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Emerging infectious zoonotic diseases: The neglected role of food animals



This paper compares the relative frequency of zoonotic disease emergence associated with food animals versus emergence from other animal sources and explores differences in disease characteristics and drivers of emergence between the two sources. It draws on a published compilation of 202 Emerging Infectious Zoonotic Disease (EIZD) events for the period 1940–2004. Of the 202 zoonotic EID events in the dataset, 74 (36.6%) were associated with animals kept for food production, which acted as reservoir for the zoonotic pathogen in 64 events and as intermediate / amplifying host in 8 events. Significant differences exist both in the characteristics of the causal agents and the drivers of emergence of zoonotic diseases from food animals and non-food animals. However, the prevailing policy debate on prevention, detection and control of EIZDs largely focuses on diseases of non-food animal origin (wildlife), neglecting the role of food animals. Policies and investments that ensure appropriate veterinary public health measures along and within food animal value chains are essential to mitigate the global risk of EIZDs, particularly in developing regions where the livestock sector is experiencing rapid growth and structural transformation.
One Health 13 (2021) 100323
Available online 3 September 2021
2352-7714/© 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Emerging infectious zoonotic diseases: The neglected role of food animals
Joachim Otte , Ugo Pica-Ciamarra
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Italy
Emerging zoonoses
Food animals
This paper compares the relative frequency of zoonotic disease emergence associated with food animals versus
emergence from other animal sources and explores differences in disease characteristics and drivers of emer-
gence between the two sources. It draws on a published compilation of 202 Emerging Infectious Zoonotic Disease
(EIZD) events for the period 19402004. Of the 202 zoonotic EID events in the dataset, 74 (36.6%) were
associated with animals kept for food production, which acted as reservoir for the zoonotic pathogen in 64 events
and as intermediate / amplifying host in 8 events. Signicant differences exist both in the characteristics of the
causal agents and the drivers of emergence of zoonotic diseases from food animals and non-food animals.
However, the prevailing policy debate on prevention, detection and control of EIZDs largely focuses on diseases
of non-food animal origin (wildlife), neglecting the role of food animals. Policies and investments that ensure
appropriate veterinary public health measures along and within food animal value chains are essential to
mitigate the global risk of EIZDs, particularly in developing regions where the livestock sector is experiencing
rapid growth and structural transformation.
1. Introduction
Globally, the number of infectious disease outbreaks affecting
humans has increased signicantly since 1980 [26] and new virus spe-
cies affecting humans are being discovered at an average rate of over 3
per year [37]. At least 60% of human emerging infectious diseases
(EIDs) are zoonotic, i.e. stem from non-human hosts, and zoonotic
pathogens are twice as likely to be associated with emerging diseases
than non-zoonotic pathogens [15,27]. Zoonotic pathogens emerge
either from wildlife or from domesticated animals. In a seminal paper on
Global trends in emerging infectious diseasescovering the period from
1940 to 2004, Jones et al. [15] estimated that 72% of zoonotic EIDs
(EIZDs) originated in wildlife. Woolhouse & Gowtage-Sequeria [36]
identied changes in land use and agricultural practices and changes in
human demographics and society as the two categories of drivers most
frequently associated with the (re)emergence of human infectious dis-
eases. The ranking of drivers across different categories of pathogen
showed poor concordance, with one of the most notable differences
being the greater importance of land use change and agricultural prac-
tices for zoonotic than for non-zoonotic diseases. Indeed, the trans-
formation of the natural landscape promotes encroachment into wildlife
habitats, thereby creating opportunities for closer and more frequent
interactions between humans, livestock, wildlife and vectors, while the
intensication of livestock farming, associated with increased animal
numbers and density, facilitates disease transmission when effective
management and biosecurity measures are not in place [14].
In response to major outbreaks of EIZDs linked to wildlife, such as
SARS and Ebola, a substantial amount of resources is being devoted to
the identication of wildlife reservoirs and associated emergence hot-
spots. The US Agency for International Development, for instance, has
spent around USD170 million over 8 years to conduct viral discovery in
wildlife hosts [2]. This trend is likely to be reinforced by the recent
emergence of COVID-19 [41]. The current narrative on preventing the
next pandemic ([3,6,16,29,34]; US [30]) stresses the role of wildlife in
the emergence of human infectious diseases, while it appears to
underappreciate the role food animals may play, despite the recognition
that a considerable share of human diseases of evolutionary and his-
torical signicance originated in livestock [35]. The pathogen pool of
food animals is itself not static but also constantly undergoing evolu-
tionary changes. In swine, for example, a systematic review of publi-
cations between 1985 and 2010, found 173 new pathogen variants from
91 species, of which 73 species had not been previously described in
pigs. One third of these new species was zoonotic and discovery of
zoonotic species was more likely to occur in low- and middle-income
than in high-income countries [12].
EIZDs are best prevented by policies and investments targeting the
* Corresponding author at: FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy.
E-mail address: (U. Pica-Ciamarra).
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Received 1 July 2021; Received in revised form 30 August 2021; Accepted 30 August 2021
One Health 13 (2021) 100323
main source(s) and driver(s) of emergence. To provide decision-makers
with information for policy and investment design that minimize the risk
of EIZDs, this note compares the relative frequency of zoonotic disease
emergence associated with food animals versus emergence from other
animal sources and explores pathogen characteristics and drivers of
emergence between the two sources of EIZDs.
