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The Anatomy of the Hippocampus

  • All India Institute of Medical Sciences Rajkot
  • Government Dental College and Hospital, Jamnagar, ગુજરાત

Abstract and Figures

The hippocampal formation is responsible for memory processing, learning , spatial navigation, and emotions. It includes the indusium griseum, longitudinal striae, gyrus fasciolaris, hippocampus proper (cornu ammonis, dentate gyrus, and subiculum) and part of the uncus. The hippocampus has the archipallial cortex and is formed by the infoldings of the dentate gyrus, cornu ammonis and subiculum. The dentate gyrus is a narrow crenated strip of grey matter. The dentate gyrus consists of three layers, from the outside in: the molecular layer, granular layer, and polymorphic layer. The granular neurons receive input from the parahippocampal gyrus (entorhi-nal cortex) via the perforant pathway. The granular neurons send mossy fibers to the apical dendrites of pyramidal cells present in the cornu ammonis. The axons of hip-pocampal pyramidal cells form a sheet of white fibers known as the alveus which continues as fimbria and fornix. The fornix projects into the septal area. From the septal area few fibers synapse into the cingulate gyrus which returns to the hippocam-pus. The neuronal intrinsic circuit, known as the Papez circuit of the hippocampus, plays a crucial role in the memory processing.
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In: Cerebral Ischemia. Pluta R (Editor). Exon Publications, Brisbane, Australia.
ISBN: 978-0-6450017-9-2; Doi:
Copyright: The Authors.
License: This open access article is licenced under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Abstract: The hippocampal formation is responsible for memory processing, learn-
ing, spatial navigation, and emotions. It includes the indusium griseum, longitudinal
striae, gyrus fasciolaris, hippocampus proper (cornu ammonis, dentate gyrus, and
subiculum) and part of the uncus. The hippocampus has the archipallial cortex and is
formed by the infoldings of the dentate gyrus, cornu ammonis and subiculum. The
dentate gyrus is a narrow crenated strip of grey matter. The dentate gyrus consists of
three layers, from the outside in: the molecular layer, granular layer, and polymorphic
layer. The granular neurons receive input from the parahippocampal gyrus (entorhi-
nal cortex) via the perforant pathway. The granular neurons send mossy fibers to the
apical dendrites of pyramidal cells present in the cornu ammonis. The axons of hip-
pocampal pyramidal cells form a sheet of white fibers known as the alveus which
continues as fimbria and fornix. The fornix projects into the septal area. From the
septal area few fibers synapse into the cingulate gyrus which returns to the hippocam-
pus. The neuronal intrinsic circuit, known as the Papez circuit of the hippocampus,
plays a crucial role in the memory processing.
Keywords: fimbria; fornix; hippocampus; Papez circuit; perforant pathway
The Anatomy of the Hippocampus
Pradip Chauhan1 • Kinjal Jethwa2Ashish Rathawa3 • Girish Chauhan4
Simmi Mehra1
1Department of Anatomy, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rajkot, Gujarat, India;
2Department of Anatomy, SKBS Medical College and Research Institute, Sumandeep
Vidhyapeeth, Baroda, Gujarat, India; 3Department of Anatomy, GMERS Medical College,
Junagadh, Gujarat, India; 4Department of Oral Pathology, Government Dental College,
Jamanagar, Gujarat, India.
Author for correspondence: Pradip Chauhan, Department of Anatomy, All India Institute
of Medical Sciences, Rajkot, Gujarat, India. Email:
Cite this chapter as: Chauhan P, Jethwa K, Rathawa A, Chauhan G, Mehra S.
TheAnatomy of the Hippocampus. In: Pluta R, editor. Cerebral Ischemia. Brisbane (AU):
Exon Publications; 2021. Online first Sep 17.
Chauhan P et al.
The hippocampus is part of the limbic lobe buried in the medial part of the tem-
poral lobe and involved in memory processing, learning, spatial navigation, and
emotions (1). The hippocampal formation (formatio hippocampi) comprises
(Figure 1) indusium griseum, longitudinal striae, gyrus fasciolaris, hippocampus
proper (cornu ammonis, dentate gyrus and subiculum) and part of the uncus
(1–3). The hippocampal formation has archipallial cortex and develops along the
inferomedial surface of cerebral hemisphere; during development, it follows the
outer border of the C-shaped choroidal fissure (4). The hippocampus converts
short-term memory into long-term memory, solves spatial memory, and recollects
the past experiences of places. It also plays a pivotal role in emotions and behavior
of a person.
Figure 1. Hippocampal formation and connection of fornix. A, Schematic diagram of medial
surface of the cerebral hemisphere showing dentate gyrus, cingulate gyrus, fornix,
mammillary body and paraterminal gyrus. B, Formation, course, and termination of fornix.
Dentate gyrus
Fornix Dorsal fornixVentral fornix
Crura of fornix
Body of fornix
Columns of fornix
Pre-commissural fornix
(Terminates into paraterminal gyrus)
(Mammilary body)
Indusium griseum
Mammillary body
Habenular nucleus
Post-commisural fibres
Pre-commisural fibres
Ventral fornix
Dorsal fornix
Cingulate gyrus
Corpus callosum
Anterior commisure
Paraterminal gyrus
Dentate gyrus
Hippocampal Anatomy 19
Indusium griseum and longitudinal striae are vestigial parts of the hippocampal
formation (5). Indusium griseum is a thin sheet of grey matter above the corpus
callosum and traversed by pairs of medial and lateral longitudinal striae on each
side of the midline (5, 6). Anteriorly, the indusium griseum continues around
thegenu and rostrum of the corpus callosum with the paraterminal gyrus (5–7).
The indusium griseum continues with the gyrus fasciolaris posteriorly around the
splenium of the corpus callosum (Figure 1) and then with the dentate gyrus (5–7).
The indusium griseum is continuous laterally with the cingulated gyrus through
the callosal sulcus (7).
The dentate gyrus (Figure 2) is a narrow crenated strip of grey matter and con-
tinuation of gyrus fasciolaris along the upper surface of the parahippocampal
gyrus (8). The dentate gyrus contains archtitectorial fascia dentata that consists of
three layers (Figure 2). Superficial to deep, the layers are: molecular layer, inter-
mediate granular layer, and multiform layer (8–10). The multiform layer contin-
ues with the CA4 region (hilus) of the cornu ammonis. The hilus and fascia
dentate collectively form the dentate gyrus (8, 9). The dentate gyrus is continuous
as a tail of the dentate gyrus (band of Giacomini) backwards and medially across
the uncus (8, 9). The band of Giacomini divides the uncus into two parts: the
uncinate gyrus anterior to the band of Giacomini and intralimbic gyrus posterior
to the band of Giacomini (8–11). The dentate gyrus is separated from the parahip-
pocampal gyrus by the hippocampal sulcus (8–11). Fimbria of fornix that covers
the dentate gyrus is separated from the dentate gyrus by the fimbrio-dentate
sulcus (8–11).
