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The use of functional placental magnetic resonance imaging for assessment of the placenta after prolonged preterm rupture of the membranes in vivo: A pilot study

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica

Abstract and Figures

Introduction: Preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM) complicates 3% of pregnancies in the UK. Where delivery does not occur spontaneously, expectant management until 37 weeks of gestation is advocated, unless signs of maternal infection develop. However, clinical presentation of maternal infection can be a late sign and injurious fetal inflammatory responses may already have been activated. There is therefore a need for more sensitive markers to aid optimal timing of interventions. At present there is no non-invasive test in clinical practice to assess for infection in the fetal compartment and definitive diagnosis of chorioamnionitis is by histological assessment of the placenta after delivery. This study presents comprehensive functional placental magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) quantification, already used in other organ systems, to assess for infection/inflammation, in women with and without PPROM aiming to explore its use as a biomarker for inflammation within the feto-placental compartment in vivo. Material and methods: Placental MRI scans were performed in a cohort of 12 women (with one having two scans) with PPROM before 34 weeks of gestation (selected because of their high risk of infection), and in a control group of 87 women. Functional placental assessment was performed with magnetic resonance techniques sensitive to changes in the microstructure (diffusion) and tissue composition (relaxometry), with quantification performed both over the entire organ and in regions of interest between the basal and chorionic plate. Placental histology was analyzed after delivery where available. Results: Normative evolution of functional magnetic resonance biomarkers over gestation was studied. Cases of inflammation, as assessed by histological presence of chorioamnionitis, and umbilical cord vasculitis with or without funisitis, were associated with lower T2* (mean T2* at 30 weeks 50 ms compared with 58 ms in controls) and higher fractional anisotropy (mean at 30 weeks 0.55 compared with 0.45 in controls). These differences did not reach significance and there was substantial heterogeneity both in T2* and Apparent Diffusivitiy across the cohort. Conclusions: This first exploration of functional placental assessment in a cohort of women with PPROM demonstrates that functional placental MRI can reveal a range of placental changes associated with inflammatory processes. It is a promising tool to gain information and in the future to identify inflammation in vivo, and could therefore assist in improving optimal timing for interventions designed to prevent fetal injury.
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Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2021;100:2244–
Received: 21 May 2021 
Revised: 18 August 2021 
Accepted: 31 August 2021
DOI : 10.1111/aogs.14267
The use of functional placental magnetic resonance imaging for
assessment of the placenta after prolonged preterm rupture of
the membranes in vivo: A pilot study
Jana Hutter1| Laurence Jackson1| Alison Ho1,2| Carla Avena Zampieri1,2|
Joseph V. Hajnal1| Mudher Al- Adnani3| Surabhi Nanda4| Andrew H. Shennan2|
Rachel M. Tribe2| Deena Gibbons4| Mary A. Rutherford1| Lisa Story2,5
This is an op en access arti cle under the ter ms of the Creat ive Commo ns Attri bution License , which permit s use, dis tribu tion and reprod uction in any medium,
provide d the original wor k is properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors . Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica published by John Wiley & S ons Ltd on behalf of No rdic Federation of Societies of
Obstet rics and Gyneco logy (NFOG).
Abbreviations: ADC, app arent diffus ion coef ficient; FA, f ractional an isotropy; MRI , magnetic res onance i maging; PPROM , preter m prelabor rup ture of membran es; PTB, prete rm birth.
1Centre for Medical Engineering , King's
College L ondon , London, UK
2Depar tment of Women and Children's
Health , Schoo l of Life Course Sciences ,
King's College Lo ndon, L ondon , UK
3Cellular Pathology Department , St
Thomas' H ospit al, London, UK
4Peter Gorer Department of
Immunobiolog y, King's College Lo ndon,
London, UK
5Fetal Me dicine Unit, St Thomas' Hospital,
London, UK
Jana Hut ter, Centre for Medical
Enginee ring, K ing's College Lo ndon, 1st
Floor So uth Wing, St Thomas Hospital,
Westminster Bridge Road , SE17EH
London, UK.
Funding information
This work w as supported by the
Biomedical Research Centre at G uy's and
St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, the
Nationa l Institute for Health Re search
NIHR and t he NIH (Hu man Placenta
Projec t [1U01HD087202- 01]). Dr Lisa
Story is f unded by the NIHR a s a Clinic al
Lectu rer for this project and J. H utter
by a Sir Henr y Wellcome Fellowsh ip
(201374/Z/16/Z) and a UKRI FLF
fellowship (MR/T018119/1).
Introduction: Preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM) complicates 3% of
pregnancies in the UK. Where delivery does not occur spontaneously, expectant
management until 37 weeks of gestation is advocated, unless signs of maternal infec-
tion develop. However, clinical presentation of maternal infection can be a late sign
and injurious fetal inflammatory responses may already have been activated. There
is therefore a need for more sensitive markers to aid optimal timing of interventions.
At present there is no non- invasive test in clinical practice to assess for infection in
the fetal compartment and definitive diagnosis of chorioamnionitis is by histologi-
cal assessment of the placenta after delivery. This study presents comprehensive
functional placental magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) quantification, already used
in other organ systems, to assess for infection/inflammation, in women with and with-
out PPROM aiming to explore its use as a biomarker for inflammation within the feto-
placental compartment in vivo.
Material and methods: Placental MRI scans were performed in a cohort of 12 women
(with one having two scans) with PPROM before 34 weeks of gestation (selected be-
cause of their high risk of infection), and in a control group of 87 women. Functional
placental assessment was performed with magnetic resonance techniques sensitive
to changes in the microstructure (diffusion) and tissue composition (relaxometry),
with quantification performed both over the entire organ and in regions of interest
between the basal and chorionic plate. Placental histology was analyzed after delivery
where available.
Results: Normative evolution of functional magnetic resonance biomarkers over ges-
tation was studied. Cases of inflammation, as assessed by histological presence of cho-
rioamnionitis, and umbilical cord vasculitis with or without funisitis, were associated
Preterm birth (PTB) is defined as deliver y before 37 weeks of gesta-
tion and occ urs in up to 8% of pr egnan ci es1 in th e UK. It is asso ci at ed
with fetal morbidit y and mortality both in the neonatal period and
beyond, particularly at very preterm gestations and where placen-
tal inflammation (chorioamnionitis) is present2. As a result, PTB also
constitutes an important burden for public health.3 Approximately
40% of cases of PTB are associated with preterm prelabor rupture
of the membranes (PPROM).4 PPROM before 37 weeks of gesta-
tion complicates 3% of all pregnancies in the UK .5 The median time
between membrane rupture and delivery in these cases is 7 days
but where delivery has not occurred expectant management is ad-
vocated in the absence of signs of maternal infection, to reduce the
morbidity and mortality associated with preterm deliver y before
37 weeks.6 8
Infection is a significant complication of expec tant management,
and can often occur in the fetus in the absence of clinical signs in the
mother.9 Neonatal morbidity, including sepsis, cystic periventricular
leukomalacia, intraventricular hemorrhage, and later development
of cerebral palsy, are significantly higher among pregnancies with
PPROM complicated by infection as assessed by chorioamnionitis
in the placenta after delivery.5,10,11 Chorioamnionitis is also known
to alter the immune profile of the infant at birth.12 Up to 71% of
cases with PPROM have histological evidence of chorioamnionitis
on placental analysis, par ticularly at early gestations, yet 30% can be
subclinical, without signs of maternal fever, fetal tachycardia, uter-
ine tenderness or purulent discharge.9 Expectant management may
therefore increase risks for both mother and baby if signs of infec-
tion are not overt.
