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Co-structure analysis and genetic associations reveal insights into pinworms (Trypanoxyuris) and primates (Alouatta palliata) microevolutionary dynamics


Abstract and Figures

Background In parasitism arm race processes and red queen dynamics between host and parasites reciprocally mold many aspects of their genetics and evolution. We performed a parallel assessment of population genetics and demography of two species of pinworms with different degrees of host specificity ( Trypanoxyuris multilabiatus , species-specific; and T. minutus, genus-specific) and their host, the mantled howler monkey ( Alouatta palliata ), based on mitochondrial DNA sequences and microsatellite loci (these only for the host). Given that pinworms and primates have a close co-evolutionary history, covariation in several genetic aspects of their populations is expected. Results Mitochondrial DNA revealed two genetic clusters (West and East) in both pinworm species and howler monkeys, although population structure and genetic differentiation were stronger in the host, while genetic diversity was higher in pinworms than howler populations. Co-divergence tests showed no congruence between host and parasite phylogenies; nonetheless, a significant correlation was found between both pinworms and A. palliata genetic pairwise distances suggesting that the parasites’ gene flow is mediated by the host dispersal. Moreover, the parasite most infective and the host most susceptible haplotypes were also the most frequent, whereas the less divergent haplotypes tended to be either more infective (for pinworms) or more susceptible (for howlers). Finally, a positive correlation was found between pairwise p-distance of host haplotypes and that of their associated pinworm haplotypes. Conclusion The genetic configuration of pinworm populations appears to be molded by their own demography and life history traits in conjunction with the biology and evolutionary history of their hosts, including host genetic variation, social interactions, dispersal and biogeography. Similarity in patterns of genetic structure, differentiation and diversity is higher between howler monkeys and T. multilabiatus in comparison with T. minutus , highlighting the role of host-specificity in coevolving processes. Trypanoxyuris minutus exhibits genetic specificity towards the most frequent host haplotype as well as geographic specificity. Results suggest signals of potential local adaptation in pinworms and further support the notion of correlated evolution between pinworms and their primate hosts.
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Solórzano‑Garcíaetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:190‑021‑01924‑4
Co‑structure analysis andgenetic
associations reveal insights intopinworms
(Trypanoxyuris) andprimates (Alouatta palliata)
microevolutionary dynamics
Brenda Solórzano‑García1,4 , Ella Vázquez‑Domínguez2* , Gerardo Pérez‑Ponce de León3,4 and
Daniel Piñero1
Background: In parasitism arm race processes and red queen dynamics between host and parasites reciprocally
mold many aspects of their genetics and evolution. We performed a parallel assessment of population genetics
and demography of two species of pinworms with different degrees of host specificity (Trypanoxyuris multilabiatus,
species‑specific; and T. minutus, genus‑specific) and their host, the mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata), based
on mitochondrial DNA sequences and microsatellite loci (these only for the host). Given that pinworms and primates
have a close co‑evolutionary history, covariation in several genetic aspects of their populations is expected.
Results: Mitochondrial DNA revealed two genetic clusters (West and East) in both pinworm species and howler
monkeys, although population structure and genetic differentiation were stronger in the host, while genetic diversity
was higher in pinworms than howler populations. Co‑divergence tests showed no congruence between host and
parasite phylogenies; nonetheless, a significant correlation was found between both pinworms and A. palliata genetic
pairwise distances suggesting that the parasites’ gene flow is mediated by the host dispersal. Moreover, the parasite
most infective and the host most susceptible haplotypes were also the most frequent, whereas the less divergent
haplotypes tended to be either more infective (for pinworms) or more susceptible (for howlers). Finally, a positive cor
relation was found between pairwise p‑distance of host haplotypes and that of their associated pinworm haplotypes.
Conclusion: The genetic configuration of pinworm populations appears to be molded by their own demography
and life history traits in conjunction with the biology and evolutionary history of their hosts, including host genetic
variation, social interactions, dispersal and biogeography. Similarity in patterns of genetic structure, differentiation
and diversity is higher between howler monkeys and T. multilabiatus in comparison with T. minutus, highlighting the
role of host‑specificity in coevolving processes. Trypanoxyuris minutus exhibits genetic specificity towards the most
frequent host haplotype as well as geographic specificity. Results suggest signals of potential local adaptation in pin‑
worms and further support the notion of correlated evolution between pinworms and their primate hosts.
Keywords: Coevolution, Ecological interactions, Gene flow, Host–parasite associations, Host‑specificity, Parasitism
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Ecological interactions drive evolutionary change,
where each member of the association acts as a natu-
ral selective agent to its counterpart. Coevolutionary
Open Access
BMC Ecology and Evolution
2 Departamento de Ecología de la Biodiversidad, Instituto de Ecología,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 04510 Mexico City, Mexico
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Solórzano‑Garcíaetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:190
changes occurring among participants will be more or
less evident depending on the strength, frequency and
dependency of the interaction. Parasitism constitutes an
intimate association in which arm race processes and red
queen dynamics between host and parasites reciprocally
mold many aspects of their genetics, physiology, mor-
phology, behaviour, and life history traits [13]. Genetic
studies about host–parasite systems have documented
how the life cycle of the parasite and the degree of host
specificity, jointly with host population size and dispersal
capability, are key factors influencing the genetic struc-
ture of parasites and the potential to form coevolution-
ary associations [2, 48]. For instance, a study with bats
and their parasitic mite showed a tight link between
the genetic structure of the parasite and its host’s social
structure [9]. Also, the level of agreement between the
genetic patterns of host and parasite were related to the
level of host specificity in the Galapagos hawk and three
ectoparasites species, in which the highly specific louse
(Degeeriella regalis) showed congruent genetic structure
with the hawk, yielding insights about the host’s recent
evolutionary history [10]. Additionally, gene flow in para-
sites with complex life cycles can be markedly influenced
by the dispersal of the most vagile host [11], while strong
genetic drift has been observed in parasite populations
whose hosts have low dispersal abilities and small home
ranges [12]. Correlations between genetic distances of
host and parasite have also been observed in parasites
with complex life cycles involving free-living stages, like
Schistosoma mansoni and its definitive rat host [11], and
between the freshwater New Zealand snail (Potamopyr-
gus antipodarum) and its trematode parasite (Micro-
phallus sp.) [13]. Furthermore, a cophylogenetic study
evaluating the evolutionary histories of mammal hosts
and helminth parasites showed that the host’s phyloge-
netic history is a key driver of host–parasite associations
and parasite cross-species transmission potential [14].
Although evolutionary interactions between host and
parasites can be tight enough to yield correlated genetic
patterns and even cophylogenetic relationships and
cospeciation [1416], concordance between host and
parasite microevolution is not always straightforward,
where asynchronous coevolutionary dynamics can arise,
promoting either local adaptation or maladaptation [17,
18]. Commonly, parasites are expected to be more locally
adapted than their hosts, exhibiting higher mean perfor-
mance in “home” hosts than in “away” hosts [19]. Uneven
dispersal rates between hosts and parasites are likely to
disrupt local adaptation processes [5, 20], resulting in
differing degrees of susceptibility/infectivity among host
and parasite populations. Hence, parallel assessments of
the evolutionary history and population genetics of host
and parasites are essential for the understanding of local
adaptation and host specificity, the evolution of virulence
and host resistance, as well as the emergence of evolu-
tionary associations in which both host and parasite suc-
cessfully coexist.