Hippocampus is an elongated convex structure deep in the medial temporal lobe
and presents an elevation (Figures 1 and 2) along the floor of the inferior horn of
the lateral ventricle (1, 2, 4). The hippocampus has the archipallial cortex and is
formed by the infoldings of the dentate gyrus, cornu ammonis and subiculum
(1,4, 9–11). The subiculum is continuous with the six-layered neocortex (para-
hippocampal gyrus). During development, cornu ammonis and dentate gyrus are
folded into the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle at the hippocampal sulcus
(8-10); the process brings the outer molecular layers of the dentate gyrus and
subiculum close to each other (12).
The shape of the hippocampus in gross dissection looks like a seahorse
(genusHippocampus) on the basis of which the structure is termed as ‘Hippocampus’.
The hippocampus is also known as ‘Ammon’s horn’ because the C-shaped coronal
section of the hippocampus resembles ram’s horn; the term ‘Ammon’s horn is
derived from the Egyptian deity with ram’s head (2). The hippocampus is also
Chauhan P et al.
known as ‘pes hippocampi’ because its anterior bulbous extremity is marked by a
number of grooves and the feature resembles a paw of an animal (4, 11). The
alveus, a thin sheet of white matter, covers the ventricular surface of the hippo-
campus (10, 11). The axons of hippocampal pyramidal cells form the alveus; the
fibers of the alveus converge at the medial margin of the hippocampus to form
fimbria hippocampi (4, 10, 11). The fimbria hippocampi proceed posteriorly cov-
ering the dentate gyrus and reach to the splenium of the corpus callosum; there-
after, continues with the fornix (2, 4, 10, 11). The fimbrio-dentate sulcus separates
the fimbria and the dentate gyrus. The fimbria continues as fornix around the
thalamus separated by choroidal fissure containing choroidal plexus (9–11).
Figure 2. The hippocampus, dentate gyrus, subiculum, and entorhinal cortex. A, Coronal section
through the hippocampus and dentate Gyrus; B, Schematic diagram to show the histological
layers of the dentate gyrus and cornu ammonis.
Tail of caudate nucleus
Ammon’s horn
Lateral ventricle
(Inferior horn)
Collateral eminence
Collateral sulcus
Parahippocampal gyrus
Stratum oriens
Pyramidal cell layer
Dentate gyrus
Stratum moleculare
Parahippocampal gyrus
Hippocampal sulcus
Dentate gyrus
Fimbrio-dentate sulcus
Choroidal plexus
Stria terminalis
Stratum radiatum
Hippocampal Anatomy 21
The dentate gyrus is the input channel of the hippocampal formation. Histologically,
the dentate gyrus consists of three layers (Figure 2), from the outside in: the
molecular layer, granular layer, and polymorphic layer (13, 14). The dentate gyrus
is semilunar in shape; convexity of which is directed towards the molecular layer
while the concavity is directed towards the cornu ammonis (2, 4, 10–14).
Dendrites of the granular neurons receive input from the para-hippocampal
gyrus (entorhinal cortex) via perforant pathway (Figure 3) (1, 10, 14). The axons
of the granular neurons synapse by mossy fibers with the apical dendrites of the
pyramidal cells present in the cornu ammonis. The three layers of cornu ammonis
(Figure 2) can be further subdivided into the following sublayers (9, 11, 14–17):
(i) Alveus: Efferent fibers from the axons of the pyramidal cells of cornu ammo-
nis form the alveus while some axon collateral re-enters the hippocampus.
(ii) Stratum oriens: Contains a few inhibitory basket-cell interneurons; two
types of basket cells are observed in the stratum oriens. Axons and den-
drites of pyramidal cells, recurrent axon collateral, and commissural fibers
traverse the stratum oriens.
(iii) Stratum pyramidalis: Forms the principal cellular component of cornu
ammonis. 10–30 layers of pyramidal cells are present in the stratum pyram-
idalis; functionally, the pyramidal cells are excitatory. The pyramidal cells
have an apex and a base; the base is directed toward the alveus while the
apex is directed towards the outer molecular layer. Alveus and fimbria are
formed by the axons arising from the center of the base of pyramidal cells.
Dendrites arise from the base and apex of the pyramidal cells. The dendrites
arising from the base ramify in the stratum oriens and the basal dendrites
receive commissural fibers from identical areas of the contralateral hippo-
campus. Dendrites arising from the apex extend deeper to branch profusely
and apical dendrites receive commissural fibers from non-identical areas of
the contralateral hippocampus. Apical dendrites also receive afferents from
the entorhinal areas and mossy fibers from the dentate gyrus. Recurrent
collateral from the neighboring pyramidal cells synapses with the apical
(iv) Stratum radiatum: Comprises apical dendrites of the pyramidal cells and
some stellate cells.
(v) Stratum lacunosum-moleculare: Contains axons and interneurons. Inhibitory
interneurons from the stratum lacunosum-moleculare project into the ret-
rosplenial cortex.
Cornu ammonis of the hippocampus can be subdivided into four regions
(Figure2, 3): CA1, CA2, CA3, and CA4 (13–17). The CA1 is the largest region
and is delimited laterally by the presubiculum and medially by CA2. Most neu-
rons (90%) of CA1 are pyramidal cells (glutamatergic projection neurons) and the
Chauhan P et al.
Figure 3. Intrinsic neuronal circuit of the hippocampal formation. A, Papez memory circuit.
B,Perforant and alveolar pathway.
nucleus of
Papez circuit
Dentate gyrus
Perforant pathway
Entorhinal area
Alveolar pathway
Schaffer’s collateral
Sensory association areas
(Input for entorhinal cortex)
Mossy fibres
Hippocampal Anatomy 23
rest (10%) are interneurons. CA2 layer is present towards the dentate gyrus
bounded laterally by the CA1 and medially by the CA3 layer. CA2 of the cornu
ammonis receives input from the supramammilary region of the hypothalamus
but lacks input mossy fires from the dentate gyrus. CA3 layer is directed towards
the hilus of the dentate gyrus and is limited medially by the CA2 layer. The super-
ficial most cells of the CA3 are described as CA4 by some authors. The apical
dendrites of the CA3 layer receive mossy fibers from the granule cells of the den-
tate gyrus. Axons of the CA3 pyramidal cells contribute to the alveus, fimbria, and
fornix. Some CA3 axons give collateral fibers known as the Schaffer’s collaterals
which synapse with the dendrites of CA1 pyramidal cells. Axons from the CA1
pyramidal cells are connected to the subiculum neurons. Axons from the subicu-
lum neurons contribute to form the fibers of the fimbria and fornix via the alveo-
lar pathway (Figure 3).
