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The genome of a daddy-long-legs (Opiliones) illuminates the evolution of arachnid appendages

The Royal Society
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
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Abstract and Figures

Chelicerate arthropods exhibit dynamic genome evolution, with ancient whole-genome duplication (WGD) events affecting several orders. Yet, genomes remain unavailable for a number of poorly studied orders, such as Opiliones (daddy-long-legs), which has hindered comparative study. We assembled the first harvestman draft genome for the species Phalangium opilio , which bears elongate, prehensile appendages, made possible by numerous distal articles called tarsomeres. Here, we show that the genome of P. opilio exhibits a single Hox cluster and no evidence of WGD. To investigate the developmental genetic basis for the quintessential trait of this group—the elongate legs—we interrogated the function of the Hox genes Deformed ( Dfd ) and Sex combs reduced ( Scr ), and a homologue of Epidermal growth factor receptor ( Egfr ). Knockdown of Dfd incurred homeotic transformation of two pairs of legs into pedipalps, with dramatic shortening of leg segments in the longest leg pair, whereas homeosis in L3 is only achieved upon double Dfd + Scr knockdown. Knockdown of Egfr incurred shortened appendages and the loss of tarsomeres. The similarity of Egfr loss-of-function phenotypic spectra in insects and this arachnid suggest that repeated cooption of EGFR signalling underlies the independent gains of supernumerary tarsomeres across the arthropod tree of life.
Po-EgfrA knockdown affects dorsal patterning, eyes, and appendage formation. (a) Gene regulatory network specifying PD axis and distal appendage patterning in insects and arachnids. Po-EgfrA (b–d) and Po-pnt (e–g) in situ hybridization wild type expression. (b and e) Whole mount stage 10 embryos, merged brightfield and Hoechst nuclear staining, ventral view. (c and f) Flatmounts, stage 14 embryos, brightfield, ventral view. (d and g) Hoechst nuclear counter staining. (h) Negative control hatchling in dorsal view. (h and j) Hatchlings from Po-EgfrA dsRNA injected treatment (mosaic, left side affected). (b) Hatchling in dorsal view. Note dorsal fusion on the left side of the body (n=29/36). (c) Hatchling in frontal view, with the left eye absent. A subset of Egfr phenotypes showed eye reduction (25/36) (k–n) Appendage flat mounts of negative control hatchlings, in lateral view. (k) Chelicera. (l) Pedipalp. (m) L2. Inset: detail of the claw. (n) Tarsus of L2. (o–t) Appendage flat mounts of hatchlings of Po-EgfrA dsRNA-injected treatment, in lateral view. (o) Chelicerae with reduced fixed finger (upper panel), movable finger (lower panel) or both (n=11/36). (p) Pedipalps lacking claw (n=19/36). (q) L2, exhibiting podomere fusions proximal to the tarsus (n=14/36). (r) Distal end of L2, exhibiting claw and tarsomere reduction (n=26/36). (s) Proximal fusion in adjacent appendages (Ch–L4) (n=34/36). Inset: Detail of fused coxae. (t) Tarsus of leg 2 shown in (r). Weakly affected legs lacked claws and distal tarsal joints (brackets) but retained proximal joints (n=10/36). Arrow, claw; outlined white arrowhead, eye; dotted white arrowhead, eye defect; solid black arrowhead, tarsomere joints; Ch, chelicera; Et, egg tooth; Fe, femur; hl, head lobe; L1–L4, legs 1–4; Mt, metatarsus; Oz, ozophore; Pa, patella; Pp, pedipalp; Ta, tarsus; Ti, tibia; Tr, trochanter. Scale bars: 100 µm.
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Cite this article: Gainett G, González VL,
Ballesteros JA, Setton EVW, Baker CM, Barolo
Gargiulo L, Santibáñez-López CE, Coddington
JA, Sharma PP. 2021 The genome of a daddy-
long-legs (Opiliones) illuminates the evolution
of arachnid appendages. Proc. R. Soc. B 288:
Received: 15 February 2021
Accepted: 14 July 2021
Subject Category:
Genetics and genomics
Subject Areas:
developmental biology, genomics, genetics
Hox, Deformed,Sex combs reduced,Egfr,
Chelicerata, Arachnida
Authors for correspondence:
Guilherme Gainett
Vanessa L. González
Co-first authors.
