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Reliable Deep Learning Plant Leaf Disease Classification Based on Light-Chroma Separated Branches


Abstract and Figures

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimated that plant diseases cost the world economy $220 billion in 2019. In this paper, we propose a lightweight Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) for automatic and reliable plant leaf diseases classification. The proposed method starts by converting input images of plant leaves from RGB to CIE LAB coordinates. Then, L and AB channels go into separate branches along with the first three layers of a modified Inception V3 architecture. This approach saves from 1/3 to 1/2 of the parameters in the separated branches. It also provides better classification reliability when perturbing the original RGB images with several types of noise (salt and pepper, blurring, motion blurring and occlusions). These types of noise simulate common image variability found in the natural environment. We hypothesize that the filters in the AB branch provide better resistance to these types of variability due to their relatively low frequency in the image-space domain.
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Reliable Deep Learning Plant Leaf
Disease Classification
Light-Chroma Separated Branches
Joao Paulo SCHWARZ SCHULER a, Santiago ROMANI a
Mohamed ABDEL-NASSER aHatem RASHWAN aand Domenec PUIGa
aUniversitat Rovira i Virgili
Abstract. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimated that plant dis-
eases cost the world economy $220 billion in 2019. In this paper, we propose a
lightweight Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) for automatic and reli-
able plant leaf diseases classification. The proposed method starts by converting
input images of plant leaves from RGB to CIE LAB coordinates. Then, L and AB
channels go into separate branches along with the first three layers of a modified
Inception V3 architecture. This approach saves from 1/3 to 1/2 of the parameters
in the separated branches. It also provides better classification reliability when per-
turbing the original RGB images with several types of noise (salt and pepper, blur-
ring, motion blurring and occlusions). These types of noise simulate common im-
age variability found in the natural environment. We hypothesize that the filters in
the AB branch provide better resistance to these types of variability due to their
relatively low frequency in the image-space domain.
Keywords. DCNN, CNN, Plant Leaf Disease, Classification, Computer Vision,
Plant Village, Deep Learning
1. Introduction
Plant leaf images taken in the field and away from controlled laboratory conditions fre-
quently suffer from blurring, motion blurring, occlusion and illumination variations. Au-
tomated detection systems frequently suffer from these common adverse effects. Inspired
on Multi-path Convolutional Neural Networks [1] and Dual Paths Neural Networks [2],
we created an Inception V3 [3] based architecture that has two branches (paths) along
the first 3 convolutional layers. One branch is fed with the achromatic L channel, while
the other branch is fed with AB channels provided by the input CIE Lab color coordi-
nate space. In this work, we study 3 two-branches Inception V3 variants: 20%L-80%AB,
50%L-50%AB and 80%L-20%AB. In this notation, the percentages indicate the propor-
tion of the original number of neurons of each separated layer dedicated to each path.
This two-branches solution provides more resistance to adverse effects such as blurring.
For this work, we are training our architecture with the PlantVillage dataset [4] that con-
tains classes for 12 healthy crops and 26 crop diseases.
Based on
Artificial Intelligence Research and Development
M. Villaret et al. (Eds.)
© 2021 The authors and IOS Press.
This article is published online with Open Access by IOS Press and distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0).
This article is structured as follows: section 2 presents and discusses relevant work
in regards to computer vision, DCNNs and image based plant disease diagnostic. Section
3 presents the proposed method. The results and the discussion are given in sections 4
and 5. Section 6 summarizes the main conclusions.
2. Related work
In a previous work [5], training a CNN with input images encoded in the CIE Lab color
space, we were able to show that we can classify the CIFAR-10 dataset [6] more effi-
ciently and with higher classification accuracy by creating an architecture that has a sub-
path dedicated to light and another subpath dedicated to color channels. In this previous
work, each subpath has only the first convolution layer dedicated for each L and AB
A number of machine learning methods have been proposed specifically for im-
age based plant disease diagnostic [7,8]. Mohanty et. al. [9] worked with AlexNet and
GoogLeNet models for the PlantVillage dataset classification. They trained both models
from scratch and with transfer learning. They also experimented feeding their models
with RGB and grayscale images. They found better results feeding RGB images to both
tested models. Their best result without transfer learning was 98.37%. Geetharamani et
al. [10] classified the PlantVillage dataset with 3 convolutional, 2 max poolings and 2
dense layers achieving 96.46% of accuracy. Toda at al. [11] working with a trimmed In-
ception V3 showed that DCNNs can learn the colors and textures specific to plant leaf
diseases resembling human made classification.
