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Bias and Precision in Magnetic Resonance Imaging‐Based Estimates of Renal Blood Flow: Assessment by Triangulation


Abstract and Figures

Background Renal blood flow (RBF) can be measured with dynamic contrast enhanced-MRI (DCE-MRI) and arterial spin labeling (ASL). Unfortunately, individual estimates from both methods vary and reference-standard methods are not available. A potential solution is to include a third, arbitrating MRI method in the comparison. Purpose To compare RBF estimates between ASL, DCE, and phase contrast (PC)-MRI. Study Type Prospective. Population Twenty-five patients with type-2 diabetes (36% female) and five healthy volunteers (HV, 80% female). Field Strength/Sequences A 3 T; gradient-echo 2D-DCE, pseudo-continuous ASL (pCASL) and cine 2D-PC. Assessment ASL, DCE, and PC were acquired once in all patients. ASL and PC were acquired four times in each HV. RBF was estimated and split-RBF was derived as (right kidney RBF)/total RBF. Repeatability error (RE) was calculated for each HV, RE = 1.96 × SD, where SD is the standard deviation of repeat scans. Statistical Tests Paired t-tests and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used for statistical analysis. The 95% confidence interval (CI) for difference between ASL/PC and DCE/PC was assessed using two-sample F-test for variances. Statistical significance level was P < 0.05. Influential outliers were assessed with Cook's distance (Di > 1) and results with outliers removed were presented. Results In patients, the mean RBF (mL/min/1.73m²) was 618 ± 62 (PC), 526 ± 91 (ASL), and 569 ± 110 (DCE). Differences between measurements were not significant (P = 0.28). Intrasubject agreement was poor for RBF with limits-of-agreement (mL/min/1.73m²) [−687, 772] DCE-ASL, [−482, 580] PC-DCE, and [−277, 460] PC-ASL. The difference PC-ASL was significantly smaller than PC-DCE, but this was driven by a single-DCE outlier (P = 0.31, after removing outlier). The difference in split-RBF was comparatively small. In HVs, mean RE (±95% CI; mL/min/1.73 m²) was significantly smaller for PC (79 ± 41) than for ASL (241 ± 85). Conclusions ASL, DCE, and PC RBF show poor agreement in individual subjects but agree well on average. Triangulation with PC suggests that the accuracy of ASL and DCE is comparable. Evidence Level 2 Technical Efficacy Stage 2
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Bias and Precision in Magnetic Resonance
Imaging-Based Estimates of Renal Blood
Flow: Assessment by Triangulation
Bashair A. Alhummiany, MSc,
David Shelley, BSc,
Margaret Saysell, BSc,
Maria-Alexandra Olaru, PhD,
Bernd Kühn, PhD,
David L. Buckley, PhD,
Julie Bailey, BSc,
Kelly Wroe, BSc,
Cherry Coupland, BSc,
Michael W. Manseld, DM,
Steven P. Sourbron, PhD,
*and Kanishka Sharma, PhD
Background: Renal blood ow (RBF) can be measured with dynamic contrast enhanced-MRI (DCE-MRI) and arterial spin
labeling (ASL). Unfortunately, individual estimates from both methods vary and reference-standard methods are not avail-
able. A potential solution is to include a third, arbitrating MRI method in the comparison.
Purpose: To compare RBF estimates between ASL, DCE, and phase contrast (PC)-MRI.
Study Type: Prospective.
Population: Twenty-ve patients with type-2 diabetes (36% female) and ve healthy volunteers (HV, 80% female).
Field Strength/Sequences: A 3 T; gradient-echo 2D-DCE, pseudo-continuous ASL (pCASL) and cine 2D-PC.
Assessment: ASL, DCE, and PC were acquired once in all patients. ASL and PC were acquired four times in each HV. RBF
was estimated and split-RBF was derived as (right kidney RBF)/total RBF. Repeatability error (RE) was calculated for each
HV, RE =1.96 SD, where SD is the standard deviation of repeat scans.
Statistical Tests: Paired t-tests and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used for statistical analysis. The 95% con-
dence interval (CI) for difference between ASL/PC and DCE/PC was assessed using two-sample F-test for variances. Statis-
tical signicance level was P< 0.05. Inuential outliers were assessed with Cooks distance (D
> 1) and results with outliers
removed were presented.
Results: In patients, the mean RBF (mL/min/1.73m
) was 618 62 (PC), 526 91 (ASL), and 569 110 (DCE). Differences
between measurements were not signicant (P=0.28). Intrasubject agreement was poor for RBF with limits-of-agreement
)[687, 772] DCE-ASL, [482, 580] PC-DCE, and [277, 460] PC-ASL. The difference PC-ASL was signi-
cantly smaller than PC-DCE, but this was driven by a single-DCE outlier (P=0.31, after removing outlier). The difference
in split-RBF was comparatively small. In HVs, mean RE (95% CI; mL/min/1.73 m
) was signicantly smaller for PC
(79 41) than for ASL (241 85).
Conclusions: ASL, DCE, and PC RBF show poor agreement in individual subjects but agree well on average. Triangulation
with PC suggests that the accuracy of ASL and DCE is comparable.
Evidence Level: 2
Technical Efcacy: Stage 2
J. MAGN. RESON. IMAGING 2022;55:12411250.
High renal perfusion is essential for sustaining stable glo-
merular ltration and blood ow autoregulation is vital
for protecting the kidney from elevated arterial pressure that
causes glomerular capillary injury.
Impairment in the
autoregulatory mechanism of the kidney is known to contrib-
ute to diabetic nephropathy
and chronic kidney disease
View this article online at DOI: 10.1002/jmri.27888
Received May 12, 2021, Accepted for publication Aug 3, 2021.
*Address reprint requests to: S.P.S., Department of Imaging, Infection, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease, The University of Shefeld, UK.
From the
Department of Biomedical Imaging Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK;
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Leeds, UK;
Siemens Healthcare
GmbH, Erlangen, Germany; and
Department of Imaging, Infection, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease, The University of Shefeld, Shefeld, UK
Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of this article
© 2021 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 1241
(CKD) has been associated with reduced renal perfusion.
Thus, the measurement of renal perfusion can serve as a prog-
nostic biomarker in CKD and aid in the diagnosis of renal
dysfunction or in the identication of progressive disease.
MRI enables quantication of renal perfusion
(expressed in mL/min/100 mL) either by dynamic contrast
enhanced (DCE)
or by arterial spin labeling (ASL)
approaches. Both MRI methods have demonstrated promis-
ing results for detecting kidney dysfunction and evaluating
disease progression.
However, resting perfusion measure-
ments from healthy volunteers reported in the literature vary
between the two methods by as much as a factor of 2 (range
between 172 and 427 mL/min/100 mL for cortical perfu-
sion using ASL and between 244 and 443 mL/min/100 mL
for the whole parenchyma using DCE, see
Supplementary File S1), undermining clinical condence in
MRI perfusion measures. While differences in demo-
graphics, subject preparation, and physiological variations
play a role,
the effect of measurement error cannot be
excluded. Unfortunately, due to the lack of clinical reference
standard methods, it is not currently possible to distinguish
these effects.
