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IoT-based weather station with air quality measurement using ESP32 for environmental aerial condition study


Abstract and Figures

This article discusses the design of a weather station device that also functions to measure the concentration of gases in the air. This real-time telemetry device based on the internet of things (IoT) uses the ESP32 board to process measurement data. Some of the weather parameters measured are wind speed, wind direction, humidity, ambient air temperature, air pressure, rainfall, and ultraviolet (UV) index. Meanwhile, the gas concentration parameters in the air are ozone, hydrogen, methane, ammonia, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. The readings from all sensors are processed by the ESP32 board and uploaded to the server. Then a client device will receive the data set and then processed, displayed on the monitor, and stored in the form of a text file. Furthermore, the monitor and the data are used for the analysis of the surrounding air quality and weather conditions.
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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Vol. 19, No. 4, August 2021, pp. 1316~1325
ISSN: 1693-6930, accredited First Grade by Kemenristekdikti, Decree No: 21/E/KPT/2018
DOI: 10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v19i4.18990 1316
Journal homepage:
IoT-based weather station with air quality measurement using
ESP32 for environmental aerial condition study
Prisma Megantoro1, Shofa Aulia Aldhama2, Gunawan Setia Prihandana3, P. Vigneshwaran4
1,2,3Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline, Universitas Airlangga
4Department of CSE, SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India
Article Info
Article history:
Received Sep 16, 2020
Revised Mar 1, 2021
Accepted Mar 20, 2021
This article discusses the design of a weather station device that also functions
to measure the concentration of gases in the air. This real-time telemetry
device based on the internet of things (IoT) uses the ESP32 board to process
measurement data. Some of the weather parameters measured are wind speed,
wind direction, humidity, ambient air temperature, air pressure, rainfall, and
ultraviolet (UV) index. Meanwhile, the gas concentration parameters in the air
are ozone, hydrogen, methane, ammonia, carbon monoxide, and carbon
dioxide. The readings from all sensors are processed by the ESP32 board and
uploaded to the server. Then a client device will receive the data set and then
processed, displayed on the monitor, and stored in the form of a text file.
Furthermore, the monitor and the data are used for the analysis of the
surrounding air quality and weather conditions.
Air pollution
Air quality
Internet of things
Weather condition
Weather station
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
Prisma Megantoro
Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline
Universitas Airlangga
Surabaya, Indonesia
Knowing the air condition in the open environment is important thing to determine the effect of
pollution in an area. Especially during a pandemic of airborne diseases, such as COVID-19, everyone needs to
pay attention to the surrounding air quality. Whereas, the concentration of various gases contained in the air is
a determining factor for the value of air quality [1]. The more pollutant gases, the air in the area can be said to
be more polluting.
Weather is a factor that also affects the quality of air condition [2]. The weather itself is an air
conditioner that includes temperature, humidity, and air pressure which are included as main parameters [3].
Changes in weather conditions can be measured and observed with a device commonly called a weather
station [4]. The implementation of this weather station has also been very wide in various kind of research for
agriculture [5], analysis of photovoltaic power forecasting [6] and [7], measurement of weather and light
intensity [8], measurement of weather and relative altitude [9], redundancy data on the internet of things (IoT)
based systems [10], and analysis of the potential for wind energy [11]. On the other hand, research on the use
of backscatter sensors for remote measurements was also carried out by Darsena et al. [12] and [13]. The
weather station device designed in this article is used to measure weather conditions and air quality in an open
area. With an IoT-based topology, this device can be used telemetry and also for remote observation [14], [15],
and [16]. With this IoT technology, devices in the field can connect with other electronic devices wherever
they are [17]-[22]. With this also, an environmental observer does not need to come directly to the field and
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control
IoT-based weather ststion with air quality measurement using ESP32… (Peisma Megantoro)
measure all parameters for his study needs. Observations can be made from in front of a computer screen and
as long as it is connected to the internet network [23]-[25].
