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Massage Therapy for Fatigue Management in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Systematic Review and Descriptive Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials


Abstract and Figures

Background. Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms among breast cancer survivors. Although massage therapy has been commonly used for fatigue management, relevant evidence on the effectiveness of massage therapy for the reduction of fatigue in breast cancer survivors is still unclear. Objective. To identify the research evidence on the effectiveness and safety of massage therapy to manage fatigue in breast cancer survivors and summarize the characteristics of massage therapy protocols utilized for fatigue management in breast cancer survivors. Methods. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) using massage therapy to manage cancer-related fatigue were searched in PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), ScienceDirect, PsycINFO, Wan Fang Data, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) from the inception of each database to March 2021. The Cochrane Back Review Group Risk of Bias Assessment Criteria was used to assess the methodological quality of the included studies. Descriptive analysis was applied for a summary and synthesis of the findings. The primary outcome was fatigue measured by any patient-reported questionnaires, and the secondary outcomes were quality of life and massage-therapy-related adverse events. Results. Ten RCTs were included. Massage therapy was found to have a positive effect on fatigue management compared with routine care/wait list control groups and sham massage. Despite these encouraging findings, the review concluded that most of the included studies exhibited an unsatisfactory experimental design, particularly, inadequate blinding and allocation concealment. The duration and frequency of the massage therapy interventions varied across the studies. Adverse events were reported in three included studies, with no study conducting causality analysis. Conclusion. This systematic review provides the latest research evidence to support massage therapy as an encouraging complementary and alternative medicine approach to managing fatigue in breast cancer survivors. More rigorously designed, large-scale, sham-controlled RCTs are needed to further conclude the specific therapeutic effectiveness and safety issues of massage therapy for fatigue management. 1. Introduction Breast cancer is the world’s most prevalent cancer and is a common risk factor that can reduce life expectancy, particularly among females [1]. Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is one of the most debilitating symptoms experienced by breast cancer survivors, which is mainly caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy [2]. The burden of unmanaged CRF can lead to reduction in quality of life (QoL) as it affects patients’ physical function, mood, social interaction, and cognitive performance [3]. Cancer-related fatigue has a more significant negative effect on QoL than other cancer-related symptoms, such as pain, nausea, vomiting, and depression, and it can last for months or even years after cancer treatment [4]. Pharmaceutical agents that are commonly applied to manage CRF consist of antidepressants, steroids, cholinesterase inhibitors, donepezil, and stimulants [5]. However, evidence regarding their effectiveness and safety in breast cancer patients remains inconsistent and unclear [6]. Physical (such as high blood pressure and kidney/liver damage) and psychological (such as restlessness and anxiety) side effects and consequences pertaining to pharmaceutical interventions have impelled patients to turn to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) as supplementary approaches to fatigue management [7]. Various CAM approaches, such as mindfulness-based interventions (e.g., yoga) [8], cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) [9], and physical exercise [10], have been used to manage fatigue as supplementary approaches. However, interventions such as yoga and physical exercise are energy-consuming, which may decrease patients’ willingness to participate [11], particularly for those with significant fatigue symptoms. Other approaches such as CBT have a high cost and require extensive professional support, which can limit the space for long-term symptom management. Other nonpharmacological approaches that are less time- and energy-consuming are worthy of further exploration to facilitate better management of CRF in the long run. Massage therapy has generally been considered a safe CAM approach to managing a wide range of health problems [12–17]. There are several types of commonly used massage therapy techniques in clinical practice, including Chinese massage, Japanese massage, Thai massage, Swedish massage, and reflexology. These types of massage involve handling muscles and stroking or rubbing the soft tissues of the human body [18], which can modulate body functions and cause relaxation [19–21]. Evidence has indicated that practicing massage therapy has a beneficial impact on increasing heart rate variability [22], improvement in mood disturbance [22–24], as well as QoL [25, 26] and reducing fatigue [22, 27] and physical discomfort [24]. Particularly, massage therapy has a great rate of acceptance and has been commonly applied in fatigue management among breast cancer survivors [28]. In the past few years, a growing body of small-scale clinical studies have been implemented to assess the effects of massage therapy on relieving fatigue in breast cancer patients, and some evidence has demonstrated that massage therapy decreased CRF [22, 23, 25, 29]. In addition, three systematic reviews/review protocols relating to massage therapy for cancer symptom management have been published [12, 14, 28]. However, the review by Finnegan-John et al. [12] focused on different types of CAM interventions for CRF management in patients with different cancer diagnoses, while the other two studies emphasized the effect of massage therapy on CRF relief [14, 28]. Pan et al. [14] generally addressed treatment-related side effects of breast cancer rather than focusing on fatigue management, and Wang et al. [28] study was a review protocol but without any available review findings, and it included all types of cancer diagnoses. Since all the abovementioned systematic reviews/review protocols were published three years ago, and there was no evidence synthesis study that specifically focused on the use of massage therapy for fatigue relief among breast cancer survivors. It is, therefore, necessary to explore the latest research evidence on massage for fatigue management in breast cancer survivors by appraising more recent clinical research evidence from published randomized controlled trials (RCTs). This systematic review was conducted to explore the effectiveness and safety of massage therapy for fatigue management, as well as to summarize the characteristics of massage therapy protocols for managing fatigue in breast cancer survivors. 2. Methods This systematic review was conducted and reported based on the PRISMA 2020 checklist for systematic reviews. 2.1. Data Sources and Search Strategies This systematic review located studies from nine academic databases, including PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), ScienceDirect, PsycINFO, Wan Fang Data, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) from the inception of each database to March 2021. MeSH terms and keywords such as “massage,” “fatigue,” “lassitude,” “weariness,” “breast neoplasms,” and “breast cancer” were the primary search terms used for the electronic database search. Chinese MeSH terms and keywords, including 推拿/按摩, 疲劳/疲乏/癌因性疲乏/劳累, and 乳腺癌/乳腺肿瘤, were used for the CNKI and Wan Fang Data database search. The search strategy for PubMed is shown in Table 1. The reference lists of the retrieved literature were also reviewed to identify additional eligible studies. ID Search strategy #1 “massage”[MeSH Terms] #2 (((“massage”[Title/Abstract]) OR (“massage therapy”[Title/Abstract])) OR (“massage therapies”[Title/Abstract])) OR (“tuina”[Title/Abstract]) #3 #1 OR #2 #4 (“fatigue”[MeSH Terms]) OR (lassitude[MeSH Terms]) #5 ((((((“fatigue”[Title/Abstract]) OR (lassitude[Title/Abstract])) OR (tired[Title/Abstract])) OR (“weary”[Title/Abstract])) OR (“weariness”[Title/Abstract])) OR (exhaust[Title/Abstract])) OR (“lacklustre”[Title/Abstract]) #6 #4 OR #5 #7 breast neoplasms[MeSH Terms] #8 (((((((“breast neoplasms”[Title/Abstract]) OR (“breast neoplasm”[Title/Abstract])) OR (“breast tumors”[Title/Abstract])) OR (“breast tumor”[Title/Abstract])) OR (“breast cancer”[Title/Abstract])) OR (“breast carcinoma”[Title/Abstract])) OR (“mammary tumor”[Title/Abstract])) OR (“mammary cancers”[Title/Abstract]) #9 #7 OR #8 #10 #3 AND #6 AND #9
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Review Article
Massage Therapy for Fatigue Management in Breast Cancer
Survivors: A Systematic Review and Descriptive Analysis of
Randomized Controlled Trials
Tao Wang , Jianxia Zhai , Xian-Liang Liu , Li-Qun Yao ,
and Jing-Yu (Benjamin) Tan
Charles Darwin University, College of Nursing and Midwifery, Brisbane Centre, 410 Ann Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000, Australia
Correspondence should be addressed to Jing-Yu (Benjamin) Tan;
Received 1 July 2021; Accepted 1 September 2021; Published 23 September 2021
Academic Editor: Ivan Luzardo-Ocampo
Copyright ©2021 Tao Wang et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background. Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms among breast cancer survivors. Although massage therapy has been
commonly used for fatigue management, relevant evidence on the effectiveness of massage therapy for the reduction of fatigue in
breast cancer survivors is still unclear. Objective. To identify the research evidence on the effectiveness and safety of massage
therapy to manage fatigue in breast cancer survivors and summarize the characteristics of massage therapy protocols utilized for
fatigue management in breast cancer survivors. Methods. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) using massage therapy to manage
cancer-related fatigue were searched in PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Cumulative Index to Nursing and
Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), ScienceDirect, PsycINFO, Wan Fang Data, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure
(CNKI) from the inception of each database to March 2021. e Cochrane Back Review Group Risk of Bias Assessment Criteria
was used to assess the methodological quality of the included studies. Descriptive analysis was applied for a summary and
synthesis of the findings. e primary outcome was fatigue measured by any patient-reported questionnaires, and the secondary
outcomes were quality of life and massage-therapy-related adverse events. Results. Ten RCTs were included. Massage therapy was
found to have a positive effect on fatigue management compared with routine care/wait list control groups and sham massage.
Despite these encouraging findings, the review concluded that most of the included studies exhibited an unsatisfactory ex-
perimental design, particularly, inadequate blinding and allocation concealment. e duration and frequency of the massage
therapy interventions varied across the studies. Adverse events were reported in three included studies, with no study conducting
causality analysis. Conclusion. is systematic review provides the latest research evidence to support massage therapy as an
encouraging complementary and alternative medicine approach to managing fatigue in breast cancer survivors. More rigorously
designed, large-scale, sham-controlled RCTs are needed to further conclude the specific therapeutic effectiveness and safety issues
of massage therapy for fatigue management.