In the absence of a reference standard, comparisons
within MRI methods can be performed as an alternative
approach. Since DCE and ASL measure renal perfusion based
on different mechanisms, it is unlikely that their errors are
related. Hence, a strong agreement between the two would
offer condence on the relative accuracy of the techniques. In
case of disagreement, however, the technical validation will be
inconclusive as this could be due to an error in one of the
two methods, or in both. Unfortunately, the latter has proven
to be the case
; although DCE and ASL have agreed well on
average, the limits of agreement are large.
Other technical
validation studies have focused on comparing repeatability
and reproducibility of the measurements.
However, while
repeatability is a necessary condition for any assay to be valid,
a separate assessment of bias is necessary to avoid promoting
methods that are less reliable.
A possible approach to assessing bias in the absence of
a reference standard is to involve a third, arbitrating,
method. Phase-contrast (PC) MRI of the renal arteries is a
good candidate as it is built on different physical principles
and produces a measurement of renal blood ow (RBF)
that can also be derived from ASL and DCE by integrating
perfusion values over the parenchyma. Moreover, PC is a
well-established method and readily available in clinical
If PC agrees better with ASL than with DCE for
instance, this will offer evidence that ASL is more reliable
than DCE (and vice versa). Conversely, if PC agrees equally
well with DCE and ASL, this will indicate that DCE and
ASL have similar levels of error. Previous work in healthy
volunteers has conrmed a signicant correlation between
ASL and PC,
but this question has not been addressed in
patients and a comparison of all three methods has not yet
been performed.
The primary aim of this study was to compare RBF esti-
mates from ASL, DCE, and PC in patients with type-2 diabe-
tes. Split RBF (relative to the right kidney, as used in nuclear
medicine studies) was also compared between the three
methods. In order to support the interpretation of the data, the
repeatability of PC and ASL was assessed in healthy volunteers.
TABLE 1. Summary of Acquisition Parameters for PC,
ASL, and DCE MRI Sequences
MRI Sequence Scanning Parameters
Phase contrast
Acquisition plane: sagittal;
Acquisition mode: free
breathing with ECG triggering;
Pulse sequence: 2D gradient
echo; FOV 350 241 mm;
TR 40.48 msec; TE 2.74 msec;
FA 25
; voxel size
0.6 0.6 mm; Slice thickness
6 mm; velocity encoding
120 cm/sec; Acquisition time:
1:40 minutes
Arterial spin
labeling (ASL)
Acquisition plane: Coronal-
oblique; Acquisition mode: free
breathing; Readout: 3D TGSE;
FOV 300 150 mm; TR
5000 msec; TE 19.28 msec;
excitation FA 90; slice
thickness 5 mm; Number of
slices 16
Labeling scheme: pCASL;
labeling duration 1500 msec;
postlabeling delay 1500 msec
Dynamic contrast
enhanced (DCE)
Acquisition plane: eight coronal-
oblique slices and one
transverse slice; acquisition
mode: free breathing; pulse
sequence: 2D Turbo-FLASH;
FOV 400 400 mm; TR
179 msec; TE 0.97 msec; FA
; TI 85 msec; slice thickness
7.5 mm; temporal resolution
1.6 seconds; parallel imaging:
GRAPPA 2; acquisition time:
7:07 minutes
Work-In-Progress package, the product is currently under
development and is not for sale in the United States and in
other countries. Its future availability cannot be ensured.
ECG =echocardiogram; FA =ip angle; FLASH =fast low
angle shot; FOV =eld of view; pCASL =pseudo-continuous
arterial spin labeling; TE =echo time; TI =inversion time;
TR =repletion time; TGSE =turbo gradient spin echo.
1242 Volume 55, No. 4
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The study was approved by the institutional research ethics com-
mittee and written informed consent was obtained from all sub-
jects. The study included 25 consecutive patients with type-2
diabetes (estimated glomerular ltration rate [eGFR] 30 mL/
min/1.73 m
) from the imaging biomarkers enterprise to attack
diabetic kidney disease (iBEAt) study cohort.
To assess the
repeatability of ASL and PC techniques, ve healthy volunteers
(HVs) underwent four MRI scans. All volunteers were normo-
tensive with no history of diabetes or renal disease.
The same subject preparation and MRI protocol was
employed for both patients and HVs, except that DCE
was not performed on healthy volunteers. The scans were per-
formed in the morning (between 8 and 11 am) after an over-
night fast (>8 hours). A standard breakfast (containing two
slices whole bread and butter) and 250 mL of water were pro-
vided immediately before the scan. Full details on the iBEAt
study including MRI protocol, patient preparation and
recruitment criteria have been published previously.
Imaging Protocol
MRI data were acquired on a 3 T MRI scanner
(MAGNETOM Prisma, Siemens Healthcare GmbH,
Erlangen, Germany) using an 18-channel phased array body
coil combined with inbuilt spine coil for signal reception.
The acquisition involved 2D cine PC-MRI, a prototypical
sequence for 3D renal ASL (pseudo-continuous arterial spin
labeling [pCASL]) and 2D DCE-MRI sequences acquired in
the same order. An overview of the MRI acquisition param-
eters is listed in Table 1.
PHASE CONTRAST. The renal arteries were depicted using a
combination of a coronal survey scan and an axial half-
Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo (HASTE)
sequence. The imaging plane for PC-MRI was positioned
perpendicular to the renal artery close to its origin from the
descending aorta.
ARTERIAL SPIN LABELING. Data were recorded using a
pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (pCASL) sequence with
a slice selective labeling pulse. The prototype sequence is
implemented by the vendor and acquires label, control images,
and a reference proton density weighted (M0) image within the
same package (sequence parameters are provided in Table 1).
The labeling plane was positioned perpendicular to the abdomi-
nal aorta 10 cm above the center of the kidneys. Background
suppression was employed to reduce signal from static tissue.
Perfusion maps were generated on the scanner using inline soft-
ware, preceded by retrospective 2D motion correction that is
applied to the acquired MR datasets using 2D elastic registra-
tion. Maps of perfusion rate (in mL/min/100 mL) were derived
using the general kinetic model.
continuously using T1-weighted sequence. Gd-DOTA
(Dotarem, Guerbet Group, France) was injected intrave-
nously using a quarter dose (0.025 mmol/kg) at a rate of
2 mL/sec followed by a 20 mL saline ush. The injection was
given using an automatic injector, 20 seconds after the acqui-
sition started.
All postprocessing were performed by a radiographer (B.A.)
with 2 years of experience in renal MRI analyses.
PHASE CONTRAST. Analysis was performed on a Syngo.Via
workstation (Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany).
The renal arteries were dened, and threshold adjusted on the
anatomical images using an elliptical shape region-of-interest
(ROI). The regions were adjusted on each time frame according
to renal vessel movement in the cardiac cycle. The ROIs were
then propagated automatically into the velocity map images
FIGURE 1: Representative image showing the region-of-interest (ROI) placement on phase contrast (PC) magnitude and velocity
images (a and b, respectively), arterial spin labeling (ASL) perfusion map (c), and dynamic contrast enhance (DCE) apparent
extracellular volume map (d).
April 2022 1243
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(Fig. 1(a,b)). Renal blood ow (RBF) was computed by multi-
plying average blood velocity with average vessel cross-sectional
area reported in units of mL/min.
ARTERIAL SPIN LABELING. Using a prototypical sequence
for kidney ASL, perfusion maps were reconstructed on the
scanner and exported for analysis. The analysis was performed
using PMI 0.4 software (Platform for research in Medical
The renal parenchyma ROIs were segmented on
proton density-weighted (M
) images, using threshold tech-
nique based on pixel intensities and transferred to the perfu-
sion map (Fig. 1(c)). Kidney volume (mL) was derived by
multiplying the total number of voxels in the ROI by voxel
volume and RBF was derived by multiplying the average per-
fusion of the ROI by its volume.
lyzed using PMI 0.4. Breathing motion was corrected using
FIGURE 2: Box and whisker plots depicting distribution of renal blood ow (RBF) (a) and split RBF (b) measured with phase contrast
(PC), arterial spin labeling (ASL) and dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE). The Pvalues for pairwise comparisons of means are given
above the plots.
FIGURE 3: BlandAltman plots comparing phase contrast, arterial spin labeling (PC-ASL) (a), phase contrast, dynamic contrast
enhanced (PC-DCE) (b) and DCE-ASL (c) for renal blood ow (RBF) (top panel) and split-RBF (bottom panel). Dashed lines indicate
upper and lower 95% condence intervals (CI) calculated as: mean difference 1.96 (SD). Solid lines represent the mean difference
between two techniques. Measurement of ASL-PC in healthy volunteers () was plotted for visual reference.
1244 Volume 55, No. 4
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deformable model-driven registration.
The aorta was
dened semi-automatically by setting a user-dened lower
threshold on an axial slice of a maximum signal enhancement
map. An arterial-input-function (AIF) was derived by
averaging the signal values over the ROI. The renal paren-
chyma was outlined on a map of apparent extracellular vol-
ume (mL/100 mL) derived by model-free deconvolution.
The parenchyma was rst coarsely outlined by a manual
selection of a lower threshold on this map, followed by man-
ual exclusion of voxels in the renal pelvis, collecting system or
outside the kidney (Fig. 1(d)). A t was performed to the
concentration time curve of the whole parenchyma, which
was derived from the signals using a nonlinear signal model
with a literature-based T1 value of 1200 msec. Tracer-kinetic
model tting was performed with a two-compartment-
ltration model.
To account for differences in body size between participants,
RBF was normalized to body-surface-area (BSA) in units of
1.73 m
according to the Du Bois formula.
RBF reported
in this study represents the total RBF of both kidneys
obtained as the sum of the right and left RBF. Split RBF was
calculated as the ratio of right RBF to total RBF. Measure-
ments are presented as the mean 95% condence interval
(CI), unless indicated otherwise.
In HVs, the repeatability error (RE) was calculated for
each HV as RE =1.96 SD where SD is the standard devia-
tion over the four repeat scans. The relative repeatability error
(RRE) was calculated as RRE =(RE/mean) 100% where
the mean is the average over repeat scans in the same subject.
RE and RRE were subsequently averaged over all ve
FIGURE 4: Scatterplots for phase contrast (PC) and arterial spin labeling (ASL) (a); PC and dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) (b); ASL
and DCE (c), for renal blood ow (RBF) (top panel) and Split-RBF (bottom panel) for diabetic patients (). Pairwise Pearsons
correlation (r) and P-value for the signicance of the correlation are shown in the plots. The dotted line is the identity.
Measurements of ASL-PC in healthy volunteers () were plotted for visual reference.
TABLE 2. The Mean and 95% CI and Pearsons
Correlation Coefcient Calculated With and Without
Outliers for Renal Blood Flow Measurement in
Diabetic Patients
Included (n=25)
Mean 95% CI (mL/min/1.73 m
PC 618 62 618 64
ASL 526 91 544 88
DCE 569 110 525 72
Pearsons correlation coefcient (r)
PC-ASL 0.57
PC-DCE 0.34 0.57
DCE-ASL 0.05 0.41
Indicates signicant correlation, P< 0.05.
ASL =arterial spin labeling; DCE =dynamic contrast
enhanced; PC =phase contrast.
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volunteers. With these denitions, RE and RRE represent the
absolute and relative 95% CI for a measured value in an indi-
vidual subject, respectively. Population heterogeneity was
calculated for the RBF of each method as the standard devia-
tion across the population expressed as a percentage of the
population mean.
FIGURE 5: Bar chart for renal blood ow (RBF, ml/min/1.73 m
)(top row) and split-RBF (bottom row) for all patients (125, horizontal
axis) and each of the three methods (color coded).
TABLE 3. Summary Statistics of Repeatability Results in RBF (mL/min/1.73 m
) and Split RBF Measured with ASL
and PC on Healthy Volunteers
RBF (mL/min/1.73 m
) Split RBF
Mean 95%
RE 95%
(%) 95% CI
mean 95%
RE 95%
(%) 95% CI
PC 709 130 79 41 11 6 0.54 0.03 0.04 0.02 6 2.7 0.31
ASL 508 202 241 85 61 19 0.50 0.05 0.06 0.04 11 7.6 0.03
P*0.13 0.02 0.06 0.22 0.35 0.22
*Pvalue for PC vs ASL.
**Pvalue for the difference in RRE between RBF vs split RBF.
ASL =arterial spin labeling; CI =condence interval; PC =phase contrast; RBF =renal blood ow; RE =repeatability error;
RRE =relative repeatability error.
1246 Volume 55, No. 4
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Statistical Analysis
In patients, repeated measures one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) and paired t-tests were conducted to determine the
signicance of the difference in RBF (and split RBF) across the
techniques. Inuential outliers in the measurements were identi-
ed using Cooks distance, with a cut-off value of D
an outlier was deemed inuential, the results with outliers
removed were also provided. The intrasubject agreement in RBF
(and split RBF) was assessed using Bland and Altman method.
Atwo-sampleF-test for equal variances was performed to deter-
mine the signicance of the difference between ASL/PC and
DCE/PC. Linear correlations between techniques were assessed
using Pearsons correlation coefcient. Statistical signicance was
dened at P< 0.05 for this study.
Participant Demographics
Twenty-ve patients (16 males and 9 females, mean age
(interquartile range) of 65 (5672) years) were analyzed and
included for comparison. Five healthy volunteers (one male
and four females, mean age [interquartile range] of 39 [31
40] years) completed the four visits at an average of 4 months
apart (range between 2 and 7 months).
Comparison of ASL, DCE, and PC in Diabetic
In patients, whole parenchyma perfusion, averaged over both
kidneys, was 146 22 mL/min/100 mL using ASL and
214 31 mL/min/100 mL using DCE.
