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Speech Emotion Recognition using Time Distributed CNN and LSTM


Abstract and Figures

Speech has several distinguishing characteristic features which has remained a state-of-the-art tool for extracting valuable information from audio samples. Our aim is to develop a emotion recognition system using these speech features, which would be able to accurately and efficiently recognize emotions through audio analysis. In this article, we have employed a hybrid neural network comprising four blocks of time distributed convolutional layers followed by a layer of Long Short Term Memory to achieve the same.The audio samples for the speech dataset are collectively assembled from RAVDESS, TESS and SAVEE audio datasets and are further augmented by injecting noise. Mel Spectrograms are computed from audio samples and are used to train the neural network. We have been able to achieve a testing accuracy of about 89.26%.
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Speech Emotion Recognition using Time Distributed CNN and LSTM
Beenaa Salian1,,Omkar Narvade1,∗∗ Rujuta Tambewagh1,∗∗∗, and Smita Bharne1,∗∗∗∗
1Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, Navi Mumbai, India
Abstract. Speech has several distinguishing characteristic features which has remained a state-of-the-art tool
for extracting valuable information from audio samples. Our aim is to develop a emotion recognition system
using these speech features, which would be able to accurately and eciently recognize emotions through audio
analysis. In this article, we have employed a hybrid neural network comprising four blocks of time distributed
convolutional layers followed by a layer of Long Short Term Memory to achieve the same.The audio samples
for the speech dataset are collectively assembled from RAVDESS, TESS and SAVEE audio datasets and are
further augmented by injecting noise. Mel Spectrograms are computed from audio samples and are used to train
the neural network. We have been able to achieve a testing accuracy of about 89.26%.
1 Introduction
As humans, our thoughts are best articulated using
speech. Therefore, in this increasingly technologically-
driven world, the next step forward would be extending
this understanding to machines. Although Speech Emo-
tion Recognition (SER) has been around for almost a
decade, it has regained attention due to recent develop-
ments in this field (for eg. Voice-based virtual assistants
like Siri, Alexa, etc and automated help-center assistance,
self-driving cars, etc). Although there is a rising demand
for voice-controlled technologies, The recognition of emo-
tion from speech is the main challenge in human-machine
interaction. Despite significant progress in speech recog-
nition, we are still a long way from determining underlying
emotions from the speaker’s audio signals since the ma-
chine does not understand the speaker’s emotional state.
Because speech is the simplest and most eective means
of communication for humans, a computer must be able to
grasp the user’s mood in this more technologically-driven
world. We’ll look at which aspects of speech are the most
eective in discriminating various emotions. An improved
speech emotion identification model must be able to recog-
nise seven primary emotions: anger, disgust, happiness,
sorrow, neutral, surprise, and fear. We must develop a ro-
bust deep learning model which can accurately and e-
ciently classify emotions from speech alone.
There are various hybrid model implementations in the
SER domain. The most commonly used hybrid model is
the CNN-LSTM model. Where CNN is used for learning
local correlations and LSTM is used to learn long-term
dependen- cies from the learned local features. In [1] 13
MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstral Coecient) with 13 ve-
locities and 13 acceleration components are used as fea-
tures and a 1D CNN and LSTM model are used for clas-
sification. In this paper, the EMODB dataset is used.To
compute MFCCs, Discrete Cosine Transform(DCT) is ap-
plied. DCT is needed to decorrelate filter bank coe-
cients. It is a linear operation and therefore discards any
non-linear useful information present in the speech sig-
nal. In [4] three dierent features, MFCCs, magnitude
spectrogram, and log-mel spectrogram, are compared with
several architectures, such as CNN, BLSTM, and CNN-
LSTM, to determine which architecture and feature com-
bination is best for speech emotion recognition. All of the
models were tested on two dierent datasets. – EMODB
and IEMOCAP where 4 emotions are classified where the
length of audio files is kept 3 seconds. The design is shown
to perform eectively with Log-Mel Spectrograms when
combined with CNN+LSTM architecture in this article.
The aim of [3] is to find the relation between the duration
of speech length and the recognition rate of emotions. In
this paper, analysis is performed using a CNN model hav-
ing two convolution layers where magnitude spectrograms
are taken as features. Performance for the system is ana-
lyzed using speech sequences of length from 0.25s to 1.5s.
It is observed as the length of the speech signal increases,
the accuracy of the system increases.