Studies about genetic relationships, divergence and
coevolutionary patterns between non-human primates
and their parasites have evaluated parasite host-specific-
ity and parasite diversification regarding host phylogeny,
predominantly with infectious disease agents and some
ectoparasites [2125]. Here we explore the synchrony of
microevolutionary dynamics between a metazoan para-
site and its host, for which pinworms and non-human
primates represent a most suitable study system. Pin-
worms are parasitic nematodes with direct life cycle and
no free-living stage, their eggs survive only a few days
once released to the environment, and transmission
occurs mainly by direct contact [26]. ese features make
pinworms highly dependent on host movement for dis-
persion among host populations. Moreover, pinworms
are host-specific parasites showing a close coevolution-
ary history with their primate hosts, supported by cophy-
logenetic studies [27, 28] and by correlations between
parasite–host life history traits, including pinworm
body size and primate longevity and immune responses
[29, 30]. Consequently, one might expect covariation of
diverse genetic attributes such as diversity and differen-
tiation between pinworms and primate populations.
Mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) are
endangered primates, whose arboreal nature and pre-
dominant folivorous diet significantly limit their dispersal
capability across an unforested matrix [31]. is primate
species is distributed from western Ecuador and north-
ern Colombia to southeastern Mexico, where Mexican
howler monkeys represent the northernmost distribution
of primates in the American continent [32]. As a result of
intense habitat fragmentation throughout their distribu-
tion range in southeast Mexico, most of their populations
are isolated in forest remnants surrounded by anthropic
land use [33]. Alouatta palliata is parasitized by two
species of pinworms, Trypanoxyuris minutus which is
widely dispersed, found in several howler monkey spe-
cies including A. belzebul, A. caraya, A. guariba, A. pigra,
and A. seniculus [34]; and T. multilabiatus, which has
only been reported in A. palliata [35]. Both parasites are
highly prevalent in mantled howler populations in Mex-
ico and mixed infections are common [36].
We analysed the genetic diversity, genetic struc-
ture and demographic history of A. palliata and their
pinworms from across its geographic range in south-
east Mexico, using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) for
both host and parasites along with microsatellite data
only for the host. Given the biology and direct mode
of transmission of these parasites, with no vectors
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Solórzano‑Garcíaetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:190
or intermediary hosts that could influence parasite
genetic configuration other than howler monkeys, the
close evolutionary association between pinworms and
primates, in conjunction with the likely higher evolu-
tionary potential of the parasite compared to that of
their host, we predict: (1) higher genetic diversity and
stronger genetic structure in pinworms in comparison
with howler groups, given that the parasite’s larger
populations sizes and shorter generation times render
the effects on genetic patterns of habitat fragmenta-
tion and limited host dispersal more quickly detect-
able in parasites in comparison with the host; (2) a
positive association between genetic distances of host
and parasites, indicating that genetically similar host
populations harbour similar parasite populations, thus
implying a dependence of the pinworms gene flow on
primate movement; (3) concordant genealogical pat-
terns between host and parasites; and (4) signs of local
adaptation in the pinworm species; the last two predic-
tions are associated with both the host-specificity and
the coevolutionary hypothesis for pinworms and pri-
mates. In order to address this last point, we assessed
host–parasite mtDNA haplotype relationships and
evaluated how these associations relate to haplotype
divergence, parasite infectivity and host susceptibility.
Genetic structure, dierentiation anddiversity inhost
S results revealed two main genetic clusters
corresponding to West and East sampling localities in
both pinworm species and the howler monkey, although
the clustering is stronger in the host (Fig.1). e West
cluster comprises populations from Los Tuxtlas, Santa
Marta and Uxpanapa regions, whereas the East cluster
includes the Comalcalco and Pichucalco regions. Indi-
viduals from Agaltepec island (the howler semi-captive
population) were assigned to the West cluster for A.
palliata and T. multilabiatus, but to the East cluster for
T. minutus. A third cluster was evident only for howler
monkeys (mtDNA and microsatellites), further divid-
ing western localities into two genetic clusters (West a
and b; Fig.1). e AMOVA results showed that genetic
variability is distributed among clusters, with similar
values in howler monkeys (FCT = 0.256, p < 0.001) and T.
multilabiatus (FCT = 0.277, p = 0.07), while smaller in T.
minutus (FCT = 0.074, p = 0.005). Pairwise FST differentia-
tion was significant between all regions for howler mon-
keys and between West and East clusters for T. minutus,
whereas T. multilabiatus exhibited no significant differ-
entiation (Additional file1: Tables S1 and S2). At a local
scale, significant pairwise FST values between sampling
localities within the same region were observed only for
West a West b East
17.2° 18.1° 18.9°
-95.8° -94.8°-93.9°-93.0°-92.0°
17.2° 18.1° 18.9°
-95.8° -94.8° -93.9°-93.0°-92.0°
A. palliata
A. palliata
T. minutus
T. multilabiatus
K=3 K=2
|| |||
T. minutus
T. multilabiatus
|| ||
A. palliata
Fig. 1 Study site and population genetic structure of Alouatta palliata and its pinworms Trypanoxyuris minutus and T. multilabiatus. A Maps
showing sampling localities for host and the two parasite species; pie charts depict average per cluster assignment values in each population. B
Barplots of ancestry proportions (Structure results), based on mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt-b) and microsatellites loci (Mst) for the host and on
mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 gene (COI) for the parasites, in the six studied regions: TUX = Los Tuxtlas (1. Montepio), SMT = Santa
Marta (2. Playa, 3. Mirador Pilapa, 4. La Valentina), AGA = Agaltepec island (5), UXP = Uxpanapa (6. Plan de Arroyo, 7. Murillo Vidal), CML = Comalcalco
(8. Hacienda la Luz, 9. Archaeological Site), PCH = Pichucalco (10); numbers correspond to locations in figure A
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Solórzano‑Garcíaetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:190
howler monkeys (Additional file 1: TableS3). Isolation
by distance (mtDNA Mantel tests) was observed for both
pinworm species, while howler monkeys only showed
significant isolation by distance based on microsatellites
RST (Additional file1: Fig. S1).
Genetic variability based on mtDNA showed higher
haplotype and nucleotide diversity in the two pin-
worms species in comparison with the host (Additional
file1: TableS4). In all cases, the West cluster had higher
mtDNA diversity values than the East cluster; instead, no
differences were observed for the nuclear diversity in the
host. Genetic diversity is distinctly distributed in each
species as shown in the interpolation maps, although cer-
tain similarities can be identified with mtDNA (Fig. 2).
Overall, eastern groups tend to be less genetically diverse
compared to western ones, except for Santa Marta region
(SMT) that has markedly lower genetic diversity in T.
Correlation betweengenetic distances ofhost
A significant positive correlation was found between
T. minutus and howler monkeys FST pairwise distances
(r = 0.53, p = 0.008); all other computed genetic dis-
tances showed no correlation (D-Jost: r = 0.12, p = 0.29;
Hedrick’s GST: r = 0.11, p = 0.29; Edw ards: r = 0.04,
p = 0.4) (Additional file1: Fig. S2). For T. multilabiatus
and howler monkeys, a positive correlation was found
between pairwise Hedrick’s GST (r = 0.64, p = 0.02) and
FST (r = 0.75, p = 0.02); D-Jost (r = 0.08 p = 0.42) and
Edward distances (r = 0.07, p = 0.5) were not significant
(Additional file1: Fig. S2).
Demographic history andgenealogies
e Bayesian skyline plots (BSPs) results supported
larger population sizes in parasites compared with those
of their host, exhibiting particular demographic histories
for each species. e howler monkey showed a gradual
population growth and recent population decline. Tryp-
anoxyuris minutus also showed a past continuous popu-
lation growth which seems to slow down more recently,
while a dynamic behaviour with a decreasing and final
increase trend towards the present was observed in T.
multilabiatus (Fig.3).
