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How and to what extent does the spatial and temporal discretization schema affect GIS-based hydrological modelling?



The justification of the spatial and temporal discretization schema is a critical step in the development of numerical hydrological models. Currently, the challenge remains in balancing the error and uncertainty induced by the algorithm and the mass calculation caused by the increase of the division of computational units. Thus, it is necessary to investigate an appropriate discretization scheme, which not only adequately represents the spatial heterogeneity characteristics, but also maintains a sufficiently high computational efficiency, with the constraints of the data validity and availability. This poster paper proposed a numerical hydrological model using different spatial and temporal discretization schema. Results show that the running time revealed an increase by an order of magnitude with the refinement of the grid size. The results also show that that the discretization schema impose various influences on different hydrological processes. For the infiltration process, the effect of the spatial and temporal resolution depend on the soil type; for the runoff process, the amount of the runoff was less affected but the time to runoff was significantly influenced. Establishing a standardized method to optimize the range of the spatial-temporal resolution for different the models and environmental scenarios, however, still remains challenge and is the future investigations.
How and to what extent does the spatial and temporal
discretization schema affect GIS-based hydrological modelling?
Honglin Zhu
Department of Geography
Hong Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong SAR, China
Qiming Zhou
Department of Geography
Hong Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong SAR, China
The justification of the spatial and temporal discretization schema
is a critical step in the development of numerical hydrological
models. Currently, the challenge remains in balancing the error and
uncertainty induced by the algorithm and the mass calculation
caused by the increase of the division of computational units. Thus,
it is necessary to investigate an appropriate discretization scheme,
which not only adequately represents the spatial heterogeneity
characteristics, but also maintains a sufficiently high computational
efficiency, with the constraints of the data validity and availability.
This poster paper proposed a numerical hydrological model using
different spatial and temporal discretization schema. Results show
that the running time revealed an increase by an order of magnitude
with the refinement of the grid size. The results also show that that
the discretization schema impose various influences on different
hydrological processes. For the infiltration process, the effect of the
spatial and temporal resolution depend on the soil type; for the
runoff process, the amount of the runoff was less affected but the
time to runoff was significantly influenced. Establishing a
standardized method to optimize the range of the spatial-temporal
resolution for different the models and environmental scenarios,
however, still remains challenge and is the future investigations.
Information systems spatial temporal systems
Spatial and temporal resolution, discretization schema, numerical
simulation, discretization error
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SIGSPATIAL '21, November 2 5, 2021, Beijing, China
© 2021 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8664-
ACM Reference format:
Honglin Zhu and Qiming Zhou. 2021. How and to what extent does the
spatial and temporal discretization schema affect GIS-based hydrological
modelling? In SIGSPATIAL ACM SIGSPATIAL International
Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, November
02 05, 2021, Beijing, China. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4 pages.
1 Introduction
GIS-based hydrological models are widely used tools to simulate
the hydrological response processes such as infiltration and runoff
generation [1-3]. In such models, the determination of the
discretization schema is critical. Generally speaking, the finer the
resolution, the more accurate the simulation results will be [4].
However, Qiu et at. [5] and Politi et al. [6] reported that the
accuracy of the simulation results with the three spatial resolution
were not much different. Thus, it remains inconclusive whether
finer resolution would achieve better modelling results in the
numerical experiments with various conditions. Besides, the spatial
and temporal discretization schema also have effects on the
computational efficiency as different resolution may change the
structure of the model and the number of iterations [7].
In addition, the choice of spatial and temporal resolution have
different effects on the simulation depending on the type and nature
of the hydrological response processes [8-9]. For the infiltration
process, for example, it was found that the parameters related to
soil water movement and the estimated infiltration amount at
different resolution differed by several orders of magnitude [10].
