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A Study on Speech Emotion Recognitions on Machine Learning Algorithms


Abstract and Figures

Speech emotion detection has been extremely relevant in today’s digital culture in recent years. RAVDESS, TESS, and SAVEE Datasets were used to train the model in our project. To determine the precision of each algorithm with each dataset, we looked at ten separate Machine Learning Algorithms. Following that, we cleaned the datasets by using the mask feature to eliminate unnecessary background noise, and then we applied all 10 algorithms to this clean speech dataset to improve accuracy. Then we look at the accuracies of all ten algorithms and see which one is the greatest. Finally, by using the algorithm, we could calculate the number of sound files correlated with each of the emotions described in those datasets.
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A Study on Speech Emotion Recognitions
on Machine Learning Algorithms
Shanmuk Srinivas Amiripalli
a 1
, Potnuru Likhitha
, Sisankita Patnaik
, Suresh Babu K
Rampay Venkatarao
Dept of CSE, GIT, GITAM University,Visakhapatnam,Andhrapradesh,India
Dept of CSE, Wollega University, Nekemte, Eithopia
Abstract. Speech emotion detection has been extremely relevant in today's digital
culture in recent years. RAVDESS, TESS, and SAVEE Datasets were used to train
the model in our project. To determine the precision of each algorithm with each
dataset, we looked at ten separate Machine Learning Algorithms. Following that,
we cleaned the datasets by using the mask feature to eliminate unnecessary
background noise, and then we applied all 10 algorithms to this clean speech
dataset to improve accuracy. Then we look at the accuracies of all ten algorithms
and see which one is the greatest. Finally, by using the algorithm, we could
calculate the number of sound files correlated with each of the emotions described
in those datasets.
Keywords. Scikit-learn, MLPClassifier, Logistic Regression, Naïve Bayes, XGB,
LightGBM, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Support Vector Machine.
1. Introduction
In classification, a set of data is categorized into classes, and it can be performed
not only on structured data but also on unstructured data. Each data point of datasets is
predicted into which class it falls under. These classes can be referred as targets, labels
or categories. The task of the Classification predictive model is to approximate the
mapping function from input variables to discrete output variables. Example for Binary
Classification: While flipping a coin, the chances of getting head or tail can be
categorized into two classes. Example for Multiclass Classification: There may have a
3-class classification problem of an animal set to classify as lion, tiger or leopard with a
total of 100 instances. The classifier, in this case, needs training data to understand how
the given input variables are related to the class. Once the classifier is trained
accurately, it can detect the output of the particular testing data. This concept was used
to get the accuracy of the dataset. Speech is one of the most natural means for us to
communicate ourselves as humans. We depend on it so often that we can deduce its
significance from other forms of contact, such as emails and instant messaging, in
which we often use sentiment to convey the messages' contents. Since feelings are so
central in conversation, sensing and interpreting them is crucial in today's world of
remote communication.
Shanmuk Srinivas Amiripalli, Dept of CSE, GIT, GITAM University,Visakhapatnam, India
Recent Trends in Intensive Computing
M. Rajesh et al. (Eds.)
© 2021 The authors and IOS Press.
This article is published online with Open Access by IOS Press and distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0).
It is tough to detect feelings because they are emotional. There is no agreed-upon
procedure for quantifying or categorizing them. An SER paradigm is a collection of
methodologies for interpreting and categorizing speech signals to detect emotions. This
type of interface can be used for some items, including interactive voice-based
assistants and caller-agent contact research. We examine audio files' acoustic properties
in this study to detect real feelings in recorded expressions. The method of recognizing
human emotion through expression and affective states is known as Speech Emotion
Recognition or SER. This takes advantage of the idea that voice always reflects natural
feeling by tone and pitch. It involves defining people's feelings dependent on the tone
of their voice in their expressions. People cannot all talk at the same volume. It varies
based on their moods and circumstances. This is the same phenomenon that allows
creatures like dogs and horses to understand human feelings. It's popular in call centres.
If you note, call centre workers do not communicate to each customer in the same way;
their method of speaking to them differs based on the customer. Speech emotion
recognition systems enable workers to understand consumer emotions through speech.
In order for them to strengthen and deliver services to their customers.
