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Using Mendelian randomization to explore the gateway hypothesis: possible causal effects of smoking initiation and alcohol consumption on substance use outcomes



Background and Aims Initial use of drugs such as tobacco and alcohol may lead to subsequent more problematic drug use—the ‘gateway’ hypothesis. However, observed associations may be due to a shared underlying risk factor, such as trait impulsivity. We used bidirectional Mendelian randomization (MR) to test the gateway hypothesis. Design Our main method was inverse-variance weighted (IVW) MR, with other methods included as sensitivity analyses (where consistent results across methods would raise confidence in our primary results). MR is a genetic instrumental variable approach used to support stronger causal inference in observational studies. Setting and participants Genome-wide association summary data among European ancestry individuals for smoking initiation, alcoholic drinks per week, cannabis use and dependence, cocaine and opioid dependence (n = 1749–1 232 091). Measurements Genetic variants for exposure. Findings We found evidence of causal effects from smoking initiation to increased drinks per week [(IVW): β = 0.06; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.03–0.09; P = 9.44 × 10⁻⁰⁶], cannabis use [IVW: odds ratio (OR) = 1.34; 95% CI = 1.24–1.44; P = 1.95 × 10⁻¹⁴] and cannabis dependence (IVW: OR = 1.68; 95% CI = 1.12–2.51; P = 0.01). We also found evidence of an effect of cannabis use on the increased likelihood of smoking initiation (IVW: OR = 1.39; 95% CI = 1.08–1.80; P = 0.01). We did not find evidence of an effect of drinks per week on other substance use outcomes, except weak evidence of an effect on cannabis use (IVW: OR = 0.55; 95% CI = 0.16–1.93; P-value = 0.35). We found weak evidence of an effect of opioid dependence on increased drinks per week (IVW: β = 0.002; 95% CI = 0.0005–0.003; P = 8.61 × 10⁻⁰³). Conclusions Bidirectional Mendelian randomization testing of the gateway hypothesis reveals that smoking initiation may lead to increased alcohol consumption, cannabis use and cannabis dependence. Cannabis use may also lead to smoking initiation and opioid dependence to alcohol consumption. However, given that tobacco and alcohol use typically begin before other drug use, these results may reflect a shared risk factor or a bidirectional effect for cannabis use and opioid dependence.
Using Mendelian randomization to explore the gateway
hypothesis: possible causal effects of smoking initiation and
alcohol consumption on substance use outcomes
Zoe E. Reed
| Robyn E. Wootton
| Marcus R. Munafò
School of Psychological Science, University of
Bristol, Bristol, UK
MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit,
University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
Nic Waals Institute, Lovisenberg Diaconal
Hospital, Oslo, Norway
National Institute for Health Research Bristol
Biomedical Research Centre, University
Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and
University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
Zoe E. Reed, Reed, School of Psychological
Science, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK.
Funding information
Medical Research Council, Grant/Award
Number: MC_UU_00011/7; National Institute
for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical
Research Centre; South-Eastern Regional
Health Authority, Grant/Award Number:
Background and Aims: Initial use of drugs such as tobacco and alcohol may lead to sub-
sequent more problematic drug usethe gatewayhypothesis. However, observed
associations may be due to a shared underlying risk factor, such as trait impulsivity. We
used bidirectional Mendelian randomization (MR) to test the gateway hypothesis.
Design: Our main method was inverse-variance weighted (IVW) MR, with other methods
included as sensitivity analyses (where consistent results across methods would raise
confidence in our primary results). MR is a genetic instrumental variable approach used
to support stronger causal inference in observational studies.
Setting and participants: Genome-wide association summary data among European
ancestry individuals for smoking initiation, alcoholic drinks per week, cannabis use and
dependence, cocaine and opioid dependence (n= 17491 232 091).
Measurements: Genetic variants for exposure.
Findings: We found evidence of causal effects from smoking initiation to increased drinks
per week [(IVW): β= 0.06; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.030.09; P=9.44×10
], can-
nabis use [IVW: odds ratio (OR) = 1.34; 95% CI = 1.241.44; P=1.95×10
] and cannabis
dependence (IVW: OR = 1.68; 95% CI = 1.122.51; P= 0.01). We also found evidence of
an effect of cannabis use on the increased likelihood of smoking initiation (IVW: OR = 1.39;
95% CI = 1.081.80; P= 0.01). We did not find evidence of an effect of drinks per week on
other substance use outcomes, except weak evidence of an effect on cannabis use (IVW:
OR = 0.55; 95% CI = 0.161.93; P-value = 0.35). We found weak evidence of an effect of
opioid dependence on increased drinks per week (IVW: β= 0.002; 95% CI = 0.00050.003;
Conclusions: Bidirectional Mendelian randomization testing of the gateway hypothesis
reveals that smoking initiation may lead to increased alcohol consumption, cannabis use
and cannabis dependence. Cannabis use may also lead to smoking initiation and opioid
dependence to alcohol consumption. However, given that tobacco and alcohol use
typically begin before other drug use, these results may reflect a shared risk factor or a
bidirectional effect for cannabis use and opioid dependence.
Received: 12 January 2021 Revised: 11 May 2021 Accepted: 11 August 2021
DOI: 10.1111/add.15673
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. Addiction published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society for the Study of Addiction.
Addiction. 2021;110. 1
Alcohol consumption, cannabis, gateway hypothesis, Mendelian randomization, smoking initiation,
substance use
Illicit substance use and substance use disorders result in a substantial
global burden on a range of health conditions [1,2]. Identifying causal
risk factors in the development of problematic substance use is impor-
tant for designing successful interventions and preventing subsequent
health problems.
The gateway hypothesis, in its simplest form, is the theory that
initial use of legal gatewaydrugs, including tobacco and alcohol, may
lead to illicit drug use such as cannabis, cocaine and opioids [35].
Previous studies have found associations between smoking initiation
and use of alcohol [6], cannabis [7,8], cocaine [9] and opioids [10].
Studies also suggest alcohol as a possible gateway drug [1114].
Given that tobacco and alcohol consumption are likely to both occur
initially during adolescence, and typically before other drug-taking, it
is important to investigate both as potential gateway drugs. Prospec-
tive studies also support the gateway hypothesis for these outcomes
[7,8,1517], suggesting possible causal relationships. Substance use
behaviours are moderately heritable (2172% in twin studies)
[1822]. Genetic correlations have also been found between different
substance use phenotypes (r
= 0.350.66) [2326].
While these studies may support the gateway hypothesis it is
equally plausible that there are underlying shared risk factors; for
example, risk-taking or impulsive behaviours. Previous studies have
reported an association of attention deficit hyperactive disorder
(ADHD) with substance use outcomes [27,28] and ADHD genetic risk
with smoking initiation [29,30], supporting impulsivity as a potential
shared risk factor, although otherssuch as risk-taking, or adverse
childhood experiences could also lead to these outcomes. In terms
of establishing whether the relationships between smoking and alco-
hol and other substance use are causal, there is some evidence
(e.g. from randomized controlled trials) that smoking cessation may
result in reduced substance use or abstinence [31], supporting a
possible causal effect of smoking on substance use outcomes.
Mendelian randomization (MR) is a well-established method for
causal inference based on instrumental variable (IV) analysis, which
attempts to overcome issues of residual confounding and reverse
causation [3235]. MR uses genetic variants, assigned randomly at
conception, as IVs for an exposure to estimate the causal relationship
with an outcome. In two-sample MR [36] the single nucleotide poly-
morphism (SNP)-exposure and SNP-outcome estimates are obtained
from independent-sample genome-wide association studies (GWAS)
to estimate possible causal effects. Previous MR studies examining
this relationship examined cannabis use only, and used smaller GWAS
sample sizes than in the current study. One study found weak evi-
dence of a causal effect of smoking initiation on cannabis use [37],
while the other found no evidence [38]. Incorporating larger GWAS
and a range of substance use outcomes may improve power to detect
causal effects and provide clearer evidence as to whether or not these
relationships are due to a gateway effect.