Regarding the haplotype evolutionary history, 19 dif-
ferent haplotypes were found in howler monkeys, 59 in
T. minutus and 8 in T. multilabiatus. e host median-
joining network differed in several aspects from that of
the pinworms. First, a most frequent haplotype, likely
ancestral, in the howler monkey network, present across
all regions except TUX and CML (Fig.3a). Instead, the
T. minutus genealogy resulted in a complex network
with many alternative paths between haplotypes and no
geographic concordance; the most parsimonious tree
showed few frequent haplotypes and many singletons,
most of them specific to certain localities (Fig.3b). Also,
-95.8° -94.8° -93.9° -93.0° -92.0°
17.2° 18.1° 18.9°
A) B)
Fig. 2 Interpolation maps showing the distribution of genetic diversity in the host and the two pinworm species across their range in Mexico.
A Alouatta palliata expected heterozygosity from microsatellite data; B A. palliata haplotype diversity (Hd) from cyt-b sequences; C Trypanoxyuris
minutus and D T. multilabiatus haplotype diversity (Hd) from COI sequence data. Black dots represent sampling localities
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Solórzano‑Garcíaetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:190
the howler monkey haplotypes were connected by 1 to
8 mutational steps, while haplotypes of the pinworms
showed shorter connections (1 to 3 mutational steps),
except for one T. multilabiatus haplotype separated from
the rest by 18 mutational steps (Fig.3c). e codivergence
test showed no significant congruence between host and
parasite phylogenies (global test = 0.00014, p = 0.854),
suggesting random evolutionary associations between
howler monkey and T. minutus haplotypes.
Host susceptibility, parasite infectivity andhaplotypes
e associations between howler and T. minutus hap-
lotypes along with their frequency are shown in Fig.4.
Eighty one percent of the T. minutus haplotypes (48/59)
were associated to single host haplotypes, most of them
specific to certain localities, whereas only 11 pinworm
haplotypes infected 2 or more host haplotypes, with a
mean of 1.3 host haplotypes infected by each pinworm
haplotype. Haplotype Hap5 was the most infective, para-
sitizing five different howler haplotypes. A positive cor-
relation was observed between infectivity and frequency,
with the most infective T. minutus haplotypes also being
the most frequent (ρ = 0.99, p < 0.001; Fig. 4). Regarding
the host, each howler haplotype was infected by a mean
of 4 different pinworm haplotypes (1–21), where the
most frequent haplotypes were also the most susceptible
= 0.87, p < 0.001; Fig.4).
A negative correlation was found between haplotype
infectivity/susceptibility and mean haplotype p-distance,
where less divergent haplotypes tend to be either more
infective (pinworm haplotypes associated to a larger
number of host haplotypes) (τ = 0.32, p = 0.002), or more
susceptible (howler haplotypes parasitized by a larger
number of pinworm haplotypes) (τ = 0.63, p < 0.001;
Additional file1: Fig. S3). When comparing haplotypes
that share host/parasite, p-distance is lower between pin-
worm haplotypes that parasitize the same host haplotype
than those infecting different host haplotypes (Fig. 5a,
b). e same occurred for howler monkeys, p-distance
between haplotypes sharing pinworm haplotypes was
lower than those parasitized by different T. minutus hap-
lotypes (Fig. 5c, d). Finally, a positive correlation was
found between host haplotypes pairwise p-distance and
the genetic distance of their associated pinworm hap-
lotypes, where similar host haplotypes tend to harbour
genetically similar pinworm haplotypes (Additional file1:
Fig. S4).
Fig. 3 Haplotype genealogical relationships and demographic history of A Alouatta palliata, B Trypanoxyuris minutus and C T. multilabiatus. Top:
median‑joining haplotype networks, colours correspond to sampled geographic regions in southeast Mexico. Bottom: Bayesian skyline plots
based on mtDNA showing changes in median female effective population sizes (Nef) through time. A Gradual population growth in howler
monkeys until ca. 8000 years ago, decreasing afterwards until reaching a most recent Nef of 60,000. B Continuous population growth in T. minutus
until ca. 250 years ago when the increase rate slowed down to a relatively constant trend (Nef from 1,303,500 to 1,347,000. C dynamic trend in T.
multilabiatus population growth, remaining constant until ca. 2000 years ago and then fluctuating by decreasing from 32,250 to 24,700, followed by
a rapid increase around 800 years ago up to 88,400, to a final decrease with a most recent Nef of 86,000
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Here we present a co-structure analysis of the microevo-
lutionary dynamics of the coevolving system between
the mantled howler monkey Alouatta palliata and its
two parasitic pinworms, differing in their degree of host
specificity across the host’s distribution range in south-
eastern Mexico. e genetic and demographic patterns
we observed support the notion of correlated evolution
between pinworms and their primate host.
Host–parasite genetic patterns andmicroevolutionary
e patterns of genetic structure, differentiation and
diversity are more similar between howler monkeys and
its host species-specific pinworm Trypanoxyuris multi-
labiatus than with T. minutus, the host genus-specific.
ese findings support the tight evolutionary associa-
tion previously suggested in a phylogenetic study where
divergence in T. multilabiatus follows mantled howler
monkey subspecies, while in T. minutus this pattern is
absent [37].
As predicted, genetic diversity was higher in both
pinworm species compared to that of the howler mon-
key. Although pinworms exhibit a haplodiploid mode of
reproduction [26], the high genetic diversity observed
in this and previous studies [38] suggests that sexual
reproduction in Trypanoxyuris might be more frequent
than asexual. Another alternative would be that, despite
having a predominantly asexual reproduction, the high
Los Tuxtlas Santa Marta
Comalcalco Pichucalco
T. minutus
A. palliata
Haplotype frequency
ρ = 0.99, p < 0.001
Haplotype frequency
ρ = 0.87, p < 0.001
Fig. 4 Host/parasite haplotype associations between howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) and pinworms (Trypanoxyuris minutus). Bars represent
haplotype frequency and lines indicate the associations among haplotypes. Colours correspond to geographic regions. Black lines depict
associations occurring in different regions. Top inset: Spearman correlation between T. minutus haplotype frequency and haplotype infectivity
(number of different host haplotypes associated to each pinworm haplotype). Bottom inset: Spearman correlation between A. palliata haplotype
frequency and vulnerability (number of different pinworm haplotypes co‑occurring within each host haplotype)
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genetic variability might result from the large parasite
population sizes. Notably, genetic variation was also
higher in T. minutus than in T. multilabiatus, which
can be explained by the relationship between genetic
diversity and effective population size [39], given that
T. multilabiatus is markedly less abundant and with
an apparent restricted distribution—it has not been
found in the northernmost mantled howler popula-
tions of Los Tuxtlas [35]. Greater genetic diversity can
also be related to the degree of host specificity; that is,
a broader host spectrum in T. minutus could trigger not
only larger population sizes but also the need to adapt
to different host environments, hence higher genetic
variation. We acknowledge further evaluation is needed
because in this study the T. multilabiatus sample size
was small.
We predicted higher differentiation in the parasites due
to their dependent and more restricted migration. How-
ever, despite the presence of two genetic clusters (West
and East) in both parasites and their host, genetic struc-
ture and genetic differentiation, contrary to our predic-
tion, were stronger in the host than in both pinworms
species, in agreement with limited dispersal in the pri-
mate as previously documented for this species [4042].
Mazé-Guilmo etal. [5] suggest that variables related to
host dispersal could be poor predictors of genetic pat-
terns in parasites, and that alternative factors like the
host’s and the parasite’s biology are also key drivers of the
codistribution of their genetic variation. Nonetheless, in
parasites with direct life cycles lacking free-living stages,
as is the case in pinworms, host and parasite concord-
ant pairwise genetic differentiation might be expected
[5]. We observed a positive correlation between genetic
distances of howler monkeys and both pinworm species
which indicates that genetically similar host populations
harbour genetically similar parasites, suggesting that pin-
worm gene flow is mediated by howler monkey dispersal.
