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Global Maps of Solar Wind Electron Modification by Electrostatic Waves Above the Lunar Day Side: Kaguya Observations

Geophysical Research Letters
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Abstract and Figures

The Moon drives observable perturbations in the upstream solar wind in a similar manner to the terrestrial foreshock. Recent observations suggested that lunar dayside electrostatic waves can arise from two different driving mechanisms, both involving reflected particles from lunar crustal magnetic fields. However, their association with the global distribution of lunar magnetic anomalies have not been fully characterized. Here we exploit polar orbiting Kaguya to generate first global maps of electrostatic waves and solar wind electron modification above the day side of the Moon. The maps clearly demonstrate that the two signatures are correlated with lunar crustal magnetic fields. Additionally, we observe different characteristics of electron modification for different interplanetary magnetic field orientations. The lunar crustal magnetic fields cause a wide range of reflected electron and ion intensities, thereby serving as a test bed to investigate the relative roles of reflected particles on wave excitation and particle heating.
An example case of electrostatic waves and solar wind electron modification above the day side of the Moon observed by Kaguya. (Left) Time‐series data obtained by Kaguya and Wind at 05:30–06:20 UT on March 10, 2008: (a) pitch angle distributions of 164 eV electrons measured by Wind, time‐shifted to the Moon position; (b) downward ion energy spectra from the Ion Energy Analyzer (IEA) in units of differential energy flux (D.E.F., eV s−1cm−2sr−1eV−1); (c) upward ion energy spectra from the Ion Mass Analyzer (IMA); (d) downward electron energy spectra from the Electron Spectrum Analyzer (ESA)‐S2; (e) upward electron energy spectra from ESA‐S1; (f) pitch angle distributions of 150–250 eV electrons from ESA‐S1 and ‐S2; (g) perpendicular (60–90°) to parallel (0–30°) flux ratios of downward electrons (downward pitch angle ranges, 0–90° and 90–180°, are selected according to the magnetic field inclination) at Kaguya (black) and those from Wind in the corresponding pitch angle ranges (blue) derived from the pitch angle distributions shown in Figures 1f and 1a, respectively; (h) magnetic fields in SSE coordinates; (i) magnetic field connection estimated from straight field line extrapolation (black: no connection, red: +B connected to the Moon, green: −B connected to the Moon); and (j) electric field frequency spectra from the Lunar Radar Sounder (LRS) waveform capture (WFC)‐H receiver. The gaps in Figures 1b, 1d, and 1f are associated with the solar UV contamination to IEA and ESA‐S2. (Right) Kaguya orbital trajectories (magenta) in Selenocentric Solar Ecliptic (SSE), Geocentric Solar Ecliptic (GSE), and selenographic coordinates: (k) XSSE‐YSSE; (l) XGSE‐YGSE; (m) XSSE‐ZSSE; (n) YSSE‐ZSSE; and (o) selenographic longitude‐latitude with contours denoting 2 nT crustal field level at a 30 km altitude computed from the Tsunakawa et al. (2015) surface vector mapping (SVM) model.
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1. Introduction
Despite the absence of a global magnetosphere of intrinsic or induced nature, the Moon drives many ob-
servable disturbances in the ambient plasma through absorption, scattering, reflection, and emission of
charged particles by the lunar surface and crustal magnetic fields (Halekas etal.,2011; Saito etal.,2010).
The Moon-plasma interaction generates numerous types of plasma waves observed as electric and magnetic
field fluctuations in a wide range of frequencies (Harada & Halekas,2016; Nakagawa,2016).