2. Methods
The compilation of 335 EID events over the period 1940 to 2004 by
Jones et al. [15] provides the basis for the analysis. This dataset was
chosen, despite reports of more EIZDs since 2004, because it provides
the most comprehensive supplementary information for each EI(Z)D
event and because other authors have used it for subsequent analyses (e.
g. [1,22,24]).
Zoonotic EID events in the dataset are classied as potentially
associated with food animals (large and small ruminants, pigs, poultry,
camels) if the pathogen has been found in the latter and comprise those
where (i) food animals are known reservoirs (e.g. M. bovis, B. melitensis)
or (ii) where food animals acted as temporarily amplifying host (e.g.
RVF in Egypt, Nipah in Malaysia). Horses, dogs and wild exotic species
consumed as food, such as pangolins or nonhuman primates, are not
considered as food animals for the purpose of this analysis. The dataset
also includes information on pathogen characteristics (e.g. taxonomy,
mode of transmission) and surmised driver of emergence (e.g. land use
change, change in human susceptibility).
3. Results
Of the total of 335 EID events identied by Jones et al., 202 (60.3%)
were regarded as zoonotic by the authors. Of these 202 zoonotic EID
events, 128 (63.4%) were not associated with food animals (they
involved wildlife, pets/recreational animals, environmental sources),
while in 74 (36.6%) events the pathogen could be associated with ani-
mals kept for food production. In 85.5% (64/74) of food animal asso-
ciated zoonotic EID events, food animals were a known reservoir for the
associated pathogen, while in 10.8% (8 events) (Alkhurma, Banna,
CCHF, HPAI H5N1, JE, Menangle, Nipah, and RVF virus) food animals
acted as ampliers and ‘bridgehosts (the role of food animals was not
clear in two events, 2.7%). Pathogen type, mode of transmission, drug
resistance and surmised driver of emergence for the non-food animal
and food animal associated EIZDs are displayed in Table 1.
Of the non-food animal associated EIZDs, 40.6% were caused by
bacteria/rickettsia, 37.5% by viruses, and 21.9% by protozoa, fungi or
helminths. For the food animal associated EIZD pathogens, the respec-
tive gures were 70.3% bacteria/rickettsia, 13.5% viruses and 16.2%
protozoa, fungi or helminths. The differences in frequency of pathogen
type between non-food animal and food animal associated EIZDs is
statistically highly signicant (Chi square: 18.2, p <0.001).
A large share (39.8%) of the non-food animal associated EIZD
pathogens were transmitted by arthropods while only 13.5% of the food
animal associated pathogens were vector-borne (Chi square: 15.4, p <
0.001). Transmission by arthropods was far more prominent in events
where food animals acted as ‘bridge(62.5%, 5/8) than in events where
food animals acted as reservoir host (7.8%, 5/64).
Drug resistance was signicantly more prevalent in EIZD pathogens
associated with food animals than in those from non-food animals
(14.9% vs 5.5%, Chi square: 5.1, p =0.023). For comparison, 39.1%
(52/133) of non-zoonotic EID pathogens in Jones et al.s dataset were
drug resistant.
For non-food animal associated EIZDs, changes in human suscepti-
bility (e.g. HIV-AIDS, immunosuppressive therapy) were the most
frequently identied driver for emergence (24.2%) followed by land use
change (LUC) (23.4%). LUC was the most frequent surmised driver for
vector-borne EIZDs (39.2%%) while changes in human susceptibility
was the surmised principal driver (33.7%) for non-vector-borne EIZDs
associated with non-food animal sources. For food animal associated
EIZDs, the main drivers associated with emergence by Jones et al. [15]
were food industry changes, 35.1% (26/74), and agricultural industry
changes, 24.3% (18/74), while LUC was only linked to 5.4% (4/74) of
food animal associated emergence events (three of these four were
4. Discussion and conclusion
Even though the dataset used is not up-to-date and new diseases have
emerged since 2004, the data provides a sufciently large sample from
which to draw conclusions that are not likely to substantially change by
including diseases that have emerged over the past 15 years. However,
replicating this analysis on a dataset that also includes most recent
emerging infectious zoonozes, such as H1N1 and MERS, would provide
additional insights into the role of food and non-food animals in the
emerge of EIZDs.
A high proportion, over 36%, of EIZD events (identied by [15])
were associated with food animals and food animals were a known
reservoir for the respective pathogen in 31.7% (64/202) of EIZD events.
This is not surprising as, historically, about half of humanitys estab-
lished temperate diseases have been acquired from domestic livestock,
because of their high local abundance and frequent contact with humans
[35]. A recent analysis of virus-mammal interactions concludes that
domesticated species were the most central species (after humans) in the
entire mammalvirus association network [31]. The 5 most central po-
sitions in the network of all virus species were occupied by H. sapiens,
B. taurus, S. scrofa, O. aries, and C. lupus (in order of descending cen-
trality), i.e. included 3 mammal species kept for food production.
Overall, the proportion of zoonotic viruses carried by domestic species
was 1.8 times higher than in wildlife (idem).
