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The Role of Temperate Agroforestry Practices in Supporting Pollinators


Abstract and Figures

Agroforestry can provide ecosystem services and benefits such as soil erosion control, microclimate modification for yield enhancement, economic diversification, livestock production and well-being, and water quality protection. By adding increased structural and functional diversity in agricultural landscapes, agroforestry practices can also affect ecosystem services provided by insect pollinators. This chapter provides a summary of existing scientific information on how temperate agroforestry systems influence insect pollinators and their pollination services. Our assessment indicates that agroforestry practices can provide three primary benefits for pollinators: (1) providing habitat including foraging resources and nesting or egg-laying sites, (2) enhancing site and landscape connectivity, and (3) mitigating pesticide exposure. In some cases, agroforestry practices may contribute to unintended consequences such as becoming a sink for pollinators, where they may have increased exposure to pesticide residue that can accumulate in agroforestry practices. Through a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of agroforestry practices on pollinators and their key services, we can better design agroforestry systems to provide these benefits in addition to other desired ecosystem services.
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275© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
R. P. Udawatta, S. Jose (eds.), Agroforestry and Ecosystem Services,
The Role ofTemperate Agroforestry
Practices inSupporting Pollinators
GaryBentrup, JenniferHopwood, NancyLeeAdamson, RaePowers,
Agroforestry is the intentional integration of trees and/or shrubs with herbaceous
crops and/or livestock in an agricultural production system. In temperate regions,
agroforestry systems include many different practices such as windbreaks, riparian
buffers, alley cropping, hedgerows, shelterbelts, silvopasture, and forest farming.
Agroforestry practices can deliver a suite of ecosystem services from provisioning,
regulating, cultural, and supporting services (Smith etal. 2013). With some excep-
tions (e.g., pollinator hedgerows), ecosystem services provided by insect pollinators
are often not specically considered in the design and management of agroforestry
practices (Udawatta etal. 2019). However, whether using alley cropping or a wind-
break, managing a riparian buffer, or forest farming, agroforestry practices can
G. Bentrup ()
U.S.Department of Agriculture, U.S.Forest Service, National Agroforestry Center,
Lincoln, NE, USA
J. Hopwood
Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, Omaha, NE, USA
N. L. Adamson
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas, Rabat, Morocco
R. Powers
Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, Lincoln, NE, USA
M. Vaughan
Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, Portland, OR, USA
increase the overall diversity of plants and physical structure in landscapes and, as
a result, provide habitat for pollinators and other insects benecial for agriculture
such as predators and parasitoids of crop pests and decomposers. Agroforestry
plantings can also have indirect benets for pollinators including habitat connectiv-
ity and protection from pesticide exposure. This chapter provides an overview of the
current scientic knowledge regarding how agroforestry practices can support pol-
linators and pollination services.
Importance ofPollinators
Plant pollination by animals is one of the most well-known and important ecosys-
tem services and is essential in both natural and agricultural landscapes (IPBES
2016). An estimated 85% of the world’s owering plants depend on animals—
mostly insects—for pollination (Ollerton etal. 2011). Pollination is a mutually ben-
ecial interaction between plants and pollinators. Animals, particularly insects, visit
owers seeking sustenance, and in the process transfer pollen grains from one
ower or plant to another, allowing owering plants to reproduce. Sugary nectar
and/or protein-packed pollen grains are food resources for pollinators.
Insect pollination is critical to agricultural production. Eighty-seven of the
world’s 124 most commonly cultivated crops (70%) are reliant on or benet from
animal pollination, including crops that produce fruits, vegetables, spices, nuts, and
seeds (Klein etal. 2007). Additionally, insect-pollinated plants such as alfalfa and
clover provide feed for livestock. Roughly 35% of global crop production is depen-
dent on pollination by animals (Klein etal. 2007). The majority of minerals, vita-
mins, and nutrients needed to maintain human health (such as vitamin C, calcium,
and folic acid) come from crop plants that depend partially or fully on animal pol-
linators (Eilers etal. 2011). The value of crops directly dependent on pollination by
insects (e.g., apples, squash) was estimated in 2009 at $15.1 billion in the United
States, and the value of crops indirectly dependent on pollinators (e.g., alfalfa hay,
onions) was estimated in 2004 at $12 billion (Calderone 2012).
Pollinators are a keystone group in most terrestrial ecosystems, necessary for
plant reproduction and important for wildlife food webs (Kearns etal. 1998). They
sustain wildland plant communities that provide food and shelter for myriad wild-
life. Fruits, seeds, and nuts, that result from animal pollination, are food for many
insects, birds, and mammals. Pollinators can also be direct prey for wildlife. For
example, pollinator larvae are an important part of the diet of many young birds
(Buehler etal. 2002). Healthy habitat that supports pollinators often confers other
ecosystem services such as reduced soil erosion, enhanced rainwater inltration,
improved water quality, reduced wind velocity, carbon sequestration, recreation
spaces for humans, and habitat for a variety of wildlife, including arthropod preda-
tors and parasitoids that reduce crop pests.
G. Bentrup et al.
Important Groups ofPollinators
The great majority of pollinators are insects, including bees, wasps, ies, beetles,
butteries, and moths (Table 1; Allen-Wardell et al. 1998; Kevan 1999; Kearns
2001), but some bird and bat species pollinate as well (Grant 1994; Valiente-Banuet
etal. 2004). Bees are considered the most important group of pollinators for agri-
cultural crops (McGregor 1976; Morse and Calderone 2000; Garibaldi etal. 2013)
as well as for wild plants in temperate climates (Michener 2007). Bees are such
efcient pollinators of many plants because 1) they actively collect both pollen and
nectar; 2) they make many trips to owers as they are foraging to collect nest provi-
sions for their offspring; and 3) they have more ower constancy, i.e., once they nd
a good forage source they visit that type of ower over and over.
The domesticated European honey bee (Apis mellifera) is the most widely recog-
nized bee worldwide and is an important managed crop pollinator. Studies indicate
that honey bee pollination accounts for more than $15 billion in crop production
annually in the United States (Morse and Calderone 2000; Calderone 2012).
Based on Ascher and Pickering (2020), there are over 5200 species of native bees
in North America, many of which are important crop pollinators. Native bees are
important in the production of crops worth an estimated $3 billion annually to the
US economy (Losey and Vaughan 2006), though this may be an underestimate of
their contribution. A recent analysis of 41 crop systems worldwide found that man-
aged honey bees do not replace the pollination services provided by a diverse com-
munity of native bees (Garibaldi et al. 2013). Native bees provide pollination
services in colder, windier weather (Brittain etal. 2013) and are more efcient than
honey bees on an individual bee basis at pollinating particular crops, such as squash,
berries, and tree fruits (e.g., Tepedino 1981; Bosch and Kemp 2001; Javorek etal.
2002; Garibaldi etal. 2013).
Most native bees live solitary lives, with each female working alone to build her
nests and collect and provide food for her offspring. Some solitary bees visit a diver-
sity of owers to collect pollen, and others collect from owers of a particular plant
species or group of species. Bumble bees and some sweat bees are the only native
bees that form social colonies. Their colonies usually have fewer than 200 bees, and
are much smaller than a honey bee hive which may house up to 30,000 individuals.
Bumble bees are particularly important pollinators. They are able to y in cooler
temperatures and lower light levels than many other bees, which extends their work-
day and improves the pollination of crops during inclement weather (Corbet etal.
1993). In addition to commercially important crops, bumble bees also play a vital
role as generalist pollinators of native owering plants (Memmott etal. 2004). They
and many native bees also possess the ability to “buzz pollinate,” dislodging pollen
with a vibration that forces release from poricidal anthers found in owers such as
blueberries, cranberries, tomatoes, and peppers (Buchmann 1983).
Of the other orders of pollinating insects, ies (Diptera) also provide substantial
pollination services (Kearns 2001; Larson etal. 2001; Inouye etal. 2015), espe-
cially in alpine areas and tundra. Other insects such as beetles (Coleoptera) and
The Role ofTemperate Agroforestry Practices inSupporting Pollinators
Table 1 Common insect pollinator groups
Honey bee Bumble bees Ground-nesting bees
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Apidae
Genus and species: Apis
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Apidae
Genus: Bombus
Order: Hymenoptera
Families: Andrenidae, Apidae,
Colletidae, Halictidae
The European honey bee
(native to Europe, Africa,
and Asia) is a domesticated
species that lives in large
perennial social colonies
(hives), with division of
labor within the colony. Only
the queen reproduces, while
others gather nectar and
pollen to feed brood (larvae)
and store food (honey) for
the winter. Feral colonies in
the United States are
somewhat rare; most hives
are managed by beekeepers
Bumble bees form annual
social colonies. Queen bumble
bees that mated the previous
fall start nests in spring and by
mid-summer colonies can have
dozens or hundreds of workers.
