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Explosive or effusive style of volcanic eruption determined by magma storage conditions

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Abstract and Figures

Most volcanoes erupt both effusively and explosively, with explosive behaviour being responsible for most human fatalities. Eruption style is thought to be strongly controlled by fast conduit processes, limiting our ability for prediction. Here we address a critical question in the quest to develop timely forecasting of eruptive behaviour: are there conditions in which the outcome of an eruption is predetermined by the state of the magma in the subvolcanic reservoir? We analyse the pre-eruptive storage conditions of 245 units from volcanoes around the world. We show that pre-eruptive crystallinity, dissolved water content and the presence of exsolved volatiles in the chamber exert a primary control on eruptive styles. Magmas erupt explosively over a well-defined range in dissolved water content (~4–5.5 wt%) and crystallinity (less than 30 vol%). All other conditions, namely higher crystallinity, dissolved water contents below 3.5 wt% and, counterintuitively, in excess of 5.5 wt%, favour effusive activity. Between these ranges, there is a narrow field of transitional storage properties that do not discriminate between eruptive styles, and where the conduit exerts the main control on eruptive behaviour. Our findings suggest that better estimates of crystallinity and water content in subvolcanic chambers are key to forecasting eruptive style.
Correlation of eruptive styles with crystallinity, dissolved H2O and water saturation a,b, The data (a) and the results translated into a regime diagram (b). The potential field of water saturation is calculated for a magma with rhyolitic melt stored at 2 kbar (ref. ⁴⁴). For illustrative purposes, we use a temperature of 750 °C and varying CO2 concentrations (vertical dashed lines in a). The data show a clear window of explosivity separated from the effusive domain by a transitional field (orange background). In the transitional field, water content and crystallinity fail to discriminate between effusive and explosive eruptions. According to the data, this corresponds to magmatic conditions at which both eruptive styles are possible and the ensuing eruptive behaviour is likely to be dominantly controlled by the conduit dynamics. Outside this field, the magmatic properties inherited from the magma chamber predetermine the eruptive behaviour. The crystallinity threshold at which permeable outgassing is favoured⁵¹ and the rheological eruptibility limit⁵⁹ are also depicted. Above the regime diagram, the evolution of melt viscosity⁵⁴ with (1) increasing dissolved water at constant temperature (black curve, 850 °C) and (2) the combined effect of increasing dissolved water and magmatic cooling (green curve) is depicted. For the viscosity calculation, the thermal and water-content evolution is modelled using rhyolite-MELTS⁴⁰, starting from a dacitic composition at 3 wt% dissolved water over a cooling range from 1,000–700 °C. The water-undersaturated and saturated melts are reheated by 30 °C (at 5 wt% H2O) and 100 °C (at 6 wt% H2O) to test the effect that hot recharge has upon eruptive melt viscosity for a Nisyros-type explosive (blue line) and effusive case (red line)³⁵. For the uncertainty calculation on dissolved H2O, we use the average relative errors of the storage temperature and the uncertainty of the hygrometer, which we propagate in quadrature. The average propagated error of the dissolved water content over the interval analysed is 9.2% relative, which translates to the average absolute error of ±0.41 wt% H2O. Source data
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1Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland. 2Department of Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences, Brown University,
Providence, RI, USA. e-mail:
Volcanic eruptions often lead to fatalities, but explosive
behaviour on its own accounts for more than 95% of human
casualties1. In light of this, over the past decades, the scien-
tific community has made substantial progress in unravelling how
syneruptive and conduit processes influence the eruptive behav-
iour of volcanoes222. To a first order, eruptive style is thought to
depend dominantly on conduit processes, namely on whether the
gas remains trapped in the magma or escapes and outgases during
ascent3. In the first case, the trapped gas bubbles expand, acceler-
ate and fragment the magma column, releasing the energy required
for explosive activity. In the second case, outgassing neutralizes the
explosive potential of the magma, resulting in effusive eruptions.
However, most volcanoes are known to manifest both effusive and
explosive behaviour, sometimes simultaneously10,23, and a clear
understanding of the factors that control transitions between effu-
sive and explosive eruptions remains elusive.
In this study, we focus on the question: are there conditions on
the state of the magma stored before an eruption that predetermine
whether the next event will be effusive or explosive? If so, what are
the parameters that one should constrain? Can the same conceptual
framework explain the common occurrence of effusive precursors
observed at the onset of highly explosive events, including cal-
dera collapses (for example, volcan Quizapu24, Quilotoa volcano15,
Mount Pinatubo25, the Fish Canyon Tuff sequence26 or sequences of
the Aira caldera27)?
