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Background: The aim of the study was to compare the effect of vibration massage and passive rest on accelerating the process of muscle recovery after short-term intense exercise. Methods: Eighty-four healthy men aged 20 to 25 years participated in the study. Study participants performed isometric (ISO-M Group) and auxotonic (AUX-M group) contraction exercise in the lower limbs. Vibration massage was administered after exercise in the first recovery period. In the same period, controls rested passively, without the support of vibration massage. To assess the effectiveness of the applied vibration, a 4-fold measurement of the maximum force of the muscles involved in the exercise was performed under conditions of isometric contractions on a leg press machine set at an angle of 45° degrees upwards. Results: Differences in maximum strength during isometric contraction were found compared to baseline in favor of the groups subjected to the experimental vibration massage. Differences were demonstrated in muscle strength between the study groups (p < 0.005). The second period of passive rest in all groups did not bring significant changes in the values of maximal lower limb strength. Conclusions: Properly selected characteristics of the vibration effect can be an effective method in accelerating recovery and regaining lost motor capabilities of muscle groups fatigued by exercise. This offers the potential to shorten rest periods between sets of repetitions in training or between training units.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 11680.
Effect of Vibration Massage and Passive Rest on Recovery of
Muscle Strength after Short-Term Exercise
Wiesław Chwała
, Paweł Pogwizd
, Łukasz Rydzik
* and Tadeusz Ambroży
The Department of Biomechanics, University of Physical Education, Cracow, Al. Jana Pawla II 78,
31-571 Cracow, Poland;
Research and Development Department of Vitberg, Marcina Borelowskiego 29, 33-300 Nowy Sącz, Poland;
Institute of Sports Sciences, University of Physical Education, 31-571 Krakow, Poland;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +48-730-696-377
Abstract: Background: The aim of the study was to compare the effect of vibration massage and
passive rest on accelerating the process of muscle recovery after short-term intense exercise.
Methods: Eighty-four healthy men aged 20 to 25 years participated in the study. Study participants
performed isometric (ISO-M Group) and auxotonic (AUX-M group) contraction exercise in the
lower limbs. Vibration massage was administered after exercise in the first recovery period. In the
same period, controls rested passively, without the support of vibration massage. To assess the
effectiveness of the applied vibration, a 4-fold measurement of the maximum force of the muscles
involved in the exercise was performed under conditions of isometric contractions on a leg press
machine set at an angle of 45° degrees upwards. Results: Differences in maximum strength during
isometric contraction were found compared to baseline in favor of the groups subjected to the
experimental vibration massage. Differences were demonstrated in muscle strength between the
study groups (p < 0.005). The second period of passive rest in all groups did not bring significant
changes in the values of maximal lower limb strength. Conclusions: Properly selected characteristics
of the vibration effect can be an effective method in accelerating recovery and regaining lost motor
capabilities of muscle groups fatigued by exercise. This offers the potential to shorten rest periods
between sets of repetitions in training or between training units.
Keywords: recovery; fatigue; muscle; vibration; massage; sport; training
1. Introduction
Intense physical activity leads to fatigue, resulting in a deterioration of exercise
capacity, manifested by a decrease in intensity and efficiency of muscle work [1,2]. In the
case of maximal physical exercise, muscle fatigue is experienced from the first seconds
[3,4]. The magnitude and nature of the functional changes in the body induced by physical
exercise are largely influenced by the intensity, duration, and specificity of the exercise
[5]. They are also affected by the size and type of muscle groups involved in performing
the specific work, the type of contraction of the muscles involved, and the individual body
metabolism [6].
Researchers point to possible differences during isometric and auxotonic muscle
work. During auxotonic and isometric exercise, alternating muscle contraction and
relaxation facilitate blood circulation, which supplies the intensely working muscles with
oxygen and energy substrates and helps remove metabolic products from them [7–9].
The situation is different when muscles work under isometric conditions. During
isometric exercise, muscles put pressure on blood vessels. Isometric muscle work
increases the rate of fatigue, which means a reduction in the ability to perform exercise
[4]. As a result, even at low loads of 25–30% of the maximum voluntary contraction
Citation: Chwała, W.; Pogwizd, P.;
Rydzik, Ł.; Ambroży, T. Effect of
Vibration Massage and Passive Rest
on Recovery of Muscle Strength after
Short-Term Exercise. Int. J. Environ.
Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 11680.
Academic Editors: Fabrizio Perroni
and Erica Gobbi
Received: 29 September 2021
Accepted: 5 November 2021
Published: 7 November 2021
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Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
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Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 11680 2 of 15
(MVC), venous blood outflow from the muscles is limited [10]. This is despite a significant
increase in blood pressure [7,8]. The free flow of blood is restricted, which in turn
interferes with the supply of essential nutrients and the removal of metabolic products.
Athletes strive to reduce the effects of fatigue and delay the onset of its symptoms.
Fatigue increases during each training unit, after successive sets of exercises, especially
during exercises at maximal or submaximal intensity [11]. This is due to depletion of
energy stores and significant acidification of the body [12]. The state of increasing fatigue
determines the time of recovery breaks between successive sets and the frequency of
training units of a specific exercise. The use of effective methods of athletic recovery can
significantly accelerate the process of regaining body performance and increase the
effectiveness of training. Various methods and techniques are used to improve the
effectiveness of post-exercise recovery. One criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of
the recovery method used is whether a faster recovery to the baseline levels can be
observed compared to that after passive rest [13]. Today, a number of methods are used
to accelerate recovery, including different techniques of massage, which is a therapeutic
procedure used for a long time in sports [14]. Research shows that using massage before
competitions improves athletic performance [15]. The use of massage after exercise
reduces muscle soreness and helps prevent potential injuries [16]. It has also been
demonstrated that massage significantly modifies the length of tendons [17]. In sports,
massage is one of the most popular forms used to accelerate athletic recovery. The effect
of mechanical whole-body vibration (WBV) on the body, which was used in the present
study, is similar to classical massage using vibration techniques.
It is recognized that an increase in blood flow resulting from the application of WBV
can accelerate the process of post-exercise recovery by enhancing nutrient exchange
[18,19], removing metabolic by-products that inhibit tissue repair, and improving the
efficiency of oxygen supply between capillaries and the fluid surrounding the body cells
[5,20]. Furthermore, the increase in blood flow produces a thermal effect [21,22], initiating
a healing response in tissues damaged during exercise, which can be further enhanced by
the heat produced by vibrating muscle fibers [23–26].
Previous research results have indicated discrepancies between individual authors
as to the effects of vibration on restoring strength and speed capabilities of muscles in the
recovery period following intense exercise. Studies [27–30] have shown that vibration is
effective in relieving exercise-induced muscle pain. Unfortunately, these studies provide
limited information on how the reduction of exercise-induced muscle pain affects the rate
at which muscle strength returns to baseline or hypercompensation of muscle strength.
A study by Barnes et al. [31] failed to confirm the positive effects of vibration applied
after eccentric contractions of the lower limb muscles on an isokinetic dynamometer.