They nest in insulated cavities
such as under clumps of bunch
grass or in old rodent nests.
There are 46 recognized
bumble bee species in North
Most native bees live solitary
lives, with each female working
alone to build her nests and
collect and provide food for her
offspring. About 70% of our
solitary bee species nest
underground, digging slender
tunnels in which they build
individual cells for each egg and
its provisions
Tunnel-nesting bees Flower-visiting ies Flower-visiting beetles
Order: Hymenoptera
Families: Apidae, Colletidae,
Halictidae, Megachilidae
Order: Diptera
Families: Anthomyiidae,
Bombyliidae, Syrphidae,
Tachinidae, others
Order: Coleoptera
Families: Cantharidae,
Coccinellidae, Scarabaeidae,
Approximately 30% of
solitary bee species nest in
tunnels, inside already
hollow stems or by chewing
into the pithy center of
stems, or in existing holes in
wood, sometimes man-made.
Most tunnel-nesting bees are
solitary species
Flower-visiting ies consume
nectar and sometimes pollen.
Many hover ies (family
Syrphidae) resemble bees or
wasps in coloration. Larvae of
some species are voracious
predators of small insects, like
Flower-visiting beetles consume
nectar and pollen, and may also
chew on ower parts. Larvae of
some species are predatory,
hunting other insects (including
crop pests) as food, while others
are herbivorous or are
G. Bentrup et al.
wasps (Hymenoptera) provide pollination services, though to a lesser extent (e.g.,
Frankie etal. 1990; Kevan 1999). The contribution of most buttery and moth spe-
cies (Lepidoptera) to pollination services is not well known (e.g., Frankie etal.
1990; Allen-Wardell et al. 1998; Westerkamp and Gottsberger 2000; MacGregor
etal. 2015), but there are instances where butteries have been documented polli-
nating wild plant species, including some owering plants specially adapted for
buttery pollination (e.g., Russelia, Phlox, and Lantana) (Fallon et al. 2014).
Ollerton (2017) estimate that more than 140,000 species of moths and butteries
visit owers. Many buttery species y great distances between owers and may
carry pollen for a long time, and thus they may be effective as dispersers of pollen.
In addition to insect pollinators, there are two groups of nectar-feeding verte-
brates that play an important role in pollination: hummingbirds (Trochilidae) and
bats (Phyllostomidae). There are 12 species of nectar-feeding bats that are known
pollinators in North America (National Research Council 2007). The known ranges
for these bats correspond closely with the distribution of columnar cacti (e.g.,
saguaro [Carnegiea gigantea], Pachycereus spp., Stenocereus spp., Lophocereus
spp.) and agaves (Agave spp.), the main species they are known to pollinate
(Valiente-Banuet et al. 2004), primarily in the deserts of Arizona, California,
Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas. Hummingbirds, which pollinate about 130 native
Table 1 (continued)
Flower-visiting wasps Flower-visiting moths Butteries
Order: Hymenoptera
Families: Sphecidae,
Vespidae, Tiphiidae,
Scoliidae, others
Order: Lepidoptera
Families: Sphingidae,
Noctuidae, Arctiidae
Order: Lepidoptera
Families: Papilionidae,
Hesperiidae, Pieridae,
Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae
Predatory wasps, most of
which are solitary, hunt for
prey to bring back to their
nest as food for their young.
They build nests in cavities
or in the ground, and may
utilize pieces of grass, mud,
or resin in construction of
their nest. Adults maintain
their energy by consuming
nectar and/or pollen, and in
the process may also transfer
pollen between owers
Moths, which are often
subdued in color and tend to
y at dusk or night, are less
visible than other groups, but
many are important specialist
pollinators of wild plants,
while some also pollinate
crops. Moths as a group form a
critical food source for other
With their striking
transformation from a chubby
plant-chewing caterpillar to a
delicate pupa to a graceful
nectar-drinking adult, butteries
are some of the most beloved
insects. Some species have
narrow host plant needs for their
caterpillars while others feed on
a wide variety of plants
Source: Flower-visiting beetle image by Jennifer Hopwood and remaining images by Nancy
Lee Adamson
The Role ofTemperate Agroforestry Practices inSupporting Pollinators
plant species with owers adapted for hummingbird pollination, make long migra-
tory journeys in North America and depend on nectar corridors to sustain their long-
distance movements (Nabhan etal. 2004).
Pollinator Status andThreats
Globally, pollinators are in decline (Biesmeijer et al. 2006; National Research
Council 2007; Potts et al. 2010; Sánchez-Bayo and Wyckhuys 2019), with some
estimates that 40% of invertebrate pollinator species may be at risk of extinction
worldwide (IPBES 2016). Threats such as the loss, degradation, and fragmentation
of habitat (e.g., Kremen etal. 2002; Williams and Kremen 2007; Potts etal. 2010);
introduced species (e.g., Tallamy and Shropshire 2009; Fiedler etal. 2012); use of
pesticides (e.g., Dover etal. 1990; Kearns and Inouye 1997; Kevan 1999; Whitehorn
etal. 2012); and diseases and parasites (e.g., Altizer and Oberhauser 1999; Colla
etal. 2006; Cameron etal. 2011) all contribute to pollinator decline.
In the United States, the number of honey bee colonies has been in decline over
the past half-century due to diseases, parasites, lack of oral resources, insecticides,
and other factors (National Research Council 2007). Since 2012, beekeepers have
experienced record high annual hive losses of 33% or more; an average of 40% of
managed colonies were lost in the 2018–2019 season (Bee Informed
Partnership 2019).
Much less is known about the status of most of North America’s native pollina-
tors, though what data does exist suggests that numerous species are experiencing
declines similar to or more severe than the declines seen in honey bees. One-quarter
of North America’s bumble bees have experienced signicant declines (Hateld
etal. 2014), including declines in species that were formerly some of the most com-
mon species (Cameron etal. 2011). In 2017, the once common rusty patched bum-
ble bee (Bombus afnis) was added to the US Fish and Wildlife list of endangered
species (US Fish and Wildlife Service 2019).
In the United States, some butteries are also in decline. NatureServe assessed
all of the country’s roughly 800 buttery species and found that 19% are at risk of
extinction (NatureServe 2018). A number of generalist buttery species have seen
signicant declines in recent years (Forister etal. 2011). In particular, monarch but-
teries (Danaus plexippus) in North America are now vulnerable to extinction,
according to a recently completed assessment (Semmens etal. 2016). The popula-
tion of monarchs has dropped by over 80% east of the Rocky Mountains (Rendón-
Salinas and Tavera-Alonso 2014) and by over 90% to the west (Schultz etal. 2017).
The loss of milkweeds (Asclepias spp.), the monarch’s larval host plants, has been
signicant, particularly within agricultural elds (Pleasants and Oberhauser 2012).
The populations of both hummingbirds and nectar-feeding bats throughout the
southwestern United States have also experienced declines (National Research
Council 2007). Hummingbirds face disruption of migratory routes and loss of
G. Bentrup et al.
habitat (Calder 2004), while nectar-feeding bats face disturbance of their roost sites
and removal of foraging habitat and nectar sources (US Fish and Wildlife
Service 2006).
The loss of pollinators negatively affects plant reproduction and plant commu-
nity diversity (Bawa 1990; Fontaine etal. 2005; Brosi and Briggs 2013). Threats to
pollinators may have profound consequences for ecosystem health as well as our
food systems (Kearns et al. 1998; Spira 2001; Steffan-Dewenter and Westphal
2008). Concerns about pollinator decline and its repercussions have led to increased
efforts to reduce threats to pollinators. Managing existing habitat for insect pollina-
tors and restoring additional habitat have been demonstrated to increase pollinator
abundance and diversity (e.g., Fiedler etal. 2012; Klein etal. 2012; Morandin and
Kremen 2013). By adding structural and functional diversity in landscapes, agrofor-
estry may provide habitat and other benets for insect and other pollinators and
pollination services.
Agroforestry’s Role
Based on a review of available scientic literature, agroforestry practices can confer
three key benets for insect pollinators and pollination services: 1) providing habi-
tat including foraging resources and nesting or egg-laying sites, 2) enhancing site
and landscape connectivity, and 3) reducing pesticide exposure (Bentrup et al.
2019). Current research on supporting pollinators in agricultural landscapes has
focused primarily on honey bees and native bees but general concepts may apply
across other pollinator groups.