2 Proposed Methodology
2.1 Speech Corpus
The data sets used here cover people of dierent ages –
ranging from young to old, covers both the genders, and
people having dierent accents.
2.1.1 Toronto emotional speech set (TESS)
200 special words are spoken using the phrase ”Say the
word - ” by two actresses. The two actresses are aged 26
ITM Web of Conferences 40, 03006 (2021)
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License 4.0
and 64 years. The audios ae recorded on set potraying one
of the seven emotions
2.1.2 Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional
Speech and Song (RAVDESS)
RAVDESS consists of gender balanced audio samples
from males and females ( 12 females and 12 males). The
audio samples contain seven dierent emotions with two
levels of intensity - high and low.
2.1.3 Surrey Audio-Visual Expressed
The audio samples in the dataset are recorded with four
native english speakers. They are identified as DC, JE, JK,
KL. This results in a total of 120 utterances per speaker in
which they 7 emotions are covered.
2.1.4 Augmentation
The prediction accuracy of any deep learning model is
largely dependent on the amount and the diversity of data
available during training. A common method to increase
the diversity of your dataset, is to augment your data arti-
ficially. To generate syntactic data for audio, we can apply
noise injection. We have used the numpy library to add
noise to our existing dataset.Table 1 shows the final dataset
after augmentation.
Table 1. Final Dataset after Augmentation
Total Dataset After Augmentation
Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total
Org 652 652 655 652 652 652 808 4723
Aug 652 652 655 652 652 652 808 4723
Total 1304 1304 1310 1304 1304 1304 1616 9446
Emocode 0:Happy, 1:Sad,2:Angry, 3:Angry,
2.2 Feature Extraction
There is quite a lot of varied information present in speech
signals, most of which doesn’t aid us in our objective of
recognizing emotions from audio files. Hence, we ex-
tract the relevant information from these speech signals
and provide these as the feature vector input to our classi-
fier. We have used Mel Spectrograms as our feature to be
extracted which would be further used to train our classi-
fier. The steps for feature extraction can be seen in figure
Figure 1. Feature Extraction Steps
2.2.1 Preprocessing
Every audio sample in our dataset is first sampled at
21,500 Hz with an oset of 0.5 seconds and according to
the calculations, the average length of audio samples in
our dataset is around 3 seconds. Further, Z-distribution,
also known as standard normal distribution is performed
on the samples and then, we adjust these audio files to be
approximately 3 seconds long, i.e 650,000 samples per au-
dio. Adjustment is made by truncating the files, if they
have a length greater than average or by padding it with
zeroes if it is lesser than the same.
2.2.2 Time Window Framing
We assume that the properties in a non-stationary speech
signal signal remain constant over a very short period of
time. These short time periods are termed as ’frames’,
and these frames are long enough to contain vital char-
acteristics and short enough for it to be considered station-
ary. Here, window size is 23ms with an overlapping of
50frames.Framing begins with the first N =256 samples,
the second frames starts with a hop of M =128 samples
and overlaps the first frame by N M , and this is repeated
for the entire signal. This overlap smoothenes the transi-
tions between the frames.
2.2.3 Applying Hamming Window
The signal is further passed through a Hamming window
to smoothen out the signal and makes sure that the neigh-
bouring window-ends match. Also, it leads to a better sig-
nal clarity and helps in reducing the spectral leakages The
ITM Web of Conferences 40, 03006 (2021)
equation to calculate the same is given by (1)
w(k)=0.54 0.46cos(2πk
N1) (1)
where w(k) is the window function and 0 kN1
2.2.4 Fast Fourier Transform
Fast Fourier Transform takes a sequence of discrete sig-
nal amplitudes as input, and converts it into it’s frequency
con- stituents and is given by (2). We perform an N-point
FFT on every frame in the signal to calculate the overall
frequency spectrum. This is also termed as Short Term
Fourier Transform (STFT).
