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Effects of Diets Containing Beta-Glucan on Survival, Growth Performance, Hematological, Immunity and Biochemical Parameters of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Fingerlings

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Abstract and Figures

This study aimed to investigate the effect of beta-glucan in rainbow trout’s diet on survival, growth performance, hematological, immunity and biochemical parameters. Rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) with an average weight of 6.35 ± 0.09 were stocked in 30 fiberglass tanks with a volume of 200 liters. Four treatments including: control group (0%), 0.5, 1 and 2% of beta-glucan were considered for 8 weeks. The results showed that the survival and growth performance of rainbow trout in the control group were at the lowest level and showed a significant difference with other treatments. The highest percentage of hematocrit (47.9%), white blood cell count, neutrophil percentage (35.2%) was observed in the treatment with 2% beta-glucan. Also, the highest lysosomal activity (59.7 units’ mL − 1 , IgM (54.7 mg dL − 1 ), C3 and C4 was obtained in 2% beta-glucan treatment. Biochemical parameters showed improvement in treatments fed with 1 and 2% beta-glucan. In general, the present study showed that 2% beta-glucan in the diet of rainbow trout improves growth performance, survival, hematological, immunity and biochemical parameters.
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Effects of Diets Containing Beta-Glucan on Survival,
Growth Performance, Hematological, Immunity and
Biochemical Parameters of Rainbow Trout
(Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Fingerlings
Mohammad Hossein Khanjani ( )
University of Jiroft
Gholamreza Ghaedi
Khorramshar Marine Science and Technology University: Khorramshahr Marine Science and Technology
Moslem Sharinia
Iranian Fisheries Research Organization
Research Article
Keywords: Beta-glucan, Immune-stimulation, Rainbow trout, Growth performance, Innate immunity
License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 
Read Full License
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This study aimed to investigate the effect of beta-glucan in rainbow trout’s diet on survival, growth
performance, hematological, immunity and biochemical parameters. Rainbow trout (
) with an average weight of 6.35 ± 0.09 were stocked in 30 berglass tanks with a volume of 200
liters. Four treatments including: control group (0%), 0.5, 1 and 2% of beta-glucan were considered for 8
weeks. The results showed that the survival and growth performance of rainbow trout in the control group
were at the lowest level and showed a signicant difference with other treatments. The highest
percentage of hematocrit (47.9%), white blood cell count, neutrophil percentage (35.2%) was observed in
the treatment with 2% beta-glucan. Also, the highest lysosomal activity (59.7 units’ mL− 1, IgM (54.7 mg
dL− 1), C3 and C4 was obtained in 2% beta-glucan treatment. Biochemical parameters showed
improvement in treatments fed with 1 and 2% beta-glucan. In general, the present study showed that 2%
beta-glucan in the diet of rainbow trout improves growth performance, survival, hematological, immunity
and biochemical parameters.
1. Introduction
The aquaculture industry as one of the sources of protein and signicant source of sustainable food is
growing rapidly (Khanjani et al. 2021d; Khanjani and Sharinia 2020,). Success in aquaculture is
achieved by improving genetics, nutrition, immunity and disease control in farmed species. Parameters
such as specic growth rate, feed conversion ratio and survival rate play a key role in evaluating an
aquaculture system (Ghaedi et al. 2015, Khanjani et al. 2020b). The use of immunostimulants is
considered as an effective tool to overcome diseases and strengthen the immune system of farmed
organisms (Meena et al., 2013). In recent decades, much attention has been paid to nding a variety of
immunostimulants with low cost which affect specic and nonspecic immunity and improve the
resistance of sh to a wide range of pathogens (Ghaedi et al. 2015, Dawood et al. 2020a, Mokhbatly et al.
2020, Yang et al. 2021). These stimuli strengthen the immune system of sh by increasing the number of
phagocytes, enhancing the activity of lysozyme, complement and rising the level of immunoglobulin
(Dawood et al. 2020b, Yan et al. 2020).
Recently, more attention has been paid to the use of functional dietary supplements such as probiotics,
prebiotics and immune stimulants in aquaculture. These compounds are useful for improving the
immune system, feed eciency and sh growth performance. Among these immunostimulants used in
aquaculture, beta-glucans are of particular importance for use in the aquaculture industry, as these
compounds reduce stress, disease prevalence, and sh production through biotechnology (Pilarski et al.
2017). β-glucans are homopolysaccharides which composed of glucose molecules linked together by a
glycosidic bonds. This immunostimulant has been widely used to boost innate immunity, and to improve
phagocyte activity, respiratory burst activity, nitric oxide, complement and lysozyme activity; it also
enhances the number of leukocytes (Soltanian et al. 2009, Meena et al. 2013) in some species such as
grass carp (Yang et al. 2021); African catsh (Mokhbatly et al. 2020); pearl gentian grouper (Wei et al.
2020); rainbow trout (Ji et al. 2020) and Nile tilapia (Dawood et al. 2020a). In nature, β-glucans are
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abundant in the cell wall of many plants such as wheat, rye, barley, oats, yeast (
) and
members of the Echinaceae family (Tokunaka et al. 2000). β-glucans due to their ability to bind directly to
macrophages and other white blood cells, such as neutrophils and natural killer cells, and activate them,
they provide good resistance to any invader (Herre et al. 2004).
