriculum
knowledge score for the high utilizer group was 79.9%,
compared to 70% in the low utilizer group (p<.001)
(Table2). Composite post-course knowledge scores for
the high utilizer group improved by 10.8% from a base-
line of 69.1%. Pre-course knowledge scores for the com-
parison group did not improve. e high utilizer group
had higher self-reported confidence (“good” or “very
good/excellent”) in addressing healthcare disparities
issues in a clinical setting: 78%, compared to 49% for the
comparison group, p<.02. Almost all respondents (96%)
described the health disparities curriculum as a valuable
learning resource. No data were available for the students
who chose not to complete the assessments (n=96).
We present an innovative healthcare disparities cur-
riculum that was implemented in a resource conserving
manner by utilizing “teachable moments” to integrate a
healthcare disparities curriculum into pre-existing medi-
cal school lectures. We observed improved knowledge of
healthcare disparities topics and enhanced self-reported
confidence in addressing these topics in a clinical set-
ting. Both findings suggest that this approach may be
an important tool for medical institutions interested in
advancing equitable healthcare by promoting a height-
ened understanding of healthcare disparities among
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Treacy‑Abarcaetal. BMC Medical Education (2021) 21:613
Capitalizing on teachable moments is a viable
resource-conserving strategy to implement guideline-
based healthcare disparities curricula like ours. A key to
harnessing teachable moments was use of an established
guideline, a team with knowledge of healthcare dispari-
ties, and administrative stakeholders who facilitated the
project. ese features also are important components to
generalize this work to other institutions in an efficient
and sustainable manner.
An effective healthcare disparities curriculum during a
physician’s formative pre-clinical years has the potential
to contribute to the advancement of equitable healthcare
for underserved populations. e evidence-based health
disparities content in our intervention exposes physi-
cians in training—with varying baseline knowledge and
interest of healthcare disparities—to information that
prepares them to care for patients from underserved
socioeconomic and racial and ethnic backgrounds. In
Table 2 Program evaluation for improvement in student knowledge and confidence post curriculum
Knowledge of
Health Disparities High Utilizers
N = 52 Low Utilizers
N = 40 High vs. Low
Average percent cor‑
rect answers (SD) 69
(15.6) 80 (13.8) 0.001 69
(12.1) 70.0 (14.7) 0.692 0.0013
Abilities & Con-
dence Post- Cur-
Poor/Fair % Good
%Very Good/ Excel-
lent % Poor/Fair % Good % Very Good/ Excel-
lent % X2 P-Value
Rate your present abil‑
ity to describe some
health disparities
among Blacks/African
Americans in the
United States?
20 53 27 37 57 6 0.048
Rate your present
confidence in address‑
ing health disparities
issues in a clinical
22 65 13 51 40 9 0.021
Rate your present
ability to describe
some health dis‑
parities among Native
American and Alaskan
Native populations in
the United States?
54 41 4 77 23 0 0.076
Rate your present
ability to describe
some health dispari‑
ties among Hispanic/
Latino populations in
the United States?
22 61 17 37 57 6 0.142
Rate your present
ability to describe the
impact of socio‑
economic status on
disease outcomes?
2 57 41 6 71 23 0.182
Rate your present abil‑
ity to describe impact
of commercially
obtained insurance
and government
health insurance on
health outcomes?
22 72 7 31 69 0 0.220
Rate your present abil‑
ity to describe major
barriers and drivers of
health disparity?
2 70 28 9 71 20 0.332
Composite of 16 True‑
False Questions Pre Correct
%Post Correct
%two sample
t-test p-value
Pre Correct
%Post Correct
%two sample
t-test p-value
two sample
t-test p-value
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Treacy‑Abarcaetal. BMC Medical Education (2021) 21:613
our study, students’ knowledge of healthcare dispari-
ties improved significantly as did their confidence in
addressing these topics in a clinical setting. Incorporating
this information into the curriculum is one step toward
equipping physicians with the tools to address healthcare
disparities and to contribute to solutions for the care of
vulnerable populations.