We applied this two-sample MR approach to investigate the possi-
ble causal effect between both smoking initiation and alcohol con-
sumption (defined as drinks per week) and substance use outcomes of
cannabis use and dependence, cocaine dependence and opioid depen-
dence. We refer to these outcomes as illicit substance use,although
we acknowledge that cannabis is not illegal in all jurisdictions. We also
examined the association between smoking initiation and alcohol con-
sumption. We used a bidirectional approach (Fig. 1) to assess whether
there is evidence supporting the gateway hypothesis (i.e. that smoking
initiation/alcohol consumption can lead to use of other substances and
dependence) or whether there is evidence of a shared risk factor. Some
pathways (e.g. from opioid use to smoking initiation) are unlikely, so
analyses in this direction acted more as a sensitivity analysis, which
could help to identify a shared risk factor rather than a causal effect.
FIGURE 1 Bidirectional two-sample Mendelian randomization between smoking initiation/alcohol consumption and illicit substance use
outcomes. A directed acyclic graph (DAG) for the causal effect between smoking initiation/alcohol consumption and illicit substance use
outcomes. Evidence of a causal effect in the other direction may indicate a bidirectional effect or a common underlying risk factor
Data sources
We used GWAS summary statistics obtained from several consortia
and other samples, the details of which are shown in Table 1, together
with the variance explained by genome-wide significant SNPs and
SNP heritabilities where these were reported. GWAS were conducted
in samples of European ancestry. Sample overlap should be avoided
or reduced, so as not to bias the estimates towards a more
conservative effect estimate [39]. Therefore, we used GWAS with
certain samples excluded from the consortia (see Table 1).
Smoking initiation
The smoking initiation GWAS [23] identified 378 conditionally inde-
pendent genome-wide significant SNPs associated with ever being a
smoker, i.e. where participants reported ever being a regular smoker
in their life. See Supporting information for further details. The total
sample size was 1 232 091 for the GWAS and Sequencing Consor-
tium of Alcohol and Nicotine use (GSCAN) consortium; however, the
sample size for the GWAS in each of our analyses varied to try to
avoid sample overlap (see Table 1). Full genome-wide summary statis-
tics were only publicly available without 23andMe. We requested
23andMe summary statistics separately and meta-analysed them with
the publicly available data to recreate the original full GWAS summary
statistics. The meta-analysis was conducted using the genome-wide
association meta-analysis (GWAMA) software [44].
Drinks per week
The drinks per week GWAS [23] identified 99 independent
genome-wide significant SNPs associated with the average number of
alcoholic drinks consumed per week. See Supporting information for
further details.
Cannabis use
The cannabis use GWAS [40] identified eight independent genome-
wide significant SNPs associated with ever using cannabis. See
Supporting information for further details.
Cannabis dependence
The cannabis dependence GWAS [41] did not identify any genome-
wide significant SNPs associated with cannabis dependence. Cases
were established based on meeting three or more criteria for Diagnos-
tic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV)
cannabis dependence.
Cocaine dependence
The cocaine dependence GWAS [42] identified one genome-wide sig-
nificant SNP associated with cocaine dependence. All participants
were interviewed using the semi-structured assessment for drug
dependence and alcoholism (SSADA) and cocaine-dependent cases
were established based on responses according to the DSM-IV criteria
and reflect life-time cocaine dependence.
Opioid dependence
The opioid dependence GWAS [43] did not identify any genome-wide
significant SNPs associated with opioid dependence. All participants
were interviewed using the SSADA and opioid-dependent cases were
established based on responses according to the DSM-IV criteria and
reflect life-time opioid dependence.
Units for all binary measures were in log odds ratios (ORs) and for
the continuous drinks per week measure were per standard deviation
(SD) increase in the number of drinks per week.
Statistical analyses
MR was used to assess whether relationships may be causal by using
genetic variants as IV proxies for the exposures. Further details can be
found in the Supporting information. Two-sample MR was conducted
in R (version 4.0.0) [45] using the TwoSampleMR package (version
0.5.3) [46,47]. Genome-wide significant SNPs were selected as instru-
ments for the smoking initiation, alcohol and cannabis use exposures.
However, where cocaine, opioid and cannabis dependence were the
exposures, there were either too few or no genome-wide significant
SNPs, so we used a less stringent threshold of 1 × 10
Multiple MR methods were used to assess the causal effects of:
(i) the exposure of smoking initiation/alcohol consumption on illicit
substance use outcomes and (ii) illicit substance use exposures on
smoking initiation/alcohol consumption. These were inverse-variance
weighted (IVW) [48], MR-Egger [49], weighted median [50], simple
mode and weighted mode [51] MR methods. We were interested in
the question of whether there is evidence of causal effects. We were
concerned with the strength of evidence for an effect, as opposed to
the effect estimate, and considered whether the direction of effect
was as predicted and the strength of statistical evidence against the
null. To do this we interpreted the P-value as a continuous measure of
statistical evidence [52] and considered whether our results were con-
sistent across different MR approaches. The IVW approach was our
main method, with the others being sensitivity analyses which make
different assumptions. We describe our findings in terms of lack of
evidence, weak evidence, evidence or strong evidence of an effect,
accounting for all these factors. The sensitivity methods have less sta-
tistical power than the IVW approach; therefore, we considered all
results and the consistency of the direction of effect observed among
TABLE 1 GWAS used for two-sample Mendelian randomization.
Phenotype Reference Consortium or sample Excluded samples Final sample size
and SNP
Smoking initiation (ever/
Liu et al., 2019
GfG, Harvard, HRS, HUNT, MCTFR,
NTR, QIMR, SardiNIA, UK Biobank, WHI)
Dependent on analysis, published GWAS
summary statistics were used other than
for analyses with outcomes for (i) cannabis
use where only the 23andMe sample was
included and (ii) drinks per week where
23andMe was excluded
All samples = 1 232 091
i) cannabis use = 599 289
ii) drinks per
week = 632 802
= 2.32%
= 7.8%
Drinks per week Liu et al., 2019
GSCAN Dependent on analysis, published GWAS
summary statistics were used other than
for analyses with outcomes for (i) cannabis
use where only the 23andMe sample was
All samples = 941 280
(i) cannabis use = 403 931
= 0.19%
= 4.2%
Cannabis use (ever/never) Pasman et al.,
2018 [40]
QIMR, TRAILS, Utrecht, Yale Penn EA), UK
Biobank and 23andMe
23andMe 162 082 r
= 0.15%
= 11%
Cannabis dependence Agrawal et al.,
2017 [41]
CATS, COGA-cc, COGA-f, OZALC, SAGE NA 2080 cases and 6435
exposed controls
Not reported
Cocaine dependence (DSM-
IV criteria)
Gelernter et al.,
2014 [42]
Yale (APT Foundation), University of CT,
MUSC, McLean Hospital, University of
NA 1809 cases and 292 exposed
Not reported
Opioid dependence (DSM-
IV criteria)
Gelernter et al,
2014 [43]
Yale (APT Foundation), University of CT,
MUSC, McLean Hospital, University of
NA 1383 cases and 366 exposed
Not reported
The r
reported was for genome-wide significant SNPs only and the SNP heritability (h
) was for all SNPs. GSCAN = GWAS and Sequencing Consortium of Alcohol and Nicotine use; ALSPAC = Avon
Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children; ARIC = Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities; BEAGESS = the Barretts and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Genetic Susceptibility Study, BLTS = Brisbane Longitudinal
Twin Study; CADD = Center on Antisocial Drug Dependence; COGEND = Collaborative Genetic Study of Nicotine Dependence; COPDGene = Genetics of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease;
EGCUT = Estonian Genome Center; FHS = Framingham Heart Study; FinnTwin and NAG-FIN = Finnish Twin Cohort; GERA = Genetic Epidemiology Research in Adult Health and Aging; GfG = Genes for
Good; Harvard HRS = Health and Retirement Study; HUNT = the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study; MCTFR = Minnesota Center for Twin and Family Research; MESA = Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis;
METSIM = Metabolic Syndrome in Men; NESCOG = Netherlands Study on Cognition, Environment and Genese; NTR = Netherlands Twin Register; WHI = Womens Health Initiative; COGA = Collaborative
Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism; SAGE = Study of Addictions: Genes and Environment; OZALC = Australian Alcohol, Nicotine Addiction Genetics and Childhood Trauma; CATS = Comorbidity and Trauma
Study; SNP = single nucleotide polymorphism; GWAS = genome-wide association study.
analyses. Inconsistent results for these sensitivity analyses may indi-
cate that some MR assumptions are violated (e.g. pleiotropic path-
ways are operating). Specifically, the IVW method constrains the
intercept to be zero and assumes that all SNPs are valid instruments
with no horizontal pleiotropy. Horizontal pleiotropy can be problem-
atic, as MR assumptions may be violated if the SNPs affect the out-
come via a different pathway. Therefore, we included additional tests
which can detect whether horizontal pleiotropy may be present. For
example, we included results for the Cochrans test of heterogeneity,
which assesses whether there is heterogeneity in the SNP
associations for each SNP included in the instrument. If
there is evidence of heterogeneity this may indicate possible horizon-
tal pleiotropy.