The hippocampus receives afferents from the following structures (5, 17–24):
(i) Cingulate gyrus via cingulam.
(ii) The indusium griseum and septal nuclei through the fornix.
(iii) Contralateral hippocampus through the hippocampal commissure.
(iv) Outer part of the entorhinal area through the perforant pathway.
(v) Inner part of the entorhinal area and subiculum to the alveus through the
alveolar pathway.
CA3 area
CA1 area
Figure 3. (Continued) Intrinsic neuronal circuit of the hippocampal formation. C, Perforant
Chauhan P et al.
Efferent fibers from the hippocampus (Figure 1) are connected to the following
areas through the fornix (17–24):
(i) Gyrus fasciolaris, indusium griseum, cingulate gyrus, and septal nuclei
through the fibers of the dorsal fornix.
(ii) Paraterminal gyrus, pre-optic, and anterior hypothalamic nuclei through
the pre-commissural fornix.
(iii) Anterior nucleus of thalamus, hypothalamic nuclei, mammillary body
through the post-commissural fibers.
(iv) Habenular nucleus via stria medullaris thalami.
Fornix forms efferent projection fibers of the hippocampus and also comprises
commissural fibers connecting the hippocampus of both sides (5, 10, 17–24).
Formation of fornix
Axons of pyramidal cells from the cornu ammonis with a major contribution from
the subicular complex forms the alveus. Alveus continues as a fimbria which is
separated from the dentate gyrus by the fimbrio-dentate sulcus. Continuation of
the fimbria is called the fornix.
Course of fornix
Fornix is divided into dorsal fornix and ventral fornix at the splenium of the cor-
pus callosum (Figure 1). The dorsal fornix runs along with the gyrus fasciolaris
and indusium griseum surrounding the outer surface of the corpus callosum. The
ventral fornix runs forward below the splenium of the corpus callosum and
around the pulvinar of the thalamus. Ventral fornix forms a pair of crura that run
forwards and converge to form the body of the fornix. Commissural fibers con-
nect the medial margins of both crura through the commissure of the fornix
( hippocampal commissures). Hippocampal commissures and the crura of the for-
nix are separated from the body of the corpus callosum by a space known as the
ventricle of the fornix.
Body of the fornix
The body of the fornix is a triangular structure having two symmetrical halves and
the apex of which is directed in front. Bilaminar septum pellucidum connects the
superior surface of the body of the fornix to the body of the corpus callosum. The
inferior surface is related to the ependymal roof of the third ventricle and the thala-
mus separated by tela choroidea (folding of pia mater containing the choroidal
plexus) and a pair of internal cerebral veins. Laterally, choroidal fissure separates
thebody of the fornix from the thalamus. At the anterior interventricular foramen,
the body of the fornix diverges into a pair of columns of the fornix (Figure 1).
Hippocampal Anatomy 25
The anterior commissure separates the fibers of the column into pre-commissural
fornix and post-commissural fornix. The pre-commissural fornix which mainly
contains axon fibers from the CA3 pyramidal cells continues with the para-terminal
gyrus. The post-commissural fornix forms the anterior boundary of the interven-
tricular foramen and then turns downwards and backwards beneath the ependyma
of the third ventricle to reach the mammillary body.
The habenular nuclei are pairs of nuclei located in the habenular trigone. The
habenular trigone is a depression on either side of the pineal stalk bounded by the
stria medullaris (cranio-medially), superior colliculus (caudally), and pulvinar end
of the thalamus (laterally) (4, 7, 25–28). The habenular nuclei receive afferents via
the stria medullaris thalami from the septal area (subcallosal area) and pre-optic
nuclei (hypothalamus), via stria terminalis from the amygdaloid body and via fornix
from the hippocampus (1, 4–8, 25–28). Some stria medullaris thalami fibers pass
through the dorsal lamina of the pineal stalk and connect two habenular nuclei. The
commissural fibers connecting two habenular nuclei are known as habenular com-
missure. The habenular nuclei send efferent fibers to the interpeduncular nucleus
through the fasciculus retroflexus of Meynert. The interpeduncular nucleus projects
to the dorsal tegmental nucleus. Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus connects the dorsal
tegmental nucleus to the autonomic and reticular nuclei of the brainstem (1, 5, 25).
The mammilo-tegmental tract influences the brainstem and spinal cord for inte-
grated motor response (25). The mammilo-tegmental tract is a collection of effer-
ent fibers from the mammillary body to the midbrain tegmental nuclei. Efferent
fibers from the tegmental nuclei reach the reticular nuclei as reticulo-bulbar and
reticulo-spinal tract (26–28).
The mammilo-thalamic tract connects the mammillary body to the anterior
nucleus of the thalamus (25–28). The efferent fibers from the anterior nucleus of
thalamus reach the cingulate gyrus. From the cingulate gyrus, some fibers project
back to the hippocampus.
One of the functions of the hippocampus is converting short-term memory into
long-term memory. The long-term memory is maintained by a unidirectional
Chauhan P et al.
progression of synaptic connections through the intrinsic hippocampal circuitry
(Figure 3).
Papez circuit
Hippocampal circuitry postulated by Papez is called as ‘Papez circuit’ and is
adapted as a memory circuit. The Papez circuit is believed to be responsible for
emotional integration and for recent memory trace (1, 4, 7–10, 25–28). The Papez
circuit includes the hippocampus, fimbria, fornix, mammillary body, anterior
nucleus of the thalamus and cingulate gyrus (Figure 3A). The entorhinal cortex
receives sensory information from the association areas of the frontal lobe, parietal
lobe, and temporal lobe. The information is converted into memory through the
Papez circuit.
Short-term memory (episodic memory) is facilitated by unidirectional activa-
tion of synaptic connection as follows:
(i) Activation of the entorhinal cortex (parahippocampal gyrus) by input from
the neocortex and limbic system.
(ii) Stimuli pass from the entorhinal cortex to the dentate gyrus via perforant
path and then pass through the CA3 area.
(iii) Schaffer’s collaterals from the CA3 transfer stimuli to the CA1; then CA1
efferent synapse at the subiculum.
(iv) Efferent fibers from the subiculum again project back to the entorhinal
Connections between the CA3 and dentate gyrus, and between CA1 and CA3,
lack feedback loop. Alveus, fimbria, and the fornix formed by the axon fibers of
the CA3 pyramidal cells and neurons of the subiculum are the major hippocampal
output. Fibers from the pre-commissural fornix (derived from the CA3) are con-
nected to the lateral septal nucleus, and fibers of the post-commissural fornix
(derived from the subiculum) are connected to the mammillary bodies and the
hypothalamic nuclei.