Electronic supplementary material is available
online at
The genome of a daddy-long-legs
(Opiliones) illuminates the evolution
of arachnid appendages
Guilherme Gainett
, Vanessa L. González
, Jesús A. Ballesteros
, Emily
V. W. Setton
, Caitlin M. Baker
, Leonardo Barolo Gargiulo
, Carlos
E. Santibáñez-López
, Jonathan A. Coddington
and Prashant P. Sharma
Department of Integrative Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, 53706 WI, USA
Global Genome Initiative, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, 10th and Constitution,
NW, Washington, DC 20560-0105, USA
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Western Connecticut State University, 181 White St,
Danbury, CT 06810, USA
GG, 0000-0002-9040-4863; VLG, 0000-0002-1593-4469; CMB, 0000-0002-9782-4959;
LBG, 0000-0001-6084-6372; CES-L, 0000-0001-6062-282X; PPS, 0000-0002-2328-9084
Chelicerate arthropods exhibit dynamic genome evolution, with ancient
whole-genome duplication (WGD) events affecting several orders. Yet, gen-
omes remain unavailable for a number of poorly studied orders, such as
Opiliones (daddy-long-legs), which has hindered comparative study. We
assembled the first harvestman draft genome for the species Phalangium
opilio, which bears elongate, prehensile appendages, made possible by
numerous distal articles called tarsomeres. Here, we show that the
genome of P. opilio exhibits a single Hox cluster and no evidence of WGD.
To investigate the developmental genetic basis for the quintessential trait
of this groupthe elongate legswe interrogated the function of the Hox
genes Deformed (Dfd) and Sex combs reduced (Scr), and a homologue of Epider-
mal growth factor receptor (Egfr). Knockdown of Dfd incurred homeotic
transformation of two pairs of legs into pedipalps, with dramatic shortening
of leg segments in the longest leg pair, whereas homeosis in L3 is only
achieved upon double Dfd + Scr knockdown. Knockdown of Egfr incurred
shortened appendages and the loss of tarsomeres. The similarity of Egfr
loss-of-function phenotypic spectra in insects and this arachnid suggest
that repeated cooption of EGFR signalling underlies the independent gains
of supernumerary tarsomeres across the arthropod tree of life.
1. Introduction
The advent of genomic resources has revealed complex dynamics in the evolution of
chelicerate genomes. A group of six terrestrial orders (Arachnopulmonata), which
includes spiders, scorpions, and pseudoscorpions, exhibit an ancient shared
whole-genome duplication (WGD), as evidenced by the architecture of Hox clusters,
analyses of synteny, patterns of microRNA enrichment, gene expression patterns
and gene tree topologies [16] (figure 1a). Separately, genomes of all four living
Xiphosura (horseshoe crabs) suggest a lineage-specific twofold genome duplication
in this order, with one of these duplications occurring relatively recently [79].
While genomes of Acariformes and Parasitiformes (mites and ticks) suggest that
these two orders were not included in the genome duplication events, they often
deviate from typical arthropod datasets. As examples, the acariform mite Tetrany-
chus urticae exhibits extreme genome compaction (90 Mb), in tandem with the loss
of many transcription factors, which has been linked to miniaturization [10]. Simi-
larly, the genome of the parasitiform mite Galendromus occidentalis exhibits an
atomized Hox cluster, degradation of synteny and high rates of intron gain and
loss [11].
© 2021 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
... The Arachnida probe set has been used heavily in Opiliones systematics, however, at the time that the Arachnida probe set was created, there were no Opiliones genomes published. Recently, Gainett et al. (2021) published the genome of Phalangium opilio Linnaeus, 1758, the first for Opiliones. Given this newly published genome, the deep divergences covered in the arachnid probe set, and the increasing importance of UCEs in Opiliones systematics, an Opiliones-specific UCE probe set would be useful. ...
... Probe set design in general followed the standard pipeline of Faircloth (2017) and the associated tutorial available at https://phy For the base genome we selected the published Phalangium opilio genome (Gainett et al. 2021). For this, we downloaded the soft-masked "Phalangium_opilio_v1_softmasked_NCBI.fa" assembly file. ...