URM students were more likely to utilize the learn-
ing materials than their non-URM counterparts. Under-
studied areas of medical education include the effects
of healthcare disparities curricula on both the short and
long-term success of URM students. Robust healthcare
disparities curricula may facilitate recruitment of URM
applicants to medical programs [7]. Further work should
examine how healthcare disparities teaching affects URM
student success in medical school and their long term
outcomes. Although non-URM students were less likely
to utilize the material, this finding provides an opportu-
nity for future studies to examine strategies to increase
self-motivated learning about healthcare disparities
among non-URM students, who represent the major-
ity of medical students nationwide. We hope findings
such as ours motivate institutional stakeholders to create
learning environments that ensure students from varying
demographic backgrounds are well versed in the exist-
ence and importance of addressing healthcare disparities.
At the level of institutional stakeholders, our study
builds upon existing approaches that have focused on the
creation of standalone lectures and courses rather than
enhancing existing medical school lectures. One suc-
cessful example of a standalone course, implemented by
Vela etal., delivered an immersive healthcare disparities
curriculum prior to first year course work [13]. Similar to
our curriculum this course was built upon SGIM Health
Equity Commission learning objectives. 8 However, in
contrast we improved students’ knowledge of healthcare
disparities and their confidence in addressing healthcare
disparities without the creation of a standalone course.
ese analyses have some limitations. Our study inten-
tionally used a convenience sample, which allowed us
to study self-motivated learning for healthcare dispari-
ties across a diverse cohort of students. A randomized
controlled trial can provide additional insights into the
impact of the curricular enhancement and teachable
moment approach. An alternate strategy is to promote
participation in voluntary healthcare disparities curric-
ula across all members of the student body. For example,
providing additional benefits to students who voluntar-
ily participate in this program may increase utilization
of these enhanced curricula. is is a single center study,
which limits external validity; however, our student
cohort included substantial numbers of URM in medi-
cine, who are an understudied population in medical
education literature. As this project was an initial pilot
study of the curriculum and implementation strategy,
we made use true-false tests and simple metrics to assess
gains in knowledge and confidence. Future work should
incorporate more complex strategies, such as case-based
evaluation. Continued evaluation during students’ clini-
cal years is also important to study extinguishment/
sustainment of the intervention effect, and longer term
association of the curriculum with student knowledge,
confidence, and attitudes. Finally, additional work should
also be devoted to achieving consensus on core compe-
tencies that all medical students need to address health-
care disparities in their careers.
By harnessing teachable moments and delivering con-
tent that enhances healthcare disparities curriculum
concurrently with traditional lectures through an online
learning management system, we were able to increase
knowledge about healthcare inequities and self-rated
confidence in addressing disparities during the 8-week
course. Integrating these resource conserving approaches
into existing online learning management systems is a
viable strategy for many medical schools. e educa-
tional resources we developed have been made available
to other programs via an open access online repository
that will allow programs to tailor the curricula and strate-
gies to their programs.
DGSOM: David Geffen School of Medicine; DTF: Disparities Task Force; SGIM:
Society of General Internal Medicine; URM: Underrepresented in Medicine
Supplementary Information
The online version contains supplementary material available at https:// doi.
org/ 10. 1186/ s12909‑ 021‑ 03034‑7.
Additional le1.
Additional le2.
Additional le3.
Additional le4. Health Disparities Assessment.
We would like to thank Chandra Smart, MD and Bernard Ribalet, PhD for their
permission to conduct the study. Sheri Klein for her technical assistance with
uploading content to online course management system. The David Geffen
School of Medicine Class of 2021 for their participation in the study. Ayman
Ullah and Nivedita Keshav for expansion of the study.
Authors’ contributions
All co‑authors listed below have contributed significantly, agree with the
content of the manuscript, and have approved the manuscript. STA, MA
helped create and implement the intervention. EH, NEF, SV, and AB provided
technical guidance on educational curricula materials and data collection. All
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
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Treacy‑Abarcaetal. BMC Medical Education (2021) 21:613
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authors were responsible for IRB approval, study design, statistical analysis and
interpretation of the data.
This study was funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational
Science (NCATS) UCLA CTSI Grant Number UL1TR001881 and the David Gef‑
fen Foundation. The funding institutions played no role in the design of the
study, data collection, analysis, interpretation of the data or in writing of the
Availability of data and materials
The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from
the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Not applicable, no human tissue or clinical data was utilized in this study.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Author details
1 UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, USA. 2 UCLA Fielding
School of Public Health, Los Angeles, USA. 3 UCLA Division of General Internal
Medicine & Health Services Research, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 4 Olive View‑UCLA
Medical Center, Sylmar, CA, USA. 5 Department of Medicine, David Geffen
School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, Los Angeles, USA.