Among the rich variety of Moon-related plasma waves, upstream electrostatic waves are suggested to modi-
fy velocity distributions of incoming solar wind electrons, which otherwise have no way to sense the Moon's
existence beforehand in the collisionless, super-Alfvénic solar wind plasma. Intense broadband electrostatic
noise (BEN) above lunar magnetic anomalies located on the lunar day side was first observed by Kaguya
(Hashimoto etal.,2010). Hashimoto etal.(2010) showed from waveform analysis that BEN consists of elec-
trostatic solitary waves (ESWs) with predominantly parallel electric field (
) structures, and proposed that
these ESWs are generated by the electron two stream instabilities (ETSIs) (e.g., Omura etal.,1996,1999) be-
tween incident electrons and upward, magnetically reflected electron beams. Such beam- or conic-like dis-
tributions of upward electrons are commonly observed above lunar magnetic anomalies (Halekas, Poppe,
Delory, etal.,2012), partly resulting from energy gain by reflection from a moving obstacle (Halekas, Poppe,
Abstract The Moon drives observable perturbations in the upstream solar wind in a similar manner
to the terrestrial foreshock. Recent observations suggested that lunar dayside electrostatic waves can arise
from two different driving mechanisms, both involving reflected particles from lunar crustal magnetic
fields. However, their association with the global distribution of lunar magnetic anomalies have not been
fully characterized. Here we exploit polar orbiting Kaguya to generate first global maps of electrostatic
waves and solar wind electron modification above the day side of the Moon. The maps clearly demonstrate
that the two signatures are correlated with lunar crustal magnetic fields. Additionally, we observe different
characteristics of electron modification for different interplanetary magnetic field orientations. The lunar
crustal magnetic fields cause a wide range of reflected electron and ion intensities, thereby serving as a
test bed to investigate the relative roles of reflected particles on wave excitation and particle heating.
Plain Language Summary The Moon drives a variety of waves in the surrounding ionized
gas. In this study, we make a world map showing the population of one of these waves, electrostatic waves,
on the Moon. The wave map shows a clear pattern resembling the lunar magnetic field map. This suggests
that the waves are caused by reflection of charged particles from the localized magnetic field of the Moon.
Additionally, we observe a change in incoming electrons from the Sun when the waves are present.
Our results demonstrate that the space around the Moon is a useful place to study interactions between
particles and waves, which occur in many other places in space.
© 2021. American Geophysical Union.
All Rights Reserved.
Global Maps of Solar Wind Electron Modification by
Electrostatic Waves Above the Lunar Day Side: Kaguya
Yuki Harada1 , Yoshiya Kasahara2 , Masaki N. Nishino3 , Satoshi Kurita4 ,
Yoshifumi Saito3 , Shoichiro Yokota5, Atsushi Kumamoto6 , Futoshi Takahashi7, and
Hisayoshi Shimizu8
1Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2Information Media Center,
Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan, 3Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency, Sagamihara, Japan, 4Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan,
5Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, 6Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai,
Japan, 7Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 8Earthquake Research
Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Key Points:
We present first global maps of
electrostatic waves and solar wind
electron modification on the lunar
day side
The wave generation and resulting
solar wind electron modification are
clearly controlled by lunar crustal
magnetic fields
Two types of electron-wave
interactions are observed under
different interplanetary magnetic
field orientations
Correspondence to:
Y. Harada,
Harada, Y., Kasahara, Y., Nishino, M.
N., Kurita, S., Saito, Y., Yokota, S., etal.
(2021). Global maps of solar wind
electron modification by electrostatic
waves above the lunar day side: Kaguya
observations. Geophysical Research
Letters, 48, e2021GL095260. https://doi.
Received 14 JUL 2021
Accepted 17 AUG 2021
1 of 9
... Unlike the Earth, the Moon does not have an intrinsic global magnetosphere; rather, smaller crustal magnetic fields dot the lunar surface. Previous studies have revealed a dynamic interaction between the lunar environment and the incident solar wind plasma near these crustal magnetic field regions (Halekas et al., 2008;Harada et al., 2021;Lue et al., 2011;Saito et al., 2008Saito et al., , 2010Saito et al., , 2012. For example, incident solar wind ions and electrons are either reflected above the surface or impact the regolith, depending on the magnetization of the lunar crust. ...
... Due to the particle dynamics involved near the lunar surface, recent studies show that the variety of plasma interactions that occur near the lunar surface are sufficient to provide the necessary free energy source driving plasma wave generation and subsequent electron heating (Harada et al., 2021). recently presented global maps of plasma waves and subsequent electron modification utilizing the KAGUYA spacecraft data. ...
... ETSI has been associated with discrete time domain wave structures attributed to electron solitary waves and electron phase space holes. The generated wave results in a parallel fluctuating electric field and has been associated with parallel electron heating (Chu et al., 2021;Harada et al., 2021). Similar to the ECDI case, waves generated by ETSI will herein be referred to as ETSI waves. ...
