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MOMO -- Deep Learning-driven classification of external DICOM studies for PACS archivation

  • University Hospital Essen (AöR)
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Abstract and Figures

Patients regularly continue assessment or treatment in other facilities than they began them in, receiving their previous imaging studies as a CD-ROM and requiring clinical staff at the new hospital to import these studies into their local database. However, between different facilities, standards for nomenclature, contents, or even medical procedures may vary, often requiring human intervention to accurately classify the received studies in the context of the recipient hospital's standards. In this study, the authors present MOMO (MOdality Mapping and Orchestration), a deep learning-based approach to automate this mapping process utilizing metadata substring matching and a neural network ensemble, which is trained to recognize the 76 most common imaging studies across seven different modalities. A retrospective study is performed to measure the accuracy that this algorithm can provide. To this end, a set of 11,934 imaging series with existing labels was retrieved from the local hospital's PACS database to train the neural networks. A set of 843 completely anonymized external studies was hand-labeled to assess the performance of our algorithm. Additionally, an ablation study was performed to measure the performance impact of the network ensemble in the algorithm, and a comparative performance test with a commercial product was conducted. In comparison to a commercial product (96.20% predictive power, 82.86% accuracy, 1.36% minor errors), a neural network ensemble alone performs the classification task with less accuracy (99.05% predictive power, 72.69% accuracy, 10.3% minor errors). However, MOMO outperforms either by a large margin in accuracy and with increased predictive power (99.29% predictive power, 92.71% accuracy, 2.63% minor errors).
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MOMO – Deep Learning-driven classification of
external DICOM studies for PACS archivation
Frederic Jonske1+, Maximilian Dederichs2, Moon-Sung Kim1, Jan Egger1, Lale Umutlu2,
Michael Forsting1, Felix Nensa1,2, Jens Kleesiek1
1Institute for AI in Medicine (IKIM), University Medicine Essen, Germany.
2Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology, University Medicine Essen, Germany.
+Corresponding author
Patients regularly continue assessment or treatment in other facilities than they began them
in, receiving their previous imaging studies as a CD-ROM and requiring clinical staff at the
new hospital to import these studies into their local database. However, between different
facilities, standards for nomenclature, contents, or even medical procedures may vary, often
requiring human intervention to accurately classify the received studies in the context of the
recipient hospital’s standards. In this study, the authors present MOMO (MOdality Mapping
and Orchestration), a deep learning-based approach to automate this mapping process
utilizing metadata substring matching and a neural network ensemble, which is trained to
recognize the 76 most common imaging studies across seven different modalities. A
retrospective study is performed to measure the accuracy that this algorithm can provide. To
this end, a set of 11,934 imaging series with existing labels was retrieved from the local
hospital’s PACS database to train the neural networks. A set of 843 completely anonymized
external studies was hand-labeled to assess the performance of our algorithm. Additionally,
an ablation study was performed to measure the performance impact of the network
ensemble in the algorithm, and a comparative performance test with a commercial product
was conducted. In comparison to a commercial product (96.20% predictive power, 82.86%
accuracy, 1.36% minor errors), a neural network ensemble alone performs the classification
task with less accuracy (99.05% predictive power, 72.69% accuracy, 10.3% minor errors).
However, MOMO outperforms either by a large margin in accuracy and with increased
predictive power (99.29% predictive power, 92.71% accuracy, 2.63% minor errors). Here we
show that deep learning combined with metadata matching is a promising and flexible
approach for the automated classification of external DICOM studies for PACS archivation.
Keywords: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, PACS, DICOM, Medical Image
1 Introduction
Machine Learning has had a large impact on the field of medical studies, particularly in
radiology [1]. Great strides have been made in the automated assessment of medical
images in decision making [2], prediction [3], or diagnostics [4]. An often overlooked
application of deep learning is the elimination of repetitive tasks in the clinical routine. One of
these tasks, currently requiring several dedicated medical-technical personnel, is processing
and archivation of external DICOM studies. Frequently, patients from other facilities will hand
in CD-ROMs containing imaging studies, which are archived in the local hospital’s PACS.
The origin facility of these studies occasionally has a different language, naming standard for
procedures, differently composed imaging studies, or even different procedures. Adherence
to DICOM standards, such as clean labeling, file structure, and ordering (see for example
[5]), is not always guaranteed, and Güld et al. [6] have found that DICOM metadata is often
unreliable (the DICOM tag Body Part Examined was found to be incorrect in 15.3% of
cases). Studies that are thus incorrectly mapped to the local study nomenclature cause
problems, from medical staff being unable to identify the relevant study for diagnostics and
treatment, to arranging for a procedure to be performed unnecessarily. The lack of
adherence to established standards additionally gives rise to a compositionality problem - a
single study can contain multiple different series which together comprise one class, and
such a composition can be incompatible with the recipient hospital’s classification scheme.
