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Electromagnetic Fields to Sustain Life on Earth and Beyond


Abstract and Figures

Earth's geomagnetic field or natural pulsed electromagnetic frequencies (PEMFs) are essential to sustain the health of humans and life. As organisms have evolved within Earth's magnetic field .2-.7 Gauss (20-70µT) and electric field (100-300 V/min) for billions of years, EM fields have an important role in sustaining life beyond Earth. The review outlines the research, science, and findings from 140 peer reviewed studies on the effects of electromagnetic fields on living biological systems developed since the 1960's.
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nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 25-29 October 2021.
Copyright 2021 by Mars University. Published by the IAF, with permission and released to the IAF to publish in all forms.
Electromagnetic Fields to Sustain Life on Earth, in Space, and Planets
Kolemann Lutz
, Herve CADIOU, PhD
, Terry Trevino
, Ilaria Cinelli, PhD
a Cofounder,Magneto Space, Washington, DC, 20002, United States,
b Associate professor, Institut des Neurosciences Cellulaires et Intégratives, Strasbourg, France,
c Graduate Researcher, Space Studies Masters Graduate, American Military University,
d Faculty, Mars University, Washington, DC, 20002, United States,
Earth's geomagnetic field or natural pulsed electromagnetic frequencies (PEMFs) are essential to sustain the
health of humans and life. As organisms have evolved within Earth's magnetic field .2-.7 Gauss (20-70µT) and
electric field (100-300 V/min) for billions of years, EM fields have an important role in sustaining life beyond Earth
and for human space exploration. In the early 2000s, NASA demonstrated that astronauts who are cut off from
Earth's magnetic field developed health problems, which could be mitigated by generating an artificial magnetic
field. A 4 year NASA study led by Dr. Thomas Goodwin, PhD found that the greatest efficacy on PEMF therapy
came from rapid time varying squarewaves, low 10Hz frequencies, and low intensities 1-20 µT. The review outlines
the research, science, and findings from 140 peer reviewed studies on the effects of electromagnetic fields on living
biological systems.Most biological tests and experiments up until the early 2020's have not simulated the
hypomagnetic field (HMF). Lightweight, low power pulsed electromagnetic field devices could be integrated into
systems and habitats to support life and sustain organisms beyond Earth.
Keywords : Electromagnetic Fields Near Null Magnetic Field, Physics
BMNP = BioMagnetic Nanoparticles
CF = Crustal Field
CFU = Colony Forming Units
CRY = Cryptochrome
ELF = Extremely Low Frequency
GMF = GeoMagnetic Field
HMF = Hypomagnetic Field
MMFCs = Microbial Fuel cell
MTB = Magnetotactic bacteria
NNMF = Near null magnetic fields
PEMF = Pulsed electromagnetic field
PMBES = Pulse magnetic bioelectrochemical systems
TVEMF = Time-varying electromagnetic fields
To Add’-
“The Sun's 1Gauss (100uT) field in space...The sun's
magnetic field, when it reaches the Earth, is ~ 10 nT.
the sun acts like a giant bar magnet with the North
pole on one end, the South pole on the other end,The
sun's magnetic field has two poles, like a bar magnet.
The poles flip at the peak of the solar activity cycle,
every 11 years
Since the Sun's surface is more than 12,000 times
larger than Earth's, the overall influence of the Sun's
magnetic field is vast.This distant extension of the
Sun's magnetic field is called the Interplanetary
Magnetic Field (IMF). The solar wind, the stream of
charged particles that flows outward from the Sun,
carries the IMF to the planets and beyond. Galactic
cosmic rays (GCRs) are believed/known to travel
along stellar magnetic field lines”
1. Introduction
Zero field and near null magnetic field studies
demonstrate a lack of electromagnetic fields beyond
IAC-21-A1.19 1
Earth is considered a hazard to the health of
terrestrial organisms, bacteria, plants, and humans.
Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) can be used to
simulate Earth’s geomagnetic and time varying field
to help improve the quality of life in orbit, in space,
on planetary bodies such as the Moon, Mars and
throughout the Solar system and beyond.
Throughout the 20th and 21st century, 10,000
scientific papers and 2,000 double blind studies have
been published about the effect of pulsed magnetic
fields, and 2,000 double blind studies on the efficacy
of PEMF therapy [1] . However, the short and long
term biological effects of exposure to near null
electromagnetic fields and optimization of PEMF
beyond Earth have largely not been studied. Without
a centrifuge and artificial gravity in orbit,
distinguishing biomarkers from the effects of
alternative gravity, microgravity, radiation, and other
environmental or dietary conditions becomes a
challenge. Most of the research on biological
magnetoresponses can be roughly divided into
experiments that employ static magnetic fields or
alternating fields or a combination of both. The body
of research literature and understanding on man made
Alternating Current (AC) fields and their
accompanying effects far dominates the constant
Direct Current (DC) induced from the GMF field by
In 2004, Thomas Goodwin led a NASA study to
determine the greatest efficacy of PEMF therapy was
from TVEMF low 10Hz frequencies, and low
intensities ~10-200 milligauss (1-20 µT). The
TVEMF human brain cells exhibited 2.5 to 4.0X
increase in cell tissue regeneration [ 2 ]. Another 2005
study from NASA Engineering Directorate at
Johnson Space Center entitled, Pulsed
Electromagnetic Fields A Countermeasure for Bone
Loss and Muscle Atrophy, developed the hardware
for stable magnetic control with a helmholtz coil
design and a software to evaluate the most effective
PEMF frequencies, waveforms, and pulse durations.
Byerly et al. performed the field characterization of
the magnetic fields in terms of frequency, sine
wave/pulsed inputs, frequency response, field
amplitude, and harmonics to reverse bone loss and
muscle atrophy. The long-term objective was
produce a garment with a PEMF device to be worn
by astronauts as a noninvasive countermeasure. [3]
The hypomagnetic field (HMF) in interplanetary
space or near null MF alters the structure and
function of the iron metabolism in cells, redox
homeostasis, light activation of photoreceptors,
central nervous system, embryonic development,
hormone-release synchronization, melatonin
secretion, and circadian rhythm in animal and cells.
[4] In 1979, Kopanev et al., 1979 demonstrated the
mortality rate of HMF-exposed animals was
statistically greater than that of the normal
geomagnetic group. After one month in a
magnetically shielded chamber, rabbits developed
degenerative disturbances in the liver, myocardium,
and gastrointestinal tract with disturbance in
structural, enzymatic, and energy metabolism [5] .
Biomass accumulation of plants in the near-null MF
and local 45 µT MF was significantly suppressed
with 20% less harvest index when plants were
switching from vegetative growth to reproductive
growth [ 6 ].
Amidst technological revolution and
industrialisation many humans work in structures
shielding the geomagnetic field (GMF) by a factor of
100 or more [5] . A lack of affordable, open source
EM equipment and habitable environments in the
early 21st century impose challenges to studying the
true effects of the space environment on human
health. The effects of various electromagnetic fields
during space missions can be simulated on Earth’s
surface. However, a lack of data and testing on HMF
adaptability and synthetic biology methods to better
adapt humans and organisms to hypermagnetic space
environments. Additionally, there tends to be minimal
research, awareness, and priority from the global
space industry as of 2021. All of these factors
motivate this comprehensive study to evaluate the
biological effects of electromagnetic fields to help
improve life on Earth and to better adapt organisms
to thrive in space, on nearby planetary bodies,
exoplanets, and Star systems.
This comprehensive review aggregates and
reviews bioelectromagnetic and mathematical
processes in cells, force vibrations on surface of cell's
plasma membrane and cellular ion gated channels,
role of magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) and iron
nanoparticles, EMF on humans, animals, plants,
microorganisms, in addition to methods to cancel out
magnetic fields with magnetically shielded EMF
rooms and helmholtz coils and design experiments
with pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF).
Moreover, we propose the need to establish an index
and numerical value rating system that quantifies an
organism's adaptability to an electromagnetic field,
PEMF, and NNMF. The 130+ studies referenced in
this paper suggest that pulsed electromagnetic fields
(PEMFs) hold the potential to provide life support in
space settlement and operations. Large EM fields
around the base could be generated with
superconducting solenoid magnets or coils to shield
UV radiation and to mimic the protection of the
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Earth’s magnetosphere [ 4 ]. Future research studies
should evaluate the effects of positioning, orientation,
distance, strength, and integration of PEMF
generators in habitats, bioreactors, spacesuits,
vehicles, algae mats, biofeedstocks, in addition to the
physiological health impact, and efficacy for nearby
plants, humans, and organisms. Moreover, there has
been a lack of research and experiments on testing
the HMF on extremophiles and multiplanetary
microbial candidates to prepare and inoculate soils on
new frontiers.
1.1 Magnetic Fields of the Inner Planetary Bodies
Figure 1. Mars and Earth Magnetosphere
Life evolved on Earth over the previous 3.45
billion years under Earth’s natural magnetic field
with electromagnetism [7] , one of the four
fundamental forces that occurs when Lorenz forces
act on nonstationary (moving) electrically charged
particles (representing electric currents). [8] The
Earth’s magnetic field, or GeoMagnetic Field (GMF)
vector (B) measured at ground surface is mainly the
superposition of three different magnetic fields with
various spatial and temporal scales. The GMF is
thought to originate from the motions of the
liquid-iron outer core of our planet according to the
dynamo effect (Malkus, 1966), representing 90% of
the observable. Geomagnetic pulsations or
micropulsations are ultralow frequency (ULF) plasma
waves in the Earth's magnetosphere. These waves
have frequencies in the range 1 mHz to greater than
10 Hz and appear as more or less regular oscillations
in records of the geomagnetic field. [9] The MF
shows large spatial and temporal scale variations. The
observed inclination of the magnetic field is therefore
latitude-dependent, from horizontal at equator up to a
vertical vector at poles. The MF intensity ranges from
20 µT at the equator to around 70 µT at the poles.
Besides, local magnetic field intensity variations exist
due to the presence of iron deposit within the crust,
this is known as the crustal field (CF). The
superposition of the GMF field and of additional
fields are caused by magnetized rocks in the Earth's
crust, by electric currents flowing in the ionosphere,
magnetosphere, and oceans, and by currents induced
in the Earth by the time-varying external fields [10] .
The strength of the earth's magnetic field at any point
in space out to 30,000 kilometers can be estimated
from detailed models of the shape of the magnetic
'dipole field' of the Earth. In Low Earth Orbit (LEO),
the field has a strength of 0.35 Gauss (35µT), and
declines to 0.037 Gauss (3.7 µT) by 7000 kilometers,
approaching the near null MF field of space with
increasing distance.
EM Field Strength
20 - 80 µT
Lutz, et al 2021
Luna (Moon)
0 to 50 nT (3 μT)
10 - 64 nT
6.5 - 40 nT
Zhang, et al 2016
Table 1. Magnetic Field Strength for Inner Bodies
The longterm interplanetary magnetic field (IMF)
in transit has fluctuated between 2 and 8 nT, with a
mean value of 6.6 nT, corresponding to an increase of
the solar magnetic flux (Steinhilber et al., 2010). As
the field strength of each planet is positively
correlated with its mass, core radius, and rotational
angular velocity. Solar wind activity can interfere
with the planet’s magnetic field, the field strength of
planets tends to vary significantly. When the core of a
planetary body cools, the internal dynamo or magneto
gradually ends and fades away. Mercury's surface has
a MF range of 350–700 nT and the magnetic field at
the Venus surface is also much smaller than that at
the Earth. At the surface of Jupiter and Saturn, the
MF is more than a dozen times that of the Earth. The
term “lunar magnetic field” has been adopted for a
magnetic field strength that lies in the range of 0–300
nT, while “Mars magnetic field” has been released to
describe range values of 300 nT to 5 μT [ 4 ]. The
maximum field intensity is about 300 nT, mostly
located in the highlands on the far side of the Moon
(Lin et al., 1998; Berguig et al., 2013). Moreover,
magnetic refuges are lunar regions of high residual
magnetic field that can shield cosmic rays to some
extent, where a human lunar base can be set up
(Wieser et al., 2010). In 2005, researchers from
NASA KSC studied the efficacy of lunar electrostatic
radiation shield produced from spherical generators
on top of 40-meter masts to deflect charged particle
radiation and galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) combined
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with flat electrostatic screens placed low to the
ground to repel dust. Current designs propose weak,
negatively charged spheres distributed along the
shield's outer regions to sift out electrons while
strong, positively charged generators cluster at the
center to deflect high-energy protons.
- Magnetic reconnection occurs in the Earth's
magnetotail and plasma sheet at a distance
of about 10-30 planetary radii down the
magnetotail. Since Earth's magnetosphere is
10 times larger, reconnection at Venus
would be expected to occur 1-3 radii down
its tail. That is exactly where Venus Express
detected the reconnection
events. (ESA,2012)
1.2 Bioelectromagnetism for Cells and Biology
Every cell in humans is bathed in an external and
internal environment of fluctuating invisible
magnetic forces. As the low frequency fields tend to
be the most bioactive, the primary mechanism
influencing the effects of EM fields on cells is
generated from an external oscillating field that
causes forced-vibration of free ions on the surface of
a cell’s plasma membrane. This coherent vibration of
electric charge is able to irregularly gate
electrosensitive channels on the plasma membrane
and influence the cell's electrochemical balance and
function, which explains a wide range of bioeffects
from electromagnetic fields [ 11 ].