Sequence capture of ultraconserved elements (UCEs) has transformed molecular systematics across many taxa, with arachnids being no exception. The probe set available for Arachnida has been repeatedly used across multiple arachnid lineages and taxonomic levels, however more specific probe sets for spiders have demonstrated that more UCEs can be recovered with higher probe specificity. In this study, we develop an Opiliones-specific UCE probe set targeting 1915 UCEs using a combination of probes designed from genomes and transcriptomes, as well as the most useful probes from the Arachnida probe set. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this probe set across Opiliones with the most complete family-level phylogeny made to date, including representatives from 61 of 63 currently described families. We also test UCE recovery from historical specimens with degraded DNA, examine population-level data sets, and assess "backwards compatibility" with samples hybridized with the Arachnida probe set. The resulting phylogenies - which include specimens hybridized using both the Opiliones and Arachnida probe sets, historical specimens, and transcriptomes - are largely congruent with previous multi-locus and phylogenomic analyses. The probe set is also "backwards compatible", increasing the number of loci obtained in samples previously hybridized with the Arachnida probe set, and shows high utility down to shallow population-level divergences. This probe set has the potential to further transform Opiliones molecular systematics, resolving many long-standing taxonomic issues plaguing this lineage.
... 21,83 Orthologs of eyes absent (Po-eya), Pax6b (Po-Pax6b), Pax2 (Po-Pax2), and Optix (Po-Optix), were identified from the P. opilio genome annotation. 84 All eight genes were additionally identified from either the available embryonic transcriptomes or genomic scaffolds using tblastn, 85 to cross validate their sequences and obtain the most complete transcript for downstream applications (Data S1, Table S1 at Dryad: 10.5061/dryad.m905qfv6q). The Pax2 orthologs of the scorpion C. sculpturatus were identified from the genome assembly and embryonic transcriptome via tblastn using the protein sequences of the genes Pax2a and Pax2b from P. tepidariorim as queries. ...
Vestigial organs provide a link between ancient and modern traits and therefore have great potential to resolve the phylogeny of contentious fossils that bear features not seen in extant species. Here we show that extant daddy-longlegs (Arachnida, Opiliones), a group once thought to possess only one pair of eyes, in fact additionally retain a pair of vestigial median eyes and a pair of vestigial lateral eyes. Neuroanatomical gene expression surveys of eye-patterning transcription factors, opsins, and other structural proteins in the daddy-longlegs Phalangium opilio show that the vestigial median and lateral eyes innervate regions of the brain positionally homologous to the median and lateral eye neuropils, respectively, of chelicerate groups like spiders and horseshoe crabs. Gene silencing of eyes absent shows that the vestigial eyes are under the control of the retinal determination gene network. Gene silencing of dachshund disrupts the lateral eyes, but not the median eyes, paralleling loss-of-function phenotypes in insect models. The existence of lateral eyes in extant daddy-longlegs bears upon the placement of the oldest harvestmen fossils, a putative stem group that possessed both a pair of median eyes and a pair of lateral eyes. Phylogenetic analysis of harvestman relationships with an updated understanding of lateral eye incidence resolved the four-eyed fossil group as a member of the extant daddy-longlegs suborder, which in turn resulted in older estimated ages of harvestman diversification. This work underscores that developmental vestiges in extant taxa can influence our understanding of character evolution, placement of fossils, and inference of divergence times.
... The function of the Hox genes appears to be highly conserved in arthropods as evident from loss-of-function experiments and comparable gene expression patterns in a constantly increasing number of investigated species that represent all main groups of arthropods (e.g., Damen et al. 1998;Telford and Thomas 1998;Hughes and Kaufman 2000;Hughes and Kaufman 2002b;Deutsch and Mouchel-Vielh 2003;Janssen and Damen 2006;Schwager et al. 2007;Pavlopoulos et al. 2009;Sharma et al. 2012;Serano et al. 2016;Gainett et al. 2021). Beyond that, gene expression data also suggest that the function of Hox genes is conserved in the closest relatives of Arthropoda, the water bears (Tardigrada) and the velvet worms (Onychophora) (Eriksson et al. 2010;Janssen et al. 2014;Smith et al. 2016). ...
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Spiders represent an evolutionary successful group of chelicerate arthropods. The body of spiders is subdivided into two regions (tagmata). The anterior tagma, the prosoma, bears the head appendages and four pairs of walking legs. The segments of the posterior tagma, the opisthosoma, either lost their appendages during the course of evolution or their appendages were substantially modified to fulfill new tasks such as reproduction, gas exchange, and silk production. Previous work has shown that the homeotic Hox genes are involved in shaping the posterior appendages of spiders. In this paper, we investigate the expression of the posterior Hox genes in a tarantula that possesses some key differences of posterior appendages compared to true spiders, such as the lack of the anterior pair of spinnerets and a second set of book lungs instead of trachea. Based on the observed differences in posterior Hox gene expression in true spiders and tarantulas, we argue that subtle changes in the Hox gene expression of the Hox genes abdA and AbdB are possibly responsible for at least some of the morphological differences seen in true spiders versus tarantulas.