The MR-Egger method tests whether there is overall directional
pleiotropy by not constraining the intercept, where a non-zero inter-
cept indicates directional horizontal pleiotropy. We also used the
Ruckers Q-test to assess heterogeneity in the MR-Egger estimates
for individual SNPs, similar to the Cochrans test. The weighted
median method provides an estimate under the assumption that at
least 50% of the SNPs are valid instruments (i.e. satisfy the IV assump-
tions). Finally, the mode-based approaches provide an estimate for
the largest cluster of similar SNPs, where the SNPs not in that cluster
could be invalid, with the weighted method taking into account the
largest weights of SNPs. Additionally, we estimated effects for single
SNP and leave-one-out analyses and plotted these results where
there was evidence for a causal effect.
We also estimated the mean F-statistic, unweighted and weighted
I-squared values for each of the analyses [53]. The F-statistic repre-
sents instrument strength, where a value under 10 may indicate a
weak instrument [53]. The I-squared value falls between 0 and 1 and
indicates the amount of bias in the no measurement error(NOME)
assumption in the MR-Egger estimate. If bias was apparent, we ran
simulation extrapolation (SIMEX) corrections and present these in
place of the MR-Egger results; if the bias was too large, neither were
presented (see Supporting information for further details).
Finally, we conducted multivariable MR (MVMR) to investigate
whether the causal effect of smoking initiation was independent of
that for the drinks per week exposure for any illicit substance use out-
comes where both exposures were associated with the outcome.
MVMR is an extension of MR that estimates the causal effect of mul-
tiple exposures on an outcome and assesses whether each exposure
is independent of the others [54]. Please note that our analyses were
not pre-registered, and therefore our results should be considered
Evidence of causal effects of smoking initiation on
illicit substance use outcomes
Our two-sample MR results (Supporting information, Table S2 and
Fig. 2) indicated that there was evidence for a causal effect of smoking
initiation on increased drinks per week (IVW: β= 0.06; 95% CI = 0.03
0.09; P-value = 9.44 × 10
). The I-squared values (Supporting infor-
mation, Table S1) suggest that the MR-Egger method was unsuitable;
therefore, results are not presented for this. Results were in a consis-
tent direction with evidence of a causal effect among the different MR
analyses (see also Supporting information, Fig. S1). We observed evi-
dence of heterogeneity in results for the IVW method (see also
Supporting information, Fig. S2), but this was not necessarily indicative
of horizontal pleiotropy (see also Supporting information, Fig. S3).
Leave-one-out analyses did not reveal that any single SNP was driving
the association (Supporting information, Fig. S4).
We also found evidence of a causal effect of smoking initiation
on cannabis use (IVW: OR = 1.34; 95% CI = 1.241.44; P-
value = 1.95 × 10
). Results were in a consistent direction among
MR analyses (see also Supporting information, Fig. S5), although evi-
dence for this was only found additionally for the weighted median
method. There was evidence of heterogeneity with both the IVW and
MR-Egger methods (see also Supporting information, Fig. S6) but not
horizontal pleiotropy (see also Supporting information, Fig. S7). Leave-
one-out analyses did not reveal that any single SNP was driving the
association (Supporting information, Fig. S8).
FIGURE 2 Forest plot for two-sample Mendelian randomization with smoking initiation as the exposure. Causal effects from the inverse-
variance weighted Mendelian randomization method where smoking initiation is the exposure. Effect estimates are presented as beta or odds
ratios (OR) depending on whether the outcome was continuous or binary, with 95% confidence intervals (CI). SNP = single nucleotide
We found evidence of a causal effect of smoking initiation on
cannabis dependence (IVW: OR = 1.68; 95% CI = 1.122.51;
P-value = 0.01). Results were in a consistent direction for the
SIMEX-adjusted MR-Egger and weighted median methods
(Supporting information, Table S1), although evidence for these was
weak (see also Supporting information, Fig. S9). There was no evi-
dence of heterogeneity or horizontal pleiotropy (also see Supporting
information, Figs S10 and S11). Leave-one-out analyses did not reveal
that any single SNP was driving the association (Supporting
information, Fig. S12).
Finally, we did not find evidence of a causal effect of smoking
initiation on cocaine dependence (IVW: OR = 1.21; 95% CI = 0.58
2.53; P-value = 0.60) or opioid dependence (IVW: OR = 1.41; 95%
CI = 0.623.20; P-value = 0.41) with any of the MR analyses, except
for weak evidence for the SIMEX-adjusted (Supporting information,
Table S1) MR-Egger for cocaine dependence. There was no evidence
of heterogeneity or horizontal pleiotropy for cocaine or opioid
Causal effects of illicit substance use exposures on
smoking initiation
For the direction of illicit substance use to smoking initiation
(Supporting information, Table S3 and Fig. 3) we found evidence of a
causal effect of cannabis use on smoking initiation (IVW: OR = 1.39;
95% CI = 1.081.80; P-value = 0.01) for all MR analyses except MR-
Egger. Results were in a consistent direction across MR analyses (see
also Supporting information, Fig. S13). We observed evidence of het-
erogeneity in these results for the IVW and MR-Egger methods (see
also Supporting information, Fig. S14), but not horizontal pleiotropy
(see also Supporting information, Fig. S15). Leave-one-out analyses
did not reveal that any single SNP was driving the association
(Supporting information, Fig. S16).
We did not find any evidence of a causal effect of drinks per week,
(IVW: OR = 1.26; 95% CI = 0.921.72; P-value = 0.15), cannabis depen-
dence (IVW: OR = 1.00; 95% CI = 0.991.01; P-value = 0.60), cocaine
dependence (IVW: OR = 1.00; 95% CI = 1.001.00; P-value = 0.42) or
opioid dependence (IVW: OR = 1.00; 95% CI = 0.991.01;
P-value = 0.80) on smoking initiation for any of the MR analyses.
Causal effects of drinks per week on illicit substance
use outcomes
When examining whether or not there was evidence for causal effects
of alcohol consumption (drinks per week) on the illicit substance use
phenotypes (Supporting information, Table S4 and Fig. 4) we did not find
any evidence for the IVW approach for cannabis use (IVW: OR = 0.55;
95% CI = 0.161.93; P-value = 0.35), although there was some evidence
of a causal effect with the other MR analyses. We did not find evidence
of a causal effect on cannabis dependence (IVW: OR = 2.73; 95%
CI = 0.6211.95; P-value = 0.18), cocaine dependence (IVW: OR = 0.50;
95% CI = 0.092.79; P-value = 0.43) or opioid dependence (IVW:
OR = 0.38; 95% CI = 0.062.41; P-value = 0.30).
Causal effects of illicit substance use exposures on
drinks per week
For the reverse direction (Supporting information, Table S5 and Fig. 5)
we did not find evidence of a causal effect of cannabis use (IVW:
β=0.03; 95% CI=0.009 to 0.07; P-value = 0.14), cannabis depen-
dence (IVW: β=0.0003; 95% CI = 0.003 to 0.002; P-value = 0.80) or
cocaine dependence (IVW: β=0.0007; 95% CI=0.00007 to 0.001;
P-value = 0.08) on drinks per week.
There was weak evidence to suggest a causal effect of opioid
dependence on drinks per week (IVW: β= 0.002; 95% CI = 0.0005
0.003; P-value=8.61×10
), although the effect size was very small
and this was not found for any other MR analyses (see also Supporting
information, Fig. S17). There was no evidence of heterogeneity (see also
Supporting information, Fig. S18) or horizontal pleiotropy (Supporting
information, Fig. S19). Leave-one-out analyses did not reveal that any
single SNP was driving the association (Supporting information, Fig. S20).