Weather station application device on this research featured with air quality measurement. It was
because the important need to measure the air pollutant gasses. The core of this device is a microcontroller
board specifically used for internet network applications. The ESP32 can act s a complete standalone system
or a slave device to hosting an MCU, decreasing communication stack overhead on the main application
processor [26]-[28]. Unlike its sibling ESP8266 [29]-[34], the ESP32 board has more features, especially pins
that can be used for reading analog signals or analog to digital converter (ADC). This of course will be very
beneficial for applications that use many analog sensors. This board is used to read all-weather and gas sensors
and then send the data to the server in real-time. On the user side, an application software based on visual basic
programming is designed for the purposes of observation, processing, and data storage. Visual basic
programming is currently the most popular language [35] and [36]. This weather station application software
is made in an informative and practical way which is suitable for both laptops and computers. It is hoped that
from good interface design, the process of observing or studying weather and air conditions can proceed with
This research consists of several parts, such as; sensor technology, microcontroller, internet of things
(IoT), and user interface (UI). Sensor technology is used to read the parameters which can be measured. The
embedded system using is a microcontroller used in specific control applications. IoT is used as a means of
data communication between instruments and users. Visual basic-based programming is used for user
operation, data display, data process, data storage.
2.1. System design
This device is shown in Figure 1 is including of 2 designs, namely the field station and the base station.
The field station consists of sensors and an ESP32. This device is placed on the roof of the Nanizar Zaman
Joenoes Building of Universitas Airlangga. Meanwhile, the base station which consists of a PC is placed in
operator room in the building for real-time observation. Apart from being displayed on the monitor screen, the
processed data from the sensor is also stored in PC memory. Both field stations and base stations are connected
to the same wifi network provided by the building.
Figure 1. System block diagram of the weather station
2.2. Hardware design
The firmware for the ESP32 was built according to the workflow in Figure 2 (a). Based on the ESP32
workflow installed in the field station together with all these sensors starts with the initialization of the pins
used, the library, the connection to the sensor, and the connection to Wi-fi. After that, the device is connected
to a local Wi-fi network with the SSID and password that has been previously set. After a successful
connection, the device will activate the server.
Get into the main program, that runs in an infinite loop to read all sensor data, combine all readings
into one string, then send it to the server if there any request from client device. Then Figure 2 (b) shows the
harware design of the system. It uses ESP 32 development kit C as the main processor. Both processor and all
sensors supplied by 2 DC/DC step down converters. The system uses 16x2 LCD to show the connected wi-fi
ssid and its IP address on local connection. As mentioned before, Figure 2 is clearly explain both the firmware
of the ESP32 and hardware design of the system on the field.
ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 19, No. 4, August 2021: 1316 - 1325
Figure 2. ESP32 hardware design; (a) firmware work flow; (b) hardware schematic diagram
2.3. Software system
The communication with field device uses mDNS protocol. The field device will read sensor and send
them to server only when there is a connection request come from client, which called as the base station
software. On Figure 3, the software workflow created in visual basic, starting with the initialization of all the
variables used, date and time, also the wi-fi connection. Then the software will send data request to server and
and get a line of text as the feedback. Data obtained from server is still in the form of a comma-separated line
of text, it is necessary to separate it for each parameter. After each parameter has got its own data, all data is
displayed in the user interface software, along with chart and windrose charts. After that, all data is saved to
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control
IoT-based weather ststion with air quality measurement using ESP32… (Peisma Megantoro)
Figure 3. Weather station desktop application software work flow
2.4. Sensor characterization
The characterization process for the whole sensors needs to be done to measure the performance,
which is accuracy and precision. The first test is done for each accuracy of the sensor. In terms of measurement,
accuracy is the main factor affecting the performance of a measuring instrument. Accuracy shows how precise
an instrument or measuring instrument is given a certain value. This test was done by comparing the sensor
with a standardized instrument. The comparison will result in the error calculated by (1).
  
 (1)
The second test is to measure the precision that shows how consistent a measuring instrument gives a certain
scale value at many times. This can be calculated from the standard deviation obtained from each
measurement. Standard deviation can be calculated by the following formula.