... In the case of spiders and harvestmen, results have been promising (Kulkarni et al., 2020;Derkarabetian et al., 2021), whereas tests of UCE datasets with Parasitiformes have yielded unusual outcomes, such as Opiliones and Ricinulei being nested within the parasitiforms (Van Dam et al., 2019). This result strongly conflicts with morphological data, a previous generation of Sanger-based molecular phylogenetic inferences, and phylotranscriptomic and genomic approaches (Giribet et al., 2002;Shultz, 2007;Sharma et al., 2014a;Leite et al., 2018;Gainett et al., 2021;Ballesteros et al., 2022). In the case of scorpions, efforts to leverage UCEs to infer scorpion relationships were limited to a seven-taxon proof-of-concept study by Starrett et al. (2017), with results that were largely incongruent with phylotranscriptomics. ...
Scorpions are ancient and historically renowned for their potent venom. Traditionally, the systematics of this group of arthro-pods was supported by morphological characters, until recent phylogenomic analyses (using RNAseq data) revealed most of the higher-level taxa to be non-monophyletic. While these phylogenomic hypotheses are stable for almost all lineages, some nodes have been hard to resolve due to minimal taxonomic sampling (e.g. family Chactidae). In the same line, it has been shown that some nodes in the Arachnid Tree of Life show disagreement between hypotheses generated using transcritptomes and other genomic sources such as the ultraconserved elements (UCEs). Here, we compared the phylogenetic signal of transcriptomes vs. UCEs by retrieving UCEs from new and previously published scorpion transcriptomes and genomes, and reconstructed phyloge-nies using both datasets independently. We reexamined the monophyly and phylogenetic placement of Chactidae, sampling an additional chactid species using both datasets. Our results showed that both sets of genome-scale datasets recovered highly similar topologies, with Chactidae rendered paraphyletic owing to the placement of Nullibrotheas allenii. As a first step toward redressing the systematics of Chactidae, we establish the family Anuroctonidae (new family) to accommodate the genus Anuroctonus.
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Neofunctionalization of duplicated gene copies is thought to be an important process underlying the origin of evolutionary novelty and provides an elegant mechanism for the origin of new phenotypic traits. One putative case where a new gene copy has been linked to a novel morphological trait is the origin of the arachnid patella, a taxonomically restricted leg segment. In spiders, the origin of this segment has been linked to the origin of the paralog dachshund-2 , suggesting that a new gene facilitated the expression of a new trait. However, various arachnid groups that possess patellae do not have a copy of dachshund-2 , disfavoring the direct link between gene origin and trait origin. We investigated the developmental genetic basis for patellar patterning in the harvestman Phalangium opilio , which lacks dachshund-2 . Here, we show that the harvestman patella is established by a novel expression domain of the transcription factor extradenticle . Leveraging this definition of patellar identity, we surveyed targeted groups across chelicerate phylogeny to assess when this trait evolved. We show that a patellar homolog is present in Pycnogonida (sea spiders) and various arachnid orders, suggesting a single origin of the patella in the ancestor of Chelicerata. A potential loss of the patella is observed in Ixodida. Our results suggest that the modification of an ancient gene, rather than the neofunctionalization of a new gene copy, underlies the origin of the patella. Broadly, this work underscores the value of comparative data and broad taxonomic sampling when testing hypotheses in evolutionary developmental biology.
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Recent advances in higher-level invertebrate phylogeny have leveraged shared features of genomic architecture to resolve contentious nodes across the tree of life. Yet, the interordinal relationships within Chelicerata have remained recalcitrant given competing topologies in recent molecular analyses. As such, relationships between topologically unstable orders remain supported primarily by morphological cladistic analyses. Solifugae, one such unstable chelicerate order, has long been thought to be the sister group of Pseudoscorpiones, forming the clade Haplocnemata, on the basis of eight putative morphological synapomorphies. The discovery, however, of a shared whole genome duplication placing Pseudoscorpiones in Arachnopulmonata provides the opportunity for a simple litmus test evaluating the validity of Haplocnemata. Here, we present the first developmental transcriptome of a solifuge (Titanopuga salinarum) and survey copy numbers of the homeobox genes for evidence of systemic duplication. We find that over 70% of the identified homeobox genes in T. salinarum are retained in a single copy, while representatives of the arachnopulmonates retain orthologs of those genes as two or more copies. Our results refute the placement of Solifugae in Haplocnemata. Subsequent reevaluation of putative interordinal morphological synapomorphies among chelicerates reveals a high incidence of homoplasy, reversals, and inaccurate coding within Haplocnemata and other small clades, as well as Arachnida more broadly, suggesting existing morphological character matrices are insufficient to resolve chelicerate phylogeny.