Multivariable MR analysis for cannabis use
We conducted MVMR analysis for cannabis use only due to evidence
of a causal effect of smoking initiation on cannabis use and weak evi-
dence of a causal effect of drinks per week on cannabis use. We
found evidence of a direct effect of smoking initiation, independent of
FIGURE 3 Forest plot for two-sample Mendelian randomization with smoking initiation as the outcome. Causal effects from the inverse-
variance weighted Mendelian randomization method where smoking initiation is the outcome. Effect estimates are presented as odds ratios
(OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). SNP = single nucleotide polymorphism
drinks per week on cannabis use (OR = 1.35; 95% CI = 1.251.46;
P-value = 3.67 × 10
). This result was similar to that from the two-
sample MR model. However, there was no evidence of a direct effect
of drinks per week on cannabis use (OR = 0.71; 95% CI = 0.291.76;
P-value = 0.47).
We examined whether there was evidence for causal effects of
smoking initiation and alcohol consumption on cannabis use and
dependence on cannabis, cocaine and opioids, which may support the
gatewayhypothesis. We also examined the reverse direction, where
evidence of an association, particularly in both directions, may be
indicative of an underlying common risk factor.
Our main findings were those for cannabis use and dependence,
which suggest that ever smoking may act as a gateway to subsequent
cannabis use and perhaps even dependence, although evidence was
weaker for the latter. This supports previous observational studies
demonstrating an association between these phenotypes [7,8,55], and
is in line with previous findings suggesting that tobacco is a gateway
drug to other more problematic substance use [5,6,8,10]. Our MR
analyses support stronger causal inference, although further triangula-
tion with other study designs would strengthen this. Previous litera-
ture also suggests that alcohol consumption may be causally
associated with cannabis use; however, our MVMR results suggest no
evidence for independent effects of alcohol consumption, only evi-
dence for a causal effect of smoking initiation on cannabis use.
We also found evidence for a potential causal pathway from can-
nabis use to smoking initiation. It has been previously suggested that
cannabis use may act as gateway to tobacco use, possibly due to the
form in which cannabis is used, i.e. if smoked with tobacco [56].
However, our finding of potential causal pathways between cannabis
use and smoking initiation in both directions may suggest that this
association is due to an underlying common risk factor, as opposed to
either being a gateway drug. We found that all the SNPs used in the
cannabis use instrument, except one, are in linkage disequilibrium
(LD) with genome-wide significant SNPs in the smoking initiation
> 0.27, 250 kb window for three SNPs). As these genetic
instruments may overlap, this does not help us to disentangle the
reason behind this relationship.
There are several potential reasons for our results: (1) a causal
effect of smoking initiation on cannabis use, (2) a causal effect of can-
nabis use on smoking initiation, (3) a bidirectional effect, (4) an under-
lying shared risk factor, (5) horizontal pleiotropy (although our
sensitivity analyses suggested this was not biasing results) and (6) con-
founding due to LD. Without further understanding of the biological
function of these genetic variants it is difficult to conclude which of
these explanations (which are not mutually exclusive) could be true,
and this has been discussed previously in relation to mental health
behavioural risk factors [57,58]. Previous studies have suggested that
impulsive or risk-taking behaviours may be associated with smoking
initiation and substance use [5961]. Additionally, cannabis use may
capture underlying risk-taking behaviours more than the dependence
measures, and this may be why we see a more consistent association
with this measure. Further research is needed to establish whether
there could be an underlying common cause, and if this might be
related to risk-taking behaviours. Other potential shared risk factors
should also be considered, and these may be genetic or environmental
in origin and may vary between different illicit substance use pheno-
types. In addition, it may be the case that smoking initiation, for exam-
ple, only acts as a gateway to other substances in the presence of
FIGURE 4 Forest plot for two-sample Mendelian randomization with drinks per week as the exposure. Causal effects from the inverse-
variance weighted Mendelian randomization method where drinks per week is the exposure. Effect estimates are presented as odds ratios
(OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). SNP = single nucleotide polymorphism
FIGURE 5 Forest plot for two-sample Mendelian randomization with drinks per week as the outcome. Causal effects from the inverse-
variance weighted Mendelian randomization method where drinks per week is the outcome. Effect estimates are presented as beta with 95%
confidence intervals (CI). SNP = single nucleotide polymorphism
mediators such as stressful life events or adverse circumstances.
Therefore, the mechanisms behind these associations need to be
examined further, and the possibility of a bidirectional relationship
should also be considered.
We found a potential causal effect of smoking initiation on
increased drinks per week, but did not find an association in the reverse
direction. It is plausible that an underlying risk-taking behaviour may
affect alcohol consumption via smoking. However, a biological mecha-
nism behind this association should also be considered and studied fur-
ther. Finally, we saw weak evidence of a causal effect of opioid
dependence on increased drinks per week; however, due to the low
power for the opioid dependence GWAS and the small effect size we
would interpret this with caution. Opioid dependence (compared with
ever use) is less probably explained by underlying risk-taking behaviour.
Therefore, research into alternative shared risk factors is warranted. It
may be the case that opioid dependence has a causal effect on
increased alcohol use, and this also warrants further investigation.
Our study is the first, to our knowledge, to examine whether
causal pathways may exist between smoking initiation/alcohol con-
sumption and various illicit substance use phenotypes using an MR
approach. However, there are several limitations to note; for exam-
ple, some of our analyses may be limited in their power to detect a
causal effect. This is particularly the case where the dependence
measures were the exposures, as the GWAS discovery samples were
much smaller than those for drinks per week, cannabis use and
smoking initiation. Additionally, we used a less stringent P-value
threshold of 1 × 10
due to a low number of genome-wide signifi-
cant SNPs. Therefore, these instruments may be less robustly
associated with the exposure, and pleiotropy could be introduced.
For our results with the dependence variables as exposures the CIs
were very narrow, which could be a result of the relaxed P-value
thresholds used. However, the absence of evidence here does not
mean we can exclude the possibility of an effect for this relationship.
Furthermore, the lower number of SNPs used for the dependence
exposures may mean that the instruments are weak, which may be
particularly problematic for MR-Egger. Additional caution should be
taken when interpreting this result for our finding of an effect of
opioid dependence on drinks per week, as the opioid dependence
exposure is a dichotomized variable for an underlying latent risk
factor. Thus, the estimate here is less interpretable than for our other
results and instead focus should be upon the direction and evidence
of an effect as opposed to the effect size. Therefore, our dependence
results should be interpreted with caution revisited once larger
GWAS become available.
We also found some evidence of heterogeneity and horizontal
pleiotropy for different analyses, meaning that these results should
be interpreted in light of this, as some of the SNPs used may be
associated with the outcome other than via the exposure. However,
the additional MR analyses, which account for this, were generally
in the same direction as our main results, although we were unable
to formally test for directional pleiotropy in some cases where the I-
squared estimate was low. In cases where the IVW shows evidence
for a causal effect but results are inconsistent across the sensitivity
analyses, this may be indicative of pleiotropy. However, inconsistent
effects across sensitivity analyses and no evidence from the IVW is
more likely to reflect a lack of evidence for an effect.
Another consideration is that the MR instruments used may not
be valid for smoking, as they may be picking up risk-taking behaviours
more than smoking itself [62]. Therefore, it would be useful to exam-
ine this further with other smoking-related phenotypes, such as
smoking heaviness. Additionally, while we tried to avoid sample
overlap, there was still some for the cannabis use GWAS (17% of the
sample was also present in the GWAS for smoking initiation and
drinks per week). Sample overlap could bias estimates towards a more
conservative effect estimate [39], which should be considered when
interpreting our results.
The MR analysis itself is subject to several limitations [33]. For
example, the GWAS used for MR may suffer from winners curse,
where the SNP-exposure estimates may be overestimated due to
selecting SNPs with the smallest P-values and biasing the MR esti-
mate towards the null. Thus, interpreting the direction of effect as
opposed to the effect size itself is more valid here. The effect estimate
may also be biased by trait heterogeneity; for example, different
aspects of substance use behaviours may be associated with the same
genetic variants and therefore it is difficult to gain a precise estimate
for a single aspect of any substance use behaviour.
Finally, our results should be considered in the context of the
multiple potential causal pathways that we have investigated.
While, to some extent, our findings support the gateway hypothesis
they also point to a potential underlying common risk factor, and with
better-powered GWAS or those with more precise instruments and
additional research we may be able to interrogate this further.