Related works have performed body region classification using various deep learning
strategies (see [7], [8], [9], [10] and [11]), but none with the explicit goal of study
classification for PACS archivation in mind, nor for this comprehensive list of modalities.
Similarly to Dratsch et al. [7], who used a neural network for evaluation of radiographs in the
same context, the authors of this paper propose to extend the scope of the application onto
multiple modalities at once - CT, X-Ray Angiography, Radiographs, MRI, PET, Ultrasound,
and Mammograms. Firstly, we aim to provide an automated classification algorithm, which
can be integrated into the clinical routine, to help automatically organize the local PACS, as
suggested in [7]. Secondly, we aim to establish the usefulness of neural networks in this
context, as a part of or as a standalone solution. In this study, we propose a deep
learning-based approach and compare its performance to a commercial product.
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Training images
11,934 de-identified imaging series were retrieved from the local PACS, covering random
timeframes and patients, and 76 different types of studies, with around 150-200 imaging
series for each class or fewer if unavailable. These classes (see Supplementary Materials)
comprise the most common study types at our hospital. Imaging series were automatically
labeled according to the class they were saved as in the PACS. Images were only rejected
based on their series descriptor (excluding non-representative series such as topograms),
but not quality or demographics. This is justified, as the external test set might feature
low-quality scans and previously unseen image compositions. 10% (each) of the images are
randomly drawn from the internal dataset to create a validation and test set for performance
evaluation of the networks.
2.2 External studies
843 external studies (covering studies arriving at the local hospital from January 4th, 2021 to
January 8th, 2021), were labeled by a radiographer of the medical-technical staff with
several years of experience as a radiographer team leader. Every study received at least
one label, and some studies received several labels if they could be reasonably interpreted
as multiple study types. This external test set was not used during training or for fine-tuning.
Accuracy and predictive power on this set yield the final performance measures.
2.3 Image preprocessing and neural network training
We evaluated two neural networks, a Resnet-152 [12] and DenseNet-161 [13], both
pre-trained on ImageNet [14]. Images fed into the networks were first normalized into the
range [0,1]. All image series were reduced to single-channel, greyscale images, and
resampled to 512x512 along the X- and Y-axis, using spline interpolation. Two-dimensional
image series became 512x512x3 images by stacking the first, middle, and last layer along
the Z-axis. Three-dimensional images were resampled to length 512 along the Z-axis. The
512x512x3 input images were created by constructing the maximum intensity projections
(MIPs) along the major axes. To avoid gross resampling errors, images where Z<40 were
treated as two-dimensional.
Images were randomly flipped or rotated during training (with probability p=0.2), as image
orientation can vary on external images. Performance was evaluated using cross-entropy
loss. The networks were trained using transfer learning, freezing every layer except the final
layer and the classifier (for hyperparameters, see Supplementary Materials). To eliminate
unnecessary cross-contamination, we created an independent network for every modality
except PET. For studies containing PET and CT or PET and MRI images, the CT/MRI
images were evaluated by the respective network. The PET images themselves were not
used during training or inference, as pure PET images are unsuitable for body site
2.4 Temperature Scaling
At inference time, the logits (the raw output of the network’s final layer) are additionally
scaled with a constant factor T, to minimize the average expected difference between the
network-predicted (confidence) and true probability (accuracy). The holdout validation set
was used to fit this scaling factor and we performed this procedure for every network we
trained. To accomplish this, all N predictions were divided into M equally spaced confidence
bins and Twas chosen to minimize the expected calibration error (ECE):
. (1)
𝐸𝐶𝐸 = 𝑚=1
| 𝐵𝑚 |
𝑁*| 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦(𝐵𝑚)𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒(𝐵𝑚) |
This process is called temperature scaling and guarantees that the returned confidences of
the neural network are statistically meaningful probabilities. For example, a network
prediction with a confidence of 0.8 should be correct approximately 80% of the time. A
network that has this property is called “calibrated”. This behavior is desired so the network
can differentiate between confident and uncertain predictions, which can then be treated
differently. This calibration increases the performance of our algorithm later on (see
Experiment 2). For more information see Fig. 1 and the original paper on temperature
scaling [15].