Rapid formation of new memory
Long-term potentiation (LTP) is a mechanism for the rapid formation of new
memory. The long-term potentiation increases synaptic efficiency following the
high frequency activity of the pre-synaptic terminal. This mechanism involves
Schaffer’s collaterals and mossy fibers of the hippocampus. This effect lasts for
many days leading to increased activity of the post-synaptic neurons. The high
frequency activity is responsible for the accumulation of the calcium ions in post-
synaptic neurons which triggers the LTP. Even though the original external stimu-
lus has stopped, the impulses are transmitted frequently from the synapses of the
hippocampal formation in the LTP.
Spatial memory
The hippocampus contains cells (place cells) encoding the spatial memory; these
cells are responsible for recalling a place and recalling a route to reach the place.
Hippocampal Anatomy 27
Sommer’s sector
Large pyramidal cells of the CA1 (an area known as Sommer’s sector) are extremely
sensitive to the oxygen lack; these cells necrose within a few minutes in compro-
mised blood supply. In a condition leading to cerebral ischemia, the subject may
lose the memory of the preceding few hours of the incident.
Hippocampus plays an important role in the formation of memory, and the
dysfunction of the hippocampus leads to neurological disorders likeAlzheimer’s
disease and epilepsy (1, 8, 29). Hippocampus is supplied by the branches of the
posterior cerebral artery and anterior choroidal artery (1, 8, 30).
Posterior cerebral artery
Posterior cerebral artery is the terminal branch of the basilar artery. It joins with
the posterior communicating artery to complete the circle of Willis (1, 8). The
posterior cerebral artery can be divided into four segments, and it gives three
major branches: cortical branches, postero-lateral striate branches, and posterior
choroid artery (29, 30). The second part of the posterior cerebral artery (from the
posterior communicating artery to the posterior margin of the midbrain) gives the
anterior inferior temporal artery and the anterior hippocampal-parahippocampal
artery which supply the entorhinal area (1, 29, 30). The posterior parahippocam-
pal artery arises from the posterior inferior temporal artery (branch of the poste-
rior cerebral artery). The parietooccipital arterial trunk (the branch from the
fourth part of the posterior cerebral artery) also supply the parahippocampal
gyrus and hippocampus.
Anterior choroid artery
Anterior choroid artery is the branch of the internal carotid artery. It originates
from the distal part of the internal carotid artery, just after the origin of the poste-
rior communicating artery, and runs into the subarachnoid space. The segment of
the anterior choroid artery up to the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle is known
as cisternal segment. The anterior choroid artery gives branches to form the cho-
roid plexus for the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle. In addition, the anterior
choroid artery also supplies the optic tract, the uncus, the globus pallidus, lateral
geniculate body, and the internal capsule. The perforating branches of the anterior
choroid artery supplies the amygdala and the hippocampus (1, 30).
The anterior hippocampal arteries supply the uncus and the head of the hippo-
campus, while the posterior hippocampal arteries supply the body and tail of the
hippocampus (29, 30). The anterior hippocampal arteries (branch of the anterior
inferior temporal artery) enter into the uncal sulcus and supplies the head of the
hippocampus. It emerges on the surface of the pyriform lobe and supplies to the
adjacent entorhinal area. The posterior hippocampal arteries run in the superficial
course of the hippocampal sulcus; along the terminal segment, it gives longitudinal
Chauhan P et al.
large and small branches. The large branches penetrate the hippocampus and small
branches supply the margo denticulatus and fimbriodentate sulcus. The longitudi-
nal branches form a rich anastomosis along the hippocampal sulcus (1, 29, 30).
The intrahippocampal arteries (deep branches) can be classified as large ven-
tral, small ventral, large dorsal, and small dorsal branches. The large ventral intra-
hippocampal arteries supply stratum lacunosum, stratum pyramidalis, molecular
layer of dentate gyrus, and CA1 and CA2 region of the cornu ammonis. The large
dorsal intrahippocampal arteries supply the granular layer of the dentate gyrus,
and CA3 and CA4 regions of the cornu ammonis. The small ventral intrahippo-
campal arteries supply the proximal part of the dentate gyrus. The small dorsal
intrahippocampal arteries (also known as straight arteries) runs into the fibrio-
dentate sulcus and supplies the adjacent areas.
Venous drainage
The deep hippocampal veins (intrahippocampal veins) are two types: sulcal
intrahippocampal veins and subependymal intrahippocampal veins. The sulcus
intrahippocampal veins originate from the CA1 and CA2 areas and reaches
the superficial hippocampal sulcus and receive tributaries from the stratum
moleculare. The subependymal intrahippocampal veins can be observed on the
ventricular surface of the hippocampus. The deep hippocampal veins of CA2 and
subiculum drain into the subependymal intrahippocampal veins (1, 29, 30).
Superficial hippocampal veins form two longitudinal superficial venous arcade to
cover the fimbriodentate sulcus and the superficial hippocampal sulcus. The
venous arcade of the fimbriodentate sulcus receives subependymal intrahippo-
campal veins. The venous arcade of the superficial hippocampal sulcus receives
deep intrahippocampal veins (29, 30). Both longitudinal superficial venous
arcades unite at the anterior and posterior ends. Anterior end drains into the
inferior ventricular vein and posteriorly drain into medial atrial vein. Inferior
ventricular vein and medial atrial vein drain into the basal vein.
The blood vessels supplying the hippocampus have small calibers and are
more prone to thrombus formation. The thrombosis of the hippocampal arteries
leads to damage and death of pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus which is
characteristic for Alzheimer’s disease.
Hippocampal formation is a crucial structure for the memory processing and
emotional integration. Bilateral hippocampal damage may result in antegrade
amnesia; the condition in which the brain fails to establish new long-term
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to research, authorship and/or publication of this manuscript.
Copyright and Permission Statement: The authors confirm that the materials
included in this chapter do not violate copyright laws. Where relevant, appropriate
Hippocampal Anatomy 29
permissions have been obtained from the original copyright holder(s), and all origi-
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... Thus, in order to ameliorate aberrant hyperactivity, the functional contributions of each neuronal subtype must be considered. Glutamatergic principal cells comprise the vast majority of hippocampal neurons and are densely packed into layers [46], notably the dentate gyrus (DG), CA3, and CA1 regions whose excitatory connections compose the trisynaptic circuit [47,48]. GABAergic inhibitory interneurons, despite only comprising~10% of hippocampal cells [43,46], dramatically influence the activity of the hippocampal circuit [49]. ...