2. Literature Survey
In [1-3] compares the speech emotion classification accuracy of speaker-based and
the time to construct the model between Support Vector Machine(SVM) and Multi-
Layer Perceptron(MLP) classifiers. The classification was performed with the WEKA
unit, and the features were extracted with PRAAT. A basic SER module structure was
chosen to compare the described classifiers. Confusion matrix, classification precision,
and construct time are used to test supervised learning algorithms' efficiency. Despite
the fact that MLP outperforms SVM in total emotion classification, SVM's preparation
was quicker.MLP and SVM had acceptance rates of 78.69 and 76.82, respectively. In
MLP, the highest emotion identification was for depression (89%), with pleasure and
anxiety being the most perplexing emotions, while in SVM, the highest emotion
recognition was for indignation (87.4%), with disgust and fear being the most
perplexing emotions. In research [4-7], wavelet packet techniques were used to
recognize speech sentiment. The wavelet packet coefficients were examined at five
decomposition stages, analyzed, and used as inputs to Support Vector Machine (SVM)
classifiers. The findings showed that using these features on seven emotional states in
two languages, German and Chinese, this wavelet packet strategy increased efficiency
by 4.5 percent and 16.9 percent, respectively, as opposed to a single one without these
features. These two datasets have a final success average of 61.9 percent and 62.2
percent, respectively. As a result, it was concluded that wavelet packet coefficient
features outperform Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) features. The ANN-
based decision fusion for SER was introduced in [7-9]. SVM, k-NN, Gaussian Mixture
Model, HMM, ANN, and other sequence classification methods were used to
determine which was the most efficient tool for classifying speech emotions. SVM was
said to have the highest results out of all of them. Some suspected that the ANN could
achieve ideal results, but they didn't know which kind was best for SER. To identify
various feelings, four separate ANNs were used: Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN),
Radial Base Function (RBF) network, Back Propagation (BP) network, and Elman
Network. At the judgment stage, voting systems were used to fuse the recognitions
utilizing Statistical and Spectral characteristics. Principal Factor Analysis decreases the
S. Srinivas Amiripalli et al. / A Study on Speech Emotion Recognitions432
dimensionality of super vectors built from spectral features (PCA). However, since
PCA was used as a dimensionality reduction method rather than a pattern recognition
method, it caused some issues. Proposed decision fusion was discussed as a way to
escape them. The proposed decision fusion was successful, and the dimensionality
reduction was probable, according to the results. In research [10-12] proposes a
speaker-independent approach for categorizing emotional vocal sounds. The treatment
divided the mechanism of recognizing emotions into two sections. The first phase
entails a coarse encoding and grouping of six emotional states to determine which pair
of emotions has the highest likelihood. Low-level encoding procedures were suggested
at this time, and the extracted features were combined to produce the best emotional
state descriptive acoustic vectors. Second, utilizing the Sequential Floating Forward
Selection (SFFS) algorithm, modern encoding strategies were used to define a special
collection of acoustic features for each pair of emotions that can be used to discriminate
between them. There are a total of 72 high-level acoustic features.
3. Proposed Classification Algorithm
The classification is a supervised learning principle of Machine Learning that
separates a dataset into groups. Speech Expression Recognition, Face Identification,
Handwriting Recognition, Text Classification, and other classification problems are
some of the most important. It may also be a multiclass problem or a binary
classification problem. In Machine Learning, there are many classification algorithms.
On the RAVDESS, TESS, and SAVEE datasets, the following algorithms were used.
First of all, we give some audio datasets as input. Extracted features from those speech
files. Declared one dictionary for emotions in the dataset and another dictionary for
emotions that we want to observe. Loaded the dataset and split into two subsets i.e.
75% of data for training and 25% of the data for testing. Initialized a classifier and
trained the model using the dataset to predict the emotions of each of the speech files.
Finally, it gives the emotion as output. We took 3 different datasets, namely
RAVDESS, SAVEE and TESS, which consist of different emotions. We found the
accuracies of the ten different classifiers Logistic Regression, Naïve Baye's, Stochastic
Gradient Descent, KNN, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine,
MLPC, XG Boost and Light GBM, for each dataset and compared them to know which
classifier have more accuracy [13-16]. The accuracy was calculated before and after
masking of the datasets. Depending on the accuracy, we got to know that MLP
Classifier has more accuracy compared to others. Before masking, the accuracy for
RAVDESS, SAVEE, and TESS in MLPC were 70%, 100% and 80%, respectively and
after masking, the accuracy for RAVDESS, SAVEE, and TESS in MLPC were 75.60%,
100% and 84%, respectively [17-21].