To analyse the role that various pre-eruptive parameters have
on eruption behaviour, we perform a survey of the pre-eruptive
magma chamber conditions that were prevalent when effusive and
explosive eruptions initiated at various volcanoes around the globe
(Fig. 1). We have mostly considered arc volcanoes, which gener-
ally show highly variable volatile contents, favouring a broad range
of eruptive styles. We have selected volcanic eruptions involving
intermediate to silicic magmas (andesites to rhyolites), which are
expected to have broadly similar rhyodacitic to rhyolitic melts, and
inherently comparable compositional effects on viscosity and water
saturation levels. For representability, we selected volcanoes with
subvolcanic storage regions located at around 2 kbar, which is the
most common pressure for upper-crustal magmatic storage in such
settings28. We restrict the storage pressure to avoid variations in the
water saturation level caused by this parameter.
Rationale and investigated parameters
We reconstruct a snapshot of the pre-eruptive conditions for 245
eruptive events, based on previously published data (Supplementary
Data 1). Our goal is to evaluate pre-eruptive (1) storage tempera-
tures, (2) dissolved water contents and (3) crystallinities. We cor-
relate these properties with eruptive styles (here categorized as
effusive or explosive) and with the potential pre-eruptive presence
of a water-dominated magmatic volatile phase (exsolved ‘gas’), to
highlight their effect on effusive–explosive transitions. In some
instances, specifically when both types of eruption occurred simul-
taneously, defining an eruption style might be ambiguous. In the
case of contemporaneous eruptions, we make this distinction based
on the style of eruption that initiated the event, and for older erup-
tions based on the type of deposit that was analysed. In the special
case of dome or sector collapse events, the eruptive style is still con-
sidered effusive because the explosion is a secondary surface effect
caused by gravitational processes.
Storage temperature is defined here as the temperature of the
eruptible batch of magma before eruption triggering. This is an
essential parameter that constrains the dissolved water content and
the water saturation level of the melt. To avoid the potential reheating
effect of mafic recharge, which is one of the most common processes
leading to eruptions29, we consider the pre-recharge, pre-reheating
temperature recorded by minerals crystallized in the subvolcanic
reservoir. As a first choice, we applied the amphibole-plagioclase
thermometer30, which we used throughout the dataset for consis-
tency. Where amphibole did not crystallize in equilibrium with
the pre-eruptive mineral assemblage, we relied on the pyroxene
thermometers31. We would like to stress that Fe-Ti oxides, used
Explosive or effusive style of volcanic eruption
determined by magma storage conditions
Răzvan-Gabriel Popa 1 ✉ , Olivier Bachmann1 and Christian Huber 2
Most volcanoes erupt both effusively and explosively, with explosive behaviour being responsible for most human fatalities.
Eruption style is thought to be strongly controlled by fast conduit processes, limiting our ability for prediction. Here we address
a critical question in the quest to develop timely forecasting of eruptive behaviour: are there conditions in which the outcome
of an eruption is predetermined by the state of the magma in the subvolcanic reservoir? We analyse the pre-eruptive storage
conditions of 245 units from volcanoes around the world. We show that pre-eruptive crystallinity, dissolved water content and
the presence of exsolved volatiles in the chamber exert a primary control on eruptive styles. Magmas erupt explosively over a
well-defined range in dissolved water content (~4–5.5 wt%) and crystallinity (less than 30 vol%). All other conditions, namely
higher crystallinity, dissolved water contents below 3.5 wt% and, counterintuitively, in excess of 5.5 wt%, favour effusive activ-
ity. Between these ranges, there is a narrow field of transitional storage properties that do not discriminate between eruptive
styles, and where the conduit exerts the main control on eruptive behaviour. Our findings suggest that better estimates of
crystallinity and water content in subvolcanic chambers are key to forecasting eruptive style.
NATURE GEOSCIENCE | VOL 14 | OCTOBER 2021 | 781–786 | 781
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
... Water plays a critical influence on igneous processes, including the generation of magma by partial melting, their transport to surface owing to its effect on their viscosity, and the style of volcanic eruptions. For instance, the recent study of [3] highlighted the importance of the preeruptive water content in determining explosive or effusive eruptive styles, and further raised some counter-intuitive results such as the inhibition of explosive eruptive events at water contents above around 5.5 wt% (Figure 1). ...
... The shallow crustal reservoirs of a given magmatic system are thus key environments as their characteristics constrain both the composition of the extruded magma and the style of the eruption (Bower and Woods 1998;Andújar and Scaillet 2012;Bachmann and Huber 2016;Popa et al. 2019). Therefore, establishing their location, as well as the pre-eruptive magma conditions, both chemical (e.g., composition, amount of volatiles, fluid saturation condition) and physical (e.g., viscosity, density), is of primary importance (Goepfert and Gardner 2010;Parmigiani et al. 2017;Edmonds and Woods 2018;Huber et al. 2019;Popa et al. 2021aPopa et al. , 2021b. ...