6 UCLA Division General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research, 911
Broxton Plaza, Room 205, CA 90024 Los Angeles, USA.
Received: 25 November 2020 Accepted: 24 November 2021
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... Several groups have developed curriculum innovations regarding healthcare disparities [13][14][15][16], and others have developed strategies and tools to review teaching cases for diversity and inclusion [17,18]. One standout example was Krishnan et al. [19], who reviewed the content of teaching cases used in the commercially available Aquifer platform ( ...
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Background Simulated cases are widely used in medical education to develop clinical reasoning skills and discuss key topics around patient care. Such cases present an opportunity to demonstrate real world encounters with diverse patient and health provider identities, impacts of social and structural determinants of health, and demonstrate a generalist approach to problems. However, despite many calls-to-action for medical schools to better incorporate equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and generalism, it remains difficult to evaluate how well these goals are being met. Methods A quality improvement project was completed at a single medical school to evaluate the domains of generalism and EDI within simulated cases used in the preclinical curriculum. Generalism was evaluated using the Toronto Generalism Assessment Tool (T-GAT). EDI was evaluated using a locally developed novel tool. Analysis included descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation coefficient. Results A total of 49 simulated cases were reviewed. Twelve generalism and 5 EDI items were scored on a 5-point Likert scale, with higher scores indicating better demonstration of generalism or EDI within a case. Average generalism score across all cases was 45.6/60. Average EDI score across all cases was 11.7/25. Only 21/49 cases included representation of one or more diverse identity categories. The most common diverse identity represented was non-white races/ethnicities, and the identity represented the least was diversity in language fluency. Generalism and EDI scores demonstrated a weak positive correlation (R² = 0.25). Conclusions Quantitative evaluation of simulated cases using specific generalism and EDI scoring tools was successful in generating insight into areas of improvement for teaching cases. This approach identified key content areas for case improvement and identities that are currently underrepresented in teaching cases. Similar approaches could be feasibly used by other medical schools to improve generalism and EDI in teaching cases or other curricular materials.
... 10). However, while U. S.-based medical schools have started to implement teaching about the SSDH [19,20], as now required by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) [21] and outlined by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) [22], the published literature describing this work has been limited [23] and has not definitively answered what should be taught, what teaching methods should be used, or how methods and learners should be assessed, leading to a lack of social accountability [24,25]. As noted by Sharma et al. (2018), 'A key challenge in understanding how the SDH are taught in medical schools is locating the SDH in medical curriculum' (p. ...
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Introduction Addressing the Social and Structural Determinants of Health (SSDH) is a primary strategy for attaining health equity. Teaching and learning about SSDH has increased across medical schools throughout the world; however, the published literature describing these efforts continues to be limited and many unknowns persist including what should be taught and by whom, what teaching methods and settings should be used, and how medical learners should be assessed. Materials and Methods Based on published studies, input from experts in the field, and elements from the framework developed by the National Academy of Medicine, we created a universal Social and Structural Determinants of Health Curriculum Assessment Tool (SSDH CAT) to assist medical educators to assess existing SSDH curricular content, ascertain critical gaps, and categorize educational methods, delivery, and assessment techniques and tools that could help inform curricular enhancements to advance the goal of training a health care workforce focused on taking action to achieve health equity. To test the usefulness of the tool, we applied the SSDH CAT to map SSDH-related curriculum at a US-based medical school. Results By applying the SSDH CAT to our undergraduate medical school curriculum, we recognized that our SSDH curriculum relied too heavily on lectures, emphasized knowledge without sufficient skill building, and lacked objective assessment measures. As a result of our curricular review, we added more skill-based activities such as using evidence-based tools for screening patients for social needs, and created and implemented a universal, longitudinal, experiential community health curriculum. Discussion We created a universal SSDH CAT and applied it to assess and improve our medical school’s SSDH curriculum. The SSDH CAT provides a starting point for other medical schools to assess their SSDH content as a strategy to improve teaching and learning about health equity, and to inspire students to act on the SSDH.