Large population sizes in these parasites, as evidenced
by the demographic (BSP) results, might be counteract-
ing the effects of genetic drift, while higher gene flow in
the parasites can also contribute to their lower genetic
structure. Given that one howler individual can har-
bour a large number of pinworms (up to ~ 62,000 adult
pinworms have been counted in a howler monkey indi-
vidual [43]), the dispersal of just one monkey could sig-
nify a gene flow many times higher in magnitude among
pinworms populations compared to that of primates,
explaining the parasites’ higher gene flow despite its
T. minutus haplotypes
A. palliata
mean p-distance
mean p-distance
sharing host different host
* p = 0.01
sharing different
** p < 0.001
A) B)
C) D)
parasites parasites
Fig. 5 Mean genetic distance between haplotypes sharing host/parasite and those associated to different host/parasite haplotypes. A Line graphs
showing the mean p‑distance values between sharing (red) and differing host (light blue) for each Trypanoxyuris minutus haplotype. B Boxplot
showing the differences on p‑distance between pinworm haplotypes sharing and differing host haplotypes. C Line graphs showing the mean
p‑distance values between sharing and differing parasites for each Alouatta palliata haplotype. D Boxplot of the differences on p‑distance between
host haplotypes sharing and differing pinworm haplotypes. P values derived from Wilcoxon–Mann Whitney test
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dependency on host movement. Moreover, certain host
behaviour such as prospecting movements can favour
the dispersal of infection agents among host populations
without necessarily involving host genetic interchange
[44], rendering the correlation between host and parasite
gene flow less straightforward.
While an isolation by distance (IBD) pattern was
observed for the pinworms based on mitochondrial data,
for the howler monkey it was identified only with nuclear
data. e latter can be related to the historical dispersal
of howler monkeys, whereas the local genetic differentia-
tion and IBD observed with the genetically more variable
microsatellites loci could reflect a contemporary con-
straint in individual movement. e significant habitat
loss and landscape transformation derived from human
activities along the primate distribution has most likely
limited host dispersal between closer populations. Fur-
thermore, IBD in pinworms implies greater potential for
parasite transmission between adjacent howler monkey
populations due to spatial proximity that increases the
contact rates among host individuals. Indeed, inter-host
contact and proximity, animal movement and spatial
constrains imposed by a heterogenous landscape, all play
a critical role in parasite transmission dynamics in wild-
life populations [4548]. For instance, the extent of phys-
ical contact between and within social groups has major
implications in primate epidemiology, easing the spread
of pathogens and parasites [4951]. In fact, higher Tryp-
anoxyuris infection in howler monkeys has been associ-
ated to closer partner proximity [52].
e overall demographic and genetic architecture of
both pinworm species (high genetic diversity, high gene
flow, shorter generation time and large effective popu-
lation sizes) suggest higher evolutionary rates in the
parasites compared to their host. is is evident in the
haplotype genealogies where pinworms showed com-
plex networks formed by many unique haplotypes differ-
ing by few mutational steps, compared to the simple and
more structured haplotype network in the howler mon-
key. Even though cophylogenetic patterns between pin-
worms and their primate hosts have been documented
at macroevolutionary scales [27, 28, 37], the intraspe-
cific analyses we performed did not detect congruent
divergence among pinworms and howlers, suggesting
instead distinct diversification processes. Disparate rates
of molecular evolution have been documented in a host-
specific and coevolving host–parasite system (e.g. pocket
gophers and their chewing lice ectoparasites), with dif-
ferences in mutational rates and generation times as the
most plausible mechanisms accounting for the rate dis-
parities [53]. Considering that we sampled populations
along the northernmost portion of the Alouatta pal-
liata howler monkeys distribution (complete geographic
range encompassing from western Ecuador and northern
Colombia to southeast Mexico [32]), the higher rate of
evolutionary change in the parasite could be impeding
the detection of codivergent pinworm-howler patterns
at this narrow spatial scale. We predict this codivergent
pattern to be more evident at broader geographical scales
(i.e. the entire host distribution), where both host and
parasites have had a longer time to accumulate genetic
Genetic variants, infectivity, susceptibility andgeography
We aimed to further explore the genetic association
between pinworm and howler monkeys by using mtDNA
haplotype identity to assign genetic variants to host and
parasite individuals, enabling us to describe susceptibility
and infectivity traits based on the number of host–para-
site connections identified per haplotype. Accordingly,
hosts were considered more susceptible if they were par-
asitized by a greater number (diversity) of pinworm hap-
lotypes, whereas pinworms infectivity was defined by the
number of different host haplotypes in which each pin-
worm was found.
Overall, nearly each howler haplotype was parasitized
by more than one T. minutus genetic variant. Conversely,
only few pinworm haplotypes were found parasitizing
more than one host genetic variant, and most T. minutus
were associated to a single howler haplotype, suggesting
that T. minutus tends to adapt to one host genetic config-
uration. Selection can cause parasites to develop genetic
specificity towards a particular host genotype, usually
the most common, increasing its susceptibility [19, 39].
Our results agree, where the most frequent howler/pin-
worm haplotype was also the most susceptible/infective.
is genetic specificity could explain the frequent one-
to-one association between T. minutus and the howlers’
genetic variants, as well as the higher genetic similari-
ties between pinworm/host haplotypes that share hosts/
pinworms haplotypes, supporting that genetic similarity
among hosts might be a key factor for pinworm transmis-
sion and establishment. Additionally, these genetic asso-
ciations could be related with the parasite transmission
mode, where autoinfection and retroinfection are com-
mon mechanisms for pinworm acquisition [54, 55]. Both
mechanisms of transmission allow several generations of
pinworms of the same genetic pool to continue infecting
that individual host. is could hinder the spread of pin-
worm variants among host individuals within the popula-
tion, facilitating the development of specificity.
Our study also reveals that parasite genetic variants
are not evenly distributed across geographic regions,
and that only some pinworm haplotypes could be con-
sidered highly infective (being present in high frequency
in all studied localities). Additionally, host haplotypes
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Solórzano‑Garcíaetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:190
unique to a particular geographic region tend to harbour
pinworm variants also unique for that region. is geo-
graphic specificity [56] in T. minutus shows a roughly
northwest to southeast gradient where many of the
northernmost pinworm haplotypes of Los Tuxtlas are
also present in other regions. Comparatively, most of the
southeastern haplotypes (Comalcalco and Pichucalco)
are only found in that particular region. e history of
dispersion of howler monkeys across southern Mexico
helps explain this pattern, which followed a colonization
process from south to north [57], thus the northernmost
populations are the most recent [42]. During such range
expansion events, parasites can either travel with their
host into new locations or never reach the newly estab-
lished populations because they were lost in the process
or because the migrants did not carry the parasite with
them. e increasing northwest to southeast specific-
ity gradient observed in T. minutus suggests that howler
monkeys carried most of the pinworm genetic variants
as they dispersed towards northern regions. Also, that
only a fraction of pinworm haplotypes remained within
the already established host populations. erefore, most
recent host populations in the north still harbour a col-
lection of pinworm mitochondrial geographic variation.
