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A proposal for the structural preservation of Musmeci's Basento Bridge in Potenza


Abstract and Figures

The paper presents a proposal for the structural preservation of the Basento Bridge in Potenza (1967-1975), designed by the engineer Sergio Musmeci (1926-1981) and regarded as one of the most relevant examples of 20 th century reinforced concrete infrastructures in Italy. The geometry of the Basento Bridge, which is the most characteristic feature of Musmeci's project, is the result of a form-finding process in which both mathematical and physical models were employed. The paper describes the current structural problems of the bridge and explains the solutions proposed for its structural preservation. In general, Musmeci's Basento Bridge in Potenza offers an occasion to develop a case study for the exploration of advanced techniques of structural rehabilitation for 20 th century reinforced concrete structures and for minimal interventions that preserve the authenticity of the original design.
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Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21 and
the 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures
Inspiring the Next Generation
23 – 27 August 2021, Guilford, UK
S.A. Behnejad, G.A.R. Parke and O.A. Samavati (eds.)
Copyright © 2021 by Giulia BOLLER, Pierluigi D’ACUNTO, Lukas INGOLD, Aurelio MUTTONI, Joseph
SCHWARTZ. Published in the Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21 and the 7th International
Conference on Spatial Structures, with permission.
A proposal for the structural preservation of Musmeci’s Basento
Bridge in Potenza
Giulia BOLLER*, Pierluigi D’ACUNTOa, Lukas INGOLDb, Aurelio MUTTONIc, Joseph
* ETH Zurich, Institute of Technology in Architecture, Chair of Structural Design
a Technical University of Munich (TUM), Department of Architecture
b ETH Zurich, Institute of Technology in Architecture, Chair of Structural Design
c EPFL, Civil Engineering Institute, Structural Concrete Laboratory
The paper presents a proposal for the structural preservation of the Basento Bridge in Potenza (1967-
1975), designed by the engineer Sergio Musmeci (1926-1981) and regarded as one of the most relevant
examples of 20th century reinforced concrete infrastructures in Italy. The geometry of the Basento
Bridge, which is the most characteristic feature of Musmeci’s project, is the result of a form-finding
process in which both mathematical and physical models were employed. The paper describes the
current structural problems of the bridge and explains the solutions proposed for its structural
preservation. In general, Musmeci’s Basento Bridge in Potenza offers an occasion to develop a case
study for the exploration of advanced techniques of structural rehabilitation for 20th century reinforced
concrete structures and for minimal interventions that preserve the authenticity of the original design.
Keywords: structural preservation, bridge design, Basento Bridge, Sergio Musmeci, reinforced concrete shells
1. Introduction
Preservation of 20th century structures in reinforced concrete constitutes one of the most relevant topics
in contemporary architectural conservation. In infrastructural projects such as bridges, being at the
interface between the disciplines of architecture and civil engineering, the technical aspects become
significant for the preservation. Currently, a large number of European bridges built during the
infrastructural development in the aftermath of the Second World War are now reaching their nominal
design life. Most of them present maintenance problems and pose a potential threat from a structural
point of view (Pérez-Peña [26]). This is also true for the renowned Basento Bridge, which was designed
by the Italian engineer Sergio Musmeci (1926-1981) (Musmeci [16]) in collaboration with Zenaide
Zanini, Aldo Livadiotti and Emanuele Filiberto Radogna. For this reason, in 2020, the Municipality of
Potenza, supported by the Italian National Boards of Engineers and Architects, launched an international
competition for the preservation of the bridge [7]. This paper describes the strategy for the structural
rehabilitation of the bridge as presented in the proposal of the competition by the authors.