An external alternating electric field with an
intensity equal to E = E
0 sin ω t. As highlighted by
Panagopoulos, et al in Eq. 1, the forced vibration
equation applies to free ions within the vicinity of a
cell's plasma membrane in an external alternating
electric field with an acceleration force, a, acting on
the ion.
a = - λu − Dx + E
e sin ω t (1)
→ m
i + +m
i ω x = E
e sin ω t
𝑑 𝑡
λ 𝑑𝑥
The general solution of Eq. (1) is:
x = cos ω t E
e sin ω t (2)
𝐸 0 𝑧𝑞𝑒
λ ω
The ion’s forced vibration or amplitude is described
in at a constant distance: E
e / . The
𝐸 0 𝑧𝑞𝑒
λ ω λ ω
initial equilibrium position which is cos ω t has
𝐸 0 𝑧𝑞𝑒
λ ω
no role in the ion’s vibrational movement, which
suggests and has been proven that pulsed fields have
much twice more biological effect than continuous,
non-interrupted fields. This correlates to experimental
reports finding greatest biological effects occurring
with onset or removal of MF field exposure. The
vibrational movement on the surface of a cell’s
plasma membrane is described by the equation:
x = cos ω t (3)
𝐸 0 𝑧𝑞𝑒
λ ω
Eq. (3) represents a harmonic oscillation of constant
amplitude independent of any initial conditions. The
amplitude of the forced-vibration is:
A = (4)
𝐸 0 · 𝑧 · 𝑞 · 𝑒
λ · ω
Considering amplitude of forced vibration is
inversely proportional to field's frequency [Eq 4] low
frequency fields appear to be more bioactive. On
both sides of every cell membrane, vast amounts of
free ions (primarily K+, Na+, Cl-, Ca 2+, etc.)
regulate cell volume, transduce signals, and generate
electric fields between two sides of all cell
membranes [ 12 ]. The membrane's electrical potential
refers to the voltage difference of the order of 100
mV between external and internal surfaces, with the
internal always being negative and external positive.
The cation electrosensitive channel proteins generate
the electrical gradient. Ions inside voltage gated
channels move primarily from the forced-vibrations.
For example, the navigational inside magnetotactic
bacteria, magnetosomes connect to the
trans-membrane ion channel gate via a cytoskeletal
filament (a 'gating spring'). As the GMF is
perpendicular to plane of membrane and the ELF is
parallel to the gate, the channel opens and closes
depending on the magnitude and deflection of the
field [13] .If there is no external field to produce a
charge, a false signal for gating channels occurs. The
voltage-gated channels, mechanically gated channels
(gated by ion pressure), and ligand gated channels
(chemically sensitive) are important to understand the
effects of external electric and electromagnetic fields
[ 9 ].The cell membrane has an electric field of the
order of 10
5 V/cm. The ELF brain waves operate at
about 10
-1 V/cm. Fish, birds, animals and humans
respond to ELF signals that produce tissue electric
gradients of ULF/ELF oscillating signals at a
threshold of 10
-7 to 10
-8 V/cm [ 47 ].
Earth’s magnetic fields has a direct influence on a
variety of living organisms. The ability to respond to
magnetic fields is ubiquitous among the five
kingdoms of organisms, animal, plant, fungi,
unicellular and monera. Ranging from orientation to
nociception, the GMF modulates many physiological
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processes. Depending on the effects observed and the
mechanisms involved, the action of the GMF can be
seen as specifically targeting a specifically dedicated
sensory system (magnetite, cryptochrome) or
non-specific, interacting with the cellular machinery.
Electromagnetic waves differ from other optical,
microwave, and sound waves as they can travel
through matter at speeds of 186 million miles per
second through vast regions of the cosmos, however,
little is known about the EM transportation
mechanisms. A single frequency electromagnetic
wave experiences a sinusoidal variation of electric
and magnetic fields. When a charged particle is
moving in a uniform magnetic field, it experiences
the Lorentz Force as demonstrated in the equation
F = q (E + v B), (5)
that states a positively charged particle travels in the
same direction along the electric (E) field and the
varying magnetic force is always perpendicular to the
velocity of the particle. Current density J flows to the
right, and the magnetic field B is directed out of the
paper, resulting in a force F downward. [ 14 ].
Figure 2. The Lorentz Force.
In living organisms, bioelectromagnetic fields are
produced from biology generating electrical impulses
and the transmission of signals in the nervous system,
which fluctuate in value depending on the intensity of
the local uniform magnetic field. Simple movements
like bending or rotating the arms can induce currents
of varying strengths within the body. Mentioned in a
2011 study on the role of Magnetic forces in Biology
and Medicine, motion induced voltage occurs in the
presence of a magnetic field with tissue moving with
speed v. An upward Lorentz force is produced from
negative ions and positive ions experience a
downward Lorentz force, resulting in a negative and
positive voltage at the top and bottom of the tissue,
respectively. In biological tissue, where wires are not
present, it is more convenient to speak of the Lorentz
force.[ 14 ] Allen Song and his co-workers [ 15 , 16 ]
proposed a method for Magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) detection of biocurrents, known as “Lorentz
effect imaging.” After exposure to a magnetic field,
current in the body experienced Lorentz force (Fig.
2). This force changes tissue and causes the
current-carrying nerve fibers to move. When a
magnetic field gradient is present, this movement
displaces the nerve into a region of different magnetic
field strength. If the change in magnetic field is large
enough, it causes an artifact or anomaly in a magnetic
resonance signal that can be used to locate the active
neurons. [14]
Iron is an important factor for cellular redox
homeostasis (maintenance of ROS, signalling,
oxidation–reduction reactions and many others), most
likely because of the unpaired electrons that enable
iron to accept or donate electrons. Iron can exist in
two valence states, Fe(II) and Fe(III), which each
have vastly different magnetic properties. Ferrous
iron (Fe2+) can be either paramagnetic with the
effective spin 2 (high-spin state) or diamagnetic
(low-spin state). On the other hand, ferric iron (Fe3+)
is paramagnetic with an effective spin of 5/2
(high-spin state) or 1/2 (low-spin state) [ 125 ].These
states are contingent upon the ligand atoms, and
paramagnetic ions that are constantly interacting with
the magnetic field, which suggests the involvement
of magnetic field in iron metabolism in cells. Iron is
generally present in iron–sulfur (Fe–S)
cluster-containing proteins that help regulate gene
expression, control of labile iron pool, and DNA
damage recognition and repair. [ 5 ] Aa 2011 study on
DNA and Cell Resonance: Magnetic Waves Enable
Cell Communication details how DNA generates a
longitudinal wave that propagates in the direction of
the magnetic field vector perpendicular to the
benzene and pyrimidine ring systems in organic
chemistry. If electrons move inside the ring in one
direction a magnetic field perpendicular to the ring
plane is created, and if the direction changes an
alternating magnetic field is created, with the result
of emitting a magnetic scalar wave. Reversely if an
oscillating field vortex impacts a ring perpendicular
to its plane then it acts as a generator to put the
electrons in motion. If no external force is present the
electrons will remain in the same direction [ 17 ].
Research from a 2019 study on energy medicine
shows PEMF at extra low frequencies (ELFs) is
beneficial to immune system modulation [ 18 ] as well
as stem cell tissue regeneration.[ 19 ] PEMF can pass
through the skin into the body’s conductive tissue,
resulting in reduced pain and edema, and stimulation
of wound healing after trauma.[ 20 ] Electromagnetic
therapies can affect cell signaling systems through
the modulation of cytokine function,[ 21 ] second
messengers such as cyclic adenosine
IAC-21-A1.19 Page 5 of 28
monophosphate,[ 22 ] transcription factor nuclear
factor kappa B,[ 21 ] and tissue regeneration,[ 23 ]
without cytotoxic or genotoxic effects[ 24 ]. EMFs
oscillate at various frequencies, however, ELFs (<100
Hz) are most commonly used for therapeutic
purposes. A vast amount of activity at every level of
magnification spans more than two-thirds of the 73
known octaves of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Konstantin Meyl theorises that magnetic waves
enable cell communication and resonance. DNA
generates a longitudinal wave that propagates in the
direction of the magnetic field vector, forming a
potential vortex, which allows for high information
density in the nucleus of the cell. Longitudinal wave
uses genetic code to store and electrically modulate
base pairs of genes to transfer information from a cell
nucleus to another cell [ 17 ].
1.2.1 Biogenic Ferromagnetic Magnetite.
Magnetite, or ferrimagnetic iron oxide (Fe₃O₄), is
commonly found in geological formation and natural
living organisms. Although the amount of magnetite
in humans averages a few hundred micrograms, the
mineral reacts very strongly with external magnetic
fields. These magnetic crystals are more than a
million times more responsive to external magnetic
fields than surrounding cellular non-magnetic
structures [1] . Magnetite, typically located in cell
membranes, acts as a transducer and converts EM
energy from Earth into mechanical energy to transmit
ions across the cell membrane [25] . The biological
reactions from electromagnetic fields provide energy
to rotate the small crystals of biogenic magnetite that
is found in most human tissues [ 26 , [27] .
Crystalline Bio magnetic Nanoparticles (BMNPs)
are nanocrystalline forms of antiferromagnets or
ferrites, such as magnetite, maghemite, or greigite,
that are hollow spherical protein that that can store up
to 4,500 iron atoms in humans [28 , 29] and animals.
[30 , 31 ]. BMNP is found in a variety of organisms
across all three domains of life: prokaryotes, archaea,
and eukaryotes, including humans. Magnetite (Fe
has been found in chitons, magnetotactic bacteria
(MTB), honey bees, homing pigeons, and dolphins.
Its mineralization in localized areas may be
associated with the ability of these animals to
respond to the direction and intensity of the earth's
magnetic field.Large numbers (10
) of
superparamagnetic magnetite crystals in honey bees
and single-domain magnetite grains in pigeons
suggests there are two types of ferrimagnetic
magnetoreceptive organelles. [ 32 ]
Ferritin is a protein that supplies iron in cells
[ 33 , 34 ] and is very sensitive to applied EM fields) is
a precursor of magnetosome proteins since 1996
[ 35 , 36 , 37 ] Discovered by Laufberger in 1937,[ 35 ]
ferritin has been found in most living organisms,
including microorganisms, plants, invertebrates,
vertebrates, and especially mammals. [38]
Ferrihydrite (Fe3+)2O3•0.5(H2O) which is present in
the ferritin core is a precursor of biogenic magnetite
and is a transient mineral that occurs during the
formation of magnetite in cells of MTB and in chiton
teeth. [ 39 ]
A comprehensive 2020 study reviewing
Intrinsically Magnetic Cells and their Natural
Occurrence and Synthetic Generation [ 40 ] mentions
the magnetite precursor, ferrihydrite naturally forms
nanocrystals below 10 nm, can transform to ordered
ferrimagnetic ferrihydrite, and is located in the
ubiquitous iron-storage protein ferritin. MTB have a
reservoir of special proteins that are located in or
close to the magnetosome membrane with up to 120
copies per magnetosome particle (Raschdorf et al.,
2018). These proteins are necessary for iron transport
(Nies, 2011; Uebe and Schüler, 2016; Uebe et al.,
2018; Keren-Khadmy et al., 2020), crystal growth
and shape (Arakaki et al., 2010, 2014, 2016;
Lopez-Moreno et al., 2017; Nudelman et al., 2018),
and intracellular magnetosome arrangement [ 40 ].
Healthy humans emanate a magnetic field of
around 50 µT (.5 gauss), which parallels Earth's
natural static magnetic field around 50 microTesla,
depending on the latitude. In 1992 Researchers
observed an average .001µT (.01 mGauss)
bio-magnetic field strength across 37 humans
emanating from the palm of humans who emitted
External Qi or Chi. A pair of 2 identical coils with
80,000 turns and a high sensitivity amplifier were
used to detect field strengths and three subjects
exhibited a strong bio-magnetic field of 2 to 4
mGauss (4-10 Hz), a MF strength significantly
greater than previously observed. (Seto, et al. 1992)
Moreover, doctoral dissertation work from Justa
Smith at Rosary Hill College found that magnetic
fields increase enzyme activity and ultraviolet light
decreases enzyme activity after near field exposure to
the healer's hands. It is theorised that the energy
emanating from the hands activated the pancreatic
enzyme trypsin.
1.2.2 Human Heart
The heart is the most powerful electromagnetic
field in the human body with the electric field is
about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical
activity generated by the brain.The human heart
generates electrical signals from the sinus or
sinoatrial (SA) node [41] . The electrical field can be
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detected and measured anywhere on the surface of
the body with an electrocardiogram (ECG). The
magnetic field produced by the human heart is more
than 100 times greater in strength than the field
generated by the brain and can be detected in all
directions up to 91 cm or 3 feet away from the body,
using superconducting quantum interference
SQUID-based magnetometers [ 42 ]. Considering ECG
and magnetocardiogram (MCG) signals closely
parallel one another [43] and heart neurons fire in
conjunction with the brain, it is believed that the heart
and brain are profoundly connected.