Notably, the relationships between haplotype diver-
gence and parasite infectivity and host susceptibil-
ity, jointly with the parasite’s higher gene flow, suggest
potential local adaptation in pinworms. Local adapta-
tion, a higher mean fitness of populations in local envi-
ronments, is linked to the ability of each organism to
incorporate new genetic and phenotypic variants that
can confer some fitness advantage [20]. Host–parasite
systems induce constant evolutionary change in order to
overcome the selective pressures imposed by this antago-
nistic interaction. When parasites show higher evolu-
tionary rates and higher gene flow than their hosts, they
are expected to be locally adapted, performing better in
sympatric or home hosts than in allopatric or away hosts
[19, 58]. If we translate this into genetic terms, we expect
locally adapted parasites to be more infective to geneti-
cally similar hosts than to genetically different hosts (see
[59]). Indeed, we found that more divergent hosts were
less susceptible to be parasitized by different pinworms
haplotypes, suggesting higher performance of the parasite
(infectivity) in genetically similar hosts compared to dif-
fering ones. Considering that mtDNA divergence reflects
the accumulation of genetic differentiation along the host
and parasite historical associations, the genetic variation
observed likely echoes an advantage for the host but not
so much for the parasite, since most divergent T. minu-
tus haplotypes were less infective (associated to a smaller
number of host haplotypes). Although acquiring genetic
variation could favour parasite infectivity, it is suggested
that above certain threshold it could also increase host
resistance [20, 60]. Fluctuations between host–parasite
migration and mutation rates causes cycle oscillations of
infectivity and resistance via frequency dependent selec-
tion, and this may play a key role in local adaptation and
maladaptation dynamics, which in turn are fundamental
for host-parasite coevolution [18, 20, 61]. Hence, the fact
that similar howler monkey haplotypes harbour geneti-
cally similar T. minutus infrapopulations, further sug-
gests a correlated evolution in agreement with a highly
host-specific and evolutionary intimate system, as shown
by these pinworms and primate.
Parallel studies on host–parasite genetic arrangements,
although challenging, are growing attention and inter-
est. Our study, jointly with examples (as those mentioned
along the text) that encompass systems with different
degrees of host specificity and distinct parasite life cycles
and life history strategies, contribute to understanding
the transmission dynamics, the distribution of resist-
ant and virulence alleles, and the spread of disease. Also
enabling a better comprehension of the coevolutionary
process and their role in preserving genetic variation,
namely the persistence of host and parasite populations.
Furthermore, the use of conventional genetic techniques,
like in our study, has been of enormous value to uncover
relevant information about the evolutionary ecology
of hosts and parasites interactions. Incorporating high
throughput sequencing techniques and sampling across
the whole genome could certainly be of great value in
co-structure studies, by yielding detailed information on
the microevolutionary changes in pinworms and their
primate hosts, fostering a thorough understanding of the
genetic, ecological and evolutionary dynamics between
hosts and parasites [62].
Evolutionary processes of mantled howler monkey popu-
lations and their pinworms are indeed tightly linked. Our
mtDNA findings show that pinworm gene flow is medi-
ated by host dispersal, while at the same time no codi-
vergence was observed between pinworms and their
primate host. e high genetic diversity, high gene flow
and large effective population sizes showed by the two
pinworm species indicate higher evolutionary rates in the
parasites compared to their host. Additionally, genetic
structure, differentiation and diversity patterns show
higher similarity between howler monkeys and the host
species-specific pinworm T. multilabiatus than the host
genus-specific T. minutus, highlighting the role of host-
specificity in coevolving processes. Our findings show
that pinworms are more infective in the genetically simi-
lar host, whereas associations of host and parasite genetic
variants reveal both genetic specificity towards the most
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Solórzano‑Garcíaetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:190
frequent host haplotype and geographic specificity in T.
minutus. Moreover, altogether these results suggest sig-
nals of local adaptation in the parasite, while the fact that
similar howler monkey haplotypes harbour genetically
similar T. minutus infrapopulations further supports the
notion of correlated evolution between pinworms and
their primate hosts.
Data collection
We sampled free-ranging mantled howler monkey groups
(Alouatta palliata) and their pinworms at ten sampling
localities across six geographic regions in southeast Mex-
ico, using non-invasive techniques (Fig.1). One locality,
Agaltepec island, harbours a semi-captive population of
howlers (AGA; Fig.1). We collected howler faecal sam-
ples right after deposition and placed them in 50ml tubes
with 100% ethanol. Before storing, we performed a mac-
roscopic examination of each faecal sample searching for
adult pinworms, which were removed with a fine paint
brush and placed in 1.5ml tubes with 100% ethanol. A
total of 105 pinworms (89 Trypanoxyuris minutus and 16
T. multilabiatus) were recovered from 58 howler monkey
individuals. Pinworm specimens were labelled with host
ID to be able to link host and parasite DNA. Host sam-
ples and pinworm specimens were stored at 20°C until
DNA processing.
Host andparasite genetic data
Howler monkey DNA was extracted using the Nor-
gen stool DNA isolation kit following manufacturer’s
instructions. For each individual host, we amplified a
964pb fragment from the mitochondrial cytochrome b
gene (cyt-b) and genotyped nine microsatellite mark-
ers. Details about host DNA amplification and genotyp-
ing (cyt-b and microsatellites loci) procedures are found
in Solórzano-García etal. [42]. For parasite DNA, indi-
vidual pinworms were digested overnight at 56°C in a
solution containing 10mM Tris–HCl (pH 7.6), 20mM
NaCl, 100mM EDTA (pH 8.0), 1% Sarkosyl, and 0.1mg/
ml proteinase K. DNA was extracted from the superna-
tant using the DNAzol® reagent (Molecular Research
Center, Cincinnati, OH) according to the manufacturer’s
instructions. A fragment of ~ 800bp of the mitochondrial
cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 gene (COI) was obtained
for each recovered pinworm of both species. For details
on pinworm DNA amplification procedures see Solór-
zano-García et al. [38]. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)
alignments were built using Clustal Omega [63] via the
EMBL-EBI web interface [64]. As an additional accuracy
assessment, sequences were translated into amino acids
using MESQUITE v.3.2 [65] with the corresponding ver-
tebrate or invertebrate mitochondrial genetic code to
check for the presence of stop codons. Both primate host
and parasites mtDNA sequences are available in Gen-
Bank; associated microsatellite genotypes of primate host
are available at https:// doi. org/ 10. 5281/ zenodo. 45387 31
(Additional file1: TableS5).
Comparison ofhost andparasite genetic structure
We assessed genetic structure in host and parasites with
S v.2.3.4 [66], by testing clusters (K) from 1 to
6, running 20 replicates per K of 1,000,000 MCMC and
100,000 iterations as burnin under the admixture model.
e most probable number of clusters was estimated
using the Evanno method [67]; S results were
visualized using Pophelper v.2.3 in R [68]. Addition-
ally, an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was
performed in Arlequin v. [69] to assess the level
of genetic differentiation among clusters, geographic
regions and sampling localities within regions, for host
and parasite mtDNA.
Because howler monkey movements are expected to be
higher among groups located in nearby forest fragments,
and dispersing individuals may carry pinworms with
them, we tested the isolation by distance hypothesis (IBD)
for the host and the two pinworm species with Mantel
tests, comparing genetic (mtDNA) and geographic dis-
tances. We estimated genetic distances between sam-
pling localities based on D-Jost [70], Hedrick’s GST [71],
and Edwards [72] with the package mmod v.1.3.3 [73] for
host and parasites; we also estimated conventional FST
with Arlequin. Geographic Euclidian distances between
sampling localities were calculated with Raster v.3.3
[74]. IBD patterns were also tested for host microsatel-
lite data based on RST and estimated in Arlequin. Mantel
tests were run with vegan v.2.5 [75] and IBD correlation
plots were built with MASS v.7.3 [76]. Next, in order to
test the hypothesis that parasite gene flow is mediated
by host dispersal, we examined the correlation between
mtDNA genetic distances of howler monkey populations
and those of their pinworms. Considering that pinworms
are directly transmitted host specific parasites, we would
expect dispersal of the parasite to be determined by that
of the host, hence two groups of howlers connected by
migration should harbour genetically similar pinworms.