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Gene duplication generates new genetic material that can contribute to the evolution of gene regulatory networks and phenotypes. Duplicated genes can undergo subfunctionalisation to partition ancestral functions and/or neofunctionalisation to assume a new function. We previously found there had been a whole genome duplication (WGD) in an ancestor of arachnopulmonates, the lineage including spiders and scorpions but excluding other arachnids like mites, ticks, and harvestmen. This WGD was evidenced by many duplicated homeobox genes, including two Hox clusters, in spiders. However, it was unclear which homeobox paralogues originated by WGD versus smaller-scale events such as tandem duplications. Understanding this is key to determining the contribution of the WGD to arachnopulmonate genome evolution. Here we characterised the distribution of duplicated homeobox genes across eight chromosome-level spider genomes. We found that most duplicated homeobox genes in spiders are consistent with an origin by WGD. We also found two copies of conserved homeobox gene clusters, including the Hox, NK, HRO, Irx, and SINE clusters, in all eight species. Consistently, we observed one copy of each cluster was degenerated in terms of gene content and organisation while the other remained more intact. Focussing on the NK cluster, we found evidence for regulatory subfunctionalisation between the duplicated NK genes in the spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum compared to their single-copy orthologues in the harvestman Phalangium opilio. Our study provides new insights into the relative contributions of multiple modes of duplication to the homeobox gene repertoire during the evolution of spiders and the function of NK genes.
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Advanced sequencing technologies have expedited resolving higher-level arthropod relationships. Yet, dark branches persist, principally among groups occurring in cryptic habitats. Among chelicerates, Solifugae (“camel spiders”) is the last order lacking a higher-level phylogeny and thus, historically characterized as “neglected [arachnid] cousins”. Though renowned for aggression, remarkable running speed, and xeric adaptation, inferring solifuge relationships has been hindered by inaccessibility of diagnostic morphological characters, whereas molecular investigations have been limited to one of 12 recognized families. Our phylogenomic dataset via capture of ultraconserved elements sampling all extant families recovered a well-resolved phylogeny, with two distinct groups of New World taxa nested within a broader Paleotropical radiation. Divergence times using fossil calibrations inferred Solifugae radiated by the Permian, and most families diverged pre-Paleogene-Cretaceous extinction, largely driven by continental breakup. We establish Boreosolifugae new suborder uniting five Laurasian families, and Australosolifugae new suborder uniting seven Gondwanan families using morphological and biogeographic signal.
The proliferation of genomic resources for Chelicerata in the past ten years has revealed that the evolution of chelicerate genomes is more dynamic than previously thought, with multiple waves of ancient whole genome duplications affecting separate lineages. Such duplication events are fascinating from the perspective of evolutionary history because the burst of new gene copies associated with genome duplications facilitates the acquisition of new gene functions (neofunctionalization), which may in turn lead to morphological novelties and spur net diversification. While neofunctionalization has been invoked in several contexts with respect to the success and diversity of spiders, the overall impact of whole genome duplications on chelicerate evolution and development remains imperfectly understood. The purpose of this review is to examine critically the role of whole genome duplication on the diversification of the extant arachnid orders, as well as assess functional datasets for evidence of subfunctionalization or neofunctionalization in chelicerates. This examination focuses on functional data from two focal model taxa: the spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum, which exhibits evidence for an ancient duplication, and the harvestman Phalangium opilio, which exhibits an unduplicated genome. I show that there is no evidence that taxa with genome duplications are more successful than taxa with unduplicated genomes. I contend that evidence for sub- or neofunctionalization of duplicated developmental patterning genes in spiders is indirect or fragmentary at present, despite the appeal of this postulate for explaining the success of groups like spiders. Available expression data suggest that the condition of duplicated Hox modules may have played a role in promoting body plan disparity in the posterior region of some orders, such as spiders and scorpions. Spatiotemporal dynamics of duplicated transcription factors in spiders may represent cases of developmental system drift, rather than neofunctionalization. Developmental system drift may represent an important, but overlooked, null hypothesis for studies of paralogs in chelicerate developmental biology. To distinguish between subfunctionalization, neofunctionalization, and developmental system drift, concomitant establishment of comparative functional datasets from taxa exhibiting the genome duplication, as well as those that lack the paralogy, is sorely needed.