1. Introduction
Breast cancer is the world’s most prevalent cancer and is a
common risk factor that can reduce life expectancy, par-
ticularly among females [1]. Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is
one of the most debilitating symptoms experienced by breast
cancer survivors, which is mainly caused by radiotherapy
and chemotherapy [2]. e burden of unmanaged CRF can
lead to reduction in quality of life (QoL) as it affects patients’
physical function, mood, social interaction, and cognitive
performance [3]. Cancer-related fatigue has a more
significant negative effect on QoL than other cancer-related
symptoms, such as pain, nausea, vomiting, and depression,
and it can last for months or even years after cancer
treatment [4].
Pharmaceutical agents that are commonly applied to
manage CRF consist of antidepressants, steroids, cholines-
terase inhibitors, donepezil, and stimulants [5]. However,
evidence regarding their effectiveness and safety in breast
cancer patients remains inconsistent and unclear [6].
Physical (such as high blood pressure and kidney/liver
damage) and psychological (such as restlessness and anxiety)
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Volume 2021, Article ID 9967574, 13 pages
side effects and consequences pertaining to pharmaceutical
interventions have impelled patients to turn to comple-
mentary and alternative medicine (CAM) as supplementary
approaches to fatigue management [7]. Various CAM ap-
proaches, such as mindfulness-based interventions (e.g.,
yoga) [8], cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) [9], and
physical exercise [10], have been used to manage fatigue as
supplementary approaches. However, interventions such as
yoga and physical exercise are energy-consuming, which
may decrease patients’ willingness to participate [11], par-
ticularly for those with significant fatigue symptoms. Other
approaches such as CBT have a high cost and require ex-
tensive professional support, which can limit the space for
long-term symptom management. Other non-
pharmacological approaches that are less time- and energy-
consuming are worthy of further exploration to facilitate
better management of CRF in the long run.
Massage therapy has generally been considered a safe
CAM approach to managing a wide range of health prob-
lems [12–17]. ere are several types of commonly used
massage therapy techniques in clinical practice, including
Chinese massage, Japanese massage, ai massage, Swedish
massage, and reflexology. ese types of massage involve
handling muscles and stroking or rubbing the soft tissues of
the human body [18], which can modulate body functions
and cause relaxation [19–21]. Evidence has indicated that
practicing massage therapy has a beneficial impact on in-
creasing heart rate variability [22], improvement in mood
disturbance [22–24], as well as QoL [25, 26] and reducing
fatigue [22, 27] and physical discomfort [24]. Particularly,
massage therapy has a great rate of acceptance and has been
commonly applied in fatigue management among breast
cancer survivors [28].
In the past few years, a growing body of small-scale
clinical studies have been implemented to assess the effects
of massage therapy on relieving fatigue in breast cancer
patients, and some evidence has demonstrated that massage
therapy decreased CRF [22, 23, 25, 29]. In addition, three
systematic reviews/review protocols relating to massage
therapy for cancer symptom management have been pub-
lished [12, 14, 28]. However, the review by Finnegan-John
et al. [12] focused on different types of CAM interventions
for CRF management in patients with different cancer di-
agnoses, while the other two studies emphasized the effect of
massage therapy on CRF relief [14, 28]. Pan et al. [14]
generally addressed treatment-related side effects of breast
cancer rather than focusing on fatigue management, and
Wang et al. [28] study was a review protocol but without any
available review findings, and it included all types of cancer
Since all the abovementioned systematic reviews/review
protocols were published three years ago, and there was no
evidence synthesis study that specifically focused on the use
of massage therapy for fatigue relief among breast cancer
survivors. It is, therefore, necessary to explore the latest
research evidence on massage for fatigue management in
breast cancer survivors by appraising more recent clinical
research evidence from published randomized controlled
trials (RCTs). is systematic review was conducted to
explore the effectiveness and safety of massage therapy for
fatigue management, as well as to summarize the charac-
teristics of massage therapy protocols for managing fatigue
in breast cancer survivors.
2. Methods
is systematic review was conducted and reported based on
the PRISMA 2020 checklist for systematic reviews.
2.1. Data Sources and Search Strategies. is systematic re-
view located studies from nine academic databases, in-
cluding PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, Cochrane
Library, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health
Literature (CINAHL), ScienceDirect, PsycINFO, Wan Fang
Data, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI)
from the inception of each database to March 2021. MeSH
terms and keywords such as “massage,” “fatigue,” “lassi-
tude,” “weariness,” “breast neoplasms,” and “breast cancer”
were the primary search terms used for the electronic da-
tabase search. Chinese MeSH terms and keywords, including
推拿/按摩,疲劳//癌因/劳累, and 乳腺癌/
腺肿瘤, were used for the CNKI and Wan Fang Data da-
tabase search. e search strategy for PubMed is shown in
Table 1. e reference lists of the retrieved literature were
also reviewed to identify additional eligible studies.
2.2. Inclusion Criteria. Inclusion criteria were: (1) types of
studies: randomized controlled trials (RCTs) conducted in
any healthcare setting; (2) participants: adult breast cancer
survivors, regardless of cancer stage, reporting fatigue; (3)
intervention(s): massage therapy (any types of massage such
as Chinese massage, Swedish massage, Japanese massage,
ai massage, reflexology, etc.); (4) control: wait list control,
standard methods of treatment and/or care (usual care and/
or standard medication), or other comparisons (placebo or
sham control or other interventions) other than massage
therapy; and (5) primary outcome: the symptom of fatigue
measured by any patient-reported questionnaires, such as
the Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI), the Fatigue Severity Scale
(FSS), and so on and secondary outcomes: QoL, safety
outcomes, treatment satisfaction, and cost-effectiveness
analysis. Chinese publications had to be indexed in the core
journal list for methodological quality consideration.
2.3. Study Selection and Data Extraction. Two review authors
(TW and JXZ) screened and identified eligible studies
against the selection criteria independently using literature
management software, EndNote X9. Eligible papers were
included upon agreement of the same two reviewers. Any
discrepancy in the selection and inclusion of a study was
addressed by consulting with the third (JYT) and fourth
(XLL) reviewers to determine eligibility. Data from the
included studies were extracted adopting predefined forms,
including: (1) characteristics of the included studies (e.g.,
authors, country, breast cancer stage, and study imple-
mentation); (2) description of massage therapy intervention
2Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
protocols (e.g., massage modalities, procedure, intervention
instructor, and timing, duration, and frequency); (3)
methodological quality assessment (e.g., randomization,
blinding, attrition, compliance, and dropouts); and (4)
therapeutic effects of massage therapy (e.g., time points of
assessment and fatigue-related outcomes). e third (JYT)
and fourth (XLL) authors were consulted if a disagreement
on data extraction emerged.
2.4. Quality Assessment of the Literature. e risk of bias and
the methodological quality of each included study were
assessed by two reviewers independently (TW and JXZ)
using the Cochrane Back Review Group Risk of Bias As-
sessment Criteria [30]. e appraisal tool includes the fol-
lowing criteria: (1) “random sequence generation,” (2)
“allocation concealment,” (3) “baseline assessment,” (4)
“blinding – participants,” (5) “blinding – care provider,” (6)
“blinding – outcome,” (7) “cointerventions,” (8) “compli-
ance,” (9) “dropouts,” (10) “timing,” (11) “selective outcome
reporting,” (12) “incomplete outcome data,” and (13) “other
bias” (e.g., inclusion/exclusion criteria, sample size,
reporting of adverse events, evaluation of therapeutic effects,
and method of statistical analysis). Either “high risk of bias,”
“unclear risk of bias,” or “low risk of bias” was adopted to
rate each item. Further consultation with the third (JYT) and
fourth (XLL) authors was conducted to settle any
2.5. Data Analysis. e authors initially considered per-
forming a meta-analysis using Review Manager. However,
the notable heterogeneity in terms of the intervention
protocols, comparisons, and outcome assessments made it
an inappropriate method for carrying out a meta-analysis.
Hence, narrative analysis was used to present the effects of
massage therapy on fatigue among breast cancer survivors.
In particular, narrative subgroup analysis was adopted for
different comparisons, including massage therapy versus
standard routine treatment/care or wait list control and
massage therapy versus sham interventions (i.e., light touch
and lay foot manipulation).
3. Results
Of the 257 studies identified by searching the nine databases
(n255) and other sources (manual retrieval, n2), 233
studies were removed after duplication checking and title
and abstract screening. Twenty-four potentially eligible
studies were located for further full-text assessment, of
which 14 studies were excluded. Ten papers were retained
for the systematic review, and the characteristics of the
included studies were extracted (see Figure 1).
3.1. Characteristics of the Included Studies. is review in-
cluded 10 studies, with 4 undertaken in the United States, 2
in Germany, and 1 each in China, Spain, Turkey, and Iran. In
total, 1,040 randomized participants were involved in the
current review, and 885 completed the studies (394 in in-
tervention groups; 495 in control groups; completion
rate 79.59%). Only 2 studies [31, 32] had more than 100
study subjects. Seven of the included RCTs reported 2 arms
to explore the effects of massage therapy by comparing
massage therapy with standard routine care/wait list control.
e remaining three RCTs [25, 26, 31] reported three arms,
with two studies [25, 31] integrating a sham control group
(light touch or lay foot manipulation).
Regarding the fatigue assessment tools, three studies
[26, 27, 31] used the Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI), and
two studies [23, 24] adopted the Berlin Mood Ques-
tionnaire (BSF; fatigue subscale) for fatigue assessment.