Placental histopathological assessment only allows a retrospec-
tive diagnosis of chorioamnionitis and does not facilitate timely an-
tenatal intervention such as administration of corticosteroids and/
or early delivery or in utero transfer. Advanced functional magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) techniques provide a means of quantifying
tissue changes and have been used in the gastrointestinal tract1 3,14
and heart15 to discriminate between acute and chronic phases of
inflammation in vivo. Placental MRI has been pioneered in normal
pregnancies during hyperoxygenation and normox ygenation16 in the
assessment of conditions including fetal growth restriction17 and
preeclampsia18 revealing distinct phenotypes. Techniques include
magnetic resonance relaxometry, targeting the paramagnetic prop-
erties of deoxygenated hemoglobin to gain insights into the oxygen
concentration,18,19 diffusion MRI to identif y microstructural changes
to the villous trees and flow in the inter- villous spaces,20 as well as
combinations of approaches leading to more distinct descriptions of
placental compartmental properties.21,22
This study aimed to assess the feasibility of MRI as a non- invasive
antenatal assessment tool for evaluating intrauterine infection
based on placental assessment. This could prove invaluable informa-
tion for bot h the timing of de li ve r y, and ant en at al inter venti on s, wi th
the ultimate aim to minimize the morbidity/mortality associated with
infection/inflammation in the context of PTB.
2.1  | Cohorts and clinical data collection
Women with PPROM before 34 weeks of gestation were recruited
prospec tively from a tertiary referral hospital in South London
(Table 1).
with lower T2* (mean T2* at 30 weeks 50 ms compared with 58 ms in controls) and
higher fractional anisotropy (mean at 30 weeks 0.55 compared with 0.45 in controls).
These differences did not reach significance and there was substantial heterogeneity
both in T2* and Apparent Diffusivitiy across the cohort.
Conclusions: This first exploration of functional placental assessment in a cohort of
women with PPROM demonstrates that functional placental MRI can reveal a range
of placental changes associated with inflammatory processes. It is a promising tool to
gain information and in the future to identify inflammation in vivo, and could therefore
assist in improving optimal timing for inter ventions designed to prevent fetal injury.
chorioamnionitis, histopathology, inflammation, magnetic resonance imaging, placenta,
preterm prelabor rupture of membranes, preterm birth
Key Message
This study proposes novel functional MRI methods as
a biomarker to assess signs of inflammation within the
human placenta revealing a distinct phenot ype in women
with preterm prelabor rupture of membranes and placental
    HU TTER E T al.
Preterm prelabor rupture of membranes was confirmed on
clinical grounds using speculum examination and biochemically
using the rupture of membrane (ROM) test (ROM Plus® Rupture of
Membranes Test; Clinical Innovations) when consented. Inclusion
criteria included 16– 34 weeks of gestation, singleton pregnancy, not
in active labor, and ability to give informed consent. Exclusion crite-
ria were: diagnosis of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, chromo-
somal abnormalities, any other diagnosis associated with placental
insu ff iciency, maternal body mass inde x gre ate r than 35 kg/m2, mul-
tiple pregnancies, metallic implants, and claustrophobia. Following
assessment of eligibility, writ ten consent was obtained and an MRI
scan was performed on a 3T MRI system (Phillips Best).
One participant, scanned because of suspected PPROM, did not
have a confirmed ROM test, had normal amniotic fluid at subsequent
scans throughout and did not continue to leak fluid vaginally, so the
decision was made to exclude her from any subsequent analysis.
A control cohor t was selected from existing data sets from three
studies (19- SS- 0032, 19/LO/0852, and 14/LO/1169) where women
had been scanned between 16 and 39 weeks of gestation and de-
livery had occurred after 37 weeks of gestation, with a neonatal
birthweight above the third centile. There was no evidence of hy-
pertensive disorders in pregnancy in this control cohort.
The number of days from MRI scan to delivery (see Figure 1A
for a timeline), pregnancy outcome including gestation, weight
at birth, fetal sex, Apgar scores at 5 minutes, and postnatal and
maternal complications were recorded. Placentae were analyzed
histopathologically using a structured assessment23 and assessed
both macroscopically and microscopically. Evidence for chorioamni-
onitis, umbilical cord vasculitis, funisitis, chorionic plate fetal vessel
vasculitis, presence of thrombi, villitis, infarc tion, fibrin deposition,
and maturation of the villi was recorded wherever available (see
Figure 1B for the locations).
2.2  | MRI assessment
Women were scanned in a clinical 3T scanner using a 32- channel car-
diac coil in supine position with adequate cushioning and positioning.
Regular verbal communication was maintained throughout the scan.
The scan time was limited to 60 minutes in blocks of 30 minutes with a
break of fered in the middle. Continuous monitoring of oxygen satura-
tions, hear t rate and blood pressure (in 10- min ute intervals) was und er-
taken. Optimizatio n of all sequence s was per forme d previously to keep
the acoustic noise below 98 db(A). Following localizer and preparation
scans, anatomical scans of the entire uterus were performed using
two- dimensional TSE sequences in five orientations. A B0 map was
acquired and manual shimming using an in- house tool was performed
focusing on the placenta.24 Then, a two- dimensional multi- slice multi-
echo gra di ent- ech o ec ho pla nar imagi ng seq uence with four ech o ti me s
was acquired to allow T2* mapping with the following parameters:
TAB LE 1  Patient cohort overview
PPROM Control
GA scan (we eks) 27. 58 ± 2.69 (24.15– 33.00) 29.93 ± 4.40 (21.71– 38.29)
Maternal age (years) 32.48 ± 0.63 (31.85– 33.12) 34.00 ± 3.70 (25.01– 45.13)
GA delivery (weeks) 31.46 ± 2.94 (28.14– 37.71) 39.96 ± 1.28 (36.86– 42.43)
BW deliver y (grams) 1663.75 ± 533.33 (1050.00– 2600.00) 3393.37 ± 446.10 (2026.00– 4400.00)
Note: Only the second scan from the participant scanned twice was included in the s tatis tics presented here. The numbers indicate mean ± SD.