Triangulating our results with other approaches would help to answer
this question [63,64]. By so doing we may be able to identify risk fac-
tors to substance use which could ultimately help with intervention
This work was supported in part by Public Health England, the UK
Medical Research Council Integrative Epidemiology Unit at the
University of Bristol (Grant ref.: MC_UU_00011/7) and the National
Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre at
the University Hospitals Bristol National Health Service Foundation
Trust and the University of Bristol. The views expressed in this
publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the
National Health Service, the National Institute for Health Research or
the Department of Health. R.W. was supported by a postdoctoral fel-
lowship from the South-Eastern Regional Health Authority (2020024).
We thank all the contributors to the consortia we have used GWAS
results from in our analyses. We would also like to thank the research
participants and employees of 23andMe for making this work
Zoe Reed: Data curation, formal analysis, investigation, methodology,
resources, software, visualization. Robyn Wootton: Methodology,
resources, visualization. Marcus Munafo: Conceptualization, funding
acquisition, methodology, project administration; supervision.
Zoe E. Reed
Robyn E. Wootton
Marcus R. Munafò
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Additional supporting information may be found in the online version
of the article at the publishers website.
How to cite this article: Reed ZE, Wootton RE, Munafò MR.
Using Mendelian randomization to explore the gateway
hypothesis: possible causal effects of smoking initiation and
alcohol consumption on substance use outcomes. Addiction.
... In addition, a causal effect of CUD on schizophrenia has been identified [111], although we cannot rule out the presence of bidirectional effects [52,112]. Finally, there is evidence that smoking initiation causally increases the risk of CUD, acting as a gateway [113]. ...
... Finally, for opioid dependence there is no clear evidence for causality with suicide [106], weak evidence of an effect of opioid dependence on increased alcohol drinking [113], and evidence that smoking initiation, MDD, and neuroticism increase and higher educational attainment decrease opioid dependence risk [40]. For cocaine dependence there is no clear evidence for causal effects with other substance use behaviours [113] or ADHD [66]. ...
... Finally, for opioid dependence there is no clear evidence for causality with suicide [106], weak evidence of an effect of opioid dependence on increased alcohol drinking [113], and evidence that smoking initiation, MDD, and neuroticism increase and higher educational attainment decrease opioid dependence risk [40]. For cocaine dependence there is no clear evidence for causal effects with other substance use behaviours [113] or ADHD [66]. ...
Full-text available
Substance use disorders represent a significant public health concern with considerable socioeconomic implications worldwide. Twin and family-based studies have long established a heritable component underlying these disorders. In recent years, genome-wide association studies of large, broadly phenotyped samples have identified regions of the genome that harbour genetic risk variants associated with substance use disorders. These regions have enabled the discovery of putative causal genes and improved our understanding of genetic relationships among substance use disorders and other traits. Furthermore, the integration of these data with clinical information has yielded promising insights into how individuals respond to medications, allowing for the development of personalized treatment approaches based on an individual’s genetic profile. This review article provides an overview of recent advances in the genetics of substance use disorders and demonstrates how genetic data may be used to reduce the burden of disease and improve public health outcomes.
... Moreover, MrDAG appropriately identifies the relationship between ALC and SM, but not vice versa. In a recent MR publication [44], the opposite causal association is observed. However, in contrast to [44] who conceptualize SM with smoking initiation, we use a lifetime smoking index [40] which captures smoking duration, heaviness and cessation. ...
... In a recent MR publication [44], the opposite causal association is observed. However, in contrast to [44] who conceptualize SM with smoking initiation, we use a lifetime smoking index [40] which captures smoking duration, heaviness and cessation. ...
Full-text available
Current Mendelian randomization (MR) methods do not reflect complex relationships among multiple exposures and outcomes as is typical for real-life applications. We introduce MrDAG the first MR method to model dependency relations within the exposures, the outcomes, and between them to improve causal effects estimation. MrDAG combines three causal inference strategies in a unified manner. It uses genetic variation as instrumental variables to account for unmeasured confounders. It performs structure learning to detect and orientate the direction of the dependencies within exposures and outcomes. Finally, interventional calculus is employed to derive principled causal effect estimates. MrDAG was motivated to unravel how lifestyle and behavioural exposures impact mental health. It highlights education and smoking as key effective points of intervention given their down-stream effects on mental health. These insights would have been difficult to delineate without modelling the causal paths between multiple exposures and outcomes at once.
... MR is an epidemiological approach that aims to deduce causal relationships by using genetic variants, specifically single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), as instrumental variables for exposure [14]. The three assumptions on which genes selection relies include the relevance hypothesis, the assumption of independence, and the exclusivity restrictions [15]: ①SNPs selected as a genetic instrument should be robustly associated with the exposure ②As a bridge, SNPs should be independent of any possible confoundings ③ SNPs cannot be directly linked to outcome, and can only affect the outcome through exposure. ...
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Observational studies showed possible associations between systemic lupus erythematosus and multiple myeloma. However, whether there is a casual relationship between different types of autoimmune diseases (type 1 diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, and juvenile idiopathic arthritis) and multiple myeloma (MM) is not well known. We performed a two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) study to estimate the casual relationship. Summary-level data of autoimmune diseases were gained from published genome-wide association studies while data of MM was obtained from UKBiobank. The Inverse-Variance Weighted (IVW) method was used as the primary analysis method to interpret the study results, with MR-Egger and weighted median as complementary methods of analysis. There is causal relationship between primary sclerosing cholangitis [OR = 1.00015, 95% CI 1.000048–1.000254, P = 0.004] and MM. Nevertheless, no similar causal relationship was found between the remaining seven autoimmune diseases and MM. Considering the important role of age at recruitment and body mass index (BMI) in MM, we excluded these relevant instrument variables, and similar results were obtained. The accuracy and robustness of these findings were confirmed by sensitivity tests. Overall, MR analysis suggests that genetic liability to primary sclerosing cholangitis could be causally related to the increasing risk of MM. This finding may serve as a guide for clinical attention to patients with autoimmune diseases and their early screening for MM.
... However, drug use cannot be treated in a vacuum. For example, the gateway theory (Kandel and Kandel, 2014) suggests that drug use is often preceded by the use of other substances such as tobacco (Haug et al., 2014;Reed et al., 2022) and alcohol (Barry et al., 2016). As such, early interventions with these substances are important to preventing escalation to drug use and dependence (Stanis and Andersen, 2014;Stockings et al., 2016). ...
Full-text available
Objective The aim of this study was to pilot and evaluate the feasibility of an early intervention programme for low-risk drug users in the Philippines. Design The early intervention consists of three sessions delivered by paraprofessionals focusing on stress, wellbeing, substance use, family and drug use and communication skills. The study was conducted in two phases. In the pilot phase, a randomised controlled trial design was used. In the second phase, a larger field cohort evaluation study design was implemented. Setting The randomised controlled trial in the first phase was undertaken in four local government units (LGUs). The second phase took place in 13 LGUs in three island clusters in the Philippines. Methods In the first phase, 42 low-risk users from three urban and one rural community were randomly assigned to treatment and wait-control groups. In the second phase, 744 low-risk users undertook the programme. In both phases, the pretest and posttest measured recovery skills, life skills, quality of life, perceived family support, wellbeing and intent to use drugs. Results In the first phase, analysis of variance with repeated measures revealed significant differences in pretest and posttest scores in recovery skills and quality of life of participants compared to those who did not participate in the programmes. In the second phase, paired-sample t-test revealed significant improvements in terms of recovery skills, life skills, quality of life, perceived family support, wellbeing and intent to use drugs. Path analysis provided support for the programme’s theory of change. Facilitators perceived the programme to be effective and easy to implement. Conclusions The study suggests that an early intervention focusing on mental health and substance use delivered by paraprofessionals may be a viable means to reduce drug use and improve mental health in countries such as the Philippines that have little resources and scarce mental health professionals.
... Cross-class substance transitions can be reciprocal. Reed et al. (2022) analyzed a European sample and found that substance users who began with tobacco or alcohol would increase the likelihood of using each other. Those who began with tobacco were also at a higher risk of marijuana use and dependence. ...
This study investigated the patterns of substance use initiation and transition across tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs over time using retrospective longitudinal data. Based on national data of 18,861 adolescents aged 14 to 17 years who had engaged in substance use, the findings revealed that nearly 50% of these adolescents initiated substance use with alcohol, 18% with tobacco, and 33% with illicit drugs. By the end of the second year, the probability of these adolescents trying a new substance class was 40% to 50%, rising to 80% to 90% by the eighth year. Adolescents who initiated with tobacco or illicit drugs exhibited a higher risk of transition. The study indicates the significant role of all substance classes in initiating adolescent substance use and highlights the rapidity of transitioning to new substance classes, underscoring the importance of proactive prevention and intervention strategies.