Rainbow trout (
Oncorhynchus mykiss
) is one of the most valuable economic sh and the most important
cold-water species in Iran's aquaculture industry. Efforts to improve the growth indices and boost the
immunity of this sh against various bacterial diseases have increased (Ranjbar et al. 2010). In several
studies, the effects of various immunostimulants such as nettle (
Nigella sativa
), mistletoe (
), aloe vera (
Aloe barbadensis
), astragalus (
Astragalus gummifer
), Purple Coneower (
), Oregano (
Mentha longifolia
), Green tea (
Camellia sinensis
), ginger (
Zingiber ocinale
Bakhtiari savory (
Satureja bakhtiarica
) and peppermint (
Mentha piperita
) have been used in rainbow trout
(Haghighi and Sharif Rohani, 2013; Sheikhzadeh et al., 2011). The aim of the present study was to
evaluate the effects of different concentrations of dietary β-glucan on growth performance,
hematological, immunity and biochemical parameters of rainbow trout.
2. Materials And Methods
2.1. Fish and experimental conditions
Altogether, 360 rainbow trout ngerlings were obtained from a private company (Sepidan, Fars, Iran).
Twelve 200-L tanks were prepared and 30 sh were stocked in each tank. water ow rate was 8.2 L min− 
1. Water temperature (°C), pH and dissolved oxygen (mg L− 1) were measured weekly and the levels were
determined 12- 13.4°C, 7- 7.4 and 7- 7.6 mg L− 1, respectively. Fish were distributed into four treatments
with three replications for each treatment. The adaptation period was 2 weeks and the feeding was
performed with the commercial diet. Light cycle was 12L:12D, and throughout the experiment, sh were
fed four times daily to apparent satiation at 07:00, 11:00, 15:00 and 19:00 h for 8 weeks.
2.2. Experimental diets
β-glucan (MacroGard®, Biotec-Mackzymal, TromsØ, Norway) was purchased and added to a commercial
diet (Beyza Feed Mill, Fars province, Iran) to obtain diets containing 0.5, 0.1% and 0.2% β-1,3/1,6 yeast
glucan. The diet contained 45% protein, 14% lipid and 15% carbohydrates. The prepared diets were stored
at 4°C in plastic bags until used.
2.3. Growth performance and survival
Feeding was stopped 24 h before weighing. sh were anesthetized with clove powder at a concentration
of 200 mg L 1.
Weight gain (WG), feed conversion ratio (FCR), specic growth rate (SGR) and survival rate were
calculated using the standard formulas (Khanjani et al. 2021a, Khanjani et al. 2021b):
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Body weight gain (g) = nal weight- initial weight
Body weight index (BWI) (%) = [(nal weight- initial weight)/initial weight] × 100
Growth rate (GR) (mg) = [(nal weight- initial weight)/ days of experiment]
Survival rate (SR) (%) = (number of individuals at end of testing period/initial number of
individuals stocked) × 100.
Specic growth rate (SGR) (%/day) = [(ln nal weight-ln initial weight) ×100]/days of experiment
Feed conversion ratio (FCR) = feed consumed (dry weight)/live weight gain (wet weight)
2.4. Sampling
Sampling was performed 56 days after feeding with beta-glucan. First, the sh were anesthetized with
cloves at a concentration of 200 mg L− 1 and blood was taken from caudal vein (Bohlouli et al., 2015).
Some blood was transferred to tubes containing heparin anticoagulant to measure hematological
parameters and some was transferred to heparin-free tubes to prepare serum and to measure immunity
and biochemical parameters. Heparin-free tubes were centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 5 minutes to separate
serum at 4°C. Serum samples were transferred by sampler to Eppendorf vials and stored in a freezer at
-20°C until biochemical analysis was initiated (Chebanov and Billard 2001, Ghaedi et al. 2015).
2.5. Hematological and biochemical analyses
Blood was diluted and stained with Natt–Herrick’s solution, then red blood cell (RBC) and white blood cell
(WBC) measurement were performed by cell counter method. For differential counts of WBC, blood was
spread on a slide and stained with Gimsa (Hrubec et al. 2001). Hct and Hb were measured by photometric
assay of microhaematocrit and cyanomethemoglobin method, respectively (Houston 1990). Mean
corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular haemoglobin
concentrations (MCHC) were calculated by standard formulas (Ranzani-Paiva et al. 2004). Total protein
was measured using a diagnostic kit (ZiestChem, Diagnostics Co., Iran) according to Vella (1986).
Albumin content was determined following the method of Doumas et al. (1997). Globulin content was
calculated by subtracting albumin from the total protein (Kumar et al., 2005).
2.6. Immunological parameters
The volume of serum complement producing 50% hemolysis (ACH50) was assayed using the method of
Sunyer and Tort (1995). Lysozyme activity was determined according to the lysis of the lysozyme
sensitive Gram-positive bacterium,
Micrococcus lysodeikticus
(Sigma) (Demers and Bayne 1997). Total
immunoglobulin (Ig) level was determined in plasma prior to and after precipitating the Ig molecules
employing a 12% solution of polyethylene glycol (Sigma Chemical) (Puangkaew et al. 2004).
