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Leveraging Content-Style Item Representation for Visual Recommendation

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Abstract and Figures

When customers' choices may depend on the visual appearance of products (e.g., fashion), visually-aware recommender systems (VRSs) have shown to provide more accurate preference predictions than pure collaborative models. To refine recommendations, recent VRSs have tried to recognize the influence of each item's visual characteristic on users' preferences, for example, through attention mechanisms. Such visual characteristics may come in the form of content-level item metadata (e.g., image tags) and reviews, which are not always and easily accessible, or image regions-of-interest (e.g., the collar of a shirt), which miss items' style. To address these limitations, we propose a pipeline for visual recommendation, built upon the adoption of those features that can be easily extracted from item images and represent the item content on a stylistic level (i.e., color, shape, and category of a fashion product). Then, we inject such features into a VRS that exploits attention mechanisms to uncover users' personalized importance for each content-style item feature and a neural architecture to model non-linear patterns within user-item interactions. We show that our solution can reach a competitive accuracy and beyond-accuracy trade-off compared with other baselines on two fashion datasets. Code and datasets are available at:
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Leveraging Content-Style Item Representation
for Visual Recommendation
Yashar Deldjoo1, Tommaso Di Noia1, Daniele Malitesta1?, and Felice Antonio
1Politecnico di Bari, Bari, Italy,
2Amazon Science Berlin, Germany,
Abstract. When customers’ choices may depend on the visual appear-
ance of products (e.g., fashion), visually-aware recommender systems
(VRSs) have been shown to provide more accurate preference predic-
tions than pure collaborative models. To refine recommendations, recent
VRSs have tried to recognize the influence of each item’s visual character-
istic on users’ preferences, for example, through attention mechanisms.
Such visual characteristics may come in the form of content-level item
metadata (e.g., image tags) and reviews, which are not always and easily
accessible, or image regions-of-interest (e.g., the collar of a shirt), which
miss items’ style. To address these limitations, we propose a pipeline
for visual recommendation, built upon the adoption of those features
that can be easily extracted from item images and represent the item
content on a stylistic level (i.e., color, shape, and category of a fashion
product). Then, we inject such features into a VRS that exploits at-
tention mechanisms to uncover users’ personalized importance for each
content-style item feature and a neural architecture to model non-linear
patterns within user-item interactions. We show that our solution can
reach a competitive accuracy and beyond-accuracy trade-off compared
with other baselines on two fashion datasets. Code and datasets are avail-
able at:
Keywords: Visual Recommendation ·Attention ·Collaborative Filtering.
1 Introduction and Related Work
Recommender systems (RSs) help users in their decision-making process by guid-
ing them in a personalized fashion to a small subset of interesting products or
services amongst massive corpora. In applications where visual factors are at
play (e.g., fashion [22], food [14], or tourism [33]), customers’ choices are highly
dependent on the visual product appearance that attracts attention, enhances
emotions, and shapes their first impression about products. By incorporating
?Authors are listed in alphabetical order. Corresponding author: Daniele Malitesta
?? Work performed while at Politecnico di Bari, Italy.
this source of information when modeling users’ preference, visually-aware rec-
ommender systems (VRSs) have found success in extending the expressive power
of pure collaborative recommender models [10, 12, 13, 17, 18].
Recommendation can hugely benefit from items’ side information [4]. To
this date, several works have leveraged the high-level representational power of
convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to extract item visual features, where the
adopted CNN may be either pretrained on different datasets and tasks, e.g., [3,
11, 18, 26, 29], or trained end-to-end in the downstream recommendation task,
e.g., [23,38]. While the former family of VRSs builds upon a more convenient way
of visually representing items (i.e., reusing the knowledge of pretrained models),
such representations are not entirely in line with correctly providing users’ visual
preference estimation. That is, CNN-extracted features cannot capture what
each user enjoys about a product picture since she might be more attracted by
the color and shape of a specific bag, but these features do not necessarily match
what the pretrained CNN learned when classifying the product image as a bag.
