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Abstract and Figures

Introduction Limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) is a rare form of spinal dysraphism that is characterised by a distinctive fibroneural stalk connecting the spinal cord to the overlying skin lesion. The skin lesions associated with LDM can appear benign clinically and careful evaluation with an MRI scan is essential for diagnosing LDM and to differentiate this entity from other forms of spinal dysraphism and benign causes of skin lesions. Research question There is a lack of reported atlantoaxial LDM in the literature. We sought to report the clinical presentation, radiological features and surgical management of the first two reported atlantoaxial LDM. Material and methods Clinical findings and radiological images of the two cases of atlantoaxial LDM that underwent surgical intervention at our institution were retrieved from the medical notes, operative records and imaging system. Results Both cases of atlantoaxial LDM (C0-1 and C1-2 respectively) underwent successful resection of the overlying cutaneous lesions and stalks to release the tethered spinal cords. Discussion The surgical management of LDM have been associated with good outcomes and consists of resecting the fibroneural stalk close to the underlying cord, releasing the tethered spinal cord and removing the overlying cutaneous lesion. Conclusion These are the first two reported cases of atlantoaxial LDM in the literature. We aim to raise awareness of this pathological entity and highlight the importance of establishing the correct diagnosis to guide definitive management, and report the favourable neurological outcome in these cases despite the rostral location.
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Atlantoaxial limited dorsal myeloschisis: A report of two cases and review
of literature
Wai Cheong Soon
, Joe M. Das, Azam Baig, Pasquale Gallo, Desiderio Rodrigues
William B. Lo
Department of Neurosurgery, Birmingham Children's Hospital, Steelhouse Ln, Birmingham, B4 6NH, United Kingdom
Spinal dysraphism
Tethered cord syndrome
Cutaneous lesion
Introduction: Limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) is a rare form of spinal dysraphism that is characterised by a
distinctive broneural stalk connecting the spinal cord to the overlying skin lesion. The skin lesions associated
with LDM can appear benign clinically and careful evaluation with an MRI scan is essential for diagnosing LDM
and to differentiate this entity from other forms of spinal dysraphism and benign causes of skin lesions.
Research question: There is a lack of reported atlantoaxial LDM in the literature. We sought to report the clinical
presentation, radiological features and surgical management of the rst two reported atlantoaxial LDM.
Material and methods: Clinical ndings and radiological images of the two cases of atlantoaxial LDM that un-
derwent surgical intervention at our institution were retrieved from the medical notes, operative records and
imaging system.
Results: Both cases of atlantoaxial LDM (C0-1 and C1-2 respectively) underwent successful resection of the
overlying cutaneous lesions and stalks to release the tethered spinal cords.
Discussion: The surgical management of LDM have been associated with good outcomes and consists of resecting
the broneural stalk close to the underlying cord, releasing the tethered spinal cord and removing the overlying
cutaneous lesion.
Conclusion: These are the rst two reported cases of atlantoaxial LDM in the literature. We aim to raise awareness
of this pathological entity and highlight the importance of establishing the correct diagnosis to guide denitive
management, and report the favourable neurological outcome in these cases despite the rostral location.
1. Introduction
Limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) is a rare form of spinal dysraphism
characterised by a focal midline skin lesion and broneural pedicle or
stalk that connects the spinal cord to the overlying skin lesion (Pang
et al., 2013). This distinct clinicopathological entity was rst described in
1993 and the persistent broneural pedicle has been hypothesised to be
the result of an incomplete dysjunction between cutaneous and neural
ectoderms (Pang et al., 2013). The surgical management of LDM involves
disconnecting the broneural stalk that links the spinal cord and the
dorsal cutaneous appendage in addition to untethering the spinal cord
(Batista Cezar-Junior et al., 2020). Limited dorsal myeloschisis in the
cervical region is a less common subgroup of LDM when compared to the
thoracolumbar spine. In this article, we present two cases of LDM
involving the atlantoaxial spine, which has not been reported in the
literature to date.
2. Cases
2.1. Case 1
A 3-year-old girl was referred with a midline tail-likecutaneous
appendage at the nape of her neck that was present since birth (Fig. 1a).