Figure 1: Shown is an example temperature scaling, performed using 10 bins equidistant in probability. The
averaged confidences are transparent red while the accuracy is transparent blue. An excess of red indicates that
the neural network is overconfident in its predictions. The left plot shows the confidence and accuracy before
temperature scaling was applied, the right plot after. Notably, the expected calibration error (ECE) has gone down
significantly, while the negative log-likelihood loss (NLL) has remained exactly the same. This is intuitive, as
temperature scaling never changes the actual predictions themselves, only the network’s confidence in them.
2.5 MOMO (MOdality Mapping Orchestration)
MOMO’s algorithm follows a hierarchical structure (see Fig. 2). During each step, MOMO
attempts a prediction. If successful, it returns the prediction, otherwise it proceeds to the next
step. It begins by matching the study’s Procedure Code (DICOM tag) against known
Procedure Codes. Next, the Study Description tag is evaluated in the same manner. If both
fail, MOMO attempts to partially match the Study Description, by finding the longest
matching substring with a minimum length of 6 characters (or 4 characters for exact matches
of short keywords) between it and a list of pre-specified keywords. Every such keyword is
associated with a prediction, which is returned if a match is found. After that, it extracts every
pre-specified metadata key from every series in the study and attempts to partially match all
of them against this list. Every match is weighted equally, with a simple majority choosing the
prediction. A rules system disallows or modifies some of these votes based on a
configuration file (see Supplementary Materials). On a tie (or no votes), all imaging series
are resampled and fed into the neural network corresponding to their modality. Each network
prediction yields one vote, weighted by the prediction’s confidence. All votes are summed
and evaluated. The validity of combining information in this voting approach is established in
a Monte Carlo experiment using pseudo data. (see Experiment 2).
Figure 2: MOMO extracts meta- and imaging data and then progresses through its decision layers (light gray
diamonds) one by one until a decision is made. The voting approach used for combining information is detailed in
the Methods section. The entire algorithm can be modified from the Modality Mapping Database (a single tabular
reference document containing all study classes and associated keywords), and a single configuration file (which
holds technical parameters).
2.6 Experiments
1) To assess the performance of the neural networks on a per-series basis, their
accuracies are calculated for the internal test set, using five-fold Cross-Validation.
Accuracies are reported with 95% confidence intervals.
2) As a proof of concept, we include a Monte-Carlo experiment, in which a statistically
ideal version of the evaluation performed by MOMO is created using pseudo data,
which shows the validity of the network voting and the value of the calibration
performed earlier. To simulate a calibrated network with accuracy , we must
guarantee over every series and study that both:
𝑚1, ..., 𝑀 𝑛1, ..., 𝑁
with (2)
𝑀*𝑁 =α 𝑃(𝑥𝑛,𝑚)={1 𝑖𝑓 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑥𝑛,𝑚 𝑖𝑠 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒, 𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑒 0}
| 𝐵𝑚 |
𝑁*| 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦(𝐵𝑚)𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒(𝐵𝑚) |
is small (meaning the calibration approximately holds for any arbitrary choice of bins).
Therefore, we first choose a random threshold T, drawing from a beta-distribution,
where Pand Qsatisfy P+Q=4 and can be freely chosen. This parameter choice,
while arbitrary, nicely distributes the mass of random variables in the range [0,1],
while retaining a peak near the mean of the distribution. Next, we draw a random
variable Pfrom a uniform distribution in [0,1]. If P<T, a vote for the correct pseudo
label is saved. If P>T, one of 11 random false pseudo labels is saved instead. The
vote is assigned the weight T. This process is repeated several times per pseudo
study before a simple majority of the weighted votes decides the prediction.
N=1,000,000 pseudo studies are simulated in this manner. The experiment is
performed for both uncorrelated and maximally correlated false predictions. In the
latter case, each true label has exactly one associated false label which is always
saved on a false prediction. These conditions simulate an ideal environment and
neglect issues such as compositionality or different domains from which studies could
come, where prediction performance might systematically decrease.
3) MOMO is evaluated on the external dataset and compared to the Pan-Importer [16],
a commercial product performing the classification task at our facility. An ablation
study is performed, where the networks’ decision power is increased by moving the
network higher in the decision hierarchy. Additionally, we test MOMO without neural
network support. For every algorithm, we report the percentage of correct
predictions, minor and major errors, accuracy, and network contribution, on the
external test set. An error is considered minor if the classification is correct but
slightly too general (e.g. predicting “MR Spine” instead of “MR Thoracic Spine”),
since this will not cause unnecessary examinations to be performed or studies not to
be found. This error grading is performed automatically. All minor error combinations
are listed in the Supplementary Materials.