Even though past trends do not necessarily predict the future with
accuracy, population growth, increasing disposable incomes and pro-
gressive urbanization are anticipated to lead to major changes in global
food animal industries in the coming decades, with a possible increase in
the number of zoonotic viruses emerging from livestock, particularly in
the developing world. Projected growth in demand for meat and milk to
2050 (from 2015) is approximately ve times higher in low/middle-
income countries (LMICs) than in high-income countries (HICs), with
sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) accounting for around one third of LMIC de-
mand growth [7]. Concomitant to uneven global growth in demand for
meat and milk, growth of livestock industries will be substantially
Table 1
Pathogen characteristics and surmised driver of non-food animal associated (n
=128) and food animal associated (n =74) EIZDs as reported by [15]
Pathogen characteristics and surmised driver Non-food animal
associated EIZD
Food animal
N % N %
Pathogen type
Bacteria/rickettsia 52 40.6 52 70.3
Virus 48 37.5 10 13.5
Other 28 21.9 12 16.2
Vector 51 39.8 10 13.5
No vector 77 60.2 64 86.5
Drug resistance
Yes 7 5.5 11 14.9
No 121 94.6 63 85.1
Human susceptibility 31 24.2 7 9.5
Land use change 30 23.4 4 5.4
Ag industry change 13 10.2 18 24.3
Food industry change 1 0.8 26 35.1
International travel & commerce 13 10.2 7 9.5
Climate & weather 9 7.0 0 0.0
Other 31 24.2 12 16.2
J. Otte and U. Pica-Ciamarra
One Health 13 (2021) 100323
higher in the ‘global Southwith livestock numbers predicted to more
than double in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) (Table 2).
The ongoing rapid expansion and intensication of livestock in-
dustries in LMICs without incorporation of the stringent biosecurity
measures and animal health / veterinary oversight that have helped
maintain the health and productivity of large herds in industrialized
countries signicantly enhances the likelihood of zoonotic disease
emergence from food animals. Even HICs with high levels of veterinary
oversight of animal industries have experienced important outbreaks of
food animal associated EIZDs such as the BSE/vCJD crisis in the UK in
the 1980s or the 2007 to 2010 Q fever epidemic in Holland, both linked
to industry changes [18,33].
While the current attention on EIZDs associated with wildlife is
warranted, policy makers cannot afford to ignore the role of food ani-
mals in EIZD dynamics, particularly as pathogen characteristics and the
relative importance of surmised drivers of emergence differ signicantly
between food and non-food animal associated EIZDs. The main drivers
of food animal associated EIZDs are changes in agricultural practices at
farm level and transformations of the food industries along the livestock
value chain, from transporting through processing to retailing [15].
These two drivers play a minor role in the emergence of EIZDs from non-
food animals, which are primarily associated with land use changes and
changes in human susceptibility. By promoting land use change, food
animal production may indirectly contribute to the emergence of non-
food animal associated EIZDs.
Policies and investments to address EIZDs have long relied on
responsive measures that aim to reduce the impact of a disease after its
emergence through improved capacity and speed of outbreak detection
and emergency control measures [22]. In the last decade, proactive
measures have gained prominence, including multisectoral collabora-
tion (‘one health), pathogen discovery, behavioral change and
improved biosecurity along the food animal value chain [2,25,32]. Pike
et al. [22] nd that proactive policies and investments need to be only
minimally effective in reducing EID risk to be worth implementing.
Given the agricultural and food animal industries are (to a large
extent regulated) human activities, designing and implementing policies
to mitigate the risk of food animal associated EIZD should be ‘simpler
and probably more cost-effective than mitigation of EIZD risks stemming
from wildlife. The World Bank [38] estimates that improving farm
biosecurity in 139 LMICs would require an annual expenditure of be-
tween USD76 and 136 million (7.7% of all animal health expenditures),
which is dwarfed by the historical costs of EIZDs of about USD6.9
billion/year. LMICs should thus prioritize the implementation of a
minimum set of veterinary public health (VPH) measures in food animal
production such as animal vaccination, cleaning and disinfection and
farm and market inspection to reduce global pandemic risk. This holds
particularly true for SSA, which is not only expected to undergo the most
extensive changes in its livestock industries but is also the region with
the lowest economic and institutional capacity to deal with EIZDs. SSA
has the lowest per capita income among all world regions (PPP $ 3500
per year); the lowest per-capita health expenditure (PPP $ 200 per year);
and the second lowest Country Policy and Institutional Assessment
(CPIA) quality of public administration rating, an index of the extent to
which governments are able to implement policies [40]. Growing trade
volumes, increased national and international travel and migration, and
high rates of urbanization, often associated with large informal urban
settlements, vastly increase the potential spread and consequences of
A positive note is that existing policies and legislations on veterinary
public health in LMICs, including in SSA, often recommend the adoption
of ‘basicstandards along the animal food value chains [8,9]. Their
implementation, however, remains scattered and piecemeal [17,19]. In
most circumstances, lack of nancial and human resources makes it
challenging to ensure compliance with the existing veterinary public
health legislation. For example, in two of the wealthier counties of
Kenya, Kiambu and Nairobi City County, each public animal health of-
cer is supposed to provide services to 1635 and 570 livestock farms,
respectively, with an average annual budget of USD 2.1 and 3.1 per
livestock farm [10]. Given such resource scarcity, LMICs governments
should adopt a market-based approach to facilitate compliance with
veterinary public health legislation and minimize the risk of EIZD events
along the food animal value chain. Such an approach should primarily
target mid- to large scale operators and include a research and an
institutional pillar.