Abbreviations: BW, birthweight; GA , gest ational age; PPROM, preterm prelab or rupture of membranes.
FIGURE 1 Schemata of (A) the timelines involved and (B) the localization of relevant inflammatory processes in the placenta. GA,
gestational age; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; ROM, rupture of the membranes
field- of- view = 360 mm × (320– 400) mm × (60– 120) mm, resolution
3- mm isotropic, repetition time = 2.6 s, echo times between 11.6 and
182 ms, 12 dynamics. A combined diffusion- weighted relaxometry
scan with optimized b- values, b- vectors and four echo times as previ-
ously described19,2 2 was obtained.
2.3  | Data processing
All MRI data sets were assessed for overt fetal pathology. Placental
data from all three considered functional modalities was manually
segmented by two experienced placenta observers (authors JH,
AH) keeping a conservative margin to the chorionic and basal plate
to avoid inclusion of any non- placental maternal tissue or amniotic
fluid. These segmentations included the entire placental paren-
chyma for the multi- echo gradient echo scan and the diffusion MRI.
Mono- exponential decay models were fitted to the data acquired
for T2* maps using an in- house py thon script to obtain proton den-
sity and T2* maps: 10 random initializations were performed and the
voxel- wise median value was used. The diffusion data were processed
in a similar way to a previous study19 to obtain maps of the appar-
ent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and the fractional anisotropy (FA).
Quantitative values were obtained as the mean over the entire pla-
cental parenchyma. Additional histogram- based evaluation was per-
formed for the T2* values resulting in skewness and kurtosis values.
2.4  | Ethical approval
The data used for this study were acquired as part of three ethi-
cally approved studies reviewed by the relevant ethical commit tees:
19- SS- 0032 (Inflammation study in pregnancy, South East Scotland,
approval received March 7, 2019), 19/LO/0852 (CARP study,
London— Dulwich Research Ethics Committee, approval received
July 24, 2019) and 14/LO/1169 (Placenta Imaging Project, Fulham
Research Ethics Committee, approval received September 23, 2016).
In total, 12 women with PPROM were successfully scanned (only
the second scan from the one woman who underwent two scans
has been included in the analysis). Eight y- seven control pregnancies
were included for comparison. For the PPROM cohort, mean gesta-
tional age (GA) at MRI was 26+5 weeks (range 19– 33+ weeks), mean
GA at delivery 29+2 weeks (range 20+1 3 3 +3 weeks) with median du-
ration from MRI to delivery 23+2 days (range 3– 106 days). For the
contro l co hor t, me dian GA was 29+3 weeks . The pregna nc y and bir th
outcomes for the PPROM cohort are given in Table 2.
Complete anatomical and relaxometry data were obtained and
processed in all cases. Diffusion data were obtained in all cases, but
judged of sufficient quality in only 10 cases. Histopatholog y results
are given in Table 3 for the PPROM cases, illustrating some degree
of mate rnal and/or fetal inflammatory response in all but one (corre-
sponding to P10, P11). No signs of villitis, intervillitis, infarction, ad-
ditional fibrin deposition, or accelerated maturation were obser ved
in any of the control or PPROM cases. From the control cohort, 26
women had histological assessment, of which eight showed no sign
of chor i oam n ion i tis an d 18 sh ow e d sig ns of ch ori o amn i oni t is at term .
Placental images from the 12 cases with PPROM, including the
10 scans with histopathological evidence of chorioamnionitis, are
displayed graphically in Figure 2, with the later scan used for the
TAB LE 2  Outcome for the PPROM cohort
GA delivery
Time MRI- delivery
(days) T2* Diff Gender
1 (1) 226.14 2 8.14 14 xQ- Female 82.9
2 (2) 727 28.3 9 x x Male 79. 6
3 (4) 630.57 33 17 x x Female 34.6
4 (5) 225.86 29. 3 25 x x Female 88.6
5 (6) 429. 71 30.3 4x x Male 5.9
6 (9) 633 33.3 3 x Q- Male 83.8
7 (12) 626.29 28.14 13 x x Female 5 7. 7
8 (13) 229 31.56 11 x x Female 61 .6
9 (14) 3 30 30.3 3 x x Male 68.6
10 (15) 24 20.6 31.57 77 x x Female 37.4
11 (1502) 53 24.7 31.57 106 xQ- Female 3 7. 4
12 (225) 719.42 +(20 .14) +(5) x x + +
13 (291) 24 24.14 26. 57 16 x x MALE 76. 7
Note: +’ signifies stillbir th before 23 weeks of gestation. Prolonged membrane rupture (ROM) times of more than 5 days are marked in yellow. Short
intervals bet ween MRI and delivery are marked in red (<5 days), yellow (5– 25 days)*. Data set s with low qualit y that had to be excluded are marked
with Q- .
Abbreviations: GA, gestational age; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; ROM, rupture of membranes.
    HU TTER E T al.
woman who was scanned twice as outlined above. For each case,
coronal and sagittal anatomical images through the placental pa-
renchyma are given in the first row, together with a zoom into the
cervix, to visualize length and degree of dilation. In the second row,
T2*, ADC and FA maps are displayed for similar locations. The same
scales are used for each functional categor y for all placentae.
3.1  | Visual appearances
Anatomical changes were apparent in the sagittal displays for
PPROM cases P1 and P5 with large areas of hypointensit y close to
the chorionic plate (marked with green arrows), that were not seen in
control placentae. Smaller hyperintense areas were observable (pink
arrows) in most cases but these were not present in the control cases
of similar gestation.25
Control T2* maps25 show an increasingly lobular appearance
with more pronounced circular hyperintensive areas surrounded by
hypointense structures over gestation. These changes typically oc-
curred homogeneously over the entire placenta. However, the T2*
maps of the PPROM cases reveal pronounced, focal large areas of
low signal— as indicated with green arrows in PPROM placentae P1,
P2, P5, P6, P9, P12, and P13— which were not as visible in the ana-
tomical images from the majority of women. P10 and P11, from the
same woman, do not display these signs.
3.2  | Quantification
Figure 3 illustrates for the control women a decrease in mean T2*
over GA (controls slope −3.49, p < 0.005), decrease in ADC over GA
(Controls slope 0.55, p < 0.005) and an increase in FA (Controls slow
0.62, p < 0.005). Compared with these control values, the measure-
ments from the PPROM placentae show decreased mean T2* across
the GA range (PPROM cases slope 1.53, p = 0.295), with a wider
spread of values, although at a non- significant level. One notable
exception, case P8, is marked by the black arrow. In addition, the
ADC was not significantly reduced across GA from PPROM pla-
centae (PPROM cases slope 0.42, p = 0.04) and the FA values were
increased (PPROM cases slope 0.63, p = 0.005), compared with con-
trols. Analysis of the progression over GA was per formed to fit the
known dependency of these quantities with GA.