The heart communicates with the brain and body
primarily in four ways: Neurological communication
(nervous system), Biochemical communication
(hormones), Biophysical communication (pulse
wave), and biomagnetic communication
(electromagnetic fields). The magnetic fields
generated by the heart is also known as cardio
electromagnetic communication. After finding
positive correlations between the heart-rhythm
patterns and the spectral information encoded in the
frequency spectra of the magnetic field radiated by
the hearts, Mccraty, et conducted EEG and ECG
experiments at the Heartmath Research Center that
suggest that information about a person’s emotional
state is encoded in the heart’s magnetic field and is
communicated throughout the body and into the
external environment. Moreover, the nervous system
acts as an antenna, which is tuned to and responds to
the magnetic fields produced by the hearts of other
individuals. [ 42 ]
1.2.3 Other Biological Effects
Magnetophosphenes (flashes of light) also occur also
in strong magnetic fields during movement of the
head and in transient fields during energising or
energising of high-field magnets. Other biological
effects of circulating currents in the body are: bone
healing, nerve stimulation, electroshock anaesthesia
(therapy) and heart fibrillation. As outlined in the
below table from Zannella, 1998, the biological
effects can be classified based on their induced
Induced Current
Biological Effects
< 1
Same order of naturally flowing
biocurrents, no effects
Minor biological effects
Magnetophosphenes, bone fracture
healing, possible nervous system
Influence on neuron excitability;
stimulation threshold for sensory
receptors, hazard:nerve and muscle cells
> 1000
Potential ventricular fibrillation,
continuous muscle contraction; definite
health hazards.
In 2016, Kunt et al demonstrated that individuals who
live around high-voltage electric transmission lines
(HVETL), experienced long-term exposure to an
electromagnetic field and significantly lower bone
mineral density, thyroid metabolism, and oxidative
stress index (OSI) levels.
1.2.4 Melatonin
The pineal gland, a small endocrine gland found
in most vertebrates, produces melatonin and is
particularly sensitive to electric, magnetic, and
electromagnetic field influences because the pineal
has the highest concentrations of magnetite. The
effects of these fields on pineal activity have been
analyzed in epidemiological studies [ 44 , 45 ].
Figure 4.Effects of 50-Hz Low MF on Melatonin
The Figure above from a 1995 study in France,
highlights the effects from 30 days of exposure to a
sinusoidal 50-Hz low frequency magnetic field (1 to
100 uT) on melatonin secretion in rats [46] .
Melatonin plays a central role in the body's highly
regulated and strongly integrated system that was
developed to produce healthy living in the face of
diurnal and seasonal climatic variations. There are
melatonin receptors in the vital organs throughout the
body. Melatonin has direct action in the immune
system through T-lymphocytes (Poon, 1994).
Melatonin is also a highly potent antioxidant that
scavenges free radicals from cells (Reiter, 1994).
Moreover, magnetotherapy decreases cortisol
IAC-21-A1.19 Page 7 of 28
secretion and whereas magnetostimulation increases
cortisol level with circadian curves of cortisol
secretion differed significantly by about 100%. [48]
Artificial ULF/ELF fields typically melatonin in
animals and people. Reduced melatonin negatively
affects many aspects of human health. Many
occupational studies [47] have found that exposure to
ELF fields between 16.7 Hz and 50/60Hz
significantly reduces melatonin levels. Natural
ULF/ELF fields such as the ELF fields produced
from the interactions on Earth's surface and the
ionosphere, generates a cavity containing a total
electrical charge of 500K Coulombs. With around
2,000 thousand lightning storms continuously, the
upper boundary of the resonant cavity in Earth’s
ionospheric D region has sufficient electron density
and forms the schumann resonance signal (at 7.83
Hz), is an extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of
the Earth's electromagnetic field. Responding to ELF
signals produce tissue electric gradients of ULF/ELF
oscillating signals at a threshold of 10-7 to 10-8 V/cm
involves the non-linear resonant absorption of
ULF/ELF oscillating signals into systems that use
natural ion oscillation signals in the same frequency
range. The globally available natural ULF/ELF signal
on Earth, the Schumann Resonance (SR) signal is
resonantly absorbed by brain systems and is believed
to be associated with human health effects during
Solar/Geomagnetic Activity (S-GMA) including
altered serotonin/melatonin balance [ 47 ].
1.3 Significance of EM Fields for Brain
Figure 5. EMF from Ion Flow across Cell Membrane
The above image highlights induced current and
electromagnetic field from ion flow across cell
membranes. Whilst the magnetic field acts circularly
around the neuron, the electric field spreads
perpendicularly to it. Both of these fields exert forces
on cells which depend on the value of the external
charge on the cells as well as their incident angle and
could, either deflect or attract the cells. [49]
In 2018, German scientists mapped the magnetic
materials or magnetite in human brains for the first
time from magnetometer NRM and SRM
measurements of seven dissected human brains in a
magnetically shielded room. Brain stems were over
two times higher in magnetization on average than
the cerebral cortex.
As highlighted in Figure 4, the
upper region of the brain, the
cerebrum or older areas, have
low levels based on the
magnetic moment (nAm
The brain stem has higher
magnetization than any other
region, although only five of
the seven brains had brain
stems intact. The lower in the
brain you go, the stronger the
magnetic signal grows. [50] The brain stem provides
vital functions including: breathing, consciousness,
blood pressure, heart rate, eating and sleeping and
should be a focus for future neurological studies after
exposure to near null magnetic fields (NNMF).
Magnetite likely originates in the brain from both
internal and external sources. The naturally occurring
magnetite in the brain is angular in shape. One study
of the frontal cortex of 37 human brains suggests that
humans breathe in airborne magnetite pollution
nanoparticles that are <200 nm in circular diameter
and produced from high-temperature processes such
as those produced by vehicle engines or brake pads.
As magnetite is highly sensitive to external magnetic
fields, magnetite pollution is believed to create
damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS) and is an
environmental risk factor opening up research across
a range of different neurodegenerative diseases such
as Alzheimer's. [51]
Using an ultrasensitive superconducting
magnetometer in 1992 in a clean-lab environment,
Kirrschvink, et al detected magnetite from solubilized
brain tissues. Magnetic and high-resolution
transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
measurements showed a minimum of 5 million
single-domain crystals per gram for most tissues in
the brain. Greater than 100 million crystals per gram
were observed in the pia and dura mater, the tough
outer layer membrane tissue that surrounds and
protects brain and spinal cord, which is 20 times
higher than other regions of the brain. Magnetic
property data indicate the crystals are in clumps of
between 50 and 100 particles. [51] The CSF serves
several purposes including providing buoyancy,
protection, reduction of intracranial pressure,
homeostasis, and clearing waste from the brain [52] .
On a long-duration 7-month spaceflight on the
ISS in 2020, cerebrospinal fluid increased in volume
in 11 cosmonauts before and shortly after flight.
IAC-21-A1.19 Page 8 of 28
Ventricles, which are open structures deep inside the
brain where cerebrospinal fluid is produced, become
dilated in space. Although ventricles did not reduce
in size in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), astronauts
typically experience more cerebrospinal fluid inside
ventricles than before they went to space [53] . In
microgravity, the lower region of the astronaut’s brain
was surrounded by more CSF fluid than the top
region of the brain, resulting in severe pressure on the
brain called intracranial pressure, which can lead to
headaches, blurred vision, altered levels of
consciousness, and vomiting. This is considered to be
one of the more severe challenges to human
adaptation in microgravity. The structural changes in
the ventricles and white matter of the brain is
believed to explain the increased cerebrospinal fluid
volume and imbalance inside ventricles. As a
magnetically sensitive tissue region of the human,
astronaut’s CSF experienced both microgravity and a
change in magnetic field intensity. While there may
be a potential correlation between high magnetite
crystals (bio-electromagnetism) and structural
changes in ventricles, continued research and testing
should isolate the effects of NNMF on the brain’s
adaptation to the space environment.
The otolith, a region located inside the inner ear,
enables the brain to receive information about the
orientation of the head. It is made up of tiny, crystal
structures called otoconia, which are positioned flat
on top of a gel in the inner ear. When the head makes
a movement such as tilting down to one shoulder,
gravity pulls the otoconia crystals down across hairs
within the inner ear, sending a signal to the brain that
the head has tilted. Magnetite crystals in otoliths are
in many animals including human otoliths, which
opens up new avenues of research to study the effect
of human magnetoreception as an additional function
of the vestibular system [54] . Four hypothesized
mechanisms for human magnetic vestibular
stimulation include diamagnetic susceptibility (DS),
motion-induced magneto hydro dynamic (MHD)
effects, electromagnetic induction, [55 , 56] and the
Lorentz force [57] .
Additional effects of magnetic fields from Sandyk
et al. (1992) shows significant improvement of a
patient with progressive degenerative multiple
sclerosis. Patients showed considerable improvement
when subjected to treatment at a frequency of 2-7 Hz
and an intensity of the magnetic field of 7.5 pico
Tesla (7.5×10
-6 µT). The experiment demonstrated
significant improvement in patients with the same
field strength and intensity, which closely parallel
EM parameters in the hallmark NASA 2004 study.
1.4 Effects of Electromagnetism on Animals
As organisms evolved to become larger and more
complex, their reliance on Earth’s magnetic field
increased. Organisms such as magnetotactic bacteria
(MTB), migratory birds, bats, pigeons, sea turtles,
and mammals use magnetoreceptors primarily in the
brain to detect electromagnetic fields. Magnetite can
be found in areas of the brain and tissues of insects,
fish, birds, and mammals, with the highest
concentrations in migratory animals relying on
Earth’s field for guidance. A system based on
magnetite would be more sensitive to low frequency
fields (Kirschvink et al., 1992). Long before
Earthquakes occur or register on the most sensitive
instruments, some animals react to changes in the
earth's magnetic field and electrostatic charges in the
air, which can all be used to forecast Earthquakes
[58] . Such protective behavior includes cattle
stampedes, birds sing at the wrong time of day,
mother cats moving their kittens, and snakes seeking
shelter. Living systems have electromagnetic antenna
systems that act as transmitters and receivers. Despite
a great deal of observations, the mechanism by which
specialized cells transduce or convert a change in the
GMF (declination, inclination, intensity) into an
electrical signal remains is not well understood. Two
major hypotheses and leading theories include: i)
Photochemical Magnetoreception (PCM) and ii) iron
oxide particle magnetoreception (IOPM). As birds
fail to orient under yellow and red light but not
under blue light and further research [ 59 ] proposed
cryptochrome (CRY), a light sensitive flavo-protein
and are photosensory receptors, that regulates
molecular circadian clock and detects the GMF
through the radical pair mechanism, a theory
originally proposed by Schulten and collaborators
and refined by Ritz [ 60 ]. Note that cryptochrome
based-magnetoreception is not restricted to birds and
was also demonstrated in insects and in amphibians
[ 61 ]. It is thought that PCM would mediate the
magnetic inclination compass and therefore would
provide directional information. iii) Iron oxide
particle magnetoreception (IOPM). Since its
discovery in magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) by
Blakemore in 1975, magnetite (Fe
) has been
observed in a wide range of animals. A similar
configuration was found in salmonids and is believed
to be the optimal configuration for GMF detection.
At a mechanistic level, it is theorized that a change in
magnetic field would change the orientation of the
magnetite crystal chain contained within particular
cells, which in turn trigger the opening of ion
channels [ 62 ] However, the search for
magnetoreceptor cells have proven deceptional as
IAC-21-A1.19 Page 9 of 28
iron oxide particles are ubiquitous in organisms and
in the environment leading to false positive [63] .
Moreover, mosquitoes can detect and respond to
magnetic fields. A 2000 study found that after
mosquitoes who experienced a 1.0-gauss (100 μT),
uniform magnetic field moved until they were
oriented parallel to the field, which was suggested to
be due to the attraction of ferromagnetic dust on the
surface of the mosquito. Two of the three species of
mosquitoes took fewer blood meals in a rotating
magnetic field than in the Earth's normal magnetic
field. [64] In a separate study, 20 Drosophila Fruit
flies (males and females) were exposed to up to 3kV
electric fields, which generate electromagnetic fields
from Ampere’s Law. When flies were placed
underneath a negatively charged copper electrode
within five minutes of exposure, the electromagnetic
field forces caused vibrations and elevation of the
wings toward the electrode, as opposite charges were
attracted. After experiencing a static electric field,
elevated levels of octopamine (similar to
noradrenaline in humans) in the brains were
observed, which correlates with stress and aggressive
behavior, and reduced dopamine, suggesting flies will
avoid them if possible. [65]
In Guinea pigs, extremely low
frequency-magnetic fields (ELF-MF) caused changes
in cortisol levels, which depended on the field
frequency and intensity. Exposure of animals for
2 hours and 4 hours per day, over a period of five
days, to a field of 50 Hz and 0.207 μT showed a
significant decrease in cortisol levels [ 66 ].Resting
and grazing cattle and deer tend to align their body
axes in the geomagnetic North-South direction. [67]
In 1997, researchers in the Netherlands and England
used strong 16 Tesla superconducting magnets to
make frogs levitate in a strong magnetic field. As the
resulting object is in a net zero field, this novel
magnetic field method provides a way to study low
diamagnetic biological and nonbiological materials in
milligravity on planetary surfaces. Thus, researchers
could study the effects of microgravity on crystal
growth and living cells, without costly space
missions [68] . However, inducing such extremely
high electromagnetic fields for extended periods on
organisms poses health risks. Although,
superconducting methods hold potential to be
effective for shorter term microgravity experiments
and for less magnetically sensitive or adaptable
1.5 Electromagnetic Fields for Plants
Static magnetic fields (SMF) cause the Lorentz
force on moving ionic particles in plants. When
charged particles move vertically towards MF, they
meet the magnetic field force. Therefore, the
direction of ionic particles' velocity and the value of
the current moving across the cell membrane are
important (Turker, 2006) are important to understand
the effects of PEMF and a lack of MF on plants
cellular functions. The Lorentz force in field-up and
down directions has similar effects on moving ionic
particles. An experiment in the 1720s by placing
mimosa pudica in closets and another experiment in
the 20th century that put plants in a mine shaft 650 ft
beneath Earth’s surface, suggest that plants may be
able to sense the nearby star without seeing or
receiving photons via electromagnetism.
