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Improving Student Learning Outcomes Through Physics Learning Media Using Macromedia Flash



In the process of learning physics, teachers can still not develop ICT-based learning media using Macromedia flash software that is effective and efficient. It is necessary to analyze articles from the results of previous studies to understand the right media for learning physics. This research was conducted to know what types of research have been carried out in the development of physics learning media using Macromedia flash software and to analyze the effect size of the influence of physics learning media using Macromedia flash software in terms of student learning outcomes based on education level, type of media developed and learning materials. The type of research used is a meta-analysis study. The subjects of this research are 21 articles on the development of physics learning media using Macromedia flash software in terms of student learning outcomes that have been tested in class published in 2011-2020. The data used in this study is a quantitative analysis by calculating the effect size using statistical parameters. The result of the research is that the best effectiveness of physics learning media using Macromedia flash software in terms of student learning outcomes based on education level is in Higher Education. The best effectiveness of the media in terms of student learning outcomes based on the type of media developed is multimedia. The best effectiveness of physics learning media in student learning outcomes based on learning materials is on motion material. It can be concluded that Multimedia that uses Macromedia flash software is a medium that can help students in learning.
Journal of Education Technology
Volume 5, Number 3, 2021 pp. 491-500
P-ISSN: 2549-4856 E-ISSN : 2549-8290
Open Access:
* Corresponding Author: Rini Amelia: 491
Improving Student Learning Outcomes Through Physics
Learning Media Using Macromedia Flash
Rini Amelia1*, Ummi Salamah2, M Abrar3, Desnita4, Usmeldi5
1 Guru SMA N 2 Painan, Kab. Pesisisr Selatan, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
2,3,4,5 Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Fisika, FMIPA Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia
Dalam proses pembelajaran fisika, guru masih belum mampu mengembangkan
media pembelajaran berbasis ICT menggunakan software macromedia flash yang
efektif dan efisien. Perlu dilakukan analisis artikel dari hasil-hasil penelitian
terdahulu untuk memahami media yang tepat untuk pembelajaran fisika. Penelitian
ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui jenis penelitian apa saja yang telah
dilakukan dalam pengembangan media pembelajaran fisika mengunakan sofware
macromedia flash dan untuk menganalisis effect size pengaruh media pembelajaran
fisika mengunakan software macromedia flash ditinjau dari hasil belajar peserta
didik berdasarkan tingkatan pendidikan, jenis media yang dikembangkan dan materi
pembelajaran. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian meta-analisis.
Subjek penelitian ini yaitu 21 artikel tentang pengembangan media pembelajaran
fisika mengunakan software macromedia flash ditinjau dari hasil belajar peserta
didik yang telah diujicobakan di kelas terbitan tahun 2011-2020. Analisis data yang
digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis kuantitatif dengan menghitung effect
size menggunakan parameter statistik. Hasil penelitian yaitu efektivitas terbaik
media pembelajaran fisika mengunakan software macromedia flash ditinjau dari
hasil belajar peserta didik berdasarkan tingkatan pendidikan adalah pada
Perguruan Tinggi. Efektivitas terbaik media ditinjau dari hasil belajar peserta didik
berdasarkan jenis media yang dikembangkan adalah multimedia. Efektivitas terbaik
media pembelajaran fisika ditinjau dari hasil belajar peserta didik berdasarkan
materi pembelajaran adalah pada materi gerak. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa media
pembelajaran yang menggunakan software macromedia flash merupakan media
yang dapat membanti siswa dalam belajar.
In the process of learning physics, teachers can still not develop ICT-based learning media using Macromedia flash software
that is effective and efficient. It is necessary to analyze articles from the results of previous studies to understand the right
media for learning physics. This research was conducted to know what types of research have been carried out in the
development of physics learning media using Macromedia flash software and to analyze the effect size of the influence of
physics learning media using Macromedia flash software in terms of student learning outcomes based on education level,
type of media developed and learning materials. The type of research used is a meta-analysis study. The subjects of this
research are 21 articles on the development of physics learning media using Macromedia flash software in terms of student
learning outcomes that have been tested in class published in 2011-2020. The data used in this study is a quantitative analysis
by calculating the effect size using statistical parameters. The result of the research is that the best effectiveness of physics
learning media using Macromedia flash software in terms of student learning outcomes based on education level is in Higher
Education. The best effectiveness of the media in terms of student learning outcomes based on the type of media developed is
multimedia. The best effectiveness of physics learning media in student learning outcomes based on learning materials is on
motion material. It can be concluded that Multimedia that uses Macromedia flash software is a medium that can help students
in learning.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Copyright © 2021 by Author. Published by Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.
The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is synonymous with the rapid development of information and
communication technology (ICT) (Chin & Wang, 2021; Lange et al., 2020; Rajagukguk & Simanjuntak, 2015).
The development of ICT provides many conveniences and becomes a new way for humans to carry out activities
(Heemskerk et al., 2012; Nursamsu & Kusnafizal, 2017). For example, in sending money, just by pressing a few
Article history:
Received June 04, 2021
Revised June 08, 2021
Accepted August 02, 2021
Available online August 25, 2021
Kata Kunci:
Macromedia Flash, Multimedi,
Hasil Belajar Fisika
Macromedia flash, Learning
Media, Physics Learning
Rini Amelia1, Ummi Salamah2, M Abrar3, Desnita4, Usmeldi5 (2021). Journal of Education Technology. Vol. 5(3) PP. 491-500
p-ISSN : 2549-4856, e-ISSN : 2549-8290 492
digits of the value of the money to be sent and a few digits of the destination account number, the money moves
from one account to another. Advances in ICT have now provided a lot of convenience and comfort for human
life, especially in education (Anwariningsih & Ernawati, 2013; Lawrence & Tar, 2018). One of the roles of ICT
for education is the availability of facilities that can be used to carry out unidirectional or interactive learning.