While in many cases there are positive private returns to investments
in veterinary public health measures, small scale food animal operators
usually have few incentives to make such investment because livestock
is only one of their many income generating activities and rarely
contribute the largest share to their livelihoods [20,21]. Conversely, mid
to large scale livestock operators have established a business around
animals and are often willing to take any investment that improves the
protability of their enterprise [17,39]. In addition, mid and large-scale
food animal enterprises are those that are growing and transforming
more rapidly in LMICs, which could create novel and emerging public
health threats [4,5,13,14].
In order to effectively target mid to large-scale animal food opera-
tors, it is necessary to generate in-country evidence that the adoption of
basic veterinary public health practices is likely to improve the prot-
ability and long-term sustainability of businesses along the animal food
value chain [11,23,28]. Undeniably, in many circumstances the adop-
tion of simple practices such as using disinfectants and separating sick
from healthy animals is low-cost and, by signicantly reducing the risk
of pathogen introduction and spread, improves protability. This evi-
dence would allow animal health staff on the ground to utilize a business
approach when providing services to mid and large-size livestock op-
erators. In particular, animal health ofcers should not only assist
farmers and other value chain actors in preventing, detecting and con-
trolling animal diseases from a technical perspective, but also in
improving the protability and sustainability of their business, which
involves the adoption of a core set of veterinary public health measures.
In other words, investments in veterinary public health measures should
not be presented as risk-reduction practices but as business practices
that can reduce the cost / improve the revenue of the enterprise.
Overall, unless existing policies and legislations on veterinary public
health along the animal food industry are properly enforced, the current
global, regional and national investments to minimize the risk of EIZDs
from non-food animal, may generate little returns as over one third of
EIZDs events are associated with animals kept for food production.
MJO: conceptualization and preparing the rst draft manuscript.
MJO and UPC: writing reviews and editing. UPC: addressing the com-
ments of reviewers and editors. Both authors approved the submitted
Table 2
Projected 20152050 growth in demand for meat and milk (million metric tons,
MMT) and in livestock numbers (million head, MH) for high-income countries
(HICs), low/middle income countries (LMICs) and sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) [7].
Growth 20152050 HICs LMICs SSA
Demand MMT % MMT % MMT %
Meat 21.5 21.1 108.2 50.3 41.1 233.5
Milk 30.5 12.6 174.8 39.3 56.7 141.4
Livestock populations MH % MH % MH %
Cattle 4.7 1.9 586.2 56.2 364.7 113.3
Pigs 31.2 12.1 158.1 20.7 69.1 181.5
Sheep & goats 7.7 9.1 681.4 55.7 517.1 125.0
Poultry 1029.1 19.9 9109.0 47.9 5057.2 301.5
J. Otte and U. Pica-Ciamarra
One Health 13 (2021) 100323
Funding statement
This work was implemented under the FAO Africa Sustainable
Livestock 2050 Project (OSRO/GLO/602/USA), supported by the United
States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the FAO
Emerging Pandemic Threats 2 programme.
Declaration of interests
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
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[41] T. Wu, The socioeconomic and environmental drivers of the COVID-19 pandemic: a
review, Ambio 50 (2021) 822833,
J. Otte and U. Pica-Ciamarra
... Zoonotic disease: Animal agriculture is the primary driver of zoonotic diseases, both those with large-scale human impacts such as anthrax and cholera, and those with less direct human impact but that result in widespread livestock death, such as avian flu, mad cow disease, and others. [91][92][93][94][95] Thus, animal agriculture exacerbates illness in humans in two ways: 1) by accelerating the spread of disease between animals, and from animals to humans; and 2) by increasing antibiotic resistance or by reducing antibiotic efficacy in humans who eat animal-sourced meat. ...
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The role of animal-sourced foods in a healthy diet and the potential for plant-based foods to substitute for them are hot topics within the field of nutrition, with important implications for both human and planetary health. However, the lack of expert consensus and often inaccurate marketing of these products contributes to misinformation and misunderstanding, making it challenging for investors to navigate scientifically supported opportunities. Evidence shows environmental and sustainability risks with many forms of animal agriculture, especially intensive livestock production and to varying extents, other forms of animal agriculture. Plant-based and other alternative proteins are proposed as substitutes to reduce meat consumption and production; the potential for traditional and novel foods to substitute for animal foods, and the accompanying investing opportunities and risks, require a sound understanding of the evidence underlying claims. Comparisons between animal and plant food types often center around meeting the consumer demand for protein. For example, animal-sourced foods are often grouped together and referred to as ‘proteins’. However, the common practice of referring to fresh and processed meat, eggs and dairy as simply proteins may create or reinforce confusion about their role in a balanced diet. These foods, and plant sources of protein, contain numerous other nutrients and bioactive compounds beyond protein, and the relative health effects of these foods generally have little to do with their protein content. A focus on the human need for protein adds to the misunderstanding that protein deficiency is common or that high-protein diets are nutritionally advisable. Currently, most consumers in high- and middle-income countries exceed nutritional recommendations for protein, and despite widespread belief, high protein intake does not increase or improve muscle composition without regular resistance exercise. Animal-sourced foods each impact the environment differently. But overall production of these foods, and especially production using modern industrial farming methods requires a disproportionate amount of resources per calorie and gram of protein. Thus, these foods create disproportionate negative environmental externalities compared to plant foods and plant-based alternatives. Further, some types of animal agriculture on both land and sea create hazardous working conditions and employment practices that disproportionately impact historically marginalized communities. These concerns and others have increased environmental, social and governance (ESG) scrutiny for many food and agriculture companies and their investors. Unfortunately, ESG frameworks and research currently lack objective metrics for evaluating the downstream health effects of food products for the people who consume them. ESG frameworks incorporate specific environmental impacts such as carbon emissions but the vast majority overlook nutrition. This leads to undesirable trade-offs in investment risks between human health and environmental priorities. For investors, it is a missed opportunity to align investment decisions with these priorities while mitigating financially material risks. Moreover, the growth of several “sustainable nutrition” funds underscores this important dual materiality and suggests that these topics will play an increasingly relevant role in future investment decision-making. This document aims to introduce key scientific knowledge relevant to major sources of protein in foods, to clarify common assumptions about their health effects, and to identify important trends, risks and opportunities for investors with exposure to the protein supply chain.