Dabbs et al. [32] also argued that vibration does not help with muscle recovery, which
does not translate into improvements in the level of variables that characterize vertical
jumps on the platform. In contrast, Annino et al. indicated that the use of WBV during
rests between sets delays muscle fatigue and results in better competitive performance of
athletes [33].
This study aimed to compare the two forms of recovery (with vibration and passive
rest) in supporting muscle recovery after a single submaximal exercise (isometric and
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants
The study was a randomized control trial with repeated measures. The study
involved 84 young men aged 20 to 24 years who had not suffered from orthopedic injuries
within a year of the study and had not suffered from other conditions that could
significantly affect the results of maximum muscle strength measurements. The
participants who were enrolled in the study participated in weekly recreational physical
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 11680 3 of 15
activity of similar intensity, volume, and nature of sporting activities. The characterization
of study participants is presented in Table 1. Prior to participation in the tests, the
competitors were informed about the research procedures, which were in accordance with
the ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki WMADH (2000). Obtaining the
competitors’ written consent was the condition for their participation in the project. The
research was approved by the Bioethics Committee (No. (KB/245/FI/2020).
Table 1. Characteristics of study participants by group.
Group/Variable ISO-M ISO-P AUX-M AUX-P
Number [n] 21 21 21 21
Age [years] 20.4 ± 1.78 19.9 ± 1.91 21.1 ± 1.24 20.7 ± 1.55
Body mass [kg] 79.1 ± 11.33 74.9 ± 5.67 72.4 ± 8.34 78.6 ± 8.31
Body height [m] 1.81 ± 0.97 1.79 ± 0.81 1.78 ± 0.86 1.81 ± 0.10
BMI [kgm
] 24.1 ± 1.26 23.2 ± 1.96 22.9 ± 2.04 23.9 ± 1.13
ISO-M—experimental group subjected to the isometric muscle exercise using vibration sessions in the first period of
recovery and passive rest in the second, AUX-M—experimental group subjected to the auxotonic muscle exercise using
vibration sessions in the first period of recovery and passive rest in the second, ISO-P—control group subjected to
isometric exercise using only passive recovery in both periods intended for recovery, AUX-P—control group subjected to
auxotonic exercise using only passive recovery during the periods intended for recovery.
2.2. Procedure
Eighty-four participants were randomized into 4 equal groups. Each respondent
drew lots to determine their group. Each study group was tested by the same researchers,
using the same measurement tools and identical measurement procedures. The
experimental design is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Experimental design.
Each participant began the activity with a standard warm up consisting of 15
alternating repetitions of flexion and extension of the lower limb joints on a leg press
machine (Body Craft F660, Fort Lauderdale, OH, USA) in a seated position (the back at 45
degrees to the ground), with the machine set at an angle of 45° degrees upwards. The load
was selected individually and was 30% of one repetition maximum (1RM); it was tested
one day prior to the actual testing. The whole procedure was repeated three times. In the
starting position, the angle of limb flexion at the knee joints measured between the thigh
and the shank was monitored with a goniometer and was 80° (0°: full joint extension). The
ankle joints in the initial setting were in a neutral position (90° angle between the foot and
the lower leg). The angle at the hip joint was determined by the flexion angles of the knee
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 11680 4 of 15
and ankle joints and the individual dimensions of the lower limb segments. The
adjustment of the leg press machine ensured constant angle settings in the knee and ankle
joints. The pelvis and upper body were stabilized with straps.
To determine the baseline maximum level of strength of the lower limb muscles, a
measurement of the maximum force of isometric contraction was carried out after the
warm up on a measuring stand in a seated position, with the leg press machine set at an
angle of 45° degrees upwards and the lower limb joints positioned in the starting position,
as described above.
In order to determine the maximum level of strength of the lower limb muscles, after
the warm up using leg press machine (Body Craft F660, Fort Lauderdale, OH, USA),
repetitions with maximum force were performed. The crane was set at 45° and the
working procedure was as described above.
Next, each subject was subjected to submaximal physical exercise that loaded the
lower limb muscle groups, in particular, aimed at their fatigue. Groups ISO-M and ISO-P
performed exercise consisting of 3 min isometric exercise following the warm up of the
lower limb muscles during one 60-s submaximal contraction at 75% of individual maximal
strength, in a seated position with the leg press machine set at an angle of 45° degrees
Groups AUX-M and AUX-P performed one auxotonic exercise, consisting of 20
repetitions at the level of 75% of individual maximum strength without recovery breaks
by alternate extension and flexion of the joints of the lower limbs with the upper body and
pelvis stabilized by straps, on a leg press machine in a seated position, with the machine
positioned at 45° degrees upward. The flexion angles of the lower limbs in the starting
position were identical to those during the measurement of maximal strength.
Immediately after the completion of the exercise, the maximum strength of the
muscles involved in the exercise was measured a second time in the experimental and
control groups.
Next, participants from experimental groups ISO-M and AUX-M were subjected to
the first 20-min recovery period with the use of vibration sessions. Study participants from
control groups ISO-P and AUX-P recovered passively without vibration sessions in the
same position as study participants from groups ISO-M and AUX-M.
The third measurement of the level of maximal strength of the lower limb muscles
was performed after the first recovery period.
After the measurement, the second 20 min of post-exercise recovery was started
(passive rest in all groups).
The final (fourth) measurement was taken immediately after the end of the second
20-min passive rest in all groups.
2.3. Vibration Sessions
Vibration massage of the involved muscles was performed during rest after
submaximal exercise in groups ISO-M and AUX-M. The vibration was generated by a
device designed at Vitberg. An author’s vibration program was developed specifically for
the study, which, during a 20-min procedure, generated vibrations in the frequency range
of 20 to 50 Hz, amplitude < 0.5 mm, and varied in terms of the duration of intervals (from
1 to 4 s) [21,34]. The characteristics of the vibration intervention also took into account the
fact that there was a possibility of individual variation in adaptation to the applied
vibration frequency, resulting from individual characteristics and properties of the
neuromuscular spindles, different numbers and locations of mechanoreceptors and
proprioreceptors, or different elastic characteristics of the muscle-tendon complex and the
proportion of type II fibres in the muscle [35]. The vibrating mattress and vibrating
module were used in the study, with their total application surface allowing for
simultaneous (without changing the position of the mattress and the participant during
the procedure) massaging of the muscle groups of both lower limbs engaged previously
in the exercise (Figure 2).
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 11680 5 of 15
Figure 2. Position of the test subject during vibration massage application. Source: Figure taken by
the authors of the paper.
2.4. Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using the STATISTICA 13.3 PL software. The
exercise-induced changes in maximal leg strength during both periods of recovery were
used to determine their absolute increase compared to baseline (measured after the warm
up) in subsequent periods of the experiment. The significance of statistical differences
between the maximum relative values of changes in muscle strength was tested by
ANOVA for repeated measures and using Tukey’s post-hoc test. Friedman ANOVA test
with Dunn’s post-hoc test was used in the case of the lack of normal distribution. The
significance of differences between maximum relative values of increments of the
variables analyzed in all groups was assessed by one-way analysis of variance ANOVA
using Tukey’s post-hoc test. In the case of the lack of normal distribution or lack of
homogeneity of variance tested by Levene’s test, ANOVA Kruksal–Wallis test was
applied, followed by Dunn’s post-hoc test. For variables with values showing the
characteristics of a normal distribution, the arithmetic mean and standard deviation (± s)
are given, while for variables whose values did not have a normal distribution, in addition
to the means, the median and quarter deviation (Me ± Q) are also reported. Furthermore,
a measure of the effect size was calculated by presenting eta-squared values.