 
 (2)
In this study, the third characterization was only carried out on gas sensors. This characterization
process refers to the sensor data from each of the MQ-135, MQ-131, MQ-8, MQ-4, MQ-9, and MQ-811
sensors. This process is used to convert the 12 bit ADC value received by the ESP32 analog input pins to the
gas concentration value in ppm units. The first thing to calculate is the sensor module output resistance ().
 (3)
 is the maximum output voltage from sensor which is 3.3V, is the resistance in the sensor which
is 1000Ω,  is the maximum value that can be read by by the analog input pin which is 4096,  is
integer given by the analog pin, is the board circuit voltage which is 5V. Then the comparison value of
dan This is entered into each of the regression formulas from each sensor to calculate the value of the
gas content in the air (ppm). On the other hand, the R_oini value is the sensor output resistance obtained in the
standard test condition (STC) measurement which has a gas content in the air of 100 ppm.
3.1. Field station
The field station consists of sensors and an ESP32 microcontroller board which is used to read the
sensors, process the data, then send them to the server simultaneously in a row of strings. Measurement of
weather conditions uses a set of weather station equipment consisting of a vertical axis anemometer, wind
direction arrows with a rotary encoder, rain gauge, barometric sensors, and DHT 11. The barometric sensor
uses shield BMP280, while DHT11 is used to measure ambient temperature and humidity.The anemometer,
wind vane, and rain gauge devices as shown in Figure 4 (a) are placed on the roof of the building that is free
from everything around it. The weather controller shown in Figure 2 (b) is used to process the initial data from
ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 19, No. 4, August 2021: 1316 - 1325
the anemometer, wind vane, and rain gauge. Coupled with data from the DHT11 and BMP280 sensors, the
data is processed and then sent via serial communication as output to the main microcontroller or the ESP32
board. Measurement of air quality parameters is carried out by reading gas sensors such as; MQ-135 for
ammonia, MQ-131 for ozone, MQ-4 for methane, MQ-131 for ozone, MQ-9 for carbon monoxide, MQ-8 for
hydrogen, and MQ-811 for carbon dioxide. Apart from the gas sensor, this device also measures UV ray index.
As shown in Figure 5, all gas sensors are placed in one board which is integrated with the ESP32
board and the power supply. Given that there are 8 gas sensor modules used, of course, 2 DC power supplies
will be very capable of meeting the power needs of each component. This is done so that there is no reading
error on the sensors.
Figure 4. These figures are; (a) a set of weather station;
(b) weather station shield
Figure 5. A set wiring of the
electrical device
3.2. Base station
The tasks of UI software are to obtain data from the server, process, display on the screen in actual
time, and store data on PC memory for further data analysis purposes. Sampel of a dataset presented in the UI
software showed in Figure 6 are windrose, wind speed chart, and other sensors mentioned before. Each reading
panel is featured with a label and a level indicator. The indicator is green if the value is in the lower limit, the
indicator is orange if the value is in the middle limit, and the indicator is red if the value is in the upper limit.
The limitation value of each weather measurement sensor is obtained from BMKG’s (Meteorology
Climatology and Geophysics Council of Indonesia) standard data. while the limit value for each gas sensor is
obtained from the permissible exposure limit (PEL) table. Each gas measurement is also presented in real-time
chart to analyze the change over a day. Date and time data are also presented in real-time. This becomes
important for analyzing further weather data. Each data visualizations in the application are also expected to
make it easier for users to analyze and predict weather change parameters where the field station device is
placed. This is also useful for media education for students and lecturers for academic purposes.
Figure 6. User interface of weather station application software
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control
IoT-based weather ststion with air quality measurement using ESP32… (Peisma Megantoro)
3.3. Gas sensors reading conversion
By looking at the graph of the sensitivity characteristics of each gas sensor, an equation is obtained
by regression method to convert the comparison value between the actual output and the STC output
ppm unit. The value are obtained by reverse-calculating the equation below for PEL value of each measured
gas. Please note that PEL for ammonia is 50 ppm, PEL for Ozone is 0.05 ppm, PEL for Hydrogen is 10 ppm,
PEL for methane is 200 ppm, PEL for CO is 50 ppm, and PEL for CO2 is 5000 ppm.