... Glutamatergic principal cells comprise the vast majority of hippocampal neurons and are densely packed into layers [46], notably the dentate gyrus (DG), CA3, and CA1 regions whose excitatory connections compose the trisynaptic circuit [47,48]. GABAergic inhibitory interneurons, despite only comprising~10% of hippocampal cells [43,46], dramatically influence the activity of the hippocampal circuit [49]. Unlike principal cells, interneuron subtypes display significant intrinsic and morphological diversity and are disseminated throughout all hippocampal subfields [43]. ...
... GABAergic inhibitory interneurons comprise a small percentage of hippocampal neurons [46] but are able to contribute substantially to the regulation of hippocampal excitability due to their distribution and diverse axonal projections [43,44]. Hippocampal interneurons are classified into several major subtypes based on neuronal molecular expression, including somatostatin neurons, parvalbumin neurons, neuropeptide Y neurons, vasoactive intestinal peptide neurons, and cholecystokinin neurons [61]. ...
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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia and is classically characterized by two major histopathological abnormalities: extracellular plaques composed of amyloid beta (Aβ) and intracellular hyperphosphorylated tau. Due to the progressive nature of the disease, it is of the utmost importance to develop disease-modifying therapeutics that tackle AD pathology in its early stages. Attenuation of hippocampal hyperactivity, one of the earliest neuronal abnormalities observed in AD brains, has emerged as a promising strategy to ameliorate cognitive deficits and abate the spread of neurotoxic species. This aberrant hyperactivity has been attributed in part to the dysfunction of voltage-gated Na+ (Nav) channels, which are central mediators of neuronal excitability. Therefore, targeting Nav channels is a promising strategy for developing disease-modifying therapeutics that can correct aberrant neuronal phenotypes in early-stage AD. This review will explore the role of Nav channels in neuronal function, their connections to AD pathology, and their potential as therapeutic targets.
... The hippocampus is a core region involved in episodic memory [4], particularly in encoding and retrieval, being part of the Papez circuit [5]. This structure is functionally segregated along its longitudinal axis, and this is similar across rodents, monkeys, and humans [6] with highly specific ventral (anterior in humans) hippocampal networks [7,8] with dissociable roles in learning, memory, stress and emotional processing [8]. ...
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Type 2 diabetes (T2D) often impairs memory functions, suggesting specific vulnerability of the hippocampus. In vivo neuroimaging studies relating encoding and retrieval of memory information with endogenous neuroprotection are lacking. The neuroprotector glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) has a high receptor density in anterior/ventral hippocampus, as shown by animal models. Using an innovative event-related fMRI design in 34 participants we investigated patterns of hippocampal activity in T2D (n = 17) without mild cognitive impairment (MCI) versus healthy controls (n = 17) during an episodic memory task. We directly measured neurovascular coupling by estimating the hemodynamic response function using event-related analysis related to encoding and retrieval of episodic information in the hippocampus. We applied a mixed-effects general linear model analysis and a two-factor ANOVA to test for group differences. Significant between-group differences were found for memory encoding, showing evidence for functional reorganization: T2D patients showed an augmented activation in the posterior hippocampus while anterior activation was reduced. The latter was negatively correlated with both GLP-1 pre- and post-breakfast levels, in the absence of grey matter changes. These results suggest that patients with T2D without MCI have pre-symptomatic functional reorganization in brain regions underlying episodic memory, as a function of the concentration of the neuroprotective neuropeptide GLP-1.
... We could hypothesize that the good counters are more motivated in the execution of the task than the bad counters. The uncus is a limbic area that is supposed to be involved in emotions and memory processing [62,63]. Moreover, the results of the current study revealed that there is a significant difference between the two groups only in the beta band. ...
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The neural underpinnings of mental calculation, the fundamentals of arithmetic representations and processes, and the development of arithmetic abilities have been explored by researchers over the years. In the present work, we report a study that analyzes the brain-activated areas of a group of 35 healthy subjects (9 males, 26 females, mean age ± SD = 18.23 ± 2.20 years) who performed a serial subtraction arithmetic task. In contrast to most of the studies in the literature based on fMRI, we performed the brain active source reconstruction starting from EEG signals by means of the eLORETA method. In particular, the subjects were classified as bad counters or good counters, according to the results of the task, and the brain activity of the two groups was compared. The results were statistically significant only in the beta band, revealing that the left limbic lobe was found to be more active in people showing better performance. The limbic lobe is involved in visuospatial processing, memory, arithmetic fact retrieval, and emotions. However, the role of the limbic lobe in mental arithmetic has been barely explored, so these interesting findings could represent a starting point for future in-depth analyses. Since there is evidence in the literature that the motor system is affected by the execution of arithmetic tasks, a more extensive knowledge of the brain activation associated with arithmetic tasks could be exploited not only for the assessment of mathematical skills but also in the evaluation of motor impairments and, consequently, in rehabilitation for motor disorders.
... Kích thước hồi hải mã, vị trí đầu mũi kim trong hồi hải mã, tọa độ tiêm vùng CA1 được đo bằng phần mềm ImageJ. (2) Xác định tọa độ tiêm CA1: Vùng CA1 (chiếm phần lớn nửa mặt lưng hồi hải mã) [5], [6]), chia hồi hải mã thành 2 phần (lưng, bụng) bằng đường thẳng (a), đường (b) // (a) và đi qua bờ lưng hồi hải, (a) cắt bờ trong và ngoài hồi hải tại A1, A2. Từ A1 kẻ đường vuông (a) cắt (b) tại B1, từ A2 kẻ đường vuông góc (a) cắt (b) tại B2; 2 đường thẳng đi qua trung điểm của B1B2, A1A2 và A1B1, A2B2 cắt nhau tại O điểm giữa vùng CA1. ...
Mục tiêu: Xác định một số đặc điểm về kích thước, tọa độ tiêm hồi hải mã và nhận xét kết quả tiêm hồi hải mã trên chuột. Đối tượng và phương pháp: Nghiên cứu thực nghiệm mô tả có đối chứng 18 chuột trưởng thành khỏe mạnh có trọng lượng 210-240g. Kết quả: Khoảng cách mũi kim đến bờ trong hải mã (1,71mm), bờ ngoài (1,56mm), đến lưng (1,22mm), bụng (1,38mm), đến đầu (2,21mm) và đuôi hải mã (2,3mm); khoảng cách từ lưng hải mã đến vỏ não đỉnh 2,11mm. Kết luận: Hồi hải mã có kích thước trước sau 4,26mm, giữa bên 3,15mm và lưng bụng 2,49mm. Tọa độ tiêm vào vùng CA1 hồi hải mã là AP = - (4,4 ± 0,8) mm; ML = ± (2,2 ± 0,2) mm; DV = - (3,1 ± 0,1) mm. Tiêm 2,5μl dung dịch vào hồi hải mã chưa thấy ảnh hưởng tới sức khỏe chuột.