Recently, there have been a few attempts trying to uncover user’s person-
alized visual attitude towards finer-grained item characteristics, e.g., [7–9, 21].
These solutions disentangle product images at (i) content-level, by adopting
item metadata and/or reviews [9, 31], (ii) region-level, by pointing the user’s
interest towards parts of the image [8, 36] or video frames [7], and (iii) both
content- and region-level [21]. It is worth mentioning that most of these ap-
proaches [7,8, 21, 36] exploit attention mechanisms to weight the importance of
the content or the region in driving the user’s decisions.
Despite their superior performance, we recognize practical and conceptual
limitations in adopting both content- and region-level item features, especially
in the fashion domain. The former rely on additional side information (e.g., image
tags or reviews), which could be not-easily and rarely accessible, as well as time-
consuming to collect, while the latter ignore stylistic characteristics (e.g., color
or texture) that can be impactful on the user’s decision process [41].
Driven by these motivations, we propose a pipeline for visual recommenda-
tion, which involves a set of visual features, i.e., color, shape, and category of
a fashion product, whose extraction is straightforward and always possible, de-
scribing items’ content on a stylistic level. We use them as inputs to an attention-
and neural-based visual recommender system, with the following purposes:
We disentangle the visual item representations on the stylistic content level
(i.e., color, shape, and category) by making the attention mechanisms weight
the importance of each feature on the user’s visual preference and making
the neural architecture catch non-linearities in user/item interactions.
We reach a reasonable compromise between accuracy and beyond-accuracy
performance, which we further justify through an ablation study to investi-
gate the importance of attention (in all its configurations) on the recommen-
dation performance. Notice that no ablation is performed on the content-
style input features, as we learn to weight their contribution through the
end-to-end attention network training procedure.
ian color
. . .
Importance Weights
. . .
. . .
Attention- and Neural-based Visual Recommender
Fig. 1: Our proposed pipeline for visual recommendation, involving content-style item
features, attention mechanisms, and a neural architecture.
2 Method
In the following, we present our visual recommendation pipeline (Figure 1).
Preliminaries. We indicate with Uand Ithe sets of users and items. Then,
we adopt Ras the user/item interaction matrix, where rui Ris 1 for an in-
teraction, 0 otherwise. As in latent factor models such as matrix factorization
(MF) [25], we use puR1×hand qiR1×has user and item latent factors,
respectively, where h << |U|,|I|. Finally, we denote with fiR1×vthe vi-
sual feature for item image i, usually the fully-connected layer activation of a
pretrained convolutional neural network (CNN).
Content-Style Features. Let Sbe the set of content-style features to charac-
terize item images. Even if we adopt S={color,shape,category}, for the sake of
generality, we indicate with fs
iR1×vsthe s-th content-style feature of item i.
Since all fs
ido not necessarily belong to the same latent space, we project them
into a common latent space R1×h, i.e., the same as the one of puand qi. Thus,
for each s∈ S, we build an encoder function encs:R1×vs7→ R1×h, and encode
the s-th content-style feature of item ias:
i) (1)
where es
iR1×h, and encsis either trainable, e.g., a multi-layer perceptron
(MLP), or handcrafted, e.g., principal-component analysis (PCA). In this work,
we use an MLP-based encoder for the color feature, a CNN-based encoder for
the shape, and PCA for the category.
Attention Network. We seek to produce recommendations conditioned on
the visual preference of user utowards each content-style item characteristic.