One each study employed the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS)
[33], the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Score [29], the
MD Anderson Symptom Inventory [32], and the Profile of
Mood States (POMS) Questionnaire (fatigue subscale)
[22]. Noteworthily, Kinkead et al. [25] used the Multi-
dimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI) and the PROMIS
Fatigue Short Form 7a (PROMIS) to evaluate fatigue.
Mustian et al. [26] used two tools, including the BFI and
daily fatigue diaries. Similarly, Listing et al. [24] adopted
both the BSF (fatigue subscale) and the Giessen Inventory
of Complaints (GBB; fatigue subscale) for outcome as-
sessment. e characteristics of the reviewed studies are
summarised in Table 2.
Table 1: A representative search strategy (PubMed).
ID Search strategy
#1 “massage”[MeSH Terms]
#2 (((“massage”[Title/Abstract]) OR (“massage therapy”[Title/Abstract])) OR (“massage therapies”[Title/Abstract])) OR (“tuina”[Title/
#3 #1 OR #2
#4 (“fatigue”[MeSH Terms]) OR (lassitude[MeSH Terms])
#5 ((((((“fatigue”[Title/Abstract]) OR (lassitude[Title/Abstract])) OR (tired [Title/Abstract])) OR (“weary”[Title/Abstract])) OR
(“weariness”[Title/Abstract])) OR (exhaust [Title/Abstract])) OR (“lacklustre”[Title/Abstract])
#6 #4 OR #5
#7 breast neoplasms[MeSH Terms]
(((((((“breast neoplasms”[Title/Abstract]) OR (“breast neoplasm”[Title/Abstract])) OR (“breast tumors”[Title/Abstract])) OR
(“breast tumor”[Title/Abstract])) OR (“breast cancer”[Title/Abstract])) OR (“breast carcinoma”[Title/Abstract])) OR (“mammary
tumor”[Title/Abstract])) OR (“mammary cancers”[Title/Abstract])
#9 #7 OR #8
#10 #3 AND #6 AND #9
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3
3.2. Massage erapy Intervention Protocols. e charac-
teristics of the massage protocols used in the included
studies are shown in Table 3, including massage modalities,
procedures, intervention instructors, timing of the inter-
ventions, and duration/frequency of the interventions. Four
massage therapy modalities were identified in the review, of
which reflexology therapy was adopted by four studies
[27, 31–33], Swedish massage therapy was adopted by four
studies [23–26], and Chinese massage therapy [29] and
myofascial therapy [24] were adopted by one each study. Of
the four studies that used reflexology therapy, one each was
performed by a trained researcher [27], a trained caregiver
[32], and certified reflexologists [31]. However, one study
did not report the qualification of the intervention instructor
[33]. Regarding the timing of the interventions, five studies
carried out their intervention after primary treatment/
chemotherapy/radiation therapy [22, 23, 25, 29, 33], while
the remaining five conducted their intervention during
chemotherapy or radiotherapy [24, 26, 27, 31, 32]. e
duration of the massage interventions ranged from three
weeks to three months. e frequency of massage therapy
differed significantly across the included studies, ranging
from 20 minutes twice/week to 45 minutes/week.
3.3. Quality Appraisal of the Included Studies. e quality
appraisal results of the included studies are demonstrated in
Table 4. Randomization was reported in all ten studies, with
seven studies detailing their random sequence generation
methods such as coin flips, computer-generated number
sequences, and random number table [22–26, 29, 31]. Re-
garding allocation concealment, only three studies reported
the use of sealed opaque envelopes [22, 25, 31]. For blinding,
only one trial [31] reported the blinding of participants and
care providers, and three trials [22, 25, 31] described the
blinding of the outcome assessors. Six studies described the
participants’ dropout rates, and only one study reported
dropouts exceeding 30% [23].
Identification of studies via databases and registers Identification of studies via other methods
Records identified from:
Databases (n=255)
PubMed (29),Web of
Science (67), Cochrane
Library (44), CINAHL
(23), PsycINFO (9),
Medline (29), Science
Direct (10), Wan Fang
Data (15), CNKI (29)
Records removed before
Duplicate records
removed (n=108)
Records screened
Records excluded aer
title and abstract
screening (n=125)
Reports not retrieved
Reports assessed for
Reports excluded:
-Conference abstracts
-Interventions did not
meet criteria (n=3)
-Outcomes did not meet
criteria (n=1)
-Participants did not
meet criteria (n=2)
-Language issue (n=1)
-Paper from the same
study project (n=1)
-Journals did not meet
criteria (n=3)
Records identified from:
Citation search (n=2)
Reports assessed for
excluded (n=0)
Studies included in
Reports of included
Reports sought for
Reports not retrieved
Reports sought for
Figure 1: PRISMA flow diagram of the study selection. Adapted from: Page, M. J., McKenzie, J. E., Bossuyt, P. M., Boutron, I., Hoffmann,
T. C., Mulrow, C. D. (2021). e PRISMA 2020 statement: An updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ, 71, 372.
4Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Table 2: Characteristics of the included studies.
Study Country Study design Cancer stage Sample size and
age Intervention Control Outcomes
[33] Iran Double-blind
RCT Stage I
Randomized: 60
Completed: 57
Intervention G:
27/30, age (yr)
47.85 ±8.39
Control G: 30/
30, age (yr)
50.86 ±6.5
treatment and
Fatigue: Fatigue Severity
Scale (FSS)
[29] China RCT Stages I–IV
Randomized: 98
Completed: 98
Intervention G:
49/98, age (yr)
50.76 ±10.25
Control G: 49/
98, age (yr)
50.31 ±10.79
treatment and
Fatigue: Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome (CFS)
[25] USA
RCT, three
Stages 0–III
Randomized: 66
Completed: 56
Group A: 20/22,
age (yr)
54.5 ±12.4
Group B: 19/22,
age (yr)
55.6 ±9.0
Group C: 17/22,
age (yr)
51.8 ±9.6
Group A
Group B: light
touch (LT)
Group C: wait list
control (WLC)
Fatigue Inventory
(MFI) + PROMIS Fatigue
Short Form 7a (PROMIS)
QoL: Quality of Life
Enjoyment and
Questionnaire (Q-LES-
Safety: adverse events
[27] Turkey RCT Stages I–III
Randomized: 60
Completed: 60
Intervention G:
30/30, age (yr)
50.93 ±11.27
Control G: 30/
30, age (yr)
51.06 ±10.97
treatment and
Fatigue: Brief Fatigue
Inventory (BFI)
[32] USA RCT Stages III and
256 (patient-
caregiver dyads)
Completed: 207
Intervention G:
92/128, age
(yr) 58 (mean
Control G: 99/
128, age (yr) 55
(mean age)
treatment and
Fatigue: MD Anderson
Symptom Inventory
QoL: Quality of Life
Index (QLI)
[22] Spain
crossover design
Stage I–IIIa
Randomized: 20
Completed: 20
Intervention G:
20/20, age (yr)
49.1 ±7.8
Control G: 20/
20, age (yr)
49.1 ±7.8
treatment and
Fatigue: Profile of Mood
States (POMS)
Questionnaire (fatigue
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 5
Of the ten studies, all the participants who completed the
RCTs were analyzed, but only three [25, 31, 32] reported
implementing intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis. For selective
outcome reporting, all ten of the included studies were rated as
low risk of bias. All ten studies conducted baseline assessments.
Regarding “other bias,” inclusion/exclusion criteria of the
participants, evaluation of therapeutic effects, and methods of
data analysis were clearly elaborated in all the studies. However,
only three studies [22, 25, 31] conducted a sample size cal-
culation, and three studies described adverse events pertaining
to practicing massage therapy.
3.4. Primary Outcome: Effects of Massage erapy on Fatigue.
e effects of massage therapy on fatigue management are
outlined in Table 5. Narrative analysis was conducted to
describe the effects of massage therapy on fatigue.
3.4.1. Massage erapy versus Standard Routine Treatment/
Care or Wait List Control. Eight trials compared the effects
of massage therapy with standard routine treatment/care or
wait list control. Of these eight studies, four studies
[22, 27, 29, 33] reported a statistically significant decrease in
fatigue after the intervention compared with the routine care
group (p<0.01 or p<0.05). Listing et al. [23] showed that,
in comparing the two groups, the level of fatigue was lowered
directly after the second treatment session but did not reach
statistical significance (p0.056). is decrease in fatigue
was sustained over time and showed a statistically significant
difference in the massage group compared with the control
group at week 11 follow-up (p0.01), and a similar result
was reported by the study of Listing et al. [24]. Wyatt et al.
[32] reported that there was a significant decrease in fatigue
in the reflexology group compared with the control group at
weeks 2 and 3 (p<0.01), but no statistically significant
differences between the intervention and control groups at
week 4 (p0.15). Mustian et al. [26] used the BFI as the
primary fatigue measure and daily fatigue diaries as the
secondary fatigue measure. e primary analysis revealed
that the participants who received modified massage
Table 2: Continued.