She was neurologically intact with no other stigmata of congenital
anomaly. She had an MRI scan at the age of 24 months which demon-
strated that the overlying cutaneous appendage was in continuity with
the tethered spinal cord (Fig. 1b and c). She underwent surgical resection
of the LDM and untethering of the spinal cord with continuous intra-
operative neuro-monitoring of motor-evoked and somatosensory-evoked
potentials at the age of 38 months. The broneural stalk from the base of
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (W.C. Soon).
Joint senior authors.
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Received 10 July 2021; Received in revised form 29 August 2021; Accepted 13 September 2021
Available online 26 September 2021
2772-5294/©2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of EUROSPINE, the Spine Society of Europe, EANS, the European Association of Neurosurgical
Societies. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Brain and Spine 1 (2021) 100298
the appendage was followed through to the bony defect of the C2 lamina.
Limited bony decompression was performed around the defect until
normal dura was exposed. The dura was opened, and the brous tract
was visualised to extend intradurally (Fig. 1d). The spinal cord was
Fig. 1. aTail-likeskin appendage on the nape of the neck
Fig. 1b and c Sagittal and axial MRI scan demonstrating the C1/2 limited dorsal myeloschisis with evidence of tethered cord. White arrow indicates the skin
appendage from which the stalk (black arrow) is going through the soft tissue. Fig. 1dfFibrous stalk connecting the cutaneous appendage to the underlying spinal
cord (white arrow). The visible stalk (black arrow) was disconnected ush to the cord to release the tethered cord below the obex (dotted black arrow).
Fig. 2. a. Soft, pedunculated, transilluminable, mobile cystic swelling on the posterior aspect of the neck at the cranio-cervical junction.
Fig. 2b and c Sagittal and axial MRI scan demonstrating the C0/1 LDM with associated tethering of the cord. Fig. 2d: and e The overlying cutaneous lesion was
connected to the deeper structures by a brolipomatous stalk. The deep portion of the stalk (white arrow) extended into the intradural space. Normal spinal cord
(black arrow) was visualised between the dural opening cranial to the stalk.
W.C. Soon et al. Brain and Spine 1 (2021) 100298
tethered 3 mm inferior to the obex (Fig. 1e). The stalk was fully excised
from the cord by sharp dissection and resected along with the cutaneous
appendage (Fig. 1f). The tethered cord was carefully released, and the
dura was closed in a watertight fashion. There were no compromise in
motor-evoked and somatosensory-evoked potentials throughout the
procedure. She remained neurologically well and was discharged on
postoperative day four. Histopathological examination of the excised
skin lesion and stalk was consistent with a benign broepithelial polyp
and broconnective tissue devoid of acute or chronic inammation.
2.2. Case 2
A newborn baby boy with normal antenatal scans was noted to have a
42cm, soft, pedunculated, transilluminable, mobile cystic swelling on
the posterior aspect of the neck at the cranio-cervical junction (Fig. 2a).
He was neurologically intact, and the rest of his spine was normal. On day
one of life, an ultrasound of the swelling demonstrated a septated cystic
mass with possible attachments to posterior cervical muscles and no
deeper extension. On day three of life, he underwent an MRI scan which
revealed a C0/1 LDM with associated tethered cord and an overlying sac
measuring 11 27 21mm which contained meninges, CSF and fat
(Fig. 2b and c). He subsequently underwent excision of the LDM and
untethering of the cord on the 6th day of life. Intraoperatively, a bro-
lipomatous stalk measuring 8mm in diameter that connected the cuta-
neous lesion to the underlying cord was identied. The stalk extended
deep through a midline defect in the ligamentum avum and dura
(Fig. 2d and e). The dura was opened cranially and caudally to the stalk
that was subsequently divided. The cutaneous lesion, a thin rim of
normal skin and the supercial part of the stalk were removed en bloc.A
near-total resection of the abnormal tissue was performed, with a small
portion that was adhered to the cervico-medullary junction left in situ.
The cervical cord was untethered. The patient had an uneventful post-
operative course and was discharged 2 days later. Histopathological ex-
amination revealed neural tissue surrounded by brous tissue and blood
vessels. He remains neurologically well at subsequent follow-ups.