3. Methodology
Figure 1 shows two designs of CNNs for plant disease classification. Toda & Okura’s
[11] proposed an Inception v3 variation that gets rid of the last 5 mixed layers (out of 11).
The authors proved that it is enough for the sake of classification PlantVillage dataset.
Therefore, we have chosen their model as our baseline.
The design shown on the right of figure 1 corresponds to our proposal, which splits
the first three convolution layers of the baseline model into two branches, one for the L
channel and the other for the AB channels from the transformed RGB image. Then, the
output from each branch is concatenated and the rest of the network is the same as the
Another relevant remark is that we use a hyperparameter that determines the distri-
bution of a fixed number of filters among L and AB branches, which allows us to look
for the optimal contribution of each branch to the classification task. This distribution is
implemented with the value of a variable x, shown in figure 1 as the number of L filters in
the third layer. In the original Inception V3 implementation, the first three convolutional
layers have 32, 32 and 64 filters, respectively. We have analyzed three configurations
of the two-branch design named after the percentage of filters dedicated to L and AB
branches: 20%L-80%AB, 50%L-50%AB and 80%L-20%AB. The resulting number of
filters for each variant is shown in the table 1.
Since we intend to compare our variants with the baseline as fairly as possible, the
sum of filters of the two branches in each layer is the same as in the Inception V3 design.
J.P. Schwarz Schuler et al. / Reliable Deep Learning Plant Leaf Disease Classification376
Figure 1. Graphical representation of the worked network architectures: on the left, the Toda & Okura’s sin-
gle-branch (baseline) approach fed with an RGB image; on the right, our two-branch approach fed with L+AB
images. The xexpressions determine a varying number of filters in L branch and a complementary number of
filters in AB branch.
Model 1st & 2nd Layers 3rd Layer
baseline 32 64
20%L + 80%AB 6 — 26 13 — 51
50%L + 50%AB 16 — 16 32 — 32
80%L + 20%AB 26 — 6 51 — 13
Table 1. Number of filters in 1st, 2nd and 3rd layers of the baseline and our variants. For our variants, we have
the number of filters in the L branch at the left and in the AB branch at the right.
However, our design saves from 1/3 to 1/2 of weights and computational floating point
operations in the split layers, as shown in tables 2. Despite the reduction in weights, the
learning capacity of our models is not degraded since our three variants achieve similar
accuracy (99.48%, 99.11%, 99.08%) to the one provided by the baseline (99.32%).
Our design is based on the well-known fact that RGB channels are highly correlated
J.P. Schwarz Schuler et al. / Reliable Deep Learning Plant Leaf Disease Classification 377
among each other [12] in the sense that shading and shadows render a set of different
RGB values from the intrinsic color(s) of a surface. Specifically, intensity variations in-
duced by illumination variation, edges and texture modify the three RGB values at same
proportion. Hence, transforming RGB channels into some sort of achromatic-chromatic
space, like CIE Lab, effectively isolates the gray-level features in the L channel and the
color-related features in the AB channels. We are forcing the filters in each branch to
learn features related to the nature of each cue, i.e., we expect that L filters will focus
on texture and edges of the leafs (intrinsic shape, damaged leaf areas, etc.) while the AB
filters will focus on color findings (lesions, general color of the leaf, etc.).
model weights (Saving) flops (Saving)
baseline 28512 701M
20%L + 80%AB 19746 (31%) 485M (31%)
50%L + 50%AB 14256 (50%) 350M (50%)
80%L + 20%AB 19566 (31%) 481M (31%)
Table 2. Weights and required forward pass floating point operations along the first 3 convolutional layers in
baseline and our variants.
To verify the reliability of the baseline and our variants, we have included one mod-
ule for noise injection. This allows us to perturb the original RGB images with different
types of artifacts and varying degrees of severity of those artifacts. It must be observed
that the noise injection is previous to the RGB-to-LAB transformation.
Our code was coded with Keras/Tensorflow v2.2. We rented cloud based hardware
with NVIDIA GPUs, intel CPUs and virtual machines from 32GB to 64GB of RAM. The
implementation details of our approach are strongly based on the reference paper [11].