There are several factors influencing plant growth
and metabolism [69] such as magnetotropism, or an
organism's movement or growth in response to
magnetic field, which can also be applied to other
non photosynthetic organisms. Magnetotropism has
been demonstrated to improve plant seeds
germinations and biomass production and quality
[ 70] . Variations of magnetic field levels have many
biological effects, on the germination rate, flowering
time, photosynthesis, biomass accumulation,
activation of cryptochrome, and/or shoot growth. [71]
In 1960, L. J. Audus, a professor of botany at
London University published a pioneering paper on
magnetotropism demonstrating plant roots are
sensitive to magnetic fields. Shortly afterward,
Russian scientists found that tomatoes ripen
significantly faster near the south than the north pole
of a magnet. Other studies found that a number
species of weeds consistently align themselves in a
north-south plane parallel to the horizontal force of
the Earth’s magnetic field. Moreover, Dr. H. Len
Cox, a space scientist, charged powdered ferrous ore
magnetite and mixed it with trace minerals in soil to
contact the roots of red and white radishes. The
activated radishes were twice as large as the controls
and tap roots were three to four times as long. Similar
effects were observed with other root vegetables such
as rutabagas, turnips, carrots and also for green plants
(beans, lettuce, broccoli, and oyster plants).
Moreover, the continuous presence of electricity in
high altitude regions with higher amounts of charged
negative air ions (NAI’s) may also account for
increased plant growth in poor soil.
In 2002, Russians and astronauts conducted
magnetotropism experiments in a custom-built
Magnetogravistat, 1.1kg stainless steel box with
5 magnets, aboard Mir and Salut space stations.
After Flax seeds were germinated and grown for 3-4
days under pulsed magnetic field, 93% of the
seedlings were oriented in the field consistently with
IAC-21-A1.19 Page 10 of 28
curvature in response to displacement of statoliths
along the field gradient. This suggests that gravity
receptors of plants recognize magnetic forces on
statoliths as gravity, and that gravity stimulus can be
substituted for plants by a force of a different
physical nature [ 72 ].
Since the 1970’s, numerous studies demonstrate
diverse plant responses after exposure to different
MF strengths, from near-null (0–40 mT) to low (up to
40 mT) and extremely high values (up to 30 T). The
reported results show a variety of plant responses on
the biochemical level where enzymes scavenge for
reactive oxygen species, the molecular level with
gene expression of the cryptochrome pathway, the
cellular level with ultrastructural studies and
amyloplast displacement, and the whole-plant
(flowering delay and phenotypic effects) levels [ 73] .
High-intensity MFs have destructive effects on
plants and low intensity MF’s produce a variety of
plant responses. The magnetically modulated charge
separation that occurs during bacterial photosynthesis
[ 74] , photosystems I and II of green plants, require
rather high magnetic flux densities between 10 to
several hundred mT. This may indicate that the
geomagnetic field does not influence photosynthetic
electron transport. [74]
In an study entitled, Analysis of Magnetic
Gradients to Study Gravitropism, Hasenstein, et al
examined the movement of corn, wheat, and potato
( Solanum tuberosum ) starch grains in suspension
with video microscopy during 20–25 seconds of
weightlessness on parabolic flights. During
weightlessness, a magnetic gradient was generated by
inserting a wedge into a uniform, external MF that
repelled starch grains. Magnetic gradients move
diamagnetic compounds under weightless or
microgravity conditions and serve as directional
stimulus during seed germination in low-gravity
environments. Further research will help determine
whether gravity sensing is based on force or contact
between amyloplasts organelle and statocyte
membrane system in the plant root cap [ 75 ].
After exposure to a 20 μT vertical MF, Sunflower
( Helianthus annuus ) seedlings experienced small, but
significant increases in total fresh weights, shoot
fresh weights, and root fresh weights, whereas dry
weights and germination rates remained unaffected
( Fischer et al., 2004 ). Moreover, seeds of the soybean
(Glycine hispida (Moench)) medium-early cultivar
‘Valjevka’ were exposed to the PEMF therapy using
the impulse generator and strip. Low-frequency (16,
24, 30 and 72 Hz) PEMF was pulsed for 0, 30, 60 and
90 minutes. The pulsed field was found to increase
seed germination up to 8.00% and yield by 960.5 kg,
or 21% in field conditions [76] . A separate study in
2000, found that a continuous PEMF with two
rectangular coils of 5 hr per day led to significant
stimulation of shoot regeneration and development of
nicotiana tabacum L. PEMF treatment again
increased seed germination, and callus growth. [77]
There is evidence that even plant cryptochromes
(CRY) are involved in the magnetoreception of
Arabidopsis, a small flowering plant [74]. After
near-null MF on Arabidopsis seedlings, the transcript
level of cryptochrome-signaling-related genes, PHYB
was elevated ca. 40%, and that of CO and FT was
reduced ca. 40 and 50% (Maffei, 2014) After pulsing
a 12.5 mT electromagnetic field with a Papimi device
for 0, 5, 10, and 15-min, tomato seeds receiving 10
and 15min of PEMF experienced the highest yield (g)
per plant, except plant height and lycopene content.
MF-15 treatment yield was 80.93% higher than the
control treatment. [78]
A 2018 study investigated the biological effect of
the near null magnetic field (NNMF, 40 nT or 0.04
µT) on Arabidopsis thaliana root ion modulation and
mineralization. By comparing 10 min to 96 hours of
exposure to NNMF to the control GMF, arabidopsis
roots responded a few minutes after exposure to
NNMF, with a significant change in the content and
gene expression of all nutrient ions under study. This
suggests that plant magnetoreceptors respond
immediately to MF variations by modulating
channels, transporters and genes involved in mineral
nutrition. capillary electrophoresis separated charged
cations and anions to discover that reduced MF
reduced of arabidopsis plant ion uptake and transport.
Artificial shielding of GMF caused a significant
decrease in the cell number and higher DNA content
in root and shoot of onion ( Allium cepa ) meristems.
Furthermore, very low MF tends to result in
uncytokinetic mitosis cell division with formation of
binuclear and then tetranuclear cells as well as a
fusion of normal nuclei resulting in appearance of
giant cells with vast nuclei [79] .
In plant cells exposed to weak magnetic field, the
genome activity at early pre-replicate period
decreases along with intensification of protein
synthesis and disintegration in plant roots.
Cytochemical studies indicate that cells of plant roots
exposed to weak magnetic field show Ca2+
over-saturation in all organelles and in cytoplasm
unlike the control ones. At ultrastructural level, in
pea roots exposed to weak magnetic field
experienced changes in distribution of condensed
chromatin and nucleolus compactization in nuclei,
noticeable accumulation of lipid bodies, development
of a lytic compartment (vacuoles, cytosegresomes
IAC-21-A1.19 Page 11 of 28
and paramural bodies), and reduction of phytoferritin
in plastids in meristem cells. Alterations occurred in
some organelles and cellular compartments with a
reduction in volume of granular nucleolus component
and the appearance of nucleolus vacuoles in several
other species, indicating a decrease in activities of
rRNA synthesis in some nucleoli [80] .
After publishing 50 papers on effects of low
frequency or constant magnetic fields on plants, the
Italian agronomist Albert R. Davis received a U.S.
Patent for his system of gardening with magnetism.
By treating above ground seeds with the South Pole
of a magnet with a 1,500-2,500 gauss field ( 2.5 to
5 Microtesla µT), the germination, growth, and
leaves of these vegetables increased. Under the field
from the north pole of the magnet, the seeds of beets,
potatoes, carrots and turnips experienced increased
growth. Other experiments found that the
high-frequency currents generated by a Tesla coil
cangma protect plants from temperatures as low as
o F or -12
o C , which typically destroys unprotected
plants. In 1920, Thomas Curtis used a large,
oil-immersed Tesla coil (10 KV/500 W) to supply
high-tension current over a 200 sq ft plot planted with
radishes and lettuce. The electrified crops were at
least 50% larger than the normal crops. [81]
Pea ( Pisum sativum ) seeds elongated in low MF
(11.2 ± 4.2 mm, n = 14) when compared to normal
geomagnetic conditions (8.8 ± 4.0 mm, n = 12) [82] .
With noticeable tissue accumulation in lipid bodies,
lytic compartment, and reduction of phytoferritin in
plastids, the cell elongation may relate to an increase
of osmotic pressure in the cells from a 1999 study
entitled Growth of pea epicotyl in low magnetic field
implication for space research. [83] Pea seedlings
showed ultrastructural peculiarities such as a
noticeable accumulation of lipid bodies, development
of a lytic compartment (vacuoles, cytosegresomes,
and paramural bodies), and reduction of phytoferritin
in plastids. Under low MF treatm ent, the pea
mitochondria increased in size and volume, were the
most sensitive organelle, and their matrix was
electron-transparent, and cristae reduced [ 71 ].
Several other studies [ 84 , 85 , 86 ] investigated the
effect of PEMF stimulation on plant Negative Air Ion
(NAI) generation. Tikhonov et al. found that plants
release <200 Negative air ions (NAIs or O- ions) per
cubic cm and after PEMF stimulation, more than 3.5
× 10
6 ions/cm3 were detected, demonstrating a
significant increase in natural healthy oxygen.
Several parameters may affect the NAI release under
PEMF stimulation such as the plant species,
magnetic particles, and output voltages as highlighted
in the below Table, as well as light intensity,
temperature, pulse interval, and the pulse width of
PEF [ 84 , 85 , 86 ].
Table 2. NAIs from Plants under PEMFs [ 87 ].
The application of electricity, magnetism,
monochrome light, and sound can stimulate the
growth of plants to a great extent. Electro-culture
induces high voltage from wires and can accelerate
growth rates, increase yields, and improve crop
quality. [88] Electro-culture can be applied to seeds,
plants, soil, water, and nutrients via several methods
including antennas, static electricity, direct and
alternating current, magnetism, radio frequencies,
monochrome and intermittent lighting, and sound.
Electro-culture has even proven effective at
protecting plants from diseases, insects and frost.
These methods can reduce the requirements for
fertilizer or pesticid es. Thus, farmers can grow bigger
and better crops in less time, with less effort, and at a
lower cost . American James Lee Scribner mentions
that electrons magnetize the chlorophyll in the plant
cell that makes it possible for photos to become part
of the plant. The magnetism draws the molecules of
oxygen into the expanding chlorophyll cells of the
plant while the integration of moisture is purely an
electric one. Moreover, a 1770 study evaluating
atmospheric electricity on plants by Professor
Gardini, found that plants withered and died after
placing wires above a garden. The plants revived
after removing the wires which led Gardini to
hypothesize that either the plants had been deprived
of a natural supply of electricity or they were
overdosed with electricity. As the Earth’s surface
typically has a negative charge and the atmosphere
remains positive, electrons stream skyward from the
soil and plants, generating electromagnetic fields.
In the 1800’s, a Finnish scientist Selim Lemstrom
found that sharp points of pl ants are especially
attractive to atmospheric electricity, suggesting the
sharp points of plants act like lightning rods to collect
atmospheric electricity and facilitate exchange of
IAC-21-A1.19 Page 12 of 28
charges of the air and ground. Lemstrom
demonstrated in studies of rings in fir tree trunks that
time periods of high aurora and sunspot activity
correlated fully with annual growth. As EM fields are
generated with passing current, electromagnetic fields
may even help explain the fact that a redwood can
raise its sap more than three hundred feet whereas
man-designed suction pumps can pull H2O up less
than a tenth of that distance.