That is, the model is supposed to assign different importance weights to each
encoded feature es
ibased on the predicted user’s visual preference (ˆru,i). Inspired
by previous works [7,8, 21, 36], we use attention. Let ian(·) be the function to
aggregate the inputs to the attention network puand es
i, e.g., element-wise
multiplication. Given a user-item pair (u, i), the network produces an attention
weight vector au,i = [a0
u,i, a1
u,i, . . . , a|S |−1
u,i ]R1×|S| , where as
u,i is calculated as:
u,i =ω2(ω1ian(pu,es
i) + b1) + b2=ω2(ω1(pues
i) + b1) + b2(2)
where is the Hadamard product (element-wise multiplication), while ωand
bare the matrices and biases for each attention layer, i.e., the network is im-
plemented as a 2-layers MLP. Then, we normalize au,i through the temperature-
smoothed sof tmax function [20], so that Psas
u,i = 1, getting the normalized
weight vector αu,i = [α0
u,i, α1
u,i, . . . , α|S |−1
u,i ]. We leverage the attention values to
produce a unique and weighted stylistic representation for item i, conditioned
on user u:
Finally, let oan(·) be the function to aggregate the latent factor qiand the
output of the attention network wiinto a unique representation for item i, e.g.,
through addition. We calculate the final item representation q0
i=oan(qi,wi) = qi+wi(4)
Neural Inference. To capture non-linearities in user/item interactions, we
adopt an MLP to run the prediction. Let concat(·) be the concatenation function
and out(·) be a trainable MLP, we predict rating ˆru,i for user uand item ias:
ˆru,i =out(concat(pu,q0
i)) (5)
Objective Function and Training. We use Bayesian personalized ranking
(BPR) [32]. Given a set of triples T(user u, positive item p, negative item n),
we seek to optimize the following objective function:
arg min
ln(sigmoid(ˆru,p ˆru,n)) + λ||Θ||2(6)
where Θand λare the set of trainable weights and the regularization term,
respectively. We build Tfrom the training set by picking, for each randomly
sampled (u, p) pair, a negative item nfor u(i.e., not-interacted by u). Moreover,
we adopt mini-batch Adam [24] as optimizing algorithm.
3 Experiments
Datasets. We use two popular categories from the Amazon dataset [17,28], i.e.,
Boys & Girls and Men. After having downloaded the available item images, we
filter out the items and the users with less than 5 interactions [17,18]. Boys &
Girls counts 1,425 users, 5,019 items, and 9,213 interactions (sparsity is 0.00129),
while Men counts 16,278 users, 31,750 items, and 113,106 interactions (sparsity
is 0.00022). In both cases, we have, on average, >6 interactions per user.
Feature Extraction and Encoding. Since we address a fashion recommen-
dation task, we extract color, shape/texture, and fashion category from item
images [34, 41]. Unlike previous works, we leverage such features because they
are easy to extract and always accessible and represent the content of item im-
ages at a stylistic level. We extract the color information through the 8-bin RGB
color histogram, the shape/texture as done in [34], and the fashion category
from a pretrained ResNet50 [6, 11, 15, 37], where “category” refers to the clas-
sification task on which the CNN is pretrained. As for the features encoding,
we use a trainable MLP and CNN for color (a vector) and shape (an image),
respectively. Conversely, following [30], we adopt PCA to compress the fashion
category feature, also to level it out to the color and shape features that do not
benefit from a pretrained feature extractor.
Baselines. We compare our approach with pure collaborative and visual-based
approaches, i.e., BPRMF [32] and NeuMF [19] for the former, and VBPR [18],
DeepStyle [26], DVBPR [23], ACF [7], and VNPR [30] for the latter.
Evaluation and Reproducibility. We put, for each user, the last interac-
tion into the test set and the second-to-last into the validation one (i.e., tem-
poral leave-one-out). Then, we measure the model accuracy with the hit ra-
tio (HR@k, the validation metric) and the normalized discounted cumulative
gain (nDCG@k) as performed in related works [7, 19,39]. We also measure the
fraction of items covered in the catalog (iCov@k), the expected free discovery
(EF D @k) [35], and the diversity with the 1’s complement of the Gini index
(Gini@k) [16]. For the implementation, we used the framework Elliot [1,2].