3. Results
Table 2 shows the basic statistical variables (ΔFwmax_w-p, ΔFwmax_r1-p,
ΔFwmax_r2-p), expressed in Nkg1 for all groups studied.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 11680 6 of 15
Table 2. Changes in the maximum relative strength compared to baseline expressed in Nkg-1, in individual stages of the
experiment in groups of participants.
Variables/Parameters/Group ISO-M ISO-P AUX-M AUX-P
𝑥 ± s 3.6 ± 2.13 4.1 ± 2.38 3.2 ± 1.49 4.2 ± 2.69
Me ± Q - 4.2 ± 1.17 - 2.9 ± 2.22
Min. 8.1 11.4 5.9 8.7
Max. 0.4 1 0.6 0.6
𝑥 ± s 1.2 ± 2.65 2.6 ± 4.64 0.4 ± 2.27 2.5 ± 2.10
Me ± Q 1.3 ± 0.74 - - -
Min. 6.1 16.7 4.5 7.4
Max. 8.7 5.1 7.2 0.3
𝑥 ± s 1.3 ± 3.73 2.5 ± 3.35 0.3 ± 2.04 2.1 ± 2.78
Me ± Q - - - -
Min. 6 9.1 3.2 6.5
Max. 8.5 3.62 4.6 4
Figure 3 shows the percentage changes of the maximum relative strength of the
examined muscles between successive periods for each group compared to the baseline
taken as 100%.
Figure 3. Graphical representation of changes in the maximum relative strength compared to
baseline expressed in % in individual periods of the experiment in groups of participants.
ΔFwmax_w-p—post-exercise change in relative strength following exercise relative to baseline,
ΔFwmax_r1-p—change in relative strength after the first recovery period, relative to baseline,
ΔFwmax_r2-p—change in relative strength after the second recovery period, relative to baseline.
The mean values of changes in ΔFwmax recorded after each period of the experiment
relative to baseline were then subjected to the analysis of the statistical significance of
differences for repeated measures in all groups of participants. Strong effect size was also
demonstrated in most measurements. The results of the post-hoc tests and effect size are
presented in Table 3.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 11680 7 of 15
Table 3. Results of the ANOVA analysis of variance for repeated measures and the post-hoc test for changes in maximal
relative strength compared to baseline in individual periods of the experiment in groups of participants.
ΔFwmax_w-p [Nkg1]
ΔFwmax_r1-p [Nkg1]
ΔFwmax_w-p [Nkg1]
ΔFwmax_r2-p [Nkg1]
ΔFwmax_r1-p [Nkg1]
ΔFwmax_r2-p [Nkg1]
ISO-M p < 0.001
N η2 = 0.82 p < 0.001 N η2 = 0.83 p = 0.82 N η2 = 0.18
ISO-P p < 0.01
N η2 = 0.76 p < 0.05 N η2 = 0.76 p = 0.79 N η2 = 0.38
AUX-M p < 0.001
P η2 = 0.85 p < 0.001 P η2 = 0.85 p = 0.98 P η2 = 0.05
AUX-P p = 0,097
ΔFwmax_w-p—post-exercise change in relative strength following exercise relative to baseline, ΔFwmax_r1-p—change
in relative strength after the first recovery period, relative to baseline, ΔFwmax_r2-p—change in relative strength after the
second recovery period, relative to baseline, N—significance of differences tested by Dunn’s post hoc test, P—significance
of differences tested by Tukey’s post hoc test. η2—measure of eta-squared effect size.
The results of the analysis of variance in intergroup comparisons indicate the
presence of statistically significant differences in the variable studied only within some
pairs of groups of participants in subsequent periods of the experiment. Between-group
comparisons revealed strong measures of effect size. As a result of post-hoc testing and
effect size, groups of participants with the statistically significantly different values of the
variable analyzed were separated as presented in Table 4.
Table 4. Results of the analysis of variance ANOVA (F-test; Tukey’s post-hoc test) and its
counterpart for non-parametric ANOVA Kruskal–Willis tests (Dunn’s post hoc test) of the changes
in maximum relative strength compared to baseline in subsequent periods of the experiment
between groups of participants.
Variable/Group ΔFwmax_w-p
p = 0.71 N
p < 0.005 N η2 = 0.37 p < 0.001 P η2 = 0.39
ISO-M/AUX-M p = 1.00
N η2 = 0.87 p = 0.73 P η2 = 0.08
ISO-M/AUX-P p < 0.001
N η2 = 0.62 p < 0.005 P η2 = 0.40
ISO-P/AUX-M p = 0.055
N η2 = 0.27 p < 0.05 P η2 = 0.37
ISO-P/AUX-P p = 1.00
N η2 = 0.61 p = 0.98 P η2 = 0.48
AUX-M/AUX-P p < 0.005
N η2 = 0.61 p = 0.05 P η2 = 0.38
ΔFwmax_w-p—post-exercise change in relative strength following exercise relative to baseline,
ΔFwmax_r1-p—change in relative strength after the first recovery period, relative to baseline,
ΔFwmax_r2-p—change in relative strength after the second recovery period, relative to baseline,
N—significance of differences tested by Dunn’s post hoc test, P—significance of differences tested
by Tukey’s post hoc test. η2—measure of eta-squared effect size.
The post-exercise changes in maximum relative strength ΔFwmax_w-p between the
different groups of participants are shown in Figures 4–6.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 11680 8 of 15
Figure 4. Graphical representation of the results of ANOVA Kruskal–Willis analysis for the
ΔFwmax_w-p variable between all tested groups of participants.
Figure 5. Graphical representation of the results of ANOVA Kruskal–Willis analysis for the
ΔFwmax_r-p variable between all tested groups of participants.
Figure 6. Graphical representation of the results of ANOVA (F-test) for the ΔFwmax_r2-p variable
between all tested groups of participants.
4. Discussion
In the ISO-M group of participants, who performed submaximal isometric exercise
and underwent vibration massage during the recovery period, a statistically significant (p
< 0.001) and most substantial increase in the maximum relative strength of about 4.8 Nkg-
1 was observed after the first recovery period, which corresponded to an average increase
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 11680 9 of 15
of about 16% compared to the value of post-exercise maximum relative strength (Table 2
and Figure 3). It can therefore be concluded that the increase in strength is related to the
application of vibration massage. Fuller et al. claim that vibration massage has similar
efficacy to classical massage [36]. Furthermore, in the AUX-M group, subjected to
auxotonic exercise and experimental vibration exposure, an average increase in strength
of approximately 12% was recorded during an identical period of the experiment, which
accounted for an increase in the relative strength of 3.6 Nkg-1 compared to the value of
the variable recorded after the exercise test (Table 2 and Figure 3). In addition, in this case,
the results of the statistical analysis confirmed the presence of significant differences at p
< 0.001. This may indicate the efficacy of the vibration massage in muscle recovery
resulting in increased strength. Similar findings were reported by Mukhtar, who
showed that vibration therapy had a significant positive effect on neuromuscular
performance, resulting in improved upper extremity strength [37].