The evaluation of these quantitative measures against histo-
pathologically shown chorioamnionitis including the entire control
Maternal inflammatory
indicators Fetal inflammatory indicators
P1 Severe acute
Umbilic al cord vasculitis (vein)
P2 Acute chorioamnionitis Umbilic al vasculitis (3/3 vessels),
neutrophils extending into Whar ton‘s
jelly (funisitis), inflammation in the
chorionic plate, occlusion of large
central chorionic vessel, downstream
focus of ischemic villi
P3 Acute chorioamnionitis Acute chorionic vasculitis, acute umbilic al
cord vasculitis (1/3 vessels, acute
P5 Acute chorioamnionitis Funisitis and chorionic vasculitis, two
large non- occlusive thrombi in fetal
stem villi
P6 Acute chorioamnionitis Funisitis
P7 Acute chorioamnionitis Funisitis and vasculitis
P8 Acute chorioamnionitis Pan- vasculitis, chorionic plate is acutely
P9 Acute chorioamnionitis Acute chorionic vasculitis, acute vasculitis
(3/3 vessels), acute funisitis
P10, 11 No chorioamnionitis No funisitis and no vasculitis, Occasional
intravillous hemorrhages
P4 No histology
P12 No histology
P13 No histology
Note: Colors emphasize normal finding (green), early stage of abnormalit y (orange), advanced, and
very advanced s tages (red and dar k red). There were no signs of infarction, increased perivillous
fibrin deposition, or evidence for decidual vasculopathy and all placentae showed normal
TAB LE 3  Histopathological evaluation
for the participants
cohort (Figure 4) did not reveal any clear correlation. However, the
time between the MRI and the observed evidence for chorioamni-
onitis did vary largely, as is indicated by the transparency level in
Figure 4— hampering our ability to draw conclusions.
This study demonstrates, as far as we are aware, the first explora-
tion of functional placental assessment in a cohort of women with
PPROM compared with control women who delivered at term with
uncomplicated pregnancies. We have demonstrated that multi-
modal functional MRI data can successfully be obtained from
women with PPROM. Trends for normal controls19 were reaffirmed:
ADC and mean T2* values decreasing and FA values increasing
linearly with gestation. There were both qualitative and quantitative
changes in PPROM cases, with an increase in FA values, no decrease
in ADC, and a trend towards a reduction in T2* values.
There are several recent studies using MRI to study PTB, but
these have focused on volumetric assessment of fetal organs. They
found a reduction in lung volume26 and changes in the size of the
thymus gland— known to play an integral role in the development of
the fetal immune system and suggested as a marker of the fetal in-
flammatory response.27 Previous efforts to assess the placenta spe-
cifically detected changes of a bank- like T2- weighted hypointense
signal and dif fusion- weighted hyperintense signal changes associ-
ated with a diagnosis of chorioamnionitis in three of six patients.28
This current study goes beyond anatomical assessment and includes
functional MRI properties of the placenta, which could complement
fetal findings.
FIGURE 2 Imaging results of all preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM) cases P1– P13. P10 was omitted and the second
scan of this woman, P11, was included. For each case, the anatomical images are displayed in the first row, coronal placental view, sagittal
placental view and sagitt al cervix view. The second row gives the functional T2* data in coronal and sagittal view matched to the anatomical
data. Pink arrows identify regions of hyperintense small dots. Green arrows identif y areas of reduced T2*. In the right column three
exemplar y controls are shown at similar gestational age
    HU TTER E T al.
The use of T2 and T2* relaxometry as a means of discrimi-
nating between acute and chronic phases of inflammation has
previously been proposed in other organs such as the heart and
the kidney13 and diffusion MRI has been used in the evaluation
of inflammator y conditions of the gastrointestinal tract such as
Crohn's disease.14 However, no studies to date have evaluated
whether these techniques can be used successfully to assess pla-
cental inflammation and hence may be indicative of chorioamni-
onitis in utero.
The quantitative values found in the control cohort are in ac-
cordance with literature values at 3T, showing decreasing T2* from
approximately 100 to 20 ms and ADC and FA values between 0.002
an d 0.0 03 mm2/ms and 0.3– 0.9 (arbitrary units) from 10 to 40 weeks,
respectively.1 7,1 9 Analysis of the PPROM cases revealed a number
of changes in the placental parenchyma both visually and numer-
ically reduced T2* values and markedly increased FA ( p = 0.005).
The observed heterogeneity in T2* values within the PPROM cohort
reflects the complicated and highly dynamic physiological changes
associated with ascending infection and the variability between time
of imaging and subsequent delivery.
The qu antit at iv e changes obs erv ed in the pl ac en tae of PP RO M
pregnancies demonstrate a similar ph enotype to women wit h pre-
eclampsia who present with a reduction in placental T2* and ADC
values and an increase in FA,19 although changes in PPROM are
not as marked, when compared with the control group, and ap-
pear to be more localized. This potentially points towards a less
extreme and more acute placental change in the PPROM cohort.
It should be noted that none of the women with PPROM, nor any
of the control cases, had hypertensive disorders of pregnancy or
other diagnoses typically associated with placental insufficiency.
The focus of this study is on PPROM pregnancies and associated
phenotypes; however, the study design does not allow us to dif-
ferentiate at this stage between placental insufficiency and in-
flammatory responses.
Increased FA values, evident in most PPROM cases, com-
bined with decreased ADC in three cases may be indicative of
microstructural changes within the placenta. Increased presence
of neutrophils in the corresponding tissue could decrease diffu-
sivity (reduced ADC value), and increased anisotropy (increased
FA value) could reflect localized infiltration in the chorion. The
FIGURE 3 Quantitative results from magnetic resonance imaging data in cohort s of control women and women with preterm prelabor
rupture of membranes (PPROM). T2* relaxometry and diffusion results of all c ases against gestational age (GA). The (A) mean T2*, (B)
apparent diffusivity coefficient (ADC) and (C) fractional anisotropy (FA) values are illustrated. Controls are marked with gray dots, PPROM
cases with colored squares. The colors indicate GA at birth and the size of the square indicates the time between scan and delivery, the
shorter the inter val the larger the square. The black arrow highlights subject P8
FIGURE 4 Quantitative results from magnetic resonance imaging data in cohort s of control women and women with preterm prelabor
rupture of membranes (PPROM). T2* relaxometry and diffusion results of all c ases against gestational age (GA). The (A) mean T2*, (B)
apparent diffusivity coefficient (ADC) and (C) fractional anisotropy (FA) values are illustrated. Controls are marked with dots, PPROM cases
with squares. The colors indicate information on histopatholog y. Red indicates the presence of chorioamnionitis, blue its absence and gray
signifies that no histopathological assessment was conducted. The transparency level indicates the time between scan and deliver y, the
shorter the inter val the less transparent the sign
observed reduced T2* could be linked to reduced transport of ox-
yge nated hemo gl obin as a down str ea m effect of the infl am matio n.