... Around sixty percent of emerging infectious diseases affecting humans are zoonotic, and more than two thirds of them originate in wildlife [1]. Microorganisms often hide in reservoir hosts, sheltering them chronically while they suffer little or no illness. ...
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The causative agent of Chagas disease is Trypanosoma cruzi, which is widely distributed throughout the South American continent and extends into North America. Its occurrence in bats is poorly described and may impact the disease’s maintenance and epidemiology. The aim of this study was to detect the agent by PCR assays targeting kDNA and nuclear DNA in the organs of 203 urban bats and rural vampire bats from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, São Paulo state, during the pandemic period from 2020 to 2022. In total, 6 of the 203 bats (2.97%) were positive for T. cruzi. Infection was detected in 2% (2/101) of Desmodus rotundus, 33% (1/3) of Nyctinomops laticaudatus, 25% (1/4) of Artibeus lituratus, 4% (1/24) of Eumops glaucinus and in 2% (1/41) of Molossus molossus. The gene sequences obtained were assessed for quality and deposited in a public repository. Fruit bats were statistically associated with positivity for T. cruzi. To our knowledge, this study detected T. cruzi for the first time in bats from São Paulo state and in N. laticaudatus and E. glaucinus species.
... In the form of interaction, eco-epidemiological models discuss many studies of populations with disease in prey or both, namely predator and prey. Models of animal species that act as predators and plants as prey for infectious diseases were developed by (Otte & Pica-ciamarra, 2021). The results of his research show a scheme of invasion, persistence and spread of disease in a mathematical model. ...
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The predator-prey model described is a population growth model of an eco-epidemiological system with prey protection and predator intraspecific traits. Predation interactions in predator species use response functions. The aim of this research is to examine the local stable balance point and look at the characteristics of species resulting from mathematical modeling interventions. Review of balance point analysis, numerical simulation and analysis of given trajectories. The research results show the shape of the model which is arranged with a composition of 5 balance points. There is one rational balance point to be explained, using the Routh-Hurwitz criterion, . The characteristic equation and associated eigenvalues in the mathematical model are the local asymptotically stable balance points. In the trajectory analysis, local stability is also shown by the model formed. There are differences for each population to reach its point of stability. The role of prey protection behavior is very effective in suppressing the spread of disease. Meanwhile, intraspecific predator interactions are able to balance the decreasing growth of prey populations. If we increase the intraspecific interaction coefficient, we can be sure that the growth of the prey population will both increase significantly. When the number of prey populations increases significantly, of course disease transmission and prey protection become determining factors, the continuation of the model in exosite interactions. In prey populations and susceptible prey to infection, growth does not require a long time compared to the growth of predator populations. The time required to achieve stable growth is rapid for the prey species. Although prey species' growth is more fluctuating compared to predator populations. Predatory species are more likely to be stable from the start of their growth. The significance of predatory growth is only at the beginning of growth, while after that it increases slowly and reaches an ideal equilibrium point. Each species has its own characteristics, so extensive studies are needed on more complex forms of response functions in further research.
... More than 60% of emerging infectious diseases affecting humans are considered zoonotic, with >70% of these originating from wild animals. 1 Feral pigs (Sus scrofa) are one of the most prevalent invasive species worldwide, with an estimated population size of over half a billion. 2 Feral pigs are regarded as a "triple threat pest" due to: 1) their propensity to be reservoirs for important transboundary diseases; 2) the serious threats they pose to native flora and fauna; and 3) the massive impacts they have on agricultural production and practices. 3 The rapid reproduction rate of feral pigs, their omnivorous, flexible and opportunistic diet, the absence of predators in many areas, and their ability to thrive in anthropogenic landscapes are all factors driving ongoing expansion of their geographic range. ...
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Feral pigs are known as triple-threat pests due to their impact on health, agriculture and the ecosystem. Recent emerging infectious disease outbreaks have emphasized their role as reservoirs and amplifiers of disease and highlight the need for increased surveillance in the Western Pacific Region.
... Moreover, China's terrain and significant "geographic coupling" characteristics make the nation vulnerable (Wu et al., 2022), and has led to severe losses from natural disasters. Social risk shocks, such as major diseases and labor shortages, can devastate household income (Bakalis et al., 2020;Otte & Pica-Ciamarra, 2021;Paarlberg, 2002;Wernli et al., 2020). Additionally, economic risk shocks such as heightened agricultural input costs and rising food and fuel prices pose a nonnegligible threat to the livelihoods of farm households due to the nature of agricultural production, low elasticity of demand for agricultural products, and changes in the external environment (Anríquez et al., 2013;Díaz-Bonilla, 2016;Eugenio, 2015;Naylor & Falcon, 2010). ...