The use of ICT in education is proliferating. Therefore it requires updates to keep up with these developments
(Arrosagaray et al., 2019; Baya’a et al., 2019). In updating following the development of ICT in the education
process, teachers play an essential role because teachers are the main actors in education. Teachers must have the
skills to utilize ICT in learning activities by developing interactive learning media (Arrosagaray et al., 2019;
Baya’a et al., 2019; Kim et al., 2020).
Preliminary studies have been carried out in this study by analyzing several articles related to the
development of physics learning media. Based on the initial study, it is found that the reality is different between
ideal conditions and conditions in the field. The first actual condition is that students' learning achievement in
physics subjects is still low compared to other subjects (Ariani, 2020; Gunawan et al., 2017; Saprudin et al.,
2020). The second actual condition in the physics learning process is that most students seem less interested, less
enthusiastic, and passive (Putri, I & Sibuca, A, 2014; Rozi & Kristari, 2020). The third actual condition is that
not many teachers use ICT media. Even the lecture method is still quite popular in the learning process (Astuti et
al., 2017; Damanik & Tanjung, 2013; Siti Hadizah et al., 2021). The identification results obtained that one of
the causes of the above problems is that the learning media used by teachers in the physics learning process is
not appropriate so that learning has not been able to generate student learning motivation optimally. Teachers
can still not develop effective and efficient learning media (Manurung & Panggabean, 2020; Surata et al., 2020).
Teachers have not optimally used ICT learning media, so many students are less interested and do not
understand what the teacher has conveyed. As a result, student learning outcomes have not been maximized.
Teachers still use limited interactive media in the learning process, resulting in low student learning outcomes
(Dasril & Usmeldi, 2020; Fauyan, 2019).
Based on the causes of the problems above, the solution offered is exciting and interactive learning
media in learning physics. Considering that physics is a relatively abstract concept, it is necessary to use ICT
media based on Macromedia flash software to facilitate students' absorption of physics material (Viajayani et al.,
2013). ICT media can overcome abstract physics learning problems by displaying images in animations and
videos (Suseno, 2015). ICT learning media can also make abstract concepts concrete with static visualization and
dynamic visualization (Syefrinando, 2016). ICT media is beneficial in facilitating the delivery of abstract
messages in the form of an attractive and interactive website. One of the subjects known for its abstract concepts
in physics. Physics laws and concepts are abstract, so they become obstacles for teachers in delivering material
to students (Astuti et al., 2017; Mufit et al., 2020). Not all physics concepts can be experimented with in the
laboratory because they are abstract (Viajayani et al., 2013). Therefore, teachers must develop and use
appropriate ICT media so that physics learning in the classroom becomes exciting and provides an accurate and
deep understanding.
Building an ICT learning media requires software to increase students' motivation and enthusiasm to
learn and understand the physical symptoms of abstract concepts (Changwong et al., 2018; Haryadi & Pujiastuti,
2020). Making learning media with software applications is expected to increase students' interest and
motivation to learn, further affecting student learning outcomes (Kurniawati et al, 2016). Engaging learning
media such as flash software can generate interest in learning to improve student learning outcomes (Sakti et al.,
2012; Salim et al., 2011). One of the software that can be used to develop ICT-based physics learning media is
Macromedia flash software. Macromedia flash software is one of the software that can create digital and
interactive learning media. Macromedia Flash is one of the application programs used to design animations
widely used today. One of the research results related to Macromedia flash software is applying physics learning
media using Macromedia Flash to create interactive multimedia that can improve student learning outcomes
(Fakhri & Bektiarso, 2018; Gómez et al., 2011).
Macromedia Flash is multimedia that can create videos, animations, images, and sounds quickly and
effectively (Fakhri & Bektiarso, 2018). Media development using Macromedia flash software in physics learning
makes abstract material concrete, making objects in applications more interactive to attract the attention and
interest of students in the learning process. The advantages of using Macromedia flash media include animation,
and the resulting images are very consistent and flexible. Image quality is maintained; program emergence time
is relatively fast; the resulting interactive program; easy to create animations; can be integrated with several
other programs; the final result can be stored in various forms, and can be used to make short films, and
presentations (Haeruddin, 2017).
Previous research stated that interactive multimedia is effectively used to facilitate students ' learning
(Knoop-van Campen et al., 2020; Prasetyo et al., 2020). Other studies also state that multimedia will increase
students' enthusiasm for learning (Indah Septiani et al., 2020; Khan & Masood, 2015). Other findings also state
that learning media in multimedia will improve student learning outcomes (Daniels & Gierl, 2017; Mayer,
Rini Amelia1, Ummi Salamah2, M Abrar3, Desnita4, Usmeldi5 (2021). Journal of Education Technology. Vol. 5(3) PP. 491-500
Improving Student Learning Outcomes Through Physics Learning Media Using Macromedia Flash 493
2012). Previous research studies discussing physics learning media using Macromedia flash software have been
widely tested in the classroom and published in ISSN national and sinta accredited journals. Therefore, it is
necessary to summarize, compare and analyze the results of these studies. So that they can understand the
suitable media in learning physics and better suggestions for future research, based on this, researchers are
interested in conducting research using the meta-analysis method with the title "Meta-analysis of physics
learning media usinMacromediaia flash software." The purpose of this study was to analyze physics learning
media using Macromedia flash software in terms of student learning outcomes based on the type of research
method used, level of education, type of media, and material used as content in the media under study.