Each convolutional layer is composed of a 2D convolution, a batch normalization and a
ReLU activation function. All convolutional filters from Conv1 to Conv5 are of the size
3×3 except for Conv4 which is 1×1. The optimization method is stochastic gradient
descent, and the loss function is weighted categorical cross entropy to compensate for
unbalanced number of samples among classes. The batch size is 32 and we store the
weights that obtain the best validation accuracy in 30 epochs. We trained all models from
scratch. The noise injection module has not been used for training since this module is
only intended to verify the reliability of the models under controlled perturbation of the
test images.
4. Results
Figure 2 shows the evolution of test accuracy in the studied models, baseline, two-branch
20%L-80%AB, 50%L-50%AB and 80%L-20%AB, for different types of noise and a
range of noise amount.
In Salt and Pepper experiments, the range of noise indicates the percentage of pixels
of the input image that have been changed to either white or black pixels (see Fig. 3 for
an example). This type of noise simulates spuriously saturated values in the input signal.
The corresponding plot depicts the 20%L-80%AB variant as the most reliable when the
percentage of noisy pixels is above 3%. Above 3%, the classification accuracy is up to
10% more accurate than the baseline. Nevertheless, the baseline holds better performance
than the other two branched models in the range of noise used for these experiments.
J.P. Schwarz Schuler et al. / Reliable Deep Learning Plant Leaf Disease Classification378
Figure 2. Result plots showing the test accuracy evolution of four approaches under a range of perturbation
with four types of noise.
In Blur experiments, a Gaussian distribution of a given sigma in image space coor-
dinates (distance in pixels) is convolved with the input RGB image values producing the
typical blurring effect (check Fig. 3). This type of noise simulates unfocused snapshots
or dirty lenses. In the corresponding plot, our 20%L-80%AB variant proves the most
reliable under the tested range of sigmas. From σ=1.25 to σ=1.75, this best model
overcomes the baseline by 10% of test accuracy. Moreover, the 50%L-50%AB variant
also overcomes the baseline, although by a slight difference.
Motion blur is similar to blur (also check Fig. 3), but instead of a Gaussian distri-
bution we use a sparse matrix of a given size with all cells equal to zero except for one
line of cells, which is filled with ones divided by the number of cells in that line. By
convolving the image pixel values with such a matrix (kernel), it is possible to simulate
the blurring due to sudden camera shifts. The direction of movement is parallel to the
line of cells different to zero. The extend of movement is equivalent to the length of that
line. The corresponding plot depicts similar behavior to the blurring plot, although it is
J.P. Schwarz Schuler et al. / Reliable Deep Learning Plant Leaf Disease Classification 379
Figure 3. Noise injection in a portion of a test image (Apple Black Rot num.5), in RGB, L and AB spaces:
Salt & Pepper noise in 4% of the image pixels; Blur by convolving a Gaussian bell with σ=2 pixels; Motion
Blur in up-left direction with 8 pixels of kernel width.
necessary to use a 9 pixels-side kernel to degrade the test accuracy of the 20%L-80%AB
variant as much as with a σ=1.5 in the blurring experiment.
Occlusion is performed by overlapping a square of gray pixels of a given size in a
random position of the image. This type of noise simulates the occlusion of the target leaf
by other non-interesting objects such as tree branches, fruits, etc. For these experiments,
the model that renders the best reliability in the corresponding plot is our 50%L-50%AB
variant with a remarkable difference of 5% above the second best model, the 20%L-
80%AB variant, which in turn is also 5% above baseline and the 80%L-20%AB variant
when the side of the masking square is beyond 100 pixels.
5. Digression
All results are highly determined by the fact that the leaf shape and their lesions are less
varying in AB channels than in RGB and L channels as can be seen in the example of
J.P. Schwarz Schuler et al. / Reliable Deep Learning Plant Leaf Disease Classification380
Figure 3. In other words, the leaf representation in AB channels render broad areas of
similar colors. This low-frequency nature of the AB channels makes the color-trained
filters to inherently take into account a wider field of view. Therefore, more erroneous
pixels are needed to mislead the classification. In contrast, the same leaf surface renders
more frequent variations in RGB channels which provokes that their trained filters will
have a smaller field of view. Specifically, high-frequency noise affects more to gray-level
filters, which are actually the ones projected into the L channel. These observations may
explain why focusing 80% of the filters on the AB branch provides the best results in
presence of most types of noise.