 
, for = 721Ω (4)
 
, for = 12.7 (5)
 
, for = 3.4 (6)
 
, for = 22.3k (7)
 
, for = 790Ω (8)
For calculation of concentration value of CO2 using MG-811, it more aplicable if uses polynomial equation.
 (9)
 
 (10)
is output voltage of the sensor which ranged from 0V to 3.3V. With these equations, each ADC
value can be converted into units of ppm.
4.1. Sensor characteristic analysis
Characterization process used in this research are accuracy and precision. The method used for
calculating precision is repeatability. Tests are carried out under the identical physical conditions, the identical
sensor device, the identical standard measuring instrument, and by the same measurement operator. The results
of testing all the sensors above are presented in Table 1.
In the data summarized in Table 1, all sensors available to do an accuracy test have good accuracy.
Wind vane has good accuracy because it has a good pulse per rotation resolution specifications and linear input-
output. Likewise, temperature measurements by DHT 11 and UV index by the sensor have high accuracy
because of the good linearity of input and output. Otherwise, all sensors tested with repeatability methods have
a good level of precision, except the wind vane. The lack of precision that happened to the wind vane is because
it has a rotation resolution of 45 degrees, which is too large.
Table 1. Accuracy and precision test result
Average error
Accuracy (%)
Standart deviation
Precision (%)
Wind direction
Wind speed
Temperatur DHT 11
Humidity DHT11
UV index
Barometric pres. BMP280
Not available
Not available
4.2. User interface (UI) and visualization
In the view of Figure 7, the chart for wind observation is emphasized because these two parameters
are the most important ones to be visualized on a graph. To test the quality of the UI software, in this research
a survey was carried out on application users who were considered in terms of visualization. The visualization
in question is the level of informative and comfort design.
ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 19, No. 4, August 2021: 1316 - 1325
Figure 5 shows that 62.5% percent of 32 respondents stated that the display of this UI software was
informative. A quarter said it was not very informative. This is because the background color and placement
of windrose charts and charts are much larger with other parameter displays. From this survey, it was also
found that 75% of respondents stated that the application design was rigid, not too elegant.
4.3. Data observation
Data that has been read and displayed are stored in computer memory in excel form. Data reading was
carried out in 15-minute intervals. Test data was taken on September 14, 2020, from 9 am to 9 pm, with location
coordinates (-7.266502, 112.784395). Figure 8 shows all gas sensor measurements in ppm. Based on PELs
mentioned in the previous section, only ammonia, and ozone are measured always under each PEL. It describes
low air quality in the area.
The Windrose chart showed in Figure 9 indicates that mostly wind on the area blew from North,
sometimes from East and South. This is due to the west monsoon that blow from the Indian Ocean. Figures 10
and 11 are the measurements form DHT11 which are showing an almost steady reading throughout the
measurement time. Barometric pressure data throughout the measurement time showed in Figure 12 also
describes a stable reading. The temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure are applicable because the
weather is also stable during the dry season in the area.
Figure 7. Informativeness graph of the weather station application software
Figure 8. Data of all gas sensors taken from excel file.
Figure 9. Windrose of the wind measurement taken from excel file
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control
IoT-based weather ststion with air quality measurement using ESP32… (Peisma Megantoro)
Figure 10. Data of temperature measurement taken
from excel file
Figure 11. Data of humidity measurement taken
from excel file
Figure 12. Data of barometric pressure measurement taken from excel file
The conclusion from the research in this article shows that the design of a weather station device that
is integrated with measuring gas levels in the air has been successfully carried out using IoT technology. All
sensors for weather measurement have an accuracy of more than 90%, and only wind direction measurements
have a precision of less than 90%. Likewise, all gas sensors that can only be tested for precision, have a
precision level of more than 80%. With the characteristics of these sensors, a capable telemetry network, and
a desktop application UI with high informativeness, it is hoped that it can help observe weather and air
conditions properly. On the other hand, a designed weather station device can also be used as a medium for
research and education in related fields.