k=0,1,2,3, ..., N1and N =512 (2)
2.2.5 Periodogram Estimate
To compute a periodogram estimation, we square the ab-
solute value of the result derived from the complex fourier
transform operation. This estimation helps us in identify-
ing which frequencies are present in every frame extracted
from the audio sample. The speech frame’s periodogram-
based power spectral estimate is given by
2.2.6 Applying Mel-Scale Filterbanks
Figure 2. Mel Filterbank
Mel scale is a non-linear transformation and is based
on the perception of the audio sample by the human au-
ditory system. To compute the Mel Spectrogram, we just
need to apply the mel-spaced filterbanks as seen in figure
2, which is a set of overlapping triangular filters.Starting
of one filter overlaps with the centre of the previous one
whereas the ending part overlaps with the centre of the
succeeding one and so on. It has a response of 1 at the
centre and decreases as we move to the ends, where it is
0. The filters are closely spaced and are narrow at the
lower frequencies, As the frequency increases, the filters
get wider and they turn less discriminative or less sensitive
to the variations in the frequency. Mel-Scale tells us how
to space the filterbanks on the scale and gives an estima-
tion on how wide to make them as the frequency increases.
For converting f Hertz to mmels, we apply
Mel(m)=2595 ×log10(1 +f
700 ) (4)
3 Classifier
As seen in Figure 3, a hybrid neural network model con-
sisting of Time Distributed CNN followed by a LSTM
layer has been proposed. CNN has proven to be a break-
through in terms of performance related to image recogni-
tion and various computer vision tasks. Long Short Term
Memory has proven to be very useful in the case of ana-
lyzing sequential data. Therefore, it would help the model
to learn both short-term and long-term feature dependen-
cies by using the two in succession. CNN and LSTM, can
hence, take advantage of the strengths of both networks.
Figure 3. Classifier Model
Figure 4. Learning Module
ITM Web of Conferences 40, 03006 (2021)
3.1 Time Distributed Convolution Layers
The main idea of the time distributed convolutional layers
is applying a rolling window over our input feature, i.e Mel
spectrogram. Hence, we get a sequence of images, and the
sequence of these images is provided as an input to the first
layer in our neural network. As seen in figure 4, this part of
the model is subdivided into four Learning Modules (LM).
Figure 4 shows that each of these LMs constitutes a time
distributed convolutional layer, batch normalization, acti-
vation function, max pooling layer, and a dropout layer.
Exponential Linear Unit (ELU) is used as the activation
function in these four LMs followed by a Max Pooling
layer. This is used to lower the size of the image’s feature
maps, which helps to minimise the number of trainable pa-
rameters even more. The dropout regularization helps to
avoid overfitting by randomly dropping out a few neurons
from the neural network layer.
3.2 Long Short Term Memory
Speech signal is time-varying, and also spectrograms pri-
marily have a time component, so it is well worth trying to
explore these temporal properties of speech audio. Long
Short Term Memory has proven to be very useful in the
case of analyzing sequential data. Therefore, it could help
to identify and extract the global temporal features from
the mel spectrogram. An LSTM layer having 256 nodes
is added as a learning layer in the model followed by a
dense fully connected layer having ’softmax’ as its activa-
tion function.
4 Experiments
The compiled dataset is split into train and test sets, where
80% of the total is used for training the model and the
remaining 20% is evaluating the model’s performance.
Hence, we train with 7557 audio samples and test on 1889
audio samples. After applying a rolling window on the
mel spectrogram, a sequence of 6 overlapping images is
generated for each audio file, and this is provided as input
to our first Learning Module (LM). As seen in figure [3]
are four LM’s in our model and each one consists of a time
distributed convolutional layer, batch normalization layer,
an activation function layer, dropout layer, and lastly the
max pooling layer. The convolutional layers have a ker-
nel size of 3 ×3. The layers in the first two blocks have
64 feature maps, and the subsequent two have 128 fea-
ture maps. The activation function used in all four blocks
is Exponential Linear Unit as this function tends to con-
verge faster and provide better accuracies. After the four
LM blocks, the resultant output is flattened and provided
as an input an LSTM layer, followed by a fully connected
layer with a softmax activation function which provides an
output that maps to the predicted emotion for every audio
sample. The optimizer for this model is Stochastic Gra-
dient Descent (SGD), with a learning rate of 0.01. We
applied early stopping having patience as 15, with respect
to maximizing the validation accuracy.
5 Results
The model is trained for a set of 100 epochs and com-
piled with categorical cross-entropy as the loss function.
By using ’Model Checkpoint’, we monitored and saved
the weights that provide maximum value for validation ac-
curacy. Our best model saved through this provides an ac-
curacy of 90.64% on the training set and 89.26% on the
testing set.