... In this sense, research has recently been conducted that underlines potential gateway violations, so that in countries with low rates of cannabis use, such as Japan, most people use other illegal substances before cannabis. Similarly, several studies have found that a small part of the population use cannabis before other legal substances (i.e., tobacco and alcohol), and that cannabis use may increase subsequent use of legal substances (Mayet et al., 2016;Patton et al., 2005;Reed et al., 2021). The reversal of the classical sequence has important implications in terms of prevention, given that preventive efforts should be targeted at cannabis use and not just at legal substances. ...
Full-text available
Background: The gateway hypothesis holds that the use of legal substances (i.e., tobacco and alcohol) increases the risk of initiating in cannabis use which, in turn, increases the chances of using other illegal substances. The validity of this hypothesis has been the subject of intense debate in recent years, finding sequences with a different order. Moreover, this pattern has been scarcely studied in Spain, where characteristics related to cannabis use are meaningfully different to other countries. This study aims to examine the gateway effects of cannabis towards other legal and illegal substances in Spanish adolescents. Material and methods: Data were obtained from the Ministry of Health in Spain, through a representative survey of addictive behaviors of 36,984 Spanish adolescents (Mage = 15.7, SD = 1.2, 51.4% females). Results: Lifetime cannabis use increased the likelihood of later legal substance use, both tobacco (OR = 2.0; 95%CI 1.81, 2.22) and alcohol (OR = 1.93; 95%CI 1.61, 2.31), as well as illegal substances (OR = 5.36; 95%CI 4.80, 5.98) and polysubstance (OR = 18.24; 95%CI 14.63, 22.73). Early age of cannabis use onset significantly increased the likelihood of subsequent legal and illegal substance use (ORs between 1.82 and 2.65). Conclusions: These findings confirm and expand the available evidence on cannabis as a gateway substance. These results can help to drive preventive strategies for substance use in Spanish adolescents.
Cross-lagged panel models (CLPMs) are commonly used to estimate causal influences between two variables with repeated assessments. The lagged effects in a CLPM depend on the time interval between assessments, eventually becoming undetectable at longer intervals. To address this limitation, we incorporate instrumental variables (IVs) into the CLPM with two study waves and two variables. Doing so enables estimation of both the lagged (i.e., "distal") effects and the bidirectional cross-sectional (i.e., "proximal") effects at each wave. The distal effects reflect Granger-causal influences across time, which decay with increasing time intervals. The proximal effects capture causal influences that accrue over time and can help infer causality when the distal effects become undetectable at longer intervals. Significant proximal effects, with a negligible distal effect, would imply that the time interval is too long to estimate a lagged effect at that time interval using the standard CLPM. Through simulations and an empirical application, we demonstrate the impact of time intervals on causal inference in the CLPM and present modeling strategies to detect causal influences regardless of the time interval in a study. Furthermore, to motivate empirical applications of the proposed model, we highlight the utility and limitations of using genetic variables as IVs in large-scale panel studies.
Background: Prevalence of smoking in schizophrenia (SCZ) is larger than in general population. Genetic studies provided some evidence of a causal effect of smoking on SCZ. We aim to characterize the genetic susceptibility to SCZ affected by genetic susceptibility to smoking. Methods: Multi-trait-based conditional and joint analysis was applied to the largest European SCZ genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to remove genetic effects on SCZ driven by smoking, estimated by generalized summary data-based Mendelian randomization. Enrichment analysis was performed to compare original v. conditional GWAS. Change in genetic correlation between SCZ and relevant traits after conditioning was assessed. Colocalization analysis was performed to identify specific loci confirming general findings. Results: Conditional analysis identified 19 new risk loci for SCZ and 42 lost loci whose association with SCZ may be partially driven by smoking. These results were strengthened by colocalization analysis. Enrichment analysis indicated a higher association of differentially expressed genes at prenatal brain stages after conditioning. Genetic correlation of SCZ with substance use and dependence, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, and several externalizing traits significantly changed after conditioning. Colocalization of association signal between SCZ and these traits was identified for some of the lost loci, such as CHRNA2, CUL3, and PCDH7. Conclusions: Our approach led to identification of potential new SCZ loci, loci partially associated to SCZ through smoking, and a shared genetic susceptibility between SCZ and smoking behavior related to externalizing phenotypes. Application of this approach to other psychiatric disorders and substances may lead to a better understanding of the role of substances on mental health.
Background: Research is yet to elucidate adolescent polysubstance use profiles among youth with early-onset cannabis use (CU; ≤15 years). The present study aimed to fill this gap in the literature and determine whether CU outcomes in early adulthood are best explained by early-onset CU per se, or by its resulting polysubstance use profiles. Methods: Participants were N = 794 youth (56% females) from the Québec Longitudinal Study of Child Development, who reported lifetime CU by age 21. Participants were stratified into early-onset (n = 349), later adolescent-onset (16–18 years; n = 359), and adult-onset (≥19 years; n = 86) CU groups. Self-reported substance use was collected from the early-onset CU group at age 15 and 17, while CU frequency and problem CU were assessed for all participants at age 21. Results: Repeated measures latent profile analyses revealed four polysubstance use profiles among youth in the early-onset CU group: (1) light (54%); (2) escalating (13%); (3) frequent (without cigarettes; 14%); (4) frequent (with cigarettes; 19%). Only youth in the early-onset CU group who followed an escalating or frequent (with cigarettes) adolescent polysubstance use profile had consistently greater CU frequency and problem CU at 21 years, compared to youth in the later adolescent-onset (16–18 years), or adult-onset (≥19 years) CU groups (β range = 0.13 to.40; Cohen’s f2 range = 0.02 to 0.12). Conclusions: Youth with early-onset CU are not a single homogenous group, but rather follow unique polysubstance use profiles that are differentially associated with risk for future problem CU.
Background and aims: Excessive cannabis use may lead to lower educational attainment. However, this association may be due to confounders and reverse causality. We tested the potential causal relationship between cannabis use disorder (CUD) or lifetime cannabis use (LCU) and educational attainment. Design: Bidirectional two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) study. Our primary method was inverse-variance weighted (IVW) MR, with a series of sensitivity analyses. Multivariable MR (MVMR) was performed to estimate any direct effect independent of intelligence, smoking initiation or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Setting and participants: European ancestry individuals. The sample sizes of the genome-wide association study ranged from 55374 to 632802 participants. Measurements: Genetic variants of CUD, LCU or educational attainment. Findings: Using univariable MR, we found evidence of a potential causal effect of genetic liability to CUD on a lower educational attainment (MR [95% confidence interval (CI)]inverse variance weighted (IVW) = -1.2 month [-1.9 month, -0.5 month]; P = 0.0008). However, we found no evidence of an effect of genetic liability to LCU on educational attainment (MR [95% CI]IVW = 0.5 month [-1.5 month, 2.6 month], P = 0.6032). Reverse direction analysis suggested that genetic liability to higher educational attainment had a potential causal effect on lower risk of CUD (odds ratio (OR) [95% CI]IVW = 0.39 [0.29, 0.52], P = 1.69×10-10 ). We also found evidence of potential causal effect from genetic liability to higher educational attainment to higher risk of LCU (OR [95% CI]IVW = 1.35 [1.11, 1.66], P = 0.0033). Conclusions: Genetic liability to cannabis use disorder (CUD) may lead to lower educational attainment. Genetic liability to higher educational attainment may also lead to higher lifetime cannabis use risk and lower CUD risk. However, the bidirectional effect between CUD and educational attainment may be due to shared risk factors (e.g., attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).
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The successful prevention of mental illness relies upon the identification of causal, modifiable risk factors. However, observational evidence exploring such risk factors often produces contradictory results and randomised control trials are often expensive, time-consuming or unethical to conduct. Mendelian randomisation (MR) is a complementary approach that uses naturally occurring genetic variation to identify possible causal effects between a risk factor and an outcome in a time-efficient and low-cost manner. MR utilises genetic variants as instrumental variables for the risk factor of interest. MR studies are becoming more frequent in the field of psychiatry, warranting a reflection upon both the possibilities and the pitfalls. In this Perspective, we consider several limitations of the MR method that are of particular relevance to psychiatry. We also present new MR methods that have exciting applications to questions of mental illness. While we believe that MR can make an important contribution to the field of psychiatry, we also wish to emphasise the importance of clear causal questions, thorough sensitivity analyses, and triangulation with other forms of evidence.