We are grateful to the Lembaga Penelitian dan Inovasi (LPI), Universitas Airlangga for providing this
internal research grant program in 2020. We also thank all colleagues and students of Electrical Engineering
and Industrial Engineering from the Faculty of Advance Technology and Multidiscipline, Airlangga University
for their support for this research.
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Prisma Megantoro is a lecturer in Electrical Engineering, School of Advanced Technology,
and Multidiscipline, Universitas Airlangga since 2020. He received a bachelor's degree and
master's degree from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia in 2014 and 2018. His
current research is focused on solar photovoltaic technology, embedded system, and the
internet of things.
Shofa Aulia Aldhama is a lecturer in Industrial Engineering, School of Advanced
Technology, and Multidiscipline, Universitas Airlangga since 2020. He received a bachelor's
degree from Universitas Brawijaya and a master's degree from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia in 2015 and 2018. His current research is focused on
ergonomic design.
Gunawan Setia Prihandana is a lecturer in Industrial Engineering, School of Advanced
Technology, and Multidiscipline, Universitas Airlangga since 2018. He received a bachelor's
degree from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, a master's degree from the University of
Malaya in 2006, and a doctoral degree from Keio Univesity in 2011. His current research is
focused on material science.
P. Vigneshwaran has obtained his Doctoral Degree in Anna University Chennai during 2016
and Master of Engineering under Anna University Chennai during June 2005. He is having
18.4 years of experience and specialization in Cybersecurity. Presently, He is working as
Associate Professor in SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. His area of interest
includes Security, Routing, and Intelligent Data Analysis.
... Home automation, industrial monitoring, environmental sensing, agriculture, and various IoT research are examples of common uses. The ESP32 board is used by an IoT-based real-time telemetry gadget to process measurement data (Megantoro et al. 2021). Gillespie et al. 2023 showed an important development in the fight against food loss while transporting perishable commodities inside the EU is the IoT-based solution. ...
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The research aims to create a robust cold storage monitoring system for trucks, focusing on parameters like temperature, humidity, and harmful gases. Using nano power temperature, humidity, gas and LDR sensors, the system sets predefined thresholds for each parameter. The MS1089A features energy harvesting and a long battery life. The MS1089A has an I2C interface in addition to other time and power-saving features and it is accurate (±3 °C). By monitoring the temperature and safeguarding the surrounding environment, the nano power temperature sensor is ideal for environmental monitoring. When exceeded or fallen below, automatic notifications with GPS location are sent through Telegram to relevant authorities. Bidirectional communication via a Telegram bot allows users to remotely query sensor values. GPS technology enables live tracking for better cold storage unit management during transportation. The research is scalable, highlighting the potential of IoT in enhancing operational efficiency and reducing risks in cargo transportation. In summary, it integrates wireless sensors, an ESP32 microcontroller and Telegram messaging for a comprehensive cold storage monitoring solution, ensuring the safe transport of temperature-sensitive cargo.
... While the air quality to be observed was the smoke and carbon monoxide. In (13,14), an HTML web-based application was developed to monitor the weather (UV index, temperature, and pressure) and air pollutants (ammonia, Ozone, Hydrogen, Methane, Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide). ...
... Previously, researchers had also developed a weather station device called AirFeel. AirFeel version 1 can monitor weather conditions and levels of pollutant gases in the air (there are seven types of gases) [19]. The device uses the ESP 32 devkit-C microcontroller board as a data collector and simultaneously uploads datasets to the server. ...