Providing Habitat
Foraging Resources
Pollinators require a diversity of owers to provide nectar and pollen resources to
meet their nutritional needs. Nectar is an aqueous solution of sugars, amino acids,
and other secondary metabolites that provides a rich source of energy for bees, but-
teries, hummingbirds, bats, and some moths, wasps, beetles, and ies. Pollen is a
protein-rich resource that is used by native bees, honey bees, and some wasps to
feed their brood or to provision their eggs or by some adult ies and beetles as a
food source. Agroforestry practices can be important sources of nectar and pollen
for pollinators when appropriate plants are used (Table2). If the agroforestry prac-
tice lacks pollinator-suitable oral resources, pollinator use can be limited. For
instance, Macdonald et al. (2018) found limited pollinator use of shelterbelts in
New Zealand that were predominantly comprised of Monterey pine (Pinus radiata
The Role ofTemperate Agroforestry Practices inSupporting Pollinators
Table 2 North American trees and shrubs that provide abundant nectar and/or pollena
Scientic name Common name Bloom timebHeightcRegiond
Acer spp.eMaple Spring to early
Amelanchier spp.fServiceberry Early spring to
Amorpha spp. Leadplant, false indigo Spring to summer S WCE
Arbutus spp.a,g Madrone Early spring to
Aronia spp.fChokeberry Spring to summer S ChE
Atriplex canescens Four-wing saltbush Spring to fall SM W
Baccharis spp.aBaccharis Summer to fall S WCE
Callicarpa americana Beautyberry Early summer S CEh
Ceanothus spp. Native lilac, NJ tea Early spring to
Buttonbush Summer SM WCE
Cercis spp. Redbud Spring M WCE
Chrysothamnus spp. Rabbitbrush Summer-fall SM W
Clethra alnifolia Sweet pepperbush Summer S E
Crataegus spp. Hawthorn Spring M WCE
Dasiphora spp. Cinquefoil Spring S WCE
Diospyros spp.e,f Persimmon Spring T WCE
Ericameria spp. Rabbitbrush Summer-fall SM WC
Eriogonum spp.Buckwheat Summer S WC
Gaylussacia spp.fHuckleberry Early spring S CE
Gleditsia spp.fHoney locust Spring T WCE
Halesia spp. Silverbell Early spring MT Eh
Holodiscus spp. Cliff spirea Summer S WC
Hypericum spp. Shrubby St.-John’s-wort Late spring S WCE
Ilex spp.a,g Holly, inkberry Spring SMT WCE
Itea virginica Virginia sweetspire Spring S CE
Winterfat Summer S W
Liriodendron tulipiferaeTulip tree Spring T CE
Mahonia spp.aOregon grape Spring to early
Nyssa spp.fBlack gum Spring MT CE
Oxydendrum arboreum Sourwood Summer T E
Parkinsonia spp. Palo Verde Spring M WCEh
Philadelphus spp. Mock orange Spring S WCE
Physocarpus spp. Ninebark Spring to summer S WCE
Prunus spp.e,f Cherry, plum, peach,
Spring M WCE
Purshia tridentata Antelope bitterbrush Spring S W
G. Bentrup et al.
D. Don) and Monterey cypress (Hesperocyparis macrocarpa (Hartw.) Bartel)
(wind-pollinated exotic species).
Many woody species offer abundant nectar with relatively high sugar contents
such as maple (Acer spp.), horse chestnut (Aesculus spp.), basswood (Tilia spp.), wil-
low (Salix spp.), brambles (Rubus spp.), cherry and plum (Prunus spp.), and service-
berry (Amelanchier spp.) (Batra 1985; Stubbs etal. 1992; Loose etal. 2005; Ostaff
etal. 2015; Baude etal. 2016; Somme etal. 2016; Donkersley 2019). For example,
sugar content in horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) ranges from 0.58 to
3.57mg/ower/24h, while black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) ranges from 0.76
to 4.0 mg/ower/24 h (Crane and Walker 1985). For comparison, white clover
(Trifolium repens L.) ranges from 0.01 to 0.20mg/ower/24h and alfalfa (Medicago
sativa L.) ranges from 0.07 to 0.25mg/ower/24h (Crane and Walker 1985).
Willow, maple, cherry and plum, brambles, chestnut (Castanea spp.), and ash
(Fraxinus spp.) are woody species that can provide pollen with high concentrations
of amino acids, sterols, trace minerals, and other nutritionally important compounds
for bees and other pollinators (Batra 1985; Tasei and Aupinel 2008; Di Pasquale
etal. 2013; Ostaff etal. 2015; Russo and Danforth 2017; Filipiak 2019). Some bees
are pollen specialists (oligolectic), wholly dependent on specic shrubs and trees in
certain families, such as willows, dogwoods (Cornaceae), heaths like blueberry and
huckleberry (Ericaceae), buckthorns such as New Jersey tea (Rhamnaceae), and
Table 2 (continued)
Scientic name Common name Bloom timebHeightcRegiond
Rhododendron spp.aRhododendron, azalea Early spring SM WCE
Rhus spp.fSumac Spring to summer M WCE
Robinia pseudoacacia e,fBlack locust Spring T Ei
Rosa spp.fRose Summer S WCE
Rubus spp.fBlackberry, raspberry Spring to fall S WCE
Salix spp.fWillow Early spring MT WCE
Sambucus spp.fElderberry Spring to summer S WCE
Sassafras albidum Sassafras Spring MT CE
Shepherdia spp. Buffaloberry Spring SM WC
Spiraea spp. Spirea Summer S WCE
Tilia spp.eBasswood Spring to summer T CE
Umbellularia californica California laurel Fall to spring T W
Vaccinium spp.f,g Blueberry, huckleberry Early spring S WCE
aIncludes some or all evergreen species
bFlowering times depend on species, location, and environmental conditions, varying from year to
year. Consult with local native plant experts to plan for overlapping bloom times
cShort (S), medium (M), tall (T)
dWest (W), Central (C), East (E)
eAdded value as timber
fAdded value of fruit or other culinary crops
gAdded value of decorative cut twigs for the oral industry
hSouthern distribution only
iThis species is invasive in some parts of the country and should not be planted in those regions
Source: Modied from Adamson etal. (2011)
The Role ofTemperate Agroforestry Practices inSupporting Pollinators
roses (Rosaceae) (Dötterl and Vereecken 2010; Fowler 2016). These nutritionally
rich pollen sources are often sought out by native bees (Stubbs etal. 1992; Ostaff
etal. 2015) and have been shown to result in higher reproductive success and better
immunity in bumble bees (e.g., Tasei and Aupinel 2008; Di Pasquale etal. 2013).
Tree and shrub plantings with overlapping bloom times provide nectar and pollen
resources throughout the growing season and are key for sustaining diverse pollinator
populations (Loose et al. 2005; Hannon and Sisk 2009; Miñarro and Prida 2013).
Many temperate-zone trees and shrubs ower early in spring and can deliver some of
the rst pollen and nectar resources of the season, boosting early-season pollinator
populations (Table2) (Dirr 1990; Batra 1985; Ostaff etal. 2015; Somme etal. 2016).
In Michigan, United States, Wood etal. (2018) determined that willows, maples, and
Prunus spp. provided over 90% of the pollen collected in April by social and solitary
bees. When forage is available early in the growing season, freshly emerged bumble
bee queens are more successful in establishing their colonies (Carvell etal. 2017).
Plantings that include a diversity of owers of various sizes, shapes, and colors
can support a rich and abundant community of bees and other pollinators (Potts
etal. 2003; Roulston and Goodell 2011; Nicholls and Altieri 2013). Flower density
and subsequent nectar availability can be higher in some tree and shrub species
compared to herbaceous species (Crane and Walker 1985; Loose etal. 2005). For
example during peak owering season, gray willow (Salix cinerea L.) can produce
334,178 owers/m2 and oneseed hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna Jacq.) 19,003
owers/m2 compared to sea aster (Aster tripolium L.) 9565 owers/m2 and butter-
cup (Ranunculus acris L.) 688 owers/m2 (Baude etal. 2016). Respectively, nectar
productivity for these species is 3612, 584, 169, and 50kg/ha cover/year. Spatially,
agroforestry practices that incorporate a diversity of owering woody and herba-
ceous species can deliver a high density of oral resources relative to the land area
occupied due to vertical layering (Miñarro and Prida 2013; Morandin and Kremen
2013; Ponisio etal. 2016; Somme etal. 2016; Donkersley 2019). Timberlake etal.
(2019) documented approximately two and four times greater nectar per unit area in
hedgerows compared to woodlands and pasture, respectively.