However, the cited changes in structure, the changed water con-
tent as well as any other changed tissue property might influence
the transverse relaxation rates.
The cases of PPROM with the longest period since ROM and the
shortest time inter val to delivery (cases P5, P6, and P9) displayed the
clearest phenotype, which is in line with the inflammation being the
most acute in these cases. Other cases such as P4, P12, P7, P10, and P11
displayed minimal changes compared with control women. The normal
histopathologic al evaluation in P10, P11 might indicate no sign of inflam-
mation which corresponds to this result. This observed variation on MRI
is likely to reflect several factors involved in PTB, such as inflammation,
cervical changes among other, and severity of chorioamnionitis, which
initiall y affect s the mate rn al compar tm ent before prog re ssing to the fetal
tissues, resulting in differing characteristics on placental histology.2 9 3 1
The maternal inflammatory response is characterized first by mi-
crobial invasion of the chorion, amnion, and chorionic plate before pro-
gression to epithelial necrosis of the amnion.23,29 Where this process is
localized to a specific area of the placenta (such as for case P2) mean
T2* is not as low as in cases where the invasion is more diffuse (cases P1
and P5 for example). In addition to the chorionic plate, more advanced
disease may also affe ct the amnion combi ned with vasculitis of th e cho -
rionic vessels. Further disease progression results in the fetal inflamma-
tory response, which is associated with poorer neonatal outcomes.32
This is characterized by leukocyte infiltration of the umbilical cord ves-
se l wa ll or Wh art on's jelly. Su ch change s ar e, however, hard er to id ent if y
from the MRI results bec ause of the small diameter of the vessels and
the variability in location. However, the most significant fetal compart-
ment infec tion is associated with the presence of thrombi within the
villous tree.32 This may be reflected by the substantially reduced T2*
areas: the distribution of these is in accordance with placental lobules
ref lec te d by in di vi du al villo us trees and the pr es ence of a throm bu s may
result in tissue with a reduction in oxygen content.
These findings may have clinical implications in the future to as-
sess the extent of chorioamnionitis and stratify individual patients'
risks accordingly. It would also be of interest to combine both fetal
and placental MRI findings to grade disease process and duration.
The lack of a reference st andard technique to assess for signs
of inflammation in vivo, specifically at the time of MRI, hinders
further evaluation. Although histopathological assessment of the
placenta after delivery facilitates a definitive diagnosis, it is under-
taken at a time- point remote from the MRI. In this study, the time
between delivery and MRI varied between 2 and 27 days for the
PPROM cases. Furthermore, the time between ROM and the scan
also varied bet ween 2 and 7 days, further limiting conclusions that
can be drawn. The targeted patient cohort, women with PPROM,
and the resulting unpredictable and short time window (delivery in
50% of cases within a week) and need for close clinical observation
during the scan render this study highly challenging; however, they
also make this data set unique. In future, expansion of the study will
allow grouping along similar timings and hence more insight into the
dynamic s of the observed challenges.
Given the course of the ascending infection traversing each layer
from decidua to chorion to amnion, a higher resolution and greater
focal evaluation would add specificity to the assessment of the tim-
ing of the infection and inflammatory response. Further advances in
MRI acquisition and reconstruction strategies would enable the use
of further high resolution three- dimensional reconstruction tech-
niques33 and so facilitate this in the future. Efforts to display the
placental tissues in an agreed coordinated system could further add
to the specificity of the loc alization of lesions.34, 35
To usefully translate these results, following a larger observa-
tion study, would be a randomized control trial to assess whether
altering the timing of delivery in PPROM in response to MRI bio-
markers of infection/inflammation could result in a reduction
in neonatal morbidity and mortality. Combined analysis with
biomarker- based serum scores might further enable the develop-
ment of individual risk scores.36,37 Phenotyping different presenta-
tion s in mo re de t ail tog et h er wi th histopa tho logic al as ses sme nt wi ll
allow additional insights into the cascade of events star ting from
the ascending infection through the layers of the placenta to wide-
spread fetal infection.
Functional placental MRI reveals a range of placental changes, as-
sociated with inflammatory processes confirmed on subsequent
histolog y. It shows promise as a tool to noninvasively identify inflam-
mation in vivo, and could therefore assist in improving optimal timing
for interventions designed to prevent fetal injury, such as antenatal
corticosteroids and magnesium sulfate and the need for delivery
and/or in utero transfers where indicated.
AHS is the chief investigator on a number of trials funded by NIHR
and charity sources related to preterm birth prediction and pre-
vention. Clinical Innovations provided the ROM Plus® Rupture of
Membranes Tests for this study. Hologic Biomedical and Qiagen
have provided samples for these studies. Hologic have provided
funding (paid to the institution) to evaluate technical per formance of
their samples. There are no other conflicts of interest.
JH and LJ: data collection, writing, editing. AH: recruitment, data
collection, writing, editing. CAZ: data collection. JH, MA- A, SN and
AHS: data collection, editing. RMT and DG: editing. MAR and LS:
data collection, funding, editing.
Jana Hutter
Andrew H. Shennan
Rachel M. Tribe
Deena Gibbons
Mary A. Rutherford
    HU TTER E T al.
Lisa Sto ry
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How to cite this article: Hutter J, Jackson L, Ho A, et al. The use
of functional placental magnetic resonance imaging for
assessment of the placenta after prolonged preterm rupture of
the membranes in vivo: A pilot study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand.
2021;100:2244– 2252. htt ps://
... A multi-echo Echo-Planar Imaging (EPI) with in-plane motion correction was proposed for T2* estimation in fetal brain 5 and a motion-corrected pipeline using SVR was proposed to reconstruct 3D volumetric T2* maps of fetal brain. 6 Multiple studies have proposed in-vivo T2* relaxometry in placenta using multi-echo EPI, [31][32][33][34][35] including motion correction using 3D volumetric deformable registration. Very recently, the deformable SVR 18 in tandem with multi-echo EPI was proposed to generate 3D T2* measurements of placenta, 17 fetal brain 36 and lungs. ...
... 63 Our ability to reliably measure T2 relaxation time in fetal brain would allow us to identify subtle changes of tissue properties, facilitating more detailed assessment of fetal brain maturation processes, such as myelination, changing microstructure and water content, 30,64 as well as pathology, such as presence of infection. 34,65 Our proposed framework to obtain T2 measurements of the fetal brain combines the SS-FSE sequence with three different contrasts (with three views of different orientations for each contrast), motion correction using SVR and a EPG-based dictionary matching to estimate voxelwise T2 relaxation times. The pipeline was developed with the aid of simulated experiments using a numerical phantom, validated on a physical phantom and then used to perform measurements on five fetal subjects. ...