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Interactions between the incident solar wind plasma and lunar crustal magnetic fields can lead to modifications in electron and ion dynamics that can result in the generation of electrostatic and electromagnetic waves. The resulting waves can then interact with the ambient electrons, leading to perpendicular and/or parallel electron heating. We analyze 10 years of data from the Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence, and Electrodynamics of Moon's Interaction with the Sun mission, when the spacecraft was within 200 km of the dayside lunar surface and within the solar wind, in order to characterize the near‐Moon plasma environment. We find that as the reflected ion density increases, electrostatic waves associated with plasma conditions favorable for the electron cyclotron drift instability play an increasingly important role in perpendicular electron heating, while electromagnetic interactions display the opposite trend. Additionally, we find that electrostatic waves associated with parallel heating exhibit plasma characteristics that are consistent with both the electron two‐stream instability and the modified two‐stream instability.
In this paper, we provide an overview of the lunar rocks and selenology (geology of the Moon), and also summarize an up-to-date concept of lunar resources and their exploitation. Furthermore, the environmental and disaster risks during the development of the Moon contrast with them on Earth, by taking selenological aspects into consideration. Many plans for lunar exploration and landing on the lunar surface are in progress, and one of the next-step activities on the Moon is constructing living and resource-developing facilities. The specific forms and requirements for these constructions will become clear as the plans progress realistically. It is essential for further discussions to estimate the varieties, characteristics, and quantities of materials that can be sourced from the Moon. Additionally, unique responses are required for lunar development, because the lunar environment differs from the terrestrial one. It is necessary to keep abreast of new knowledge to ensure safe and effective lunar development, since many new findings about the selenology and environment of the Moon, which in some cases are modifying established theories and hypotheses, are acquired every moment.
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Above lunar crustal magnetic anomalies, large fractions of solar wind electrons and ions can be scattered and stream back toward the solar wind flow, leading to a number of interesting effects such as electrostatic instabilities and waves. These electrostatic structures can also interact with the background plasma, resulting in electron heating and scattering. We study the electrostatic waves and electron heating observed over the lunar magnetic anomalies by analyzing data from the Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence, and Electrodynamics of Moon's Interaction with the Sun (ARTEMIS) spacecraft. Based on the analysis of two lunar flybys in 2011 and 2013, we find that the electron two‐stream instability (ETSI) and electron cyclotron drift instability (ECDI) may play an important role in driving the electrostatic waves. We also find that ECDI, along with the modified two‐stream instability (MTSI), may provide the mechanisms responsible for substantial isotropic electron heating over the lunar magnetic anomalies.
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Van Allen Probes have detected nonlinear electrostatic spikes around injection fronts in the outer radiation belt. These spikes include electron holes (EH), double layers and more complicated solitary waves. We show that EHs can efficiently scatter electrons due to their substantial transverse electric fields. Although the electron scattering driven by EHs is diffusive, it cannot be evaluated via the standard quasi-linear theory. We derive analytical formulas describing local electron scattering by a single EH and verify them via test-particle simulations. We show that the most efficiently scattered are gyroresonant electrons (crossing EH on a time scale comparable to the local electron gyroperiod). We compute bounce-averaged diffusion coefficients and demonstrate their dependence on the EH spatial distribution (latitudinal extent and spatial filling factor) and individual EH parameters (amplitude of electrostatic potential, velocity, spatial scales). We show that EHs can drive pitch-angle scattering of 5 keV electrons at rates 10 −2 − 10 −4 s −1 and, hence, can contribute to electron losses and conjugated diffuse aurora brightenings. The momentum and pitch-angle scattering rates can be comparable, so that EHs can also provide efficient electron heating. The scattering rates driven by EHs at L−shells L ∼ 5 − 8 are comparable to those due to chorus waves and may exceed those due to electron cyclotron harmonics.