This study uses a meta-analysis method that examines several research results in similar problems
regarding physics learning media using Macromedia flash software in terms of student learning outcomes. Meta-
analysis is quantitative because it uses numerical calculations and statistics for practical purposes, namely to
compile and extract information from so much data that is not possible with other methods (Fajrin, 2018). The
data collection technique for this research is to collect research articles that discuss physics learning media using
Macromedia flash software for the last ten years that have been tested in class and published in national journals
with ISSNsummarizing research article data in the form of research variables, research objectives, type of
research, education level, material and statistical data that can be used. The research sample was taken using a
purposive sampling technique, a non-random technique to obtain data or information by the research theme. The
sample consists of 21 articles on physics learning media using Macromedia flash software published in 2011-
2020. Articles come from various sources such as national journals with ISSN, sinta accredited national journals,
national journals with ISBN, and IOP Publishing, International Conference of Technology and Education. The
articles used must have several criteria to be analyzed, namely having variables that can be used to calculate the
effect size. The variables are articles with the average post-test and pretest values, standard deviation, the
average of the experimental and control groups, the average post-test of the experimental and control groups, and
the average pretest, the standard deviation of the experimental and control groups. T test results, number of
experimental and control groups, and correlation values. The use of each variable based on the data contained in
the article is adjusted to the effect size formula. The distribution of 21 research subject articles can be seen in
Table 1.
Table 1. Distribution of Article Sample
Types of Research
Types of Media
Damanik & Tanjung (2013)
Quasi Eksperimen
Animation media
Salim et al., (2011)
Penelitian Tindakan
Ratna & Dewi (2017)
Quasi Eksperimen
Sakti et al., (2012)
Quasi Eksperimen
Siagian, Y & Siagian (2017)
Quasi Eksperimen
Animation media
(Marnita & Ernawati, 2017)
Quasi Eksperimen
Turnip & Panggabean, J
Quasi Eksperimen
Animation media
Tampubolon et al. (2020)
Quasi Eksperimen
Animation media
Anggereni &
Khairurradzikin (2016)
Quasi Eksperimen
Animation media
Ika, Y (2018)
Quasi Eksperimen
Animation media
Nopianti et al. (2019)
Quasi Eksperimen
Animation media
Sare, Y & Budhi (2018)
Quasi Eksperimen
Animation media
Siregar et al. (2019)
Quasi Eksperimen
Animation media
Abbas, M, L (2019)
Quasi Eksperimen
Animation media
Fartina et al. (2019)
Research and
Animation media
Fakhri & Bektiarso (2018)
True Eksperimen
Animation media
(Saputra & Sari, 2018)
Animation media
Elfina, Maria, & Flash
Learning Media
Rini Amelia1, Ummi Salamah2, M Abrar3, Desnita4, Usmeldi5 (2021). Journal of Education Technology. Vol. 5(3) PP. 491-500
p-ISSN : 2549-4856, e-ISSN : 2549-8290 494
Types of Research
Types of Media
Sastria et al. (2013)
Learning Media
Thahir et al. (2019)
Quasi Eksperimen
Animation media
Usmeldi (2012)
Quasi Eksperimen
Learning Media
The steps of data analysis are; (1) identify the type of research and the research variables that have been
found, are included in the appropriate variable column, (2) identify the mean and standard deviation of the
experimental group data/before treatment and control group/after treatment for each subject/sub-study that trials
have been carried out, (3) identify t-tests for each subject/sub research that have been tested, (4) calculate effect
size (ES) using statistical parameters, (5) analyze effect size (ES) from the results of collecting research articles,
and (6) conclude the results of data analysis. After the effect size is calculated based on the appropriate formula,
then the effect size is categorized by the effect size criteria according to Diancer in Table 2.
Table 2. Criteria for Effect Size (ES)
ES ≤ 0,15
Very low
0,15< ES ≤ 0,40
0,40< ES ≤ 0,75
0,75< ES ≤ 1,10
ES >1,10
Very high
(Olejnik & Algina, 2003)
The first result of this research is the type of research that has been done by previous researchers in
the development of physics learning media using Macromedia flash software. Based on data analysis, it was
found that 71% of articles on physics learning media used Macromedia flash software using a quasi-
experimental method. The research that has been entered as a journal article is quasi-experimental research
that tests the effectiveness of physics learning media using Macromedia flash software in terms of student
learning outcomes. In addition, 14% of the research is a pre-experimental design research that tests the
effectiveness of physics learning media. The rest are actual experiments, R & D as much as 5%, and PTK as
much as 5%.
Research on physics learning media using Macromedia flash software uses more quasi-experimental
methods because this method can analyze the effectiveness of physics learning media using Macromedia flash
software in terms of student learning outcomes (Gunawam et al., 2015). In addition, this method can assess the
effect of an action on behavior or test whether there is an effect of the action. The action in the experiment is
called treatment which means giving conditions that will be assessed for their effect pengaruhnya (Gunawam
et al., 2015; Umam & Yudi, 2016). This treatment is given in the form of learning media using Macromedia
flash software. This is in line with previous research, which determined how much influence the problem-
based learning model assisted by Macromedia flash had on student learning outcomes on the subject matter of
static fluids in the X-MIA class of MAN Binjai (Sulani et al., 2020). The research he conducted using a quasi-
experimental method showed that student learning outcomes were classified as very good, with an average of
81.87. The results of this study provide input to the next researcher to research physics learning media with a
quasi-experimental method with better testing. The results of these two studies are the effect size (ES) of
physics learning media using Macromedia flash software in terms of student learning outcomes based on the
level of education presented in table 3.