Distribution ofgenetic diversity
Molecular diversity indices including the number of seg-
regating sites (S), haplotype diversity (Hd) and nucleo-
tide diversity (π) were obtained with DnaSP v.5 [77] for
howler monkey and pinworms per sampling locality and
genetic cluster (see “Results”). In addition, genetic diver-
sity estimates for host microsatellite data were estimated
as the average number of alleles (Na) and observed (Ho)
and expected heterozygosity (He) with Arlequin. e
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Solórzano‑Garcíaetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:190
geographic distribution of genetic diversity was explored
by mapping the haplotype diversity of both host and
parasites, as well as the host expected heterozygosity
per sampling locality. We applied the Inverse Distance
Weighted interpolation method (IDW) to spatially
interpolate genetic diversity values between sampling
localities across the distribution of Alouatta palliata
in Mexico, using the Quantum Geographic Informa-
tion System QGIS 3.14.16. e resultant raster map was
clipped according to the host distribution polygon [78].
Demographic history andgenealogical analysis
We examined changes in population sizes over time by
constructing a Bayesian Skyline Plot (BSP) in BEAST
v.1.7.5 [79] for each pinworm species and howler mon-
keys. BSP analyses were run under the strict molecular
clock, one hundred million iterations, sampling model
parameters every 20,000 iterations with 10% burn-in.
We applied a mutation rate of 1.57 × 10–7 sub/site/gen-
eration, which is the mtDNA evolutionary rate of Caeno-
rhabditis elegans [80], and a generation time of 40days
for the two pinworm species [54, 81]. For the host, we
used a 1.25 × 10–7 sub/site/generation rate was, which
is the adapted primate cyt-b evolutionary rate with a
howler monkey generation time of 5years [82, 83]. Plots
and the performance of the MCMC process were visual-
ized in Tracer v 1.5. [84].
e genealogical relationships between haplotypes
were determined by unrooted median joining networks
in Network v.5 [85] for each pinworm species and their
primate host. When resulting networks were too com-
plex, we ran a maximum parsimony post-processing to
visualize the most parsimonious tree [86]. We tested a
codivergence scenario between host and parasite lin-
ages using the ParaFit approach [87]. Bayesian maximum
clade credibility trees of howler monkeys and Trypan-
oxyuris minutus haplotypes were built in MrBayes v.3.2.2
[88] and the CIPRES Science Gateway [89], including two
simultaneous MCMC runs, each for four million genera-
tions, sampling trees every 4000 generations, and 25%
burn-in. Patristic distance matrices of both host and par-
asite phylogenies were estimated with adephylo v.1.1 [90],
and the ParaFit test was run in ape v.5 [91].
Haplotype level analyses
Haplotype analyses were run only for T. minutus given
the small sample size we had for T. multilabiatus.
To further examine howler-pinworm association pat-
terns at the mtDNA level, we first identified (a) the host
haplotypes infected by various T. minutus haplotypes,
and (b) those infected by only one pinworm haplo-
type. Next, we estimated the genetic divergence (p-dis-
tance) between howler haplotypes that share pinworm
haplotypes and between those infected by unique pin-
worm haplotypes. e same strategy was followed for
the parasite, estimating genetic divergence between co-
occurring haplotypes and those found in only one host
haplotype. We performed Wilcoxon–Man Whitney
tests in R to assess if the haplotypes that shared host/
parasites were more like each other than to haplotypes
harbouring or infecting distinct host/parasites. We
also examined the relationship between susceptibility/
infectivity and haplotype frequency and divergence by
performing non-parametric correlation tests using the
package ggpubr v.0.4 [92]. e latter enables evaluating
if more common haplotypes were either more suscep-
tible (howler haplotypes associated to many different
pinworm haplotypes) or more infective (pinworm hap-
lotypes found in various host haplotypes), and to iden-
tify if more divergent haplotypes had an infective/
resistant advantage over genetically similar haplotypes.
Finally, we expected similar host haplotypes to harbour
similar pinworm haplotypes, thus we tested the correla-
tion between the genetic distance of the host and their
associated pinworm haplotypes.
Supplementary Information
The online version contains supplementary material available at https:// doi.
org/ 10. 1186/ s12862‑ 021‑ 01924‑4.
Additional le1. Additional Tables S1‑S5 and Figures S1–S4.
We thank Ruben Mateo and Pablo Gutiérrez for their help and support during
fieldwork, and Marco Solano de la Cruz for technical assistance. Authorities
from Hacienda La Luz, Parque Arqueológico Comalcalco and Natural Pro‑
tected Areas kindly granted permission for fieldwork and sample collection.
We truly appreciate insightful comments from the reviewers.
Authors’ contributions
BSG and EVD designed the study and performed fieldwork. BSG did the
molecular laboratory work and data analyses. All authors wrote the manu‑
script and agreed to submission. All authors read and approved the final
This study was funded by the Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investi‑
gación e Innovación Tecnológica (PAPIIT‑UNAM IN202819) to EVD. A postdoc‑
toral scholarship was granted to BSG by DGAPA, UNAM.
Availability of data and materials
Both primate host and parasites mtDNA sequences are available in GenBank
(Additional file 1: Table S5); associated microsatellite genotypes of primate
host are available at https:// doi. org/ 10. 5281/ zenodo. 45387 31
Ethics approval and consent to participate
This study was carried out in strict accordance with Mexican laws under col‑
lecting permit issued to EVD (Semarnat‑FAUT‑0168). Fieldwork was conducted
in accord with the American Society of Mammalogists guidelines for use of
wild mammal species [93].
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Solórzano‑Garcíaetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:190
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Author details
1 Departamento de Ecología Evolutiva, Instituto de Ecología, Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México, 04510 Mexico City, Mexico. 2 Departamento
de Ecología de la Biodiversidad, Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México, 04510 Mexico City, Mexico. 3 Instituto de Biología, Uni‑
versidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 04510 Mexico City, Mexico. 4 Present
Address: Departamento de Sistemas y Procesos Naturales, Escuela Nacional
de Estudios Superiores ‑ Merida, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Yucatán, Mexico.
Received: 23 June 2021 Accepted: 13 October 2021
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... Given the observed patterns of more than one species of pinworm per primate genus, we could expect at least 22 new species still to be discovered. Furthermore, mixed infections seem to be common where one host individual can harbor more than one species of pinworm, and phylogenetic reconstructions and genetic assessments seem to point out towards a coevolutionary hypothesis in which pinworms and primates have shared an intimate and ancient association, showing not only a host-parasite species correspondence (Hugot, 1999), but these associations can be traced to host linage or subspecies (Solórzano-García et al., 2019) and even to host haplotypes (Solórzano-García et al., 2021), making potential pinworm diversity greater than previously expected. As we add morphological, ecological and molecular information of Trypanoxyuris species from different host species obtained from different locations across their range, we will contribute to a better understanding of the evolutionary and ecological dynamics that shape the associations between pinworm and primates, and the implications that diversification of one side of the interaction could have on the diversification processes on the other. ...
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Neotropical primates (Platyrrhines) are commonly parasitized by pinworm nematodes of the genus Trypanoxyuris Vevers, 1923. The taxonomic identity of Trypanoxyuris sampled in night monkeys (Aotus Iliger) has been rather controversial. Two species have been described, namely T. microon (Linstow, 1907) and T. interlabiata (Sandosham, 1950). The latter was synonymized with T. microon considering that the observed morphological differences corresponded to different developmental stages of the nematode rather than to differences between both species. Here, we used an integrative taxonomy approach, based on morphological and molecular data along with host identity, in order to assess the validity of both species. Our results evidenced that these different morphotypes correspond to different and reciprocally monophyletic groups; thus, we propose the resurrection of T. interlabiata. We redescribe both pinworm species using specimens sampled in Aotus monkeys from Colombia and discuss the advantages of combining molecular and morphological data to uncover pinworm diversity, and to understand the potential forces determining the diversification process in pinworms from platyrrhine primates.