Italian structural designers like Pier Luigi Nervi (1891-1979), Riccardo Morandi (1902-1989), Silvano
Zorzi (1921-1994), Fabrizio De Miranda (1926-2015) and Sergio Musmeci developed major
infrastructural projects of the post-war period in Italy. Their approaches were based on a unique
combination of innovative construction technologies, such as prefabrication and post-tensioned
reinforced concrete, and traditional construction practices. This extraordinary outcome of Italy’s
economic boom after the Second World War still represents an important reference for contemporary
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21 and the 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures
Inspiring the Next Generation
bridge design. After the collapse of Morandi’s Polcevera Viaduct in Genova in 2018, particular attention
is paid to the existing reinforced concrete bridges, in order to find strategies for their adequate
preservation (Andriani [2]). While the Polcevera bridge was one of the best examples of the innovative
construction technologies developed by Morandi, the Basento Bridge shows Musmeci’s unconventional
approach to structural design. As an emblematic example of the approach towards structural design in
the post-war period in Italy (Iori and Poretti [12]), the Basento Bridge was listed as a cultural monument
in 2003 [31], the first one of its kind in Italy. Therefore, its preservation is of great importance in the
context of the history of Italian civil engineering and architecture.
2. Sergio Musmeci and the Basento Bridge
Preservation of architectural as well as structural heritage is a scientific activity based on original
documents. Its main objective is to read the role of the built object within history and to translate it
critically into the present, with a conservative approach that fully respects its properties (Carbonara [6]).
As such, the thorough understanding of the design as well as the construction process of Musmeci’s
extraordinary structure represents the most important source for defining the most appropriate
preservation strategy for the bridge.
The design of the Basento Bridge is composed of two separate parts: a double-curved shell and a hollow
deck supported by the shell every 17.3 m in the longitudinal direction (Figure 1). The shell has an
average thickness of 30 cm and four spans of 69.2 m each. The deck is 16 m wide and has a tapered
cross section with a maximum height of 1.3 m in the middle. According to Musmeci’s original drawings,
the hollow section has internal ribs spaced 3.46 m apart in both directions. In the longitudinal direction,
the deck presents 10.38m-long Gerber beams sitting on parts of the bridge that cantilever 3.46 m from
the supports. Moreover, in correspondence with support conditions provided by the shell, post-
tensioning cables are inserted in the transverse ribs of the deck. Experimental studies on site confirmed
that the as-built structure follows Musmeci’s original documents (Bavusi et al. [3]; Dumoulin et al. [9]).
While the configuration of the deck belongs to common bridge design practice in that period, the lower
shell has a geometry beyond all conventional structural typologies, which particularly emphasises the
nature of reinforced concrete as “liquid stone” (Nervi [25]). At the same time, the design materializes
Musmeci’s innovative structural theory based on the “structural minimum” (Musmeci [19]; [23];
Capomolla [5]) as an attempt to explicitly visualize the relation between form and forces in the structure.
Figure 1: Musmeci’s Basento Bridge, 1967-75 [Archive of Sergio Musmeci and Zenaide Zanini, MAXXI Rome]
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21 and the 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures
Inspiring the Next Generation
2.1. Musmeci’s theory of “structural minimum
Through the theory of “structural minimum”, Musmeci proposed a paradigmatic shift in the way
structures are conceived, especially by regarding the geometry and not the inner stresses as the real
unknown in the structural design process (Musmeci [23]). From his perspective, the aim of structural
design is to conceive forms that are in static equilibrium for a given set of external forces (Musmeci
[22]). According to Musmeci, analytical methods should actively support the creative design process
and not only be used to verify given forms. This approach to form-finding not only implies an effective
use of materials, but also leads to expressing the condition of the stresses within a structure through its
formal appearance (Musmeci [17]; [21]). In line with Musmeci’s understanding of statics (Musmeci
[18]; [20] [21]), reinforced concrete represents an ideal building material because it is a composite
material in which the components are placed where they are actually needed. Among 20th century Italian
structural engineers, Musmeci is one of the key figures who, since his early career, used a combination
of analytical and experimental form-finding methods as the main approach in the conceptual design
phases (D’Acunto and Ingold [8]). Similar to the approaches of other contemporary structural designers
such as Frei Otto (1925-2015) or Heinz Isler (1926-2009), Musmeci’s form-finding method helped him
envisioning completely new structural forms (Boller and D’Acunto [4]).