2.7 Ethical Approval
This study was approved by the IRB of the University Hospital Essen (Application-Nr.:
20-9745-BO), explicit consent was waived due to its retrospective and technical nature.
3 Data Sharing
The code will be made publicly available upon full publication of this work.
4 Results
1) We evaluated multiple neural networks for different imaging modalities. The
accuracies for these networks are shown in Table 1 and compared to the
state-of-the-art (SOTA), if available. We achieved comparable performance across all
modalities. Conventional radiographs achieved the highest prediction accuracy
(97.1%, CI: 96.2%-98.0%), outperforming the current SOTA [7], and ultrasounds the
lowest (81.4%, CI: 76.7%-86.1%).
2) Figure 3 shows the results of this simulation. The non-linear gain in accuracy through
the voting mechanism is apparent, and quite large even for low network accuracies.
We also find that the temperature scaling improves the performance of the voting
concept. To understand why, observe the performance line for 2 series per study at a
network per-image-series accuracy of 50% in Figure 3. Naively, one would expect
50% accuracy on the study level as well, as the network can predict either one or the
other. However, as the network is calibrated, the predicted probability for a vote holds
additional information. If the vote has a high probability, it is likely to be a good vote in
practice, and a bad one for low probability. This increases our accuracy. We
additionally see that a network which generalizes well to all test data, will yield a
significant study prediction accuracy even for a comparatively low single-image
prediction accuracy.
3) We also explored the study classification performance of MOMO, testing a wide
range of settings and methods to combine metadata and image information. The
results of the performance evaluation can be seen in Fig. 4. The network ensemble
alone achieved 99.05% predictive power, 72.69% accuracy, and 10.3% minor errors.
The commercial product reached 96.20% predictive power, 82.86% accuracy, and
1.36% minor errors.
Overall, we found that a hybrid version of MOMO yielded the best performance,
utilizing metadata and neural networks in a single large vote. It outperformed other
variants by a significant margin, scoring 99.29% predictive power, 92.71% accuracy,
and 2.61% minor errors (using the networks with the best cross-validation
SOTA in literature
(CI: 95.0%-98.0%)
(CI: 96.2%-98.0%)*
(CI: 89.2%-91.3%)
(CI: 81.7%-87.5%)
(CI: 85.2%-90.2%)*
(CI: 90.2%-92.1%)
(CI: 77.4%-82.9%)
(CI: 83.4%-87.5%)*
(CI: 92.0%-95.6%)
(CI: 75.0%-83.0%)
(CI: 76.7%-86.1%)*
(CI: 77.3%-89.6%)*
(CI: 76.6%-85.9%)
Table 1: Per-series classification accuracy of the neural networks. Accuracy and 95% confidence interval (CI) are
reported. If applicable, a comparison with the best known comparable literature value is made (note that these
have different underlying scopes, training, and test sets). All of our results are derived from five-fold
cross-validation. Networks marked with a (*) symbol are kept for MOMO.
Figure 3: Plotted are classification results for simulated pseudostudies. The X-axis displays the accuracy of the
simulated network’s predictions, the Y-axis displays the resulting classification accuracy of the pseudostudies.
The different lines are color-coded, showing varying numbers of series per study. A full line indicates that false
predictions are uncorrelated. A dashed line indicates that false predictions are maximally correlated. The plot
shows the mean accuracy across one million pseudostudies and the standard deviation.
Figure 4: The figure displays correct predictions, minor and major errors for different study classifiers. Included
are MOMO with and without network ensemble (NWE) with varying decision power (L5 denotes that the neural
network is in the fifth (last) layer of MOMO, L1 would be the first layer), as well as a classifier based purely on
neural networks and the commercial product. Additionally, two hybrid variants, where the network votes together
with other layers (merged votes), are tested. On the “Minimal Vote Rules” (MinVR) setting, fewer rules for vote
modification (see Chapter 2.4) were applied for technical reasons. We report classification accuracy, number of
correct and incorrect predictions (split by severity of error), and the contribution of the networks.
5 Discussion
Imaging studies from external hospitals are often composed and named differently from the
ones locally conducted. This generally necessitates manual identification of such studies. In
this study, we presented MOMO, a metadata-driven algorithm, supported by an ensemble of
deep neural networks. It was trained to recognize body regions and automatically classify
such studies, and we justified its voting-based prediction mechanism in a separate Monte
Carlo experiment. We found that the network ensemble alone can perform similarly to a
commercial product, while MOMO outperformed either. We found that the neural networks
offered a boost in predictive power and the best performance on our task was achieved with
a variant of MOMO utilizing neural networks.