Figure 2 shows the distribution of RBF and split RBF values
the means was not signicant for RBF (F(1, 32) =1.26,
P=0.28) or for split RBF (F(2, 36) =0.14, P=0.87). Using
Cooks distance measures, RBF measurement of the subject num-
ber 23 was deemed strongly inuential (D
=4.3). There was no
inuential outlier for split RBF parameter (D
<1 for all data
Figure 3 shows Bland Altman analysis for RBF and split
RBF pairwise between techniques. For RBF, the plots con-
rmed a small bias between techniques, but the 95% CI of
the differences was large compared to the mean, indicating
substantial differences at the subject level. Specically, the
limits-of-agreements for RBF (mL/min/1.73 m
) were
[687, 772] for DCE-ASL, [482, 580] for PC-DCE, and
[277, 460] for PC-ASL. The 95% CI for the difference was
smaller for PC-ASL than PC-DCE, but only marginally sig-
nicant (P=0.049). Excluding the extreme DCE-RBF out-
lier (subject 23), the difference was no longer signicant
(P=0.315), and the limits-of-agreement were reduced to
[220, 407] for PC-DCE, [272, 422] for PC-ASL, and
[448,411] for DCE-ASL. For split RBF, the plots showed
no systematic bias, with the limits-of-agreement of the order
[0.1, 0.1] for each comparison.
Figure 4 shows scatterplots for RBF and split RBF
pairwise between techniques.
Correlations were signicant only between PC-ASL for
RBF (r=0.57) and between DCE-ASL for split-RBF
(r=0.80). Removing the DCE outlier had a small effect on
FIGURE 6: Repeat measurements of renal blood ow (RBF) (top row) and split RBF (bottom row) for each of the ve healthy
volunteers (HV 01 to HV 05 color coded) derived from phase contrast (PC) (left) and arterial spin labeling (ASL) (right).
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the average RBF measurements but improved correlations for
all techniques (r0.41) as shown in Table 2.
Figure 5 shows individual RBF and split RBF values for
all patients across the three techniques. An example case is
presented in the Supplementary Material Figure S2 shows a
typical source of error related to the DCE outlier.
Repeatability of PC and ASL
The average perfusion in the whole parenchyma estimated
using ASL in HVs was 155 50 mL/min/100 mL.
Table 3 summarizes the repeatability results of RBF and
split RBF derived from PC and ASL. For RBF, the mean RE
of an individual PC measurement was signicantly (three
times) lower than ASL. The difference in RE between PC
and ASL was not signicant for split RBF (P=0.35).
When measured with PC, the difference in repeatability
between split-RBF and RBF was not signicant (RRE 6% vs.
11%, P=0.31). Whereas for ASL, split RBF had ve times
better repeatability than RBF (RRE 11% vs. 61%).
The difference in the HV population means between
PC-RBF and ASL-RBF was relatively large (33%) but not sta-
tistically signicant (P=0.13). The difference in split-RBF
between PC and ASL was much smaller in relative terms
(7.8%) and also not signicant (P=0.22). The heterogeneity
of the RBF population in ASL (45%) was twice that of
PC (21%).
Figure 6 shows the repeat measurements of PC and
ASL for each HV. An example case of renal perfusion maps
obtained on four repeat scans for the same HV is shown in
the Supplementary Material Fig. S3.
This study compared RBF values between ASL, DCE, and
PC in diabetic patients. The key nding is that RBF values
agree well on average, but intrasubject agreement is poor
between all methods. The uncertainty in split RBF is compar-
atively small, which is consistent with the fact that this metric
is a ratio and therefore any scaling errors related to left and
right kidney will be eliminated. Therefore, the improved
agreement in split RBF suggests that subject-specic scaling
errors are responsible for the poorer precision in RBF. The
repeatability assessment in healthy volunteers further supports
the value of PC as a reference method.
With regards to the direct comparison of DCE and
ASL, previous studies are not entirely aligned. Cutajar et al
showed that renal perfusion derived from ASL and DCE in
healthy humans agreed well on average, but agreement on an
individual level was poor with limits-of-agreement of
[150, 200] mL/min/100 g for an individual kidney. Wu
et al
on the other hand reported that renal perfusion mea-
surements were correlated but not entirely comparable
between ASL and DCE. Our study supports the observation
in the study by Cutajar et al
strengthening the hypothesis
that DCE and ASL are unbiased but that one of the two, or
both, show poor precision relative to PC.
Comparison with PC in our study indicates that mea-
surement error in both ASL and DCE plays a role, and in an
approximately equal measure. In DCE, a possible source of
error is inow effect in the aorta, which varied from case to
case. The arterial input function (AIF) of the DCE outlier
showed very strong signal pulsations, an effect that can be
minimized by placing the arterial ROI on the descending
aorta below the origin of the renal arteries (see
Supplementary File S1). In ASL, a possible source of error is
imperfect labeling in the aorta, leading to a signal drop in the
label images. The patient data show several cases with very
low RBF measurement in ASL, and HVs data show signi-
cant uctuations between follow-ups in the same subject (see
Supplementary File S1). Inspection of the scans conrmed a
global signal dropout in perfusion maps in these cases, consis-
tent with the effect of reduced labeling efciency due to B
inhomogeneity near the inversion plane.
To mitigate this
effect, a separate B
shimming at the labeling site will be con-
sidered for future acquisitions.
As noted earlier, both types of error can be addressed by
improvements in the acquisition and/or analysis. An alterna-
tive strategy would be to combine all three methods, either
by reporting the median value or by performing a joint opti-
Alternatively, PC can be used to derive global
RBF values, while ASL and DCE can be employed to deter-
mine spatial heterogeneity in perfusion but not absolute
For the repeatability study, we reported RRE that
relates to the coefcient of variation (CV) reported in other
studies as CV ¼RRE =1:96. The repeatability of PC was in
agreement with previous studies in the literature. In spite of
the relatively long interval to complete four repeat scans
(4 months on average), it was encouraging to nd RRE of
11% (CV =6%). This indicates that possible sources of vari-
ability such as difculties in positioning the PC plane or the
effect of free breathing were relatively small. The repeatability
of PC-RBF in this study is comparable to the results reported
by Dambreville et al and Khatir et al where two scans were
acquired within 1 week with RRE of 17% and 16%,
Studies reporting repeatability for ASL using pCASL are
very limited. One study reported short-term RRE of 27% for
cortical perfusion using pCASL based on two scans acquired
within the same visit.
The RRE of ASL in our study
(CV 31%) is in agreement with the results reported by
Harteveld et al using the same pCASL labeling.
error in ASL of our study, however, is higher compared to previ-
ous studies using ow-sensitive alternating inversion recovery
(FAIR) labeling approach.
Besides the sensitivity to B
mogeneity, pCASL labeling can also be inuenced by the maxi-
mum pulsatility and blood ow velocity of the descending
1248 Volume 55, No. 4
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Previous studies have reported a difference in RBF
between healthy controls and patients with impaired renal func-
tion in the range between 90 and 470 mL/min.
Thus, the
current uncertainty in pCASL labeling would indicate that sub-
tle changes in RBF (due to disease progression or follow-up
responses after interventions) may go undetected.