For salt and pepper noise, the effect of spurious pixels in AB channels is noticeable
but the larger field of view of corresponding filters allows to overcome those perturbed
values. In the other hand, the field of view of L and RGB filters is closer to the area
of each erroneous pixel. However, the baseline is more reliable than 50%L-50%AB and
80%L-20%AB configurations because its filters can better treat the spurious changes in
the 3D RGB space than the combination of the split L and AB filters.
In contrast to salt and pepper, blurring is a perturbation of low-frequency nature.
Despite this fundamental difference, our 20%L-80%AB configuration becomes again the
most reliable. In this case, the smoothing of pixel values degrades more the features en-
coded in the L and RGB channels than the features encoded in the AB channels. The
50%L-50%AB configuration is also stronger than the baseline. In regards to motion blur-
ring, the 20%L-80%AB and 50%L-50%AB configurations are again the most reliable.
For the occlusions experiment, the 50%L-50%AB and 20%L-80%AB variants are
the most resilient specially for mask sizes above 1/4 of the total image area. Again, the
reasoning for this effect is that a big occlusion in the AB image removes less relevant
details than the same occlusion in L and RGB images as the key features in AB channels
are wider in image space than in L or RGB channels.
6. Conclusion
In this paper, we have suggested a two-branch CNN for plant disease classification where
the first three convolutional layers are specialized in learning chromatic and achromatic
features from the CIE Lab color space. Besides classifying original RGB images with
similar accuracy and less weights, our experiments also show that our 20%L-80%AB
and 50%L-50%AB models better classify input images under salt and pepper, blurring,
motion blurring and occlusion by margins up to 10%.
With regards to the optimal distribution of filters among achromatic and chromatic
branches, our experiments show that about 80% of the filters should go into the chromatic
branch in order to provide the maximum reliability in front of different sources of noise.
The reason behind this conclusion is based in the fact that color filters have wider field
of view than lightness or RGB filters. Another reason is the color cue portrays highly
relevant features for plant disease classification.
As we have Toda & Okura’s Inception V3 based work as our baseline, we did our
experiments with a modified Inception V3. It would make sense as a future work to try
the same two-branches approach with an Inception V4 [13] model.
J.P. Schwarz Schuler et al. / Reliable Deep Learning Plant Leaf Disease Classification 381
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J.P. Schwarz Schuler et al. / Reliable Deep Learning Plant Leaf Disease Classification382
... We hypothesize that the filters in the AB branch provide noise resistance due to their relatively low frequency in the image-space domain. The results of this chapter are published in Schuler et al. (2021b). ...
Full-text available
Recent architectures in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) have a very high number of trainable parameters and, consequently, require plenty of hardware and time to run. It’s also commonly found in the literature that most parameters in a DCNN are redundant. This thesis presents two methods for reducing the number of parameters and floating-point computations in existing DCNN architectures applied for image classification. The first method reduces parameters in the first layers of a neural network, while the second method reduces parameters in deeper layers. The first method is a modification of the first layers of a DCNN that splits the channels of an image encoded with CIE Lab color space in two separate branches, one for the achromatic channel and another for the remaining chromatic channels. We modified an Inception V3 architecture to include one branch specific for achromatic data (L channel) and another branch specific for chromatic data (AB channels). This modification takes advantage of the decoupling of chromatic and achromatic information. Besides, splitting branches reduces the number of trainable parameters and computation load by up to 50% of the original figures in the modified layers. We achieved a state-of-the-art classification accuracy of 99.48% on the PlantVillage dataset. This thesis also shows that this two-branch method improves image classification reliability when the input images contain noise. Besides the first layers in a DCNN, in deeper layers of some recent DCNN architectures, more than 80% of the parameters come from standard pointwise convolutions. The parameter count in pointwise convolutions quickly grows due to the multiplication of the filters and input channels from the preceding layer. The second optimization method introduced in this thesis is making pointwise convolutions parameter-efficient via parallel branching to handle this growth. Each branch contains a group of filters and processes a fraction of the input channels. To avoid degrading the learning capability of DCNNs, we propose interleaving the filters’ output from separate branches at intermediate layers of successive pointwise convolutions. We tested our optimization on an EfficientNet-B0 as a baseline architecture and made classification tests on the CIFAR-10, Colorectal Cancer Histology, and Malaria datasets. For each dataset, our optimization saves 76%, 89%, and 91% of the number of trainable parameters of EfficientNet-B0, while keeping its test classification accuracy.