The state-of-the-art for comparable single series prediction is given by Dratsch et al. [7] for
plain radiographs and Raffy et al. [8] for CT and MRI, while no deep learning body-region
classification exists for Ultrasound or X-Ray Angiography. Our training results compare
favorably to the SOTA for radiographs. For CT and MRI, our accuracies are comparatively
lower but remain somewhat competitive. There are multiple explanations for this. The
training set in [8] covered a larger domain (multiple hospitals, scanner types, etc.) and
contained more images, likely allowing for better generalization. Beyond that, as our labels
come from the PACS and not manual labeling, some labels may either be false (an abdomen
study containing also a series of the chest, which was consequently labeled ”abdomen”) or
correct but difficult to identify (such as a Vessel CT, which can have examples of various
body sites in its corresponding studies). Since the latter problems are intrinsic to the
compositionality of the study classification problem, and all three studies are somewhat
different in scope, one could also argue that the comparison is not valid.
We observed that the network ensemble offered an improvement over no-network variants of
MOMO (see Fig. 4), despite not performing as strongly on the external data as during
training. However, this improvement only applied if the networks were not given too much
decision power or if the network and metadata votes were combined for more robustness.
Finally, we note that, qualitatively, the erroneous predictions made by the neural networks
have an increased tendency to be anatomically related to the truth, compared to the
metadata-driven approaches.
This work has limitations. If many similar keywords are added to the algorithm’s reference
database, it can cause mispredictions to increase because of false positives. Some classes
are underrepresented during training, potentially worsening generalization. Additionally, the
dataset used for training is automatically labeled, which may decrease the performance of
the neural networks. Similarly, the compositionality of different types of studies poses
problems for neural networks that learn to predict based on single series. Finally, the choice
(single institution) and amount of training data is a limiting factor.
In the future, the use of additional training data (both local as well as external data) will allow
the networks to mitigate some of these limitations. Additionally, new preprocessing steps
(like contrast enhancement, cropping, etc.) could be introduced. Furthermore, improvements
could be made by incorporating new decision layers into MOMO or improving the string
matching (by comparing string similarity between metadata and keywords using metrics
such as Levenshtein distance). Another interesting approach may be to perform predictions
directly on the study level, using a Multiple Instance Learning classifier, which is particularly
well-suited to solve the problem of compositionality we experienced classifying DICOM
In Summary, this is the first open-source study classification tool to use metadata and neural
networks for its decision process. It is fully automated and covers all common radiological
modalities, leading to increased quality, and thus patient safety, as well as reduced workload
for the clinical staff. Hence, the key results of this contribution are:
1) The algorithm can successfully identify 76 medical study types across seven
modalities (CT, X-Ray Angiography, Radiographs, MRI, PET (+CT/MRI), Ultrasound,
and Mammograms).
2) The algorithm outperforms a commercial product performing the same task by a
significant margin.
3) The algorithm’s performance increases through the application of deep learning
This work received support from the Cancer Research Center Cologne Essen (CCCE).
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List of Abbreviations
CR - Conventional Radiograph
CT - Computed Tomography
DICOM - Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
MG - Mammogram
MOMO - Modality Mapping and Orchestration (the algorithm designed in this paper)
MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
PACS - Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (most medical images are archived
on such systems)
PET - Positron Emission Tomography
US - Ultrasound
XA/DSA - X-Ray/Digital Subtraction Angiography
Supplementary Materials
Modification or disallowing of votes
The votes of some DICOM series can be disallowed or modified according to a set of
pre-specified rules found in the configuration file. Votes can be disallowed if the modality of
the series does not match that of the study, or if blacklisted terms like “screenshot” exist in
the Series Description, which indicate that the series may be non-representative of the whole
study. Votes can be modified if some compositions of series are detected. For example, if a
study contains both “CT Abdomen” and “CT Thorax” labels, all votes for “CT Abdomen” and
“CT Thorax” are replaced by votes for “CT Thorax+Abdomen”. This ruleset can be easily
modified in the configuration files to represent different class compositions. As a rule of
thumb, there exists a sweet spot of classification accuracy for a set of rules that is neither
too large, nor too small.
Training Hyperparameter Choice
The neural networks were all trained using the same set of hyperparameters. These were
found using a non-exhaustive manual search and may not represent the optimal solution.
However, we found these parameters to converge reliably no matter the network architecture
or training set, with the accuracy not changing significantly for similar parameter settings and
becoming worse (or not converging) for choices different by at least an order of magnitude.