3. Discussion
Limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) is a rare form of closed spinal
dysraphism that can be associated with tethered cord, lipoma, lip-
omyelomeningocele, split cord malformation, teratoma and other
congenital anomalies (Donovan and Pedersen, 2005;Park et al., 2005;
Pang et al., 2010;Izci and Kural, 2019). The embryogenesis of LDM has
been proposed to be secondary to incomplete fusion of the neural folds in
primary neurulation resulting in incomplete separation between the
cutaneous and neural ectoderm (Pang et al., 2010). This theory is sup-
ported by Pang et al.s study whereby all 51 cases in their series had
neural stalk attachment to the cord superior to the conus that forms
during secondary neurulation (Pang et al., 2010). However, in a more
recently published series by Kim et al., the authors reported that 11 out of
28 patients with LDMs had interspinous defect in levels below S1-2,
which is formed during secondary neurulation. Kim et al. hypothesised
that LDMs may occur during early stages of secondary neurulation due to
incomplete dysjunction between the caudal cell mass and the skin or
during later stages of secondary neurulation due to incomplete separa-
tion between the terminal balloon(CSF-lled dilated caudal end of the
secondary neural tube) and cutaneous ectoderm (Kim et al., 2020;Lee
et al., 2013). LDMs are more commonly seen in the thoracolumbar spine
when compared to the cervical spine (Pang et al., 2013;Izci and Kural,
2019;Chatterjee et al., 2021;Latte et al., 2018;Chatterjee and Rao,
2015;Mohindra, 2007;Lee et al., 2017). In Pang et al.s series, all eleven
cervical LDMs were located in the subaxial C3-7 levels (Pang et al.,
2013). Our cases showed that LDM can occur in the atlantoaxial cervical
spine, which have not been previously reported. In Case 1, there was a
skin appendage, which perhaps be an external feature in its own right,
because it does not t into the external features of saccular LDMs
described by Pang et al.s(Pang et al., 2013). Case 2 was a typical
saccular LDM consisting of one myelocystocoele but was unique in that it
was the rst C0/1 LDM. Both cases were diagnosed postnatally.
3.1. Proposed embryological explanation for rare occurrence
The reason for the rare occurrence of atlantoaxial LDM is unclear.
While it is likely to be underdiagnosed and underreported because it is
misdiagnosed as other cutaneous lesions, there may be other develop-
mental and embryological explanations. Embryological studies have
shown that human neural tube closure initiates at multiple sites (Nakatsu
et al., 2000). The closure at the occipito-cervical region results from the
joining of the closures from two initiation sites: Site A cervical level,
Site B mesencephalic-rhombencephalic boundary (Fig. 3). We postulate
that disruption of neural tube closure/dysjunction at the occipito-cervical
region is less likely than other regions, because if the process fails at one
of the two contributing initiation sites, the other process will still
continue at the other site. However, if a neural tube defect does occur, it
is likely to result in conditions much more severe than LDM, including
spontaneous abortion, as described by Nakatsu et al. as Type III defects
(Nakatsu et al., 2000).
3.2. Histopathological features of LDM
The histopathological examination of LDM stalk revealed glial
brillary acid protein (GFAP)-immunopositive neuroglial tissues in 50%
of cases (Morioka et al., 2019). Morioka et al. reported that peripheral
nerve bres were observed in all of the six broneural stalks examined
and numerous melanocytes were found along the long-axis of the stalk in
three out of four patients with dermal melanocytosis (Morioka et al.,
2019). Dorsal root ganglion cells, brous bands, fat, skeletal muscles,
blood vessels and dermoid or neuroenteric cysts have been detected
surrounding the stalk and/or within the stalk (Pang et al., 2010). The
presence of dermoid elements has the potential to cause neurological
deterioration with development of dermoid cysts following partial
resection of LDM stalk (Eibach et al., 2017).