2.2. Design development and construction of the Basento Bridge
Throughout the design development of the Basento Bridge, Musmeci generated several mathematical
models as well as physical models at different scales and using various materials (Musmeci [21]; [22];
Magrone et al. [13]; Marmo et al. [14]; Ingold [11]). The initial small-scale soap-film membrane model
was used to visualize the form according to the mathematical theory of minimal surfaces (Figure 2a).
To clearly define the double-curved geometry of the shell, a rubber membrane model was developed
(Figure 2b).
Figure 2: Musmeci’s physical models for the Basento Bridge: (a) soap-film model; (b) rubber-membrane
(neoprene) model; (c) 1:100 methacrylate model; (d) 1:10 micro-concrete model [Musmeci [22]: 82, 83, 85, 87]
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21 and the 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures
Inspiring the Next Generation
Musmeci’s initial studies were then translated into more complex physical models to evaluate the
structural soundness and performance of the design. A 1:100 methacrylate model was built and analysed
at the University of Rome (Figure 2c). A 1:10 micro-concrete model was constructed and tested at the
Institute for Experimental Models and Structures ISMES in Bergamo (Figure 2d). The development of
this micro-concrete model also helped producing a prototype for the building company Edil-Strade,
which later built the bridge on site (Musmeci [22]).
The construction process of the bridge relied on craftsmanship skills inherent to the Italian building
culture of that time (Musmeci [22]) (Figure 3a). The formwork was supported by curved timber girders
following the shell geometry derived from the prototype (Musmeci [22]). The traces of small timber
planks, used to approximate the double curvature of the shell, are still visible in large portions of the
shell’s concrete surface (Figure 3b). While the shell required different non-standard construction
procedures on site, the more standard hollow deck could be manufactured using conventional
construction techniques available at that time (Figure 3c).
Figure 3: Construction of the Basento Bridge: (a) extrados of the reinforced concrete shell; (b) traces on the
concrete surface of the timber formwork; (c) scaffolding for the construction of the shell [Musmeci [22]: 91, 92]
2.3. Current state of the Basento Bridge
Based on the analysis of samples collected from the bridge, the concrete material used for the
construction of the shell and deck is a good quality product that was correctly poured and vibrated on
site and whose characteristics are consistent with the original documentation (Ponzo et al. [28]).
Nevertheless, over the years, several problems led to the deterioration of the concrete surface.
Musmeci’s design choice to use Gerber beams for the deck of the Basento Bridge allows flexibility
under imposed deformations and avoids excessive stresses in the elements’ sections (Monney [15]). At
the same time, however, it requires the periodical control of the joint’s conditions and important
maintenance work to guarantee the durability of the bridge. Site surveys with ground penetrating radar
techniques highlighted the presence of water within the hollow deck, especially at the level of the Gerber
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21 and the 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures
Inspiring the Next Generation
joints (Bavusi et al. [3]) (Figure 4b). Because of the interaction between concrete, water and defrosting
salt percolating from the road surface, the cortical thickness of the exposed concrete is highly reduced
in many parts of the structure.
An additional problematic aspect affecting the present state of the Basento Bridge is the degradation of
its concrete surface due to carbonation. This phenomenon is extensively visible on both the bottom
surface of the deck and on the extrados of the shell (Figure 4a). As a consequence, corrosion of the
exposed steel reinforcement is produced. Site surveys estimate that 10% of the entire reinforcement of
the hollow deck is corroded (Ponzo et al. [28]). Nevertheless, although the degradation of the concrete
and reinforcement is quite extended, it does not appear critical from a structural perspective.
The presence of concrete mortar on the feet of the shell shows that maintenance work has been carried
out over time (Figure 4c). The feet sit on concrete blocks that present a degree of degradation comparable
to that of the concrete shell’s surface.
Since its opening to road traffic in 1975, several additional elements to Musmeci’s original design were
introduced to the Basento Bridge (Figure 4d). These include, among others, a new lighting system and
an exterior water channel. These interventions, which exemplify pragmatic solutions to problematic
aspects inherent to the bridge’s original design, strongly modified the overall image of the bridge from
the street level and from the river.