All training was performed with batches of size B = 24, a learning rate of λ𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙=1𝑥10−4
and an exponential learning rate decay policy where .
All last batches are dropped (as not dropping differently sized batches results in worse
performance when using BatchNorm [17]), and all gradients are left entirely unclipped. A
weight decay of is additionally used as a regularizer for the weights to help
prevent overfitting on less well-represented features or classes in training. We perform no
oversampling of underrepresented classes during training.
Supplementary Table 1a: Examined Study Classes
Study Type
# of instances in training
CT Abdomen
CT Heart
CT Lower Extremities
CT of the Vessels
CT Pelvis
CT Skull
CT Skull + Neck
CT Spine
CT Thorax
CT Thorax + Abdomen
CT Upper Extremities
CT Whole Body
DSA Abdomen
DSA Angiology
DSA Brain Vessels
DSA Extremities
DSA Liver
DSA Pelvis/Upper Legs
DSA Skull
Supplementary Table 1b: Examined Study Classes (cont.)
Study Type
# of instances in training
DSA Skull/Neck-Intervention
DSA Spine
DSA Thorax
Screening of the Abdomen
Screening of the Extremities
Screening of the Spine
Screening of the Thorax
Conventional, Abdomen
Conv., Arm
Conv., Cervical Spine
Conv., Foot
Conv., Hand
Conv., Legs
Conv., Lumbar Spine
Conv., Mammae
Conv., Pelvis
Conv., Skull
Conv., Spine
Supplementary Table 1c: Examined Study Classes (cont.)
Study Type
# of instances in training
Conv., Thoracic Spine
Conv., Thorax
MRI Abdomen
MRI Cervical Spine
MRI Lower Extremities
MRI Lumbar Spine
MRI Mammae
MRI Pelvis
MRI Skull
MRI Skull + Neck
MRI Spine
MRI Thoracic Spine
MRI Thorax
MRI Upper Extremities
MRI Whole Body
PET CT Heart
PET CT Lower Extremities
PET CT Skull
Supplementary Table 1d: Examined Study Classes (cont.)
Study Type
# of instances in training
PET CT Skull + Neck
PET CT Upper Extremities
PET CT Whole Body
PET MRI Abdomen
PET MRI Lower Extremities
PET MRI Mammae
PET MRI Skull+Neck
PET MRI Thorax
PET MRI Upper Extremities
PET MRI Whole Body
Ultrasound Abdomen
Ultrasound Extremities
Ultrasound Mammae
Ultrasound Neck
Ultrasound Skull
Ultrasound Thorax
Ultrasound Whole Body
* Note that some classes are not represented in the neural network training. These classes
are only predicted by the metadata-driven part of the algorithm.
** Mammographies themselves were not used to train a neural network (as there is only one
single study type for the modality). They were used to train the CR-network, by labeling them
as conventional radiographs of the mammae (which is what they are, ostensibly). No study
not marked as modality MG (Mammography) and containing an image of the mammae
exists in any of our datasets (the modality of a study being a very reliable piece of
metadata), so the point is purely technical.
*** Note that the modalities which contain PET images do not have a dedicated network. In
the presence of a PET image, the MRI or CT network predicts the class as if there were no
PET images and then picks the corresponding PET class as answer. Thus, the non-PET
images of PET+MRI or PET+CT simply become part of the MRI or CT training sets.