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Whole genome duplication (WGD) generates new genetic material that can contribute to the evolution of gene regulatory networks and phenotypes. After WGD, retained ohnologues can undergo subfunctionalisation to partition ancestral functions and/or neofunctionalisation, where one copy assumes a new function. We previously found that there had been a WGD in an ancestor of arachnopulmonates, the lineage including spiders and scorpions but excluding other arachnids like mites, ticks, and harvestmen. This WGD was evidenced by many duplicated homeobox genes, including two Hox clusters, in spiders. However, it was unclear which homeobox paralogues were produced by WGD versus tandem duplications. Understanding this is key to determining the relative contributions of tandem duplications and WGD to arachnopulmonate genome evolution. Here we characterised the distribution of duplicated homeobox genes across eight chromosome-level spider genomes. We found that the majority of retained duplicate homeobox genes in spiders likely originated from WGD. We also found two copies of conserved homeobox gene clusters, including the Hox, NK, HRO, Irx, and SINE, in all eight species. Consistently, we noticed one degenerated copy of each cluster in terms of gene content and organisation while the other remained more intact. Focussing on the NK cluster, we found evidence for regulatory subfunctionalisation between the duplicated NK genes in the spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum to their single-copy orthologues in the harvestman Phalangium opilio. Our study provides new insights into the contributions of multiple modes of duplication to the homeobox gene repertoire during the evolution of spiders and the function of NK genes.
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This protocol largely follows the HCR v3.0 protocol for whole-mount Drosophila embryos (Choi et al. 2018) with a few adaptations that simplify the procedure and improve signal to noise ratio in our hands.
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The Sox family of transcription factors regulate many processes during metazoan development, including stem cell maintenance and nervous system specification. Characterising the repertoires and roles of these genes can therefore provide important insights into animal evolution and development. We further characterised the Sox repertoires of several arachnid species with and without an ancestral whole genome duplication (WGD), and compared their expression between the spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum and the harvestman Phalangium opilio. We also found that most Sox families have been retained as ohnologs after WGD and evidence for potential subfunctionalization and/or neofunctionalization events. Our results also suggest that Sox21b-1 likely regulated segmentation ancestrally in arachnids, playing a similar role to the closely related SoxB gene, Dichaete, in insects. We previously showed that Sox21b-1 is required for the simultaneous formation of prosomal segments and sequential addition of opisthosomal segments in P. tepidariorum. We studied the expression and function of Sox21b-1 further in this spider and found that while this gene regulates the generation of both prosomal and opisthosomal segments, it plays different roles in the formation of these tagmata reflecting their contrasting modes of segmentation and deployment of gene regulatory networks with different architectures.
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Long-branch attraction is a systematic artifact that results in erroneous groupings of fast-evolving taxa. The combination of short, deep internodes in tandem with LBA artifacts has produced empirically intractable parts of the Tree of Life. One such group is the arthropod subphylum Chelicerata, whose backbone phylogeny has remained unstable despite improvements in phylogenetic methods and genome-scale datasets. Pseudoscorpion placement is particularly variable across datasets and analytical frameworks, with this group either clustering with other long-branch orders or with Arachnopulmonata (scorpions and tetrapulmonates). To surmount LBA, we investigated the effect of taxonomic sampling via sequential deletion of basally branching pseudoscorpion superfamilies, as well as varying gene occupancy thresholds in supermatrices. We show that concatenated supermatrices and coalescent-based summary species tree approaches support a sister group relationship of pseudoscorpions and scorpions, when more of the basally branching taxa are sampled. Matrix completeness had demonstrably less influence on tree topology. As an external arbiter of phylogenetic placement, we leveraged the recent discovery of an ancient genome duplication in the common ancestor of Arachnopulmonata as a litmus test for competing hypotheses of pseudoscorpion relationships. We generated a high-quality developmental transcriptome and the first genome for pseudoscorpions to assess the incidence of arachnopulmonate-specific duplications (e.g., homeobox genes and miRNAs). Our results support the inclusion of pseudoscorpions in Arachnopulmonata (new definition), as the sister group of scorpions. Panscorpiones (new name) is proposed for the clade uniting Scorpiones and Pseudoscorpiones.