Immunoglobulin M (IgM) was measured using a protein kit (Pars Azmoun Company, Karaj, Iran) and the
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Bradford method (Kruger 2009). Measurement of alternative complements (C3 and C4) activity was
performed based on rabbit red blood cell hemolysis (Amar et al. 2000).
2.7. Statistical analysis
Results were expressed as means ± standard deviation (SD). SPSS software version 21 (SPSS, Chicago,
IL, USA) was used to analyze the data. Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Levene’s tests were used to check
normality and variances for homogeneity, respectively. Then, one-way ANOVA test was applied to
determine differences between hematological and immunological parameters at various levels of b-
glucan. Tukey’s post hoc test was applied to identify treatments with signicant differences (P < 0.05).
3. Results
The results of rainbow trout growth performance are presented in Table1. The results showed that the
lowest rate of body weight gain, specic growth rate and growth rate were obtained in the control group
(P < 0.05), higher values of these factors were observed in the 2% beta-glucan treatment. The highest rate
of feed conversion ratio (1.19) was observed in the control group which showed a signicant difference
with other treatments (P < 0.05).
Table 1
Growth performance and survival rate of rainbow trout fed diets containing different
levels of beta-glucan for 8 weeks
Parameters Control 0.5% 0.1% glucan 0.2% glucan
Initial weight (g) 6.34 ± 0.1 6.35 ± 0.09 6.32 ± 0.08 6.31 ± 0.09
Final weight (g) 15.55 ± 0.59c16.56 ± 0.25b17.38 ± 0.27a17.58 ± 0.61a
WG (g) 9.21 ± 0.59c10.21 ± 0.25b11.06 ± 0.27a11.27 ± 0.61a
SGR (% day− 1)1.6 ± 0.06c1.71 ± 0.03b1.8 ± 0.03a1.82 ± 0.06a
GR (g day− 1)0.164 ± 0.011c0.182 ± 0.01b0.197 ± 0.005a0.2 ± 0.01a
BWI (%) 145.3 ± 9.29c160.8 ± 3.94b175.0 ± 4.25a178.6 ± 9.6a
SR (%) 94.44 ± 1.72b95.57 ± 1.8b97.78 ± 3.44a98.89 ± 1.72a
FCR 1.19 ± 0.07c1.08 ± 0.03b0.99 ± 0.02 a0.98 ± 0.05 a
Means in the same row with different superscripts are signicantly different (P < 0.05).
Blood parameters of rainbow trout fed with different levels of beta-glucan is presented in Table2.
According to the results, the highest white blood cell density and hematocrit percentage (47.9%) were
observed in the treatment of trout fed with 2% beta-glucan (P < 0.05).
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Table 2
Hematological parameters (mean ± SD) of rainbow trout fed with different levels of β-glucan
for 8 weeks.
Parameters Control 0.5% 0.1% glucan 0.2% glucan
RBC (×106 mm− 3)0.9 ± 0.1c1.02 ± 0.13abc 1.04 ± 0.1ab 1.15 ± 0.23a
HB (g dL− 1)6.95 ± 0.18d7.35 ± 0.3c7.95 ± 0.33b8.45 ± 0.22a
HCT (%) 35.35 ± 1.23c40.05 ± 2.13b41.75 ± 4.5b47.9 ± 2.0a
MCV (fL) 392.77 ± 12.2b392.7 ± 14.1b401.44 ± 19.3ab 416.52 ± 17.1a
MCH (pg) 77.22 ± 1.5a72.06 ± 2.7b76.44 ± 3.13ab 73.48 ± 3.2b
MCHC (g dL− 1)19.66 ± 0.5a19.34 ± 0.6a19.05 ± 0.53a19.25 ± 0.63a
WBC (×103 mm− 3)8.75 ± 0.53c8.85 ± 0.43c9.65 ± 0.31b10.45 ± 0.44a
Neutrophils (%) 29.05 ± 2.29b30.15 ± 2b31.25 ± 2.23b35.2 ± 1.8a
Lymphocytes (%) 66.55 ± 3.4a65.8 ± 2.4a64.6 ± 3.1a61.25 ± 2.7b
Monocytes (%) 3.4 ± 0.83a3.35 ± 0.7a3.4 ± 0.9a3.05 ± 0.73a
Eosinophils (%) 1.0 ± 0.61a0.7 ± 0.53a0.75 ± 0.6a0.5 ± 0.55a
Means in the same row with different superscripts are signicantly different (P < 0.05).
The immunological parameters of rainbow trout are shown in Table3. Based on the results, the highest
levels of immunoglobulin M, lysozyme, C3 (47.25 mg mL− 1), C4, ACH50 and total immunoglobulin (28.7
mg mL− 1) were obtained in 2% beta-glucan treatment, which showed a signicant difference with other
treatments (P < 0.05). Improvement of immunity in beta-glucan treatments was observed better than the
control group. The biochemical parameters of rainbow trout in different treatments are presented in
Table4. The results showed that the amounts of albumin (2.81 g dL− 1) and total protein (3.98 g dL− 1) in
1 and 2% beta-glucan treatments were signicantly higher than 0.5% beta-glucan and control group.