Absolute RBF values in this study are comparable to
those reported by Khatir et al
in healthy subjects and Jin
et al using breath hold PC,
Gillis et al
and Shirvani
et al
using ASL with FAIR labeling and Rankin et al.
using the same pCASL labeling used in our study. Neverthe-
less, it is surprising that mean RBF of our healthy participants
was substantially lower than reference values in the literature.
Based on early work using the clearance of para-
aminohippurate (PAH), normal RBF was determined to be
1129 mL/min/1.73 m
in healthy young subjects.
estimates agree with those of other studies using radioiso-
The population of HVs in our study was predomi-
nantly female, but while this will likely explain a small part of
the difference with male cohorts,
the effect of sex alone is
insufcient to explain the large difference. Smaller RBF values
are expected in diabetic patients,
but the cohort in our
study was at an early disease stage and had values comparable
to the HVs. A systematic underestimation is theoretically pos-
sible, but it is highly unlikely that ASL, DCE and PC would
produce a broadly similar systematic error. A possible expla-
nation lies in the effect of subject preparation. For reasons
related to the blood sampling in the iBEAt study, study par-
ticipants were scanned after an overnight fast followed by a
standardized breakfast and a drink of water immediately
before the MRI. The content of the meal was chosen to avoid
protein-/salt-rich food that is known to inuence RBF, but a
reduced RBF is consistent with the effect of fasting.
A future study is currently being planned for to help deter-
mine whether this effect alone is sufcient to explain the
lower RBF values found in this study.
The acquisition order of PC, ASL, and DCE was not ran-
domized, due to the use of gadolinium contrast agent. PC
was always acquired rst as part of a multiparametric MRI
protocol, resulting in a time difference of approximately
20 minutes between sequences. However, it is unlikely that
this time difference could explain the differences observed
between methods. While employing PC as a reference
method has enriched the results of this study, there is a clear
advantage of using other available methods such as
labeled water positron emission tomography (PET) imaging.
This will be addressed in a separate cohort of iBEAt partici-
The use of kidney volume to derive RBF from ASL
and DCE may have introduced an additional source of vari-
ability to the measurements. This effect is expected to be
small, however, since volume measurements derived from the
same ROI were used for each technique. The number of par-
ticipants is small (n=25), and this is likely insufcient to
detect the relatively small differences in the mean values
between the three methods. Patient repeatability data were
not available for this study, and repeatability values from
healthy volunteers do not necessarily translate to disease due
for instance to reduced cortico-medullary differentiation.
Finally, despite efforts in standardizing patient preparation,
subtle physiological changes between the repeat scans could
not be excluded.
Comparing RBF derived from ASL, DCE, and PC showed
little bias, but poor precision reecting substantial differences
at the individual level. Triangulation with PC indicated that
ASL and DCE can achieve a comparable level of accuracy.
iBEAt study is part of the BEAt-DKD project. The BEAt-
DKD project has received funding from the Innovative Medi-
cines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement
No 115974. This Joint Undertaking receives support from
the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation
program and EFPIA with JDRF. For a full list of BEAt-DKD
partners, see
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... The main MRI methods used to evaluate kidney haemodynamics are phase-contrast MRI (PC-MRI), arterial spin labelling (ASL), and dynamic-contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) (see Table 1). A recent study compared all three techniques in T2DM patients and concluded that the repeatability of PC-MRI measurements supported its use as a reference method for MRI of RBF [89]. Furthermore, the comparison showed that while DCE-MRI and ASL measurements are unbiased, they showed poor precision relative to PC-MRI [89]. ...
... A recent study compared all three techniques in T2DM patients and concluded that the repeatability of PC-MRI measurements supported its use as a reference method for MRI of RBF [89]. Furthermore, the comparison showed that while DCE-MRI and ASL measurements are unbiased, they showed poor precision relative to PC-MRI [89]. ...
... In DKD patients and healthy volunteers examined 2 weeks apart, RBF had a CV of 7% and an ICC of 0.97 [48]. A CV of 6% was seen in healthy volunteers despite the relatively long interval to complete four repeat scans (4 months on average) [89]. ...
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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) associated with diabetes mellitus (DM) (known as diabetic kidney disease, DKD) is a serious and growing healthcare problem worldwide. In DM patients, DKD is generally diagnosed based on the presence of albuminuria and a reduced glomerular filtration rate. Diagnosis rarely includes an invasive kidney biopsy, although DKD has some characteristic histological features, and kidney fibrosis and nephron loss cause disease progression that eventually ends in kidney failure. Alternative sensitive and reliable non-invasive biomarkers are needed for DKD (and CKD in general) to improve timely diagnosis and aid disease monitoring without the need for a kidney biopsy. Such biomarkers may also serve as endpoints in clinical trials of new treatments. Non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), particularly multiparametric MRI, may achieve these goals. In this article, we review emerging data on MRI techniques and their scientific, clinical, and economic value in DKD/CKD for diagnosis, assessment of disease pathogenesis and progression, and as potential biomarkers for clinical trial use that may also increase our understanding of the efficacy and mode(s) of action of potential DKD therapeutic interventions. We also consider how multi-site MRI studies are conducted and the challenges that should be addressed to increase wider application of MRI in DKD.
... Only limited studies using renal PC-MRI in diabetic patients are available. In a renal blood flow validation study in 25 patients with type 2 diabetes (36% female), a good agreement between ASL, delayed contrast enhancement (DCE), and PC RBF was observed on average, but not in individual patients [32]. Of interest, PC-MRI showed a significantly smaller reproducibility error than ASL [32]. ...
... In a renal blood flow validation study in 25 patients with type 2 diabetes (36% female), a good agreement between ASL, delayed contrast enhancement (DCE), and PC RBF was observed on average, but not in individual patients [32]. Of interest, PC-MRI showed a significantly smaller reproducibility error than ASL [32]. PC-MRI has mainly been used in patients with suspected or confirmed renal artery stenosis, and fewer studies have focused on CKD or DKD. ...
... Indeed, the filtration fraction of CKD patients was lower, and the R2* values did not differ between the CKD patients and the controls. In a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial in adults with type 1 diabetes and albuminuria, a single 50 mg dose of the SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin and placebo in random order, separated by a two-week washout period, did not change renal perfusion or blood flow, but improved renal oxygenation [32,34]. ...
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Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is a major public health problem and its incidence is rising. The disease course is unpredictable with classic biomarkers, and the search for new tools to predict adverse renal outcomes is ongoing. Renal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) now enables the quantification of metabolic and microscopic properties of the kidneys such as single-kidney, cortical and medullary blood flow, and renal tissue oxygenation and fibrosis, without the use of contrast media. A rapidly increasing number of studies show that these techniques can identify early kidney damage in patients with DKD, and possibly predict renal outcome. This review provides an overview of the currently most frequently used techniques, a summary of the results of some recent studies, and our view on their potential applications, as well as the hurdles to be overcome for the integration of these techniques into the clinical care of patients with DKD.
... Since meal consumption is often associated with RBF changes, fasting before the study is commonly used. Low baseline RBF value was observed in some studies [63, 81,82] in which the authors have attributed to overnight fasting, but no empirical study has yet sufficiently addressed this point. While awaiting further insight from future studies on the matter, a preliminary conclusion can be reached from the literature synthesis as to stress the importance of controlling food intake prior to RBF measurement. ...
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Objectives Renal blood flow (RBF) is controlled by a number of physiological factors that can contribute to the variability of its measurement. The purpose of this review is to assess the changes in RBF in response to a wide range of physiological confounders and derive practical recommendations on patient preparation and interpretation of RBF measurements with MRI. Methods A comprehensive search was conducted to include articles reporting on physiological variations of renal perfusion, blood and/or plasma flow in healthy humans. Results A total of 24 potential confounders were identified from the literature search and categorized into non-modifiable and modifiable factors. The non-modifiable factors include variables related to the demographics of a population (e.g. age, sex, and race) which cannot be manipulated but should be considered when interpreting RBF values between subjects. The modifiable factors include different activities (e.g. food/fluid intake, exercise training and medication use) that can be standardized in the study design. For each of the modifiable factors, evidence-based recommendations are provided to control for them in an RBF-measurement. Conclusion Future studies aiming to measure RBF are encouraged to follow a rigorous study design, that takes into account these recommendations for controlling the factors that can influence RBF results.
... Therefore implementation of large, multicenter, and clinically led studies with prospective followup is needed, including evaluation of repeatability studies for assessing the accuracy of multiparametric renal MRI approaches (Claudon et al., 2014;de Boer et al., 2021). More comparative studies are also needed to assess the accuracy of the DCE-MRIderived estimates relative to other methods or techniques, although reference standard methods are not available (Taton et al., 2019;Alhummiany et al., 2022). New Machine Learning and Deep Learning approaches have been recently adopted for several steps related to image acquisition, reconstruction, segmentation, and postprocessing, with potential significant improvements in kidney function quantifications (Klepaczko et al., 2021). ...
Renal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) nowadays offers multimodal imaging to derive functional imaging parameters giving information on volume and volume changes, microstructure, perfusion, and permeability and metabolism. Imaging these parameters with modern scanner hardware comes along with a huge amount of image data ranging from hundreds to several thousands of images per exam and patient. Therefore, manual processing of the abovementioned parameters becomes infeasible and demands for automated image processing. Furthermore, automation of the extraction of renal imaging parameters also removes possible bias due to reader dependencies. There are several promising approaches reported in the literature that tackle the three tasks described in this chapter: segmentation, registration, and modeling. A bottleneck toward clinical implementation is often the lack of available open source software, evaluation on large datasets, and consensus on workflows.
Owing to the increasing prevalence of diabetic mellitus, diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is presently the leading cause of chronic kidney disease and end‐stage renal disease worldwide. Early identification and disease interception is of paramount clinical importance for DKD management. However, current diagnostic, disease monitoring and prognostic tools are not satisfactory, due to their low sensitivity, low specificity, or invasiveness. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is noninvasive and offers a host of contrast mechanisms that are sensitive to pathophysiological changes and risk factors associated with DKD. MRI tissue characterization involves structural and functional information including renal morphology (kidney volume (TKV) and parenchyma thickness using T 1 ‐ or T 2 ‐weighted MRI), renal microstructure (diffusion weighted imaging, DWI), renal tissue oxygenation (blood oxygenation level dependent MRI, BOLD), renal hemodynamics (arterial spin labeling and phase contrast MRI), fibrosis (DWI) and abdominal or perirenal fat fraction (Dixon MRI). Recent (pre)clinical studies demonstrated the feasibility and potential value of DKD evaluation with MRI. Recognizing this opportunity, this review outlines key concepts and current trends in renal MRI technology for furthering our understanding of the mechanisms underlying DKD and for supplementing clinical decision‐making in DKD. Progress in preclinical MRI of DKD is surveyed, and challenges for clinical translation of renal MRI are discussed. Future directions of DKD assessment and renal tissue characterization with (multi)parametric MRI are explored. Opportunities for discovery and clinical break‐through are discussed including biological validation of the MRI findings, large‐scale population studies, standardization of DKD protocols, the synergistic connection with data science to advance comprehensive texture analysis, and the development of smart and automatic data analysis and data visualization tools to further the concepts of virtual biopsy and personalized DKD precision medicine. We hope that this review will convey this vision and inspire the reader to become pioneers in noninvasive assessment and management of DKD with MRI. Level of Evidence 1 Technical Efficacy Stage 2
Renal diseases pose a significant socio‐economic burden on healthcare systems. The development of better diagnostics and prognostics is well‐recognized as a key strategy to resolve these challenges. Central to these developments are MRI biomarkers, due to their potential for monitoring of early pathophysiological changes, renal disease progression or treatment effects. The surge in renal MRI involves major cross‐domain initiatives, large clinical studies, and educational programs. In parallel with these translational efforts, the need for greater (patho)physiological specificity remains, to enable engagement with clinical nephrologists and increase the associated health impact. The ISMRM 2022 Member Initiated Symposium (MIS) on renal MRI spotlighted this issue with the goal of inspiring more solutions from the ISMRM community. This work is a summary of the MIS presentations devoted to: 1) educating imaging scientists and clinicians on renal (patho)physiology and demands from clinical nephrologists, 2) elucidating the connection of MRI parameters with renal physiology, 3) presenting the current state of leading MR surrogates in assessing renal structure and functions as well as their next generation of innovation, and 4) describing the potential of these imaging markers for providing clinically meaningful renal characterization to guide or supplement clinical decision making. We hope to continue momentum of recent years and introduce new entrants to the development process, connecting (patho)physiology with (bio)physics, and conceiving new clinical applications. We envision this process to benefit from cross‐disciplinary collaboration and analogous efforts in other body organs, but also to maximally leverage the unique opportunities of renal physiology. Level of Evidence 1 Technical Efficacy Stage 2
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Background: Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) remains one of the leading causes of premature death in diabetes. DKD is classified on albuminuria and reduced kidney function (estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)) but these have modest value for predicting future renal status. There is an unmet need for biomarkers that can be used in clinical settings which also improve prediction of renal decline on top of routinely available data, particularly in the early stages. The iBEAt study of the BEAt-DKD project aims to determine whether renal imaging biomarkers (magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound (US)) provide insight into the pathogenesis and heterogeneity of DKD (primary aim) and whether they have potential as prognostic biomarkers in DKD (secondary aim). Methods: iBEAt is a prospective multi-centre observational cohort study recruiting 500 patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and eGFR ≥30 ml/min/1.73m2. At baseline, blood and urine will be collected, clinical examinations will be performed, and medical history will be obtained. These assessments will be repeated annually for 3 years. At baseline each participant will also undergo quantitative renal MRI and US with central processing of MRI images. Biological samples will be stored in a central laboratory for biomarker and validation studies, and data in a central data depository. Data analysis will explore the potential associations between imaging biomarkers and renal function, and whether the imaging biomarkers improve the prediction of DKD progression. Ancillary substudies will: (1) validate imaging biomarkers against renal histopathology; (2) validate MRI based renal blood flow measurements against H2O15 positron-emission tomography (PET); (3) validate methods for (semi-)automated processing of renal MRI; (4) examine longitudinal changes in imaging biomarkers; (5) examine whether glycocalyx and microvascular measures are associated with imaging biomarkers and eGFR decline; (6) explore whether the findings in T2D can be extrapolated to type 1 diabetes. Discussion: iBEAt is the largest DKD imaging study to date and will provide valuable insights into the progression and heterogeneity of DKD. The results may contribute to a more personalised approach to DKD management in patients with T2D. Trial registration: ( NCT03716401 ).