Study Country Study design Cancer stage Sample size and
age Intervention Control Outcomes
[31] USA
clinical trial
Stages III and
IV, or stages I
and II with
recurrence or
Completed: 243
Group A: 83/95,
age (yr)
55.3 ±9.4
Group B: 83/95,
age (yr)
54.8 ±11.2
Group C: 77/96,
age (yr)
57.3 ±11.8
Group A:
Group B: lay foot
(LFM) – light
Group C: routine
treatment and
Fatigue: Brief Fatigue
Inventory (BFI)
QoL: Functional
Assessment of Cancer
erapy – Breast (FACT-
Safety: adverse events
[26] USA RCT Any stage
Randomized: 45
Completed: 43
Group A: 15/15
Group B: 13/13
Group C: 15/15
age (yr) 25.8
Group A:
Group B: polarity
Group C: routine
treatment and
Fatigue: Brief Fatigue
Inventory (BFI)
Daily fatigue diaries (a
0–10 scale)
QoL: Functional
Assessment of Chronic
Illness erapy-Fatigue
[23] Germany RCT Any stage
Randomized: 34
Completed: 29
Intervention G:
16/17, age (yr)
59.5 ±12.1
Control G: 13/17,
age (yr)
59.9 ±11.5
treatment and
Fatigue: Berlin Mood
Questionnaire (BSF;
fatigue subscale)
[24] Germany RCT Without distant
Randomized: 115
Completed: 72
Intervention G:
44/58, age (yr)
57.6 ±10.8
Control G: 28/
57, age (yr)
61.4 ±10.9
treatment and
Berlin Mood
Questionnaire (BSF;
fatigue subscale)
Giessen Inventory of
Complaints (GBB; fatigue
Note. QoL quality of life.
6Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Table 3: Description of massage therapy interventions.
Study Massage
modality Massage procedure Intervention
Timing of
duration Frequency Follow-
Pressing the major
reflexive points of the soles
with the thumb and index
finger in a worm-like
NR After
chemotherapy 4 weeks
Twice per week,
20 min per
(1) Massaging the patient’s
Baihui,Shenmen, and
temple points
(2) Massaging and beating
of acupuncture point on
the affected side of the
patient’s affected limb that
had limited mobility
nurses After surgery 3 months
Twice per week,
around 30 min
per session
SMT techniques using
effleurage kneading of
underlying muscles and
(1) Patient takes a prone
position while the
therapist performs
massage from the
shoulders to the feet
(2) Patient turns to a
supine position and the
massage therapist
continues with the
intervention from the feet
to the shoulders, and then
the head
After primary
treatment 6 weeks Weekly, 45 min
per session No
(1) Performing primary
relaxation techniques
(effleurage, shaking,
rotation, and stretching)
on both feet
(2) Performing reflexology
techniques on all organ
ree sessions
(one in each
cycle, 21 days)
30–40 min each
Performing nine reflexes
on the foot with thumb-
walking pressure
targeted, or
hormonal therapy
4 weeks Weekly, 30 min
per session
Performing pressure,
stroke, ear pull, and
frontalis bone spread skills
on the neck-shoulder area
with the Barnes approach
After coadjuvant
treatment except
hormone therapy
Two occasions
separated by a
2-week interval,
40 min per
Stimulating the nine
essential reflexes
specifically relating to
breast cancer using
reflexology (deep thumb-
walking pressure)
chemotherapy 4 weeks Weekly, 30 min
per session No
Applying strokes,
including light moving
touch, compression, and
static holds technique
During radiation
therapy 3 weeks Weekly, 30 min
per session No
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 7
demonstrated a very small increase in CRF of 0.01 points
(<1%) compared with the average increase in CRF of 0.25
points (13%) in the standard care group during weeks 1 to 3.
However, the secondary analysis indicated an inconsistent
finding, as the patients randomized to the modified massage
group (0.59 points) had a greater increase in CRF than the
standard care group (0.39 points) across all 3 weeks.
3.4.2. Massage erapy versus Sham Massage. Massage
therapy was compared with sham massage in two trials,
including light touch [25] and lay foot manipulation [31]. Of
the two studies, Wyatt et al. [31] used the same BFI tool for
fatigue assessment, while Kinkead et al. [25] applied the
PROMIS. Wyatt et al. [31] reported that there was a sta-
tistically significant reduction in fatigue severity in the
reflexology group compared with the lay foot manipulation
group (p0.02). e study conducted by Kinkead et al.
[25]; which used the MFI tool for fatigue assessment,
revealed large standardized treatment effect sizes, showing
that Swedish massage therapy was statistically superior over
light touch across time (effect size 0.74; 95% CI 0.10 to
1.38; p<0.0001).
3.5. Secondary Outcome: Effects of Massage erapy on QoL.
Of the 10 studies, four RCTs measured and reported QoL as
an outcome. Quality of life was assessed by 4 different
questionnaires, including the Quality of Life Enjoyment and
Satisfaction Questionnaire (Q-LES-Q) [25], the Quality of
Life Index (QLI) [32], the Functional Assessment of Cancer
erapy – Breast (FACT-B) [31], and the Functional
Table 3: Continued.
Study Massage
modality Massage procedure Intervention
Timing of
duration Frequency Follow-
Applying stroking,
friction, kneading skills to
the patients in a prone
Muscles for massage:
compendiously neck
muscles, autochthonal
back muscles, scapulae,
trapezii, latissimi dorsi,
supraspinati, teres
majores, pectorales
majores, and so on
trained female
After primary
treatment 5 weeks
Twice a week,
30 min per
Same as [24]
trained female
and/or radiation
5 weeks
Twice a week,
30 min per
Note. NR not reported.
Table 4: Methodological quality appraisal of the included studies.
Criteria S1: [33] S2: [29] S3: [25] S4: [27] S5: [32] S6: [22] S7: [31] S8: [26] S9: [23] S10: [24]
1 Random sequence generation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
2 Allocation concealment ? ? ? ? ✓ ✓ ?⨯ ⨯
3 Baseline assessment ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
4 Blinding – participants ? ? ? ? ⨯ ✓ ⨯ ? ?
5 Blinding – care provider ? ? ? ? ⨯ ✓ ⨯ ? ?
6 Blinding – outcome ? ? ? ? ✓ ✓ ? ?
7 Cointerventions ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ⨯
8 Compliance ✓✓✓??✓ ⨯ ✓
9 Dropouts ✓ ✓ ??✓ ✓ ✓
10 Timing ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
11 Selective outcome reporting ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
12 Incomplete outcome data ⨯ ✓ ??✓ ⨯
13 Other bias
Sample size calculation ? ? ✓ ⨯ ?✓ ✓ ?⨯ ⨯
Inclusion criteria ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Exclusion criteria ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Evaluation of treatment effects ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Adverse events reporting ⨯ ⨯ ✓ ? ? ? ??
Data analysis methods ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Note. : high risk; : low risk; and ?: unclear.
8Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Table 5: Effects of the massage therapy on CRF.
Study Intervention
(mean ±SE)
(mean ±SE)
Assessment time
points Fatigue outcome measures Description of the effects
[33] 20.66 ±4.54 40.36 ±9.58 Postintervention
(4 weeks) Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS)
Significant difference was identified
between the intervention and
control groups (p0.01)
[29] 2.63 ±1.71 3.61 ±2.16 Postintervention
(3 months)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Statistical differences were identified
between the intervention and
control groups (p<0.05)
[25] NR NR
(6 weeks) at visits 3 and
6 weeks
Multidimensional Fatigue
Inventory (MFI) and Fatigue
Short Form 7a (PROMIS)
Mixed model repeated measures
analysis: the Swedish massage group
showed statistically better outcomes
over the light touch and the wait list
control groups, as well as for
superiority of the light touch over
the wait list control over time
PROMIS analysis: significant
improvement of fatigue for the
Swedish massage group and the light
touch group over 6 weeks, while
remaining the same for the wait list
control group
[27] 1.20 ±1.44 2.33 ±1.65
(every chemotherapy
Fatigue: Brief Fatigue
Inventory (BFI)
Differences were observed between
the intervention and control groups
in the onset and first, second, and
third measurements (p<0.05)
W2: 3.36 ±0.24
W3: 3.75 ±0.24
W4: 3.57 ±0.24
W2: 4.95 ±0.24
W3: 4.63 ±0.24
W4: 4.23 ±0.24
(4 weeks)
MD Anderson Symptom
Significant reduction in fatigue
severity was identified in the
intervention group compared with
the control group beginning at
weeks 2 and 3 (p<0.01)
No statistically significant
differences between the two groups
were identified for the severity of
fatigue at week 4 (p0.15)
[22] 41.3 ±4.9 43.4 ±7.0 Postintervention
Fatigue: Profile of Mood
States (POMS) Questionnaire
(fatigue subscale)
Significant reduction in disturbance
of mood and fatigue were observed
after manual therapy (p<0.001)
[31] 5.9 ±2.8
LFM G: 5.4 ±3
Control G:
(4 weeks) Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI)
Significant reductions in fatigue
severity in the intervention group
was observed compared with the
control group (p<0.01) and the
LFM group (p0.02)
BFI: 3.0 ±2.2
Daily fatigue
diaries: 4.5 ±2.1
BFI: Modified
Massage G:
3.6 ±2.8
Control G:
2.5 ±1.5
Daily fatigue
Polarity G:
4.5 ±2.8
Control G:
3.2 ±1.8
(4 weeks)
Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI)
Daily fatigue diaries
BFI analysis: participants who
received modified massage
demonstrated a smaller increase in
fatigue assessment of 0.01 points
(<1%) compared with an average
increase in fatigue assessment of 0.25
points (13%) in the standard care
group during weeks 1 to 3
Daily fatigue diaries analysis: the
patients randomized to modified
massage had a greater increase (0.59
point) in CRF than the standard care
group (0.39 point) across all 3 weeks
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 9
Assessment of Chronic Illness erapy – Fatigue (FACIT-F)
[26]. Regarding effectiveness, 2 studies reported group
differences in measures of QoL as an outcome. Kinkead et al.