It should be added that in the groups subjected to vibration massage, the values of
maximum relative strength in maximum isometric contraction exceeded the baseline
levels already after the first period of recovery. The recovery of previously lost relative
strength, together with the occurrence of the hypercompensation effect, was noted in both
groups (by 3.5% in the ISO-M group and 1.2% in the AUX-M group), even though they
differed in the form of physical exercise to which the muscles were subjected. Scientific
research has shown that vibration therapy is an effective recovery method [38].
In the ISO-P group (isometric contraction/passive rest), there was also a statistically
significant (p < 0.01) increase in relative strength after the first recovery period. However,
it was not as significant as in the groups with vibration massage and averaged to about
4.4%, which translated into an increase in the maximal relative force of 1.5 Nkg-1 after the
first recovery period (Table 2 and Figure 3). In conclusion, the process of restoring relative
strength after an analogous isometric exercise in the first recovery period in the group
with vibration massage was more than three times faster than in the group with passive
Furthermore, in participants from the AUX-P group (auxotonic muscle
contraction/passive rest), despite a 7% increase in relative strength observed after the first
recovery period (Figure 3) compared to the value recorded after the exercise test, the
statistical analysis did not confirm the presence of statistically significant differences.
Similarly as in the case of submaximal isometric contractions, the effectiveness of the
vibration massage was confirmed in the statistical comparisons determining the rate of
restoring the lost relative strength following auxotonic exercise. The efficiency of
recovery, expressed by the restoration of the relative strength, was similarly about three
times higher than in the case of passive rest. Our study confirmed the differences in the
increase in relative strength after the first recovery period between ISO-M, ISO-P, AUX-
M, and AUX-P groups. The recorded increases in maximum strength induced by vibration
massage can be explained by muscle recovery that occurs as a result of muscle vibration
The different observations of the authors of studies [31,32,36,40–43] regarding the
evaluation of the effect of vibration massage aimed to ensure athletic recovery of muscles
that have been previously fatigued during high-intensity exercise may be due to several
factors. The nature and pattern of the vibration massage may be an important problem.
This problem has also been noticed by Cochrane and Booker and Park who believe that
following vibration, any changes related to muscle motor activity depend on the mutual
relations between vibration parameters such as frequency (Hz), amplitude (mm), and
vibration duration (s) [44,45]. A direct comparison of these studies is difficult due to the
lack of homogeneity of the physical effort, the varied measurement methodology, the
characteristics of the vibrations produced, and the variety of positions in which the
vibration massage was performed. All this may explain the considerable discrepancies in
the results obtained by individual researchers in the studies cited.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 11680 10 of 15
Previous results reported by various authors indicate a considerable scatter
concerning the optimal parameters of vibration stimulus suggested by them.
Consequently, there are no unequivocal guidelines for the effective choice and application
of vibration parameters. Issurin suggests that low-frequency vibration massage (f = 15–50
Hz) increases the local temperature of the tissues subjected to vibration, causing relaxation
of myofascial tissues, a decrease in emotional tension, and a general calming effect [21].
On the other hand, a massage using high-frequency vibrations leads to an increase in
excitability of the central nervous system, increases muscle tension, and has a rapid
warming effect. However, according to the same author, a massage with the use of both
low- and high-frequency vibrations brings positive effects. Despite this, Issurin [21]
recommends that the massage time for high-frequency vibration should be much shorter
than in the case of lower-frequency vibration stimulus. In our study, the vibration time
also decreased with increasing vibration frequency. Furthermore, Rittweger et al. reported
that vibration frequencies below 20 Hz lead to relaxation in muscles, while frequencies
over 50 Hz can cause acute muscle pain in untrained individuals [46]. There are also
reports which indicate that the vibration frequency range of 30–50 Hz is most effective to
activate muscle fibers [47]. Ronnestad suggested that the optimal vibration frequency for
professional athletes should be 50 Hz [48]. Low-frequency vibrations of 5–15 Hz, on the
other hand, can speed up the process of post-exercise recovery due to increased blood
flow to and from the injured muscle and stimulate muscle receptors to relieve muscle
tension [34].
A very interesting suggestion was made by Lamont et al. who recommend starting
vibration sessions with lower frequencies and amplitudes and gradually increasing them
while shortening the exposure to vibrations [49]. The vibration interaction algorithm in
our study also started from the lowest frequencies. However, the vibration based on 26
and 30 Hz frequencies used in the studies by Bullock et al. [50], Barnes et al. [31], and
Dabbs et al. [32] did not produce the expected beneficial effects. Furthermore, vibration
wi th freq uencie s of 20, 35, and 50 Hz, u sed in t he studies b y Marin e t al., p roduce d posit ive
results during post-exercise recovery [23]. Higher vibration frequencies suggested by
Issurin [21] did not allow Lau and Nosak [27] and Fuller et al. [36] to demonstrate the
effectiveness of the vibration procedure during the recovery period after exercise. The
presented facts may suggest that vibration frequency is not the only parameter that
significantly affects the outcomes of vibration sessions performed during post-exercise
recovery. The results of our study provide compelling evidence that different frequencies
and amplitudes of vibrations may be required, depending on the expected effects of
vibration sessions.
The study used a vibration stimulus with completely different frequency
characteristics than those used in previous experiments. No publications to date have
presented studies in which the frequency and amplitude of a vibration stimulus are varied
smoothly during a single vibration program. During the determination of the
characteristics of the vibration intervention, it is critical to remember that the time of
recovery of motor skills lost due to exercise depends on many factors: age, muscle mass,
type of muscle fibers, level of previous fatigue, fitness level, and specific personal
susceptibility to vibration interventions [51]. The mechanism developed by the authors
for the effect of the vibration stimulus was partially similar to the suggestions made by
Lamont et al. [49]. Another key factor in increasing the effectiveness of vibration massage
used in our study was the variation of rest duration (1–4 s) in generating the vibration
stimulus in successive sets of vibration in the control program. This view was also noted
by Issurin [21], who pointed to the positive effect of vibration stimuli only when
intermittent vibration massage was applied. However, subjecting participants to
continuous and prolonged vibration massage led to a noticeable decrease in the values of
biomechanical variables in the muscles tested.
The characteristics of low-amplitude vibration stimuli proposed in our study were
intended to induce a relaxing effect rather than reinforce a stress factor for pre-fatigued
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 11680 11 of 15
muscles. This need was also emphasized by Cardinale and Lim [35]. Furthermore, the
support of muscle recovery was supposed to be based on increased blood flow as
mentioned by Weerapong et al. [16]. A study conducted by Kerschan-Schindl et al. [52]
found an increase in mean blood flow rate in the femoropopliteal artery as a result of
vibration massage performed on a vibration platform (f-26 Hz A-3 mm). An increase in
local blood flow rate immediately after the vibratory stimulus was also confirmed by other
researchers [21,53]. The explanation for this mechanism is based on the assumption that
rhythmic muscle contractions are observed when the body is subjected to vibration [54],
which can cause changes in the peripheral arteries. According to Kerschan-Schindl et al.