5.1 Performance Matrix
Table 2. Performance of the model
Evaluation Metrics
Emotions Precision Recall F1-score
Neutral 92 90 91
Happy 82 87 84
Sad 92 81 86
Angry 90 92 91
Fear 91 92 91
Disgust 84 96 90
Surprise 95 87 91
Table 2 summarises our model’s performance in terms
of various performance metrics. Precision is the ability of
our model to check the correctly predicted positives from
all the predicted positives and is given by Eq. (5). Our
model has the highest precision of 95% for surprise emo-
tion and lowest for happy emotion with precision of 82%.
Precision =T r uePositive
T ruePo sitive+FalsePositive(5)
Recall measures the model ability to check the correct
positive from all the existing positives in the test dataset
and is given by Eq. (6). We can see from table 2 that
our model has the best recall score for disgust emotion of
96%and the worst recall score of 81% for sad emotion.
Recall =T ruePo sitive
T ruePo sitive+FalseNegative(6)
The F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision and re-
call, which is used to measure an emotion’s overall perfor-
mance. Eq. (7). The F1 score is The best F1 score is for
surprise, neutral, angry, fear emotions which is 91% and
the worst F1 score is 84% for happy emotion.
F1score =2Recall Precision
Recall +Precision (7)
Model accuracy score is the most intuitive perfor-
mance measure, and it is simply a ratio of correctly pre-
dicted observation to the total observations. Our model
has an accuracy of 90.64% on training set and 89.26% on
validation data set.
ITM Web of Conferences 40, 03006 (2021)
Table 3. Comparison with Existing System
Parameters Proposed Model System [4] pt. 1
Architecture Time Distributed
Dataset RAVDESS +
Features Used Log Mel-Scale
Mel Spectrogram
7720 and 1450 271 and 68
Accuracy 89.26 % 78.16 %
Parameters Proposed Model System [4] pt. 2
Architecture Time Distributed
Dataset RAVDESS +
Features Used Log Mel-Scale
Mel Fre-
quency Cepstral
7720 and 1450 4424 and 1107
Accuracy 89.26 % 46.21 %
In the above tables, we have compared our system to
two pre-exiting systems presented in [4], based on various
5.2 Loss and Accuracy Curves
A learning curve is a diagnostic tool that shows the perfor-
mance of the model over the period of time. We have in
the plotted the loss curve and accuracy curve for the train-
ing of our model. We can see that Figure 5 shows a steep
decline in training loss for the first 20 epochs and then we
notice steady decline of training loss till 100th epoch and
Figure 6 shows a sharp increase in the accuracy for the first
20 epochs and then we see that there is a steady increase
of the accuracy till 100th epoch.
Figure 5. Loss Curves
Figure 6. Accuracy Curves
5.3 Confusion Matrix
Confusion matrix helps us evaluate the performance of our
neural network, when it makes predictions on the test data,
and it helps us to analyse how accurate our recognition
model is with respect to specific emotions. From the con-
fusion matrix seen in figure 7, we can conclude that:
1. The model performs exceptionally well, while pre-
dicting fear and disgust emotions as these emotions
have a result of 251/274 and 249/259 respectively.
2. On the other hand emotions like happy and sad have
a result of 220/254 and 208/258,hence there is scope
of improvement in these emotions.
3. The model often predicts a sad emotion as neutral
emotion. By coming up with a solution for this
problem, we can improve the performance of the
system to a great extent.
Figure 7. Confusion Matrix
ITM Web of Conferences 40, 03006 (2021)
6 Conclusion
This research presents a hybrid neural network strategy for
detecting underlying emotions in audio samples. In terms
of performance, a Time Distributed CNN +LSTM model
trained on a large gender-balanced dataset of speakers with
various accents and nationalities outperforms other mod-
els. Neutral, Angry, Fear, Disgust, and Surprise all had
testing accuracy of 90% or higher. This model’s perfor-
mance could be improved even further through targeted
training, by focusing on emotions such as happy and sad,
which have accuracy rates of around 84% and 86%, re-
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ITM Web of Conferences 40, 03006 (2021)
Emotion recognition is one of the most important components of human-computer interaction, and it is something that can be performed with the use of voice signals. It is not possible to optimise the process of feature extraction as well as the classification process at the same time while utilising conventional approaches. Research is increasingly focusing on many different types of “deep learning” in an effort to discover a solution to these difficulties. In today’s modern world, the practise of applying deep learning algorithms to categorization problems is becoming increasingly important. However, the advantages available in one model is not available in another model. This limits the practical feasibility of such approaches. The main objective of this work is to explore the possibility of hybrid deep learning models for speech signal-based emotion identification. Two methods are explored in this work: CNN and CNN-LSTM. The first model is the conventional one and the second is the hybrid model. TESS database is used for the experiments and the results are analysed in terms of various accuracy measures. An average accuracy of 97% for CNN and 98% for CNN-LSTM is achieved with these models.