Bees also collect resins and oils from trees and other plants (Wcislo and Cane
1996; Cane etal. 2007; Policarová etal. 2019). Some tunnel-nesting native bees use
tree resins to seal off their nests while honey bees use plant resins mixed with saliva
and beeswax to make propolis to seal unwanted holes in their hives. Propolis has
antibacterial properties that help prevent disease transmission or pest/parasite inva-
sion (Simone-Finstrom et al. 2017). Poplar trees (Populus spp.) are a common
source for these resins (Greenaway etal. 1990; Bankova etal. 2000; König 1985;
Drescher etal. 2019). Other tree species including pine (Pinus spp.), birch (Betula
spp.), elm (Ulmus spp.), alder (Alnus spp.), beech (Fagus spp.), and horse chestnut
can provide resin sources when poplar species are not present (Ghisalberti 1979;
König 1985; Drescher etal. 2019).
Pollinator behavior, foraging, and resulting pollination services are strongly
inuenced by weather conditions (e.g., ambient temperature, wind speed, precipita-
tion) (Corbet 1990; Vicens and Bosch 2000). Temperature and wind speed are two
primary weather variables that agroforestry practices can inuence.
G. Bentrup et al.
Windbreaks, alley cropping, and other agroforestry practices can reduce air
movement and modify temperatures in the cropped area. Daytime air temperatures
are several degrees warmer within a certain distance downwind of windbreaks
(8–10 times the windbreak height) (McNaughton 1988). These elevated tempera-
tures can increase pollinator activity and pollination, particularly in vegetable- and
fruit-growing regions where air temperatures at pollination time can often be below
optimum (Norton 1988). The vertical structure and shaded conditions provided by
agroforestry practices can offer niches that allow pollinators to nd suitable sites for
thermal regulation, which is becoming increasingly important under climate change
(Kjøhl etal. 2011). Papanikolaou etal. (2017) found that agricultural landscapes
that had a higher proportion of hedgerows and seminatural habitats (i.e., 17% com-
pared to 2%) decreased the detrimental effects of warmer temperatures on native
bee species richness and abundance.
Agroforestry plantings can address additional thermoregulation considerations
for managed honey bees. Honey bees expend energy to cool themselves and their
hives during hot weather. If the hives are shaded, that energy can be diverted to
honey production and hive maintenance activities (Nye 1962). Trees and shrubs are
useful for shading beehives, especially if the hives are placed on the north or north-
east sides of the woody plantings to receive maximum shading during the summer
heat (Hill and Webster 1995). Windbreaks and other woody buffers can also provide
protection from winter temperatures and winds if the hives are located on the lee-
ward side, helping reduce winter mortality (Haydak 1958). In Kansas, Merrill
(1923) documented that populations in overwintered hives can be up to 52% higher
when protected by windbreaks.
Foraging in moderate to high winds increases energetic costs for pollinators and
reduces pollination efciency (Vicens and Bosch 2000; Brittain et al. 2013).
Agroforestry practices designed to reduce wind speeds can increase pollinator ef-
ciency and allow pollinators to forage during wind events that would normally
reduce or prohibit foraging. The protective effect on insect ight extends up to a
distance equal to about nine times the height of the windbreak (Pinzauti 1986) and
the sheltered zone can contain higher numbers of pollinating insects (Pasek 1988),
increasing pollination and fruit set (Norton 1988). Agroforestry practices that
reduce winds, such as windbreaks and hedgerows, can enhance pollination by
reducing ower shedding and increasing overall owering (Peri and Bloomberg 2002).
Nesting andEgg-Laying Sites
The availability of nesting and egg-laying sites is also key for successful pollinator
conservation (Potts etal. 2005; Steffan-Dewenter and Schiele 2008; Sardiñas etal.
2016b). The short foraging and dispersal distances of many pollinator species
require that, along with food resources, nesting resources should be available within
a localized area (Gathmann and Tscharntke 2002).
Solitary tunnel-nesting bees build their nests aboveground in hollow tunnels in
the soft pithy centers of twigs of some plants, in abandoned wood-boring beetle
The Role ofTemperate Agroforestry Practices inSupporting Pollinators
tunnels, or in tunnels they excavate themselves into wood, especially rotting logs
and snags (e.g., Potts etal. 2005; Cane etal. 2007). Hedgerows and other agrofor-
estry practices that incorporate woody species with soft pithy centers can increase
the availability of nesting sites (Table2) (Morandin and Kremen 2013; Kremen and
M’Gonigle 2015). A modeling study calculated a higher nesting potential for cavity-
nesting species in landscapes with agroforestry compared to landscapes without
agroforestry (Kay etal. 2019). Dead trees and branches left within an agroforestry
practice can also provide nesting sites (Brown 2002).
Solitary ground nesters excavate underground tunnels for nesting that can be nega-
tively impacted by tillage in agricultural elds (Shuler etal. 2005; Kim etal. 2006). The
presence of trees and shrubs provides protected nesting areas that have limited soil dis-
turbance. Hedgerows have been documented to provide suitable ground-nesting habitat
and increase diversity of ground-nesting bees (Morandin and Kremen 2013; Kremen
and M’Gonigle 2015; Ponisio etal. 2016); however, another study did not nd enhanced
nesting rates for ground-nesting bees in hedgerows (Sardiñas etal. 2016a).
Bumble bee queens often hibernate under trees in leaf litter. Upon emerging in
early spring, bumble bee queens seek rodent burrows and other insulated cavities in
which to start their colonies and rear their brood or offspring. Bumble bees often
select nest sites at the interface between elds and linear woody habitat such as
hedgerows and windbreaks (Svensson etal. 2000; Kells and Goulson 2003). One
study documented bumble bee nest densities twice as great in these linear woody
habitats when compared with grassland and other woodland habitats (Osborne etal.
2008b) while another study found hedgerows to be less preferred when compared to
herbaceous eld margins and grasslands for nest-searching bumble bee queen (Lye
etal. 2009). Non-cropped habitat suitable for nesting may also facilitate movement
of queens into the wider landscape (Carvell etal. 2017).
Agroforestry practices can provide egg-laying sites, larval host plants, and over-
wintering sites for lepidopteran (buttery and moth) species (Dover and Sparks
2000; Maudsley 2000; Merckx etal. 2012). Woody species were found to support
ten times more lepidopteran species than herbaceous plants in the US mid-Atlantic
region (Tallamy and Shropshire 2009). This work also documented that lepidopteran
species used native woody plant species as larval hosts 14 times more than nonna-
tive ornamental woody species. Some of the most highly used plant genera by lepi-
dopteran species include poplar, willows, cherry, plum, birch, and oaks (Quercus
spp.) (Tallamy and Shropshire 2009; Dumroese and Luna 2016). Lepidopteran spe-
cies and other pollinators including beetles overwinter under bark and leaf litter
found in hedgerows (Dover and Sparks 2000; Maudsley 2000; Pywell etal. 2005).
Enhancing Connectivity
Habitat is becoming increasingly fragmented due to agricultural intensication,
urban expansion, and other human activities (Saunders etal. 1991). Pollination ser-
vices at the farm and landscape scale are impacted by this fragmentation (e.g., Aizen
G. Bentrup et al.
and Feinsinger 1994; Sipes and Tepedino 1995). For example, Garibaldi et al.
(2011) estimated fruit set of pollinator-dependent crops decreased by 16% at 1km
distance from the nearest pollinator habitat.
Based on eld-level studies and modeling efforts, agroforestry practices can pro-
vide pollinator habitat close to crops and at a scale that benets foraging and crop
pollination (e.g., Morandin and Kremen 2013; Kremen and M’Gonigle 2015;
Morandin etal. 2016; Sutter etal. 2018; Graham and Nassauer 2019). For example,
the spatial distribution of windbreak and alley cropping plantings across elds to
achieve other nonpollinator-related services places habitat within the foraging range
of many pollinators, including short-distance foragers (Fig. 1) (Gathmann and
Tscharntke 2002; Benjamin etal. 2014; Moisan-DeSerres etal. 2015). The benets
of agroforestry practices for pollination services are often higher when this semi-
natural habitat is added to structurally simple elds and landscapes (e.g., Carvell
etal. 2011; Klein etal. 2012; Ponisio etal. 2016; Ponisio etal. 2019). This distribu-
tion of habitat also supports other insect-based services in agricultural elds such as
pest management by natural predatory insects. For instance, Morandin etal. (2014)
documented pest control by benecial insects extending 100m into crop elds from
hedgerows while Tscharntke etal. (2002) demonstrated that maintaining diverse
habitat on more than 20% of a farm helps ensure effective pest control by predatory
and parasitoid insects.