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Background Tobacco smoking and e-cigarette use are strongly associated, but it is currently unclear whether this association is causal, or due to shared factors that influence both behaviours such as a shared genetic liability. The aim of this study was to investigate whether polygenic risk scores (PRS) for smoking initiation are associated with ever use of e-cigarettes. Methods and findings Smoking initiation PRS were calculated for young adults ( N = 7,859, mean age = 24 years, 51% male) of European ancestry in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, a prospective birth cohort study initiated in 1991. PRS were calculated using the GWAS & Sequencing Consortium of Alcohol and Nicotine use (GSCAN) summary statistics. Five thresholds ranging from 5 × 10 ⁻⁸ to 0.5 were used to calculate 5 PRS for each individual. Using logistic regression, we investigated the association between smoking initiation PRS and the main outcome, self-reported e-cigarette use ( n = 2,894, measured between 2016 and 2017), as well as self-reported smoking initiation and 8 negative control outcomes (socioeconomic position at birth, externalising disorders in childhood, and risk-taking in young adulthood). A total of 878 young adults (30%) had ever used e-cigarettes at 24 years, and 150 (5%) were regular e-cigarette users at 24 years. We observed positive associations of similar magnitude between smoking initiation PRS (created using the p < 5 × 10 ⁻⁸ threshold) and both smoking initiation (odds ratio (OR) = 1.29, 95% CI 1.19 to 1.39, p < 0.001) and ever e-cigarette use (OR = 1.24, 95% CI 1.14 to 1.34, p < 0.001) by the age of 24 years, indicating that a genetic predisposition to smoking initiation is associated with an increased risk of using e-cigarettes. At lower p -value thresholds, we observed an association between smoking initiation PRS and ever e-cigarette use among never smokers. We also found evidence of associations between smoking initiation PRS and some negative control outcomes, particularly when less stringent p -value thresholds were used to create the PRS, but also at the strictest threshold (e.g., gambling, number of sexual partners, conduct disorder at 7 years, and parental socioeconomic position at birth). However, this study is limited by the relatively small sample size and potential for collider bias. Conclusions Our results indicate that there may be a shared genetic aetiology between smoking and e-cigarette use, and also with socioeconomic position, externalising disorders in childhood, and risky behaviour more generally. This indicates that there may be a common genetic vulnerability to both smoking and e-cigarette use, which may reflect a broad risk-taking phenotype.
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Background Variation in liability to cannabis use disorder has a strong genetic component (estimated twin and family heritability about 50–70%) and is associated with negative outcomes, including increased risk of psychopathology. The aim of the study was to conduct a large genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify novel genetic variants associated with cannabis use disorder. Methods To conduct this GWAS meta-analysis of cannabis use disorder and identify associations with genetic loci, we used samples from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Substance Use Disorders working group, iPSYCH, and deCODE (20 916 case samples, 363 116 control samples in total), contrasting cannabis use disorder cases with controls. To examine the genetic overlap between cannabis use disorder and 22 traits of interest (chosen because of previously published phenotypic correlations [eg, psychiatric disorders] or hypothesised associations [eg, chronotype] with cannabis use disorder), we used linkage disequilibrium score regression to calculate genetic correlations. Findings We identified two genome-wide significant loci: a novel chromosome 7 locus (FOXP2, lead single-nucleotide polymorphism [SNP] rs7783012; odds ratio [OR] 1·11, 95% CI 1·07–1·15, p=1·84 × 10⁻⁹) and the previously identified chromosome 8 locus (near CHRNA2 and EPHX2, lead SNP rs4732724; OR 0·89, 95% CI 0·86–0·93, p=6·46 × 10⁻⁹). Cannabis use disorder and cannabis use were genetically correlated (rg 0·50, p=1·50 × 10⁻²¹), but they showed significantly different genetic correlations with 12 of the 22 traits we tested, suggesting at least partially different genetic underpinnings of cannabis use and cannabis use disorder. Cannabis use disorder was positively genetically correlated with other psychopathology, including ADHD, major depression, and schizophrenia. Interpretation These findings support the theory that cannabis use disorder has shared genetic liability with other psychopathology, and there is a distinction between genetic liability to cannabis use and cannabis use disorder. Funding National Institute of Mental Health; National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; National Institute on Drug Abuse; Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine and the Centre for Integrative Sequencing; The European Commission, Horizon 2020; National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; Health Research Council of New Zealand; National Institute on Aging; Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium; UK Research and Innovation Medical Research Council (UKRI MRC); The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation; National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders; Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA); National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering; National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Australia; Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program of the University of California; Families for Borderline Personality Disorder Research (Beth and Rob Elliott) 2018 NARSAD Young Investigator Grant; The National Child Health Research Foundation (Cure Kids); The Canterbury Medical Research Foundation; The New Zealand Lottery Grants Board; The University of Otago; The Carney Centre for Pharmacogenomics; The James Hume Bequest Fund; National Institutes of Health: Genes, Environment and Health Initiative; National Institutes of Health; National Cancer Institute; The William T Grant Foundation; Australian Research Council; The Virginia Tobacco Settlement Foundation; The VISN 1 and VISN 4 Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Centers of the US Department of Veterans Affairs; The 5th Framework Programme (FP-5) GenomEUtwin Project; The Lundbeck Foundation; NIH-funded Shared Instrumentation Grant S10RR025141; Clinical Translational Sciences Award grants; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; National Institute of General Medical Sciences.
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Schizophrenia shows a genetic correlation with both anxiety disorder and neuroticism, a trait strongly associated with anxiety. However, genetic correlations do not discern causality from genetic confounding. We therefore aimed to investigate whether anxiety‐related phenotypes lie on the causal pathway to schizophrenia using Mendelian randomization (MR). Four MR methods, each with different assumptions regarding instrument validity, were used to investigate casual associations of anxiety and neuroticism related phenotypes on schizophrenia, and vice versa: inverse variance weighted (IVW), weighted median, weighted mode, and, when appropriate, MR Egger regression. MR provided evidence of a causal effect of neuroticism on schizophrenia (IVW odds ratio [OR]: 1.33, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.12–1.59), but only weak evidence of a causal effect of anxiety on schizophrenia (IVW OR: 1.10, 95% CI: 1.01–1.19). There was also evidence of a causal association from schizophrenia liability to anxiety disorder (IVW OR: 1.28, 95% CI: 1.18–1.39) and worry (IVW beta: 0.05, 95% CI: 0.03–0.07), but effect estimates from schizophrenia to neuroticism were inconsistent in the main analysis. The evidence of neuroticism increasing schizophrenia risk provided by our results supports future efforts to evaluate neuroticism‐ or anxiety‐based therapies to prevent onset of psychotic disorders.
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Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has consistently been associated with substance use, but the nature of this association is not fully understood. To inform intervention development and public health messages, a vital question is whether there are causal pathways from ADHD to substance use and/or vice versa. We applied bidirectional Mendelian randomization, using summary-level data from the largest available genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on ADHD, smoking (initiation, cigarettes per day, cessation, and a compound measure of lifetime smoking), alcohol use (drinks per week, alcohol problems, and alcohol dependence), cannabis use (initiation), and coffee consumption (cups per day). Genetic variants robustly associated with the "exposure" were selected as instruments and identified in the "outcome" GWAS. Effect estimates from individual genetic variants were combined with inverse-variance weighted regression and five sensitivity analyses (weighted median, weighted mode, MR-Egger, generalized summary data-based MR, and Steiger filtering). We found evidence that liability to ADHD increases likelihood of smoking initiation and heaviness of smoking among smokers, decreases likelihood of smoking cessation, and increases likelihood of cannabis initiation. There was weak evidence that liability to ADHD increases alcohol dependence risk but not drinks per week or alcohol problems. In the other direction, there was weak evidence that smoking initiation increases ADHD risk, but follow-up analyses suggested a high probability of horizontal pleiotropy. There was no clear evidence of causal pathways between ADHD and coffee consumption. Our findings corroborate epidemiological evidence, suggesting causal pathways from liability to ADHD to smoking, cannabis use, and, tentatively, alcohol dependence. Further work is needed to explore the exact mechanisms mediating these causal effects.