Figure 4: Current state of the Basento Bridge: (a) degradation of the concrete surface; (b) Gerber joint and its
damaged state due to water percolation; (c) concrete mortar on the shell’s feet; (d) side view of a bridge section,
with the alterations on the deck’s edge [(a), (c): Stefano Passamonti, 2020; (b), (d): Lukas Ingold, 2018]
3. Proposed strategy for the structural preservation of the Basento Bridge
With the aim of preserving Musmeci’s original concept for the Basento Bridge while restoring its
expressiveness, the proposed strategy for the structural preservation of the bridge is rather conservative
(Figure 5). A ‘minimal intervention’ that respects the character of the original design and pays tribute
to the bridge as one of the most outstanding and emblematic works in the scene of architecture and
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21 and the 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures
Inspiring the Next Generation
engineering of the post-war period in Italy. In line with this approach and in compliance with Musmeci’s
thought on heritage conservation (Schivo [29]), the overall structural behaviour of the bridge is
maintained as it was originally designed, along with its image as a “working icon” (Allan [1]).
3.1. Material approach
The proposed project for the conservation of the Basento Bridge aims to preserve not only its materiality
per se, but also the traces left by the construction process. The approach is to act locally on the degraded
concrete surfaces to minimise the intervention to what is strictly necessary. The choice of materials and
application methods will be compatible with the original concrete mix and construction techniques.
Tests on small portions of the concrete surface will be essential to guarantee correct material selection.
This approach will ensure the durability of the concrete surface and avoid unexpected problems at the
interface between the new and the original material, while ensuring a good visual transition between the
renovated concrete surface and the current one.
3.2. Structural preservation proposal
On the basis of first initial surveys, the reinforced concrete shell of the bridge shows only local damage,
which are mostly due to the percolation of rainwater from the deck above. Finding proper solution to
solve the rainwater management of the deck could be highly beneficial to the health of the shell
underneath. In fact, the bridge deck represents the most problematic element from a structural point of
view. Indeed, it has a number of critical elements that require major repair work, such as the Gerber
beams and the edges of the reinforced concrete slab.
Figure 5: Longitudinal section showing the preservation proposal for the Basento Bridge
3.2.1 Reinforced concrete shell
Based on the analysis of the global structural behaviour of the bridge through a numerical simulation
(Monney [15]), the existing dimensions of the structural elements seem to have sufficient capacity to
resist the different potential loading cases. For a complete understanding of the behaviour and the actual
state of the structure, which will be the starting point for the preservation project, further in situ
verifications will be necessary. These verifications will confirm the proposed general approach to the
structural rehabilitation of Musmeci’s Basento Bridge. As pointed out by Musmeci himself (Schivo
[29]), thanks to the shell’s unique shape, the Basento Bridge can rely on a higher reserve of structural
capacity when subjected to seismic loads than other more conventional bridge designs. In fact, the bridge
faced the massive earthquake event in 1980 with no major structural issues (Marmo et al. [14]), but its
current conservation state could represent a potential threat for a new seismic event. The available digital
elastic analyses that simulate the global behaviour of the bridge in case of a seismic event (Ponzo et al.
[27]) highlight potential critical areas at the connection between the shell and the deck and at the
foundation level. In-situ tests on the reinforced concrete shell and deck will be carried out to confirm
these initial assumptions. The results of these tests will then be used to calibrate a non-linear elastic-
plastic numerical analysis model based on continuous stress fields (Fernández Ruiz and Muttoni [10]).
As stated by Musmeci, the most effective anti-seismic structure is that one designed by taking advantage
of its deformation capacity (Schivo [29]): it leads to a more economical solution, although it requires
more sensibility towards a “static thinking” by the designer. In compliance with this consideration, the
proposed line of action towards the bridge’s seismic structural rehabilitation will operate on the control
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21 and the 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures
Inspiring the Next Generation
of the ductility of the structure rather than on the structural strength achieved through an increment of
the size of its structural members. This approach will target local interventions insertion of new
reinforcement bars and addition of reinforcement for transversal confinement of forces where necessary
which will guarantee an overall improvement of the dynamic response of the structure, simply by
increasing its deformation capacity.