... First, classic Machine Learning (ML) based approaches, where a collection of features is extracted and selected from images and then classified with techniques such as Support Vector Machines (SVM) [5], K-Means algorithm [6] or Random Forest [7], among others. Second, and nowadays, one of the most popular approaches is the use of Deep Learning (DL) [8] and particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) [9,10] to train a model to identify the dataset classes. ...
Over the last few years, there have been many technological approaches whose application domain is rural areas to provide more advanced services to environments of this kind. In the agricultural environment, several proposals mainly try to develop crop management systems based on the spatial and temporal variability of different factors within a crop field, which is currently known as precision agriculture. One of the most critical tasks in this area is to detect plant diseases. Identifying diseases requires a lot of time and skilled labour. Thus, this paper proposes developing an intelligent device to detect plant diseases using deep learning techniques. Different experiments have been carried out to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed device. The results have shown a high performance with very short execution times.
... Following this idea, in [27] we showed that each of the parallel branches learn the features related to the nature of each cue, and it makes the modified DCNN more resistant to different types of noise at classifying plant diseases. Indeed, L filters focus on achromatic features, like texture, edges, damaged areas, etc. of the leaf, while the AB filters focus on chromatic fea-tures, like lesions, general color of the leaf, etc. ...
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Deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) have been successfully applied to plant disease detection. Unlike most existing studies, we propose feeding a DCNN CIE Lab instead of RGB color coordinates. We modified an Inception V3 architecture to include one branch specific for achromatic data (L channel) and another branch specific for chromatic data (AB channels). This modification takes advantage of the decoupling of chromatic and achromatic information. Besides, splitting branches reduces the number of trainable parameters and computation load by up to 50% of the original figures using modified layers. We achieved a state-of-the-art classification accuracy of 99.48% on the Plant Village dataset and 76.91% on the Cropped-PlantDoc dataset.
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Deep learning with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) has achieved great success in the classification of various plant diseases. However, a limited number of studies have elucidated the process of inference, leaving it as an untouchable black box. Revealing the CNN to extract the learned feature as an interpretable form not only ensures its reliability but also enables the validation of the model authenticity and the training dataset by human intervention. In this study, a variety of neuron-wise and layer-wise visualization methods were applied using a CNN, trained with a publicly available plant disease image dataset. We showed that neural networks can capture the colors and textures of lesions specific to respective diseases upon diagnosis, which resembles human decision-making. While several visualization methods were used as they are, others had to be optimized to target a specific layer that fully captures the features to generate consequential outputs. Moreover, by interpreting the generated attention maps, we identified several layers that were not contributing to inference and removed such layers inside the network, decreasing the number of parameters by 75% without affecting the classification accuracy. The results provide an impetus for the CNN black box users in the field of plant science to better understand the diagnosis process and lead to further efficient use of deep learning for plant disease diagnosis.
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The latest generation of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) has achieved impressive results in the field of image classification. This paper is concerned with a new approach to the development of plant disease recognition model, based on leaf image classification, by the use of deep convolutional networks. Novel way of training and the methodology used facilitate a quick and easy system implementation in practice. The developed model is able to recognize 13 different types of plant diseases out of healthy leaves, with the ability to distinguish plant leaves from their surroundings. According to our knowledge, this method for plant disease recognition has been proposed for the first time. All essential steps required for implementing this disease recognition model are fully described throughout the paper, starting from gathering images in order to create a database, assessed by agricultural experts. Caffe, a deep learning framework developed by Berkley Vision and Learning Centre, was used to perform the deep CNN training. The experimental results on the developed model achieved precision between 91% and 98%, for separate class tests, on average 96.3%.
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Crop diseases are a major threat to food security, but their rapid identification remains difficult in many parts of the world due to the lack of the necessary infrastructure. The combination of increasing global smartphone penetration and recent advances in computer vision made possible by deep learning has paved the way for smartphone-assisted disease diagnosis. Using a public dataset of 54,306 images of diseased and healthy plant leaves collected under controlled conditions, we train a deep convolutional neural network to identify 14 crop species and 26 diseases (or absence thereof). The trained model achieves an accuracy of 99.35% on a held-out test set, demonstrating the feasibility of this approach. Overall, the approach of training deep learning models on increasingly large and publicly available image datasets presents a clear path toward smartphone-assisted crop disease diagnosis on a massive global scale.