For active volcanoes, knowledge of the architecture of the plumbing system and the conditions of magma storage prior to an eruption are highly important, given their influence on the eruptive style and, thus, the management of future volcanic crises. Here, chlorine is used as a geobarometer for potassic alkaline magmas at the Campi Flegrei volcanic complex, revealing the shallowest depth of fluid-melt equilibration with respect to Cl. The results for representative fallout deposits of selected explosive eruptions show the existence of a multi-depth equilibration zone through time, including shallow magma storage. We describe evidence for the shallowest zone located at a depth equivalent to 65 MPa for the Agnano Monte Spina eruption (4482–4625 cal. yrs BP), at ~100 MPa for the Pomici Principali (11 915–12 158 cal. yrs BP), and the Astroni 6 (4098–4297 cal. yrs BP) eruptions, and close to 115 MPa for the last explosive eruption of Monte Nuovo (AD 1538). For comparison, the pressure estimated for a possible reservoir feeding the Cretaio eruption of Ischia island (AD 430), the only studied eruption on Ischia, is ~140 MPa. The pressure estimates for the two largest magnitude eruptions, the Campanian Ignimbrite (40 ka) and the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (14.9 ka), are also discussed with respect to available magma withdrawal models. The pressures estimated using the Cl geobarometer for the magma leading to the fallout phases of these two eruptions provide evidence for a low-volume, shallow domain (~40 MPa) for the Plinian phase of the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption and a main, deeper reservoir (~130–165 MPa) for the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff eruption. The inferred shallowest equilibration pressures are interpreted here as corresponding to transitory, short-lived magma apophyses, whose eruption may have been facilitated by optimum tectonic stresses, rheological behavior of the crust, and efficiency of volatile exsolution. Alternatively, these magma apophyses may represent an evolved, crystal-rich ponded magma into which a volatile-rich magma ascending from depth was injected. The transient nature of such very shallow reservoirs is suggested by the short timescales inferred from diffusion modeling on crystals available in the literature for the studied Campi Flegrei eruptions. The influence of sulfur (S) on Cl solubility is assessed through Cl solubility modeling and applied to different eruptions. In addition, the pressure at which magmatic fluids and melts equilibrated with respect to Cl is shallower for the Campi Flegrei volcanic complex than the Somma-Vesuvio volcanic complex, erupting more homogeneous differentiated magma, of trachytic or phonolitic composition. This approach of using Cl to investigate the architecture of the plumbing system can be extended to all alkali-rich magma systems.
... As magma rises from the deep layers of the earth towards the surface, the resulting pressure and heat can cause volcanoes to erupt. Other factors that can affect a volcanic eruption include the gas content in the magma, the state of the crater, and weather conditions (Fitri et al., 2023;Popa et al., 2021). ...
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Indonesia has the highest number of active volcanoes in the world due to its geologic location at the confluence of the Eurasian and Australian plates. However, despite this, the knowledge of local communities regarding volcanic eruptions is still very minimal. Therefore, it is important to provide education to the community in this context is the local community. This Community Service Program aims to increase community knowledge related to the process of volcanic eruption by using pulp-based learning media, so that it can become disaster mitigation knowledge. The methods used are observation, coaching or training based on practical simulations, questionnaires and interviews. The subject of this Community Service is the community of Tambun village, Baolan sub-district, Tolitoli district, totaling 21 people in collaboration with students of the elementary school teacher education program in semester III. The results of this program are the increase in community knowledge related to volcanic eruptions and the growth of community awareness related to the use of waste paper, this is in line with SDGs 4 and SDGs 17 relating to quality education and partnerships with the community.
... Mapping igneous rocks at any volcano is an important endeavor for assessing future hazards (Finn, et al., 2007;Sieron et al., 2019;Kereszturi et al., 2020). For example, the combination of different volcanic minerals and glasses provides insight into the lifespan of magma underneath a volcano from generation through eruption, solidification, transport, and deposition at the surface (Popa et al., 2021). The changes in reflected and emitted energy that different surfaces exhibit in different regions of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum are governed by physical properties from which we can infer the probable processes that led to their eruption. ...
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Understanding the composition, texture, and morphology of volcanic rocks that have erupted at the surface better constrains the eruption style and is vital to infer subsurface processes, the development of magma upon ascent, and the potential for future eruptions. The reflectance and emission spectroscopy of these rocks, collected from the near-infrared (NIR) through the thermal infrared (TIR) portion of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum, provides the data necessary to retrieve composition, micron-scale surface roughness, and particle size. Remote imaging systems enable the analyses of active volcanoes in remote regions, where sample collection for laboratory analysis poses a significant challenge. Laboratory hyperspectral data of samples acquired at volcanic deposits are easily resampled to the spectral resolution of any infrared sensor and provide a means of estimating the composition of volcanoes and their products worldwide, as well as those on other planetary bodies such as the Moon and Mars. In this review paper, we provide an overview of the current use of infrared reflectance and emission spectroscopy as an analysis tool in volcanology, including ground-based imaging systems that acquire unprecedented detail and serve as testbeds for new orbital concepts. We also discuss the potential impact that future satellite missions will have on volcano science as spectral, spatial, and temporal resolutions improve.