Table Three shows that research on physics learning media using Macromedia flash software in terms of
student learning outcomes is mainly carried out at the SMA/MA level, namely 57%, followed by research at the
SMP/MTs level as much as 24%, followed by research at the SMK level as much as 9.5%, and research at the
university level as much as 9.5%. The results of the analysis of the effect size of physics learning media using
Macromedia flash software in terms of physics learning outcomes based on education level found that the effect
size was very high in universities with an average value of 2.79. The effect size is high at the junior high school
level, with an average value of 0.89. The effect size is moderate at the SMA and SMK levels, with an average
value of 0.74 and 0.45, respectively. This shows that physics learning media using Macromedia flash software is
effective in improving student learning outcomes at the level of junior high school and equivalent, high school
equivalent, vocational school, and university.
Rini Amelia1, Ummi Salamah2, M Abrar3, Desnita4, Usmeldi5 (2021). Journal of Education Technology. Vol. 5(3) PP. 491-500
Improving Student Learning Outcomes Through Physics Learning Media Using Macromedia Flash 495
Table 3. Distribution of Education Levels
Education Level
Frequency Relative
Very high
Physics learning media using Macromedia flash software in universities can improve students'
understanding of concepts. This is in line with previous research on physics learning using Macromedia flash-
MX animation media and images to improve students' understanding of concepts (Yuliani, 2017). The results of
his research show that there is an increase in understanding of concepts in quantum physics learning by using
Macromedia Flash - MX animation media. This is because physics learning media using Macromedia flash
software in universities can stimulate students' thoughts, feelings, interests, and attention in such a way that the
learning process can be more optimal and students can learn independently (Gunawan et al., 2015; Usmeldi,
2012). Physics learning media using Macromedia flash software can visualize abstract material into concrete so
that it can help students understand physics learning material in universities (Viajayani, et all, 2013; Yuliani,
2017). Based on the description above, the results of this study indicate that physics learning media using
Macromedia flash software at the higher education level (PT) is effectively used. Research on physics learning
media using Macromedia flash software at the education level of SMA, SMK, and SMP/MTs, needs to do a
more in-depth needs analysis so that the media used is genuinely compelling. The results of these three studies
are the effect size (ES) of physics learning media using Macromedia flash software in terms of student learning
outcomes based on the type of media developed, which is presented in table 4.
Table 4. Distribution of Media Types
Media Type
Relative Frequency (%)
Animation Media
Very high
Learning Media
Based on table 4, the average effect size of the media types from the articles analyzed consists of the
medium, high, and very high categories. The type of learning media is in the medium category with an average
effect size of 0.69, the type of animation media is in the high category with an average effect size of 0.77, while
the type of multimedia media is in the very high category with an average effect size of 1.98. . This proves that
physics learning media using Macromedia flash software in terms of physics learning outcomes has a significant
effect. This is because physics learning media using Macromedia flash software can increase student activity
during learning. As was done by researchers in their research to determine how much influence the discovery
learning model assisted by Macromedia flash animation media on the activities of students on pressure material
at SMP N 1 Suhaid, obtained an effect size of 1.19 in the very high category. His research shows that the
activities of students during learning are classified as very good with a percentage of 95% - 100% (Saputra,
2018). This is because using Macromedia flash animation media can improve the quality of learning, both
students' learning motivation, student learning outcomes, or teaching activities in the classroom (Margareta &
Wahyuno, 2014; Handhika J, 2012; Siagian, Y, & Siagian, H, 2017). It can also increase the curiosity of students
and stimulate students to react physically and emotionally.
The type of multimedia using Macromedia flash software has a very high influence on student learning
outcomes, with an average effect size of 1.98. This is because using multimedia using Macromedia flash
software can remediate students' misconceptions. Previous research also used spreadsheet-assisted Macromedia
flash, one of the computer-assisted instruction learning media, to perform simulations in learning. This study
obtained an effect size of 1.2 in the very high category (Elfina, Maria, & Hamdani, 2017). Using Macromedia
flash in Elfina's research can help students see abstract concepts that look like actual processes. Students can
manipulate data, collect, analyze data, and draw conclusions through the simulation because Macromedia flash
can visualize abstract concepts. The advantage of Macromedia Flash is that it can create animations,
presentations, and simulations from one form to another, which is then moved by following a predetermined path
(Fitria et al., 2016; Siagian & Simatupang, 2017). Simulation results that are contrary to students' initial ideas, if
carried out repeatedly, will eventually result in a change in the concept of students (Paul, 2013). The results of
Rini Amelia1, Ummi Salamah2, M Abrar3, Desnita4, Usmeldi5 (2021). Journal of Education Technology. Vol. 5(3) PP. 491-500
p-ISSN : 2549-4856, e-ISSN : 2549-8290 496
these four studies are the effect size (ES) of physics learning media using macromedia flash software in terms of
student learning outcomes based on the learning materials presented in table 5.
Table 5. Material Distribution
Relative Frequency (%)
Suhu dan kalor
Besaran dan satuan
Momentum dan
Fluida statis
Hukum newton
Sangat Tinggi
Listrik dinamis
Sangat Tinggi
Gerak lurus
Very Low
Tekanan zat cair
Very high
Medan Magnet
Very Low
The analyzed media types were 14 topics of learning material, as shown in Table 7 above. Based on
the data obtained, the average effect size value is in the very low to very high category. The physics materials
that fall into the very low category are straight motion and magnetic fields; low category, style, and light
material. Furthermore, that are included in the medium category are temperature and heat, momentum and
impulse, dynamic electricity, and measurement. Then the materials whose effect size is in the high category
are quantities and units, static fluid, and pressure. Effect size in the very high category is Newton's law of
motion and the pressure of liquids. The highest effect size is shown in multimedia with motion material, which
is 3.82. This type of multimedia media makes it easy for students to learn individually or in groups, makes it
easy for teachers to deliver material, increases students' motivation and learning outcomes (Sunarti &
Anggraini, 2013; Faizah, et all, 2020). Multimedia can reduce the saturation of students because the learning
process is carried out by most students interactively (Abendroth & Richter, 2021; Choi et al., 2019). Based on
the description above, it can be concluded that multimedia is the most effective learning media. Multimedia
can then be developed in multimedia to increase students' motivation and critical thinking skills (Rante, et all,
2013; Marnita & Ermawati, 2017). Research on physics learning media using Macromedia flash software on
the types of learning media and animation media needs to do a more in-depth analysis of needs so that the
media used is genuinely effective.