3.2.2 Reinforced concrete hollow slab
The two side edges of the deck are among the most damaged elements of the entire structure. Rainwater
runoff, reduced concrete cover and insufficient maintenance led to severe local structural problems. The
proposed intervention considers the partial replacement of the deck edges with new concrete edges. This
approach looks back at Musmeci’s original drawings and tries to restore the visual strength of the initial
design solution (Figure 6). In this way, the small recess of the outer side edges of the deck will become
the key aspect of the bridge’s exterior profile.
Figure 6: Cross section highlighting the interventions included in the preservation for the Basento Bridge
The proposed intervention will allow maintaining almost completely the existing concrete surface of the
lower part of the deck. The new edges will be made with a cement mixture similar to the original one,
but with higher density, to ensure good durability even under the action of defrosting salts on the bridge.
This aspect will guarantee the monolithic character of the bridge deck, while allowing easy maintenance.
Where the existing reinforcement bars are still load-bearing, they will be used as connecting
reinforcement to the new concrete edges. Where new reinforcement is required, additional stainless-
steel bars will be inserted to prevent unwanted corrosion. The partial replacement of the bridge edges
will also offer the possibility to introduce a new rainwater drainage system, a new safety barrier in
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21 and the 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures
Inspiring the Next Generation
compliance with the current regulations, as well as new lighting fixtures for the road. At the connection
between the deck and the shell, it may be necessary to move the anchor head of one of the post-
tensioning cables towards the inside of the slab, an operation which is technically possible without
altering the structural behaviour of the bridge. In any case, during the design development phase, it will
be necessary to verify on site the number, position, tensioning state and conservation of the post-
tensioning tendons at the transverse ribs at the supports on the vaults and those connecting the abutments
to the deck.
3.2.3 Gerber beams
The Gerber beams will be removed sequentially from the bridge and repaired by renewing the damaged
concrete surfaces and installing additional stainless-steel reinforcement bars (Figure 7). The fixed
support elements at the Gerber joints will be also reinforced with additional stainless-steel reinforcement
bars. For this purpose, a temporary scaffolding will be placed on the reinforced concrete shell of the
bridge. After all repaired beams are reinstalled, the road pavement will be renovated and waterproof
bituminous expansion joints, specifically designed for this restoration project, will be newly installed.
For safety reasons, the Gerber joints will be equipped with a stainless-steel water drainage channel to
prevent any uncontrolled percolation of water and defrosting salt inside the Gerber joints.
The temporary removal of the Gerber beams from the bridge will be performed using a rolling cart. This
approach will allow handling and transporting each Gerber beam to the designated repair area while
avoiding any interference with the railway and the Basento River below the bridge. To ensure the use
of the bridge by road traffic during the repair phase, the Gerber beams subject to maintenance will be
temporarily replaced by a steel structure. A reference for this intervention can be found in the structural
rehabilitation of the Teufelsbrücke in Switzerland (Schwartz and Frey [30]).
Figure 7: Construction detail for the proposed repairing strategy of the Gerber joints
3.2.4 Maintenance and monitoring plans
The future preservation of the bridge will include a series of inspections and interventions scheduled at
regular intervals, depending on the level of maintenance required. The major repair interventions,
planned every 40 years, will consist on the renewal of structural elements that are directly related to
safety of the bridge, such as, for example, the Gerber beams and the prestressing cables in the deck. At
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21 and the 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures
Inspiring the Next Generation
20-year intervals, the secondary elements, such as the beam supports, the drainage system, the edges of
the deck will be repaired or replaced. At 10-year intervals, all those parts subject to wear, such as the
road surface, the expansion joints and the concrete surfaces will be repaired or replaced. Additionally,
an adequate monitoring plan will allow controlling the state of preservation of the bridge through
periodic on-site inspections of all critical parts of the structure, through visual examinations and direct
measurements. In this regard, a series of remotely controlled inclinometers will be installed at strategic
points of the bridge, such as the shell and the Gerber beams, in order to promptly detect deformations
and abnormal movements of the structure.
4. Conclusions
This paper presented a proposal for the structural preservation of Musmeci’s Basento Bridge in Potenza.