... Within social work, ethnic and gender studies, and education, researchers have developed pedagogical strategies for higher education, including the integration of social justice principles or multicultural and feminist theories into teaching. [22][23][24][25][26]28 and nursing programs 29,30 also have identified strategies to transform curricula to ensure they integrate disparities content. Perhaps most importantly, published evidence shows that patient-centered benefits ensue from adding disparities content in biomedical and nursing school curricula, [31][32][33][34] and demonstrates the necessity of integrating cultural competence and social determinants into health education to support improvements in patient outcomes. ...
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Objective To assess the extent to which health disparities content is integrated in multidisciplinary health informatics training programs and examine instructor perspectives surrounding teaching strategies and challenges, including student engagement with course material. Materials and Methods Data for this cross-sectional, descriptive study were collected between April and October 2019. Instructors of informatics courses taught in the United States were recruited via listservs and email. Eligibility was contingent on course inclusion of disparities content. Participants completed an online survey with open- and closed-ended questions to capture administrative- and teaching-related aspects of disparities education within informatics. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics; qualitative data were analyzed using inductive coding. Results Invitations were sent to 141 individuals and 11 listservs. We obtained data from 23 instructors about 24 informatics courses containing health disparities content. Courses were taught primarily in graduate-level programs (n = 21, 87.5%) in informatics (n = 9, 33.3%), nursing (n = 7, 25.9%), and information science (n = 6, 22.2%). The average course covered 6.5 (range 2–13) social determinants of health; socioeconomic status and race/ethnicity (both n = 21, 87.5%) were most frequently addressed. Instructors described multiple obstacles, including lack of resources and time to cover disparities topics adequately, topic sensitivity, and student-related challenges (eg, lack of prior understanding about disparities). Discussion A foundational and translational knowledge in health disparities is critical to a student’s ability to develop future equitable informatics solutions. Based on our findings, we provide recommendations for the intentional and required integration of health disparities-specific content in informatics curricula and competencies.
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Scholars within the medical sciences recently have called on undergraduate educators to incorporate the social sciences in order to teach pre-health students structural competencies – or the ability to articulate how social structures produce racial, ethnic, gender, class, and other disparities – in order to better serve these populations medically. Authors used a semester-long course to assess how experiential learning focused on the topic of structural inequities improves structural competency. In Fall 2018, 27 students completed a hands-on, experiential, course focused on structural factors and health disparities. The authors conducted a mixed-methods, pre-/post-test design to solicit data on students’ views on the reasons for high rates of obesity, gender pay disparities, and racial/ethnic housing segregation. Using systematic qualitative data analysis and statistical analysis of coded answers, the authors were able to detect pre-/post-test differences in the number of times students identified structural reasons for the disparities. Statistical analysis showed that students were able to identify an average of 4.63 structural reasons at pre-test, and that increased to 5.93 reasons at post-test (statically significant (p = 0.007)), indicating an increase in structural awareness after participation in the course. Qualitative analysis, using systematic methods of coding and a modified constant comparison method, demonstrated that students’ ability to articulate structural reasons for inequality greatly improved. This experiential learning course, while relatively short, was found to increase students’ ability to identify structural factors and articulate them with deeper understandings. Future curriculum development should consider incorporating experiential learning to promote structural competency, rather than a more traditional passive, content-delivery method of training.
Background To provide optimal care, medical students should understand that the social determinants of health (SDH) impact their patients’ well-being. Those charged with teaching SDH to future physicians, however, face a paucity of curricular guidance. Objective This review’s objective is to map key characteristics from publications about teaching SDH to students in undergraduate medical education (UME). Methods In 2016, the authors searched PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, the Cochrane and ERIC databases, bibliographies, and MedEdPORTAL for articles published between January 2010 and November 2016. Four reviewers screened articles for eligibility then extracted and analyzed data descriptively. Scoping review methodology was used to map key concepts and curricular logistics as well as educator and student characteristics. Results The authors screened 3571 unique articles of which 22 were included in the final review. Many articles focused on community engagement (15). Experiential learning was a common instructional strategy (17) and typically took the form of community or clinic-based learning. Nearly half (10) of the manuscripts described school-wide curricula, of which only three spanned a full year. The majority of assessment was self-reported (20) and often related to affective change. Few studies objectively assessed learner outcomes (2). Conclusions The abundance of initial articles screened highlights the growing interest in SDH in medical education. The small number of selected articles with sufficient detail for abstraction demonstrates limited SDH curricular dissemination. A lack of accepted tools or practices that limit development of robust learner or program evaluation was noted. Future research should focus on identifying and evaluating effective instructional and assessment methodologies to address this gap, exploring additional innovative teaching frameworks, and examining the specific contexts and characteristics of marginalized and underserved populations and their coverage in medical education.