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Background Renal multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a promising tool for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment monitoring in kidney disease. Purpose To determine intrasubject test–retest repeatability of renal MRI measurements. Study Type Prospective. Population Nineteen healthy subjects aged over 40 years. Field Strength/Sequences T1 and T2 mapping, R2* mapping or blood oxygenation level‐dependent (BOLD) MRI, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) diffusion‐weighted imaging (DWI), 2D phase contrast, arterial spin labelling (ASL), dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI, and quantitative Dixon for fat quantification at 3T. Assessment Subjects were scanned twice with ~1 week between visits. Total scan time was ~1 hour. Postprocessing included motion correction, semiautomated segmentation of cortex and medulla, and fitting of the appropriate signal model. Statistical Test To assess the repeatability, a Bland–Altman analysis was performed and coefficients of variation (CoVs), repeatability coefficients, and intraclass correlation coefficients were calculated. Results CoVs for relaxometry (T1, T2, R2*/BOLD) were below 6.1%, with the lowest CoVs for T2 maps and highest for R2*/BOLD. CoVs for all diffusion analyses were below 7.2%, except for perfusion fraction (FP), with CoVs ranging from 18–24%. The CoV for renal sinus fat volume and percentage were both around 9%. Perfusion measurements were most repeatable with ASL (cortical perfusion only) and 2D phase contrast with CoVs of 10% and 13%, respectively. DCE perfusion had a CoV of 16%, while single kidney glomerular filtration rate (GFR) had a CoV of 13%. Repeatability coefficients (RCs) ranged from 7.7–87% (lowest/highest values for medullary mean diffusivity and cortical FP, respectively) and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) ranged from −0.01 to 0.98 (lowest/highest values for cortical FP and renal sinus fat volume, respectively). Data Conclusion CoVs of most MRI measures of renal function and structure (with the exception of FP and perfusion as measured by DCE) were below 13%, which is comparable to standard clinical tests in nephrology. Level of Evidence 2 Technical Efficacy Stage 1
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Objective To assess interobserver reproducibility of different regions of interest (ROIs) on multi-parametric renal MRI using commercially available software. Materials and methods Healthy volunteers (HV), patients with heart failure (HF) and renal transplant recipients (Tx) were recruited. Localiser scans, T1 mapping and pseudo-continuous arterial spin labelling (pCASL) were performed. HV and Tx also underwent diffusion-weighted imaging to allow calculation of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC). For T1, pCASL and ADC, ROIs were drawn for whole kidney (WK), cortex (Cx), user-defined representative cortex (rep-Cx) and medulla. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and coefficient of variation (CoV) were assessed. Results Forty participants were included (10 HV, 10 HF and 20 Tx). The ICC for renal volume was 0.97 and CoV 6.5%. For T1 and ADC, WK, Cx, and rep-Cx were highly reproducible with ICC ≥ 0.76 and CoV < 5%. However, cortical pCASL results were more variable (ICC > 0.86, but CoV up to 14.2%). While reproducible, WK values were derived from a wide spread of data (ROI standard deviation 17% to 55% of the mean value for ADC and pCASL, respectively). Renal volume differed between groups (p < 0.001), while mean cortical T1 values were greater in Tx compared to HV (p = 0.009) and HF (p = 0.02). Medullary T1 values were also higher in Tx than HV (p = 0.03), while medullary pCASL values were significantly lower in Tx compared to HV and HF (p = 0.03 for both). Discussion Kidney volume calculated by manually contouring a localiser scan was highly reproducible between observers and detected significant differences across patient groups. For T1, pCASL and ADC, Cx and rep-Cx ROIs are generally reproducible with advantages over WK values.
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Objective To compare the most commonly used labeling approaches, flow-sensitive alternating inversion recovery (FAIR) and pseudocontinuous arterial spin labeling (pCASL), for renal perfusion measurement using arterial spin labeling (ASL) MRI. Methods Multi-delay FAIR and pCASL were performed in 16 middle-aged healthy volunteers on two different occasions at 3T. Relative perfusion-weighted signal (PWS), temporal SNR (tSNR), renal blood flow (RBF), and arterial transit time (ATT) were calculated for the cortex and medulla in both kidneys. Bland–Altman plots, intra-class correlation coefficient, and within-subject coefficient of variation were used to assess reliability and agreement between measurements. Results For the first visit, RBF was 362 ± 57 and 140 ± 47 mL/min/100 g, and ATT was 0.47 ± 0.13 and 0.70 ± 0.10 s in cortex and medulla, respectively, using FAIR; RBF was 201 ± 72 and 84 ± 27 mL/min/100 g, and ATT was 0.71 ± 0.25 and 0.86 ± 0.12 s in cortex and medulla, respectively, using pCASL. For both labeling approaches, RBF and ATT values were not significantly different between visits. Overall, FAIR showed higher PWS and tSNR. Moreover, repeatability of perfusion parameters was better using FAIR. Discussion This study showed that compared to (balanced) pCASL, FAIR perfusion values were significantly higher and more comparable between visits.
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Objective Phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (PC-MRI) is a non-invasive method used to compute blood flow velocity and volume. This systematic review aims to discuss the current status of renal PC-MRI and provide practical recommendations which could inform future clinical studies and its adoption in clinical practice. Methodology A comprehensive search of all the PC-MRI studies in human healthy subjects or patients related to the kidneys was performed. Results A total of 39 studies were included in which PC-MRI was used to measure renal blood flow (RBF) alongside other derivative hemodynamic parameters. PC-MRI generally showed good correlation with gold standard methods of RBF measurement, both in vitro and in vivo, and good reproducibility. Despite PC-MRI not being routinely used in clinical practice, there are several clinical studies showing its potential to support diagnosis and monitoring of renal diseases, in particular renovascular disease, chronic kidney disease and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Discussion Renal PC-MRI shows promise as a non-invasive technique to reliably measure RBF, both in healthy volunteers and in patients with renal disease. Future multicentric studies are needed to provide definitive normative ranges and to demonstrate the clinical potential of PC-MRI, likely as part of a multi-parametric renal MRI protocol.