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Background: Mendelian randomization (MR) is a powerful tool in epidemiology that can be used to estimate the causal effect of an exposure on an outcome in the presence of unobserved confounding, by utilizing genetic variants that are instrumental variables (IVs) for the exposure. This has been extended to multivariable MR (MVMR) to estimate the effect of two or more exposures on an outcome. Methods and results: We use simulations and theory to clarify the interpretation of estimated effects in a MVMR analysis under a range of underlying scenarios, where a secondary exposure acts variously as a confounder, a mediator, a pleiotropic pathway and a collider. We then describe how instrument strength and validity can be assessed for an MVMR analysis in the single-sample setting, and develop tests to assess these assumptions in the popular two-sample summary data setting. We illustrate our methods using data from UK Biobank to estimate the effect of education and cognitive ability on body mass index. Conclusion: MVMR analysis consistently estimates the direct causal effect of an exposure, or exposures, of interest and provides a powerful tool for determining causal effects in a wide range of scenarios with either individual- or summary-level data.
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Cocaine dependence is a complex psychiatric disorder that is highly comorbid with other psychiatric traits. Twin and adoption studies suggest that genetic variants contribute substantially to cocaine dependence susceptibility, which has an estimated heritability of 65-79%. Here we performed a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of cocaine dependence using four datasets from the dbGaP repository (2085 cases and 4293 controls, all of them selected by their European ancestry). Although no genome-wide significant hits were found in the SNP-based analysis, the gene-based analysis identified HIST1H2BD as associated with cocaine-dependence (10% FDR). This gene is located in a region on chromosome 6 enriched in histone-related genes, previously associated with schizophrenia (SCZ). Furthermore, we performed LD Score regression analysis with comorbid conditions and found significant genetic correlations between cocaine dependence and SCZ, ADHD, major depressive disorder (MDD) and risk taking. We also found, through polygenic risk score analysis, that all tested phenotypes are significantly associated with cocaine dependence status: SCZ (R2 = 2.28%; P = 1.21e-26), ADHD (R2 = 1.39%; P = 4.5e-17), risk taking (R2 = 0.60%; P = 2.7e-08), MDD (R2 = 1.21%; P = 4.35e-15), children's aggressive behavior (R2 = 0.3%; P = 8.8e-05) and antisocial behavior (R2 = 1.33%; P = 2.2e-16). To our knowledge, this is the largest reported cocaine dependence GWAS meta-analysis in European-ancestry individuals. We identified suggestive associations in regions that may be related to cocaine dependence and found evidence for shared genetic risk factors between cocaine dependence and several comorbid psychiatric traits. However, the sample size is limited and further studies are needed to confirm these results.
Background and aims Cannabis, tobacco and alcohol use are prevalent among youth in the United States and may be risk factors for opioid use. The current study aimed at investigating associations between developmental trajectories of cannabis, tobacco and alcohol use in adolescence and opioid use in young adulthood in an urban cohort over the span of 12 years. Design Cohort study of adolescents originally recruited for a randomized prevention trial with yearly assessments into young adulthood. Setting Nine urban elementary schools in Baltimore, MD in the United States. Participants Participants (n = 583, 86.8% African American, 54.7% male) were originally recruited as first grade students. Measurements Cannabis, tobacco and alcohol use were assessed annually from ages 14–18 years and opioid use from ages 19–26. Socio‐demographics were assessed at age 6. Intervention status was also randomly assigned at age 6. Gender, race, free/reduced‐priced lunch and intervention status were included as covariates in individual and sequential growth models. Findings There were significant positive associations between the cannabis use intercept at age 14 and the opioid use intercept at age 19 (beta = 1.43; P = 0.028), the tobacco use intercept at age 14 and the opioid use intercept at age 19 (beta = 0.82; P = 0.042). Specifically, more frequent use of cannabis or tobacco at age 14 was associated with more frequent use of opioids at age 19. Conclusions Cannabis and tobacco use in early adolescence may be risk factors for opioid use in young adulthood among African Americans living in urban areas.
Importance With the current opioid crisis, it is important to improve understanding of the biological mechanisms of opioid use disorder (OUD). Objectives To detect genetic risk variants for OUD and determine genetic correlations and causal association with OUD and other traits. Design, Setting, and Participants A genome-wide association study of electronic health record–defined OUD in the Million Veteran Program sample was conducted, comprising 8529 affected European American individuals and 71 200 opioid-exposed European American controls (defined by electronic health record trajectory analysis) and 4032 affected African American individuals and 26 029 opioid-exposed African American controls. Participants were enrolled from January 10, 2011, to May 21, 2018, with electronic health record data for OUD diagnosis from October 1, 1999, to February 7, 2018. Million Veteran Program results and additional OUD case-control genome-wide association study results from the Yale-Penn and Study of Addiction: Genetics and Environment samples were meta-analyzed (total numbers: European American individuals, 10 544 OUD cases and 72 163 opioid-exposed controls; African American individuals, 5212 cases and 26 876 controls). Data on Yale-Penn participants were collected from February 14, 1999, to April 1, 2017, and data on Study of Addiction: Genetics and Environment participants were collected from 1990 to 2007. The key result was replicated in 2 independent cohorts: proxy-phenotype buprenorphine treatment in the UK Biobank and newly genotyped Yale-Penn participants. Genetic correlations between OUD and other traits were tested, and mendelian randomization analysis was conducted to identify potential causal associations. Main Outcomes and Measures Main outcomes were International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision–diagnosed OUD or International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision–diagnosed OUD (Million Veteran Program), and DSM-IV–defined opioid dependence (Yale-Penn and Study of Addiction: Genetics and Environment). Results A total of 114 759 individuals (101 016 men [88%]; mean [SD] age, 60.1 [12.8] years) were included. In 82 707 European American individuals, a functional coding variant (rs1799971, encoding Asn40Asp) in OPRM1 (μ-opioid receptor gene, the main biological target for opioid drugs; OMIM 600018) reached genome-wide significance (G allele: mean [SE], β = −0.066 [0.012]; P = 1.51 × 10⁻⁸). The finding was replicated in 2 independent samples. Mean (SE) single-nucleotide polymorphism–based heritability of OUD was 11.3% (1.8%). Opioid use disorder was genetically correlated with 83 traits, including multiple substance use traits, psychiatric illnesses, cognitive performance, and others. Mendelian randomization analysis revealed the following associations with OUD: risk of tobacco smoking, depression, neuroticism, worry neuroticism subcluster, and cognitive performance. No genome-wide significant association was detected for African American individuals or in transpopulation meta-analysis. Conclusions and Relevance This genome-wide meta-analysis identified a significant association of OUD with an OPRM1 variant, which was replicated in 2 independent samples. Post–genome-wide association study analysis revealed associated pleiotropic characteristics. Recruitment of additional individuals with OUD for future studies—especially those of non-European ancestry—is a crucial next step in identifying additional significant risk loci.
Background Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and cannabis are commonly used psychoactive substances. While the use of these substances has been previously shown to be genetically correlated, causality between these substance use traits remains unclear. We aimed to revisit the genetic relationships among different measures of SU using genome-wide association study (GWAS) summary statistics from the UK Biobank, International Cannabis Consortium, and GWAS & Sequencing Consortium of Alcohol and Nicotine use. Methods We obtained GWAS summary statistics from the aforementioned consortia for ten substance use traits including various measures of alcohol consumption, caffeine consumption, cannabis initiation and smoking behaviours. We then conducted SNP-heritability ( h²) estimation for individual SU traits, followed by genetic correlation analyses and two-sample Mendelian randomisation (MR) studies between substance use trait pairs. Results SNP h² of the ten traits ranged from 0.03 to 0.11. After multiple testing correction, 29 of the 45 trait pairs showed evidence of being genetically correlated. MR analyses revealed that most SU traits were not causally associated with each other. However, we found evidence for an MR association between regular smoking initiation and caffeine consumption 40.17 mg; 95% CI: [ 24.01, 56.33] increase in caffeine intake per doubling of odds in smoking initiation). Our findings were robust against horizontal pleiotropy, SNP-outliers, and the direction of causality was consistent in all MR analyses. Conclusions Most of the substance traits were genetically correlated but there is little evidence to establish causality apart from the relationship between smoking initiation and caffeine consumption.