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When transforming from a traditional rural economy to a rapid marketization period, it is essential to consider the relationship between multiple shocks and household income in poor rural areas of China. Using two waves of a rural household surveys from six poor counties in China between 2015 and 2018, we examine the effect of multiple shocks on households’ income and explore the heterogeneity of different shocks and households based on income. The multiple linear regression and quantile regression results demonstrate that multiple shocks negatively affect farm household income, and the range of impact is widening. Specifically, natural disaster shocks reduce the income of low-income households more, and unnatural disaster shocks reduce the income of middle–low-income farm households more. We conclude that illness within the family and lack of working household members are the primary shocks currently suffered by different types of farm households. In contrast to previous research, this study identifies middle–low-income farm households as most in need of attention and reveals that unnatural disaster shocks in poor rural areas of China are most in need of governance during recovery transitions. The findings enrich the existing theoretical system and provide policymakers with practical insights regarding differentiated and preemptive risk governance approaches.
The Capacitating One Health in Eastern and Southern Africa (COHESA) project team has embarked on an initiative to assess and enhance the OH landscape in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA). To achieve the institutionalization and operationalization of OH, the project team has developed a multifaceted evaluation tool to assess the status of OH across research and innovation, governance, education, and implementation. The major findings of this assessment reveal a complex landscape of challenges and opportunities in Ethiopia. Within research and innovation, Ethiopia faces gaps in institutionalization and awareness of OH approaches and principles. In the field of education, participants emphasize the absence of formal OH education aligned with the education system in Ethiopia, emphasizing the need for robust action to align OH approaches and principles into the existing curriculum. Additionally, the governance structure for OH is not fully institutionalized, necessitating policy attention and resource allocation. Implementation of OH efforts also encounters challenges due to the lack of formal institutionalization and dedicated budgets. The Ethiopian COHESA team has developed a comprehensive plan to address these major thematic findings through advocacy, documentation of evidence, capacity building, and the championing of OH at all levels (regional and national). This case underscores the importance of government ownership and collaboration among stakeholders to bridge gaps and establish a solid foundation for OH in Ethiopia. This work also sheds light on Ethiopia’s journey toward institutionalizing and implementing OH practices and serves as a valuable resource for other countries seeking to embark on similar initiatives. Information © The Authors 2024
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In view of this, the promotion of entrepreneurship in the Animal Husbandry sector assumes significance for boosting Livestock-Fishery businesses as well as increasing the value-addition of livestockfishery products. This will reduce unemployment, increase efficiency in resource utilization and finally, enhance the income of the rural farming community an unemployed youth of the Country.
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The problem of zoonoses diseases is a global public and veterinary health concern. Globally coordinated and well-established research efforts are essential to successfully fighting and reducing the health burden of zoonoses. In our study area, the interplay of intense livestock animals, agricultural activities, and poor health services characterized the high risks of zoonotic diseases. Thus, people suffer from easily preventable diseases with hygiene and good-quality food. The main objectives of this study were to: (i) evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and prevention practices of people handling farm animals and their products toward common zoonotic diseases; and (ii) estimate the associated risk factors influencing their knowledge, attitude, and prevention practices. A questionnaire-based cross-sectional study was conducted from December 2021 to August 2022. A simple random sampling technique was followed to select respondents. Multivariable logistic regression model analysis was conducted using STATA version 14. The overall level of knowledge, attitude, and prevention practice for the major zoonotic disease was 52.5%, 68.6%, and 39.4%, respectively. Rabies, tuberculosis, taeniasis, anthrax, and brucellosis were the major zoonotic diseases selected by respondents in the study areas. The age of respondents, training status, educational status, and farm location were significantly (P <0:05) associated with the level of knowledge and prevention practice against zoonotic diseases. This study revealed that the level of knowledge, attitude, and prevention practices for major zoonotic diseases in Bahir Dar City were relatively poor. Therefore, a concerted effort among various government and nongovernment stakeholders, including veterinarians, public health officials, and environmental experts, is needed to create and raise awareness among livestock producers about the transmission and control methods and the economic and public health importance of zoonotic diseases.
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We invited camelid scientists across the globe to submit their research on camelid diseases to highlight the importance of diseases of camelids, including Old World camels (OWC; one-humped dromedary and two-humped Bactrian camels) and New World camels (NWC; llama, alpaca, guanaco, vicuna) also known as South American camelids (SAC). We welcomed submissions in the broad subject area of endo- and ectoparasitic, bacterial, viral, and fungal infections of old and new world camelids. Finally, we accepted 10 articles on dromedaries (n = 7), Bactrians (n = 2), and NWCs (n = 1) written by 83 authors from 11 countries.