[25] reported that the Q-LES-Q scores increased substan-
tially for the intervention group compared with the light
touch and wait list control group, and the results reached
statistical significance over the 6-week trial period
(p0.0019). Mustian et al. [26] highlighted that the patients
in the Swedish massage group reported less decline in
health-related QoL than the standard care group, but no
statistical significance was found (p0.31, p0.09, and
p0.64 for Week 1, Week 2, and Week 3, respectively). In
contrast, Wyatt et al. [32] and Wyatt et al. [31] reported that
no statistically significant differences were identified re-
garding QoL in the intervention group compared with the
sham control/standard care group.
3.6. Secondary Outcome: Adverse Events. Of the 10 trials, 3
[23, 25, 31] mentioned adverse events in the Results
section, of which 1 study reported no adverse effects [31].
Kinkead et al. [25] set the adverse events as safety out-
comes, and they were monitored at each therapy session,
with bruising at the venipuncture site observed in 12/39
participants and discomfort caused by hypertension from
lying on the table experienced by 2/39 subjects. Listing
et al. [23] reported that 1 participant had higher back pain
and another participant experienced an increase in blood
pressure, but those adverse events were resolved in a later
massage session. None of the 10 included studies indi-
cated causality analysis protocols for monitoring massage
therapy-related adverse events.
3.7. Satisfaction with Treatment. None of the reviewed
studies reported findings on treatment satisfaction.
3.8. Cost-Effectiveness. Cost-effectiveness analysis was not
conducted by any of the reviewed trials.
4. Discussion
Considering the relatively small number of studies analyzed
in this review and the unsatisfactory methodological quality
of some included studies, the current evidence remains
inconclusive but does support the promising role of massage
therapy in alleviating fatigue in breast cancer survivors.
Mustian et al. [6] stated that the effectiveness of massage
therapy on fatigue was related to the stage of cancer, pre-
liminary treatment status, experimental treatment delivery
method, type of control condition, employment of inten-
tion-to-treat analysis, and fatigue measurement tools.
erefore, the results should be interpreted prudently.
4.1. Summary of Primary Outcome. Although meta-analysis
was not conducted, the findings via descriptive analysis
demonstrated that massage therapy had a positive effect on
fatigue management in breast cancer survivors compared
with those who received standard routine care/wait list
control and sham massage. Consistent with the systematic
review conducted by Pan et al. [14], the current review
suggested that there was a greater alleviation of fatigue
symptoms among the breast cancer survivors who received
massage therapy compared with the control group. Re-
garding the effect of sham massage (i.e., light touch and lay
foot manipulation), the current review revealed that both
sham massage modalities demonstrated superiority over
standard care/wait list control. In particular, there was a
significant reduction in fatigue after applying lay foot ma-
nipulation, suggesting that this modality may be a beneficial
addition to adjunctive care for survivors with breast cancer
4.2. Summary of Secondary Outcomes. Regarding QoL, in-
consistent findings were revealed in this review, which was
in accordance with the review by Pan et al. [14], suggesting
that massage therapy can potentially ameliorate QoL among
cancer patients. Regarding adverse effects, one argument for
the application of massage therapy for breast cancer
Table 5: Continued.
Study Intervention
(mean ±SE)
(mean ±SE)
Assessment time
points Fatigue outcome measures Description of the effects
T2: 18.2 ±14.8
T3: 18.9 ±14.8
T2: 27.9 ±17.2
T3: 33.8 ±16.4
(5 weeks) Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS)
Improvement of tiredness nearly
reached statistical significance
immediately after intervention (T2;
p0.056). A better improvement of
tiredness was identified at T3.
Statistically significant difference
was identified between groups at
follow-up (p0.01).
[24] NR NR Postintervention
(5 weeks)
Giessen Inventory of
Complaints (GBB; fatigue
Fatigue was improved at the end of
the treatment (p0.06). Statistically
significant difference was identified
in the intervention group compared
with the control group at week 11
Note. NR not reported.
10 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
symptom management is that it has few adverse reactions
[34]. However, none of the included trials provided infor-
mation regarding precautions of any potential adverse re-
actions associated with massage therapy. ere was also no
information about causality assessments between the mas-
sage therapy interventions and the adverse events that oc-
curred in the reviewed studies. erefore, evidence
regarding the safety of massage therapy remains unclear.
Adverse effects should be noted in future studies.
is review identified that none of the reviewed trials
evaluated treatment satisfaction or conducted the cost-ef-
fective analysis. In the systematic review conducted by
Barbosa et al. [35], it was suggested that there is a positive
statistical association between treatment satisfaction and
compliance, adherence, and lower treatment burden for
different spectrums of diseases in clinical trials. Inadequate
compliance in RCTs can lead to poor quality studies and
reduce therapeutic outcomes [36]. None of the reviewed
studies adopted validated outcome measures to explore cost-
effectiveness relationships related to performing massage
therapy. A recent review has indicated that cost-effectiveness
analysis is the standard approach in health economics [37].
e benefits of health economics are uncertain without an
assessment of the cost-effectiveness of massage therapy in
RCTs [37, 38].
4.3. Intervention Protocols. Although the majority of the
included studies described the massage therapy intervention
protocols, none of the studies elaborated whether the in-
tervention protocol was developed based on current best
available evidence and the guidance of frameworks, such as
the Medical Research Council (MRC) framework for
complex interventions. In addition, there were variations in
the interventions’ modalities, the pluralism of massage
therapy, the expertise of the intervention instructors, and the
descriptions of frequency and duration in the included
Of the four intervention modalities, reflexology therapy
and Swedish massage therapy were the most frequently
utilized among the included trials. Nevertheless, considering
the relatively limited number of included studies, it was
challenging to determine the most suitable modality of
massage therapy for fatigue management. In addition, the
massage therapy was performed by various instructors,
including trained researchers, caregivers, nurses, massage
therapists, and so on, which could have had an impact on the
effect and safety of massage therapy practice. Furthermore,
variations in massage therapy duration and frequency were
also observed, which indicated that standard massage
therapy practice with evidence-based intervention compo-
nents is scant. From the descriptive analysis, it was feasible to
perform massage therapy 30 to 45 minutes/session, one to
two times per week. No consistent massage therapy protocol
has been observed with sufficient sample sizes to date.
4.4. Quality of the Evidence. is systematic review appraised
the methodological quality of the included studies using the
Cochrane Back Review Group Risk of Bias Assessment
Criteria. Of the ten included studies, only one trial blinded
the participants and care providers, and three trials blinded
the outcome assessors. e other six studies did not report
blinding information, which implies a potential detection
bias [39]. Allocation concealment was also reported in only
three studies. Clinical studies without adequate allocation
concealment and blinding design are likely to introduce a
selection bias that can produce exaggerated intervention
effects, which can impact the reliability of the trials’ findings
[40]. Similarly, ITT analysis was described in only three
trials, which may have been subject to an attrition bias [41].
4.5. Study Limitations. Although all the included trials
suggested that massage therapy generates beneficial effects,
the trials reviewed had variable quality, which may have
prohibited drawing any firm and consistent conclusions.
Besides the flaws in methodological quality, the primary
limitation of the reviewed studies was significant clinical
heterogeneity, including insufficient sample sizes, different
types of massage therapy, study comparisons, intervention
duration, and no or short follow-up periods. Regarding the
limitations of this systematic review, there was the possibility
of language bias given that only Chinese and English lit-
erature were searched and included. Although the electronic
searches were extensive and considered grey literature as
well, the review was not able to guarantee that all pertinent
studies were located. It is possible that studies with negative
findings were not published and therefore could not be
identified. Hence, publication and reporting biases may
4.6. Implications for Further Research and Practice. e re-
view findings provided preliminary research evidence to
support the use of massage therapy as a promising approach
to alleviating fatigue in breast cancer survivors in clinical
practice. Given the variations in the intervention protocols
in the analyzed studies, in future research, developing evi-
dence-based massage therapy protocols with an appropriate
modality and most favorable duration and frequency is
warranted. More well-designed multicentered RCTs with
appropriate sham massage therapy designs and adequate
sample sizes are needed to provide more robust evidence on
massage therapy for fatigue management in breast cancer
survivors. Moreover, this review highlighted some meth-
odological issues that can be further enhanced in future
studies. First, the protocols of the massage therapy, in-
cluding massage modality, intervention duration and fre-
quency, and qualifications of the instructors, should be fully
described with justifications. Second, blinding data collec-
tors and outcome assessors should be considered to reduce
the effects of patients’ expectations on the measured out-
comes. Moreover, interventions with follow-up periods
should be designed to monitor the long-term effects of
massage therapy. In addition, adverse events and the cau-
sality between massage therapy and adverse events should be
fully measured and reported. Furthermore, some valid ob-
jective measurements such as physiological sensors should
be considered in future research to provide a comprehensive
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 11
assessment of fatigue. Treatment satisfaction with and cost-
effectiveness of massage therapy should also be evaluated in
future studies to identify the acceptability and feasibility of
the wide use of massage therapy in clinical practice.
5. Conclusion
is study identified a potentially favorable role of massage
therapy in reducing cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer
survivors. However, evidence on the definite effects of
massage therapy for fatigue management in breast cancer
survivors is inconclusive due to some limitations in quantity
and quality identified in the included studies. More rigor-
ously designed, sham-massage RCTs with large sample sizes
are warranted to minimize study bias and yield high-quality
and robust evidence.
Data Availability
Data that were used for analysis in this review were all
extracted from the original studies. All data relevant to the
study are included in the article.