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Table 3
Immunological parameters of rainbow trout fed diets containing different levels of β-
glucan for 56 days.
Parameters Control 0.5% 0.1% glucan 0.2% glucan
IgM (mg dL− 1)32.7 ± 2.13d41.9 ± 3.2c47.7 ± 2.14b54.7 ± 3.8a
Lysozyme (units mL− 1)38.14 ± 2.1c44.7 ± 1.8b45.7 ± 2.4b59.7 ± 2.55a
C3 (mg mL− 1)28. 4 ± 3.1c36.24 ± 2.9b39.14 ± 1.8b47.25 ± 2.1a
C4(mg mL− 1)8. 6 ± 1.1c8.8 ± 1.2c10.9 ± 1.8b13.4 ± 1.5a
ACH50 (units mL− 1)59.7 ± 2.1c88.7 ± 3.8b95.7 ± 3.4b109.4 ± 2.85a
Total Ig (mg mL− 1)15.4 ± 1.2d18.1 ± 2.0c23.5 ± 1.4b28.7 ± 2.25a
Means in the same row with different superscripts are signicantly different (P < 0.05).
Table 4
Biochemical parameters of rainbow trout in different treatments
Parameters Control 0.5% 0.1% glucan 0.2% glucan
Globulin (g dL− 1)1.05 ± 0.23a1.14 ± 0.25a1.19 ± 0.22a1.17 ± 0.15a
Albumin (g dL− 1)2.45 ± 0.17b2.4 ± 0.15b2.74 ± 0.2a2.81 ± 0.13a
Total Protein (g dL− 1)3.5 ± 0.18b3.54 ± 0.2b3.93 ± 0.2a3.98 ± 0.14a
Means in the same row with different superscripts are signicantly different (P < 0.05).
4. Discussion
4.1. Growth performance
Immunostimulants such as β-glucans improve aquaculture production, positively affect sh farming,
modify some hematological and immunological parameters (Sánchez-Martínez et al. 2017). In the
current research, growth performance and survival rate in treatments of 1 and 2% beta-glucan were
signicantly higher compared to 0.5 and 0% of beta-glucan treatments. Regarding the effect of beta-
glucan on growth performance, the results of this study are consistent with the results of other
researchers. Misra et al. (2006) showed that oral administration of beta-glucan at 540 mg kg− 1 for 56
days had a positive effect on growth, immunity and survival rate of Indian carp fry. A signicant increase
in growth performance with oral beta-glucan administration in Snapper (Cook et al. 2003), Monodon
shrimp (Chang et al. 2000), Koi carp (Lin et al. 2011) and rainbow trout (Ji et al. 2020) has been reported.
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In the gut, beta-glucans are broken down by beta-glucanase to facilitate the growth of bacteria that utilize
amino acids, which leads to better use of proteins by sh. (López et al. 2003).
Oligosaccharides are a good source of nutrients for the growth and activity of bacteria in the
gastrointestinal tract such as lactic acid bacteria, lactobacilli and bidobacteria and are used as an
energy source by lactic acid bacteria (Staykov et al. 2007). In addition, the most important ultimate
product of metabolism carbohydrate compounds such as beta-glucan are short-chain fatty acids that are
absorbed through the intestinal epithelium and, in addition to providing an energy source for the host,
improve nutrient uptake and increase growth (Waché et al. 2006). Studies have shown that prebiotics like
mannan oligosaccharide and beta-glucan cause the production of hepatic glucose, which provides
energy for metabolism of body tissues and ultimately improves intestinal function by creating the
appropriate conditions for the activity of lactic acid bacteria in the gut (Andrews et al. 2009). Improving
the survival rate of sh fed on beta-glucan, especially in 1% and 2% treatments, may be related to
improving the immune status of sh (Couso et al. 2003, Dalmo and Bøgwald 2008), which is in
consistent with previous research on rainbow trout (Yarahmadi et al. 2016).
In the present study, the highest feed conversion ratio was observed in the control group, which shows
that the presence of beta-glucan in the diet of rainbow trout reduces the feed conversion ratio. As a
supplement in salmon diets, beta-glucan is likely to affect the diversity and abundance of intestinal
microbes, and these microbiota are essential for improving growth function, survival and nutritional
function (Hoseinifar et al., 2015).
4.2. Hematological parameters
Blood parameters are essential tools for assessment of the physiological stress response and general
health conditions of sh during nutritional and environmental changes
The results of the effect of different nutritional strategies with beta-glucan showed that the highest and
lowest red blood cell counts were observed in the diet treated with 2% beta-glucan and the control group,
respectively. Regarding the amounts of hemoglobin and hematocrit, the lowest amount was observed in
the control group. Fish red blood cell and hemoglobin counts change signicantly with seasonal changes,
sexual cycle and other physiological factors (Krajnović-Ozretić et al. 1991). Due to the constant
environmental conditions and sh, the presence of beta-glucan in the diet affected the hemoglobin
concentration. An increase in red blood cell count was observed in 2% beta-glucan treatment. It is
possible that immunostimulants increase metabolism in sh, so that the number and oxygen carrying
capacity of red blood cells enhance (Irianto and Austin 2002). Feeding Oscar sh (
Astronotus ocellatus
with yeast signicantly increases the number of red blood cells (Firouzbakhsh et al., 2011), which is
consistent with the results of the present study.