3.1 Results
What are the accuracy and beyond-accuracy recommendation perfor-
mance? Table 1reports the accuracy and beyond-accuracy metrics on top-20
recommendation lists. On Amazon Boys & Girls, our solution and DeepStyle are
the best and second-best models on accuracy and beyond-accuracy measures,
respectively (e.g., 0.03860 vs. 0.03719 for the HR). In addition, our approach
outperforms all the other baselines on novelty and diversity, covering a broader
fraction of the catalog (e.g., iCov '90%). As for Amazon Men, the proposed
approach is still consistently the most accurate model, even beating BPRMF,
whose accuracy performance is superior to all other visual baselines. Consider-
ing that BPRMF covers only the 0.6% of the item catalog, it follows that its
superior performance on accuracy comes from recommending the most popular
items [5,27,40]. Given that, we maintain the competitiveness of our solution, be-
ing the best on the accuracy, but also covering about 29% of the item catalog and
supporting the discovery of new products (e.g., EF D = 0.01242 is the second
to best value). That is, the proposed method shows a competitive performance
trade-off on accuracy and beyond-accuracy metrics.
How performance is affected by different configurations of attention,
ian, and oan?Following [8, 21], we feed the attention network by exploring
three aggregations for the inputs of the attention network (ian), i.e., element-
wise multiplication/addition and concatenation, and two aggregations for the
Table 1: Accuracy and beyond-accuracy
metrics on top-20 recommendation lists.
Model H R nDCG iCov EF D Gini
Amazon Boys & Girls — configuration file
BPRMF .01474 .00508 .68181 .00719 .28245
NeuMF .02386 .00999 .00638 .01206 .00406
VBPR .03018 .01287 .71030 .02049 .30532
DeepStyle .03719 .01543 .85017 .02624 .44770
DVBPR .00491 .00211 .00438 .00341 .00379
ACF .01544 .00482 .70731 .00754 .40978
VNPR .01053 .00429 .51584 .00739 .13664
Ours .03860 .01610 .89878 .02747 .49747
Amazon Men — configuration file
BPRMF .01947 .00713 .00605 .00982 .00982
NeuMF .01333 .00444 .00076 .00633 .00060
VBPR .01554 .00588 .59351 .01042 .17935
DeepStyle .01634 .00654 .84397 .01245 .33314
DVBPR .00123 .00036 .00088 .00069 .00065
ACF .01548 .00729 .19380 .01147 .02956
VNPR .00528 .00203 .59443 .00429 .16139
Ours .02021 .00750 .28995 .01242 .06451
Table 2: Ablation study on different con-
figurations of attention, ian, and oan.
Components Boys & Girls Men
ian(·)oan(·)HR iC ov HR iC ov
No Attention .01263 .01136 .01462 .02208
Add Add .02316 .00757 .02083 .00076
Add Mult .02246 .00458 .00768 .00079
Concat Add .01404 .00518 .02113 .00076
Concat Mult .02456 .00458 .00891 .00085
Mult Add .03860 .89878 .02021 .28995
Mult Mult .02807 .00478 .01370 .01647
output of the attention network (oan), i.e., element-wise addition/multiplication.
Table 2reports the H R, i.e., the validation metric, and the iCov, i.e., a beyond-
accuracy metric. No ablation study is run on the content-style features, as their
relative influence on recommendation is learned during the training. First, we
observe that attention mechanisms, i.e., all rows but No Attention, lead to better-
tailored recommendations. Second, despite the {Concat, Add}choice reaches the
highest accuracy on Men, the {Mult, Add}combination we used in this work is
the most competitive on both accuracy and beyond-accuracy metrics.
4 Conclusion and Future Work
Unlike previous works, we argue that in visual recommendation scenarios (e.g.,
fashion), items should be represented by easy-to-extract and always accessible
visual characteristics, aiming to describe their content from a stylistic perspec-
tive (e.g., color and shape). In this work, we disentangled these features via
attention to assign users’ personalized importance weights to each content-style
feature. Results confirmed that our solution could reach a competitive accuracy
and beyond-accuracy trade-off against other baselines, and an ablation study
justified the adopted architectural choices. We plan to extend the content-style
features for other visual recommendation domains, such as food and social media.
Another area where item content visual features can be beneficial is in improving
accessibility to extremely long-tail items (distant tails), for which traditional CF
or hybrid approaches are not helpful due to the scarcity of interaction data.