Melt-based thermobarometers are essential tools to recover pre-eruptive magma storage conditions through their application to bulk rock and liquid chemistry. In active volcanic systems, thermobarometric results can be combined with independent geophysical data during or after an eruption to validate conceptual models. In this contribution, we revisit the thermobarometer for melts equilibrated with the mineral assemblage of olivine + plagioclase + augitic clinopyroxene (OPAM). We first demonstrate that the most widely applied OPAM thermobarometer suffers from both random and systematic uncertainty even for anhydrous melts, and that the uncertainty increases proportionally with melt H2O. To address this issue, we use a modern compilation of anhydrous and hydrous OPAM-saturated experiments to regress a new empirical melt-based OPAM thermometer and barometer. Our new equations recover a validation dataset with a standard error estimate (SEE) of ±1.14 kbar and ±36 °C for pressure and temperature respectively, as well as a low systematic uncertainty that does not depend on melt H2O. Additionally, we present a novel statistical approach to determine the probability that a given melt is OPAM-saturated, which can be used alongside rigorous petrographic and geochemical observations. Our thermobarometer and saturation test are presented as a user-friendly R script which reads from an input csv file to be populated with natural data. We benchmark the new calibrations on the products of the 2015 eruption of Wolf Volcano (Isabela Island, Galápagos archipelago) and the 2014-2015 Holuhraun eruption (Iceland), both of which have independent geophysical estimates of magma storage that agree well with our thermobarometric results.
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Experimentally calibrated models to recover pressures and temperatures of magmas, are widely used in igneous petrology. However, large errors, especially in barometry, limit the capacity of these models to resolve the architecture of crustal igneous systems. Here we apply machine learning to a large experimental database to calibrate new regression models that recover P-T of magmas based on melt composition plus associated phase assemblage. The method is applicable to compositions from basalt to rhyolite, pressures from 0.2 to 15 kbar, and temperatures of 675-1400°C. Testing and optimisation of the model with a filter that removes estimates with standard deviation above the 50th percentile show that pressures can be recovered with root-mean-square-error (RMSE) of 1.1-1.3 kbar and errors on temperature estimates of 21°C. Our findings demonstrate that, given constraints on the coexisting mineral assemblage melt chemistry, is a reliable recorder of magmatic variables. This is a consequence of the relatively low thermodynamic variance of natural magma compositions despite their relatively large number of constituent oxide components. We apply our model to two contrasting cases with well-constrained geophysical information: Mount St. Helens volcano (USA), and Askja caldera in Iceland. Dacite whole-rocks from Mount St Helens erupted 1980-1986, inferred to represent liquids extracted from cpx-hbl-opx-plag-mt-ilm mush, yield melt extraction source pressures of 5.1-6.7 kbar in excellent agreement with geophysical constraints. Melt inclusions and matrix glasses record lower pressures (0.7-3.8 kbar), consistent with magma crystallisation within the upper reaches of the imaged geophysical anomaly and during ascent. Magma reservoir depth estimates for historical eruptions from Askja match the location of seismic wave speed anomalies. Vp/Vs anomalies at 5-10 km depth correspond to hot (~990°C) rhyolite source regions, while basaltic magmas (~1120°C) were stored at 7-17 km depth under the caldera. These examples illustrate how our model can link petrology and geophysics to better constrain the architecture of volcanic feeding systems. Our model (MagMaTaB) is accessible through a user-friendly web application (
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Macrocrysts (large crystals) in magmas offer a premier record of pre‐eruptive magma storage conditions encoded in their chemistry and texture. Careful study of macrocryst zoning can deconvolve the conditions of crystal growth and the relative time a magma spends in a given physical‐chemical state prior to eruption. Importantly, identifying discrete macrocryst zones requires consideration of both chemistry and texture simultaneously. Here, we employ a novel image segmentation approach to characterize zoning from 2D chemical maps of plagioclase macrocrysts. We apply the method to 15 volcanic eruptions, across three stratigraphic sections, to track statistical differences in crystal zoning through relative time at an arc volcano (Mount Liamuiga, Saint Kitts). Plagioclase from the 15 eruptions are described by 7 unique textural‐chemical zoning populations, which we term “zoning groups,” each of which has a unique An# fingerprint. Two of the studied stratigraphic sections overwhelmingly record low‐An# zoning groups (ZGs), whereas the other section records mostly high‐An# ZGs, suggestive of two distinct storage conditions. Using observations from equilibrium experiments relevant to Saint Kitts bulk magma compositions, we show that differences in melt H2O are the primary drivers of the An# variability. Negative whole rock K2O versus predicted H2O trends are suggestive of ubiquitous H2O‐saturated conditions throughout the middle and upper crust, with a correlation between H2O‐saturated storage pressure (Psat) and eruptive dynamics; magmas stored in the upper‐crust (0.48 ± 0.28–1.08 ± 0.45 kbar) produce larger‐volume, pumice‐rich eruptions compared to magmas stored in the middle crust (3.29 ± 0.87–3.88 ± 1.05 kbar) which generally produce smaller‐volume, centimeter to decimeter‐thick fall deposits.