In this paper, we proposed a novel plant leaf disease identification model based on a deep convolutional neural network (Deep CNN). The Deep CNN model is trained using an open dataset with 39 different classes of plant leaves and background images. Six types of data augmentation methods were used: image flipping, gamma correction, noise injection, principal component analysis (PCA) colour augmentation, rotation, and scaling. We observed that using data augmentation can increase the performance of the model. The proposed model was trained using different training epochs, batch sizes and dropouts. Compared with popular transfer learning approaches, the proposed model achieves better performance when using the validation data. After an extensive simulation, the proposed model achieves 96.46% classification accuracy. This accuracy of the proposed work is greater than the accuracy of traditional machine learning approaches. The proposed model is also tested with respect to its consistency and reliability.
In this paper, convolutional neural network models were developed to perform plant disease detection and diagnosis using simple leaves images of healthy and diseased plants, through deep learning methodologies.Training of the models was performed with the use of an open database of 87,848 images, containing 25 different plants in a set of 58 distinct classes of [plant, disease] combinations, including healthy plants. Several model architectures were trained, with the best performance reaching a 99.53% success rate in identifying the corresponding [plant, disease] combination (or healthy plant). The significantly high success rate makes the model a very useful advisory or early warning tool, and an approach that could be further expanded to support an integrated plant disease identification system to operate in real cultivation conditions.
Conference Paper
Convolutional networks are at the core of most stateof-the-art computer vision solutions for a wide variety of tasks. Since 2014 very deep convolutional networks started to become mainstream, yielding substantial gains in various benchmarks. Although increased model size and computational cost tend to translate to immediate quality gains for most tasks (as long as enough labeled data is provided for training), computational efficiency and low parameter count are still enabling factors for various use cases such as mobile vision and big-data scenarios. Here we are exploring ways to scale up networks in ways that aim at utilizing the added computation as efficiently as possible by suitably factorized convolutions and aggressive regularization. We benchmark our methods on the ILSVRC 2012 classification challenge validation set demonstrate substantial gains over the state of the art: 21.2% top-1 and 5.6% top-5 error for single frame evaluation using a network with a computational cost of 5 billion multiply-adds per inference and with using less than 25 million parameters. With an ensemble of 4 models and multi-crop evaluation, we report 3.5% top-5 error and 17.3% top-1 error.
Very deep convolutional networks have been central to the largest advances in image recognition performance in recent years. One example is the Inception architecture that has been shown to achieve very good performance at relatively low computational cost. Recently, the introduction of residual connections in conjunction with a more traditional architecture has yielded state-of-the-art performance in the 2015 ILSVRC challenge; its performance was similar to the latest generation Inception-v3 network. This raises the question of whether there are any benefit in combining the Inception architecture with residual connections. Here we give clear empirical evidence that training with residual connections accelerates the training of Inception networks significantly. There is also some evidence of residual Inception networks outperforming similarly expensive Inception networks without residual connections by a thin margin. We also present several new streamlined architectures for both residual and non-residual Inception networks. These variations improve the single-frame recognition performance on the ILSVRC 2012 classification task significantly. We further demonstrate how proper activation scaling stabilizes the training of very wide residual Inception networks. With an ensemble of three residual and one Inception-v4, we achieve 3.08 percent top-5 error on the test set of the ImageNet classification (CLS) challenge
Convolutional Neural Networks demonstrate high performance on ImageNet Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenges contest. Nevertheless, the published results only show the overall performance for all image classes. There is no further analysis why certain images get worse results and how they could be improved. In this paper, we provide deep performance analysis based on different types of images and point out the weaknesses of convolutional neural networks through experiment. We design a novel multiple paths convolutional neural network, which feeds different versions of images into separated paths to learn more comprehensive features. This model has better presentation for image than the traditional single path model. We acquire better classification results on complex validation set on both top 1 and top 5 scores than the best ILSVRC 2013 classification model.
An open access repository of images on plant health to enable the development of mobile disease diagnostics through machine learning and crowdsourcing
  • D P Hughes
  • Salath'e M
Hughes DP, Salath'e M. An open access repository of images on plant health to enable the development of mobile disease diagnostics through machine learning and crowdsourcing. CoRR. 2015;abs/1511.08060. Available from: