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The role of e-satisfaction, e-word of mouth and e-trust on repurchase intention of online shop


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between E-Satisfaction, E-Word of Mouth and E-Trust on Repurchase Intention of Online Shop. The approach in the research used is a quantitative approach using PLS-SEM SmartPLS software as a data processing tool. In this study, the data collection technique was carried out using an online questionnaire which was distributed to 150 respondents' consumers of online shops. Sampling system with snowball sampling method. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it was found that this study found that satisfaction had a positive and insignificant effect on repurchase intention. This shows that the e-satisfaction of online shop consumers does not significantly affect the repurchase intention of these consumers towards e-commerce online shops. In addition, e-word of mouth has a positive and insignificant effect on repur-chase intention. This shows that the higher the e-word of mouth perceived by e-commerce consumers , the less significant customers will repurchase online. E-trust has a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention. This shows that the higher the e-trust perceived by online shop e-commerce consumers, the more customers will repurchase online. The novelty of this research is the new correlation model of e-satisfaction, e-word of mouth and e-Trust on repurchase intention of online shops and the research can be a reference for further research to be applied in other places or countries.
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* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: wawan.prahyawa (W . Prahiawan)
© 2021 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada.
doi: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.8.008
International Journal of Data and Network Science 5 (2021) ***–***
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The role of e-satisfaction, e-word of mouth and e-trust on repurchase intention of online shop
Wawan Prahiawana*, Mochammad Fahlevib, Juliana Julianac, John Tampil Purbac and Sri Apri-
anti Tarigand
aUniversitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Indonesia
bManagement Department, BINUS Online Learning, Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia
cUniversitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia
dInstitut Bisnis Informasi Teknologi dan Bisnis Medan, Indonesia
Article history:
Received: June 8, 2021
Received in revised format: June
30, 2021
Accepted: August 21, 2021
Available online: Au
21, 2021
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between E-Satisfaction, E-Word of Mouth
and E-Trust on Repurchase Intention of Online Shop. The approach in the research used is a quanti-
tative approach using PLS-SEM SmartPLS software as a data processing tool. In this study, the data
collection technique was carried out using an online questionnaire which was distributed to 150
respondents’ consumers of online shops. Sampling system with snowball sampling method. Based
on the results of hypothesis testing, it was found that this study found that satisfaction had a positive
and insignificant effect on repurchase intention. This shows that the e-satisfaction of online shop
consumers does not significantly affect the repurchase intention of these consumers towards e-com-
merce online shops. In addition, e-word of mouth has a positive and insignificant effect on repur-
chase intention. This shows that the higher the e-word of mouth perceived by e-commerce consum-
ers, the less significant customers will repurchase online. E-trust has a positive and significant effect
on repurchase intention. This shows that the higher the e-trust perceived by online shop e-commerce
consumers, the more customers will repurchase online. The novelty of this research is the new cor-
relation model of e-satisfaction, e-word of mouth and e-Trust on repurchase intention of online shops
and the research can be a reference for further research to be applied in other places or countries.
© 2021 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada.
E-Word of Mouth
Repurchase Intention
Online Shop
1. Introduction
In this digital era and industrial revolution, the increasing number of smart phones and cellular operators that provide internet
services at low prices makes online business more fertile. According to Anser et al. (2021) many businesses are starting to
use creative ways to promote their online stores. Starting from making artistic photos, interesting videos and other promotional
content. Zainul (2019) and Zoghlami (2018) online business conditions in Indonesia are currently giving rise to an interesting
phenomenon, namely the influence of influencers or celebrities who are getting stronger. Many online stores use their services
to promote goods or services. Online shopping behavior has become a habit for many people, especially in the midst of the
current pandemic. Moreover, Indonesia is the largest e-commerce market in Southeast Asia. According to Wearesocial and
Hootsuite data, around 90% of internet users in Indonesia have shopped online. In 2019, the value of the e-commerce market
capitalization in Indonesia reached USD 21 billion or around IDR 294 trillion (Ahmed & Zahid, 2014). The e-commerce
industry in Indonesia is predicted to reach a value of USD 40 billion by 2022 (Zainul, 2019; Zoghlami et al., 2018). There are
several factors that influence the rapid development of e-commerce in Indonesia. One of the biggest factors is the rapid growth
of the middle class in Indonesia, amounting to 25% of the total population or as many as 58.3 million people in 2021. This is
also seen by the increase in public spending on online consumer goods shopping by 26% in 2020 compared to 2019. Apart
from the increasing middle class, other factors that also support the development of e-commerce are the increasing level of
internet penetration and mobile device users, allowing more people to access various online shopping platforms, starting from
store websites online, marketplace applications and social media. Repurchase intention is customer satisfaction measured
behaviorally by asking whether the customer will shop or use the company's services again. According to Ahmed and Zahid
(2014) repurchase intention is defined as an individual's assessment of the repurchase of services or services from the same
company by considering the current situation and the good atmosphere of the individual. In e-commerce applications, cus-
tomer repurchase interest will appear after making a purchase accompanied by a feeling of satisfaction in shopping using the
application. Research on electronic word of mouth conducted by Ahmed and Zahid (2014) shows that electronic word of
mouth has a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention at Citilink Indonesia. Similar research on electronic word
of mouth was conducted. Consumer commitment with the desire to make repeat purchases can be influenced by satisfaction
from previous purchases. Satisfaction is a key factor that can affect repurchase intention. Andika et al. (2020) explained that
high satisfaction from a service causes consumers to always consider repeat purchases. Satisfaction in using e-commerce
applications is called electronic satisfaction or e-satisfaction. Basically, there is no significant difference between electronic
(e-satisfaction) and traditional customer satisfaction. Ahmad et al. (2017) explained that e-satisfaction occurs when products
and services exceed consumer expectations, the level of buyer satisfaction after comparing the purchase experience and per-
ceived expectations with the post-purchase experience. Andika et al. (2020) showed that customer satisfaction has a positive
and significant effect on repurchase intentions. Likewise, research conducted by Hasman et al. (2019) show that e-satisfaction
has a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention. Trust has an important role in influencing the relationship between
commitment and customer loyalty. E-commerce has a high potential risk from the transaction side, so that the factor of cus-
tomer trust in vendors is a key factor in e-commerce. Andika et al. (2020) found that trust influences repurchase intention.
Trust in an online site with e-trust is important because logically consumers have a higher level of risk perception than non-
online transactions in terms of delivery, payment, and personal information (Yuliantoro et al., 2019).
According to Ahmad et al. (2017) e-satisfaction can be defined as a holistic evaluation of the relationship between website
users and e-retailers. E-satisfaction occurs when products and services exceed customer expectations. This is the level of
buyer satisfaction after comparing the purchase experience and perceived expectations with the post-purchase experience
(Ebrahim, 2020). Satisfaction is a psychological condition that results when a customer is satisfied, and he/she is no longer
looking for an alternative other than the website he/she was using at that time. When the customer is not satisfied, then he/she
will look for other alternatives and it will be an opportunity for competitors to take advantage of the situation. Online shopping
on marketplace sites does not allow for personal contact between prospective buyers and sellers (Faircloth et al., 2001). Con-
sumers will only choose and consider purchasing products through images and information as stated on the website page only.
The purchase will completely depend on the perception and trust of potential buyers on the site manager and the seller since
one of the main foundations of online shopping is the level of consumer trust. The same thing was stated by others that
customer trust in an online system (e-trust) is the main dimension of an online system. In interaction with an online shopping
website, many studies have shown that e-trust or online trust is very important in online transactions. E-trust itself is defined
as the basis for establishing relationships and maintaining relationships between customers and online sellers (Affandi et al.,
2020). E-trust in E-retailers happens when customers are willing to accept vulnerabilities in online transactions based on
positive expectations about future actions (Ebrahim, 2020). E-trust is a trust that consumers must buy via the internet. Reluc-
tance to shop online can arise from uncertainty about settlement or perceived risks about payments and the security of personal
information. Based on the above understanding, it can be concluded that e-trust or electronic trust is a trust that does not
appear suddenly but must be built from the start. This trust will be a driving force in creating an effective relationship with
customers (Nadaraja & Yazdanifard, 2013). In general, word of mouth or WOM is a marketing communication tool that is
incorporated in the promotion mix (Stephen, 2016; Wanasida, 2021). Marketing communication as a communication that
aims to build awareness, increase consumer interest and interest in a product or brand which in turn can make consumers take
action to purchase the brand (Faircloth et al., 2001). e-word of mouth is a positive or negative statement about a product or
company made by potential customers, current and former customers, which is available to many people and institutions
through the internet (Hellier et al., 2003). Repurchase intention is an individual's assessment of the repurchase of services or
services from the same company by considering the current situation and the good atmosphere of the individual. According
to Anser et al. (2021) repurchase intention can be defined as customer satisfaction measured behaviorally by asking whether
the customer will shop or use the company's services again. Affandi et al. (2020) describes four indicators in identifying
repurchase intentions, namely transactional interest, referential interest, preferential interest and exploratory interest. The
purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between E-Satisfaction, E-Word of Mouth and E-Trust on Repurchase
Intention of Online Shop.
2. Method
The research method used is a quantitative approach. The data in the form of numbers are then processed and analyzed to
obtain scientific information behind these numbers (Purwanto et al., 2021). In this study, the data obtained by SEM-PLS
Software. This study used PLS-SEM because the model tested was the development of the previous research model (Asbari
et al., 2021). Analyzing data with PLS-SEM can be done in two ways, namely the Measurement Model which is often called
W. Prahiawan et al. / International Journal of Data and Network Science 5 (2021) 3
the Outer model and the Structural model called the Inner Model. In this study, the data collection technique was carried out
using a questionnaire or online questionnaire which was distributed to 150 online shop consumer respondents. Sampling
system with snowball sampling method.
2.1 Validity test
With the aim of knowing the validity or invalidity of the statement use in the questionnaire, the statement is declared valid if
the statement used indicates something that will be measured (Latan et al., 2017). Validity testing focuses on all variables that
have a unidimensional form. For this study, using convergent validity testing, namely through the Average variance extracted
(AVE) value for each Latan et al. (2017). Validity of an indicator if the AVE value is equal to or more than 0.5
2.2 Reliability Test
To see the accuracy, and consistency of the model can be measured using the reliability test, in the SmartPLS 3.0 program
there are two ways to test the instrument model, namely Cronbach's Alpha and Composite Reliability, but usually the results
of Cronbach's Alpha test have a lower value, therefore Latan et al. (2017) recommend that reliability test be carried out using
Composite Reliability. Latan et al. (2017) say that the assumption of accurate parameter estimates is tested using Composite
Reliability, in Composite Reliability testing there is the use of the Rule of thumb to measure the reliability of a variable.
Composite Reliability is said to be valid if the value is more than 0.7 (Purwanto et al., 2021).
2.3 Structural Model Test
This is used to calculate the significance value of the relationship between variables directly without mediation. In the
SmartPLS 3.0 program to view the magnitude of the value of the relationship between variables can be seen in the Sample
Mean table in the Path coefficients. To see the relationship between variables is significant or not. We can see in the T-
Statistics table where the value must be more than > 1.96, or the P-Value (Betta) is less than <0.05 Latan, & Noonan (2017).
2.4 R Square (Coefficient of Determination Test)
The correlation test uses the coefficient of determination (R2) between the independent variable and the dependent variable
with the aim of seeing whether there is a relationship between the Independent Variable and the Dependent Variable. The
results of the coefficient of determination test (R2) also show how much the independent variable explains the independent
variable. An independent variable is said to contain the information needed by the dependent variable if it has an R-Square
value of 1 (one) or at least close to it, and vice versa (Purwanto et al., 2021).
2.5 Quality Index
The test is to assess the model in an overall way. The test is to assess the model in an overall way. The Quality Index is
measured by looking at the value of GoF (Goodness of fit), the better the resulting model can be seen from the higher the GoF
value, GoF Small = 0.10, GoF Medium = 0.25, GoF Large 0.36 (Purwanto et al., 2021).
2.6 Hypothesis testing
According to Hair et al. (2019) after a research model is believed to be fit, a hypothesis test can be carried out. The next step
is to test the hypothesis that has been built in this study. Hypothesis testing using the Bootstrapping function on SmartPLS
3.0. The hypothesis is accepted when the significance level is less than 0.05 or the t-value exceeds the critical value (Hair et
al., 2014). The value of t statistics for the 5% significance level is 1.96.
Fig 1. Research Model
Hypothesis 1: There is a positive influence between E-Satisfaction on Repurchase Intention of Online Shop.
Hypothesis 2: There is a positive influence between E-Word of Mouth on Repurchase Intention of Online Shop.
Hypothesis 3: There is a positive influence between E-Trust on Repurchase Intention of Online Shop.
3. Result and Discussion
3.1 Reliability test
According to Hair et al. (2019), reliability is a measure of the internal consistency of indicators of a construct that shows the
degree to which each of these indicators shows a general latent construct. According to Hair et al. (2019) the reliability re-
quirement is a measure of the stability and consistency of the results at different times. To test the reliability of the construct
in this study used the value of composite reliability. A variable is said to meet construct reliability if it has a composite
reliability value > 0.7 (Purwanto et al., 2019) and the Alpha Cronbach value > 0.7 has a good level of reliability for a variable.
Table 1
Reliability Testing Result
Cronbach's Alpha rho_A Composite Reliability Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
E-Satisfaction 0.978 0.979 0.988 0.976
E-Trust 0.898 1.096 0.918 0.792
E-Word of Mouth 0.995 1.016 0.996 0.985
Repurchase Intention 0.988 0.994 0.992 0.977
According to Table 1, it can be seen the results of the reliability test analysis using the SmartPLS tool which states that all
composite reliability values are greater than 0.7, which means that all variables are reliable and have met the test criteria.
Furthermore, the value of Cronbach’s omission also shows that all Cronbach’s Alpha values are more than 0.6 and this indi-
cates the level of reliability of the variable has also met the criteria.
3.2 Convergent Validity
Convergent validity is used to measure the correlation between item scores and construct scores, the higher the correlation
the better the data validity (Purwanto et al., 2021). Measurement can be categorized as having convergent validity if the
loading factor value is > 0.7.
Fig. 2. Validity Testing
3.3 Discriminant Validity
Discriminant validity is a test of construct validity by predicting the size of the indicator from each block (Hair, 2019). One
of the discriminant validities can be seen by comparing the AVE value with the correlation between other constructs in the
model. If the AVE root value is > 0.50, it means that discriminant validity is reached (Hair, 2018). Discriminant validity was
also carried out based on the Fornell Larcker Criterion measurement with the construct. If the correlation of the constructs on
each indicator is greater than the other constructs, it means that latent constructs can predict indicators better than other con-
structs (Purwanto et al., 2020).
W. Prahiawan et al. / International Journal of Data and Network Science 5 (2021) 5
Table 2
Discriminant validity Result
E-Satisfaction E-Trust E-Word of Mouth Repurchase Intention
E-Satisfaction 0.988
E-Trust 0.703 0.890
E-Word of Mouth 0.405 0.407 0.993
Repurchase Intention 0.456 0.564 0.676 0.988
Based on Table 2, it appears that each statement indicator has the highest loading factor value in the tested latent constructs
than other latent constructs, meaning that each statement indicator can be predicted well by each latent construct in other
words discriminant validity is valid.
3.4 R Square Value
The value of R square (R2) is a measure of the proportion of the variation in the value of the affected variable which can be
explained by the variable that influences it. If in a study using more than two independent variables, then the adjusted R-
square (adjusted R2) is used. The value of r square adjusted is a value that is always smaller than r square. The R2 value is
close to 1, with the limiting criteria being divided into 3 classifications, If the value of R2 = 0.67 Model is substance (strong),
If the value of R2 = 0.33 the model is moderate (medium) and if the value of R2 = 0.19 the model is weak (bad)
Table 3
R Square Value
R Square R Square Adjusted
Repurchase Intention 0.215 0.187
Based on table 3, the R Square of Repurchase Intention value is 0.187 or 18.7% means that the Repurchase Intention variable
is influenced by the E-Satisfaction, E-Word of Mouth and E-Trust variable by 18.7%, while the remaining 82.3% is influenced
by other variables not discussed in this study.
3.5 Hypothesis testing
According to Hair et al. (2019) after a research model is believed to be fit, a hypothesis test can be carried out. The next step
is to test the hypothesis that has been built in this study. In this case, the bootstrapping method is applied to the sample. Testing
with bootstrapping is intended to minimize the problem of abnormal research data.
Fig. 3. Hypothesis Testing
The last step of the test using the Smart Pls application is hypothesis testing and is carried out by looking at the results of the
bootstrapping value. Hypothesis testing using the Bootstrapping function on SmartPLS 3.0. The hypothesis is accepted when
the significance level is less than 0.05 or the t-value exceeds the critical value (Hair et al., 2014). The value of t statistics for
the 5% significance level is 1.96.
Table 4
Hypothesis Testing
Correlation Original Sample (O) T Statistics P Values Note
E-Satisfaction Repurchase Intention 0.348 1.710 0.088 Not Significant
E-Trust Repurchase Intention 0.384 3.250 0.001 Significant
E-word of mouth Repurchase Intention 0.065 0.340 0.734 Not Significant
3.6 Effect of E-Satisfaction on Repurchase Intention
Based on the results of the hypothesis testing, the original sample value was positive 0.348 and the T value was 1.710 < 1.96
and P value 0.088 > 0.050 so it was concluded that there was a positive but not significant relationship between E-Satisfaction
and Repurchase Intention. This study found that satisfaction has a positive and insignificant effect on repurchase intention.
This shows that the e-satisfaction felt by e-commerce online shop consumers will not significantly affect the e-repurchase
intention of these consumers towards e-commerce online shops. Park and Oh (2012) stated that satisfaction increases future
purchase intentions. In addition, the results of this study are not supported by research conducted by Pramono et al. (2021)
and Salehnia et al. (2014) show that customer satisfaction has a positive and significant influence on purchase intention.
Likewise, the research conducted by Wijaya et al. (2021) and Nagoya et al. (2021), who both conducted research on e-com-
merce, showed that e-satisfaction had a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention.
3.7 Effect of E-Trust on Repurchase Intention
Based on the results of the hypothesis testing, the original sample value was positive 0.384 and the T value was 3.250> 1.96
and P value 0.001 < 0.050 so it was concluded that there was a positive and significant relationship between E-Trust and
Repurchase Intention. This study found that e-trust has a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention. This shows
that the higher the e-trust perceived by online shop e-commerce consumers, the more customers will repurchase online. The
results of this study are supported by research from Park and Oh (2012) with the results that e-trust trust has a significant
effect on repurchase intention at hotels in Lampung. Research conducted by Pramono et al. (2021) and Salehnia et al. (2014)
shows that e-trust has a positive effect on online repurchase intention, which is indicated by a positive correlation coefficient.
Susilo et al. (2020) and Rudyanto et al. (2020) in a study entitled the effect of consumer e-satisfaction and e-trust on online
repurchase intention at Traveloka showed that e-trust has a positive and significant influence on online repurchase intention.
3.8 Effect of E-Word of mouth on Repurchase Intention
Based on the results of the hypothesis testing, the original sample value was positive 0.146 and the T value was 0.340< 1.96
and the P value was 0.340> 0.050 so it was concluded that there was an insignificant relationship between E-Word of mouth
and Repurchase intention. This study found that e-word of mouth had a positive and insignificant effect on repurchase inten-
tion. This shows that the higher the e-word of mouth perceived by e-commerce consumers, the less significant customers will
repurchase online. The results of this study are supported by Pramono et al. (2021) and Salehnia et al. (2014) who formulated
that e-word of mouth has a significant effect on repurchase intention. Research conducted by Wijaya et al. (2021) and Nagoya
et al. (2021) who found that the more positive the e-word of mouth, the higher the intention to repurchase.
E-satisfaction influences e-word of mouth. This shows that the e-satisfaction felt by online shop e-commerce consumers will
affect the consumer's e-word of mouth towards the e-commerce online shop (Park et al., 2012). Respondents tend to recom-
mend to others after respondents feel satisfied shopping. The higher the customer satisfaction, the greater the chances of the
customer to recommend (Wijaya et al., 2021; Nagoya et al., 2021). E-trust influences e-word of mouth. This shows that the
e-trust perceived by online shop e-commerce consumers will affect the consumer's e-word of mouth towards the e-commerce
online shop. Customers tend to recommend to others after customers feel trust in the online shop. The higher the trust, the
greater the chance for customers to recommend. E-satisfaction influences repurchase intention. This shows that the e-satis-
faction felt by e-commerce online shop consumers will affect the e-repurchase intention of these consumers towards e-com-
merce online shops. Customers tend to repurchase on e-commerce, customers are satisfied with their online shopping. The
higher the e-satisfaction, the greater the intention to repurchase. E-trust influences repurchase intention. This shows that the
higher the e-trust perceived by online shop e-commerce consumers, the more customers will repurchase online (Stephen,
2016; Wanasida, 2021). Customers tend to repurchase on e-commerce when customers trust. So the higher the e-trust, the
greater the intention to repurchase. E-word of mouth influences repurchase intention. This shows that the higher the e-word
of mouth perceived by online shop e-commerce consumers, the more customers will repurchase online. Customers tend to
repurchase in e-commerce when customers get e-word of mouth. So that the higher the e-word of mouth, the greater the
intention to repurchase. E-satisfaction influences repurchase intention through e-word of mouth. This shows that e-word of
mouth can strengthen and can also weaken consumer repurchase intentions at online shops, in this study e-word of mouth
reduces the effect of e-satisfaction on repurchase intention (Susilo et al., 2020; Rudyanto et al., 2020). e-trust influences
repurchase intention through e-word of mouth. This shows that e-word of mouth can strengthen and can also weaken repur-
chase intention of consumers at online shops, in the path analysis in this study e-word of mouth strengthens the influence of
e-trust on repurchase intention of commerce Online shop consumers.
W. Prahiawan et al. / International Journal of Data and Network Science 5 (2021) 7
3.9 Practical Implications
The practical implications of the research results for online shop companies show that E-Satisfaction has no effect on Repur-
chase Intention, E-Trust has an effect on Repurchase Intention and E-word of mouth has an effect on Repurchase Intention.
Therefore, the online shop is considered necessary to consider each variable in this study. All elements within the company
must be able to work together in improving a good brand image so that the product can be trusted by consumers. In terms of
eWOM, it can be concluded that the internet or social media item is a place to express consumer dissatisfaction based on the
survey results this item has the lowest value of the other items. So to increase sales of a product, the online shop adds support
through a chat room system by customer service so that customers get a lot of information from customer service, online
shops, and online shops will be consistent in their commitment to work together with their customers to satisfy their desires
in realizing best product. Based on the conclusions that have been described regarding the results of the research, suggestions
that can be given are, in using E-Word of Mouth as one of the promotional media carried out, Lazada must be able to increase
interaction between users so that users are more interested in making E-Purchase Decisions at online shops. Furthermore, to
keep E-Trust good in the eyes of consumers, the online shop must be able to make deliveries according to the time that has
been set and there are no delays that will lead to disappointment. Then to increase consumer interest, online shops must update
the Marketplace so that consumers will find it easier and faster to find the products they need.
3.10 Theoretical Implications
The theoretical implications of the three variables tested are E-satisfaction has no effect on repurchase intention, E-trust in-
fluences repurchase intention and E-word of mouth has no effect on repurchase intention. Only two variables that affect
repurchase intention in online shops are E-Trust and E-word of mouth. From the results of this study, it can be said that it
strengthens the theory which states that each of these two factors affects repurchase intention. However, because e-satisfaction
does not affect repurchase intention, it can be said that e-satisfaction does not strengthen the theory which states that e-
satisfaction affects repurchase intention.
4. Conclusion
This study has found that satisfaction has a positive and insignificant effect on repurchase intention. This shows that the e-
satisfaction felt by e-commerce online shop consumers will not significantly affect the e-repurchase intention of these con-
sumers towards e-commerce online shops. e-word of mouth has a positive and insignificant effect on repurchase intention.
This shows that the higher the e-word of mouth perceived by e-commerce consumers, the less significant customers will
repurchase online. e-trust has a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention. This shows that the higher the e-trust
perceived by online shop e-commerce consumers, the more customers will repurchase online. This study has limitations,
namely the limited number of respondents, the unit analysis is only on the online shop, so the results may not necessarily be
applicable to other respondents and units of analysis. Suggestions for further research are increasing the number of respond-
ents, using other sampling methods, adding other variables, and using other units of analysis.
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uted under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license
... According to Juwaini et al. (2022) customer loyalty is an outcome derived from customer satisfaction because a product or service provided and sold by a business aligns with their desires. Loyalty can have a positive impact on businesses, such as securing loyal customers who make regular or repeat purchases (Maskuroh et al., 2022;Prahiawan et al., 2021;Sutia et al., 2019). Loyalty isn't instantaneous, it emerges from consistent, long-term purchasing experiences that meet customer expectations. ...
... eWOM is marketing that utilizes the internet to achieve a WOM effect for the purpose of supporting a company's endeavors (Stuart et al., 2014). This WOM news is often termed "viral marketing," spreading like a virus, with one "like" click leading to another, prompting consumers to discuss a company's products and services in various online formats (Prahiawan et al., 2021;Sahir et al., 2021). As technology and information have evolved, the WOM concept has transitioned to eWOM. ...
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Coffee shops have now evolved into an integral part of the modern lifestyle embraced by today's youth, especially by Generation Z. This study aims to understand the role of technology, specifically through Social Media Usage (SMU) and Electronic Word-Of Mouth (eWOM), and how trust as a mediator affects purchase intention and subsequently impacts customer loyalty. This study involved 282 respondents from diverse backgrounds. The sampling technique employed both snowballing and random sampling methods. For analysis, the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique was utilized. In the study, several relationships were tested for their significance. The relationship between SMU and Trust was found to be significant. However, the relationship between eWOM and Trust was not significant. Trust significantly influenced Purchase Intention and Customer Loyalty. The direct relationship between Purchase Intention and Customer Loyalty was not significant. Moreover, the mediated relationships of SMU through Trust to Purchase Intention were significant, while the mediated relationship of eWOM through Trust to Purchase Intention was found to be non-significant. This investigation illuminates the distinct confluence of age-old values and contemporary digital interactions in sculpting consumer behavior within Indonesia. It accentuates the imperative for coffee shop enterprises to discern and synergize with these trends to guarantee enduring prosperity.
... Word-of-mouth marketing is providing motivation and a reason to people in the community to talk about the company's services and products (Prahiawan, Juliana, & Purba, 2021).The only type of marketing that is based on what the customer really thinks about the company's brand is word-of-mouth marketing. This marketing is more honest and noble than other types of marketing, in fact, it tries to satisfy people by satisfying their needs in order to share their experiences with family, friends and society is the existential philosophy of this type of marketing (Praharjo & Kusumawati, 2016). ...
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The increase in the audience of the Internet caused the owners of goods and service providers to think about marketing on the Internet, and one of the most important of them is social media marketing. The research aims to Analyzing the impact of social media marketing, word of mouth and price perception on customer behavioral intentions through perceived interaction. This research is quantitative and in terms of survey method and data measurement method is through questionnaire. The random sampling method was simple and in terms of the structural equation approach, it is based on Lisrel software. The statistical sample included 357 respondents and the results showed that there is a relationship between social media marketing and word-of-mouth advertising with perceived interaction. But the relationship between perceived price and perceived interaction was not significant. Also, the relationship between perceived interaction and customer's behavioral intentions was positively significant.
... Penelitian sebelumnya (Wilson dan Keni, 2018), (Wuisan et al., 2020), Prahiawan et al., (2021) dan (Saidani et al. 2019) menunjukkan bahwa variabel Trust atau E-Trust mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen untuk melakukan pembelian ulang di platform belanja online yang sama. Dan penelitian ini juga dilatarbelakangi oleh pendapat lingkungan sekitar peneliti yang merasa platform selain Shopee kurang nyaman dari segi desain, kemudahan dan kualitas jasa yang diberikan. ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji serta menganalisis Pengaruh Persepsi Website Design Quality‎ ‎ dan E-Service Quality terhadap ‎E-‎Trust ‎ dan Repurchase Intention di Shopee. Jumlah sampel yang telah memenuhi kriteria dalam penelitian ini adalah 200 sampel menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel nonprobabiliy dengan metode purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner elektronik dan disebarkan menggunakan Google Form. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan analisis Structural Equation Model (SEM). Alat statistik yang digunakan adalah software AMOS versi 24. Berdasarkan pengujian dan analisis menggunakan SEM, menunjukkan bahwa Website Design Quality‎ berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap E-‎Trust, E-Service Quality berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap E-‎Trust, E-‎Trust berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Repurchase Intention, Website Design Quality‎ tidak berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap Repurchase Intention, E-Service Quality tidak berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap Repurchase Intention, E-Trust memediasi penuh pengaruh Website Design Quality‎ terhadap Repurchase Intention. E-Trust memediasi penuh pengaruh E-Service Quality terhadap Repurchase Intention pada pelanggan Shopee. This study aims to examine and analyze the Influence of Perceived Website Design Quality‎ and E-Service Quality on E-Trust and Repurchase Intention at Shopee. The number of samples that met the criteria in this study were 200 samples using a non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling method. The data collection technique in this study used an electronic questionnaire and was distributed using the Google Form. This research uses a quantitative approach with Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis. The statistical tool used is AMOS software version ‎‎24.‎ Based on testing and analysis using SEM, it shows that Website Design Quality has a significant positive effect on E-Trust, E-Service Quality has a significant positive effect on E-Trust, E-Trust has a significant positive effect on Repurchase Intention, Website ‎ Design Quality has no direct effect on Repurchase Intention, E-Service Quality has no direct effect on Repurchase Intention, E-Trust fully mediates the effect of Website Design Quality on Repurchase Intention. E-Trust fully mediates the influence of E-Service Quality on Repurchase Intention of Shopee customers.
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The aims of this study to analyze the significant effect of celebrity endorser on word of mouth, to analyze the significant effect of brand image on word of mouth, to analyze the significant effect of celebrity endorser on brand image, to analyze the significant effect of celebrity endorser on purchase decision, to analyze the significant effect of brand image on purchase decision, to analyze the significant effect of word of mouth on purchase decision. to analyze the significant effect of celebrity endorser and word of mouth on purchase decision, to analyze the significant effect of brand image and word of mouth on purchase decision, to analyse the significant effect of celebrity endorser, brand image and word of mouth on purchase decision. The data collection in this study was by distributing questionnaires to 200 customer respondents in DKI Jakarta using MS Glow. In analyzing the research data, the Structural Equation Model (SEM) approach was used with the Lisrel application version 8.8. The results of this study are there is a positive and significant effect on e-satisfaction on electronic word of mouth, there is a positive and significant influence on e-trust on electronic word of mouth, there is a positive and significant influence on electronic word of mouth on repurchase intention, there is a positive influence and significant on e-satisfaction on repurchase intention, there is a positive and significant effect on e-trust on repurchase intention, there is a positive and significant effect on e-satisfaction on repurchase intention through electronic word of mouth, there is a positive and significant effect on e-trust on repurchase intentions through electronic word of mouth.
The study of gastronomy explores diverse cultural elements with food as its focal point of analysis. It encompasses more than just the physiological aspects of food and drink, delving into a regional culinary perspective as a cultural element and an asset crucial for the region's tourism industry development, boosting local income, and enhancing people's well-being. An example of a gastronomic product is the traditional Indonesian eating style known as “Makan Bajamba” from Nagari Jawi-jawi in West Sumatra. This particular cultural eating tradition emphasis on local traditions which involves the empowerment of women through the “bundo kanduang” (a traditional Minangkabau term for a respected woman) and gastronomy. These aspects are integral to a sustainable l iving concept that promotes high-quality and sustainable tourism. Preserving the traditional Indonesian intangible cultural heritage of “Makan Bajamba” necessitates effective governance and the integration of economic, social, cultural, and environmental values. In this study, the authors specifically focused on evaluating how sustainable tourism and gastronomy principles can be applied to the traditional way of Bajamba. This approach highlights the potential for making Bajamba's dining tradition an appealing aspect of sustainable tourism gastronomy activities. This qualitative study utilized a variety of data collection methods, including in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and field observations. The data analysis approach employed was Narrative Analysis, which involves scrutinizing the stories and narratives provided by the participants, specifically the villagers and stakeholders from Nagari Jawi-jawi. The results of this study highlight the crucial need to increase promotional efforts targeting both national and international tourists, recognizing the potential of developing the Bajamba tradition as a sustainable gastronomy tourist attraction. The findings also stress the importance of a strategic sustainable tourism approach, aiming to maximize the economic benefits and their subsequent positive effects on society. Additionally, active engagement of the younger generation in Bajamba eating activities is emphasized as a critical factor. This involvement is essential for the preservation and continuation of the Bajamba eating tradition, ensuring its endurance as generations evolve and safeguarding it from potential disappearance.
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This study aims to investigate the influence of user experience and online security on customer satisfaction and trust in ecommerce. The research method included a structural equation modeling that relates perceived security, user experience, trust, and customer satisfaction online. The findings showed that user experience and perceived security are significant factors that influence trust, and consequently, customer satisfaction. The relevant finding was to identify trust as the main factor in predicting customer satisfaction. The study's value is to provide companies with the opportunity to implement strategies based on trust and customer satisfaction online, which have been poorly studied in Mexico previously. The main limitation was the use of a specific sample of online consumers in Mexico; thus, the results may not be generalizable to other populations.