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Melt-based thermobarometers are essential tools to recover pre-eruptive magma storage conditions through their application to bulk rock and liquid chemistry. In active volcanic systems, thermobarometric results can be combined with independent geophysical data during or after an eruption to validate conceptual models. In this contribution, we revisit the thermobarometer for melts equilibrated with the mineral assemblage of olivine + plagioclase + augitic clinopyroxene (OPAM). We first demonstrate that the most widely applied OPAM thermobarometer suffers from both random and systematic uncertainty even for anhydrous melts, and that the uncertainty increases proportionally with melt H2O. To address this issue, we use a modern compilation of anhydrous and hydrous OPAM-saturated experiments to regress a new melt-based OPAM thermometer and barometer. Our new equations recover a validation dataset with a standard error estimate (SEE) of ±1.1 kbar and ±35 ˚C for pressure and temperature respectively, as well as a low systematic uncertainty that does not depend on melt H2O. Additionally, we present a novel statistical approach to determine the probability that a given melt is OPAM-saturated, which can be used alongside petrographic observations. Our thermobarometer and saturation test are presented as a straightforward R script which reads from an input csv file to be populated with natural data. We benchmark the new calibrations on the products of the 2015 eruption of Wolf Volcano (Isabela Island, Galápagos) and the 2014-2015 Holuhraun eruption (Iceland), both of which have independent geophysical estimates of magma storage that agree well with our thermobarometric results.
Rocks produced by diverse processes, from condensation in space to impacts on planetary surfaces to volcanism, contain both crystals and amorphous material. Crystallinity provides information on the thermal history of the sample and is especially important in characterizing volcanic rocks and pyroclasts because lava rheology is profoundly influenced by the crystal content. Crystallinity is typically quantified via microscopy, using transmitted light or backscattered electrons. However, many samples present visibly ambiguous textures such as intimate intergrowth of crystal phases, and/or crystal sizes extending down to the nanometer scale. Here we apply calorimetric methods involving heat capacity and enthalpy to assess the crystallinity of a series of volcanic samples. We tested three different approaches, using differential scanning calorimetry, on 30-40 mg aliquots of powdered basalts from the 2018 Kīlauea lower East Rift Zone. The first approach involves determining the magnitude of the increase in heat capacity at the glass transition , which can determine crystallinity to a 1𝜎 precision of ±3%. The second approach is based on the enthalpy of fusion, which requires a longer more complex procedure with results that are typically more uncertain than for the heat capacity method, with a 1𝜎 of ±6%. A final method utilizing differences in enthalpies calculated from the heat capacities required the most complex procedure, and has the greatest uncertainty of ±18%. Preliminary results for lavas with microscopically determined crystallinities ranging from 11-98% indicate that crystallinity based on calorimetric data can be tens of percent higher than the average value identified using microscopy and petrographic analysis. Image-based methodologies applied to sections of samples reveal spatial heterogeneity and details in texture and crystallinity, whereas calorimetry-based methodologies capture the overall "bulk sample" properties, unbiased by section effects or imaging resolution limits. These techniques are a powerful combination that can present complementary views of crystallinity.
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Changes from effusive to explosive behavior are common during single eruptive events. However, in many cases these shifts are recorded between distinct eruptions, separated by periods of volcanic repose. In the quiescent periods, magma chamber processes are likely to play a major role in controlling the style of the next eruption, by modifying the properties of the magmas. Crystallinity, viscosity, dissolved water content and the water saturation state of the melt are among the properties that can easily change during periods of repose, and that can influence the behavior of the magmas during eruption. Here, we focus on the active Nisyros-Yali volcanic center (South Aegean Volcanic Arc) to investigate the water saturation state of the magma reservoir, before effusive and explosive events were triggered. We investigate the evolution of Cl in melt inclusions, and the fractionation of Cl from F in apatite included in other mineral phases. We present an analytical protocol for minimizing F diffusion during EPMA apatite measurements, and to correct for diffusion resulting from variable crystal orientation. The relatively high concentrations of Cl positively correlated with the degree of differentiation in melt inclusions, and the lack of a clear fractionation trend of Cl from F in apatite, indicate that explosive eruptions were generated by magmas that were water-undersaturated during magmatic storage. In effusive eruptions, both melt and apatite inclusions record Cl depletion at magmatic storage conditions. This suggests that effusive events were generated by magmas stored in areas of the reservoir with sufficient volumes of exsolved water to significantly extract Cl from the melt. This is in accordance with mineral-melt hygrometry estimates, which suggest dissolved water contents of ~4.5 wt% for magmas generating explosive events, and in excess of 5.5 wt% for magmas behaving effusively. The presence of exsolved volatiles in the magma reservoirs immediately prior to eruption favors outgassing in the conduit and effusive behavior despite the high water content. This is partly due to increasing the compressibility of the magmatic reservoir upon mafic recharge, and partly due to fostering the development of early gas permeability, at deep levels in the conduit.