Fig. 3. Schematic diagram showing the current model for multi-site neural tube
closure in human embryo. The black line represents the craniocaudal arrange-
ment of the embryo. Open triangles indicate the three initiation sites: A cervical
level, B mesencephalic-rhombencephalic boundary, and C rostral tip of the
neural groove. Arrows indicate the directions of neural tube closure. Dotted circle
indicates the occipito-cervical region where the reported atlantoaxial LDMs are
located. (Adapted from Nakatsu et al. (2000).
W.C. Soon et al. Brain and Spine 1 (2021) 100298
3.3. Antenatal radiological differential diagnosis of LDM
The antenatal diagnosis of LDM can often mimic myelomeningocele
(MMC) and it is important to differentiate between these two entities due
to the differences in prognosis (Friszer et al., 2017). In a prospective
prenatal ultrasound study by Friszer et al., the authors found that diag-
nosis of MMC was revised to LDM in 7 out of 29 cases (Friszer et al.,
2017). It is important to note that myelomeningocele is often associated
with cerebral abnormalities such as hydrocephalus or Chiari malforma-
tion (Morais et al., 2020;Russell et al., 2013). It is essential to establish
the correct diagnosis of LDM as missed LDM can lead to delayed neuro-
logical decits, recurrent tethered cord syndrome and need for further
surgical intervention (Chatterjee and Rao, 2015). LDMs are usually
associated with a better prognosis in comparison to MMC and foetal MRI
should be performed if there is any diagnostic uncertainty (Pang et al.,
2013;Russell et al., 2013;Spoor et al., 2019). On the MRI scan, the
broneural stalk or tract can usually be traced from the base of the skin
lesion to the underlying cord (Pang et al., 2010).
3.4. Cutaneous stigmata of LDM
Skin tags are usually benign pedunculated lesions that can be found
anywhere on the body. However, the presence of midline dorsal skin tags
or neuroectodermal appendages is not always benign and should prompt
further investigations to detect the presence of underlying spinal dysra-
phism (Guggisberg et al., 2004). Pang et al. elegantly described that the
skin lesions associated with LDMs can be subdivided into four types
namely saccular, crater, pit and membranous sac with saccular skin le-
sions being most commonly found in cervical LDMs (Pang et al., 2010).
The tail-likeappendage described in Case 1 of our series has not been
included in Pang et al.s classication. Therefore, we propose an addition
of appendageto the four external features of the saccular subtype
described by Pang et al.: thick squamous top, thin squamous top, dome
pit, and membranous sac. There are other reported cases of tail-like
appendages in the literature (Batista Cezar-Junior et al., 2020;Sarukawa
et al., 2019;Gaskill and Marlin, 1989;Cai et al., 2011;Canaz et al., 2018;
Turk et al., 2016;Abe et al., 2020). By the 8th week of intrauterine life,
the tail of the human embryos usually regresses. Failure of regression the
distal remnant of the embryonic tail has been proposed to result in a
persistent human-tail, more commonly located in the lumbosacral re-
gion (Klinge et al., 2020;Mukhopadhyay et al., 2012). Including our
case, only two cases of tail-likeappendages in the cervical region have
been reported in the literature to date (Mohindra, 2007) and the path-
oembryological explanation for these occurrences are unclear.
3.5. Surgical treatment and neurological outcome
The surgical management of LDM have been associated with good
outcomes and consists of resecting the broneural stalk ush/close to the
underlying cord, releasing the tethered spinal cord and removing the
overlying cutaneous lesion (Batista Cezar-Junior et al., 2020;Donovan
and Pedersen, 2005;Pang et al., 2010;Nakatsu et al., 2000;Russell et al.,
2013;Guggisberg et al., 2004;Sarukawa et al., 2019;Gaskill and Marlin,
1989;Cai et al., 2011;Canaz et al., 2018;Turk et al., 2016). It is essential
to open the dura to expose the intradural component of the stalk and
ensure that it is adequately disconnected from the cord. Based on Pang
et al.s series, seven out of eleven patients with cervical LDM presented
with neurological decit (Pang et al., 2013), which is in contrast to our
cases of two young children, who were both neurologically intact at
presentation. The difference may be explained by the young age of our
patients (38-months and 6-days-old respectively), which means subtle
neurological decit or decline were not detected. Without releasing the
tethered cord caused by the broneural stalk, Pang et al. reported that
ve out of six patients returned with progressive neurological decits
(Pang et al., 2010). We are in agreement that broneural stalk should be
completely excised to minimise the risk of recurrence especially in the
presence of any dermoid elements, although our series of two have not
included cases of inadequate resection, and thus no direct comparison
can be made (Eibach et al., 2017).
