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Belastbarkeit, Resilienz, Leistungsfähigkeit: Gesundheitsorientierte Personalführung in spezialisierten Polizeieinheiten



In einer Studie im Rahmen einer Masterarbeit wurde untersucht, wie Führungskräfte in Hochleistungsteams Kompetenzen, Stärken und psychische Schutzfaktoren ihrer Teammitglieder fördern, um deren mentale Belastbarkeit und Gesundheit zu stärken. Befragt wurden in leitfadengestützten Experteninterviews der Leiter des USK Bayern, der Leiter des MEK Südbayern sowie der Leiter und der stv. Leiter (Mentaltrainer) des SEK Südbayern. Sektorenübergreifenden Erkenntnisgewinn ermöglichen Interviews mit einem Fluglehrer und Piloten der zivilen Sonderfliegerei sowie einem Notarzt, der auf einem Rettungshubschrauber tätig ist und notfallmedizinische Teams im Mentaltraining schult.
... were initially published in modified form in the journal TAKTIK + MEDIZIN (Jäger & Kohls, 2021), and subsequently in the Springer Handbook of Police Psychology (Jäger & Kohls, in press for 2023a). ...
... We posit that such a program could be of significant benefit and value to SPUs/SFs, given these teams' stress exposure, both on an individual and group/collective level. SPU/SF operations are stress-intensive due to the violent nature of their engagement(s), high risk, complexity, unpredictable changes in situation(s), time pressure, short preparation time, requirements of complex information management (often in low informational settings), and high pressure of responsibility due to the necessity for rapid, momentous decisions and action(s) (Jäger & Kohls, 2021;Massenbach-Bardt, 2008;Pawlowsky, 2008). The greatest mental strain can be triggered by severe incidents and accidents incurring the injury or death of colleagues. ...
... Through active decision-making and clear instructions, leaders convey predictability, security, and certainty of action to team members. In addition, they explain authoritative decisions transparently in order to avoid breaches of trust (Fuchs & Sackmann, 2019;Jäger & Kohls, 2021;Massenbach-Bardt, 2008). ...
Critical security situations place high demands on the mental resilience of law enforcement officers. In particular, life-threatening circumstances can endanger the moral, mental, and social stability of specialised police units and special forces (SPU/SF) teams, and such higher levels of stress can impair their ability to act professionally and safely (Zihn in: Staller & Körner (Eds.), Handbuch polizeiliches Einsatztraining - Professionelles Konfliktmanagement (1st ed., pp. 913–927). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden). In this chapter, the authors first illustrate the risks and consequences that can be generated by a high mental stress load. They follow this by addressing a salutogenetic (health-oriented) perspective that defines potential resources and coping strategies that fortify sound decision-making and actions under stressful conditions. They propose methods that enable emergency teams to work healthily under demanding conditions. The focus is on behavioural patterns of team leaders that can promote the cognitive, emotional, and physical fortitude of team members by strengthening the health-promoting concepts of resilience, coherence, and hardiness. The chapter describes some training components of the German Federal Police and summarises the authors’ recent work with SPU/SF teams to provide recommendations for leadership of such units in high-risk environments.
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