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Silicic volcanic activity has long been framed as either violently explosive or gently effusive. However, recent observations demonstrate that explosive and effusive behavior can occur simultaneously. Here, we propose that rhyolitic magma feeding subaerial eruptions generally fragments during ascent through the upper crust and that effusive eruptions result from conduit blockage and sintering of the pyroclastic products of deeper cryptic fragmentation. Our proposal is supported by (i) rhyolitic lavas are volatile depleted; (ii) textural evidence supports a pyroclastic origin for effusive products; (iii) numerical models show that small ash particles ≲10−5 m can diffusively degas, stick, and sinter to low porosity, in the time available between fragmentation and the surface; and (iv) inferred ascent rates from both explosive and apparently effusive eruptions can overlap. Our model reconciles previously paradoxical observations and offers a new framework in which to evaluate physical, numerical, and geochemical models of Earth’s most violent volcanic eruptions.
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Monitoring dynamics of volcanic eruptions with geophysics is challenging. In August and November 2012, two small eruptions from Mount Tongariro provided a unique opportunity to image subsurface changes caused by the eruptions. A detailed magnetotelluric survey of the Tongariro volcanic complex completed prior to the eruption (2008–2010) provides the preeruption structure of the magmatic system. A subset of the initial measurement locations was reoccupied in June 2013. Significant changes were observed in phase tensor data at sites close to the eruptive center. Although subsurface electrical resistivity changed, the geometry of the preeruptive reservoir did not. These subsurface resistivity variations are interpreted as being predominantly caused by interaction of partial melt and the overlying brine layer causing volume reduction of the brine layer through phreatic eruption. The ability to detect significant changes associated with the magma reservoir suggests that magnetotellurics can be a valuable volcano monitoring tool.
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Magmas vesiculate during ascent, producing complex interconnected pore networks, which can act as outgassing pathways and then deflate or compact to volcanic plugs. Similarly, in-conduit fragmentation events during dome-forming eruptions create open systems transiently, before welding causes pore sealing. The percolation threshold is the first-order transition between closed- and open-system degassing dynamics. Here, we use time-resolved, synchrotron-source X-ray tomography to image synthetic magmas that go through cycles of opening and closing, to constrain the percolation threshold Φ C at a range of melt crystallinity, viscosity and overpressure pertinent to shallow magma ascent. During vesiculation, we observed different percolative regimes for the same initial bulk crystallinity depending on melt viscosity and gas overpressure. At high viscosity (> 106 Pa s) and high overpressure (~ 1-4 MPa), we found that a brittle-viscous regime dominates in which brittle rupture allows system-spanning coalescence at a low percolation threshold (Φ C ~0.17) via the formation of fracture-like bubble chains. Percolation was followed by outgassing and bubble collapse causing densification and isolation of the bubble network, resulting in a hysteresis in the evolution of connectivity with porosity. At low melt viscosity and overpressure, we observed a viscous regime with much higher percolation threshold (Φ C > 0.37) due to spherical bubble growth and lower degree of crystal connection. Finally, our results also show that sintering of crystal-free and crystal-bearing magma analogues is characterised by low percolation thresholds (Φ C = 0.04 - 0.10). We conclude that the presence of crystals lowers the percolation threshold during vesiculation and may promote outgassing in shallow, crystal-rich magma at initial stages of Vulcanian and Strombolian eruptions.