After the second world war in 1950, botanist
Semyon Davidovich Kirlian and his wife built an
invention to photographically reproduce an electro
bioluminescence biofields or biological plasma body
that is believed to emanate from organisms. A high
frequency spark generator put out 75,000 to 200,000
electrical pulses per second through a biological
organism to be photographed between plate film,
which was between electrodes. A variety of optical
spectrum and white,blue, red, and yellow flares
propagate outward from the biological item, which is
referred to as the cold emission of electrons or corona
discharge in various scientific literature. In later
adapting their photographic processes to optical
instruments and microscopes, this imaging technique
became referred to as Kirlian Photography, or
electrophotography or corona discharge photography
(CDP). In 1968, Inyushin, published a book-. long
scientific paper entitled “The Biological Essence of
Kirlian effect”, which led to the belief that specific
areas of the human and organisms radiate corona
discharge which could prove significant for imaging
biomarkers associated with medical disease.
Published in 1973 by Peter Tompkins, the Secret Life
of Plants Book mentions Soviet and American work
that found the health, physical, or emotional state of
plants and animals can be determined with
electrophotography or CPD. Later in 1973, Dr. John
Pierrakos presented observations of the human
electromagnetic field with three layers around most
patients. The first layer consists of a dark band no
more than one-sixteenth to one-eighth of an inch
thick close to the skin while the second dark blue
layer forms an ovoid envelope around the body. The
third layer is a litish blue haze that extends several
feet away from the body. As energy fields of plants
can be severely affected by disturbed patients, images
illustrate that changes in colors of these layers
correlated with disease. Dr. Wesley Thomas found
that the biofield of the chrysanthemum flower
contracts significantly when a person shouts from a
distance of five feet and loses the blue-azure color,
while its pulsation diminishes to one third. Further
studies found that the number of pulsations per
minutes emitted from the field is an indication of the
internal state of a human and organism. Older people
have slower pulsations whereas younger children had
higher pulsations, which also applies to sleeping and
wakefulness. Moreover, sensitive photomultiplier
tubes can measure photons or light radiated from the
electromagnetic field and aura of humans, animals,
and plants.
1.6 Magnetic Permeability and Properties of Soils
and Rocks
The magnetic permeability of a material indicates
the ease with which an external magnetic field can
create a higher magnetic force of attraction in the
M = χ H (5)
As an extremely important soil mineral property,
magnetic susceptibility ( χ ) can be determined from
equation five, where M is the magnetisation of a solid
and H is the magnetic field flux intensity. Magnetic
permeability affects the presence of iron oxides,
mineralogy, and grain size of soil in addition to
magnetic soil susceptibility on lithology, climate,
oxidation, organic matter, topography, sediment
source, particle size, and time. Magnetotactic bacteria
also impact natural soil remediation. Mohamed, et al,
2018 outlines the magnetic susceptibility of
paramagnetic and diamagnetic substances for
common rocks and ores. Magnetic susceptibility is an
extremely important soil mineral property. Soils with
high concentrations of ferroand/or ferrimagnetic
minerals tend to have the highest susceptibilities
(Thompson and Oldfield, 1986, Maher, 1998). A
Bartington magnetic susceptibility meter equipped
with a dual frequency sensor can monitor the
Magnetic Susceptibility (χ) of a sample when
exposed to a weak magnetic and the soil magnetic
parameters. NMR Evans methods, Johnson Matthey
MSB Auto magnetic susceptibility balance, and
SQUID devices
are also capable of measuring the magnetic
susceptibility of materials. The dielectric constant
may also be estimated from field measurements of
water content and sample measurements from water
content and frequency.
1.7 Electromagnetism for Microorganisms,
Bacteria, and Fungi
The ability to respond to magnetic fields is
ubiquitous among the five kingdoms of organisms,
animal, plant, fungi, unicellular and monera. Pazur et
al, review magneto biological effects for bacteria,
protists and fungi, that occur in response to weak and
IAC-21-A1.19 Page 13 of 28
moderate magnetic fields, and that are not related to
magnetotaxis and magnetosomes. [74]
1.7.1 Cyanobacteria.
Most plants modify nutrient availability by
releasing chemicals in the rhizosphere (soil around
roots). Algal cyanobacteria species may adapt to
changing magnetic field strength and direction, which
may be expressed by altered mineral uptake
processes, electrical signals, and/or changes in
membrane function (Newman & Watson, 1999).
Another study investigated the effects of extremely
low-frequency electromagnetic fields (0.1-1Hz) on
the growth of two species of cyanobacteria with
different habits including the colonial Microcystis
aeruginosa and the filamentous, freshwater Anabaena
circinalis, commonly found in drinking water
sources. Anabaena is close in relation to Anabaena
PCC 7938, a primary cyanobacteria that can sustain
growth under Martian like atmospheric conditions
(MDA-1) at 1/10th pressure in CO2 atmosphere
inside photobioreactor [ 89 ]. The results showed that
Anabaena cultures exposed to ELF-EMF exhibited a
sharp reduction in the cell numbers at a frequency of
0.7 Hz, compared to control cultures. On the other
hand, ELF-EMF had no significant effect on the
growth of M. aeruginosa. The negative effect of
ELF-EMF on the growth of Anabaena increased with
the increase in exposure time, with complete cell
death in cultures within 2-hours [90] , which suggests
Anabaena and other cyanobacteria should be
cultivated in a pulsed electromagnetic field beyond
Earth’s GMF, NNMF in space, and other planetary
bodies. Gao et al found that 12-hours of exposure to a
high intensity 14.1 T magnetic field, has little effect
on the cell growth of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, a
bioremediating iron bacteria. Although the
transcriptional expression levels of 65 genes were
altered [91] , this may suggest that high MF fields
may be utilised to shield ionising radiation for
cyanobacteria species. In 1998, Japanese researchers
published a study evaluating the effect of 50 µT
(Earth’s geomagnetic field flux) to 7.0×10
4 µT
magnetic field on photosynthesis and the growth of
Spirulina platensis (S. platensis). The specific growth
rate of Spirulina was the highest at 100 gauss (.01 T)
when the highest values of phycocyanin, a
light-harvesting pigment present in the thylakoid
membrane in which reactions of the photosynthetic
electron transfer system occur, while there was
growth inhibition over high MF field of 400 gauss
(0.04 T or 4.0×10
4 µT) [92] .
1.7.2 Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB)
Two billion years ago aquatic magnetotactic
bacteria (MTB), which are abundant in soil,
freshwater, and saltwater, and evolved with magnetite
crystals, enabling them to swim or float along the
Earth’s magnetic field lines and find food. Natural
intrinsically magnetic cells (IMCs) produce
intracellular, MNPs, and are called magnetotactic
bacteria (MTB) . MTB are aquatic microorganisms
that biomineralize magnetosomes, which are
membrane-enclosed magnetic nanoparticles and
organelles that provide compass navigation.
Magnetotactic bacteria synthesize magnetic iron
nanominerals, which function as tiny compasses that
allow the microbes to navigate using Earth's
geomagnetic field [ 93 ]. T his alignment aids these
organisms in reaching low oxygen environments.
[94] . Most MTB are located in micro-oxic and anoxic
environments with an abundance of soluble iron
(6–60 μM Fe2+). Magnetotactic bacteria accumulate
magnetite (Fe₃O₄) up to 2–4% of their dry cell weight
(DCW). As most magnetosome crystal sizes are
between 35 and 120 nm, this results in single-domain
states with measurable coercivity rather than
superparamagnetism [ 40 ].Moreover, MTB cells have
magnetic moments around 2 × 10
–16 A m2 in
magnetic fields below 23 mT and can be efficiently
sorted and enriched with high-throughput
microfluidic methods (Tay et al., 2018).
Fig 6. TEM of MTB with magnetosome chain [ 40 ].
Magnetotactic bacteria (MTBs) and their
organelles, called magnetosomes (BMs) are used as
natural and synthetic nanocarriers for
chemotherapeutics, such as anti-cancer drugs,
antibodies, vaccine DNA, siRNA, and even gene
therapy [ 95] . As magnetotactic bacteria have proven
to be effective for therapeutic purposes such as
cancer treatment, preliminary works in this field have
shown that MTB Magnetospirillum magneticum
AMB-1 can navigate in capillaries and target mouse
IAC-21-A1.19 Page 14 of 28
tumor tissues [ 96] . For example, chains of
magnetosomes from MTB magnetospirillum
magneticum AMB-1 were injected into mice with
MDA-MB-231 breast cancer. When adding 1 mg of
chains of magnetosomes extracted from AMB-1
magnetotactic bacteria to the tumor of a mouse, the
thermotherapy-induced magnetic field cancer therapy
treatment was highly efficient for cancer therapy after
14 days of exposure to an alternative magnetic
field.Under an oscillating magnetic field of
H  = 200 Oe and f  = 198 kHz, the magnetosomes were
able to completely remove the tumor after 30 days
[97] . One of the key advantages of this low cost, low
power approach is that after moving a magnet, the
magnetosomes can be directed to the biological site
of interest such as organs, tissues. and tumors. For
example, Magnetococcus marinus carrying
drug-loaded nanoliposomes vessels can be injected
and magnetically guided to reach 55% hypoxic
regions of colorectal regions of tumors. [98]
Microgravity experiments testing the orientation
of MTB magnetospirillum magnetotacticum to north-
or south-pole magnets showed that the bacteria’s
navigation and orientation was impaired or altered in
response to certain magnetic fields, suggesting MTB
bacteria use magnetosomes to respond to Earth’s
gravity. Thus, magnetosomes may be able to direct
biomineralizing bacteria to contaminated aquifers or
soils and likewise could be used to direct and localize
bacteria for element leaching and microbial
biomining on Earth. [ 99] If navigation is altered in
NNMF space environments, further research will
help demonstrate whether or not PEMF and
magnetosomes may be utilised to provide guidance,
navigation, and control (GNC) for bacteria in NNMF
space, reduced gravity, and planetary bodies.
1.7.3 Bacteria
Low-intensity electromagnetic field (EMF) of
extremely high frequencies whether from
telecommunication systems or natural environments
affect non-magnetotactic bacterial growth, resonant
frequencies of water, cell membrane, and genome.
H2O cluster structure and properties may increase the
chemical activity or hydration of proteins and other
cellular structures. EMF also changes metabolic
pathways, antibiotic resistance and cell to cell
interactions in bacterial populations [ ref ]. Studies in
the early 2000s found that static magnetic fields have
also been shown to inhibit bacterial growth
[ 100 , 101 , 102, 103 ]. Fojt et al. (2004) observed a
reduction in colony forming units (CFU) of E. coli , S.
aureus and L. adecarboxylata at 50 Hz, 10 mT
4 µT) short frequency electromagnetic fields
[104 ]. In 2012, Segatore, et al found that 2 mT ELF
electromagnetic fields at 50 Hz significantly
influenced the growth rate and antibiotic sensitivity
of E. coli ATCC 25922 and P. aeruginosa. At 4, 6,
and 8 h of incubation with EMF the number of cells
significantly decreased in bacteria compared to the
control. At 24 h into incubation, the percentage of
cells increased (P. aeruginosa42%; E. coli5%) in
treated groups with respect to control groups, which
suggests a progressive adaptive response [ 105 ].
In 2009, researchers in Romania isolated
twenty‐six E. coli strains from human subjects and
exposed them to zero magnetic field with a helmholtz
coil. Almost one-third of the tested E. coli bacterial
strains were impacted by near-zero magnetic field
exposure. A separate study, found that a 60-seconds
of magnetic pretreatment of culture media stimulated
the growth of Escherichia coli in a geomagnetic field
[106] . As Martian sulfate deposits offer a viable
energy sink to terrestrial microorganisms, sulfate
reducing bacteria (SRB) Desulfotomaculum arcticum
and Desulfuromusa ferrireducens demonstrated
metabolical activity under Mars atmosphere,
temperature, and sulfate-brines [ 107 ]. A separate
2010 study pulsed a (B=7.1 mT, f=50 Hz, t=24 min)
7,100 microtesla magnetic field to yield a 15%
decrease of CFU number , suggesting The magnetic
field effects on SRB are relatively large for magnetic
fields [ 108 ].
1.7.4 Fungi.
Growth and sporulation of microscopic fungi
were studied under a static magnetic field. At 100 µT
EM flux density, the biological effects are significant
(P =.001) while in other cases the deviations
generally are not significant. At the same time, the
number of the developed conidia of Alternaria
alternata and Curvularia inaequalis increased by
68-133%, but the number of Fusarium oxysporum
conidia decreased by 79-83%.
Magnetic and electromagnetic fields stimulated
the germination of fungi basidiospores and the
activity of lignin degrading enzymes. After 40 min of
exposure to low MF field, the spore’s germination
rate reached 18.7% after exposure to the
electromagnetic field for 40 min while the
germination rate was 14.6% after exposure to
magnetic field for 50 min [109] . Another 2003 study
found that low intensity, low frequency
electromagnetic fields for two weeks may be
beneficial in the treatment of various diseases such as
mycoses caused by pathogenic fungi candida [ 110 ].
In a 2020 study, Iraq researchers observed that
magnetic water and direct magnetic field were
IAC-21-A1.19 Page 15 of 28
effective in inhibiting the fungal growth of five
pathogenic fungal diseases [ 111 ].