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The accelerated and indiscriminate use of antimicrobial agents in livestock, driven by their short reproduction period and abundant intestinal microbes intensifies the emergence of resistance. Livestock gut serves as a breeding ground for antimicrobial-resistant bacteria, perpetually disseminating them across diverse ecosystems. Through horizontal gene transfer and quorum sensing, resistant genes proliferate within native flora. Zoonotic pathogens, acting as carriers, may transmit antibiotic-resistant genes to humans, underscoring their pivotal role in human resistance development. To mitigate this threat, a comprehensive understanding of zoonotic illnesses, early detection, and effective management strategies are imperative. The one health approach integrates diverse disciplines to achieve optimal medical outcomes by acknowledging the interconnectedness of humans, animals, and their shared environments. According to new speculation from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the globe is about to break into a "post-antibiotic era" in which illness caused by bacteria will be the leading cause of death instead of tumor. Over 2 million incidents of serious diseases, which comprise 23,000 fatalities annually in the United States, are brought on by bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Over 95% of all emerging infectious diseases described in the second half of the 20th century are zoonotic and antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) infections. Each year, drug-resistant illnesses brought on only by tuberculosis (TB), HIV, and malaria claim the lives of almost 700,000 people. Drug-resistant diseases are predicted to imperil 10 million individuals annually by 2050 if nothing is accomplished. This chapter underscores the urgency of curbing antimicrobial resistance in ecosystems and its potential impact on human health and the collaborative endeavors of global authorities such WHO, CDC, and OIE and other pertinent health and agriculture agencies are crucial in addressing and mitigating the challenges posed by the zoonosis in spread of superbug pandemic.
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Village poultry commonly suffer significant disease related losses and a plethora of biosecurity measures is widely advocated as a means to reduce morbidity and mortality. This paper uses a household economy perspective to assess some “economic” considerations determining biosecurity investments of village poultry keepers. It draws on the 2012/13 Tanzania National Panel Survey (TZ-NPS), which covered 1,228 poultry-keeping households. Disease was the most frequently reported cause of bird losses and, in the majority of households, accounted for more than half of reported bird losses. However, given that poultry rarely contributed more than 10% to total annual household income, for 95% of households the value of birds lost to disease represented <10% of annual income. The value placed on poultry within households may vary by gender and the overall figure may mask differential intra-household impacts. The break-even cost for various levels of reduction of disease losses is estimated using a partial budget analysis. Even if achieved at no cost, a 75% reduction in disease-associated mortality would only result in a one percent increase of annual household income. Thus, to the “average” village poultry-keeping household, investments in poultry may not be of high priority, even when cost-effective. Where risks of disease spread impact on the wider community and generate significant externalities, poultry keepers must be supported by wider societal actions rather than being expected to invest in biosecurity for purely personal gain.
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In an effort to strengthen global capacity to prevent, detect, and control infectious diseases in animals and people, the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) PREDICT project funded development of regional, national, and local One Health capacities for early disease detection, rapid response, disease control, and risk reduction. From the outset, the EPT approach was inclusive of social science research methods designed to understand the contexts and behaviors of communities living and working at human-animal-environment interfaces considered high-risk for virus emergence. Using qualitative and quantitative approaches, PREDICT behavioral research aimed to identify and assess a range of socio-cultural behaviors that could be influential in zoonotic disease emergence, amplification, and transmission. This broad approach to behavioral risk characterization enabled us to identify and characterize human activities that could be linked to the transmission dynamics of new and emerging viruses. This paper provides a discussion of implementation of a social science approach within a zoonotic surveillance framework. We conducted in-depth ethnographic interviews and focus groups to better understand the individual- and community-level knowledge, attitudes, and practices that potentially put participants at risk for zoonotic disease transmission from the animals they live and work with, across 6 interface domains. When we asked highly-exposed individuals (ie. bushmeat hunters, wildlife or guano farmers) about the risk they perceived in their occupational activities, most did not perceive it to be risky, whether because it was normalized by years (or generations) of doing such an activity, or due to lack of information about potential risks. Integrating the social sciences allows investigations of the specific human activities that are hypothesized to drive disease emergence, amplification, and transmission, in order to better substantiate behavioral disease drivers, along with the social dimensions of infection and transmission dynamics. Understanding these dynamics is critical to achieving health security--the protection from threats to health-- which requires investments in both collective and individual health security. Involving behavioral sciences into zoonotic disease surveillance allowed us to push toward fuller community integration and engagement and toward dialogue and implementation of recommendations for disease prevention and improved health security.
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Farming in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is historically dominated by small-scale farms (SSFs), but evidence suggests that medium-scale farms (MSFs) are becoming increasingly prominent. These MSFs are often portrayed as entrepreneurial innovators, bringing dynamism and commercialization to SSA agriculture without displaying the negative features of land grabbing processes. However, there is little empirical evidence supporting these claims. We deployed a survey of 319 farmers covering a wide range of sizes in the Kenyan Rift Valley. Results show that MSFs are not a new phenomenon in the area, and are mostly farms that incrementally increased in size by buying or renting additional land. Furthermore, we find no differences in yields for various crop types between SSFs and MSFs. On average, MSFs use a higher share of their land for grazing, and have more dairy cattle per farm but less per hectare. The average MSF has a higher propensity to grow cash crops and serve non-local markets than the average SSF, and they employ significantly fewer people per hectare. However, within-category heterogeneity is high for all investigated dimensions, while past decision-making and future aspirations reveal entrepreneurship to occur in all farm size categories. We conclude that only a subset of all MSFs can be characterized as entrepreneurial, while these qualities can also be attached to many SSFs. Hence, we find that farm scale is an imperfect proxy to gauge the characteristics of a farm system, and presenting MSFs as a developmental panacea for SSA's rural areas is therefore unwarranted.