For the runoff generation process, Unami et al. [11] reported that
the simulated peak amount of the runoff was smoothed as the
catchment is divided into fewer and larger sub-basins. It is also
found that the spatiotemporal resolution is more sensitive to the soil
and vegetation conditions, which exhibit more local variations,
compared with the climatic conditions [12-13].
Therefore, our objectives are (1) to conduct a numerical
hydrological model and investigate an appropriate discretization
scheme with high computational efficiency and modelling stability;
(2) to investigate the impact of different spatial and temporal
discretization schema on the simulation results of various
hydrological response process based on the numerical experiments.
In this study, we adjust the temporal resolution and the grid size in
the iterative process to obtain the optimal range under different
05, 2021, Beijing, China Trovato and Tobin, et al.
initial conditions, and quantify the influence of different spatial and
temporal discretization schema on the simulation results.
2 Description of the numerical model
The hydrological process of infiltration and runoff were coupled
in two main modules. The model has been conducted with the
MATLAB programming language. The computer configuration
included: the system type is Windows 10 64-bit operating system,
the processor is Intel core i3 with 3.1GHz, and the installed RAM
is 8G.
Lighthill and Whitham [14] proposed the kinematic wave
equation as an approximate method of Saint-Venant's equation to
estimate one-dimensional surface flow. For shallow surface flow,
ignoring the velocity and pressure head gradient in the momentum
equation [15-16], the first-order hyperbolic partial differential
equation can be obtained:
Where Ais the area of the cross section; b is the width of the cross
section; Q is the flow rate;
is the excess rainfall (impermeable
part); t is the time; x is the downslope distance.
A b h
Q q b
into the equation (1), we can
b h q b
i b
t x
For turbulent flow conditions, the slope roughness cannot be
ignored, the Manning formula is used to express the relationship
between and. Here it is assumed that the hydraulic gradient of the
slope flow is equal to the angle of the slope, that is, the loss of
runoff caused by surface filling is also considered:
( )
q S h d
is the slope angle,
is the roughness, and
is the
amount of landfill savings.
The infiltration equation coupled with the hydrodynamic model
was obtained by Mein and Larson [14]. Taking into account the
influence of surface water, this equation was chosen considering
the robustness and respect the data availability:
(t ) (t t) F ln( )
k t ln(1 ) k t
sat sat
Where F is the cumulative infiltration capacity,
is the saturated
hydraulic conductivity of the soil,
is the soil
water suction at the wet front, and
is the saturated water
content and the initial water content of the soil, respectively.
The second-order Newton method was used to determine the
cumulative infiltration volume within the time increment
2ln(1 )
K t F
The numerical solution of the first-order partial differential
equation is:
keke k
h h fw fw
fw fw
To get the numerical solution, a fully implicit schema was used to
solve the Green-Ampt equation and the runoff module was solved
with an explicit schema.
3 The input and designing of the numerical
A homogenous and rectangular catchment was selected as the study
area. This small catchment is 100 m long and 10 m. Three different
grid sizes of 20cm, 10cm, and 5cm are selected; three different
temporal resolution of 1.44min, 14.4min and 144min were
performed in the numerical model. The input data and the value of
the parameters in the model are presented in table 1.
Table 1: Values of model parameters and input data
Input and parameter Units Value
Temporal resolution min 1.44, 14.4, 144
Grid size cm 5, 10, 20
Rainfall intensity mm/h 1,10,20,100
Soil bulk density g/cm³ High, medium, low
Saturated hydraulic
conductivity cm/h 3.54,4.14,5.74
Initial suction kPa 10 20 30
How and to what extent does the spatial and temporal
discretization schema affect GIS-based hydrological modelling? 05, 2021, Beijing, China
Manning coefficient s/m 0.25
slope 20,30,40
Depression storage and
intercepting mm 1
As for the soil hydraulic properties, three different soil hydraulic
characteristic curves with different bulk density were used to drive
the model, as shown in Figure 1, which is proposed with reference
to the experimental data of Genuchten et al. [17].