... The hilus of the dentate gyrus borders the areas CA3 and CA2 on both sides. Proximal dendrites of neurons CA3 area receive fibers from the dentate granule cells [9], [10]. In this area the layer of pyramidal cells is about ten cells thick. ...
... The hippocampus has a clear structure, morphologically and functionally distinct layers that are clearly visible under a microscope. For example, you can distinctly see the location of the dentate fascia and its granular neurons, as well as the areas of the CA1-CA4 hippocampus divided into layers of alveus covers, stratum pyramidale, stratum radiatum, stratum lacunosum, stratum moleculare [55]. There is a three-synaptic or perforant information pathway in the hippocampus. ...
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We present a novel closed-loop system designed to integrate biological and artificial neurons of the oscillatory type into a unified circuit. The system comprises an electronic circuit based on the FitzHugh-Nagumo model, which provides stimulation to living neurons in acute hippocampal mouse brain slices. The local field potentials generated by the living neurons trigger a transition in the FitzHugh–Nagumo circuit from an excitable state to an oscillatory mode, and in turn, the spikes produced by the electronic circuit synchronize with the living-neuron spikes. The key advantage of this hybrid electrobiological autogenerator lies in its capability to control biological neuron signals, which holds significant promise for diverse neuromorphic applications.
... Des études sur les animaux ont montré que la T favorise la neurogenèse hippocampique et par conséquent le maintien de son volume optimal (Galea et al., 2006). La T régule aussi la plasticité synaptique chez ce dernier (Chauhan et al., 2021). ...
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Alzheimer's is a progressive, neurodegenerative and life-threatening disease. The disease is not part of the normal aging process. It is characterized by the progressive and irreversible degeneration of nerve cells whose disappearance leads to the decline of cognitive and motor functions. This dementia, whose etiology is not yet known, is associated with characteristic histological lesions that define it, such as senile plaques and neurofibrillary degenerations. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is often associated with memory loss because it is the neurons located in the region of the hippocampus, the seat of memory that is the first to be affected. This ends up altering the ability to orientate in time and space, to recognize objects and people, to use language, reasoning, balance and posture, and so on. These disorders gradually reduce the autonomy. Currently, there is no way to control this disease, but research continues on the best care techniques and possible treatments that can cure it. Cognitive and physical rehabilitation today could be a way to fight this disease. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of musical therapy (MT) and physical rehabilitation (PR) used as a single or combined intervention (MT+PR) for 4 months at the rate of three 60-minute sessions per week. on (1) certain cognitive and motor functions in elderly Tunisian male and female patients with mild AD, and (2) to verify the effects on changes in salivary levels of testosterone (T) and cortisol (C) in male patients from the same population. Our study first demonstrated that TM and PR used as a single or combined intervention (MT+PR) significantly improve in elderly Tunisian male and female patients with mild AD cognition indices MMSE, ADAS-Cog Total and its subscale ADAS-Cog Memory as well as motor functions such as step length, walking speed, distance covered in 6 minutes (6MWT) and postural balance assessed in static and dynamic situations by the Berg scale (BBS). The combination of MT and PR only further enhanced the observed beneficial effects in these patients. The beneficial effects of MT were greater on cognitive functions whereas those of PR were more pronounced on motor skills in the same patients. Increases in MMSE levels in the MT, RP, and MT+RP groups were positively and significantly correlated with improvements in motor functions assessed during this study. Our study also demonstrated, secondly, that MT and PR used as a single or combined intervention significantly influence changes in salivary T and C levels of elderly Tunisian male patients with mild AD at the end of study. Indeed, these interventions induced the salivary production of T and reduced that of C and the effects were more pronounced in the MT+PR group. Also, changes in salivary T and C levels in the MT, PR and MT+RP groups were significantly correlated with improvements in the patients' MMSE indicating the importance of these two hormones in controlling AD. In conclusion, the combination of MT and PR seems to be an appropriate approach for the treatment of elderly Tunisian male and female patients with mild AD. Keywords: Alzheimer's disease; Alzheimer patient; music therapy; physical exercise; cognitive functions; motor functions; testosterone; cortisol. vii
... The hippocampus is a crucial brain structure for the processing of new information and for spatial orientation. [79]. The hippocampus is divided into the dentate gyrus (DG) and the various sub-regions of the cornu ammonis. ...
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Simple Summary Radiation therapy-related brain damage with neurocognitive impairment is a common long-term side effect in cancer survivors and significantly impairs the quality of life. Increasing evidence indicates the increased vulnerability of the developing brain to the neurotoxic effects of ionizing radiation (IR). In this review, historical and current clinical evidence on the age dependency of radiation-induced neurocognitive dysfunction is summarized. Moreover, recent research developments regarding the mechanistic causes for this age-related extent of brain damage following IR exposure are presented. Abstract Cranial radiotherapy is a known risk factor for neurocognitive impairment in cancer survivors. Although radiation-induced cognitive dysfunction is observed in patients of all ages, children seem to be more vulnerable than adults to suffering age-related deficits in neurocognitive skills. So far, the underlying mechanisms by which IR negatively influences brain functions as well as the reasons for the profound age dependency are still insufficiently known. We performed a comprehensive Pubmed-based literature search to identify original research articles that reported on age dependency of neurocognitive dysfunction following cranial IR exposure. Numerous clinical trials in childhood cancer survivors indicate that the severity of radiation-induced cognitive dysfunction is clearly dependent on age at IR exposure. These clinical findings were related to the current state of experimental research providing important insights into the age dependency of radiation-induced brain injury and the development of neurocognitive impairment. Research in pre-clinical rodent models demonstrates age-dependent effects of IR exposure on hippocampal neurogenesis, radiation-induced neurovascular damage and neuroinflammation.
The hippocampus is a complex structure located in the mesial temporal lobe that plays a critical role in cognitive and memory-related processes. The hippocampal formation consists of the dentate gyrus, hippocampus proper, and subiculum, and its importance in the neural circuitry makes it a key anatomic structure to evaluate in neuroimaging studies. Advancements in imaging techniques now allow detailed assessment of hippocampus internal architecture and signal features that has improved identification and characterization of hippocampal abnormalities. This review aims to summarize the neuroimaging features of the hippocampus and its common pathologies. It provides an overview of the hippocampal anatomy on magnetic resonance imaging and discusses how various imaging techniques can be used to assess the hippocampus. The review explores neuroimaging findings related to hippocampal variants (incomplete hippocampal inversion, sulcal remnant and choroidal fissure cysts), and pathologies of neoplastic (astrocytoma and glioma, ganglioglioma, dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor, multinodular and vacuolating neuronal tumor, and metastasis), epileptic (mesial temporal sclerosis and focal cortical dysplasia), neurodegenerative (Alzheimer's disease, progressive primary aphasia, and frontotemporal dementia), infectious (Herpes simplex virus and limbic encephalitis), vascular (ischemic stroke, arteriovenous malformation, and cerebral cavernous malformations), and toxic-metabolic (transient global amnesia and opioid-associated amnestic syndrome) etiologies.