[52], the increase in blood flow rate may be due to a decrease in blood viscosity and
vasodilation induced by vibration. Therefore, the increase in blood flow rate resulting
from the applied vibration can accelerate the process of post-exercise recovery by
enhancing nutrient exchange, removing metabolic by-products [40] that inhibit tissue
repair and improving the oxygen supply between capillaries and the fluid surrounding
body cells [55]. The low value of vibration amplitude was further intended to eliminate
the possible adverse phenomenon of potentiation of muscle fatigue due to the vibration
procedure, as mentioned by Barnes et al. [31]. The results of the study conducted by
Zoladz et al. [56] show that already after a 10-s maximal power exercise test on an
isokinetic cycle ergometer, a 25% loss of maximal power was observed, indicating the
onset of pronounced fatigue. During short-term dynamic efforts, the immediate energy
supply to muscles is obtained from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and phosphocreatine
(PCr) [57,58]. Unfortunately, their content in muscle cells is limited. During the first
seconds of exercise, the content of ATP and phosphocreatine in muscle cells decreases
rapidly. In the study by Hultman and Sjoholm [59], stimulation of the muscle to
contraction for 2.5 s resulted in 26% depletion of PCr stores. Phosphocreatine resynthesis
and elimination of glycolytic products occur partly during and partly following the
exercise [60–62]. Therefore, symptoms of fatigue are observed even during short-term
efforts of submaximal intensity [63–65]. Another key factor in increasing the effectiveness
of vibration massage used in our study was the use of breaks in generation of the vibratory
stimulus during the program. This was also observed by Issurin [21], who indicated a
positive effect of vibration only when intermittent vibration sessions were applied.
In our study key information was provided by the recorded results of changes in the
maximum relative strength of the tested muscle groups, which were recorded at the end
of the first and second recovery periods. Based on these results, it was found that vibration
sessions conducted in the first period of recovery significantly accelerated the process of
post-exercise recovery and restoration of strength capabilities of the examined muscles.
In the case of groups where recovery during each period consisted solely of passive rest,
even a time of 40 min was insufficient to recover the previous strength capabilities lost
due to exercise.
The use of vibration massage resulted in much more effective muscle recovery in the
case of fatigue caused by isometric exercise. This is confirmed by the results of the
recorded changes in strength after each recovery period, with their rate of return to pre-
exercise levels and the possible effect of hypercompensation being significantly higher for
the groups subjected to isometric exercise. The reason for this may be the fact of lower
regression of energy substrate levels recorded during isometric exercise as demonstrated
by Konturek [66] and Ortega et al. [67]. During static exercise, tense muscles put pressure
on blood vessels, thus impeding the blood flow, which in turn interferes with the supply
of essential nutrients and the removal of metabolic products [7,8]. Consequently, during
static muscle work, conditions are created for oxygen debt and an increase in the
proportion of anaerobic metabolism causing their acidification [68,69]. Furthermore, the
increase in blood flow due to the application of vibration intervention [21,53] facilitates
the exchange of nutrients and the removal of metabolic by-products [40,55] which were
accumulated during the exercise with isometric muscle work. According to Lattier et al.
[70], a very important factor in the acceleration of post-workout relaxation and ability to
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 11680 12 of 15
undertake the next effort is lactate removal from blood and muscles. This view is also
supported by other researchers [71,72], who believe that blood lactate accumulation is at
least partly responsible for the delayed return to homeostasis after fatigue. Therefore, this
helps explain why the vibration interaction in our study led to better recovery after
isometric exercise.
Post-exercise rest is an essential part of ensuring body homeostasis. There are
scientific studies which stress that in the case of fatigue caused by physical exertion, the
athlete should rest actively. Research [73,74] has shown that light exercises, applied after
physical exercise, can accelerate the recovery from muscle fatigue and is more effective
than passive rest. In a study [75], a higher rate of lactate decomposition was observed
during active recovery compared to passive rest. The authors explain this fact by the
increased blood flow that occurs during active rest, which in turn facilitates the removal
of previously accumulated lactate. Ahmaidi et al. [76] and Thiriet et al. [77] also found that
low-intensity active rest between repeated sets of intense exercise results in lower blood
lactate concentration compared to passive rest. According to Bush et al., [78] whole body
vibration (WBV) induces small muscle contractions during which there is a change in
muscle length. Barnes et al. [31] believe that, consequently, muscles subjected to vibration
massage are forced to do extra work, which can be a form of active rest after exercise.
5. Conclusions
Based on the results obtained in the present study, it seems right to state that the use
of our vibration procedure, aimed at previously fatigued muscle groups, is an effective
method to accelerate the process of their recovery and regaining the lost motor abilities.
Properly chosen parameters of the vibration procedure during active inter-exercise
muscle recovery can significantly shorten the necessary breaks in training units and
between training sessions and improve training efficiency.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, W.C., P.P.; methodology, W.C., P.P.; software, W.C.,
T.A., Ł.R., and P.P.; validation, W.C., Ł.R., T.A., and P.P.; formal analysis, W.C., Ł.R., T.A., and P.P.;
investigation, W.C. and P.P.; resources, W.C., T.A., and P.P.; data curation, W.C. and P.P.; writing—
original draft preparation, W.C., T.A., Ł.R., and P.P.; writing—review and editing, W.C., T.A., Ł.R.,
P.P., and T.A.; visualization, W.C., Ł.R., T.A., and P.P.; supervision, W.C., P.P., Ł.R., and T.A; project
administration, P.P.; funding acquisition, W.C., T.A., and P.P. All authors have read and agreed to
the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: Research procedures, project implementation, and open access funding were conducted
with the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education (Poland) under the name
‘Regional Initiative for Perfection’ within the years 2019–2022, project No. 022/RID/2018/19.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the
Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Bioethics Committee (No. KB/245/FI/2020).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
authors. Some variables are restricted to preserve the anonymity of study participants.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Intense physical exercise can trigger fatigue, resulting in a decrease in muscle work efficiency [1]. The efficiency of muscle work during exercise is influenced by its intensity and duration [2]. ...
... Massage has been widely used when an athlete suffers an injury in a match [13,14]. In addition, several studies have reported that massage can increase muscle strength again [1,15,16]. On the other hand, the lack of reports regarding this matter gives us the opportunity to discuss in depth and evaluate the effect of exercise massage on pain intensity and postexercise ROM. This study aims to analyze the potential of exercise massage on ischemic muscle pain and ROM after exercise. ...