Figure 1.
Block Diagram of SER
S. Srinivas Amiripalli et al. / A Study on Speech Emotion Recognitions 433
Figure 2.
Architecture of SER
Step1: Start
Step2: Imported all required packages, libraries and modules.
Step3: Considering five standard features of any audio file and declared a
dictionary that contains the emotions in the dataset and a list with the emotions
Step 4: Input datasets are considered in this research is RAVDESS, TESS, SAVEE.
Step 5: Configuring the experiment with considered 75% of data for training and
25% of data for testing.
Step 6: Initialized a classifier model and fit the model.
Step 7: Accuracy for ten different classifiers and picked one classifier with more
Step 8: Using that classifier, we found a count of files of each of the emotions in
each dataset.
Step 9: Classification reports and confusion matrix for each of them are drawn.
Step10: Stop
4. Results and Discussion
After considering four emotions only as the observed emotions increases, there may
be a chance to decrease accuracy, so we did not consider all emotions. RAVDESS
contains eight emotions, whereas TESS and SAVEE contain seven emotions, so we
took four common emotions from these three datasets. We took emotions happiness,
fear, disgust and neutral in our observation. The below are the results for the count of
files of each emotion we considered in each dataset.
S. Srinivas Amiripalli et al. / A Study on Speech Emotion Recognitions434
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3.Confusion Matrix of MLP Classifier using (a) RAVDESS Dataset (b) TESS Dataset (c)
SAVEE Datase
Table 1.Comparison of Modulation schemes
Emotion Number of files in
Number of files in
Number of files
HAPPY 45 103 20
FEARFUL 41 107 14
DISGUST 56 90 12
NEUTRAL 26 100 29
Figure 4.Count of files of each emotion in each datase
5. Conclusion
In the above research, the major observation is that MLP Classifier is the best
classifier compared to any other classifier in Machine Learning. However, to improve
this model's accuracy, we need to clean the noise in our dataset. We can improve the
efficiency of the model from 71% to 76% for RAVDESS, accuracy for TESS before,
and masking remained constant, i.e. 100%, 80% to 84% for SAVEE by considering
four emotions such as neutral, happy, fearful and disgust. We can use the model to
predict the emotions of the audio files in the datasets and any other sample audio files
with the extension .wav.
S. Srinivas Amiripalli et al. / A Study on Speech Emotion Recognitions 435
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In recent years, the rapid advances in machine learning (ML) and information fusion has made it possible to endow machines/computers with the ability of emotion understanding, recognition, and analysis. Emotion recognition has attracted increasingly intense interest from researchers from diverse fields. Human emotions can be recognized from facial expressions, speech, behavior (gesture/posture) or physiological signals. However, the first three methods can be ineffective since humans may involuntarily or deliberately conceal their real emotions (so-called social masking). The use of physiological signals can lead to more objective and reliable emotion recognition. Compared with peripheral neurophysiological signals, electroencephalogram (EEG) signals respond to fluctuations of affective states more sensitively and in real time and thus can provide useful features of emotional states. Therefore, various EEG-based emotion recognition techniques have been developed recently. In this paper, the emotion recognition methods based on multi-channel EEG signals as well as multi-modal physiological signals are reviewed. According to the standard pipeline for emotion recognition, we review different feature extraction (e.g., wavelet transform and nonlinear dynamics), feature reduction, and ML classifier design methods (e.g., k-nearest neighbor (KNN), naive Bayesian (NB), support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF)). Furthermore, the EEG rhythms that are highly correlated with emotions are analyzed and the correlation between different brain areas and emotions is discussed. Finally, we compare different ML and deep learning algorithms for emotion recognition and suggest several open problems and future research directions in this exciting and fast-growing area of AI.
Topology plays an important role in modern wireless technologies like WSN, Adhoc networks, Cyber-physical system and IOT. We have basic topologies like a bus, ring, star, mesh, tree, etc., which are not fulfilling all the requirements of the modern engineering problems. In this paper, we are making a new attempt to bridge the gap between existing topologies and network design problems. We are introducing a novel Trimet graph based optimized topology named as TGO (Trimet graph optimization) which is used to design a reliable, scalable, secure, simple, cost-effective topology for engineering problems. TGO topology was simulated extensively on various scenarios of wireless technologies using Cooja simulator. Final results are compared with the existing topologies.