Conflicts of Interest
All the authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
Authors’ Contributions
TW contributed to the conception and design of this study,
database search, data extraction, synthesis and data analysis,
and manuscript drafting; JXZ contributed to the conception
and design of this study, database search, data extraction,
synthesis and data analysis, and manuscript writing; XLL
contributed to the conception and design of this study and
manuscript revision; LQY contributed to the study design,
database search, and double-checking all the raw data; and
JYT contributed to the conception and design of this study
and manuscript revision.
is study was supported by the CDU Institute of Advanced
Studies (IAS) Rainmaker Start-Up Grant.
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Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 13
... Three SRs did not conduct meta-analyses. 35,36,39 Among the 27 meta-analyses, 16 performed subgroup analyses, and 13 conducted sensitivity analyses. ...
... 29 The addition of moxibustion to routine care provided a slight improvement in severe CRF (the score of Piper Fatigue Scale ≥7 points) compared with routine care alone (OR = 0.16, 95% CI: 0.07, 0.37; low-quality), but none to mild or moderate CRF. 26 Two SRs 34,35 reported the effects of manipulative and body-based practices (massage and reflexology) on CRF (Table 5). Only one SR 34 conducted a meta-analysis, showing that administration of massage versus usual care or sham massage improved CRF in adults with breast cancer (SMD = −0.61; ...
... Two SRs conducted descriptive analyses of QoL. Four studies of one SR 35 reported QoL, of which one revealed that reflexology or massage substantially improved QoL at 6-week follow-up. In contrast, the other 3 reported no statistically significant differences between the massage or reflexology and the control group. ...
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Background: Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) has an enormous adverse impact on quality of life and subsequent therapy of cancer patients. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is reported to improve CRF in many systematic reviews (SRs), but the effects are controversial because of variations in the quality and outcomes. Methods: Thirteen databases were searched from inception to September 2022. Only SRs of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were included. We assessed the quality of included SRs with the AMSTAR-2 tool, the strength of evidence with the GRADE system, the risk of bias with the ROBIS tool, and the integrity of SRs with the PRISMA checklist. Results: We included 30 eligible SRs (27 meta-analyses). Based on the AMSTAR-2 tool, 29 SRs were rated as "critically low" quality, and only one was rated as "low" quality. With the ROBIS tool, 19 SRs demonstrated a low risk of bias. According to the PRISMA checklist, no SRs reported all the items, and 10 SRs sufficiently reported over 70%. Based on the GRADE system, 7 outcomes were assessed as high-quality evidence. Conclusion: This overview demonstrates promising evidence for the effectiveness of CAM interventions in the treatment of CRF in adults. The roles of qigong, music, auricular point therapy, and dietary supplements in CRF need further evaluation. Although findings are mixed, it is recommend to select appropriate CAM to manage cancer-related fatigue under the guidance of physicians. More studies with rigorous methodological designs and sufficient sample sizes are needed.
... Studies have shown that massage can alleviate cancer-related fatigue. However, some of the original studies had small sample sizes, and individual studies failed to achieve the sample size required for statistical efficacy, although there are now systematic reviews [14] and meta-analysis [15] demonstrating that massage therapy can be used as an alternative medicine approach to manage fatigue in breast cancer survivors. However, the systematic review [14] did nothing more than provide a descriptive analysis. ...
... However, some of the original studies had small sample sizes, and individual studies failed to achieve the sample size required for statistical efficacy, although there are now systematic reviews [14] and meta-analysis [15] demonstrating that massage therapy can be used as an alternative medicine approach to manage fatigue in breast cancer survivors. However, the systematic review [14] did nothing more than provide a descriptive analysis. And the meta-analysis [15] consisted of only five randomized controlled trials of patients with breast cancer and did not perform subgroup analyses. ...
... And the meta-analysis [15] consisted of only five randomized controlled trials of patients with breast cancer and did not perform subgroup analyses. The studies did not provide a cost-effective massage protocol for implementing massage therapy for cancer patients [14,15]. Three critical issues remain unresolved: the optimal implementation period, frequency, and length of time to perform massage therapy interventions for fatigue in cancer patients. ...
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Purpose This study was designed to investigate the effectiveness and safety of massage therapy in cancer-related fatigue (CRF) and to provide a reference for the future management of CRF. Methods Eight databases (PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, Sinomed, Chinese Scientific Journal database (VIP), Wanfang, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI)) were systematically reviewed from inception to May 2022 for randomized controlled trials. Two reviewers critically and independently assessed the risk of bias using Cochrane Collaboration criteria and extracted correlated data using the designed form. The meta-analysis was performed using RevMan 5.3 to calculate the pooled effect sizes and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Sensitivity analysis was performed to find the source of the heterogeneity. Publication bias was assessed via funnel plot analysis and the Egger test. Result A total of 11 qualified studies that included 789 patients (massage therapy group: 389; control group: 400) were included in the meta-analysis. Massage therapy had a marked effect on fatigue in cancer patients [standardized mean difference (SMD) = − 1.69, 95% CI (− 2.46, − 0.93), P < 0.01], especially in breast cancer [SMD = − 1.62, 95% CI (− 2.18, − 1.05), P < 0.01]. Reflexology [SMD = − 2.71, 95% CI (− 4.65, − 0.77), P < 0.01] and Chinese massage [SMD = − 1.14, 95% CI (− 1.95, − 0.33), P < 0.01] can have a more significant effect on fatigue. Massage time is 20 to 40 min [SMD = − 2.39, 95% CI (− 4.13, − 0.66), P < 0.01], twice a week [SMD = − 3.46, 95% CI (− 5.47, − 1.45), P < 0.01] for 3–5 weeks [SMD = − 2.36, 95% CI (− 3.53, − 1.19), P < 0.01], which is more effective in relieving fatigue in cancer patients. Five studies described the occurrence of adverse events and only two studies had adverse events. Conclusion Massage therapy can be effective in relieving fatigue in cancer patients. Current evidence suggests that reflexology is the most effective approach to relieve fatigue, particularly in the breast cancer patients. The optimal intervention frequency and cycle for massage therapy is twice a week for 3–5 weeks, and the optimal duration is 20–40 min.
... Therapeutic massage is one of the most common nonpharmacologic strategies offered to improve QoL, provide comfort, and decrease pain in hospice and palliative care settings outside the hospital. 13,14 Three systematic reviews found massage to be effective for treating cancer pain, surgical pain, and generalized pain versus active comparators. 15−17 Nevertheless, there remain limited data describing the impact of therapeutic massage in hospitalized patients receiving palliative care. ...
... This approach was chosen because massage has already been shown to improve pain and other disease related symptoms. 13,14 Still, the lack of a notreatment comparator limits interpretation of findings. As a massage intervention study, selection bias plays a role; some eligible patients approached to participate simply were either not interested to participate (perhaps due to unfamiliarity with massage, or prior massage experiences outside of this setting) or unable to participate (perhaps due to concomitant medical therapies). ...
Context: Massage therapy is increasingly used in palliative settings to improve quality of life and symptom burden; however, the optimal massage "dosage" remains unclear. Objective: To compare three massage dosing strategies among inpatients receiving palliative care consultation. Methods: At an urban academic hospital, we conducted a three-armed randomized trial examining three different doses of therapist-applied massage to test change in overall quality of life and symptoms among hospitalized adult patients receiving palliative care consultation for any indication (Arm I: 10-min massage daily x 3 days; Arm II: 20-min massage daily x 3 days; Arm III: single 20-min massage). Primary outcome measure was single-item McGill Quality of Life question. Secondary outcomes measured pain/symptoms, rating of peacefulness, and satisfaction with intervention. Data were collected at baseline, pre- and post-treatment, and 1-day post-last treatment (follow-up). Repeated measure analysis of variance and paired t-test were used to determine significant differences. Results: N=387 patients were 55.7 (±15.49) years old, mostly women (61.2%) and African-American (65.6%). All three arms demonstrated within-group improvement at follow-up for McGill quality of life (all p<0.05). No significant between-group differences were found. Finally, repeated measure analyses demonstrated time to predict immediate improvement in distress (p≤0.003) and pain (p≤0.02) for all study arms; however, only improvement in distress sustained at follow-up measurement in arms with three consecutive daily massages of 10 or 20 minutes. Conclusion: Massage therapy in complex patients with advanced illness was beneficial beyond dosage. Findings support session length (10 or 20 minutes) was predictive of short-term improvements while treatment frequency (once or three consecutive days) predicted sustained improvement at follow-up.
... Therapeutic massage is one of the most common nonpharmacologic strategies offered to improve QoL, provide comfort, and decrease pain in hospice and palliative care settings outside the hospital. 13,14 Three systematic reviews found massage to be effective for treating cancer pain, surgical pain, and generalized pain versus active comparators. 15−17 Nevertheless, there remain limited data describing the impact of therapeutic massage in hospitalized patients receiving palliative care. ...
... This approach was chosen because massage has already been shown to improve pain and other disease related symptoms. 13,14 Still, the lack of a notreatment comparator limits interpretation of findings. As a massage intervention study, selection bias plays a role; some eligible patients approached to participate simply were either not interested to participate (perhaps due to unfamiliarity with massage, or prior massage experiences outside of this setting) or unable to participate (perhaps due to concomitant medical therapies). ...