Magnetic fields (MFs) provide a cost-effective
and convenient approach in changing microbial
activity and have been used in various kinds of
MFs-assisted bioreactors [ 112 , 113 , 114 ]. Microbial
extracellular electron transfer (EET) is essential to
drive microbial interspecies interaction, diversity, and
redox reactions in bioelectrochemical systems
(BESs). [ 115 ] As magnetite (Fe3O4) and magnetic
fields (MFs) were recently reported to promote
microbial interaction, a 2017 study from researchers
in China demonstrated for the first time that EET was
instantaneously and reversibly enhanced in MBESs
inoculated with either mixed-culture or Geobacter.
Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) significantly
influenced the current generation and microbial
ecology. PEMF increased the Geobacter spp. on
anode biofilms by 4 to 8% to reach as high as 90% on
the anode. When reactors were operated in microbial
fuel cell (MFC) mode with pulsed electromagnetic
field fuel cells (PEMF-MMFCs), power densities
increased by 25.3–36.0% and when PEMF was
removed, the power density dropped by 25.7% [116] .
This research suggests that MBES and PEMF’s can
increase cellular communication, bacterial species
interaction, microbial diversity in space and celestial
1.7.5 Extremophiles.
Magnetic fields have proven to affect
extremophiles, which are microorganisms such as
thermophiles, psychrophiles (extreme temperature
variations), halophiles (high salt) and acidophiles that
evolve in extreme climate, temperature, and
atmospheric conditions. While there is a lack of
research and literature on the effects of magnetic
fields on extremophiles, further research will help
determine the biological effects of near null magnetic
field, Mars Crustal Field, and Pulsed Electromagnetic
Fields on the metabolism, growth rate, and
adaptability to other biospheres.
1.8 Martian Magnetosphere and Magnetic Field
Intensity at Surface
Mars is a multi-pole planet with many local
magnetic fields where the southern hemisphere has a
higher magnetic field. Cain et al. (2003) estimates
that there might be some regions of high residual
magnetic field at the surface of Mars with intensities
up to several microtesla, suggesting a maximum
value of Mars HMF intensity would not exceed 5
μT.Mars magnetic field (MMF) has been released to
describe range values of 300 nT to 5 μT [ 4 ]. The
Martian magnetosphere is a product of the interaction
of Mars with the interplanetary magnetic field and the
Figure 7. Mars Crustal Magnetism from MAVEN
supersonic solar wind. The Mars Atmosphere and
Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) mission spacecraft
arrived in orbit about Mars in November 2014 and
collected thousands of bow shock crossings or
collisions of a stellar wind with magnetosphere. The
3-D shock surface models varies in shape and
location in response to changes in the solar radiation,
the solar wind Mach number, dynamic pressure of the
solar wind, and the relative local time location of the
strong crustal magnetic fields (i.e., whether they are
on the dayside or on the nightside). [117]
The Figure above highlights the magnetic field of
Mars observed by the Mars Global Surveyor satellite
magnetometer in 2005 at 400 km altitude as part of
the MAVEN magnetic field investigation mission that
measured the magnetic and electric fields and plasma
environment of Mars and its interaction with the solar
wind. [118] A previous map from NASA and
universities in 2001 of the three components of the
crustal magnetic field was constructed by using night
side observations only (minimizing external fields)
from satellite observations over two Mars years. [119]
Figure 8. Mars Crustal MF Field at Gale Crater
In 2020, NASA's Mars Insight Lander detected a
local magnetic field about 10 times the intensity from
orbiting satellite measurements. As shown on the
Mars map in the Figure above, the first magnetic
sensor at the surface suggests an average (~20uT)
surface magnetic field at Elysium Planitia just north
of the equator of Mars. Small patches of magnetized
crust from older rocks induce magnetic fields at the
surface. (Johnson, C.L. et al, 2020) As most surface
rocks around Elysium Planitia are too young to have
IAC-21-A1.19 Page 16 of 28
been magnetized by the planet's former field, this
crustal magnetism is probably from ancient rocks
underground. [120] The Mars crust is about an order
of magnitude more intensely magnetized than that of
Earth [121] .
The Mars local magnetic field tends to fluctuate
between day and night, possibly due to the solar wind
interacting with the Martian atmosphere. Typical
night side external fields are ≈10 nT (.01 uT) in
magnitude and approximately randomly distributed in
direction with a slight bias in the component directed
along the Mars–Sun line. [121] Variations in the
crustal magnetic field appear in association with
major faults, some previously identified in imagery
and topography (Cerberus Rupes and Valles
Marineris). Moreover, electrostatic dust stationary
surface sand and dust on Mars may be
electrostatically charged due to incident UV radiation
reaching the surface. [122] , which may produce
additional small localized MF surface fields.
1.9 Effects from Zero Field Studies, Hypo-MF, or
Near Null MF with Magnetically Shielded Rooms
Zero fields, hypo magnetic field (HMF) or
near-null magnetic fields (NNMF) provide an
environment to isolate the biological effects of a lack
of magnetic field, to determine the magnetic
sensitivity and adaptability of an organism, to
simulate NNMF on other planetary bodies that
largely lack magnetospheres. The interplanetary-like
NNMF around 40 nT can easily be produced with
three mutually perpendicular couples of Helmholtz
coils and three sources of high-precision direct
current power, which can counteract the vertical,
north–south and east–west direction components of
the geomagnetic field (GMF) [123] , as outlined
further in Figure 8 in the the next section.
The HMF or NNMF has significant effects on a
variety of humans, animals, plants, bacteria, and
organisms. In the late 1960s, Soviets made a
significant contribution to the biological effects of a
local GMF-shielded condition during space missions
in LEO [124] . A 1984 study from germany found that
variations in magnetic field strength lead to changes
in Chicken’s retina cell enzyme activity of
hydroxindolo-O-methyltransferase (HIOMT) which
is responsible for melatonin biosynthesis in the pineal
gland and retina and serotonin N-acetyltransferase
(NAT). After exposure to a 50% decreased EMF
(natural EMF B
H = 20uT and the other sample in a
44uT field, there was a 22% decrease of raw retinal
HIOMT activity [ 125 ], which agrees with qual
experiments results. An independent study conducted
by NASA on type 2 and type 4 pigeon
cryptochromes in mice showed that the long-term
lack of magnetic field greatly reduced the
adaptability of the test animals [ 126 ]. Moreover, in
the absence of GMF, leucopenia, low metabolic rate,
increased mortality, and circadian rhythm disorders
have been observed.
In a study on the Biological Effects of Space
Hypomagnetic (HMF) Environment on Circadian
Rhythm, Xue et al, 2021 found that the near null MF
alters the structure and function of the iron
metabolism in cells, redox homeostasis, light
activation of photoreceptors, central nervous system,
embryonic development, hormone-release
synchronization, melatonin secretion, and circadian
rhythm in animal and cells [4] . In 1979, Kopanev et
al., 1979 demonstrated the mortality rate of
HMF-exposed animals was significantly greater than
that of the normal geomagnetic group [5] . In 2017,
Erdmann et al. demonstrated that the hypsibius
dujardini tardigrade experienced high mortality when
isolated from a geomagnetic field without water
[ 127 ]. Survivability of the tardigrades increased from
0mv to 800 at a logistic growth rate. However, from
800mv to 1400mv, the survivability decreased at a
linear rate (Divy Kumar, 2018). These results
suggest tardigrade from the Israeli SpaceIL Lunar
Lunar that crashed in 2019 may experience similar
mortality rates on planetary surfaces without a
geomagnetic field or PEMF.
A 2013 study in Bioelectromagnetics Journal
found that biomass accumulation of Arabidopsis
plants in the near-null MF was significantly
suppressed with 20% less harvest when plants were
switching from vegetative growth to reproductive
growth, which was caused by the delay in the
flowering of plants in the near-null MF [ 128 ].
Experimental data suggests that the effects of a
near-null MF on Arabidopsis might be
cryptochrome-related, which may be revealed by a
modification of the active state of cryptochrome and
the subsequent signaling cascade. In a separate study,
artificial shielding of GMF caused a significant
decrease in the cell number with enhanced DNA
content in root and shoot of onion (Allium cepa)
2. Material and methods
2.1 Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs)
The impact of a pulsed electromagnetic fields
(PEMFs) on a biological organism varies based on
the intensity, timing, and application. Both natural
and artificial electromagnetic fields can enhance cell
IAC-21-A1.19 Page 17 of 28
function, develop tissues for transplantation, repair
traumatized tissues, and moderate some neurological
conditions. Several clinical studies demonstrated that
PEMFs influence cell activity, the autonomic nervous
system and the blood flow. Studies on the short-term
effects of a PEMF therapy (0.005, 0.03 and 0.09 T/s)
demonstrate that the therapeutic application of pulsed
electromagnetic fields can accelerate healing after
bone fractures and also alleviate pain. PEMF for 20
minutes on humans resulted in more rapid recovery
of heart rate variability (HRV), especially in the very
low frequency range after physical strain [129] . In
1995, Siskin and Walker noted that PEMF frequency
of 2Hz stimulates nerve regeneration and a frequency
of 7 Hz can be used to stimulate bone growth.
Frequencies of 10Hz promote ligand healing, and
15,20, and 72Hz may be used to decrease skin
necrosis and stimulate capillary formation [ 130 ].
Moreover, the well known 4 year NASA study lead
by Dr. Thomas Goodwin, PhD, found that the
greatest efficacy of PEMF therapy on human neural
progenitor cells was from pulsed rapid time varying
(TVEMF) square-waves, low 10 Hz frequencies, and
low intensities 1-20 µT. Gene chip analyses
measured more than 10,000 human genes
simultaneously to determine the proliferation rate of
the TVEMF cells that exhibited 2.5 to 4.0X increase
in cell tissue regeneration [2] . highlighting the ability
to use PEMFs to improve the growth and repair of
tissues in mammals, and to control proliferative rate,
directional attitude, and molecular genetic expression
of cells.
Electromagnetic fields can even soften the surface
tension of water, improving bioavailability of H2O
for absorption by microorganisms, seeds, plants, and
organisms. Experiments demonstrate that treatment
of soil with magnetized water and/or low-frequency
current (0.5 or 5 A) activates soil potassium and
phosphorus, increasing their bioavailability [ 131 ].
EMF can magnetically induce changes in the
hydration of ions, gas/liquid interfaces, and
hydrophobic solid surfaces [ 132 ]. Thus,
electromagnetic fields are attractive options for anti
scaling, treatment chemicals, and various water
systems including desalination membranes, heat
exchangers (cooling towers), water pipes, and bulk
solutions. A 2020 study from Lin et al found that
EMF was effective at reducing the mineral crystal
precipitation, or when dissolved materials are
extracted from H2O, in 95% of 48 studies [133] . In
testing EMF and magnetic treatment method on
potable water quality, seawater and scaling deposition
in RO plant, Salman al-shamiriet al, demonstrated
that EMF positively affected the turbidity and total
suspended solids of tested water and successfully
reduced minerals such as CaCO3, CaSO4, and
BaSO4 scaling formation on materials and membrane
surfaces [ 134 ]. Thus, EMF can be pulsed to reduce
bulk precipitation of crystals and adhesion to the
surface of reactors, pipes, vessels, and materials.
2.2 Design and Build of PEMF Magnetic Field
There are several commercially available
FDA-registered PEMF generators, devices, and
therapy products. The magnetic field for an induced
current in the solenoid shape of the electromagnetic
can be calculated accordingly:
0 n L (6)
B is the magnetic field in Teslas, μ
0 ("mu naught") is
the permeability of free space (a constant value
~1.257 x 10
-6 or x 10
-7 T*m / A), L is the length of
metal object parallel to the field and n is the number
of loops around the electromagnet. Ampere's Law
can be used to calculate current (I) as follows:
B = (7)
𝐿 μ 𝐼
Ampere's Law and the mathematical equation to
derive MF intensity changes depending on the
geometry of the EMF generator. Torrodoil
transformers and magnets (donut-shaped
electromagnet) are used in the medical field and
creating biomedical devices. The field can be derived
using the below equation:
B = (8)
μ0 𝑛𝐼
PEMF generators such as therapy mats use pure
copper current loops to induce microcurrents in cells.
Higher quality PEMF mats cost around $3-6k USD
and are most effective with pure copper coils that
alternating polarity around 2 times a day for 8
minutes per session. The coils toward the upper body
should have lower intensity or magnetic flux, which
is derived from less current traveled from smaller
number of turns in the coil, and coils near feet
should have greater intensity or magnetic flux. 5, 10,
or 15min intervals of pulsed PEMF are considered to
be the recommended durations for humans [ 1 ]. While
more exposure leads to greater adaptability and
tolerance to the MF field, further research is
necessary to quantify the optimal treatment for other
organisms on Earth, in space, and other planetary
IAC-21-A1.19 Page 18 of 28
There are a wide variety of magnetic products that
offer magnetic therapy treatment. As outlined in U.S.
2016 Patent No. 9,265,966, Nikken® USA is
developing products that create therapeutic magnetic
fields such as mStrides® or mSteps®, shoe insert or
sole embedded with up to 20 magnets with positive
and negative poles facing each other. Walking results
in slight shifts in angles between magnets, generating
a dynamic magnetic field with field strength
800-1000 Gauss (80,000 - 100,000 µT) which is
2,000X stronger than Earth's magnetic field to
interact with the human body. [135] As a majority of
astronauts' time beyond Earth will likely be spent
indoors, most astronauts may not wear shoes for
extended periods of time and shoes indoors. This
would suggest a need for an alternative PEMF Shoe
Insert design tailored for socks.