At the landscape scale, habitat connectivity is important for sustaining pollinator
diversity, reproduction, and dispersal. Different groups of pollinators respond to
habitat fragmentation in different ways (Cane etal. 2006; Brosi etal. 2008; Boscolo
etal. 2017). Although some pollinators can complete their entire life cycle within
hedgerows or riparian buffers, other pollinators may use agroforestry plantings for
Fig. 1 Windbreaks are typically planted at intervals of 10–15 times windbreak height (H) for
reducing erosion and enhancing crop yields through microclimate modication. Using an H of
18m as an example, the windbreaks would be spaced at 180–270 m across a eld. This would
place pollinator habitat within 90–135m from the center of the cropped area, well within the forag-
ing range of most pollinators as well as within the range of predatory and parasitoid insects to prey
on crop pests. Within a 1km2 eld, a 20m wide and 18m tall windbreak could provide 10% non-
cropped habitat area to support pollinators
The Role ofTemperate Agroforestry Practices inSupporting Pollinators
only a portion of their life cycle. Some pollinators can nest or overwinter in one
habitat and forage in another if the distances between the patches are within their
ight capabilities. Pollinators with limited dispersal capability, such as tiny sweat
bees that have foraging ranges of less than 250m (Greenleaf etal. 2007; Gathmann
and Tscharntke 2002) or butteries that are poor iers, may need plantings directly
connected to habitat to aid their dispersal. In contrast, bumble bees can forage up to
2km or more (Osborne etal. 2008a). Habitats with greater connectivity allow pol-
linators to travel more safely between patches to nd resources, disperse to new
habitat, and encounter potential mates.
Agroforestry practices can serve as habitat corridors connecting larger patches of
habitat that facilitate movement of organisms between habitat fragments, aid in
establishing or maintaining populations, promote greater genetic ow among popu-
lations, and increase species diversity within isolated areas (Tewksbury etal. 2002).
Experimental corridors have been found to increase the movement of pollinators
(Haddad 1999) as well as facilitate pollination (Tewksbury etal. 2002; Townsend
and Levey 2005). Evidence documenting pollinator use of agroforestry habitat as
corridors includes hedgerow-promoted movement of butteries (Ouin and Burel
2002), moths (Couthard etal. 2016), and bees (Cranmer etal. 2012; Klaus etal.
2015) and buttery travel along windbreaks (Dover and Fry 2001) and riparian buf-
fers (Meier etal. 2005). Corridors may not always need to directly connect habitat
areas to help organisms to disperse (Fried etal. 2005) as patches of habitat can serve
as stepping stones between isolated fragments in otherwise inhospitable landscapes
(Ottewell etal. 2009).
Agroforestry plantings extending across rural and urban landscapes often con-
tain greater plant diversity than adjacent lands, are longer term in nature, and are
generally protected from further development and major disturbances. In developed
landscapes, like intensively managed agricultural lands or cities, agroforestry plant-
ings are particularly valuable (Senapathi etal. 2017). Additionally, agroforestry cor-
ridors are likely to be particularly benecial in agricultural landscapes where natural
or seminatural habitat benets pollinator populations (e.g., Klein et al. 2012;
McKechnie etal. 2017) as well as crop pollination (Morandin and Winston 2006;
Blaauw and Isaacs 2014; Klatt etal. 2014). Hedgerows in intensively managed agri-
cultural landscapes, for example, increase bee, syrphid y, and other benecial
insect abundance and diversity in adjacent crop elds (Morandin and Kremen 2013;
Morandin etal. 2014).
However, agroforestry plantings may act as barriers to some pollinators, inhibit-
ing movement between habitats. Pollen ow can also potentially be reduced across
hedgerows (Klaus et al. 2015) and possibly other tree-row plantings. Krewenka
et al. (2011) found that bee foraging was not impacted by hedgerows; however,
another study found that bombyliid ies had reduced pollen transfer (Campagne
etal. 2009). Windbreaks and hedgerows can act as barriers for buttery movement
(Dover and Fry 2001). Hedgerows may channel pollinator movement, which could
enhance connectivity but restrict movement across hedgerows, isolating some plant
populations (Klaus etal. 2015). The orientation of plant rows may inuence hedge-
rows’ abilities to promote movement or act as barriers (Ouin and Burel 2002).
G. Bentrup et al.
Climate change impacts pollinators and their relationships with plants by driving
shifts in the ranges of pollinators or their host plants (Forister etal. 2010; Chen etal.
2011; Kerr etal. 2015), altering plant and pollinator phenology (Parmesan 2007;
Bartomeus et al. 2011), decreasing protein concentration in oral pollen (Ziska
etal. 2016), and increasing the impacts of other drivers of pollinator decline (Settele
etal. 2016). Increasing landscape connectivity is one proposed strategy to reduce
negative impacts of climate change on pollinators by enhancing the ability of spe-
cies to move into new regions as climate shifts (Krosby etal. 2010; Gilchrist etal.
2016). Agroforestry may help enhance connectivity across rural and urban land-
scapes, thereby helping species extend their ranges and have some resiliency in the
face of a changing climate.
Reducing Pesticide Exposure
Pesticides can have acute toxicity leading to pollinator mortality and sublethal
effects on growth and development, behavior, and other activities (Stanley and
Preetha 2016). Sublethal effects of pesticide exposure at very low concentrations
are reported on homing and foraging, larval development and adult emergence, and
visual and olfactory learning (Desneux etal. 2007; Sánchez-Bayo and Goka 2014).
Among social insects like honey bees and bumble bees, pesticides carried back to
the nest may also impact larvae, nestmates, and the queen, and delay emergence of
new adults (Wu etal. 2011). Pesticides can also suppress the immune system, mak-
ing bees (and likely other organisms) more susceptible to disease and parasites (e.g.,
Sánchez-Bayo etal. 2016; Czerwinski and Sadd 2017; Evans etal. 2018).
On farms and in other landscapes, pollinators may come into contact with pesti-
cides through several exposure pathways (Fig.2) (e.g., Krupke etal. 2012; Botías
etal. 2015; Chagnon etal. 2015; Johnson 2015; Hladik etal. 2016; Long and Krupke
2016; Stanley and Preetha 2016). Pollinators may also be exposed to multiple pes-
ticides over time (with higher cumulative levels of toxicity than an individual pesti-
cide or synergistic effects) (Sánchez-Bayo and Goka 2014). USDA (2014) provides
additional information on pesticide exposure pathways and methods for preventing
and mitigating potential negative impacts of pesticides on pollinators.
Agroforestry practices can help reduce pollinator exposure to pesticides that are
used for managing crop pests and diseases or reducing weed competition (Vaughan
etal. 2017). By understanding potential pesticide exposure pathways, farmers and
land managers can better design plantings such as windbreaks, hedgerows, and
riparian buffers that help reduce or mitigate potential negative impacts of pesticides
(Fig.3). The same agroforestry practices aimed at protecting pollinators can also
help reduce pesticide use and associated costs by supporting natural enemies of
crop pests, such as predatory and parasitic insects and other arthropods that reduce
pest populations (Morandin etal. 2016; Staton etal. 2019).
Windbreaks, hedgerows, and other linear plantings can reduce spray drift by up
to 80–90% by reducing wind speeds and trapping particles (Ucar and Hall 2001;
The Role ofTemperate Agroforestry Practices inSupporting Pollinators
Otto etal. 2015). Buffers slow wind speeds, and the porosity of plant buffers lets
wind move through the vegetation (vs. pushing up and over a solid barrier). At
slower wind speeds, particles are more likely to fall out and become trapped in foli-
age. Agroforestry buffers that are 2.5–3m tall, with 40–50% porosity and ne, ever-
green foliage (large surface area), are generally the most effective for drift prevention
(Ucar and Hall 2001; Wenneker and Van de Zande 2008; Mercer 2009; Otto et al.
2015; Chen etal. 2017). Yet, even hedgerows with porosity of nearly 75% have been
found to be effective in reducing drift by more than 80% (Lazzaro etal. 2008).
In orchards or other crop systems being sprayed early in the growing season,
buffers comprised of evergreen species can substantially reduce potential pollinator
exposure risk from spray drift (Wenneker and Van de Zande 2008; Felsot et al.
2010). Fine, evergreen, coniferous foliage can capture 2–4 times that of broadleaf
species, with the additional benet of trapping air pollutants in winter (Chen etal.
2017). Leaf roughness, hairiness, waxiness, and other factors can affect foliage cap-
ture of particulate matter and some research indicates that the arrangement of a lter
strip (with trees, shrubs, and grasses, and of an adequate length) is more important
than species composition (Terzaghi etal. 2013; Chen etal. 2016).
Agroforestry buffers can also help capture pesticide runoff, prevent or slow pesti-
cide movement through soil, and help to break down some pesticides (Chaudhry etal.