Figure 1: Soil hydraulic characteristic curve of with different
bulk density (LC is the low bulk density soil, MC is the medium
bulk density soil, and UP is the high bulk density soil).
4 Results and discussion
As shown in table 2, the running time with different spatial
resolution are presented, indicating that with the refinement of the
grid size (from 20cm to 5cm), the running time shows an increase
by an order of magnitude, which suggest that the determination of
the grid size is of great significance to the computational efficiency.
Table 2: Running time and the estimated accumulative runoff
of model under different spatial resolution
Grid size
Running time
Accumulative runoff
20 74.28 12.28
10 512.23 12.435
5 3251.75 13.47
For the estimated accumulative runoff in table 2, the numerical
solutions under three different spatial resolution are stable and there
is no discretization oscillation. When the grid size become finer,
the simulated runoff increased gently. The discharge hydrograph
with three grid size are as shown in the Figure 2. At three different
grid resolution, the peak flow and the streamflow shape withdrawal
consistent trend curve, but with different grid size the runoff
amount is different.
Figure 2 the discharge hydrograph of the runoff simulation
results under three different spatial resolution.
As shown in Figure 3, the simulation of time to runoff can be
affected by many factors, including the environmental factors, such
as rainfall intensity, soil properties, slope and soil moisture content,
and factors related to the model itself, such as the discretization
schema, the equations used in the model and so on. When the
temporal resolution takes different values from 1.44min to 144min,
the simulation results varies with different soil bulk density. For
low bulk density soil, the change of the temporal resolution does
not have much effect on the simulation of time to runoff, and the
estimated response time is almost the same. However, for the low
and medium bulk density soils, when the temporal resolution
increased to 144min, abnormal values were found in the simulation
results, which suggests that the numerical solutions with the
temporal resolution of 144min does not converge.
Figure 3: Simulation of pressure heads with different soil
properties under three different temporal resolution with the
same grid size of 10cm.
Figure 4 illustrates that the infiltration rate computed for different
spatial resolution. For the high bulk density soil, the infiltration
05, 2021, Beijing, China Trovato and Tobin, et al.
rate under different grid size is almost the same at the beginning
and the end of the infiltration. In the middle stage, the estimated
infiltration rate under the schema of 5cm is the largest, and the
rate under the 20cm is the smallest. However, the spatial
resolution had a more significant influence on the estimation
results under the condition with the low bulk density. As shown in
figure 4(b), the simulated infiltration rate obtained with the
resolution of 5 cm is much larger than the one under 20cm
compared with that in figure 4(a).
Figure 4: the infiltration rate under different spatial resolution
with the high bulk density soil (a) and low bulk dentistry soil
5 Conclusion
This study developed an infiltration-runoff numerical model
coupling the Green-Ampt equation and the kinematic wave
equation. Numerical experiments were implemented using
different spatial and temporal al discretization schema. Is was
found that the running time showed an increase by an order of
magnitude with the refinement of the grid size from 20 to 5 cm.
Results showed the discretization schema impose various
influences on different processes. For the infiltration process, the
effect of the spatial and temporal resolution depend on the soil type.