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Weather station devices are used to monitor weather parameter conditions, such as wind direction, speed, rainfall, solar radiation level, temperature, and humidity. This article discusses the design of a customized weather station embedded with gas concentration readings, whereby the gas concentration measurement includes oxygen (O<sub>2</sub>), carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>), and carbon monoxide (CO). The measurements and data processing of input sensors were transmitted to an Arduino Uno microcontroller, and the input data were then remitted to Wemos D1 Mini to be uploaded to a cloud server. Furthermore, the gas sensors' characterization methods were also considered to reveal the obtained results of accuracy, precision, linearity, and hysteresis. An android-based mobile application was also designed for monitoring purposes. The system in our experiment utilized an internet connection with a field station, base station, and database server.
... Esta unidad almacena y procesa los valores obtenidos, y luego los envía para ser visualizados, permitiendo observar tendencias o picos en las variables. Las estaciones meteorológicas inteligentes utilizan plataformas como Arduino [5,6,8], Raspberry Pi [9,10] o ESP32 [11][12][13] como unidad de microcontrolador. En esta investigación, se seleccionó la estación meteorológica inalámbrica Bresser 5 en 1, modelo 7002510 [14], como sensor, debido a su simplicidad y a que diferentes investigadores la han utilizado con éxito en diversas aplicaciones [15,16]. ...
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Climate variability has increased the need for atmospheric monitoring systems at the local level. Meteorological data are useful for climate prediction, agriculture and crop management, water resources management, and air quality estimation. Current solutions to obtain meteorological data are typically regional, expensive, and depend on telecommunications providers, limiting the value of the information and its accessibility in rural areas or specific places. Corresponding to the development of more affordable systems, the following article presents a monitoring solution for meteorological variables based on the TTGO T-Beam development board and the Bresser 5-in-1 weather station, using LoRa communication. The proposed hardware design includes the Bresser 5-in-1 station, two T-Beam development modules, and a personal computer. The software architecture uses the TTGO T-Beam modules to transmit and store the weather station measurements, the IoT platform "Node-RED" is used for data acquisition, while the "Grafana" platform is used for the visualization. Link tests with LoRa technology (868MHz) demonstrated the ability to operate at distances greater than one kilometer. The research results confirmed the possibility and reliability of remotely integrating measurements from the Bresser 5-in-1 weather station to an open-source IoT platform. This use of open software and hardware solutions allows their generalization by other researchers.
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Given the ongoing global challenge of stunting, characterized primarily by chronic underweight in infants under two years of age, a new approach leveraging digital scale and the internet of things (IoT) has been developed. This innovative system was designed to facilitate the early detection and continual monitoring of stunting symptoms caused by malnourishment. Key features include an IoT-enabled digital scale for precise weight measurement, a robust cloud platform for reliable data storage and comprehensive analysis, and an easy-to-use mobile app for user engagement. This system demonstrates its potential to simplify tracking fluctuations in baby weight and development progress related to stunting over time. Early trials demonstrated an impressive accuracy rate of 99.4% in body weight measurements and provided excellent conclusions in determining the body weight status of the infants. Overall, this IoT-based solution catalyzes the improvement of stunting detection methodologies and early intervention strategies, thus promising a better solution and a significant positive impact on global child health.
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Small-scale shrimp farmers in Hamparan Perak District, Deli Serdang Regency, Indonesia, conduct direct water quality supervision and manually use aerators and water pumps. Thus, it is inefficient in meeting the water quality required for shrimp farming and using production costs. This study aims to test the performance of an internet of things (IoT)-based prototype in supervising and controlling the aerator and pump in a shrimp pond. This prototype comprises an ESP32, three sensors: the DS18B20 sensor, MLX90614 sensor, and JSN-SR04T sensor, and two relays to control the aerator and pump automatically. Prototype testing is done directly on shrimp ponds by placing the prototype in an electrical panel connected to a power circuit. Based on the study's results, it is known that the prototype can measure water temperature. The water level and temperature of the aerator motor are pretty accurate. In addition, the prototype can also control the aerator and water pump well and send notifications to users automatically via smartphones.