Physics learning media using Macromedia flash software with motion material is developed in the form
of learning media that makes it easier for students to master concepts and assist educators in communicating with
students and even able to package material to be more explicit, complete, and interesting for students (Saputra &
Sari, 2018, Martina & Ernawati, 2017). The process of learning physics focuses on concepts and the relationship
between abstract concepts. The characteristics of some abstract concepts in physics cause difficulties in
visualizing and conveying concepts to students (Gunawan et al., 2015; Tampubolon, et all, 2020). This difficulty
is then overcome by using physics learning media (Lia, 2015). So that learning media become teaching aids that
can motivate students to be creative and construct their knowledge and concrete abstract concepts (Handhika,
2012; Rante et al., 2013).
The best effectiveness of physics learning media using Macromedia flash software in terms of student
learning outcomes based on education level is in Higher Education. The best effectiveness of physics learning
media using Macromedia flash software in terms of student learning outcomes based on the type of media
developed is multimedia. The best effectiveness of physics learning media using Macromedia flash software in
terms of student learning outcomes based on learning material is motion material. It can be concluded that
learning media using Macromedia flash software is a medium that can help students in learning.
Rini Amelia1, Ummi Salamah2, M Abrar3, Desnita4, Usmeldi5 (2021). Journal of Education Technology. Vol. 5(3) PP. 491-500
Improving Student Learning Outcomes Through Physics Learning Media Using Macromedia Flash 497
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... According to Amelia et al. (2021), Learning using media has a positive impact, namely clarifying the message conveyed, finding solutions to limited space, time, and sensory power, and generating learning motivation (Ariyanto, Kristiyanto, & Nugroho, 2021). There is direct interaction between students and learning resources (Ekayana, Putra, & Destiansyah, 2022). ...
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The digital era triggers innovation in the learning process where currently, students prefer to find and learn learning resources through the internet/online technology. Microlearning-oriented explainer video media is one solution to accommodate changes in the current way of learning. This research aims to develop and implement microlearning-oriented explainer videos in robotics courses in higher education on a limited scale. The research used the Plomp development model to create explainer videos. The resulting explainer video media is tested for validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The results revealed that the explainer video media that had been developed got excellent results in the aspects of validity and practicality, while the results of testing the effectiveness of the media in the classroom and tested statistically that there were differences in learning achievement between before and after using explainer video media in robotics learning materials. Increased learning achievement of robotics learning materials is evidence of increased student activity and enthusiasm in learning so that learning outcomes can be fulfilled.
... about a certain material. Even more, learning science in the field requires special consideration in terms of implementation because an efficient learning process produces the best learning outcomes [35], [36]. ...
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span lang="EN-US">Technology in education encourages more effective learning facilitation processes. The lack of variation and innovation in the use of technology used in the form of learning media as a means of supporting learning activities raises many new problems for educational institutions. This research aims to identify the need to create innovations in the implementation of science learning, whose research focus is to analyze the needs for developing smartphone-based innovative augmented reality (AR) learning media. This research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Teachers and students of junior high schools in Surakarta became the subject of this research. The results showed that students were less focused and unmotivated when participating in the learning process. In addition, the use of learning media is still conventional and not interactive, even though currently all students have smartphones. Based on field facts, the media used by teachers still tends to be conventional, and the majority of students have technological devices such as smartphones, there is great potential for developing innovative technology-based learning media. Smartphone ownership and the lack of interactive learning media are important foundations in innovating the development of smartphone-based augmented reality.</span
... Learning innovation in the digital era as it is today can actually be realized through the development and use of learning media, such as the integration of smartphone use, computer use, and internet use into the learning process as described and proposed in the previous paragraph regarding multimedia learning (Amelia et al., 2021;Dewi et al., 2019;Perdana et al., 2021;Saputri et al., 2020). The integration of ICT into the learning process comes with the consideration that currently students are very familiar with technology, such as smartphones, computers and even internet networks (L. ...
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An effective learning process cannot be separated from various supporting factors, one of which is the use and support of technology during the learning process. Therefore, this research aims to identify the need for digital media in interactive media formats to support learning in vocational high schools. This research method is included in quantitative research with the type deskriptive, using non-test data collection techniques in the form of a questionnaire as the research instrument. The subjects of this research are vocational high school students majoring in electrical power installation engineering, totaling 36 students. The data analysis technique used is descriptive by converting student responses into percentages. From the research results, information was obtained that so far teachers are still comfortable with the lecture and discussion method, while in the context of using learning media, teachers still tend to consistently use printed modules and printed material books. The use of ICT tools by teachers is very minimal, even though almost 72.2% of students have been able to operate computers and are quite familiar with digital technologies. Through this research, information was also obtained that most students agree with the innovation of ICT-based learning media in the format interactive media to support learning which so far has very minimal application and integration of ICT. This research is expected to provide new insights regarding the importance of identifying what students need in order to improve the quality of education.