Supplementary Table 2a: List of minor error combinations
True study class
Misclassification as X treated as minor
CT Abdomen
CT Thorax+Abdomen
CT Thorax
CT Thorax+Abdomen
CT Skull
CT Skull+Neck
DSA Abdomen
Screening of the Abdomen
DSA Brain Vessels
DSA Skull, DSA Skull/Neck-Intervention
DSA Extremities
Screening of the Extremities
DSA Liver
DSA Abdomen
DSA Spine
Screening of the Spine
DSA Skull
DSA Brain Vessels, DSA Skull-Neck
DSA Skull/Neck-Intervention
DSA Brain Vessels, DSA Skull
DSA Thorax
Screening of the Thorax
Screening of the Abdomen
DSA Abdomen
Screening of the Extremities
DSA Extremities
Screening of the Spine
DSA Spine
Screening of the Thorax
DSA Thorax
Conventional, Cervical Spine
Conv., Spine
Conv., Lumbar Spine
Conv., Spine
Conv., Thoracic Spine
Conv., Spine
Supplementary Table 2b: List of minor error combinations
True study class
Misclassification as X treated as minor
Conv., Mammae
PET CT Skull
PET CT Skull+Neck
PET MRI Skull+Neck
MRI Cervical Spine
MRI Spine
MRI Lumbar Spine
MRI Spine
MRI Thoracic Spine
MRI Spine
MRI Skull
MRI Skull+Neck
The thought process behind these minor errors is that it needs to cause no risk of additional
but unnecessary examinations, to be classified as minor. If a doctor opened a patient’s files
and saw “MRI Spine”, they would check if their requested lumbar spine MRI images are in
that study. They might not even bother to check if it was labeled “MRI Skull” instead.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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This study demonstrates the high performance of deep learning in identification of body regions covering the entire human body from magnetic resonance (MR) and computed tomography (CT) axial images across diverse acquisition protocols and modality manufacturers. Pixel-based analysis of anatomy contained in image sets can provide accurate anatomic labeling. For this purpose, a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based classifier was developed to identify body regions in CT and MRI studies. Seventeen CT (18 MRI) body regions covering the entire human body were defined for the classification task. Three retrospective datasets were built for the AI model training, validation, and testing, with a balanced distribution of studies per body region. The test datasets originated from a different healthcare network than the train and validation datasets. Sensitivity and specificity of the classifier was evaluated for patient age, patient sex, institution, scanner manufacturer, contrast, slice thickness, MRI sequence, and CT kernel. The data included a retrospective cohort of 2891 anonymized CT cases (training, 1804 studies; validation, 602 studies; test, 485 studies) and 3339 anonymized MRI cases (training, 1911 studies; validation, 636 studies; test, 792 studies). Twenty-seven institutions from primary care hospitals, community hospitals, and imaging centers contributed to the test datasets. The data included cases of all sexes in equal proportions and subjects aged from 18 years old to + 90 years old. Image-level weighted sensitivity of 92.5% (92.1-92.8) for CT and 92.3% (92.0-92.5) for MRI and weighted specificity of 99.4% (99.4-99.5) for CT and 99.2% (99.1-99.2) for MRI were achieved. Deep learning models can classify CT and MR images by body region including lower and upper extremities with high accuracy.
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Survival analyses for malignancies, including renal cell carcinoma (RCC), have primarily been conducted using the Cox proportional hazards (CPH) model. We compared the random survival forest (RSF) and DeepSurv models with the CPH model to predict recurrence-free survival (RFS) and cancer-specific survival (CSS) in non-metastatic clear cell RCC (nm-cRCC) patients. Our cohort included 2139 nm-cRCC patients who underwent curative-intent surgery at six Korean institutions between 2000 and 2014. The data of two largest hospitals’ patients were assigned into the training and validation dataset, and the data of the remaining hospitals were assigned into the external validation dataset. The performance of the RSF and DeepSurv models was compared with that of CPH using Harrel’s C-index. During the follow-up, recurrence and cancer-specific deaths were recorded in 190 (12.7%) and 108 (7.0%) patients, respectively, in the training-dataset. Harrel’s C-indices for RFS in the test-dataset were 0.794, 0.789, and 0.802 for CPH, RSF, and DeepSurv, respectively. Harrel’s C-indices for CSS in the test-dataset were 0.831, 0.790, and 0.834 for CPH, RSF, and DeepSurv, respectively. In predicting RFS and CSS in nm-cRCC patients, the performance of DeepSurv was superior to that of CPH and RSF. In no distant time, deep learning-based survival predictions may be useful in RCC patients.
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Objectives The goal of the present study was to classify the most common types of plain radiographs using a neural network and to validate the network’s performance on internal and external data. Such a network could help improve various radiological workflows. Methods All radiographs from the year 2017 ( n = 71,274) acquired at our institution were retrieved from the PACS. The 30 largest categories ( n = 58,219, 81.7% of all radiographs performed in 2017) were used to develop and validate a neural network (MobileNet v1.0) using transfer learning. Image categories were extracted from DICOM metadata (study and image description) and mapped to the WHO manual of diagnostic imaging. As an independent, external validation set, we used images from other institutions that had been stored in our PACS ( n = 5324). Results In the internal validation, the overall accuracy of the model was 90.3% (95%CI: 89.2–91.3%), whereas, for the external validation set, the overall accuracy was 94.0% (95%CI: 93.3–94.6%). Conclusions Using data from one single institution, we were able to classify the most common categories of radiographs with a neural network. The network showed good generalizability on the external validation set and could be used to automatically organize a PACS, preselect radiographs so that they can be routed to more specialized networks for abnormality detection or help with other parts of the radiological workflow (e.g., automated hanging protocols; check if ordered image and performed image are the same). The final AI algorithm is publicly available for evaluation and extension. Key Points • Data from one single institution can be used to train a neural network for the correct detection of the 30 most common categories of plain radiographs. • The trained model achieved a high accuracy for the majority of categories and showed good generalizability to images from other institutions. • The neural network is made publicly available and can be used to automatically organize a PACS or to preselect radiographs so that they can be routed to more specialized neural networks for abnormality detection.