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Storage pressures of magma chambers influence the style, frequency and magnitude of volcanic eruptions. Neutral buoyancy or rheological transitions are commonly assumed to control where magmas accumulate and form such chambers. However, the density of volatile-rich silicic magmas is typically lower than that of the surrounding crust, and the rheology of the crust alone does not define the depth of the brittle–ductile transition around a magma chamber. Yet, typical storage pressures inferred from geophysical inversions or petrological methods seem to cluster around 2 ± 0.5 kbar in all tectonic settings and crustal compositions. Here, we use thermomechanical modelling to show that storage pressure is controlled by volatile exsolution and crustal rheology. At pressures ≲\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\lesssim$$\end{document}1.5 kbar, and for geologically realistic water contents, chamber volumes and recharge rates, the presence of an exsolved magmatic volatile phase hinders chamber growth because eruptive volumes are typically larger than recharges feeding the system during periods of dormancy. At pressures ≳\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$>rsim$$\end{document}2.5 kbar, the viscosity of the crust in long-lived magmatic provinces is sufficiently low to inhibit most eruptions. Sustainable eruptible magma reservoirs are able to develop only within a relatively narrow range of pressures around 2 ± 0.5 kbar, where the amount of exsolved volatiles fosters growth while the high viscosity of the crust promotes the necessary overpressurization for eruption.
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Crustal magma chambers can grow to be hundreds to thousands of cubic kilometers, potentially feeding catastrophic caldera-forming eruptions. Smaller volume chambers are expected to erupt frequently and freeze quickly; a major outstanding question is how magma chambers ever grow to the sizes required to sustain the largest eruptions on Earth. We use a thermo-mechanical model to investigate the primary factors that govern the extrusive:intrusive ratio in a chamber, and how this relates to eruption frequency, eruption size, and long-term chamber growth. The model consists of three fundamental timescales: the magma injection timescale τ in , the cooling timescale τ cool , and the timescale for viscous relaxation of the crust τ relax . We estimate these timescales using geologic and geophysical data from four volcanoes (Laguna del Maule, Campi Flegrei, Santorini, and Aso) to compare them with the model. In each of these systems, τ in is much shorter than τ cool and slightly shorter than τ relax , conditions that in the model are associated with efficient chamber growth and simultaneous eruption. In addition, the model suggests that the magma chambers underlying these volcanoes are growing at rates between ~10 ⁻⁴ and 10 ⁻² km ³ /year, speeding up over time as the chamber volume increases. We find scaling relationships for eruption frequency and size that suggest that as chambers grow and volatiles exsolve, eruption frequency decreases but eruption size increases. These scaling relationships provide a good match to the eruptive history from the natural systems, suggesting that the relationships can be used to constrain chamber growth rates and volatile saturation state from the eruptive history alone.
Deformation and gas emissions at active volcanoes provide insights into volcanic plumbing systems. Large discrepancies are observed between the volumes calculated from deformation data and the volumes of erupted magmas and are ascribed to the amount of excess fluids in magma reservoirs, which hinders our capacity to predict the magnitude of an imminent eruption. Here, a series of experiments demonstrates that the amount of trapped excess fluids in felsic magmas depends strongly on fluid composition. Magmas with CO2 excess fluids become permeable at 44% larger porosities with respect to the H2O-rich counterparts at equivalent crystallinity. Available excess gas geochemistry and juvenile porosity data from felsic systems reveal that the volume discrepancy between erupted magma and syn-eruptive SO2 increases with CO2 excess in magmas. These data highlight that CO2-rich fluids enhance magma's capacity to store excess volatiles and shed light on the largest discrepancies between pre-eruptive deformation and eruption intensity and magnitude.
The sudden destabilization of voluminous magma after stable accumulation in a crustal magma chamber is a key process in the sequence of a catastrophic caldera-forming eruption. We investigated the petrological characteristics of magma that has erupted before, during and after the caldera-forming eruption of the Aira Caldera, Japan. This provides an example of the evolution of a rhyolite magma system during a catastrophic caldera-forming eruption. Stratigraphic and petrological investigations on the pre-caldera eruptive materials showed accumulation of high-silica rhyolite 4–5 km below the ground surface, which commenced at least ~ 30,000 years prior to the caldera-forming eruption. A part of the accumulated rhyolite magma leaked from the chamber and caused several pre-caldera eruptions. Phase equilibrium relationships and water concentrations in glass inclusions in phenocrysts suggest that the vertical extension of rhyolite magma chamber was 2–2.5 km. The rhyolite magma maintained a temperature between 735 and 800 °C and crystal mush state with 20–50% of crystallinity during its accumulation. The injection of mafic magmas destabilized the stored magma. Further, the heating of the rhyolite magma to 780–840 °C by the heat transfer from the mafic magma decreased the crystallinity down to 10% and induced mobilization of the stored rhyolite magmas. The remobilized magma could erupt as the Plinian eruption at the beginning and produced the Osumi pumice-fall deposit. This deposit occupies approximately 10% of the total volume of the erupted magma during the caldera-forming eruption. Though the extraction of rhyolite magma was limited to part of the magma chamber, decompression of the magma chamber by the magma extraction was enough to induce the caldera collapse and resulted in the eruption of the main ignimbrite (Ito ignimbrite) from the rest of the magma chamber. The volume of the erupted magma during the caldera-forming eruption is comparable with that of the magma chamber. New rhyolite magma with discernible composition from the rhyolite magmas of the caldera-forming eruption started accumulating in the magma chamber following the caldera-forming eruption and was the source for the post-caldera eruptions.