The surgical management of LDM at the atlantoaxial spine poses an
additional risk of causing atlantoaxial instability as these levels are more
heavily reliant on the ligaments and facet joints to prevent dislocation
(Yang et al., 2014). Atlantoaxial instability is more common in the pae-
diatric population due to the increased ligamentous laxity, more angled
facet joints and incomplete ossication of the odontoid process when
compared to the adult population (Lustrin et al., 2003). At the level of C1,
the anterior arch usually completes fusion with the posterior neural
arches by 7 years of age. At the level of C2, posterior fusion of the neural
arches occur by 3 years of age and fusion of the neural arches with the
body of the odontoid process occurs between 3 and 6 years of age (Lustrin
et al., 2003). Therefore, careful bony exposure with preservation of the
facet joints and lateral masses should be performed to maintain stability
of the atlantoaxial spine. One should also be mindful of the close prox-
imity of V3 and V4 segments of the vertebral arteries as they pierce the
atlanto-occipital membrane and the dura to avoid vascular injury during
the surgical approach.
Due to the tethering of the cord by the broneural stalk, the risk of
neurological decit increases over time with longitudinal growth of the
spine, even though the change in the relative positions between the
tethered cord and the overlying dura is modest in cervical cases (Pang
et al., 2010). Urgent surgery should be offered in the presence of cere-
brospinal uid leakage and/or neurological decit.
4. Conclusion
These are the two rst reported cases of atlantoaxial LDM in the
literature. We advocate that all dorsal cervical midline cutaneous lesions
should be investigated further with MRI scan to look for evidence of
spinal dysraphism and tethered cord. The presence of a stalk or tract
between the cutaneous appendage and the spinal cord should be recog-
nised pre-operatively and complete disconnection and resection of the
broneural stalk should be performed to optimise surgical outcomes and
prevent delayed neurological deterioration.
Conict of interest
On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is
no conict of interest.
Verbal parental consents have been obtained for the publication of
this manuscript.
Declaration of competing interests
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
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W.C. Soon et al. Brain and Spine 1 (2021) 100298
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Full-text available
Limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) is characterized by a fibroneural stalk linking the skin lesion to the underlying spinal cord. LDMs originally have either saccular or nonsaccular (flat) skin lesion; we recently demonstrated the human tail-like cutaneous appendage at the lumbosacral region, which is a morphological variation. We surgically treated a 6-month-old girl with a cutaneous appendage at the upper thoracic region; the appendage was a continuation of the LDM stalk. Surgery involving cord untethering and cosmetic removal of the appendage was performed. Histopathologically, small nests of glial fibrillary acidic protein-immunopositive neuroglial tissues were observed in the appendage and in the intradural LDM stalk. Clinicians should be aware of further morphological variations of thoracic lesions associated with LDM.
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Amniotic band syndrome (ABS) has been known since ancient times. Descriptions in modern medicine have occurred since the mid-nineteenth century. The association of the amniotic band syndrome with tethered cord is rare. It was generally thought to be incompatible with life. Of late, with better imaging, there have been case reports of amniotic bands causing cord tethering in neurosurgical literature, but its association with limited dorsal myeloschisis has hitherto not been described. We report a case of amniotic band syndrome (ABS) associated with a cervical limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) in a child of 2 and a half years old. The management of LDM in ABS is essentially the same as in isolated cases
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INTRODUCTION Limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) is a recently described pathological entity, characterized by a defect of the closed focal neural tube and a fibroneural pedicle connecting the cutaneous lesion to the spinal cord. PRESENTATION OF THE CASE This case describes a 9-month-old child with a human tail and an underlying spinal dysraphism. This was represented by LDM stalk associated with a medullary lipoma, in connection with the dorsal cutaneous appendage. We also report the therapeutic proposal for this case and its clinical outcome. DISCUSSION LDM is a distinctive clinicopathological presentation of a spinal dysraphism, associated with numerous anomalies, such as lipomyelomeningocele, tethered cord, lipoma, congenital heart disease and teratoma. In this case, surgical treatment for LDM consists of surgical resection of the appendage, untethering of the spinal cord and resection of conus medullaris lipoma in the same procedure. CONCLUSION In this case report, we share the experience of a referral service in pediatric neurosurgery regarding clinical and radiological diagnosis, and the successful treatment of this rare type of congenital malformation. Therefore, clinicians should be aware of possible morphological variations of the skin lesion associated with LDM.