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Chelicerates exhibit dynamic evolution of genome architecture, with multiple whole genome duplication events affecting groups like spiders, scorpions, and horseshoe crabs. Yet, genomes remain unavailable for several chelicerate orders, such as Opiliones (harvestmen), which has hindered comparative genomics and developmental genetics across arachnids. We assembled a draft genome of the daddy-long-legs Phalangium opilio, which revealed no signal of whole genome duplication. To test the hypothesis that single-copy Hox genes of the harvestman exhibit broader functions than subfunctionalized spider paralogs, we performed RNA interference against Deformed in P. opilio. Knockdown of Deformed incurred homeotic transformation of the two anterior pairs of walking legs into pedipalpal identity; by comparison, knockdown of the spatially restricted paralog Deformed-A in the spider affects only the first walking leg. To investigate the genetic basis for leg elongation and tarsomere patterning, we identified and interrogated the function of an Epidermal growth factor receptor (Egfr) homolog. Knockdown of Egfr incurred shortened appendages and the loss of distal leg structures. The overlapping phenotypic spectra of Egfr knockdown experiments in the harvestman and multiple insect models are striking because tarsomeres have evolved independently in these groups. Our results suggest a conserved role for Egfr in patterning distal leg structures across arthropods, as well as cooption of EGFR signaling in tarsomere patterning in both insects and arachnids. The establishment of genomic resources for P. opilio, together with functional investigations of appendage fate specification and distal patterning mechanisms, are key steps in understanding how daddy-long-legs make their long legs.
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Background Arachnids are important components of cave ecosystems and display many examples of troglomorphisms, such as blindness, depigmentation, and elongate appendages. Little is known about how the eyes of arachnids are specified genetically, let alone the mechanisms for eye reduction and loss in troglomorphic arachnids. Additionally, duplication of Retinal Determination Gene Network (RDGN) homologs in spiders has convoluted functional inferences extrapolated from single-copy homologs in pancrustacean models. Results We investigated a sister species pair of Israeli cave whip spiders, Charinus ioanniticus and C. israelensis (Arachnopulmonata, Amblypygi), of which one species has reduced eyes. We generated embryonic transcriptomes for both Amblypygi species, and discovered that several RDGN homologs exhibit duplications. We show that duplication of RDGN homologs is systemic across arachnopulmonates (arachnid orders that bear book lungs), rather than being a spider-specific phenomenon. A differential gene expression (DGE) analysis comparing the expression of RDGN genes in field-collected embryos of both species identified candidate RDGN genes involved in the formation and reduction of eyes in whip spiders. To ground bioinformatic inference of expression patterns with functional experiments, we interrogated the function of three candidate RDGN genes identified from DGE using RNAi in the spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum . We provide functional evidence that one of these paralogs, sine oculis/Six1 A ( soA ), is necessary for the development of all arachnid eye types. Conclusions Our work establishes a foundation to investigate the genetics of troglomorphic adaptations in cave arachnids, and links differential gene expression to an arthropod eye phenotype for the first time outside of Pancrustacea. Our results support the conservation of at least one RDGN component across Arthropoda and provide a framework for identifying the role of gene duplications in generating arachnid eye diversity.
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Background: The resurgence of interest in the comparative developmental study of chelicerates has led to important insights, such as the discovery of a genome duplication shared by spiders and scorpions, inferred to have occurred in the most recent common ancestor of Arachnopulmonata (a clade comprising the five arachnid orders that bear book lungs). Nonetheless, several arachnid groups remain understudied in the context of development and genomics, such as the order Amblypygi (whip spiders). The phylogenetic position of Amblypygi in Arachnopulmonata posits them as an interesting group to test the incidence of the proposed genome duplication in the common ancestor of Arachnopulmonata, as well as the degree of retention of duplicates over 450 Myr. Moreover, whip spiders have their first pair of walking legs elongated and modified into sensory appendages (a convergence with the antennae of mandibulates), but the genetic patterning of these antenniform legs has never been investigated. Results: We established genomic resources and protocols for cultivation of embryos and gene expression assays by in situ hybridization to study the development of the whip spider Phrynus marginemaculatus. Using embryonic transcriptomes from three species of Amblypygi, we show that the ancestral whip spider exhibited duplications of all ten Hox genes. We deploy these resources to show that paralogs of the leg gap genes dachshund and homothorax retain arachnopulmonate-specific expression patterns in P. marginemaculatus. We characterize the expression of leg gap genes Distal-less, dachshund-1/2 and homothorax-1/2 in the embryonic antenniform leg and other appendages, and provide evidence that allometry, and by extension the antenniform leg fate, is specified early in embryogenesis. Conclusion: This study is the first step in establishing P. marginemaculatus as a chelicerate model for modern evolutionary developmental study, and provides the first resources sampling whip spiders for comparative genomics. Our results suggest that Amblypygi share a genome duplication with spiders and scorpions, and set up a framework to study the genetic specification of antenniform legs. Future efforts to study whip spider development must emphasize the development of tools for functional experiments in P. marginemaculatus. Keywords: Arachnida, Arachnopulmonata, Gene duplication, Paralogs, Leg gap genes, Sensory biology