Problem: Sociodemographic identities, including race, culture, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation (race and culture), are recognized as important determinants of health, with significant impacts on patients' health outcomes, but teaching medical students about this is challenging. The authors sought to identify areas for improvement in delivery of critical content about race, culture, structural inequalities, and health disparities within a set of virtual patient cases used by U.S. medical schools and develop revision guidelines. Approach: A workgroup (medical students and faculty) conducted a literature review in 2017 to identify challenges and best practices for teaching and learning about race and culture in medicine. Using an analytic framework informed by this review, they analyzed 63 Aquifer virtual patient teaching cases for effectiveness of the presentation of race and culture, resulting in six main themes describing common mistakes or pitfalls. They then developed an evidence-based guide for systematic case revision. Outcomes: The authors present a novel, practical guide for medical educators to use to revise existing teaching cases and improve the delivery of critical concepts surrounding race and culture. This guide includes fundamental definitions and six sections to guide structured case revision based on the main themes. It includes examples of language, suggested edits, and the rationale and evidence for recommendations. Next steps: Feedback from faculty and students regarding implementation of the guide and delivery of revised content in Aquifer cases will be critical in determining the guide's effectiveness. This structured guide may be adapted to a variety of teaching modalities in medicine.
Purpose: Accreditation bodies have mandated teaching social determinants of health (SDH) to medical students, but there has been limited guidance for educators on what or how to teach, and how to evaluate students' competence. To fill this gap, this study aimed to develop an SDH curricular consensus guide for teaching the SDH to medical students. Method: In 2017, the authors used a modified Delphi technique to survey an expert panel of educators, researchers, students, and community advocates about knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSA), and logistics regarding SDH teaching and assessment. They identified the panel and ranked a comprehensive list of topics based on a scoping review of SDH education studies and discussions with key informants. A total of 57 experts were invited. Results: Twenty-two and 12 panelists participated in Delphi round 1 and 2, respectively. The highest ranked items regarding KSA were: "Appreciation that the SDH are some of the root causes of health outcomes and health inequities" and "How to work effectively with community health workers." The panel achieved consensus that the SDH should comprise 29% of the total curricula and be taught continuously throughout the curriculum. Multiple-choice tests were ranked lowest as an assessment method and patient feedback was ranked highest. Panelists noted that SDH content must be a part of standardized exams to be prioritized by faculty and students. Conclusions: An expert panel endorsed essential curricular content, teaching methods, and evaluation approaches that can be used to help guide medical educators regarding SDH curriculum development.
Social determinants of health are nonmedical factors that can affect a person's overall health and health outcomes. Where a person is born and the social conditions they are born into can affect their risk factors for premature death and their life expectancy. In this position paper, the American College of Physicians acknowledges the role of social determinants in health, examines the complexities associated with them, and offers recommendations on better integration of social determinants into the health care system while highlighting the need to address systemic issues hindering health equity.
Background Structural competency is an emerging framework for teaching health disparities from a systems-level perspective. A group of medical students piloted a peer-taught course on applying structural competency to patient care. Measuring the impact of educational innovations is critical, yet no literature quantitatively assessing structural competency curricula currently exists for the medical school setting. Methods Students adapted an existing cultural competency assessment instrument to create the Clinical Structural Competency Questionnaire, a 52-item Likert-based survey tool. This tool was used to assess students’ self-reported knowledge, skills, and attitudes before, immediately after, and 6 months after the course. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results Response proportion immediately after the course was 84% (n = 114). Of these, 34% (n = 39) could be matched for all survey time-points. Students reported increases in knowledge of structural competency (p < 0.01). They reported higher levels of comfort addressing structural issues in patient care, including “coming up with a treatment plan which takes into account any structural issues in a patient’s life” (p < 0.01). Student attitudes changed significantly, including a decrease in perceived importance of genetics in determining health and health disparities (p < 0.01), relative to factors like zip code (p < 0.01), voting (p < 0.01), and housing stability (p < 0.01). Conclusion Medical students perceived an improvement in knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding application of structural thinking and practices to patient care, after a peer-taught course. Peer-taught structural competency instruction can be effective and should be implemented to train health professional students in understanding and addressing health disparities using systems-level thinking.