Most arc volcanoes erupt intermediate to silicic magmas that have sufficient volatile contents to behave explosively. Despite this explosive potential, low-energy effusive eruptions of such viscous water-rich magmas are common occurrences. Hence, predicting the style of the next eruption, with its obvious importance on hazard mitigation, remains one of the main challenges of volcanology. Here, we investigate the changes in eruptive styles at Methana volcano, from the South Aegean Arc. This volcano has generated multiple andesite-to-dacite eruptions, with the last event occurring in historical times (~2250 BP). We focus on 14 eruptive events, 3 being explosive. We compare the petrology and geochemistry of the deposits to reconstruct the magma chamber events that preceded both types of eruptions. We estimate the thermo-chemical conditions that characterized each eruptive event, and highlight the causes that promoted or inhibited magma fragmentation: temperature, pressure, composition, relative volumes of different magma batches, dissolved water content, crystallinity, melt and bulk viscosities. The results indicate that Methana harbors an upper crustal silicic reservoir stored at ~2 kbar (likely dacitic to rhyodacitic in composition) that is in a highly crystalline state (>50 vol% crystals, mostly uneruptible). All the eruptions are triggered by deeper magma recharge ascending from storage pressures of ~4–5 kbar, leading to some rejuvenation of the shallow silicic mush. The most mafic recharges (~55 wt% SiO2, ~1000 °C, >3 wt% H2O) promote effusive eruptions after mixing and hybridizing the upper crustal reservoir (~57–64 wt% SiO2, ~900–950 °C, generally 3–4 wt% H2O). Slightly colder, wetter and more differentiated recharges (~62 wt% SiO2; ~900 °C, ~4 wt% H2O) trigger explosive events after having minimal interaction with the upper crustal reservoir. However, the dissolved water content is not the only factor influencing explosivity, as some of the wettest magmas (>4.5 wt% H2O) generate lava flows. Our data indicate that a key control on effusive-explosive transitions at Methana is the crystallinity of the erupted material. A high-crystallinity (40–55 vol%) increases the bulk-viscosity, which results in the magma having a slower ascent velocity. In addition, crystallinity enhances the formation of permeable pathways for the gas. Longer ascent timescales and enhanced permeability in the conduit improve the outgassing potential of the magmas and lead to effusive behavior. The opposite occurs for explosive events. Here, the lower-crystallinity of the magmas (30 vol%) translates into lower bulk-viscosities and faster ascent rates, which inhibit outgassing. This case study highlights the importance of obtaining better constraints on the state of subvolcanic magma reservoirs, in particular concerning crystallinity and volatile concentrations, which has to become a priority in the years to come.
Arc volcanoes generally emit water-rich, high-viscosity silicic magmas, which are prone to erupt explosively. However, effusive behavior is a common occurrence despite the high-H2O, high viscosity conditions. The contrasting shift from effusive to explosive behavior (and vice-versa) at any individual volcano raises the question on what controls eruptive style. Permeability development in conduits allows magma to outgas and is clearly a key factor. However, an important question is whether magma reservoir processes can also have an influence on eruptive styles. The answer could have direct impact on predicting eruptive behavior. Hence, we explore this potential connection by analyzing nine alternating effusive and explosive silicic deposits that were emplaced during distinct eruptions at the active Nisyros-Yali volcanic center. The lavas and pyroclastic deposits are compositionally similar. This indicates a negligible influence of the bulk rock composition on different eruptive styles. The crystal contents vary between units, without any clear correlation with eruptive style (from nearly aphyric to ~45 vol% crystals). Mineral textures and chemistry do show variations between effusive and explosive eruptions, with a larger proportion of resorbed plagioclase and, in most cases, more evolved amphiboles present in the lava flows. Mineral thermo-barometry and hygrometry show that the storage zones of magmas generating effusive eruptions evolved towards colder and more water-rich conditions (710-790˚C; 5.6-6.5 wt% H2O) than their explosive counterparts (815-850˚C; 4.2-4.6 wt% H2O). At storage pressures of 1.5-2 kbar, relevant for Nisyros-Yali, the volatile saturation level is reached at > 5 wt% H2O. Therefore, it is likely that the magmas reached water-saturation before generating effusive eruptions, and were undersaturated before explosive events. We hypothesize that the presence of exsolved volatiles in the subvolcanic reservoir can enhance the outgassing potential of the magma during conduit ascent. Hence, the rhyolitic effusive-explosive transitions can be influenced by the pre-eruptive exsolved versus dissolved state of the volatiles in the magma chamber. This can lead to the less explosive eruptions for the most water-rich reservoir conditions.