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In developing nations, outdated technologies and sulfur-rich heavy fossil fuel usage are major contributors to air pollution, affecting urban air quality and public health. In addition, the limited resources hinder the adoption of advanced monitoring systems crucial for informed public health policies. This study addresses this challenge by introducing an affordable internet of things (IoT) monitoring system capable of tracking atmospheric pollutants and meteorological parameters. The IoT platform combines a Bresser 5-in-1 weather station with a previously developed air quality monitoring device equipped with Alphasense gas sensors. Utilizing MQTT, Node-RED, InfluxDB, and Grafana, a Raspberry Pi collects, processes, and visualizes the data it receives from the measuring device by LoRa. To validate system performance, a 15-day field campaign was conducted in Santa Clara, Cuba, using a Libelium Smart Environment Pro as a reference. The system, with a development cost several times lower than Libelium and measuring a greater number of variables, provided reliable data to address air quality issues and support health-related decision making, overcoming resource and budget constraints. The results showed that the IoT architecture has the capacity to process measurements in tropical conditions. The meteorological data provide deeper insights into events of poorer air quality.
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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have a vital role in indoor localization development. As today, there are more demands in location-based service (LBS), mainly indoor environments, which put the researches on indoor localization massive attention. As the global-positioning-system (GPS) is unreliable indoor, some methods in WSNs-based indoor localization have been developed. Path loss model-based can be useful for providing the power-distance relationship the distance-based indoor localization. Received signal strength indicator (RSSI) has been commonly utilized and proven to be a reliable yet straightforward metric in the distance-based method. We face issues related to the complexity of indoor localization to be deployed in a real situation. Hence, it motivates us to propose a simple yet having acceptable accuracy results. In this research, we applied the standard distance-based methods, which are is trilateration and min-max or bounding box algorithm. We used the RSSI values as the localization parameter from the ZigBee standard. We utilized the general path loss model to estimate the traveling distance between the transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) based on the RSSI values. We conducted measurements in a simple indoor lobby environment to validate the performance of our proposed localization system. The results show that the min-max algorithm performs better accuracy compared to the trilateration, which yields an error distance of up to 3m. By these results, we conclude that the distance-based method using ZigBee standard working on 2.4 GHz center frequency can be reliable in the range of 1-3m. This small range is affected by the existence of interference objects (IOs) lead to signal multipath, causing the unreliability of RSSI values. These results can be the first step for building the indoor localization system, which low-cost, low-complexity, and can be applied in many fields, especially indoor robots and small devices in internet-of-things (IoT) world’s today.
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the rapid growth of the internet of things (IoT) in the world in recent years is due to its wide range of usability, adaptability, and smartness. Most of the IoT applications are performing jobs in an automatic manner without interactions of human or physical objects. It’s required that the current and upcoming devices will be smart, efficient, and able to provide the services to the users to implement such new technology in a secure manner. Thus the security issues are exploring day by day by the researchers. IoT devices are most portable and light in nature so it has several issues such as battery consumption, memory, and as these devices are working open range so the most important is security. In this survey paper, we have elaborated on the security attacks with reference to the different kinds of IoT layers. In the last, we have presented some of the applications of the IoT. This study will provide assistance to the researchers and manufacturers to evaluate and decrease the attacks range on IoT devices.
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The emergency calling device for nurse is generally located in every ward of a hospital. It is an important facility for every inpatient. However, generally these devices are still in the form of conventional electrical components that uses long wiring. This is because this system must reach all inpatient rooms. In addition, the caller feature is also very limited, usually only in the form of an emergency button. The caller system is also not yet integrated with the hospital database, so it becomes an obstacle for nurses and doctors to understand the patient’s condition in an emergency. This article discusses the design of a nurse calling device that is connected wirelessly via a wifi network on the ward. There are also several types of calling features so that the nurse or doctor immediately knows the type of assistance a patient needs. In addition, the client and server system is integrated with the hospital database, which shows a detailed patient history. This device uses the NodeMCU ESP 8266 board as a client and Raspberry Pi 3 as a server. The features placed on this device work well as a design and are successfully implemented for one ward per server.