Many efforts to design introductory “cultural competence” courses for medical students rely on an information delivery (competence) paradigm, which can exoticize patients while obscuring social context, medical culture, and power structures. Other approaches foster a general open-minded orientation, which can remain nebulous without clear grounding principles. Medical educators are increasingly recognizing the limitations of both approaches and calling for strategies that reenvision cultural competence training. Successfully realizing such alternative strategies requires the development of comprehensive models that specify and integrate theoretical frameworks, content, and teaching principles. In this article, the authors present one such model: Introduction to Medicine and Society (IMS), a required cultural competence course launched in 2013 for first-year medical students at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Building on critical pedagogy, IMS is centered on a novel specification of “critical consciousness” in clinical practice as an orientation to understanding and pragmatic action in three relational domains: internal, interpersonal, and structural. Instead of transmitting discrete “facts” about patient “types,” IMS content provokes students to engage with complex questions bridging the three domains. Learning takes place in a small-group space specifically designed to spur transformation toward critical consciousness. After discussing the three key components of the course design and describing a representative session, the authors discuss the IMS model’s implications, reception by students and faculty, and potential for expansion. Their early experience suggests the IMS model successfully engages students and prepares future physicians to critically examine experiences, manage interpersonal dynamics, and structurally contextualize patient encounters.
Critical examination of “health disparities” is gaining consideration in medical schools across the United States, often as elective curricula that supplement required education. However, there is disconnect between discussions of race and disparities in these curricula and in core science courses. Specifically, required preclinical science lecturers often operationalize race as a biological concept, framing racialized disparities as inherent in bodies. A three- and five-month sampling of lecture slides at the authors’ medical school demonstrated that race was almost always presented as a biological risk factor. This presentation of race as an essential component of epidemiology, risk, diagnosis, and treatment without social context is problematic, as a broad body of literature supports that race is not a robust biological category. The authors opine that current preclinical medical curricula inaccurately employ race as a definitive medical category without context, which may perpetuate misunderstanding of race as a bioscientific datum, increase bias among student–doctors, and ultimately contribute to worse patient outcomes. At the authors’ institution, students approached the medical school administration with a letter addressing the current use of race, urging reform. The administration was receptive to proposals for further analysis of race in medical education and created a taskforce to examine curricular reform. Curricular changes were made as part of the construction of a longitudinal race-in-medicine curriculum. The authors seek to use their initiatives and this article to spark critical discussion on how to use teaching of race to work against racial inequality in health care.
Purpose: Representation of persons from diverse backgrounds remains a persistent challenge for medicine and dentistry workforces. Past research has focused on quantifying factors such as markers of educational achievement to explain the difficulty of increasing diversity within the professions. There has been less effort toward understanding the perspectives of undergraduate students on the threshold of applying to medical/dental school about distinct barriers to pursuing a medical or dental career and continuing through the training pipeline. Method: In 2012 and 2013, the authors conducted a qualitative study of undergraduate students participating in the Tour for Diversity in Medicine, a program where minority physicians and dentists visit colleges with large fractions of minority students to encourage careers in the health professions. Focus groups were convened during the visits to examine perceived barriers to pursuing careers in medicine and dentistry and challenges identified through thematic content analysis. Results: Eighty-two students participated in discussions at 11 colleges visited between September 2012 and February 2013. Students described challenges including inadequate institutional resources (e.g., sparse clinical opportunities), strained personal resources (e.g., conflict arising from familial pressure), inadequate guidance and mentoring to assist with key career decisions, and societal barriers. For participants, these challenges caused them to question the viability of persisting in the pipeline to a medical or dental career. Conclusions: Solving the issue of diversity in medicine and dentistry is multifaceted, but elucidated challenges from the undergraduate student perspective offer targeted areas where intervention may help remedy barriers and decrease pipeline leakiness.