Outcomes 1. Identify examples of symptoms demonstrated to be ameliorated by massage therapy 2. Describe why use of massage therapy is not common in palliative care and specifically for the BIPOC community. Original Research Background Across clinical settings with different applied regimens, massage therapy has been shown to improve pain and other symptoms. What is the optimal massage dosing strategy to improve patient quality of life? Research Objectives To compare impact of three massage “dosing” strategies to improve a self-reported quality-of-life measure in hospitalized patients receiving palliative care. Methods Single-center prospective randomized comparative effectiveness trial. Primary outcome was the difference in pre- versus post-intervention in single-item McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire. Secondary outcomes included changes in Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale, NCCN Distress Thermometer, single-item peacefulness question, and satisfaction with intervention. Results Among 319 patients age (mean age: 55.23 ± 15.7 years, range 19-117), 27.0% were older adults, 60.5% female, and 74.3% African American. Cancer (42.0%), heart failure (37.6%), and chronic kidney diseases (27.9%) were the most common underlying diseases. Severity of illness was recorded as major (47.0%) and extreme (29.8%) among patients. Patient characteristics did not differ between arms. Within-arm tests revealed a significant increase after massage across all arms in global McGill score (p < .001) and significant improvement in Global ESAS, pain, tiredness, nausea, depression, anxious, wellbeing, shortness of breath, distress, and peace. McGill's sub-domain test found quality of life, physical symptoms, and physical wellbeing significantly improved within each arm (p < .001). Result of repeated measure analysis revealed a significant time effect improvement in all arms for distress (F[2, 193] = 11.37, p < .001), peace (F[2, 194] = 13.12, p < .001), and pain (F[2, 194] = 31.37, p < .0001). Conclusion Massage therapy impact on patients’ quality of life may be independent of dosage. Future studies should also evaluate longitudinal benefits. Implications for Research, Policy, or Practice Massage therapy is a nonpharmacologic strategy that can significantly improve palliative outcomes that matter. Palliative clinicians and researchers can build on these findings to explore opportunities for massage therapy integration into various clinical populations and care settings.
... Resultatets heterogenitet i förhållande till studiernas design (utfallet mättes med olika skalor, av olika aktörer (som till exempel barnet själv, personalen eller föräldrarna) och vid olika tidpunkter) gjorde det olämpligt att genomföra en statistisk analys av resultatet (Booth et al., 2022;Wang et al., 2021), vilket normalt görs inom ramen för en litteraturstudier av kvantitativa artiklar (Booth et al., 2022). Vidare skulle en statistisk analys inte ge något i förhållande till studiens syfte. ...
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Bakgrund: Studier visar att barn upplever rädsla och ångest vid kontakt med hälso- och sjukvården. Medicinska ingrepp är en vanlig orsak till rädslor hos barn. Sjuksköterskan har en central roll i att hjälpa barn hantera känslor som rädsla och ångest. Syfte: Att belysa hur sjuksköterskan kan hjälpa barn mellan 6-12 år att hantera rädsla och ångest vid kontakt med hälso- och sjukvården. Design: Denna studie är en scoping review med en beskrivande analysmetod där data extraherades och beskrevs narrativt samt tabellariskt Sökningen gjordes i två databaser och begränsades till 2013-2023. Resultat: I studien inkluderades 25 artiklar från 7 länder och interventioner genomfördes inom 7 olika sjukvårdsmiljöer och under 7 olika sjukvårdsmoment. Utifrån dessa studier identifierades 15 olika interventioner. Slutsats: Denna studie har relaterat till sin design endast ett informativt resultat och kan inte ge tydliga rekommendationer till den kliniska verksamheten.
... 73,74 However, while surveys indicate that the demand from cancer patients for massage as a nonpharmacologic supportive care during treatment is increasing, massage is not always incorporated into care at many cancer centres. 108,109 Several systematic reviews have been performed on the effectiveness of massage therapy on cancer symptoms and for supportive palliative care in adults [110][111][112][113][114][115] and children. 116 Recent reviews on the effect of massage on cancer pain recognise massage therapy as an effective intervention for immediate effect on cancer pain and may improve physical function and global well-being, although long-term sustained benefits are less clear. ...
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Psychodermatology is a subdiscipline of dermatology at the intersection of dermatology, psychiatry, and psychology. In dermatology clinical practice, patients may present with skin disease that affects their mental health, or skin disorders induced or worsened by psychological/psychiatric problems so there is a need for specialised education of dermatologists, as well as multidisciplinary teams, to achieve better management of these patients. Understanding the interaction between the central nervous system and the skin underlying psychocutaneous disorders could help identify alternative therapies that may improve patient well‐being. The concept of pleasurable touch has received increasing attention following the discovery of C‐tactile (CT) fibres. While afferent C‐fibre stimulation is usually associated with pain, temperature, or itch, CT‐fibres are stimulated optimally by a stimulus not in the nociceptor range but by a gentle, low‐force stroking. As this affective touch may counteract unpleasurable sensations, such as pain and itch, and elicit positive feelings, the potential benefits of gentle touch and massage are interesting for dermatological, especially psychocutaneous, disorders. Here we provide an overview of the skin‐brain connection to help understand the benefits of touch and massage, as illustrated with studies on atopic dermatitis and burns, as an adjunct to dermatological treatment for improving patient well‐being and optimising treatment outcomes.
... Jenis pijatan ini melibatkan penangana otot dan menggosok jaringan lunak tubuh manusia yang dapat memodulasi fungsi tubuh dan menyebabkan relaksasi. Bukti telah menunjukkan bahwa terapi pijat memiliki dampak untuk peningkatan variabilitas denyut jantung, perbaikan gangguan mood, kualitas hidup, mengurangi kelelahan, dan ketidaknyamanan fisik (Wang et al., 2021). ...
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This study aims to determine the type of relaxation to prevent fatigue in cancer caregivers. The method used is a systematic review through the Google Scholar database, Pubmed, Sciencedirect and Proquest. The results showed that of the 1,142 articles found in the initial search, 15 articles were selected based on the title and abstract. Articles are read in full and 5 articles are selected according to predetermined criteria. The types of relaxation used in the selected articles are art therapy, yoga therapy, massage therapy and Benson relaxation. In conclusion, Benson relaxation therapy, art therapy, yoga therapy and massage therapy are effective in reducing fatigue levels in cancer caregivers. Keywords : Cancer, Caregiver, Fatigue, Relaxation
The treatment phase addresses the common concerns and typical sources of stress of patients and their family caregivers. The nursing goal is to reduce emotional distress, promote healing and resilient capabilities and enhance health potential so that the patient is placed in an optimal condition to successfully complete treatment. A number of psychosocial nursing interventions based on current evidence from meta-analyses and RCTs are proposed.KeywordsTreatment phaseNursing strategiesPatient and caregiver concernsEffects of chemotherapySurgeryRadiation therapy on immune functionsCognitive-behavioral strategiesMindfulness stress-reducing interventionsDietNutritionExercisePromoting resilience and healing
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Chronic unspecific back pain (cBP) is often associated with depressive symptoms, negative body perception, and abnormal interoception. Given the general failure of surgery in cBP, treatment guidelines focus on conservative therapies. Neurophysiological evidence indicates that C-tactile fibers associated with the oxytonergic system can be activated by slow superficial stroking of the skin in the back, shoulder, neck, and dorsal limb areas. We hypothesize that, through recruitment of C-tactile fibers, psycho-regulatory massage therapy (PRMT) can reduce pain in patients with cBP. In our study, 66 patients were randomized to PRMT or CMT (classical massage therapy) over a 12-week period and tested by questionnaires regarding pain (HSAL= Hamburger Schmerz Adjektiv Liste; Hamburg Pain adjective list), depression (BDI-II = Beck depression inventory), and disability (ODI = Oswestry Disability Index). In all outcome measures, patients receiving PRMT improved significantly more than did those receiving CMT. The mean values of the HSAL sensory subscale decreased by −51.5% in the PRMT group compared to −6.7% in the CMT group. Depressive symptoms were reduced by −55.69% (PRMT) and −3.1% (CMT), respectively. The results suggest that the superiority of PRMT over CMT may rely on its ability to activate the C-tactile fibers of superficial skin layers, recruiting the oxytonergic system.
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Clinical trials looking at which treatment is better must have certain checks in place. Appropriate “control” selection while comparing the investigating agent to the “control group is essential to rule out selection bias. Randomization is another step to minimize variability or “confounders.” By randomization, research participants have an equal chance of being selected into any treatment group of the study, generating comparable intervention groups, thereby distributing the confounders. A trial can be “open labeled” or “blinded.” By the process of blinding, we make the participant and/or assessing physician unaware of the treatment he/she is going to receive. Thus, the element of bias which can creep in owing to personal preference or subjective component to the assessment of outcome can be eliminated. Concealment of allocation is done as the participant enters the trial. Concealment secures randomization and prevents “selection bias”.
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Purpose This study was designed to critically evaluate the effect of yoga on cancer-related fatigue in patients with breast cancer. Methods Eight databases (Cochrane Library, PubMed, Ovid-Medline, Web of Science, CBM, Wanfang, VIP, and CNKI) were systematically reviewed from inception to January 2019 for randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Two reviewers critically and independently assessed the risk of bias using Cochrane Collaboration criteria and extracted correlated data using the designed form. All analyses were performed with Review Manager 5.3. Results A total of 17 qualified studies that included 2183 patients (yoga: 1112, control: 1071) were included in the meta-analysis. Yoga had a large effect on fatigue in post-treatment breast cancer patients and had a small effect on intra-treatment patients. The meta-analysis also indicated that supervised yoga class had a significant effect on CRF; the six-week program had a moderate beneficial effect while the 60/90 min/session supervised yoga class and the eight-week program demonstrated a large effect on fatigue in patients with breast cancer. Yoga could markedly mitigate the physical fatigue in breast cancer patients, had a medium impact on cognitive fatigue, and manifested a small effect on mental fatigue. Eight studies reported the adverse events, whereas ten studies did not. Conclusions Yoga can be considered as an alternative therapy for relieving fatigue in breast cancer patients who have completed treatment or are undergoing anti-cancer treatment.