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The reflection of the solar wind protons is equivalent to a beam injection against the solar wind flow. It is expected to produce a ring beam with a 3D distribution function in many cases. The reflected protons are responsible for the generation of ultra-low-frequency (ULF) waves at ˜0.01 Hz and narrowband waves at ˜1 Hz in the extremely low frequency (ELF) range through resonant interaction with magnetohydrodynamic waves and whistler mode waves in the solar wind, respectively. This chapter discusses these commonly observed waves in the near-Moon space. The sinusoidal waveforms and sharp spectra of the monochromatic ELF waves are impressive, but commonly observed are non-monochromatic waves in the ELF range ˜0.03-10 Hz. Some of the solar wind protons reflected by the dayside lunar surface or crustal magnetic field gyrate around the solar wind magnetic field and can access the center of the wake owing to the large Larmour radius.
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The two ARTEMIS probes observe significant precursor activity upstream from the Moon, when magnetically connected to the dayside lunar surface. The most common signature consists of high levels of whistler wave activity near half of the electron cyclotron frequency. This precursor activity extends to distances of many thousands of km, in both the solar wind and terrestrial magnetosphere. In the magnetosphere, electrons reflect from a combination of magnetic and electrostatic fields above the lunar surface, forming loss cone distributions. In the solar wind they generally form conics, as a result of reflection from an obstacle moving with respect to the plasma frame (just as at a shock). The anisotropy associated with these reflected electrons provides the free energy source for the whistlers, with cyclotron resonance conditions met between the reflected source population and Moonward-propagating waves. These waves can in turn affect incoming plasma, and we observe significant perpendicular electron heating and plasma density depletions in some cases. In the magnetosphere, we also observe broadband electrostatic modes driven by beams of secondary electrons and/or photoelectrons accelerated outward from the surface. We also occasionally see waves near the ion cyclotron frequency in the magnetosphere. These lower frequency waves, which may result from the presence of ions of lunar origin, modulate the whistlers described above, as well as the electrons. Taken together, our observations suggest that the presence of the Moon leads to the formation of an upstream region analogous in many ways to the terrestrial electron foreshock.
Despite their small scales, lunar crustal magnetic fields are routinely associated with observations of reflected and/or back-streaming populations of solar wind protons. Solar wind proton reflection locally reduces the rate of space weathering of the lunar regolith, depresses local sputtering rates of neutrals into the lunar exosphere, and can trigger electromagnetic waves and small-scale collisionless shocks in the near-lunar space plasma environment. Thus, knowledge of both the magnitude and scattering function of solar wind protons from magnetic anomalies is crucial in understanding a wide variety of planetary phenomena at the Moon. We have compiled 5.5 years of ARTEMIS observations of reflected protons at the Moon and used a Liouville tracing method to ascertain each proton's reflection location and scattering angles. We find that solar wind proton reflection is largely correlated with crustal magnetic field strength, with anomalies such as South Pole/Aitken Basin (SPA), Mare Marginis, and Gerasimovich reflecting on average 5-12% of the solar wind flux while the un-magnetized surface reflects between 0.1-1% in charged form. We present the scattering function of solar wind protons off of the SPA anomaly, showing that the scattering transitions from isotropic at low solar zenith angles to strongly forward-scattering at solar zenith angles near 90° . Such scattering is consistent with simulations that have suggested electrostatic fields as the primary mechanism for solar wind proton reflection from crustal magnetic anomalies.
This chapter presents an up-to-date catalog of Moon-related particle populations and lunar upstream waves obtained from in-situ measurements at low (<~100 km) and high altitudes, aimed at organizing and clarifying the currently available information on this complex region, where multiple categories of waves and particles coexist. It then briefly outlines the observed properties of a variety of classes of lunar upstream waves, as well as their generation mechanisms currently proposed, in association with the lunar upstream particle distributions. The lunar upstream region magnetically connected to the Moon and its wake, the fore-moon, represents a remarkably rich zoo of different classes of waves and different types of particles. Although recent observations have substantially enhanced our knowledge by revealing a number of new categories of upstream particles and waves at the Moon, many fundamental questions remain unanswered, and these are outlined in the chapter.