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We report the results of a survey conducted among ESR members in November and December 2018, asking for expectations about artificial intelligence (AI) in 5-10 years. Of 24,000 ESR members contacted, 675 (2.8%) completed the survey, 454 males (67%), 555 (82%) working at academic/public hospitals. AI impact was mostly expected (≥ 30% of responders) on breast, oncologic, thoracic, and neuro imaging, mainly involving mammography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance. Responders foresee AI impact on: job opportunities (375/675, 56%), 218/375 (58%) expecting increase, 157/375 (42%) reduction; reporting workload (504/675, 75%), 256/504 (51%) expecting reduction, 248/504 (49%) increase; radiologist's profile, becoming more clinical (364/675, 54%) and more subspecialised (283/675, 42%). For 374/675 responders (55%) AI-only reports would be not accepted by patients, for 79/675 (12%) accepted, for 222/675 (33%) it is too early to answer. For 275/675 responders (41%) AI will make the radiologist-patient relation more interactive, for 140/675 (21%) more impersonal, for 259/675 (38%) unchanged. If AI allows time saving, radiologists should interact more with clinicians (437/675, 65%) and/or patients (322/675, 48%). For all responders, involvement in AI-projects is welcome, with different roles: supervision (434/675, 64%), task definition (359/675, 53%), image labelling (197/675, 29%). Of 675 responders, 321 (48%) do not currently use AI, 138 (20%) use AI, 205 (30%) are planning to do it. According to 277/675 responders (41%), radiologists will take responsibility for AI outcome, while 277/675 (41%) suggest shared responsibility with other professionals. To summarise, responders showed a general favourable attitude towards AI.
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This study aimed at elucidating the relationship between the number of computed tomography (CT) images, including data concerning the accuracy of models and contrast enhancement for classifying the images. We enrolled 1539 patients who underwent contrast or noncontrast CT imaging, followed by dividing the CT imaging dataset for creating classification models into 10 classes for brain, neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis with contrast-enhanced and plain imaging. The number of images prepared in each class were 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, and 10,000. Accordingly, the names of datasets were defined as 0.1K, 0.5K, 1K, 2K, 3K, 4K, 5K, 6K, 7K, 8K, 9K, and 10K, respectively. We subsequently created and evaluated the models and compared the convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture between AlexNet and GoogLeNet. The time required for training models of AlexNet was lesser than that for GoogLeNet. The best overall accuracy for the classification of 10 classes was 0.721 with the 10K dataset of GoogLeNet. Furthermore, the best overall accuracy for the classification of the slice position without contrast media was 0.862 with the 2K dataset of AlexNet.
Conference Paper
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Automatic body part recognition for CT slices can benefit various medical image applications. Existing methods require large-scale datasets of labeled images. However, the intrinsic structure information in CT volumes was still not fully leveraged. In this paper, we propose unsupervised body part regressor (UBR) to utilize this information. A novel learning framework based on a convolutional neural network and two inter-sample loss functions was designed. UBR builds a coordinate system for the body and outputs a continuous score for each slice, which represents the normalized position of the body part in the slice. The training process of UBR resembles a self-organization process: slice scores are learned from inter-slice relationships. The training samples are unlabeled volumes that are abundant in every hospital's database, thus zero annotation effort is needed. UBR is simple, fast, and accurate. Qualitative and quantitative experiments proved its effectiveness. Besides, we show potential applications of UBR in network initialization and anomaly detection.
Consistent and high quality medical decisions are difficult as the amount of literature, data, and treatment options grow. We developed a model to provide automated physician order decision support suggestions for inpatient care through a feed-forward neural network. Given a patient's current status based on information data-mined and extracted from the Electronic Health Record (EHR), our model predicts clinical orders a physician enters for a patient within 24 hours. As a reference benchmark of real-world standard-of-care clinical decision support, existing manually-curated order sets implemented in the hospital demonstrate precision: 0.21, recall: 0.48, AUROC: 0.75 relative to what clinicians actually order within 24 hours. Our feed-forward model provides an automated, scalable, and robust system that achieves precision: 0.41, recall: 0.61, AUROC: 0.80.