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Purpose We propose a quantitative framework for motion‐corrected T2 fetal brain measurements in vivo and validate the single‐shot fast spin echo (SS‐FSE) sequence to perform these measurements. Methods Stacks of two‐dimensional SS‐FSE slices are acquired with different echo times (TE) and motion‐corrected with slice‐to‐volume reconstruction (SVR). The quantitative T2 maps are obtained by a fit to a dictionary of simulated signals. The sequence is selected using simulated experiments on a numerical phantom and validated on a physical phantom scanned on a 1.5T system. In vivo quantitative T2 maps are obtained for five fetuses with gestational ages (GA) 21–35 weeks on the same 1.5T system. Results The simulated experiments suggested that a TE of 400 ms combined with the clinically utilized TEs of 80 and 180 ms were most suitable for T2 measurements in the fetal brain. The validation on the physical phantom confirmed that the SS‐FSE T2 measurements match the gold standard multi‐echo spin echo measurements. We measured average T2s of around 200 and 280 ms in the fetal brain grey and white matter, respectively. This was slightly higher than fetal T2* and the neonatal T2 obtained from previous studies. Conclusion The motion‐corrected SS‐FSE acquisitions with varying TEs offer a promising practical framework for quantitative T2 measurements of the moving fetus.
... [23]). Specifically, many T2* maps (Figures 2, 3, 5) reveal the lobular structure of the placenta, potentially revealing the oxygenation level of maternal blood, as previously observed in standard T2* [7,32,33] and combined T2*-diffusion [21,23] experiments. There is also a higher diffusivity at the boundaries of the placenta in ADC maps potentially reflecting areas with high volumes of maternal blood perfusing into the placenta (Figures 4 and 6). ...
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Purpose: Demonstrating quantitative multi-parametric mapping in the placenta with combined T2*-diffusion MRI at low-field (0.55T). Methods: We present 57 placental MRI scans performed on a commercially available 0.55T scanner. We acquired the images using a combined T2*-diffusion technique scan that simultaneously acquires multiple diffusion preparations and echo times. We processed the data to produce quantitative T2* and diffusivity maps using a combined T2*-ADC model. We compared the derived quantitative parameters across gestation in healthy controls and a cohort of clinical cases. Results: Quantitative parameter maps closely resemble those from previous experiments at higher field strength, with similar trends in T2* and ADC against gestational age observed. Conclusion: Combined T2*-diffusion placental MRI is reliably achievable at 0.55T. The advantages of lower field strength - such as cost, ease of deployment, increased accessibility and patient comfort due to the wider bore, and increased T2* for larger dynamic ranges - can support the widespread roll out of placental MRI as an adjunct to ultrasound during pregnancy.
... So far, MRI in PPROM was limited to volumetric assessment of the brain, 24 lung, 25 and thymus, 26 as well as to the described T * 2 and diffusion techniques in isolation, showing decreased mean T * 2 and ADC. 27 This study presents an efficient multimodal T * 2diffusion acquisition with dedicated multi-compartmental combined diffusion-relaxometry analysis to study differences in placentas affected by PPROM compared to those from control pregnancies. ...
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Purpose Preterm premature rupture of membranes complicates up to 40% of premature deliveries. Fetal infection may occur in the absence of maternal symptoms, delaying diagnosis and increasing morbidity and mortality. A noninvasive antenatal assessment of early signs of placental inflammation is therefore urgently required. Methods Sixteen women with preterm premature rupture of membranes < 34 weeks gestation and 60 women with uncomplicated pregnancies were prospectively recruited. A modified diffusion‐weighted spin‐echo single shot EPI sequence with a diffusion preparation acquiring 264 unique parameter combinations in < 9 min was obtained on a clinical 3 Tesla MRI scanner. The data was fitted to a 2‐compartment T2*$$ {\mathrm{T}}_2^{\ast } $$‐intravoxel incoherent motion model comprising fast and slowly circulating fluid pools to obtain quantitative information on perfusion, density, and tissue composition. Z values were calculated, and correlation with time from between the rupture of membranes and the scan, gestational age at delivery, and time between scan and delivery assessed. Results Placental T2*$$ {\mathrm{T}}_2^{\ast } $$ was significantly reduced in preterm premature rupture of membranes, and the 2‐compartmental model demonstrated that this decline is mainly linked to the perfusion component observed in the placental parenchyma. Multi‐modal MRI measurement of placental function is linked to gestational age at delivery and time from membrane rupture. Conclusion More complex models and data acquisition can potentially improve fitting of the underlying etiology of preterm birth compared with individual single‐contrast models and contribute to additional insights in the future. This will need validation in larger cohorts. A multi‐modal MRI acquisition between rupture of the membranes and delivery can be used to measure placental function and is linked to gestational age at delivery.
... Changes are seen throughout the vasculature ranging from the largest chorionic blood vessels that are considered the framework upon which the entire placental vascular tree is built, down to the smallest capillary blood vessels. [68][69][70][71] This disrupted vasculature is evident in pre-eclampsia, FGR, 72-75 diabetic pregnancies, 76 placenta accreta [77][78][79] , preterm premature rupture of membranes and identical twin pregnancies. [80][81][82] Measurements of the vascular topology and function will help us to model how the placenta is functioning in these critical pathologies. ...
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The placenta is both the literal and metaphorical black box of pregnancy. Measurement of the function of the placenta has the potential to enhance our understanding of this enigmatic organ and serve to support obstetric decision making. Advanced imaging techniques are key to supporting these measurements. This review summarises emerging imaging technology being used to measure the function of the placenta and new developments in the computational analysis of this data. We address three important examples where functional imaging is supporting our understanding of these conditions: fetal growth restriction, placenta accreta, and twin-twin transfusion syndrome.
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Fetal membrane providing mechanical support and immune protection for the growing fetus until it ruptures during parturition. The abnormalities of fetal membrane (thickening, separation, etc.) are related to adverse perinatal outcomes such as premature delivery, fetal deformities and fetal death. As a noninvasive method, imaging methods play an important role in prenatal examination. In this paper, we comprehensively reviewed the manuscripts on fetal membrane imaging method and their potential role in predicting adverse perinatal fetal prognosis. We also discussed the prospect of artificial intelligence in fetal membrane imaging in the future.