Under the low bulk density soil with larger hydraulic conductivity,
the simulation results were much more sensitive than under the low
hydraulic conductivity. For the runoff process, the amount of the
runoff was less affected but the time to runoff was significantly
influenced by the spatial and temporal resolution. However, the
challenge remains, to establish a standardized method to optimize
the range of the spatial-temporal resolution for different the models
and environmental scenarios, which is also the subject to our future
The research is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of
China (NSFC) General Program (41971386) and Hong Kong
Research Grant Council (RGC) General Research Fund (HKBU
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This study presents the results of high-resolution dynamical downscaling of 5 km on maximum (TX) and minimum (TN) air temperature and precipitation, for Greece, with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The ERA-Interim (ERA-I) reanalysis dataset is used for initial and boundary conditions. The model results (WRF_5) are evaluated against available ground observations for the period 1980–2004 through the calculation of mean climatology, statistical metrics, and distributions of extreme events on daily, monthly and seasonal scales. WRF_5 model captures very well the geographical distribution of TX and TN of the study area, and illustrates finely the seasonal differences. Statistical results for TX (TN) indicate a cold (warm) bias of − 0.6 °C (1 °C) regarding WRF_5 and − 3 °C (0.5 °C) for ERA-I. The efficiency metrics for temperatures showed a highly improved performance of the model compared to reanalysis for all temporal scales investigated. The observed mean annual cycle and inter-annual variability of precipitation are also well represented by model simulation. Although WRF_5 overestimates rainfall during most of the year, the seasonal pattern of WRF_5 presented similar correlation coefficients for all stations with a range of 0.6–0.85, showing a good model ability to simulate the precipitation in Greece. The results reveal the capability of the configured WRF high resolution model to reproduce the main climatological variables of the study area, outperforming the coarse resolution ERA-Interim in a region that is dominated by highly variable topographic characteristics. This is deemed necessary for undertaking any further studies concerning future climate change impacts in various sectors.
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Distributed and semi-distributed hydrological modeling approaches commonly involve the discretization of a catchment into several modeling elements. Although some modeling studies were conducted using triangulated irregular networks (TINs) previously, little attention has been given to assess the impact of TINs as compared to the standard catchment discretization techniques. Here, we examine how different catchment discretization approaches and radiation forcings influence hydrological simulation results. Three catchment discretization methods, i.e., elevation zones (Hypsograph) (HYP), regular square grid (SqGrid), and TIN, were evaluated in a highly steep and glacierized Marsyangdi-2 river catchment, central Himalaya, Nepal. To evaluate the impact of radiation on model response, shortwave radiation was converted using two approaches: one with the measured solar radiation assuming a horizontal surface and another with a translation to slopes. The results indicate that the catchment discretization has a great impact on simulation results. Evaluation of the simulated streamflow value using Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) and log-transformed Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (LnNSE) shows that highest model performance was obtained when using TIN followed by HYP (during the high flow condition) and SqGrid (during the low flow condition). Similar order of precedence in relative model performance was obtained both during the calibration and validation periods. Snow simulated from the TIN-based discretized models was validated with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) snow products. Critical Success Indexes (CSI) between TIN-based discretized model snow simulation and MODIS snow were found satisfactory. Bias in catchment average snow cover area from the models with and without using imputed radiation is less than two percent, but implementation of imputed radiation into the Statkraft Hydrological Forecasting Toolbox (Shyft) gives better CSI with MODIS snow.
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This study investigates the added value of very high resolution in long-term climate simulations over South Korea using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. A one-way double-nested modeling system consisting of a mother domain (20-km resolution) and nested domain (5-km resolution) is customized for simulating the distinct climatological patterns in Korea, where the region-specific climate is largely influenced by the area’s complex geographical features. The ERA-Interim reanalysis data are used for the initial and boundary conditions, and the simulation spans the period from December 1, 1985 to December 31, 2005 (20-year analysis period with 1-month spin-up). Simulations from both the mother and the nested domain show reasonable performance in capturing the general characteristics of summer temperature and precipitation in terms of temporally and spatially averaged quantities. However, the added value from the nested domain with its higher resolution is apparently found in the reproduction of the intensity and frequency of extreme events and in the physical realism related to the partitioning of convective and large-scale precipitation. The nested domain not only better resolves the sharp gradients of temperature variation over short distances but also substantially reduces the systematic cold bias seen in temperature extremes produced by the mother domain. Furthermore, the nested domain is better able to simulate the upper tail of precipitation distributions and thus of extreme events. The higher resolution also improves the simulation of partitioning between convective and large-scale precipitation, leading to a plausible relationship between extreme precipitation and temperature and showing good agreement with in situ observation. Given the different behaviors of convective and large-scale precipitation in response to temperature changes, their realistic partitioning in the model has important potential for enhancing the reliability of precipitation projection under global warming.