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Background: Multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides the potential for a more comprehensive non-invasive assessment of organ structure and function than individual MRI measures, but has not previously been comprehensively evaluated in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Methods: We performed multi-parametric renal MRI in persons with CKD (n = 22, 61 ± 24 years) who had a renal biopsy and measured glomerular filtration rate (mGFR), and matched healthy volunteers (HV) (n = 22, 61 ± 25 years). Longitudinal relaxation time (T1), diffusion-weighted imaging, renal blood flow (phase contrast MRI), cortical perfusion (arterial spin labelling) and blood-oxygen-level-dependent relaxation rate (R2*) were evaluated. Results: MRI evidenced excellent reproducibility in CKD (coefficient of variation <10%). Significant differences between CKD and HVs included cortical and corticomedullary difference (CMD) in T1, cortical and medullary apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), renal artery blood flow and cortical perfusion. MRI measures correlated with kidney function in a combined CKD and HV analysis: estimated GFR correlated with cortical T1 (r = -0.68), T1 CMD (r = -0.62), cortical (r = 0.54) and medullary ADC (r = 0.49), renal artery flow (r = 0.78) and cortical perfusion (r = 0.81); log urine protein to creatinine ratio (UPCR) correlated with cortical T1 (r = 0.61), T1 CMD (r = 0.61), cortical (r = -0.45) and medullary ADC (r = -0.49), renal artery flow (r = -0.72) and cortical perfusion (r = -0.58). MRI measures (cortical T1 and ADC, T1 and ADC CMD, cortical perfusion) differed between low/high interstitial fibrosis groups at 30-40% fibrosis threshold. Conclusion: Comprehensive multi-parametric MRI is reproducible and correlates well with available measures of renal function and pathology. Larger longitudinal studies are warranted to evaluate its potential to stratify prognosis and response to therapy in CKD.
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Renal perfusion provides the driving pressure for glomerular filtration and delivers the oxygen and nutrients to fuel solute reabsorption. Renal ischaemia is a major mechanism in acute kidney injury and may promote the progression of chronic kidney disease. Thus, quantifying renal tissue perfusion is critically important for both clinicians and physiologists. Current reference techniques for assessing renal tissue perfusion have significant limitations. Arterial spin labelling (ASL) is a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique that uses magnetic labelling of water in arterial blood as an endogenous tracer to generate maps of absolute regional perfusion without requiring exogenous contrast. The technique holds enormous potential for clinical use but remains restricted to research settings. This statement paper from the PARENCHIMA network briefly outlines the ASL technique and reviews renal perfusion data in 53 studies published in English through January 2018. Renal perfusion by ASL has been validated against reference methods and has good reproducibility. Renal perfusion by ASL reduces with age and excretory function. Technical advancements mean that a renal ASL study can acquire a whole kidney perfusion measurement in less than 5–10 min. The short acquisition time permits combination with other MRI techniques that might inform drug mechanisms and renal physiology. The flexibility of renal ASL has yielded several variants of the technique, but there are limited data comparing these approaches. We make recommendations for acquiring and reporting renal ASL data and outline the knowledge gaps that future research should address.
The range of biological tissue properties that can be interrogated with MRI-based imaging biomarkers includes tissue microstructure, metabolism, composition, function, and morphology. Yet surprisingly few MRI biomarkers have been adopted for routine clinical use. There is a clear concentration of research at the earlier, discovery stages of imaging biomarker development, recognized and rewarded as “innovation,” but a marked failure-to-translate after the proof-of-concept has been delivered. However, the subsequent stages of development are considerably more expensive, laborious, time-consuming, and risky. There is thus a major role for the international research community in driving the formation of collaborative private/public partnerships to identify promising MRI biomarkers and assays and feed them through a systematic translational process. This chapter will outline the steps that are needed to translate novel ideas into clinical impact, with the ultimate aim of encouraging a shift in quantitative MRI research and development from discovery to translation. The fundamentals of (imaging) biomarkers are revised, including definitions and common uses in research, drug development, and clinical practice. Regulatory and metrological aspects are introduced with an emphasis on issues specific to imaging biomarkers. A roadmap for imaging biomarker translation is spelled out in more detail, including the levels of validation that are needed to enable the use of a quantitative MRI measure in medical research and clinical practice. The chapter concludes with a discussion on specific challenges in validating MRI biomarkers and presents a range of methods that can be used to address them. These concepts are illustrated with two case studies (Appendix), one on a blood-based biomarker for reference, and one on an imaging biomarker.
Background: Noninvasive quantitative measurement of fibrosis in chronic kidney disease (CKD) would be desirable diagnostically and therapeutically but standard radiologic imaging is too variable for clinical usage. By applying a vibratory force, tissue shear wave stiffness can be measured by magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) that may correlate with progression of kidney fibrosis. Since decreased kidney perfusion decreases tissue turgor and stiffness, we combined newly available three-dimensional MRE shear stiffness measurements with MR arterial spin labeling (ASL) kidney blood flow rates to evaluate fibrosis in diabetic nephropathy. Methods: Thirty individuals with diabetes and Stage 0-5 CKD and 13 control individuals without CKD underwent noncontrast MRE with concurrent ASL blood flow measurements. Results: MRE cortical shear stiffness at 90 Hz was decreased significantly below controls in all CKD stages of diabetic nephropathy. Likewise, ASL blood flow decreased progressively from 480 ± 136 mL/min/100 g of cortical tissue in controls to 302 ± 95, 229 ± 7 and 152 ± 32 mL/min/100 g in Stages 3, 4 and 5 CKD, respectively. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) surrogate for the measured glomerular filtration fraction [surrogate filtration fraction = estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)/ASL] decreased progressively from 0.21 ± 0.07 in controls to 0.16 ± 0.04 in Stage 3 and 0.10 ± 0.02 in Stage 4-5 CKD. Conclusions: In this pilot study, MRI with ASL blood flow rates can noninvasively measure decreasing kidney cortical tissue perfusion and, with eGFR, a decreasing surrogate filtration fraction in worsening diabetic nephropathy that appears to correlate with increasing fibrosis. Differing from the liver, MRE shear stiffness surprisingly decreases with worsening CKD, likely related to decreased tissue turgor from lower blood flow rates.
Noninvasive methods of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can quantify parameters of kidney function. The main purpose of this study was to determine baseline values of such parameters in healthy volunteers. In 28 healthy volunteers (15 women and 13 men), arterial spin labeling to estimate regional renal perfusion, blood oxygen level-dependent transverse relaxation rate (R2*) to estimate oxygenation, and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), true diffusion (D), and longitudinal relaxation time (T1) to estimate tissue properties were determined bilaterally in the cortex and outer and inner medulla. Additionally, phase-contrast MRI was applied in the renal arteries to quantify total renal blood flow. The results demonstrated profound gradients of perfusion, ADC, and D with highest values in the kidney cortex and a decrease towards the inner medulla. R2* and T1 were lowest in kidney cortex and increased towards the inner medulla. Total renal blood flow correlated with body surface area, body mass index, and renal volume. Similar patterns in all investigated parameters were observed in women and men. In conclusion, noninvasive MRI provides useful tools to evaluate intrarenal differences in blood flow, perfusion, diffusion, oxygenation, and structural properties of the kidney tissue. As such, this experimental approach has the potential to advance our present understanding regarding normal physiology and the pathological processes associated with acute and chronic kidney disease.