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The dorsal cutaneous appendage, or human tail, is a rare congenital anomaly that can span a broad spectrum of tissue and spinal involvement. Associated occult spinal anomalies may not be limited to the lumbar region and can occur at any point along the length of the spinal column. Five cases of human tails are presented with varying degrees of soft tissue anomalies, spinal dysraphism, and neurologic symptoms. Patients range in age from newborn to 22 years. The spectrum of pathology includes those isolated to skin and subcutaneous tissue as well as underlying spinal dysraphism and tethered cord. Surgical treatment ranged from simple tail excisions to microsurgical debulking and spinal cord detethering. The clinical presentation of a lumbosacral appendage should prompt the workup for underlying spinal anomalies at all levels of the spinal cord. Without treatment, the neurologic sequelae of occult spinal dysraphism can be progressive. With proper preoperative evaluation and interdisciplinary treatment, the soft tissue anomaly as well as the spinal dysraphism can be surgically treated to restore function or prevent further neurologic compromise.
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Background Myelomeningocele (MMC) is often related to hydrocephalus and Chiari malformation (CM) type 2; however, other brain abnormalities have been reported in this population. In order to better understand and quantify other forebrain abnormalities, we analyzed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of MMC patients treated in utero or postnatal. Methods Between January 2014 and March 2017, 59 MMC were treated in our hospital. Thirty-seven patients (32 postnatal and 5 intrautero repair) had brain MRI and were enrolled at the study. MRI was analyzed by two experienced neuroradiologists to identify the supra and infratentorial brain abnormalities. Results A wide range of brain abnormalities was consistently identified in MMC patients. As expected, the most common were hydrocephalus (94.5%) and CM type II (89.1%). Of note, we found high incidence of corpus callosum abnormalities (86.4%), mostly represented by dysplasia (46%). Conclusions The data are consistent with the concept that brain abnormalities related to MMC can be both infratentorial and supratentorial, cortical, and subcortical. More studies are needed to correlate these forebrain abnormalities to long-term functional outcome and their prognostic value for these patients.
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Objective: Myelomeningocele (MMC) is the most common form of spina bifida, with a lifelong impact on the quality of life for infants born with this condition. In recent decades, fetal surgery has evolved from an experimental therapy to standard of care for many centers in the world. In this study, the authors aimed to provide an overview of the current management and outcomes for infants with MMC managed at their institution. This then provides a center-specific historical cohort for comparison with future antenatal-treated MMC cases. Methods: This is a retrospective, single-institution cohort study including all consecutive MMC cases between January 1, 2000, and June 1, 2018, at Erasmus MC. Outcome data included closure of the defect (location, timing, and surgical parameters), hydrocephalus management, Chiari malformation type II (CMTII) management, incidence of spinal cord tethering and outcome, motor outcomes, and continence. Results: A total of 93 patients were included with predominantly lumbosacral lesions. Two patients died during follow-up. Hydrocephalus was present in 84%, with a 71% ventriculoperitoneal shunt reoperation rate. Surgery was performed in 12% for a tethered spinal cord at a mean age of 8 years. Decompression surgery was performed in 3 patients for CMTII. Special education in 63% was significantly associated with hydrocephalus (p < 0.015). Nineteen percent of patients were able to walk independently, and 47% were nonambulators. Social continence for urine was obtained in 75% of patients, 4% had fecal incontinence. Conclusions: This study provides an overview of current MMC outcomes at the authors' center and will serve as a historical cohort for comparison with future fetal surgery cases operated on at the center in the coming years. Apart from a relatively low surgical untethering rate, the authors' outcome data are comparable to those in the literature. Hydrocephalus is highly prevalent in postnatally treated MMC patients; in this study as in much of the literature, hydrocephalus is correlated with a low cognitive function. Fetal surgery for MMC halves the need for shunt treatment in a select group of MMC pregnancies, constituting a major indication for us to undergo the transition to a fetal surgery center. The fetal benefits of open antenatal surgery for MMC are well established, yet long-term data on especially tethered spinal cord are eagerly awaited.