... Several host-centric factors have been proposed that either strengthen or erode symbiont population genetic structure (i.e., the patterns of genetic variation within and among populations), including biogeography (Pedroso et al., 2021) and sociality (du Toit et al., 2013;van Schaik et al., 2014). Symbiont-centric factors, such as dispersal ability (DiBlasi et al., 2018;Sweet & Johnson, 2018) and host specificity (Martinů et al., 2018;Solórzano-García et al., 2021), may also impact their population structure. For decades, host specificity has been considered a key predictor of symbiont population genetic structure. ...
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Researchers often examine symbiont host specificity as a species-level pattern, but it can also be key to understanding processes occurring at the population level, which are not as well understood. The specialist-generalist variation hypothesis (SGVH) attempts to explain how host specificity influences population-level processes, stating that single-host symbionts (specialists) exhibit stronger population genetic structure than multi-host symbionts (generalists) because of fewer opportunities for dispersal and more restricted gene flow between populations. However, this hypothesis has not been tested in systems with highly mobile hosts, in which population connectivity may vary temporally and spatially. To address this gap, we tested the SGVH on proctophyllodid feather mites found on migratory warblers (family Parulidae) with contrasting host specificities, Amerodectes protonotaria (a host specialist of Protonotaria citrea) and A. ischyros (a host generalist of 17 parulid species). We used a pooled-sequencing approach and a novel workflow to analyse genetic variants obtained from whole genome data. Both mite species exhibited fairly weak population structure overall, and contrary to predictions of the SGVH, the generalist was more strongly structured than the specialist. These results may suggest that specialists disperse more freely among conspecifics, whereas generalists sort according to geography. Furthermore, our results may reflect an unexpected period for mite transmission - during the nonbreeding season of migratory hosts - as mite population structure more closely reflects the distributions of hosts during the nonbreeding season. Our findings alter our current understanding of feather mite biology and highlight the potential for studies to explore factors driving symbiont diversification at multiple evolutionary scales.
... Spatial population-genetic differentiation in host-specific parasites is expected to be influenced by the dispersal patterns of their host species, but spatial structuring can be either weaker or stronger than in the hosts (Cole & Viney, 2019;Dharmarajan et al., 2016;Mazé-Guilmo et al., 2016;McCoy et al., 2005;Sweet et al., 2020). Weaker differentiation is expected if the parasite species also utilizes intermediate hosts or other host species, has a large effective population size in relation to its host, or if it has a complex life cycle with a highly dispersive life stage (Blasco-Costa & Poulin, 2013;DiBlasi et al., 2018;Solórzano-García et al., 2021). By contrast, relatively stronger differentiation is the norm if the parasite is host-specific, directly transmitted, occurs at low prevalences, and has a comparatively short generation time and high mutation rate (Mazé-Guilmo et al., 2016). ...
Host‐specialist parasites of endangered large vertebrates are in many cases more endangered than their hosts. In particular, low host population densities and reduced among‐host transmission rates are expected to lead to inbreeding within parasite infrapopulations living on single host individuals. Furthermore, spatial population structures of directly‐transmitted parasites should be concordant with those of their hosts. Using population genomic approaches, we investigated inbreeding and population structure in a host‐specialist seal louse (Echinophthirius horridus) infesting the Saimaa ringed seal (Phoca hispida saimensis), which is endemic to Lake Saimaa in Finland, and is one of the most endangered pinnipeds in the world. We conducted genome resequencing of pairs of lice collected from 18 individual Saimaa ringed seals throughout the Lake Saimaa complex. Our analyses showed high genetic similarity and inbreeding between lice inhabiting the same individual seal host, indicating low among‐host transmission rates. Across the lake, genetic differentiation among individual lice was correlated with their geographic distance, and assignment analyses revealed a marked break in the genetic variation of the lice in the middle of the lake, indicating substantial population structure. These findings indicate that movements of Saimaa ringed seals across the main breeding areas of the fragmented Lake Saimaa complex may in fact be more restricted than suggested by previous population‐genetic analyses of the seals themselves.
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Non-technical summary Evolutionary biology considers how organisms and populations change over multiple generations, and so is naturally focused on issues of sustainability through time. Yet, sustainability science rarely incorporates evolutionary thinking and most scientists and policy makers do not account for how evolutionary processes contribute to sustainability. Understanding the interplay between evolutionary processes and nature's contribution to people is key to sustaining life on Earth. Technical summary Evolution, the change in gene frequencies within populations, is a process of genetically based modification by descent, providing the raw material essential for adaptation to environmental change. Therefore, it is crucial that we understand evolutionary processes if we aim for a sustainable planet. We here contribute to this development by describing examples of contemporary, rapid evolutionary changes of concern for sustainability, specifically highlighting the global spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) and how the evolutionary toolbox allowed tracking the origins and evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in real time and predicting potential future outbreaks. We also consider how urban development accelerates evolutionary processes such as altered phenotypic and physiological changes and the spread of infectious and zoonotic diseases. We show the importance of evolutionary concepts and techniques for public-health decision making. Many examples of the potential of evolutionary insights contributing to crucial sustainability challenges exist, including infectious and zoonotic diseases, ecosystem and human health, and conservation of natural resources. We thus join recent calls advocating for a stronger collaboration between evolutionary biologists and the sustainability community, increasing interdisciplinarity and the awareness about the knowledge of evolutionary processes for decision making and policies. Social media summary Evolution is fundamental to sustaining life on Earth and should be incorporated in sustainability measures and policies.
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The incidence of zoonotic diseases is increasing worldwide, which makes identifying parasites likely to become zoonotic and hosts likely to harbour zoonotic parasites a critical concern. Prior work indicates that there is a higher risk of zoonotic spillover accruing from closely related hosts and from hosts that are infected with a high phylogenetic diversity of parasites. This suggests that host and parasite evolutionary history may be important drivers of spillover, but identifying whether host–parasite associations are more strongly structured by the host, parasite or both requires co-phylogenetic analyses that combine host–parasite association data with host and parasite phylogenies. Here, we use host–parasite datasets containing associations between helminth taxa and free-range mammals in combination with phylogenetic models to explore whether host, parasite, or both host and parasite evolutionary history influences host–parasite associations. We find that host phylogenetic history is most important for driving patterns of helminth-mammal association, indicating that zoonoses are most likely to come from a host's close relatives. More broadly, our results suggest that co-phylogenetic analyses across broad taxonomic scales can provide a novel perspective for surveying potential emerging infectious diseases. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Infectious disease macroecology: parasite diversity and dynamics across the globe’.
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Classical theory suggests that parasites will exhibit higher fitness in sympatric relative to allopatric host populations (local adaptation). However, evidence for local adaptation in natural host‐parasite systems is often equivocal, emphasizing the need for infection experiments conducted over realistic geographic scales and comparisons among species with varied life history traits. Here, we conducted infection experiments to test how two trematode (flatworm) species (Paralechriorchis syntomentera and Ribeiroia ondatrae) with differing dispersal abilities varied in the strength of local adaptation to their amphibian hosts. Both parasites have complex life cycles involving sequential transmission among aquatic snails, larval amphibians, and vertebrate definitive hosts that control dispersal across the landscape. By experimentally pairing 26 host‐by‐parasite population infection combinations from across the western USA with analyses of host and parasite spatial genetic structure, we found that increasing geographic distance – and corresponding increases in host population genetic distance – reduced infection success for P. syntomentera, which is dispersed by snake definitive hosts. For the avian‐dispersed R. ondatrae, in contrast, the geographic distance between the parasite and host populations had no influence on infection success. Differences in local adaptation corresponded to parasite genetic structure; while populations of P. syntomentera exhibited ~10% mtDNA sequence divergence, those of R. ondatrae were nearly identical (<0.5%), even across a 900 km range. Taken together, these results offer empirical evidence that high levels of dispersal can limit opportunities for parasites to adapt to local host populations.