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Because yoga is increasingly recognized as a complementary approach to cancer symptom management, patients/survivors and providers need to understand its potential benefits and limitations both during and after treatment. The authors reviewed randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of yoga conducted at these points in the cancer continuum (N = 29; n = 13 during treatment, n = 12 post‐treatment, and n = 4 with mixed samples). Findings both during and after treatment demonstrated the efficacy of yoga to improve overall quality of life (QOL), with improvement in subdomains of QOL varying across studies. Fatigue was the most commonly measured outcome, and most RCTs conducted during or after cancer treatment reported improvements in fatigue. Results also suggested that yoga can improve stress/distress during treatment and post‐treatment disturbances in sleep and cognition. Several RCTs provided evidence that yoga may improve biomarkers of stress, inflammation, and immune function. Outcomes with limited or mixed findings (eg, anxiety, depression, pain, cancer‐specific symptoms, such as lymphedema) and positive psychological outcomes (such as benefit‐finding and life satisfaction) warrant further study. Important future directions for yoga research in oncology include: enrolling participants with cancer types other than breast, standardizing self‐report assessments, increasing the use of active control groups and objective measures, and addressing the heterogeneity of yoga interventions, which vary in type, key components (movement, meditation, breathing), dose, and delivery mode.
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Objective We present a new system to track, manage, and report on all risks and issues encountered during a clinical trial. Materials and Methods Our solution utilizes JIRA, a popular issue and project tracking tool for software development, augmented by third-party and custom-built plugins to provide the additional functionality missing from the core product. Results The new system integrates all issue types under a single tracking tool and offers a range of capabilities, including configurable issue management workflows, seamless integration with other clinical systems, extensive history, reporting, and trending, and an intuitive web interface. Discussion and Conclusion By preserving the linkage between risks, issues, actions, decisions, and outcomes, the system allows study teams to assess the impact and effectiveness of their risk management strategies and present a coherent account of how the trial was conducted. Since the tool was put in production, we have observed an increase in the number of reported issues and a decrease in the median issue resolution time which, along with the positive user feedback, point to marked improvements in quality, transparency, productivity, and teamwork.
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Introduction: Breast cancer is a major threat to women’s health and a common factor that can reduce their life expectancy. Complementary medicine such as reflexology is known to reduce fatigue severity in cancer patients. The present study aimed to cultivate the effect of reflexology on fatigue severity of patients with breast cancer. Methods: The present pre-post clinical trial recruited 57 patients with breast cancer and involved an experimental and a control group. All patients were livening in Ilam, Iran. Patients were randomly assigned to two groups of experimental (N=27) and control (N=30). The experimental group received reflexology for 4 sessions. Data were collected using Fatigue severity scale (FSS) and demographic information questionnaire. FSS was completed by the patients twice; before the intervention and 2 months after the intervention. Data were analyzed using SPSS and running t-test and ANOVA. Results: Results showed no significant difference in fatigue severity between experimental (45.44±5.30) and control (43.66±7.68) groups prior to the intervention (p>0.05). However, after conducting the intervention, a significant difference in fatigue severity was seen between the experimental (20.66±4.54) and control (40.36±9.58) groups (p=0.000). Conclusion: The present study showed that reflexology decrease fatigue severity in patients with breast cancer and community health nursing can to use of these complementary medicine to increase patients health conditions.
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Background Current treatment options for knee osteoarthritis have limited effectiveness and potentially adverse side effects. Massage may offer a safe and effective complement to the management of knee osteoarthritis. Objective Examine effects of whole-body massage on knee osteoarthritis, compared to active control (light-touch) and usual care. Design Multisite RCT assessing the efficacy of massage compared to light-touch and usual care in adults with knee osteoarthritis, with assessments at baseline and weeks 8, 16, 24, 36, and 52. Subjects in massage or light-touch groups received eight weekly treatments, then were randomized to biweekly intervention or usual care to week 52. The original usual care group continued to week 24. Analysis was performed on an intention-to-treat basis. Participants Five hundred fifty-one screened for eligibility, 222 adults with knee osteoarthritis enrolled, 200 completed 8-week assessments, and 175 completed 52-week assessments. Intervention Sixty minutes of protocolized full-body massage or light-touch. Main Measures Primary: Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index. Secondary: visual analog pain scale, PROMIS Pain Interference, knee range of motion, and timed 50-ft walk. Key Results At 8 weeks, massage significantly improved WOMAC Global scores compared to light-touch (− 8.16, 95% CI = − 13.50 to − 2.81) and usual care (− 9.55, 95% CI = − 14.66 to − 4.45). Additionally, massage improved pain, stiffness, and physical function WOMAC subscale scores compared to light-touch (p < 0.001; p = 0.04; p = 0.02, respectively) and usual care (p < 0.001; p = 0.002; p = 0.002; respectively). At 52 weeks, the omnibus test of any group difference in the change in WOMAC Global from baseline to 52 weeks was not significant (p = 0.707, df = 3), indicating no significant difference in change across groups. Adverse events were minimal. Conclusions Efficacy of symptom relief and safety of weekly massage make it an attractive short-term treatment option for knee osteoarthritis. Longer-term biweekly dose maintained improvement, but did not provide additional benefit beyond usual care post 8-week treatment. Trial Registration NCT01537484
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Background: Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is a prevalent and debilitating symptom experienced by cancer survivors, one that severely compromises functional independence and quality of life. Clinical massage therapy (CMT), as an important part of complementary and alternative medicine, is widely employed among massage therapists, physical therapists, nurses, and physicians when managing CRF. Clinical research indicates that CMT produced relief of CRF. In this systematic review, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of CMT for patients with CRF. Methods: We will search the following electronic databases for randomized controlled trials to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of CMT for CRF in cancer patients: CENTRAL, Embase, MEDILINE, CINAHL and China National Knowledge Infrastructure. Each database will be searched from inception to October 2018. The entire process will include study selection, data extraction, risk of bias assessment and meta-analyses. Results: This proposed study will evaluate the effectiveness and safety of CMT for CRF. The outcomes will include change in quality of life, fatigue relief and adverse effect. Conclusions: This proposed systematic review will evaluate the existing evidence on the effectiveness and safety of CMT for patients with CRF. Dissemination and ethics: The results of this review will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publication. Because all of the data used in this systematic review and meta-analysis has been published, this review does not require ethical approval. Furthermore, all data will be analyzed anonymously during the review process.
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Background: Cancer patients have a 4 to 7 fold increase in the frequency of Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) during treatment and VTE is a common cause of death. Oncology massage has been traditionally contraindicated in patients with thromboembolism, but studies show oncology massage improves symptoms and quality of life.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to review the safety and patient reported outcomes of massage in oncologic patients with a recent history of VTE.Methods: After obtaining UT MD Anderson institutional review board approval, 25 patients who received oncology massage for symptom relief and quality of life, following the diagnosis of VTE were retrospectively reviewed. Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale (ESAS) scores were reviewed pre- and post-massage, as well as complications within 30 days requiring return to the Emergency Room or hospital re-admission.Results: 19 patients with complete ESAS scores reported a significant improvement in pain, fatigue, anxiety and well-being. Eleven patients (44%) returned to the emergency department within 30 days of their most recent massage, due to disease progression, fatigue and diarrhea. None of the 25 patients had complications due to massage. One patient experienced a new VTE 7 days after finishing massage, (patient was off anti-coagulation secondary to a pseudoaneurysm bleed).Conclusions: Our study suggests that if precautions are taken not to massage the anatomic site of the VTE, patients are afebrile and have >50,000 platelets with no coagulopathy, oncologic massage is a safe, non-invasive intervention even following VTE for improvement in generalized pain, fatigue and quality of life.
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Introduction: Fatigue is one of the most common and disabling symptoms in end-stage kidney disease, particularly among in-centre haemodialysis patients. This two-arm parallel group feasibility randomised controlled trial will determine whether a fully powered efficacy trial is achievable by examining the feasibility of recruitment, acceptability and potential benefits of a cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT)-based intervention for fatigue among in-centre haemodialysis patients. Methods: We aim to recruit 40 adult patients undergoing in-centre haemodialysis at secondary care outpatient dialysis units, who meet clinical levels of fatigue. Patients will be randomised individually (using a 1:1 ratio) to either a 4-6 weeks' CBT-based intervention (intervention arm) or to a waiting-list control (control arm). The primary feasibility outcomes include descriptive data on numbers within each recruiting centre meeting eligibility criteria, rates of recruitment, numbers retained postrandomisation and treatment adherence. To assess the potential benefits of the cognitive-behavioural therapy for renal fatigue intervention, secondary self-report outcomes include measures of fatigue severity (Chalder Fatigue Questionnaire), fatigue-related functional impairment (Work and Social Adjustment Scale), sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index), depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9) and anxiety (Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7). Changes in fatigue perceptions (Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire), cognitive and behavioural responses to fatigue (Cognitive and Behavioural Responses to Symptoms Questionnaire), sleep hygiene behaviours (Sleep Hygiene Index) and physical activity (International Physical Activity Questionnaire-short form) will also be explored. These self-report measures will be collected at baseline and 3 months postrandomisation. Nested qualitative interviews will be conducted postintervention to explore the acceptability of the intervention and identify any areas in need of improvement. The statistician and assessor will be blinded to treatment allocation. Ethics and dissemination: A National Health Service (NHS) Research Ethics Committee approved the study. Any amendments to the protocol will be submitted to the NHS Committee and study sponsor. Trial registration number: ISRCTN91238019;Pre-results.