... The combination of several media, which are packaged in one form of multimedia, is very effective in clarifying the delivery of the content or meaning of the given concept. The role of multimedia is able to provoke students' interest and understanding of the concepts described (Amelia et al., 2021;Meyer et al., 2019;Mustaqim, 2016). The ability of the media if applied in learning activities effectively can function as a channel for messages from teachers to students (Handayani & Koeswanti, 2021;Yuniarni et al., 2019). ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan efektivitas antara Multimedia IPA berbasis kearifan lokal Keris dengan Multimedia konvensional. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi experimental design dengan menggunakan teknik nonequivalent control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Pangudi Luhur Moyudan, dengan kelas VIIA ditetapkan sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VIIC sebagai kelas kontrol. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis independent sample t test. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa soal tes pemahaman konsep. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan efektivitas antara M-Keris dan Multimedia konvensional terhadap pemahaman konsep siswa kelas VII SMP Pangudi Luhur Moyudan berdasarkan hasil analisis yang menunjukan besar nilai Sig. (2-tailed) pada uji independent sample t test adalah 0,018 < 0,05.
Banyak guru yang tidak melakukan dan memahami langkah-langkah pemilihan media tersebut secara baik dalam pembelajaran. Banyak guru yang masih berpusat pada dirinya atau papan tulis sebagi satu-satunya media dan sumber belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan E-modul interaktif agama hindu dengan model 4-D untuk siswa kelas V SD. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan model pengembangan 4-D. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini adalah data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode wawancara, pencatatan dokumen, dan kuesioner. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian dari ahli isi mata pelajaran menunjukkan E-Modul Agama Hindu berpredikat sangat baik (100%), hasil review ahli media pembelajaran E-Modul menunjukkan produk berpredikat baik (87%), hasil review ahli desain pembelajaran menunjukkan E-Modul Agama Hindu berpredikat cukup (68%), hasil uji perorangan menunjukkan E-Modul berpredikat sangat baik (92,3%), hasil uji kelompok kecil menunjukkan E-Modul berpredikat sangat baik (93,58%). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa E-Modul dalam mata pelajaran Agama Hindu terbukti memiliki kualitas yang baik dalam pembelajaran Agama Hindu. Implikasi penelitian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan minat belajar siswa dan dapat membantu guru dalam menyampaikan materi.
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In the sub-field of mechanics, the concept of momentum and impulse is one of the materials in physics that experiences many misconceptions. As is well known, various methods have been applied to support learning for Impulse and Momentum material. This review aims to analyze the various application of learning methods. 30 scientific journals conducted reviews. The method used by the author in this study is to use some of the literature related to the title of this study. This review’s results will help readers find out what kind of method is appropriate for learning. Abstrak Di dalam subbidang mekanika, konsep momentum dan impuls merupakan salah satu materi fisika yang cukup banyak mengalami miskonsepsi. Seperti yang sudah diketahui, telah banyak diterapkan berbagai metode yang menunjang pembelajaran untuk materi Impuls dan Momentum. Tujuan dari review ini adalah untuk menganalisis berbagai penerapan metode pembelajaran. Review yang dilakukan sebanyak 30 jurnal ilmiah. Metode yang digunakan penulis dalam kajian ini yaitu dengan menggunakan beberapa literatur yang berkaitan dengan judul kajian ini. Hasil dari review ini akan membantu pembaca untuk mengetahui metode seperti apa yang tepat untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran.
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Kurangnya pemahaman materi siswa dalam proses pembelajaran memberikan dampak pada hasil belajar siswa. Guru hanya terpaku pada satu sumber buku ajar, sehingga siswa kesulitan dalam memahami materi yang bersifat abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan multimedia interaktif bermuatan game tebak kata tentang materi system reproduksi pada manusia untuk peserta didik kelas XI SMA. Pengembangan media dalam penelitian menggunakan model Instructional Development Institute (IDI). Metode pengumpulan data penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara, metode kuisioner dan instrumen skala likert. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis data dengan statistik deskriptif meliputi analisis validitas dan praktikalitas. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu hasil perhitungan rata-rata skor uji validitas diperoleh hasil bahwa rata-rata validitas yaitu 86,19% dengan kriteria valid. Hasil uji praktikalitas terhadap multimedia interaktif bermuatan game tebak kata oleh guru adalah 93,85% dengan kriteria sangat praktis dan peserta didik 90,57% dengan kriteria sangat praktis, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa multimedia interaktif bermuatan game tebak kata dapat digunakan sebagai satu diantara media pendukung pada pembelajaran untuk materi sistem reproduksi pada manusia. Implikasi penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu siswa dalam proses pembelajaran dan guru dapat menggunakan multimedia interaktif bermuatan game tebak kata pada proses pembelajaran.
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Information and communication technology is an important part of the implementation of learning activities. It can be seen through ICT that the implementation of learning can take place dynamically and can be carried out at any time, regardless of space and time. Therefore, ICT is considered necessary to be optimized as an integral part of the learning process in an effort to implement the transformation of ICT-based education to meet the needs of students. This study aims to describe the form of educational transformation by optimizing the use of ICT-based learning media. This study uses a literature study technique with data sources, namely various relevant literature on educational transformation, ICT-based learning media, and 21st-century competencies sourced from books and scientific articles. The results of the study indicate that one of the efforts to support and succeed in the transformation of education can be made through the use of various ICT tools in learning, be it primary, secondary, or even tertiary education. This optimization is considered necessary considering that the impact tends to lead to supporting facilities in order to achieve 21st-century learning goals and competencies. Through the results of this research, it is hoped that it will serve as a basis for educators and policymakers to not hesitate in optimizing ICT for teaching and learning activities.