This proposal relies on a thorough understanding of the design and construction process based on
Musmeci’s original documents. In this way, the proposal highlights the need for a minimal intervention
that respects the original design by Musmeci while keeping its infrastructural function as link between
the highway and the city of Potenza. As stated by Musmeci, “[…] the bridge represents one of the most
significant [design] themes because of the static and constructive engagement that it proposes. It is […]
a structural theme practically in its purest form, and as such capable of stimulating a continuous search
for new solutions, also in terms of formal expressiveness.” (Musmeci [24]).
The authors are part of the team that received the highest score in the provisional ranking of the technical
jury at the international competition in two phases organized by Comune di Potenza for the preservation
of Musmeci’s Basento Bridge [7]. The entire design team includes: E.T.S. S.p.a. Engineering and
Technical Services (team leader); Carmen Andriani (architecture and context, general coordination);
Mario Avagnina (architectural preservation); Aurelio Muttoni, Joseph Schwartz, Giulia Boller, Pierluigi
D’Acunto, Lukas Ingold (structural design and engineering); Roberto Gargiani (historical aspects);
Fondaco Studio Architetti (drawings); Valle 3.0 S.r.l. (architecture); Debora Benfatto, Francesca Berni,
Tomaso Tedeschi, Fulvio Maccarone, Frédéric Monney, Andrea Quartara (collaborators).
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Thanks to the experimental nature of his work, Sergio Musmeci (1926-1981) holds an exceptional position within the Italian School of Engineering of the postwar period. Musmeci's peculiar view on structural design is supported by the search for novel structural forms, which is initiated by his exploration on structural folding. In particular, during the 1950s, folded plates are applied by the engineer in place of the conventional beam and slab typology for the design of various roofs in reinforced concrete. In this paper, the approach of Musmeci to structural folding is discussed. The investigation is focused on the folded plate roof of Stabilimento Raffo in Pietrasanta, which is here regarded as a fundamental moment in the research of the engineer in the field of structural folding. The design method used by Musmeci for the development of the project is examined in details.
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An extensive experimental and numerical investigation has been carried out to assess the status of the 'Ponte sul Basento' (1967–1976), in the town of Potenza (Basilicata region, southern Italy), better known as the Musmeci bridge. Architecturally, the bridge is a considerable reinforced 20th century concrete structure that was designed and built by the Italian architect Sergio Musmeci (1926–1981). Moreover, the bridge represents an important element of the infrastructural network, linking the city centre to the Potenza-Sicignano highway, crossing the Basento river and the railway close to the main train station of the city. Recently, due to ageing and continuous and significant traffic, the bridge started to be affected by several problems such as water infiltration. Within the presented study, a widespread ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey has been designed to investigate the geometrical characteristics of the bridge deck (Gerber saddles, internal stiffening walls, pillar supports) and detect the presence of defects or damage due to water infiltration and traffic fatigue. Concerning this, a 900 MHz 3D GPR survey has been performed along a zone of one of the lanes on the road surface. Moreover, a second 1500 MHz 3D survey has been carried out at the bottom of the bridge deck in order to gain detailed information about an important structural element of the bridge, the Gerber saddle. Both results have been processed following two approaches: the first a classical time-domain processing session based on commercial software and the use of migration; the second in microwave tomography, an advanced frequency domain automatic PC-based inversion algorithm. In this paper, we present a comparative interpretation of both kinds of processed results, and provide considerations about the investigated structures.
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Strut and tie models and stress fields are methods that can be used for the dimensioning and detailing of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures as well as for the check of existing ones. This paper presents an innovative approach towards the automatic development of stress fields based on a nonlinear finite element analysis. Strut and tie models can also be easily developed from the resulting stress fields. Most of the difficulties of the existing methods for developing stress fields and strut and tie models based on elastic uncracked analyses are overcome. Its application to the dimensioning of structural members in practical cases is detailed and several comparisons with experimental results are discussed.
Sergio Musmeci was an extraordinary Italian engineer who developed his whole approach to design based on the very idea of a model. His masterpiece was the reinforced‐concrete Ponte sul Basento at Potenza in southern Italy, comprising four spans of about 58 m. Its basic form was developed using soap‐film models, working in pure tension, and this geometry was inverted to give the form of a concrete shell working in compression.