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When modeling soil/atmosphere interaction, it is of paramount importance to determine the rainfall runoff on a soil surface. Indeed, in the mass balance for bare soil, the rainfall transfers to runoff, infiltration, and evaporation. Knowing rainfall and runoff, the infiltration and evaporation terms can be determined, defining the hydraulic boundary conditions for soils. In practice, rainfall is measured through field measurements in weather stations; evaporation is often estimated using simple models, such as the Penman-Monteith model. Infiltration can then be calculated if runoff is known. However, estimating runoff is often a difficult task in practice. In this study, a runoff measurement method was developed using a collector system set up on a slope of an embankment with lime/cement treated silt. The runoff measurements were compared with the recorded rainfall, and a satisfactory agreement was obtained, showing the performance of the developed runoff measurement approach. A correlation between runoff and rainfall was thus proposed based on the hourly runoff and rainfall data. This correlation can be further used to estimate the rainfall runoff for similar embankments.
A new concept is developed to mathematically understand the dynamics of the rainfall-runoff events in a barren catchment of the Jordan Rift Valley. Time series data of rainfall and runoff have been acquired at an observation point in the catchment. Due to the extreme arid environment, water current as the runoff from the catchment is ephemeral, and the rainfall-runoff events are clearly distinguishable from each other. Firstly, a pair of linear autoregressive models with exogenous input (ARX models) is identified to tightly bound each runoff time series using the simplex method of linear programming. The exogenous input part is compatible with the conventional unit hydrograph method, while the autoregressive part is regarded as a discretized differential operator of fractional orders. Then, a linear fractional differential equation is determined to approximate each linear ARX model, which restricts the perturbation of the actual causal relationship between rainfall intensity and runoff discharge. The resulting lower and upper bounding rainfall-runoff models with fractional derivatives are examined in the system-theoretic framework. Finally, a nominal model from which actual nonlinear and stochastic phenomena perturb is arranged to envelope the all upper bounding rainfall-runoff models in the frequency domain, leading to the formulation of a challenging fractional optimal control problem involving stochastic processes.
Richards equation for variably saturated flow can exhibit stability problems due to its nonlinearity. The challenge is to resolve sharp wetting fronts without introducing spurious oscillations, especially for simulations with very dry initial conditions. Flow instabilities at sharp wetting fronts may arise particularly in anisotropic and heterogeneous media, leading to oscillations or convergence problems. The focus of this work is to evaluate and minimize instability problems for simulations with unstructured meshes. To this end, numerical experiments were performed to investigate the accuracy, monotonicity and convergence behavior of numerical solutions for variably saturated flow based on different control volume methods, piecewise gradient reconstruction methods, and flux approximation methods. In particular, nonphysical oscillations at the wetting front were investigated. A novel multi-point flux approximation with multi-point upstream weighting based on piecewise gradient reconstruction was developed. Numerical simulations in both homogeneous and heterogeneous domains with isotropic and anisotropic conductivity tensors demonstrate that the proposed multi-point flux approximation with multi-point upstream weighting avoids spurious oscillations and improves the results for challenging sharp wetting front problems using general unstructured meshes as well as meshes with distortion. The revised Voronoi-dual control volume method has also been found to provide more flexibility than commonly used center-dual and median-dual control volume methods.