Full-text available
Emotion recognition commonly relies on single-modal recognition methods, such as voice and video signals, which demonstrate a good practicability and universality in some scenarios. Nevertheless, as emotion-recognition application scenarios continue to expand and the data volume surges, single-modal emotion recognition proves insufficient to meet people’s needs for accuracy and comprehensiveness when the amount of data reaches a certain scale. Thus, this paper proposes the application of multimodal thought to enhance emotion-recognition accuracy and conducts corresponding data preprocessing on the selected dataset. Appropriate models are constructed for both audio and video modalities: for the audio-modality emotion-recognition task, this paper adopts the “time-distributed CNNs + LSTMs” model construction scheme; for the video-modality emotion-recognition task, the “DeepID V3 + Xception architecture” model construction scheme is selected. Furthermore, each model construction scheme undergoes experimental verification and comparison with existing emotion-recognition algorithms. Finally, this paper attempts late fusion and proposes and implements a late-fusion method based on the idea of weight adaptation. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the multimodal fusion algorithm proposed in this paper. When compared to the single-modal emotion-recognition algorithm, the accuracy of recognition is increased by almost 4%, reaching 84.33%.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Speech is considered as the widest and most natural medium of communication. Speech can convey a plethora of information regarding one's mental, behavioral, emotional traits. Besides, speech-emotion recognition related work can aid in averting cyber crimes. Research on speech-emotion recognition exploiting concurrent machine learning techniques has been on the peak for some time. Numerous techniques like Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Deep Neural Network (DNN), spectral feature extraction and many more have been applied on different datasets. This paper presents a unique Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based speech-emotion recognition system. A model is developed and fed with raw speech from specific dataset for training, classification and testing purposes with the help of high end GPU. Finally, it comes out with a convincing accuracy of 83.61% which is better compared to any other similar task on this dataset by a large margin. This work will be influential in developing conversational and social robots and allocating all the nuances of their sentiments.
Full-text available
The RAVDESS is a validated multimodal database of emotional speech and song. The database is gender balanced consisting of 24 professional actors, vocalizing lexically-matched statements in a neutral North American accent. Speech includes calm, happy, sad, angry, fearful, surprise, and disgust expressions, and song contains calm, happy, sad, angry, and fearful emotions. Each expression is produced at two levels of emotional intensity, with an additional neutral expression. All conditions are available in face-and-voice, face-only, and voice-only formats. The set of 7356 recordings were each rated 10 times on emotional validity, intensity, and genuineness. Ratings were provided by 247 individuals who were characteristic of untrained research participants from North America. A further set of 72 participants provided test-retest data. High levels of emotional validity and test-retest intrarater reliability were reported. Corrected accuracy and composite "goodness" measures are presented to assist researchers in the selection of stimuli. All recordings are made freely available under a Creative Commons license and can be downloaded at
Toronto emotional speech set (TESS)
  • M K Pichora-Fuller
  • K Dupuis
M. K. Pichora-Fuller and K. Dupuis, "Toronto emotional speech set (TESS)," 2010
Deep Learning Techniques for Speech Emotion Recognition: A Review
  • S K Pandey
  • H S Shekhawat
  • S R M Prasanna
S. K. Pandey, H. S. Shekhawat and S. R. M. Prasanna, "Deep Learning Techniques for Speech Emotion Recognition: A Review," 2019 29th International Conference Radioelektronika (RADIOELEK-TRONIKA), 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/RA-DIOELEK.2019.8733432.
Speech based human emotion recognition using MFCC
  • M S Likitha
  • S R R Gupta
  • K Hasitha
  • A U Raju
M. S. Likitha, S. R. R. Gupta, K. Hasitha and A. U. Raju, "Speech based human emotion recognition using MFCC," 2017 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), 2017, pp. 2257-2260, doi: 10.1109/WiSP-NET.2017.8300161.