The bridge over the Basento river in Potenza, Italy, designed by Sergio Musmeci, is supported by a continuous double-curvature RC shell optimized to reduce bending forces. This 300 m long bridge can be considered as a unique representative example of pioneering research on the design and construction of optimized structures. First, the design process employed for determining the form of the shell and the relevant constructive issues are described. A refined 3D geometric model of the shell is then obtained through an aerial survey carried out by a commercial UAV and a photogrammetric image-based reconstruction. A recent formulation of the Force Density Method allowing for non-isotropic stress state is exploited to numerically derive the form of the supporting shell; it is validated versus the surveyed geometry of the shell by employing a nonlinear optimization procedure in order to identify forces and stresses to be used as input parameters. Finally, the derived form of the shell is tested by a Finite Element analysis to verify its funicular efficiency, i.e., whether it is capable to withstand design loads by pure membrane actions.
This paper tells the story behind the origin, rise and sudden disappearance of the engineering School in Italy in the 20th century. It was not an academic school as such, rather an actual design school that produced an extraordinary heritage of big structures. It was a golden age: By the mid-Sixties Italian structural engineering was recognised as one of the most prestigious in the world. However, just after the economic miracle, the school suddenly ceased to exist, and it has been completely forgotten. Even by historiography. It is true that some of the leading figures are well-known: Pier Luigi Nervi was maybe Italy's most famous designer worldwide and even Riccardo morandi or Sergio musmeci enjoyed high popularity. But the school was the result of a more complex adventure undertaken by two generations of scientists, designers, contractors and builders. In the absence of a historical reconstruction, that collective story has become lost in the mists of time. The SIXXI research (XX Century Structural Engineering: The Italian Contribution), funded by a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant, was developed with the aim of tracing and telling that story to engineers, architects and everyone. In the paper the story is proposed as a two-voice story: The first narrative voice tells about events, individual works, construction sites, significant episodes; the second voice (in italics) connects them to the unfolding of the entire affair. This text is dedicated to the 43 victims of the collapse of the bridge over the Polcevera in Genoa, on 14 August 2018. It is not possible today to know the causes of the collapse: But we can say without fear that Riccardo Morandi is not guilty for it. He was the best Italian bridge designer, with few rivals in Europe. Blaming Morandi for the collapse is now a way to absolve ourselves for not being able to save a masterpiece of Italian engineering, an icon of Made in Italy, a structural jewel, causing unforgivable mourning.
This paper reflects on the experience of the conservation of modern architecture from a practitioner's viewpoint, and seeks both to identify recurrent themes of discourse and illustrate patterns in practice over the last 21 years. A review of case studies reveals the emergence of five project typologies in the quest for a ‘point of balance’—an outcome that reconciles the differing priorities of contending stakeholders within a sustainable consensus. The paper concludes with an appeal to enlarge the definition of conservation beyond the traditional protocols of listing, and to see through the perceived dichotomy between preservation and change.
In this study, the thermal monitoring of a bridge deck is carried out over several days thanks to an adapted infrared measurement system. This system does not just operate a single uncooled infrared camera but also other sensors (i.e., a weather station and a global positioning system (GPS). The detection of the inner structure of the deck is achieved by pulse phase thermography and principal component thermography approaches. A first characterization of the inner structure of the deck is proposed thanks to an original thermal modelling approach. The results obtained are discussed and analysed.
Rimozione/Conservazione: il bipolarismo del patrimonio infrastrutturale del secondo Novecento
  • C Andriani
Andriani C., Rimozione/Conservazione: il bipolarismo del patrimonio infrastrutturale del secondo Novecento. L'industria delle Costruzioni, 2020; 476; 16-25.
Structural design via form finding
  • G Boller
  • P Acunto
Boller G. and D'Acunto P., Structural design via form finding: comparing Frei Otto, Heinz Isler and Sergio Musmeci, in Seventh International Congress on Construction History, Taylor & Francis, 2021.