During rainfall events, a wide range of contaminants generated by urban areas are transferred into rivers. Modelling tools are increasingly required by decision makers to assess the effects of urban development and mitigation measures on urban runoff quality. However, representing the spatial heterogeneity of urban land cover in water quality modelling is a real challenge. This study presents a methodology to analyze and characterize the land cover of an urban catchment within a water quality model. The application site is the urban river Verdanson located in Montpellier city (France), where the climate is Mediterranean. Firstly, a time effective original method of identifying homogeneous urban surfaces in terms of build-up/wash-off processes from an existing land-use map and aerial photo interpretation is presented. Secondly, the sensitivity of model outputs to the discretization of a catchment into homogeneous land cover types, called Water quality Response Units (WQRUs), is tested. The results reveal that discretizing the catchment into WQRUs enhances the relevance of hydrological outputs and provide more flexibility for a calibration of Total Suspended Solids wash-off parameters. The findings open interesting opportunities to integrate catchment-scale land cover data into the modelling of wash-off processes and allow urban runoff managers to assess the influence of urban land use planning scenarios on water quality.
Random Naïve Bayes (RNB) is a machine learning method that uses the Random Forest (RF) structure to optimize Naïve Bayes (NB). It is interesting to see whether RNB could optimize NB and achieve satisfied assessment results like RF in the flood susceptibility assessment study. RNB has rarely been used in study of using machine learning methods to spatially analyze natural disasters, and thus it was selected as the analysis method. Based on the data feasibility, 12 spatial factors that affect the occurrence and spatial distribution of floods were selected. To avoid the influence of subjective equal-interval classification method, natural breaks and quantile method were used to discretize factors with continuous values, respectively. Here, a recently proposed repeatedly random sampling method was adopted to select negative samples for RNB to generate a most accurate classifier (MAC) that was employed to compute the probability of flood occurrence in the study area. Consequently, this paper adopted the integrated framework of GIS and RNB to spatially assess the flood susceptibility using the Wanan County in China as an instance. The results demonstrated that when integrated with the repeatedly random sampling method, the MAC-based flood susceptibility maps corresponding to different factor dis-cretization methods were similar, meaning this framework can effectively avoid the effects caused by different factor discretization methods. Also, to testify the classification performance of RNB, RF and NB were chosen to compare the classification performance with it. The results indicated the classification performance in the order of RF > RNB > NB. This means RNB is able to achieve better classification performance than NB, but it exists limitations when compared with traditional strong classifiers like RF. The findings of this paper proved that RNB is a feasible approach for natural hazard susceptibility assessment.
Watershed spatial discretization is an important step in developing a distributed hydrologic model. A key difficulty in the spatial discretization process is maintaining a balance between the aggregation-induced information loss and the increase in computational burden caused by the inclusion of additional computational units. Objective identification of an appropriate discretization scheme still remains a challenge, in part because of the lack of quantitative measures for assessing discretization quality, particularly prior to simulation. This study proposes a priori discretization error metrics to quantify the information loss of any candidate discretization scheme without having to run and calibrate a hydrologic model. These error metrics are applicable to multi-variable and multi-site discretization evaluation and provide directly interpretable information to the hydrologic modeler about discretization quality. The first metric, a subbasin error metric, quantifies the routing information loss from discretization, and the second, a hydrological response unit (HRU) error metric, improves upon existing a priori metrics by quantifying the information loss due to changes in land cover or soil type property aggregation. The metrics are straightforward to understand and easy to recode. Informed by the error metrics, a two-step discretization decision-making approach is proposed with the advantage of reducing extreme errors and meeting the user-specified discretization error targets. The metrics and decision-making approach are applied to the discretization of the Grand River watershed in Ontario, Canada. Results show that information loss increases as discretization gets coarser. Moreover, results help to explain the modeling difficulties associated with smaller upstream subbasins since the worst discretization errors and highest error variability appear in smaller upstream areas instead of larger downstream drainage areas. Hydrologic modeling experiments under candidate discretization schemes validate the strong correlation between the proposed discretization error metrics and hydrologic simulation responses. Discretization decision-making results show that the common and convenient approach of making uniform discretization decisions across the watershed performs worse than the proposed non-uniform discretization approach in terms of preserving spatial heterogeneity under the same computational cost.