The aim of this study was to analyze the potential of exercise massage on ischemic muscle pain and ROM after exercise. This experimental research uses a pre and post control group design. Research subjects were selected using purposive sampling technique. Next, the subjects were divided into 2 groups, namely group (K1) which was not given special treatment and group (K2) which was given sports massage. A total of 18 healthy men participated in this study. Our first procedure is preparing research administration and permission to borrow facilities and infrastructure. Next, we screened respondents who were used as research subjects based on inclusion and exclusion criteria and filled out Informed Consent. On the day of the research, all subjects collected data on the characteristics of the research subjects, then warmed up, and then the subjects did exercises in the form of treadmill training with an intensity of 50-60% of their maximum ability. The intensity of the exercise was monitored using a polarizer. Exercise is carried out for 15 minutes. 30 minutes after exercise, all subjects had pre-test data taken to measure ischemic muscle pain and Range of Motion. After collecting pre-test data, subjects carried out interventions based on their respective groups. After being given the intervention, the subject carried out post-test data collection. The intensity of ischemic muscle pain was measured using VAS and ROM was measured at the knee joint using a goniometer. The results of our study reported that the group given exercise massage was able to reduce the intensity of systemic muscle pain and increase ROM significantly (P < 0.05). Providing sports massage after exercise can reduce ischemic muscle pain and increase ROM. Considering that pain intensity and ROM are necessary to support body function, our research findings can be used as an alternative to support physical performance.
... Physical exercise can cause fatigue resulting in decreased efficiency of muscle work [1]. The magnitude of the body's functional changes caused by exercise is influenced by the intensity and duration of the exercise [2]. ...
... Massage has been widely used when an athlete is injured in a match [16,17]. In addition, several studies have reported that massage can increase muscle strength and reduce pain during the break [1,7,18]. On the other hand, the lack of reports on this matter gives us the opportunity to discuss in depth and evaluate the available information regarding the potential of the massage through a literature review. ...
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Physical exercise can cause fatigue, resulting in a decrease in muscle work efficiency. This study aimed to analyze the potential of massage to accelerate recovery through a literature review. This type of research is a literature review. Article searches were carried out using a comprehensive strategy in research journal databases such as Web of Science (WOS), Scopus, and Pubmed. The keywords used are massage, physical exercise, muscle pain, inflammatory response, and recovery. The inclusion criteria are journals that discuss sports massage, physical exercise, muscle pain, inflammatory response, and recovery after exercise. Furthermore, the exclusion criteria are journals published in the last 6 years from 2022. 30 articles were obtained, and 12 articles were analyzed based on the suitability of the topic, objectives, research protocol, and research results. Exercises performed at high intensity, especially with repetitive eccentric movements, will cause muscle damage, inflammation, and muscle pain. This review reports that physical intensity exercise that triggers muscle soreness has many advantages when massaged. This benefit is so beneficial in sports that the potential for the use of regular NSAIDs is reduced. In addition, massage has the potential to accelerate recovery, reduce pain intensity, and increase ROM and muscle strength after physical exercise. Therefore, we recommend that massage be used as an alternative to speed up recovery and reduce pain intensity after exercise.
... It accelerates post-exercise muscle recovery by enhancing nutrient exchange and boosting the efficiency of perimuscular capillary and fluid cell feeding [24][25][26]. In addition, the heat generated in the muscle fibers as a consequence of the vibration massage enhances the healing response of muscles damaged during fatigue [27]. In recent years, many scholars have explored the effects of vibration massage on muscles. ...
... Some studies have found that low-frequency vibration massage (1-50 Hz) increases local temperature and leads to the relaxation of myofascial tissue, which can have a muscle-calming effect [50][51][52]. Chwała et al. [27] found a significant difference before and after vibration massage during isometric contractions. In particular, the results of this study imply that the selection of appropriate low-frequency vibrations is an effective way to accelerate the recovery of fatigued motor muscle groups and restore lost motor function. ...
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Background: Vibratory massage is now widely used to alleviate muscle fatigue. The effects of different vibration massage intensities on left and right upper trapezius (UT) fatigue have not been examined. Therefore, the present study first examined whether a vibration massage intervention had an effect on UT muscles and second compared the effects of 2 different levels (36 Hz and 46 Hz) of vibratory massage on the right and left oblique muscles under 3 different fatigue conditions. Methods: A total of 23 participants (12 female, 11 male; age: 26.5 ± 3.9 year, height: 170.5 ± 1.6 cm, mass: 57.5 ± 1.5 kg, BMI: 24.3 ± 1.6 kg/m2) were randomly divided into intervention and control groups. The 2 groups of subjects completed isometric contraction fatigue tasks of 30 s of fatigue, 60 s of fatigue and 90 s of fatigue in turn. The specific task of isotonic contraction was performed by subjects holding a 1 kg dumbbell in each hand and performing a straight arm weighted lateral supination exercise. After each exercise, the intervention group was randomized to apply a massage device with a vibration intensity of 36 Hz or 46 Hz on the left and right UT muscles for 5 min each. The control group did not receive any treatment. Both groups then repeated the same fatigue task as before. Then, the effects of different vibration massage interventions on UT muscles were derived by analyzing the changes in maximal voluntary contraction percentage (MVC%) of surface electromyography (sEMG) signals before and after the intervention, and the most effective vibration massage program for relieving left and right UT fatigue was summarized. Then, four classification algorithms were used to label and classify the collected sEMG data, and finally a UT muscle fatigue identification and vibration massage model was constructed. Results: After using the vibration massage level 1 (36 Hz) intervention, the MVC% of the right UT muscle showed significant reductions in the 30 s fatigue task, the 60 s fatigue task and the 90 s fatigue task (R1: p = 0.022, R2: p = 0.005, R3: p = 0.049). After using the vibration massage level 3 (46 Hz) intervention, the MVC% of the right UT muscle showed a significant decrease in both the 60 s fatigue task and the 90 s fatigue task (R2: p = 0.033, R3: p = 0.028). Significant decreases in MVC% for the left UT muscle were found only in the 90 s fatigue task (L3: p = 0.040). Then, by comparing the different performances of four commonly used classification algorithms, it was found that the bagging (accuracy = 0.860) algorithm had higher accuracy. Therefore, the bagging algorithm was used for the UT fatigue identification and vibration massage models. Conclusions: This was the first study to show the impacts of different levels of vibration massage on fatigue alleviation in the left and right UT muscles. Furthermore, the bilateral UT fatigue identification and vibration massage model developed in this study can help people to choose the most appropriate massage protocol for quick relief and relaxation of the UT muscles under three different fatigue tasks.
... The difference occurred 2 minutes after the exercise ended, where the massage group had a better reduction effect than the passive recovery group. Providing massage has the potential to increase recovery from autonomic modulation of heart rate (Mantovani Junior et al., 2018), besides that, the vibration effect can be an effective method for speeding up recovery and regaining lost motor abilities in muscle groups tired due to exercise (Chwała et al., 2021;Kargarfard et al., 2016). ...