Fig. 2 Potential pesticide exposure pathways encountered by pollinators in an agricultural
Fig. 3 Using agroforestry practices to mitigate potential negative impacts of pesticides on
G. Bentrup et al.
2005; Jose 2009; Pavlidis and Tsihrintzis 2017). A meta-analysis by Zhang et al.
(2010) highlights how sediment captured by vegetative buffers helps improve pesti-
cide removal, particularly those pesticides that are strongly hydrophobic such as pyre-
throids and many organophosphates. Based on a review of available studies, Pavlidis
and Tsihrintzis (2017) documented a 40–100% reduction of pesticides (including her-
bicides) in runoff using agroforestry systems. Plants and rhizosphere microorganisms
vary in their ability to degrade or immobilize pesticides. Poplar, willow, birch, alder,
black locust, and sycamore (Platanus spp.) are North American native trees with doc-
umented effectiveness in capturing pesticide runoff or immobilizing pesticides within
their woody tissue (Pavlidis and Tsihrintzis 2017; Pavlidis and Tsihrintzis 2018).
However, the same factors making agroforestry practices effective buffers can also
lead to pesticide accumulation and pose danger for pollinators, particularly from sys-
temic pesticides and those with long residual activity such as neonicotinoids (Krupke
etal. 2012; Hopwood etal. 2016). Nectar and pollen of early- owering tree and shrub
species may become contaminated by systemic action of neonicotinoids or through
nontarget drift of treated seed-coating dust during crop planting (Long and Krupke
2016). Pesticide droplets and particles or pesticides adhering to dust can also accumu-
late in the foliage or at the base of agroforestry buffers (Zaady etal. 2018). Pollinators
may ingest or carry back to the nest particles contaminated with pesticides (Krupke
etal. 2012). If the pesticides or their metabolites have long residual activity and/or are
systemically taken up into the plants, the accumulated levels could mean chronic and
increased exposure over time. Pesticides accumulating in soil pose higher risks for the
approximately 70% of native bees that nest in the ground.
Increasing the proportion of non-cropped habitat in agricultural landscapes has
been shown to buffer the effects of pesticide on native bees (Park et al. 2015).
Agroforestry practices can provide this habitat, especially when the plantings are pro-
tected from pesticide exposure. No-spray buffer zones can be used to protect agrofor-
estry plantings that provide pollinator refuge (Davis and Williams 1990; Ucar and
Hall 2001). Spray drift deposition in hedgerows was reduced by 72% when a 12m
no-spray buffer zone was used next to the hedgerows (Kjær etal. 2014). Depending
on the cropping systems (and their potential spray regimes), it may be important to use
plants that do not provide pollinator forage in the rst rows adjacent to a eld (Fig.3).
Crop Pollination Services
Available scientic evidence demonstrates the conservation benets that agroforestry
practices can provide to insect pollinators, including greater pollinator abundance and
richness. Although these benets should translate into enhanced pollination services
leading to increased crop yields and quality, few studies have been conducted to docu-
ment this direct agronomic benet (Klein etal. 2012; Staton etal. 2019). Studies have
shown positive effects on canola (Brassica napus L.) yields due to hedgerows
(Morandin etal. 2016; Dainese etal. 2017) while another study showed no effects on
crop pollination in sunower (Helianthus annuus L.) (Sardiñas and Kremen 2015). In
apple orchards, researchers found increased pollinator abundance adjacent to an arti-
cial windbreak, which led to a 20–30% increase in fruit set with no reduction in fruit
The Role ofTemperate Agroforestry Practices inSupporting Pollinators
size (Smith and Lewis 1972). While the articial windbreak was created out of coir
netting, this study may suggest potential yield increases due to pollinator activity in
apple orchards with planted windbreaks.
Many factors are likely to inuence the ability of agroforestry practices to pro-
mote crop pollination services, including specic pollinator attributes, eld size,
crop type, plant composition of the agroforestry practice, and landscape context
(IPBES 2016). The diversity of interacting variables makes it challenging to con-
duct studies and develop guidelines for producers. For instance, the ratio of agrofor-
estry practice to crop area in order to supply sufcient pollination service is largely
unexplored (Venturini et al. 2017). One study demonstrated that native bees can
provide full pollination services for watermelon (Citrullus lanatus Thunb.) when
around 30% of the land within 1.2km of a eld is in natural habitat (Kremen etal.
2004), which could be an approximate analog to an agroforestry practice. Regarding
landscape context, one study found an increase in quality and quantity of strawber-
ries grown adjacent to forest-connected hedgerows, as compared to isolated hedge-
rows or grass margins (Castle et al. 2019). Plants placed at forest-connected
hedgerows produced more high-quality strawberries with 90% classied as “mar-
ketable.” In comparison, only 75% of strawberries from plants at isolated hedge-
rows, 48% of strawberries from plants on grassy margins, and 41% of strawberries
from self-pollinated control plants were classied as marketable. Based on market
prices of 2016, the increase in economic value between strawberries produced at
grassy margins and forest-connected hedgerows amounted to 61% (Castle etal.
2019). Cost-benet studies that assess the benets of an agroforestry practice for
pollination services compared to the costs of installation and maintenance, opportu-
nity costs, and costs of potential unintended negative effects are also very limited.
Morandin et al. (2016) estimated that 7 years would be required for farmers to
recover hedgerow implementation costs based on the estimated yield benets from
both pollination and pest control to the crop (Morandin etal. 2016). Future cost-
benet analyses should consider the range of agronomic effects in order to provide
comprehensive economic assessment of ecosystem services.
Agroforestry is a multifunctional land-use approach that provides a range of ecosystem
services in support of production and environmental stewardship goals (Nair 2007).
Capitalizing on insect-based ecosystem services, agroforestry offers opportunities to
benet pollinators and other benecial insects and their services including crop pollina-
tion and biological pest management. Based on the available scientic literature, agro-
forestry practices in temperate regions can aid pollinators and pollination services by
providing habitat, including foraging resources and nesting or egg-laying sites, enhanc-
ing site and landscape connectivity, and mitigating pesticide exposure.
A primary advantage for using agroforestry to support pollinators is that these prac-
tices inherently provide some pollinator benets and with additional considerations dur-
ing design and management, the effectiveness of agroforestry practices for pollinators
G. Bentrup et al.
can be enhanced. Due to common landscape settings and spatial congurations, each
agroforestry practice provides different options and advantages for providing pollinator
habitat, enhancing connectivity, and protecting against pesticides (Table3).
Table 3 General considerations for promoting pollinators and pollination services for each
agroforestry practice
Practice Considerations for pollinators
Alley cropping
(also called
Alley cropping presents an opportunity to grow plants in close proximity that
have complementary owering periods. By paying careful attention to bloom
periods and using multiple species, an alley cropping system can provide
nearly continuous pollen and nectar forage within a single farmscape.
Consider owering trees like black cherry, black locust, or basswood along
with the more typical alley cropping trees of walnut, pecan, or oak. Diverse
forbs and shrubs may be planted in rows for cut owers, berry production, or
the nursery market, as well as for pollinators. A legume forage crop between
rows will not only x nitrogen and help manage weeds, but also provide
nectar and pollen if allowed to ower
(also includes
These practices help reduce wind speed, making it easier for pollinators to y
and visit owers. When planted with diverse owering shrubs and trees,
windbreaks can provide shelter, pollen, and nectar for pollinators.
Windbreaks and other linear plantings can serve as buffers against drifting
pesticides. Do not use plants that will attract pollinators in windbreaks
designed to intercept pesticide drift. Planting wildowers during
establishment can enhance pollinator resources and reduce weed pressure
Riparian forest
Riparian forest buffers are especially important for pollinators during hot
summer months when upland plants may not produce nectar or pollen.
Early-owering willows, as well as fruit and nut-bearing shrubs, can provide
additional farm income as cut owers or produce, while also providing
reliable food resources for pollinators. Honey bees may also visit muddy
shorelines to gather water for cooling their hives. Riparian buffers are
important corridors for landscape connectivity from rural to urban areas,
facilitating pollinator dispersal
Silvopasture Silvopastures provide an open understory where a variety of owering forbs
(forage legumes, such as alfalfa or clover, or native wildowers) can grow.