In 2006, EarthPulse conducted an experiment
using PEMF coils for enhancing growth and size of
fish and plants. Pulsed electromagnetic fields should
improve the growth of anything in its growth stage by
the process of cellular oxygenation and detox at same
time. 20 baby fish were placed in a 55 gallon plastic
drum with an aerator. For 30 days, fish received eight
hours of PEMF at 9.6 Hz using a standard
EarthPulse™ v6 PEMF device with one coil set at
boot amplitude (70%). After 30 days with coils
underneath fish tanks, the smallest fish larger than
this big one from the control group. Average fish
were over four inches, or almost 2 times the length
and almost three times the weight. The v6 Equine
PEMF system has four magnets and can be useful for
a huge tank or 2-4 small ones. Technical
specifications of EarthPulse PEMF Devices may be
found here on their webpage here [136] .
3. Theory and calculation
3.1 Designing Experiment to Create Near Null MF
Field with Helmholtz Coil
Experiments that reproduce a null MF Field on
Earth’s surface can help quantify the biological and
material effects from the lack of a local geomagnetic
and time varying MF field. Helmholtz (HH) coils
are used to cancel out the Earth's magnetic field,
reproducing a highly uniform 3-dimensional
magnetic field with an intensity much closer to zero
inside the coils.
Figure 9. Helmholtz Coil Generic Apparatus.
The below Equation 9 provides the exact value of
the magnetic field at the center point. Derived from
the Bio-Savart Law, the magnetic field B at the
midpoint between the coils will be given by the
below equation:
B = ( ) 3/2 B = (9)
𝐿 μ 𝐼
with the radius (R), the number of turns or
windings (cm) in each coil is (n) and the current
through the coils is (I). To improve the uniformity of
the field in the space inside the coils, a third larger
diameter coil, or Maxwell coil, can be positioned
midway between two Helmholtz coils and move in
the y-direction. Pure copper coils should be tightly
wound with no spacing in order to cancel out the
horizontal and vertical component of Earth’s
magnetic field. A 2-3 uT vertical and 2 uT horizontal
field strength with at least 2 pairs of coils is
recommended. Coils 1 and 2 on the horizontal plane
direction are positioned gravity vector, x-axis along
Martian surface vector and inside the generated
magnetic field closer to zero in the center of the
magnetic field. Experiments should be conducted in a
laboratory with low levels of electromagnetic and
electric field interference. A 3-axis magnetometer is
recommended to determine the local MF field
strength. Additional equipment that can be used
include a hall sensor, DC current source, cables, and
a waveform generator,which allows for the shaping
of the electromagnetic wave generated.
The experiment was designed to observe the
effects of near null MF Field and planetary HMF
environment with helmholtz coils and on plants,
including cilantro, kale, butter, head lettuce, basel,
arugula, using Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS)
equipment with Highland Technology's T340 EM
wave generator (4-channel, +12 V, 700 mA max).
IAC-21-A1.19 Page 19 of 28
Figure 10. Custom Helmholtz Coil Experiment
In the preliminary experiment, a 10 cm single
Helmholz coil was used with a sawtooth pulse rate of
an average 300 milliseconds using a commercial off
the shelf (COTS) pulse generator, generating an
electromagnetic wave using 500 milliwatts of
converted Direct Current 12 V electricity. The
electromagnetic wave field produced by the
Helmholz coil had a wave area of 530 cm^3. The
project box where the experiment is isolated for
protection to electronic gear in the immediate vicinity
is 53,090 cubic centimeters. The volume of the coils
and their sphere of influence is approximately 60% of
volume inside the test bed. As payload or objects
tested inside Helmholtz coil systems are typically
confined in size and mass, the 1.8 kg coils influence a
significant area of magnetic wavelength.
When simulating a magnetic field on Mars and
other planetary bodies, it is important to design the
Helmholtz coil apparatus according to the direction
of the NNMF vectors. One of the challenges to
simulating the local Mars magnetic field is that
Earth’s main magnetic field vector points to the
North. On Mars, vectors change and point in various
directions where the MF can vary significantly, based
on geologic location. Future research and
experiments should compare the biological effects
between Mars crustal magnetic field and Earth's
crustal and geomagnetic field.
4. Discussion
4.1 Creating an Artificial Magnetic Fields and
Magnetosphere on Planets
Designs have been proposed to generate large
electromagnetic fields around the craft or base, from
superconducting solenoid magnets or coils to mimic
the protection of the Earth’s magnetosphere [ 4 ].
A magnetic shield at Mars could help retain
sufficient quantities of atmosphere and gases such as
CO2, O2, and N2, however, formidable engineering
challenges remain. Most designs proposed are either
ground-based or orbital solenoids. During the
Planetary Science Vision Workshop in 2017, NASA’s
Director Jim Green has suggested modern technology
can be used to generate a 1 or 2 Tesla field strength
from a relatively large inflatable structure located at
the Mars- solar orbital L1 point, might be enough to
shield Mars from cosmic rays and UV-C modern
technology. [137] In 2021, Cambridge researchers
proposed wrapping a superconducting wire around
Mars with a loop radius of ~3400 km to induce an
artificial magnetic field rather than placing a
magnetic shield at the L1 Lagrange point of the
Sun–Mars system, A magneto-shield composed of
double-walled carbon nanotubes and thermal
insulating tubes represents a low-power, zero voltage
method to maintain the current in a superconducting
wire that could generate current indefinitely.
Experiments have confirmed that a superconducting
current can persist for at least 100,000 years (File and
Mills, 1963). Considering the abundance of
superconducting materials, one of the most feasible
solutions is to wrap Mars in a superconducting wire
(Dupont, 2021) to build and induce an artificial
magnetosphere or magnetic shield to bend ionising
radiation and solar winds from the planetary body
[138] . However, a superconductor cable
megastructure with a mass of ~ 10
19 g demands
significant infrastructure and upmass for mining and
ISRU operations in the inner belt. If a large structure
at the Mars- solar orbital L1 point provides sufficient
magnetic field intensity, positioning the planetary
magnetic field generator at the nearby lagrange point
could enable significant mass,power, and cost
savings. A 2022 study from Bamford, et al proposes
ionising,evaporating, and accelerating particles from
the surface of Phobos moon to create a plasma torus
along the orbit of Phobos. Plasma generators would
seed the ring current and build up over many months
or years, minimising the resources needed to generate
poloidal magnetic fields and an artificial
magnetosphere for Mars [ 139 ].
4.2 Magnetic Levitation low-gravity simulator
Magnetic Levitation-based Simulators (MLS)
can provide many advantages to generating reduced
gravity over existing systems (centrifuges and
in-orbit experiments) including adjustable gravity,
low cost, easy accessibility, and unlimited operation
time. In 1997, researchers in the Netherlands and
England used strong 16 Tesla superconducting
magnets to make frogs levitate in a strong magnetic
field. As the resulting object is in a net zero field, this
novel magnetic field method provides a way to study
low diamagnetic biological and nonbiological
IAC-21-A1.19 Page 20 of 28
materials in milligravity on planetary surfaces. Thus,
researchers could study the effects of microgravity on
crystal growth and living cells, without costly space
missions [68] . With recent technological
developments in MLS, researchers from FAMU-FSU
built a Magnetic Levitation Simulator (MLS) by
generating a 24-T superconducting magnet with four
Maxwell coils made of REBCO tape that can exceed
20,000 μL or 20 cm³ (1 in³) sample size volume at the
gravity of Mars. MLS holds the potential to break
new ground in evaluating the short term effects of
reduced gravity on biology, cells, and smaller sample
sizes to better adapt systems and life to thrive beyond
Earth.To induce the 24-tesla magnetic field, four sets
of gradient-field Maxwell coils with 94 turns of
REBCO (Rare-earth barium copper oxide) high
temperature superconducting tape for zero electrical
resistance, were positioned in the bore of the
superconducting solenoid magnet with a bore
diameter of 12 cm (4.7 inches). Fig. Volume analysis
for a 24-T MLS setup. As the superconducting
magnet was cooled by immersion in a liquid helium
bath, the compact REBCO coils can be easily cooled
with a 4-K pulse-tube cryocooler inside a shielded
vacuum housing. [140]
4.3 Future Research
Further research will help determine the bio
magnetosensitivity, or how biologically adaptable
organisms, such as humans, plants, fungi, and
bacteria, are to life in NNMF, a lack of GMF, and
pulsed electromagnetic fields. Future research studies
with Mars University may test the effects of near
null, Mars MF, and PEMF on a variety of
microorganisms, cyanobacteria, and fungi. Research
will aim at deriving statistically significant results
whether or not the local pulsed electromagnetic fields
(PEMF) beyond Earth can be used to regulate and
improve the biological function of other organisms.
Large scale data aggregation from the literature can
help quantify the effects of the change in magnetic
field (delta B) on humans and organisms. Research
studies may evaluate the effects of positioning,
orientation, distance, strength, and integration of
PEMF generators in biofeedstocks, etc. habitats,
bioreactors, spacesuits, vehicles, algae mats, and
more, relative to plants, humans, and organisms.
Moreover, PEMF may also be used in conjunction
with nanoparticle (NP) electrodes to force vibrations
on the surface of a cell's plasma membrane and open
cellular ion gated channels. Miklavcic et al. found
that 5-20nm gold nanoparticle electrodes during
pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) can
permeabilize 80% of cells, with no effect on cell
death, to introduce foreign DNA, particles, and
bacterial transformation inside cell membrane[ 141 ].
However, gold nanoparticles (GNPs) in contact with
human cells in the blood organs and the immune
system may result in the disturbance of cell function
and even cell death. [ 142 ] Future research may
evaluate the effects of thin film high conducting
polymer nanomaterials on the cellular membrane in
conjunction with PEMF for nanomedicine and smart
drug delivery to facilitate transport inside and outside
of the cell membrane.
A lack of convection from fluid iron metallic core
and electromagnetic field in space and other celestial
bodies such as Moon, Mars, and Venus could impose
biological and evolutionary changes for humans,
animals, and plants. Life evolved on Earth with many
changes in the GMF life-history. Any other
environment lacking a GMF is expected to generate
reactions in living organisms. After extended time to
a lack of magnetic fields, cells and microorganisms
may develop less or more magnetosensitivity and
alternative transport mechanisms to vibrations on
plasma membranes. These knowledge and data gaps
become urgent questions in light of planned
long-term flights to other planets [71] . With regions
beyond Earth lacking MF fields, pulsed
electromagnetic fields may hold the potential to
simulate Earth’s natural geomantic frequencies to
support human beings and life throughout the
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... Since living organisms are continuously exposed to a natural geomagnetic field of around 20-70 µT (microtesla) thus 2-7 Gs (gauss) on Earth, this active mechanicsbased solution requires in-depth studies on the influence of this specific magnetic field system (superconductive magnets and some of the small, separated magnetic fields on Mars) on the human body, especially taking its neuropsychological response into account. Moreover, a near-zero electromagnetic field could also be dangerous for living organisms [28]. A static magnetic field of 4 T or stronger may, possibly, lead to physiological changes and abnormalities at a cellular level [29]. ...
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The climatic conditions on Mars are significantly different from those on Earth, which is the main factor affecting the potential architectural solutions on this planet. Above all, high levels of cosmic radiation of solar and extragalactic origin require specific architectural solutions, such as a safe location and sufficient protection, which are determined by a complex set of factors. These factors include the accessibility of building materials on site, the range and predictability of changes in climatic conditions, and human needs. In this article, the significant influence of radiation on architecture, which should be addressed when planning temporary or permanent resilient settlements on Mars, is examined in the case of manned missions to the planet. For this purpose, a comprehensive literature review is conducted, focused on the latest radiation-related discoveries. As the main outcome, two main schematic architectural solutions are proposed as a step toward more advanced projects. In addition, the gaps that need to be filled in the current approach to the design process, related to the insufficiently strong focus on multidisciplinary site analysis with radiation as its main factor (as is necessary for erecting an inhabitable base) are addressed.
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The geomagnetic field plays an important role in the existence of life on Earth. The study of the biological effects of (hypomagnetic conditions) HMC is an important task in magnetobiology. The fundamental importance is expanding and clarifying knowledge about the mechanisms of magnetic field interaction with living systems. The applied significance is improving the training of astronauts for long-term space expeditions. This review describes the effects of HMC on animals and plants, manifested at the cellular and organismal levels. General information is given about the probable mechanisms of HMC and geomagnetic field action on living systems. The main experimental approaches are described. We attempted to systematize quantitative data from various studies and identify general dependencies of the magnetobiology effects’ value on HMC characteristics (induction, exposure duration) and the biological parameter under study. The most pronounced effects were found at the cellular level compared to the organismal level. Gene expression and protein activity appeared to be the most sensitive to HMC among the molecular cellular processes. The nervous system was found to be the most sensitive in the case of the organism level. The review may be of interest to biologists, physicians, physicists, and specialists in interdisciplinary fields.