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Research on e-loyalty refers to the level of loyalty or e-loyalty at the level of customer loyalty or loyalty to service platforms, or company digital products because internet and technological developments have changed the way businesses interact with customers. the purpose of this research is to know the direct effect of e-service quality and e-trust on e-loyalty, then to know the direct effect, e-trust and e-satisfaction, then to find out how e-service quality, e-trust, e-satisfaction affect e-loyalty to online shopping. Data was collected through a questionnaire, the questionnaire was distributed via social media using the Google form, the population of this study was an online shopping application user. questionnaire collected 110 respondents, the sampling is non-probability with a purposive sampling procedure. In this study using a quantitative approach. The results of the study are E-service Quality with e-Satisfaction has no positive effect, e-Trust with e-Satisfaction has a positive effect on e-loyalty, e-service Quality has no positive effect on e-loyalty, e- trust has no positive effect on e-loyalty, E-Satisfaction with E-Loyalty has no positive effect, E-Trust on E-Loyalty mediated by E-Satisfaction has no positive effect, E-Service Quality on E-Loyalty mediated by E -Satisfaction has no positive effect. This research is expected to be a reference for online shop companies in providing electronic services to their customers. Keywords: e-service quality, e-trust, e-Satisfaction; e-loyalty
Günümüzde oldukça kalabalık sayılabilecek işletmelerden biri de yiyecek ve içecek işletmeleridir. Pazarlama uzmanları, piyasada rekabette üstünlüğü elde etmek için çabalayan bu tür işletmelere, tüketicilerin duygusal yönlerine daha fazla dokunmaları gerektiğini ve bir ürüne yatırım yapılma ve/veya ürünün diğer müşterilere iletilmesi gerektiğini aktarmalıdır. Geçmiş çalışmalarda deneyimsel pazarlama konusu kapsamlı bir şekilde araştırılmış olsa da çay satış mağazalarında deneyimsel pazarlamanın alt boyutlarının kulaktan kulağa iletişim ve tekrar satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkileriyle ilgili literatürde bir boşluk olduğu görülmüştür. Bu sebeple bu araştırmada, çay satış mağazalarından ürün veya hizmet alan tüketicilerin mağaza yönelik deneyimlerini diğer tüketicilere kulaktan kulağa ileterek tüketicilerin tekrar satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Rize ilinde daha önce çay satış mağazalarından ürün veya hizmet satın almış 415 tüketiciden veri toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizi için yapısal eşitlik modeli (YEM) ve SPSS24 paket programı kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda duygusal, düşünsel, fiziksel ve sosyal deneyimin kulaktan kulağa pazarlama üzerinde pozitif ve anlamlı bir ektisinin bulunduğu fakat duyusal deneyimin kulaktan kulağa pazarlama üzerinde anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca kulaktan kulağa pazarlamanın tekrar satın alma niyeti üzerinde pozitif ve anlamlı bir ektiye sahip olduğu saptanmıştır.
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The purpose of this study is to compare the results of quantitative research data processing in the field of education management using Lisrel, Tetrad, GSCA, Amos, SmartPLS, WarpPLS, and SPSS software for small samples or respondents. This research method is quantitative and research data analysis uses the four types of software to obtain a comparison of the results of the analysis. The analysis in this study focuses on the analysis of hypothesis testing and regression analysis. Regression analysis is used to measure how much influence the independent variable has on the dependent variable. The field of this research is education management and the research data uses quantitative data derived from questionnaire data for a small sample of 32 respondents with three research variables, namely the independent variable of transformational leadership and job satisfaction, while the dependent variable is teacher performance. Based on the results of the analysis using Lisrel, Tetrad, GSCA, Amos, SmartPLS, WarpPLS, and SPSS software, the results showed that for a small sample there was no significant difference in the significance value of p-value and t-value. There is also no significant difference in the determination value, and the correlation value in the resulting structural equation also has no significant difference in results, while for CB-SEM represented by Lisrel, Tetrad cannot process data with a small sample size.
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of customization purchase intention of Smartphones, entertainment, interaction, social media marketing, trendiness, and Word-of-Mouth on purchase intention of Smartphones. The study uses a quantitative method by distributing online questionnaires to 217 consumers in Banten Indonesia and the method of distributing questionnaires is a snowball sampling system. Data processing and testing of hypotheses and models in this study are based on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The research has benefits in increasing knowledge and information for companies about the importance of brand awareness through increasing influencing factors such as social media marketing and word of mouth. Based on the results of SmartPLS analysis, Interaction, Word-of-Mouth, Social media marketing, Entertainment and Trendiness have insignificant effects on purchase intentions of Smartphones while Cus-tomization has significant effects on purchase intentions of Smartphones during.
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Purpose This study aims to investigate the role of e-service quality and e-trust for achieving e-loyalty among digital library users in the digital economy. The current study examined the mediation effect of e-trust in the connection between e-service quality and e-loyalty. Design/methodology/approach Cross-sectional design was applied for the purpose of data collection and empirical findings of the study. Survey method was used for the purpose of data collection from 783 online digital libraries users. Findings Results reveal that e-service quality positively predicts e-trust in digital economy. Moreover, in digital economy e-trust predicts the e-loyalty. The findings also reveal that e-trust mediates the relationship between e-service quality and e-loyalty links. Originality/value The finding of study suggested that individual level e-trust have a strong effect on e-loyalty in digital economy. Individual level aspects in term of e-service quality have a direct effect on e-trust to improve their e-loyalty. The finding indicated that digital libraries users in future will be more loyal toward e-service quality providers. The results are useful for the management of digital libraries and academia for future. This is the first study that includes e-service quality, e-trust and e-loyalty in the context of digital economy.
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The relationship between quality, university image, and intention to enroll a university has been studied in previous research. However, there is little knowledge about the role of cognitive and affective attitude towards the intention to enroll a university based on a Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) framework. The purpose of this study is to explore the intrinsic relationship between stimulus (university quality and university image) and organism (cognitive attitude and affective attitude) as a process in influencing the intention to enroll a university. Online surveys are used to collect data. The hypothesis was tested empirically using SmartPLS. The results of this study indicate that intention to enroll is influenced by the affective attitude stimulus. University quality has a positive and significant effect on cognitive attitude, affective attitude, and university image. Then, university image has a positive and significant effect on cognitive attitude and affective attitude. The results of this study are very useful in theoretical and practical applications in relation to the intention to enroll a university. This new research model study reveals an understanding of how the process of intention to enroll universities with an S-O-R framework © 2021. Academy of Strategic Management Journal. All Rights Reserved.