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In the world of digital era, an advance development with internet of things (IoT) were initiated, where devices communicate with each other and the process are automated and controlled with the help of internet. An IoT in an agriculture framework includes various benefits in managing and monitoring the crops. In this paper, an architectural framework is developed which integrates the internet of things (IoT) with the production of crops, different measures and methods are used to monitor crops using cloud computing. The approach provides real-time analysis of data collected from sensors placed in crops and produces result to farmer which is necessary for the monitoring the crop growth which reduces the time, energy of the farmer. The data collected from the fields are stored in the cloud and processed in order to facilitate automation by integrating IoT devices. The concept presented in the paper could increase the productivity of the crops by reducing wastage of resources utilized in the agriculture fields. The results of the experimentation carried out presents the details of temperature, soil moisture, humidity and water usage for the field and performs decision making analysis with the interaction of the farmer. Keywords: Internet of things (IoT) Management system Smart agriculture This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
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DC electrical voltage - current measuring instrument and data logger is an instrument used to measure the current and voltage generated wind turbine and recording the measurement results. The fuction of this instrument is to activate the dummy load on the wind turbine control system to reduce the voltage that exceeds the safe limit when saving electrical energy. The purpose of this research is to manufacture and analyze DC electrical voltage - current measuring instrument with arduino uno based data logger which is capable to measure DC current and voltage generated by Hybrid Power Plants (PLTH) in Pantai Baru Pandansimo Bantul Yogyakarta, and using metrology method to analyze the degree of uncertainty of the measuring instrument. In this research, heuristic method is used to determine the characteristics of the sensor. Sensor characterization has been done, followed by calibration of measurement instrument to determine the magnitude of the uncertainty of the measurement instrument. The results of this research indicated that the characteristics of voltage sensor (CR5310-300) obtained equation of linear regression y=0.29253x + 0.662, while the current sensor characteristics (WCS1800) obtained equation of linear regression y=0.072978x - 37.2408. After the characterization procedure is done, the measuring instrument callibrated using a traced clampmeter. The calibration results indicated that the voltage sensor has accuracy of 99.99%. Whereas for the current measuring instrument has an uncertainty that is extended at standard current 0 - 9 amperes of 0.316 amperes and at the standard current of 9.7 amperes of 0.317 amperes with an accuracy of 99.98%. Based on the results of this research, can be obtained that current and voltage measuring instrument has good accuracy level.
Based on the newly adopted strategy "The European Green Deal", by 2050, the European Union should become the first climate neutral region worldwide. This very ambitious goal will require many political, social and economic activities. Huge financial resources will also be needed to change the economy in order to reduce the emissions of harmful substances into the environment. The implementation of such an ambitious climate policy requires the development of a very reasonable economic plan, backed by many analyses, to ensure adequate financing of this idea. One of the basic objectives of such a plan should be to appropriately target aid funds to a group of countries with a similar structure of the emissions in question. The identification of the groups of similar countries in terms of the structure of harmful substance emissions requires the development of both appropriate methodology and applicable studies. Such methodology is presented in this paper, namely the Kohonen’s artificial neural network model. The main objective of the developed methodology was to divide the European Union countries into groups similar in terms of the emissions of selected gases and dusts into the atmosphere. In addition to the division of the European Union countries into similar groups by the total volume of the emissions of studied substances, completely new division criteria were introduced. It was assumed that in order for the results of this study to be practically used, it is necessary to broaden the scope of the analysis. Therefore, an additional division of the European Union countries was made in relation to the volume of the emissions per capita, the value of gross domestic product and the area of a given country. This new approach was intended to show the diversity of the European Union countries in economic, demographic and geographical terms. The grouping results should be regarded as additional information to be utilized when preparing specific action plans to improve the state of the environment. Definitely, these plans need to be dedicated both to the groups of countries and the entire sectors in these groups. This will enable the efficient use of financial resources and can be a huge impetus for the European Union economic development. It will also allow smaller and less prosperous countries to achieve their goals. Undoubtedly, the developed methodology and conducted research allowed the authors to solve a significant research problem, and the results can be successfully used in practice.