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Emerging infectious diseases arising from pathogen spillover from mammals to humans constitute a substantial health threat. Tracing virus origin and predicting the most likely host species for future spillover events are major objectives in One Health disciplines. We assessed patterns of virus sharing among a large diversity of mammals, including humans and domestic species. We used network centrality analysis and trait‐based Bayesian hierarchical models to explore patterns of virus sharing among mammals. We analysed a global database that compiled the associations between 1,785 virus species and 725 mammalian host species as sourced from automatic screening of meta‐data accompanying published nucleotide sequences between 1950 and 2019. We show that based on current evidence, domesticated mammals hold the most central positions in networks of known mammal–virus associations. Among entire host–virus networks, Carnivora and Chiroptera hold central positions for mainly sharing RNA viruses, whereas ungulates hold central positions for sharing both RNA and DNA viruses with other host species. We revealed strong evidence that DNA viruses were phylogenetically more host specific than RNA viruses. RNA viruses exhibited low functional host specificity despite an overall tendency to infect phylogenetically related species, signifying high potential to shift across hosts with different ecological niches. The frequencies of sharing viruses among hosts and the proportion of zoonotic viruses in hosts were larger for RNA than for DNA viruses. Acknowledging the role of domestic species in addition to host and virus traits in patterns of virus sharing is necessary to improve our understanding of virus spread and spillover in times of global change. Understanding multi‐host virus‐sharing pathways adds focus to curtail disease spread.
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Over the years, the emergence of novel H5 and H7 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAI) has been taking place through two main mechanisms: first, the conversion of a low pathogenic into a highly pathogenic virus, and second, the reassortment between different genetic segments of low and highly pathogenic viruses already in circulation. We investigated and summarized the literature on emerging HPAI H5 and H7 viruses with the aim of building a spatio-temporal database of all these recorded conversions and reassortments events. We subsequently mapped the spatio-temporal distribution of known emergence events, as well as the species and production systems that they were associated with, the aim being to establish their main characteristics. From 1959 onwards, we identified a total of 39 independent H7 and H5 LPAI to HPAI conversion events. All but two of these events were reported in commercial poultry production systems, and a majority of these events took place in high-income countries. In contrast, a total of 127 reassortments have been reported from 1983 to 2015, which predominantly took place in countries with poultry production systems transitioning from backyard to intensive production systems. Those systems are characterized by several co-circulating viruses, multiple host species, regular contact points in live bird markets, limited biosecurity within value chains, and frequent vaccination campaigns that impose selection pressures for emergence of novel reassortants. We conclude that novel HPAI emergences by these two mechanisms occur in different ecological niches, with different viral, environmental and host associated factors, which has implications in early detection and management and mitigation of the risk of emergence of novel HPAI viruses.
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The recent outbreak of avian influenza in the poultry sector of Cameroon has raised a concern about the level of implementation of biosecurity measures (BM) on poultry farms. Therefore, a study using a questionnaire on 102 randomly selected poultry farms was undertaken. Some measures with high adoption levels (> 90%) included “protection of airing openings of poultry barns by a wire mesh,” “no external animal allowed to enter the farm,” “respect of all-in all-out principle,” “functional footbath,” “rodent control,” and “feedstuff protection from access to rodents.” The least implemented measures (less than 20%) were “wearing of dedicated clothing (clean coveralls and boots) by workers,” “disinfection of visitors,” and “presence of storage room for dead animals.” Only for “isolation” component of biosecurity, compliance with biosecurity measures was good, with more than 50% of farms having an adoption rate greater than 75%. The mean biosecurity score for the assessed farms was 19.29 ± 1.89 for a maximum score of 38 points. The score was significantly and positively correlated (p < 0.05) with the number of chicken and the geographic location of farms. The other results showed that the mean number of broiler per cycle was 550.82 ± 76 for a stocking density of 27.20 ± 6.64 birds per m². In conclusion, broiler production in the Western highland is dominated by small-scale units with low level of biosecurity practices positively and significantly (p < 0.05) influenced by some production characteristics. To improve biosecurity practices in the area, efforts must focus on measures concerning “sanitation” and “traffic control” components of biosecurity.
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Expanded viral discovery can improve mitigation
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Since the Neolithic period, humans have domesticated herbivores to have food readily at hand. The cohabitation with animals brought various advantages that drastically changed the human lifestyle but simultaneously led to the emergence of new epidemics. The majority of human pathogens known so far are zoonotic diseases and the development of both agricultural practices and human activities have provided new dynamics for transmission. This article provides a general overview of some factors that influence the epidemic potential of a zoonotic disease, Q fever. As an example of a disease where the interaction between the environment, animal (domestic or wildlife) and human populations determines the likelihood of the epidemic potential, the management of infection due to the Q fever agent, Coxiella burnetii, provides an interesting model for the application of the holistic One Health approach.
In recent decades, there has been an intensification of the socioeconomic and environmental drivers of pandemics, including ecosystem conversion, meat consumption, urbanization, and connectivity among cities and countries. This paper reviews how these four systemic drivers help explain the dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic and other recent emerging infectious diseases, and the policies that can be adopted to mitigate their risks. Land-use change and meat consumption increase the likelihood of pathogen spillover from animals to people. The risk that such zoonotic outbreaks will then spread to become pandemics is magnified by growing urban populations and the networks of trade and travel within and among countries. Zoonotic spillover can be mitigated through habitat protection and restrictions on the wildlife trade. Containing infectious disease spread requires a high degree of coordination among institutions across geographic jurisdictions and economic sectors, all backed by international investment and cooperation.