Rotational grazing practices can give these forbs an opportunity to recover
from grazing or ower before being eaten. Harvestable owering trees, such
as basswood, black locust, maple, persimmon, or tulip tree, can enhance a
silvopasture system. Using thinning and prescribed re to daylight existing
seedbanks can restore natural diversity and promote owering plants that
benet pollinators
Forest farming
(also called
Many valuable overstory crop trees, like tulip tree, maple, basswood, and
black cherry, provide excellent pollinator habitat. Cultivated understory
plants, such as ginseng, goldenseal, and black cohosh, may benet from
pollinator visits. For example, diverse bees pollinate black cohosh. Black
cohosh does not produce nectar to attract bees, but relies on nearby prolic
nectar producers, such as pale touch-me-not or whiteower leafcup. The
pollination needs of many forest-farmed crops are not well understood, but
providing diverse habitat niches is the best way to support diverse pollinators.
Flies are likely important pollinators since some ies are active in cooler
temperatures, when many of the forest crops ower
Source: Modied from Vaughan and Black 2006
The Role ofTemperate Agroforestry Practices inSupporting Pollinators
Typically, agroforestry practices are planned for sites on individual farms and
ranches. Pollinator-friendly agroforestry plantings on a single farm can have
important benets for pollinators. Even greater impact can be achieved through
these plantings when planning and design are combined with other nearby farms
and ranches which are using pollinator-friendly practices. While it may be uncom-
mon for pollinators and other benecial insects to be considered in landscape
planning efforts (Steingröver etal. 2010), there are many potential benets from
broadening existing large-scale planning efforts to include pollinator issues.
Working across site and landscape scales, agroforestry practices can support pol-
linator abundance and richness, protect biodiversity, enhance pollination, and
increase food security.
Acknowledgements We would like to thank Justin Runyon, Judy Wu-Smart, Michele
Schoeneberger, Aimee Code, and two anonymous reviewers whose comments and feedback helped
to improve the chapter. This work was supported by funding provided by a contribution agreement
with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-Natural Resources Conservation
Service (NRCS) to the Xerces Society.
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G. Bentrup et al.
... For instance, strategically placed agroforestry systems can function as biological corridors (Laurance 2004) [27] or stepping stones that facilitate the movement of animals between patches of natural vegetation. This promotes biotic connectivity and enhances pollination (Bentrup et al. 2019;Bentrup et al. 2021) [6][7] and seed dispersal (Schroth et al. 2013) [43] . Agroforestry systems adjacent to forests can also act as buffers, shielding them from strong winds and harsh microclimates, thereby expanding the core area available to sensitive forest species. ...
... For instance, strategically placed agroforestry systems can function as biological corridors (Laurance 2004) [27] or stepping stones that facilitate the movement of animals between patches of natural vegetation. This promotes biotic connectivity and enhances pollination (Bentrup et al. 2019;Bentrup et al. 2021) [6][7] and seed dispersal (Schroth et al. 2013) [43] . Agroforestry systems adjacent to forests can also act as buffers, shielding them from strong winds and harsh microclimates, thereby expanding the core area available to sensitive forest species. ...
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Highly diverse ecosystems are confronted with persistent challenges including conversion, deforestation, and resource depletion driven by developmental projects, intensified land use, and expanded agricultural practices. Within this context, agricultural biodiversity, known as agrobiodiversity, emerges as a subset of overall biodiversity. Agrobiodiversity encompasses the genetic, species, ecosystem and even landscape diversity that sustains essential structures, functions, and processes in and around production systems. The consequences of losing agrobiodiversity within agroecosystems are profound, leading to ecosystem degradation, resource overexploitation, habitat disruption, and adverse effects. To confront the challenge, a promising solution lies in the adoption of time-tested agroforestry practices. This review article sheds light on the remarkable conservation value of agroforestry systems, characterized by their structural complexity, diverse plant life, and their similarity to natural forest ecosystems. Agroforestry systems play a pivotal role in preserving agrobiodiversity by reducing the need for further deforestation to accommodate agriculture. They also serve as vital habitats and resource reservoirs for native plant and animal species with partial dependence on forests while fostering landscape connectivity through corridors. Furthermore, agroforestry bolsters agrobiodiversity by creating concentrated, high-density zones near trees, due to favorable soil conditions, plant interactions, water resources, and microclimatic features. Therefore, agroforestry is a powerful tool for fostering agrobiodiversity, as it promotes a harmonious coexistence between trees and traditional agricultural elements, thereby enhancing the ecological richness and sustainability of farming systems.
... Synthesis on the PLFs current vulnerabilities and potential functions to be re-habilitated, in relation to their current state and the here-proposed corrective actions. References: [1]: (Burel, 1996;Carroll et al., 2004;Franco, 2000;Franco, 2004;Ryszkowski et al., 1999;Udawatta et al., 2021;Wolton et al., 2014); [2]: (Gascuel-Odoux et al., 2009;Hernández-Morcillo et al., 2018;Rivest et al., 2013;Ryszkowski et al., 1999;Wolton et al., 2014); [3]: (Hernández-Morcillo et al., 2018;Kremer, 2021;Lorenz and Lal, 2014;Rivest et al., 2013;Wolton et al., 2014);[4]: (Donald and Evans, 2006;Dramstad et al., 1996;Hernández-Morcillo et al., 2018;Tewksbury et al., 2002;With and Crist, 1995); [5]: (Bianchi et al., 2006;Précigout and Robert, 2022;Torralba et al., 2016;Wolton et al., 2014); [6]: (Bentrup et al., 2021;Nicholls and Altieri, 2013;Wolton et al., 2014);[7]: (Hernández-Morcillo et al., 2018); [8]: (Donald and Evans, 2006;Dramstad et al., 1996;Fahrig et al., 2011;Maskell et al., 2019;Morelli, 2013); [9]: (Burel, 1996;Catalano, 2021;Dzierżanowski et al., 2011;Franco, 2000;Franco, 2004;Ryszkowski et al., 1999;Udawatta, 2021;Wolton et al., 2014); [10]: (Falkowski and Diemont, 2021 (open and highly perturbed habitats, lowly structured and diversified, lowly connected) currently promote simplified, generalist communities, linked to instable initial dynamisms, as several theoretical frameworks confirm (Casula et al., 2006;Gliessman, 2007;Hooper et al., 2006;Hooper et al., 2005;Loreau et al., 2001;McKinney and Lockwood, 1999;Rebele, 1994;With and Crist, 1995). These traits suggest that the floristic-vegetational quality of PLFs could be improved, getting closer to the local potential, by operating on the modification (diversification and stabilization) of the available ecological niches for species insertion (Shea and Chesson, 2002), namely by bringing changes on current predominant habitat and function characters through the insertion of targeted species and planting patterns through space and time (Bakker and Wilson, 2004), relying on the initial floristic composition concept (Egler, 1954), and balancing the empty niches effects (Rebele, 1994). ...
... Several studies have documented that NFWV provides food for managed and wild pollinators [39,[59][60][61]. In terms of the type of resources, trees and shrubs that develop entomophilous flowers provide nectar and pollen (e.g., willow-Salix L., plum-Prunus L., lime tree-Tilia L., maple-Acer L., horse chestnut-Aesculus L., and locust-Robinia L.) or produce only pollen (e.g., roses-Rosa spp.) [62][63][64][65]. ...
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In light of pollinator decline, plant species suitable for the restoration and conservation of pollinators need to be selected. In this systemic review, we concentrated on the importance of NFWV (non-forest woody vegetation, i.e., linear or grouped trees/shrubs) for pollinators across agricultural landscapes. In the temperate climate zone, flowering trees and shrubs provide nectar sugar (energy) and pollen (nutrients) for managed and wild pollinators. They also create nesting niches and serve as host plants that support the full life cycle of wild pollinators. The creation of woodland strips/groups is a cost-effective and time-saving strategy to improve self-repeatable nectar and pollen resources on a landscape scale. The spatial distribution of NFWV can help to create an entire network of pollinator-friendly habitats. NFWV can support the continuity of food resources outside of the crop flowering season, i.e., during seasonal bottlenecks. This concept also offers other environmental benefits (e.g., water and air quality improvement, climate mitigation). However, future work should address the usefulness of trees/shrubs for different crops and regions to develop a network of flower-rich corridors. Likewise, more advanced and detailed studies are necessary to determine the qualitative characteristics of nectar and pollen, which may result in optimization of pollinator nutrition.