RBC counts in the blood of sh fed on diets supplemented with immunostimulants were higher, indicating
that the sh's immune functions were improved, their defensive mechanisms against pathogens were
activated, and their health was improved (Talpur et al., 2012; Adorian et al., 2018).
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In the control group, a lower hematocrit percentage may indicate they are more susceptible to stress
induced by experimental management or the pathogenic load naturally present in the culture environment
(Tavares-Dias and Moraes, 2004; Mohammadian et al., 2019).
The study also demonstrated this by analyzing other blood variables. It is important to remember that
hemoglobin is a vital component of blood and serves as an oxygen transport system for the body.
However, it should be noted that the levels of hemoglobin were highest at 2% beta-glucan. Its increased
content indicates that sh receive more oxygen, which in turn enhances sh welfare (Talpur et al., 2012).
This indicates that beta-glucan enhances the availability of oxygen in sh blood, leading to benecial
health effects.
In the present study, the presence of beta-glucan in different treatments caused a signicant increase in
white blood cell population, especially blood neutrophils, compared to the control group, but no
signicant difference was observed in the population of monocytes and eosinophils. Jeney et al. (1997)
found that the inclusion of beta-glucan in the diet of rainbow trout signicantly increased the population
of blood neutrophils and decreased lymphocytes. When beta-glucans bind to beta-glucan receptors in
macrophages and neutrophils, they produce oxygen free radicals and increase the antioxidant activity of
enzymes, thereby enhancing immunity, anti-stress activity, and enhancing the invasion of pathogens (Kim
et al. 2009).
Alternative immune responses, in the absence of specic opsonization, could depend on the presence of
mannose receptors and toll-like receptors (TLRs) in microbes, which bind to mannose and glucans,
leading to enhanced phagocytic and bactericidal abilities in phagocytes and neutrophils (Rebl et al.,
Since WBCs are considered to be the rst line of defense against environmental stress or pathogens, an
increase in the number of them in sh fed with probiotics may reect stimulation of the innate immune
system (Misra et al., 2006). The proportion of leukocytes increased in
Oreochromis niloticus
(Ferguson et
al., 2010) and
O. Mykiss
(Merrield et al., 2011) fed with immunostimulants supplemented diets.
Immunological and biochemical parameters
Herbal medicines are among the immunostimulants that activate the immune cells by affecting the
immune system of sh and lead to increased macrophage cell activity, phagocytic cells (neutrophils and
monocytes), lymphocyte count, serum immunoglobulins and lysozyme activity. The use of these
substances is an effective tool to increase growth indices, immune system capacity and resistance of
sh to common diseases (Hoseinifar et al. 2010). In the current research, a signicant difference was
observed in the values of immune parameters, so that the highest levels of IgM, Lysozyme, C3, C4 and
ACH50 were observed in treatment with 2% beta-glucan, which shows that adding beta-glucan to the diet
improves immunity in trout. Ai et al. (2007) examined the effects of beta-glucan on growth and innate
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immunity indices in
Pseudosciaena crocea
ngerlings. The results of their study showed that 0.09% of
glucan in the diet has the best effect on immunity, but immunity was not signicantly different in the
control group and 0.18%. Moreover, Zhu et al. (2012) reported that channel catsh
Ictalurus punctatus
immune system improved through the phagocytic activity increment owing to feed supplemented (0.3%)
with compounds containing at least of 25% of β-1,3/1,6 glucans.
Studies have indicated that β -1,3-glucan can modulate innate immunity in O. Mykiss (Diao et al., 2013;
Mohammadi et al., 2019) which agrees with what we observed in the present investigation.
The improvement of the immune system in sh fed with a β-1,3-glucan diet could be attributable to lactic
acid-producing bacteria (LAB) fermenting in the large intestine or colon, enhancing their relative
populations, elevated health status and increased colonization of the LAB compared to the control diets.
Based on the results of the present study, a signicant rise in serum proteins (albumin and total) was
observed in the treatments fed with beta-glucan 1 and 2 which may be related to the production of
immunoglobulin. In sh fed higher levels of beta-glucan in the diet, higher levels of albumin and total
protein were observed. Total plasma protein is a dependent parameter for assessing the physiological
status of sh and is a diagnostic factor. Total protein and albumin levels can indicate the nutritional
status and health of sh (Svetina et al. 2002). Increases in protein and albumin levels reect an
improvement in innate immunity; in other words, increases in total protein and albumin concentrations
may be due to stronger nonspecic reactions in sh (Tavares-Dias and Moraes 2007). In the present
study, the increase in total protein in treatments containing 1 and 2% beta-glucan could indicate proper
function of the liver, kidneys and aquatic gastrointestinal tract. These results are in accordance with
reports of previous researchers who reported that immunostimulants increased total serum protein,
albumin and globulin levels in different sh species (Newaj-Fyzul et al., 2007; Sharifuzzaman et al., 2010;
Mohammadian et al., 2019 ).
In conclusion, this study showed that the presence of beta-glucan at the level of 2% in the diet of rainbow
trout improves growth performance, blood and biochemical parameters. Therefore, it is recommended to
use beta-glucan in the diet of rainbow trout to improve production performance.
Likewise, 0.2% of β-glucan supplementation is sucient to stimulate the nonspecic immune system of
rainbow trout and has a positive effect on parameters such as WBC count and neutrophil activity. Further
research is needed on β-1,3 / 1,6-glucan activity and challenge of sh against infectious pathogens.
Funding: This research is not nancially supported
Conict of interests /Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no conict of interest.
Ethics approval/declarations:All applicable intuitional guidelines for care and use of sh were followed
by the authors.
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Consent to participate: all authours are agree to participate
Consent for publication:all authours are agree to publication
Availability of data and materials (Data transparency):All the data related to the manuscript are genuine
and available with us.
Code availability:-
Authors’ contribution: All the authors of the manuscript made signicant contribution in the current
study.Mohammad Hossein Khanjani: Conception and design of study, Acquisition of data, Analysis and
interpretation of data, Drafting the manuscript.Gholamreza Ghaedi:Conception and design of study,
Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data.Moslem Sharinia: Conception and design of
study, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Revising the manuscript
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The effect of different carbon sources in the biofloc system on growth performance, body biochemical compositions, digestive and hepatic enzymes of Nile tilapia was investigated in this research. Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings with average weight of 1.57±0.12 g were cultured for 37 days in fiberglass tanks (130 L), at a density of one fish per liter. The experiment was designed in five treatments including one control group and four biofloc treatments by adding different carbon sources: molasses (BFTM) and starch (BFTS) (complex carbon sources), barley flour (BFTB) and corn (BFTC) (simple carbon sources). Results showed the lowest dissolved oxygen (5.45 mg. L-1), pH (7.25) and feed conversion rate (0.99) in BFTS treatment (p<0.05), while the latter showed the highest protein efficiency ratio (2.91) and survival rate (98.2%). There were no significant differences in growth performance among various treatments (p<0.05).Somatic indices improved in biofloc treatments compared to the control group. Bioflocs formed in different carbon sources showed different nutritional value (p<0.05) which affected the quality of carcass analysis. The highest amount of amylase (95.86 U/mg protein) and protease (17.77 U/mg protein) activities were obtained in BFTB treatment and the lowest amount of hepatic enzymes activity was observed in the BFTS treatment (p<0.05). Generally, the present study showed that cultured tilapia using in situ biofloc produced by different carbon sources can promote FCR, survival, body composition, digestive and hepatic enzymes compared to the control group. Improved digestive activities are more noticeable in complex carbon sources and hepatic enzymes activities are stronger in simple carbon sources.
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This research aimed to investigate the impact of different levels of light on biological parameters, body composition and activity of liver and digestive enzymes of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in the biofloc system. The experiment was performed for 38 days in fiberglass tanks (with 150 l of water) with a density of one fish per liter. Nile tilapia fingerlings with an average weight of 1.73 ± 0.16 g and length of 4.13 ± 0.1 cm were selected. Three experimental treatments including 24 h of light (24hL), 12 h of light/12 h of darkness (12hL/12hD) and 24 h of darkness (24hD) with three replicates were considered. According to the results, the lowest amount of dissolved oxygen (5.67 mg L−1), pH (7.35), total ammonia nitrogen (2.01 mg L−1) and nitrite (0.24 mg L−1) were obtained in 24hD treatment. Body weight gain, specific growth rate (SGR), survival, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and condition factor were higher in the presence of light. The lowest amount of body protein (56.06%) and lipid (25.83%) was obtained in 24hD treatment (P < 0.05). The highest activity of liver enzymes (u mg−1 protein) including aspartate aminotransferase (AST: 2.98), alanine aminotransferase (ALT: 0.48) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP: 0.081) was observed in 24hD treatment. In conclusion, our results suggest that the presence of light improves carcass quality and activity of digestive and hepatic enzymes of Nile tilapia in the biofloc system.
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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of adding molasses in different times on water quality, growth performance, body biochemical composition, digestive and hepatic enzymes of Nile tilapia in the biofloc system. Tilapia fingerlings (1.53 ± 0.14 g) were distributed in five treatments include control, BFT24 (adding molasses to the tanks every 24 h), BFT48 (48 h), BFT72 (72 h), and BFT96 (96 h) and reared for 37 days in fiberglass tanks (130 L), with a stocking density of one fish per litre. The results showed that highest increase in biomass (740.12 g) and survival (98.97 %) were obtained in BFT24 treatment (P <0.05). The body composition was affected by the experimental treatments so that the highest protein content was obtained in the BFT72 (P<0.05). Digestive enzymes activities were significantly (P<0.05) higher in BFT treatments than the control group. The current study showed, higher biomass and survival ratio for Nile tilapia were observed in BFT24 treatment. The liver and digestive enzymes of Nile tilapia were affected by the different addition times of molasses to the rearing tanks.