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Purpose Limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) is characterized by a fibroneural stalk linking the skin lesion to the underlying spinal cord. On account of the external skin lesion, all LDMs are either flat (nonsaccular) or saccular, and a human tail-like cutaneous appendage has not been reported. Methods In our 14 LDM patients, 2 had tail-like appendages. We retrospectively analyzed the relationship between the appendage and the LDM tract from the clinicopathological findings of these 2 patients. Results Preoperative magnetic resonance imaging including three-dimensional heavily T2-weighted images demonstrated an intradural tethering tract, but failed to reveal the precise communication with the appendage. However, surgery revealed the extradural and intradural slender stalk, starting at the base of appendage and running through the myofascial defect. Histological examination demonstrated that there was a tight anatomical relationship between the fibroadipose tissue of the appendage and the fibrocollagenous LDM stalk. Conclusion When there is potential for an LDM stalk in patients with an appendage, a meticulous exploration of the stalk leading from an appendage is required. Clinicians should be aware of possible morphological variations of skin lesions associated with LDM.
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Limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) is a rare form of spina bifida which is characterized by a fibroneural stalk between the inner part of the skin and the spinal cord. It may be associated with split cord malformation (SCM). Diagnosis and management of this complex malformation is challenging. We presented 3 different cases of LDM. Two of them were associated with Type I SCM and the other had no associated malformation. All of them were evaluated radiologically just after the birth and underwent surgical treatment under intraoperative neuromonitoring. They discharged without any complication. Newborns with spinal cystic lesions should be carefully evaluated for spinal malformations after the birth and treated surgically as soon as possible in order to prevent neurological and urological complications secondary to tethered cord syndrome. Surgical technique in LDM-SCM patients is quite different than the patients with solitary LDM.
Background: Limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) is postulated to be a result of incomplete dysjunction in primary neurulation. However, clinical experience of LDM located below the first-second sacral (S1-S2) vertebral level, which is formed from secondary neurulation (S2-coccyx), suggested that LDM may not be entirely explained as an error of primary neurulation. Objective: To elucidate the location and characteristics of LDM to investigate the possible relation of its pathoembryogenesis to secondary neurulation. Methods: Twenty-eight patients were surgically treated for LDM from 2010 to 2015. Since the level where the LDM stalk penetrates the interspinous ligament is most clearly defined on the preoperative MRI and operative field, this level was assessed to find out whether the lesions can occur in the region of secondary neurulation. Results: Eleven patients (39%) with typical morphology of the stalk had interspinous defect levels lower than S1-S2. These patients were not different from 17 patients with classic LDMs at a level above or at S1-S2. This result shows that other than the low level of the interspinous level, 11 patients had lesions that could be defined as LDMs. Conclusion: By elucidating the location of LDM lesions (in particular, the interspinous level), we propose that LDM may be caused by errors of secondary neurulation. The hypothesis seems more plausible due to the supportive fact that the process of separation between the cutaneous and neural ectoderm is present during secondary neurulation. Hence, incomplete disjunction of the two ectoderms during secondary neurulation may result in LDM, similar to the pathomechanism proposed during primary neurulation.
Human tail might be the most interesting cutaneous sign of neural tube defects. From little cutaneous appendixes to 20-cm-long taillike lesions were reported in the literature. They may occur connected to an underlying pathology such as lipoma or teratoma, but most of the time, they conceal an underlying spinal dysraphism. Many classifications about human tails have been suggested in history, but the main approach to these lesions is, independent of the classification, always the same: investigating the possible spinal dysraphism with concomitant pathologies and planning the treatment on the patient basis. © 2018 Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences | Published by Wolters Kluwer-Medknow.