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Trees are intentionally integrated in agroforestry for numerous ecosystem services including carbon sequestration, environmental, production, and economics. Open tree growth is different from that in forests and data is limited, thus restricting integration of trees in agroforestry for optimum benefits. Growth of pin oak (Quercus palustris Muenchh.), swamp white oak (Q. bicolor Willd.), and bur oak (Q. macrocarpa Michx.) were evaluated for 24 years in an alley cropping agroforestry watershed in Northern Missouri, USA. Containerized oak seedlings were planted at 3-m spacing in the center of 4.5-m wide contour grass-legume strips established at 22.8–36.5 m intervals on a 4.44-ha watershed with a corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) rotation. Tree height and diameter (dbh and 10-cm) were recorded. Among the three species pin oak had the greatest height, diameter at 10-cm, and dbh growth during the 24-year study. Pin oak trees showed 1.2-, 1.4-, and 1.2-times greater height, 10-cm diameter, and dbh than swamp white oak trees, the second-best species at the watershed. Biomass and carbon values of pin oak were 1.7 and 3.7 times in 2021 than swamp white oak and bur oak. Bur oak trees had the lowest height, 10-cm diameter, dbh, biomass, and carbon values among the three species. With the 3-species composition, tree biomass and carbon accumulation in a 24-year period were 22,613 and 10,854 kg ha−1. Trees had > 20% tapering in the main stem. Among the three species swamp white oak had 21% tapering while pin and bur oak both had 25% tapering. All three species appear to be suitable for watershed protection while pin oak showed promising growth and greater accumulation of biomass and carbon. The study emphasizes development of agroforestry-specific tree growth models as open-grown trees differ from those in conventional forestry. This can help the selection of suitable species for enhanced ecosystem services
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Agroforestry can provide ecosystem services and benefits such as soil erosion control, microclimate modification for yield enhancement, economic diversification, livestock production and well-being, and water quality protection. Through increased structural and functional diversity in agricultural landscapes, agroforestry practices can also affect ecosystem services provided by insect pollinators. A literature review was conducted to synthesize information on how temperate agroforestry systems influence insect pollinators and their pollination services with particular focus on the role of trees and shrubs. Our review indicates that agroforestry practices can provide three overarching benefits for pollinators: (1) providing habitat including foraging resources and nesting or egg-laying sites, (2) enhancing site and landscape connectivity, and (3) mitigating pesticide exposure. In some cases, agroforestry practices may contribute to unintended consequences such as becoming a sink for pollinators, where they may have increased exposure to pesticide residue that can accumulate in agroforestry practices. Although there is some scientific evidence suggesting that agroforestry practices can enhance crop pollination and yield, more research needs to be conducted on a variety of crops to verify this ecosystem service. Through a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of agroforestry practices on pollinators and their key services, we can better design agroforestry systems to provide these benefits in addition to other desired ecosystem services.
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Agroforestry systems, which incorporate trees into agricultural land, could contribute to sustainable agricultural intensification as they have been shown to increase land productivity, biodiversity and some regulating ecosystem services. However, the effect of temperate agroforestry systems on pest control and pollination services has not been comprehensively reviewed, despite the importance of these services for sustainable intensification. We review and analyse the available evidence for silvoarable agroforestry systems, following which we propose a predictive framework for future research to explain the observed variation in results, based on ecological theory and evidence from analogous systems. Of the 12 studies included in our meta-analysis of natural enemies and pests, the observed increases in natural enemy abundance (+24%) and decreases in arthropod herbivore/pest abundance (-25%) in silvoarable systems were both significant, but molluscan pests were more abundant in silvoarable systems in the two available studies. Only three studies reported effects on pollinators, but all found higher abundance in silvoarable compared with arable systems. Measures of pest control or pollination service are scarce, but suggest stronger effect sizes. Our framework seeks to establish hypotheses for future research through an interpretation of our findings in the context of the wider literature, including landscape characteristics, silvoarable system design and management, system maturity, trophic interactions and experimental design. Our findings suggest that silvoarable systems can contribute to sustainable intensification by enhancing beneficial invertebrates and suppressing arthropod pests compared with arable, but future research should include measures of pest control and pollination and implications for productivity and economic value.
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Declining biodiversity (BD) is aecting food security, agricultural sustainability,and environmental quality. Agroforestry (AF) is recognized as a possible partial solution forBD conservation and improvement. This manuscript uses published peer-reviewed manuscripts,reviews, meta-analysis, and federal and state agency documents to evaluate relationships betweenAF and BD and how AF can be used to conserve BD. The review revealed that floral, faunal, and soilmicrobial diversity were significantly greater in AF as compared to monocropping, adjacent croplands, and within crop alleys and some forests. Among the soil organisms, arbuscular mycorrhizaefungi (AMF), bacteria, and enzyme activities were significantly greater in AF than crop and livestockpractices. Agroforestry also creates spatially concentrated high-density BD near trees due to favorablesoil-plant-water-microclimate conditions. The greater BD was attributed to heterogeneous vegetation,organic carbon, microclimate, soil conditions, and spatial distribution of trees. Dierences in BDbetween AF and other management types diminished with time. Evenly distributed leaves, litter,roots, dead/live biological material, and microclimate improve soil and microclimate in adjacentcrop and pasture areas as the system matures. Results of the study prove that integration of AFcan improve BD in agricultural lands. Selection of site suitable tree/shrub/grass-crop combinationscan be used to help address soil nutrient deficiencies or environmental conditions. Future studieswith standardized management protocols may be needed for all regions to further strengthen thesefindings and to develop AF establishment criteria for BD conservation and agricultural sustainability.
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Mosaics of agricultural land, forests, and other semi-natural areas represent landscapes providing valuable habitats and resources for various insect groups. We investigated the added value of agroforestry, the combination of crops or grasslands with woody elements, for important pollinating insects e.g. wild bees and associated pollination service potential at the landscape scale using a modelling approach. In a case study region in Switzerland, characterized by traditional grassland-cherry agroforestry, eight 1 km² landscape test sites (LTS) with contrasting coverage of agroforestry were selected. Flowering resources and potential nesting habitats were mapped. The contribution of cherry trees floral resources was estimated by flower counts. Lonsdorf equations were used to assess the pollination service potential and were modelled at landscape scale for three scenarios: (A) agroforestry systems containing flowering cherry trees, (B) agroforestry systems with tree species that do not provide floral resources to wild bees and (C) replacement of agroforestry by grassland systems without trees. In total there was a higher proportion of flowering and nesting resources in LTS with agroforestry. The area of cherry flowers was, on average, a factor of 1 to 2.7 of the canopy area. Models predict enhanced wild bee habitat quality and tend to predict increased provision of pollination services by wild bees in landscapes with higher proportion of cherry tree agroforestry. Mainly cavity nesting species might potentially benefit from the agroforestry trees. Our findings highlight the potentially important role of traditional flowering fruit tree with grassland agroforestry in sustaining wild bees and associated delivery of pollination services in agroecosystems.
Most bees collect pollen and nectar for their larvae, while some also collect other resources. We investigated the evolution of floral oil-collecting behaviour in the Apidae and the evolutionary effects of floral oils on host brood cells for cuckoo bees. Focusing on apid bee phylogeny, we reconstructed the evolution of floral oil collection by females, use of floral oils in cell construction and the inclusion of oils in provisioning immatures. Ancestral character reconstruction demonstrates that floral oil-collecting behaviour arose four times independently. We also found that in cuckoo bees, parasitization of oil-collecting bees arose three times (including one secondary return) in Apidae. Except for Ctenoplectrina, oil cuckoo bees are all closely related to each other, forming an independent clade within the Nomadinae. Analysis of evolutionary transition rates indicates that there is a greater tendency for switching from an oil-collecting host to a non-oil-collecting host than the reverse. In apid bees, evolutionary transition rates are higher for switching to cuckoo behaviour from an ancestral lineage in which females collect floral oils than from other pollen-collecting lineages. We conclude that adaptation to oil collection is advantageous for pollen-collecting bees, and that the origin of oil cuckoo bees from non-oil cuckoo bees is constrained.
Most bees collect pollen and nectar for their larvae, while some also collect other resources. We investigated the evolution of floral oil-collecting behaviour in the Apidae and the evolutionary effects of floral oils on host brood cells for cuckoo bees. Focusing on apid bee phylogeny, we reconstructed the evolution of floral oil collection by females, use of floral oils in cell construction and the inclusion of oils in provisioning immatures. Ancestral character reconstruction demonstrates that floral oil-collecting behaviour arose four times independently. We also found that in cuckoo bees, parasitization of oil-collecting bees arose three times (including one secondary return) in Apidae. Except for Ctenoplectrina, oil cuckoo bees are all closely related to each other, forming an independent clade within the Nomadinae. Analysis of evolutionary transition rates indicates that there is a greater tendency for switching from an oil-collecting host to a non-oil-collecting host than the reverse. In apid bees, evolutionary transition rates are higher for switching to cuckoo behaviour from an ancestral lineage in which females collect floral oils than from other pollen-collecting lineages. We conclude that adaptation to oil collection is advantageous for pollen-collecting bees, and that the origin of oil cuckoo bees from non-oil cuckoo bees is constrained.