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The evolutionary history of horseshoe crabs, spanning approximately 500 million years, is characterized by remarkable morphological stasis and a low species diversity with only four extant species. Here we report a chromosome-level genome assembly for the mangrove horseshoe crab (Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda) using PacBio reads and Hi-C data. The assembly spans 1.67 Gb with contig N50 of 7.8 Mb and 98% of the genome assigned to 16 chromosomes. The genome contains five Hox clusters with 34 Hox genes, the highest number reported in any invertebrate. Detailed analysis of the genome provides evidence that suggests three rounds of whole-genome duplication (WGD), raising questions about the relationship between WGD and species radiation. Several gene families, particularly those involved in innate immunity, have undergone extensive tandem duplication. These expanded gene families may be important components of the innate immune system of horseshoe crabs, whose amebocyte lysate is a sensitive agent for detecting endotoxin contamination. Horseshoe crabs have been morphologically stable across evolutionary time. Here, the authors generate a chromosome-level assembly for the mangrove horseshoe crab, with implications for innate immunity, and challenging assumptions about the role of genome duplication in adaptive radiation.
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Novel genomes are today often annotated by small consortia or individuals whose background is not from bioinformatics. This audience requires tools that are easy to use. Such need has been addressed by several genome annotation tools and pipelines. Visualizing resulting annotation is a crucial step of quality control. The UCSC Genome Browser is a powerful and popular genome visualization tool. Assembly Hubs, which can be hosted on any publicly available web server, allow browsing genomes via UCSC Genome Browser servers. The steps for creating custom Assembly Hubs are well documented and the required tools are publicly available. However, the number of steps for creating a novel Assembly Hub is large. In some cases, the format of input files needs to be adapted, which is a difficult task for scientists without programming background. Here, we describe MakeHub, a novel command line tool that generates Assembly Hubs for the UCSC Genome Browser in a fully automated fashion. The pipeline also allows extending previously created Hubs by additional tracks. MakeHub is freely available for downloading at
Ras mediates a plethora of cellular functions during development. In the developing eye of Drosophila, Ras performs three temporally separate functions. In dividing cells, it is required for growth but is not essential for cell cycle progression. In postmitotic cells, it promotes survival and subsequent differentiation of ommatidial cells. In the present paper, we have analyzed the different roles of Ras during eye development by using molecularly defined complete and partial loss-of-function mutations of Ras. We show that the three different functions of Ras are mediated by distinct thresholds of MAPK activity. Low MAPK activity prolongs cell survival and permits differentiation of R8 photoreceptor cells while high or persistent MAPK activity is sufficient to precociously induce R1-R7 photoreceptor differentiation in dividing cells.
Horseshoe crabs, represented by only four extant species, have existed for around 500 million years. However, their existence is now under threat because of anthropogenic activities. The availability of genomic resources for these species will be valuable in planning appropriate conservation measures. Whole‐genome sequences are currently available for three species. In this study, we have generated a chromosome‐level genome assembly of the fourth species, the Asian coastal horseshoe crab Tachypleus gigas (genome size 2.0 Gb). The genome assembly has a scaffold N50 value of 140 Mb with approximately 97% of the assembly mapped to 14 scaffolds representing 14 chromosomes of T. gigas. In addition, we have generated the complete mitochondrial genome sequence and deep‐coverage transcriptome assemblies for four tissues. A total of 26,159 protein‐coding genes were predicted in the genome. The T. gigas genome contains five Hox clusters similar to the mangrove horseshoe crab Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda, suggesting that the common ancestor of horseshoe crabs already possessed five Hox clusters. Phylogenomic and divergence time analysis suggested that the American and Asian horseshoe crab lineages shared a common ancestor around the Silurian period (~436 Ma). Comparison of the T. gigas genome with those of other horseshoe crab species with chromosome‐level assemblies provided insights into the chromosomal rearrangement events that occurred during the emergence of these species. The genomic resources of T. gigas will be useful for understanding their genetic diversity and population structure and would help in designing strategies for managing and conserving their stocks across Asia.