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This study aims to optimize recovery after acute exercise using a high-intensity interval method involving the strategy of providing massage to athletes. Exercise heart rate (HR Ex), heart recovery rate (HRR), and blood lactate levels are used as parameters of physiological fatigue due to physical exercise. 24 samples participated in this research; they were divided into 3 groups, namely the during and post-massage group (DPM), the post-massage group (PM), and the control group, namely passive recovery (PR). Each group consists of 8 samples; all samples will carry out high-intensity acute exercise using the Tabata method for 4 sessions. 1 training session is carried out for 4 minutes, and the rest for each session is 4 minutes. Descriptive analysis, paired sample t-tests, and two-way ANOVA were used in data analysis. The results of this study were that all data on fatigue indicators were normally distributed (p ≥ 0.05) and homogeneous (p ≤ 0.05), and there were differences in lactate concentrations at each time taking the lactate levels in each group (p ≤ 0.05). The average blood lactate levels of the three groups were stated to be significantly different after the training program ended for the DPM group (10.30±1.78 mmol/L), PM (12.9±2.05 mmol/L), and PR (13.62±2.87 mmol/L). This research concluded that giving massage has a better effect than passive recovery on recovery in terms of both heart rate and lactate levels. A recovery strategy using massage is the best strategy for managing blood lactate levels, although trainers must understand that giving a massage during training breaks and after the training program ends gives a different response to lactate levels after training ends. Keywords: Recovery strategy, massage method, blood lactate, heart rate recovery
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Introduction. Extra-training complexes of types, forms, massage techniques and specially selected exercises are used in modern sports. Such means, provided they are used according to a clear algorithm and protocols, are meaningful basis for the modern concept formation of the high-class athletes recovery and performance system. Data on the practical use of the modern approach are a certain reserve for improving the special performance of athletes. The aim of the study. Systematization of extra-training effects of a specialized functional orientation, taking into account target instructions for fatigue correction and stimulation of athletes' performance. Research methods. Analysis of specialized literature and Internet sources, synthesis and generalization of the author's empirical knowledge based on experience working with high-class athletes. Research results. The systematization of special literature data, empirical and practical experience allowed to determine the specialized direction and directions of massage isolated application and complex of massage means use. The priority areas of application the sports massage types have been determined: the first is to restore the leading functions of human vital systems in conditions of exhaustion after intense motor activity; the second – to stimulate special work capacity in accordance with the physiological conditions that accompany the competitive activity of athletes. Conclusions. The effects of increasing the special working capacity of athletes can be obtained by fulfilling the following conditions: the duration and intensity of the massage must correspond to the hypo, hyper, or normoreactive type of the athletes' body; the use of massage techniques in combination with special exercises can be used in accordance with the body's reaction to hypoxia, hypercapnia and lactate-lactate acidosis.
Background: Myofascial pain syndrome(MPS)is a common chronic pain disorder characterized by muscle hardness, low extensibility, restriction of range of motion (ROM) and pain with trigger point (TP). Eccentric contraction has been used in past animal studies of MPS. However, clinical experience suggests that concentric contraction is also involved in MPS formation. New methods: In this study, we adopted artificial electrical stimulation to create artificial concentric contraction (ACC) in rat gastrocnemius muscle. After ACC, muscle hardness, torsion and range of motion (ROM) were compared between before ACC, after ACC, and stretching group. To clarify the association with pain, the expression of pERK in DRG were analyzed. Comparison to existing methods: Previous animal studies have created MPS models by inducing eccentric contractions in muscles. In this study, full tetanus contraction of the gastrocnemius muscle was achieved via tibial nerve stimulation. This method substituted muscle contraction due to abnormal excitation. Results: We found that artificial abnormal contraction (ACC) induced muscle hardness and ROM restriction. The pERK expression in DRG was increased by ACC. Analysis of muscle tissue sections revealed a meandeling structure in muscle fibers. The stretching treatment improved these indicators. These results were similar to feature of the MPS muscles. Conclusions: The ACC caused by artificial electrical stimulation leads to the characteristic of MPS in rat gastrocnemius muscle. This ACC model can be one of the useful options for MPS analysis.
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Background: Kickboxing is a combat sport with various forms of competition. Kickboxing according to the K1 rules is one of the most interesting and quickly developing forms of kickboxing. According to the K1 rules, it is possible to use a variety of techniques with great force. The aim of this study was to investigate the physiological responses during a real sports fight and to perform a technical and tactical analysis of the kickboxing bout according to the K1 rules. Methods: This study was conducted during two cycles of the international kickboxing league according to the K1 rules in a group of 15 elite athletes. The indicators of technical and tactical training were evaluated in real sports bout. Blood lactate (LA) levels and heart rate (HR) were measured during and after the bout. Results: The efficiency of the attack was on average 59.3 ± 2.7, its effectiveness was 50.3 ± 10.01, and its activeness was 112.3 ± 29. The peak LA concentration was 14.6 ± 1.9 mmol/L. LA concentration did not decrease to baseline after 20 min of recovery. Conclusion: A kickboxing bout was found to induce strong physiological stress for the participants. Reported HR and LA concentration show that the intensity of the fight was close to maximal, and anaerobic metabolism played an important role during a fight.
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Background: Pre-competition massage is usually used to improve athletic performance and reduce risk of injury. Despite its usual use, the effects of pre-competition massage on neuromuscular function have barely been studied. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of the precompetition massage over the gastrocnemius neuromuscular function. Method: The study is a quasi-experimental clinical trial thirty healthy athletes were enrolled in the study. Subjects received an intervention in one leg (experimental), consisting of a massage, and no intervention in the opposite leg (control). From all values of neuromuscular function, the following were analyzed: contraction time (Tc) and maximal displacement (Dm) by tensiomyography, and stiffness and tone by myotonometry. Results: Main effects of pre-competition massage on neuromuscular function include a significant (p < 0.05) increase in Tc and Dm variables, as well as a reduction in stiffness and tone. Conclusion: Data shows an increase in Tc and maximal radial displacement (Dm) variables, as well as a reduction in stiffness and tone. More quality studies are needed to draw clear conclusions about the effects of pre-competition massage.
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Objective: In this paper, we investigated the recovery of the lactate level, muscular fatigue, and heart rate recovery (HRR) with respect to whole body vibration (WBV) during the rest stage after a gait exercise. Methods: A total of 24 healthy subjects with no medical history of exercise injury participated. The participants were divided into a training group with vibration during rest and a control group with the same conditions but without vibration. The subjects performed a gait exercise with a slope of 15% and velocity of 4 km/h to consume 450 kcal in 30 min. Then, they rested on a vibrating chair or on a chair without vibrations for 30 min. The vibration protocol consists of a frequency of 10 Hz and amplitude of 5 mm. To estimate the recovery effect, we measured the lactate levels in blood, spectral edge frequency (SEF) of MVIC, and HRR before, immediately after exercise, and after rest. Results: The results showed that the lactate level in the training group decreased more (93.8%) than in the control group (32.8%). Also, HRR showed a similar trend with a recovery of 88.39% in the training group but 64.72% in the control group. We considered that whole-body vibrations during rest would help remove lactic acid by improving the level of lactic acid oxidation with stimulated blood vessels in the muscles and by helping to maintain blood flow. Also, WBV would lead to compensation to actively decrease the fast excess post-exercise oxygen consumption from blood circulation. Conclusions: We suggest that whole-body vibrations during rest can provide fast, efficient fatigue recovery as a cool down exercise for women, the elderly, and patients without other activity after intense exercise.
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This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: The objective of this systematic review is to evaluate the benefits and harms of WBV in adults with fibromyalgia. Specific comparisons that could be assessed in this review include: • whole body vibration versus control conditions (e.g. sham or placebo, treatment as usual, wait list control, physical activity as usual); • whole body vibration versus other physical activity interventions; • whole body vibration vs other non-exercise interventions (e.g. medications, relaxation, education).