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The biofloc system is one of the novel sustainable aquaculture systems, and adding carbonaceous organic matter is the basis of the system. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different carbon sources on water quality, biofloc composition, and growth performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). In this study, one control group (no carbon source addition) and four biofloc treatments with molasses (TM), starch (TS), barley flour (TB), and corn (TC) addition with three replications were considered. Altogether, 160 Nile tilapia with an average weight of 1.7 g were stocked in each of the 300-l tanks (160 l of water volume). The results of water quality indicated that the lowest levels of dissolved oxygen (5.43 mg/l) and pH (7.28) were observed in the TS treatment, which showed a significant difference (P < 0.05) compared to other treatments. There was a significant difference among various treatments in nitrogen compounds and the total density of heterotrophic bacteria. Biochemical quality of biofloc was affected by various carbon sources. The highest levels of protein (31.09%), lipid (3.89%), and ash (32.79%) were observed in TB, TC, and TM treatments, respectively. The largest biofloc size was obtained in TS treatment. The lowest survival rate and the highest level of weight gain of Nile tilapia were observed in control group. In conclusion, the present study showed that different sources of carbon in the biofloc system have different effects on water quality, biochemical composition, and biofloc size produced in cultivation tanks.
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The present study was aimed to evaluate the effects of different levels of salinity on water quality, growth performance, survival rate and body composition of Pacific white shrimp in a heterotrophic/biofloc technology (BFT). Shrimp post-larvae with an average weight of 74.46 mg were cultured in 300 L fiberglass tanks containing 130 L water at a density of 1 post-larva/L. Three treatments including different levels of salinity of 8, 21 and 32 ppt with three replicates were considered. The highest levels of body weight, growth rate, specific growth rate, increase in body length and survival rate were observed at high salinity level (32 ppt). The highest feed conversion ratio (FCR) and the lowest level of feed efficiency were obtained in shrimps cultured at lowest salinity level (P<0.05). Biochemical analysis of shrimp body composition showed an increase in protein, lipid and ash content as the salinity elevated (P<0.05). The zero-water exchange system used in this study had no significant effects on water quality parameters. The results of the present study concluded that high salinity level (32 ppt) improves the growth and survival of the biofloc supplemented Pacific white shrimp in a BFT system.
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Chlorpyrifos (CPF) is an insecticide that is commonly applied in the agriculture sector. However, little is known about the protective role of Spirulina platensis (SP) and/or β-glucan (BG) on African catfish exposed to chronic CPF toxicity. The fish (95 ± 5 g, initial weight) were assigned to 5 fiberglass tanks (500 L, 50 fish/tank) where the 1st and 2nd fed the basal diet, while the 3rd, 4th, and 5th fed diets with SP, BG, and SP+BG at 0.5%, respectively. Fish in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th groups were exposed to CPF at a dose of 1.5 mg/L and fed the respective diets for 60 days. In comparison with the control group, CPF-exposed fish exhibited significantly lower (P ≤ 0.05) body weights, feed intake, red blood cells count, hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume (PCV) (%), lymphocytes, monocytes, phagocytic activity, and phagocytic index, while feed conversion ratio, white blood cell count, and neutrophils count were significantly increased. Fish exposed to CPF also revealed a significant elevation in aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoproteins (LDL), very-low-density lipoproteins (vLDL), glucose concentration, urea, and creatinine as well as low total proteins, albumin, globulins, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) concentration. Fish exposed to CPF also exhibited a high concentration of malondialdehyde while glutathione content, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase activities were significantly decreased in the liver, gills, brain, and intestine tissues. Moreover, exposure to CPF resulted in higher transcription of cytochrome P450 (CYP1A-P450) gene expression than the 1st group. Histopathological investigations revealed various degrees of pathological lesions in different organs like the liver, kidney, brain, spleen, and intestine tissues. Interestingly, dietary SP supplementation either alone or combined with BG significantly ameliorated the alterations mitigated by CPF-induced organ injuries and genotoxicity. Therefore, it could be concluded that SP or/and BG are able to induce the protective consequences on health status, immunity, and antioxidative response of African catfish exposed to CPF.
Excessive use of plant protein can cause various diseases, and functional additives have been proven to improve the health of aquatic fish but its underlying mechanism is still unclear. A 60-day trial was conducted to explore the action mechanism of β-glucan (1 g/kg), inulin (1 g/kg) and emodin (0.1 g/kg) supplementation improving the health of grass carp (initial weight 27.19 ± 0.05 g) fed low fishmeal diet. Our results indicated that emodin exhibited a positive impact on the growth of grass carp. Diet with β-glucan, inulin and emodin displayed hepatoprotective effects through the suppression of activities of serum alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and γ‐glutamyl transaminase, and β-glucan and inulin exerted hypocholesterolemic effects simultaneously. High level of antioxidant parameters in serum and intestine tissue confirmed the antioxidant property of β-glucan, inulin and emodin on grass carp, companying by a notable reduction in malondialdehyde content. Modulation of antioxidant response by β-glucan, inulin and emodin supplementation was to activate Nrf2 signaling pathway and up-regulate the expression of antioxidant genes including catalase and copper/zinc superoxide dismutase. Additionally, TLR4 signaling pathway was notably inhibited by three additive diets, and the transcription level of pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL-1β, TNF-α, and/or IL-6 was dramatically suppressed in intestine tissue simultaneously. Afterward, an enhancement of intestinal barrier function was observed in fish fed β-glucan, inulin and emodin by inducing the overexpression of junction proteins such as Occludin, ZO3, ZO1, and/or ZO2. The above results documented that diet with β-glucan, inulin and emodin could exhibit beneficial impacts on the health of grass carp through the improvement in antioxidant capacity, suppression of inflammatory response, and enhancement of intestinal barrier function.