Introduction: Auditory hallucinations (AH) are one of the most prevalent symptoms of schizophrenia. They might cause several brain alterations, especially changes in the volumes of hippocampus and amygdala, regions related to the relay and processing of auditory cues and emotional memories. Material and methods: We have recruited 41 patients with schizophrenia and persistent AH, 35 patients without AH, and 55 healthy controls. Using their MRIs, we have performed semiautomatic segmentations of the hippocampus and amygdala using Freesurfer. We have also performed bilateral correlations between the total PSYRATS score and the volumes of affected subregions and nuclei. Results: In the hippocampus, we found bilateral increases in the volume of its hippocampal fissure and decreases in the right fimbria in patients with and without AH. The volume of the right hippocampal tail and left head of the granule cell layer from the dentate gyrus were decreased in patients with AH. In the amygdala, we found its left total volume was shrunk, and there was a decrease of its left accessory basal nucleus in patients with AH. Conclusions: We have detected volume alterations of different limbic structures likely due to the presence of AH. The volumes of the right hippocampal tail and left head of the granule cell layer from the dentate gyrus, and total volume of the amygdala and its accessory basal nucleus, were only affected in patients with AH. Bilateral volume alterations in the hippocampal fissure and right fimbria seem inherent of schizophrenia and due to traits not contemplated in our research.
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Background: Physical exercise has been found to impact neurophysiological and structural aspects of the human brain. However, most research has used animal models, which yields much confusion regarding the real effects of exercise on the human brain, as well as the underlying mechanisms. Objective: To present an update on the impact of physical exercise on brain health; and to review and analyze the evidence exclusively from human randomized controlled studies from the last six years. Methods: A search of the literature search was conducted using the MEDLINE (via PubMed), EMBASE, Web of Science and PsycINFO databases for all randomized controlled trials published between January 2014 and January 2020. Results: Twenty-four human controlled trials that observed the relationship between exercise and structural or neurochemical changes were reviewed. Conclusions: Even though this review found that physical exercise improves brain plasticity in humans, particularly through changes in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), functional connectivity, basal ganglia and the hippocampus, many unanswered questions remain. Given the recent advances on this subject and its therapeutic potential for the general population, it is hoped that this review and future research correlating molecular, psychological and image data may help elucidate the mechanisms through which physical exercise improves brain health.
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Introduction: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, characterized primarily by abnormal aggregation of two proteins, tau and amyloid beta. We assessed tau pathology and white matter connectivity changes in subfields of the hippocampus simultaneously in vivo in AD. Methods: Twenty-four subjects were scanned using simultaneous time-of-flight 18F-PI-2620 tau positron emission tomography/3-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging and automated segmentation. Results: We observed extensive tau elevation in the entorhinal/perirhinal regions, intermediate tau elevation in cornu ammonis 1/subiculum, and an absence of tau elevation in the dentate gyrus, relative to controls. Diffusion tensor imaging showed parahippocampal gyral fractional anisotropy was lower in AD and mild cognitive impairment compared to controls and strongly correlated with early tau accumulation in the entorhinal and perirhinal cortices. Discussion: This study demonstrates the potential for quantifiable patterns of 18F-PI2620 binding in hippocampus subfields, accompanied by diffusion and volume metrics, to be valuable markers of AD.
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Goal-directed spatial learning is crucial for the survival of animals, in which the formation of the route from the current location to the goal is one of the central problems. A distributed brain network comprising the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex has been shown to support such capacity, yet it is not fully understood how the most similar brain regions in birds, the hippocampus (Hp) and nidopallium caudolaterale (NCL), cooperate during route formation in goal-directed spatial learning. Hence, we examined neural activity in the Hp-NCL network of pigeons and explored the connectivity dynamics during route formation in a goal-directed spatial task. We found that behavioral changes in spatial learning during route formation are accompanied by modifications in neural patterns in the Hp-NCL network. Specifically, as pigeons learned to solve the task, the spectral power in both regions gradually decreased. Meanwhile, elevated hippocampal theta (5 to 12 Hz) connectivity and depressed connectivity in NCL were also observed. Lastly, the interregional functional connectivity was found to increase with learning, specifically in the theta frequency band during route formation. These results provide insight into the dynamics of the Hp-NCL network during spatial learning, serving to reveal the potential mechanism of avian spatial navigation.
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Introduction functional and structural MRI studies suggest that the orexin (hypocretin) deficiency in the dorso-lateral hypothalamus of narcoleptic patients would influence both brain metabolism and perfusion and would cause reduction in cortical grey matter. Previous fMRI studies have mainly focused on cerebral functioning during emotional processing. The aim of the present study was to explore the hemodynamic behaviour of spontaneous BOLD fluctuation at rest in patients with Narcolepsy type 1 (NT1) close to disease onset. Methods Fifteen drug naïve children/adolescents with NT1 (9 males; mean age 11.7 ± 3 years) and fifteen healthy children/adolescents (9 males; mean age 12.4 ± 2.8 years) participated in an EEG-fMRI study in order to investigate the resting-state functional connectivity of hypothalamus and amygdala. Functional images were acquired on a 3T system. Seed-based functional connectivity analyses were performed using SPM12. Regions of Interest were the lateral hypothalamus and the amygdala. Results compared to controls, NT1 patients showed decreased functional connectivity between the lateral hypothalamus and the left superior parietal lobule, the hippocampus and the parahippocampal gyrus. Decreased functional connectivity was detected between the amygdala and the post-central gyrus and several occipital regions, whereas it was increased between the amygdala and the inferior frontal gyrus, claustrum, insula, and putamen. Conclusion in NT1 patients the abnormal connectivity between the hypothalamus and brain regions involved in memory consolidation during sleep, such as the hippocampus, may be linked to the loss of orexin containing neurons in the dorsolateral hypothalamus. Moreover, also functional connectivity of the amygdala seems to be influenced by the loss of orexin-containing neurons. Therefore, we can hypothesize that dysfunctional interactions between regions subserving the maintenance of arousal, memory and emotional processing may contribute to the main symptom of narcolepsy.