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This innovative new manual demonstrates the application of vibration technology to the treatment of pathologies such as osteoporosis, osteopenia, stroke and different musculoskeletal disorders. It covers pathology on the upper and lower extremities as well as the whole spine. New treatment strategies are practically and logically presented with recommended exercises and accompanying instructions that can be applied using the vibration platforms. Rationale is given for selected vibration frequencies, amplitudes and modes for the duration and frequency of the exercise session. The manual is grounded in evidence underpinned by a thorough literature review (including a balanced view of both pros and cons) and clinical cases. The authors present clinical treatment parameters that are evidence-based and have supportive physiological rationale that is consistent with the nature of the pathology being treated. The text is further supported by online access to over 40 video clips demonstrating the possible treatment exercises. First book of its kind applying evidence-based vibration technology to physical (physiotherapy) and sport therapy practice Exercise recommendations accompanied by over 70 four-colour illustrations Indications and contra-indications in clinical practice Comprehensive literature review of evidence base and principles Written and supported by experts actively applying this technology to their practice Access to PIN-protected website with over 40 exercise video clips ( see inside front cover for your PIN and instructions on how to register.
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Background Post-exercise massage is one of the most frequently applied interventions to enhance recovery of athletes. However, evidence to support the efficacy of massage for performance recovery is scarce. Moreover, it has not yet been concluded under which conditions massage is effective. Objective The objective of this study was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of the available literature on massage for performance recovery. Methods We conducted a structured literature search and located 22 randomized controlled trials. These were analysed with respect to performance effects and various characteristics of the study design (type and duration of massage, type of exercise and performance test, duration of recovery period, training status of subjects). Results Of the 22 studies, 5 used techniques of automated massage (e.g. vibration), while the other 17 used classic manual massage. A tendency was found for shorter massage (5–12 min) to have larger effects (+6.6 %, g = 0.34) than massage lasting more than 12 min (+1.0 %, g = 0.06). The effects were larger for short-term recovery of up to 10 min (+7.9 %, g = 0.45) than for recovery periods of more than 20 min (+2.4 %, g = 0.08). Although after high-intensity mixed exercise, massage yielded medium positive effects (+14.4 %, g = 0.61), the effects after strength exercise (+3.9 %, g = 0.18) and endurance exercise (+1.3 %, g = 0.12) were smaller. Moreover, a tendency was found for untrained subjects to benefit more from massage (+6.5 %, g = 0.23) than trained athletes (+2.3 %, g = 0.17). Conclusion The effects of massage on performance recovery are rather small and partly unclear, but can be relevant under appropriate circumstances (short-term recovery after intensive mixed training). However, it remains questionable if the limited effects justify the widespread use of massage as a recovery intervention in competitive athletes.
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Whole body vibration training (WBVT) has been used as a supplement to conventional exercise training such as resistance exercise training to improve skeletal muscle strength, specifically, in rehabilitation field. Recently, this exercise modality has been utilized by cardiovascular studies to examine whether WBVT can be a useful exercise modality to improve cardiovascular health. These studies reported that WBVT has not only beneficial effects on muscular strength but also cardiovascular health in elderly and disease population. However, its mechanism underlying the beneficial effects of WBVT in cardiovascular health has not been well documented. Therefore, this review highlighted the impacts of WBVT on cardiovascular health, and its mechanisms in conjunction with the improved muscular strength and body composition in various populations.
Background: We tested the hypothesis that Whole Body Vibration (WBV) positively affects the fatigue process ensuing from repeated bouts of maximal efforts, as induced by repeated sprints ability (RSA). Eleven male soccer players performed three sets of six repeated shuttle sprints (40 metres). Methods: Eleven male soccer players (age 23,6±4,5 years) were cross-randomized to perform WBW before RSA and during the recovery between sets (WBV-with) or to warm-up and passive recovery between sets (WBV-without). The effects of WBV were quantified by sprint time (ST) and blood lactate concentration (LA), collected up to 15th min after completion of tests. Results: ST during RSA showed a better maintenance of performance in the WBV-with compared to WBV-without condition in all three sets, reaching a statistical significance between-groups during the 2nd and 3rd set (P< 0.05). No significant differences in ST over the sets were detected in WBVwith, whereas a significant decrease was observed in the WBV-without condition (P<0.001). LA recovered significantly faster from the 9th to 15th minute of recovery in WBV-with as compared to WBV-without (P<0.05). Conclusions: These findings would indicate that WBV performed during recovery between RSA sets is capable of delaying the onset of muscle fatigue resulting in a better maintenance of sprint performance.
BACKGROUND: Vibration therapy (VT) causes an increase in motor unit activation tendency, an involuntary recruitment of earlier sedentary motor units, which increases the muscle fiber force generating capacity and muscle performance. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of vibratory massage therapy at 23 Hz and 35 Hz on grip strength, endurance, and forearm muscle performance (in terms of EMG activity). METHODS: Ten healthy and right-handed men participated voluntarily in this study. The experiment was characterized by the measurement of MVC (maximal voluntary contraction) grip strength and grip endurance time at 50% MVC, accompanied by the corresponding measurement of the EMG signals of the muscles viz., flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS); flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU); extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB); and extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) in supine posture. RESULTS: MANCOVA results showed significant effects of VT frequency on endurance time (p <0.001); but no significant effect on the grip strength (p = 0.161) and muscle performance (in terms of EMG activities of the forearm muscles). However, VT improves the MVC grip strength and grip endurance time (better at 35 Hz). The Pearson correlation was significant between: weight, palm length, palm circumference, and forearm length with MVC grip strength; and the palm length with the endurance time. In addition, the palm length, palm circumference, and forearm circumference generally serve to better predict MVC grip strength and grip endurance time. CONCLUSIONS: Vibration therapy at 35 Hz for 10 minutes on the forearms had a significant positive effect on the neuromuscular performance to enhance muscle performance of upper extremities and can be used as the optimal range to study the effect of VT. Findings may be used to prepare guidelines for VT in rehabilitation, healthcare, sports, and medical for therapists.
Conference Paper
In today’s technological era, Musculoskeletal Work Disorders (MSWDs) are a very important and common concern, especially for the industrialized nations, particularly upper limb disorders and other general physical risk factors such as force, forearm, and wrist postures are linked to their causation. The upper extremity work related musculoskeletal pain and injury can be a catalyst for researchers in order to determine the key risk factors involved in various task. So, vibratory massage therapy is widely used to enhance muscles strength in MSWDs. The purpose of this study is to critically observe the effect of vibratory massage therapy on neuromuscular performance, in view of its ability to enhance the muscles strength; and also to investigate the effect of the different vibration frequencies as well as the anthropometric factors of the participants on MVC and endurance time. 7 healthy right-handed dominant male volunteers participated. In this experiment mainly MVC grip strength and endurance time at 50% MVC of grip strength were recorded as performance parameters in supination forearm posture at three timings, before vibration exposure, after vibration exposure at 23 Hz, and also after exposure of vibration at 35 Hz.. Results show that one week intervention of vibratory-massage therapy, increases both MVCs and the endurance time for 35 Hz frequency, in comparison to the no vibration and 23 Hz vibration condition.