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This study aims to analyze the important role of business analytics capability, information quality, and innovation capability in influencing organization agility and organization performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. Data was collected from 76 companies from various sectors in Indonesia. Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) analysis was conducted to analyze the relationship between variables and test a series of hypotheses. Importance-Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA), a useful analysis approach in PLS-SEM, is used, which extends the results of the estimated path coefficient (importance) by adding a dimension that considers the average values of the latent variable scores (performance). The IPMA approach examines not only the performance of an item but also the importance of that item. The results show that business analytics capability has a significant effect on information quality and innovation capability which then affects organization agility. Organizational performance is influenced by organizational agility. IPMA results show that organizational agility has the highest level of impact on organizational performance. This study will assist companies in planning business analytics, improving information quality, increasing innovation capability, and ultimately increasing agility and performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study will add to existing knowledge about previous literature, especially in the Covid-19 pandemic situation.
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The purpose of this study was to determine the optimization and how optimal the empowerment of MSMEs in facing competition in the global market during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses a descriptive exploratory approach using an approach to literature review or literature study, which refers to several sources, such as books, scientific journals, and the internet. All descriptions of existing ideas are combined in one arrangement of thought framework. The results of the research can be concluded, First, it is hoped that the Government will optimize the Empowerment of MSMEs during the Covid-19 Pandemic, with several alternatives in supporting the success of MSMEs to be able to realize the sustainability and development of their businesses, namely through providing convenience in the capital, availability of raw materials, relaxation and credit restructuring for UMKM, pay attention to computer technology infrastructure and provide training to MSME players. Second, if government policies are consistently carried out and evaluated periodically, it will have an impact on the success of MSMEs to compete in Facing Competition in the Global Market during the current Covid-19 Pandemic. As the research that has been done by researchers, MSMEs will soon recover if the government intervenes and policies that encourage MSMEs to be able to overcome problems during the current Pandemic. It is also recommended for MSME players to be able to market their products through digital marketing and present products with various innovations, creations, attractive packaging, and product differentiation of course.
Competitive Strategy is defined as the long-term plan of a particular company to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors in the industry. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of strategic leadership on competitive strategy, motivation on competitive strategy, organization culture on competitive strategy, strategic leadership on business performance, motivation on business performance, organization culture on business performance, and competitive strategy on business performance. The analytical method used in this research is structural equation modeling (SEM) to determine the causal relationship between latent variables contained in structural equations. The analysis tool used is with the help of Smart PLS. The method used in this research is quantitative, and the data collection method is by distributing questionnaires to manufacturing industry employees electronically using a simple random sampling technique. The results of the questionnaire returned were 150 respondents. Based on the data analysis, it was concluded that strategic leadership had no significant effect on competitive strategy. strategic leadership has a significant effect on business performance, organizational culture has a significant effect on business performance, organizational culture has a significant effect on competitive strategy. Motivation has a significant effect on competitive strategy, motivation has no significant effect on business performance. The competitive strategy has no significant effect on business performance.
The purpose of this study is to descriptively reveal the demographic and business profile and personal-entrepreneurial characteristics in Manado, the capital of North Sulawesi, and secondly to associate these profiles and characters to their business progress. A sample size of 21 respondents was drawn-selected from those who warmly welcomed the interviewers for an open-ended structured questionnaire. SPSS 24 has been employed to descriptively reveal the sample distribution according to demographic factors and business entities and to determine the dominant factors affecting the progress of the business by testing the hypothesis on the association of variables under study using specified statistical analytical tools, such as regression analysis, especially stepwise regression formula, between specified dependent variables and independent variables and /or between all variables. The stepwise regression analysis has enabled the researcher to determine which variables are the most important reflecting the personal characteristics theorized as "locus of control": self-efficacy, needs for achievement, personal traits, and barriers to business progress The analysis reveals that the progress of business does have an association and is dependent on the source of capital and education, needs for achievement and locus of control.
Word of mouth (WOM) and observational learning (OL), as two types of social interaction, have been generally discussed by researchers. And both have a significant impact on consumer purchasing decisions. Online shopping has also begun in Indonesia, but consumers are not accustomed to shopping online often. During the 19th Pandemic many consumers did online shopping from various online websites. This study aims to examine the effect of Online Social Interaction: Observational Learning and Word of Mouth Against Consumer Online Purchase Decision during the pandemic covid 19. Researched as many as 250 respondents using online samples, using the convenience method. The results are expected to be able to test the proposed hypothesis about the interrelationships between variables. The results of testing using e views found that word of mouth has a significant effect on online purchase decisions, observational learning has a significant effect on online purchase decisions, there is an influence of word of mouth and observational learning on online purchase decisions simultaneously. The word of mouth is a factor that influences online purchase decisions with positive word of mouth, which will increase consumer online purchase decisions. Observational learning is a factor in making a purchase decision.
The purpose of this research was to find out whether 1) Price promotion, 2) Brand image, 3) Food quality and 4) Perceived value of several Taiwanese boba beverage brands in Jakarta affect the satisfaction of millennial generation customers. 5) Does Customer Satisfaction affect the Repurchase Intention of Taiwan boba drinks and 6) Does Customer Satisfaction affect the Word of Mouth in various Taiwan boba beverage brands. A Survey method was used in this research. Data was collected using online instrumentation with a millennial generation target population between the ages of 18 to 38 years in Jakarta and surrounding areas. Data collection was carried out, when the world first faced the COVID 19 pandemic. The sample used in this study amounted to 285 respondents, and the data collection techniques used convenience sampling. Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling with PLS plus 3.0 program was used as an approach in testing the data collected. The findings of the study stated that price promotion on several brands of boba drinks did not affect the satisfaction of millennials in consuming them, while brand image, food quality, perceived value all affected the satisfaction of millennials in consuming various brands of boba drinks. Millennial generation satisfaction was found to influences repurchase intention and word of mouth.