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In this study, we proposed an augmented reality- (AR-) based mobile touring system for an authentic learning activity, which enables students to observe and learn key information regarding cultural heritage sites. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed system, we conducted an experiment in a cultural heritage course at a Taiwanese university. A total of 72 students were divided into two groups and randomly assigned to an experimental group who learned with the AR-based mobile touring system and a control group who learned with a conventional mobile touring system. The experimental results show that the AR-based mobile touring system significantly improved the students’ memorising dimension of learning achievement, as compared with a conventional mobile touring system. Moreover, the positive impact of the proposed system on students’ actualised interest and task-based interest factors provide a particularly encouraging result for outdoor experiences. These experimental results also suggest the potential of AR technology to increase students’ learning interest and improve their learning achievements in outdoor settings. Therefore, we suggest that, when applying an AR-based mobile touring system in authentic learning activities, AR virtual objects should be designed appropriately, in order that the content recall performance and learning interest are enhanced. Implications for practice or policy: Teachers may need to consider using an AR-based mobile touring system for outdoor learning activities. First-year student learning achievements and interest can be improved by an AR-based mobile touring system. First-year student learning performance and interest can be improved by AR technology. The usefulness of AR technology can be proved through a comparison of experimental designs.
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Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang dilakukan di SMAN 1 Tuungagung yang bertujuan untuk : Mengetahui langkah-langkah pengembangan aplikasi game edukasi berbasis android, dan Mengetahui tingkat kelayakan game edukasi berbsis android yang dibuat. Penelitian pengembangan ini dibuat dengan menggunakan model Prototype, yakni Mendengarkan pelanggan, Merancang dan membuat Prototype, Uji Coba Prototype. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IPA SMAN 1 Tulungagung. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Instrumen pada pengujian produk ini didasari pada empat tahap pengujian berdasarkan aspek functional suitability, portability, usability dan performance efficiency yang sesuai dengan ISO 25010.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Persentase kelayakan nilai rata-rata pada pengujian suitability ahli media 100% yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak dan ahli materi 98% yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak. Pada pengujian portability aplikasi game edukasi yang telah dikembangkan dapat di install dan uninstall diberbagai versi OS. Pada pengujian usability mendapat 81% yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak. Pada pengujian performance efficiency aplikasi game fisika ini tidak memakan memori dan CPU yang besar sehingga tidak mengganggu kinerja aplikasi lain
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Prior beliefs often bias the comprehension of multiple science-related texts such that belief-consistent texts are better comprehended compared to belief-inconsistent texts (text-belief consistency effect). Two experiments were conducted to investigate whether a metacognitive strategy training focusing on belief-biasing validation processes can reduce the text-belief consistency effect in multiple text comprehension. Participants in the control condition received the PQ4R training as a well-situated and effective reading skill training that increases receptive elaborative processing. In Experiment 1 (n = 39) and Experiment 2 (n = 53) participants receiving a metacognitive strategy training achieved a similar level of comprehension of belief-consistent and belief-inconsistent texts, whereas a text-belief consistency effect was found in the PQ4R condition. These results indicate that a training focusing on belief-biasing validation processes prepare readers for the challenges to comprehend belief-relevant multiple texts, whereas strategies that foster receptive processing of information are not sufficient in the context of controversially discussed topics.
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This study aims to determine the proportion of students' level of critical thinking skills on the subject of Impulse and Momentum, any difficulties experienced by students to reach the level of critical thinking skills, and solutions to overcome the difficulties of students achieving critical thinking skills. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The subjects of this study were 27 students taken by purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this study are tests of critical thinking skills, interviews, and observation. Data analysis techniques using descriptive statistics. The results showed that each student's ability, high ability students 36.84%, medium ability 34.50%, low ability 22.80% divided into two categories of KBK 2 with a percentage of 52.63% and KBK 1 with a percentage of 23, 94%. From the results of the study also obtained the achievement of students every KBK indicator. Student achievement in the Interpretation indicator of 51.58% Analysis 18.75% Evaluation 13.87% Inference 31.48% Explication 14.19% and Self Regulation 26.85%. So KBK students as a whole are in the low category with a percentage of 31.38%. The cause of students 'difficulties in fulfilling CBC indicators is the limited ability of students to formulate and find other alternatives, the completion of students' answers is difficult to draw conclusions and connect substance between materials, and has not been studied in depth so students tend to be careless in solving problems. The solution that can be used is to provide more experience to students in terms of critical thinking skills and additional learning outside school hours.
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The development of information technology rapidly has an impact on the changing paradigm of education. On the other hand, education holds an important responsibility to create students who have a good and strong character. This research aims to: 1) describe the concept and framework of interactive multimedia courseware; 2) test the feasibility of interactive multimedia courseware by experts and practitioners; 3) test student responses to the use of interactive multimedia courseware. This research and development involved experts, teachers, and students. The data were collected using expert validation sheets, teacher questionnaires, and student questionnaires. They were then analyzed using the descriptive statistics analysis based on mean and percentage. This research yielded interactive multimedia courseware called IMONEC (Interactive Multimedia courseware integrated with Bandura’s Observational learning model and National historical Event to strengthen students' Character) that integrates three important components: the principles of interactive multimedia learning; Bandura's observational learning model; and the noble values and messages of national historical events to strengthen students' characters. The framework of the interactive multimedia courseware consists of the title, user instruction, home, core competency and basic competency, concept map of material, learning material, and quizzes. The results of the expert validation, teacher questionnaire, and student questionnaire showed that the interactive multimedia courseware is feasible for use in learning and effective in strengthening students’ characters.