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Placental MRI is increasingly implemented in clinical obstetrics and research. Functional imaging, especially T2*, has been shown to vary across gestation and in pathology. Translation into the clinical arena has been slow because of time taken to mask the region of interest and owing to differences in T2* results depending on field strength. This paper contributes methodology to remove these barriers by utilising data from 0.55, 1.5 and 3T MRI to provide a fully automated segmentation tool; determining field strength dependency of placental assessment techniques; and deriving normal ranges for T2* by gestational age but independent of field strength. T2* datasets were acquired across field strengths. Automatic quantification including fully automatic masking was achieved and tested in 270 datasets across fields. Normal curves for quantitative placental mean T2*, volume and other derived measurements were obtained in 273 fetal MRI scans and z-scores calculated. The fully automatic segmentation achieved excellent quantification results (Dice scores of 0.807 at 3T, 0.796 at 1.5T and 0.815 at 0.55T.). Similar changes were seen between placental T2* and gestational age across all three field strengths (p < 0.05). Z-scores were generated. This study provides confidence in the translatability of T2* trends across field strengths in fetal imaging.
Objectives To evaluate changes occurring in the fetal brain prior to very preterm delivery using MRI T2* relaxometry, an indirect assessment of tissue perfusion. Method Fetuses that subsequently delivered spontaneously <32 weeks gestation and a control cohort were identified from pre‐existing datasets. Participants had undergone a 3T MRI assessment including T2* relaxometry of the fetal brain using a 2D multi‐slice gradient echo single shot echo planar imaging sequence. T2* maps were generated, supratentorial brain tissue was manually segmented and mean T2* values were generated. Groups were compared using quadratic regression. Results Twenty five fetuses that subsequently delivered <32 weeks and 67 that delivered at term were included. Mean gestation at MRI was 24.5 weeks (SD 3.3) and 25.4 weeks (SD 3.1) and gestation at delivery 25.5 weeks (SD 3.4) and 39.7 weeks (SD 1.2) in the preterm and term cohorts respectively. Brain mean T2* values were significantly lower in fetuses that subsequently delivered before 32 weeks gestation ( p < 0.001). Conclusion Alterations in brain maturation appear to occur prior to preterm delivery. Further work is required to explore these associations, but these findings suggest a potential window for therapeutic neuroprotective agents in fetuses at high risk of preterm delivery in the future.
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Chorioamnionitis is present in up to 70% of spontaneous preterm births. It is defined as an acute inflammation of the chorion, with or without involvement of the amnion, and is evidence of a maternal immunological response to infection. A fetal inflammatory response can coexist and is diagnosed on placental histopathology postnatally. Fetal inflammatory response syndrome (FIRS) is associated with poorer fetal and neonatal outcomes. The only antenatal diagnostic test is amniocentesis which carries risks of miscarriage or preterm birth. Imaging of the fetal immune system, in particular the thymus and the spleen, and the placenta may give valuable information antenatally regarding the diagnosis of fetal inflammatory response. While ultrasound is largely limited to structural information, MRI can complement this with functional information that may provide insight into the metabolic activities of the fetal immune system and placenta. This review discusses fetal and placental imaging in pregnancies complicated by chorioamnionitis and their potential future use in achieving non‐invasive antenatal diagnosis. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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We have used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to provide important new insights into the function of the human placenta in utero. We have measured slow net flow and high net oxygenation in the placenta in vivo, which are consistent with efficient delivery of oxygen from mother to fetus. Our experimental evidence substantiates previous hypotheses on the effects of spiral artery remodelling in utero and also indicates rapid venous drainage from the placenta, which is important because this outflow has been largely neglected in the past
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Introduction: Infection and inflammation have been implicated in the aetiology and subsequent morbidity associated with preterm birth. At present there are no tests to assess for fetal compartment infection. The thymus, a gland integral in the fetal immune system, has been shown to involute in animal models of antenatal infection, but its response in human fetuses has not been studied. This study aims to: 1) generate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) derived fetal thymus volumes standardized for fetal weight. 2) To compare standardized thymus volumes from fetuses that delivered less than 32 weeks of gestation with fetuses that subsequently deliver at term 3) to assess thymus size as a predictor of preterm birth 4) to correlate the presence of chorioamnionitis and funisitis at delivery with thymic volumes in utero in fetuses that subsequently deliver preterm. Material and methods: Women at high-risk of preterm birth at 20-32 weeks of gestation were recruited. A control group was obtained from existing datasets acquired as part of three research studies. A fetal MRI was performed on a 1.5T or 3T MRI scanner: T2 weighted images were obtained of the entire uterine content and specifically the fetal thorax. A slice-to-volume registration method was used for reconstruction of 3D images of the thorax. Thymus segmentations were performed manually. Body volumes were calculated by manual segmentation and thymus:body volume ratios generated. Comparison of groups was performed using multiple regression analysis. Normal ranges were created for thymus volume and thymus:body volume ratios using the control data. Receiver operating curves (ROC) curves were generated for thymus:body volume ratio and gestation adjusted thymus volume centiles as predictors of PTB. Placental histology was analysed where available from pregnancies that delivered very preterm and the presence of chorioamnionitis/funisitis noted. Results: Normative ranges were created for thymus volume and thymus volume standardized for fetal size from fetuses that subsequently delivered at term, imaged 20-32 weeks gestation. Image datasets from sixteen women that delivered <32 weeks of gestation (ten with ruptured membranes and six with intact membranes) and 80 control women that delivered >37 weeks were included. Mean gestation at MRI of the study group was 28+4 weeks (SD 3.2) and the control group was 25+5 weeks (SD 2.4). Both absolute fetal thymus volumes and thymus:body volume ratios were smaller in fetuses that delivered preterm (p<0.001). Of the sixteen fetuses that delivered preterm thirteen had placental histology: eleven had chorioamnionitis and nine funisitis. The strongest predictors of prematurity were the thymus volume Z-score and thymus:body volume ratio Z-score (ROC areas 0.915 and 0.870 respectively). Conclusions: We have produced MR derived normal ranges for fetal thymus and thymus:body volume ratios between 20 and 32 weeks of gestation. Fetuses that deliver very preterm had reduced thymus volumes when standardized for fetal size. A reduced thymus volume was also a predictor of spontaneous preterm delivery. Thymus volume may be a suitable marker of the fetal inflammatory response although further work is needed to assess this, increasing the sample size to correlate the extent of chorioamnionitis with thymus size.