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Treatment of bipolar depression poses a significant clinical challenge. Lamotrigine is one of a few efficacious drugs, however, it needs to be titrated very slowly and response can only be assessed after 10–12 weeks. With only a proportion of patients responding, an exploration of factors underlying treatment responsivity is of paramount clinical importance, as it may lead to an allocation of the drug to those most likely to respond to it. This study aimed at identifying differences in patterns of pre-treatment resting state functional connectivity (rsFC) that may underlie response to lamotrigine in bipolar depression. After a baseline MRI scan, twenty-one patients with bipolar depression were treated with lamotrigine in an open-label design; response, defined as ≥50% decrease in Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD) score, was assessed after 10–12 weeks of treatment. Twenty healthy controls had a baseline clinical assessment and scan but did not receive any treatment. Fifteen out of 21 (71%) patients responded to lamotrigine. Treatment responsivity was associated with enhanced pre-treatment rsFC of the right fronto-parietal network (FPN) and dorsal attention network (DAN) with left precuneus. The lack of treatment response was additionally characterised by reduced rsFC: of the DAN with right middle temporal gyrus; of the default mode network (DMN) with left precuneus; of the extended sensory-motor area with areas including the left hippocampus/left amygdala and left subcallosal cortex/nucleus accumbens; and of the left FPN with left inferior temporal gyrus/occipital fusiform gyrus/lateral occipital cortex. The results suggest that preserved rsFC between the FPN and DAN, the networks involved in cognitive control, and the hub of the posterior DMN, the left precuneus, may be critical for good response to lamotrigine as an add-on treatment in patients with bipolar depression. The study also suggests a more general decrease in rsFC to be related to poor treatment responsivity.
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The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and hippocampus (HIPP) are two key brain regions associated with pain and pain-related affective processing. However, whether and how pelvic pain alters the neural activity and connectivity of the ACC and HIPP under baseline and during social pain, and the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms, remain unclear. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) combined with electrophysiology and biochemistry, we show that pelvic pain, particularly, primary dysmenorrhea (PDM), causes an increase in the functional connectivity between ACC and HIPP in resting-state fMRI, and a smaller reduction in connectivity during social exclusion in PDM females with periovulatory phase. Similarly, model rats demonstrate significantly increased ACC-HIPP synchronization in the gamma band, associating with reduced modulation by ACC-theta on HIPP-gamma and increased levels of receptor proteins and excitation. This study brings together human fMRI and animal research and enables improved therapeutic strategies for ameliorating pain and pain-related affective processing.
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Hippocampal malrotation (HIMAL) is an increasingly recognized neuroimaging feature but the clinical correlation and significance in epilepsies remain under debate. It is characterized by rounded hippocampal shape, deep collateral, or occipitotemporal sulcus, and medial localization of the hippocampus. In this review, we describe the embryonic development of the hippocampus and HIMAL, the qualitative and quantitative diagnosis issues, and the pathological findings of HIMAL. HIMAL can be bilateral or unilateral and more on the left side. Furthermore, the relevance of HIMAL diagnosis in clinical practice, including its role in epileptogenesis and the impact on the pre-surgical decision are reviewed. Finally, the relationship between HIMAL and hippocampal sclerosis (HS) and the possible role of genetics in the etiology of HIMAL are discussed. The evidence so far suggested that HIMAL does not have a significant role in epileptogenesis or surgical decision. HIMAL could be a genetic developmental imaging feature that represents a more diffuse but subtle structural error during brain development. Many questions remain to be explored, such as possible cognitive alteration associated with HIMAL and whether HIMAL predisposes to the development of HS. Further studies using high-quality MRI, unified consensus qualitative and quantitative diagnostic criteria, and comprehensive cognitive assessment are recommended.
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The medial diencephalon, in particular the mammillary bodies and anterior thalamic nuclei, has long been linked to memory and amnesia. The mammillary bodies provide a dense input into the anterior thalamic nuclei, via the mammillothalamic tract. Lesions of the mammillary bodies, mammillothalamic tract and anterior thalamic nuclei all produce severe impairments in temporal and contextual memory, in both animal models and in patients, yet it is uncertain why these regions are critical. Mounting evidence from electrophysiological and neural imaging studies suggests that mammillothalamic projections exercise considerable distal influence over thalamo-cortical and hippocampo-cortical interactions. Here, we outline how damage to the mammillary body-anterior thalamic axis, in both patients and animal models, disrupts behavioural performance on tasks that relate to contextual (“where”) and temporal (“when”) processing. Focusing on the medial mammillary nuclei as a possible ‘theta-generator’ (through their interconnections with the ventral tegmental nucleus of Gudden) we discuss how the mammillary body-anterior thalamic pathway may contribute to the mechanisms via which the hippocampus and neocortex encode representations of experience.
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Background Anatomy of the hippocampal arterial supply is key to successful surgeries in this area. The goal of the current study is to present the results we obtained from our microsurgical dissections of the temporal lobe and to propose a new classification for the hippocampal arteries (HAs). Methods Fifty-six brain hemispheres were analyzed. All dissections in this study were made using 3–40× at the surgical microscope. Results The hippocampal arterial vasculature can be divided into six groups, according to their frequencies: Group A: mixed arterial vasculature originating from the anterior choroidal artery anterior choroidal artery, posterior cerebral artery (PCA), anterior infratemporal artery (AIA), and splenic artery (SA). Group B: Main origin at the temporal branches – main inferotemporal trunk, middle inferotemporal artery, posterior inferotemporal artery, AIA, or main branch of PCA. Group C: AIA as the main branch of the hippocampus. Group D: HAs originating from the main branch of PCA. Group E: A single hippocampal artery with the origin at the main branch of PCA. This single artery covered all of the structure and is named Ushimura’s artery. Group F: The hippocampal vessels arose exclusively from the parieto-occipital artery, calcarine artery (CA), and the SA. Conclusion This study proposes a new classification for the hippocampal vascularization, according to the origin of HAs. One of the groups has not yet been described in the literature – in which the HAs arise from the parieto-occipital artery, SA, and CA.
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The present study aims to give detailed histomorphological features of the hippocampus of adult male New Zealand rabbits. Both histological and histochemical specimens were prepared to be examined microscopically by using a light microscope. The hippocampus appeared as C‐shaped hippocampal proper, dentate gyrus, and subiculum. The hippocampal proper subdivided along its length according to the density and size of its major constituent pyramidal cells into four distinct regions named Cornu Ammonis (CA1, CA2, CA3, and CA4). With the histochemical preparations, each of these regions consisted of five layers, stratum alveolus, stratum oriens, stratum pyramidale, stratum radiatum, and stratum lacunosum‐moleculare. The stratum pyramidale constituted the middle dark zone and contained the principal excitatory neurons and a few interneurons. Histochemically, the pyramidal neurons along all regions of the CA reacted positively to Grimelius silver impregnation, lead hematoxylin, Gomori's aldehyde fuchsin, aldehyde thionine, Gomori's chrome alum hematoxylin, and performic acid alcian blue stains. Immunohistochemically, the pyramidal neurons reacted positively to anti‐NSE antibodies. The dentate gyrus was formed of three distinct layers. The subiculum was formed of proper subiculum, presubiculum, and parasubiculum.