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Latar belakang metanalisis ini adalah masih banyak guru/dosen masih belum mampu mengembangkan media pembelajaran yang efektif dan efisien khususnya untuk pendidikan biologi. Sehingga perlu dilakukan analisis artikel dari hasil-hasil penelitian terdahulu untuk memahami media yang tepat untuk pembelajaran biologi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) jenis penelitian yang terkait dengan media pembelajaran biologi; (2) effect size media pembelajaran biologi berdasarkan tingkat Pendidikan; (3) effect size media pembelajaran biologi berdasarkan jenis media; (4) effect size media pembelajaran biologi berdasarkan materi yang digunakan sebagai konten pembelajaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah meta analisis (Glass, 1981). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) jenis penelitian yang terkait dengan media pembelajaran biologi antara lain eksperimen, R & D, deskriptif kuantitatif dan deskriptif kualitatif; (2) effect size media pembelajaran biologi berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan terbaik pada SMP/MTs (1,00) masuk kategori tinggi; (3) effect size media pembelajaran biologi berdasarkan jenis media terbaik pada multimedia (1,00) masuk kategori effect size dengan pengaruh yang tinggi; (4) effect size media pembelajaran biologi berdasarkan materi terbaik pada Spermathopyta (2,00) masuk kategori effect size dengan pengaruh yang tinggi. Berdasarkan simpulan tersebut dapat disarankan untuk penelitian selanjutnya sebaiknya: (1) penelitian media pembelajaran dikembangkan dengan R & D dengan pengujian yang lebih lengkap dan lebih baik; (2) implementasi media pembelajaran terbaik diperoleh dari penelitian pada tingkat Pendidikan SMP/MTs, pada SMA dan PT dapat dilakukan analisis kebutuhan yang lebih mendalam agar media yang digunakan benar-benar efektif dan sesuai dengan psikologi dan kecenderungan pola belajarnya; dan (3) multimedia merupakan media pembelajaran yang paling efektif, multimedia selanjutnya dapat dikembangkan berupa multimedia yang daring, blended, atau berbasis android sehingga lebih mudah diakses oleh peserta didik
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This study aims to produce interactive physics learning media based on macromedia flash 8 straight motion material for Class VII Students of SMP / MTs. This type of research uses the Research and Depelopment (R&D) approach by adopting the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Depelopment, Implementation, and Evaluation) development model. Design a learning media trial using the Post-Test Only Control Group Design. Data collection instruments in the form of material expert evaluation questionnaire, media expert evaluation questionnaire, natural science teacher evaluation questionnaire, student response questionnaire, multiple choice tests and student learning activity questionnaire, data collection techniques namely test techniques and observation techniques. Data analysis techniques are media feasibility test, normality test, variance homogeneity test and hypothesis test. The results of the study of the feasibility aspects of instructional media, media experts declared worthy of an actual score of 75, material experts declared worthy of an actual score of 73, the subjects of Natural Sciences stated worthy of an actual score of 66, and the average score of actual responses of 4 students was 58.25 . While the results of research on the aspect of learning media testing shows that interactive physics learning media based on macromedia flash 8 is effective on student learning outcomes with an average experimental class score of 70.38 and classical learning completeness of 71.42%. The percentage of active students in the good category with a percentage of 69.09%. When compared with the control class with an average value of 50.37 and classical learning completeness 22.22%. The percentage of active students in the category is sufficient with a percentage of 41.82%..
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This article investigates the effect of digitalization on energy consumption. Using an analytical model, we investigate four effects: (1) direct effects from the production, usage and disposal of information and communication technologies (ICT), (2) energy efficiency increases from digitalization, (3) economic growth from increases in labor and energy productivities and (4) sectoral change/tertiarization from the rise of ICT services. The analysis combines empirical and theoretical findings from debates on decoupling energy consumption from economic growth and from debates on green IT and ICT for sustainability. Our main results: Effects 1 and 3 tend to increase energy consumption. Effects 2 and 4 tend to decrease it. Furthermore, our analysis suggests that the two increasing effects prevail so that, overall, digitalization increases energy consumption. These results can be explained by four insights from ecological economics: (a) physical capital and energy are complements in the ICT sector, (b) increases in energy efficiency lead to rebound effects, (c) ICT cannot solve the difficulty of decoupling economic growth from exergy, (d) ICT services are relatively energy intensive and come on top of former production. In future, digitalization can only boost sustainability when it fosters effects 2 and 4 without promoting effects 1 and 3.
The media plays a very important role in which learning process later it will affect the understanding of concepts and results learn from students. This research aims to describe the feasibility of influence-based animation media macromedia flash on student learning abilities, based on empirical feasibility namely student response. In collecting data, the method used is to use a questionnaire and then the results are analyzed. The results of the study show that macromedia flash-based animation media against students' abilities in learning physics Archimedes Law suitable for use in learning.
The U.S.-China dispute surrounding 5G motivates further examination on China’s approach to international standardization. While China’s challenges with various standard initiatives to the global standards regime peaked in the 5G dispute have attracted public interests, scholarly approach to the dispute is still limited. We place the dispute in the context of China’s long-standing attempts for international standardization in ICT sectors. With enhanced economic power, China has pursued for pushing indigenous technologies into international standards, which has been a core part of its national science and technology (S&T) policy. This paper examines China’s international standard initiatives from the perspective of techno-nationalism. Our literature review identifies three pillars of techno-nationalism: state empowerment, growth orientation, and global connection. Then we investigate three cases of WAPI, TD-SCDMA and 5G and discuss how the patterns of developing international standards have varied in the framework of techno-nationalism. Over time, China’s international standard initiatives based on techno-nationalism have strengthened global connection and growth orientation, with increasing proximity to techno-nationalism of the Western style. In particular, China’s aspiration for growth orientation was much enhanced with the 5G standard initiative, compared to WAPI or TD-SCDMA, as it aims to be the first mover in the 5G race. Overall, our study suggests that China’s national S&T policy has been moving from the ‘catch-up’ to the ‘first-mover’ strategy, but the transformation continues to take place in the framework of techno-nationalism.