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Placental dysfunction underlies the cause of pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia. The use of placental magnetic resonance imaging to provide an insight into the pathophysiology of preeclampsia and thus assess its potential use to inform prognosis and clinical management was explored. In this prospective observational cohort study, 14 women with preterm preeclampsia and 48 gestation-matched controls using 3-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging at median of 31.6 weeks (interquartile range [IQR], 28.6-34.6) and 32.2 weeks (IQR, 28.6-33.8), respectively, were imaged. The acquired data included T2-weighted images and T2* maps of the placenta, the latter an indicative measure of placental oxygenation. Placentae in women with preeclampsia demonstrated advanced lobulation, varied lobule sizes, high granularity, and substantial areas of low-signal intensity on T2-weighted imaging, with reduced entire placental mean T2* values for gestational age (2 sample t test, t=7.49) correlating with a reduction in maternal PlGF (placental growth factor) concentrations (Spearman rank correlation coefficient 0.76) and increased lacunarity values (t=3.26). Median mean T2* reduced from 67 ms (IQR, 54-73) at 26.0 to 29.8 weeks' gestation to 38 ms (IQR, 28-40) at 34.0 to 37.9 weeks' gestation in the control group. In women with preeclampsia, median T2* was 23 ms (IQR, 20-23) at 26.0 to 29.8 weeks' gestation and remained low (22 ms [IQR, 20-26] at 34.0-37.8 weeks' gestation). Histological features of maternal vascular malperfusion were only found in placentae from women with preeclampsia. Placental volume did not differ between the control group and women with preeclampsia. Placental magnetic resonance imaging allows both objective quantification of placental function in vivo and elucidation of the complex mechanisms underlying preeclampsia development.
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Acute chorioamnionitis is characterized by neutrophilic infiltration and inflammation at the maternal fetal interface. It is a relatively common complication of pregnancy and can have devastating consequences including preterm labor, maternal infections, fetal infection/inflammation, fetal lung, brain, and gastrointestinal tract injury. In this review, we will discuss current understanding of the pathogenesis, immunobiology, and mechanisms of this condition. Most commonly, acute chorioamnionitis is a result of ascending infection with relatively low-virulence organisms such as the Ureaplasma species. Furthermore, recent vaginal microbiome studies suggest that there is a link between vaginal dysbiosis, vaginal inflammation, and ascending infection. Although less common, microorganisms invading the maternal-fetal interface via hematogenous route (e.g., Zika virus, Cytomegalovirus, and Listeria) can cause placental villitis and severe fetal inflammation and injury. We will provide an overview of the knowledge gleaned from different animal models of acute chorioamnionitis and the role of different immune cells in different maternal-fetal compartments. Lastly, we will discuss how infectious agents can break the maternal tolerance of fetal allograft during pregnancy and highlight the novel future therapeutic approaches.
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Infection and infection-related complications are important causes of death and morbidity following preterm birth. Despite this risk, there is limited understanding of the development of the immune system in those born prematurely, and of how this development is influenced by perinatal factors. Here we prospectively and longitudinally follow a cohort of babies born before 32 weeks of gestation. We demonstrate that preterm babies, including those born extremely prematurely (<28 weeks), are capable of rapidly acquiring some adult levels of immune functionality, in which immune maturation occurs independently of the developing heterogeneous microbiome. By contrast, we observe a reduced percentage of CXCL8-producing T cells, but comparable levels of TNF-producing T cells, from babies exposed to in utero or postnatal infection, which precedes an unstable post-natal clinical course. These data show that rapid immune development is possible in preterm babies, but distinct identifiable differences in functionality may predict subsequent infection mediated outcomes.
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Background: T2* relaxometry has been identified as a non-invasive way to study the placenta in-vivo with good potential to identify placental insufficiency. Typical interpretation links T2* values to oxygen concentrations. This study aimed to comprehensively assess T2* maps as a marker of placental oxygenation in-vivo . Methods : A multi-echo gradient echo echo planar imaging sequence is used in a cohort of 84 healthy pregnant women. Special emphasis is put on spatial analysis: histogram measures, Histogram Asymmetry Measure (HAM) and lacunarity. Influences of maternal, fetal and placental factors and experimental parameters on the proposed measures are evaluated. Results : T2* maps were obtained from each placenta in less than 30sec. The previously reported decreasing trend in mean T2* with gestation was confirmed (3.45 ms decline per week). Factors such as maternal age, BMI, fetal sex, parity, mode of delivery and placental location were shown to be uncorrelated with T2* once corrected for gestational age. Robustness of the obtained values with regard to variation in segmentation and voxel-size were established. The proposed spatially resolved measures reveal a change in T2* in late gestation. Conclusions : T2* mapping is a robust and quick technique allowing quantification of both whole volume and spatial quantification largely independent of confounding factors.
In 4D T2* placental MRI studies, motion correction is generally considered a prerequisite for quantitative analysis. However, the existing approaches use only global spatio-temporal alignment based on the classical 3D nonrigid registration and do not correct inter-slice motion. Alignment of T2* and T2 volumes in one reference space could also address the limitation of low resolution of T2* stacks and allow analysis of finer anatomical features. This work introduces a novel pipeline for motion correction in 4D T2* and 3D T2*+T2 placental MRI datasets based on the deformable slice-to-volume registration (DSVR) method. The pipelines are evaluated on 60 T2* placental MRI datasets.
Infants born preterm are at increased risk of pulmonary morbidity. The contribution of antenatal factors to impairments in lung structure/function has not been fully elucidated. This study aimed to compare standardized lung volumes from foetuses that were delivered <32 weeks’ gestation with foetuses that were delivered >37 weeks. Fourteen women who delivered <32 weeks gestation and 56 women who delivered >37 underwent a foetal MRI. Slice-volume reconstruction was then used and the foetal lungs were then segmented using multi-atlas approaches. Body volumes were calculated by manual segmentation and lung:body volume ratios generated. Mean gestation at MRI of the preterm group was 27⁺² weeks (SD 2.9, range 20⁺⁶–31⁺³) and control group 25⁺³ weeks (SD 4.7 range 20⁺⁵–31⁺⁶). Mean gestation at delivery of the preterm group was 29⁺² weeks (SD 2.6, range 22⁺⁰–32⁺⁰). Lung:body volume ratios and foetal lung volumes were smaller in foetuses that were delivered preterm both with and without preterm premature rupture of membranes compared to those born at term (p < 0.001 in all cases). Foetuses that were delivered very preterm had reduced lung volumes when standardized for foetal size, irrespective of ruptured membranes. These are novel findings and suggest an antenatal aetiology of insult and possible focus for future preventative therapies.
We present a volumetric mesh-based algorithm for flattening the placenta to a canonical template to enable effective visualization of local anatomy and function. Monitoring placental function in vivo promises to support pregnancy assessment and to improve care outcomes. We aim to alleviate visualization and interpretation challenges presented by the shape of the placenta when it is attached to the curved uterine wall. To do so, we flatten the volumetric mesh that captures placental shape to resemble the well-studied ex vivo shape. We formulate our method as a map from the in vivo shape to a flattened template that minimizes the symmetric Dirichlet energy to control distortion throughout the volume. Local injectivity is enforced via constrained line search during gradient descent. We evaluate the proposed method on 28 placenta shapes extracted from MRI images in a clinical study of placental function. We achieve sub-voxel accuracy in mapping the boundary of the placenta to the template while successfully controlling distortion throughout the volume. We illustrate how the resulting mapping of the placenta enhances visualization of placental anatomy and function. Our implementation is freely available at