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The EMBL-EBI provides free access to popular bioinformatics sequence analysis applications as well as to a full-featured text search engine with powerful cross-referencing and data retrieval capabilities. Access to these services is provided via user-friendly web interfaces and via established RESTful and SOAP Web Services APIs ( Both systems have been developed with the same core principles that allow them to integrate an ever-increasing volume of biological data, making them an integral part of many popular data resources provided at the EMBL-EBI. Here, we describe the latest improvements made to the frameworks which enhance the interconnectivity between public EMBL-EBI resources and ultimately enhance biological data discoverability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability.
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The study of parasites is of great relevance to primatology given their ecological significance and their effects on primate demography, behavior, and evolution. Moreover, assessing the vulnerability of endangered species to parasitic infections is important in developing appropriate conservation strategies. We conducted an intensive bibliographical search to synthesize the available information about the parasites of Neotropical primates. We analyzed the host and parasite taxonomic coverage of the available studies, examined the advantages and disadvantages of the diagnostic techniques employed, identified information gaps that need to be addressed, and recommend future directions in the parasitological research of Neotropical primates. Researchers have reported 276 parasite taxa, including endo- and ectoparasites, in 21 of the 22 genera of Neotropical primates. Of these, 42 parasite species have also been reported in humans, although this number may be inaccurate owing to misidentification. The parasites of 50% of Neotropical primate species are completely unknown, and 32% of the parasites recorded in these hosts have not been identified to the species level. Information regarding ectoparasites is particularly limited. We need to develop methods that enhance parasite diagnosis accuracy when using noninvasive samples, and the incorporation of molecular techniques in routine procedures should be a priority in parasitological studies of Neotropical primates. An integrative approach in which veterinarians, primatologists, and parasitologists collaborate in the identification and treatment of parasites of Neotropical primates is essential to achieve significant progress in this field. © 2018 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature
Current interest in host-parasite interactions is spread across many disciplines-immunology, evolution, ecology, endocrinology, sexual selection, behaviour, and organismal parasitology. Host-parasite evolution is a comprehensive review that bridges the gap between evolutionary biologists and parasitologists. Some chapters deal with conceptual issues, such as demography or sexual selection; others present nuts-and-bolts information about parasites themselves and methods used to study them. Because birds have figured prominently in much evolutionary work on host-parasite interactions, the emphasis is on avian systems, but other systems are included where relevant. It will be an invaluable reference for students and researchers from a wide range of disciplines interested in understanding host-parasite interactions.
The current unprecedented rates of environmental perturbation, particularly in rain forest ecosystems, are jeopardizing the persistence of a variety of tropical species. The development of adequate conservation programs requires incorporating the evolutionary history and population genetic information of species, especially in those threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation. Mexican mantled howler monkeys ( Alouatta palliata mexicana ) represent the northernmost distribution of primates in America, a Critically Endangered species mainly inhabiting forest remnants. We assessed historical and contemporary patterns of genetic variation in A . p. mexicana populations from five regions across its geographic distribution in Mexico. We employed non‐invasive sampling techniques and evaluated microsatellite loci and mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences from 127 individuals from 15 wild and two semi‐captive populations. Our data demonstrate negative genetic effects on A . p. mexicana as a result of isolation, fragmentation, and small effective population size. Results revealed two mitochondrial lineages and three genetically differentiated nuclear clusters, along with reduced nuclear genetic diversity, limited gene flow, and significant inbreeding, associated with concurrent processes of historical dispersion and contemporary landscape changes. Accordingly, we argue that A . palliata mexicana in Mexico is an independently evolving unit that meets the criteria for being assigned as an Evolutionarily Significant Unit, crucial for the preservation of the howler monkeys’ phylogenetic and functional diversity. The three genetic clusters identified are essential for the maintenance of the adaptive diversity and long‐term survival of this howler subspecies. Our genetic approach and conservation recommendations may be useful for other endangered primates inhabiting fragmented populations. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.
Studies in diverse biological systems have indicated that host–parasite co-evolution is responsible for the extraordinary genetic diversity seen in some genomic regions, such as major histocompatibility (MHC) genes in jawed vertebrates and resistance genes in plants. This diversity is believed to evolve under balancing selection on hosts by parasites. However, the mechanisms that link the genomic signatures in these regions to the underlying co-evolutionary process are only slowly emerging. We still lack a clear picture of the co-evolutionary concepts and of the genetic basis of the co-evolving phenotypic traits in the interacting antagonists. Emerging genomic tools that provide new options for identifying underlying genes will contribute to a fuller understanding of the co-evolutionary process.
Genetic diversity provides populations with the possibility to persist in ever‐changing environments, where selective regimes change over time. Therefore, the long‐term survival of a population may be affected by its level of genetic diversity. The Mexican howler monkey (Alouatta palliata mexicana ) is a critically endangered primate restricted to southeast Mexico. Here, we evaluate the genetic diversity and population structure of this subspecies based on 83 individuals from 31 groups sampled across the distribution range of the subspecies, using 29 microsatellite loci. Our results revealed extremely low genetic diversity (H O = 0.21, H E = 0.29) compared to studies of other A. palliata populations and to other Alouatta species. Principal component analysis, a Bayesian clustering method, and analyses of molecular variance did not detect strong signatures of genetic differentiation among geographic populations of this subspecies. Although we detect small but significant F ST values between populations, they can be explained by a pattern of isolation by distance. These results and the presence of unique alleles in different populations highlight the importance of implementing conservation efforts in multiple populations across the distribution range of A. p. mexicana to preserve its already low genetic diversity. This is especially important given current levels of population isolation due to the extreme habitat fragmentation across the distribution range of this primate. Research Highlights • The Mexican howler monkey has low genetic diversity across its distribution range. • There is no evidence of strong genetic structure among geographical populations. • Current lack of gene flow may further reduce the genetic diversity and adaptive potential of this critically endangered taxon.
Patterns of genetic variation among populations can reveal the evolutionary history of species. Pinworm parasites are highly host specific and form strong co-evolutionary associations with their primate hosts. Here, we describe the genetic variation observed in four Trypanoxyuris species infecting different howler and spider monkey subspecies in Central America to determine if historical dispersal processes and speciation in the host could explain the genetic patterns observed in the parasites. Mitochondrial ( cox1 ) and ribosomal ( 28S ) DNA were analysed to assess genetic divergence and phylogenetic history of these parasites. Sequences of the 28S gene were identical within pinworms species regardless of host subspecies. However, phylogenetic analyses, haplotype relationships and genetic divergence with cox1 showed differentiation between pinworm populations according to host subspecies in three of the four Trypanoxyuris species analysed. Haplotype separation between host subspecies was not observed in Trypanoxyuris minutus, nor in Trypanoxyuris atelis from Ateles geoffoyi vellerosus and Ateles geoffoyi yucatanensis. Levels of genetic diversity and divergence in these parasites relate with such estimates reported for their hosts. This study shows how genetic patterns uncovered in parasitic organisms can reflect the host phylogenetic and biogeographic histories.
After more than fifteen years of existence, the R package ape has continuously grown its contents, and has been used by a growing community of users. The release of version 5.0 has marked a leap towards a modern software for evolutionary analyses. Efforts have been put to improve efficiency, flexibility, support for 'big data' (R's long vectors), ease of use, and quality check before a new release. These changes will hopefully make ape a useful software for the study of biodiversity and evolution in a context of increasing data quantity. Availability: ape is distributed through the Comprehensive R Archive Network: information may be found at