Vaccination is one of the strategies for preventing Vibrio harveyi infection in marine-cultured animals. In this study, we prepared a formalin-killed cells of V. harveyi ZJ0603 vaccine (FKC) combined with β-glucan to immune pearl gentian grouper. The results indicated that the expression levels of IgM, TNF-α, MHC-Iα, IL-1β and IL-16 significantly increased in the spleen of the vaccinated fish. Antibody titers, activities of lysozyme and superoxide dismutase were significantly prompted in blood of the vaccinated fish. After 35 d post-vaccination, all fish were challenged intraperitoneally by virulent V. harveyi, and the relative percentage of survival (RPS) of FKC+β-glucan, FKC, β-glucan and PBS were 68 ± 5.7%, 55 ± 8.5%, 42 ± 7.5% and 32 ± 6.9%, respectively. These results demonstrated that β-glucan could be as a potential adjuvant of FKC and provide good protective effect against V. harveyi infection in the pearl gentian grouper culture.
This study aimed to evaluate the growth, intestinal morphometry, immune-related genes, and heat shock protein in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) reared at a rate of 10 (low density—LD, 200/m³), 20 (medium density—MD, 400/m³), and 30 (high density—HD, 600/m³) fish per aquarium (50 L). The fish were fed two diets [control and β-glucan (BG)] (2 × 3, factorial design) for 60 days. The growth parameters were significantly decreased by increasing the rearing density of Nile tilapia fed the control diet, whereas the fish reared in LD and MD and fed the BG diet showed increased growth (P < .05). However, the feed conversion ratio (FCR) was significantly increased in the fish reared in HD without the BG diet, whereas the fish reared in LD and MD and fed the BG diet significantly had the lowest FCRs (P < .05). Intestinal morphometry revealed decreased villus length, villus width, and goblet cell count in the fish reared in MD and HD and fed the control diet (P < .05), whereas the fish reared in LD and MD and fed the BG diet showed the highest values for these parameters (P < .05). Both hemoglobin (Hb) levels and red blood cell (RBC) count were lower in fish reared in MD and HD and fed the control diet, whereas the fish reared in in LD and MD and fed the BG diet showed comparatively higher Hb levels and RBC counts (P < .05). The fish reared in HD had higher cortisol and glucose levels than those reared in LD and MD and fed the BG diet (P < .05). The fish fed the control diet showed similar lysozyme activity, phagocytic activity, and phagocytic index at all stocking densities (P > .05), whereas those fed the BG diet showed relatively higher values (P < .05). The BG diet resulted in increased transcription of INF-γ in the fish reared in MD and HD, whereas TNF-α and IL-1β were upregulated in the fish reared in LD and fed the BG diet. The fish reared in HD had higher HSP70 transcription levels than those reared in LD and MD, irrespective of their diet. In conclusion, we recommend to feed fish with the BG diet to counteract the potential negative impacts of crowding stress on Nile tilapia aquaculture by improving their growth, intestinal morphometry, stress resistance, and immunity.
The protective role of β-glucan (BG) on liver function, histopathology, immune and antioxidant related gene expressions in Nile tilapia exposed to subacute deltamethrin (DLM) was investigated for 30 days. Fish (28.18 ± 1.34 g) of the 1st and 2nd groups fed the control diet, while the 3rd and 4th groups fed BG at 0.5 g/kg and the 2nd and 4th groups were exposed to DLM (15 μg/L) in rearing water. DLM-treated fish displayed a considerable increase in blood biochemical parameters (creatinine, urea and bilirubin) as well as hepatic enzymes (ALP, AST and ALT) (P < 0.05). Blood total protein, globulin, albumin, WBCs, RBCs, Hb, phagocytic index, phagocytic and lysozyme activities were significantly decreased in fish subjected to DLM (P < 0.05). Fish fed BG showed significantly the lowest cortisol and glucose levels, while fish exposed to DLM without feeding BG showed the highest cortisol and glucose levels (P < 0.05) after 15 and 30 days. Additionally, DLM toxicity caused downregulation in antioxidant (CAT and GPx) and immune (IL-1β and IL-8) related gene expressions, while and IFN-γ, HSP70 and CASP3 were upregulated. The histopathological examination of Nile tilapia exposed to DLM revealed damage in gills, intestine, spleen and liver which confirmed the toxic effects. Conversely, BG presented protective effects and restored the above-mentioned parameters when fish exposed to DLM and fed BG. Thus, BG supplementation exhibited defensive effects against DLM toxicity in Nile tilapia through improving blood biochemical responses, immune, and antioxidant related gene expressions as well as histopathological effects.