Although the zeroth-order picture of the Moon-solar wind interaction involves no upstream perturbation, the presence of the Moon does affect the upstream plasma in a variety of ways. In this paper, a large volume of data obtained by the dual-probe Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence and Electrodynamics of the Moon's Interaction with the Sun (ARTEMIS) mission are used to characterize the large-scale morphology of the “foremoon,” which is defined as the region upstream of the Moon and its wake that contains Moon-related particles and waves. Solar wind ions reflected from the unshielded surface and by crustal magnetic fields, together with heavy ions of lunar surface/exospheric origin, are picked up by the solar wind magnetic and electric fields. Partially coinciding with populations of these Moon-related ions, ∼0.01 Hz and ∼1 Hz magnetic field fluctuations are observed. The morphology of the Moon-related ion and wave distributions is well organized by the upstream magnetic field direction. In addition, the low-frequency wave distributions depend on the upstream Alfvén Mach numbers, suggesting that propagation effects also play a role in determining the wave foremoon morphology. Occurrence of modified electron velocity distributions and higher-frequency, electromagnetic, and electrostatic waves is primarily controlled by magnetic connection to the Moon and its wake. These statistical results observationally demonstrate the large-scale properties of the foremoon and upstream-parameter control thereof.
We have provided preliminary global maps of three components of the lunar magnetic anomaly on the surface applying the surface vector mapping (SVM) method. The data used in the present study consist of about 5 million observations of the lunar magnetic field at 10–45 km altitudes by Kaguya and Lunar Prospector. The lunar magnetic anomalies were mapped at 0.2° equi-distance points on the surface by the SVM method, showing the highest intensity of 718 nT in the Crisium antipodal region. Overall features on the SVM maps indicate that elongating magnetic anomalies are likely to be dominant on the Moon except for the young large basins with the impact demagnetization. Remarkable demagnetization features suggested by previous studies are also recognized at Hertzsprung and Kolorev craters on the farside. These features indicate that demagnetized areas extend to about 1–2 radii of the basins/craters. There are well-isolated central magnetic anomalies at four craters: Leibnitz, Aitken, Jules Verne, and Grimaldi craters. Their magnetic poles through the dipole source approximation suggest occurrence of the polar wander prior to 3.3–3.5 Ga. When compared with high-albedo markings at several magnetic anomalies such as the Reiner Gamma anomalies, three-dimensional structures of the magnetic field on/near the surface are well correlated with high-albedo areas. These results indicate that the global SVM maps are useful for the study of the lunar magnetic anomalies in comparison with various geological and geophysical data.
We present ARTEMIS observations of electron-wave interactions which extend to quite large distances upstream from the Moon. We first study electron velocity distributions and wave spectra on an event basis. In both the solar wind and terrestrial plasma sheet, we observe strong whistler wave activity on the magnetic field lines connected to the dayside lunar surface. These whistlers are most likely driven by the anisotropy of upward electrons caused by surface absorption. The whistler growth rates computed from the measured electron distributions successfully reproduced the spectral characteristics of the observed ~100 Hz narrowband oscillations and those reaching lower frequencies. Meanwhile, the incoming solar wind strahl beam is occasionally isotropized near the Moon and broadband electrostatic waves are observed simultaneously, suggesting streaming instabilities between the incoming and outgoing beams. Based on the case study, we statistically survey the spatial variations of the characteristic quantities of the upstream electron-wave interactions. Both the electron anisotropy and electromagnetic wave intensity decay with increasing field-line distances but remain higher than the ambient level at 6 lunar radii (~10,000 km) or more. The strahl electron isotropization and electrostatic waves are found mainly at lower altitudes below one lunar radius. The electron anisotropy and whistler intensity exhibit clear anti-correlation with crustal magnetic fields, indicating that the magnetic anomalies suppress the whistler wave growth. The ARTEMIS observations convincingly illustrate that the lunar influence on electrons reaches out to 6 lunar radii or more upstream from the Moon.
Hourly averaged interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and plasma data from the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) and Wind spacecraft, generated from 1 to 4 min resolution data time-shifted to Earth have been analyzed for systematic and random differences. ACE moments-based proton densities are larger than Wind/Solar Wind Experiment (SWE) fits-based densities by up to 18%, depending on solar wind speed. ACE temperatures are less than Wind/SWE temperatures by up to ∼25%. ACE densities and temperatures were normalized to equivalent Wind values in National Space Science Data Center's creation of the OMNI 2 data set that contains 1963–2004 solar wind field and plasma data and other data. For times of ACE-Wind transverse separations