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This study provides a review and analysis on the design, systems, and materials involved in a settlement water life cycle to sustain short and long term crewed human missions on Mars, Moon, Venus, and deep space. Designing and establishing permanent water management infrastructure to survive decades in extreme environments demands greater attention. The study highlights water infrastructure development since the 1970’s, waste management and systems at McMurdo Station and the ISS, the native water sources and H2O cycle on Mars, water treatment systems in transit, and H2O supply estimates. Water production methods referenced include atmospheric vapor extraction, fuel cells, brine electrolyzer, rodwell, aerogel, and thermal mining. H2O storage systems analysed include fibre-reinforced plastic tanks,controlled drainage soil systems, as well as crosslinked polyethylene (PEX) and FRP pipes for water distribution with nano spray graft polymers to recover up to 90% H2O per wash on pipes. Methods are discussed to prevent pipe freezing, reverse and forward osmosis, data collection and monitoring software, and advancements in nanotechnology and coatings. Liquid H2O exposed to high radiation produces very reactive radical particles such as OH- that cause neurological diseases. Moreover, with imported CH4 propellant as a potential redundant H2O precursor, it may be more cost effective to mix O2 and CH4 with SOFC fuel cell to supply H2O in transit and also on surface. This preliminary research and be a guidebook to improve the conservation, operations, cost savings, urban development, and economic efficiency of water cycles on planetary surface and transit to enable high quality drinking water for life beyond Earth. View Video Presentation:
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Researchers designed and built two Electromagnetic Helmholtz (HH) coils with goal to test effects of NNMF and EM Fields on biology and other systems in vitro. The first 25kg HH coil apparatus with COTS components yielded NNMF strength of 3-5mG and 8 cm per side or 530 cm^3 volume in centre with 100 coil turns, 500 milliwatt max coil current and 12V operating voltage. 3D CAD designs of coils and Magpylib free Python Package were used to develop 3D analytical models of magnetic fields and interactions. Research study outlines softwares, mathematics, subsystem design, materials, images, and build of the first and second generation HH coil prototypes. The research study provides a guidebook to design, build, and test Helmholtz coils with COTS parts for abiotic and biological experiments.
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Low-gravity environment can have a profound impact on the behaviors of biological systems, the dynamics of fluids, and the growth of materials. Systematic research on the effects of gravity is crucial for advancing our knowledge and for the success of space missions. Due to the high cost and the limitations in the payload size and mass in typical spaceflight missions, ground-based low-gravity simulators have become indispensable for preparing spaceflight experiments and for serving as stand-alone research platforms. Among various simulator systems, the magnetic levitation-based simulator (MLS) has received long-lasting interest due to its easily adjustable gravity and practically unlimited operation time. However, a recognized issue with MLSs is their highly non-uniform force field. For a solenoid MLS, the functional volume V 1% , where the net force results in an acceleration <1% of the Earth’s gravity g , is typically a few microliters (μL) or less. In this work, we report an innovative MLS design that integrates a superconducting magnet with a gradient-field Maxwell coil. Through an optimization analysis, we show that an unprecedented V 1% of over 4000 μL can be achieved in a compact coil with a diameter of 8 cm. We also discuss how such an MLS can be made using existing high- T c -superconducting materials. When the current in this MLS is reduced to emulate the gravity on Mars ( g M = 0.38 g ), a functional volume where the gravity varies within a few percent of g M can exceed 20,000 μL. Our design may break new ground for future low-gravity research.
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Mars lacks a substantial magnetic field; as a result, the solar wind ablates the Martian atmosphere, and cosmic rays from solar flares make the surface uninhabitable. Therefore, any terraforming attempt will require an artificial Martian magnetic shield. The fundamental challenge of building an artificial magnetosphere is to condense planetary-scale currents and magnetic fields down to the smallest mass possible. Superconducting electromagnets offer a way to do this. However, the underlying physics of superconductors and electromagnets limits this concentration. Based upon these fundamental limitations, we show that the amount of superconducting material is proportional to $B_{\rm c}^{-2}a^{-3}$ , where B c is the critical magnetic field for the superconductor and a is the loop radius of a solenoid. Since B c is set by fundamental physics, the only truly adjustable parameter for the design is the loop radius; a larger loop radius minimizes the amount of superconducting material required. This non-intuitive result means that the ‘intuitive’ strategy of building a compact electromagnet and placing it between Mars and the Sun at the first Lagrange point is unfeasible. Considering reasonable limits on B c , the smallest possible loop radius is ~10 km, and the magnetic shield would have a mass of ~ 10 ¹⁹ g. Most high-temperature superconductors are constructed of rare elements; given solar system abundances, building a superconductor with ~ 10 ¹⁹ g would require mining a solar system body with several times 10 ²⁵ g; this is approximately 10% of Mars. We find that the most feasible design is to encircle Mars with a superconducting wire with a loop radius of ~3400 km. The resulting wire diameter can be as small as ~5 cm. With this design, the magnetic shield would have a mass of ~ 10 ¹² g and would require mining ~ 10 ¹⁸ g, or only 0.1% of Olympus Mons.
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The leading space agencies aim for crewed missions to Mars in the coming decades. Among the associated challenges is the need to provide astronauts with life-support consumables and, for a Mars exploration program to be sustainable, most of those consumables should be generated on site. Research is being done to achieve this using cyanobacteria: fed from Mars's regolith and atmosphere, they would serve as a basis for biological life-support systems that rely on local materials. Efficiency will largely depend on cyanobacteria's behavior under artificial atmospheres: a compromise is needed between conditions that would be desirable from a purely engineering and logistical standpoint (by being close to conditions found on the Martian surface) and conditions that optimize cyanobacterial productivity. To help identify this compromise, we developed a low-pressure photobioreactor, dubbed Atmos, that can provide tightly regulated atmospheric conditions to nine cultivation chambers. We used it to study the effects of a 96% N 2 , 4% CO 2 gas mixture at a total pressure of 100 hPa on Anabaena sp. PCC 7938. We showed that those atmospheric conditions (referred to as MDA-1) can support the vigorous autotrophic, diazotrophic growth of cyanobacteria. We found that MDA-1 did not prevent Anabaena sp. from using an analog of Martian regolith (MGS-1) as a nutrient source. Finally, we demonstrated that cyanobacterial biomass grown under MDA-1 could be used for feeding secondary consumers (here, the heterotrophic bacterium E. coli W). Taken as a whole, our results suggest that a mixture of gases extracted from the Martian atmosphere, brought to approximately one tenth of Earth's pressure at sea level, would be suitable for photobioreactor modules of cyanobacterium-based life-support systems. This finding could greatly enhance the viability of such systems on Mars.
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The intrinsic earth magnetic field (geomagnetic field, GMF) provides an essential environmental condition for most living organisms to adapt the solar cycle by rhythmically synchronizing physiological and behavioral processes. However, hypomagnetic field (HMF) of outer space, the Moon, and the Mars differs much from GMF, which poses a critical problem to astronauts during long-term interplanetary missions. Multiple experimental works have been devoted to the HMF effects on circadian rhythm and found that HMF perturbs circadian rhythms and profoundly contributes to health problems such as sleep disorders, altered metabolic as well as neurological diseases. By systemizing the latest progress on interdisciplinary cooperation between magnetobiology and chronobiology, this review sheds light on the health effects of HMF on circadian rhythms by elaborating the underlying circadian clock machinery and molecular processes.
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The magnetization of non-magnetic cells has great potential to aid various processes in medicine, but also in bioprocess engineering. Current approaches to magnetize cells with magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) require cellular uptake or adsorption through in vitro manipulation of cells. A relatively new field of research is “magnetogenetics” which focuses on in vivo production and accumulation of magnetic material. Natural intrinsically magnetic cells (IMCs) produce intracellular, MNPs, and are called magnetotactic bacteria (MTB). In recent years, researchers have unraveled function and structure of numerous proteins from MTB. Furthermore, protein engineering studies on such MTB proteins and other potentially magnetic proteins, like ferritins, highlight that in vivo magnetization of non-magnetic hosts is a thriving field of research. This review summarizes current knowledge on recombinant IMC generation and highlights future steps that can be taken to succeed in transforming non-magnetic cells to IMCs.
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Introduction Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear, plasma-like fluid that bathes the central nervous system (CNS). It occupies the central spinal canal, the ventricular system, and the subarachnoid space. It is produced mostly by the choroidal plexus of the ventricular system as well as its ependymal lining. The CSF has a physiologic volume of about 150 ml with a daily turn over of about 500 ml. Produced mostly in the lateral ventricles, the CSF passes through the interventricular foramen (of Monro), into the third ventricle. It exits the third ventricle through the cerebral aqueduct (of Sylvius) into the fourth ventricle. It exits the fourth ventricle into the cerebral subarachnoid space through the median aperture of Magendie and the two lateral apertures of Luschka. The CSF continues into the spinal subarachnoid space through the central canal of the spinal cord.[1][2][3]
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Scale deposits in water systems often result in ample technical and economic problems. Conventional chemical treatments for scale control are expensive and may cause health concerns and ecological implications. Non-chemical water treatment technologies such as electromagnetic field (EMF) are attractive options so the use of scale inhibitors, anti-scalants, or other chemical involved processes can be avoided or minimized. Although there are demonstrated beneficial effects of EMF on scale control, the scientific basis for its purported effectiveness is not clear in the available literature, especially lack of quantitative assessment and systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of EMF technologies. This review aims to elucidate the factors pertaining to EMF water treatment and their anti-scaling effects. We have critically reviewed relevant literature on EMF scale control, in particular recent studies, in various water systems, including desalination membranes, heat exchangers (e.g., cooling towers), water pipes, and bulk solutions. We systematically studied the impacts of operational conditions on EMF efficacy, and quantitatively evaluated the EMF improvement on scaling control. The scaling prevention mechanisms, conventional and cutting-edge characterization methods, and potential real-time monitoring techniques are summarized and discussed. The economic benefits of EMF treatment in terms of chemicals, operation and maintenance costs are highlighted. This review provides guidelines for future EMF system design and points out the research needed to further enhance EMF treatment performance.
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An important direction of research in increasing the effectiveness of cancer therapies is the design of effective drug distribution systems in the body. The development of the new strategies is primarily aimed at improving the stability of the drug after administration and increasing the precision of drug delivery to the destination. Due to the characteristic features of cancer cells, distributing chemotherapeutics exactly to the microenvironment of the tumor while sparing the healthy tissues is an important issue here. One of the promising solutions that would meet the above requirements is the use of Magnetotactic bacteria (MTBs) and their organelles, called magnetosomes (BMs). MTBs are commonly found in water reservoirs, and BMs that contain ferromagnetic crystals condition the magnetotaxis of these microorganisms. The presented work is a review of the current state of knowledge on the potential use of MTBs and BMs as nanocarriers in the therapy of cancer. The growing amount of literature data indicates that MTBs and BMs may be used as natural nanocarriers for chemotherapeutics, such as classic anti-cancer drugs, antibodies, vaccine DNA, and siRNA. Their use as transporters increases the stability of chemotherapeutics and allows the transfer of individual ligands or their combinations precisely to cancerous tumors, which, in turn, enables the drugs to reach molecular targets more effectively.
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An unusual group of iron bacteria has recently been discovered which form inclusion bodies containing a form of iron oxide known as magnetite (ferrosoferric oxide, Fe3O4.) The inclusions are of a nano-particle size, are encased within a protein envelope, and are called magnetosomes. Magnetosomes are arranged adjacent to one another and parallel to the long axis of the cell such that cells appear to contain an electron-dense string of beads. The bacteria containing magnetosomes exhibit metal reductase activity, an activity critical to element recycling in nature, and the inclusions are a means for the organism to sequester reduced iron atoms and thereby keep iron reduction stoichiometry favorable. The magnetosomes also allow the bacteria to display magnetotaxis, which is movement in response to a magnetic field, such as the north or south magnetic poles. It is presumed that the bacteria use the alignment to the earth’s magnetic field to orient themselves downward towards sediments where the habitat is favorable to their growth and metabolism. The comparatively few species of these bacteria isolated in the northern and southern hemispheres respond to magnetic north and south respectively, or alternatively respond only to the magnetic pole of the hemisphere from which they were isolated. This apparent dichotomy in response to magnetism could mean that the organisms are not responding to magnetism, per se, but instead are using the magnetosomes to respond to gravity. To resolve if magnetosomes respond to gravity in addition to magnetism we have used Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum, a well-studied magnetotactic bacterium isolated in the northern hemisphere, to examine magnetotactic behavior in the absence of gravity. Experiments to compare the orientation of Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum to north- or south-pole magnets were conducted in normal gravity and in the microgravity environments aboard the Space Shuttle and Space Station MIR. In each of the microgravity situations studied, bacteria were impaired in their ability to orient to magnets, suggesting that on earth the bacteria use magnetosomes to respond to gravity. These experiments could have significant commercial utility and could lead to the use of magnetosomes to direct biodegrading bacteria to contaminated aquifers or soils and likewise could be used to direct and localize bacteria used in element leaching and microbial mining.