Acknowledgment. The authors acknowledge partial support of the projects:
CTE Matera, ERP4.0, SECURE SAFE APULIA, Servizi Locali 2.0.
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Conference Paper
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Visually-aware recommender systems (VRSs) enhance the semantics of user-item interactions with visual features extracted from item images when they are available. Traditionally, VRSs leverage the representational power of pretrained convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to perform the item recommendation task. The adoption of CNNs is mainly attributed to their outstanding performance in representing visual data for supervised learning tasks, such as image classification. Their main drawback is that the learned representation of these networks is not entirely in line with the RS tasks --- learning users' preferences. This work aims to provide a better understanding of the representation power of pretrained CNNs commonly adopted by the community when integrated with state-of-the-art VRSs algorithms. In particular, we evaluate the recommendation performance of a suite of VRSs using several pretrained CNNs as the image feature extractors on two datasets from a real-world e-commerce platform. Additionally, we propose a novel qualitative and quantitative evaluation paradigm to assess the visual diversity of recommended items compared to the interacted user's items.
Conference Paper
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The paper introduces Visual-Elliot (V-Elliot), a reproducibility framework for Visual Recommendation systems (VRSs) based on Elliot. framework provides the widest set of VRSs compared to other recommendation frameworks in the literature (i.e., 6 state-of-the-art models which have been commonly employed as baselines in recent works). The framework pipeline spans from the dataset preprocessing and item visual features loading to easily train and test complex combinations of visual models and evaluation settings. V-Elliot provides an extended set of features to ease the design, testing, and integration of novel VRSs into V-Elliot. The framework exploits of dataset filtering/splitting functions, 40 evaluation metrics, five hyper-parameter optimization methods, more than 50 recommendation algorithms, and two statistical hypothesis tests. The files of this demonstration are available at:
Conference Paper
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Recommender Systems have shown to be an effective way to alleviate the over-choice problem and provide accurate and tailored recommendations. However, the impressive number of proposed recommendation algorithms, splitting strategies, evaluation protocols, metrics, and tasks, has made rigorous experimental evaluation particularly challenging. Puzzled and frustrated by the continuous recreation of appropriate evaluation benchmarks, experimental pipelines, hyperparameter optimization, and evaluation procedures, we have developed an exhaustive framework to address such needs. Elliot is a comprehensive recommendation framework that aims to run and reproduce an entire experimental pipeline by processing a simple configuration file. The framework loads, filters, and splits the data considering a vast set of strategies (13 splitting methods and 8 filtering approaches, from temporal training-test splitting to nested K-folds Cross-Validation). Elliot optimizes hyperparameters (51 strategies) for several recommendation algorithms (50), selects the best models, compares them with the baselines providing intra-model statistics, computes metrics (36) spanning from accuracy to beyond-accuracy, bias, and fairness, and conducts statistical analysis (Wilcoxon and Paired t-test). The aim is to provide the researchers with a tool to ease (and make them reproducible) all the experimental evaluation phases, from data reading to results collection. Elliot is available on GitHub (
Recommender systems learn from historical users’ feedback that is often non-uniformly distributed across items. As a consequence, these systems may end up suggesting popular items more than niche items progressively, even when the latter would be of interest for users. This can hamper several core qualities of the recommended lists (e.g., novelty, coverage, diversity), impacting on the future success of the underlying platform itself. In this paper, we formalize two novel metrics that quantify how much a recommender system equally treats items along the popularity tail. The first one encourages equal probability of being recommended across items, while the second one encourages true positive rates for items to be equal. We characterize the recommendations of representative algorithms by means of the proposed metrics, and we show that the item probability of being recommended and the item true positive rate are biased against the item popularity. To promote a more equal treatment of items along the popularity tail, we propose an in-processing approach aimed at minimizing the biased correlation between user-item relevance and item popularity. Extensive experiments show that, with small losses in accuracy, our popularity-mitigation approach leads to important gains in beyond-accuracy recommendation quality.